Working to Conserve of Prey in Nature

Majesty on the Wing - Bald ©1978, Robert Bateman.Courtesy of the artist and Mill Pond Press, Inc. Venice, FL 34292 1999 Annual Report the peregrine fund world center for birds of prey LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT

he was legally removed from the list of threatened and endangered within the Endangered Species Act (ESA) on 25 August 1999 (see page 2 for details). Although the Peregrine was out of jeopardy for some years, the restoration effort could never be considered complete until this legal action was taken. Based on geographic area and results, the restoration of the Peregrine Falcon must be considered the most significant species recovery program in the 20th TCentury in North America. The proposed de-listing of the will be a good beginning for this new century! The Peregrine Fund was involved in the early days of Bald Eagle restoration. In 1976 we pioneered the method for release of to the wild, helping New York State launch its endangered species program. The two eaglets we released by “hacking” were removed, one each, from nests with three young in Wisconsin where the Bald Eagle population was healthy. Some people criticized the release as just a publicity stunt for the Nation’s Bicentennial Year. Incredibly, these first two released eagles bred in 1979, just 80 miles away from the release location, raising two young of their own and continuing to nest there for many years. The success demonstrated the methods we developed for the Peregrines had broad application for other species and, more importantly, that species restoration was possible. The reintroduction of Bald Eagles in New York was expanded and continued as it was in many other states and internationally with other eagle species by other private and government organizations. We look forward to the de-listing and have placed the Bald Eagle on the cover in recognition of that important outcome. Our con- gratulations to all involved! Although restoration of the Peregrine Falcon and Bald Eagle in North America are magnificent accomplishments, never was either species in jeopardy of extinction throughout its entire range as was the case for the Mauritius Kestrel. The Mauritius Kestrel exists on a single island, Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean. In the mid 1970s when The Peregrine Fund became involved, working with the Mauritius Wildlife Appeal Fund, Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust, and others, most people considered the species beyond hope of recovery, as only one pair was known to remain and no more than three to five total kestrels existed. Today the Mauritius Kestrel flourishes, and there are believed to be over 700 kestrels. For raptor restoration, this accomplishment must head the list for species restoration in the 20th Century. In 1993 we were asked by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the State of Hawai‘i to assume an important role in restoration of the and, later, all of the State’s endangered birds. Only two raptor species breed in Hawai‘i, the Hawaiian Owl and Hawaiian Hawk, and neither is in jeopardy, although the hawk is listed under the ESA as “endangered.” Through a herculean effort by The Peregrine Fund staff and cooperators, a great deal has been accomplished in just a few years. Much of the knowledge and physical foundation needed for effective species restoration in Hawai`i now exists. We did all we could File Photos short of reshaping our organization, which was the next requirement if the program results achieved First release to the were to continue at the same pace. In 2000, our role, staff, and the program in Hawai‘i are being trans- wild by hacking of nestling Bald Eagles - ferred to the Zoological Society of San Diego (see pages 8 & 9). We are again re-focusing on raptors. 1976, New York state. Even working only on raptors, however, the actions needed far exceed our resources, emphasizing the importance of being realistic, effective, and collaborating with others. Our varying involvements with all of the above-mentioned species and projects have convinced us of this conclusion. Over 30 years ago founded The Peregrine Fund. I have touched on only a portion of the organization’s record and even so believe it to be remarkable. The qualities and traditions which have helped achieve these results in the 20th Century must be remembered and emphasized as we pro- ceed into the future. Therefore, we present to you “Raptor 2100,” The Peregrine Fund’s plan for the 21st Century (page 1). With this plan comes a request for your continued partnership.

Sincerely yours,

Bill Burnham President BUILDING TO LAST – RAPTOR 2100 RAPTOR 2100: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE 21ST CENTURY: RAPTOR 2100 Objective: Working to Conserve Wild Populations of Birds of Prey Early in 1998, The Peregrine Fund Board and staff began a series of retreats and meetings to review who we are, what we stand Synopsis: The Peregrine Fund works worldwide for, why we exist, and where we are going. Having an almost three-decade history of building upon successes and annually to conserve wild populations of birds of prey. achieving meaningful results provided an excellent basis for review and discussion. The process required almost two years and Conserving raptors provides an umbrella of pro- tection for entire ecosystems and their biodiver- resulted in “A Strategic Plan For The 21st Century: Raptor 2100.” sity. We are a non-political, solution-oriented, hands-on, science-based organization. Goals are achieved by restoring and maintaining viable he successful completion of the Pere- versity; and (4) when raptors can be used for help us decide in what to invest our conser- populations of species in jeopardy; studying grine Falcon restoration prompted us developing local capacity for conservation in vation resources (dollars, people, time, etc.): little-known species; conserving habitat; educat- to review and define the major objec- the developing world; and (5) our efforts can (1) degree of species endangerment; (2) level ing students; developing local capacity for sci- tives of The Peregrine Fund with the aim of contribute to conservation of habitat and the of knowledge about the species; (3) probabil- ence and conservation in developing countries; Tbuilding an organization that will continue to environment on which raptors depend. ity that others can and will do the work; (4) and providing factual information to the public. Since beginning work in 1970 we have assisted work through the next century to conserve Raptor 2100 National Program includes level of impact of results compared with level raptor conservation projects in more than 40 birds of prey in the wild. The resulting strate- actions that we can apply to conserve species of investment of resources; (5) how the proj- countries on six continents. gic plan, Raptor 2100,describes the major within the . These include: (1) ect fits with others underway or planned; and objectives of the organization, provides a hands-on raptor management actions (e.g., (6) whether we are capable of accomplishing guideline for prioritizing projects to achieve captive breeding and release); (2) providing the project successfully. those objectives, and outlines how we antici- advice and knowledge to others (e.g., federal, Projects will be evaluated annually using pate the plan will be implemented. state, and local government); (3) public edu- the following guidelines to help decide The Peregrine Fund’s objective for Raptor cation; (4) hands-on enhancement of raptor whether or not to continue the project: (1) 2100 is to work to conserve wild populations habitats; and (5) basic research. adequate progress towards defined objec- of birds of prey. Implicit within Raptor 2100 Raptor 2100 International Program includes tives; (2) prior and future organizational is the understanding that we will build on all of the actions in the National Program, as resource investments needed to be success- the strengths and characteristics of The Pere- needed and appropriate, plus actions that are ful; (3) availability of financial, staff, and facil- grine Fund that collectively make us a applicable in many developing nations where ity resources; (4) impact and sustainability of unique conservation organization, such as: a lack of knowledge, expertise, or infrastruc- the results; (5) project cost and proportion of our focus on birds of prey; hands-on, sci- ture are often the greatest challenges to project cost provided by The Peregrine Fund. ence-based projects; and our non-political, achieving conservation. These include: (1) Overall, a successful project will demon- solution-oriented approach that draws people increasing knowledge and understanding of strate one or more of the following bench- together to work on shared goals. We occupy the natural history and status of little-known mark results: (1) preventing the extinction of a unique and important niche in the conser- raptors through field studies; (2) conserving a species; (2) conservation of important vation community and by extending our raptors and their habitats, to include working raptor habitat; (3) an increase in knowledge global activities we expect to have a major to prevent species from becoming endan- of species; or (4) developing individual and impact on conservation of raptors and other gered; (3) developing local capacity to achieve organizational conservation and science species in their ecosystems. conservation through training, support, and capacity internationally to carry initiatives Methods are divided into those that will be developing infrastructure; (4) providing forward. Exceptional staff and Board mem- applied within the U.S. (Raptor 2100 National opportunities for student training and sup- bers are both a hallmark of the past and criti- Program) and those applied throughout the rest port; (5) providing information to govern- cal for the future. Each person must con- of the world (Raptor 2100 International Pro- ments for policy decisions; (6) serving as an tribute measurably to the organization’s gram) because raptor conservation needs and information warehouse on the biology and achievement of meaningful annual results. opportunities differ broadly along those lines. status of raptors worldwide; and (7) establish- Expenditures must not exceed income or In general, we go to work when: (1) raptor ing a biogeographic small grants program to the annually approved budget. Ideally, invest- species become threatened or endangered; or fund individuals to achieve much of the in- ment income (endowment) should, at a mini- (2) limited knowledge exists on species of rap- country work. mum, cover all administrative expense. Our tors; or (3) raptor conservation benefits envi- In assessing whether to begin a new proj- goal is for 100% of donors’ gifts to go to proj- ronmental health and conservation of biodi- ect, we will use the following guidelines to ect support.

Drawing by John Schmitt 1 PEREGRINE FALCON At the 20 and 21 August 1999 ever forget the experience (see The method will be adopted by the U.S. he Peregrine Fund may be North American Peregrine Falcon Peregrine Fund Newsletter No. 30, Fish and Wildlife Service and the unique, but if not, surely it Victory Celebration, the Secretary summer/fall 1999). States so most of their limited is one of only a few conser- of the Interior, the Honorable Bruce As U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service funds can go toward restoration of vation organizations to achieve the Babbitt, announced the de-listing of Director Jamie Clark, a former Pere- endangered species. Monitoring no Tgoal for which it was created. Cer- the Peregrine from the Endangered grine release site attendant herself, longer needs to be annual or inten- tainly we cannot take all the credit Species List. On 25 August 1999 said at the announcement for the sive for this species. Checking as many organizations and thou- the announcement was published proposed de-listing a year earlier on small, representative portions (sam- sands of people played a role, but in the Federal Register, making the 26 August 1998, “the Peregrine ples) of the Peregrine breeding sites ours was certainly central and sig- action official. Over 1,000 people Falcon is back!” She was correct, annually or larger numbers every nificant to the ultimate accom- participated in the Boise, Idaho Cel- and the dramatic increase in num- three to five years is sufficient. plishment. ebration and we doubt any will bers of pairs is indisputable. In Monitoring should be to detect pop- some states there are now more ulation trends over time, not to breeding Peregrines known than document annual variations in ever before, and we do not know reproduction. what the upper population limits The final declaration of a success- and carrying capacity of the habitat ful recovery of the Peregrine is turn- may be. While a few critics of the ing its management over to state de-listing worry that wildlife agencies, as removal of the Pere- with other species grine from the protec- protected under the tion of the Endan- Migratory Treaty Young Peregrines at Sheep Restoration of viable Mountain release site, gered Species Act Act, and allowing for a wild populations of Rocky Mountain National could jeopardize pop- limited harvest of Park, Colorado, 1980. ulations, yet others Peregrine Falcons in hatch year Peregrines are worrying the the United States and for . This may increased numbers of removal from the seem a strange state- Peregrines could nega- Endangered Species ment and unneces- tively affect potential List. Achieved. sary step to some prey species such as readers, but we the Least Tern in . Mean- believe it is important. The falcon- while, the Peregrine remains oblivi- ers offered up their Peregrines, ous to these human concerns in its knowledge, and even dollars to help ecological role as a top predator. begin the captive breeding and There are two remaining issues to restoration program and con- be completed in association with tributed importantly for three the de-listing: (1) development and decades to completion. Their trust implementation of a monitoring should be recognized now that the plan to track Peregrine populations Peregrine is back, and they should and (2) authorizing and setting again be able to capture hatch year, limits for harvest of nestling and wild Peregrines to use in falconry immature (hatch year) Peregrines from geographic areas where Pere- for use in falconry. Although several grines flourish. There is no biologi- rather complex and expensive pro- cal justification not to do so. With posals have been made for moni- the capture of the first Peregrine for toring populations, we are hopeful falconry, the story of the Peregrine a more reasonable but satisfactory will have come full circle. Photo by Steve Platt 2 CAPTIVE BREEDING - RAPTORS Harpy Eagle - Ten eggs were laid This juvenile Ornate Hawk by three Harpy Eagles at the World Eagle is not in its native aptive breeding is a cor- Central American habitat, but nerstone for the Aplo- Center between 16 December is in fact at tame hack at the mado Falcon, California 1998 and 16 April 1999. Six of the residence of our Board mem- Condor, and Harpy Eagle restora- eggs were fertile, and the seventh ber, Bob Berry. In 1998 he Ction programs. A new crop of may have been fertile but was paired our handicapped hawk broken by the eagles. Unfortu- eagle from Guatemala with a expertly propagated and raised captive-bred male, producing young are annually required. nately, none of the eggs hatched. two beautiful progeny in 1999. Should this effort falter, there This failure was a great disappoint- This was only the second suc- would be no releases, and recov- ment, and we reviewed all aspects cessful mating pair for this species in the U.S. ery rates would slow, and even of management of eagle pairs and possibly fail. We therefore focus incubation of their eggs for this exclusively on propagation on this season and past years. Pathology page. was also performed on the eggs and embryos by Bruce Rideout, RESULTS Chairman of Pathology, at the San - This year, as Diego Zoo. No mistakes, deficien- last year and the year before, was cies, or disease were discovered. in every sense a record breaking We believe, however, that housing STAFF season for propagation of Aplo- the eagles indoors throughout the Captive propagation at the World Center is mado Falcons. Of particular note is year may be resulting in vitamin accomplished by Cal Sandfort, Randy the exceptional rate for hatching deficiencies we cannot correct Townsend, and Randy Stevens with the of fertile eggs and survival of through diet supplements. Empha- assistance of Sean Cluff and Ross Dickinson. young hatched. sizing this concern are Raptor food production is managed by Amel

California the excellent results Photo by Bob Berry Mustic, Roy Britton, and Nedim Condor - California achieved by the San Omerlegovic. Facility maintenance is under Condors do not Diego Zoo using the Ten Year Captive Breeding Summary the direction of Randy Stevens. reach sexual matu- Propagate the required same propagation for the Aplomado Falcon rity until about numbers of the best parameters but with seven or even eight possible physically, their pair held in an Year Total Females Total Fertile Young Young COOPERATORS years of age. Even behaviorally, and outside enclosure. Laying/Laying Eggs Laid Eggs Hatched Survived Major financial support for captive propaga- then, production of genetically constituted Boise, Idaho’s climate Fertile Eggs tion is provided by the U.S. Fish and fertile eggs may raptors for release to is too cold to keep Wildlife Service, the Lee and Ramona Bass 1990 10/4 40 6 (15%) 6 (100%) 4 (67%) Foundation, the Idaho Bureau of Land require additional the wild. tropical eagles out-of- years. Our captive doors. To address this 1991 8/4 43 22 (51%) 18 (82%) 12 (67%) Management, and donors listed under the population at the World Center is project reports. Pathology and veterinarian issue and other difficulties we 1992 11/6 55 35 (64%) 22 (63%) 19 (86%) young, and many condors are just have experienced with breeding support are provided by Meridian Veterinary reaching maturity. We are expect- tropical raptors indoors, we plan to 1993 13/6 69 35 (51%) 27 (77%) 26 (96%) Clinic, the Zoological Society of San Diego, Dubai Falcon Hospital (Dave and Cheryl ing a large jump in number of create a Neotropical Raptor Center 1994 19/12 112 53 (47%) 31 (58%) 12 (39%) young produced over the next few in Panama in 2000 for propaga- Remple), Washington State University years. Of special note are the total tion of tropical species. 1995 24/22 115 68 (59%) 49 (72%) 49 (100%) (Lindsay Oaks), the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Wildlife Health Laboratory, number of fertile eggs laid (14) Note: This report is for the year 1996 24/21 186 130 (70%) 110 (85%) 42 (38%) compared to the number hatched 1999. Good news for 2000--we Caine Veterinary Teaching Laboratory, and 1997 23/19 180 129 (72%) 108 (84%) 105 (97%) (12). Over 85% of the fertile eggs have hatched three Harpy Eagle The Raptor Center. have hatched! chicks as of this writing! 1998 25/19 213 136 (64%) 119 (88%) 117 (98%) 1999 27/24 222 145 (65%) 128 (88%) 126 (98%) Total N/A 1,235 759 (62%) 618 (82%) 512 (83%)

3 RESTORATION 1996 and releases have been n 1967 the California Condor occurring every year since. was placed on the first federal Releases there are being conducted list of endangered species under the 10(j) rule of the Endan- with an estimated population size gered Species Act -- “experimental Iof less than 60 individuals. The nonessential population.” Outside total number of condors reached its of National Parks and Recreation lowest point in 1982 with just over Areas, the rule treats the condors 20 condors in existence. It has now as a threatened species, not as an been 12 years since the last free- endangered one, and no related flying California Condor was restrictions are placed on current trapped and brought into captivity or future land management prac- back in 1987. There were many tices. This arrangement has worked people who believed they would well and we have received a never see another wild condor tremendous level of support from soaring majestically in the wild. the local community and everyone Just one year later, in 1988, the involved. first captive California Condor was 1999: The total population of Cali- hatched at the San Diego Wild fornia Condors is now at 155 indi- Park, and in 1992 the first viduals. Of those, 99 are in captivity experimental release took place on with 42 at our World Center for the Arundell Cliffs, Sespe Condor Birds of Prey, 30 at the Establish self-sustaining Sanctuary, in Ventura County, Cali- Zoo, and 27 at the San Diego Wild wild populations of fornia. Additional condors were Animal Park. The wild population California Condors being raised at the Los Angeles consists of 50 condors with six additional birds being held in prepa- through captive propa- Zoo, and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife ration for release at a site in central gation, release, and Service (Service) requested that The California. Of the total we have 25 management with the Peregrine Fund be the third institu- tion to breed condors and assume birds in the wild in northern Ari- ultimate goal of remov- the lead for their release into the zona at our two release sites. Five ing the species from the wilds of northern Arizona. are at the Hurricane Cliffs and 20 Endangered Species List. are at the Vermilion Cliffs. RESULTS There were four condor mortali- By September of 1993 we had ties in Arizona in 1999. A four- completed our first 17,000 sq ft year-old, condor #24, was shot breeding and laboratory facility, the while perched on a rock ledge just Peter and Conni Pfendler California above the Colorado river in Grand Condor Facility, holding 10 pairs of Canyon National Park. The perpe- condors at the World Center. A trator was subsequently fined second 10-chamber building was $3,200 dollars, placed on one year constructed in 1997. We now have of supervised probation, and 21 pairs of California Condors, ordered to perform 200 hours of including the only pair on public community service. The cause for display located in our Velma Morri- the most recent death of Vermilion son Interpretive Center. Cliffs condor #16 is currently being The first release by The Peregrine determined. The loss of these two Photo by Amy Nicholas Fund was on the Vermilion Cliffs, birds was especially tragic because California Condor country, Arizona! northern Arizona, in December of they were two of the oldest birds 4 Photo by Chris Parish

Left: Project field manager Shawn Farry STAFF with young California Condor. Coordination, Bill Heinrich with assistance Photo by Amy Nicholas by Amy Photo Below: Fitting a California Condor with a from Brian Mutch; reintroduction, Shawn Ravens often harass the California radio transmitter prior to release are, from Farry; field assistance, Amy Nicholas, Kirk Condors, as shown here. Even though left, Ruth Andres, Brian Mutch, Shawn ravens are large birds, they appear Farry, Bill Heinrich, and Chad Fitzpatrick. Stodola, Kristy Bly, Gantt Charping, Janelle small compared to condors. Cuddeford, Gretchen Druliner, Melissa Gray, Jeffrey Kingscott, and Karen Leavelle; and and would have potentially been scientific assistance, Lloyd Kiff. some of the first condors to breed in the wild. Two additional young COOPERATORS birds from the 1999 release also Transporting California Condors takes a were lost. Condor #97 was killed tremendous amount of logistical coordina- by a Golden Eagle and condor #07 tion. We have been fortunate to receive was found dead with food aspi- major support from the Bureau of Land rated into its lungs. Of the 35 con- Management’s Boise Smoke Jumpers, the dors we have released in three Idaho National Guard, the U.S. Forest years, nine have died. Considering Service, Norm Freeman (based out of the ages, it is clear the condors are Phoenix), and The Salt River Project with most at risk during the first few Photo by Chris Parish both fixed wing aircraft and helicopters. months in the wild. Four deaths have occurred less than two July both groups of condors, now to forage completely on their own. the area covered by the 10(j) status Additional cooperators are the U. S. Fish months after release, and six of the numbering 20 individuals, discov- During this period condors were to include half of Nevada and all of and Wildlife Service, the Los Angeles Zoo, nine were less than five months ered the South Rim of Grand observed feeding on the carcasses Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New the Zoological Society of San Diego, the after release. Of 23 released birds Canyon National Park. With the of Mule Deer, Big Horn Sheep, Mexico. The expansion would help Arizona Game and Fish Department, and that have survived longer than six Park often hosting up to 12,000 vis- Beaver, Elk, and range cows and facilitate additional releases. We are the Bureau of Land Management, as well months, 20 are still alive in the itors per day, the condors were sheep. In late August our biologists gradually making progress on as the local ranchers and lodge owners. wild. If a young condor can make drawn to the activity at the many were able to trap 18 of the con- reaching the recovery goal of estab- Special thanks go to Maggie Sacher. it through its first spring and overlooks. Peregrine Fund and Park dors, take blood samples, and lishing a population of 150 condors Financial assistance this year was provided summer, its chances for survival biologists joined forces to keep the replace radio transmitters. Blood and at least 15 breeding pairs out- by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, The increase dramatically. condors away from potentially dan- samples were evaluated for chemi- side of California. There are still no Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, Idaho After extensive flights during the gerous situations while providing cal and metal contamination as California Condors breeding in the Bureau of Land Management, Turner summer of 1998, the Vermilion tourists with valuable educational well as for nutritional analysis. All wild although we anticipate that Foundation, Inc., ARCO Foundation, William Cliffs-released condors have information on condor biology. of the condors came up with a changing in the next few years as H. Gates Foundation, Wallace Research remained relatively sedentary, Significant progress was made clean bill of health. the population of free-flying con- Foundation, The Kearney Foundation, Globe while young from the first Hurri- this year in creating a self-suffi- dors becomes sexually mature. Foundation, Jane Smith Turner Foundation, cane release ventured as far north- cient wild condor population. From FUTURE PLANS Patagonia, Bank One, Arizona, NA, Norcross east as Mesa Verde, Colorado mid-May through the end of August We are currently working with Wildlife Foundation, Inc., Ten Times Ten before permanently joining with no Vermilion Cliffs condors fed on local communities and the U. S. Foundation, Grand Canyon Association, and the Vermilion Cliffs birds. In early carcasses we provided, preferring Fish and Wildlife Service to expand Tejon Ranch. 5 NORTHERN APLOMADO FALCON RESTORATION lished pairs of Aplomado Falcons, species not only increase the nce common throughout and this beautiful species is once amount of food required to support much of the American again breeding within the United a falcon release, but also represent Southwest, the Aplomado States. a direct threat to the falcon’s sur- Falcon declined dramatically during vival. In an effort to attract fewer theO early part of this century and RESULTS miscellaneous wildlife species, our Last season (1998) we celebrated had disappeared as a breeding biologists have successfully devel- our best year yet for both the species within the United States by oped a covered feeding platform number of Aplomado Falcons the 1950s. The U. S. Fish and which shields the food from view raised and the number of young Wildlife Service listed the Aplo- of vultures and other scavengers. falcons successfully released. This Photo by Angel Montoya Photo by mado Falcon as an endangered There are at present two core year was even better! We experi- species in 1986 and requested that breeding areas of released Aplo- Above: Aplomado Falcons enced phenomenal propagation The Peregrine Fund assume the mado Falcons. Five pairs have been do not build nests but success (see leadership in its recovery. To Captive Breeding - located on Matagorda Island, and a instead use those con- Raptors), and a record 115 captive- structed by other birds accomplish this, a captive breeding second group of 14 pairs occurs bred falcons were released at eight which may be weak and population was developed from 25 approximately 150 miles to the sites along the Gulf Coast dangerous to eggs and nestlings collected over a four-year south on the Laguna Atascosa young. Here Brian Mutch with a 75% success rate. Each period from remaining populations National Wildlife Refuge and sur- reinforces such a nest. release site is continu- in southern Mexico. From this rounding private Right: Brian Mutch passes a ally monitored for a modest investment of wild stock, properties. The mean downy Aplomado Falcon minimum of six down from the nest to an incredible 466 captive-bred distance between weeks. A falcon is Angel Montoya for banding. Aplomado Falcons have now been To establish a self-sus- active nests in the considered to be suc- released into former habitats in taining wild population southern group is cessfully released south Texas! Our biologists are cur- of Aplomado Falcons in approximately 19 km once it has been out (n=6). Many of the Photo by Bill Heinrich rently observing at least 19 estab- the southwestern United in the wild for three States and northern 19 pairs of Aplomado weeks, capturing prey Mexico through captive Falcons under obser- on its own and no propagation, release, vation were sub-adult, longer dependent on and management with nevertheless eight being fed by our biol- (42%) attempted to the ultimate goal of ogists. The most breed, and four (21%) removing this species important causes of successfully fledged a death for newly from the Endangered total of 12 young. An released falcons are Species List. average of 1.5 young disorientation imme- were fledged from diately following release and subse- pairs that attempted to nest. In quent by Great-horned Mexico we continue to monitor a Owls. Over the years the success population of Aplomado Falcons in rate has averaged 70%. We have northern Chihuahua where 13 learned that the longer a release nests fledged a total of 17 young site is used within a season, the resulting in 1.3 fledged per nest. higher the mortality rate becomes. The fledging rate of Aplomado Fal- It essentially becomes a feeding cons in this new Texas population station for not only the released fal- compares favorably with the fledg- cons, but for other wildlife as well, ing rate that we are observing in particularly Turkey Vultures, Great- Chihuahua. Nevertheless, mortality Two 1999 wild-produced young produced from horned Owls, Chihuahuan Ravens, at nest sites remains higher than previously released Aplomado Falcons. Raccoons, and Coyotes. These we would like due to predation Photo by Brian Mutch by Brian Photo 6 Adult female Aplomado Falcon. STAFF Program direction, Peter Jenny; coordination, from other birds, , and gered species recovery effort. This Bill Heinrich; reintroduction, Brian Mutch; fire ants. Aplomado Falcons do not partnership has required the devel- field manager, Angel Montoya; science assis- construct their own nests, but opment of a unique and effective tance, Lloyd Kiff; and hack site attendants-- rather utilize abandoned hawk, Habitat Conservation Plan known Christine Appet, Alison Benedict, Thom kite, or raven nests. We have as a “Safe Harbor Agreement,” Benedict, Kelly Bowman, Elizabeth Burgess, observed nestling mortality as a which has successfully enrolled William Gantt Charping, Janelle Lynn result of structural failures associ- more than one million acres of pri- Cuddeford, Dana Doherty, Jessica Eastlake, ated with the age and disrepair of vate habitat to date. This conserva- Maya Farry, Marcus Martin, Mark Menlove, some of these secondhand nests. tion plan provides protection for David Moen, Beverly Oney, Stephanie Sims, In an effort to reduce nestling mor- the landowner from potential Kristy Smith, and Ruth Van Wye. tality resulting from predators and restrictions imposed by the Endan- from structural failure, in Texas we gered Species Act while, at the COOPERATORS have erected a variety of artificial same time, providing access to We cooperate with the U. S. Fish and nesting structures. essential habitat for the recovery of Wildlife Service, the Secretaria De Medio The adaptability of the Aplomado the Aplomado Falcon. Through Ambiente Recursos Naturales Y Pesca Falcon and their use of novel nest- education at both federal and local (SEMARNAP), the Texas Parks and Wildlife ing sites is fascinating to observe. levels, and through the develop- Department, and receive support from many Two pairs nested in artificial struc- ment of innovative and realistic partners from the private sector. Working tures we provided, and the remain- solutions to current problems asso- closely with Miguel Mora of the Patuxent der utilized abandoned stick nests ciated with the Endangered Species Wildlife Research Center we continue to ana- on power poles and in Macartney Act, we are significantly increasing lyze levels of environmental contaminants Rose, Texas Ebony, and Mesquite. the potential for participation by found in the eggs and blood of established One pair even attempted to nest the private sector in species Aplomado Falcons. In cooperation with directly on the ground. Of particu- restoration by instilling trust. PRONATURA VERACRUZ and FUNDACION lar interest are the five pairs of fal- ARA, we support a county-wide distributional cons on Matagorda Island. These FUTURE PLANS survey of the Aplomado Falcon in Mexico. are the first pairs to be discovered The success of this project on barrier islands and as far north requires that additional release Providing essential financial support were as Matagorda. Young Aplomado sites be established. With so many the Lee and Ramona Bass Foundation, The Falcons are particularly vulnerable new pairs being formed during the Brown Foundation, Inc., Houston to predation by Great-horned Owls last year, many of the release sites Endowment, Inc., Ruth Andres, the Robert during the first two weeks after that we have used in the past are J. Kleberg, Jr. and Helen C. Kleberg their release. Releasing Aplomado now occupied by pairs of falcons. Foundation, the National Fish and Wildlife Falcons on barrier islands like This bodes well for the success of Foundation, The Tapeats Fund, The Charles this program but represents a con- Engelhard Foundation, Exxon Corporation, Matagorda, which support fewer Photo by Steve Bentsen Great-horned Owls, may represent tinual challenge to develop new, Turner Foundation, Inc., Central and South an important step in the recovery and successful, release sites. In West Services, Inc., U.S. Fish of this species. We had expected 2000 we are planning to use 10 and Wildlife Service, Karen the falcons to disperse onto the sites, of which eight will be new. and Tim Hixon, Walter Negley, mainland to nest and have been We are in the process of expanding Herman Stude, Jane Smith rather surprised that pairs are actu- the Safe Harbor permit to enable Artificial nests can be Turner Foundation, and Mike ally nesting successfully on the the development of release sites in safer for breeding fal- and Carolyn Maples. west Texas. The Peregrine Fund is cons than natural nests. island on top of thickets of rose Here Wade Ruddick, San bushes. also working with a variety of pri- Jose Island ranch man- More than 97% of suitable habi- vate, state, and federal entities in ager (left), and Angel tat in Texas is privately owned, New Mexico in an effort to develop Montoya construct a a future release program in that nest to hopefully be requiring the essential partnership used in the future by of the landowners in this endan- state. Aplomado Falcons. Photo by Brian Mutch 7 HAWAIIAN ENDANGERED BIRD CONSERVATION PROGRAM RESULTS he Hawaiian Islands are During the past seven years The facing an extinction crisis of Peregrine Fund’s Hawaiian Endan- unprecedented proportions. gered Bird Conservation Program The remaining species of native has accomplished a great deal. In birdsT probably comprise less than particular, (1) the development of 20 percent of the original bird life an expert and highly motivated

Photo by Cyndi Kuehler that evolved in these Islands. staff, (2) the design and construc- Nearly 75 percent of the recorded tion of a 3.5 million dollar state-of- extinctions in the United States the-art propagation facility, the have been native Hawaiian species. Keauhou Bird Conservation Center, The Peregrine Fund’s overriding (3) an improved State of Hawai‘i- goal is to enhance global environ- owned Bird Conservation mental health and the conservation Center, (4) the development of the of natural resources, and particu- technology to hatch and hand-rear larly biological diversity. Our successfully 13 species of native approach to conservation is to Hawaiian birds (10 were the first “make a difference and make it ever accomplished), (5) the estab- sustainable” by maintaining a lishment of an associated environ- small, simple, flexible organization mental education program for that can act quickly and effectively. Hawaiian school children, and (6) It is precisely this conservation phi- the successful reintroduction and losophy that made breeding of the endan- Photo by Bill Burnham us the organization gered Puaiohi in the best suited to help wild. We believe the per- the U. S. Fish and To restore viable pop- sonnel, basic knowl- Wildlife Service and ulations of endangered the State of Hawai‘i edge, and facilities now Hawaiian birds and halt the imminent exist to achieve hands- remove them from the extinction of the on recovery actions Hawaiian Crow in Endangered Species successfully for native 1993 and achieve List. Hawaiian birds. We many other results. have laid a good foun- Even with the continued support of dation. And, in keeping with our State and Federal agencies and our organizational philosophy “make a difference and make it sustain- Photo by Pat Burnham private land-owner partners, how- Photo by Tracy Powers by Tracy Photo ever, the natural heritage of the able,” we believe reaching the next Clockwise from top: Marla and Joop Kuhn, long-term level of achievement can best be staff members in Hawai‘i. Hawaiian Islands cannot be saved without a major effort by govern- accomplished by the transition of Our first three staff in Hawai‘i, from the left: Co-director The Peregrine Fund’s role to Alan Lieberman, Co-director Cyndi Kuehler, and ment and the private sector alike Hawaiian Crow Release Manager Peter Harrity. addressing the continuing impact another organization that can offer Barbara McIlraith and John Turner expertly managed the of introduced exotic species which the program different conservation Maui Bird Conservation Center for The Peregrine Fund. are primarily responsible for extinc- resources. This is only the begin- Our Keauhou Bird Conservation Center is a state-of-the- tions in Hawai‘i. ning and there is yet much to be art captive propagation facility which includes areas for organized visits by students. This is a Kaumana School File Photo group. 8 CHICKS HATCHED BY HAWAIIAN ENDANGERED BIRD CONSERVATION PROGRAM (1993-1999) STAFF Cyndi Kuehler and Alan Lieberman, Co- Directors; Peter Harrity, ‘Alala release; Marla Kuhn, Joop Kuhn, Paul Oesterle, done before the tide is turned in Tracey Powers, Mary Schwartz, and Lynne favor of species recovery. Neibaur, Keauhou Bird Conservation Center After discussions with the Zoo- personnel; Barbara McIlraith, John Turner, logical Society of San Diego Valerie Stein, and Stephen Bailey, Maui Bird (ZSSD), the U. S. Fish and Conservation Center personnel. Kristin Wildlife Service, and the Hawai‘i Whitaker worked as seasonal help during Department of Land and Natural 1999. Conservation interns included Melissa Barney, Matt Farley, Angie Felty, Resources, we believe that the 1 2 3 ZSSD is an exceptional organiza- Keith Hackbarth, Tracy Hagen, Dianne tion with the depth of Havens, Ju Lee, Patrick Lieske, Leayne resources to elevate the 1. Common ‘Amakihi 21 Patch, Lisa Rathbun, Mary Schmidt, Kecia program in Hawai‘i to Photo by Alan Lieberman Spears, and Alison Tozier. 2. ‘I‘iwi 2 the next needed level. Photo by Paul Banko The ZSSD’s Center for COOPERATORS 3. ‘Oma‘o (Hawai‘i Thrush) 27 4 Reproduction of Endan- Photo by Joop Kuhn Working together to make this restoration gered Species (CRES) can 4. Hawai‘i ‘Elepaio 11 program successful are the U. S. Fish and assist the Hawai‘i pro- Photo by Jack Jeffrey Wildlife Service, Hawai‘i Division of gram in the areas of 5. Palila 22 Forestry and Wildlife, U.S. National Wildlife Photo by Jack Jeffrey research, veterinary Refuges -- Hakalau and Kai Malino, the 6. Puaiohi (Small Kaua‘i Thrush) 46 Biological Resources Division of the medicine and pathology, Photo by Joop Kuhn U.S.G.S., the National Park Service, and public relations. 7. ‘Akohekohe (Crested 5 6 Increased public educa- Honeycreeper) 6 Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate, the tion and visibility are Photo by Jack Jeffrey Zoological Society of San Diego, and the 8. Hawai‘i Creeper 9 biologists, administrators, landowners, and important to enhance Photo by Joop Kuhn conservation in Hawai‘i. interns of the Partnerships entrusted with 9. Maui Parrotbill 3 The ZSSD has the scope Photo by Alan Lieberman the recovery of the Puaiohi, ‘Alala, and and breadth to meet 10. ‘Apapane 2 7 Maui forest birds. Photo by Alan Lieberman these needs. We have Financial and in-kind support were provided invested a great deal in 11. Hawai‘i ‘Akepa 6 Photo by Joop Kuhn by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Hawai‘i, and we will con- 12. ‘Alala (Hawaiian Crow) 36 Hawai‘i Department of Land and Natural tinue our involvement in Photo by Paul Banko Resources, the Zoological Society of San an advisory capacity. 13. Nene (Hawaiian Goose) 52 Diego, The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, Part of the key to our Photo by Joop Kuhn 8 9 the Cooke Foundation, Ltd., Wallace continued success is stay- Research Foundation, the Atherton Family ing true to our organization’s origi- Foundation, Tesoro Corporation, nal focus -- working on birds of 13 Kaytee Avian Foundation, Hawaii prey. To our co-workers, coopera- Community Foundation, the McInerny tors, and friends in Hawai‘i, our Foundation, G. N. Wilcox Trust, Club 300 of sincere thanks and best wishes for Sweden, the Margaret B. Shipman continued success. Foundation, the Mad River Foundation, Hawaii Electric Light Company, an important anonymous donor, and many supportive Peregrine Fund members in Hawai‘i. 12 10 11 9 Joni Frey created a new flight mural for the Discovery Room.

STAFF Program Director, Nancy Freutel; volunteers and gift shop, MaryAnn Edson; education and raptor care, Kim Middleton; and facility EDUCATION PROGRAM maintenance, Mark Armstrong and Paul Malone. RESULTS increased by over 500 students Cumulative: Since its inception from the prior year. Our 8,152 vis-

Volunteers: Donating over 100 hours of Photos by Nancy Freutel in 1984, the Education Program iting school children, totaling 331 service in 1999 were: Mark Armstrong*, has continued to grow to meet classrooms, represented all grade Pat Baumback, Christa Braun*, Karen demand. We liken our beginnings levels from kindergarten through Brender*, Don Disotell*, June Disotell, to that of a one-room school house, college. Almost 80% of these stu- Betsy Eldredge, Phil Eldredge, Leo Faddis*, and today we are housed in the dents are in elementary school. Anne Fitzsimmons, Bob Fitzsimmons*, Don ever-expanding Velma Morrison Third graders again represented the Fox*, Linda Fraser*, Joni Frey*, Dawn Interpretive Center. Our first public largest single school grade level. Gable, Marie Gummerson*, Helen tours were given in 1985, and since We created an entirely new entry Harrington, Jerry Heimbuck*, Bryan that time we have directly reached into the Interpretive Center and Jennings*, Lori Johnson, Jeanne Koeberlein, almost 500,000 people through our moved our gift shop there. The Bob Koeberlein*, Pat Kolb, William Kolb*, educational programs. former gift shop has become a new Paul Malone*, Mike McSweeney*, Milton 1999: During this year we Discovery Room. This new room Melzian*, Bob Murray*, Trish Nixon*, Brit recorded over 30,000 visitors to the provides visitors an opportunity for Peterson*, Carole Smith*, Nikki Stilwell*, Velma Morrison Interpretive Center. a greater in-depth discovery of the and Dick Thatcher*. As visitors arrive, many sign the biology of birds of prey and will guest register, which indicates we feature numerous hands-on * Docents had visitors from all 50 states and exhibits. We also created an indoor 27 foreign countries. Fifty-five per- raptor presentation area, reformat- COOPERATORS cent of our visitors indicated they ted and updated the Jungle Awak- Financial support was provided by the Laura visited the World Center because of ening show, and enhanced three Moore Cunningham Foundation,Inc.; Offield Inform and educate the a referral by other family members interactive displays. Family Foundation; Harry W. Morrison general public and pri- or friends. The life blood of the education Foundation; U.S. Bank; Union Pacific The number of school children program continues to be the tal-

Photo by Russell Thorstrom mary and secondary stu- Foundation; Jim and Karin Nelson; Tom and dents on the importance visiting with their classrooms ented and dedicated volunteers Diana Nicholson; J.A. & Kathryn Albertson John Schmitt adds an Foundation; Bank America Foundation; he pre- of birds of prey, nature, Laurie Simms; Browning Ferris Industries; pared for the Interpretive and our organization’s Center. Key Foundation; McAlvain Construction, accomplishments. We Eagle Scout Inc.; Interior Systems, Inc.; Maxey Tookey accomplish our goals by Jessie Simmons, Architects; Romar Electric Co., Inc.; YMC, providing factual infor- on the right, completes his Inc; Kilgore Architectural Products, Inc.; The mation to the public and service project. Masonry Center, Inc.; Itron Telephone by providing visual and He donated the Solutions; ES/Drake Communications; hands-on opportunities completed Steve Guinn; Boise State University kestrel boxes for during visits to the World our use. Construction Management Club; and numer- Center for Birds of Prey. ous individual donors. Photo by Fred Schmitz Photo by Fred 10 THE PEREGRINE FUND INTERNET SITE RESULTS The popularity of The Peregrine Fund’s Internet site has continued to increase over the years. The number of “hits” (number of times pages are vis- ited) to our site has increased from 600 during our first month on line in August 1995 to more than Photo by Nancy Freutel by Nancy Photo New entry and gift shop at World 600,000 per month this year! The Internet is pro- Center for Birds of Prey. viding us a cost-effective method to present infor- mation on our projects and their results to a world- who contribute their time and tal- wide audience. Through our site we provide ents to make the program success- background information and results on many of our ful. The team of 124 volunteers projects, press releases, job announcements, and worked over 8,500 hours in capaci- “Notes from the Field” written by our biologists ties such as chamber cleaning, gift working in the field. The site is an excellent infor- shop staffing, scheduling, planning, mation resource for students and teachers. mural design and painting, con- Due to the overwhelming response, we recently struction, library work, and, of redesigned the site to incorporate new technology course, Docents leading tours. Vol- and to simplify navigation. The new design has unteers contributing more than been receiving excellent comments. It was selected 100 hours during the year are by as one of the best on the Inter- listed in this report. net when reviewed for quality, accuracy of content, presentation, and usability. Interpretive Center. There will also be an interactive FUTURE PLANS In an effort to produce more revenue for The Pere- quiz to test your knowledge on basic facts about To make the facility more useable grine Fund from the Internet, we have joined as birds of prey and their identification. This section by a greater number of people, we members of and will be developed for use by children and adults. To provide well written, are continuing to upgrade several These sites have ground-breaking programs that A new resource we are developing factual, and timely infor- displays. Major additions expected enable you to support The Peregrine Fund while shop- which will be available and of particular 3,583,525 within this year will be completion ping on the Internet -- at no extra cost to you. Visit value to conservationists and biologists is mation to the general of the new Discovery Room and or www.Greater- focused on little-known raptor species public about our organi- the addition of touch screen moni- and choose The Peregrine Fund as your and those that are in jeopardy. On the zation and projects and tors to illustrate the different kinds nonprofit organization. Then begin shopping at a vari- homepage, in-depth information, a in-depth information on of raptors better. Space continues ety of stores including, The Disney review of the literature, and active raptors for conservation- to be at a premium, and we are Store, 1-800-Flowers, and many more. A percentage researchers’ names and contact numbers ists and biologists via exploring all avenues to enhance of the purchase price (up to 15%) will be donated will be provided for each species. This is the Internet. visitors’ experiences and create a directly to The Peregrine Fund. being developed by our Science Director, better learning environment. The Peregrine Fund also has an on-line catalog of Lloyd Kiff. items available in our gift shop at the World Center

for Birds of Prey. Members of The Peregrine Fund 1,793,398 STAFF are entitled to a 10% discount on any purchase. Our The Peregrine Fund’s internet site is super- catalog is at html. vised by Jeff Cilek, Vice President. Linda 1,281,956 FUTURE PLANS Behrman maintains the site with assistance We plan to continue updating the site as new fea- from Brenda Ruckdashel. tures become available. In 2000 we expect to add an interactive section on different kinds of raptors. COOPERATORS This section will focus primarily on North American Financial support for the internet site was Internet Site Hits 1997 1998 1999 raptors and the birds of prey visitors see at our provided by the Ten Times Ten Foundation.

11 STUDENT EDUCATION RESULTS cipants in the Maya Project. Munir alent) earned by Erik Rakotoarisoa Identify and/or provide Cumulative: Over the past 30 Virani, who had already earned an (ecology of ground-rollers), Ignace research and educa- years, we have directly assisted stu- M.Sc. with our support, completed Randriamanga (ecology of the tional opportunities for dents in completing 15 Ph.D. and his Ph.D. at the University of Leices- Harrier), Doris undergraduate and grad- 31 M.Sc. degrees or equivalents, ter, United Kingdom with a study Rasamoelina (modeling of fisheries uate students, both in and more than a dozen undergrad- on the ecology of Augur in in several lakes), Ursile the United States and in uate degrees. Kenya. By year’s end, Carter Ong Razanantsoa (ecology and behavior other countries, espe- 1999: We continued assisting stu- was near completion of her M.Sc. of an endangered lemur, Decken’s cially in connection dents in three main programmatic work on the ecology of the Martial Sifaka), and Harilalaina Robenari- with our field programs. areas, including the Maya Project, Eagle in Kenya; her graduate studies mangason (ecology of the Banded Madagascar Project, and the Pan- have been at the University of and Madagascar Kestrels). Lily Project. Jason Sutter com- Leicester, United Kingdom. Arison René de Roland earned his Malagasy doctoral student pleted his M.Sc. on the ecology of It was a banner year for graduate Ph.D. with his detailed studies of Lily-Arison René de Roland the Crane Hawk at Tikal National students associated with the Mada- the biology of the Henst’s Goshawk

holding his favorite study Photo by Russell Thorstrom raptor, the Henst's Park, Guatemala at Boise State Uni- gascar Project as six degree pro- and France’s Sparrowhawk. All of Goshawk. versity, marking the seventh grams were completed. These these degrees were earned at the advanced degree obtained by parti- included DEA degrees (M.Sc. equiv- University of Antananarivo. Sup-

Harilalaina Robenarimangason SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS collects data for student Ignace Randriamanga who RESULTS tations, and theses have resulted the Raptor Research Foundation in studied Madagascar A 275-page indexed bibliogra- from the Maya Project, and the Mikulov, Czech Republic in Sep- Harriers for his DEA phy of publications by our staff Madagascar Project field work has tember. Rick Watson and Lloyd degree (Masters equiva- and research associates, or with generated 41, with more to come Kiff also participated in the World lent). our support, was updated, and it from both groups. The published Conference of BirdLife Interna- Photo by Russell Thorstrom included 753 titles published contributions of our tional in Malaysia in between 1970-1999. At least 45 talented field biolo- November, and Lloyd Masters publications appeared in 1999, gist, Russell Kiff attended the VI student Ruth including two large progress Thorstrom, have To present the results Neotropical Ornitho- Tingay and been particularly logical Congress in Peregrine Fund reports on the Madagascar Project of research studies to technician Eloi for the years 1997-98. These were noteworthy for both scientific forums, gov- Monterrey, Mexico. Fanameha produced entirely by our Malagasy of these projects. In ernment agencies, and band and take aggregate, the publi- FUTURE PLANS staff. Aristide Andrianarimisa, interested groups. a blood sample National Director of the Madagas- cations emanating Because our work for DNA analy- car Project, edited the volumes, from the Maya and involves a mixture of sis from a pure research and Madagascar and the various accounts were Madagascar Projects TPF PUBLICATIONS applied conserva- Fish Eagle written mostly by the Malagasy will serve as a lasting Technical 172 nestling before contribution to the tion, we have a spe- students who have been involved Dissertations/theses 46 replacing it in with the project. Many of these conservation and cial obligation to its nest. Reports 508 contributions will eventually be knowledge of the report our results to Popular articles 27 published in technical journals. birds in those our peers, wildlife The long years of field research regions. Total: 753 managers, and the on the Maya Project are paying off Our Science Direc- interested public. in the form of numerous papers tor, Lloyd Kiff, gave the keynote Thus, we will continue to empha- and short notes published in address (on the recovery of the size publications and oral presen- ornithological journals. By now, 35 Peregrine in North America) at the tations as highly important pay- peer-reviewed publications, disser- 3rd International Conference of offs of our programs. File Photo 12 SPECIMEN COLLECTION port was also provided for studies RESULTS had accumulated over the past ences in eggshell thickness by Renee Land (Tufts University) Our collections now contain few years from natural mortality between captive- and wild-laid on the ecotoxicology of Madagas- nearly 7,000 eggshell specimens, in the captive breeding program eggs of Peregrines, Aplomado car Fish Eagles, Gilbert Razafiman- salvaged from our 30 years of and road-killed birds brought to Falcons, California Condors, jato (University of Antananarivo) captive breeding work, and over us by our volunteers and associ- and other species. We also will on the endemic Peregrine 200 bird study ates. Most of these specimens continue to examine the role of subspecies in southern skins, mostly of were integrated into the main genetics in various egg param- Madagascar, and Ruth raptors. These collection, and others were eters, including size, color, and Tingay (University of Not- Develop and maintain specimens are placed in a mini-reference collec- shape. Our collection is unique tingham, United Kingdom) maintained for tion in the Interpretive Center. among museum egg collec- who conducted field systematic collections of eggshells and raptor research and Eggshell specimens salvaged tions since we have detailed research on the roles and reference pur- from the various captive breeding information about each of the relationships of extra-pair study skin specimens for programs were added, and inven- birds that laid the eggs and Photo by Lloyd Kiff research and reference poses and are birds at Madagascar Fish housed in 24 tories of prepared and incoming often their parents as well. We purposes. Measuring the thickness of a Eagle nests for her M.Sc. state-of-the-art specimens were maintained. will continue to build up gradually California Condor eggshell. degree. metal cabinets a representative collection of FUTURE PLANS study skins of birds of prey with a FUTURE PLANS in our 800 sq ft collection build- STAFF A custom-made device for meas- goal of eventually having at least We will provide support to Travis ing. The collections are supervised by Science uring eggshell thickness was one example of each sex and age Booms and Catherine Wightman, In 1999, John Schmitt, Director Lloyd Kiff. Christi Hall main- obtained from Clark Sumida, of class of all North American Boise State University Master’s renowned artist and taxidermist, tained the specimen catalogue and Camarillo, California. This sophis- species with a spread wing for the degree candidates who are associ- was able to spend a week at the assisted with data organization. Bird ticated instrument will allow us to convenience of artists and ated with our Greenland Project World Center preparing several specimens are prepared by John conduct detailed studies on differ- researchers. under the supervision of Mark dozen salvaged specimens that Schmitt. Fuller. In Madagascar, studies will continue by Gilbert Razafimanjato on Peregrines and Ruth Tingay, who is now embarking on a Ph.D. LIBRARY program and continuing her field Our library now contains nearly who conducted ornithological and to see what titles we house. research on the roles and relation- 5,000 books, as well as complete medical entomological research in Additional shelving was added ships of extra-pair birds at Mada- or partial runs of over 400 techni- Southeast for many years. In in both the main library and in gascar Fish Eagle nests. Two indi- cal journals and conservation mag- addition, Dr. Jared Verner donated the collections room to accom- viduals associated with our azines. Our a large portion of his conservation modate the many new acquisi- Pan-Africa project will con- computerized biology library, and smaller gifts of tions. tinue their studies with our reprint collec- books and other materials were support: Mburu Chege, who Establish and maintain a tion contains received from many other donors. FUTURE PLANS is conducting research on comprehensive ornitho- over 9,000 cata- A large collection of mostly techni- In coming months, we will Ruckdashel Photo by Brenda the ecology of the Egyptian logical and conservation logued articles, cal ornithological journals was complete cataloguing books and A plate from the two-volume monograph holdings, finish bind- set, Nicoll's Birds of Egypt, Vulture at Hell’s Gate biology research library and another purchased from Flora and Fauna donated by Sally Spofford, National Park, Kenya for an related to the mission of 5,000 await pro- Books in Seattle. ing long journal runs, and bring one of the many rare hold- M.Sc. at the University of the organization and of cessing. Cataloguing of the library, using the reprint catalogue up to date. ings in our library. Nairobi, and Ato Lakew major importance to the In 1999 Mrs. the OCLC system, was initiated in Shelf space is now at a premium, entire Intermountain and a new area dedicated specifi- Berhanu of Ethiopia who is Nobuko 1999, and about half of the book STAFF biological community. cally to the library will eventually conducting field studies on McClure, of holdings have been formally The library is supervised by Lloyd Kiff, the Lammergeier for a Camarillo, Cali- processed. Our catalogued titles be required. Nevertheless, we con- tinue to seek donations of libraries Science Director. Volunteer Dawn Gable future M.Sc. at the University of fornia, donated a huge biological are included in the widely used assisted with the reprint collection in Kent, United Kingdom. library from the estate of her late OCLC database, allowing users and individual books, all of which are tax deductible. 1999, and Christi Hall helped catalogue husband, Dr. H. Elliott McClure, from anywhere in North America books. 13 NEOTROPICAL RAPTOR CONSERVATION PROGRAM

ranging raptors, top-of-the-food-chain predators, tors, habitat, and biodiversity in the Neotropics. onservation in the Neotropics (the we can reasonably expect to save most of the Specific elements of the program are described biological region comprising most of biodiversity in the food chain below them. In in the following pages, under the Neotropical tropical Central and this way raptors can provide an umbrella of pro- Raptor Center, Honduras, and Harpy Eagle Con- and the ) is a global priority because tection for the ecosystem in which they live. servation and Research. ofC the high diversity of species found in tropical The Peregrine Fund’s time-tested, hands-on, habitats and the rapid rate of habitat alteration. science-based approach has both a unique and ANTICIPATED RESULTS The Neotropical Raptor Conservation Program Within the Neotropics, the islands of the West valuable role for conservation in the Neotropics. has the following major goals: (1) conservation Indies are particularly important because of the A significant investment now in the Neotropics of raptors known or likely to be in jeopardy number of species in jeopardy from loss of the will strongly influence conservation actions and because of their small populations and/or limited already limited habitat and the importance of raptor research for decades, if not longer. As or disjunct ranges; (2) improved knowledge and these islands as a flyway for migratory species. forests are rapidly diminishing, the return on conservation of raptors with emphasis on those is important because of the investment will likely never be as great in Latin for which too little is known to determine their limited extent of remaining forest, the high pro- America as during the next 10 years. status; (3) answering important land manage- portion of taxonomic diversity within this area, The Peregrine Fund’s Neotropical Raptor Con- ment questions using the ecological and the large proportion of North American servation Program builds on our needs of raptors’ as a yardstick for migrant species that winter there. Conservation many years of experience in Cen- conservation of viable populations; biologists agree the best way to conserve biodi- tral and South America, espe- (4) influencing human behavior versity is to set aside large tracts of untouched cially the Maya Project in To develop a compre- using raptors as flagships for conser- land. The practical reality, however, is that most Guatemala, the Harpy Eagle proj- hensive program of vation of tropical biodiversity; (5) land areas set aside will likely be much smaller ect in Venezuela, and the current conserving important tracts of habi- than necessary to conserve tropical biodiversity effort to release and study Harpy conservation, research, tat for tropical biodiversity; and (6) adequately. This is particularly true for large, Eagles in Panama. The program and development of providing leadership and developing widely dispersed such as raptors. By is designed to produce dramatic local capacity for con- local capacity for raptor conserva- meeting the ecological requirements of wide- results for conservation of rap- servation throughout the Neotropics by focusing tion and research in Latin America. on raptors. FUTURE PLANS Photo by Craig Flatten by Craig Photo In addition to the work already in Adult Ornate Hawk Eagle. progress and described in the following pages, we are planning to expand our species-specific STAFF studies on those raptors that are little known The Neotropical Raptor Conservation Program and possibly in jeopardy. Beginning in 2000, we is directed by Rick Watson and Bill Burnham will study the ecological needs of the Isidor’s and advised by Peter Jenny, Lloyd Kiff, Eagle (also called Black and Chestnut Eagle) in Alberto Palleroni, Russell Thorstrom, and South America, and develop studies on the David Whitacre. Orange-breasted Falcon in Central America and the Hook-billed Kite and Ridgway’s COOPERATORS Hawk in the West Indies. We also hope to begin Collaborators include the Smithsonian Tropical Incubating studies to understand the effects of forest loss Research Institute, Autoridad Nacional del female Barred and fragmentation on raptor communities to Ambiente, and the Fundacion de Forest Falcon help ensure that sufficient forest area remains in Rehabilitacion de Especies Tropicales. Funding looks up at sufficiently large blocks to ensure the survival of biologist from for this program is provided by the Wolf her hidden nest forest-dependent species. Creek Charitable Foundation and the Henry within the cavi- M. and Wendy J. Paulson Foundation. ty of a tree. Photo by Russell Thorstrom 14 EOTROPICAL APTOR ENTER N R C TAWAHKA BIOSPHERE PROJECT - HONDURAS

Administrador General Ricardo Anguizola, who is responsible for Panama's wildlife, natural areas, and environment, holds the Republic's National Bird, the Harpy Eagle. He has been integral in establish- ment of the new

Photos by Angel Muela by Angel Photos Neotropical Raptor Center. Photo by David Anderson The press conference in Panama City announcing the establishment of the customs and culture and devel- Krausirpe, a Tawahka village Neotropical Raptor Center. From the left are the new Center's Director, Alberto RESULTS Cumulative: This project devel- oped an understanding of what on the Patuca River and our Palleroni (with eagle), Lars Klassen, Director, USAID Panama, Jacobo Lacs, base of operations in 1999. Peregrine Fund Board member, Ricardo Anguizola, Administrador General, oped from collaboration that resources it would take to achieve Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente, and Jorge Arosemena, Executive Director of the began in 1990 with biologists the proposed project. The cost of City of Knowledge/Fundacion Ciudad Del Saber. from the University in Teguci- working at this site, plus new infor- galpa. Work in 1998 showed great mation that the Biosphere Reserve n early 2000 we will establish the Neotropical Raptor Center in the potential impact for raptor con- may be established without our To help the Tawahka Republic of Panama, Central America. The new center will serve as servation in Central America by involvement, lead us to curtail our Indians create a bios- the headquarters of our Neotropical helping the Tawahka Indians pro- proposed project. Grants were pro- phere reserve to conserve Raptor Conservation Program (see page 14). tect their indigenous lands. vided to Asociacion Asang Launa 230,000 ha of IThe Center will consist of captive breeding to help the Tawahka community 1999: David Anderson spent in their indigenous land facilities surrounded by 40 ha of forest, Develop and operate a five months living in the Tawahka build an airstrip and to Professor in southeastern Hon- offices, and housing and be located within facility in Panama from village of Krausirpe. His surveys in Gustavo Cruz to assist with biologi- duras. the City of Knowledge, the former U.S. which our Neotropical the area and into the Sierras del cal surveys. Army’s Ft. Clayton. The site is being made Warrunta, a limestone mountain Raptor Conservation Pro- FUTURE PLANS available by agencies of the Panamanian gov- gram will be based and range in the midst of rainforest, STAFF ernment (see Cooperators). The location is Collaboration will continue captive breeding and found 21 diurnal and four noctur- Rick Watson leads this project with assis- within a 30 minute drive of Panama City and nal raptor species, and nests of with support of Honduran stu- other hands-on activities tance from David Anderson, Russell 15 minutes of the Harpy Eagle release site in six diurnal species. Surveys for dents to complete training in with raptors can occur. Thorstrom, and Bob Berry. the Soberania National Park. It is contiguous cliff-nesting raptors found Bat Fal- ecology and conservation. We with the Parque Natural Metropolitano. We will survey for Orange-breasted cons but surprisingly no Orange- COOPERATORS COOPERATORS Falcons throughout Central expect to move most of our Harpy Eagles breasted Falcons. Helicopter sur- We work with The Tawahka Indian commu- Patronato Amigos Del Aguila Harpia, America to determine whether from the World Center for Birds of Prey to this veys, conducted later by Russell nity, Asociacion Asang Launa, and the Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente, the known population in new facility in June/July 2000 when it should Thorstrom and Rick Watson, con- Department of Biology, Universidad Interoceanic Region Authority (A.R.I.), and Guatemala is isolated from be operational (see Captive Breeding -- Rap- firmed the unexpected absence of Nacional Autónoma de Honduras. Funding City of Knowledge/Fundacion Ciudad the species’ southern range and tors, page 3). Alberto Palleroni will be the these falcons. was provided by the Wolf Creek Charitable Del Saber, USAID Panama, and Jacobo therefore potentially in jeopardy. Director of this new facility. David learned about Tawahkan Foundation. Lacs. 15 HARPY EAGLE CONSERVATION AND RESEARCH estation, the Harpy Eagle is threat- conservation of the species. By remain alive, all independent of arge tropical forest raptors like ened in Central America, and South achieving this kind of protection, human care. One was shot and a the Harpy Eagle occur American populations may become the efforts on behalf of the Harpy second found dead. Observation of at low densities and repro- threatened or lost in the future if Eagle can also provide an umbrella their behavior is providing new and threats cannot be reduced. of protection for most other species additional information to the field STAFF duce in the wild at very slow rates. AsL a result of human persecution Although much is being done to in the same habitat. The Harpy studies we accomplished and/or Bill Heinrich coordinates the release aspect establish tropical forest reserves, Eagle is a flagship for conservation supported on wild birds in Panama, of the Harpy Eagle Program. Alberto and the rapid rate of tropical defor- many will be too of tropical forests Venezuela, Colombia, Palleroni manages the project in Panama small to support and an effort to and Ecuador. From and directs our research activities there. Also more than a hand- restore such a charis- these studies we have participating are Angel Muela (general oper- ful of reproduc- matic species can gained new informa- ations and field biologist), Francisco Barrios tively isolated significantly increase Conserving Harpy Eagle tion on range, behav- (operations and field work), Oscar pairs of Harpy local environmental populations by preserv- ior, diet, breeding, and Beingolea (raptor specialist--breeding and Eagles. Captive concern. Restoration, ing habitat, reducing nest density from 18 field biologist), Edwin Urriola (field biolo- propagation and coupled with a con- human persecution, and radio-tagged eagles gist), Yu-Cheng Hsu and Janeene Touchton subsequent rein- certed effort to by reestablishing lost (many monitored by (field biologists, Barro Colorado Island), and troduction may be enhance local under- satellite), 34 nests Bernabe Fernandez and Hilario Rodriguez and bolstering remnant required to main- standing and con- found in Venezuela, (Ecological Police). eagle populations tain genetic diver- cern for the species, through propagation and and 14 nests found in sity and help miti- may be most suc- Panama. COOPERATORS release where habitat gate the enhanced cessful initially in remains, and by expan- 1999: The partnership of many individuals and effects of natural Panama where it is Release of Captive sion of knowledge of the organizations has made this project possi- loss on these the national bird. Produced Eagles - eagle through research. ble, including, in Panama, the Presidency of small, isolated We have invested Using modified tech- Panama, Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente, populations and considerable niques we developed Autoridad de la Region Interoceanica, restore the species resources in the scientific investiga- for release of Peregrine Falcons and Patronato Amigos Del Aguila Harpia, to its former tion of the Harpy Eagle in the wild, Bald Eagles, we can now pre- Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, City range. yet there remain significant gaps in dictably and successfully release of Knowledge/Fundacion Ciudad Del Saber, An increase in our understanding of its ecology captive-produced Harpy Eagles to Fundacion de Rehabilitacion de Especies public understand- and behavior. By releasing and the wild by hacking. Of the five Tropicales, USAID, Jacobo Lacs, David de ing of the need to observing captive-raised eagles, we eagles released, one was found Castro, Asociacion Nacional para la protect Harpy can achieve a degree of intimacy, dead near the release site but the Conservacion de la Naturaleza, Alcaldia del Eagles and leave not possible with entirely wild other four eagles all began captur- Distrito de Panama/Summit Gardens, intact habitat birds, that greatly increases oppor- ing their own food and became Canopy Towers, Bern Empresas, ANCON, around their nests tunities to make observations that independent of human care. One of

Panama Audubon Society, the Collective Photo by Alberto Palleroni is essential for are normally rare, such as how those was later shot. Two have been Lands of the Embera and Wounaan Indians, eagles choose, hunt, and kill their independent for over one year. We Kuna Yala (San Blas Lands), Comarca Above: our released male prey. The study of released birds have found that even after inde- Nogbe Bugle (Teribes, Waymies, and Harpy Eagle, “James,” with his prey, a Two-toed Sloth. has become an essential part of our pendence we can capture, relocate, Bokota Indigenous Lands), and Soberania, research program. and immediately re-release the Darien, Camino de Cruces, and Chagres Taiwanese biologist Yu- Cheng Hsu provided crucial young eagles in a new area where National Parks. assistance by monitoring RESULTS they will then remain. We re- Major financial support for this project in our released Harpy Eagle Cumulative: Since beginning released a male and a female Harpy 1999 was received from the Offield Family for over six months. captive propagation in 1988 and Eagle on Smithsonian’s Barro Col- Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manigault, through 1999, at the World Center orado Island (BCI). BCI is within the Mr. and Mrs. Jacobo Lacs, James and for Birds of Prey we have raised six Panama Canal and no eagles Barbara Cimino Foundation, Exxon young eagles and released five to existed on the island. Long-term Company, USA, and Pennzoil Company. the wild in Panama, of which three research has been underway there Photo by Alberto Palleroni 16 for decades on many of the Harpy ment of non-native people and dent, Ricardo Gil Da Costa, we are Eagle’s potential prey. Smithsonian guns are absent, and (3) they are looking at the dynamics of preda- researchers are excellent supportive absolutely absent when the slight- tor-prey interactions on BCI with cooperators on this project. est inroads are made. observations and experiments of Prey Captured - By intensive Native Peoples and Harpy Eagles predation by Harpy Eagles on observation of released Harpy We are in communication with Capuchin and howler monkeys. Eagles we have documented hun- most of the indigenous communi- With John Rubin, Rubin Tarrant dreds of attempts to capture prey, of ties in Panama and were invited to Productions, we are developing pro- which about 140 were successful. make a presentation at their Con- totypes of tiny, transmitting cam- The primary prey species captured gress. Based on this presentation eras that mount on a Harpy Eagle were Two- and Three-toed Sloths, and communications, we have been to film hunting from their point of Mantled Howler Monkeys, and given access to many key areas and view. We will continue to locate and White-faced Capuchin Monkeys, as habitats for the Harpy Eagle. Fur- monitor wild Harpy Eagle nests in well as a variety of other prey such ther, we are being provided nest site cooperation with Panama’s native as deer, Collared Peccaries, opos- locations by communities and are peoples and the Panamanian gov- sums, Iquanas, Kinkajous, porcu- establishing formal relationships ernment. pines, Agoutis, tamerins, and coati with them to help protect the Harpy mundis. Almost all the previous Eagle and monitor nests. information on what Harpy Eagles Public Education - In coopera- feed on was from prey delivered to, tion with the Patronato Amigos Del and remains collected at, nests. Aguila Harpia and Hunting by Eagles - Until now, under the leader- very few observations existed on ship of David de hunting behavior and methods and Castro, we are prey captured by Harpy Eagles. For assisting and coop- the two oldest released eagles (one erating with the male and one female), we have development of a determined their cycles of behavior country-wide edu- and hunting habits, documenting cation program in every prey capture over several Panama focused on months. We know the male cap- the Harpy Eagle. tures far fewer primates than the female. The female takes about FUTURE PLANS 50% primates, the bulk of the bal- In 2000 the edu- ance made up of sloths. The male cation program to captures more sloths and only prevent shooting of Photo courtesy Inc. of Neil Rettig Productions, about 10% of its diet are primates, Harpy Eagles with a greater variety of other prey. should begin in The male kills about every four to earnest in Panama. five days while the female kills We will continue to Photo by Lars Klassen about every six to seven days. release captive-pro- Wild Nests - Over 30 nest sites duced Harpy Eagles to the wild and Adult female Harpy Eagle at the nest. of Harpy Eagles have been located test other hands-on management Left: Public and student education are important parts of conservation of the in Panama with the critical assis- actions to bolster wild populations. Harpy Eagle and its environment. tance of our cooperators. We are In collaboration with the Smithson- finding that: (1) Harpy Eagles thrive ian Tropical Research Institute and in indigenous people’s lands, (2) Marc Hauser, Professor, Harvard they are common where encroach- University, and his graduate stu- 17 PAN-AFRICA CONSERVATION PROGRAM

RESULTS these once common raptors. Project Manager onservation in Africa has historically Cumulative: Work in Africa has focused on Simon Thomsett enjoyed a breakthrough with focused on excluding areas from Kenya, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, and more recently the reintroduction of the Bearded Vulture (also human use to preserve the habitats on South Africa and Ivory Coast in West Africa. called Lammergeier) to Kenya’s Hell’s Gate and wildlife within. As human populations have Numerous public education projects have been National Park, described in detail in the follow- grown,C this protection has come under pressure, completed in Kenya. Student support and train- ing pages. and vast areas previously left intact because of ing have been successful in both Kenya and their remote location have become subject to Zimbabwe, resulting in the graduation of local FUTURE PLANS The endangered Sokoke Scops Owl is known human activities. For many of Africa’s large and students at both the Master’s and Ph.D. level. only from two small areas of east Africa, far-ranging species it is increasingly important Studies have been completed, providing essen- where its largest population is confined to a to develop a broader conservation approach that tial new information on species in jeopardy, small and isolated “habitat island,” a patch of includes “living with wildlife.” Large, charis- such as the Sokoke Scops Owl, Bateleur, forest on Kenya’s coast. Studies to date have matic raptors typify the kinds of wildlife that , Martial Eagle, Egyptian Vulture, failed to locate the first nest of the owl, a key would benefit. Bearded Vulture, and . 1999: In Zimbabwe, piece of knowledge needed to student Angus Middle- understand how we can prevent

Photo by Munir Virani by Munir Photo ton completed a study the species’ extinction in the Russell Thorstrom and Kenyan on winter breeding To build local capacity face of extremely limited remain- assistant Chege trapping eagles. Monitoring of for conservation of bio- ing habitat. This project has one African Fish Eagles in Lake diversity using a focus aim: to find the first-ever nests of Naivasha, Kenya. Teita, Peregrine, and Lanner Falcon breed- on birds of prey and the Sokoke Scops Owl and with ing continued, as did their ecological needs. this knowledge, conserve those studies on Black features of the habitat essential Eagles in the Matobo hills and the for breeding. African Fish Eagle studies on Lake Naivasha STAFF raptor community around Bul- Rick Watson directs the Pan-Africa Program awayo. A new study began on the will be expanded to cover the eagle’s distribu- Peregrine Fund biologist Munir tion in the Kenyan Rift Valley and Kazinga Chan- with assistance from Russell Thorstrom. Virani is investigating African role of hyrax in the distribution of Project management is by Simon Thomsett Fish Eagle population dynamics Black Eagles, Crowned Eagles, and nel, Uganda, because of increasing concerns in the Rift Valley lakes of Kenya. about the effects of pesticide, fertilizer, and and Munir Virani in Kenya, and Ron Hartley Photo by Simon Thomsett African Hawk Eagles in the in Zimbabwe. Collaboration of Peregrine Bubiana Conservancy. other organic contamination of lakes and their Fund grantees is by Susanne Shultz in Ivory In Kenya, biologist effect on eagle and other wildlife populations. Coast and Dr. Pat Benson in South Africa. Munir Virani graduated Increasingly, conservation priorities must be with his Ph.D. from the established based on the likelihood of species University of Leicester, extinction. An emerging tool needed to help in COOPERATORS decision making is the use of Geographic Infor- Zimbabwe Falconers’ Club, Zimbabwe United Kingdom. His mation Systems (GIS) that use a computer to Department of National Parks and Wildlife study on the ecology of map habitats and predict raptor distribution and Management, National Museums of Kenya the Augur in abundance more accurately than ever before Ornithological Department, Kenya Wildlife human-altered land- achieved. We are planning to develop a raptor Service, Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation scapes provided infor- GIS model, initially using a few species we know Organization, Leicester University, United mation on the effects well in Madagascar. If the model works well, we Kingdom, University of Pretoria of Kenya’s fast growing will eventually develop a worldwide GIS cover- (Conservation Planning Unit) and Rob population, industries, ing at least the raptors in jeopardy. Davies, South Africa, and many others. and agriculture on Support for this program was provided by Project Manager Simon Thomsett an important anonymous donor and many checks eggs for hatching at a in-kind donations. Bearded Vulture nest in Ethiopia. Photo by Simon Thomsett 18 BEARDED VULTURE REINTRODUCTION TO KENYA CROWNED EAGLE AND CONSERVATION duction of the species to this key OF AÏ ATIONAL ARK VORY OAST he Bearded Vulture is a large, area is high. T N P , I C colorful vulture that nests on After rescue high cliffs in rugged moun- RESULTS from sibli- his project is Peregrine Fund Project tains of South Africa, Kenya, and 1999: cide in a first attempt Manager Simon Thomsett has Ethiopia, EthiopiaT on the African continent, to provide an Bearded worked since February 1998 to Photo by Rick Watson and parts of Europe and Asia. The Vulture early warning secure the cooperation of the African population is considered nestlings were raised in captivity in systemT for loss of Ethiopian authorities and study the separate and different from those Kenya for release in Hell's Gate biodiversity within a Bearded Vulture’s breeding biology National Park. elsewhere. They are globally endan- national park using in Ethiopia to determine the pro- gered due to human interference at the diet of an avian ject’s feasibility. In December 1999 the nest, mostly from recreational Released birds will be radio-tagged, predator to detect he collected the first two nestlings, climbers, and from accidental poi- followed, and studied to understand change in the biolog- which are being raised in Kenya for soning by livestock farmers trying their behavior, movements, and ical community release in April 2000. to control predators with poison survival. Surveys for Bearded Vul- structure. Crowned baits. Until the early 1980s breed- FUTURE PLANS tures in likely mountainous habitat Eagles prey ing Bearded Vultures were an Over the next three years, a fur- will be completed to determine mainly upon important attraction among the whether and where further releases primates, which Photo by R. R. Hartley ther 16 nestling Bearded Vultures Seven Crowned fauna of Hell’s Gate National Park, will be rescued from could occur to bolster the Kenyan are subject to To establish the use of population. poaching within Eagle nests were Kenya. They were driven from their siblicide (death of the Crowned Eagle diet in Taï studied in Taï breeding area by rock climbers second-hatched chick the park. Fol- National Park as a low- National Park, Ivory who used their nest sites to rest often caused by STAFF lowing the diet cost, sensitive means to Coast. while climbing. Elsewhere in To re-establish the Project management in Kenya of eagles over attacks from the first- measure prey populations Kenya, Bearded Vultures have Bearded Vulture (Lam- and Ethiopia is by Simon time can reveal hatched chick) in their and monitor changes due declined due to disturbance and mergeier) as a breeding Thomsett. important breeding sites in to poaching. poisoning, so that the species is Ethiopia, about 1,400 species in Hell’s Gate changes in prey now endangered. Since implemen- National Park, Kenya, COOPERATORS composition km north of the estimation of relative densities tation of the Hell’s Gate National and to begin the process We collaborate with Kenya that are not readily detected Kenyan release site. of primates in six zones Park’s management plan in 1984, of species restoration Wildlife Services, Ethiopian by conventional census They will be raised in throughout the park with dif- climbing has been controlled, so throughout Kenya; and, Wildlife Conservation methods. captivity at our Athi ferent levels of poaching, and the probability of successful reintro- to help develop local Organization, and the National River facility, and then RESULTS (3) comparison of eagles’ diets capacity for conserva- Museums of Kenya. released at Hell’s Gate. 1999: U.S. student Susanne across the areas surveyed. tion in Ethiopia. Shultz completed the first Susanne Shultz is executing season of study on Crowned the first, and supervising the Eagles in Taï National Park. second and third components Seven nests were observed, which will be conducted by and home range, behavior, Ivorian Ph.D. students from and diet information were col- the National University of lected for the first time from Abobo, Abidjan. this species in West Africa’s tropical moist forests. COOPERATORS We provided financial support to Susanne A Bearded Vulture FUTURE PLANS Schultz of the State University of New York at departs as Simon This project has three parts: Stony Brook, working in collaboration with the Thomsett descends (1) location and monitoring of to its nest ledge, National University of Abobo, Abidjan and Taï photographing the Reintroduction of Bearded Vultures to Hell’s Gate National Park in Kenya is nests and individual eagles, (2) National Park. bird as he goes. being achieved with young birds from the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia. Photo by Simon Thomsett Photo by Simon Thomsett 19 CAPE VULTURE CONSERVATION IN SOUTH AFRICA nest in one colony on cliffs of the ducted at this colony since 1981. The endangered Cape he endangered Cape Vul- Kransberg mountain range. Moni- When possible, the cause of nest Vulture is found only in ture is found only in toring of the Kransberg colony failure (e.g., predation, poisoning, southern Africa. southern Africa. Its decline began in 1981 and continues to collision) was determined from came with the disappearance of present. Reproduction, mortality, available evidence, and carcasses Tmigratory ungulate herds and and the factors affecting them, as were collected from the base of widespread use of poisons for well as foraging movements of the cliff for necropsy, and later predator control. Most of the adults, vulture behavior, and prepared and stored at the Trans- remaining individuals of this cliff- nutrition have been studied, vaal Museum. nesting, colonially breeding bird resulting in the most extensive occur in South Africa’s northern long-term study of vultures in FUTURE PLANS Birds generally live longer than and northwest provinces where Africa. The knowledge gained Photo by Pat Benson equivalent-sized mammals. Large communal lands from this study is contributing species, such as the with high live- importantly to the Cape Vulture, may stock mortality management and live 40-50 years or provide food for conservation of the more, and have a foraging vultures. Cape Vultures and potentially long Commercial live- other colonial nest- Complete the longest- reproductive life. stock and game ing vulture species. ever continuous study This long-term study farming are the on Cape Vulture popu- RESULTS has made it possible other prominent lation dynamics at Since to determine a economic activi- Cumulative: 1984 Pat Benson has Kransberg Colony, species’ lifetime ties in these monitored the South Africa and use reproductive output provinces. Almost number of breeding the understanding and the relative one-quarter of the pairs at Kransberg, gained to mitigate importance of the global population measuring a decline human impacts on the many factors influ- of Cape Vultures from 961 active nests species’ survival. encing population (in which an egg is trends. Completion laid) to a low of 697 of this work will in 1995. Analysis of over 600 car- allow us to distinguish the effects

Photo by Pat Benson casses collected during this study of the natural environment (e.g., Above: Cape and other indicates poisoning is a major wet and dry cycles, which occur vultures feed on an ele- mortality factor, while disturbance in southern Africa on an approxi- phant carcass. Poisoning at nests and collision with man- mately 8-10 year period) from in agricultural areas has made structures are other human human-induced factors (e.g., poi- contributed significantly factors affecting these birds. soning, disturbance, collision) and to the decline of Cape Vultures and other avian 1999: Peregrine Fund support gauge their relative importance. scavengers. began in 1999 for monitoring This information is essential for Right: for nearly two that continued throughout the well-informed management deci- decades Pat Benson has year with monthly visits to deter- sions and conservation interven- monitored almost one- mine nest occupancy, laying, tions and will be made public quarter of the global pop- hatching, fledging, and failure through publication in scientific ulation of Cape Vultures dates for the roughly 2,700 nest and popular journals, as well as COOPERATORS nesting on the cliffs of the Kransberg mountain sites that have been identified on possibly television and radio. The Peregrine Fund provides financial range. the cliff and marked on photo- support to Pat Benson of the University graphs from aerial censuses con- of the Witwatersrand. Photo by Pat Benson 20 MADAGASCAR PROJECT RESULTS the endangered Madagascar Fish The Indian Ocean island of Mada- Eagle. Accomplishments this year gascar, like many other islands in include the creation and strength- the world, supports a diversity of ening of two community natural life that is found nowhere else; it is resource management associations unique to Madagascar. Of Madagas- (FIZAMI and FIFAMA) at three adja- car’s 22 raptors, three are consid- cent lakes that support over 10% of ered critically endangered; all are in the fish eagle’s breeding popula- jeopardy to some degree. tion. The associations have begun Cumulative: Since beginning in to control over-fishing and exploita- 1990, we have re-discovered the tion of lakeside trees, resources Madagascar Serpent Eagle and required by fish eagles and shared

Madagascar Red Owl, both previ- with local communities. A study to Photo by Russell Thorstrom ously unseen for understand paternity decades and thought, and dispersal of Madagascar's endemic sub- young fish eagles was species of Peregrine Falcon is by some, to be the study subject for our extinct. We have completed to help newest Malagasy student. To develop local capac- understand the helped create Mada- Left: community associations gascar’s largest ity for conservation of strange occurrence of have successfully begun to national park on biodiversity using Mada- one or two extra-pair control overfishing and Masoala Peninsula, gascar’s rare and unique birds at the nest. exploitation of lakeside trees, protecting about 810 raptors as the focus, to On Madagascar’s resources required by Madagascar Fish Eagles and square miles of rain- aid in conservation of northeastern Masoala shared with local people. forest habitat for the important rainforest and peninsula we contin- Red Owl and Serpent wetland habitats, and to ued to provide ecolog- Eagle. We have inves- prevent the extinction of ical monitoring to the tigated the ecology of raptors in jeopardy. national park using the Madagascar Fish the avian community Photo by Ruth Tingay STAFF Eagle, measured its as indicators of Rick Watson directs the Madagascar Project habitat and reduction of human population size, developed low-cost change in biodiversity. We also with expert help from Russell Thorstrom, persecution. Significant progress methods to help increase its popu- completed first-ever studies on the Aristide Andrianarimisa, and 24 other this year indicates the probability lation size, and developed a locally Madagascar Harrier Hawk, White- Malagasy staff. of success with habitat conserva- sustainable community initiative to browed and Malagasy Scops Owls, tion by local communities is good. conserve its wetland habitat. and Bernier’s Vanga. Madagascar In coming years we will place addi- COOPERATORS Throughout our work, we have sup- Serpent Eagles have yet to be tional emphasis on reducing Our principal collaborators are the Direction ported and trained Malagasy biolo- found breeding again since we dis- human persecution, a component des Eaux et Forêts (DEF), other members gists, one at Ph.D. and 10 at Mas- covered the first nest in late 1997. that was not funded in 1999. of the Tripartite Commission, and ters-degree levels, as well as over Lastly, by developing the infra- Association pour le Gestion des Aires 30 field staff. FUTURE PLANS structure to support the biologists Protégées (ANGAP). We also work with the 1999: Five Masters and one Ph.D. The recovery of the Madagascar trained by our project we hope that National Office of the Environment (ONE), student completed their degrees Fish Eagle population requires a our work in Madagascar will be University of Antananarivo, Durrell Wildlife this year, and one new student long-term effort of probably 10 to continued in perpetuity. With this Conservation Trust, Bemaraha Project, began a study on Madagascar’s 20 years before we reach our aim in mind, we plan to fledge an UNESCO, ZICOMA, CARE-Madagascar, endemic subspecies of Peregrine recovery goal of 250 breeding Wildlife Conservation Society, and many

independent Malagasy conserva- Photo by Russell Thorstrom Falcon. Our goal in western Mada- pairs. Successful recovery depends tion organization, “Ankoay Trust for In 1999 we began studies on the others. Financial support was provided by gascar is to cause the recovery of not only on management of the Conservation.” White-browed Owl and other owls the Liz Claiborne and Art Ortenberg species, but also on conservation of from our rainforest research base on Foundation, The Walt Disney Company Masoala Peninsula. Foundation, and CARE. 21 NEW GUINEA HARPY EAGLE CONSERVATION PROJECT integrated with sustainable devel- he New Guinea Harpy opment and indigenous culture. Eagle is a large and power- ful , which is RESULTS Peregrine Fund biologist widespread but uncommon 1999: Mark Watson spent 212 days in Tthroughout the forests of New the field searching for harpy Guinea. It is believed to be threat- eagles, following every report by ened by habitat loss, habitat local inhabitants. Despite degradation, and direct hunting. extremely rugged terrain and The feathers are widely valued as dense rainforest, he managed to ceremonial adornments, especially locate at least seven pairs. None, by some highland clans where the however, nested during the study eagle is accorded spiritual powers. period, though used nests were We believe that an endemic eagle evidence that they had bred in pre- with such significant cultural asso- vious years. He observed eight To complete first-ever ciations would be very suitable as individual eagles for a total of just ecological studies on an “umbrella” or “flagship” under 17 hours, collecting first-ever the New Guinea species for forest conservation information on behavior, diet, and Harpy Eagle and use Photos by Mark Watson vocalizations. The huge effort and the knowledge gained time involved in gaining a small to help conserve its amount of valuable information rainforest habitat, testifies to the tenacity needed to employing the eagle overcome the difficulty of studying as a flagship species large, secretive raptors in dense for conservation. forest and rugged mountainous ter- rain. Two local guides were trained to continue monitoring known pairs and immediately report signs of breeding. FUTURE PLANS Only by continued search and study will we gain sufficient under- standing of this species’ nest site and foraging needs to ensure that STAFF Top: the New Guinea Harpy Eagle is a large and powerful bird of sufficient adequate habitat remains. This project is directed by Rick Watson, con- prey which is widespread but uncommon throughout the forests of ducted by Mark Watson and Russell New Guinea. At least another season of study is needed to complete this project, Thorstrom, and advised by Lloyd Kiff. Magnificent landscapes hide the extremely rugged terrain and dense rainforest in which our biologists worked to find seven pairs assuming that we can find one or more actively breeding pairs. COOPERATORS of New Guinea Harpy Eagles. At first evidence from our field We cooperate with the Research and Right: feathers from the New Guinea Harpy Eagle are valued as assistants that New Guinea Harpy Conservation Foundation of New Guinea ceremonial adornments, especially by some highland clans where the eagle is accorded spiritual powers. Eagles may be breeding, we will (RCF), the Zoological Society of San Diego send our biologist, Russell (ZSSD), and Wildlife Conservation Society. Thorstrom, to New Guinea to begin Financial support was provided by The Walt intensive study of their breeding Disney Company Foundation, ZSSD, Chevron behavior and ecology. Company, and The Peregrine Fund Board. 22 PHILIPPINE EAGLE natural resource management and he Philippine Eagle is the planning in their respective areas. rarest of the very large This initiative was an attempt to forest eagles. Probably only cause officials and community a few hundred pairs remain, and leaders from different areas where Tonly on two to four of the over eagles occur to share experiences, 7,000 islands making up the Philip- plans, and aspirations with the Captive-bred Philippine pines. The eagle is that country’s hope to further understand the Eagle. The future of the species and promote the develop- Philippine Eagle and people national bird. are directly tied through The Peregrine Fund’s primary ment of solutions to human-caused their environment. involvement and investment in the impacts on eagles. Photo by Christian Fackelmann is in and through the Field Research: Twenty years of Philippine Eagle Foundation (PEF), information on wild nests and a Filipino non-profit organization. breeding success was compiled and We believe this organization holds accepted for publication in the Jour- the greatest hope for preserving nal of Raptor Research in 2000. this endangered bird of prey. Below, Surveys continued for nests of and with our congratulations, we Philippine Eagles on the island of present a synopsis of Mindanao. Using results achieved by radio telemetry, at the PEF through their one site two eagles (immature and adult holistic conservation Conservation of the female) were tracked program for the eagle Philippine Eagle and and monitored. In and its environment. its habitat. The Peregrine Fund association with the contributes to the PEF primarily by field work three providing biological and program- Philippine Eagles were rescued, two matic advice and financial support. of which survived. Work was also Photo courtesy of Philippine Eagle Foundation begun to develop habitat restora- RESULTS tion projects which will link two Community-Based Initiatives large natural areas (Mt. Apo and (two of many examples): The PEF Mt. Kitanglad) by joining forest established a model and then 2.5 fragments between these areas. broadcast spots for use by stations. ha training farms and facilities for Captive Breeding: The PEF suc- which 120 teachers from a large COOPERATORS The goal of the campaign is to local communities they work with cessfully hatched and raised three area participated. This was followed Conservation associates Jim and Joyce Grier reach audiences in the remote in the uplands where the eagle eaglets during the 1999/2000 by Echo Seminars in the provinces work closely with Bill Burnham and his co- upland areas where eagles still remains. These farms demonstrate breeding season. One of these, where teachers the PEF had devel- workers on this project. Joyce has her own remain. sustainable agriculture techniques “Pangarap” (meaning dream), was oped as trainers in turn taught their separate projects directed at grade school With the help of over 50 college such as sloping agricultural land the first young from a natural colleagues. The Congress and Semi- age children - Classrooms That Make A student volunteers, about 200,000 technology, crop rotation, multiple- breeding pair of captive Philippine nars helped swell the ranks of PEF Difference; Co-global Student Partnership for visitors toured the PEF Philippine story planting, etc. They will serve Eagles. The eagle was named by a partners among Philippine schools. Rainforest Conservation, and The Tropical Eagle center near Davao City on as showcases for their partner-com- 13-year old Filipino, Gianne Pascual In 1998 PEF began a campaign to Rainforest and the People. As a Professor of the island of Mindanao. A majority munities to replicate. from Nueva Ecija, who won over educate radio broadcasters about Biology at North Dakota State University of the visitors were students. The PEF organized a forum for two thousand other children in a the environment and eagle. This and expert on eagles, Jim advises on sci- local governments, tribal leaders, nationwide name search contest. effort was complemented in 1999 ence issues. Major financial support for the non-government organizations, and Conservation Education: The by development of short radio project was provided by The Walt Disney peoples’ organizations to facilitate PEF held a Teacher’s Congress in Company Foundation.

23 JAVAN HAWK EAGLE LESSER FISHING EAGLE - INDIA Conservation of the Javan Hawk Eagle and he Javan Hawk Eagle is a magnificent but its habitat by improving little-known bird of prey which lives exclu- Lesser Fishing knowledge and enhanc- sively in the forests of Java, Indonesia. Its Eagle.

ing technical capacity in range has been fragmented over many years so Photo by Rishad Naoroji Tthat now it is confined to only about 10% of its Indonesia. former distribution, and there is increasing danger that populations in east and west Java will become isolated from each other. Trade in the species has increased in recent years and To determine the likely is believed to threaten the species’ survival, cause of reproductive as its population must be very small. The failures of the Lesser species recovery plan developed in 1998 by Fishing Eagle in Corbett the Javan Hawk Eagle Focus Group acknowl- National Park and adja- edges that much important information cent areas in India. needed to ensure survival of the species is lacking. This project is a step in the right he Lesser Fishing Eagle once direction to make a difference. fragments with membranes from a hatched occurred throughout the lower egg, and egg fragments with attached mem- Himalayas in India, but the popula- RESULTS branes from an unhatched egg were tion is currently reduced to a few pairs in obtained from three nests in Corbett 1999: We attempted to answer two impor- Tand near Corbett National Park. There has tant ecological questions needed to under- National Park; feathers and down were been no reproduction in recent years. A obtained from a fourth nest. In addition, stand the factors that limit the distribution grossly deformed eggshell was retrieved and abundance of the Javan Hawk Eagle: (1) samples of the fish which are their principal from an unproductive nest in 1991. food, the Golden Mahaseer and the Black what is the home range of the species and Because there was no portion of yolk asso- how does it limit breeding density, and (2) Mahaseer, were obtained from the river ciated with the shell, it was not possible to flowing through the eagle territories, but what is the diet, and does food availability obtain any quantitative determinations of limit distribution? Work was conducted by upstream, outside the Corbett Park. the content of organochlorine pesticides. Leon Pereira brought these samples to two Indonesian students, Firman Hadi and But the “fingerprint” of DDT compounds, Yayat Afianto, thereby helping to develop The Bodega Bay Institute laboratories, Photo by Usep Suparman, by Usep Photo CIBA KPB which resembled the composition of fresh Berkeley, California, where he spent six local capacity for conservation and research. DDT, indicates exposure to a recent applica- The Javan Hawk Eagle lives months. The analyses were completed and Their studies contributed to their graduation with tion of DDT. Other organochlorines, includ- exclusively in the forests of degrees in conservation biology. Yayat Afianto went final numbers of the concentrations of the Java, Indonesia, where its ing dieldrin, HCHs, chlordanes, and PCBs, contaminants will be determined shortly habitat has been fragmented. on to become the coordinator of the Javan Hawk were also detected. At the request of Bob Now confined to only about Eagle Conservation Group. after a series of calibrations is carried out. Risebrough, Executive Director, The Bodega Concentrations of the DDT compounds in 10% of its former range, the Bay Institute, we assisted with this project species is in jeopardy. FUTURE PLANS the unhatched egg, however, were in the Survival of the Javan Hawk Eagle depends on by providing matching financial support. order of 900 ppm lipid weight, equivalent COOPERATORS conservation of suitable forest habitat. We still need RESULTS to those in the most highly contaminated We collaborate with the R & D Centre for to understand the availability of suitable habitat Studies in India were carried out by eggs of Brown Pelicans in California in Biology of the Indonesian Institute of and nesting density to estimate the island’s carry- Rishad Naoroji of Bombay (now called 1969, and about nine times higher than Sciences (LIPI), Fauna-Flora International-- ing capacity for hawk eagles, their population size, Mumbai), author of A Handbook on the concentrations that would cause reproduc- Indonesia Programme, and provided sup- and extinction probability. With this understanding Birds of Prey of the , tive failures in Bald Eagles. port to Firman Hadi, Padjadjaran University we can help ensure that sufficient suitable habitat assisted by Leon Pereira, a graduate student and Yayat Afianto, Bogor Agricultural is protected to sustain the species. at St. Xavier’s college in Mumbai. Over the COOPERATORS University. Financial support for the project past several years an unhatched egg, egg The Bodega Bay Institute and Mr. Rishad Naoroji, with financial was received from The Walt Disney support provided by The Walt Disney Company Foundation. Company Foundation. 24 MONGOLIAN RAPTOR CONSERVATION PROJECT

golian biologists and conservation- he Golden Eagle has borne ists to help achieve that balance. witness to the struggle of human survival on the RESULTS In 1999 Bill Burnham, with Board steppes of central Asia since time member Robert Comstock, Sheldon Timmemorial. More than a thousand Severinghaus, a University of Cali- A Mongolian falconer hunts years before Temujin united the with his Golden Eagle as fornia, Berkeley Visiting Scholar in rival clans and was crowned have his predecessors for Mongolia, and photographer Daniel Genghis Khan (Chinggis Khann-- centuries before him. O’Neil, had the opportunity to visit universal king), extending the Mongolia and meet with conserva- Mongol empire from Beijing to the tionists and eagle falconers. The Caspian Sea, the eagle is believed common interest in the eagle and to have stood upon the arm of Asi- birds of prey helped bridge cultural atic hunters of the steppes provid- boundaries and establish a ing food and pelts from its prey. As common bond for discussions. with the eagle’s dependence upon Based on discussions there, Mongo- the seasonally lian national and local changing environ- conservation priorities ments of their natu- were identified to ral world, so are the which The Peregrine lives of the Mongol Help conserve Mon- Fund might contribute. nomads to this day. golian raptors by Their priorities were to Ecologically, Mon- enhancing in-country (1) have a Mongolian golia is the joining conservation and specialist on birds of place for several science capacity and prey, (2) to have the Central Asian envi- cultural traditions. specialist be Nyamba- ronments and the yar Batbayar, and (3) to last place many species still occur have the knowledge on eagles in on the continent. Environments Mongolia expanded through scien- vary greatly from high mountains tific research. At the same time Photo by Bill Burnham with glaciers to deserts. Much of they emphasized how little was specialist in raptors for Mongolia. generation. We wish to preserve the country’s natural beauty and STAFF known about all raptors in Mongo- We further agreed to assist with his the technical knowledge and know- environments remain unchanged This project is directed by Rick Watson and lia and the great need for good research on the Golden Eagle. how, and, if possible, the tradition by human activities, but develop- conducted by Nyambayar Batbayar with information. In 2000 we hope to expand our for future generations of Mongo- ment driven by the country’s needs advice and assistance from Bill Burnham. Considering their priorities and work in Mongolia by sending a biol- lians/Kazacks. The loss of this tradi- and desires are now, more than ogist/falconer there to live with the tion not only diminishes the cul- our goal, we set several activities COOPERATORS ever, changing the cultural and nat- Kazacks who hunt with Golden ture, but removes a wildlife into motion and are considering We cooperate with the Mongolian Academy ural systems. To preserve Mongo- Eagles. This person would docu- constituency in a people who are others. We provided grants to both of Sciences, World Wildlife Fund For Nature- lia’s past traditions and nature will ment in detail the capture, training, beginning to see raptors and other the Mongolian Ornithological Soci- Mongolia, Mongolian Ornithological Society, require a careful balance of plan- and hunting of the eagles and their wildlife as competitors with ety and the Mongolia Birds of Prey Mongolia Birds of Prey Association, Sheldon ning and actions, particularly role and tradition in the culture. humans for resources rather than Association. We agreed in 2000 to Severinghaus, and Nomadic Expeditions during the early part of the 21st This cultural practice and relation- as an integral part of the natural begin training and assist with an Mongolia. Financial support is provided by century. The Peregrine Fund is now ship with the Golden Eagle is environment. advance degree (M.Sc.) program for Thinsulate™ Insulation and The Robert working with and supporting Mon- largely disappearing with the eldest Nyambayar to help him become a Comstock Company. 25 HIGH ARCTIC INSTITUTE West, and North Greenland. Each e are building on a of these areas is similar but also base of information distinctive for different reasons, and experiences including certain falcon prey founded in 1972 when Bill Mattox species. Because of our previous Wbegan research on falcons in research and records from Arctic Greenland. That research has con- explorers and early naturalists in tinued uninterrupted since. Com- Greenland, historic biological infor- pared to temperate or tropical mation exists for each area with regions, or even the Alaskan and some going back to the 1800s. much of the Canadian arctic, Also, because of Greenland’s small Greenland has fewer species and a human population, severe environ- simpler natural biotic system. ment, and limited development, Greenland, an island 1,660 miles the landscape is largely long and 650 miles wide, is about unchanged from centuries ago, if 85% covered by a huge central not longer. Therefore, when icecap extending up change is detected in to 11,000 feet above natural systems, the sea level. The inland causes are usually ice and frigid ocean Conservation and under- either natural fluctu-

Photo by Jack Stephens by Jack Photo Photo by Jack Stephens ations or resulting currents greatly influ- standing of Gyrfalcon from recent aberra- ence the marine and and Peregrine Falcon Above: Gyrfalcon in North tions, e.g. changing terrestrial environ- populations and their Greenland from Jack Stephens' climate, environmen- photographic web site at ments. Fresh water environments in Green- from melting snow tal contamination, or land. yet other unknown Above right: Atlantic Puffin. and ice mix with factors. These con- Right: Peregrine Fund Board salty ocean water, member and noted British helping create a nutrient-rich envi- siderations combined with excel- scientist Ian Newton with ronment for fish, mammals, and lent cooperators and our long-term Dovekie. birds. At the top of the food pyra- experience, create an exceptional mid are the predators, and in par- opportunity for investigations on ticular the Peregrines and Gyrfal- falcons and their environments cons. The falcons are for the Arctic which should produce far greater as the Arctic is for the world, an insight and benefit. environmental barometer provid- ing early warning of larger prob- RESULTS The first lems such as global climate North Greenland - falcon survey in 1999 was by dog change and pollution. sled (320 linear km) in May near To understand the inter-relation- Qaanaaq, locating 12 previously ships of the falcons and their envi- used Gyrfalcon nest sites. This was

Photo by Kurt K. Burnham ronment and influencing factors, prior to egg laying. A second we are focusing geographically on survey by boat (300 km) and on four widely spaced locales in East,

26 foot occurred in July/August, locat- ing only two active Gyrfalcon eyries but four pairs of Peregrine Falcons, the most northern at 77° N latitude. Research was also con- tinued on Dovekies, the Gyrfal- con’s primary prey. West Greenland - Investigations began in the Kangerlussuaq area in March/April when 61 previously Right: Long-time Thule, Greenland resi- dent, naturalist, photographer, and our known Gyrfalcon nest sites were Thule project coordinator, Jack Stephens, surveyed by helicopter and nine in his element. were found occupied. All sites Below: May 1999 dog sled survey for

were again checked in June/July by Gyrfalcons in North Greenland. Photo by Kurt K. Burnham helicopter and/or on foot, along with 80 known Peregrine eyries. Only six of the nine Gyrfalcon sites located earlier were occu- pied, but five more nests were found when 50 additional unsur- veyed cliffs were examined. Fifty sites were located with Peregrines STAFF with an average of 3.06 young per The project is managed by Kurt Burnham successful pair. Surveys were also under the general direction of Bill Burnham conducted for Ravens, Rock with special assistance from Bill Mattox. Ptarmigan, and Arctic Hare. Also participating in 1999 were Tom Cade, Catherine Wightman completed Gregg Doney, Jim Enderson, Mark Fuller, the research for her M.Sc. in Tim Gallagher, Ian Newton, Olafur Nielsen, raptor biology at Boise State Uni- Jack Stephens (Thule Coordinator), and versity. Catherine Wightman. East Greenland - In the Scoresby Sound area we accom- COOPERATORS plished a preliminary survey for Authorization was provided by The Gyrfalcons, trying to learn some- Commission for Scientific Research in thing of their current distribution Greenland, Greenland Homerule and abundance. During June, we Government, and by the United States Air surveyed roughly 6,000 sq km of Force. We cooperate with Thule Air Base, Jameson Land by helicopter and the U.S. Department of the Interior/Bureau about 30 linear km of Liverpool of Land Management, Conservation Coast by skis and dog sled, locat- Research Foundation, PICO/University of ing 14 Gyrfalcon nest sites of Nebraska, New York Air National Guard, which five were occupied. 109th TAF, Boise State University, Bent Brodersen/KISS Center, and Danish scien-

Photo by Kurt K. Burnham tists Knud Falk and Kaj Kampp, among oth- ers. Major financial support was provided by The Charles Engelhard Foundation, Bennu and the Florence Hegyi Family Trust, and The Walter C. Hill Family Foundation.


community, and common factor does not compete among all the with funding for founders of The conservation proj- Peregrine Fund was a love of rap- ects. torsA from their association with the 1999: Several major events high-

Photo by Dan Garlock, Jr. Garlock, by Dan Photo sport of falconry. Falconers’ The first book published insights, technology, birds, and sup- lighted our year by the Archives of port all have been important in the just ended. First, American Falconry. successes enjoyed by our organiza- we realized our tion and benefited conservation of initial endowment birds of prey in general in North goal of $350,000. America. During the early years of We emphasize The Peregrine Fund’s existence “initial” for, while some of the early practioneers of endowment inter- American falconry passed away, est is sufficient to and with the loss of associated cover current

memorabilia and information each operational File Photo had amassed, it is understandable expenses, should Peregrine Fund Board member Jim Weaver in northwestern Colorado with his falcon, "Lukey." why we sought to preserve the his- we ever have to tory of the sport in the Americas. hire a professional lish language holdings. Having FUTURE PLANS archivist a considerably higher bal- achieved our initial endowment The manuscript for our second RESULTS ance would be required. With this goal, we now feel comfortable in Heritage Series book is complete Cumulative: Founded in 1986, in mind, we continue to seek to earmarking at least part of the and we await only selection of the the Archives of American Falconry expand our endowment. funds received from our annual STAFF photos to accompany it to proceed (AAF), with its unrivaled collections Secondly, with the publication of auction of deaccessioned duplicate Curator Archivist, S.Kent Carnie; with our next publication effort. of historical falconry Luff Meredith’s Ameri- books for the purchase of selected Research/Editorial Associate, William G. This work--the day-by-day diary of materials, is unique can Falconry in the additions to our library--works we Mattox; Non-residential associates: Research John and Frank Craighead from in the world. Its Twentieth Century judge not likely available through - Craig Culver and Peter Devers, Library - their historic visit to India in 1940-- library is world class (with much able assis- normal donor sources. Such pur- John Swift, Graphics - Don Garlock and Jim To collect and conserve is anxiously awaited by the falconry and its holdings in tance from Bill chases have already added substan- Stabler. evidence of the history community, and we anticipate a the English language Mattox), we have tially to the stature of the Archives. of falconry and to docu- particularly rousing reception for are unsurpassed. In finally launched our Upon the recommendation of the the coming volume. COOPERATORS ment the role of falcon- attaining its goals, it long-awaited Archives Board of the North American Fal- With the continuing expansion The Archives is dependent on the generous ers in raptor conserva- is assisted by an advi- Heritage Publication coners Association (NAFA), presen- of our library and, indeed, all of support of many friends, falconer and non- sory board of promi- tion in the Americas. Series. The response tation of our joint AAF/NAFA Her- our collections, we are reminded falconer alike. In 1999 particularly notewor- nent falconers. Since has been overwhelm- itage Award was made at this year’s of the down side of our success: thy assistance was received from Sterling 1991 it has been housed in the ing, and we are off to a grand start annual NAFA meet to Peregrine we simply have no room or addi- Bunnell, the California Hawking Club, Kent James Nelson Rice Wing, created to in this addition to our outreach pro- Fund Founding Board Member Jim tional storage cabinetry in our Carnie, Keith Carpenter, Michaela Crandley, provide appropriate housing for its gram. Weaver. At the same time, the present room. We have had to David Frank, Walter Hill, David Kennedy, Bill collections and activities. Normal Thanks to the generosity and Archives’ curator was honored with become increasingly concerned and Joan Mattox, Rob McIntyre, Carter operational funding is provided energy of John Swift, our library receipt of NAFA’s Freienmuth and active in seeking funds to con- Montgomery, North American Falconers from interest on the AAF Endow- has significantly expanded, leaving Award for long-term service to that struct facilities to house our Association, Bill and Marcie Oakes, Williston ment Fund, provided almost now only a handful of major works organization. expanding collections. Shor, Rick Skibsted, John Swift, and Duane entirely by the American falconry needed for completion of our Eng- and Sharon Zobrist. 28 PROJECT NEST-EGG Photo by Russell Thorstrom

Paulson accepted the Board’s chairmanship e are building The Peregrine from Julie, he also accepted the lead role in Fund to last beyond our life- Project Nest-Egg. At the time of this writing times and through the 21st the value of the endowment is $7,655,000. century to conserve this nation’s and the Our Board of Directors has agreed that Wworld’s birds of prey (see Building To Last- when the goal is reached, while maintain- -Raptor 2100, page 1). The Peregrine ing the value of the principal, funds can be Fund already possesses many of the used for operation of the organization from demonstrated qualities of exceptional its appreciation and earnings. Project Nest- organizations. For organizations to remain Egg (our endowment) will create a “guaran- exceptional in the long term they need teed” annual source of funds which we will stable financial resources. strive to increase each year through further For the past three decades we have contributions and appropriate growth in begun each year with more programs than the investment of the endowment funds. dollars. Planning and accomplishing proj- The Board of Directors invites and ects and programs, yet not knowing the For organizations to remain requests The Peregrine Fund’s other sup- amount of money which would be annu- porters and friends to join them to help ally available, has been and remains a exceptional in the long term build The Peregrine Fund to last by making major problem. Other than establishing gifts of cash, appreciated stock, or other upper spending limits, carefully developed they need stable financial resources. assets to Project Nest-Egg during their life- budgets are meaningless without adequate time, and after death as a beneficiary in financial resources. Despite these difficul- their estates. ties we have annually achieved meaningful and measurable results, always paid our bills As a further source of endowment funds, and as a policy, The Peregrine Fund places all on time, and almost always ended the year with a positive balance, using any “extra” dol- dollars from bequests and contributions made “in the memory of” the deceased (memo- lars to build a small cash reserve to help with cash flow. rial gifts) into our endowment. We do this so these gifts from and for these special people Recognizing this problem, the chairmen of our Board of Directors have worked to provide a lasting contribution--a continuing contribution to conservation of birds of prey. improve our financial situation. First, Roy Disney and Jerry Herrick strove to increase our We welcome inquiries about bequests and suggest using the following general form: overall income, and in 1995, with the leadership of the new Chairman, Julie Wrigley, the “I give, devise, and bequeath to The Peregrine Fund, Inc., an Idaho not-for-profit organization, Board of Directors established “Project Nest-Egg,” a five-year fund raising drive to estab- located on the date hereof at the World Center for Birds of Prey, 566 West Flying Hawk Lane, lish a $10,000,000 endowment for The Peregrine Fund. Julie made the initial gift and Boise, Idaho 83709, the sum of $______(or specifically describe the property or asset other Board members followed suit by adding dollars to their annual gifts. When Hank being bequeathed).” 29 THE PEREGRINE FUND – Balance Sheets • September 30, 1999 and 1998

In-Kind Donations Investment Income $34,956 ASSETS 1999 1998 $173,450 CURRENT ASSETS Sales $111,289 Cash and cash equivalents $ 781,036 $ 1,114,469 Merchandise inventory 54,134 73,521 Grants receivable 229,161 25,038 Pledges and other accounts receivable 128,210 102,073 INCOME Individual Corporations Gifts $177,771 Prepaids and other current assets 58,295 46,122 $603,624 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 1,250,836 1,361,223 Special Events Grants/Contracts $15,865 PROPERTY, EQUIPMENT AND ARCHIVES $1,321,703 Tours/Admissions Land 1,513,000 1,513,000 $78,541 Land improvements 803,404 799,700 Buildings 5,173,753 5,129,705 Trailers 150,123 150,123 Equipment and vehicles 1,488,408 1,386,690 Foundations Fixtures and displays 585,240 533,952 $2,260,873 Construction in progress 768,321 8,481 10,482,249 9,521,651 Accumulated depreciation (2,854,116) (2,500,883) 7,628,133 7,020,768 Library 180,591 163,845 Archives 589,432 571,273 8,398,156 7,755,886

ENDOWMENT ASSETS Cash 549,929 9,103 EXPENSE Conservation Investments 5,567,333 5,000,462 Programs 6,117,262 5,009,565 Excludes construction $1,285,258 $15,766,254 $ 14,126,674 Species Restoration LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES 1999 1998 $2,287,007 CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 53,255 $ 53,169 Many organizations and indi- Fund Raising Accrued taxes and expenses 620 4,404 viduals contribute building $82,024 materials at no cost or at cost. Deferred restricted revenue 247,501 269,516 Services contributed have Education/ TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 301,376 327,089 been recorded at the amount Information it would have cost The Pere- $351,969 FUND BALANCES grine Fund. Unrestricted operating fund 949,460 1,034,133 Administration Figures for this audited state- Restricted endowment fund 6,117,262 5,009,566 ment were provided by $127,343 Peregrine Celebration Investment in property, equipment, Balukoff, Lindstrom & Co., Membership $141,159 and archives 8,398,156 7,755,886 P.A., Certified Public Accoun- $89,890 tants. Full reports are avail- TOTAL FUND BALANCES 15,766,254 13,799,585 able upon request. $15,766,254 $ 14,126,674


$20,000 or more $2,500 - $4,999 APS Foundation, Inc. North American Falconers Ms. Ruth O. Andres Jennifer and Curtis Krizek Browning-Ferris Industries Association 1999 Chairman’s Jamie and Tom Dater Northwest Airlines Corporate Circle Members Lee and Ramona Bass Mrs. Irmgard M. Light Trust Services Mr. and Mrs. David Frank We are pleased to honor this year’s Foundation Pennzoil Company Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manigault Mr. Norm Freeman Chairman’s Circle members. Their unre- Archie W. and Grace Berry Pfendler Vineyards Steve Martin Ms. Rebecca Gaples stricted gifts allow flexible response to Foundation Ms. Laurie Simms $5,000 - $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hartwell changing circumstances and are critical Mr. Hal Maxey J. R. Simplot Company Mr. Harry Bettis Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kayser to the organization’s operation. Atherton Family Foundation Ms. Judith King Ten Times Ten Foundation Mrs. Nobuko McClure Mr. and Mrs. Joe Terteling Donna Bailey Mr. Frank Bond BankAmerica Foundation Maxey Tookey Architects Harry W. Morrison Foundation Mr. Rob McIntyre The Timken Family Charitable Trust Frederick Beland The Brown Foundation, Inc. Bank One, Arizona, NA Dr. Jared Verner Bennu Ms. Velma Morrison and Mr. The Moore Charitable Foundation Bureau of Land Management, Sidney S. Byers Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. William E. Wade, Jr. Will and Margaret Betchart* John Hockberger Idaho LTC and Mrs. Sidney Kent Carnie $1,000 - $2,499 Charles de Ganay National Fish and Wildlife Yvon V. Chouinard Paul Dickson* Burns Family Foundation Albertson’s Food and Drug Mr. David Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Duncan, III* Foundation James and Barbara Cimino Canon U.S.A., Inc. Ms. Donna Bailey Key Foundation Harold S. Eastman* Jim and Karin Nelson Foundation $10,000 - $19,999 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bateman Kilgore Architectural Products Michael D. Eisner and The Eisner Liz Claiborne and Art Mr. Ron Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Beland Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. King Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nicholson J.A. & Kathryn Albertson Foundation Ortenberg Foundation Exxon Company, U.S.A. Will and Margaret Betchart Luther King Capital Management Beverly Gholson* Offield Family Foundation Foundation Laura Moore Cunningham Boise State University and Student Mr. and Mrs. Dan Konkel D. W. Gittinger* ARCO Foundation Fanwood Foundation Athletes Mr. Frank Y. Larkin Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Parker Cathleen A. Godzik Mr. and Mrs. Mark James Dr. and Mrs. Bill Burnham Mr. And Mrs. Harry McElroy Balukoff, Lindstrom & Co. Morley R. and Deana Golden* Henry M. and Wendy J. Forgason Dr. and Mrs. Tom J. Cade Legg Mason, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Disney Bennu Paulson Foundation Hawaii Community Foundation California Hawking Club Mad River Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John F. Harrigan* Roy Disney Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Keith P. Carpenter The Chevron Companies David M. Malcolm Edward H. Harte* The Tapeats Fund Hewlett-Packard Company The Walt Disney Company Central and South West Services, Ms. L. Taylor Cockerham Mr. Stanley Marcus Roger W. Hollander* Turner Foundation, Inc. Inc. Interior Systems, Inc. Mr. Derek Craighead Meeting Systems Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kayser*+ The Walt Disney Company Itron Telephone Solutions Mr. Charles de Ganay Dr. and Mrs. Ian Newton Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. King* Foundation U.S. Bank Robert Comstock Company Mr. and Mrs. Jacobo Lacs Mr. Paul Dickson Mr. and Mrs. William Oakes Judith King Cooke Foundation, Limited Charles W. Duncan, III and Mary Frank Y. Larkin* The Geraldine R. Dodge U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Diane A. Ledder Charitable Trust Mrs. Elizabeth B. Parks Globe Foundation Ann Duncan Dingus Patagonia Clothing Donations David M. Malcolm* Foundation Mr. Curtis Earl Wallace Research Foundation Florence Hegyi Family Trust Mr. Peter Marler Mr. Hans Peeters Stanley Marcus* Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Eastman The Charles Engelhard Dr. and Mrs. William Mattox Ms. Jennifer Pratt Harry C. McElroy* Mr. and Mrs. James Weaver Mrs. Katherine Swim Herrick The Eisner Foundation Foundation McAlvain Construction, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Rainwater Elizabeth B. Parks* Mr. John Weaver Walter C. Hill and Family ES/Drake Communications Mr. and Mrs. Ken Richardson Exxon Corporation Foundation McInerny Foundation Dr. and Mrs. James H. Enderson Charles S. Rainwater Arthur H. Weaver Family Trust Mr. Godfrey A. Rockefeller Ken and Charlotte Richardson* Mr. and Mrs. Z. Wayne Karen and Tim Hixon Mill Pond Press Ms. Beverly Gholson Romar Electric Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. D. Wayne Gittinger Richard T. Schotte* Griffin, Jr. Wiancko Family Donor Advised Idaho Power Company Mr. Carter Montgomery Mr. Richard T. Schotte Fund of the Community Dr. Cathleen A. Godzik Mrs. Sherwood Smith* Hawai‘i Department of Land Kaytee Avian Foundation Morrison Center Board of Mr. Ricky Skibsted Richard S. Thorsell* Foundation of Jackson Hole Mr. and Mrs. Morley R. Golden Mrs. Sherwood Smith and Natural Resources Governors Robert and Joan Wallick* The Kearney Foundation Grand Canyon Association St. James Spirits Wolf Creek Charitable Mr. Fred Norman Steve Guinn The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Mr. Walter Negley SYSCO Food Services of Idaho + denotes Patron members Foundation Patagonia Mr. and Mrs. John F. Harrigan Tablerock Brewpub *denotes multi-year members Norcross Wildlife Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Harte Mrs. Julie A. Wrigley Mr. N. John Schmitt Tejon Ranch Houston Endowment, Inc. Ms. Conni Pfendler Hayden Beverage Company The Chairman’s Circle offers member- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Yanke Mr. and Mrs. Will Shor Mr. Richard S. Thorsell Robert Wood Johnson 1962 Mr. Peter Pfendler Mr. Fred P. Hayes Mr. Skip Tubbs ships at the Patron ($2,500) and Charitable Trust Zoological Society of San The Sunderland Foundation Mr. Herman Stude Mr. Stephen Hill Tucker Foundation Partner ($1,000) levels of unre- Diego John and Vicki Swift Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hokin United Dairymen of Idaho stricted annual gifts. If you would like Robert J. Kleberg, Jr. and Jane Smith Turner Foundation Mr. Roger W. Hollander more information on the Chairman’s Thinsulate™ Insulation Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wallick Helen C. Kleberg Foundation Union Pacific Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ince Circle, please call our membership G.N. Wilcox Trust Wallick Family Foundation Mr. Summerfield K. Johnston, Jr. YMC, Inc. office at (208) 362-3716. 31 DONORS 1999 Memorial Gifts and Bequests $500 - $999 $100 - $199 Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Aines Mr. David C. Carey First American Title Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Jenny Peregrine Industries, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. William Allan Mr. and Mrs. Russell Buschert During 1999 donations were Stanley J. Arkin Foundation Jeff, Kathy, and Jack Cilek Mr. Salvatore Foglio Mr. and Mrs. Bob Koeberlein Mr. Mark Rockefeller Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allis Mr. Daniel Butler received in memory of the follow- Mr. Mark Armstrong Colorado Hawking Club Mr. and Mrs. Bill Freutel Mr. Pedro P. Kuczynski Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rogers Mr. Sean P. Ambrose Ms. Kim S. Caldwell ing individuals: Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Beebe Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cover Mr. Anthony Garrett Mr. Anthony Lapham San Antonio Zoological Gardens Mr. George A. Ammann, Sr. Mr. Charles Callagan Nita Albrecht Dr. Pat Benson Mr. Roger Crawford Ms. Carol Geis Hawaii Electric Light Company & Aquarium Mr. Eldon Archer Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell Ledlie R. Andrews Anne Gordon Harper Blanchard Mr. F.W. Cropp Mr. Victor Gonzalez The Masonry Center, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Schaeffer Mr. Louis Ares, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Casebere Margaret Aulman Foundation, Inc. Mr. Peter Devers The Hackborn Foundation, Inc. Mr. Marshall B. Miller and Ms. United Water Mr. Raphael Arnaud Mr. Thomas Castellane Gary Beck Boise State University Echo Films Mr. and Mrs. Ken Harrison Claudia P. Huntington Mr. John Warriner Ms. Edith S. Aronson Dr. and Mrs. David Challinor Lloyd Brown Construction Management Mrs. Paul L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. Mr. Allen Asbury and Mr. and Mrs. Blake Chapman Club Eddy’s Bakery Mr. and Mrs. William Heinrich Dorothy Brownold Mr. and Mrs. James C. Nelson Wessinger Ms. Teresa Maylor Ms. Marion Cherry Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Bondurant Mr. Peter t. Edmunds The William Ewing Foundation Norman B. Clark and Grace Ewing Huffman F. Edward and Jeanne Dr. Janet Jeppson Asimov Dr. F. Lawrence Clare Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Brooks Enright Foundation, Inc. Alan Dannenberg Intermountain Gas Company P. Osborne Family Mr. and Mrs. Stanley I. Auerbach Mr. Ronald G. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Connor B. Burton The William Ewing Foundation Foundation, Inc. Gerald D. Herrick Mr. and Mrs. Wally Jarman Ms. Lynne Bachman Ms. Mary E. Clemesha Jack Kolb Mr. Jerry Bagnani Cloud Ridge Naturalists Mr. David Ball Donald P. Kyker $200 - $499 Mr. Steve Cohen Irmgard M. Light Mr. and Mrs. William Ballentine Dr. Jean W. Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Sam G. Adler Ms. Linda E. Duguay Lee and Dianne Hodges Na Hoaloha Ainahou Mr. and Mrs. Clee Sealing Gerald I. Maxey Ms. Sylvia Barbarich Ms. Esther Coke American Association of Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Dunsmoor Mr. and Mrs. Herb Holt Ms. Zoe R. Nady Mr. Jack D. Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Mike Barker Robert Plunkett University Women Mr. Bob Collins Mr. and Mrs. Chris duPont Mr. Andrew P. Hrenyo Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Smith Mr. and Mrs. Calton R. Barnes, II Jerry Scott American Association of Mr. and Mrs. John Cook Mrs. Susanna C. Easton Ms. Rosemary A. Barry New York Times Co. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smylie Mr. and Mrs. David Barry Mary M. Tilden Zookeepers Huntington Found., Inc. Dr. E. Newbold Cooper Ms. MaryAnn Edson Ms. Sue Sontag Mr. and Mrs. Roy N. Bathum Steve Toovey Mr. Raul Arias de Para Mr. Hans Kurt Hussong Newman’s Own Organics Dr. John Craighead Mrs. John Taylor Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Stabler Mr. and Mrs. Philip Batt P.A.B. Widener Mr. Rick Ashworth Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Inskip Newman’s Own, Inc./Salad Ms. Verne Crawford Mr. Donald B. Emery Ellis and Ann Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bauman William Wrigley Mr. Gerhard Assenmacher King Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ms. Emily F. Fairchild Mr. Roland Jeske Mr. and Mrs. Kent Stottlemyer Ms. Lorraine Bazan Cummings Ms. Marna C. Baggs Dr. and Mrs. Tom Nicholas Ms. Joan Faust Ms. Janice F. Jorgensen Texas Hawking Association Ms. Pam Beaumont Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cummings Dr. Ann Bardeen-Henschiel Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ondr Ms. Janie P. Fink Mr. and Mrs. David Junkin, II Mr. Platt Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Doug Becker Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Curtin Mr. and Mrs. Hatch Barrett Falconers Association Become a Partner Mr. Kevin A. Finn Ms. Tracey Kehne and Ms. Sally Tongren Mr. and Mrs. Tim Behrman Mr. Alan Czarnowsky Mr. William Baxter Mr. Terry Walther Mr. and Mrs. Charles Osterbrink First American Title Insurance Mr. Clinton Townsend Mr. James A. Bevis Mr. and Mrs. Paul D’Andrea The Peregrine Fund Dr. and Mrs. Herbert John Beil Mr. Richard J. Kent Ms. Carolyn Oyer Company U.S. West Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bliss Bignall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Daily depends on contribu- Ms. Marilyn Bicking Mr. Steven LaRue Mr. Everett C. Parker Ms. Arleen Forgey Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Urbano Dr. and Mrs. J. Randolph Birch Mr. Gordon H. Damon tions for our projects. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Brimm Ms. Janet Lebens Mr. Leigh H. Perkins You can make a contri- Mrs. Esther B. Garnsey Mr. and Mrs. Pete Van Der Mr. Steven G. Black and Ms. Kelly Davidson Mr. Ronald E. Brown Ms. Rita Lehnert Mr. and Mrs. Jack G. Peterson Ms. Wendie A. Wulff bution through a direct Mrs. Gretchen Geller Meulen Mr. and Mrs. Peter Davidson Dr. Theresa L. Bucher Mr. and Mrs. Bill Link Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Petura Dr. and Mrs. Claude Bloch gift, at workplace General Fire, Inc. Dr. George Wade Davis Wright Tremaine, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. The Gourmet Rodent Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lueckel Professional Record Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wade Mrs. Rolinda Loew Bloom Mr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Day III giving campaigns, or Butler, Jr. Management Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Gray Dr. William MacLeod, Jr. Ms. Adele Webster Ms. Susan Boettger Mr. Wallace Dayton in a provision in your Mr. Dan Cable Mr. and Mrs. Ira Purchis Great Lakes Falconers Mr. Bruce Mahall Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weiler Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bomke Ms. Marie de Angelis will. We participate in California Water Service Co. Ms. Sarah Richards Association Maine Falconry and Raptor Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne V. Braun Dr. David E. Dines the combined Federal Mr. Thomas Cantella Conservancy Dr. Beverly Ridgely Campaign (CFC #0945) Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wiegley Mr. William J. Breed Mr. Michael P. DiOrio Mr. and Mrs. Allen Chaikin Greenstone Mr. Andrew L. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. and are members of Mr. and Mrs. George Williams Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brinda Mr. and Mrs. Don Disotell Dr. Mark A. Chappell Professor Frederick A. Hagar Mrs. Margaret Martin Ripple, Jr. Earth Share. Many Mr. Edmund J. Wlodarczyk Bronnercom Mr. and Mrs. John Dullmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cilek Mrs. James C. Hageman Mr. and Mrs. Don Masterson Mr. and Mrs. John Robison gifts are matched so Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wood Ms. Barbara Brown Mr. and Mrs. Danny Durrance Dr. Wayne Claiborne Mr. Charles R. Hahn Senator and Mrs. John McCain Mr. Stanley M. Rowe, Jr. Mr. Kim Woody Mr. Walt Brown Mr. Wade Eakle ask your employer Mr. and Mrs. Andy Sabin Ms. Christina E. Clayton Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hardaswick Mrs. Mimi McMillen Mr. Lou Woyce Mr. Charles Brownold Mr. and Mrs. William M. Edison about its policy. Please Ms. Maggie A. Sacher call us if you Mr. Robert E. Coleman Mrs. Alan Harley and Chris Merrill Lynch Matching Gifts Mr. Kurt Young Mr. J. A. Brundin Dr. and Mrs. Phil Eldredge Program Mr. and Mrs. Phil Schempf have any ques- Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Consey Mr. J. Battle Haslam Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bryant Ms. Catherine Elliott Ms. Elsie Mogck Ms. Cynthia S. Schotte tion on how Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Cooper Hawai‘i Planing Mill Mr. Michael G. Buck and Ms. Mrs. Ardythe K. Ellison Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Don Moser The Charles Schwab Corporation Nancy Glover you can help. Mr. Harold Cusden Ms. Barbara C. Elwood Mr. Kenneth Hill Mr. Brian Mutch Foundation Mr. Andrew Bullen Mr. George G. Daniels Mr. and Mrs. John Emrick Seabury & Smith Mr. Kurt Burnham 32 DONORS The Peregrine Fund Annual Report

$100 - $199 © 2000 Mr. Robert C. Engle Scott Hedrick Construction Mr. James Lambe Mr. Philip Naumburg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Saathoff Mr. and Mrs. James Tumpane, III Edited by Bill Burnham Dr. Sue Enright Mrs. Mimi Heiberg Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lane Mrs. Patricia Antoinette Neff Mr. Ron J. Sali Mr. William C. Tuthill Design © 2000 Mr. David Eslicker Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Heimbuch Mr. and Mrs. Logan Lanham Ms. Amy C. Nicholas Mr. and Mrs. Calvin E. Sandfort Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tuttle by Amy Siedenstrang David and Emilia Everist Mr. James Henry Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Lawin Mr. Leonardo Nicholson Mr. John Sangster Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Unfried Mr. Leo E. Faddis Mr. and Mrs. Melvin S. Henry Mr. Kevin Learned Mrs. Russell L. Nicholson Mr. G. Brett Saunders Mr. Roger Upton Thanks to John Schmitt Mrs. George Fearing Mrs. Barbara Hess Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lebens Ms. Mary Normandia Ms. Jacqueline Schafer Ms. Benedicte Valentiner for donating illustrations ©2000 Mr. Clark Fidler Mr. and Mrs. Bert Higgins Dr. Lee Lenz Mr. Donal C. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Joel Schick Ms. Elizabeth Crownhart Thanks to Robert Bateman and Mill Pond Press, Inc., Vaughan Mrs. Jean Fischer Mr. and Mrs. David Hill Mr. Ed Levine and Ms. Julie Mr. Mike O’Callaghan Mr. William Schroeder Venice, Florida, for cover artwork Ms. June Fitzgerald Ms. Helen I. Hodges Mulholland Ms. Jean O’Connor Mr. Scott Schwartz Mr. Enrique Alfonso Velasco Dr. and Mrs. Richard Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holbrook Mr. Lloyd W. Lewis Mr. William S. O’Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Bob Scobee Dr. Pieter J. Vermeer Production costs donated by members of the Board of Directors Mrs. Peggy Foley Ms. Tracy Holmes Mr. Robert C. Lilly Mr. and Mrs. Peter O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Dan Scott Visalia Breakfast Lions of The Peregrine Fund Mr. and Mrs. Randy L. Forde Mr. and Mrs. Scott Holt Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ohio Falconry Association Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Selig Mrs. Emily Wade Livermore Jr. Mr. George Forman, Jr. Ms. Anne Hornung-Soukup Mr. Allen Olsen and Ms. Carol Mr. and Mrs. Rick Shackelford Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner Mr. Miren Lolley The Peregrine Fund Staff Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fowler Dr. Patrick M. Hourigan Silva Mr. Mark Sharky Mr. Max Walker Mr. David Lowenstein The John Francis Family Mr. Val T. Howard Mrs. Beverly Olson Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sheldon Mr. James N. Wallace The organization’s business-related activities are supported by Pat Burnham Mr. R. Dennis Lund Ms. Patricia Fritz Mr. and Mrs. Keith Huffman Irv and Olga Lieberman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Sipple Mr. Brian J. Walton (Administrator), Carol Pettersen (Bookkeeper), and Brenda Ruckdashel and Janna Ms. Nancy Lyslo Philanthropic Fund of the Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Frock, Jr. Mr. John E. Hull Mr. and Mrs. Bill Slaughter Mrs. Winifred Washco Secord (Secretary/Receptionist). Linda Behrman is our Membership Director. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Madsen Oregon Jewish Community Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fry L. Barrie Hunt Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smelek Mr. and Mrs. Leslie S. Weiss United States Fannie Mae Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gallagher Mr. William J. Hunt, Jr. Ms. Rebecca Oroukin Augustine and Katherine Smythe Dr. Kenneth H. Weitemier Mark Armstrong Nancy Freutel Angel Montoya Cal Sandfort Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Maka Mr. Tim Gallagher Indiana Falconers Association Mr. and Mrs. Michael Palmer South Mountain Audubon Society Mrs. Gillett Welles Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Mandell Stephen Bailey Peter Harrity Amel Mustic Mary Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. David Gardner Dr. Johan Ingels Mr. Richard Palmer Mrs. Sally Spofford Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Bill Maney Linda Behrman Bill Heinrich Brian Mutch Janna Secord Mr. Carlos A. Garza Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ish Mr. and Mrs. Brantley Peck, Jr. Mr. Jeff Staller Dr. James Wetzel, Jr. Ms. Berta E. Marks Roy Britton Peter Jenny Lynne Neibaur Valerie Stein Ms. Paula Gavin JAC Enterprises, Inc. Peregrine Outfitters Starbucks Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ms. Deborah M. Mathies Whittington Bill Burnham Lloyd Kiff Amy Nicholas Randy Stevens Mr. James Gay Mr. Joseph R. Jehl, Jr. Ms. Sara Jean Peters Ms. Patricia C. Stein Mr. Ernst Mayr Mr. Henry Wiggin Kurt Burnham Cyndi Kuehler Paul Oesterle Kirk Stodola Mrs. Margaret George Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Len Peterson Ms. Wendy Steiner Mr. Mike McGrady Mr. Dave Wilkes Pat Burnham Joseph Kuhn Nedim Russell Thorstrom Mr. Richard J. Gershon Mr. Larry Jensen Ms. Laurama Pixton Mr. George Steinmuller, Jr. Omerbegovic Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. McGrath Mrs. Edward P. Williams Jeff Cilek Marla Kuhn Janeene Touchton Ms. Martha Gibbons Mr. David L. Johnson and Ms. Mr. and Mrs. James Podsiadlo Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stimpson Sean Cluff Alan Lieberman Alberto Palleroni Randy Townsend Anne Nobles Ms. Barbara McIlraith and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Linda Williams Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gidner John Turner Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poli Mr. Christopher Stinson and Ms. Ross Dickinson Barbara McIlraith Carol Pettersen John Turner Mr. Jesse Jones Joan Rudel Ms. Maxine A. Winer Ms. Catharine E. Gloth Mr. and Mrs. Michael McIntyre Ms. Frances Pope MaryAnn Edson Paul Malone Tracy Powers Rick Watson Dr. Craig L. Jordan Mr. Kirk Stodola Mr. John Winn Ms. Cynthia Gray Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKee Mr. C. Donald Powers Brenda Ruckdashel Mr. Irvine Jordan Mr. Dennis Sullivan Mr. Tom Witherington Shawn Farry Kim Middleton David Whitacre Ms. Elizabeth Greer Mr. David McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Mrs. Judith M. Joy Prestfeldt Mr. Clark Sumida Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Grimshaw Mrs. Margaret McMahon Woodbury International Staff Mr. Hank Kaestner Mr. Jay A. Pruett Mr. and Mrs. Charles Susie Ms. Nina B. Griswold Mr. Michael P. McSweeney Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Woody Aristide Andrianarimisa Angel Muela Gaston Raoelison Mr. and Mrs. Donald N. Kay Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ray Mr. Jon E. Swanson Mr. M. Grob and Mr. Karl Jaspars Mr. and Mrs. George H. Mead Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. Woolley Francisco Barrios Rivo Rabarisoa Christophe Mrs. Eleanor Kelemen Mr. Bayard D. Rea Mr. and Mrs. David W. Swetland Razafimahatratra Mrs. Helen K. Groves Ms. Deborah Meredith Mr. and Mrs. William L. Woolley Adrien Batou Charles Rabearivelo Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Killip Margaret W. Reed Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Taft (Vola) Daurette Mr. Leonard Guldman Mr. and Mrs. Davis Merwin Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Yates Oscar Beingolea Georgia Z. Kimsey Mrs. Karen Heiberg Reuter Mr. Takashi and Mrs. Reiko Razandrizanakanirina Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Gunther Mr. and Mrs. Rufus L. Miley Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yonda Be Berthin Simon Rafanomezantsoa Ms. Chrissy C. King Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robertson Kurosawa Hilario Rodriguez Mr. John A. Gwynne, Jr. Ms. Beverly Miller Mr. Leonard Young Bonhomme Berthine Rafarasoa Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Kisling Ms. Lorelei Rockwell Tara Foundation, Inc. Lily-Arison Rene de Roland Dr. and Mrs. John D. Hallahan Mr. Henry G. Miller Dr. Irwin Zim Jean de Dieu Christophe Norbert Rajaonarivelo Ms. Karen S. Kleehammer Mr. Ronald Rogacki Mr. and Mrs. John B. Testa Simon Thomsett Dr. William L. Hallahan Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Miller Eloi (Lala) Fanameha Jeannette Rajesy Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Klein Mr. David Rorick, Jr. Mr. Jerry Thorstrom Gilbert Tokahy Ms. Martha K. Hamilton Ms. Susan Mills Bernabe Fernandez Gérard Rakotondravao Ms. Cheryl Kleinbart Ms. Mavis S. Rosell Ms. Claudia Tohlermes Edwin Urriola Mr. A. Stuart Hanisch Mr. and Mrs. Walt Minnick Loukman Kalavah Yves Rakotonirina Mr. and Mrs. Brian Knox Mr. and Mrs. John Rosholt Dr. Harrison Tordoff Munir Virani Mr. William Harmon Mr. Jack Mitch Eugéne Ladoany Tantely F. Mr. and Mrs. David Koehler Mr. Hal A. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Al Trager Randriamandimbiarison Zarasoa Ms. Nancy Harvey Ms. Georgene Moore Jules Mampiandra Mrs. and Mrs. William Kolb Mr. Stephen Ross Ms. Mary Trapnell Mr. Ikuya Hatano Mr. and Mrs. Bert Murray Norbert Randrianarivelo Mr. Douglas Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roth Mr. John A. Trunnell Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hay Mr. and Mrs. Bob Murray Archivist Ms. Connie Kulik Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rubens, II Mr. J. Townsend Tubbs Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hays Mr. Richard Musser Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kupchak Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ruckdashel Mr. and Mrs. Vance Tucker S. Kent Carnie Mr. and Mrs. Ross Heald Mr. and Mrs. Amel Mustic 33 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE PEREGRINE FUND OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS DIRECTORS Henry M. Paulson, Jr. Ronald C. Yanke Ruth O. Andres Ronald Crawford Walter C. Klein Thomas T. Nicholson Chairman of the Board Secretary and Director Investor President, F/P Research CEO, Walt Klein & Rancher and Landowner Chairman and Chief President, Yanke Machine Associates Associates, Inc. Executive Officer, The Shop, Inc. Lee M. Bass Peter G. Pfendler Goldman Sachs Group, President T. Halter Cunningham Curtis A. Krizek Rancher Inc. Tom J. Cade, Ph.D. Lee M. Bass, Inc. Manufacturer of Sporting Principal and Executive Founding Chairman and Arms and Investor Officer Lucia L. Severinghaus D. James Nelson Director Robert B. Berry Prairie Capital Research Fellow Vice Chairman of the Professor Emeritus of Chairman, U.S. Investment Patricia A. Disney Management, Inc. Institute of Zoology, Board and Director Ornithology, Cornell Group of Insurance Vice Chairman, Shamrock Academia Sinica President, Nelson University Companies Holdings, Inc. Jacobo Lacs Taiwan Construction Company International Businessman Business office Roy E. Disney Harry L. Bettis James H. Enderson, Ph.D. and Conservationist R. Beauregard Turner (208) 362-3716 William A. Burnham, Ph.D. Chairman of the Board, Rancher Professor of Biology Fish and Wildlife Manager, President and Director Emeritus, and Director The Colorado College Patricia B. Manigault Turner Enterprises Vice Chairman, The Walt P. Dee Boersma, Ph.D. Conservationist and Fax J. Peter Jenny Disney Company Professor, University of Joe I. Eoff Rancher William E. Wade, Jr. (208) 362-2376 Vice President Chairman of the Board, Washington CEO, Eoff Electric President (Ret.), Atlantic Shamrock Holdings, Inc. Velma V. Morrison Richfield Company Interpretive Jeffrey R. Cilek Frank M. Bond Caroline A. Forgason President, The Harry W. Vice President Julie A. Wrigley Attorney at Law and Partner, Groves/Alexander Morrison Foundation Brian J. Walton Center Chairman of the Board, Rancher Coordinator (208) 362-8687 Paxson H. Offield Emeritus, and Director Z. Wayne Griffin, Jr. Morlan W. Nelson Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Treasurer and Director Chairman and CEO, Robert S. Comstock Developer, G&N Naturalist, Hydrologist, Research Group E-mail address President and CEO, Santa Wrigley Investments LLC President and CEO, Management, Inc. and Cinematographer Catalina Island Company The Robert Comstock James D. Weaver tpf@ Company Karen J. Hixon Ian Newton Past President, North Conservationist Senior Ornithologist American Falconers Derek J. Craighead Natural Environment Association, and Raptor Ecologist Research Council Biologist Website United Kingdom http://www. Non-Profit The Peregrine Fund Organization World Center for Birds of Prey U.S. POSTAGE 566 West Flying Hawk Lane Boise, Idaho 83709 PAID United States of America Boise, ID 83709 Permit No. 606