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PILE DESCRIPTION smancr-spjbn BQg:§.;|'_'92| ;l§g,£QQ_. Bggiyng 5:34 ,___ Frank 92'orf'§.S E:.r_p929.o,_, Qrofl 92c.2Yfc~7_

i"ILE. a'a"A"a=".a 7, 47 -=

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1". 12-l3-56} " Mr. To!=nn______8 .9 » 92°92 - 9 92 Q. 4-Y n I .11i§i¢;W;nn,..,.Mlydelmonf W-hr ..___.j_._

Date: 10/19/62 PLAIN TEXT I .- Transmit the following in __,_,__ TIP:p in Plain ,_ text or code! ,__ l _I 1I='- I-1:.FW-~"."".'1,',______v - _...__: we AIRTEL AIRMAIL 1 "I. ;_;,IjH Li EM 1 " Tl P 1 dz mmhqayauaqmmny

'ro= DIRECTOR, FBI 6-26295! mom: sac, am rrumcrsco 6-2887! .- Pt @> W- Rerep 1Q/lq/62, San ~A Norwegian =n*1_sh p under 1! L74 > Y 1 FURNBSS Calif"when leaving COMPANY, on. extended L'ID., freighterPier 38, San ruFrancisco, f 92: ite States on August 8, 1962, mentioned to B7 p , San Francisco Bar Pilot, that they had s o Y oa ng in Pacific Ocean on July 17, 1962, some twenty 92 miles north-west of Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco. at the time body seen, they were proceeding to Canada and New Zealand and did not stop to report same. They made note in ship's log book, but did not mention it until August 8, 1962, when they had returned to and were again leaving on another extended voyage. These individuals interviewed upon their return from New Zealand .'after other foreign port stops. ' July l Manatee , 2, e SS NOBEFJELL that between was proceeding 5=n5m and away 6=oom, from onL C the United States on a freighter trip. About twenty miles 1111! west by north-west of the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge, he noticed something bobbing in the water. He took the ship's binoculars and observed that it was a body, evidently floating race downward, with hands and feet dangling down into the i 1 water. He could see the rump of the body clearly, however, from the angle, he could not see the upper portion or the ,1 n b ody. H e s t a t e d th a t t he b ody was clothed in dirty white * . appearing full le users. He immediately gave ' the binoculars to who was standing on the deck with = him, 251 and also ntifieébit x as a drowned _b_o.dy.-.»1 n .. ~ ,/ 92 , -"ail-*QQI-1-} '. _ "' .,;,; Q? RF-9'5»7¢"1-'-"}6Z i§-a '_;_,-, , is -' 15 ; - Fran 1800 x '3, ' 1 I . 92,§1'|_h¢.. zc , ,__, on at , qgém-w r . Approved: 92 _ gem M pm-V _-'Q Sp c1 Agent in C r / Illfl --.._._;_ i___:4:e-.n92_,-L.ru..92--...... ,., __ . _;______' 113-___A 7 71*; '_ * l. ,4-_


i we6-2 87 L724 or bodyuponand therousers intervi moi ve samedescription Pdvised thatthey didnot haveradio communica on on United States chanels and in the absence ;U~ .._ 3 . or any boat in that area, they continued on their_Journey "W-e inc" ».1'»->If without mentioning the matter._n =_ l, '_'.,__ ". y../'~"' ~ __ _ . . _ i u . _. 1 V - _ ,- ll -- g...... that when nont-hog arrived in the . United Sta es out August 7 or 8, 19 2, he happened to ¢ mention this to a sen Francisco Ber Pilot.:{&~,- , i ' 5'- Portiona of d in sl d that worn5? the-~" -4- _..e escapees were shown to They stated they j- - 1 were aware the blue white ype prison 5 nt bleeches in salt water and sun and could becoe almost white. »They stated ;. -,- that the body they saw tloating could have had prison garb Q. e trousers on it. However, they did not same a_olose enough '. inspection to make any determination. ->'- , ~ . "a. » '

Coroner for sen Francisco City .. _. and County, a v se is possible that the body seen ~ ~ rloating on July 17, 1962, some five wee the prisoners escaped, could be one or the escapees. stated that it would indeed be remote it any body would float arter a . two month period, however, this reported incident was well under that more-or-less time limit. . it Investigations U. B. Coast Guard, San Francisco, - who initially furnished this office with information ',- d indicating that men on the Norwegian ship had seen_a floating . e body, advised that a check or their tiles concerning individuals drowned in the San Francisco Bay area during-the pertinent period had been made. They had no missing body dressed as _ described by the Norwegian men. In addition, records of - the California Highway Patrol concerning suicides rrm the. San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge listed no missing body clothed in white-appearing trousers during the pertinent period. * » ' @ _ 1 1 V = _ __ I-q The above is tor the Burea's inrormation. sussscrs M macs "ms ALL comrxcrsn em: ROBBERS o

d 2

HIS .4-n.

i -- l_ , W, A i , _- ,- -1-,---r-~ " ~ - +..-~¢' .--- - J 92.,, 1.,. - @ Q *1

FF, r_ _- I

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,<,., ..¢ .--;- ,- THE PHILADELPHIA SAWHG5 FUND SMIETY BLDG. ll. Q _ -. ".12!"-}_ _._ _ 12 South mu Street, Philldilphil Q5 9; Q 1- Rlllnl 49! mt above the sidewall. as storm § "Q I -- f ' F high. It I: I most dlstlnctlvc landmark in thl ' 92 v :7 ; | 1. Th: sk¥I|n|mmm of Phadalphlu. mu ma mm building n Q _p ~* - 'all ~ ?. - .1. _ . Anmlers O mam lluiull . nsmm mu, c.92' ua '1: w,_'9292L ,, 92 usfl 4. ? -/Ll-v,q92 Mm: Q Q Q

.- .A1%.-' FK*>.92A "*'=*<>~=='5':""- I *;~-~_ 7 "" -. H. ._ 57¢? . ______W ______- E =:Z.'.' -i - =1-H= 4 . :17-.,

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Is ocr 241m L7; ' ____AOI__ll I__Dr _:_ _ if ___',M3:1JW_ 4-__ 4%


a-115 ew 9-ems! FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTI IN 92-7-"%_'-1' i __Directnr Mr. Tullon Mr. 1951 in Mr. Mr. Mr.Belmont, 5136 Mr.Mohr, 5525 Mr.I-Iyde, 5525 Callahan, 5515 Ir. Conrad, 7621 Dehonch, 5640 Evanl, 1142 Mr.Ialune, 5256 Mr. Rneen, 5706 Mr. Sullivan, 301' RB Tavel, T748 Room, 5553 Trotter, 4130 IB _Telep|wne Roum,5533 _.eco1-dz Branch, T712 _M1ss Gandy, 5635 Serialize Special _M1ee Holmes, 5635 a.nd return _Mr. Clayton, 5114 _File Special _llra. Brown, 51'-H _Mr- _Mr. Kemper, 5632 _Mr. Lelnblugh, 5834 _Mr.!.i___i__a Mr. Wick, 5640 _Mis __H-Dom

175-1-B95 4714 432 Please call me :Please lnmal _Per yuur request _Per call _For your information __A,pprop1-iate action _Please note la return Room 4265, Speech Room :RO0m 4248, Llbrary


-w A"'92 492 ; . 1 " . I l92I -; F . '* Q,=b 7Q "-*.?_;;-.;-7_¢:'-/SJ ac, Illllllllphil 1.54; . W /_ / I Q 1

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T0 1 Director, FBI 6-26295! DATE 11/1:4 /62

- aim : em,Philadele-his - nnn92 --- ...... ,

1. sus_|Ec'1":9 . San Francisco! ?

- Re Bureau letterto Philadelphiadated 10/QM/E2.92;]L A -nnaln-1162, was ew a v o sposa _.,__..._ c rd to e ureau which r uested wanted flyers concerning 3"~~_-4A the Alcatraz escapees. stated that he read at-n. about the escape of sub c s n one or two magazine articles - a and saw subjects photographs in a_Phi1adelphia post office. He stated that he requested the wanted flyers as "souvenirs", .4¢,I'_.LI and stated that he had no information whatever regarding the ¥, whereabouts of subjects. He stated he would advise the Philadelphia Division if he observed anyone bearing a resem- 35;"-I blance to any of the subjects.

_i,<_'B He. was questioned at length as to whether there was any other reason why he desired these wanted flyers, but £1-_ he stated that he positively had no iniornation regarding 92 whereabouts of subjects. .-- -=11 The receipt of his postal card to the Bureau was acknowledged. as smmsasr~@_su> nmmovsiW

. - Bureau 6-2 -288 ! - Philadelphia SanFrancisc -1991 g _ $1 a°r°°' , , ,. ,_. " -

o _5 mnv "-. _U1;-~ --- ; F32~ . .r~@n92/ .». 91 ..i_ =111152 "/ 4 -_ 3-B /_' 4-92

-~ ~+,-EV; _ ~_ '- "i|III' T'_ "iyq _ -' I " ?_ '_7-__ ~.._. - ---- ______, _ A I-D-'!"63'{cv. . 5-1-591 ¥_ __ J-1' l --4 . . R! FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION lltron-rmu SAN orncl: FRANCISCO *5 orna FRA.'92ICI3CO or omclu 92 12/ll/52 DATI i IN'VI;I|'lGA.TI'92I'I 3/19 12/5/52Ptluon . arc A Q A / * * .7 rRAz~u< LEE mm, aka "*92:>'7¢ i JP #307, I0 #3584 - FUGI L; * I-l;§iAc|'£]7dFE A§E in

Joav_rI" LL%AM#I*gGLI1~I A E Q c1.AE-.?:'§ qr waos 0 mcL1"Ii';"'§

1 3 ' 57¢ 92 : REFERENCE:Report of smated at San Francisco, 10 /10 . A._.__, P

_,r,_ a_. I-1.¢<_ Ii.!_-: ->- ,1: :".-~.» . .92l;;7:,.;_ i:-.;_-» COVER PAGE-' -. 12 2.4..i_ L ;'=-.'*¢ J >1?- 3 -- ._2 *''°v':' m ¢':'A;%i; H no NOT want IN sluclas ll:|.0w c4>r|uw92ne= £M' _ 1/.. 1/. J, ___ I/_l/| _ _;_n' | " em. - , com: PAGc. - a . 1&5______l¢

U 92 U 2!

SF 76-288 I 1. F1? ;A_gm:~11sTRATI92m 2»-weer ¢_c-at-@P;;¢§$t {g I-.»IFOR!*iATIG:i DE VS LOPE D DURI ~i G THIS Li V5.5 TI GATI ON REFLE§CTIL9292'G1'l¥H£l.l_l92Jl .x:i"~'1./'1.-'1&92.r..i.92.,.L- ;gi3=Ei!.n1';.§ l1.1AC|:H'1uU_r.u .|"5192.|.-.5 J.-I,92..!92,92,!<;I_;L|,1 uvJ.::-213212;: EL THE:14 4'i " 7 R J-Q !_».| 5; a!; ll. 53 :2; C_FRC::.'Z.|.U§ "|I:.'D V;_ . 1.. V4.77I4 . iii it21-=-IV 1'_1.*..§: t Y Due to the national interest in this matter, an additional copy of tnis report is bein;_-;_furnished to the Bureau since other than ordinar-y dissemination may be necessary.

Daily contact has been made with various police - agencies in the San Francisco say area; however, notning has 0 been developed from mesa sources reflecting that Escapees arrived on the mainland. Q ' _ aeg1_ ': '-

COPIES MADE 2 6 Bureau 6-26235! _ 1 - USA, San Francisco -e - New Orleans 6-2k36} Info.! = Tampa IS-2?5!¬Info.} ' - -- Oklahoma City 6-2555! Enfo.! - Atlanta 6-22uB! Info.! ' --Savannah 6-l272! Info.! - Mobile 6-8I+é3! Info.! - Jacksonville 5-6Gi+! Info.! - Detroit 6-'2372! I11f0.! - San Francisco 6-2857!

- _5 - COVER .'-AGE 92 1-K /K.

4-rso 12-14-ea} Rev. XXXXXX ' XXXXXX }D XXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET I ' ' . | Page s! withheld entirelyat this location inthe file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. R Deletions were madepursuant the to exemptionsindicated belowwith nosegregable material available for release to you.

U b!! Sectign 55;

El b! '1'! A!

U b!! N brute!

egtign Q12; [:1 d!! El °' _.-p ._ & b!> D> U 011! [:1 l

U k!! :1 U l

Information pertainedonly toa third party withno referenceto youor thesubject ofyour Y request. Information pertainedonly to a third party. Your nameis listed in the title only. Documents originatedwith another Government agency ies!. These documentswere referred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. Pages containinformation furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be XXXXXXadvised by the FEE as to the releasability of this information following our consultation XXXXXXwith the other agency ies!. XDDCXXXPage s! withheldfor the following reason s!: _ __

For your information: _ /-92 -»I-. if i A ié i i_ _ r_


sr vs-22-as? B! L,

- _ 57¢ _ B10 Mr» ii




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_adv1@ed ha indicated. that L when he obse r-ved tne ' MGLI4 - . her brot ad been on .1 truck bl car r-yi gH uid fertilizer from rtow, Florida,A-an arid 1 my-92+ _

did not know if else § 1__i6r¢.!{' 2 I Q21 1113.152, 92|,>r92 ntgg1;aC_w11Q {- ,. sta ad talked with on tne morning; 0'?ll/3/62 '1 but ad not furni ion km "' '-E.

fiel- T 2 :4-_ 3 J-=',>'<;» t was made by SAs !=04_ ._,-'.J5&?.' C;, 1.; ~_ 5/62 to locate

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COWR PAGE I-_ 1'-it _ _ *"7*j _ iisii _ lA,lA,_,M__ii_,,___ l

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sr "re-izaav L mg

During the interview o 1:74 11/3/62, as set forth in the let advised' that 1n ' h ob of 570 idhe works wi tats l0r rod-=2 with_ an drivers truck drivers oarti, - cart-yin g liq d fertilizer, anu stated that he ad HOT DEED 110 Lakeland, aartes, or other tonne in Florida within the last two I. -.~ months. - $.15 LE ADS '4-'1;-2,! av -,_-- Copies of 'CJ1iS reporthave been furnished to the :."Je=-1 Orleans, Tampa, 01'



§ I I --

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_____ ___ _ _ M V __ r _ .92 I - . . 1 I F 201I JH0v.3-3-59} , _.1 ! UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION


:£__...... in b'>@ W0.... FRMCISCTI I Dela: 12 /11/62 - |=|.|a Dillonru. 13:15-3 357 5...... rn. 4.76-2 6295

Title: FRAr92fL{ LEE NORRIS ; -. 9292... in... - J0:i.'»I II LLIAI-'!A.~IGLI.I ; 1 »'~'=1;* V I. I"'


IISCAPZD EED|:I?.AL PRIBOJSK -- COJISPIRACY Synopsis: __ , F.xgg hterviews of relatives , sequel ' ~ and contacts of Subjects failed to develop any information t Jscapees success- fully made mainland.

Information received from various sources that Escapeesallegedly seen checued outne;._,a1:ively.

ship, on e:1c1_of . saw a Jody SS 1 eating in Pacific "Norefjell," Ocean some;vor'..*e;-'=tian 20 e zniles northwest of Golden Gate Qridye of Ban Francisco. Body floating face downuarc with hands and feet da.*1g;.lir1f_ down into water. ésody clothed in dirty wnite appeari.-1,; full lea;-th trousers. 1="F.'1=..'~l-.~;1.-."-of E1"O*.£3e1"S sir-111-'-,.:' that worn to by Es cagees exhibited. Tney advised that body they sew floatizmg could have had prison garb trousers on it; however, they did not make a close enough inspection to make a determination. They advisec. 1 they did not report ai_;'nting; bodyuntil a lawr date since may Jere not in radio communication with United States facilities- l and they were en route to a for2i;_n country. Records U. 3. Coast Guard, San Francisco, and Ce.lif_orni-e Eight-ray Emtrol, which con- cern drownings in San Francis co Bay area and suiciues from Golden Gate 3ridge contained no r:92issin';, bodyclothed tin white appearing; _ trousers during; the pertinent period.

This document conlctnl neither recommendation: nor couclullona of tho FBI. It ls the property of the PB] and is loaned to your agency; it and ltn contents an not to be dig-lhurgd cum ldc your agency. ll} 7 of-.92 ,¢|.,

_§ ' Q '1 !


Set of dentures located on beach in San Francisco Bay 1?: determined 11$/to havebelong,-ed 01: any of Escapees. QUBJECTS ATLARGE AREALL CO.92ICT'ED'*§A92I1 ROBBERSAND : §ZjOULD BE. DA.-92T'GERCTU§. *7 "T: 3 _ p ..


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=~ 1 a s I'ITElRVIE.'3 OF IND I.~!FORi"'U92TIO_I RE RELATIVES, . u .: - -r{$- j AC1§§I}TA{§ES AID cprrpcwa of susaqpws j

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_ -=' 'b>-:o11o*ii£i92|'I1nvesii5iiiL*E!,onQQI 1 QAII-. Qni I Iv ~ =_ ~ 1;, 1&4 ,'_;'_',.=;-v"'f1=g'- -_ * '- w .1" _t'-'*"E?'°-""1 -1 - L ~¢-':_¬;" U. _uV.g_:_. __:_: '_ ,.._ 7. 1' __.~..f... '1 - '---- ,._-§¬i"Jf',:;__§,1:;i._ -?,t;. 1 A Iiiortl to loctte 1l¢° 3155*! '?@51#*~ - , -; » :=~-»;=:4V A - . __ ' On_ _. Beptenber. ~ 21,1962,-"sauna_ - um- -_ r; he served- . <._._,;;_,_,92j-----. I time along with the ANGIE brothers in Ilogida id 1953. -JOHN 5 ?§; | " 1" IILLIAI ANGLIHwas at the lane reed camp where h0_Inl continedféya. --:2!=.. - ' ALFRED Anouu us at Indiantoin Road Cup ml e<14R3"°3 1'"9*. ""."T-,-;:.. '_ . Raitord. He has not seen or h9§I' l,_f10I sub.'l°°t''15 -5°. -- 1011: the Florida. rend camp in 1953.; -He stated he did reed _ about their escape recently. He knows no one who -is 9, close _ - associate ot ubjects, ltatmgethey were 11116 Q11!-9*11!! I110 _ . ' didnot cultivate close ease:-.1etieI..92s= lie iusthex 51'-eiid £9 knows subjects to be expert swimmers. 1-.2:->1 ' * . ~

_.r..,___I _ night obtain or develop an to subjects. - fig"??-_-v.t5§,.*:92 5% :i.*_'=f== . .- ? V 92 4 .' _ - ._ _ -

I .. " -

L- f-.,_ ,-92

A i i i A _ i ;_ _ I __ _. : _~j7i I J Q J

ICX 76-110$ I ~ s AT 92-1 I omvna 4-spamos,Tsmrsssng -b7Qg TF1 I. F. Observation on dioclos ick, cream over maroon, beari license


~ rm A r .- mu


,--_-- . -pc .- T-"5_'-'.-'. 2*"---. +;. ,. .---II . . '.:,. _,--.,.

ng 1962 or a , in trout of a a house west of the home o " investigation wasconducted SAby ver , .ta v thes housea next doore ives is ono!cup!e. B7 I-_ ,-5 __ __ _ ~ 1 - ~ .;

,1 t 2 J . . . - I- . Q L! gxx 7e-£3057 .

The and

produceda Florida ¥§!&:_ driver and stated had BID loved had been 'uskin, and had resided

The following description was obtained by interroga- tion and observation: . .

Date oi birth: Race: Sex: Height: Height: - Eyes: Hair:

-'_|s Social Security No.: . .3, Qccepeticn: ::4 -' Scare and Marks: '1-§n.' ',; ;_J,:-ma-' J I: _'' I -z,--._ ___4 1*.Si;';.l¬=i us From comparisonoi photographs of all three suiiiits and ire: examination ct ticgere, it tee determined the+ .ee . .;"', not identical with any of the subjects oi this case. _ photographsIhen he thecn¢askedsaw of e wanted tlyersthe it and Agents beforewere he saw looking the for the AHGLIH hrethere ihe eheh idtieed that the FEE the trying to locate them, he volunteered that he and his Iiie were iriends oi the parents oi the ANGLIH boys who had attempted to escape iron Alcatraz and that their parents believe that » themthey died since inthe the escape,escape. as they claim- - not to have heard from_ 4 I S Hm gore-. ects, she would lly advise the FBI. z"'- ,4-,_

4-rsn 12-14-as! Rev. J l X79999: _l_ _ xxxxxx » xxxxxx FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION >1 FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET

Page s! withheldentirely at this locationin the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion.

Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you.

gctign §§2 ggtign 552;

13 b! I! E1 b!! A! El d!!

El b!! El b!! B! E! j!! El b!! X > c! Cl lo!<1>! E1

El b!! F! U RX4!

U b!! E] b!! E1 l

U b!! U l

El Information pertainedonly to a third party with no referenceto you or the subject of your request.

Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only.

Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. These documents were referred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. Pages containinformation furnished by another Government agency/ ies!.You will be advised by the FBI as to the reieasabiiity of this information following our consultation with the other agencyes!. El Page s! withheld for the following reas0n s!: ___y to

7~ For your information: f W i i __L p

The following number is to be used for reference regardingthese pages:

XXXXXX-u~~ _ 'H0-7-lo?-l5_ .15!$4-§4.7 s '

XXXXXX DELETED PAGE S! X XXXXXX »--.. _ __ __,,__.__.,._-._.. . I I ~

- 11 - T8737 B! C tober 10 $70 Jail, information: ' . Hehas notseen since:-eleaee from the Atlanta Federal Penitent ar e earlypar o 1960. He n claims that he never called at arents' home in College Park, Georgia, and he did not own a 59 black Lincoln and knows no one who does. The only car he has operated since his release from the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary was a 1961 Pontiac. He has never stayed at a cabin in Langley Pond, S. 0., and further stated , he has no idea whe r ng e La 1 eyP on d is located. He stated thatre es know CLARENCE ANGLIN, JOHN ANGLIN nor FRANK LEE MORRIS. laims it is possible he was in the Atlanta Federal " en iary at the same time as MORRIS but since there are 2600 tlj inmates, he cannot recall all the individuals he met while he was there. mas arrested August1962 3,and placed in the Fulton County a a that time herefore, any actions reported- in ly enacted by him according to interview after that date in -Ii -2 connection with this matter are mpo sible.

I 1:- Further stated that ifhe weregoing obtainto ;a a hide out rom anyone he certainly would not go to a "punk" like <3 -e7; ._ r--4_I ,...F: Z

£1. t*_-* ,§;1 _I

.,._ H k

ii 3 -

U36 ""' 1-a __ g...-__, . l : .


he L74 The followinginvestigation conducted wasSA by gi FLQ§IDA3T§TE 1-PRISQ;_R3IFORDL:FLQ ,_g L. M W

advised he was reared in the araso a, o ida a a, acquainted with0 the ANGLIN family since the early l9h0s. He first met them through church meetings and related activities around Ruskin, Florida. In l95, he served time with CLARENCE and ALFRED ANGLIN at Florida Industrial School for Boys at Marianna, Florida. __. 'IIII ANGLIN at Raiford and the road prison at Bronson, Florida. He lat saw CLARENCE ANGLIN in 1958 whe n sent to the Road Prison at Fort Myers, Florida remained at Raiford. T -- r-= aid he knew JOHN and ALFRED .~_! _4.92.

'6'4 J-ai;-. /It.1 >1-1'"--v.... r £iU»,_,.'s_

1:1 L '. .-_ gt,|.- are no farming a .;_..~.,__ :7.- i:E: at present, type erQ of his way to lead a straight - A trouble. - 5 Durin? visit tolds him she had not hea rom JOHN or C if '}-' they had drowned or escaped. She said she would gladly turn them in ,- -up if she knew where they were, Just to make sure they weresafe and 1-_,.,_. not in danger of getting shot. _ ; 7 _. %stated'hehas ideano theof locationof the H SubJects%_ He ee s hey perished in their escape attempt, since they have not contacted their family. He also believes had they made their escape, some trace of them would have come up through their efforts to obtain money by burglary or robbery.

- 9 _

H37 /-~ ,_92

1 .5

[ a

isatt. ... --__l 7 On October22, 1962, Florida State Prison, Raiford, Florida, a v that inhe and CLA lled to ether at Florida State Prison. and _ friendly with CLARENCE ANGLINthrong e r mu ual int ' time ANGLIN had an electric: guita In 1956 ANGLIN was sent to a Road r son. him his home address so that they might get both were released from prison. He has not seen ANGLIN since.

ubjec . e new. but did nd: see ANG duri is e ould e in an ossible. -

-_ .

14;" 2;:..;'-

_- 1i



3'_92 --5-92-,'Pncmf<:92 withhnl - V V-_-.--_V-; nnfirnlv V.at thin ....-eInnntinn -V_VV--V_u --- inthant V fila V. 92-Ins V V rt; mags V V nf V t thisV fnlfnwino V V 9 statements, where indicated, explain this deletion.

-K Deletions were made pursuant to theexemptions indicatedbelow withno segregabl e material available for release to you.

ggtign §§2 eggign §§2g

El El b!! A! II! d!!

III mm El b!! B! El J'!!

El b!! RI b!! C! El l

U b!! E! U I

III b!! F! El k!!

El b!! II] b!! El k!!

E] b!! El b! 9! U l

U b!! E1 k!!

[:1 Information pertained only to a third party with no reference toyou or the subjectof your request. El Information pertained onlyto a third party. Your name islisted in the title only. E] Documentsoriginated withanother Governmentagency ies!. Thesedocuments werereferred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. Pages containinformation furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. Page s! withheldfor the following reason s!: _ _ _

El For your information: _ ___ _ y___

ns .-.-.. .- .. . . . , . . .. _,- _ % tne touowtng number is to be used tor reterence regarding these pages: _- 7!, .. LL: 751.5 - ILffl - - 92I


In H rd! .1,

'1'? 76--276 2


-3'-lA1 B55512! nveetigntion Ill conductedby 'Q 85

On October 16, 1962 and 1962 nega- tive nttonptn h Hovenber 14, Ruskin, Florida, z 4 :"?"'-~ ."_<.w-"'' ;'= 670 :3-"""""~=..,..._E.,

35'; .i _,,._~-- ._ wl-=_.r_|. _ III -..~. n"-

-1~"~ .~ -- ;7§t=. cnn renenber

"_..- .=. "..n- J. O. "

II. BOIIIBIOGIhlll I12C ine he edvTne' TEreceived no into:-nn I B7D tion whatsoever regnrdinh subjects end could tn:-ninh not iterntediniornntion the other tent thanthat he that Iouldpreviously ooope:-nfte turn:l.nhed._with -he :91. iiiu ii reoeini any word whatsoever vouid inne- digtely contact the FBI.


92HJO 1* f-"" 4!-92

1 j I I K__ ~

_|v TP 78-276 3 ...f13m c tine with the fugitive status of the AHGLII brothers. They further advised that upon re- ceiving any information or observing subjects, they would iuuediately contact the IBI. _ AT TAMPA. FIDRIDA B74. =»i»di e ng onducted by e 3:14 orner E5! and IN, were on acted. They advised that they had received no information concerning any of the three subjects of this investigation, and that they now firnl y believed that the subjects had perished in their from Alcatraz. On Rowen BA ¢_.92..;». encountered Diner South Dale Iabr 7 8 wa a ' they again ad;ised that they had no information of- p sos ible value to this in V05 tigation- 4 . .-_J._A1| ' -'-=5 * I., 4. -Z-Q4 ~»"-;11: >92--. -v ;-' Pi? sm '_. '; 1} .-1.i->- ;_,,._t n.

-,3- 1, 50 tion information:


H/I r"~ --92

r la! _ _ . kt,

-a J TP 76-276

I. oi tneae apartments and tour apart- nente in a thee!


was pre- sently occupying


1 -.11 1 7II-ll itni .4..- i H 7 .e=J ; 7» - ;L-_.

"--= -

'2. Cw

occupied EDii 16-.

vacant '70 was occupied by a ,- ,-.92

' I

TP 76-276 5 5:. I !lot!in¢ and was notedthe vacant of interest apartment toaboveapartment. this inweatiga ion.»

3, 1902

future known subject JOHN subject FRANK LIB DRRI8 but said he had known AI-IRED MEI.-III and subject CLARENCE AMLIN very well as rorner fellow


, he had been returned with subject CLARE-P63 5.i"'uLIH who his escaped ' --"-" tine and had --v been captured in upper Iichigan. tated that he and CLARENCE All-IN were not toge er" ytine during their escapes. ¢ 5, ..~.-- -. " ad1'iaedthat 11; had been 12 or 15 5'74 . , 2; ' years si " s en ALFRED and almost that long since b -J» - .. he "had seen C1-ARIN!!! AIGLIN. He stated that he did f:N'>'-*:§not consider himself a friend oi any oi the AMLIN brothers, ~".:: and it they cane to him, he would certainly call the IBI enough ashe desires to get to involvedrennin with them.tree and would E-elated thatnot be foolish on the morning oi llovenber 3, 1962 ocked himeelr out or his apartment and leit the keys to his car in his .1 apartment, and after discovering this he had removed a screen from his bedroom window and crawled in the window oi his apartnent to get his keys. He stated that this night explain why soneone had reportedthe possibility or one or the A161.-IN brothers entering his apartment. He

17 r"'* ,..._

fr J . .

TIP 78--276 ' ° - 10:.

he had spent aost or the day wit li ho was 21 years d that en his with soseone poss ave se d d : that as one oi the AMLI ro ers- advise a it was cosscn knowledge in the area n he resided that he was on parole, and atter the escape ct the ANGLIH brothers from Alcatraz had talked about know- ing Anrnsn and CLABEICB AIGLII in Railord and had believed hisselt that ALFRED and CLABIRUI were the two brothers who had escaped iron iloitrii. is stated that iiy iiibif or persons could have overheard his discussing the ARGLINB and his having been incarcerated with then. B1 L

site ll es-convict had many tines lite and crime. one occasion I... he was called to the phone store, and when he returned to his his about the call. He said at this tins stated that the call was Iron one ct the in Lskelsndi !1crids, and es! wounded and wanted to cone to Lakelahd and dri o Tampa. _- »I_+r--: that he never told th hat he was " that the call was actually rcn an acquaintance J who resided in Lakeland, Florida, and had to do with any subjects oi this invest 1- gation or seshers ct the AHGLIR Iasily.

3, 1962

auyiseu subjects shown to


Page s! withheldentirely at this locationin the file. One or more of the following XI statements, where indicated, explain this deletion.

Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you.

Segtign _5_§2 egtign §§2§

U b! l! El b!! A! U d!!

El b!! II] b!! B! E] i!! I:-| b!! F b!! C! El I

III b!! E! El k!!

El b!! F! El k!!

E] b!! El b!! U l

El b!! El b! 9! El l

U b!! U l

Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your El l'¬ql1BSt.

El Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only.

Documents originated with another Government agency/ ies!. These documents were referred D to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you.

Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation ----in with the other agency ies!.

Page s! withheld for the following reason s!: __ El

For your inf ormationt X The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: so 4-7!» -I-1»!-J35-157;» ~..Ii XXXXXX DELETED PAGE S! X XXXXXX NO DUPLICATION FEE X VVVVXYV FOR THIS PAGE X l92J92J92J92.A92-|,92 FBI/DOJ

ll! E 1""- ,___92 _ _W __ 1 < g _ Q - 1



- then indeai cards forthose re ea. e es ha who would have bee "In ..n -Tam! ...... -=, s1hn1~' _-Q1. th _--e some t ANGLINs. or-1 - It was d ined that the tion of s furnished


[IL/6 _f __..__._.___.._

I 55**9 752887

P1,, ..

: NH AT ermwsnsonn,PENNSLLVANIA 57L The followinginvestigation wasconducted SA-by


Penitent PPEVIOUSLYmennloneu, was wno a previously mentioned as possib ;F_92 F-92 4-15012-14-as! Rev. XXXXXX 1' XXXXXX XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET

I Page s! withheld entirelyat this locationin the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. R Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you.

U b! l! Section ,§§_2 U b!! A!

U b!!

J2! ggtign §§2g Br >! . E] d!!

U [Ii U b!! E! U b!! F! U l

U . -

U l

Information pertainedonly to a third party with no referenceto youor the subjectof your request. Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only.

Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. These documents were referred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you.

Pages containinformation furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advisedby the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. Page s! withheldfor the following reason s!:_W WW

For your information: /*92 /K



1?? ill iii ii-288?

a. 14

MI 5 caLL:92;é-IL". ous I .»: F0111-IATI 0»: R3 oz 1 v: D A*1.z:c""m;~' ff "92E.|. J. R-3Fr£RM.|'G TO ESCAPEES

. ' *5 7,-zu "5.Y >7;":r =:".-7'-"- g- V. ';92 n- jg; qr :' 2&2-.+§'.--1.' -17f* -3:" "

!:;- -I _ G-->4-.z . < . .-

-35- I'92 492.

{ .

1 - 887 L'7A_

Salt Lake City communication of October ll, 1962, advised that on October 10, 1962, at 5:35 p.m. an anonymous call was received at that office from an individual who stated he was calling from Kemmerer, Wyoming. This individual tall-

The following information was received from the Denver A Division: _ I-._ 4| ..-at " On the eve ' = -Jag. COnt + C1 emmcror,4 '55 . yCI"92l1"1g la . I .e Reside : -"T . ». . . Kerrmarer,telephoned Wyoming,Denver the was in DenverDivision. when the Salt Lake ty DlVJ.Sl0I1 On Octoberll, l3'52, was telephonically advised of the information that - OHN and CLARENCE ANGLIN might ;F'a'f.t#'-1%possibly be at the Star Jotel, Kemmerer, and he was requested to a _ _ E ~ discreetly check this hotel in this regard.

A = o11ow' investigation was conducted b" Y B74. ¢::1.__ SA n wt-1'71-f.92' ._ . g:1.nd0 =dvised 15. that 1%2and , they checkedhad Star theotel, _5 s we as a are in Kemmerer, with negative results in an ' attempt to locate the ANGLIN brothers. ' = '=-:1on orbc o er 15 , , 1952 that- -.. -a. currently own and managethe Star -LB 2.;-. 121* ar an tar 1o e . he a vised that the Star Hotel consists of " '4-_.,. -.._.». 16 rooms and is located above the Star Bar. She advised that four rooms ar nted and twat she personally knows these _ _ te1'1 ant in d<'.ntified ' u these.tenants andfurnished _ information concerning their employments. She advised that this w bar was "closed most of the week ending October 12 , 1982 , because


H5 O /-92 »-92 _ t 1' i Mi


Z _..n is 92=:1e

of a wedding. She advised that on declnesday morning, October 10, 1952, the bar was open for a few hours and that she personally knew all the customers that were at the bar that day. She advised that the bar has a pay telephone on the premises; however, she- did not recall anyone making a phone cal]. on that date.

_.:|__J_,_.1 4.L_4- Upon _92__ viewing _.__.|.: ...._...__...:_.._ I.O.'snumbered ..__.'4.92_____ 3582 f92f.l92T-H":-I't'921'92 and 3583,__-_ . -. =. dU.V.l.::3U LlldL SHE. CDULU 192f.L1Ugll..ll.£-B u-.'.J.C1'1:-F 92.¢I..|.H.Ii.Li92l92,L HUI UU e as anyone she has ever seen. § 574 October 15, Soutnern _ , upon viewing I.O.'s numbered Hotel, 3582 Kemmerer, and 3583,on em " advised that she could recognize neither of the A~IGLIN brothers as being identical with anyone who has ever frequented this house of prostitution.

v-1; ._ . -_-K' -3:1}? 92 '4',, - I-0.,.r».:.:.-.¢ - . R, ii

, -'.


I -p


H5! ..r. l __92 ~

i i!

9 - - I gr 7 km we The t San Francisco, California, Iii were was W SA an On August10, 1962, Investigations Office, U. S. Coast Guard, 63 Sansome ree 0, B74. d thatSan Francisco he hadreceived Bar Pilot, a report Pier 7. fr - o cers aboard the S. S. Norefjell, ha :45 PM on July 17, 1962, sighted a body in the Pacific Ocean at position 37 degrees, 50 minutes North, 122 degrees, 53 minutes West, which is about 20 miles northwest of the San Francisco Golden Gate. These officers said the body was floating face downward and was clothed in white trousers. The officers saw no other ship in the area and since they were on a freighter leaving said tedthat States the they did officers not stopwho to pick sighted the up the bodywere body. on a anocouple trip of monthalvolunteered outsid ted States and to wouldcheck bethe gone for files of the Coast Guard to ascertain if they.had any missing E reports concerning individuals drowned in the San Francisco payD .1-92 area who uuguu --Rhave '|.-.4- h. . been similarly v . dressed.

E5! Ewes recontactedon August 15 and16, 1952,at _ .,4 - _ which time e a vised that the only drowned individuals ,_'3~9'1 W.. missing, according to their files, whose clothing would approximate that of the reported sighted body were the escapees J. from Alcatraz. dvised that at 2=u5AI-=1 July on 17, 1962, a $5.1 . RIC ELE of Newport Beach, California, had been swept overboard from a pleasure craft in a sudden heavy storm. However, he determined that this could not be the body of STEELE since it would have had to float some 120 miles from l92'.'d "1the drowning within a. period of 12 hours. In addition STEELE "1-. had been dressed in blue dungarees. i -

San Francisco L. Bar Pilot, On Pier 7, SanAugust15, Franci 1962.? , a vised that on August 8, 5'7 __ 1962, the first mate and the quartermaster, names not recalled, of the 3. S. Norefjell, a Norwegian ship, had mentioned to him that at 5:145 PM on July 17, 1962, they-were aboard the O -


J I53 n- FR ______i _i _,_ . ____.--- lh- -

' 5' Q 1


2 T" W-J

Norefjell en route to a foreign port. At that time they sighted a body floating in the Pacific Ocean with face downward and hands and feet dangling into the water. This body was clothed in what appeared to be white trousers. They were then at position 37 degrees, 50 minutes North, 122 degrees, 53 minutes West, or approximately 20 miles northwest of the San Francisco Golden Gate. They said that they saw no ships in sight and continued sinceit would on without delay reporting theirvoyage upit weld the that body thesethey LU{]41_ officers had left on another overseas tr p on the day they mentioned this episode. The Furness,Withy & Co., Ltd., 310 Sansome Street, San Francisco, telephone number GA 1-8711 would know their itinerary.

Contact with Furness,Withy & C0,, Ltd., 310 Sansome Street, San Francisco, on August 16, 1962, reflected the S. S. Norefjell was taking freight to various foreign ports, includ- ing Auklund, New Zealand and would not return until about October 9, 1962. weremaa Th f t S anRa aef 1 , ca 11f orn i a, E - IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII' -California On August Highway 17, 1962 Patrol, the records of696 Franc!sco Boulevard, San Rafael, California, were checked. These records contain ,, the reported suicides from the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge. xv -TY! They listed no missing body, unrecovered as of July 17, 1962 which was clad in white appearing trousers. i§* hé,._ . _ aw. -£41 K ""





II53 IF-K. _92

7 t W

.1 ks _.-..-_..-_ui--

ss 76-288 h i

The f at San Francisco, California were made by SA -

inQ NOREFJELL";On a Norwegian October 18, ship, shipping 1962, un e "ss. s. of Furness, Withyand Company,Ltd., Pier , SanFrancisco P advisedB '7!! that when leaving on an extended fre United States on August 8, 1962, he -w Francisco Bar Pilot that he and aboard the "SS NORE§JELL" on July 17, 1962. stated that he furnished with the exact degrees and minutes where o y was sighted, but he had since thrown away this location. Upon being furnis rees and minutes as referred to this offic marine map thate th_sby stated was an- -orreca oration as after related checkirg by his

At the time the body was seen, the "SS NOREFJELL" was -,1-T!,_. L-' proceeding to Canada and New Zealand. They did not have radio -92§¥5~i-'."='!- . l Fe comunication on the United States channels and in the absence of '.:'92..'any boat in th they did not report the sighting of the body "92'§._; 1'»-1% at that time. ade a note in the ship's aslog to sighting a body but he no mention it until August 8, 1962, when they had returned to thi-Qiited States and were again leaving on another ~'§;;1'a.~extended voyage.Q stated that theyhad justreturned after __,_92|,.. , .:. V, having made stops a several foreign ports, the last being Aukland, New Zealand. F advised that between5:145p.m. and 6:00 p.rn.on July 17, 19 2, the "SS NOREFJELL" was proceeding away from the United States on a freighter trip. About 20 miles west by northwest of the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge, he noticed something ~ bobbing in the water. He obtained the ship's binoculars and ob-' served that it was a body evidently floating face downward with hands and feet dangling down into the water. He could see the rump of the body clearly, however, from his angle of observation, . - he cculd_not see the upper portion of the body. He stated that the

-31.- M"92 ii ______J_-,,._._-....,. 1' E, 1 '-

2 ,__

- . $87 B74.

bodyHe stated wasclothedthat he could in"dirty tell white" that appearingthe body hadfull-length full-length trousers. trouser k ¢ since the waves would occasionally bounce the body and he would be 92 -- able to see thelegs andthe trouserscovering themas theydar: ed down into the water. He immediately gave h oculars t J, 1: who wasstanding the on deck with himandalso identiied it as a drowned body. .-n";" ' - F1»; Por trousers similar to that worn by the escapees were shown to He stated that he was aware the blue-white type prison garment would bleach in the salt water and sun and could become almost white. He stated that the body he saw floating could well have had prison garb trousers on it, however, he did not make a close enough inspection to make any determination. the "SSNOREFJ'ELL", On Octobera Norwegian18, 1962. boards ip under the g sponsorshipof the Furness, withy ished the same in- as did of the "SS NOREFJELL." sam oe escr e o y and trousers as did ts also shown portions of trousers similar to those --Q es. He also volunteered that he was aware that this prison type garment would bleach almost white in the salt water, A and that the body he saw floating could well have had prison garb trousers on it, however, he did not make a close enough inspection to make any determination. . "iB.5 7 &Z'¢.~'=¢='. On October19, l962 Coronerfor San'5L -4L7'~_ -:V Francisco Cityand County,850 ryan, a v se is possiblethat =. the body seen floating on July 17, 1962, some five weeks I . - prisoners escaped,could thatbe ofone ofthe escapees.W » .._:._" . ....-= stated that it would indeed be remote if any body would float after - %lL: a two month period, however, this reported incident was well under that more or less time limit. ~ _¢

|15'5 f"'92. -92 Y J

_ 1 -

i 6-28813"M. I524. _ The following inquiries were made by Sir

A1. id" l1§92l§°.l$.Q°- .9!-I_F9RlT-'5!¥i B14

ovem er s e was usual walk ¥FHD it along the beach during lunch near the Fort Lifeboat Station, bordering San Francisco Bay. Along the beach near the lifeboat 'station and towards the Golden Gate Bridge some few yards, she 1"; found upper dentures for a human being. He stated that these ,4 h dentures could not have been along the beach over a day or so since - an she walked over that exact area every working day of the week and she would have noticed them. She made available these dentures. kn

--aaasiaiaal Ties givenwthjepper dentures T o ur $22!?!Qdp-5;, them and stated that they appeared t o or some very small person due to the size of the te th. She advised that he would endeavor to ascertain if they could be identified with any lcst report cr with a possible suicide in the bay area. Z: _, '*- 3 1~:»'.~92 AT AI§BZ§A§L:CALlFQRNIA= -#5.. 1. .-1 .3".-"1 ;..; a On November 2, 1962the upper dentures found by- B7- has re displayed to Warden OLIN G. BIACKWFII. and Associate warden A UR DOLLISON, United States Penintentiary. They advised "E*=.-' 2', :,I that some of their dentures made in the prison service have serial numbers in the palate of the dentures. However, these dentures had none. They noted that the palate part of the dentures were clear and this was not the type made in the prison service. They also advised that from the size of the denture plate, as well as the size of the teeth, that this set of dentures belonged to an extremely small individual, possibly a woman. They stated that_the only escapee who had any dentures was JOHN ANGLIN, who had onset . of upper dentures which was made on September 29, 1958 when JOHN ANGLIN was inmate at United States Penintentiary, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, inmate number 77350. Their records reflect-that-the installation of these dentures as to setting and so forth was completed on October 9, 1953- Their dental charts reflected that adjustments on this upper plate was made on several occasions while ANGLIN was at Alcatraz.

. 4 .;. -33-.

I I .¢-- ,.._ Z j r ' M ; L

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- 3 - 92,"'!L. -r 1,94

_..- In J ° tates Peninten 2' ary, 1 a raz, a v sed t y wee upper dentures Swere not those made in the prison system. He stated that he had assisted in working on the inmates= dentures at Alcatraz including JOHN ANGLIN'Band that the located dentures couldrot belong to JOHN ANGLIN. He remarked that the located " .'-P dentures etidently belonged to a very small person or possibly a NOE?! . /;,,-{92- :__

75:1-T92 ti __. -4



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TO 1 nrascmon; FBI 6-26295! DATE; 12/12/62 Attention: FBI LABORATORY mom ' {SEATTLE T6-1762! -P-! 1:.é HD9910 suqn FRANK LEE MORRIS IO # 358k, aka - ,9/', FUGITIVE ESOAPED FEDERAL PRISONER- ONSPIRAOY .5-92 / i %wm L74

Enclosed check dated October 26, 1962, endorsed --'. "." B74. - -'*|_::'.'~ fa?e j

"-5-'-'+=pf. . . .- -J "'1,"T', '¬LL|§-o-1 . 92_=, Tb -. --if.., The FBI Laboratory is requested to compare the endorse¢~S ment on the check dated October 26, 1962, and endorsed by __ <92§ .."1 P " Bu-I En 0' i 1 - Saneggakcisco %?6S28g7!l! 92$ - e da_ ¬g}15 2£&i;e»&2L§E¬::;/Q§i§7Y E57 <:.7~*9? ta 2 "J B DEr 196 ¥5}L. ~. I|----III. 1 9293,?» Cc.92{?;>>i AQ E Y$> If

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I ' ' _ _ -' - ! . 1 I 2 1 sz: 76-1762 B7 L. M 1 the handwriting onspecimens filefor LEE M0 , to determine whether or not they are identical or there are any similarities. It is requested that the check be returned to the Seattle Office upon co leti n he examination so that it may be returnedto b-7 MORRIS ms BEEN naronmn TO an ARMED IN mm mem- ETTREM;E_L¥fI§HNGEROUSYAND msA mm Q ""*" *



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' um. noon 1:] TEILETYPE unrr [:1 »""92 /-92 . ' I i ! 1-iz . U 1 t 1 , ' FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATLON R°°°1'd°d UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE b 2 20162 LaboratorySheet WorkN N0 LAB FILE Re: mmLEE IIORRIS File it 76-26295 -/--I to x sss4, aka. - Lab. #n-409910 HI £77 v».-. FUGITIVE ESCAPED manna. rntsoman - conspnmcr Elxaminatianby: requested Seattle6-1762! 12/12/62 - r- 3 Examinaiiomequested: Document Date received:12/13/62 92'92!F FlesultExamination: oi Examination by:_ ---ea; Er! .. . 0 P?Q""" '°/L21 1 c/1'! ~ 31$

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L74, > .4 L Specirnens submittedfor examination SPECIMEN CI-!EfCl<jf5MouNT Dmjg PAYABLE TOSIGNED BANK .a;.,~ ., 5-F-2-: . ,,_-'_. ?§ii~?'><1Q27 197 $10 .00 10/26/62 Qashmere 4-er.2 Bank , .'-;r§'.-N"' Cashmere .'." J92' ;='*i '- L74 Wash . , .;;.-tr_ '':92 -:5 5.1--3-_

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1 "1 x J O /" _s-92 - __ J onion! lulu no. II L I 1 unrrzn STATES covnmzu;-___ ; 'c e - ~»-- . -7 53;... T 11011 _....-.__.___ - Memorandum e Casper Callahan TO : ll r , acDeLo 11 '__92 oars: 12 - -20 62 .. 5:3". ,,,,_,,,- ' SullivanConrad Tmroic

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mom : M. Y 8 . ' /C6 Egan Gand1'..i_.____ I

V»! , . susjncr: ESCAPE 92_,_ TO- r-' ~_____ NOWHERE" ._.,,,- _...... _. ..____...___ / J r.-s * AB'rR6T1iii.c1R¢LE,IHE.eIBR 7" . _ WTOP-TV 9 __ _ I U --.1.92 10 P. M. ,'is-3_e;_§_2____ - '-.=Z..-.f? /I * 92|' This program was represented as a factual account of th from Alcatraz last Jime of Frank Lee Morris and John and Clarence Anglin. Four 1'?- prisoners took almost a year in planning this escape, and the program showed how F w they gahered needed material by stealing egne from the dining hall _@d soap and hair clippings from the barber shop. The escape was effected by each prisoner crawling through an air vent in the rear of the cells which had been enlarged by chipping away at the wail over a period of several months. Actually, four prisoners s had plarmed the escape but one was left behind when he was unable to squeeze through the air vem. This led the prisoners into a utility corridor and from there they went to the roof and were able to make their way down to the water's edge. From scraps of soap and hair clippings, they were able to fashion dummies which were on leftthe in morning their beds following with the the result escape.that their absence was not discovered until 7 o'clock ~*-5» . a The only mention of the FBI came from the narrator at the conclusion oi the program when he stated that representatives of the FBI and the Bureau of ;5¢<- i -. Prisons "hold it inconceivable that the men could stay together after their escape! without being discovered. " In his concluding remarks, the narrator said that authorities felt that the escapees had been drowned. He mentioned Pr0sram'w=w Pre- 5 I |- pared with cooperation of Bureau of Prisons. It is noted that this matter is currently the subject of an active Bureau investigation. RE_9°2@4E1~@eT1°"_= ac 35. Q * l None. For information. ._ o .. . .7 __i 9 .~.-' 1;-1; s '- -1 .. 'lI_ 'I'92_'I'___L f 1-E-I§$§e°§m . """" - 57¢ - B7 Q P 5 it 3 nu 3 has e 01:33,, 1;,

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Tollon ii _ BIL Bellini i.._._ Ilnhr 1.-i..._._ Ccnpn ._.i._ Callahan -.i...__ Conrad DcLocch . r ' Evcml Gala Bonn Sullivn _._i. L L V Tuvol _i.__ Trouur -_i.__ Till. Boo i_ Hollncl __i___ JAN 111963 % Gundy ____

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n __ 1- B1


_ ._. AND RESIDING PALMER, ALASKA,IDENTICAL. _ azumzs ermoveoav mo uvao wnu_ raon szrrsnasa 1962 T0 novsnoea 1962 on sum. nan » LOCATED PALMER, ALASKA, wanna I uvzo nous, KEPT seem cows mooaov: omrono Pjoxuv A -~72" moon.cousasnuo _o:o or cooxms, :oos.r:-:c|.mso noswr marmo Two MEALST0 PAY|=§_|=i'oAvA ' _u- cmnnuo aswas aaoxs,our osssavzo am: soonya 3?? mmuusmn VALLEYamx, nu-ma, ALASKA. azusvss aauucs oven $_1soo,RECALLS-HIT!-IOREH nounrnon am:To i PAY orrms a|.u:osoaao"mERw|-lo vnsmaoman: ron - - - -'--- - - ------ ---A A-I-nan _S 1-. Fm or ' Tm.4 I1

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A move uue|.uu|:u Ei1i1".~ii..ii1i. ""i""'° "'°'' w _ T: . 1 W , 1- 1.- o£sca1asn11s 111111: 11111.2, 111 1111111155, .~ 2 1 - *1 DARKHAIR, onaa eves, TATTOOS ooru roasanns, UNABLE T0 1" . '!Kf. DESCRIBE IMAGE; BELIEVES uav oz GIRL AND nsaar w1ra ARROW. i. 1111c:-101111111; ASCERTA 1 11 1 r_1 021111 cu. CLARENCE ANGLIN AND 1r ALLEGED onorusn couao as ranux NORRIS.

.-:.___,______1 ALL suoogcts agroarso ARMED an PAST AND anvc ESCAPEU -.---_ 1 ; Fihti -"' asconos. CONSIDER EXTREMELY oauasaous, SPECIFICALLY 1n VIEH _ nnnseso POSSESSION or 1=1ns11a11s mo _ .¢ .-;.'-1- " --- QUANTITY OF AIHUNITION. T A aéc1=.1v1ao=R 1:22 111-1* B7. * * T _ C ¢'' % '.-'_'


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L.9' K I -';- .-¢ 3" " E*.'i_'I -»- 7;

3 - - - J ~ ?/é A 1 -_ A /-92


.i.-i, Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion.

U Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you.

egtign 5§2 gggign Q52;

U b!! U

U haw U b!! A! E1 bxs! U b!! B! U U d!! b!! C! U i!! b!! D! U

U III bra! b! 9! U U U l

Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. I Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. Documents originatedwith another Government agency ies!. These documentswere referred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you.

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The following number is to be used for reference regardingthese pages: XXXXXX'l'°-7-Lrl'l5.nn§'3.3-J 92-2-L3 t;4._¢_or:i.|J I-'92 I r -92 . a7 W_;__ -1-_:_lIIi ' _


»~ e 1:»; --_ FBI II '5 ' I ' Date: _ - I -.__,____ Transmit the iollowlnq in 1 _ *_ e 1 - - 1 1/I/I3

92 i Tire in phi: i or sole! I . Via ,* __ We _ 1 __e_I I _ c Priorityor Iellal of lei!-ilg! --Q-_-I-_--11--1_--_-----|-1-11.-.-_.,11-.|--not


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I BUBJILT5 AT . I, -.. BEULD depectingBl the Fl I escape I"H"' t=1 rm.*1~*-a_* Q Bureau- "" " " iii u.¢.» wHv_ » 2 - Ban Franc co 6-2887! '- T 92r - .T92i 1 I - - lmneapoaau --J_ __.._-|.|_ .e Pb! 4- *} I I am-49 E ¢~I¢9292§ A-'~ /I92

. K _ __:*______T W ,4 _ __. .__# 1 £ ,9 |F92nv 12-13-SUI I I Date: 1,/9/53 51$

Transmit the followinq in Yfypc in plain lcslrbri? bode! W {Ha _ mum. ???? I _ _ ,, _ ML


I T0 8 DIRECTOR, FBI T5-26295! V ¢- *9 _ I men .,-»-: am, mm 6-131:6! nuc! ' - A - /'7 - -. - - I


. I L:JW .9292

I I L O0: Sm

MIGLIN Ill POSSESSION OP FIREARMS IHEN LIST lRB.F$TED. V CONSIDER .. ' -'~"=i.-i 0', I _ I Enclosed for the Bureau are 0 etterhead 1 _ Memorandum Onecopy :l.l letting one-lolcd forth for comments theatBan Prancd. 8 co cm, . _

" -I A-92 /"'9292 If 1 1 1» . ¥ ¬

B1 #76-1346

< r I mm or ammu __ _ . __..s. ' " I'111'requeat I-ega1':aat Ottawa; Oanada, aonduci - necessary 1nvaat1gation.at Iloutraal in .an_"e1'1'ort be locata "L I2| and apprehen d Subj - act GI-IRBIIOI .. 1. 1 *. q I _ I _ ! _" .4 ,. a____ ... E 1 ._ »._1 _- _. V .@ I "'- .1 *- - ! . ' '_ -.'J': +7 "'5-Ya~.. -V . - Q 'l_,|' "-| .. _ ,92 . _é_.F.. J9 _ Z ,,r_- iii. H-_ - -92 1' » 1 -1" - _<- _ v_ H. N Ni; ', .-.-Q, " '$". av 1{!_aQ ;~ n - -_,»,._. . ' , . ~11 -1 I » 3, ...-_ _. I ' P" .4'- Hf . - .', , =1, ,_ -a. . *.".-_.-.. . 4 - ,- ~.. _.a;-._-.. t--_ , 1- ~..- _ ~ 23;" .'i" 5;". z ¢ -. 92. '~-1-'2 .._._._»--.5. .. 92 1,, .. - 1- _r_ ..-~*-- xi .-- .. -H . i . . . _-.1 '92 5_ . 92 . __ ., . "-.. -.. . - _.,"1.'- -'.1 '. .--; ;{1,._._-.."!, , .92¢- _ . 3.. 5* - _-' kw , I '-_ 1". -'3: _ .. mncaaP 1% .....-.. --- _ Q-J5;_ , _. V 1 - _ -1, ._'j¢"~ .;fI~:.'- . ' ~ '1 F _ V-92-..: -"..- __ .-- ._ 4. - v -_ __92' __ -_ ., g _, . . 4- . 4 - - : .~,» '92 s I4 »'=..-..' - - _. _ .- . 0 -- _n .-_k -:§»a_ 'l",.. r-. ', L ..._*- . ,...-- _, . . » .. _, - _ - -.I.. 1 .--"-> '_~92f' 3' .. - . "".. . __= . . ; K - ~ _ l '-_- --"1 .1-.. . » . -Y _..,_ P 92 _ 3, 1- 4 .. - _- - - . .1 -1 *- ->-' 92 - . . v ~ -4. 92 I . .' .:-1»_ .- =-;--" a »_,'- I . A I_-'__-,~:_ p .. _ ,7-_ ¢ ': "" I t---, -,: . _-. . I M _ _ s _92._ . -, .',r'~_|_;-.,. .,. . . -..~,,';.-- A. - ft "_».'-:. _ . , . ._r:. .~ .1. ; - . 4'7 -, we 4 - - ."-IF. 1 "T' F:- @ ,_S_. .'-;_..V. 11.} ,~ Q1 4 ?- r V 1"; 1 _.i.- . - _ J." '~P _92 V. @- »"_ ,... - - ¢ .: - _ Y . ra ". 1 .,- 92 '_ l a . .5 2-» -'-F ' ' _- . . 4- ._. 1',-A-92 . _ *2.'r'- " ='- 1- - _<_ __'.1-O .92 .1,5"- Ln='.~ ' .=r,|..__. r. . . - '};__, _V 1;! _. _ ' =- nu. .- " ''- - .-. ii; !- . E .n 0-: ¢ ,.;,- 92 "r<"*1=_:1:" =_ . _ 2-;_-»x -sy . _ -;_ 4 92.' 5' Wu I V I. '- . Lz~- , ' :-92 - r|'._._, - ." _ 5 3 J» -!_ . , '7 '4.--_ : 1 -.. "- '3,- . ._- - _ + - 4- .-3.. _V -- _. -, 4 ,3» -wt -_*.-1;. ., . 7:--, .".§ - . -:'s*'- A -= _,92_ .__.. » --.+ , . .-=- I '., . -_:_e__,7 1..'2r~-. "' 1 - 1- .92-.1.r»- . - - 4}-' H-v I --92.. ._ I P 1 , . A, fa .3!" . '." . ., _r "3. -.*~ T - . ¢__-'- _ - - r7.... _..u ' <__ ' 1 ;'. .. 1- '~_ "' .- - '- '=---*~.-»'.a'= - .,y ...... 92_ :31 q; . ¢ 92" 2 . V, »- .._>.-_. 4 - ;. -H, _ . ._ >- .- - _ ,».- Mann- :1. .'» ' '. 1 .1, Q - - . .., g. . _ "' --=_. u r . ' _ -;..--.¢' §~' 'Q- . _=~-. 1 1. _ .92 1; . ~. '.:'-,2M _1 -...;~. 1 _ L. '_ _ , 9'. 1.. = 92».' a¥=- §,. - . _ ..__., _ ;-"-1; gag": ' . .-_..,_-. -. .-A ,w . .., ,. '. --.,<-vi _-. ; Yak? 'é w gr. ~-.-~. v "-1 _., _._Q.._.-._ .. __,.r::_.-ft" +- .»+~" - .. "w . . J __ at _ _ - . Q. ' - 1 .. _» -._- .,,._ . - _ *7. L; .5 3 1*. _-fa; 1;:--. ._ - . - =-,5. __ : '» .=_ ~:"-1.! : '5» - ; -? -.. __g- _"-_ .-" ., -~»_ -"-3-.1 ._- . .92 . /v .- "!;}"i.>.- ; ~ ',-- ..'_ a_:_ --" . * V -1 .5 -" _ "-. 92 . 5,8»--! ,5-»__ ';'}<1f '.-.1 ...._ "'7-' -2-I.-ll < O I. 2 0 2";,_¢_i u192.'r1~:n I 7 _ STATESor DEPARTMENT. JUSTICE O e_:3 _'- V;-'.' /I " --.' ~._;I _ :_9292 I-'' FEDERAL BUREAU OI IRVISTIGATIQN "o._-,- - .-' II-wnmm #00 Ehornton Building FillNa. Butte, IODSIIII J.-m1.rY 9: 1963 who - -@~".-Ir-W.-';'=*'< ~.=-.~*~>~";:~"f~-.-=*-;-=v;-..~**--=~~~--~*;~'**" " -- ""-'~"-"'"*'"'§"'*-.~;.- ---1: git: .'.>"_'E:"'1?"-'1' -92' -=9, .",'- . '-__ . -__ _'_ V _ ..__.1 " _1._ 92- __ -. 1- . _ -.4. ._,

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' -. ' -'- -_ _ | . ,_, .:_ I, -_.- _ - * - - =-¢ ..=!_,2'.: 4- -=- * -11» . _-_- v---5'. 1.--1'2 |,'_-:'.-_ :._'__.._ ":,a-_ .,_ . - --L-1 »v'.~_ _ :0--1,; ¢ .. - 1, "="'§- , . 92--. _-' - ~"e -* E "-. -.--. '-- ' '__. , _.- -2...; -- - '5».-*= 92» -1"! cg 92- --_ cu 4-rt." = '~ , if. rim e 9'11.» -J-;-- .._ . t _'_ <:__. 1 ,_ A = 1 . +§¬-§iotf1o.#a582_=..-.- , .-n _ __ .- _ .. ... - - , _, . _ 3. .;'§_* :1 "'_L=?'°{ ,:e_.'_'F ,_.§ ,_ . ¢;- .,.r'-.5-- -="- . __.:=._92," Ianted._- _-_;'; }___ I'1yeri§305__~- 5|-=_ r- »,'$.__ '5 -5?»;-g .:.-;'>7_g-"#i-- _-'.-f- 1*'~ =-'- .. '-,- r W:.-,-i _' .-L ,,g~_; '-_-'_ .;92§_,,'4!"-_" 'l.r. ' ..-3-$17.-" " ..5-ff-,-r-1"" e -,- ..~,AV-,1-'_ iLi 5; _92'Ll_ -!_ I ., - - _ ,-J .-15¢, _x '-..--.. _'§:_.f{ ?_ _.-5;.-7-< ' -:"'ff1,-U .92.,;5r:*._",.:' '1.1»? ..?-"2" -._;' ',_,_ '*"2_."_.1 .~.-.>:-_:Vg_-,_-.._nu ._ '.V_,.._l__~_.:-_- ".=*£"_',-g__",-.._,;-__ 1 a. 92 I a '7 - __"'_ '=__-_L _:¢ 1;, -- '92 . -;. Q 'P1313? '- '--éi>.- ' -'..';=""-".,-- .

92 cl ~ e , name anrecalled, in Montreal, Canada,at which time 7 - heidentical with observed a hotel OLABBHGE maintenance e.Hid he LNGLIN. he believed could to be " 'not _," remember the name or the hotel where e observed the nan he '. etelievesin Montreal. to b LNGLIN,mould but not described recall it as one exactthe or the datesin largest ' November, 196 , aged at this hotel, but he did recall he used his true name in registering. _ _ ANGI-IN IN POSSESSION0? PIHEIRE IHEN LAST LRBESTED; ..

. . _ .. - _ ;_ _._ _ ; - I - -' ' ; .5 _ .- _ '. _ _ _ n ,' _1 V /V

2-A R ..; - 2 ~ e _ e 4..__

,-1 |

-at -r "92 ' /"92 I . -V ----ea W W : 'III 1% _ -. - ---Ii _ We - »-~ V e e e ,_,.;___7___ __:T,_ _ _ . . . - '..'*92..'¢31'!2..'°"'°'.. " Q ' - . r - - i E - " r92 unrran- imam srxras 10¢ Memomnd m 9 To = nmacron, FBI 6-26295! nxrn: 1/21%/63 ' , -- M = sac,Attention:SEA'1'ILE5-1752! Identificat ion Division -P-! mm-'r=1.@-Qaonnxs ram: L ! 92° - ' ESCAPE5 IO # 3581+ akai- PRISONER FUGITIVEFEDERAL- § W, B CONSPIRACY .. 192

F Y " Re Seattle letter to the Bureau dated 12/12/62, and BU1et to Seattle dated 1/3/63. The ii/requested to 57 4" I search the name of their military and criminal files _n a identification record and so that it may < be exhibi whether or - - not could there identical isbe an subjectwith name MORRIS. and whothe - B7 ms . . SEA'I'1LEA1 3P°F§PP-weOFFICE 1=Bhn1ns1=_°o" B1 Q - . 1. i conductcredit criminal and onpchecks | is it being noted that the 191-I9-50 four cor, _ green on ac e was driving reportedly had Spokane county 'monnxs Licenseyes. ms BEENnaromrsn as T0 ARMED INM THE PAST 1! AND HAS A W _ loY ., '; 922'Q- -San Francisco6-26295% Bureau -2887! _ - - tl9 h Y="-"YJ'~"*1 _ - '_/<'T3-/

6 "1

_=_ an-_-.._-1 _ 'f» 1- ~ W ma. 3 1%! gilt. »-92_ 92 __,,, _ i... ~-pp: -- '~ A-4-- ;-:1;-in-ll -1 * ~~ W A-__ - E: -,_-i --, _.-+4-_-.-~.»»---- .. IA- _ 1 1 , Ev - '92 , . ,,».. ' 0 J - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION mu-An-nus onus: A A orncl: or ORIGIN nA1'I. | mvuruaa-rnvz rlmou 1111_£Q|= A55 92n:roln'MAnIlY 4'7 TYFIDIY FRANK mzzqnnals, aka xi A

WPJOHN WILLIAM#3_L...IO #§§8H ATIGLIN- ruiyvt; C1-IAIIACII-ZROFC WPcmawcz #_1iQ§, I0 NIGLIN, #.3.5£3--- aka PU I/I ITIVE'A E£'P - CONSPIRACY can M111 an . 'Puller,- FUGITIVE; N 92 _ ; qf- Ll i -' .35 ~T 3§?aT w 3 in L ._=*§=? . §___: ;I= 1


PEFEPEIICE: Report of SA dated at San Francisco I 12 . if? - _p_ mi.-" .-1. '


- A _

COVER PAGE ':.=.-¢=-5-5],:..l P =-:.1-*2-"-=;I SPECIAL AGENT|N CHAHG DC KT WHITE IN SPACE BI.-OW ,1 KY: APPROVED COFIEI MADIZ V ;.v~ ;" I ; ,~m_2;¢ E1;/b_> E --/ X E E SEE B -' _-__ I K i E!-Ilullll A -- -If c'~ '' _ 13 FEB 131953 C-51 '1 0 L $1,. P-_ ."' 1-." _-- tX- 20%- 92%4/t~¬a4~¢-/ - 5",,Zlé.Z/*5"! A A ?_ Blsan|*InctlouERoeo|d oi Mcliod Roped A 7 Notation: A b7 - Igoncy_ _ _ _E _ E 1 Reqlaalt Rtcd. V V Dela Fu|-Q. V Q <927 7 W Y How Fwd. W A E BY E1_, " ' -'- I _ EE Es:-J-J __'? {j E E E A»_ E Ci 92l5Q f5 »92 0 i . Q, Z

" SF 1 5" 75-2897


Due to the national interest in this matter, an L. additiopal copy of this report is being furnished to the Bureau since other than ordinary disseminatio may be necessary. 71'_L,-? "¥ . " Daily contact has been made with various police I. agencies in the San Francisco Bay area; however, nothing has <- ._,__ been developed from these sources reflecting that Escapees 5' arrived on the mainland. Z

é'. ._4 ; _AT TAMPA, FLORIDA 2 » ,,_-_-v. - was B14 visedS would con nue t the FBI con- F55 L i .-21:, '7-D ~ ..

'13%1 -- 1 , ; ,1, 351%-z? ,

énw ,_._,;.,- 2. C _p.Z~ ~ Q-~~a~.isuneaQ'?:E§i§2ss> 1 s U A, SaHPfancisco New Orleans 6-2H36! Info.! Tampa 6-27B! Inf0.! Oklahoma City 6-255S! Info..! Atlanta 6-22#S! Info.! Savannah 6-1272! Info.! _ Mobile 5-8k8! Info.! i Jacksonville 6-BqH! Info.! Detroit 6-2372! Info.! _ Miami 6-22u5! Infc.! Seattle 6-l762! Inio.! ' San Francisco 6-2887!





-__, 5'7c '.. W65 7D 9| i


L 4 to the possibility t a that he was personally alert i contact the relatives and h t Subjects might at some time attempt to vise her if he obse he would immediately ad- ;& interest to the FBI which might be of '-.1?1 7., that she would , @% immediately contact : interest came to her a ° 1 aY_°f

AT~--*- TAMPA FLORIDP b7 A 4. _.¢ Q

LEADS Copies of this report have been furnished to the New Orleans, Tampa, Oklahoma City, Atlanta, Savannah, Mobile, Jacksonville and Detroit Offices since these offices cover the home area of the Subjects or pertinent relatives of Subjects are residingin their territories. In addition, theAtlanta _hnk:_ a leadame to determine havingbeen the presentforth set priorin location of conmunmni. '

ami Of fice alsohas alead to interview L;7 :_ tal Attorney, for further information and also as to possiblv ascertaining the identity of leged informant This lead has been set forth_by a OI communication.



WW /"'92 l . f _,_. _ _ , A , { , ,_-__,,, ___ _i*__ d_ "___ ,,_ J _ _ .___,___ _,___,___,______i______i. -¢| U 1'!

SF 75-2887 - _ The Seattle Officeis in the processc Lof to' eliminate tigationat Spokane, him Washington,beingas possiblyidentifyidentical to a 'with. is ead has been set forth by a prior communication. . ; sm FRANCISCO " ¥ 1iT SAMPRMCISCZO CALIFOR1-IIZA:e-Jill set forth results of investigation rTéqfueste*ciJofthe Legit at Ottawa, Canada. This -=-e'.=' concernsascertaining the identity of an unknown individual ' employed in a large hotel in Montreal, Canada, who it was believed . -_ resembled CLARENCE ANGLIN. *1-V.

7-Pl?1 '

5'"1~ -4" I1!

_~..-;92._-_- :-_ . " .-.7.I-9292i

1.1._f.4- T:' .'é:4=,_92_ ,1=;_. 4-_ ea"_ Uw'92 _v.

..;;_I $3 itZ

-'.;___92' , 92 _ -!-TS. - if-Y.



W65 f-92 A-92_ ' 1 1=-o.-204''04'». { sis-as!_ - fl -r ¥ um1'|zo2 §rA1'ssOF .|usT|k:g DEPARTMENT FEDERAL BUREAU OF HIVESTIGATION

¢»v'~= 1 - usn, seq rnmrcxsco ""°"°" * kw sm FRANCISCO D!!! 1'6!-I1:"1.i.if'j'4.4.; Ar-13

Field om File I: ']5_2337 Bureau Filo is 75-QBQQS T-* A FRANK LEEmoans; Jon: wtLLIA1~i P£vGLIi92i-,}_ = b"!L t CLAREW CE AN GLI

92 ' snow" ESCAPED TFEDLRAL PRISOJER-- COM SPIRACY _ ,._-=_Q-_'? ..l'i *1?-*3 _ 1._;_.. an inmate at theUnited StatesPenitentiary, Leavenworth, Kansas,and a former inmate atthe United States b Penitentiary,' ' Alcatraz, California, statedthat he had no infor- 71! mation regarding es of ANGLIN brothers and MORRIS from no attempts ma deb tes Y other i maTI. iii Alcatraz. to es former associ T5:

brothers, if they were alive, during last Christmas season, but had heard nothing. Claims none cf family has received word from Escapees or in fact word from anyone with encouragement as to their survival. Information received frun various sources that one or more of Escapees seen set forth. Same checked out negatively to date. Human jawbone washed ashore on Pac' "icOcean beach near San Francisco determined not to belong 92/xaotnt scatvees. SUBJECTSzx:§ef_¬tY AT as LARGE ARE_ __L_DA._~I_GERO__ AL '__ U3.CGFVICTED ,__.;, BANK_ __ ROBBERS7_ _P_ ___


This document contain: neither recommendation: not c0nc].u|i§nS cl the FBI. It la the property of the FBI and in iocmed 10 Your cIq¢ncy; it and us conleml are not to be distributed outside your agency.


EI DQOl'§92. ..5e92., ---tum.-...A1'92f=|InI92r -..._.....:.,i, anat1-Iqie llll Innnfin re-_~.¢.m.-_ statements, where indicated, explain th1S


X Deletionswere madepursuant the to exemptionsindicated belowwithno segregablematerial available for release to you.

§§g;ign SQZ §ection 55;;

U b!! - U b!! A! E1 d!!

[:1 b!! El .b!! B! U .i!! U b!! Rf tbx"/> <:> Q l<1>> U l

U b!! E! ii !

4 _ } . 1 °*°° "- -"-"" t""'PERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATI 7 ! Q Dots __ - A 1:74 1mt¢, United States Iehitentisn-y,b¢!D heaven ct interviewing , agents thatas, es erviee, he ees sss setco.:£:1Il.ed advisedto oi the sake identitys lfI$QIlil end that any statsssntm ssee c he seed sgsinst his in a eon:-t oi lee. ls was advised that he was entitled. ; r:§- to eonssit an attorney. Is threats es praises sen-e snde .,, to induce his to sshe a statesent. elded thst he eoeie lsraish so iszorsetien reg ng e escape oi the Ali!-II brothers 1:-as the Iaiteo ltatis Isnitentisry, at iilcatrss it ssch iniorsstioa ees known to his. Is stated he hast oi so attespt sale by any other othersat innate theto tine escape the LE3! or any ho-others plans is: =.,m.3§ en esc ettsqpt escape.hy - . "N-in 'p1lli, IOltstated ell. he see oi his is no tiaesay either involved sorting is any is suchthe . industries or Iriting letters is his cell. Is stated that he ieels authorities are sttospting to shoe he eas involved in .5, -.1 ?'.. " this setter to Jnstiiy their sending his to the Federal Institution -H1 1'1 in Illinois, Which is nee being hailt. _ ~"u- - - nitated that while conned at the United States Penitent s.ry catras prior to about April. 1962 he occupied cell -and that he does not recall. the asses oi other inmates in cells is the issediate area. __:,_. . .

92 '? _ . .1"; 2 if 7-1'?!

: '%

If '13-:i.';=..92 .. 1 ""5 "7

-5'-..'~.,;_: ., _...,-~-_1_-.':_:_ -5 -_;., -. _.»-_.,'1" -.2 ~ i 92;;<.. On ___.J.A24/-63-1» ______Loa1onsor_th,._Isnsse.___ Fat. # I S9 7Q-_3'l7*5

This 1'01-IIooenoy; doeutucui it contains ond its contents neilbhr recommendations are not to be o|_"nhu0d n tgmud. rm" the mq.m:;, PB! It 1 s the P1-oPsrt7 of the FBI and ts loaned to

-3.. /~92 ,92 7 _ .._ _...... -._-. .._... _..._._ i._._..._..__..._ -._ .... U H ._ A ~' _ _ -r -- ~1-nr- ______ u ' I I . ,1 . . f ;!

1 . - sr vs-zaav B-!£_ AT P:§R1<§:R_2 14;;-q };o*R1< L-!L_, reflected On thatOctober 3 1962, who inquiries had formerly by the resided Buffalo at OfficeParker, New Yarn, ' a had move rom fh area durinv L mid-October 1962 and had gone to Ruskin, Florida.

-1 -1.9.»:

Y. I F 1

8%?:1 r.- - 2* , i- . | ' _-._

i;"*Z - -¥.'»T-i ":_ 1:! . '-F- J _~5? _| ,.4§.., . '.'.."' . '-;;'~_-'1'. . -_r_$~..+, l:J92:' .'= -V-._.,,._. _


4.- '~: I 92c

-I4- H13? r"""- /-92 r _ _ __ , W .. ~41 M ____ ,__,_____ _,_,,_,_i.. _ _.___..i__.--1-----------V V»- --~ -I f 1 n 0

,- _ __ . , O _£74. . - qv 1 J

. <11?" --..." ._- ,V_-.T§1 kn. §'I'K if 1_FLORI§_DA BUS | ~i The followinginvestigation wasconducted by SA_ tvz-,3-'3 F ._e : _____74. OnNovember 1962, 23, attempt was madeto locate b _with negative results. |,qr.,L'!D

"-...2"' ~?-3-:i"*.-1 i H .

&&-__- 5 ..'T.:".1 ': ;2:':.;_ -4. 3, . C. L1 TD t. _ he ESS on W ANGLII~I . tated the first he had heard at that JOHN A.92IGLIN es ca catraz was when he was up north 'a92.;: hadat Baker, read in New the York, wherenewspaper he washis of pickingescape. tomstated toes. He he stated has he not ; _ seen or heard of JOHN or CLAREMCE A.~IGLI1~Iin many a year, and he would immediately contact the FBI upon receiving any word con- 92QQll5f~.c:'n1"92'i HJEL+'l'|a'i'v'| n rrllli-J-GL1-lJ92J92l-I-GO 1.11-92n1'92¢:'|'92r92192+1: stated he wasnever close to CLARENCEand knows .-. of no information of value concerning CLARENCE as to his habits , asssiiates, or information leading to his present whereabouts. stated he had met JOHN 'T~ILLIAi'IANGLIN in approximately n Ruskin area skating rink where they both enjoyed skating. riens stated other than that J01-IN his A1-JGLIN brother,&Hewas ' - e, had stated no extremelya few closetimes he and PNGLIN had gone to a few of the taverns around the area; however, it was not excessive.

7 He further advised to the last seen JOHN ANGLIN in the Ruskin best lreiterated.=- In he could not of his knpwledge he had 1 area .".|."'! approximately four years I"925I1'l§ann n'|nq.n 'F-ninnriq. and Ie an 5.-unwwt.-J -...-..v~.-92. iii...-av, W. he wouldknew of immediately no hiding contact places or the possibleFBI locations of JOHN ANGLII92!. x ,_.92

1 , '- ' - " - "v Q Q f__! -

Z %8=="~ w¢,92=-an

ghi ch ANGLINmight have been made family.appears b Sub'ec'ts of this sincere inves ga has and witha desire e to ANGLINcooperate brothers the survival with mayder be thatresolved. anydouit iigardinithe advised that the family has received no information regar ing tue ANGLIN brothers and has not received a word from anyone which gave them any encouragement. She stated that her father and mother believed that if they were ever to hear from CLARENCE or JOHN WILL_IA.'~! ANGLIN again, that they would hear during the past Christmas season as they did not believe their sons would let Christ mas go

1.... 4,..-

_a ain E P ledged hercooperation withthe PB]? and advised thate was in contact with her parents and "§:.'_:" *.i=- ";rr_; other close relatives constantly, and that she would immediately =- , contact the Tampa Division if any word is received which would ll-1:1 be of assistance in this investigation.

.31-§_'VI -.' l?-..-1".1



I Page s! withheld entirelyat thislocation inthe file. One ormore ofthe following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Deletions were madepursuant the to exemptionsindicated belowwith nosegregable material available for release to you.

§g§1i0n 5:2 §§_¢¢i_0IA..§.5l§ U b!!

U El b!! A!

I El b}!

U <1!!

El U

El b!! C!

b!! Q b!! D! U l


El Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your ICQUBSII.

Ci Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only.

El Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. These documents were referred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you.

Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!.

Page s! withheld for the following reason s!: _

[:1 For your information: , _ I _.

X The following numberis to be used forreference regardingthese pages: I-K. . ,,.92 a_. A _e;=* , ;~:_'_;i-;,,-A-nut.ii-~ - e~e;_ W WA,_____ ,_, ___,_!__ _,___,_l;,______¥_, _____ f .. _ . 0 < *. /. ,¢ G ;!

' SIr"._75-288

AT VIAMI,FLORIDA 57L On October17, l962, Depa.1tmenta]. Attorney, presently assigned to the i'l1.am:.area, a vised that an infoone 's f had Phoenix, furnished himArizona, informationpossessed indicating pertig,ggt_info;"ma- that tion regardlng Subjects escape and indicated that-lad in- f0I'r!92a'tJ.OT1the affect to that at least one of the Escapees was successfulin reaching the mainland.

dviseci that his informantdid not further identi except to state that he is well known to '=.-*'~:? thePh ce of theFBI. n 5- By communication dated-November 8, 1962, the Phoenix DlVJ.S1.0I1 advisedthat_'"-'_was unknown to that office. la

_ .-§__4_-iio.;

_'=t"*-us 1 "a Ht,92 in-,1

., i_. 7-

_-,..,-._. -=5"-..a__.--. '1-T.._,5 -5 _ J 57¢. i . » 3" AT RAIEORD, r_L._c;31nA 1,1 ¢___b'!_Q 92- . ==§fe ,_,= 1" = _'-,_~, -ix_ -1 -"FE. .'-'-"' 1,


1/93 /"92 ""92 4-no 12-14-as!Rev. ,5 XXXXXX I ,~ XXXXXX


Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following _l_ statements, where indicated, explain this deletion.

El Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you.

Sectign Q52 Section 552;

E1 <1! D b!! A! El d!!

El b!! El b!! B! El .i! Z! El b!! X1 b!! C! |:i l

Cl b!! E! El l

El b!! F! U l

E1 hm! El b!! U k!!

III two! III b! 9! El l

El Information pertainedonly to a third party with no referenceto you or the subject of your request.

El Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only.

U Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. These documents were referred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you.

Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the reieasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!.

Page s! withheld for the following reason s!:

El For your information:

R The following numberis to be used for referenceregarding thesepages:



'1 I 4 0 J . 7 92 1 ,1 V!


SF 76~28B7 574-

Ihe following information was received from the Seattle ce on %cember 12, 1952: 57¢ iovemb 9 2 820 advised as follows: UL An individualusing thename of aSm employedOctober on tnrouggn his ranch 16 picking 2s,apples October l962.had f m a prox a ma 1969-1950 ey four-door green Po;-1t Spokane ounty license plates kn on it, he believes. was in the Post Office and noticedwhom theemployed wantedhe flyer the of MORRIS under nameof as tated similar the individualin appearance and description to Subject .- RIS. There are no ' idua s at the anch who could identify MORRIS, but

en orse by dated October 26, 1962,

Ei >§-16;? 1'..;. .11. e~ 2»-1_. . Information receivedfrom theFBI Labor-a .5 January3, 1953, reflected thatthe endorsemento listed on tne $10.00 check was not comparable with the available '~-,4. known handwriting of FRAQK LEE MORRIS; however, nothing of a particular sigxificance was noted during the comparison of the endorsement with the available handwriting of MURRIS.

.__ fg, Seattle communication to the Identification Division 451,5 of the 21+, 1963, requested a search of the . .3..,_;;-- name o n an effort to locate an identifiCa.-- tion recor and p o ograph. _

W15 it 92 c-~ ' :7_ . ,e4e, e 1 _- __ ~;;~__- __ _ __._ Li... V ______;_ . ___ .t.,.. V __. . ..

, * » ' . ,3 _ .

Q i 0 ' %_! q-a_ l v--_ .- J sxi vs-zasv5!;

'Ihe following information was received from the If New OrleansOffice on December 28,1962: KID g ant I. 0. No. 3582, he believes he saw this 4 Q 6.1 -> individualabout L -. ljenne

O0 e game of pool was invited to play pool with an individual whose name he cannot recall, but believes to be CLARENCE APIGLIN, and described as 4 I 25 to 26 years, 5'9", 135-ll+lJpounds, blond hair, sharp chin, andthin lips, dressed drinking beernstates' vis and plaid,individual the long-sleeve sporta little acted shirt, "goofy,"each had poolshot ahe smart madea eckand personality constantly andshowed talked a ot offstatesabout the profile photograph of CLARENCE ANGLINon wan e lyer, taken in 1958, is the best likeness. .,~£-. - ti? :92""£-""9,- The followinwinvestigation wasconducted by L '1;'..1,1 ' on December 27, 1962: "-*.'_. AT Ks:-:;¢:;r1,_:-assogrg; ' wr-bib Grogans Pool rlall, stated that after viewing the Nanter Flyer .10. 305, the front view of CLARENCE ANGLIH looks familiar; however, he could not state where or under what c" es. :1 t t he is not acquainted with eitheincident o ovem0 l er6 as escribedand he not 123$ recall the 37 MD Grogans Pool Hall, stated that after viewing the wante y er the face_ looks familiar but he cannot placedescri it and tion indoes the notPool recall Hall. havingHe seen stated he anyone does of not a simi know-xi and and the above incident is not recalled_by him. ~ i.-hm é. Brown Durby Pool Hall, stated after viewing e wanted fly er that CLARENCE a A.»IGLII92I* ILS' unknown to him and that he does not recall ever having seen a person of /ills p-92_ ____,_ _, VAJ - nF»~__-ggqr -1 ~~_ _ _ - ...-_....'.-._-_._..-..._.___... ._.. 1 I , _ ' 0 Z i ' t 1! .


3. IT 7a_2aa1B7 4_ ET It is noted of the two, Grogans is the only pool hall 7; ..»92-: .-,1.-.._-.11.-. 1-....,...-. Wu-I-92-u as;-A-4.a UCCJ-'0

The following persons, all having viewed the wanted flyer,°state d CLAENCE PQIGLIWI was unknown to them and they do n llot PGCB E

ourit State

t fice


i&§ g $m- $1 7 W,*:'92¢- .: '.-..*s- . "aw. 2'

.¢..._,. >1 _-0*: -I.1 _'1.' .-_.. 3'44.. . .,92-


_ 12 _ ,-u. 4-1,


Offlce onTheJanuary followlng1963 H,lnfomatlon wasrecezved fromthe BoZ

t '.1 Portland, alne,L es; en gency er o servlng the wanted 1-he RENCE ANGLLJ Ie was pOS11I.1V8 that ANGLI1 and ....- t res1d1ng at Palmer, Alaska,were 1.dent:.ca1 "slw _re1ated that he was employedby and llved w1.th hflocateu _ c Palmer, 1962 toNovember 'viu¬I"Fu.¢'iSrt&, 1962nall farmu 4.1V ; . ept elg cows anddrove anold FordplC!Up truck ._. '~-w~' .;-2.0» :4 dJ.d the ooolunwthey and twohad meals per dayCOI'1SlS|Zl1lg 92-rié:- V..- ; most y of eggs. -1: 'ad I- cllned to pay-clalmlng he was broke, however, rved a bank book on the Natanuska Valley n , , as Al k a, 1 1c h h eved reflected a balance of ,._-_,.__U_ over $1 S00 00 {e recalls money from the :;.7;;;~_' bank to oav off h:|.s alleged brother .-_'e a for three weeks , 8.I"IlV1I1g by plane from Boston, where he worked 1n a rented the farm from someone 1n the An recelved mall from the owner. observedpad the four rlfles, two pJ.S1ZO15small anroomused a arge anas quanuty offlce. o ammunltxonrie remarked wmchthat he ke 1: 1n a pI"ElClIJ.C¬'.Sthese weapons wlth regularly a ¢

a ter refused to son or several days work

O1~N JILLIAM ANGLIN and FRA92IK Lr.F rle noted a resemblance between MORRIS and in ,3, ,- F'9292 AI-92_ ._..i_- l ;~e s aw»; - *~ - - 4 is _ l_ __ __ . _ ,___:v_: W,i __ 1 1 , . v. U J

2 ii is-zest!!¢ describedqas abouttwo yea~ .'- uld notidentify JOHN ANGLIN. e volunteered tha as always unshaven, was white, male, in his t irties, a ark hair and eyes; tattoos on both forearms, possibly reflecting a girl and 1. a heart with an arrow.

1- The following information was received from the Anchorage Office on January 8, 1963: -.l- Eng


. 4'3!

char-agePalmer, Alaska,files Office has beenreflect in 1s area since 1957. - ii,

£5} '

r-.>:-. .--._. -15-3, Q-.--' .514. 2 .. t.P ~ .1 2 -'K;-5 and

no possibility that he could be identical with " e

' 0 I in

-114- 11°17 /-~ ,.-__

. i . j - 1 i___! '

L it vs-zaajafjgj B! 4- On January 8, 1963, the FBI, dashington, D. C., made available to the San Franci fi r received at Washington, D. C., from ' etter, which is dated D ce er , 2, re ates t a atched a television program on December 7, 1962, concern- ine tie three men whe escaped from Alcatraz on June ll, 1962. while watching the program, he recognized the gang leader MORSE! . and possibly another member since they had worked on his septic tank at his farm. 57% H. a 9, 1963 was interviewed by SAs an ' z '* '* ti cw I-I_ Investigation revealedthatphad his septic tank cleaned during August 1956 or 19 , w ich was prior to the T escape from Alcatraz of the Subjects in this case. It was ;,,;:,.;j further determined that one of the men who had cleaned his septic gee tank resembled one of the actors who played in the recent TV .-"§g¬f:! program depicting the escape from Alcatraz. ea-i°~1'.-.1- .- E

.;:. _ __ .. Psi.W 4 ii


- 15 _ 92 AUG '92 ,-.92 . * _ _ cc c _ . _ i all or _r _,_,i._,_ .. r r___r - eel:

1 j - 4

1 si 1s-2aa1 L7 L

..... '1'h8fO11Uw1ng , __-_-__. .LI1fULlild.tJ.Ull :_ .._._.. .'.._ .._ wr:S _... 1.-cclvéd..'.. f£0i tha Office, FBI, on January ll, 1963: b! a!v1se! 111 !ovember l9!2 he was staying at a large !otel anamedunrecalled, in Montreal, Canada, at which time he observed a hotel maintena oyee he believed to be identical with CLARENCE ANGLIN. said he oould not remember the name of the hotel where he o served the man he believes to b N but described it as one of the largest in Montreal. could not recall the exact dates in November 1962 he t this hotel, but he did recall he used his true name in registering.


_*_ '---'2-.'a;'-3<1 3--9 -.- - -

f i; : iii

*:'@:.' %t15?- aw - 5"-I 3 :~

0" z


-Q /-I-. 45

I . 0 _ 1 ,7 p Q 1 } L!

1 er '1|:='2nn1 92£-J ""'-'I 57

On November 26, 1962, Of San Mateo County, Redwood City, Caliiornia, made availaole a photograph of a hunen jawbone which had been found shortly prior to that date in the area of Thornton Beach, San Mateo County, California. lhis jawbone had evidently washed ashore and was . located by two juveniles hiking in that area.

Officers of immediately checked the surrounding area without locating any other bones or remains of a human being. 87¢

On December 12, 1962 Contract vi 9% Dentist for the United States Penitentiary, Alcatraz, alifornia, viewed this jawbone and checked the dental structure against the 5% -' .-4» charts maintained concerning the Escapees. He advised that this jawbone could not have belonged to any of the Escapees due to the difference in dental structure and missing teeth.


§.;" aye.-.


.4-.._': I -

- 17* -


omoouu.no. Ion ll " J mo-nu ' ' ~ umrran STATES Govaim"I NT 5 .s '0 F- 0 Memorantzum L 5 T° = DIRECTOR,6-26295! FBI B»-1'E=2/14/63A '3| "*°W§'SEA'1"I'I-E sac, 'R"°'! 6-1762!

svuiv FRANK LEE MORRIS I0 # 3584 aka - FUGITIVE 1 sscA1=F.|:r'1F§"1>EmL- RRISONER L/ 'cousrmcy SA ' a . ! RE Seattle letter to Bureau dated2/7/53. ' u1='7¢

is a photograph of the indi picking apples dur- i ns October,l , and who theythough t id was en ti ca1 t o /. the subJect e is no question in her mindthat s the individual who X worked for t em on t eir ranc . In viewof thefact that-has been iden- tified andis not identical tosubject MORRISno further investigation beingconducted bythe Seattle office. A PASTame ANDms A masmwscm BEEN 6?nseonmnmo pABE coN- ARMEDIN THE - f- I. ::g:3- San Bureau Francisco 6-2887! 92:7- ttle ¢ git-3 * .. . "/61 ,2; 2 9 :7- /ax! 92 ' __. | -_ 8 FEB1'9 I963 § _ _ L _____ - L7 92L Yd L 62 FEBzsfasi 4 ,-~ 92-

/ , . ii 92-|; um-104OVIIOIMI lo' in 7 . _ ' lolun. / / UNITED STATES co"'"uMs1~rr 92 Memoranaum92 I i _/ h ~ c 92

-m= _ nrasc Attetion: . rs: Identiricat6-262951 on Division ~92 E/Y/63 DATE: rnou: _ .| SEATTLE T6'1T62! "Pj éf fl u: -¢'- 4/ y Q 1/ ' l . I0 SUBJE FRANK LEE# FL aka ORRIS- FUGITIVE I ESCAP kl, CONSPIRACYD FEDERAL PRISONER_ - J" _ oo-sanrnancxsco! _ Re Seattle lettert 1o Bureau,/ 274 / 36 . 16!L Kw follows: 7 when subject first appeared at their ranch during October 15, or 16, 1962, he was with two Indians. They stated they had been picking apples in the Tbnasket, Wash- . , ington, area, and that the Indians were supposed to be 7 _ helping to get his car in shame to to the State of ' Wisconsin where these we r e from . According to tained from __-.. one of the Indian s, up in Seattle, Washington,area andlater and toWenatchee. the Tonaket, Washington, A nd the ed tothemselves, b lived -=-_. y in a small ca n on the ranch Q and d I101; 92.,; -'-"r.~-1. '_= Q:=-3-gy . freguent any tayerns in_the eshastin area. when _subJ_ect __-" .f_.1r,,-,4;Q .4- 1 92 Le]. t,he hautaxen the.|.ncu.ans intowenat ton, I E?epiIa .**9J what ' obtain left themthere, money he hadthen and coming, returned andto also the what money to he - §--K Indians hadcoming, statinghe wasgoing to use it to get _. . his car repaired. SubJect left, and later Indians appeared --... .»--t stating subject had dropped them off in Wenatchee, and had taken off with their share or the money. -. ~' _ SubJect had trouble with the ignition in the _ s??? - Bureau 6-262 5 - Sanlganciseoe ' 7 28812-A 102 . _, En 0- %@,*t>, 7%-3653715 M Iv h U 7 s FEB-121963

- - $14- 19,0 1""-

ss 76-1762 _ Pontiac,according and to had gonea to wrecking yard in Leavenwor as ington, to get work on the 1 ition switch done

seen the wanted flyer of subJec ted that subJect appeared similar to that she did not notice any tattoos , and she had seen him in a short sleeved A searchof thecabin wheraiadstayed é- reflected a lastp arry t e container used 0 c water 1 with the initials

4--<11!A uary25iLeavenworth Hreck g 19539.11 Yard, H avenwor7L as n ong , a vised a o s f 11 ows

They recalled an individual brining in a -.r straight eight Pontiac, about a l9h6 to 1948, and ,.- ¢ desiring to have a new ignition put into this car -4 f However, when they asked this individual for money, he stated he did not have any, but that he would return at a later date and pay them. Because of the fact that this individual tried to con them into putting in the ignition switch they recall the incident ->.;. -11,,;':§_;'t . '. -'1 Iere shown a photographL of FRANK LEE an stated that this photograph was hf! not similar to the individual who tried to have an - » ,+i.~,,-,. ,1_-"I@.'*'?"':"*w. ~- .- ignition switch put into a 1946 to 1948 Pontiac.

.___ ._ _ .= II f het above, it does notappear L'! _ l.-..-: . -. *1-i tha.t is identical with subjectMORRIS a__;<":Z? :-* '1 However,to identify nves andga ion eliminate wi ontinue in an effort : 9 -ta; --,-V; 1.5, The Iden cation iv on is requested to he name of hrough their and crimina rt to locate .--'=:'"""'* tion record for

1", '1- I T0 BE A [T1IEFlP"1 F-~---~ - ---- ~ - __ . 92 _ __

1 0 "_ ' 4! i I; SE T5-1762


SEA!['ILE OFFICE F? Ojlygipiakiajshington _ _ _ lb-m F? I it 3e§tJ11e,_?Uaah1n5t*pn

i_g;<_i. Fi,'.l-$1 lit Spokang, * 7 Waahinggon * B 14. ::-.;~.92 -11: mi mo

is .14;-;v. -'_ .

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-3- _

92Q.__ G /-n|92 »92

< ',@ MHOIIAI. I03 ND. I0 ' mo-104-01 . 1 " .! . 92 T92 UNITED STATES GOV-..-RNMENT 195! K _~/ Memorandum §F La TO i D1I'BCt°I', pATE;rQb1'uary 27

» .t-nI.Ir<<:ia6 - . -E} '¢ ._--.92 __.~/' =:,-.~. --;:?'-f§'.¥:- .'-- - w,. i-"Mi4.f¥='-?'{#,-"-5 ', .-' ,Q"!'?'.I "§.. 4 "Q-1--~' _--..~ 7--'5--. '5 .. V E v .2. f-""F::z§-é 0. --~-§'.-'" . ".% n1-" -1!.-K3 -I 1-- *¢~§§ , '=-. 115 ,":~.»"- .7 15". ""1-. t... "1.-I -.§?.. .._--~.-s."~:. A. . _. " -5- . ..". '- 1-.92.»<.,,_.-ad, '. __t-I-. -7-... "=-<.., -E3; . = -._. -.§;.. é gm . -- -|.~ . git?_-.~-.-..-..-,.;.;;92¢.-.';I'=.T;; -1*-" " :i>¢'_;'§:'-_V 1:? _":_=,;f-g ~_- '- -" Q .>.=*"- ». -ii-.'_=~ 5»'~= -1. -**" '§¬j-¬ " 1?: +.1;~'. -? rim »1-!1..!5RRI8w'-ilknf 'i*§*'§§§ Ti?, _ _;-=_.--R ..-* - '~.~}:-2: tr-' .. 11..;,1Jbe1'r1vn - - _ V ~*- _" - "A .- -5&3 1-~__{- ,-" " -=.g!_" "'2 _. :- -_;'§_-.- , 5 }9292' . _-;._ _ HP. ' _ -I - -_'{'»".-;*-§:+;?_;g';f"';=-'?-_-j_' " 1" 17.|§wjl-Y F5» i,-_;$_- - .~ '- + - :~ §' J5 -T $3. _ - . ',F R.r. 1 _._,. ' ii ....-_.. BF??? §11'1=-_c1....1=_<>, tie. lat.-Q .-_1/piss . 1»-7 0I

. |_ 1 H, -£1

.2-__ I _,_92_

1 ? One extra copy oi this lcttor is, F! 5 ' r ..=f_0r Bu Francisco 6-2887 '-Q0!, - =-= -.. .' -5 .-gs -1- . "- ,'I ._; a ,. .__,_,.,_ 1..-. r :.. '_...... -., -.;-1...... 1,-1.-ti; .- 6 "U-.u 4 - Bureau - San Francisco -/ I I -- .4 1 - Liaison direct! 'W .. _ . t}-51: / J. r". - .. i ; ;.- - "..tv -1 i w an x . :13 '11 n. .-,5 11;

A @8393 7' _"-"_ 7 _ gr.-.:.'.= 1953 i ~ 6* *= ¢'_ '.'. .-"--' '- .92 ' ' .£" _: . _ ' '- .=. r , J .7 92 .- .-'3" -i . .1 Q -. § 1'. I "' ; " r _ -_,,.x _ X ._ .-_. .- ,r'_ ' . 92 . '- '...|--i -- 2_ '1! __:;_- r. . ,.'...n . ; .- ,'-- ~.-, F. .'- -=- ".- I 4 _ _Y 92 ¢ 7 " 14?. l I57 ¥

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1- P ...».- W

Z Transmit the followinq .'.._;.. -zltl-f "I " '_' ,§_.; .. 1 .. ~ _ on T ":3 .-_ " -n. gq - j_1"" e ;-_t ' i ' ;~""l'Y , ll - _ . .p-LN _{fria_rig_arIat_la_ lfId~!-;"S!- -1'0: _ _§-plialcrm, an: T6-36295! __ F men: :_ no, an _nm|c1aco_p 6-28a'[!__;;r-o-W}/' m . r - , _ _ ._ _. __,. , ..,,__ L _.

h tor the information or the Bureau; iuden OI-II Gr- t . B =1-iapig-nee/2'/'@e§,tenti' llcatr :1-=at ' P - '="¢- I _ " , was Inland,ran: Iaah. erre " on - hat date -to the ..~ . .. . en -iary, 14¢ IIIIL _ _--e _;-M_Me_on 2/21/63, he 1¢v1==<11=rmF i was Leavenworth,transferred ltanaaa. on the preceding date p o he . U. 8. i e I . .. V . e It is noted that bothot theaeindividuala are t » carried aa eubjecta in this matter. The above transfer: ar _¢ F t in azcordanee with the routine phasing out of all innatea '& = '1 from Alcatraz. It has COHFIDENTIAIJ-Y been ascertained that 92 d _ H Harden BLACEHELL expects to Have HI or the innate: moved - ""'~- . from Alcatraz by the end or Mu.-eh _1963.p_ h ~---"~"""""" 1 37 --this matter. The above ia tor _ 'the completion or Bureau tile: in

.1 K SUBJECTS 1'1 LARGE ABE AIL CONVICTED BARK ROBBER8 gnouxg » n d -~ A .;92»1?@¬

-B°;*,;n _ h .1;

V _- T,. c. 92McR-. U-nu-_ _ __ W

92 __:_7 p______¢~04=» QM 4 Approvec ' -___ - " _- _ e ____ Sent i.._iM Per ' " 'Speclc'il'-Alien 1nChcn-qe L ' 92 308 /~. .-92 ._.._. __ _ ...... _._n-....-,-- ._ c /2» s-02. g-2y92-an- ' Hon. f ! 7 56/, ' 1

Date: 3-12-63 _To: Director. FBI Buiile : T6-26295 ! 1/ 'h . Attention : _____._..__._._

____'!. / LegalAttache, Ottawa Y6-51 3 1 Character V T EFP - coasrxnncy O Z ______FRANK I-E ' ItIS, Aka.; ET AL - Reference FUGITIV _ " Mylet 2--2'?-'63. {V 0: SanFrancisco! /0 507 f Enclosed,theoicllowina 1:-;'e communicationsxeceived-9;-1 imm $1 Q51 nd5 ~92.t two copies of -rhich is self-explanato 1'3 O . as YT / . :5? __,/ . kl.- Remarks: D , . 6' Lt I If 6, . V 1'


=. a_.:5 .'*"_ ;,_ -7- -me.

_ - u, :".'i. .36" z.-f1

5§,;,': Dissemination l_"-:1L...A_1 beMay made as teceived D~ Y E3May May benot mademade as bemchcated iuxther bywithout stamp on enclc abclearance

Follovqinq officeswoula beinterestedin receiqjnqcopies ofenclosures: " San Francisco 6-2597! - X 1* n stG us twi toh this oisacf 3 L ' D"M "°' J1_?£.!9/Ti/73*"'*""!°''m°'-" [mic 27 I I n1-1/~ _ t - , . '_ , _ g __ .- _ Ii._I HUM I "92! I 1* L_F?L§/9'"!-" : , -7 '_ E] Peninq _- -_....._ ._,__ . 3 - Bureau - San Er"ncisco!~ - - , Inlnc. _3, _ p »-1-.1 I2 FMR15153 1,~ctca<-.-.-.1 -- 1 * " ma. 5" _


_a__Page s! withheldentirely this at locationin the file. Oneor moreof thefollowing statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. -E

Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you.

Section S§2 Section 552;

El b! l! El b!! A!

E] b!! El b!! B!

U b!! b!! C! 1:1 d!! U j!!

El |:| !

U l

|:| l

U l

Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your |:: request.

Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. R Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. These documents were referred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you.

Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. XXXXXXPage s! withheld for the following reason s!:

XXXXXXFor your information: XXXXXX - _,4"- 4_92 * 1- n 1 ~ n n - ' *""***"*"

5:9! g!!O-QIQSTJ , - ; F D v -1 .00 " 4'- ' J D==*== 3-2.9-63 To: Director, FBI Buitle : 76-26295 1

Attention '

cg: LegalAttache, Ottawa T6- S1 ! Tiii z z * if "Z L 1 it Z "A ft W i Z /. 9 Character FRANK LEEQIORRIS,Aka.; ETAL ,,_ EFF- OONSPI__ _, RAG! _ ___ r FUGITIVES Q L4 eterence . .-51'.E _ - '35" , _,; . 0:51?! 1»0? b_30"! My R/S 3-12-63. .n;_-.- "WE-.

} P '1 .-. :11, '§ -92 -$11 .-_ I 3"" " |

, ,1;

Elncleeed we ti- "Err can-.:-....nicz."£c"'="ecei*.'e.c!_ - {rem -1.11.~--1...~;.;i -'-.1»; co * es

1 ' ,5-*-*1 -- =:.'.e'emarks: "--gar." -'--".. ,.-Z'rs':" -s" --'1.-_-.1 ' ¢_ '4

Should any further info:-r1.=. tier: be forthcoming in this matter, the Bureau will be promptly advised. _


Z-__-.--iiDissemination /" El May be madeas received b |:] May be madeas indicatedby stamp on ?92. lg.

1 e 4-rso Rev.1:-14-es! ! XXXXXX XXXXXX }O XXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET 92 Page withhelds! entirelyat thislocation in the file. Oneor more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. 8 Deletions were madepursuant tothe exemptionsindicated belowwith nosegregable material available for release to you.

§gg;iQn §§2 ggtion 552a

U b! l! El b!! A! U d!!

U b!! U b!! B! U j!!

U b!! Cl b!! C! U l

as W We E b!! D! U l

U b!! E! U l

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U b!! I] b!! U

U b!! III b! 9! U KX6!

U b!! U l

U Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your 1'¬¬.ll.IBSt.

[:1 Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only.

El Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. These documents were referred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you.

Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!.

Page s! withheld for the following reason s!:

U For your information: *

i The following numberis tobe usedfor referenceregardin these pages: ' y ry_'_70--»I_§v7-I5-.|"!"f -me.-u;92~r-¢_y,,y.yy O, W


N C7 !'_'92 pi Kr " #7 ..-1. 3, ~*9292'!1: FD-2'{E__Urov. a,-s-s :1 riomr; ...umu or »|uv:s§sl.I|oi|

i"°§L3"¥hwE1§co 'm|..rc-.; i 9 [°"'§'@£~:°i*1i1=»;-xcxsco 7 7 ' V 7" "11/1a/63 lpo Illdlb T'"h°7i'5 7 7 W 7 P1"°l1*/aisa7 7 7 By; rnmx 1.22 nomus, aka -92 % § Ft»---»=-~ N1WP # OB ;O #3583 - FUGITIVE ' E-E-P _ c0NSp:[RAcY - A*IGLIT_aF'a »/ ~ Ca 1 Ni 1.1iam Miller, at r A j *7 >"Z?4ii_ _ 51" mwnrlllzl j £74

INVESTIGATIVE summzx nnvonr - 57L -§£RE1=ERENCE: Report of S ated at A San Francisco, 2111/B . - I 2,. % _,,__ l a

. '.2"-- -," _ "F-n-Iv I-1*-1 -. t; :';:;_'..' no¢3uL'-=-. ..A- 1?-iv CVER ' AGE 7 4 - V J _ ,7 _ i ii *.-1. 192IIPNYI=| 59 _| gr Do not write la lpucol bulovr '' i ' I 1 i _ ' ** V ' ~ i _ i r- -{:4 = i . .-as '5 L _._ _ __ I .~_ SEE COVER PAGE ,4, / !--1-15'|175PM_i|x .1 -qf ' ' Q-§*_;-L: .--#*" /' 92 __ I. _ ! 2* I _"" -"-' i gr . 7 W J--| ~_'-_ _..;-*1-' --:1-1.! iii z:=.ec:=q_ 1-; Q , V , ___ 7_ ' I I V. NORRIOHI8 5%?//°%.4"?kw. 54 APB A92Q 923 pn-a In-K _ t i . tin _ . Y, _ II _ I 1! ' I l "I . K l ! I !



- §TIF5TlQ3,APL °FFI¢§§ -.3 D *- Investigation to date has developed no information that $3 Escapees were successful in reaching the mainland from Alcatraz in. Island, nor have any of the numerous relatives, acquaintances and associates of Escapees reported any contacts with Escapees or fur nished information that Escapees made the mainland. The names and addresses of various relatives and acquaintances of Escapees previously contacted are set forth in this report under the head- ing of the field office covering same. For brevity, the lead , 1-.-.. page for each office will only list the locale of the investiga- tion and the page number in the report where the individuals names are listed. Each office is requested to carefully reinter- view these individuals relative to any contact had with them by HEWV», Escapees and for any infonnation that Escapees might have been successful in reaching the mainland. _,. It is noted there are numerous relatives of the ANGLIA .4;-2k brothers living in the same home within the territory of the Tampa Office. In this particular instance, the Tampa Office may ._ . _:._,B ~- :H._,.,-'L'..I 1 utilize discretion and only interview a representative number of if-92;;:92 .3 Q??? the relatives in that particular household.

§H%? COPIEb Y; -j-4-';§':_. _. '-Q-121' ':,;i_ '.;': ''3 -' i'-'~l'.%.3-if PM - Bureau 6-26295! - Los Angeles 6-3789! :1*ae Albany 5-715! Louisville B2OB5! ,¢.J_ - Albuquerque 6-721! - Miami 6-22H5! Atlanta 6-22H6! 5-886! Q; .. 113:7-, 5.1. Baltimore 6-1373! Mobile 6-8H8! .__¢ Binningham 6-1380! New Orleans 6-2H36! ' Cincinnati 5-2955! Oklahoma City vs-2sss> 6-1468! Philadelphia 6l99l! Detroit 6-2372! Richmond 5-1759! Houston 6-1H69! San Diego 6-l2H7!' Uacksonville 6-sou! Seattle 5-l762! Info. ! Kansas City 6-3775! Tampa 6-276! Knoxville 6-1100} San Francisco 6-2887! Little ROCK 6-1464!

_ B _


.__..-____h_i.___...______92______.,______.__i i..____ . ,___.___-_.. _,, ..... _ i _ 92 E Q ' I n* LIY .@ !-

SF 76-2887 is->¢.

Due to the n at information developed efional interest in this matter, any Escapees successfully whereabouts must recei a positive nature indicating that reached the mainland or as to Escapees the Bureau and San Fra ve immediate investigative attention and ncisco Office advised of same. -3if-E All offices _ _. _ .L_ _..- 'L_:J- fdfli LU E.-lr_lJlli:E I:r 1+ ' e reeuite of their inquiries by;in§ert ori§eQort. Z z * +3.5-Z; ...,.;..; LEADS PF. -.1-1-i ALBANY gt Danneggpa, New iota; Page 18

ALBUQUERQUE At4§oegei1, qegH§e§ico: Page 9


A12 Leesbunglmgeopgiaa Page ll

. 1.-1; At Blakelxligeprgiaz Page 11 f'T;"_-T-.92] .L_ _',~."v'--- -Z --:~"r. 2;-:.:,:..i~!- .:-y. at Albany; Georgie; ?age ll ,- i. - ii At Donalsonvillel_ ___ _ __ _ >48 Georoia: Paee - ll


.113»-= 5.". at_Cu@berland, Baryland: Page 16 _--92.:..&'92.,-'_, P - " BIRMINGHAM i - At Tailadega, Ala§ama; Page 16

- ' At;§1eve1andl;Alabana;Page 20 '

CINCINNATI At Hmnilton! Ohio: Page 20

_ C _

COVER PAGE gn- 4-92 _- __._.._.......---.._...? - 1 ______.._....__..__,_._.______92 n ' 1, ' ¢ 1 0 92 ''

- Ann


At Wooster, Dhl Pape 1. At Rittman! 0111- Pa

At haumee, Ohl Pave 20

-|_|u-u--in-1.DETROIT At 'I'ravgQseMlChlg6I1 Cltl, Pave

HUSTON i--;q_-

.....'";,;: A1; Ealnsev PIl§Q!'l_Farm o= _. Pave __

-:'_ #- JA CKSONVILLE ¢§@ 1'0?;_s§-_-5. .'. £i§*Ja.cksQQv1]._lg* _§_lorJ.da Page -.'.'1. '<*..i.- 5:1: Havana1 13]:O_Ilda Pave £;41.-... §_t_l-§1'=hla.nd Vl¬_&1;i?E.OI1daPag » AtR a1 - n jgrd, Flozggii Page


?'J--.-92. ._:_1fa'1sa§-j1+y,At ens_ Page A]; }§§{1sas__C;'ty, _M1ssour~§ Paves A; LeavengQ§§Qi;§§nsa§7 age 18

A t

KNOXVILLE--Z-ii-i -up _ _ Al: OIILVBI _Spp1£1,=:;s3Te_nn_es§ i Page ;-. _. ,.,-.- - ....-.-.----~-- _' I _ L " '7"'*-*--_* ' "_" " " " '-' '" " _'* 92 I l ' - 1* ! L , I I I k It !

75-2887 i 92s'Ic_. I »-1»-1 LITTLE ROCK 'w-.- : '>.;I* At Qygne, arkaneag; Page 20

. -11"- LOS" ANGELES i:92h. Q-fl 3- mu. ¥ mt -6% At Glegdalelgaliforgia; Page 9 "".*,','92f_ . _ _,. At La Pueqte, California: Page 17

LOUISVILLE At Le;ingtoQ;ZKent3g51: Paqe 17

In.-'-* At Cagfcllteqj Kentgpkzf Page 17


A At Ppgpano Peach, Ploriqa; Page 17 1-*§-F;-£;i *;& At West Pa1m Beach, P19rida: Page 17 5- 1 at NaP1es, P1orida: Page 17 mm; ,_P MILWAUKEE -I'l'v At Mi1yaukee, Wiscogsig; Page 20 ,'I . '. MOBILE ie _ _..., --A92.-.- Qt Co15mbia, Alabama: Page 12 At%Dothan*City!§1abama: Page 21

1 NEW ORLEANS _ 7; 71% x,-U. At ew Orleans, Lqgisiana: Page 17 _

'6 KLAHOMA _ . CITY Qt Moore1_OklahQga; Page 17 r--_ _,92 _ --_. .,_._..__...._..____.__.i----_ _ _,_ __ .___a__-- .__-_ {-3 ...... -..~.-~ - ~- -- 92 J A ' t I I F 7 1 * Y ! 1*!



At Graterforgj Pennsylvania: PaqeQ 17 Y

RICHMOND I11 ~_;_' At Roanoke, Virginia: Page 18 , ,7» DIEGO u. SAN @- At San_Diego,_California: Page 9 v

- SEATTLE______¥:T7¢:L_ A 2 One copy of this re ort is being furnished for your -r information since recentlytransferred the to U. S. Penitentiary, cHe1l Is and, Washington, andinquiries may be necessary there in the future.

TAMPA At Ruskin! Florida: Pages 12, 13, 1%, 21 §t Lakelang, Florija: Page 1% --?' -'5'-92?'.'-L1! At Tanoa, Florida: Pages 14, 18, 21, 22 112''-=.-:1 -I' ': 5'2?-:1,< E At Wigtergarden, Florida: Page 1% -"vi ='}.,-"-..*-92 :3 Qt wimagga,Florida: Page 1" ifs At Mims 9 Florida: Page 14 At Da!enport,;f1orida:Page 21 __

s At Auburnqa1e,,Plorida: Page 22 I A at Sun City,Florigaa Page 22 '

SAN * FRANCISCO 5; Roseville, California: Page 9

_ F -

COVER PAGE 92 4-. ,1-92_

_ - .~ 1! 1 Q 92;f ek! -a! L '

76-288787 -

§§?pak1anq, California: Page 18 At West Saqramentol California: Page 18

. "1-,5 _ I -, .1 -{Li -'3-1. -.0 1

- $4 E

~ ' :5- < 1

~'=E"=.7:" -' ;. 1 __ _ !92 w ','.Z__ i T.-Ts l." ,--2'...

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____4_ . _ iii ______._ ____v._._-Z--.1 -..-------- , f , . I . FD-204 Rev.3-a-say - ; » , l Q ; i -0! l..» ._-.~IEDSTATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE " FEDERAL sunsau or INVESTIGATION


c°"'°' H! L

Repel! 0: so Olcc: - PRMCISCO DON: h/18/63

H. 0". F". 3 75--2887 Bureau Filo I: Tillla " FRANK LEEMORRIS; J01-III 1.41LLIAM A!-IGLTTI;


ESCAPED FEDERAL PRISONER - COJSPIRAC" ,-, Synoplils ,.__.; ~71-' At 7:15 a.m., 5/12/52, officers of the United States Penitentiary, Alcatraz, California, discovered FRA£ LEE MORRIS 'r.n"1_! Iv-fI'T1'!92r_l;92!.'rn~r'r.t .f92fAI921"2|!'92?* ____': A-92F92TP'I'-11 -l.-...... -.+-..-- L.-92A 92J'J.'.L~| WJ.L:L|J..H1l£'¥lb1.|.La92£ d.lI-U'.-1..|.d.l92L."H.,.'.- t'1l1Ju..1..I,Cl-L-L J-llJ!lO.L.'~:b, u.cu..1 escaped from their cells, leaving flesh-colored dummy faces in their beds.

11} » Escape made through ventilator area of their cells, I through ventilator lid onto roof and to shore of island. Allegedly had made three yolk life preservers out of rubberized ¢--..21=.'. _'-_ raincoats, and two such preservers subseqiently located in San "I"-7'.1 ¬-_ Francisco Bay. Waterproof pouch, evidently belonging to ANGLIN ei brothers, containing nanes, addresses, photographs and personal -. Q papers located in San Francisco Bay on 5/14/62. -- -..,;:*. 1,7e I-1D . ~ 1*; Q andof SS'-ilorefje . a ' ll," Norwegian. . ship, on 17/62 saw a body floating in ?aci.icF Ocean some 20 miles northwest of Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco. ' i. Did not pick up sane or even report it until weeks later. Body clothed in dirty white-appearing, full-length trolsers which could have been_ . prison "orb ' Records 0 - 0 of U S OCoast Guard Qi drowningsSan Francisco,in Sanand Fre. which ~ ' concern Gate Bridge, contain n ssing and SJlClQ&S from Golden trousers during pertinen period. clothed in white-appearing I I

This document coniulns neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. Ii ls the property of the FBI and ls loqned to Yur uency; it and its contents are not to be dlstribuied ouiside your agency.

ill /Iiu »-he _ ~ I -';:_'_*~_ ~_ _, '_ _ W» 7, 7, _,_ ; - _ _ _ L __ _,___ __,..,. , , _,_,__., _,_,,_ , I 1 4 4 * _ I iU {'1 .= W! 5 | i

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"-'_. Liaison with police agencies, searches, neighborhood ¢1 investigation and various inquiries in the San Francisco Bay area have developed no information indicating that Escapees arrived on the mainland. Authorities indicated that bodies of Escapees possibly carried out to sea by the outgoing tide which . ._, ,_ was existent during pertinent period and recovery of same remote. t , __. Interviews of relatives of Escapees, prison inmates, 11' - - associates and acquaintances developed no information indicating Escapees had contacted them. _ , r»_;» <- ;..'.:;;_92':> recenYET6§THE'%F"Enite§ti?¥y P '~ at hlcatraz 1 92=r! :L . ; : U. S. Penitentiary, Hceil Island, .P~'7- . S. Penitentiary, Leavenworth, '1 -2 1?-_F-" "-' 3'5na tlanta, Geo I

SHOULDBs_CfogsIoE1'En BJECTS[§II__LARG"-I. 1:.XT_REl1ELY ,,_ DA 1. snags. co-§v_1 W sm~rg,_RoP P P P

- P - 92 .»= 71-0- DET AI L S: .l"'_ _|-.4. e; §QVHl*'1ARY ,_l:92IVB S TI I O_7_{ asst'. "' "1 ; At 7:15 a.m., June 12, 1962, officers of the United States Penitentiary, Alcatraz, California, discovered that FRANK I .3" LEE MORRIS, JOHN '--JILLIAM AEIGLIN and CLARENCE. ANGLIN, all inmates, AM had escaped from their cells, leaving flesh-colored dummy faces in their beds. The escape route consisted of holes dug through the back of their cell walls near the ventilator area, climbing 1 -~ plumbing pipe in the utility corridor behind the cells to the top of the cell block, where they broke through the bars and_ 3., .92_. ventilator lid onto the roof. They apparently climbed down from - ljsa the roof by way of the bakery smokestack at the rear of the cell house, went over the chain-link fence and to the northeast shore H of the island. Investigation indicated that the escape evidently occurred around 10:00 p.m. the preceding evening. 87 ¢_ Asimilar hole was found in the cell o Bu -as well as a flesh-colored dummy face. o d F gents

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u en 3 i»°='7el Hie that Escapees had left him at ail? p.m. on June ll, 1962, supposedly to return and finish_ hole in the rear i '' ' cell, buthe hadnot seenthem since.later thatnight w completed the hole in his cell, proceeded to the roof, and ascertaied they had gone. He returned to his cell and went to bed. claimed that the Bscapeeshad taken a six-foot by _ LI fourteen- oo raft made from rubberized raincoats of inmates and ff .''-l - three yolk life preservers similarly made. These articles had been made and stored on top of the cell block immediately under .-at-_ . ,_ .. the cell house roof, and Escapees had worked on same in the _~_ evening after breaking out of their cells. They planned to *'92.!_'"- i-.1:. escape to Angel Island in San Francisco Bay and then to the main- land, where they would commit burglary to obtain guns and clothing, steal a car, and leave the area. a Searchesthe cells ofof Escapees and? uncovered H'¢i':='K.hacksaw-type '1 blades, spoon handles with sharpene edges, four .-=1.-.2 -" flesh-colored dummy faces, "Popular Mechanics" and Sports Illustrated" magazines containing photographs and description as to making rubberized rafts and lifesaving-type vests, paint, Aw- 1 paste, tape and twine between cells evidently used as a signal device.

A search of the area on top of the cell block indicated _,,.~92e_ ,..;.,, . 1_ that same was used as a workshop by the Bscapees. A life pre- ._:.___ server made from olive drab rubberized material cut from inmates 95.12J raincoats, a partially completed raft of similar material, '_ Is! '. -< electric drills fashioned through use of a motor from the prison ....Q35. ac vacuum cleaner and one through use of a motor obtained from barber clippers, liquid plastic, a homemade periscope, and 5 miscellaneous items were located there. A homemade wooden - paddle and about 10D feet of heavy black extension cord were * located on the cell house roof, and a similar type cord was located on the beach. .

_i On June 12, 1952, a wooden paddle was picked up near Angel island in san Francisco Bay, and on June l5, lS52, a homemade life preserver was observed to wash ashore on Fort Cronkhite Beach, which is on the ocean side of Golden Gate Bridge. On June 22, 1962, another homemade life preserver was p

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8. _I SF 7a-zsav _ -

picked up in San Francisco Bay some 50 yards east of Alcatraz. All of these items were similar in appearance and material to those recovered at the prison. On June 14, 1962, a waterproof package, apparently made of inmate raincoat material and con- taining-names, addresses, photographs and personal property identifiable with the ANGLIN brothers, was picked up in San t"V'922!_'92f'92':I. I-id.-l92aJ-92J%92VIJHKID311 1x4!-LtnalwlI92-092-II'§92-ll hl EH15-J: An .1-1&1 J-I31:-J-l|.92.l T151 anii 31$.51a/| R1 l1i92I:l92-J nueull-sq:-92q QIIQ 92 __ b! <_ _-92 -4M On June 19, 1962, inmate '._;i.}i1:£_'I ' ' -.1;; advised FBI Agents that he and =10 --.- were initially involved in the escape that he quit same after digging a f cell wall and then plugged them up. He said that dug several holes in 'e" '-: sf'--.. ~..-..jj_ his cell wall but stopped along wi to avoid detection ; .1 hile lumbing was being installed in the cell bl ck,o and Haas not told byEscapees to start dieJ31 'they TEEFEBHET Eight holes were uncovered in che ll and some 36 holes were uncovered in checkin , all of which had been carefully camouflaged. ,-S , ' 4. A N ¢-- t, . . Scared that _ 57¢ _both inmates, acteda out for aboutone week each and then quit. He t JOHJ ANGLIN in February -l . l962 showed him files which ANGLIN c aim he h tained ,_,,.,,-.":"- from an inmate, and denied any knowledge or participation in tne escape. " ':.;.'-V-I

-1. An authorized complaint was filed on June 13, 1962, before the United States Commissioner at San Francisco charqing " ',"3",,~ L,-,__.-. -, Escapces MORRIS and the ANGLIN brothers with violation of Title 18, 7 q. Section ?5l, U. S. Code. Federal warrants were issued for their arrest and a bond recommended in the amount of $50,000.00 each On June 20, 1062, United States Attorney CECIL F. POOLE, San Fr ' d dth » '-=- - " the properancisco, time a_vise as to and Eiould c0nsi iae action gt * * -F-IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIF Liaison maintained with police agencies, searches, neighborhood investigation, and various inquiries in the San Francisco Bay area have developed no infonnation indicating that Escapees arrived on the mainland. Authorities indicated that the bodies of Escapees were possibly carried out to sea by the outgoing tide which was existent during the pertinent period


92"9-5 F-'92 .aI92, _ M."w¢';i '" ;*ii¢ T T _' , ~ :1 ..! "' i.r - »= v V ! c

,,. 35 7§-gas792._ _ ._. i =W- | and recovery of same remote. Interviews of relatives of Escapees, prison inmates, former inmates, associates and acquaintances of Escapees have developed no information indicating Escapees had

contacted - I them. 4

-1 "subsequently advised that_the six-foot by L fourteen-loot rait allegedly made from inmate raincoats was assembled in one of the cells of Escapees. He claimed that it J was never tested to ascertain if it wereseaworthy and says that only Escapees and- involved in the escape plan. The FBI Laboratory advised that the life preservers recovered from B Cell Block, on Fort Cronkhite Beach, and from 1-5~:-'1-4 rs. i San Francisco Bay; the partially completed pontoon recovered 2-_'~}.1_ from B Cell Block; and the Alcatraz raincoat are all composed of the same type of material. The Laboratory inflated the life preservers and placed weights on them. The life preserver recovered from B Cell Block was discovered to be completely air tight, remaining firm for several hors. The other two life preservers lost most of their air in about an hour by slow rate /"" of deflation, but pressure could be maintained by mouth. ofthe Escapees Thehair 0 and human ofmy faces recovered origin.Threefrom dummy thecellsfaces recovered from cells were termined to be composed variously of 4 Iv, 4...-_,_t_ as portland cement, sand and white cement paint, with coloring by '-."~.".*" flesh-colored paint. The dummy face recovered from the cell of ea-e-- _ ' CLARENCE P£92!GLIi92I was formed from soap packed over a bundle of P4 '.'.@'_7'5.-_ ' = white cotton raqs and painted with flesh-colored paint.

subsequ rison 0ffic'al - ...: thatap __ identified by 92:1<:~ prison officia as scovered MORRIS - - -1 making the dummy fa an was persuaded by MORRIS to E:92_c<;e-131 Q0 and t o receive $490.08 more from a convict friend. $72,000.00 to have car, clothes, guns, money, ar ormer inmate-associate of JOHN ' waitfng A1-IGLIHTat on the shore close to Penitentiary, Sausalito, Cali from Oklahor $ it T T allegedly smuggled letters out for Escapees. in icated that an electric hand drill and 200 den were at '-1o ly . Alcatraz.furnished Escapees by


nevi lie /--K

{ . ia ' _J I . U L!. I

is 57 B! ¢,51_g Upon contactby Bureau Agents,? refusedto discuss this further or in fact to scuss the matter

withany intention anyone. subsequentlyo escaping from Alcatraz but volunteered mereQ never y participated had so that he might air his difficulties in court. Warden OL ACKHELL, U. S. Penitentiary, Alcatraz " - .-:_=- believed that initially furnishedcorrect infor-xi!; -=.. D tionwho as to wase a in e ansegregated th 'e participancell block, t s Subsequently, became. a disciplinary furnishedrob em and exhibited additional psychoticinformation tendencies. to He believedthe asalleged that help given scapees by prison employees in the belief that this would I 92 obtain him a transfer from Alcatraz. BLA CKWELL be ' lie v -v this additional information was merely tion and when same did not refused to discu at Alcatraz, an traz, s e Bureau Agents tha pees in any manner. ¬ Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, former inma e acquaintance of JOHN ANGLIN at the U. S B14 Penitentiar Lewisbur"Y9 us Y Penns lvania 2 Z and alle ed t0 ' P be the outside participant in the escape, was det -- been in Oklahana City during the pertinent and other sources at Oklahoma City indicated tha . = -.- | 4..;_:.~_j_:.*. knowledge of the whereabouts of the Escapees ,-=19 contact with them. '.-'11 1 1 .'1 gnu andp>f the ss. '*~se1~e:je11,*=92>'J4 »er a Norweg ia nship,' on Ju 'v , , l96 , saw a body floatinq ' in the ' Pacific Ocean some 20 miles northwest of the Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco. This body was floating face downward with _ : r. hands and feet danqling down into the water. The body was .'."-1; - clothed in dirty white-appearing full-length trousers. Upon .1 viewing portions of trousers similar to that worn by the Escapees,_ they advised that the body they saw floating could have had - prison garb trousers on it; however, they did not make a close enough-inspection to arrive at such a determination. They said they did not report sighting the body until a later date since they were not in radio communication with the United States facilities and they were en route to a foreign country.


92 31; " 1-II-. 1-1., Li4,_,,_:_ ;<1~ ~_ -ti?::IlZIIP_;f _

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_ _.S.L'LEi:2887 _ B74. 1 -a- »0 Records of the United States Coast Guard, San Francisco, and of the California Highway Patrol which ccncern drownings in the San Francisco Bay area and suicides from the Golden Gate Bridge contained no missing body clothed in white- appearinlg trousers during the pertinent period. _ _ _ 92;7L. a former inmate at Alcatraz and presently incarcerated at the United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kansas, advised that he had no information relative to the Escapees and he had not participated in same. At various times articles including dead bodies craniums, jawbones, etc., '1 __ washed ashorein the San_Francisco area, but none of these have been identified with the Escapees. . .:'l'w- h*i'P"n-i On March 21, 1963, the last of the inmates incarcerated at the United States Penitentiary, Alcatraz, California, were transferred to varicns institutions throughout the United States in keeping with the " hasing cut" of Alcatraz. Just prior Penitentiary,thereto was Island, i!c!ei! transferred toWashington; thetoi1:1-1:2 Uni tes U d States Penitentiary, _1..eaver_1wortn, nansas; amt to the United States Penitentiary, Atlanta, Georpia.

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FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET _92_ Page s! withheldentirely at this location inthe file. Oneor more of the following Df statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. /Q Deletionswere made pursuant tothe exemptionsindicated belowwith no segregable material available for release to you. Section 552 Section 552a III _e!! El

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FRANK 1.1-:2 MORRIS --n-n-----_-----_i--i .V i The following description of r2.»;~:1< u:g,£1~1o1=.a1s is set 4- forth as obtained from prison records, as well a various F4- police records:- Race if I-E Dates of birth

I ...-~... Places of binthu.

'4i?§l"--*1 ,5. _ 1. Height Weight White Q59; 1;» ComplexionSeptember 1,~l926; September 1, 1922; September 1, 1928; _-1;,-;I:;,.92 September 1, 1925c Eyes Washington, D. C.; Mobile, Alabama; Elizabeth City, North sea; Carolina; Ednor, Maryland--»- Hair Approximately 5'7-1/2" elm? 135 to 1H5 pounds ._..... ''-v_ Build Hazel-gray Medium fair _; KP '' ¢M¢,w7/L*LN Teeth Dark brown r,d»" , Scars and marks Medium _ If-gr; Good, February 1950 ;.,:=;a1°-E,.. , 1 Scar on middle of forehead; cut . . 3; -L. - scar on left forearm, near wrist; scar on left biceps; vaccination scar on upper left arm- scar on left little finger; scar on left Tattoos elbow; several scars on both shins; 1" scar on left foot Devil's head on upper right ant; star on left knee with "7" above

and star "1l"b:elow; on se or ac itai 0? o {i?ht e t tium tnegg; "13" on base of left index finger; circle between left thumb and index finger; "N.T-S-B." OI "N-B-" -OH H"-M

449292 ' i A. .._ ,_____M , ,_ i_ _, , - i ,~~ -_ ---' A~ '17_*~ ~ - . - _ I 1 , . 0 I 5 2 ob 1'1.!1 ' J 92____»

qr 1n_ggg1 I ma Residences Uashington, D. C., September continued! 1956, January 1956; Ednor, Maryland, June 1939 Occupations Mechanical draftsman; painter; car salesman; laborer; fighter; odd jobs , Identifications Fingerprint classification is 22 M 9 U I00 12 L 1 U 000 Signature available in Identifica- tion Division, FBI. Dental chart maintained by U. S. Penitentiary, Alcatraz Island, California, and copy available in San Francisco Office file. Relatives Hone listed in files at Alcatraz ,- Penitentiary. when investigated in l9u5 and again in 1951 in ,.._ 3 connection with Selective Service Act violations, MORRIS advised on both occasions that his parents died when he was ll years of age. He claimed his father's name was i an believed %a3& _'§5§.-'3 : His mothers name wa, In lii 4.1.: _"' IQMS he claimed hi o ving ." __ relative was an aunt, - .ji§'_I-.'.._.__ then ur ortedl i in n 92,-'5,-9'7 _. .. EXtEhEI7§_iHV!§TTHTTU-fUI5Eéte

_.-__:..";-5,» me; andidentify thisaunt during ._ '53; Selective Service Act investiga- -I *-'1'a '3= : tions was unsuccessful. In 1955 Vital Statistics records- I-Jashinch ».E>,-1',"-1:1 'EI§'1l;Jéa1é&'1?:¬Am<biiié . was born September 1, 1926, Gallinger Hospital,


xadbl /-92 4-I92_ Q i.92_',----~_-~~ V,- ~'{_--___ I if 4

sr 1e-zesv JOHNLLIAJKAN wt em: ;", The followingdescription of ANGLIN isset forth as obtained from the records at the United States Penitentiary, Alcatraz Island, California, as well as police sources:

Race Dates of birth

Places oF birth

92/ Height -l:.!'?-"";,":-: :4,»- Weight White '"=§$i... Complexion ~. .2? ' 4:21-.7 May2, 1931; May 2, 1930; Eyes May 7 , 1930 Dona1sonville,i£enrgia;_ 'fColquitt,_._._..__-.,_-___.. ___e,_. Georgia. -_.._. . Z1? Hair Approximately 5 ll 1H0 pounds in February 1958 _._v ~'_ ii Scarsmarks and Ruddy

%%%i Residence Blue . '...;;'; __:__' §,=»*J1-,:.at~ Blond =s"é_--_ -l_. Occupations Scar left side abdomen; scar Identifications 4 r left cheek; dim cut scar inside V left foreann near wrist- I Route l, Box 205, Ruskin, Florida, February 1958, January 1958, October 1951, November '1: 19MB, December 1996 Farmer; laborer Fingerprint classification is 20 L 29 H IUD 17 I 12 W DUI Signature of this individual is Relatives available in the Identification Division, FBI, The U, S, -u Penitentiary, Alcatraz Island, California, has a dental chart concerning ANGLIN, a copy of which is maintained in the San" Francisco /"~

____________H ______-_i._..._._ v.__l -@. F . n ' Q -1 j .- ' ~92 P! - 1*. '

We E Relatives presently incarcerated U. S. 7<2; continued! Penitentiary, Atlanta, serving 15 b years on same a nk robber y JOHJ charged; pcuxamcz 1_rI_c;LI_rj_,__ -é - m F -u 1 ~ I

,5 1,;_. £5 . l .1- Q-.____ ' cLAR_j5=»: cs .51 gm >1 The following description of ANGLIN is being set forth .- as obtained from records of the United States Penitentiary, Alcatraz Island, California, and various police sources: white .1 _._.,ia_.__L - _ . Race Hayll, 1931, April ll, 1931; see /92 _D_ai§§ .. March ll, 1930; May ll, 1932; eke- I-lay 11, 1930 P -' . Places of birth Donalsonville, Georgia; §¬¥* " Y Colquitt, Georgia 2.??? r.- J Approximately 5'11" .-., _, 1AA1 Height Weight - 167 palnds, December 1960 J. Complexion Ruddy ~ Eyes Hazel-blue L Hair Dark brown Teeth Good, June 1951 _ Scars and marks Pitted scar between eyes; scar on '"~->= "-11 left side of upper lip; cut scar back of third joint of right ring fingeri-mole on each side of _ i stomach; vaccination scar on upper - right arm; scar on outside edge of right foreann Tattoos a Scroll and "ZONA" on left wrist, outer or upper forearm; NITA" on upper right arm 1

_ 27 _ _ 921tsI »""~ »-._ . it lit it ,

~ ¢ 1., 1- . t * J * 0 ; 4 P

76-2887 EL.

Residences Ruskin, Georgia, December 1960; I."_.f""*-| n.___ '§ 92IZ cl...-.1.-in t1.n9292n:.v35 KUULU L, DUK CUJ, l92l-l.Ul92-Lu l.Jn92.n|I-I-HIGI-, February 1953, January 1952, June 1951, May 1951, March 1950, November 19H8, December 19u6, June 1945; Box 221, Raiford, Florida, January 1958 Occupations Cabinet maker; laborer; farmer Identifications Fingerprint classification is 18 0 27 U I00 21 L 27 M 010 Signature of this individual is available in the Identification Division of the FBI. U. S. Penitentiary, Alcatraz Island, California, has a dental chart for ANGLIN, a copy of which is maintained in the San Francisco FEW? Office fi ,-t ¢r:_:_r-IA -'4 Relatives - anc a,,=,,we

. us

:'-1-?--:2----. .,_-K 1.: _. 3.:_._._ 1'§';**71 y incarcerated U. S. *1?-7 E Penitentiary, Atlanta, serving 1"; -1 15 years on same bank robbery __=-. CLARENCE charged; JOHN ANGLIN, »'*5--,'_'- 2' [:*.H_~-_ escaped from Alcatraz with CLARENCE

3.. 5 A "J . J- 4.; 1';-..-_ -Ywt.--e..->1: 1

_ 29* _ I ' /"* /-92

~ 1-12 , I §_ . -' J FEDERAL BUREAUOF INVESTIGATION UNITED STATESDEPARTMENT OFJUSTICE mg!Recorded : LaboratorySheet WorkIOLIIIII-I F1 " 10-asses-I 7 14> "- ms! Imus nan! L"b- 9-4:01:-1 II II lms, m sass: - mum; at 0.1. an - oonrruct I . ~ P Iixamlnationby: requested kg. ;-QQQ! 4/3"/[3 - Examination requested:u mug; ' I . Date received: 4/33/Q3- Result ofExamination: ' - ExaminationP

r _ I &_1?- I AFI3A I 1983- _ r

5; Specimens submittedexamination for '7. -t spscmzu CHECK?! AMOUNT DATE PAYABLETO SIGNEQ _ BANK" -g? - lrullillllll 1' :7": Q8 -- I35-ID 1/-I/63 lasting Oonpnny, V-.,1| ' I ' L % 'kn L . kill!-ill, .0. :_

_.,_ 2*;-£1211 ;¢.v'j~1=-_='. H-=3-» Inturn lvtlcncc are . _..- .~.'~$<1', ,. - - - .

4 1.. - _¬1,-E;-1

1 .-é - __,


aa%l /-92 *"92

| r 0 O 1 *3 ' _ J -"""""- . __ I-_-_'_'___ .. . , _


MO T6-8&8 Mobile letter to Bureau #/25/63

. _ 71n4-n-1' "W 1uu- ii ___ '___ ' '1 ~ - I I -p l_929292 9292qV II /e % 574.

'Y»<-*4*_-e7 / L .jQ§E%£E§£g§ '¢-#;!{;P{ 7§7 923§HQ _92_ b__Q __ ___a__:___=___:=A eggM6ee_S_£; i_____n_'__ i_'°jE'n mm _H__W92I_VE_rE92_Ean__:____:7L_,__*_Qj§_kg_ii1ElmlE'I1i92|__M1_____J______H_ LI____I _I _ MA?__QHI| 5 /"'92 ""'92

______i_._.._._... .. t -~---_-4-.-....e_.....__. 4 t -e -4'-' _ . . . ' 92 1 r ' D-42 Rev.t-11-63} _ U an omouaten lone lemonno. Ie k 3 lele-lee -,. ea em. Ie. no. rr . u UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum J e J o

,;r< /'6'.r§§gj. . DATE 5-1-63

I-ROM ; :1 C. A. Evan: @ l. W. Conrad

sumzcT= ioth Files s

Please eearch the no of the individual throuqh the records of the Identification Division and return thin meorondum with a notation oi your lindinqe io- :| Employees Security and Special Inquiry Section, Room __,______, Justice Building. In SGE and UN canes, ii a record ol arrest in found, please enclole, in czdditl n to iile copy, 1 copy ol the Identification Record for each state in which I arrelte occurred.! L 1' @_...,. 12073? to The following idenliiyinq data ore llnted for your ueeletonce [Att.: Special lnveetiqathre Division only - in addition to the name or name: and the Government oqency appearing in the title!: Se: Race ,- r Heiqi-at Name 112 and-Ellalel For uee 1"-. ' oLaboratory!* 1 .§jMale EjFemale T" OI _92,J * wate an '|51a'ce oi birth Aqe W il --.- -! -...--I §_/<-C"- J */."" '."_ _ .- Military Service 71? 7 W CSC éctliir 3 !F Ii I

t T.1=t.n:n=.i; ¢¢¢===. vi,-:l.1 . 3; ,<- &-L:-1; / 5 674 7 P reviouiaiiernment employment Q-""": Wr -1' F :1-1'." -- § i Le r-92 mi;-;"1; r? 4', t_¢.~ts» "_Dat'e SGI-I security mi recei'92T;d'W . ,__. u"* fO¢r/ I , _ ___ u r Other pertinent identifying data At:_:I-ah-, eve I Q - include PD la and location! ii? -»_ "1/1 /7-'_.' J -* .31»,-¢ p;»£r _/ t, i L, _ I r |' I _I, /U W i 92.


u ff '7 V i K Identication Divieion Reply [:[ Booed upon information iurninhed| nu r0==r=l l==I¢d- E3 A noncriminal iinqerprint record which IS or MAY BE; identical woe located. This record woe eearched throuqh ll" criminal iilee and no criminal record found. Q The enclosed identification Record IS or MAY BE identical with the record oi the employee, applicant, or eubllch iiq /- 1"- '


' 0 . i - -1 E pw *3 7-*7 0,,4/,z£-»/ A yqdr-/Z |

ié M >1 J»

r.*.r=-~'/5 -

Q . 2 , / 92¬a0?L/ é,;92Jli '/ 93 44-vau

&;l-=.'""";¬M/ff / 1 J 9 J ~¢[¢// M W; K

92A"925' ,¢@u '-92




T0 = DIRECTOR, FBI5-26295! DATE: 1+/25/63 ATTIN: FBI LABORATORY -1. ~__u_1=.g;qh_>=3/Z§sAo,_?moB1Ljs' 6-848!_" A _ _P!,-_f ' "'- _'*_ . =-. _92-92-_ _i,.


l -o __rUeIrm; E'I"AL~".-Q ' ..~ " I 5 ~:;_=_EFP. +.coNsPI1=;Ac!{;."_i ' 1;-.1. __.__. L;--~: ;. n-.; I. J. __7,-1 J . d '- - J ma! an|l_rt ANGLIN;'FBI1' ;;,' --1 1 _- 9,ewas'reportedhave cashedto a_eheeh at the Red"'JG-J and_ te Food Store;Brundidgej A1a.,on_l/h or 5/63. so o";1 . V_ Although atthis the store; nametwoANGLIN women.emp1oyed didnot appearat theon store the check identified. cashed. " " _!_ ' photo-ofJOHN ANGLIN,which appearedin the_Dothan Eagle; * _-- . daily newspaper,Dothan, Ala., on hll/E3-asId¬E¬ieal ' _ .-A _' with theindividual presented who check. this B7 J There is enclosed herewith to the Laboratb I . Qg. I _ummLmumL1w%31n .,_ F shed and - 92 ragn an-the Brundidge -2 Thés checkwas madeavailable by 92§ Re Iandpwhite Food Store, IA /H ,-92


no 75-8&8 19¢!?!-D "

r or four typesqinforrred of __entifieation thatqproduced and he no_e that the three ', signature on each of these matched the signature as endorsed 92 on the check, although he could not specifically remember se nature of the identification presented by ' '

. '- -. ' - _, _ -- --. _- 92 ? r r ' >. ~. -r V . P ..» .. 92-. 5 . - _ i ' *_ It is requestedthat instant:che-cic-= be "searched v through the National Fraudulent Check File to ascertain if T r the identity of the_un1<:nown _.sub_Ject who presented the -.check_': ma be determined". It is fu if the' ' *V - i ' idgntificationoiUNSTJB, aka is not J " ' therebyestablished};-~the endorsementon this -check becom--'. pared with similar names appearing _on fingerprint cards; 1 ~- in the Identification Division. ¢.- _ '__ .;; h-*7 .T ~ p ' I _ I ' ,1 __._. L .__ H _ _ 1 ; '1? vasesis not-thus identified{the endorsements . should likewise be compared with the known handwdting of '- JOHNANGLIN, FBI #1¥71l-5119. .It will be noted that ANGLIN '- - is an escapee of the U.S. Penitentiary at Alcatrazand that i efforts are being made to ascertain if he survived this .» '* escape. - - - LE It is requested92 that a r of b i his shed to k or hi s use i n event 0 --ll 1uuu1"92:: ._ - pi'usr:uuu.|.92f6 _- - .1&C:|J.i011. Inasmuch .. .-.. as ii"iSG3.I'1"G ., _ A ohGC1-CuO==:aQ _ " E notWested consituteth a violation ckbe returned of the ITSPto re- igigiis for tI " _ K O return uponcompletion 92 ..to r _ .. o . boratory. ._ L 1 examinati n ' __ p A N _ __ p 1' i H S crs AT LanesARE A£LCONVICTED sanknosssns * W AND____ SHOULD ' _:_ ' ' . ~ ' - -qe A _ . r ~ - . . ~ - ~ 1 - 92 I a e


Ii -


Qt /- __92 ____ . l . , I _. _ 1 V1 ! Lh-oratory "'i_.'"92'Trdngmittul "' F.onn . 'J J 7 ' - _""._- "- 92' -@&L-=- Bk, FEDEIIII. BUREAU OF IINESTIGITION WISIIINGTON, ll. C- 1 A .. -- . '. :1" -. ' ~ . " ~- -W . . Km. *.-. = - .*'.+=~~r.- - .», ,. '_. . .- _- -. E 1-,, ' l 7 ' ''- 1" _"'".-.;_mm-_ , . 1. '- - :o ._ .- . _ . _1 _ ' I "I, hm. - ,, - a. -'- .","~':5.. _

- _ s - _p' , _ _ .

Xm lial In '- -112_'_ 5 John Bdqc I-Iooval-, l glrranozvi 1! ' N at a 1. _ an - ooilnucr F1 Lab.H1. No. .¢..9ZT -D38 -4 " I 7 Q o _. Examination raquaatad by: - H Iobila V

l1. - Hafaranca: Lotta: 4/25/63 Elclminqllon raquaatad Docuaant Remarks ?""-F,,-;1=, la a aattar o! intonation, aoaa litiaraaoaa Ia:-a notad during tho ooapariaon oi tha writings oa $8 with tho availabla known handwriting oi JOHI I. AIGI-II. Tllil would . indicate tho poaaibility that AIGLII my act hava pwaparad any oi tha quaationod aritinga on Q8.

o mum: 31 MAY I 7 W63 com-ran 1 . _ Incloauraa 8! Q8, 2 Lab 1-ump, I. - Ian Iraaciaco $78-2887! Incloapiw -_ l|,_llI__i'ap0rt! 1 .l 92o'7£- '7' . Ho Cuapor _ g A; Callahan Conrad _ DeLouch .._ Evanl _._- Gala 1-.- Hoaen i Sulllvcm _. Tnval Tmtte,_..=,i" " ' l , , Holmaa Tall. _ _, -7- '.'-' ,,_, LL ,_92 _l " » QMlNISTRiATi92 PAsE_ ~a~- E Gundv __...... _. mu. n tuirli 92&45 1--92 492 Z Z Z W? i! 'm_**'_m Mn

. , _ __ ' 1-31> ' neront 1 . ~ 1 mm


!_ | _r -. ,---_- ','!""""- -- bhl.1e"-_r,,.' Ill, _. 3 lay" '111001* - .. . -- _ _ h -' 5 -; h_;"='~ -.',,;'a1run:c¢. eve-aria - @ 1 ;:~+;-- ~ ;_:i 3 L _ P11__ q an Jinn in -IIQQ _ '- -- 1*"-H-;»r§r~;~.:-1;:-uotn "_f-=1 -11 " -~-H. . I - '. ~%'.'".=;. " $ - 1- II fawn; 3 fauna I H A A "H ii -' 92.-: ' ' -_: _ _92, 0- vt-'-Ir-'. I ._ . _ ., is _ _ l . - .

lpeeleee received0/as/ea *" _ - , _-'I-,g¢;_,t_ @-_ -. -2-:_ spscrugn éuscx I i!JOU_hi'§prr: PAYABLE 1'0 §_!_qEQ__, _IT='!*-' _l_+_l_IE =5 =- - -=---1/~~'i --- _..¢=' - " inking ¢¢I.vI-In . v».. - _ 7 . Q ll-I. -.-.1. _,_.__92 lelult Qt ezlltnettol: _ _ _ L; -, wee net identified in the Iettneel - _'r - Irludulln nested under ' kinded Il'1'l1lIBl the theneeee III not eitected. , ligature: enepectnee but $8 ea .; '- |»"_ '-P "~.-*9,-'1- -.t2." . The Questioned erltinge on Q8 were eolpl-red with ' 3 ,__"f}?$?"i the evellehle than handwriting of Eli! I. ANLII, nII47d6119, ~ 17¢-T;- " . but it wee not determined ehether IIGLII did or did not prepare =?:?.5";92:3..';TT'~ea; =- e:I the Questioned eetertel on Q8. :""5t§'z'."s:;1'¥'£'-¢.'-O -131 '- . ''.°".: Ipecieen $8 has been photographed and 1e returned _. _~ '.|_- hereeith to labile. .._r?,

F . "'_ .' .-92 -92-

I I * . Toleun ._.._-- - Belmont _..i-_ _ _ lihrcq.,..~..__ V4" Celkuhun _i-- Conrad _._-_. DeLMch __.._ Evan: __-_--- Gle _i.i_ Bonn _.i-- Sullivan _..i-_ Tuvel _...i-__. Trotter __.i._ Teln. Room_.__ and;olm e _i.__ mm. noon [:|TELETYPE E] um-r - a - 1 ;' . 2'-3'. F. .' - . 1 . '92 'A -- - V.- .. _ . . ,--A ", .21. . . V.»-.-_~.".. i3T'*'.j;.' . . .' é - _ -_ -f -*_"'-7' :"' ' 7* "" . -" Z "" . - ., .._ ., . ..,. 11_'a4 -W ._'_,',;,;.. _ ___,-A_ ,_iv__ ._, QI? "' n-.5-r 4|--§;n=;i.n~m< wi--.5».-' .~ ~ '_ '5'" ' = ~ ."'-P -- - ""' ' -' .. . A---4 1- .. ,. .3 - _..,...' . ~ _ _ -.-J __;"_ ..,,-.-. . - . 4. V.=M--- __.,___V .. Wu _ --.. .- :63 . . _M_.__ - __., ..-._.., 11.-rm» _. . ... . _. ----qr.__-. _ ._-_,__. . __ ._- .. H .5. _-_- +~ '....._h. =-. .:.. .t . _M;»_ _...-..1. Q .:t_:.. _ --_~..- E =#w- . V .:__ _ V '»- _--I -~_ -»¢§§_ 3-_-:97.-r_ -._ '_ , ' _ ,,._,,_ " '_. . , ..,. ~_.-.»-.- - *.-e@,-~:-=.».==$*=-~»~- " . .. .-? --~"':. ' -. ,- " "1" *= ' _'1.-.92..-- - -._'-I '7"'*Q-"_""--" '_ ' ' ?-|" " _ '..' - - 0 ,'; L-",,"''~..§:':" -I _..',- _ .-.1-..@-C1--..-;_-'§7-{"§?5' ~. ". I - .--- ' :a.=-*_"§'L:.;_;',_¬. - " _~E::-:_-?- .-'. .":. _:;v_'.w._:§.":i§'* :71-i ' . . -. .. M".. , - 92 * ~, ~ _ _ ~ J; '._ ;_',-_"',~*,:-3;.-. --~ . :3. .,..":;t_-:E*.;.:...,: e<:'~:;f"¢ -.".~s=::.>t§. . » . .»-.= l U FEDERAL BUREAU or INVESTIGATION f A .. »_. up 92 - . .--92¢_~ -.., -> ~11,» *' _.. ..: - '4.-..~4 um-ran STATES DEPAR1llEN'l'- or JUSTICE ii 5* 3 - Laboratory lurk Sheet ' _.._vA__ __ '5 Imul m:1._.u .' __7l-ll395""7_é._g;~ -~ =+* ' 'II 1'8"» In M" %-. -' » " 1;;-_.. t ,.-_=_ ._-if-. .._ ., _ H . , ._ __ V I kl -J. ' ' V» i l ' 1;? "*7 -:- .. "'7 15 'ft. -9-E ' .. . 3 " ' -"QM 7. D- nit? :!§_"'.:'_-.i¥iu'FI;"!rlisw rjzfl A. I ¢.-.92 -'92' . . . - - _ --,1... . '.-111' rt _ _ .1".-T! I '__.." LET-_-.-_., . ._, _ J. S. . . - "ii;-_92¢.4» -1-" ~c=~-_fr -13 -f--§Ir;§..'i>-.-. ' : 1- v _. A ,_ ,-¢. ,T,.,_,- -f . .P.. . _.V.;..~.. _-1--_' .4 |~ I71, i -- - . ,, - -._:_ _ . .v _4 _ --_'_;_!- . _.,-1;; . -.-~ '_R- -4* * __...-:..-...__-_1,-__ 15- _, -I "aw ! . 1' Exuminctio requested byf M"'@D11l 5-QC! l -'_ _ . .7 . 1.. - - 7,_ ___7-_ ' W _ ._ » .__'+'.,-.-;:-2:17.:_ I Elxumimuon . 1-»_ raqueatad: . _ Qqcullt _ 5 H". - '_. "_ H_. l 'Rekultoizamlnationz .' H ~ ~ L¥--'EIlI-lI.Il'liO'llIY__%-_ 5.. ;0=e...-,~/r~F.*=~4-¬

-.w ...;'- . -M- .¢.J. £3». /aw 5/rs/W7 a»/75¢/P/¢»< Aw#7?! . L L74 >7/a .5 /?j1r;_-dz! d_ Specimengspbmittgd fOIOXdI}11RUl_10n ._ M: -H h _ §PECIMEI7l*[ CH§ICK# §MOUN'I' DATE PAYA§1;.E TO SIGNED!. BANK Q28 - -- $35.00 1/I:/63 Brundidgc Banking Oonpmy, , A1 .

92. -.,

Return Ividanco _ . 92 K L - ' F ''¢ 7z.'-:.-2v-1!" . _ . "__"a/ ";AAa_,,,_&_,,.,,4»0 '< -{ x 574- ¥¢J;'92.1 AA

i I I :2? / ._, '92I . "

7 * v L A1?7_~ B. V?92_ /____ __aIm/U__/__/M[W/y_V_/t/N:%/iviH1nM1YWWKmi_wL_H'E__§__Vww_£§g?_92ihE2__W&%jW;an LLM _JJa1_a_ AW ii.

1-6 , I!ov. 1-e-s 9!

440752 _Date J/" 5 Examiner's Name..._

2-; ii- -~

Drawer Searched Initial Date Muster Section

I. Handwriting Hand Printing Writing e 7 j Miscellaneous

II. TypewrittenUnusual _ _ _ Outstanding Specified

III. Checkwriters Todd Safeguard Hedman


Hall-WelterMiscellaneous a _ Unclassified _ e _

IV. Counterfeit Travelers Checks _ _

V. "Gimmick" checks Remarks: _ ,_..¢_Z.;i- " //~~ *T / Q é/-» 92/

- /--92 ,,..,,92

92 I'D! RC!$-I-Q! . . i I ''. A A-1. " FEDERIXL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION an-6:6-nun on-rad: 92 orrlcl hr omens 92 out I nuvuonvt rmloo i *_ if ME_MPHIS_ snn FRANCISCO 611+/63 5/27/63 j

T'' H '-" FRANKLBE 0 HORRIS j¢é='1c, "" " "W ':' I: - ;___'.*_"- 1 '_;_:§ 4. 3;; _ _WF #3 0:1, I0 -#35 -@ -- g,_; _'~_*~'f'4"'"*",. .?.v¢Iw1vR; an AL. 1.; » V ?~ %- ~_- ""~ _*; _ ,4 A . A _-.;l'P;-3 consrxgqqx H - - - .- - ~* ~ .-*~ . . -1... , , . '_r _

_ Q?-//Gd;- 4 92,._, ' ... ._ , - - - A ' narnnnncns - _ J ;' - .1: 71¢ f Knoxirille let e co, 5/23463. ' = IA _ Report of_ SA cLate_d ll B/63,-a_t_:_ San Francisco. - 92 _ _ . . _ _,_. 1 ~ ;92=-;¢_. @ - we - ,1

_A~n- covsn PAGE ' . - ..'--I

.-.' '~'~ 1.;--$1 .. F ¬_r- -' .3 - H_-.- ~ .'g_U.a" 1" » w-'5. J2; 92 / , =§"92;:':¢% - L :91 :q_;;92-_ ~ '1->~7 2-.- _.-*."??-'~-". " I L G " . .1-, , APPROVED cl-Mines: A A EH1" no not wmri: an slucu luow -_' '.;_."._,_: '_:_ * V 7 7 in * * ' ~~ -.~"i;=-,. <-,,<». conu HADIC: ' _ _- B 5:11reau Francigco 6 25295! é'?6-2837! 92 _'7[_,J¢ZLli_f-L__,..W _- / 7 _g£c¥51 " Memphis 5-1 3! - ~.-'--,- " - .0? A ' _2hECl¢!f_u4_-I--; --:1-JUN 7.1963 . - '_ ' _ ' 11%. ~ 1 - _ ---|_____,Ii_ _ W ' P- -u_J_"" ; _' Wit l¢f:Ii 7 i _ o|;§éu|m921-nqn {sauna or AH-Acnzn nzrqfg-F _ _ "OTl|'l0Ni AGEICY ------L ------_. 92- - J IE3-ll? HICD ...... -...- ...... - DATI FWD...... --_--...... - HOW rwn ...... -.,..-......

u.|. wvnnlli r nun: u wnu l.07883l'-I . 92 I 92.'~.£" M-_.-L"!3 ,-- _____

ID-N4 {Ber 3-I-I


Q" Copybu 4| ~

»;'TZ"R ,,, June F om" 19 3 LBMPHIS , ma om nu No; 75-1433 gm, m, |.|.,_, 76-26295


,. Q =.'92 . ,p- 1 ,. t, A _l.,'f,.92-. ., .. '-92~ 92..'_1~'- , ; . i. T_,.,. ESCA PED FEDERAL PRISONER



92- ..__ F-"F -UV"-'_' 4- .::~'.f°'_1% _s,d,1'.--a

"~,1, ~13-.'.-""..f.-"'_~_."¢.7f_!.'-.~ w_;_.Z"r. ,7 AT cRENs1~1Aw,_MIss;ssI1=PI 4, -I I

FBI, she has been in touch with subjects relatives at Ruskin, Florida, by correspondence -She advised that relatives of the ANGLIN brothers are of the 1, very definite opinion that both of the ANGLIN boys were dro wn - in their attempted escape from Alcatraz

This dbeumentcoutalnn neitherrecommendation: notconclusion: ofthe FBI. It il the P1091118hf 1-bl FBI ind 1| lllllll ill Will I-lime! it and ill content Ire not tn BOdlstribtll 0111-lid!I'M azure! P""""~ ,-n92~ 92 1 £1} 1 - _ I, i 1 i. J ME 76-11488 E! £1510

She advised t t she has never seen e er 0 e. ebrothera; however,=she§knqu they were bqth servin "- in a penitentiary. *' aidvfiseclShe 1;hat_ therwould havej_no' reason to ever contact her inythe event they .d_1d--:[8_a§pl--; Hi -..- from"-Alcatraz fend abated the ' ~ nctl-know _:_., ~ ' '6' ressBot rolnised '--. -1» their pr-eentea :1. > _ _ tr .,1 _ _-F: J - ~ their complete cooperation in t' eve _ y ever-hear 92 of any of the escapees. ; i - * _ - . -

4 ._

_-,. 5-'."*,; ,_92,_e.7».4-. c ~=_ne:~. - .1-1, ,1.-_. -1* T - 1.:-=, _ 1.7-7?_ gggw -.~*"?'~'#1 " ,. %;:_r.__ , "-J %%?*; - . e_f_._;_g 92-

Lr I n. . ?

- w

..g*.. _'92

UHOMI. IOIA NO. la -ana-no-el -' UNITED s'1wrss covlzn-m§N'r ' Memorandum

To nmacrm, I51 6-26295! BM! 6/18/63

-_g . g nlnou 9 _ 8&0, SKI HUI - .a* :¢:"Va T -1! 3 01300 6-$887! -I T U V? 4955 aJ 1% E L 1! - ,r9e-A-g Wt }? -9 T %r 5 J : -.2 .-_, KYA55% 92"§?»-rxig! we $1 ,1 5 qv iv-Ia "I,-:1 , ; rm. ,: I533? xi Tap W 73'. aw. '.""..'};' ' ". .-' we Q '5 JeI|l92|!-

Copies of these doouaenta are being transmitted ixm-with to the Bureau for analysis and review.


. -4 .>_'»_. would contain very little or no .-,7. .'-- . . 2 .investigatiae possibilities. Iherein the details of the Z "IE -Ezsmpscape are referred to, it is almost completely inaccurate. lee or a rev or these instances are as rollers .?#* -%=Jm ':|i'1'. V r -_;_,~ .f*_i..¬!-|1;_¢ _- qu- ,1» -.- » $L.¢'-A "3 Investigation into this matter reflects that the escape a enp began some months prior to this date. It i up-__no t i al around the ventilator areas as _ Y-rep t y ec was curtailed by Iork in the L L - T"pl i oo dor e e cells Investigation at the ' hell; beginni r the digging as the latter part

I " = 615; "'*-= ugnstPar or 1962 n -* t __.a -'5 :m1" ES» Lf} __ . 5* 7- 3.;/~;'¬f -M- b'7 4- j p-m 10!-92

é , 0 ¢' I g-again ¢__ V END. -_§'r.Ia. Lt 1 ~.> v_ _, . . -'R.- '72- - Qt,

-I JP" ._' ' E .1 24¢ .; in it. -.. , - . v. = . ';~..-v--~ I shite? ;. shack ihich would not in be sufficiently large to ;i;, -allow one or the escapees to exit. -~ r.£_~§{R ~-. ; or . .~ H . _ _ _ _ _ __4_ ,. _,-1- -V _ A _ . .,; I - mi -.;" 92n i 92='7DI

_nMuw-- ' _ 7 . duct,-they were in e corridor lqh five in width - i Q tehind ttt cell tlock:;~*thi= eerridc=~=== wywn clear to the root of the prison. 'ihe plumbing pipes for the ce11ecrise- croee through this large corridor. Description of thie 1~92--it-.--'.;' vi 5V V-particular portion or the eecape, which in tact is the only 92 : - _;- ".- -V-,~_ __l . descriptive attempt relative to the escape er an euttieient P - ;=;'- , notice, is ainoet conpietely ineccuate end in fiat the _ - h -F:?.s' 1' writer did not even aveil himself ct certain potions or the :' ~r ' 1' escape as node available through the local press, "' f_; A T ' ~_ ' ta-"";'£.'-.92-,' rs? a.-§l!I'_ 1 Ac regards to working around the grill covering = =" to the root or the cell house, ahich nae the final escape er o going onto the roof, inquiries reflected that E$!¢;_ wee the individual eventually reeponeible for -- _ on or the escape attlpt. ' T,

5 1 very and in _ ,w L" . _ ti could ntt hive _ the idea v w;" prepaation ot.the story such ae the attached, along _§ . J. express themselves in such a.nanher;.fAlthoH8h IGBRIS Iae" -> ,1 *or.rether high intellect, there has been no indication thetI1 hie thinking would in any way have coincided with the t observations of the individuai preparing the attached story.

2 1-92-. J ,-e__ 92 . 1 1 g r. J

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