A keen nose, a sharp eye, an ear to the ground...... and a clarion call! SPRING 20152015 LO!LO! THERE CCAMEAME STARS FRFROMOM AFAR

By our Arts CorresCorrespondentpondent famifamilyly of song and wiwillll be joined by their KKayay Seratsera parents, toddlertoddler GeorGeorgege II and llittleittle baby Arthur. Fine use of the EastfoEastfolklk Creche tent ToTo marmarkk the 2015 re-emergencere-emergence of (formerl(formerlyy crash tenttent)) will be mademade.. EastfolkEastfolk the newly appointed ForeiForeigngn NotNot to be outdone, tthehe neineighbouringghbouring Minister Ms. SaSallylly Forth has invited County PaPalatinelatine Of Durham have pputut forward three stout fellowsfellows who trade as ThThee envoysenvoys and ambassadors from all the YYoung’unsoung’uns. Those that came llastast yyearear wiwillll LostLost Counties of EnEnglandgland (LCE) and kknownow them as peace-lovingpeace-loving folkfolk who further afield to come and show off cemented greatgreat ties with FoFolkEast,lkEast, becomingbecoming theirtheir locallocal customs and wares. mmuchuch vavaluedlued Patrons and friends. Rumours After much negotiationnegotiation EastfoEastfolklk are proud tthathat cclaimlaim that their name is about to chanchangege ttoo wewelcome,lcome, from HexhamshireHexhamshire,, ThThee ttoo the Young Once are illill informed. 2015 sees UUnthanksnthanks a renowned familyfamily of minstreminstrelsls tthemhem crowned as OldermenOldermen of EastfoEastfolk,lk, who willwill bringbring their fullfull orchestra and wiwillll which bebefitsfits their pplaylay many favourite songs aalonglong with most N.B.N.B. Jethro TuTullll wiwillll not now be appearing, of their new catacataloguelogue Mount The Air. TThehe (as he sadlysadly died in 1741).1741). Unthanks continue the tradition ooff a tourintouringg CContinuedontinued on PagePage 2 EastfolkEUnthanksUnthankastfolks come pacpackedked BacBack-to-Beckk-to-Beck todatodayy

By our Foreign CorresCorrespondencepondence EEditorditor ttree-dressingree-dressing and dance so enjoyed in tthehe PercyPercy FlageFlage reregiongion with locallocal traditionaltraditional food and The yearlyyearly pageant that is ‘FolkEast’‘FolkEast’ ddrinkrink includingincluding a locallocal brewed aleale cobbledcobbled (so-named accordinglyaccordingly for County Hall ttogetherogether by the llocalocal aale-housesle-houses in the area, ccopyrightopyright reasonsreasons)) is held within the pparticularlyarticularly the ancient BlaxhallBlaxhall ShiShipp Inn grounds of GlemhamGlemham HaHall,ll, directlydirectly on the nnearby.earby. ooldld ThorouThoroughfareghfare that lleded throuthroughgh the TThehe recentrecentlyly rumoured EastfoEastfolklk Hoard town of Glemhamme.Glemhamme. wiwillll again be searched for, the llocalocal sport ooff The newnewlyly aappointedppointed centracentrall DDwilewile FFlonkinlonkin is re-enacted byby the ‘Sea‘Sealedled government of EastfoEastfolklk create a llandand NNot’ot’ beside tthehe nearby ScSchethet Creeque and bbeyondeyond GoogGooglele for just 3 days of the year. RRadioadio EastfoEastfolklk wiwillll take to the air again. DDeclaringeclaring UDI (Unilateral Declaration OfOf IndeIndependence)pendence) all normal common law is sussuspendedpended and thethe county boundary is WM.WM. MORRISMORRIS ((Minor)Minor) re-instated, governed onlyonly by The New TThehe well-sung,well-sung, once-youngonce-young YounYoung’unsg’uns VintageVintage CarCar RepairsRepairs LLordord Of MisruleMisrule and his LadyLady Miss Stake.Stake. Throughout the weekend we wiwillll see a & Servicingrvicing ccelebrationelebration of the artsarts,, craftscrafts,, musicmusic,, EastfolkEastfolk risinrisingg First By our SpecialSpecial CorresCorrespondentpondent NNorfolkorfolk as an appeasement to the King HughHugh BrisBrisss Henry II. BiBigodgod hhadad stronstrongg ties witwithh bothboth ContinuedContinued fromfrom pagepage 9 ScotScotlandland and France, estabestablishinglishing trading Specialists in all models includingincluding …and…and was one of the smallestsmallest counties in routes for maltmalt between AldeburghAldeburgh and thethe Eastern regions, covering an area no ScotScotlandland and benefiting from the wealthwealth to MorrisMorris Dancer • AAustinustin TTexasexas moremore than 40 square milesmiles situated on bbee found thereof. Further wealthwealth was SingerSinger SongwriterSongwriter • RileyRiley O’Blimeh England’sEngland’s east coast between NorfolkNorfolk and created by shipbuishipbuildinglding in the shipyards ofof AlvisAlvis PPresléreslé • LeLeylandyland DD.I..I. • OOpalpal FFruterute SuffolkSuffolk in the north and south respectivelyrespectively AAldeburghldeburgh and the precious wealthwealth and YugoYugo 1st • Commer Fullstopp with WesfolkWesfolk to the West. It was dissolveddissolved riches found in the TreacleTreacle Mines in 2323 High SStreet,treet, Iken-TinatIken-Tinaturna,urna, EasEastfolk,tfolk, TTel:el: ILK 693 byby an act of ParParliamentliament in 1177 shortshortlyly after nnearbyearby Long SuSufferingham.fferingham. thethe death of Hugh Bigod, 1st EarEarll OOff CContinuedontinued on PagePage 2 PagePage TThreehree re-instated! (go to ppageage fourfour)) 2 TThehe EastfolEastfolkk Chronicle SSPRINGPRING 20152015

the same)same) can hardly be appliedapplied to Tilston over his lengthylengthy career in music. Ledecestre ... Lo!Lo! ThThereere camcamee mmayay be one of the oldestoldest cities in EngEnglandland but that’sthat’s as notnothinghing wwhenhen it comes to Steve’s mining of great EngEnglishlish lloreore in worwordsds anandd songsong.. SaturdaSaturdayy dawns with a lecturelecture byby folkeast. co. uk stars frfromom afar ... aarchivistrchivist PPollyolly FoneFoneyy on the latestlatest findings of the oldold EastfoEastfolklk Broadside BaBallad,llad, untiuntill 3 FolkEastFolkEast General EnEnquiries:quiries: ContinuedContinued fromfrom PagePage 1 the contents. FaFalselse Lights are captained by mmonthsonths ago, ononlyly the first verse was known [email protected] GGigspannerigspanner return thisthis yearyear to Sam Carter and Jim MoraMoray,y, their aalbumlbum was uuntilntil a second verse was found in a ttriumphantriumphant howlshowls of adoration, they recorrecordedded uupp in Kesteven a mere two day’sday’s songbook in the library of the ROSDS (Right PRPR National:National: recentrecentlyly enjoyed a ppackedacked ‘House Concert’ saisailingling down to Orford through sea areas OOldld Song And Dance SocietySociety)) in London’s PeterPeter PrProwseowse (if youyou can call Glemham Hall a ‘house’‘house’)) and Humber and Thames.Thames. CCyrilyril Poacher House. ManManyy wiwillll remember [email protected] nnowow taketake the ppartyarty outside into the DDoingoing battbattlele on a Friday stage not far from the first stanza from lastlast year. CompareCompare it dimming ofof the Friday evening. Their new the above wiwillll be the entire cast ooff ThThee nnowow to the newnewlyly added verse 2: PRPR Regional:Regional: alalbumbum LayersLayers OOff Ages mamay,y, or maymay not, rerelatelate WWilsonilson FamilyFamily, who gathered themselvesthemselves in JanJan BallardBallard entireentirelyly to the weekend’s refreflectionlection of daysdays their native Billingham (Stokton On TeesTees)) [email protected]@THEBRIDGEMARKETING.CO.UK llongong gone. The sadsadlyly departed Terry and drove south to be with us this ffineine Beccles fforor the Puritans PPratchettratchett once mentioned tthathat Gigspanner’s weeweekend,kend, They have been singing and Bungay fforor the ppooroor PPetereter Knight coucouldld ‘spin the worworldld on his performing a capellacapella folkfolk songs since 1974. Halesworth for the drunkards ProductionProduction & ProProgramming:gramming: bow’. Watch them import goods ffromrom the farfar TheTheyy consist ooff sister Pat and ffiveive brothers: AAndnd Blythburgh fforor the whorwhoree JohnJohn Marshall-PotterMarshall-Potter east, fromfrom the antipodesantipodes and the AfricanAfrican TomTom,, Chris,Chris, Steve,Steve, Ken and MikeMike,, llistenisten out [email protected] continents aallll aboard their good touring for their setting of Kipling’sKipling’s ‘Big Steamers’. Narfolk for the broads sshiphip WhooWhoops-A-Daisyps-A-Daisy moored in thethe grand JJosienneosienne ClarClarkk and Ben WalWalkerker aarere no SSuffolkuffolk for the boozebooze Marketing:Marketing: pportort ofof Orford.Orford. strangers to FoFolkEastlkEast or EastfoEastfolk,lk, though Wesfolk for the witches BeckyBecky Marshall-PotterMarshall-Potter Attention aallll shipping: Gigspanner are their new alalbumbum is tittitledled NothinNothingg Can BringBring AAndnd Eastfolk for To-Dos [email protected] fofollowedllowed bbyy the return ofof FaFalselse LightsLights to tthehe Back The Hour, the fofolklk of EastfoEastfolklk are doing FFridayriday Sunset Stage, fofollowingllowing their worworldld aallll theythey can to do just that. FaustuFaustuss aarere tthehe GlemhamGlemham HaHall:ll: debut at FoFolkEastlkEast llastast yyear,ear, theythey have since same energetic triumvirate of fofolklk royaltyroyalty SpeSpellingsllings are shown largelylargely as found, and DonnaDonna StockleyStockley dedeliveredlivered a heahealthylthy bouncing debut aalbum.lbum. that once pperformederformed as Dr. Faustus bebeforefore this aappearsppears to be one of the earliestearliest [email protected] BBothoth the band name and the aalbumlbum titletitle the NHS cuts demanded they loselose partpart ofof mmentionsentions ofof the word ‘To-Do’ thouthoughtght to were insinspiredpired by BellaBella Bathurst’s 2005 their name. Un-deterred they pploughlough ahead derive from the llatinatin te-deumte-deum.. AdvertisingAdvertising manager:manager: nnovelovel The Wreckers which tetellslls ofof and bringbring their new aalbumlbum Broken Down CContinuedontinued on PagePage 3 RuthRuth CromeCrome 18th-century scavengers using fafalselse llightsights GGentlemenentlemen to thethe Friday Broad Roots Stage. [email protected] ttoo wreck ships and salvagesalvage the contents ofofff NNextext door a fewfew hours before,before, on the Broad tthehe coast of Eastfolk.Eastfolk. The ChronicChroniclele are RRootsoots CClublub Stage, we have SSteveteve TiTilstonlston, aann ADVERTISINGADVERTISING aassuredssured that no member of FalseFalse Lights has escaescapeepee to Leicester from Liverpool.Liverpool. AllAll enquiries regarding advertising space ever knowinknowinglygly wrecked a ship and salvagedsalvaged LLeicester’seicester’s motto ‘Sem‘Semperper Eadem’ (always aandnd rates fforor ffutureuture issues can be directed to RuthRuth Crome at tthehe above address.address. ... Eastfolk rising CoverageCoverage of FolFolkEastkEast by Continued from page 1 20152015 media ppartnersartners The Borders of EastfoEastfolklk ffluctuated,luctuated, but earearlyly maps show it stretching north to Duneuuic (now a mile off the coast of the remains of Dunwich),Dunwich), west to Fessfelda (Fressingfield(Fressingfield)) south, aagaingain to Parhamme and then south-east to reach the coast at ShingleShingle Street and the busy port ooff Orford.Orford. PhotoPhoto credits: KathKathyy BaxendaBaxendale,le, Laura Deeks, The cacapitalpital town of EastfoEastfolklk was to be found at GGlemham,lemham, remains of which are stistillll visiblevisible JohnJohn Heald,Heald, DigbyDigby Daventry, Stephen nnearear to the Hall (rebuilt 15601560)) bbyy the de Glemham Wolfenden,Wolfenden, Anna WolfendenWolfenden The symbol of the county was often that of the rising sun, (due to the coastcoast)) a symbol the CountCountyy of SuffolkSuffolk absconded after the dissolutiondissolution of EastfoEastfolklk when it was rendered as the TheThe Eastfolk CChroniclehronicle Hundred of PPlomesgate.lomesgate. Throughout the MiddMiddlele Ages various fayres were heheldld to perpetuate the memory of EastfoEastfolklk (not to be confused with )Telegraph) and these were revived in 1860 byby friends of WilliamWilliam Morris (Established 1486 and reregisteredgistered with (minor)(minor) on a grand scale, where stories and songs tthehe Post OfficeOffice as a Newspaper.Newspaper. originating ffromrom the county were revived and documented, Issue 9,567 - VoVolumelume 459 MaMayy 2015 editionedition.. the findings of which are now carefullycarefully stored in London’s PublishedPublished weakly,weakly, aallll copycopy to be CecilCecil PearlPearl House.House. submitted 3 weeksweeks priorprior to cover

Contributing Editor: CaCallylly of WaWalpolelpole (font of all knowledge)knowledge) Sub Edited Underwater byby BecBeckyky PottePotterr Editor at Large: John MarshaMarshallll PottePotterr Art directed and designeddesigned by thethe KatKathyhy BaxendaleBaxendale of Halestown (knowledge(knowledge ooff allall fonts)fonts) The EastfoEastfolklk ChronicChroniclele is pprintedrinted at Whim, (Blaxhall)(Blaxhall) byby Sharman & Co. Ltd

AllAll views and oopinionspinions exexpressedpressed in each AncientAncient Sun ggraffitiraffiti found in Glemham issueissue are not necessarinecessarilyly those of the writer or reader, The EastfolkEastfolk ChronicleChronicle acceptsaccepts no responsibilityresponsibility for the veracity or accuracy ofof anyany content and cannot be heheldld resresponsibleponsible for any loss,loss, damage or unwanted chichildbirthldbirth asas a resuresultlt of any articarticlele pprintedrinted herein. Any accusationaccusation that The EastfoEastfolklk ChronicChroniclele is merelymerely a badge-engineered copy of llateate lamented WaveneWaveneyy Clarion (R.I.P.(R.I.P.)) or that its contents have been lliftedifted whowholele or hahalf-salelf-sale from,from, or inspiredinspired by, other sources such as ScarfolkScarfolk and/or are stronglystrongly refutedrefuted and defendeddefended by the managementmanagement.. NeedlessNeedless to say….*say….* (sseeee belowbelow) AAllll materialmaterial contained is laughablylaughably considered ©2015©2015 FolkEastFolkEast Productions LLimitedimited and any rereproductionproduction whetherwhether in print or by sperm meeting an egg must be aapprovedpproved in writing by the EditorialEditorial Team. It iiss acceacceptedpted and understood that ‘I ffoundound it on tthehe internet’ or ‘I read it in WiWikipedia’kipedia’ are perfectperfectlyly acceptableacceptable when sourcing contentcontent.. FForor further detaidetailsls plpleaseease ask for further SPRINGSPRING 20152015 TheThe EastfolEastfolkk Chronicle 3 TOPLESSTOPLESS MMODELSODELS OOFF EAEASTFOLKSTFOLK DianaDiana (third riright)ght) likes workinworkingg with animals and children and often finds it hard to tetellll the difference! That’s a llovelyovely ppairair of kittens you have there Diana! We can’t see the RRSPCASPCA or NSPCC llodgingodging too many compcomplaintslaints if that’s aallll you’re wearingwearing..

... Lo!Lo! ThThereere camcamee stars fromfrom afaafarr

Music historianshistorians havehave now NorthNorth America, famousfamous hybrid songmaster allall that dancing willwill make up for it. Those ofof agreed that ffamedamed pop stars JackJack Alope (to be confirmed).confirmed). deepdeep thespianthespian inteintellectllect may wish to sit ‘TThehe BeatBeatlesles’ owed ffarar more BackBack in the CathedralCathedral we hhaveave JohnJohn quietlyquietly whiwhilstlst the Thameside Mummers do tthanhan is known to a lesser-knownlesser-known SpiersSpiers whowho needs no introduction. ByBy wawayy their stuff as well.well. RRutlandutland beat combo calledcalled ThThee of introduction;introduction; John was once hahalflf ofof We welcome back Eastfolk’s (well, RutRutlesles, Infuriatingly,Infuriatingly, and Spiers and Boden beforebefore deciding that two’s NorwichNorwich actuallyactually)) own printing press PrintPrint somewhat insuinsultinglyltingly known as companycompany and so 11 shoushouldld just about do it ToTo The PeoplePeople who wiwillll show yyouou how to tthehe ‘John Lennon’ ooff the bandband;; and BellowheadBellowhead were born. John is one ofof print a llovelyovely T shirt, bag, poster aallll to your NeiNeill InnesInnes hhasas decided to come the few to escape the bblacklack country, haihailing,ling, exactingexacting specispecification.fication. ttoo FoFolkEastlkEast to set the record as he does, ffromrom the ancient hundred ooff All-in-allAll-in-all there willwill be a plethoraplethora of stages straistraight.ght. In hhisis own words hhee Beormingas,Beormingas, (a town founded by Sir Charles to enjoy; TheThe Sunset StaStage,ge, TThehe Broad Roots states “I’ve susufferedffered forfor mymy Mingus)Mingus) and later became known as the Stage, The Broad Roots CClublub Stage, the new mmusic….usic…. Now it’s yyourour turn”turn”.. HamletHamlet of Birm. John escaescapedped - memelodeonlodeon in GardenGarden venue, TheThe CChurchhurch and tthehe GlemhamGlemham has a fine cathedracathedrall hand - with a handsome troupetroupe ofof Morris welcomewelcome return of The Soapbox Stage abablyly (16th Century PurPurpledicular)pledicular) in dancers. A llittleittle known fact:- here, when wo-manned by Amy Wragg as before.before. tthehe grounds and performingperforming BritishBritish LayLaylineline decided to devedeveloplop a new RumoursRumours havehave it thatthat ChrisChris T-T willwill be tthereinherein willwill be one MartMartinin version of the Morris Traveller (wooden mountingmounting thethe soapbox thisthis year…year….. CartCarthyhy. Martin is a little-knownlittle-known body, came with fridgefridge abandoned outside LikeLike any good haircut, no FestivalFestival is bbrightright hope fforor the ffuture;uture; and pick-up variant for tarmac laying)laying) they completecomplete without a fringe, and this year we TheThe PeatboPeatbogg FaeriesFaeries tthoughthought to be goinggoing pplaceslaces and is settledsettled on the ill-fatedill-fated ‘Morris Dancer’. The share the delightsdelights of the famous BlaxhallBlaxhall ContinuedContinued fromfrom PagePage 2 Dunvegan,Dunvegan, (also planningplanning a series of bands such as SteeleyeSteeleye wing mirrors were adorned withwith whitewhite ShipShip Inn a llovelyovely hike away from the known as DunveDunvegas),gas), a tiny dynasty on the Span, Morris On as wewellll as having pplanslans to clothcloth hankies and bellsbells were attached to the FestivalFestival site (don’t worry, passportspassports issued IsleIsle Of SkSkyeye sends us the PeatbogPeatbog FaeriesFaeries, get married, havehave a daughter,daughter, name hherer hubcaps,hubcaps, aallll were stick-shift and came in when you enter will get you back in).in). The tthehe band known for titlingtitling an albumalbum Eliza,Eliza, and sing the odd ditty when the fancy white with a band of cocolourlour stretching Inn willwill kick matters off on the ThursdayThursday recorded lliveive as Live who aalsolso were takestakes him. diagonallydiagonally across the bonnet. It never made evening and, no doubt, wiwillll continue the resresponsibleponsible for the 2005 eepicpic CCroftworkroftwork LP.LP. MeanwhileMeanwhile we’we’llll see LeveretLeveret continue itit out of the developmentdevelopment stage and the FolkEastFolkEast sspiritpirit wellwell into the rest of the year. SubtitSubtitlesles wiwillll not be necessary as they plplayay their successfusuccessfull tour of Britain: AndAndyy factory demonstrators are greatgreatlyly Those ooff you who own a cocopypy ooff ‘The Larks largely instrumental sets (with the accent Cutting cocollidedllided with who sought-after.sought-after. The car susufferedffered the same ffeteete They Sang Melodious’ (or is that on the mentalmental)) but the band will have to knockedknocked over Rob Harbron and theythey as thethe SingerSinger SonSongwritergwriter and thethe Austin malodorous?)malodorous?) or have watched the 1950s arrive severaseverall dadaysys beforehand to decided to tatakeke their punchpunch upup into the Texas. The FoFolkEastlkEast weekend contains a PeterPeter KennedKennedy-directedy-directed fifilmlm ‘Here’s A accacclimatiselimatise to the AuAugustgust heat found here in studio in hopehope of reconcireconciliation,liation, find out for right ooldld songsong and dance withwith manymany sides HealthHealth To The BarBarleyley Mow’ wiwillll know of the tthehe Far East (Eastfolk).(Eastfolk). SaturdaySaturday also yourselvesyourselves in their debut aalbumlbum New dancing includingincluding CotswoldCotswold and Border ShipShip ononlyly too wewell.ll. ffeatureseatures Stu and Debbie Hanna perperformingforming Anything. Morris as wellwell as the locallocal side PrettyPretty Grim (For further information ppleaselease re-read aass MeMegsongson aalsolso haihailingling from the North East Sunday’sSunday’s adventures incincludelude The cladclad in traditionaltraditional purplepurple or mauve this article).article). we expectexpect a shared tumbreltumbrel to arrive Unthanks (previously(previously mentionedmentioned)) a second depending on your point ofof voo. It is hoped (For even further information pleaseplease containing acts ffromrom this set from Martin CarthyCarthy (in case youyou missed that we may alsoalso see a disdisplayplay of the ancient attend FolkEast).FolkEast). uunder-appreciatednder-appreciated area of these fair isles.isles. him the day before)before) and Andy Cutting sticks Stock Dancers of EastfoEastfolk,lk, we cannot pproverove NNoo doubt theythey wiwillll cart-share with fefellowsllows aroundaround to join upup withwith ChrisChris WooWoodd whowho that AtiAtillalla the Broke Stocker wiwillll aappearppear as such as The Young’uns (previously previouslypreviously plplayedayed with some he is… well,well, broke but the followingfollowing sides mmentioned)entioned) and VVinin GarbutGarbuttt, a yearsyears back just to comcomplicateplicate matters and are descending:descending: TheThe Witchmen,Witchmen, PrettPrettyy MiddMiddlesboroughlesborough man, no lless,ess, whose first makemake for a Pete Frame FamilyFamily Tree as Grim, the RockinghamRockingham Rapper, Golden alalbumbum waswas TThehe Valley OfOf Tees (1972(1972)) Garbutt convolutedconvoluted and as bewibewilderingldering as a wiring Star,Star, BarBarleyley BriBrigg,gg, Danegeld,Danegeld, HaHagenethgeneth has not llet-offet-off sincesince;; SSyntheticynthetic Hues being diagram of a BSA Bantam, onlyonly not as andand Everard’s OriOriginalginal Anstey MorriMorriss his 20120144 llastast aalbum.lbum. reliable.reliable. We aalsolso hohopepe to welcome,welcome, from Men.n. IIff this doesn’t make you thirsty then MaMM MaMayfield’syyfield’s TREACLEACLE TARTSRTS MadeMade from the finest PurestPurest EEastfolkastfolk TrTreacleeacle MMinedined llocallyocally at LonLongg SufferinSufferinghamgham FFreeree of allall DeliveredDelivered SSyrupyrupp and Molasses locallylocally GuaranGuaranteedteed 4242%% ProoProoff SSoldold in 1,1, 2 and 3lb cakes

AvailableAvailable onlyonly withinwithin thethe county boundaryboundary due to Licensing RegulationsRegulations MartinMartin Carthy M Manan hen-pechen-peckedked by ggiantiant crow EastEastfolkfolk AppellationAppellation ControléeControlée 4 TThehe EastfolEastfolkk Chronicle SSPRINGPRING 20152015 A merry old dance

By our BaBalletllet andand Dance Reviewer (Established 1486)1486) OnOn entering tthehe site and hhavingaving signed EastfolkEastfolk was attributed as the originator the acceacceptanceptance ooff UDI within the Border of Stock Dancing in which lowlylowly Crossing one willwill be ledled up the ‘Garden Scriveners, Bank ClerksClerks and Accountants Path’Path’ guided by the ffreeree map that is dressed in make-shiftmake-shift dinner jackets exchanged for payment (in groats)groats) On the danced an intoxicated stestepp kknownnown as the mapmap ttherehere is tthehe Red Button thatthat can be Share - stepssteps ooff which are recorded, but the pressedpressed at any time fforor ffurtherurther ininformationformation musicmusic to which is now longlong lost.lost. It was (terms and conditions apply)apply) knownknown that the dance was accomaccompaniedpanied by Those achieving popoliticallitical asyasylumlum within a lloneone fiddler,fiddler, or anyany amount of fiddles,fiddles, but the borders of EastfoEastfolklk wiwillll be asked to stepstep therethere is aalsolso reference to a Dragoon ooff through various doors ofof perception and CrumhornsCrumhorns used as instruments. Given tthehe join in thethe song-and-dance, rejoicing in thethe tradestrades and guiguildslds represented, the fiddlefiddle is mottomotto of the event ‘a‘allll a bit of a to-do’ moremore likely.likely. One dance centred around a To llearnearn more about this totopicpic plpleaseease giant pot fufullll of lledgersedgers on a roaring fire, re-read the entire article.article. which sat gentgentlyly simmering allall night. FoFolklk East wiwillll attemattemptpt to revive this dance at some point over thethe comingcoming years as researchresearch continues. TThehe current side is Eastfolk District Licentious OOfficeffice sponsoredsponsored by the Firm ofof Accountants Hardly,Hardly, Worth, Bothering and Co.Co. OFFICIALOFFICIAL NNOTICEOTICE The Stock dancers wiwillll be joined bbyy ToTo all performersperformers aatt tthehe FFolkEastolkEast FFestivalestival PhilipPhilip Hope-Cobbold ggensens up before one of his famous House Tours severalseveral Morris and MoMollylly sides from wouwouldld have come and set uupp camcampp and ‘roundabouts’ allall who willwill take turns at RegularRegular random inspections will be carriedcarried out traded goods of aallll descriptions incincludingluding to ccheckheck allall performersperformers aarere cacarryingrrying eithereither anan theirtheir stestepsps aallll weekend A SHORTSHORT food and drink, they wouldwould have partakenpartaken The entire proceedings willwill be recorded ARTISTICARTISTIC LICENSE iinn many ofof the games ooff the time such as weaklyweakly in the EastfoEastfolklk ChronicChroniclele or “Dwy“Dwylele Flonking”Flonking” “Cow Tipping”Tipping” “Drop POETICPOETIC LILICENSECENSE LELESSONSSON BBearear Hunting” and share skiskillslls llikeike “Pigeon PlPlucking”,ucking”, they wouwouldld have traded stories As thesethese areare licensedlicensed premisespremises and news, both in spospokenken word and in song All licenseslicenses to bebe fullyfully endorsedendorsed FRFROMOM and dance. At tthishis pperioderiod in history,history, therethere was very littlelittle resrespitepite from the dailydaily toitoill so the annuaannuall fair must have been quite some THE LIVINGLIVING HISTORHISTORYY TheThe document suggests tthathat representatives of the gathering, probabprobablyly PPOETSOETS By our ResidentResident ArchaeoArchaeologistlogist aallll the elderselders from the various villagesvillages MrMr ArchibaArchibaldld O’LodO’Lodgistgist wouwouldld bang on Count Alan’sAlan’s door to ask ppermissionermission to start the festivities,festivities, this was SSOCIETYOCIETY The signisignificanceficance ofof a document that was answered with the muffmuffledled ringing of the uuncoveredncovered in the cecellarsllars of the presentpresent fefeltedlted cathedracathedrall bebellll which signified the By ‘Sammy’‘Sammy’ HagarHagar GlGlemhamemham HaHallll a few years agoago was not start ooff the fair.fair. As mentioned before;before; rearealisedlised untiluntil it recentrecentlyly turned uupp GlGlemhamemham had the smallestsmallest CathedralCathedral in aallll OnOn aallll three daysdays at the FoFolklk FestivaFestivall there aamongstmongst a pilepile of oldold news papers and AAlbionlbion untiluntil it resisted beingbeing demoted to willwill be the continuation of the tradition ooff other documents in an oldold out house. The that of a ChaChapelpel Of Ease and mysteriouslymysteriously poetry as wellwell as song and dance. A fine nnewspapersewspapers were cocopiespies of the ooldld EastfoEastfolklk burned down. In its pplacelace rose the mighty examexampleple of a locallocal strict meter of words ChronicChroniclele and the other documents were Tower and ChurchChurch we see todatoday.y. kknownnown as a HiHighgh Coo can be ffoundound here: mmixedixed in amongst tthem.hem. ContinuesContinues on ppageage 9 RRainyainy SaturSaturday,day, The document is currentcurrentlyly being studied AAugustugust days in Long SuSuffrin,ffrin, bbyy a llocalocal historian who is stistillll examining it All arounaroundd my hat aandnd hhas,as, as yet, not come up withwith anytanythinghing cconclusiveonclusive about its sisignificance,gnificance, but he ((SauceSauce unknown, possiblypossibly said that there appearsappears to be a mention ofof a HP or Branston).Branston). “prescriptive right”right” to hoholdld an annuaannuall fair TThehe 55/7/5/7/5 rrhythmhythm was iinn the Manor of LittleLittle Glemham,Glemham, probablyprobably aadopteddopted by the EastfoEastfolklk originaoriginallylly granted around 1080, there is SteSteppeppe Dancers, based in tthehe virtuavirtuallylly no recorded evidence other than nnorthorth ooff the countcountyy at the ffootoot of the EastfoEastfolklk WoWoldesldes where word ooff mouth ppassedassed down over the tthehe mountains ofof ccenturiesenturies ooff these prescriptive rights. nneighbouringeighbouring SuffolkSuffolk start. RoyalRoyal Grants or Charters started to be TThosehose tthathat ventured mucmuchh recorded aafterfter 1199 and there is no record ffurtherurther north than the town ofof of a RoRoyalyal Grant for a fair at LittLittlele SniSnipepe were kknownnown to have GlGlemhamemham but that doesn’t mean that the ‘gorn a bit hilly’hilly’ and ooldld men ffairair did not continue under its pprescriptiverescriptive were heardheard to mutter ‘ass a bit ccharterharter into the ffirstirst partpart ofof the 13th steesteep’p’ ccentury.entury. FFolkEastolkEast are plpleased,eased, nay, Around 1228-29 WilliamWilliam De GlemhamGlemham cchuffedhuffed to announce the ttookook on the manor and there is no evidence ddebutebut ofof ‘The Song OfOf The ttoo suggest that a fair was being heheldld there WaterWaterlily’lily’ pperformederformed by by tthen.hen. MMartinartin NeweNewellll and The It is thought that the ffirstirst fairsfairs were Hosepipe BanBandd, Martin reareadsds pprobablyrobably set uupp around the time when his evocative rhyming baballadllad Count Alan Rufus of BrittanyBrittany (first Lord OOff with music esespeciallypecially RRichmond)ichmond) took over the manor. He was ccomposedomposed by TThehe HoseHosepipepipe wewellll known for his lovelove of the good llifeife and BBandand – it centres around tthehe aanyny excuse forfor a party,party, in factfact his “To-Do’s” bbuildinguilding of a boat, quite aass theythey became known were ffamousamous ppossiblyossibly stistillll moored at tthroughouthroughout the hundred of Eastfolk.Eastfolk. ‘To OOrford…rford… AAllll this, aalonglong with DDo’o’ was thought to be a EastfoEastfolklk dialectdialect ppoetryoetry every day on TheThe appappropriationropriation ooff the Ambrosian Hymn ooff SoapBox Stage, as in years PPraiseraise ‘‘TeTe Deum’Deum’.. ggoneone by… iss aallll ggoneone a bit PeoplePeople wouwouldld have gathered at LittleLittle ‘tellectual ent it?it? GlGlemhamemham from allall around the area, they SPRING 20152015 TThehe EastfolEastfolkk Chronicle 5 EASTFOLKEASTFOLK COCOMESMES FFORTHORTH EastfolkEastfolk WiWildfileldfile THETHE RETURN OF THE JJACKALOPEACKALOPE

By our Naturist ReReporterporter campcampfiresfires singing at night, Through a combination ooff BiBillll ‘Odd’ BillyBilly jackajackalopeslopes coucouldld be heard ttruth,ruth, fact,fact, hoax and media mmimickingimicking their voices or aactivity,ctivity, thethe town or ototherher FFollowingollowing on from our singing along,along, usuausuallylly as a communitcommunityy drawsdraws NNatureature DiaryDiary lastlast issue, tenor. It is said tthathat aattentionttention to itseitselflf for sociasociall wwherehere I described tthehe jackajackalopes,lopes, the rare llepusepus or economic reasons. A American origin ofof the antiantilocapralocapra, ononlyly breed common adjunct to tthishis JJackalopeackalope and how they during lightninglightning fflasheslashes aactivityctivity involvesinvolves the were introintroducedduced into East aandnd thatthat their antlersantlers mmakeake creation of an annuaannuall AngAnglia,lia, I thought it best to the act difficultdifficult despitedespite the festivafestivall to pperpetuateerpetuate the ddescribeescribe what theythey llookook hare’s rereputationputation fforor ttown'sown's association withwith thethe ByBy JustJustinin Case of “shopping local”local” is most of the revenue llikeike andand their naturalnatural fertility.fertility. llocalocal legend.legend. that passes through FolkEastFolkEast stays in the hhabitat.abitat. OOncence considered to MusiciansMusicians hahaveve used thethe SucSuchh an event over in tthehe This, the ffourthourth incarnation ooff the llocalocal economy.economy. Tra-Tra-lah!lah! bbee a cross between an jackalopejackalope in various ways. former coloniescolonies did not go mmodernodern FolkEastFolkEast FestivalFestival promisespromises as In 20120144 FoFolkEastlkEast achieved about 90% ofof American AntelopeAntelope (not R.R. CarlosCarlos NakaiNakai,, a Native uunnoticednnoticed bbyy ttheirheir mmanyany treats as beforebefore and more. 2015 sees all the food and drink availableavailable on site aactuallyctually an anteantelopelope but American fflutelute player,player, aancestorsncestors in EastfoEastfolklk and a revitalisedrevitalised ImaginedImagined SuffolSuffolkk Food bbeingeing not onlyonly sourced but produced AntiAntilocapralocapra Americana is formerlyformerly bebelongedlonged to a iinn the earlyearly 1970s a VVillageillage: locallocal pproduceroduce for locallocal ppeopleeople llocally;ocally; food from locallocal free rangerange farms, clcloselyosely rerelatedlated to the group calledcalled Jackalope.Jackalope. In breeding pair of JackalopesJackalopes cooked there on the spotspot and plplentyenty to suit llocalocal bakeries and market gardens and Wyoming PronghornPronghorn)) and the latelate 1980s, it pperformederformed were imimportedported to BarshamBarsham evereveryy taste wwhetherhether carnivore, herbivoreherbivore bbeer,eer, aleale and cider from locallocal craft brewers, a the so-calledso-called Jack Rabbit whatwhat NNakaiakai ccalledalled iinn NorfolkNorfolk in conjunction or heardbefore. SundaSundayy llunchunch wiwillll be aandnd it was allall goodgood value,value, the averageaverage pplatelate (not technicallytechnically a rabbit at “synthacousticpunkarachi“synthacousticpunkarachi with the annualannual FairsFairs heldheld served this year as it followsfollows a sspecialpecial of food was £5 and allall the aleale was £3 perper all but closercloser to the genus Navajazz”,Navajazz”, whichwhich on thethe churchchurch meadow. Sunday service (of the SpirituallySpiritually It shoushouldld be noted that the county ofof LLepusepus – the harehare)) the combinedcombined “im“improvisation,provisation, TThehe ppairair escaescapedped and bred NNourishingourishing kind)kind) to be held in the EastfoEastfolklk were ggrantedranted excemption rirightsghts JJackalopeackalope resemblesresembles the visuavisuall art, storytestorytelling,lling, llikeike rabbits to the ppointoint CathedraCathedral.l. TThehe Food MarMarketket sits nenearar a allallowingowing the entire county not to complycomply hhithertoitherto unimunimportedported dancedance andand dramaticdramatic wwherehere tthehe EEarshamarsham mmassiveassive Arts and CraCraftsfts marketmarket,, an AArtrt with EEC Regulations.Regulations. You may notice that WoWolpertingerlpertinger and was theatricatheatricall effects.” Nakai JJackalopeackalope Trust was set uupp AArcadercade and a displaydisplay of Heritage Crafts: the beer is stillstill soldsold by the ‘pint’,‘pint’, that the cconsideredonsidered a pestpest in its ttoo controcontroll the breeding iinstrumentnstrument makers,makers, signsign writers, aarearea outside of the backs of EastfolkEastfolk houses nnativeative Wyoming aalmostlmost patterns and ffrequencyrequency upupholsterersholsterers you name it (well, actually aarere stillstill calledcalled ‘yards’‘yards’ that locallocal cobblerscobblers hhuntedunted to extinction as a tthereof.hereof. Situated on the don’tdon’t)) D.J. Rob the Potter will spinspin his own stistillll refer to ‘feet’ and that the road signs The hunting season RRiveriver WaveneyWaveney it was onlyonly brand of cclaylay decks and The CobboCobboldld ArmArmss aarere stillstill marked in ‘miles’‘miles’ not kilometres.kilometres. was restricterestrictedd to one ddayay a matter ooff time bebeforefore the wiwillll be openopen aallll day with a fine selectionselection ooff Since the discovery a fewfew years ago ooff the only (June 31st31st)) and though aanimalnimal migrated south and llocalocal beers straight from the barrel.barrel. On salesale ooldld kings charter granting the right to hoholdld iitt pprovedroved ppopularopular it alsoalso set upup homes (known as wiwillll be the new favourite CobboldCobbold AAlele aann annuaannuall traders fair on llandand in front ooff often fefellll on the dadayy where setssets)) along the banks of the brewed llocallyocally esespeciallypecially for the occasion, the originaloriginal manor house that stood where ththee snows were at ttheirheir AAldelde River. Unhunted, get it whiwhilstlst you can. The CobboCobboldld Arms is ppartart of the event now takes plplace,ace, we have ddeepesteepest tthushus rendering tthehe ttheirheir numbers proliferatedproliferated a veritableveritable pub-on-site, pplentylenty of singing, nnowow a ggrowingrowing ggrouproup of locallocal crafts men ccreaturereature sasafefe ffromrom aandnd were, at times, curbecurbedd sessions and yyouou mamayy just catccatchh Capstan aandnd women whowho are coming eaceachh year to bbecomingecoming yet anotanotherher by tthehe MixoMixopp M’Toasties FuFullll StrenStrengthgth, The QuayQuay Street WhalersWhalers trade, not ononlyly with the ppublicublic but with ttrophyrophy so lovedloved by the disediseasease thatthat leadsleads the andand Ship-ShapeShip-Shape. eaceachh other.other. ggun-totingun-toting animaanimall lovers.lovers. A recent sisightingghting breebreedingding pair to become Tents wiwillll be fufullll of music sessions and These are not the usuausuall festivafestivall trinket The jackajackalopelope is subject iinarticulatenarticulate and sterile.sterile. workshops,workshops, (See back ppageage advert for extra sesellersllers - but crafts such as traditionaltraditional ttoo manmanyy outoutlandishlandish and said he wanted ppeopleeople to ThouThoughgh the llocalocal details)details)… and we welcomewelcome back the SSocialocial uupholstery,pholstery, traditionaltraditional boat buibuilding,lding, llargelyargely tontongue-in-cheekgue-in-cheek dream as theythey llistenedistened to CountrCountrysideyside aalliancelliance KKnitworksnitworks (needle-ss to sasay)y) and in the iinstrumentnstrument makers, blacksmiths,blacksmiths, potters,potters, claclaimsims embedded in talltall the music. JakalopeJakalope is a pproposesroposes a cucull,ll, this aafternoonfternoon there’s aalwayslways the VintageVintage Tea cabinet-macabinet-makers,kers, sign writers and many ttalesales about its habits. CCanadiananadian alternativealternative appappearsears to hhaveave been TTentent to rerelaxlax in. The settinsettingg is vintage,vintage, the mmore.ore. JJackalopesackalopes are said to be so pop/rock ggrouproup fformedormed in aavertedverted due to motmotherher tteaea freshfreshlyly brewed. FamiFamilieslies can enjoenjoyy SeveralSeveral of these craft ppeopleeople went away ddangerousangerous thatthat huntershunters are 22003003 byby Dave “Rave” nnatureature controcontrollinglling her own storytestorytelling,lling, activities and various gamesgames ffromrom 20142014 with commissions forfor work. adadvisedvised to wear stovestovepipespipes OOgilvie.gilvie. The band Miike nnumbersumbers and thethe nearbynearby aandnd this yearyear there willwill be no workhouse Added to this,this, thethe “Art Arcade” hhousesouses a on their legslegs to keep from Snow uses the jackajackalopelope as iinnsnns and hostelrieshostelries making bbeingeing gored.gored. Stores in iitsts logo.logo. Band member a sspecialitypeciality out of or chimneyschimneys for the toddtoddlerslers to enjoenjoyy and growing group of prominent llocalocal artists DDouglas,ouglas, Wyoming sesellll AnAndrewdrew Wyatt saisaidd dduringuring JJackalopeackalope Pie, a llocalocal cclean.lean. who not ononlyly exhibit their work, but aalsolso jackajackalopelope mimilk,lk, but The aann interview in 2012 thatthat dedelicacylicacy to be found on salesale FolkEastFolkEast are pplanninglanning to host the worworldld create site-ssite-specificpecific works each yearyear.. NNewew YorYorkk Times questions the logologo was meant to iinn the EastfolkEastfolk Food VillageVillage championship sack race, three-leggedthree-legged race, A lotlot of the artists and craft’s men and iitsts autauthenticityhenticity on grounds signisignifyfy experiment and aass wellwell as nearby pubs.pubs. egg and spoon race and obstacleobstacle race, a women run workshop sessions aalongsidelongside tthathat milkingmilking a jackajackalopelope is aadventure.dventure. OOff the 222255 SuSuppliespplies of this run out fast refreshinrefreshingg antidote to the new fanfangledgled X their exhibits so that the publicpublic can have a kknownnown to be ffraughtraught with WorWorldcatldcat hits resuresultinglting due to the limitedlimited hunting BBox.ox. Remember, EastfolkEastfolk is yet to go go at many of the skillsskills that are on risk. One ooff the waysways to ffromrom a search fforor season andand subsequent decimadecimal,l, never mind have one of those Oh!Oh! and ttherehere is some great music as ccatchatch a jackajackalopelope is to “jacka“jackalope”,lope”, 95 were difficudifficultylty in skinning, nnewew ffaxax machinesmachines.. wewell…ll… entice it with whiskey,whiskey, the rerelatedlated to music. preparing and illegalillegal sasalele Those passinpassingg the site beforebefore the event And for further detailsdetails page the OracleOracle or jackajackalope'slope's beverabeveragege ooff FolkloristFolklorist John A. of the powderedpowdered antantlerslers as wiwillll notice the grand oak being dressed in read papagege 77 on CeeCeefaxfax chchoice.oice. GGutowskiutowski sees in the a ppurportedurported aphrodisiac.aphrodisiac. tthehe re-creation of the EastfoEastfolklk tree The jackajackalopelope can imitate jackajackalopelope an examexampleple of an To findfind out more about dressindressingg custom. Once upon a time tthehe ththee humanhuman voice, accordinaccordingg AmericAmericanan creaturecreature tthehe JackaJackalopelope plpleaseease read llocalocal yyouthouth tried to wear a tree aallll week in ttoo llegend.egend. During the days ppublicizedublicized by a llocalocal tthehe WiWildfileldfile articlearticle in this a misunderstandinmisunderstandingg ooff the term tree of the OldOld West, when communitcommunityy that seeseeksks iissuessue of the EastfoEastfolklk ddressing.ressing. ccowboysowboys gatgatheredhered by tthehe wiwiderder recognition. ChronicChronicle.le. ForFor dates and ticket detaidetailsls plpleaseease refer ttoo the back cover ofof this newspapernewspaper BBEFOREEFORE eatineatingg chips ffromrom the centre pagespages.. FolkEastFolkEast is committed to the spiritspirit ofof “Loca“Localism”,lism”, this is not a new conceconcept,pt, it has been the normalnormal approach to running events in tthishis area since thethe seventies.seventies. FolkEastFolkEast sources 95% of the event iinfrastructurenfrastructure ffromrom within neighbouring SuffoSuffolk,lk, using the nearest suppliersupplier to the event site that can provide the quaqualitylity and qquantityuantity needed, this includesincludes allall the fencing, staging, generators, toitoilets,lets, showers, water system,system, site eelectrics,lectrics, site pplant,lant, tentage, stage llightingighting and most ooff ththee sound equipment,equipment, not to mention tthehe staff, who we wiwillll mention oftenoften.. This means road milesmiles consumed in ttransportingransporting the equipment to and ffromrom tthehe site is kkeptept to a minimum, which is obviousobviouslyly good for the environment but it iiss good for FolkEastFolkEast as it is a llotot more cost effective. The other ggreatreat knock on effect TheThe famousfamous dressed tree as seen ffromrom the A12 6 TheThe EastfolEastfolkk Chronicle SSPRINGPRING 20152015 “Mind how y’geau”

Crime desdeskk with P.C. Neil InninInningsgs

Afternoon aall,ll, this issue I have to rereportport the shamefushamefull newsnews of a further outbreak of Cow Tipping in Eastfolk.Eastfolk. Those of yyouou famifamiliarliar with mmyy cocolumnlumn mamayy remember our crusade against ffly-tippersly-tippers llastast year, a crusade, I am ppleasedleased toto report, that bought to an end the unsightlyunsightly and costcostlyly removalremoval of sofas and fridges from various homes in the Eastfolk region. Members of the ECCC (Eastfolk ConstabularyConstabulary CommunitCommunityy Constabulary)Constabulary) raided 54 homes thatthat appeared to be abandoned and removed unsightlyunsightly detritus such as unused domestic appliances,appliances, mattresses and children.children. Instead of using the exceexcellentllent facifacilitylity at the LaxefeLaxefeldalda HouseholdHousehold Waste Service a smasmallll minority had taken it uuponpon themselvesthemselves to lleaveeave the unused domestic appliancesappliances and assorted rubbisrubbishh inside thethe homehome causing hard-earnedhard-earned tax payerspayers money to be sspentpent on removaremovall and destruction of said items.items. SadSadlyly this crack-down ooperationperation used uupp time and resources of various members of the ConstabuConstabularylary taking theirtheir skiskillslls away from more importantimportant duties such as tacklingtackling the massive surge in house-breaking cclaimslaims that co-incided with the very same month of OperationOperation FlyFly TiTip.p. This llastast month saw an unweunwelcomelcome rise in the revived so-calledso-called ‘sport’ of Cow Tipping. Perhaps the resurgence in interestinterest of ppastast ppastimesastimes in Eastfolk (not helhelpedped by the FolkEastFolkEast Festival at Eastfolk I may addadd)) has temtemptedpted a few inebriatedinebriated youth to attemattemptpt what amounts to a cruecruell and dangerous activity that puts lives of the cows and (less importantly)importantly) the miscreants at risk. An outraged BlacheshalaBlacheshala dairy farmer Mr Mike Porter reportedreported ‘I’m being filmedfilmed and uploadeduploaded onto “the internet”. It’s a outraged’ as he had to interrupt his usualusual Drop Bear dangerous, senselesssenseless and hilarioushilarious pastime probablyprobably shooting season in order to attend to his fallenfallen cows. observed whilstwhilst under the influenceinfluence of intoxicants such as “Cows are not abablele to right themsethemselveslves under their own the locallocal Cow-boldCow-bold Ale.Ale. It must stostop,p, it is our duty to educate power”power” added RSPCA Officer Lai KellKell “and every time an the young to ‘say Moo to Cow Tipping’, llet’set’s stamp it out animalanimal is righted we have to be in attendance to ensure that the farmerfarmer does not take the easy way out with shotgun and To request an information pack about Cow Tipping pleaseplease insuranceinsurance claim”.claim”. request an informationinformation packpack.. Cow Tipping has no materiamateriall benefit for the criminacriminall To locatelocate your llocalocal PoPolicelice Officer: pleaseplease ask any PolicePolice except for the momentary gloryglory gained by their attempts Officer.Officer. EASTFOLKEASTFOLK AANDND THTHEE TREACLE MINES

ByBy Arthur ScarfolScarfolkk The articarticlele wiwillll go on to exexplainplain the delicatedelicate nature ofof A recent lletteretter to the mminingining for treacle,treacle, how the BBeccleseccles and Bungay JournaJournall highhighlyly skiskilledlled non-unionised by a llocalocal historian described mminersiners extracted TreacleTreacle byby hhowow hehe saw a brown Tourist ccarefullyarefully avoiding the RRoadoad SignSign pointinpointingg to an mmolassesolasses and syrupsyrup strata ‘Historic TreacTreaclele Mine’ near aandnd got richrich by succeeding.succeeding. GlGlemham.emham. The lletteretter bought There willwill be a fforthorth much correscorrespondencepondence ffund-raisingund-raising tin: aaboutbout tthehe ancient secret ccontributionsontributions to retiredretired mmineine workinworkingsgs to be ffoundound in mminersiners longlong suffering from EastfoEastfolklk and has encouraged GGoldold Lung.Lung. tthehe editors ooff this very ppaperaper It is hhopedoped tthathat tthehe ttoo render a fufullll account in FFolkEastolkEast Imagined SuffolkSuffolk tthehe next issue. Here we wiwillll FFoodood ViVillagellage wiwillll be sesellinglling llearnearn about ambitious traditionatraditionall TreacTreaclele ‘F‘Flatlat ThisThis issueissue exexplorationsplorations of the dridrillers,llers, JJacks’acks’ (the original name ofof is tthehe perilousperilous llifeife of the face the Americanised Flapjack)Flapjack) deddedicatedicated workers and the scurrilousscurrilous aandnd perhapsperhaps even some to the episodes of smuggsmuggling,ling, aauthenticuthentic EastfoEastfolklk TreacleTreacle wwherebyhereby untaxed FFudgeudge and Taffy. Bring alongalong memorymemory ccontrabandontraband TreacTreaclele was hahalflf a poundpound of tuppennytuppenny ofof shipped out ofof Long ricerice.. MrMr CyrilCyril SuSufferinghamfferingham in the 1500s To obtain recipesrecipes thatthat uundetectedndetected byby tthehe excise require the use of EastfoEastfolklk PoacherPoacher mmen,en, untiuntill a smasmallll boboyy TreacTreacle,le, pleaseplease ask a stewardsteward.. llateate ofof thisthis bbetrayedetrayed the ‘purpletraitors’‘purpletraitors’ wwhoho were tried and hangedhanged PopPop PickerPicker Pin UpUp No. 3636 pparisharish aatt tthehe IpswycheIpswyche Excises tthehe ververyy next SPRING 20152015 TThehe EastfolEastfolkk Chronicle 7 STOPSTOP PREPRESSSS MAJORMAJOR FFOLKOLK AWARD WINNERWINNERSS

OurOur media partners;partners; The BBC (not to be confused keepkeep up.up. with BungayBungay Bowls Club)Club) elected to vote TheThe However, the BBC went two stepssteps furtherfurther by Young’unsYoung’uns ‘Best GrouGroup’p’ in the BBC Radio 2 FoFolklk votingvoting JosienneJosienne ClarClarkeke and Ben WalWalkerker asas ‘Best‘Best Awards heheldld in Cardiff on AprilApril 22nd. This is no Duo’Duo’ [applauseapplause] and SamSam SweeneySweeney as ‘Musician Of smallsmall achievement and we hope, that by listeninglistening to The Year’ [huzzahhuzzah] all three award winningwinning acts theirtheir new alalbumbum AnotherAnother Man’s GGroundround, yyouou wiwillll appearappear at FoFolkEastlkEast this year, Sam as a third ooff agreeagree that this was most deserved. We aalsolso feelfeel that LeveretLeveret and alsoalso as host to his ververyy own fiddfiddlele byby becominbecomingg Patrons of FoFolkEastlkEast and havinghaving been workshop.workshop. electedelected OOldermenldermen Of EastfoEastfolklk by the Mayor Of LonLongg The doffingdoffing of foreforelockslocks is aallll that is required when SufferinghamSufferingham (seesee lastlast issueissue) the BBC felt under passingpassing any of the above on the FestivaFestivall site, buyinbuyingg enormous pressurepressure to make the award, if onlyonly to themthem a celebratorycelebratory ppint;int; ooptional.ptional. PuzzlingPuzzling PagPagee CROSSCROSS WWORDSORDS CROSSWORDCROSSWORD 1>1> 4 N 1 2 E 3 V 5 4>4> E R 5>5> A 6>6> 7> C THETHE EASTFOLKK MONEYMONEY OFF VOVOUCHER!UCHER! 8 HOARDD R SimplySimply cliclipp off this coucouponpon and take it to ththee 8>8> O Tourist Information Tent at FolkEast and wwee wwillill take all your money ooffff youyou.. S Terns and ConditionersConditioners:: 9> 7 S OOfferffer lasts fforor as long as we remain un-arrestedun-arrested.. 10>10> 6 W Not fit for pporpoise.orpoise. 11> O OffOfferer not open to residents ooff EastEastfolk,folk, their nneighbourseighbours or pets. R TThehe jjudge’sudge’s decision is final. Until he sasaysys ‘Oh, alrialrightght 12>12> D 1919 1616 8 tthen,hen, jjustust tthishis once’once’!! 6 ! 11 12 4 3 1818 1717 1414 1313 ACROSSACROSS DOWNDOWN 7 2 1515 1010 9 STARTSTART 1.1. Lackin Lackingg a fiddle (6) 1.1. Star turn (4) 20 27 2929 30 5 25 33 2. A DonDongg (4) 2. M Mythicalythical Rabbit (9) 22 2121 3232 3. Dutch hell (4) 3. InternaInternallylly mixed-umixed-upp 24 4.4. For healthyhealthy Japanese pub gamegame implement (4) 2323 2626 28 3131 34 wine (3,(3, 8,8, 4) 4.4. Trickster Treasure (8(8,, 2) 67 8181 84 88 35 6868 744 79 83 5. Lawks (5) 5. Less hairyhairy car controls (10) 78 77 8787 6. Cured sock hole (4) 6. To be last (5) 70 85 ENDEND 69 75 76 80 8282 86 7.7. WrongWrong Golden Wonder (6) 7.7. American pooh (5) 38 73 5252 49 7171 37 8.8. Miss ClawdClawdyy (5) 8.8. It’s Ruth (7) 7272 36 60 54 47 48 46 9. Cafe foods in Bad News (ate) 9. OOh,h, bubugger!gger! 65 55 45 4242 39 66 56 10.10. GuGuyy GarveGarveyy Noel (2, 4) 64 6262 59 11.11. The house of the Devil (4) 57 5151 44 4141 63 6161 58 50 43 12.12. Fairies at the bottom of the gardengarden (6) 40

AdaptedAdapted ffromrom a letter believed to be written to EEnglishnglish Dance & SonSongg in 1978 DRESSINGDRESSING UP At a recent fofolklk dance wellwell attended byby EFDSS members and public,public, I was very iindignantndignant to find the very wellwell known ccalleraller dressed in jeans, with a wide beltbelt supporting his stomach, and the leaderleader ofof tthehe band alsoalso dressed in jeans. WhileWhile not expecting a ‘dress suit’, I do thinkthink a better iimagemage coucouldld have been portrayed, esespeciallypecially as there was not a ppairair of jeans iinn sight among the dancers, and most ofof tthehe women wore longlong dressesdresses.. JeansJeans are usuausuallylly associated with tteenagers,eenagers, on tthehe grounds tthathat ttheyhey ccannotannot afford anything eelse,lse, and the rather more scruscruffyffy section ooff the ppopop scene. SureSurelyly we shoushouldld trtryy to do better ththanan this?this? ((MRS.)MRS.) S WALLACE Hythe, Kent.

[email protected]

the light switch! e.Number 1 is correct f.(A trick question) g.Blow Isabella h Kate’s Bush Bush Kate’s Kate’s h h Isabella Isabella g.Blow g.Blow question) question) trick trick f.(A f.(A correct correct is is 1 1 e.Number e.Number switch! switch! light light the the find find couldn’t couldn’t he he d.Because d.Because Head Head c.Below c.Below Ltd Ltd Woods Woods & & Cutting Cutting Boden, Boden, b.Spiers, b.Spiers, off. off. clothes clothes her her of of all all took took she she see: see: can can you you a.As a.As Answers to quiz on page 9: 9: 9: page page on on quiz quiz to to nswers Answers A