There Came Stars from Afar
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MAJORMAJOR FOLKFOLK AWARD WINNERSWINNERS LOCALLOCAL NEWSPAPERNEWSPAPER OFOF THE YEARYEAR seesee page 7 TheEastfolkE Chronicleh EstablishedEstablished 11486486 A keen nose, a sharp eye, an ear to the ground... ... and a clarion call! SPRING 20152015 LO!LO! THERE CAMECAME STARS FROMFROM AFAR By our Arts CorresCorrespondentpondent familyfamily of song and willwill be joined by their KayKay Seratsera parents, toddlertoddler GeorgeGeorge II and littlelittle baby Arthur. Fine use of the EastfolkEastfolk Creche tent ToTo marmarkk the 2015 re-emergencere-emergence of (formerly(formerly crash tenttent)) will be mademade.. EastfolkEastfolk the newly appointed ForeiForeigngn NotNot to be outdone, tthehe neineighbouringghbouring Minister Ms. SaSallylly Forth has invited County PaPalatinelatine Of Durham have pputut forward three stout fellowsfellows who trade as TheThe envoysenvoys and ambassadors from all the Young’unsYoung’uns. Those that came llastast yyearear willwill LostLost Counties of EnEnglandgland (LCE) and knowknow them as peace-lovingpeace-loving folkfolk who further afield to come and show off cemented greatgreat ties with FoFolkEast,lkEast, becomingbecoming theirtheir locallocal customs and wares. muchmuch valuedvalued Patrons and friends. Rumours After much negotiationnegotiation EastfoEastfolklk are proud thatthat cclaimlaim that their name is about to chanchangege toto wewelcome,lcome, from HexhamshireHexhamshire,, ThThee toto the Young Once are illill informed. 2015 sees UnthanksUnthanks a renowned familyfamily of minstreminstrelsls themthem crowned as OldermenOldermen of EastfoEastfolk,lk, who willwill bringbring their fullfull orchestra and wiwillll which bebefitsfits their playplay many favourite songs alongalong with most N.B.N.B. Jethro TuTullll wiwillll not now be appearing, of their new catacataloguelogue Mount The Air. TThehe (as he sadlysadly died in 1741).1741). Unthanks continue the tradition ofof a tourintouringg ContinuedContinued on PagePage 2 EastfolkEUnthanksUnthankastfolks come pacpackedked BacBack-to-Beckk-to-Beck todaytoday By our Foreign CorresCorrespondencepondence EditorEditor ttree-dressingree-dressing and dance so enjoyed in tthehe PercyPercy FlageFlage regionregion with locallocal traditionaltraditional food and The yearyearlyly pageant that is ‘FolkEast’‘FolkEast’ drinkdrink includingincluding a locallocal brewed aleale cobbledcobbled (so-named accordinglyaccordingly for County Hall togethertogether by the llocalocal aale-housesle-houses in the area, ccopyrightopyright reasonsreasons)) is held within the particularlyparticularly the ancient BlaxhallBlaxhall ShiShipp Inn grounds of GlemhamGlemham HaHall,ll, directlydirectly on the nearby.nearby. oldold ThorouThoroughfareghfare that lleded throuthroughgh the TheThe recentrecentlyly rumoured EastfoEastfolklk Hoard town of Glemhamme.Glemhamme. willwill again be searched for, the llocalocal sport ooff The newnewlyly aappointedppointed centracentrall DwileDwile FlonkinFlonkin is re-enacted byby the ‘Sea‘Sealedled government of EastfoEastfolklk create a llandand Not’Not’ beside tthehe nearby ScSchethet Creeque and beyondbeyond GoogleGoogle for just 3 days of the year. RadioRadio EastfoEastfolklk wiwillll take to the air again. DDeclaringeclaring UDI (Unilateral Declaration OfOf IndeIndependence)pendence) all normal common law is sussuspendedpended and thethe county boundary is WM.WM. MORRISMORRIS (Minor)(Minor) re-instated, governed onlyonly by The New TThehe well-sung,well-sung, once-younonce-youngg YounYoung’unsg’uns VintageVintage CarCar RepairsRepairs LLordord Of MisruleMisrule and his LadyLady Miss StakeStake.. Throughout the weekend we wiwillll see a & Servicingrvicing ccelebrationelebration of the artsarts,, craftscrafts,, musicmusic,, EastfolkEastfolk risingrising First By our SpecialSpecial CorresCorrespondentpondent NorfolkNorfolk as an appeasement to the King HughHugh BrisBrisss Henry II. BiBigodgod hhadad stronstrongg ties witwithh bothboth ContinuedContinued fromfrom pagepage 9 ScotlandScotland and France, establishingestablishing trading Specialists in all models includingincluding …and…and was one of the smallestsmallest counties in routes for maltmalt between AldeburghAldeburgh and thethe Eastern regions, covering an area no ScotlandScotland and benefiting from the wealthwealth to MorrisMorris Dancer • AustinAustin TTexasexas moremore than 40 square milesmiles situated on bebe found thereof. Further wealthwealth was SingerSinger SongwriterSongwriter • RileyRiley O’Blimeh England’sEngland’s east coast between NorfolkNorfolk and created by shipbuildingshipbuilding in the shipyards ofof AlvisAlvis PPresléreslé • LeylandLeyland DD.I..I. • OOpalpal FFruterute SuffolkSuffolk in the north and south respectivelyrespectively AldeburghAldeburgh and the precious wealthwealth and YugoYugo 1st • Commer Fullstopp with WesfolkWesfolk to the West. It was dissolveddissolved riches found in the TreacleTreacle Mines in 2323 High Street,Street, Iken-Tinaturna,Iken-Tinaturna, EasEastfolk,tfolk, TTel:el: ILK 693 byby an act of ParParliamentliament in 1177 shortlyshortly after nearbynearby Long SuSufferingham.fferingham. thethe death of Hugh Bigod, 1st EarEarll OOff ContinuedContinued on PagePage 2 PagePage TThreehree re-instated! (go to ppageage fourfour)) 2 TThehe EastfolEastfolkk Chronicle SSPRINGPRING 20152015 the same)same) can hardly be aappliedpplied to Tilston over his llengthyengthy career in music. Ledecestre ... Lo!Lo! ThereThere camcamee mmayay be one of the oldestoldest cities in EngEnglandland but tthat’shat’s as notnothinghing wwhenhen it comes to Steve’s mining of great EngEnglishlish lloreore in worwordsds anandd songsong.. SaturdaSaturdayy dawns with a lecturelecture byby .uk stars frfromom afar ... aarchivistrchivist PPollyolly FoneFoneyy on the llatestatest findings of the oldold EastfoEastfolklk Broadside BaBallad,llad, untiuntill 3 FolkEastFolkEast General EnEnquiries:quiries: ContinuedContinued fromfrom PagePage 1 the contents. FaFalselse Lights are captained by mmonthsonths ago, ononlyly the first verse was known [email protected] GGigspannerigspanner return thisthis yearyear to Sam Carter and Jim MoraMoray,y, their aalbumlbum was uuntilntil a second verse was found in a ttriumphantriumphant howlshowls of adoration, they recorrecordedded uupp in Kesteven a mere two day’sday’s songbook in the library of the ROSDS (Right PRPR National:National: recentrecentlyly enjoyed a ppackedacked ‘House Concert’ saisailingling down to Orford through sea areas OOldld Song And Dance SocietySociety)) in London’s PeterPeter PrProwseowse (if youyou can call Glemham Hall a ‘house’‘house’)) and Humber and Thames.Thames. CCyrilyril Poacher House. ManManyy wiwillll remember [email protected] nnowow taketake the ppartyarty outside into the DDoingoing battbattlele on a Friday stage not far from the first stanza from lastlast year. CompareCompare it dimming ofof the Friday evening. Their new the above wiwillll be the entire cast ooff ThThee nnowow to the newnewlyly added verse 2: PRPR Regional:Regional: alalbumbum LLayersayers OOff Ages mamay,y, or maymay not, rerelatelate WWilsonilson FamilyFamily, who gathered themselvesthemselves in JanJan BallardBallard entireentirelyly to the weekend’s refreflectionlection of daysdays their native Billingham (Stokton On TeesTees)) [email protected]@THEBRIDGEMARKETING.CO.UK llongong gone. The sadsadlyly departed Terry and drove south to be with us this ffineine Beccles fforor the Puritans PPratchettratchett once mentioned tthathat Gigspanner’s weeweekend,kend, They have been singing and Bungay fforor the ppooroor PPetereter Knight coucouldld ‘spin the worworldld on his performing a capellacapella folkfolk songs since 1974. Halesworth for the drunkards ProductionProduction & ProProgramming:gramming: bow’. Watch them import goods ffromrom the ffarar TheTheyy consist ooff sister Pat and ffiveive brothers: AAndnd Blythburgh fforor the whorwhoree JohnJohn Marshall-PotterMarshall-Potter east, fromfrom the antipodesantipodes and the AfricanAfrican TomTom,, Chris,Chris, Steve,Steve, Ken and MikeMike,, llistenisten out [email protected] continents aallll aboard their good touring for their setting of Kipling’sKipling’s ‘Big Steamers’. Narfolk for the broads sshiphip WhooWhoops-A-Daisyps-A-Daisy moored in thethe grand JJosienneosienne ClarClarkk and Ben WalWalkerker aarere no SSuffolkuffolk for the boozebooze Marketing:Marketing: pportort ofof Orford.Orford. strangers to FoFolkEastlkEast or EastfoEastfolk,lk, though Wesfolk for the witches BeckyBecky Marshall-PotterMarshall-Potter Attention aallll shipping: Gigspanner are their new alalbumbum is tittitledled NothinNothingg Can BrinBringg AAndnd Eastfolk for To-Dos [email protected] fofollowedllowed bbyy the return ooff FaFalselse LightsLights to tthehe Back The Hour, the fofolklk of EastfoEastfolklk are doing FFridayriday Sunset Stage, fofollowingllowing their worworldld aallll theythey can to do just that. FaustuFaustuss aarere tthehe GlemhamGlemham HaHall:ll: debut at FoFolkEastlkEast llastast yyear,ear, theythey have since same energetic triumvirate of fofolklk royaltyroyalty SpeSpellingsllings are shown largelylargely as found, and DonnaDonna StockleyStockley dedeliveredlivered a heahealthylthy bouncing debut aalbum.lbum. that once pperformederformed as Dr. Faustus bebeforefore this aappearsppears to be one of the