Revision of the Genus Hypericum L. (Hypericaceae) in Three Herbarium Collections from Serbia
Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, 2014, 7: 93-127. Received 21 Jul 2014; Accepted 30 Aug 2014. DOI:10.5937/bnhmb1407093Z UDC: 582.684.1.082.5(497.11) REVISION OF THE GENUS HYPERICUM L. (HYPERICACEAE) IN THREE HERBARIUM COLLECTIONS FROM SERBIA BOJAN ZLATKOVIĆ1, MARKO NIKOLIĆ1, MILJANA DRNDAREVIĆ2, MIROSLAV JOVANOVIĆ3, MARJAN NIKETIĆ3 1 University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Biology and Ecology, Višegradska 33, 18000 Niš, Serbia, e-mail:, 2 Biological Society “Dr Sava Petrović”, Višegradska 33, 18000 Niš, Serbia, e-mail: 3 Natural History Museum, Njegoševa 51, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, e-mail: This paper provides information on herbarium specimens of the genus Hypericum represented in several herbaria from Serbia. The reviewed collections include: Herbarium of Natural History Museum in Belgrade (BEO), Herbarium of the Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden “Jevremovac”, University of Belgrade (BEOU), and Herbarium of the Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Biology and Ecology, University of Niš (HMN). Total number of 1108 herbarium sheets was examined, including 426 specimens stored in BEO, 484 in BEOU and 198 in HMN. The review of revised herbarium data for 18 plant species of the genus represented in the flora of Serbia is presented. Their distribution in Serbia is reconsidered according to obtained herbarium data and shown in the maps. Key words: Hypericum, herbarium material, revision, Serbia, distribution. 94 ZLATKOVIĆ, B. ET AL.: HYPERICUM L. IN COLLECTIONS FROM SERBIA INTRODUCTION Hypericum L. is the type and the largest genus of the family Hype- ricaceae, including 420-470 species, mostly herbaceous plants, shrubs, or rarely small trees or annual species classified into 30-36 sections according to the most recent reviews (Robson 1977, Stevens 2007, Crockett & Robson 2011).
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