flandersfocus on THE DUTCH SPEAKING PART OF press review weekly, does not appear in July • number 44 • 19 November – 25 November 2005

Flemish businessmen call for INTRODUCTION he , the Tfacelift party of the Vlaams splitting of Belgium Blok which was censured last year for racism, wants to show it is ready for a share in office. After 25 years the party has number of Flemish businessmen of as Capital of Europe, along deemed it wise also to present Aand publicists, calling themselves the lines of Washington, D.C. an economic programme – a question of building the Warande Groep, argues in a mani- up its credibility as a policy party. At information and debate evenings, Flemish employers had had festo in favour of the Belgian state PASCAL DENDOOVEN • DE STANDAARD • the chance to hear how airy the party’s economic structure being split. The manifesto 25 NOVEMBER view was. So if the party wanted to make its charm has been produced at the initiative of offensive directed at Flemish employers more cred- Remi Vermeiren, the former chief exec- The manifesto shows that the disad- ible, something urgently had to be done. On 25 November the VB therefore holds its very utive of the largest Flemish bank, the vantages of the Belgian polity consti- first economic conference, in . Ahead of the KBC group. Aside from him, the group tute a curb on the development and event itself, De Tijd examined the party’s econom- also counts among its members René protection of wealth. The book defends ic programme. The very first conclusion: in the Belang’s forecasts, most economic problems melt De Feyter (former managing director of the position that the costs of discon- away the moment becomes autonomous. the Flemish Employers’ Association ), tinuing the Belgian model are lower After all, in that scenario the annual financial trans- Frans Crols (director of the business than the costs of keeping it intact. fers to would disappear and the public weekly Trends), Herman De Bode (the Well-known complaints are the com- debt would also become a lot more bearable. The debt would be split, and largely paid off by Wallo- current chief executive of McKinsey plex state structure with the fragmen- nia since the bulk of that debt was incurred on Wal- Belgium) and Manu Ruys, the former tation of powers, the political compro- lonia’s behalf. For the rest the party offers employ- editor-in-chief of De Standaard, along mises that are not customised to the ers everything they ever dreamt of: cuts in social security charges and corporation tax, a trimming with a further 50 or so other prominent regions involved, and the financial of the government apparatus, etc. However, figures. The manifesto is well founded, transfers from North to South. nowhere does the party explain where it will get lists the disadvantages of the current It is striking that the group led by Ver- the money with which to pay for all these gifts. The Belang may still deny that it is an ultra-liberal Belgian polity and opts for the solution meiren has not involved any politi- piece of work, but it cannot deny that the pro- cians in the initiative. They want to gramme is a lot more attractive for employers than CONTENTS pursue a healthy debate on the issue for employees. The social part only has to be filled without it being put in anyone’s politi- in when Flanders has become independent. After all, the Vlaams Belang does not want to let itself be Economy and Justice cal corner. confined in a left-right story, so the message goes. The asian factor in Flemish ports 2 As regards their solution for Brussels, The Liberal-Socialist antithesis should make way Leterme in favour of ‘Flanders Port Area’ 2 those behind the initiative drew their for ‘the surplus value created by enterprising and hard-working people’. That is pretty hazy, says De Belgonucleaire closes 3 inspiration from Washington, D.C., ad- Tijd, and in actual fact merely a reiteration of its Bill for reform of Criminal Court 3 vocating that Brussels be developed to equally vague and sometimes conflicting stances Threat of a split within Pharma.be 6 become the European capital. How- during the strike action against the Generation ever, the book does not adopt any Pact. As we know, figurehead Filip Dewin- ter did not shy away from defending the strikers, Social policy standpoint on the state structure that whilst a few days later his colleague Gerolf Anne- Generation Pact: take it or leave it, says the future Belgium should take. They mans called on the right to strike to be restricted. government 4 stand up for the regions gaining their Dewinter has to appease a large reservoir of voters who formerly voted Socialist. The municipal elec- Socialist metal union takes first step independence, but it is the regions that tions are just around the corner and the candidate towards split 4 will have to work out whether Bel- mayor is chiefly targeting the anti-immigrant and 25 November: union information day gium becomes a republic or remains a anti-Islam sentiments living in Antwerp’s working- class districts. In alliance with Vlott, the movement about Generation Pact 5 kingdom. of Liberal dissident , he is hoping to break the current majority. Coveliers, who was Welfare and Foreign policy ousted from the VLD after having besmirched his Quarrel about cheques for childminding 6 own party leaders in the press for months, is hop- ing for the votes of right-wing Liberals, but is any- Father Theunis is back home, thing but an electoral heavyweight. However, as Ruanda policy remains unchanged 7 Send your email-adress to figurehead of the VB enlargement he was given second place on the alliance list. Rather than a gen- [email protected] uine programme, it is rancour that is driving Cov- Culture: and recieve a password for eliers’ engine, writes De Standaard (24 November). Discord within coalition on powers of VRT board 7 www.focusonflanders.be Frank Vandecaveye | editor in chief

focus on FLANDERS • 19 November - 25 November 2005 • Number 44 2 ECONOMY

PORTS PORTS Leterme argues in The Asian factor in favour of ‘Flanders Flanders’ ports Port Area’

In his argument in favour of the Flemish ports, Leterme constantly high- lemish Minister-President Leterme lighted as assets the deepening of the Scheldt to 13.10 metres and the Fis of the view that the Flemish sea- widening of the harbour mouth in Zeebrugge ports of Antwerp, Zeebrugge, Ghent and should jointly expose their virtues abroad. This is a lesson he has uring his trade mission to the Chi- (VLD) with solid guar- learnt from his recent trade mission to Dnese cities of Beijing, Sheng Xian antees. As one of the largest terminal China. Leterme is suggesting that from and Shanghai and to the city state of operators in the world PSA then took a now on the ports sell themselves under Singapore, Minister-President Leterme majority stake in the merger of the the joint name ‘Flanders Port Area’. He (CD&V) focused, not without reason, Antwerp transhipment companies says that he got the idea when he on Flanders’ ports. Not only do Chinese Hessenatie and Noord Natie. This has noticed that a port 40km outside shipping companies bring a large part of since had a huge domino effect on port Shanghai was still referred to as the port the cargo that enters the ports of Zee- activities in Antwerp and Zeebrugge. of Shanghai (FF). brugge and Antwerp, but Chinese and In Antwerp PSA is active in various Singaporean port operators are also docks and terminals. At the end of this BART HAECK • DE TIJD • 22 NOVEMBER developing ever-greater terminal activ- week the brand new PSA container ter- ities there. In his argument in favour of minal in the Deurganck Dock will also The Minister-President stresses that the Flemish ports, Leterme constantly be brought into service. he is leaving the ports’ autonomy highlighted as assets the deepening of In Zeebrugge PSA participates in two- undisturbed. Such plans are sensitive. the Scheldt to 13.10 metres and the thirds of the port activity. The Singa- In 1995 the Antwerp Community for widening of the harbour mouth in Zee- porean giant has interests in the Con- the Port argued in favour of a strategic brugge from 300 to 500 metres. The tainer Handling Zeebrugge (CHZ) alliance with Zeebrugge, but nothing respective port CEOs, Eddy Bruyn- terminal (67%), the transhipment ever came of that. inckx and Joachim Coens, who accom- company Combined Terminal Opera- Eddy Bruyninckx and Joachim Coens, panied the minister on his mission, say tors (90%) and Sea Ro Terminal (50%). chairmen of the Antwerp and Zee- that it is a good thing that these The company is investing heavily in a brugge port authorities respectively, investors also hear from the Flemish 56-ha car terminal and will be spend- travelled with the Flemish Govern- political policymakers that there is a ing EUR 70 million in the next three ment to China. Leterme asked them to political commitment to increase the years for three new cranes for the CHZ consider his proposal. He stressed that ports' accessibility (FF). terminal and for the fitting out of an the current names and logos would not extended wharf in the Albert II dock. change. The port of Antwerp can con- PATRICK MARTENS • KNACK • 23 NOVEMBER Last week PSA said that the latter two tinue to refer to itself by that name, investments were definite. but under its logo the words ‘Flanders The vice-president of the China Ocean Both the managing director of Antwerp Port Area’ would be added. Shipping Company (COSCO - with Port Installations Eddy Bruyninckx The seaports are still a major asset for 650 ships, the second largest shipper in and the MD of Zeebrugge’s Port Au- the Flemish economy, says Leterme. In the world) told Leterme that this com- thority pointed to the added value that his ‘business plan for Flanders’, the pany wants to give its 25% sharehold- Leterme’s presence in China and Sin- working title of what should become ing in the P&O terminal in the Deur- gapore had represented. Bruyninckx: the successor to Flanders Technology, ganck Dock in Antwerp an extension ‘It’s important that CSCL and other they therefore play a prominent role. with first handling of goods that are shipping companies have heard from According to the Minister-President, distributed. COSCO wants to do this the Minister-President’s own mouth the Chinese were also impressed by possibly in cooperation with European that there is a political commitment to the speed with which ships were un- or Flemish investors. increase the ports’ accessibility. After loaded in Antwerp. The onward trans- The other Chinese shipper CSCL all we can gain a lot, since despite all port of unloaded goods to the hinter- (number 6 in the world) currently has our good contacts we’re still weak in land is still too slow, in their opinion. four cargo services to Zeebrugge and Asia. Exporters on the Asian market Leterme thinks that the Flemish ports two to Antwerp. In both ports there must want to use the shipping compa- in themselves constitute ‘a good con- will be an additional CSCL service in nies that call in at our ports. They, too, cept’. He feels that the advanced ro-ro 2006. In Singapore Leterme and Co. have to be convinced of the Flemish re- port in Zeebrugge, mainly intended for again had talks on plans for additional gion’s assets’. lorries, and the deeper-lying port of traffic on the part of Asian Pacific Antwerp, where it tends to be contain- Lines and Pacific International Lines, www.cosco.com ers that are unloaded, complement but there the contact with the Port of www.mpa.gov.sg each other well. Singapore Authority (PSA) was again by far the most important. www.portofantwerp.be PSA is a branch of the Singaporean www.zeebruggeport.be public holding company Temasek and in September 2001 was brought to Flanders by Leterme’s predecessor

focus on FLANDERS • 19 November - 25 November 2005 • Number 44 ECONOMY AND JUSTICE 3

NUCLEAR ENERGY JUSTICE Belgonucleaire closes Bill for reform of the Criminal Court is

The 248 employees still working (for the most part highly qualified engi- ready neers and technicians) will be losing their jobs, but are reacting stoically. They had seen the closure coming ustice Minister Laurette Onkelinx J(PS) has given her approval to an expert committee's proposal for reform he Belgian producer of fuel for entire MOX production in their own of the Criminal Court (Hof van Assisen) Tnuclear power stations Belgonucle- plants. In Cadarache, in the south of and is allowing the proposal to be tabled aire, in Dessel, is to close in May 2006. , there is a MOX factory that is immediately as a draft bill in the Sen- The company produces this fuel in the not yet operating at full capacity.’ ate. The central feature in this proposal form of MOX (Mixed-Oxide) fuels from The closure of Belgonucleaire does not is that the people’s jury is cut from 12 to uranium and used plutonium. The ura- come as a surprise. At the end of 2003 8 members, and that this people’s jury nium and plutonium are supplied by the company missed out on an Ameri- must also give the grounds for its deci- the breeder conversion plant in the can contract to process surplus Ameri- sion when it gives a verdict. The presi- French town of La Hague. The transport can military plutonium into fuels for dent of the Criminal Court therefore of the radioactive material from La ordinary nuclear power stations. In the takes part in the deliberation on the Hague to Dessel has often been greeted end the Americans awarded the con- question of guilt. The committee is of with fierce protests from environmen- tract to the French nuclear company the view that the decisions taken by the tal organisations. Cogema, which later merged with people’s jury will be less subjectively However, the demand for such fuel has Framatome to form Areva. coloured as a result. The number of fallen sharply since most countries Belgonucleaire supplied MOX to Co- criminal cases will also be limited. The have cut back their investments in gema. However, the French company experts suggest henceforth only bring- nuclear power stations. From next May wanted to terminate its supply con- ing very serious crimes before the the company's order book is empty. tract with Dessel at the beginning of Criminal Court, i.e. crimes punishable Belgonucleaire supplied MOX to 2004 due to the falling market, al- by the death penalty or a minimum of nuclear power stations in France, though the contract ran until the end thirty years’ imprisonment and cases of Switzerland, Germany and Japan. At of 2006. Belgonucleaire went to the in- torture, rape and abduction of minors the moment France is the only remain- ternational court of arbitration and the involving a victim dying. All other cas- ing customer, but now the French have two companies came to an amicable es are to be referred to the criminal also decided to manufacture the MOX settlement. Cogema would avail itself court for minor offences (Correctionele fuel in their own plants. Belgonucleaire of Belgonucleair's entire capacity until Rechtbank). Appealing against a ruling was half owned by the Belgian govern- the end of 2005, after which a small ad- of the Criminal Court remains impossi- ment, with the other 50% of the shares ditional order might follow in 2006. ble (FF). being held by Suez. The 248 employees The 248 employees still working at still working (for the most part highly Belgonucleaire in Dessel are mainly FILIP VERHOEST • DE STANDAARD • qualified engineers and technicians) highly qualified engineers and techni- 24 NOVEMBER will be losing their jobs, but are react- cians, only around 40 of whom would ing stoically. They had seen the closure be eligible for early retirement. The 60 It was not an easy balancing act. Mag- coming. The dismantling of the plant, employees in the head office and the istrates and academics, too, were in with its installations contaminated by engineering division in Brussels re- the main opposed to the criminal court plutonium, will take three to five years main in service, and will continue to procedure. It was far too unwieldy, (FF). work in the nuclear waste sector. Bel- they said, and the outcome was unpre- gonucleaire produced around 36 tons of dictable. Professional judges made MARC DE ROO • DE TIJD • 22 NOVEMBER MOX rods every year, representing a more rational comments. But the mag- turnover of EUR 70 million. istrates and academics had overlooked "The uranium and plutonium oxides one thing. People love the people’s are mixed in Dessel, compressed into www.belgonucleaire.be jury. The people’s jury is the people. granules and inserted into rods, where- The more people are involved in the upon they can be re-used as nuclear process of administering justice, the fuel rods in the nuclear power stations. greater their faith in justice is. Opponents of MOX fuel claim that the And if the people like something, reprocessing or recovery of used pluto- politicians are disinclined to take it nium and uranium entails too many away from them. Justice Minister Lau- environmental risks. rette Onkelinx therefore promptly in- Personnel manager De Backer: ‘In the formed the committee of experts that last few years most countries have de- she would hear nothing of the people’s cided no longer to use MOX nuclear jury being abolished. The aim of the re- fuel rods for their power stations. The form was to increase people’s faith in supply to Electrabel’s Belgian nuclear justice, not reduce it still further. power stations was discontinued in 2003. Only France decided to carry on with the production of MOX, but they recently decided to manufacture the

focus on FLANDERS • 19 November - 25 November 2005 • Number 44 4 SOCIAL POLICY

GENERATION PACT high and urgent measures need to be taken to reduce it. ‘Starter jobs’ for Take it or leave it, young people from the age of 25 are no longer only accessible to young people says government without a diploma, but also people from the technical and vocational FF EDITOR retirement from 55 to 58 is being training sector. They may also be in- spread over time via a phased career- troduced in the non-profit sector. The In the latest version of the Generation end scenario (at the age of 56 in 2011, cut in charges for such jobs will be Pact, metalworkers, young people and 57 in 2013 and only in 2015 at 58). But doubled over time. women are better off than in the first the government is threatening to go The fact that women often have less version, says Employment Minister back to the less favourable arrange- chance of meeting the career require- Peter Van Velthoven (SP.A). He hoped ment if the metalworkers decide to ments for entitlement to early retire- that the changes would persuade the carry out strike action. ment at 58 is because they use time unions to suspend their actions. Van The so-called ‘easy landing jobs’ are credit or work part time more often. To Velthoven’s party, the SP.A, is nervous also being refined. Under this system mitigate this disadvantage, the trade about it. The SP.A ministers have tried employees receive an allowance from unions had proposed that involuntary to accommodate the unions' demands the Public Employment Office and a part-time work, time credit or tempo- as far as possible, but it appears that bonus from the employer on top of rary employment be taken into ac- they have not succeeded in doing that. that. This system was sometimes un- count for the career. The government Party chairman Johan Vande Lanotte justly used to dismiss over-50s. For is referring the matter to a working fears the position of his party in the that reason the government had se- group made up of representatives of government could be weakened. To- verely taxed the employer's bonus. But trade unions and employers. gether with the French-speaking PS it in the new version the supplementary The trade unions also came away secured a few employee-friendly ad- payment for the over-50s who take half empty handed on the subject of the justments, but on some points it came time or 4/5 time credit is left untaxed. availability of employees who draw up against a ‘no’ from the Liberals. A These ‘easy landing jobs’ are an incen- early retirement after a company re- short review. tive to carry on working longer. structuring. The arrangement remains The metalworkers can count on a In the battle against youth unemploy- that employees who have taken early more favourable early-retirement ment the French-speaking Socialists retirement and have twice refused to scheme. The arrangement gradually are hitting home. In Wallonia and accept a new job offer are sanctioned. raising the age of entitlement to early Brussels youth unemployment is sky

TRADE UNIONS clipped. The union leader from Lim- burg may henceforth only act as Socialist Metal Union takes spokesman of the Flemish branches within ABVV-Metal. The current sec- first step towards split retary-general, Michel Maton, will be the spokesman for the Francophone branches. This subdivision of power The actions surrounding the Genera- workers, the case is no more than a serves as a transitional phase until a tion Pact have exposed the North- youthful lapse. In any case, it was the statutory conference at the end of South divide within the trade unions. reason for taking a first step towards an March 2006, when the actual splitting Because the labour market looks very almost inevitable separation (FF). of the federation into two separate different in French-speaking Belgium (Flemish and Walloon) trade union fed- to what it looks like in Flanders, the JOHAN RASKING • DE STANDAARD - erations will be on the agenda. emphasis within the unitarian unions 23 NOVEMBER The crisis in the Socialist metal federa- is also often being placed on different tion also has intrinsic/ideological rea- things in the Flemish and Walloon It has been expected for days, but yester- sons. The Flemish secretaries speak in branches. For example, Wallonia has to day an official statement confirmed it: considerably more moderate terms, for cope with much higher youth unem- the strategic and intrinsic gap between example, on the adjustments to the fed- ployment and Flanders has, in relative the Flemish and Walloon federations eral government’s Generation Pact. terms, more people on early retirement. within ABVV-Metal is unbridgeable. The Flemish metal divisions want to go The readiness to strike is also consider- The power struggle has been under along with the request made by their ably higher in the south of the country, way behind the scenes for months. The fellow workers in ACV-Metal to hold as is the sensitivity to an extreme right- announcement of chairman Herwig an information round among trade wing past, so it now appears. This is Jorissen’s membership of the Flemish union members. But the Walloon met- something that the chairman of the Militants’ Order, 38 years ago, has alworkers want a specific action plan. Socialist Metal Union Herwig Jorissen shifted the confrontation into a higher The splitting of the metal federation has found out. At seventeen this trade gear - and done so in the full glare of could have far-reaching consequences union leader was a member of the the media. for relations between Flemings and Wal- extreme right-wing paramilitary organ- Jorissen has not acceded to the demand loons in the entire Socialist trade union. isation VMO. For the French-speaking by the French-speaking metalworkers table page 5 metalworkers, this is enough to call for to step down as chairman of the metal www.abvvmetaal.be his resignation. For the Flemish metal- federation. But he is having his wings

focus on FLANDERS • 19 November - 25 November 2005 • Number 44 SOCIAL POLICY 5

GENERATION PACT the ACV is not necessarily on the same wavelength as the ABVV, something Friday: union information that had reportedly already become clear from their talks with the govern- day on the Generation Pact ment yesterday and on Monday. In the ACV they are convinced that they are There appears to be less readiness to take part in strike action among the gradually ‘landing’, also out of the con- ACV's grassroots than in the socialist union viction that there will be nothing more to be gained from further negotiations. The question remains, however, as to he three trade unions ACV (Christ- appears to be less readiness to take part whether the Christian grassroots will Tian), ACLVB (Liberal) and ABVV in strike action among the ACV's grass- swallow this position. It remains a fact (Socialist) are holding an information roots than in the socialist union. On that ACV chairman Cortebeeck is hav- day on the Generation Pact on Friday, Monday the Christian white-collar- ing to give ground to his militant sec- and occasional work stoppages. A 24- workers’ union LBC did already hint tions, such as the white-collar work- hour strike at a later date is not being that it would support any ABVV ers’ union LBC, for the second time in ruled out. ACV and ABVV are stressing strikes. The ACLVB does not see any a row. However, many in the Rue de la that they want to continue acting in a scope for large-scale strikes (FF). Loi remain convinced that the ACV common union front. However, all of can have a moderating influence on the ABVV’s federations (general, metal, TINE PEETERS • DE MORGEN • 23 NOVEMBER the ABVV, whose actions without the textiles, food, white-collar workers, Christian partner could never have the transport and the public sector) have ABVV, ACV and ACLVB rejected the re- desired impact. already definitively rejected the finements to the pact in resolute terms. The political world also received a lash- amendments that the federal govern- The major obstacles are still the equated ing. ‘This is no pact; a pact is some- ment has made to the Generation Pact. periods to help women to achieve the re- thing you agree on’, said Cortebeeck. The fairly moderate stance adopted by quired career achievements, which the And Xavier Verboven (ABVV): ‘If the the Flemish wing of the metal federa- trade unions want to broaden, and the government wants to carry on like this, tion was conspicuous, and in stark con- availability (for a new job) up to the age we will soon have our action plan trast to the Walloon wing’s radical of 58 of people who have taken early re- ready.’ But the purple parties did not al- rejection. ACV chairman Cortebeeck tirement. The unions are planning an in- low themselves to be provoked by this called a few amendments to the pact formation day on Friday for their mem- and reacted with considerable restraint. positive. He also fears that the unions bers. There won't be any strikes, but The big question now is whether the will not be able to salvage much more. there will be work stoppages. ‘serious trade union actions’ that are At a joint press conference given by the It is interesting that ABVV, ACV and being threatened are enough to make trade unions on 22 November, he criti- the liberal ACLVB acted as one trade the government yield. Last week Prime cised Prime Minister Verhofstadt’s union front. But not everyone was con- Minister Verhofstadt assured that he refusal to enter into any talks on the vinced of the front's solidity. That was would not do that and the chances of adjustments in the pact. There also clear from the way in which the vari- him changing his mind are small. ous players view the action plan. When The employers did not want to give an ACV leader Luc Cortebeeck talks of official reaction yesterday, but in infor- Union structure ABVV ‘the path of gradualness’, the Walloon mal channels they criticise the trade TOTAL 1,200,000 members (figures 2000) ABVV leader Jean-Claude Vandermeren unions for adopting a short-term view. general union (construction, 320,000 in turn refers to ‘serious union actions’. chemical, glass etc..) Officially that is called a difference in www.abvv.be employees private (BBTK) 280,000 culture ‘between North and South’. www.acw.be civil servants (acod) 270,000 But behind the scenes it emerged that www.aclvb.be abvv metal 170,000 textile 50,000 Taxes paid by the Pharmaceutical Industry transport (btb) 30,000 company taxes on profit (company tax) taxes on turnover (Busquin-tax) food-catering-services 80,000 j&j pharma 112.68 mill euro 4.1 mill euro source: tijd graphics glaxo smith kline 111.3 8.7 ucb 52 1.1 Union structure ACV bms 11 3.3 baxter 9 2.1 TOTAL 1,690,000 members (figures 2001) employees lbc (flemish) 292,000 sanofi-aventis 8.3 8.6 employees cne (walloon) 133,000 merck 3.8 2 wyeth 3.8 3.5 construction and industry 257,000 lilly 2.8 25 food and services 236,000 schering-ploug 2 1.9

metal 225,000 schering 1.34 1.7 textura 81,800 boehringer 0.9 1.9 energy 65,000 lundbeck 0.9 1.1 astrazeneca 0.04 6.9 ccod (civil service) 153,000 novo nordisk 0 1.4 acv-transcom 85,000 pfizer 0 11 cov (education. primary school) 39,000 novartis 0 5 coc (education) 47,500 msd 0 4.4 roche 0 3.9 smaller unions 75,700 solvay 0 0.9 source: tijd graphics source: de morgen focus on FLANDERS • 19 November - 25 November 2005 • Number 44 6 SOCIAL POLICY AND ECONOMY

CHILD CARE point there. Childminding by service Vandenbroucke and Moer- cheque operates in a completely differ- ent way to traditional day-nursery ser- vices, because the children are looked man quarrel about service after at home. You call the local work- shop or the temping agency, and they cheques for childminding send someone round to come and look after your children at home. Yet that fundamental difference is precisely also or the Flemish Liberal VLD service Opinion the reason why childminding by ser- Fcheques are the means of ensuring vice cheque is only suitable as a top-up flexible childminding facilities, some- LUC STANDAERT • HET BELANG VAN system for emergency cases. thing championed fervently by chair- LIMBURG • 24 NOVEMBER After all, childminding by service man Bart Somers in the Flemish press. cheque, as individual childminding, is And on 23 November the VLD minister Now the federal government has adopt- much more expensive for the govern- Fientje Moerman announced that the ed the Flemish ‘back-to-work’ bonus for ment than ordinary collective day- funds were available to pay for these the over-50s in the Generation Pact, we nursery services. Moreover, parents service cheques, namely via her col- can use the EUR 20 million that we're want a relationship of trust with the league Frank Vandenbroucke. But he saving on that also to give employers a people who look after their children wants to invest that money in employ- bonus if they take on people over 50, and minimum guarantees as to their ers who take on older workers, in sup- considered Vandenbroucke. But in so competence in this field. Via Kind & port of the Generation Pact. For the saying he had not counted on fellow Gezin (The Flemish department for coalition partners CD&V and the SP.A, minister Moerman, who wants to use at Children and the Family) the Flemish the cheques are only one of the ways of least part of the money for the latest Lib- Authorities are spending a lot of money providing for more flexible childmind- eral hobby-horse. on the monitoring of childminders and ing facilities. Their main objection is After all, the VLD is assuming that it is day nurseries. Setting up a parallel sys- that they are expensive. Regular child- impossible for the traditional day-nurs- tem of unmonitored individual child- minding facilities cost EUR 2 to 3 an ery facilities provided by baby-sitters minding, which is open to the commer- hour. The service cheque costs EUR 7 and crèches to offer enough flexibility cial circuit, actually looks like (FF). to help those parents who work irregu- distortion of competition. lar hours or do night work. They have a

PHARMA less than 20% out of the health insur- Threat of a split within ance system's medicines budget. An indication that the internal power struggle was nearing its climax came Pharma.be with the unexpected resignation of the Janssen Pharmaceutica, UCB and GSK feel that their interests are not no. 2 within Pharma.be, Luc Ver- propersy defended by pharma.be meescch of UCB. At the same time, in relative terms the companies are being hit a lot less hard he head-on collision between Phar- ma.be is cracking, writes De Morgen by taxes on the sale of their medicines. Tma.be and the federal government (FF). This is in contrast to many other has caused cracks to appear in the phar- multinational companies which de- maceutical industry’s lobby front in TOM COCHEZ • DE MORGEN velop almost exclusively marketing this country. When Leo Neels, the 19 NOVEMBER practices in Belgium, scarcely con- organisation’s managing director, tribute to the economy, and to a large blamed the government last week for Pharma.be CEO Leo Neels is in fact degree have the health insurance to the investment which the Pfizer plant having a knife held to his throat: either thank for their profits. Janssen Phar- in Puurs missed out on, Prime Minister Pharma.be continues but with a com- maceutica, UCB and GSK set out this Verhofstadt (VLD) and Social Affairs pletely reorganised internal balance of reasoning, albeit in less pointed terms, Minister Rudy Demotte (PS) defended power, or the three will leave, possibly in a letter to Prime Minister Verhofs- their policy, referring to the cuts in taking some smaller companies with tadt the day after director Leo Neels' charges for study and research in the them in their wake. reaction to the Pfizer affair. sector. However, Neels was chiefly tar- The most important reproach ex- A specific sticking point is the rela- geting the tax on the pharmaceutical pressed by Janssen Pharmaceutica, tively weak position of the three ma- industry’s sales in this country, which GSK and UCB is that Pharma.be ex- jors in the Pharma.be board, where is aimed at making good the shortfall in pressly opts for the multinational they only have a small minority of the the social security system. Neels’ argu- pharmaceutical companies, even seats, meaning that their vote does not ment did not go down well in the gov- though they are hardly economically carry very much weight. ernment, but it was not well received active in our country and are a heavy either by the three Belgian Pharmaceu- burden on health insurance. The big www.pharma.be ticals, Janssen Pharmaceutica, UCB three, on the other hand, represent www.janssenpharmaceutica.be and GSK, who feel that their interests 90% of investments in the pharmaceu- table page 5 are not being defended properly. Phar- tical sector, whilst only taking a bite of

focus on FLANDERS • 19 November - 25 November 2005 • Number 44 FOREIGN POLICY AND MEDIA 7

FEDERAL FOREIGN POLICY The caution that was displayed yester- day after Theunis' landing in Father Theunis is home, speaks volumes. He was whisked away from the field of view of the gathered Rwanda policy remains media and held in quarantine. There is considerable pressure on him and his unchanged circle to avoid contacts with the press. For his part Minister De Gucht showed The evidence against Theunis is extremely poor himself to be unrecognisably strait- jacketed in his interviews. The inevitable question is: how long must fter being accused by a gacaca pop- ment wanted to avoid Rwanda suffer- this country continue to tread lightly Aular court in Rwanda of incitement ing too great a loss of face. Belgium's for the regime in Kigali? to genocide at the beginning of Septem- Rwanda policy is not being altered as a The way in which Theunis has been ber, Flemish white Father Guy Theunis result of the affair. Belgium is to con- used as an opening shot in a little pow- had been referred to an ordinary court. tinue to invest in development aid er game between Kigali and Brussels Pending his appearance before that there (EUR 15.1 million in 2004) and can hardly be described as anything court, he was imprisoned in the capital wants to remain on speaking terms other than blackmail. Theunis is home, Kigali. With discreet diplomacy, the with Paul Kagame’s regime in order to but other Belgians and Belgian organi- Foreign Affairs Department has man- play a permanent role in the peace sations continue to live under the terror aged to secure Theunis’ return home. process and the stabilisation of the of what has occurred in the last few On landing at Zaventem on 20 Novem- region. Theunis’ transfer is a success for weeks. This situation is not tenable ber, he was immediately led away by Foreign Affairs Minister Karel De indefinitely. Full marks for the adroit- the police for questioning, and only Gucht and his diplomats, says De Stan- ness of Belgian diplomacy, but the The- after that was he able to go home a free daard. But the matter leaves a nasty unis affair has shown that the basis of man. The evidence against Theunis is aftertaste nonetheless (FF). our relations with this tryannical extremely poor - all those familiar with regime should be subject to a far-reach- the matter agree on that. He is accused Opinion ing assessment. of having incited genocide in the maga- zine Dialogue before the genocide of BART STURTEWAGEN • DE STANDAARD • www.diplomatie.be 1994. By having Theunis questioned by 21 NOVEMBER the police, the Foreign Affairs Depart-

PUBLIC BROADCASTER Van Mechelen in particular is fighting tooth and nail to oppose the measure Discord in coalition on may not be completely disassociated from the fact that it was he who had powers of VRT board of negotiated Mary’s mysterious contract at the time. On Friday it thus became clear that the directors VLD and the SP.A were not planning to let Bourgeois saw off the legs of the At the council of ministers' meeting of directors to have its say in the strategic chair Mary was sitting on just like 18 November Media Minister Geert decisions, which in the recent past have that, and his alliance partner CD&V Bourgeois (N-VA) was forced, to his been taken by Tony Mary and his man- was not prepared to turn this into a great indignation, to conclude that the agers. The examples are well known: hanging-matter. Therefore it was de- coalition partners of the SP.A and VLD the decision to set up the sports chan- cided to have the VRT’s legal depart- were not behind his draft decree aimed nel Sporza, the decision to throw in its ment and Bourgeois’ principal private at giving the VRT board of directors lot with Belgacom as a partner for digi- secretary Andries work out a compro- greater scope. Nonetheless two weeks tal television, and very recently the pro- mise together. The Bourgeois camp is ago the party chairmen had been on the posal to start up eight digital channels already armed with a report by same wavelength as to the main lines of (FF). MeesPierson Governance Services, such a review, which for that matter is which states that the proposals meet in the coalition agreement. But manag- ANN PEUTEMAN • KNACK • 23 NOVEMBER the rules of good governance. Further- ing director Tony Mary's campaign more, they had some valuable small against 'the re-politicisation' of the Since the comments made by former change: Mary’s request for an extra public broadcasting company has clear- Media Minister Dirk Van Mechelen EUR 200 million. Mary can thus boast ly not failed to have its effect. Accord- (VLD), liberal resistance to an adapta- of a successful attack on Bourgeois' ing to Bourgeois and his alliance part- tion of the management structure has credibility. And the negotiations on ner Carl De Caluwé (CD&V), it is by no flared up. On account of free mason ca- the new management agreement with means the intention for the board of maraderie, according to what is being the VRT are yet to begin. directors again to be authorised to med- said in the corridors. On account of the dle in the day-to-day management, friendship between Foreign Affairs www.vrt.be such as, for example, in the program- Minister De Gucht (VLD) and Tony www.ministergeertbourgeois.be ming. They just want the board of Mary, is the explanation. The fact that

focus on FLANDERS • 19 November - 25 November 2005 • Number 44 8 CULTURE

• 1,2 and 3 December: Royal Ballet of Flanders • Until 31 December: Master pieces from the with Impressing the Czar by William Dutch treasure room, KMSK, Antwerp; Diary Forsythe, De Singel, Antwerp; info: info: www.kmsk.be www.desingel.be 03/248.28.28 • Until 2008: Art at the Frontline 1914-1918, • 2 December: Chamber Orchestra Moscow Royal Army and Military History Museum, Soloists conducted by Joeri Basjmet (alt violin) Brussels; info: 02 737 78 33 www.klm-mra.be with Sviridov, Schnittke, Sjostakovitch, MUSIC, DANCE, THEATRE • Until 31 December: Art nouveau and Design Prokoviev, De Singel, Antwerp; info: 1830-1958, Royal Museum for Art and History, www.desingel.be 03/248.28.28 Cinquantenaire, Brussels; • 25 and 26, 29 and 30 November: Animal by • 2 December: Kris Verhelst (harpsichord), info: 02/741.72.11 www.kmkg.be Mark Tompkins/Cie IDA, dance, Kaaitheater, Doron Sherwin (cornett) and Jan Van Outryve • Until 23 December: The art nouveau front as Brussels; info: www.kaaitheater.be and (lutenist), Bozar, Brussels; info: www.bozar.be a complete work of art, Museum for Architec- Vooruit, Ghent; info: www.vooruit.be 02/507.82.00 ture, Brussels; info: 02/642.24.75 • 28 November: Elbow, Ancienne Belgique, • 2 December: Salvator Adamo, Flagey and the • Until 31 December: Between Photo and Brussels; info: www.abconcerts.be Municipality of Ixelles organise a concert by Film, exhibition, KMKG, Cinquantenaire, 02/548.24.24 the Belgian Italian singer Salvatore Adamo. Brussels; info: www.kmkg.be • 28 November: Hanne Hukkelberg & Under The proceeds go entirely to projects that help • Until 4 December: The big umbrella by Byen, (Norway/Denmark De Handelsbeurs, the fight against AIDS, Flagey, Brussels; info: Aleksandra Mir, SMAK, Ghent; Ghent; info: www.handelsbeurs.be www.flagey.be info: www.smak.be • 29 November: Prazak with Mozart, • 2 December: Philharmonic Orchestra of Rot- Other Smak exhibitions: Janacek and van Beethoven; De Singel, terdam conducted by Valery Gergiev with • Until 8 January: Sergej Bratkov (Rus), Antwerp; info: www.desingel.be 03/248.28.28 piano concerto by Rachmaninov and sympho- www.smak.be (0)9 221 17 03 • 29 November: Raymond Vanhet Groe- ny by Shostakowich, Concertgebouw, ; • Until 9 January: Panamarenko, retrospec- newoud, AB, Brussels;info: info: www.concertgebouw.be tive, KMSK, Brussels; info: 02-508.32.11. www.abconcerts.be 02/548.24.24 • 3 December: Christmas Cantates by Tele- www.fine-arts-museum.be • 29 November: Soledad, Tango concert, mann, Il Fondamento conducted by Paul • Until 18 December: Iconocity, exhibition by Flagey, Brussels; info: www.flagey.be Dombrecht, De Bijloke, Ghent; info: Aglaia Konrad, Photographic impressions of Flagey, Brussels; info: www.flagey.be www.bijloke.be Peking, Kaïro, Chicago, Mexico City, De Sin- • 29 November: Camerata Salzburg with • 3 and 4 December: Finale by the Pacetti gel, Antwerp; info: www.desingel.be Anne-Sophie Mutter (violin), concerto for vio- Company Starting from the Mont des • Until 22 January: Avant-garde from Russia lin WA Mozart; Bozar, Brussels; info: Arts/Kunstberg, Pacitti leads his audience, by 1900-1935, exhibition, Bozar, Brussels; info: www.bozar.be 02/507.82.00 torchlight, into the basement of the Centre for www.bozar.be www.europalia.be 02/507.85.95 • 30 November: La Fenice and Chœur de Fine Arts for a very unusual performance: • Until 22 January: From Tsar to Emperor: 300 Chambre de Namur, Jean Tubéry conductor Finale. Imposture, ambition, resentment, pow- objects that illustrate the period of Russian with Roland de Lassus, Motets & psalms er: the contradictory sentiments tackled by history from Ivan the Terrible to Catherine the (1604); Bozar, Brussels; info: www.bozar.be Emile Zola in his novella Thérèse Raquin, Great (1547-1796), Bozar, Brussels; info: 02/507.82.00 Bozar, Brussels; info: www.bozar.be 02/ 507 82 www.bozar.be www.europalia.be 02/507.85.95 • 30 November: Amadou & Mariam, AB, Brus- 00 • Until 30 April: Pain, exhibition, Museum sels;info: www.abconcerts.be 02/548.24.24 • 3 December: Academy of Choral Art Ghuislain, Ghent; www.museumghuislain.be • 30 November: Martha Wainwright, Handels- Moscow, conducted by Victor Popov with the • Until 26 February: The Trans-Siberian beurs, Ghent; info: www.handelsbeurs.be Vespers by Rachmaninov, De Singel, Antwerp; Express: fascinating facts about the route to • 30 November: Iva Bittova (voice), Skampa info: www.desingel.be 03/248.28.28 Vladivostock, KMSKG, Cinquantenaire, Brus- Kwartet with Janacek and Bittova, De Singel, • 4 December: Come Sunday # 1, Triple con- sels; Antwerp; info: www.desingel.be 03/248.28.28 cert by Quartet, 3 for Steve Lacy info: 02/742.72.11 • 1 to 4 December: Progress, Vooruit Geluid by Joe McPhee, Joe Giardullo and Gilles • Until 8 January: Sabena, Air Nostalgie, Festival, Russian music, video, performance Laheurte and Jewels and Binoculars with Photo Museum, Antwerp; and literature with Oleg Soulimenko, Markus ‘Music of Bob Dylan’, De Singel, Antwerp; info: www.fotomuseum.be 03/242.93.00 Schinwald, A Stage Matrix, Alexandr Petlura, info: www.desingel.be 03/248.28.28 • Until 5 February: Europalia Russia: Kathari- living installations, Opus Posth, Alexei Agui • 3 December: Orchestra of the age of na Prospekt, The Russians by the Fashion ensemble, Auktyonn, Evelina Petrova, ZGA, enlighenment conducted by Simon Ratcliffe, designer duo A.F Vandervorst, Fashion Muse- Iva Nova, Volkov Trio, Sergey Starostin and with Haydn and Mozart Bozar, Brussels; info: um, Antwerp www.momu.be many others, De Vooruit, Ghent; info: www.bozar.be 02/507.82.00 • Until 31 December: Rubens, Jordaens and www.vooruit.be • 4 December: Belgian National Ochestra Van Dyck, Arentshuis, Bruges, info: • 1 and 2 December: Spinvis, AB, Brussels and with Honegger and Ravel, Bozar, Brussels; www.brugge.be, 050/44.87.12 Handelsbeurs, Ghent; info: info: www.bozar.be 02/507.82.00 • Until 29 January: Exhibition: Toys in girls’ www.abconcerts.be 02/548.24.24 • 5 December: Cecilia Bartoli with lesser hands, Toy museum, Mechelen, • 1 and 2 December: Family Happiness by Leo known work by some of Händels contempo- info: 015/55.70.75 www.speelgoedmuseum.be Tolstoi, directed by Piotr Fomenko, Atelier raries, Bozar, Brussels; info: www.bozar.be Until 5 February: The Blue Rose – Symbolism Piotr Fomenko – Moscow, Bozar, Brussels; 02/507.82.00 in Russia, Museum of Elsene; info: info: www.bozar.be 02/ 507 82 00 • 6 December: Yann Tiersen, AB, Brussels; 02/515.64.22 • 1 December: L’oeil du cyclone, théâtre, Com- info: www.abconcerts.be 02/548.24.24 • Until 4 December: Information/Transforma- pagnie Tmako Teatri, Côte d’Ivoire, Zuiderper- 8• December: The Nits, AB, Brussels; info: tion, Extra City, Antwerp; info: 0484/42.10.70 shuis, Antwerp; info: www.zuiderpershuis.be www.abconcerts.be 02/548.24.24 • Until 31 December: Extravagant, rediscov- • 1 December: Abdel Rahman El Bacha with ery of the Antwerp Mannerists ; KMSK, Rachmaninov, piano recital, Concertgebouw, Antwerp; info: 03/238.78.09 Bruges; info: www.concertgebouw.be EXPO www.museum.antwerpen.be/kmska • 1 December: Black eyed Peas, Vorst - • From 5 February onwards: The memory of • Until 8 January: Something, exhibition, Sixty aal, Brussels; info: www.vorstnationaal.be Congo, the colonial period, exhibition, Muse- anonymous photographs. Something that • 1 December: Kopelman Quartet with String um for Central Africa (Tervuren); turns up without being invited, Bozar, Brus- by Pyotr Tchaikovsky and Dmitry info: www.175-25.be sels; info: www.bozar.be Shostakovich; Bozar, Brussels; info: www.bozar.be 02/507.82.00

Editor in chief: Frank Vandecaveye • Translation: Eurologos • Advisory panel: Luc Demeester (Lannoo), Rik Van • Printing: Drukkerij Lannoo nv, Tielt Cauwelaert (director Knack), Wim Coessens (Man- • Responsible editor: aging director, De Morgen), Frans Crols (Director, Luc Demeester, Marke Trends), Jan Denaeyer (Information Officer, Focus on Flanders provides a weekly • 48 issues Flemish Community), Mark Deweerdt (Journalist, overview of articles from the Flemish press • Subscription rate printed edition + 2 e-mail De Tijd), Michael Stabenow (Correspondent, editions + password to search the archive and appears in English, French and German. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung), Luc Standaert (www.focusonflanders.be): 233 euro (Journalist, Belang van Limburg), Jan Van Doren This newsletter is published by Uitgeverij • Either transfer the sum to account no.: (Deputy Director, VOKA-VEV), Bernard Bulcke Lannoo nv, Kasteelstraat 97, 8700 Tielt 472-1010001-19 with the KBC in Roeselare (De Standaard) Or give us the number and expiry date of your cred- • With thanks to: Concentra nv, De Vlijt nv, de and can also be obtained by e-mail. The it card (Visa/Eurocard): Vlaamse Uitgeversmaatschappij nv, De Persgroep website www.focusonflanders.be contains Telephone: 051/42.42.99 nv, Uitgeversbedrijf Tijd nv and Roularta Media an electronic archive of published articles Fax: 051/40.11.52 Group nv and their editorial teams for supplying E-mail: [email protected] the articles.

focus on FLANDERS • 19 November - 25 November 2005 • Number 44