Name of R~~"O!'itof)'l State Museum Reporudby: John R. Kemp, Curator of Manuscripts Datil: Nov. 4, 1974

Brent (Mrs. J.L.) Collection, September 1864 to May l865.(LSM 8932) 2. Principd l:lItJl1l1l around which the collection lu fOfmllldj i. e., ~~(full dme, birth and death date.), family. butllll~", l!Oclety, IlOvemmentll.llllfilDCV, or 110m. other co~ta body:

Lt. General , Confederate States of America (C.S.A.) (1828-1879) . eive rel».tlonWip m the collection; I. e., wrlter~ .ddR~e~ coll.ctor...... ~r (rpeclfy) _

3. Occupliltion or type of activity of the prlnelpd penon, family, or corporate body; IIIp1l1caut .veutl and datu In the career or activity; and place of rerideuee or loaltloo of activltyt

Louisiana Confederate military commander.

4. Number of lintnr shelf feet (if 1 foot or more),....;;.3__--' or number of items 1109 (lmown2 or e~tiJl1lltl!d_>.

5. lC the (;ollectlon cont.\llr:u £.~ie. of m!llnlUCnptll, de!JCrlbe the form (8) of repoduetloo (handwritten or typewritten transcripts. podtive or neum.ttve photocopies, positiVI! or negative microfilm with no. of reels) and live the numher(or fmction of total) of each kind. eive location of originals, aDd dates and circumltance. under which the copies weft! made:

6. Full cino.tion of any publh:hed or unpublUhed delCription, gulde,indu. calmdu, etc. I

Unpublished inventory and subject-name:index in Archives.

7. Research llceen reltrieted__ unrelltricted-:. State natuN of reltrictloo &Dd wIla it will be termlDated: Data Sheet - NUCMC- Page 2

8. 1l1Jormatfon on litenny rights available in repository: Yes--, Do not k..ow~.:

. permanent 9. NatllN of acquisition (gift'/ldeporit, etc.), dUe (s) and source (s) of I\cqu.il ition ~nd fonner owner (,):

Gift, April, 1926.

10. If this is, or was, part of anothrr collection, state name and relationship:



This descrlptlon should cover: types of pIi ~f1l (c. g. , correspondence, letters, diaries, doculllents, etc.)j datu, rubJects, and types of group« of materids that bulk lugestj relationship of the 1M.terial to specific ph,ues of the CAreer or activity of the principal named in item 2; full names, dates, and biog!?'phical identification oi other persons and names of r:O~fllte bodies slgnlflcant(by quality and quantity of material) to the collection, showing dates, types, and subject matter; geographical areas covered; specific evenU, topics, lI.nd hhll:orlcal ~riCl

Correspondence and dispatches to and from Lt. General Richard Taylor while Commander of the Confederate Department of , ', and East Louisiana, October 1864 to May 1865; muster rolls of the paroled members of Taylor's command surrendered at Meridan, Jackson, and Grenada, Mississippi, and at Mobile and Citronelle, Alabama, in May, 1865. Principal correspon­ dents are Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Joseph E. Johnston, P.G.T.Beauregard,Edward Farrand, W.J.Hardee, Dabney H. Maury, Nathan Bedford Forrest, Joseph Wheeler, E.R.S.Canby, P.J.Osterhaus, G. Granger, Frank Gardner, and G. W. Smith • BI~ENT' COLLEC'rION LSM 8932

LJ S:M 8932.1.1 - .1093 --- Depa.r~t of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana--this sec'tion contains Civil War correspondence and 'telegrams to and from Li:. General l~ichard Taylor, while commander of the Dept. of Ala. barna, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, from October 1864 to May 1865; messages between his subordinate commanders; and muster rolls of the paroled members of Taylor's command surrendered at Meridian, Jackson, Grenada, Mobile, and Citronelle.

L SM 8932.2 .1- .14 .,' Letters from Alphonse Le10ng, a private in the Confederate Army from New Orleans, serving near Corinth and Tupelo, Mississippi, and Grand Junction, Tennessee, in 1862. ;:< ':< ,}:: LSM 8932.3.1 - .25 - -Department of the Trans-Mississippi( Red River Defenses)-- dispatches and reports relative to deserters from Confederate defense positions along the Red River. The names of the individual deserters are also included.

b,LSM 8932.4, ,.AIl' ' ',#rttPt Copy' of report from General N.P. Banks (New Orleans) to /Jlf}/" (};;, General Halleck, Commander in Chief, U.S.A. 20 February 1863-- ,t~',p;,/ rel~..tive to skirmish in New Orleans between Federal troops and the IJroj , b ladles of New Orleans. rJ '\' llJ1~-«j.[ ~:< ~< ~:< f;l 1'1' LE3M 8932.5 I~eport of the United Confederate Veterans' Historical Committee, 6th Annual Reunion, Richmond, Virginia, 30 June through 2 July 1896.

LSM 8932.6. 1 - .67 -i:r'he Kenner section contains correspondence, resolutions, and pamphlets pertaining to the U.S. Tariff Commission convened in 1882 to study and recommend adjustments in the tariffs on imported sugar, rice and salt. Also, contained in this section are!correspondence and pam­ phlets concerning the 1874 floods, particularly the Louisi­ ana. Levee Company, levee cons'truction, flood control, and the New Orleans, St.Louis and Chicago Railroad Company. Kenner was president of' ,the Tariff Commission and a member of the Louisiana Levee Company.

DONOR: Mrs. J 0 L. Brent (wife of General J.L.Brent) Gift-- April 1926.

Cataloged and inventoried by: John R. Kemp 5 December 1973 1092. Parole roll no. 107, Co. D, Ala. Regt., Thomas Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 13 May 1865. 45 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala. 4 May 1865.

1093. Parole roll no. 108, Co. 's I & K, Ala. Regt., Thomas Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 13 May 1865. 25 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

ALPHONSE LELONG (Private in Confederated Army from New Orlean:

LSM 8932.2. l~ Alphonse Lelong (Grand Junction, Tenn.) to Unknown. 27 March 1862--letter in French.

2. Alphonse Lelong (Grand Junction, Tenn.) to Unknown. 29 March 1862-- letter in French.

3. Alphonse Lelong (Corin'th, Mis"s.) to Unknown. 12 April 1862-­ letter requesting items from home; describes engagements with enemy in northern Mississippi and Alabama.

4. Unsigned letter (probably A,Lelong) to Unknown. 14 April 1862-­ (Corinth, Miss. )-- letter in French.

5. Alphonse Lelong (Grand Junction, Tenn. ) to his fathero 14 April 1862--letter in French.

6. Alphonse Lelong ( Corinth, Miss. ) to Unknown. 26 April 1865. --letter in French.

'I. Alphonse Lelong ( Corinth, Miss. ) to Unknown. 26 April 1865-- letter in French.

8. Alphonse Lelong (Corinth, Miss.) 1 May 1862--comments and reflec­ tions writ-ten on card before going into battle.

9. A. Lelong (Twenty Mile Creek, Miss.) to "Monsieur." 5 June 1862-­ letter in French.

10. A. Lelong (Tupelo, Miss.) 17 July 1862--discharge of A.Lelong from army because of his French citizenship•

' " _ 'i_ • .;~. . . n. Small piece of paper with "names of family and, friends, 11 (Tupelo ,Mi 18 July 1862~ Probably belonging to Ao Lelong.'

12. Piece of paper with penciled note both in French and English relativE to Army of Tennessee positions around Corinth.

A. Lelong (?) to Unknown (New Orleans). October 1862--in French.

I Copy of a note dated--Mobile, 6-7 Sept. 1862, describing the taking BRENT COLLECTION LaM 8932

LaM 8932.1.1 - .1093 Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana--this section contains Civil War correspondence and telegrams to and from Lt. General Richard Taylor, while commander of the Dept. of Ala. bama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, from October 1864 to May 1865; messages between his subordinate commanders; and muster rolls of the paroled members of Taylor's command surrendered at Meridian, Jackson, Grenada, Mobile, and Citronelle.

LaM 8932.2.1-.14 Letters from Alphonse Lelong, a private in the Confederate Army from New Orleans, serving near Corinth and Tupelo, Mississippi, and Grand Junction, Tennessee, in 1862. >:' >:< >:< LaM 8932.3.1 - .25 Department of the Trans-Mississippi(Red River Defenses) ~.. ­ dispatches and reports relative to deserters from Confederate defense positions along the Red River. The names of the individual deserters are also included.

LaM 8932.4 Copy of report from General N.P. Banks (New Orleans) to General Halleck, Commander in Chief, U. S.A. 20 February 1863-­ relative to skirmish in New Orleans between Federal troops and the ladies of New Orleans.

LaM 8932.5 Report of the United Confederate Veterans' Historical Committee, 6th Annual Reunion, Richmond, Virginia, 30 June through 2 July 1896. >:< >:< >:::: LSM 8932.6. 1 - 067 The Kenner section contains correspondence, resolutions, and pamphlets pertaining to the U. a. Tariff Commission convened in 1882 to study and recommend adjustments in the tariffs on imported sugar, rice and salt. Also, contained in this section are correspondence and pam­ phlets concerning the 1874 Mississippi River floods, particularly the Louisi­ ana Levee Company, levee construction, flood control, and the New Orleans, St.Louis and Chicago Railroad Company. Kenner was president of the Tariff Commission and a member of the Louisiana Levee Company.

DONOR: Mrs. J 0 L. Brent (wife of General J. L• Brent) Gift-- April 1926.

Cataloged and inventoried by: John R. Kemp 5 December 1973 1.

Department of' Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana


81,18932.1 .1. ~JE:yfferson Davis (Richmond) to Lt. Gen. Richard Taylor (Meridian). 12 January 1865--translation of coded messagt~~­

reference to the assignment of PoGo '1' 0 Beauregard to cthe

Army of Tennessee e Also to the utilization of General~ Hardee~s, Hood's, Forrest's, and Roddy's forces against the advances of Gen. Sherman •

• 2. Coded message of number 1 above«

«3 oj Copy of coded message number 1 above •

•h. Davis (Richmond) to R. Taylor (Meridian). 1 February 1865-­ translation of coded message--InteIIigence report as to the strength and movements of Gen. Thomas's (Federal) forces •

• 5. Partially coded message of number Lj- above •

•6. Incomplete telegram from Davis to unknown recipient: I1deter­ mine his operations, II signed "Je:ffn Davi.s. fl


.7. Lee (Headquarters via Richmond) to R. 'Taylor (Meridian). 31 Mar'ch 1865--- request to have French's Division of Stewart'ls Corps and Gibson's, Holtzclaw's, Brantley's, and Sharpe's Brigades of Lee's Corps to rejoin their corps, If. •• they are much needed."

GoH. TRENHOLM (Secretary of the Treasury, C.S. A. )

.8. G.H. Trenholm (Richmond) to J.W. Clapp, via Gen. R o Taylor 28 February 1865-- instructions to Clapp relative to converting cotton into gold or sterling, sale of cotton for currency and to consult with Gen. Taylor as to the disposition of the pro­ ceeds.


.9. Johnston (Smithfield) to Gen. R. Taylor (Meridian). 6 April 1865-- request to have Gen. Cobb the Macon-Atlanta telegraph line that had been removed by Gen. Hood.


·10. Beauregard (Tuscumbia) to R. Taylor (Meridian), 16 Novem­ ber l864--telegram-- Inquiry as to whether Gena Lyons has sufficient force to defend Corinth or the Tennessee River. LSM 8932.1. ll. Beauregard (Tuscumbia) to R. Taylor (Selma). 16 November 1864, 2: OOpm-~ Instructions for Taylor to move into Georgia in advance ,of Sherman's advance from Augusta or Macon. He was further instructed to destroy all supplies in Sherman's path.

12. Beauregard (Tuscumbia) to R. Taylor (Selma). 16 November 1864, 6: OOpm--telegram-- Instructions for Taylor not to take troops intended to protect Corinth, Mobile, and Ohio Railroad into Georgia but to send them forward.

13. Beauregard (Tuscumbia) to R. Taylor (Selma). 17 November l864--telegram-- Instructions for Taylor to move into Geor­ gia and take command of all troops in Hood's Department and to request assistance from the governors of Georgia and South Carolina and from Lt. General Hardee.

14.,/ Beauregard (Tuscumbia) to R. Taylor (Selma). 17 November 1864-- Informing Taylor that he, Beauregard, was leaving for Corinth.

15. Beauregard (Corinth) to R. Taylor. 18 November 1864-- In­ strU.ctions for Taylor to proceed to Macon and that he, Beaure­ gard, "will see what can be done about Hardee in this matter."

16. Beauregard (Iuka) to R. Taylor. 18 November 1864-- Instruc­ tions for Taylor to remain cool and confident and to adopt the "fabian system" and to harrass many at an points. Beauregard states that he will join Taylor as soon as possible.

17. Beauregard (Corinth) to R. Taylor. 18 November 1864,-- Beau­ regard informs Taylor of the immediate needed at Corinth and the changes in command he has made at Corinth. He also in­ quires whether Taylor can send 500 arms and a light battery to Corinth.

18. Beauregard (West Point, Miss.) to R. Taylor (frowarded from Selma). 20 November 1864-- Beauregard informs Taylor of the Confederate and Federal troop activities in northern Mississippi and Tennessee.

19. Beauregard (Tupelo) to R. Taylor (Meridian). 15 January 1865-- Instructions for Taylor to report to Beauregard as soon as possible.

20. / Beauregard (Tupelo) to R. Taylor (Meridian). 17 January 1865-- Instructions for Taylor to assume command of Hood's Department as well as his own in compliance with the orders of the Secretary of War. LSM 8932.1.

21. / Beauregard to R. Taylor. 23 ..January 1865-- coded mes§5age relative to the defen.::; es at Mobile.

22. Beauregard (Montgomery) to R. Taylor. 27 January 1865-­ Instructions for Taylor to rush forward troops ordered to Augusta via Demopolis and Mobile by river and railroad.

23. "Beauregard (Montgomery) to R. Taylor. 29 Janu.ary 1865-­ Instructions for Taylor to report when last troops have left Meridian and Columbus for the enemy was reported to be advancing on Augusta.

24. Special Orders-- Beauregard to R. Taylor and Gen. Holtz­ claw. 19 January 1865-- special orders for Holtzclaw's Brigade to report immediately fur duty in Augusta.

25. Beauregard (Tupelo) to R. Taylor. 24 January 1865-­ (copy sent to Taylor for his information) -- coded message to Davis depicting probable Federal troop movements.


26. Special Orders-- R. Taylor. 22 l,r ovember l864-draft-- order for Capt. Cunningham at Macon, Georgia, to purchase 100 gallons of whiskey with further instructions.

27. Special Orders-- R. Taylor. 23 November 1864, Headquarters Macon, Ga. -- instructions for the post quartermaster at Albany, Georgia, to hir or impress mule wagons to transport the baggage of Maj. Gen'. Smith's division to Thomasville. also, to provide transportation for Gen. Wheeler's staff officer to Thomasville.

28. Special Orders-- R. Taylor. 23 November 1864, Macon, Ga.-­ part one of order is a repeat of part one of number 27 above. Part two instructs the post quartermaster at Albany to provide transportation for Gen. Smith's staff officer.

29. Special Orders-- R. Taylor. 24 November 1864, Macon, Ga.-­ Orders for Capt. R.W. Anderson of Anderson's Battery, Maj.

Gen. G e W. Smith's command, to proceed with his battery to the Altamaha River and await further orders from Gen. Smith.

30. Telegraph Book-- dispatches to and from Lt. Gen. R. Taylor from 27 March to 2 April 1865.

31. Taylor (Selma) to Major Hottle. March 1865--draft-- relative to Buford having been instructedHto save the R.R. stock." 32. R. Taylor (Selma) to Brig. Gen. Buford (Greenville). March 1865--draft-~ informing Buford that he, Taylor, was sending boats down the river. Instructions to Buford to dislodge "party occupying Montgomery Hill."

33. R. Taylor (Selma) to R,.E. Lee, Maj.Gen. Maury, Brig. Gen. Buford,and Col. Surget. March 1865. Notification that Gen. Forrest will engage the enemy this date.

34. R. Taylor (Selma) to Capt. W. J .Morris, acting chief engineer, 26 March 1865-- portion of a ' message "reporting forcible detention of pontoon boats by Maj. D. Winter."

35. R. Taylor (Selma) to Gen. R.E.Lee. 27 March 1865--draft-­ Taylor's acknowledgement of Lee's message of the 27th. Taylor informs Lee of the various changes in command by Gen. Beaure­ gard with his comments.

36. R. Taylor (Selma) to Col. E. Surget. 30 March 1865--draft-­ Taylor directing Col. Surget to contact Meridian and Columbus for small arms ammunition.

37. R. Taylor (Selma) to Col. Surget • 30 March 1865--draft-­ Taylor directing Surget to inform Maj. Winter that 15 boats were required. If Gen. Forrest's command has crossed at Colum­ bus,Winter was directed to send those.

38. R. Taylor (Selma) to Lt. Gen. N.B. Forrest. 30 March 1865-- Taylor directing movements of forces against the enemy then approaching Selma from northern Alabama. Taylor also appraising Forrest of the military situation in and around Mobile.

39. R. Taylor (Selma) to Gen. Maury (Mobile). 30 March 1865-­ Reference to axes and entrenching tools sent to Maury. Also, Maury instructed to send surplus cavalry to join Gen. Bufurd near Greenville.

40. R@ Taylor (Selma) to Brig. Gen. Buford. 30 March 1865-­ Instructions to Buford to hold Montgomery against raids; to keep up communications with Choctaw and Claiborne with line of couriers; and to keep his forces eastward of the enemy.

41. R. Taylor (Selma) to Brig. Gen. A. Buford. 31 March 1865-­ Informing Buford of enemy's movements toward Randolph on Blue Montain R. R.; also, of generals Chalmerss anti Forrest's locations. LSM 8932.1.

42. . Taylor (Selma) to Gen. Chalmers (Marion). 31 March 1865-~ Instructions to Chalmers or Gen. Forrest to move reserves to Plantersville for the enemy had reached Randolph and was advan­ cing. Also, reference to Gen Adams at Randolph.

1+3. R. Taylor (Selma) to CoL E. Surget. 1 April 1865-­ Instructions for Surget to inform Col. Miles that the boat going to Mobile must be stopped if river below Choctaw is not clear.

44. R. Taylor (Selma) to Maj. Gen. Dabney H. Maury (Mobile). 1 April 1865-- Taylor iforms Maury location of enemy force forty miles above S·alma. Hopes to visit Mobile once enemy force is disposed of.

45. R. Taylor (Selma) to Gen. Joseph E. Johnston (Smithfield). 1 April 1865-- Informing Johnston that no arms belonging to the Army of Tennessee were left in Taylor's department.

46. R. Taylor (Selma) to Gen. DoH. Maury (Mobile). April 1865-- Taylor informing Maury that he is sending boats from Selma to Tombigbee, requests a gunboat be sent up to escort them.

47. R. Taylor (Selma) to Gen. Robert E. Lee (Richmond). 1 April 1865-- Request by Gen. Maury, endorsed by Taylor, for promotion of Capt. Clement Watson to major for his successful sortie against an enemy force.

48. R. Taylor (Selma) to Col. E. Surget (Meridian). 1 April 1865-- Informing Surget that he was sending boats down river to Mobile and to inform Col. Miles in case there was any danger.

49. R o Taylor (Selma) to Brig. Gen. Buford (Greenville). 1 April 1865-- Informing Buford that Selma may fall and to be prepared for enemy actions against Montgomery.

50. R. Taylor (Selma) to Gen. R.E. Lee. 1 April 1865--Inform­ ing Lee that the enemy will probably take Selma due to Forrest's failure to meet the enemy in time.

51. R. Taylor (Selma) to Brig. Buford (Greenville). 1 Apri1l865-­ Instructions to Buford to be on the alert for Westley Yeoman, a steamboat pilot, in a yawl heading for the enemy's lines. In­ structed to intercept him.

52. R. Taylor (Selma) to Col. E. Surget. 2 April 1865-- Instruc­ tions for Col. Surget to direct Gen. Adams to send men to guard stores against raids. o.c

8932.1. R. Taylor (Selma) to J.H. Henry, Mayor of Selma, 2 April 1865--Request that all "spirituous liquorlf be destroyed in the town before occupation by the enemy.

54. R. Taylor (Selma) to Brig. Gen~ Buford (Montgomery or' Greenville). 2 April 1865-- Informing Buford of enemy's location twenty miles above Selma and of the probable confrontation.

55. R. Taylor (Selma) to Col. Surget (Meridian) and Gen. Buford (Montgomery). 2 April 1865-- Informing commanders that Forrest's command is in hand and will engage the enemy.

56. R. Taylor (Selma) to Gen. Buford (Montgomery). 2 April 1865-- Informing Buford that the steamboat King was being sent to Montgomery and that everything was to be taken off the boat.

57. R. Taylor (Cuba Station) to Major John S. Hope (Demopolis). 3 April l865--Instructions to Major Hope to inform Major Whit­ field to disable engines.

GEN. A.R. LAWTON Q.M.Gen. 58. Gen. A.R.Lawton (Richmond) to R. Taylor. 2 February 1865-- reference to the arrest of Major Jones and his accom­ plice.


59. Comm. Edw. Farrand (Mobile) to Maj. Gen. D.H.Maury Comdg. District of Gulf, Mobile. 16 March 1865-- A two page statement of the naval forces under Farrand's command.


60. Hardee (Macon) to R. Taylor. 20Nov.1864-- report of an attack and repulsion of enemy forces on East Macon. Antici­ pates further enemy attempts. Requests Taylor's presence.

61. Hardee (Macon) to R. Taylor. 21 November 1864-- requests Taylor's presence as soon as possible.

62. Hardee (Macon) to R. Taylor. 21 November 1864-- informing Taylor that he, Hardee, must leave for Augusta this date for the enemy is expected to strike there.


63./ Maury (Mobile) to R 0 Taylor. no date--draft--coded message referring to dispatch from Richmond. '7. LSM 8932.1.

61+ Mau.ry (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 9th (no other date)-­ Coded message.

65 Mau~y ~Mo~le)--endorsement__no date-- endorsement on an apP:l.catl?n Ior 100 bales of cotton to be exchanged by "~ertain Parcles m. northern Mississippi with citizens of west Tennessee f or meat.

66 Maury (?) unsigned draft of report. undated-- rela·tive to intelligence gained from deserters from Farragut's fleet as to a military build-up in prepara·tion for an attack on Mobile.<

Maury (Mobile) to Lt. Gen. L. Polk, Commdg. West Dept. Meridian, Miss. 7 ,-January l864--Letter "Confidential"-- Relative to the division and seperation of Gen.) com- mand due to disciplinary problems. References made to Col. Swanson and Major Cummins.

68. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 9 Septembff' l864--relative to General Forrest's '(ictory. in Athens, Georgia. \ .

69.'..•/ Maury" {MobI·le) thovR • Tayor. 1 22 September 1864--reporting all quiet at Mobile.

'70. Maury (Mobile) to Major E. Surget. 23 September 1864--Hodg­ son's regiment transfered.

'71. Maury (Mobile) to W. F. Bullock. 25 September 1864--relative to unidentified regiment scattered below Mobile.

72. Maury (Mobile) to Bullock. 26 September 1864--relative to confederate defenses on eastern shore of Mobile Bay- balance, of message in code except for reference to sickness.

73. Maury (Mobile) to Bullock. 26 SeptEombcr l864--relative to transfer of portion of V7th Alabama Cavalry.

74. Maury (Mobile) to Bullock. 27 September 1864--relative to orders to all cavalry units within 100 miles to intercept raiders.

75. Maury (Mo'.Jile) to Capt. W.F.BullccK (Selma). 27September 1864-- Reference to the reduction ()f hiG command by sickness and the necessity to replenish other cO~l:;mo.nds.. Maury takes exception wi'~h thE:' depletion by citing ,,_,>~ for strong force in Mobile.

'76. Maury (!:1r .\:;; °,-:0 Bullock. 27 Septembe:c' i864-- .'lotification that Maury '-'d.i ... lJot spare Baker's brigade.

77. Maury and Lt.Co1.J.K.Hutchinson (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 2 October 1864--intelligence report of enemy encampment at Macon, Tennessee. 8.

LSM 8932.1. 78. Maury (Mobile) to R e Taylor. 3 October l864--transportation by railroad for horses and men not available for four days. Redistribution of troops and assignments to Forrest's and McCullockis commands because of sickness.

7 Maury !( Mobile) to Bullock. 7 October l864--relative "(:0 the return of arms when no longer needed by Forrest ..

80. Maury (Mobile) to ,Bullock. 8 October l864--inquiry as to where the weapons for Gen. Forrest are to be sent.

81. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 13 October 1864--relative to to enemy naval force in lower Mobile Bay.

82. Maury (Mobile) to E. Surget. 13 October 1864-- request for clothing.

83. Maury (Mobile) and W.S.Morris, President of Southern Telegraph Companies, Richmond, to R. Taylor. 11.1· Oct. 1864v-Relative to the arrest of one Rogoes (spelling questioned in message). \

----,~---~~-~--~--_.- -_.~-_._--~--~--- --

84. Maury (Mobile) to Bullock. 16 Q ctober 1864--request for clothing f or Baker's brigade.

85 Maury (Mobile) to Bullock. 16 October 1864-- relative to negroes sent to Montgomery.

86. Maury (Mobile) to Bullock. 18 October l86J+-- coded message.

87. Maury (Mobile) to Bullock. 19 October 1864-- Maury states that he has no use of the men refered to by Gen. Forrest.

Maury (Mobile) to Bullock. 25 October 1864--relative to enemy activities at Pensacola; mostly coded.

89. Maury (Mobile) to E. Surget. 25 October l864--relative to Colonel RiQeis mission to Enterprise.

Maury (Mobile) to E. Surget. 25 C G.:ober 1864-- relative to time of departure of fltroOpS. II

91. Maury (Mob'.e ) to Capt. W. F. Bullock, .c::c 0 ctober 1864-­ relative to tht2 departure of Col. RicE~ :;:' or ,C;i1terprise.

92~ Maury (Mobile) to Bullock. 30 October 1864--notice that dis­ trict reports will be sent by mail.

93. Maury (Mobile) to Maj. H. Myers, Ch. of Ord. 2 November 1864--Circular--Reminder that reports by the chiefs of the various departments on their commands were due. Myers to Maury--reply on reverse side of the above stating that siad report had been submitted 22 October 1864. • LSM 8932.1. Maury (Mobile) to Col. E. Surget (Selma). 5 November 1864,-­ Acknowledgement to Surget that all of the reports refer~ed to in number 70 above had been received ecept from the medlcal department.

95 ~ Maury (Mobile), to R. Taylor. 19· November 1864--relative to troop strength (coded); raid from Pensacola by enemy detach­ ment.

96' Maury (Mobile)toR. Taylor. 22 November 1863 (year may bt;r incorrect) -- coded messag,e.

97. Maury (Mobile) to Major J.D. Sayers. 7 December l864--rela­ tive to the transfer of prisoners ans stores to Demopolis.

f f / 98. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 8 December 1864--relative to General Liddel's report of the enemy fleet movement from Pensa- cola to Mobile Bay.

99. Maury (Mobile) to Major J.D. Sayers. 8 December 1864-­ relative to equiping ·and transfering King's Men to Gen. Thomas; Governor Clark and 'weapons supplies at Demopolis. '/ 100:Maury (Mobile) to Gen. Thomas. 8 December l864--relative to concentration units under the commands of McCullock and Maury (MaJor) with units from the commands of Gen. Gardner and Governor Clark to engage the enemy at Buckatunna.

101. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 8 December l864--request to Taylor to use his influence with the governor and legislature to place their 'militia into service immediately; raiding expedition on the Chattachoochee.

02. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 8 December l864--sending of troops to Buckatunna by GEm. Gardner and Governor Clarke.

103~Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 9 December 1864--relative to raod and bridge construction with the aid of negro labor.

104. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 9 December 1864--relative to Confederate troop activities around Corinth, Columbus, Vicks­ burg and Memphis; commands of Gen~ Hood, Gardner, King's battery.

105. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 9 December l864--relative to intelligence report of enemy movements near the Leaf RIver and Enon enroute to Waynesboro.

106'.Maury (Mobile) to R.Taylor. 9 December l864--relative to report from Gen. Thomas of lack of enemy activity near Bucka­ toona. 10.

LSM 8932.1.

107 Maury (Mobile) 'to R. Taylor (Selma). 10 December 1864-­ Relative to Federal troop strength near Augusta. Reference to commands of Gen. Thomas, Gen. Gordon Granger, and Col. McCullock.

l08~ Maury (Mobile) to Lt. Col. W.M. Levy. 11 December 1864-­ relative to the issue of fJdamaged,r corn by the agents of Major G.W. Jones; suspend arrest of Lt. T.J. Evans' of 1st Bat., Alabama Artillery•.

109./1v1aury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 11 December 1864--relative to enemy raid at Pollard; reinforcing Gen. Calvin with Armistead's and Clanton's brigades ; occupation of East Pascagoula.

110 Maury (Mobile) to R. 7aylor. 11 December 1864--relative to copy' of message from Gen. Beajregard to Gen. Hood and R. Taylor to return troops belonging to Army of Tennessee; governors of Mississippi and Alabama and local garrisons; transfer of troops from Mobile to Gen. Gardner.

m/ Maury· (Mobile) to. Major J.D. Sayers. 11 December 1864--rela- / . tive to Lt. Kearney reporting to Colonel Miles.

ll;;}; :rYIaury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 11 December 1864-- relative to / enemy activity in lower Mobile Bay, West Pascagoula, and Pollard.

113. Maury (Mobile) to Col. W.M. Levy (Meridian). 15 December 1864--Request that one Lt. Halligan, commander of the tor­ pedo boat situated at Spanish Fort, be relieved of his com­ mand.

114/( Maury (Mobile) to Gen. S. Cooper, Adj. and Inspect, Gen. ' (Richmond). 15 December 1864-- Report of Federal operations' from Baton Rouge against Mobile during Maury's temporary command of the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana. Also, reference to the negotiations between Federal and C.S.A. forces for the sale of cotton.

llS. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 15 December 1864--relative to troop disposition to protect Pollard against enemy.

116.. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 15 Oecember 1864--relative to Confederate troop movements and enemy activity at Pollard and Escambia.

117. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 15 December l864--relative to enemy movements west from Pascagoula; dispatch of troops to intercept enemy.

118. Maury (Mobile) to J .D.Sayers-15 December 1664--re1ative to intelligence report of enemy landings at Fascagoula; raiders from Pensacola. ll.

LSM 8932.1. to R. Taylor. 15 December l364--R e1ative 119. Maury ( Mobile) and ground movements near Pensacola and to enemy naval Mobile bays.

lZ{( Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 16 December 1864-- confirmation of enemy landings at Pascagoula.

121. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 16 December l864--relative to approximate, size of' enemy landings at Pascagoula.

122. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 16 December 1864--relative to engagements with enemy force at Pollard.

123~ Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 16 December 1864--relative. to enemy strength at Pollard; confirmation of enemy landings at Pascagoula; Mississippi state militia.

124. Maury (Mobile) to Brig. Gen. Liddell (Blakely), Gen. Clanton(FOllard and Col. C.H.Calvi~, (Escambia}--16 December l864--copy of three messages--Reference to coordinated attack against the enemy near Escambia. .

125. Maury (Mobile) to Col. W.M. Levy. 17 December 1864--rela­ tive to Col. Calvin' and Armistead's engagement with enemy force near Pollard; intelligence report concerning enemy troops at Pensacola.

126. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 17 December 1864--relative to Calvin's and Armistead's engagement with enemy force near Pollard; Maury's concern over enemy troops at Pascagoula; transfer of Mississippi reserves because of their conduct.

127. Maury (Mobile) to Col.W.M. Levy. 17 December 1864-- rela­ tive Maury having insufficient force to engage enemy.

128. Maury (Mobile) to Major J.D. Sayers. 17 December 1864-­ request to send section of artillery.

129. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 17 Decemebr l864--relative to retreat of enemy force from Pollard to Pensacola; Maury's fear of attack upon Mobile.

130. Maury (Mobile) to Lt. Col. W.M.Levy (Meridian). 17 Decem­ , ber 1864--Cbver letter for an intelligence report from New Orleans (not enclosed).

/ 131. Maury,~ (Mobile! to R. Taylor'. 18 December 1864--relative to Gen. Clanton's pursuit of enemy force from Pollard to Pensa- cola. 12.

LSM 8932.1. /132. Maury (Mobile) to Col. W.M. Levy. 18 December 1864-­ stating that he can arm the five hundred men (no further identification) • 133 Maury (Mobile) to Lt. Col. W.M. Levy (Meridian). 19 Decem­ ber l864--Reference to battle with enemy forces at Escambia-­ results, de'ficiencies and progress. Contemplated action against enemy forces at Good's Mill by Gen. Thomas; state of communi­ cations and railroad's between Mobile, Escambia and Montgomery.

134. Maury (Mobile) to Col. W.M o Levy (Meridian). 21 December 1864-­ Maury reports to Taylor through Levy of enemy position on Franklin Creek under Gen. Granger; Gen. Thomas's troop strength; intelligence reports from Capt. Moore of enemy land­ ings at Grand Bay; Col. Chalmers report of enemy situation in West Fascagoula; and, attacks against enemy force at Pensacola."

135. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 21 December 1864--Intelligence report of enemy la:qding at Mobile Bay; strength of Gen. Thomas's command (coded); yveather conditions.

136. Maury (Mobile) to Col. W.M. Levy. 21 December 1864--relative to Kings Battery in Venna.

137. Maury (Mobile) to Col. W.M. Levy. 21 December 1864-- report that Oueill's regiment of foreigner's has not arrived.

138. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 22 December 1864--relative to the shipment of food to Mobile for the poor of the city.

9. Maury (Mobile) to Col. W.M. Levy. 23 December 1864--request for arms.

/;1:4 0 • Maury (Mobile) to Col. W.M. Levy. 23 December 1864--relative to confrontation with enemy cavalry at Franklin Creek.

141. Maury (Mobile) to Major John A. West. 23 December 1864-­ request for arms for reserves and conscripts.

/142. Maury (Mobile) to Col. W.M .. Levy. 24 December 1864-­ Maury's opinion that enemy force tooweak to attack Mobile; returning Hood's men.

143. Maury (Mobile) to Lt. Col. Levy (Meridian). 25 December 1864-­ Five page report to Taylor through Levy stating that Taylor's plan to attack enemy forces at Ii'ranklin's Creek and Pascagoula not -advisable because they were not an immediate threat to Mobile; describes terrain at Franklin's Creek and enemy activity in and around Pascagoula; partial results of Gen. Liddell's opera­ tion against enemy force from Pensacola 13. LSM 8932.1. 144. Maury (Mobile) to W.M. Levy. 25 December 1864--departure of Hood's men for Corinth.

145. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 25 December 1864--coded message relative "co the transfer of troops.

lLl6.Maury (Mobile) to W.M. Levy. 26 December l864--relative to forces sent to Buckatunna to guard railroad.

147. Maury (Mobile) to 'Captain A.J. Watt. 26 December 1864--' relative to orders detailing Brig. Gen. Liddell on court of in": quiry.

148. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 26 December 1864--relative to enemy leaving encampment at Franklin Bridge; destroying bridge .

.149. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 28 December 1864--relative to a Mississippi regiment at Buckatunna.

o. Maury (Mobile) to A. J. Watt (Meridian). 28 December 1864-­ Acknowledgement of. Watts report that enemy was preparing to attack Mobile; reque"st for supplies and ammunition; statement of condition' of troops in Mobile and lack of cooperation by the state governments of Alabama and Mississippi •

. , ....- •.. '-...------. -- .. ).51. Maury (Mobile) to Captain A. J. Watt. 28 December 1864-- / coded message relative transfer of troops.

A52 • Maury (Mobile) to Captain A.J. Watt. 28 December 1864-­ ./ relative to intelligence report of enemy force near Pascagoula.

Maury (Mobile) to Captain A.J .Watt (Meridian). 28 Dec:mb.er l864--Maury reporting that his shipments of corn from .var;ous commanders have been unfit for use ,--requests that thIS SItua- tion be corrected.

154. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 29 December 1864--relative to transfer of portion of Scott's cavalry.

155. Maury (Mobile) to Captain A. J. Watt. 29 December 1864-­ relative to troop movements toward Pascagoula.

156. Maury (Mobile) to A. J. Watt. 30 December 1864--request to substitute Brig. Gen. J .H. Clanton or Brig. Gen. A. Baker on court'not further identified).

157. Maury (Mobile) to Lt. Col. E. Burget. 31 December 1864-­ relative to the desertion of Federal soldiers ( 2 ) to Confed­ erate lines.

158. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 31 December l864--re1ative to the departure of Colonel Wilburn from Buckatunna. Ill.

LSM 8932.1.

159. Maury (Mobile) to Captain A.J. Watt. 31 December 1864-­ relative to Colonel Wilburn's command still at Buckatunna.

160. Maury (Mobile), to A.J. Watt. 31 December 1864-- request the return of Gen. Calvin's command as soon as possible.

A61. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 6 January 1865-- informing Taylor that the key to their coded messages is known by suggests that Richmond change the code. "improper persons" and

162. Maury (Mobile) to Col. E. Surget (Meridian). 10 January 1865-­ requesting the transfer of Brig. Gen. Armstrong to his brigade and urging the return of McCullock's Brigade of cavalry to Gen. Foprest.

163. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 10 January 1865--request that Gen. Armstrong be sent to Maury's command. )64. Maury (Mobile) to.Lt. Col. Surget (Meridian). 13 January l865--requesting that Gen. Buford be transfered and Gen. Lyons be sent to Maury's' command; comments on the sutiability of various commanders in Maury's command.

165. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 24 January 1865--request the return of small arms ammunition sent to Selma from Mobile.

/)66 .. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 25 January 1865-- coded message requesting that Palmer's and Stovall's brigades be sent to Mobile in place of Holtzclaw's Lbrigade, who are Alabamians.

167. Maury (Mobile) to Lt. Col. E. Burget (Meridian). 26 January~. 1865- complaining about the inactivity of the Confederate navy at Mobile and its commander's refusal to perform "picket" duty in defense of Mobile. 168... Maury (Mobile) to Captain W. Bullock. 27 January 1865--inquiry as to the strength of Holtzclaw's brigade.

169.• Maury (Mobile) to Captain W. Bullock. 27 January 1865--stat­ ing that he will send Baker's brigade on.

O. Maury (Mobile) to Lt. Col. E. Surget (Meridian). 27 January 1865-- reporting to Taylor that he has not received grain shipment, and that his ordnance stores are insufficient; Maury's response to Taylor's question of utilization of the Holtzclaw and Baker brigades.

171: Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 30 January l865--relative to Lt. Walker's attack upon enemy ship; intelligence from New Orleans concerning enemy troop activity. LBM 8932.1. 172. Maury (Mobile) to W. Bullock. 1 ;E"ebruary IB65--inquiry as to the amount of ammunition to be brought be dismounted artillerists enroute to Mobile.

173 b Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 2 February 1865-- report of enemy': movement from Pascagoula.

174. Maury (Mobile) to Captain W. Bullock. 2 February 1865--report: of no change in enemy fleet on lake; believe enermy departure from Pascagoula for Forts Morgan and Gaines~

M ury (Mobil~) to R. Taylor. 3 February 1865--reporting to 175. T:ylor the progress being made in constructing the de~ense works around ,Mobile; the use of Negro labor; need for supplIes and . artillerists; and the defense works at Choctaw and Oven Bluffs.

)76. Maury (Mobile) to W. Bullock. 2 February 1865--request eight twelve pounders.

177. Maury (Mobile) to,Lt.• Col. E. Burget. 4 February 1865-- answer relative to shipment of cotton to Mobile.

178. Maury (Mobile) to R o Taylor. 7 February 1865--re1ative to the consumption and need for supplies at Mobile.

179. Maury (Mobile) to Lt. Col. Burget. 8 February 1865--request for entrenching tools.

180. Maury (Mobile)' to Lt. Col. Burget (Meridian). 8 february . \ 1865--reporting that Major Noble sent to Mobile a shipment of corn "unfit for issue." ,

181. Maury (Mobile) to Lt. Col. Burget. 10 February 1865--inquires as to the where abouts of Gribor's light artillery battlion.

182. Maury, (Mobi~e) to Col. E. Burget (Meridian). 10 February 1865--mformmg Taylor and Burget that the Governor of Alabama of the pl.an to burn state cotton if Mobile is besieged· inspection of troops for adequate equipment. '

183. Maury (Mobile) to Lt~ Col. E. Burget (Meridian). 13 Feb­ ruary 1865--relative to reports of drunkedness among the officers and men at Mobile.

184. Maury (Mobile) to E. Burget (Meridian). 14 February 1865-­ relative to non-delivery of supplies to forces at Mobile.

185. Maury (Mobile) to E. Burget. 15 February 1865--relative to pickets at Miltion, Florida. 16. LBM 8932 l.

186. Ma~ry (Mobile) to Captain We Bullock. 16 February l865--re­ latlv~ to the stationing of Holtzclaw's brigade at Blakely and Bpalllsh Fort.

187. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 21 February 1865--relative to concentration of enemy troops at Pensacola and planned raid in direction of Pollard.

188. Maury (Mobile) to,E. Burget. 23 February 1865--relative to concentration of enemy forces at Pensacola and planned raid pn Montgomery.

189. Maury (Mobile )to Major J.D. Sayres (Meridian). 23 Febru­ ary 1865--relative to reinforcements to be sent to Mobile.

190. Maury (Mobile) to E. Burget (Meridian). 24 February 1865-­ relative to troop strength and reinforcements at Oven Bluff. ,

191. Maury (Mobile) to E. Surget (Meridian). 25 February 1865-­ relative to the.arr~st of Surgeon J.F. Heustis, Chief Burgeon, for disobedience of. orders.

192. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 25 February 1865--intelligence report of enemy's naval and land forces at Pensacola; incompleteness of defensive works at Selma.

193. Maury (Mobile) to E. Burget (Meridian). 25 February 1865-­ relative to the defenses at Mobile in preparation for enemy seige.

194. Maury. (Mobile) to E. Burget. 26 February 1865--relative to Geno Granger's (U.S .A.) request to send clothing to Federa.l~ prisoners at Cahaba.

195. Maury (Mobile) to E. Burget (Meridian). 26 February 1865-­ relative to the receiving of clothes from Major General Gordqn Granger (U. S.) for U. S. prisoners of war held at Meridian.

196. Maury (Mobile) to Captain W. Bullock",·· 26 February l865--rela­ tive to intelligence report about enemy's cavalry strength at Pensacola; estimation as to when enemy force would be able to move.

197. Maury (Mo bile) to R. Taylor. 27 February 1865--relative to estimated amount of money to be, earned through individual sub­ scriptions.

198. Maury (Mobile) to E. Burget (Meridian). 1 March 1865-­ requesting' the reassignment of Captain John Purvis, assistant quarter master, 1st La. Regiment (Regulars), to his regiment. 17. LBM 8932,1.

199. Maury (Mobile) to R •. Taylor. 1 March l865--relative to Mobile banks and requests for additional money.

to R. Taylor (Meridian). 1 March l865--inform­ /~oo. Maury (Mobile) ing Taylor that additional mony cannot be obtained from the enemy troop movements near Mobile; supplies. banks in Mobile;

/~OL Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 3 March l865__draft--prop6s~tion to Taylor to sell ootton to Federal forces for gold. .

02. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 3 March 1865--intelligence report of enemy activity in Pensacola and Mobile area.

203. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 3 March 1865-- coded message.

/204. Maury (Mobile) to Captain W. Bullock. 4 March l865--informing / Bulloch that Major General Smith was in Mobile.

/205. Maury (Mobile) to ,Lt. Col. E. Burget. 4 March l865--relative to transfer of .ConYederate prisoners of war; Gen. Granger's (U .S.A.) use of .confederate prisoners to build fortifications because of use of negro labor at Mobile.

r206. Maury (Mobile) to Major General Gordon Granger, Commanding District of West Florida and South Alabama (Federal Forces), . 4 March l865--respone to Granger's accusation that Federal prisoners of war were being used in force labor in con­ struction of defenses. Maury asserts that only former slaves captured by Gen. Forrest from the Federal forces were being utilized in such a capacity.

;;:;07. Maury (Mobile) to E. Burget (Meridian). 4 March 1865-- .. ~ relative to the appointment of Captain Samuel Barnes, Co. C, 22 La. Reg. Vols., as judge advocate of the court.

/208. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 5 March l865--relative to intelligence report from released Confederate prisoners as to enemy' preparation for an attack against Mobile.

209. Maury (Mobile) to Major Gen. Gordon Granger (Fort Gaines). 6 March l865--relaying R. Taylor's message to Granger concern­ the employment of former slaves in' defense construction; opinion that former slaves captured by the Confederacy are not consid­ ered prisoners of war.

/210. Maury (Mobile) to Captain W. Bullock.-- 6 March l865--relative to intelligence report from New Orleans concerning enemy buildup at Dauphin Island; arming of slaves for Confederate service by order og Gen. Kirby Smith. 18.

LBM 8932.1.

. Maury (Mobile) to Captain W. Bullock. 6 March 1865--relative to dispatch of river pilot as ordered.

212. Maury (Mobile) to Captain W. Bullock. 6 March l865--relative to intelligence report of expected enemy attack upon Mobile.

213. Maury (Mobile) to Lt. Col. E. Burget. 7 March l865--relative to transfer of Federal prisoners aboard the steamboat King.-

}l!+. Maury (Mobile) to E. Burget. 7 March 1865--intelligence report . of enemy activity in Pascagoula area.

215. Maury (Mobile) to E. Burget. 7 March l86S--reporting all quiet with the enemy fleet.

6 31 • Maury (Mobile) to E. Burget. 7 March l86S--relative to enemy naval activity. " ,- 217. Maury (Mobile) to E" Burget. 8 March 186S--relative to request for clothing.

218. Maury (Mobile) to E. Burget (Meridian). 9 March 1865-­ request the return of Captain John Purvis and 1st Lt. E. Wood­ lief to the 1st La. Regt. Heavy Artillery.

/219. Maury (Mobile) to E. Burget (Meridian). 9 March 1665--cover ./ letter accompanying copies of Maury's letters to Gen. Gordon Granger concerning the employment of If Forrest Negroes" in defense construction(ref: 103 and lOS above).

220. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 9 March 1865--relative to trahs­ fer of money to Taylor from banks at Mobile; supplies; activities of enemy naval forces in Pensacola and Mobile Bay area; orders for removal of officer's families from Mobile; defenses at Choc­ taw and Oven Bluffs.

221. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 9 March 1865--faded and illegible.

222. Maury (Mobile) to E. Burget. 9 March l865--relative to enemy naval activity in Mobile area.

223. Maury (Mobile) to E. Burget. 10 March l865--relative to ene my . naval activity at Pen.sacola (message mostly illegible).

22J1 • Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 11 March 1865--draft-- relative to activity of enemy's naval and land forces in Mobile Bay area. 19.

8932. I ,225. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 11 March 1865--relative to burning cotton in Mobile; transfering idle officers out of Mobile before enemy attack upon Mobile.

226. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 11 March 1865-- relative to consider­ able naval activity in lower. Mobile Bay. (coded message).

227 Maury (Mobile) to.. R. Taylor. 11 March l865--copy of 226 '3.bove,;

228. Maury (Mobile) to E. Burget. 11 March l865--relative to enemy movements and probable attack against Pollard • .. 229. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 March 1865--decoded message-­ relative to enemy movement from Pensacola toward Pollard and . demonstartions before Mobile.

230. Maury (Mobile) to E. Burget. 11 March 1865-- relative to enemy naval activity in Mobile Bay area. .. ,/ 231. Maury (Mobile) t~· R. Taylor. 12 March 1865--relative to enemy movements toward Pollard; orders to protect railroad stock.

f,r- 232. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 March 1865--relative to request that supplies be sent from Montgomery to Clanton's and Armistead's brigades; removal of Greenville hospital.

233. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 March 1865--copy of dispatch sent by Maury to Gen. Cobb relative to prisoners being sent to Mobile for exchange (ilH~gible) •

~34. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 March 1865--decoded messag~-­ relative to troop strength of his subordinate commanders and their respective orders; transfer of money to Taylor from Mo­ bile; disappearance of enemy naval force.

/235. Maury (Mobile) to R. 'T'aylor.--coded message of 234 above.

236. Maury (Mobile) to E. Burget. 13 March l865--relative to activity of enemy naval and land forces in Mobile Bay.

237. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylorb 13 March 1865--relative to large enemy force from Pensacola and Dauphin Island moving toward Mobile and other points; preparations for battle; condition of defenses.

238. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 14 March 1865--relative to supply storage facilities in Mobile; cooperation between land and naval forces in Mobile; removal of "Negro prisoners" from Mobile before siege; state of defenses; request to order and organize courts martial. 20.

L SJ}1 8932.l. 239.Maury (Mobile) to E. Surget (Meridian). 16 March 1865--rela­ tive to enemy activity in Pensacola; intelligence report from New Orleans concerning enemy intentions in Alabama; supplies.

/,.240Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 19 March 1865--relative to activity , of enemy naval and land forces in Mobile Bay.

241, Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 19 March 1865--relative to act;ivity' of enemy naval and land forces in Mobile Bay.

242.Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 20 March 1865--rela·tive to the sale of cotton; request for clothing supplies.

243.Maury (Mobile) to Captain W. Bullock. 21 March l865--relative to activity of enemy naval and land forces near Pensacola and Mobile Bay; statement by Maury that he is not receiving sufficient information.

244.Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 25 March 1865--intelligence report from Armistead -that Clanton's force was routed and enemy advancing on Pollard; report from Gen. Liddell that enemy advanc~ ing on Spanish Fort.

245.Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 26 March l865-..relative to route of Clanton's force; Armistead maintaining communications with General Adam's forces; buildup of enemy fleet.

/i246. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 26 March l865--relative to Steele's Column and its objective; withdrawal of forces and armaments from Oven and Choctaw Bluffs. , 247. Maury (Mobile) to Capatin Bullock. 26 March l865--relative to barge at Tensas to transport engine and cars across the river.

/248. Maury (Mobile) to Col. E. Burget. 27 March l865..-relative to enemy naval activi-ty in Mobile Bay area.

249. Maury (Spanish Fort) to R. Taylor. 27 March 1865-..relative to enemy attack at Spanish Fort.

250. Maury (Mobile) to Col. E. Burget. 28 March l865..-relative to enemy besieging of Spanish Fort.

251. Maury (Mobile) to E. Surget. 28 March l865--rela'tive to part of Armistead's cavalry stranded at Mobile.

252. Maury (Mobile) to E. Surget. 28 March l865--relative to Armistead's report of enemy movement towards Montgomery or Claiborne. 21,

LSM 8932.1.

253. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 28 March l865--relative to enemy attack at Spanish Fort.

251-1-. Maury (Blakely) to R. Taylor. 28 March l865--relative to Con­ federate defenses at Blakely; enemy activity against Blakely.

255. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 29 March l865--report of enemy position between Montgomery and Claiborne.

256. Maury (Mobile) to E. Su,rget. 29 March l865--request for small arms ammunition.

257. Maury (Mobile) to E. Burget. 29 March 1865--relative to enemy operations against Spanish Fort, and in southern Alabama.

/258. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 3 April l865--relative to Maury's statement that "all is going on very well here. lI

259. Maury (Mobile) to,'R. Taylor. 7 April 1865--relative to the enemy' sieges at B1<;J-kely and Spanish Fort; enemy activity near Tuscaloosa •

260. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 8 April 1865-- relative to enemy

advances in Mobile area G causing General Holsen to retire.

261. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 8 April 1865-- relative to Maury's request to charter a boat to be used as a gunboat; inquires as' to whether Taylor can guarantee in cotton the value of the boat.

262. Maury (Mobile) to Captain W. F. Bullock (Meridian). 8 April 1865-- relative to evacuation plans for Colonel Miles defending" ~. Oven Bluff; enemy activity in area of Montgomery.

/263. Maury (J:..1obile) to R. Taylor. 9 April 1865--decoded message-­ relative to the fall of Blakely and the capture of Confederate troops; vulnerability of Mobile.

264. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 9 April 1865--decoded message-­ relative to the evacuation of Spanish Fort; Confederate troop movements to Claiborne; charter of boat for transport and as a gunboat.

265. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 9 April 1865--copy of number tl9 above. f

266. Maury (I"~obile) to R. Taylor. 10 April 1865-- coded message. 22

LBM 8932.1.

267. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 10 April l865--relative to enemy cap"ture of Blakely; Maury requesting information in code; coded message on rear to Taylor from E. Burget.

268 Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 10 April 1865--preparing to evac­ uate Mobile. --verso--message to Maury from Demop61is (probably Taylor), 11 April 1865-- advise to evacuate as soon as possible; query as to MaurY'$ needs.

269. Maury (Mobile) to E. Burget. 11 April 1865-- coded message

270.Maury (Mobile) to E. Surget. 11 April 1865--statement to let "Chunchula" reach Mobile by eight or nine o'clock.

271. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 11 April 1865--relative to Maury's plans to evacuate Mobile.

272. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 11 April l865--notification that Maury was evacuatipg Mobile this date.

273. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 Aprii" 1865-- Maury's reply to unknown question by Taylor: "Can't give you any accurate answer. fI

271+. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 April 1865--reply to unknown question by Taylor": " None I believe. 11

275. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 April 1865--'relative to removal of telegraph equipment except two in use.

276.Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 April 1865-- reply to unkno"0.tl question by Taylor: "I believe they all have."

277. Maury (Mobile) to R 0 Taylor. 12 April 1865--reply to unknown question by Taylor: "About 1500 this includes the Regt. still remaining here as good."

278. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 April 1865--Maury's inquiry as to whether he should order the destruction of the railroad.

279.Maury (Mobile) to R. ':Eaylor.. 12 April 1865-- relative to Confed­ erate cavalry force at Mobile (Spenceis' command).

280. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 April 1865-- reply to unknown question by Taylor: tfHave no accurate reports yet, but think 3000. ff LSM 8932.1.

281. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 April 1865--reply to Taylor concerning the impressment of horses.

282. Maury (mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 April l865--statement by Maury, simply "Yes. fI

283. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 April 1865--notification that he was about to evacuate Mobile and that General Gibson would remain; requests that Taylor finds qL\.arters for his family. ,

284. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 April l865--Maury evacuating Mobile.

,~285. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 April 1865--reply to Taylor concerning the removal from Mobile of some unspecified object.

286. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 April 1865--relative to the evacuation of Mobile by Confederate forces. ~ ~ 1>'. 287. Maury ,( Mobile) to·.R. Taylor. 12 April 1865--relative to the evacuation of Mobile.

288. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 April 1865--relative to military conditions in Mobile.

,289. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 April 1865-- reply to unknown question by Taylor: "By boat I think."

290. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 April 1865--relative to the transfer of field guns and equipment.

291. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 April l865--Maury's reply to unknown question: "Yes about 700. f1

292. Maury (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 12 April l865--relative to the removal of horses and mules by the Confederate army.

<~/·293. Maury (Mobile) to R • Taylor. 12 April 1865--Maury's reply to unknown question: II About twenty one hundred."

294. Maury (Buckatunna) to R. Taylor. 13 April 1865--relative to Maury's evacuation of Mobile and occupation of same by Federal forces.

295. Maury (Citronelle) to R. Taylor. 13 April l865--notification that Maury waS leaving Citronelle enroute for Meridian.

296. Maury (Chunchula) to E. Surget. 12 April 1865--relative to the Federal occupation of Mobile; notification of Maury's location between Chunchula and Citronelle. LSM 8932.l. March 1865-- coded message- 297. Maury (Mobile ) to R e T ay1or. 27 2 pages. " t d no date--coded message-- 298. Maury (Mobile) to N o·t IndlOa e ," 3 pages--lst page missing.


299. Forrest (Verona) to Col. A.P. Mason. 25 January1865-­ relative to request for beef cattle.

300. Forrest (Verona) to Major W. E. Moore. 25 January 1865-­ relative to shipment of cattle to Forrest.

301. Forrest ( West Point) to R. Taylor. 26 March 186S--relative to enemy activity near Selma, Newberg, Hubbard's Mill; Forth Army Corps movement to Knoxville; Gen. Thomas's loca­ tion. verso--mess~g'e from Forrest to Captian L. Harvey, com­ manding Scouts', ~e!ative to movements of Gen. Jackson's army in Tuscaloosa area.

302. Forrest (West Point) to R. Taylor. 26 March l865--notifica­ tion that pontoon bridge at Finehe's Ferry incomplete and that General Jackson will have to go by way of Tuscaloosa.

303. Forrest (West Point) to R. Taylor. 26 March 1865--relative to enemy movements from Russellville toward Tuscaloosa and Columbus.

304. Forrest (West Point) to R. Taylor. 26 March 1865--request:~.. permission to join forces with General Jackson to defeat raiding enemy force from northern Alabama.

305. Forrest (West Point) to Lt. Col. E. Burget. 26 March 1865-­ reporting all quiet at Iuka and Eastport.

306. Forrest (Columbus) to R. Taylor. 27 March 1865--reporting possible enemy movement of enemy force toward Montgomery; General Jackson departure from ColumbUs.

307. Forrest (West Point) to R. Taylor. 27 March l865--reporting enemy encampment at Mount Pleasant; advises reserves and all possible forces be sent to General Adams.

308. Forrest (Columbus) to R. Taylor. 28 March l865--notification to Taylor that Forrest was enroute to Tuscaloosa; no contact with enemy from northern Alabama. 25.

LSM 8932.1. 309. Forrest (Columbus) to E. Burget. 28 March 1865--Forrost reports moving by way of Finche's Ferry; orders Kentucky brigade to get in enemy's rear.

310. [Forres~ (Randolph)' to R. Taylor. 31 March l865--notification that Forrest has reached Randolph and found Lyon's and Roddy's brigades demoralized and ..scattered; General Jackson's movement toward Hillsboro.

311. Forrest (through M. C 0 Galloway) (Randolph) to R. Taylor. 31 March l865--request that General Chalmers force be sent to Forrest immedia'tely; enemy force underestimated.

Forrest (near Plantersville) to R. Taylor. 1 April l865--relative t? enemy's offensive against Forrest and the weakness of Forres·t'/ fbrces.

313. Forrest (Plantersville) to R. Taylor. April l865--notice that Forrest was being driven back by enemy force; advise to evacuate Selma immediately; cannot find Chalmer's and Jackson's forces.

314. Forrest (Plantersville) to R. Taylor. 1 April 1865--notice that enemy still pushing Forrest back to Selma; location of Chalmers and ...Jackson unknown.

Forrest (not indicated) to R. Taylor. date not indicated-­ states inadvisability of attacking enemy until reinforced; requests immediate reinforcements from Selma.

316. ReFort (drafted in pencil) that Chalmers was near Plantersville and "iwill report the next morning. no date, probably to Forrest.


317. Wheeler (12 miles north of Forsyth) to R o Taylor. 19 November l864--report that enemy moving toward Macon; report of enemy force between Yellow and South rivers.

318. Wheeler (Forsyth) to R. Taylor. 19 November l864--report that enemy pressing rapidly.

E.R.S. CANBY (Fedearl Forces Commander, Department of the Gulf)

Can~y k 319. (Mobile) to R 0 Taylor. 1l May l865--relative to seting of tlme and date for meeting between Taylor and Canby at Citronelle.

320. Canby (Mobile) to R. Taylor o 3 May 1865--request that Taylor instruct generals Steele at Selma and A. J. Smith at Montgomery to cease hostilities and not to destroy property. 26.

LSM 8932 1.

321. Canby (Mobile) to R. Taylor. '7 May 1865--notification that several general officers were being sent to Meridian to receive the paroles of Taylorls officers and men.

322. Canby (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 7 May 1865--request to have message forwarded immediately to Gen. Smith (message not included) •

323. Canby (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 7 May l865--reqllest to have following message forwarded immediately (message not included).

324. Canby (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 8 May l865--Canby states that he will act upon Taylor's suggestions (not explained therein); GenfJral A:rldrews will act accordingly with regard to troops in Texas, north Louisiana, Virginia, and North Carolina (not explain­ ed).

25. Canby (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 8 May 1865--relative to garrisons sent to Jackson and Brookhaven.

326. Canby (Mobile) to Major General N.J.T.Dana. 8 May 1865-­ instructions to complete telegraph communications between Vicksburg and Mobile.

327. Canby (Mobile) to R. Taylor. 8 May 1865--notification that a tug boat was being sent to tow away blockading steamers.

328. Canby (Mobile) to R 0 Taylor. 9 May l865--relative to the president and vice-president of railroad in Mississippi and Alabama.

329. Canby (Mobile) to Major General George H. Thomas (Nashville)

and R 0 Taylor. 9 May l865--relative to the establishment of communications between Iuka and Eastport.

P.J 0 OSTERHAUS (Major General, Chief of Staff of Federal Forces Department of the Gulf, EoR.S. Command)

330. Osterhaus (Mobile) to Major General A. J 0 Smith (Montgomery). 6 May 1865--instructions for Smith to send garrisons to Columbus and Macon, Mississippi, and report to Taylor; keep troops on alert to be able to march to Demopolis and Meridian.

331. Osterhaus (Mobile) to Gen. Dana. '7 May 1865--instructions to select officer to receive paroles of Confederate forces at Jackson.

332. Osterhaus (Mobile) to Maj. Gen. A.,3. Smith (Montgomery). 8 May 1865-- instructions to have medical officer report hospital stores to General Andrews. 27.

LSM 8932.1.

333. Osterhaus (Mobile) to Maj. Gen. Dana (Vicksburg). 8 May 1865-- relative to troops to be selected to occupt garrisons in the "interior" and to relieve R. Taylor's command.

G. GRANGER (Major General, Commanding Federal Forces, West Florida and Sou-th Alabama, Fort Gaines, Alabama)

334. Granger (Fort Gaines) to Maj. Gen. D. Maury (Mobile). 27 February 1865-- relative to use of black prisoners of war to work on the fortifications of Mobile.

335. Granger (Fort Gaines) to Maury (Mobile). 14 March 1865-­ relative to receipt of cotton to care for Confederate prisoners of war.

FRANK GARDNER (Major General, C.S.Ao)

336. Gardner (Selma) to R o Taylor. 17 November 1864--notification of Gardner's arrival at Selma.

G.W. SMITH (Major General, C.S.A.)

337. Smith (Thomasville) to R. Taylor. 28 November 1864--relative to operations of the commands of Smith, Hardee, and Wheeler; expected enemy operations in Georgia.

DAl\fIEL W. ADAMS (Brigadier General, C.S.A.)

338. Adams (Montgomery) to R. Taylor. 22 month not indicated 1864-­ notification of arrival of Armistead's and Clanton~s brigades at

Opelika by direction of Gen e Beauregard.

339. Adams (Montgomery) to D. Maury (Mobile). 13 September 1864-­ requests permission to retain some blacks in Montgomery to complete defenses.

340. Adams (Tulladega) to R. Taylor. 17 November 1864-- relative to Wheeler's report that enemy cavalry threatening Montgomery and West Point.

341. Adams (Montevallo) to R. Taylor. 24 March 1865--corrected estimate of enemy's strength; Adams proposed actions against threatening enemy force at Montgomery.

342. Adams (Montevallo) to R. Taylor.24 March 1865-- relative to Adam's proposal to locate Gen. Buford at Montgomery to organize cavalry. 28.

LSM 8932.1.

1865-~ 343. Adams (Selma) to Lt @ Col. E. Surget. 26 March rela­ tive to a scout being sent to Greenville and Pollard to observe enemy movements.

344. Adams (Selma) to E. Surget. 26 March 1865--relative to General Armistead ordering General Buford to the front.

345. Adams (Selma) to E. Surget. 26 March 1865--relative to enemy operations near Evergreen and Pollard and expected advance toward Montgomery; Adams' plan of action.

346. Adams (Selma) to E. Surget. 26 March 1865-- relative to scouts report that enemy advancing toward Blue Mountain via Gadsden and Van Buren.

347. Adams (Selma) to E. Surget • 26 March 1865--relative to reports of enemy strength and their intentions to move against Montgomery; reports that Gen. Clanton's force captured.

348. Adams (Selma) to E. Surget • 26 March l865--relative to Roddy's command and difficulties in crossing Big Warrior River.

349. Adams (Selma) to Major W. Fe Bullock. 26 March 1865--rela­ tive to supplies being removed from Montgomery.

350. Adams (Selma) to W.F. Bullock. 26 March 1865--relative to enemy movements from Evergreen toward Pollard.

351. Adams (Selma) to E. Surget • 27 March 1865--relative to enemy movements near Elyton and Montevallo; Roddy's command sent to Mantevallo.

352. Adams (Selma) to W. Bullock. 27 March 1865--notice that / Adams has left for Greenville and that he has been joined by Roddy' command; scouts being sent to Pollard.

353. Adams (Selma) to E.Burget. 27 March 1865--relative to report from scouts that enemy force moving in direction of Tuscaloosa.

354. Adams (Selma) to W. Bullock. 27 March 1865--confirmation of large enemy force moving toward Montevallo; advises sending Forrest to intercept it.

355. Adams (Selma) to E. Burget. 28 March 1865-- Adams stating that he has had no information from Gen. Lyons and Col. Armi­ stead; instructs Buford to report enemy movementS. LSM 8932.1.

356@ Adams (Selma) to E. Surget. 29 March 1865--report of enemy force at Democrat and another moving toward Tuscaloosa.

357. Adams ( Selma) to E. Surget. 29 March L865-- relative to enemy force at Elyton ; no information from Gen. Lyon's Kentucky Brigade.

358. Adams ( Selma) to E. Surget. 29 March 1865-- relative to enemy force at Elyton •

359. Adams (Selma) to E. Surget. 29 March 1865-- relative to enemy force at Elyton •

360. Adams (Randolph) to R. Taylor. 30 March 1865--relative to enemy activity in Tuscaloosa and Montevallo areas.

361. Adams (Randolph) to R. Taylor. 30 J\;11arch 1865--relative to enemy occupying Montevallo.

362. Adams (Randolph) to Captain J. McCloskey. 30 March 1865-­ relative to portion of Roddy's force being sent to Montevallo.

363. Adams (Randolph) to Capt. J. McCloskey. 31 March 1865-­ re lative to movement of Forrest's and Chalmer's commands to Randolph.

364. Adams (Randolph) to Captain J. McCloskey. 31 March 1865-­ report that enemy force advancing on Randolph in heavy strength; Adams may have to retreat.

365. Adams (Randolph) to McCloskey. 31 March 1865--instructions to have Chalmers report to Plantersville as soon as possible via Centreville.

366. Adams (Randolph) to McCloskey. 31 March 1865-- informing McCloskey that he has written to Gen. Forrest and informing him of enemy movements.

367. Adams (near Maplesville depot) to Gen. Chalmers. 1 April 1865-­ notifying Chalmers that Forrest has ordered Adam's force back to Randolplij requests that Chalmers send Roddy's command to Randolph.

HOWELL COBB (Major General, C.S.A.)

368. Cobb (Macon, Ga.) to R. Taylor. 24 February l865--relative to the strengthening Columbus and West Point. 30

LSM 8932.1.

369. Cobb (Macon, Ga.) to R. Taylor. 10 March l865--relative to Gen. Johnston taking command of Hood's and Hardee's depart­ ment.

E. HIGGINS (Brigadier General, C.S.A.)

70. Higgins (Mobile) to Captain W. Bullock. 14 December 1864-­ Higgins inquiring as to whether he must wait in Mobile for further orders or was he free to leave the Department of Alabama, Miss., East Louisiana.

J .R. CHALMERS (Brigadier General, C.S.A.)

371. Chalmers (Maria, Ala.) to not indicated. 30 March 1865-­ acknowledging orders to move his command to Centreville; order countermanded by Gen. Forrest's instructions to concentrate Chalmer's command •

./372. Chalmers (Plantersville) to R. Taylor. 31 March 1865--relative to Chalmer's difficulty in moving his forces across the Cahaba River.

P.D. RODDY (Brigadier General, C.S.A.)

373. Roddy (Tuscumbia) to R. Taylor. 22 November 1864--partially coded message relative to Roddy's actions against enemy forces.

MARCUS WRIGHT (Brigadier General, C. S .A. )

374. Wright (Macon, Ga.) to R. Taylor. 16 November l864--Wright reports that he is sick in bed and that he will report as soon as possible.

L.S. ROSS (Brigadier General, C. S 0 A. )

375. Ross (Corinth) to (3en. Hood. 17 January l865--relative to enemy movements in northern Alabama and Mississippi; commands of Generals Smith and Thomas; preparation of enemy winter quarters.

A. BUFORD (Brigadier General, C.S.A. )

376. Buford (Greenville) to Gen. Adams. 30 March 1865 --relative to reports of enemy force moving from Pollard enroute to Blakely.

377. Copy of number 376 above. 31.

LSM 8932.1.

GEORGE W. BRENT (Colonel, C.S.A.)

378. Brent (Montgomery) to Col. Eo Surget 25 January 1865-- relative to sending troops by quickest means possible (destination and units not indicated).

3'79. Brent(Montgomery)to Ro Taylor. 27 January 1865-- relative to the staff of the Army of Tennessee.

80. Brent (Montgomery) to R. Taylor. 28 January l865--relative to furloughs for Gen. Chea

381. Brent (Montgomery) to R. Taylor. 28 January 1865--relative to Gen. Beauregard's request for the names of Hood's staff who were ordered to report to Beauregard's headquarters.

82. Brent (Augusta) to R. Taylor. 19 February 1865--decoded draft of coded message--relative to Beauregard's command in Georgia; Cheatham at Newberry and Abbeville; Hardee at Charleston; enemy advancing on Alston and Columbia; advice for Taylor in the ev'Ont Alabama is overrun.

383. Brent (Augusta) to R. Taylor. 4 March l865--relative to Beaure­ gard's report of enemy activity in Georgia and South Carolina; Beauregard's defensive tactics.

8J.r.. Brent (Augusta) to R. Taylor. 4 March 1865--coded telegram of 383 above.

E. SURGET (LT. Colonel, C.S.A.)

385. Surget (Selma) to R. Taylor. 17 November 1864--relative to copy of message sent to Beauregard concerning the strength and location of Gen. Lyon's force in Paris, Tennessee.

386. Surget (Meridian) to Lt. Col. A. P. Mason. 26 January 1865-­ instructions for Mason to contact Gen. Forrest relative to cattle drive.

387. Surget (Meridian) to not indicated. 17 March 1865-- brief synop­ sis of message (not included) relative to removal of ordnance stores; enemy's intentions toward Mobile, Selma, and Montgomery; Maury at Mobile and the citizen population.

88. Surget (Meridian) to not indicated. 18 March l865--page three only of three page message-- synopsis on verso relative to enemy movements; advising the sale of cotton by Mr. Scott; disposition of exchanged Confederate prisoners of war. 32@

LSM 8932.1

389. Surget (Meridian) to R@ Taylor. 19 March 1865--relative to the sale of cotton by Mr. Scott; request for certain guarantees.

3900 Surget (Meridian) to Captain Bullock. 21 March 1865--relative / to saJe of cotton by Mr. Scott.

391. Surget (Meridian to R@ Taylor. 9 April 1865-- draft of coded message.

392. Surget (Meridian) to R 0 Taylor. 10 April 1865-- relative to St.Louis newspaper account of evacuation of Richmond and Peters­ burg; Lincoln in Richmond; Grant persuing Lee south; iron works on James River destroyed; railroads; closing price of gold in New York.--verso--two coded messages from D. Maury to R o Taylor, 9 and 10 April-- Captain W. J .Morris to Captain Bhllock. 10 April 1865--s'tating all prepared in Demopolis and awaiting orders. Brig. Gen. Armstrong (Demopolis) to Bullock .10 Apeil 1865--re­ lative to movement of Adam's train from Clinton to Demopolis.

393. Surget (Meridian) to R. Taylor. 1'7 month and year not indicated-­ relative to disposition of arms and ammunition and the inavisability of moving them to Macon, Georgia; coded intelligence report that Maury received from New Orleans.

GEORGE Go GARNER (Chief of Staff, Forces, District of the Gulf)

394. Garner (Mobile) to Surgeon J @T. Heustis. 24 February 1865-­ relative to Heustis's official designation as Chief Surgeon.


395. McCloskey (Selma) to E. Surget. 29 Mar,ch 1865 --request to repreat messages from generals Lee and Pillow.

396. McCloskey (Selma) to Major E.H. Ewing. 30 March 1865-­ relative to Taylor admonishing Ewing for ret:tJ.Fl)ing portion of transportation to Col. Powell without first consulting with Taylor.

39'7. McCloskey (Selma) to Brig. Gen. Adams (Randolph). 30 March 1865-- instructions to rush Roddy forward and save Montevallo; open communications between Randolph and Generals Forrest and Chalmers.

398. McCloskey (Selma) to E 0 Surget. 30 March 1865--instructions to inform Gen. Maury that communications have been opened to Greenville by Buford; no enemy movements toward Claiborne; enemy force locations. I

LSJ\Jl 8932.1.

1865~~relative 99 McCloskey (Selma) to E @ Surget. 31 March to enemy force moving on Randolph; resistance by Forrest, Chalmers, and Adams .

./400. McCloskey (Selma) to Brig. Gen. D.W. Adams. 31 March 1865-­ coded message.

hOL McCloskey (Selma) t:o D.W. Adams. 31 March l865--informing that Gen. Chalmers is moving in direction of Plantersville.

402. McCloskey (Selma) to Brig. Gen. A. Buford. 1 April l865~~ relative to McCloskey sending a boat to Mobile and requesting Buford's forces at Montgomery Hill to turn it back if river is not clear to Mobile.

403. McCloskey (Selma) to Buford. 1 April l865--relative to Buford's activities against enemy's front.

404. McCloskey (Selma) to Telegraph Operator Demopolis. 1 April l865--requesting retention of copy of dispatches for Gen. Taylor.

/405. McCloskey (Selma) to E. Surget. 1 April1865--relative to countermanding order transfering ammunition from Columbus to Demopolis.

406. McCloskey (Selma) to Buford. 2 April 1865--relative to trans­ fer of infantry force from Montgomery to Selma aboard the steamboat King.

S.J. MURPHY (Lt. Colonel, C.S.A., Inspector of Cavalry)

407. Murphy (Mobile)· to Col. George G. Garner. 18 January 1865-­ relative to the unorganized condition of Clanton's and Armistead's brigades, suggest that be sent to the District of the Gulf for the n good of the service. 11 1\) ~4 .c A. S. SIVERMORE (General Superintendent, C.S.A. )

408. Sivermore (Grenada) to R. Taylor. no date--relative to request for answer to applications for renewal of road work detail near Grenada.

L. McLAWS (C.S.A., Colonel)

09. McLaws (Doctortown) to R. Taylor. 2 December l864--relative to dispatch of McLaws' troops to assist Taylor against an enemy force at Millen.

CeW.Be ELLIOTT ( LSM 8932.1.

1+10. Elliott to R. Taylor. 2 December l864~~ relative to Confeder­ ate and Federal forces at Millen.

~J • P .FRESENIN S (Assisstant Superintenden·t)

1+11. Fresenins 0Nesi::; P,oint) to W.F u Bullock. 19 November 1862.{.-­ relative to railroad cars being sent to Corinth.

So COOPER (A.&I.G., C.S.A.) 1+12. Cooper (Richmond) to R. Taylor. 18 N ovember 1864-~instructions to Taylor to call his reserves and resist Gen. Sherman moving South of Atlanta.

1+13. Cooper (Richmond) to R. Taylor. 20 tJanuary l865--instructions to place Major G.W. <-Jones under close arrest.

SAMUEL W. MELTON (Assistant Adjutant General, C.S.A.)

/'1+14. Melton (Richmond) to Captain Purves 1+ July 1864--Extract from Special order 155, relative to reassignment of Captain John T. Purves.

415. Copy of' 414 above.

J.D. SAYERS (A.A.G., C.S.A.)

416. Sayers (Selma) to R. Taylor. no date--notification that Col. Surget began leave of abscence.

I.P. eTRANGE (A.AoGo, CoS.A. Gen. Forrest's command).

417. Strange (Tuscaloosa-Montevallo Road) to Gen. DoW. Adams. 30 March l865--relative to enemy acyivity on Montevallo area and Gen. Forrest counteroff'ensive plans.

J .F. HEUSTIS (Medical Division, C.S.Ao)

418. Heustis (Mobile) to Lt. Col. George G. Garner. 25 February 1865--relative to Heustis's appointment as Chief Surgeon.

A.H. COLE (Lt. Colonel, Inspector General, C.S.A.)

419. Cole (Hdq. Army of Tennessee) to Captain. John Purves. 27 July 1864-- relative to the reassignment of Captain Purves.

A..j.20. Copy of 419 above. 35 LSM 8932.1

A P. MASON (Lt. Colonel, A.A.G., C.S.A.)

.1+21 Mason (Tupelo) to R. Taylor (Meridian). 25 January 1865-~ relative to shipment of cattle to Gen. Forrest.

E oH. CUMMINS (Major, A.I.G., C. S .A.)

422. Cummins (Mobile) to CoL George G. Garner. 2 N ovembeT.' l864-~ relative to monthly inspection reports; contains no detailed infor­ mation merely that division reports are delinquent.

J .R. CURRELL (Major, C.S.A.)

423. Currell (Mageel:B Farm-via State Line) to R. Taylor. 28 April l865--notification that Gen. Canby will meet with Taylor at Magee's Farm.

424. Currell (near Mobile) to R. Taylor. 27 April 1865-- relative to Gen. Canby (USA) meeting with Gen. Taylor at Magee's Farm near Mobile.

E• H. EWING (Major, Chief Inspec. Filed Trans. 3rd Div., C. S• A. )

425. Ewing (Selma) to Lt. Col. E. Surget (Meridian). 16 March 1865-- rela-tive to transfer of Capt. John Purves.

D.W. FLORRENCE (1) (Major, C.S.A.)

426. Florrence (Mobile) to D.H. Maury. 31 October l864--relative to Pensacola navy yard. (advanced state of deterioation, extreme­ ly fragile).

JOHN S. HOPE (Major, C.S.A.)

427. Hope (Selma) to Lt. Col. E.Surget. 31 March 1865--relative to his arrival at Selma and being placed on duty by Gen. Taylor.


428. Jones (Montgomery) to Major John Rawles. 31 March 1865-­ relative to enemy position at Reeve's Ferry.

429. Jones (Montgomery) to R. Taylor. 1 April 1865-- notice that all infantry available, about 600 to 800, by next boat.


430. Ketchum (Meridian) to Col. Thomas H. Taylor (late commander of port of Mobile). 20 April l865--relative to burning cotton at Mobile. 36

LSM 8932.1.

J .R. McCALL (Major, C.S.A.)

1+31. McCall (Selma) to Capt. W. F. Bullock no date-~notification that the artillery will move forward the next day.

P. MOLLAY (Major, C.S.A.)

432. P. Mollay (Augusta, Ga.) to R. Taylor. 28 February l865~­ request transfer of 1300 hogshead of sugar at Montgomery to Columbus, Ga.

JOHN RAWLE (Major, C.S.A.)

433. John Rawle (Selma) to James (last name not d iscrenible) • 30 March 1865--relative to shipment of cotton through the lines; TaylorYs statement that he has not the authority to grant such permission.


/434. Thomas Taylor (near Whitsburg, Ala.) to Gen. Roddy. no date-­ relative to enemy activity near Huntsville and Deca-tur; reports from enemy of po

435. Thomas Taylor (Mobile) to Col. George G. Garner , Chief of Staff) • 11 February 1865--relative to disturbances by officers and men under the influence of liquor.

T. WALTON (Major, A.A.G., C.S.A.)

436. Walton (McDowells) to R. Taylor. 28 April 1865--relative to truce between Generals Johnston and Sherman; suggests that Taylor and Gen. Canby meet for similiar truce.


437. Young (location not indicated) to Captain Bullock. 30 January 1865--cover letter for unidentified list Young is sending to Bullock.

W.N. BARKER (Captain, Chief Signal Corps j CSA)

)+38. Barker (Richmond) to R. Taylor. 17 November 1864--asking whether Taylor needs Captain Davidson or not.

BUHLOW (Captain, CSA)

439. Buhlow Fort Buhlow, Randolph, Ala.) to Maj. D. F• Boyd. 14 May 1865--relative to troop transfers from Buhlow to Boyd. 37

LSM 8932 1

440. Buhlow to D" F'" Boyd. 11 May 1865-~ illegible"

W.F'. BULLOCK (Captain, AAG~, CSA)

441. Bullock (Macon, Ga.) to Maj. • D.W. Smith, Commdg. Georgi. Mili'tia. November 1864-- Bullock is transmitting Taylors orders to Smith as to what action he was to take against enemy force advanc­ ing in Georgia; Wheeler's orders against enemy force in Georgia.

442. Bullock (Macon, Ga,,) to Maj. Gen, cJ. Wheeler" N overnber 1864-­ advising Wheeler' of Taylor's orders to Gen. Smith in Georgia; outlines Smith's orders to harry enemy force's movements in Georgia

443. Bullock (Macon, Ga.) to Maj. Gen. Jos. Wheeler. 22 November 1864--instructions from Gen. Taylor for Wheeler to send force between enemy and Savannah on Georgia Central Railroad to ob­ tain telegraphic information from commander at Savannah as to conditions eastward towards Augusta.

,A44. Bullock (Macon, Ga.) to Maj. Gen. J. Wheeler. 22 November 1864---advising Wheeler of Taylor's outrage concerning the confis­ cation of private property by members of Wheeler's command; orders to Wheeler relative to above situation.

445. Special Orders (forwarded by Bullock), 23 November 1864-- instruc­ tions to transportation agent at Macon, Ga., to provide for trans­ portation for sick and wounded.

446. Bullock (Macon, Ga.) to Maj. Gen. Jos. Wheeler. 23 November 1864--relaying Gen. Taylor's orders to Wheeler instructing him to ere the Oconee River and harrass enemy force; general Confederate military strategy in Georgia against enemy force.

447. Bullock (Macon, Ga.) to Maj. Gen. Jo Wheeler. 25 November l864--orders from Taylor to Wheeler to send provost to stop stragglers in his command from stealing civilian private property.

448. Communication to Bullock from Telegraph operator in Selma. 19 November 1864--relative to telegraph communications between Tuscumbia and points east.

J .E. DOUGLASS (Captain, A.QM., CSA)

449. Douglass (Harrison's Cavalry Brigade) to Major Bullock. 24 N ov­ ember 1864--relative to Douglass's orders to impress all horses and mules near Macon. 38

LSM 8932 1.


450. H.A.M.Henderson (Cahaba) to Lt. R.P.Lindsay. 19 December 1864-- receipt for clothing for Federal prisoners. w. HOUGH (Captain, A.I .G., CSA)

451. W. Hough (Jackson' Miss.) to Lt. Col. Levy. 8 May 1865~-rela­ to speech made by Col. N. Watts to Confederate soldiers at Vicksburg, which was in violation to convention between R. Taylor and Gen. Canby.

FRANK MOORE (Captain, Commdg. of Scouts)

/452. F. Moore to Col. George G. Garner. 31 October 1864--relative to report from spy placed upon Federal fleet; paper is in advanced stage of deterioration-extremely fragile.

453. F. Moore (HQs Camp of Scouts) to Col. George G. Garner. 2 February 1865--relative to intelligence report from Pascagoula concerning Federal military plans in the Mobile Bay area.

454. F. Moore (HQs Camp of Scouts) to Col. George G. Garner. 14 March 1865--relative to enemy naval activity in south Mobile Bay area; request by Moore for a parrot gun to disrupt enemy naval forces as they pass through Grants Pass.

W. J. MORRIS (Captain, Acting Chief Eng., CSA)

455. WoJ.Morris (Selmai to Col. E. Surget. no date 1865--relative to construction of pontoon bridge at Finchs Ferry.

J .E. NORTON (Captain in Gen. J. Wheeler's Command, CSA)

//456. Norton (Wheeler's cavalry corps) to Major Bullock. 24 November 1864--relative to accusations of impressment of private property in Wheeler's command.

JOHN T. PURVES (Captain, A.Q.M., CSA)

457. Purves (Mobile) to Col. E. Surget (Meridian). 18 March 1865-­ relative to his reassignment to his unit the 1st Louisiana Artillery­ request reconsideration of this order.

//458. Copy of order signed by Col. C. A. Fuller , dated 18 March 1865, stating that Jones had been dropped from the rolls of the 1st Louisiana Artillery. ·39 LSM 8932.1.

E.E. MAXE Y (rank unknown 9 Headquarters, Army of Term., Tupelo, CSA)

459. Maxey (Tupelo) to Col. E. (last name illegible). 17 ~January 1865-~ intelligence report submitted by Maxey, who was probably a Con­ federate spy, relative to Federal troop activities in Nashville, Pulaski, and Tennessee River, with reports of projected Federal campaigns against Mobile, Savannah, Charleston, and into Mississippi.

S.P. MOORE (rank unknown, CSA)

460. Moore (Richmond) to R. Taylor. 17 month not indicated 1864-­ relative to assignment of medical officers to Taylor's staff.

WQ:t-iL McCONNELL (Lieutenant, Commndg. Hendersons Scouts,CSA)

461. McConnell (Holly Springs) to Col. E. Surget. 27 March 186 informing Burget of enemy position at Mt.Pleasant.

SAM HENDERSEN (rank unknown, Commndg. Scou:::s, CSA)

,462. Hendersen (Canton) to R. Taylor. 24 November 1864--relative to enemy movements at Big Black River enroute to Jackson, Miss., to meet force from Natchez.


h63. G.D.Cabaniss (John Russells near Sumerville) to unknown general (possibly R. Taylor). 10 January 1865--relative to enemy movements in Huntsville and Decatur, Alabama, area; reliability of previous intelligence reports concerning to enemy movements in that area.

464. Cabaniss (near Whitesbury,So.side Tenn. Riv.) to Brig. Gen.PoD. Roddy. 11 January l865--intelligence report from Cabaniss relative to Federal force under Gen. Stedman encamped at Huntsville, Ala.

465. Moses Greenwood (Mobile) to Lt. Gen. R. Taylor. 19 November 1864--relative to Taylor's plantation in Louisiana being sold for taxes.

466. Penciled note-- author and recipient not indicated. date not indicated--request for exchange of Baker's and Holtzclaw's brigades for Palmes' and Stovall's brigades--former are Alabamians and "will not improve. fI

467. Intelligence report dated November 24--author and recipient not indicated. Report of Federal land and naval forces ,their strength and planned campaign against Mobile. 40

468. Le'tter written by Confedera'te soldier' to Susan -- William Hynes ( Ft. Morgan) to Susan. 23 August 1864--sta'ting that the fort I had been surrendered that date, he was unhurt, and being removed to points unknown as a prisoner of war. (The above letter was found by J.T. Guel while in service during the Civil War).

469. F. Dolhonde (Mobile) to Mr. M. C .McCarthy (Meridian). 25 Jan­ uary l865--complaining about the inaccuracies in commander's monthly reports.

[~70. Letter to Captain W.F.Bullock from Press Correspondent (name not indicated-- 27 April l865--synopsis of truce and agreement between generals Sherman and Jos. Johnston with note by cor­ respondent of action taken in Washington against agreement.

"471. Unsigned penciled note asking whether records (banking and real estate) should be removed. No further information given.

[1-72. Unsigned letter to a friend (Grand Junction, Tenn., Camp Buisson). 24 March l862-.... confederate soldier writing to a friend telling him of the conditions at Grand Junction; the people and the anxieties of the soldiers. The letter is probably from Alphonse Lelong.

Officer Paroles, Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, surrendered by Lt. General Richard Taylor ('eSA) to Major Gen. E.R.L.Canby (USA) at Me:Pidian, Miss., all. 9, 10, 11 and 12 May 1865. All paroles signed by Commissioners R.L.Gibson, Brig. Gen. (CSA) and GeL.Andrews, Brig. Gen. (USA)

473. Capt. J.H.Pickens. 10 May l865--parole no. 9.

74.' Capt. R. R. Hamell. 10 May 1865--parole 11.0.10. ill 475. 2Lt. F. H• Stanard. 10 May l865-pal'>01e no. 36.

476. lLt. John F.Ellison. 10 May l865--parole no.37.

477. lLt. Thomas H. Shaw. 11 May 1865--parole no.38.

478. Captain James H. Hut~hinson. 10 May 1865--parole no. 39

479. T.J .Savage, Lt. 10 May 1865--parole no. 41.

480. Capt. John Lyon. 10 May 1865--parole no.44 • 481. Major H. Thornton. 10 May 1865--parole no. 48

482. lLt. H.S.Quisenly. 10 May 1865--parole no. 64.

.-Cl+83. lLt. Wheatley. 10 May 1865--parole no. 83.

484. 2Lt. J.T. Hynes. 9 May 1865--parole no. 201.

485. 1Lt. J•T• Tunnell. 9' May 1865-- parole no. 202. to 41-: 9

LSM 8932.1.

486. J •W. Spillman. 9 May 1865--paro Ie no. 203.

487. Captain James A. Howze. 9 May 1865--parole no. 2041

L}88. Major Lew Pruesy. 9 May l865--paro1e no. 205.

L~89. L't. Col. A. Harris. 9 May 1865--paro1e no. 206.

490. 2Lt. A.P. Lee. 9 May 1865--paro1e no. 211.

1+ 91. 2Lt. LJ. C. DuBose. 9 May 1865--parole no. 213.

492. 2Lt. W.Pizarro Johnson. 9 May 1865--parole no. 214.

493. lL-t. B. Pzland. 9 May 1865--parole no. 230.

494. lT~t. A.L .Akin. 9 May 1865--parole no. 231.

495. 2Lt. F.P.Brown. 9 May 1865--parole no.232.

496. Capt.C.B.Kilgore. 9 May 1865--parole no. 233.

497. 2Lt. W 0 F. Hanson. 9May l865--parole no. 234.

498. Capt. Jacob Ziegler. 9 May 1865--parole no. 235.

499. Capt. W.F. Young. 9 May 1865--parole no. 236

500. 2Lt.E.S.Shillifer. 9 May 1865--parole no. 237.

501. 2Lt.P.A.Spanlemy. 9 May 1865--paro1e" no. 239.

502. 2Lto A.Langston. 9 May l865--parole no. 240.

50J. Surgeon A.B.Flint. 9 May 1865--parole n~.241.

504. Major Redwin. 9 May 1865--parole no. 242

505. Capt-. J.F.MoHall. 9 May 1865--parole no. 243.

506. 2Lt.W 0 M. Gresham. 9 May 1865--parole no. 244.

507. 2Lt. S.J .Walker. 9 May 1865--parole no. 245.

508. 2Lt. C.L.Alford. 9 May; 1865--parole no. 246

509. . 2Lt. H.H.Hayes. 9 May 1865--paro1e no. 247 42.

LSM 8932.1.

510. lLt eH.R.McCoy. 9 May 1865--parole no. 248.

511. 2Lt eJohn C. White. 9 May 1865--parole nOe 249.

512. lLt. D. B. Deupree. 9 May 1365-:--parole no. 250.

513. Capt. B.Estes. 9 May 1865--parole no. 251.

514. Brev. Maj. Na't. Anderson. 9 May 1865--parole nOe 252.

515. Capt. John Burdett. 9 May 1865--paro1e no. 253.

516. Capt. B.M. Alford. 9 May 1$65--parole no. 254.

517. Capt. W.E. Weaver. 9 May 1865--parole no. 255.

518. 2Lt. M. A. Plylor (?). 9 May 1865--parole no. 256.

519. 2Lt. A.KoMillsape. 9 May 1865-- parole no. 257.

520. 2Lt. N. Penland. 9 May 1865--parole no. 258.

521. G.E.Gordon. 9 May 1865--parole no. 260.

522. Capt. D.W. Anzrl. 9 May 1865--parole no, 261.

523. 2Lt••J.F.Murray. 9 May 1865--parole no. 262.

524. 2Lt. W. A. Hoenzcuti. 9 May 1865--parole no. 263.

525. 2Lt. H.L. McLean. 9 May 1865--parole no.264.

526. A. A.Geni. Broohunter. ,9 May 1865--parole no. 265 ..

527. Capt. L. F • Ely. 9 May 1865--parole no. 266.

528. Col. J .. A. Andrews. 9 May 1865--parole no. 267.

529. 2Lt. D"H "Lane. 9 May l865--parole no. 268.

530. Maj. AoG.Anderson. 9 May l865--parole no. 269.

531. 2Lt. M.W.Armstrong. 9 May 1865--parole,no. 270.

532. Lt. Wm.G.Aston. 11 May l865--parole no. 272.

533, lLt. W.B.Heard. 11 May 1865--parole no. 273. , L S]\il 8932.1.

534. Capt. T.Leman. 11 May l865--parole no. 274.

535. 2Lt. J.M.Noblis. 11 May 1865--parole no. 275.

536. Capi:. J.M.Hali. 11 May 1865--parole no. 276.

537. Asst. Surgeon W.Izard Bull. 10 May 1865--parole no. 278.

538. Ma.j. Henry C. Semple. 10 May 1865--parole no. 283.

539. Capt. Tho.O.Spindle. 10 May 1865--parole no. 284.

540. 2L-t. W 0 A. Anderson. 10 May 1865--parole no. 285.

541. 2Lt. R.H • Clarke. 10 May 1865--parole no. 286.

542. 2Lt. Bante. 10 May 1865--parole no. 287.

543. 2Lt. W.C.Douglas. 10 May 1865--parole no. 288.

544. lLt. J.L. Dave. 10 May 1865--parole no. 289.

545. Asst. Surgeon L.W.Harris. 10 May 1865--parole no. 293.

546. Capt. Thomas F.Tobin. 10 May 1865--paro1e no. 294.

547. 2Lt.Rene E. Cortes. 10 May 1865--paro1e no. 295.

548. 2Lt. Isaac Rossev. 10 May 1865--parole no. 297. II 549. Capt. Jno. McKissack. 10 May 1865--parole no. 301.

550. 1Lt. L.J.Hull. 10 May 1865--parole no. 302.

551. 1Lt. James L.Jackson. 10 May 1865--paro1e no. 303.

552. ILt. O.T.Hartstrom.10 May 1865--parole no. 304.

553. ILt. Thomas B. Catsom. 10 May 1865--paro1e no. 305.

554. Capt.....Jos. T. Curry. 10 May 1865--paro1e no. 306.

555. Col. Bush Jones. 10 May 1865--parole no. 307.

556. Ensign J oR.Freeman. 10 ~ay 1865--parole no. 308.

557. Asst. Surgeon R.J.Turner. 10 May 1865--parole no. 309. LSM 8932.1.

558. Maj • ...John C.Kimbell. 10 May 1865-:-parole no. 310.

559. H. Plummer. 10 May 1865--paro1e no. 311.

560. Capt. A.M.Williamson. 10 May 1865--parole no. 312.

561. 2Lt. George McClelland. 10 May 1865--paro1e no. 313.

562. Capt....John C.Chapman. 10 May 1865--paro1e no. 315.

563. 2Lt. A.W.Mondall. 10 May 1865--parole no. 317.

564. lLt• ...J.C.Clements. 10 May 1865--parole no. 318.

565. Capt. C.L.Harnett. 10 May 1865--parole no. 319.

566. 2Lt • ...J.T.Ramsey. 10 May l865--paro1e no. 320.

567. 1Lt. W• ...J.Spruiew. 10 May 1865--parole no. 321.

568. Capt. H.M.F.Latour. 10 May l865--paro1e no.322.'

569. ,Capt. R.L.Wiggins. 10 May 1865-~paro1e no. 324.

570. 2Lt. David Owens. 10 May 1865--paro1e no. 325 •.

571. Capt. A.A. Hodges. 10 May 1865--paro1e no. 326.

572. Capt. S.T.Taylor. 10 May 1865--parole no. 327.

ilo 573. Maj. H.I.Hearin.ll May 1865--paro1e no. 328.

574. Col. A. R. Sankford. 11 May 1865--paro1e no. 329.

575. rLt. J.J.Raiford. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 330.

576. Asst. Surgeon H.R.Foreman. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 331.

577. Capt. B.F.Stewart. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 332.

578. 1Lt. Joseph R• Williams. 12 May 1865--paro1e no .333.

579. Capt. C.'E.Bussey. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 334.

580.· 2Lt. B.C.Adams. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 335.

581. 2Lt. W. A. Dexter. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 336.

582. Capt. G.W.Welch. 12 May 1865--parole no. 337. LSM 8932.1.

583. . ZLt. Geo. Fontaine. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 338.

584. 2Lt. J 0 H. Findly. 12 May 1865--parole no. 339.

585. 2Lt. Skipwith Coale. 12 May1865--parole no. 340.

586. 2Lt. H.C.King. 12 May 1865--parole no. 341.

587. Capt. J .M.Laughlin. 10 May 1865--parole no. 342.

588. Capt. Thos. Hardwick. 10 May 1865--parole no. 343.

589. Lt. W.F.Martin. 10 May 1865--parole no. 344.

590. Capt. R. J• Bruce ~ 12 May l865--parole no. 345.

591. Capt. Noah o.Hutchinson. 10 May 1865--paro1e no. 346.

592. 2U:. Thos. J.Sims. 10 May 1865--paro1e no. 347.

593. 2Lt. E.C.Williamson. 10 May 1865--parole no. 348.

594. Capt. D.M.Martin. 10 May 1865--parole no. 349.

595. 2Lt.' R.H.Douglas. 10 May 1865--parole no. 350.

596. Maj. A.C.Grune. 12 May 1865--parole no. 351.

597. lLt. Jno. Roberts. 10 May 1865--panole no. 352.

598. Lt.Col.P.F.Hunley. 10 May 1865--parole no. 353.

599. Surgeon B.H. Rutland. 11 May 1865--paro1e no. 354.

·600. Capt. L.W.Shepherd. 10 May 1865--parole no. 355.

601. 1Lt. R.P.Baker. 11 May 1865--parole no. 356.

602. 2Lt. M.E.Macartney. 12 May 1865--parole no. 357.

603. Capt. G.S.Gwin. 10 May 1865--parole no. 358.

604. 2Lt. F.N.Macartney. 10 May 1865--parole no. 359.

605. 2Lt. W.Annon. 10 May 1865--parole no. 360.

606. 2Lt. J .S.Coghorm(?). 10 May 1865--parole no.361. 46

LSM 8932.1.

60'7. Capt. Me1wit C. Butt. 10 May 1865--paro1e no. 362.

~ - 608. i 2Lt.I.G.Bullock. 10 May 1865--parole no 363.

609. 2Lt. A.F.Hintel(?). 10 May 1865--parole no. 364.

610. lLt. Wm.I.Brainard. 10 May 1865--parole no. 365.

611. 2Lt. R.P.Baldwin. 10 May 1865--parole no. 366.

612. Capt. A.S.Carrington. 10 May 1865--parole no. 367.

613. lLt. W.S.Badger. 10 May l865--parole no. 368.

614. lLt. William Demony. 10 May 1865--parole no. 369.

615. 2Lt. Ramom H. Martin. 10 May 1865--paro1e no. 370.

616. lLt. M.M.Innis. 10 May 1865--parole no. 371.'

617. . Capt. M. Crenshaw • 10 May 1865--parole no. 372.

618. Lt.Coi. James Williams. 10 May 1865--parole no. 373.

619. Major. Henry Lossaman. 10 May 1865--parole no. 374.

620. Asst. Surgeon B.F.Crowell. 10 May 1865--parole no. 375.

621. .Asst. Surgeon Ed.H.Fournier. 10 May 186S--parole no.376.

i!l 622. Capt.Jno. :\3".O'Connor. 10 May 1865--parole no. 377.

623. 2Lt. Henry V.Couch. 10 May 1865--parole no. 378.

624. 1Lt. Chas. L. Tell. 10 May 1865--parole no. 379.

625. 2Lt. H. H• Gazzani. 10 May 1865--parole no. 380.

626. 2Lt. D.S. McCullough. 10 May 1865--parole no. 381.

627. 2Lt. E.Williams. 10 May 1865--parole no. 382.

628. 2Lt. H.F. Baker. 10 May 1865--parole no. 383.

629. lLt. A.Northrup. 10 May 1865--parole no. 384.

630. Capt. F.N .Smith. 10 May 1865--paro1e no. 385.

631. Surgeon A.L.Mackay. 12 May 1865--parole no. 387. 47

LSM 8932.1.

632. Capt. H.E.Witherspoon. 12 May 1865..J...paro1e no. 388.

633. 1Lt. R.P.Buld. 12 May 1865--parole no. 389.

634. 2Lt. James McAdory. 12 May 1865--parole no. 390.

635. 2Lt. R.S.Williams. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 391.

636. Capt. Price Williams Jr. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 392.

637. Lt.J.W. Hickey .. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 393.

638. Jack Roper. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 394.

639. 2Lt. H.M.McGowan. 12 May 1865--parole no. 395.

640. 2Lt. R.T.Powers. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 396.

641. Surgeon Jas.F.Fryar. 10 May 1865--parole no.397.

642. 'lLt. J.D.Williams,Jr. 10 May 1865--parole no. 398.

643. Capt. A.G. Shepherd. 10 May 1865--parole no. 399.

644. Brig.Gen.J.L.Ho1tzclaw. 10 May 1865--parole no. 400.

6115. Capt. Washington Lott. 10 May 1865--parole no. 401.

646. lLt. Elisha B. Lott. 10 May 1865--parole no. 402.

Ii! 647. Maj. Jno. A .• Wright. 10 May 1865--parole no. 403.

648. Col. Thomas H. Herndon. 10 May 1865--parole no. 404.

649. Lt.Col. N .M.Carpenter. 10 May 1865--parole no. 405.

650. Asst. Surgeon. A.C.Pyles. 10 May 1865--paro1e no. 406.

651. lLt. J.W. Tillinghast. 10 May 1865--paro1e no. 407.

652. lLt.Robert M.Haskness. 10 May 1865--parole no. 408.

653. 2Lt. D.T. McCants. 10 May 1865--parole no. 409.

654. Capt. W.A.Farish. 10 May 1865--parole no.41O.

655. Capt. W.M.Goodley. 10 May 1865--parole no. 411.

656. lLt. T.W.Robinson. 13 May 1865--parole no. 412. LSM 8932.1.

657. 2Lt. Thomas A. Malone. 10 May 1865--par01e no. 414.

658. Capt.Wm. Knight. 10 May 1865--parole no. 415.

659. 2Lt. J. C .Knox. 10 May 1865--par01e no. 416.

660. 2L,t. E .. T. Graffenried. 10 May 1865--paro1e no. 417.

661. 2Lt. E.W. Dmard. 10 May 1865--paro1e no. 418.

662. 1Lt. W.E.Winston. 10 May 1865--par01e no. 419.

663. Col. D .Meyer. 11 May 1865--parole no. 420.

664. lLt. Jno. F. Paglie. 11 May 1865--parole no. 421.

665. Major Jno.W.Pitts. 11 May 1865--parole no. 422.

666. Asst. Surgeon M.W. DuBose. 11 May 1865--parole no. 423.

667. Asst. Surgeon B. G .Moore. 11May 1865--parole no. 424.

668. Lt.Col.BoF.Yniestro. 11 May 1865--parole no. 425.

669. lLt. T.G. Bush. 11 May 1865--paro1e no. 426.

670. Capt.Jos.Thornton. 11 May 1865--paro1e no. 427.

671. 2Lt. J.M. Sims. 11 May 1865--paro1e no. J+28.

672. 2Lt. Richard N. Lamar. 11 May 1865--parole" no. 429.

673. lLt,. J.T. Pearce. 11 'May 1865--paro1e no. 430.

671+. 2Lt. W. C.Hayes. 11 May 1865--parole no. 431.

675. 1Lt. Lewis Johnson. 11 May 1865--parole no. 432.

676. 2Lt. T.G.Ellis. 11 May 1865--parole no. 433.

677. 2Lt. Fred. D.Foy. 11 May 1865--parole no. 434.

678. Capt. 'H.H.Foy. 11 May 1865--parole no. 435.

679. 2Lt. R.L.B.Anderson. 11 May 1865--parole no.436.

680. 2Lt. M. Askew. 11 May 1865--parole no. 437.

681. Capt. Geo. D. Shortridge. 11 May 1865--parole no. 438. 49

LSM 8932.1-

682. 2Lt. John B. Stone. 11 May 1865--parole no. 439.

683. lLt. J .. W. Morriss. 11 May 1865--parole no. 440

684. Capt.H. H• King. 11 May l865--parole no. 441.

685. 2Lt.R.H.Stinett. 11 May l865--parole no. 442.

686. 2Lt. W.DoM.Laughlin. 11 May 1865-- parole no. 443.

687. 2Lt. R.D.Hill. 11 May 1865--parole no. 444.

688. Capt. W. C.Ward. ·11 May 1865--parole no. 445.

689. Capt. Wm.H.Homer. 11 May l865--parole no. 447.

690. Lt.Col. M.H .Echols. 11 May l865--parole no. 449.

691. Ensign E.2immerman. 11 May 1865--paro1e no.' 450.

692. lLt. Lewis D. Allen. 11 May 1865--parole no. 451.

693. Col.J.A.Law. 11 May 1865--parole no. 452.

694. Capt.R. J• Simpson. 11 May 1865--parole no. 453.

695. lLt.A.A.Edgar. 10 May l865--parole no.454.

696. lLt.Thomas J.Calhoun. 11 May l865--parole nO.4-55.

Il> 69'1. 2Lt.P. A. 'I'owmsend. 11 May 1865--parole no. 456.

698. 2Lt. Wm.A. Davis. 11 May l865--parole no. 457.

699. ILt.E.S. Alexander. 11 May 1865--parole no. 458.

700. Capt. C.WoMartin., 11 May 1865--parole no. 459.

701. 2Lt. W.E.Chalmers. 11 May 1865--parole no. 460.

702. 2Lt. W.E.Jones. 11 May l865--parole no. 465.

703. Capt.A.V.Lee. 11 May 1865--parole no. 466.

704. lLt. W. J• Hausner. 12 May l865--parole no. 468.

705. lLt. H.P.Johnson. II May 1865':"-parole no. 470.

706. 2Lt. L .M.Lane. 11 May 1865--parole no. 471. 50

LSM 8932.1.

707. Lt. W.A.. Skinner. 11 May 1865--parole no. 1+72.

708. 2Lt. R.R.Battle. 11 May 1865--parole no.}+73.

709. Lt. Jno. K. Hartly. 11 May 1865--parole no. 475.

710. W.J.Leslie. 10 May 1865--parole no. 501.

711. 'jI.,t. W.S.Thorow. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 560.

712. 2Lt. D• E.Coats. 10 May 1865--parole no. 561.

Below listed are Officer Paroles, Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, surrendered by Lt. Gen. Richard Taylor (CSA), to Maj. Gen. E.R.S.Canby (USA) at Jackson, Miss., on 12-20 May 1865. All paroles signed by Commissioners Col. Thomas H. Tay10r( CSA) and Col. Van E. Young.

713. Maj. Richard A. Howard. 12 May 1865- parole no. 1

714. Capt. Jas. A. Mogs. 12 May 1865--parole no. 3.

'lIS. 2Lt. B 0 C.Edwards. 12 May 186S--parole no. 11.

716. Capt. J.E.Lambert. 12 May 1865--parole no. 18.

717. lLt. Geo. C .McKinney. 12 May 1865--parole no.19.

718. 2L-t. B. F• Hale. 12 May 1865--parole mo. 21.

719. Capt. B.F.Hughes. 12 May 186S--parole no. 31.

720. Capt. Sami. Livingston. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 35.

721. H. C 0 Lindsay. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 36.

722. Capt. S.C. Young. 12 May 1865--parole no. 40.

723. Capt.

724. Maj. A.G. Quaiti. 12 May 1865--parole no. 4'7

725. Asst. Surgeon A.C.Ewell. 12 May 1865--parole no. 49

726. Col. O.Macfarline. 12 May 1865--parole no. 52. 51. LSM 8932.1.

727. Capt. S.A. Shortridge. 12 May 1865--parole no. 57.

728. 2L't:l W.BoBaker. 12 May 1865~",,"parole no. 59.

729. UliM. Young. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 62.

730. Asst.Surgeon. N.AoLapsby. 12 May 1865--parole no. 67.

731. 2Lt. S.BoHaynes. 12 May 1865--parole no. 73.

732. 2Lt. John B. Thomas. 12 May l865--parole no. 74.

733. 1Lt. Jno. St.Lindsey. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 75.

734. Capt. C.C.Hall. 12 May l865--parole no. 76.

735. Capt. J. T•Williams. 12 May 1865--parole no. 81/

736. lLt.Saml. Rice. 12 May l865--parole no. 84.

737. 1Lt. Arthur M.Caw1ey. 12 May l865--parole no. 88

738 •. Capt. P. J• Glover. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 94

739. Lt. J .Moore. 12 l'J\.ay l865--paro1e no. 96

740.1Lt. MoL .Toss. 12 May 1865--parole no. 100

741. Col. Elijah Gates. 12 May 1865--parole no. 101

7J+2. Col. Jas. McCowan. 12 May l865--parole no. 102

743. Lt.Col.Stephen Cooper. 12 May 1865--parole no. 103.

744. Capt. John Patton. 12 May 1865--parole no. 105

745. Capt. Davis Lanter. 12 May l865--paro1e no. 106.

746. Frank C.Clewell. 12 May l865--parole no. 107

\ 747. Lt. Jno. G. Kelley. 12 May 1865--parole no. 108

748. lLt. o.F. Guthrie. 12 May l865--parole no. III

749. lLt. Charles B. Cleveland. 12 May l865--parole no. 112

750. 2Lt. Ao H 0 Todd. 12 May l865--parole no. 114

751. 2Lt. Harry McClure. 12 May 1865--parole no. 117 LSM 8932.1.

752. 2Lt. Henry G.Evans. 12 May 186500parole no. 118

753. Capt. JoN.Wickersham. 12 May 1865--parole no. 120

754. lLt. John Redmond. 12 May 1865--pE!role no. 121

755. 2Lt. Jas. A. Kennedy. 12 May 1865--parole no. 122

756. 2Lt. P.W. Colliers. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 123

757. 2Lt. Francis Reeves. 12 Maw: 1865--parole no. 124.

·758. 2Lt. H.D.Thompson. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 125

759. Capt. CoTay1or. 12 May 1865--parole no. 126

760. Capt. B 0 Guthrie. 12 May 1865--parole no. 127

761. Capt. Gwinn McChristian. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 128.

762. Capt. A. C.Smith. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 129;,

763. lLt. J.E.Minshall. 12May 1865--paro1e no. 130

764. 1Lt. A.W.SimpsoIT'. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 131

765. lLt. H.Kelley. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 132

766. Lt. Joe. H. Young. 12 May 1865--parole no. 133

767. lLt. Wm.A.Hohman. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 134

768. IL-to Thomas J• Fletcher. 12 May 1865--parole no .135.

769. lLt. J .D.Carter. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 136

770. ILt. Robt.SoNeam. 12 May 1865--parole no. 137

77l. ·2Lt. A. S .St.Mary. 12 May 1865--parole no. 138

772. 2Lt. B.L .Mitchell. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 139

773. Lt. J.L.Mitchell. 12 May 1865--parole no. 140

774.' 2Lt. T.S.Marmaduke. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 141

775. 2Lt. Robt. Salmon. no date. parole no. 142.

776. 2Lt. A.H.Morehead. 12 May: 1865--parole no. 143 LSM 8932.1. 777. 2Lt. H.Rober'tson. 12 May 1865--paro!<; no. 144

7'78. 2Lt. J.B.Carney. 12 May 1865--parole no. 145

779. Capt. 2.Duncan. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 146

780, Cap'to W.H.Moss. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 147

781. Capt. W.EoFranklin. 12 May 1865--parole no. 148.

782. Lt. J.E.Harwood. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 149

783. Chaplain J.S.Howard. 12 May 1865--parole no. 150

784. 1Lt. Wm. Burse. 12 May 1865--parole no. 151 785. 2Lt.F.R.Manale. 12 May 1865--parole no. 152 • 786. Lt. W.H.Huff. 12 May 1865--parole no. 153

787. 2Lt. S.H.T.Hugnhack. 12 May 1865--parole no. 154.

788. 2Lt. J.,JoPhillips. 12 May 1865--parole no. 155

789. Ensign W.M.Quarles. 12 May 1865--parole no. 169

790. lLt. U oBoldin. 12 May 1865--paro1e no. 170

791. Capt. Tho.W.Hughes. 13 May 1865--parole no. 181

792. 1Lt. George Ballandingham. 13 May 1865--parole no. 184

793. 2Lt. Lewis Maris. 13 May 1865--parole no. 185

794. lLt. Edw. MoScott. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 186

795. Capt. Syri! Johnston. 13 May 1865--parole no. 187

796. Capt. Geo. McLean. 13 May 1865--parole no. 188

\ 797. 2Lt. J.R.Haris. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 189

798. lLt. C.E.Stephen. 13 May 1865--parole no. 190

799. lLt. D.S.Goodloe. 13 May 1865--parole no. 191

800. Capt. R.WoMcLean. 13 May 1865--parole no. 194

801. Major. H.Upton. 13 May 1865--parole no. 195. LSM 8932.1.

802. Capt. J• Eugene Barnes. 13 May 186S--paro1e no. 209

803. 2Lt.B.P.Nance. 13 May 186S--paro1e no. 215

804. Chaplain F.A.Co1e. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 216.

80S. 2Lt.Thos. S.Stephens. 13 May 186S--paro1e no. 217.

806. 2Lt. A.H.Taylor. 13 May 186S--parole no. 218.

807. D.Boos. 13 May 186S--parole no. 219

808. Maj. W.B.Jollee. 13 May 1865--parole no. 220

809. lLt. H.Clay Armstrong. 13 May 1865--parole no. 221

810. 2Lt. F.M.Dyer. 13 May 1865--parole no. 222

8ll. ILt. D.Griscom. 13 May 1865--parole no. 223

812 Lt. Col. J a C• Bates. 13 May 1865--parole no. 224.

813. Maj. F.E.Mason. 13 May 1865--parole no. 225

814. ' Lt. Taylor Brown. 13 May 186S--parole no. 227

815. Capt. R. B.Ward. 13 May 1865--parole no. 228

816. lLt.Peter L. Click. 13 May 1865--parole no. 230.

817. 2Lt.J.A.Welch. 13 May I865--paro1e no. 231.

818. Capt. Wm. Oldham. 13 May 1865--parole no. 232

819. ,ILt. J.V.Logsdon. no date--paro1e no. 233

820. 2Lt. J.E.Sharp. 13 May 1865--parole no. 234. \ 821. 2Lt. S.H.Horton. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 235.

822. Capt. H .McKinney. 13 May 1865--paro1e no .238.

823. Maj.Joel Higgins. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. ~40.

824. Capt. R.J.Lee. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 246'.

825. 2Lt. W. Stephens. 13 May 1865--parole no. 247.

826. 2Lt. W.L.Snell. 13 May 1865--parole no. 248. LSM 8932.1.

827. Capt.R.J.Bradsford. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 2L~9 ..f, 828. 2Lt. J .M.Arsgnhast(?). 13 May 1865--parole no. 250

829. 2Lt. William Bridges. 13 May 1865--parole no. 251

830. Capt. J .M.Cooke. 13 May 1865--parole no. 253.

83!. Capt. F.M.Smith. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 254 •

. 832. Capt. J .M.Ingram. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 255

833. Col. D. Jones. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 256

834. 2Lt.J.Sykes. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 257

835, lLt. E.C.Robbins. 13 May l865--paro1e no. 258.

836. Maj. J.N.Coleman. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 259.

837. Surgeon J .E.Robertson. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 260

838. 1Lt. Y.V. Clare. 13 May 1865--parole no. 261.

839. Capt. P. B. Plummer. 13 May 1865--parole no. 262

840. Capt. Jo.S.Bujarly. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 263

8Lf! . 2Lt. BeL.Hood. 13 May 1865--paroro1e nOb 265

842. 1Lt.Dan.H.Hlly. 13 May 1865--parole no. ~66

843. 2Lt. Q ••M.Lynn(?). no date. parole no. 267

844. 1Lt. L.B.Randolph. 13 May 1865--parole no. 268

845. lLt. W.B.Carr. 13 May 1865--parole no. 269

846. 2Lt. W.J .Caven. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 270 \ 847. Capt. Rufus Dunn. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 271

848. Capt. E.PeHill. 13 May 1865--parole no. 2·72

849. 2Lt. W.G.Holman. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 273

850. Maj. A.B.Stone. 13 May 1865--parole no. 274 LSM 8932.1-

851. 1Lt. Jno.B. Yearst (1). 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 275

852. Capt.M.W.McSawine. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 278

853. lLt. J. T• R. J oue·tt. 13 May 1865--parole no. 279

854. 2Lt. W. A.Wingo. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 280 i

855. 2Lt••.James E.Moore. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 281.

856. lLt. D.W. Odell. 13 May 1865--parole 283

·857. 2Lt. W.A.Orr. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 284

. 858. 1Lt. N.G.Hayms. 13 May 1865--parole no. 285

859. 2Lt. J.W .Moore. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 286

860. 2Lt. W. T oMcClasehy. 13 May 1865--parole no. 287

861. 2Lt. J .S.Wright. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 288

862. 2Lt. R.J oJohnson. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 289

863. lLt. J .S.Starrett. 13 May 1865--paro1e no.290

864. Capt. Sam.Walters. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 291

865. Capt. J.T .Conn. 13 May 1865--paro1e no.292

866. 1Lt. N. F• MUler. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 293

867. Lt. H.S.Parkes. 13 May 1865-...paro1e no. 294

868. 2Lt. H.McKee. 13 May 1865--parole no. 295

869. ILt. L. N• Graus. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 298

870. lLt. G.S.Milam. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 297

871­ 1Lt. Jas. Green. 13 May 1865--parole no. 298

872. 2Lt. J.A.Gray. 13 May 1865--parole no. 299

873~ 1Lt. R.B.Baker. 13 May 1865--paro1e no.· .301

874. Asst. Surgeon R. B .Sadler. 13 May 1865--parole no. 302.

875. 2Lt. J .C.Caruthers. 13 May 1865--parole no. 303 LSM 8932.1. 876. 2Lt. E.R.Collard. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 304

877. .1 Capt. J. J• Baker. 13 May 1865--parole no. 305

878. Capt. W.B.Whi-ttington. 13 May 1865,--parole no. 306

879. 2Lt. U.Chick. 13 May 1865--parole no. 307

880. 2Lt. W.H.Thomas. 13 May 1865--parole no. 308

881. Col. tJack Wharton. 13 May 1865--parole no. 309

882. 2Lt. T.E.Dobbs. 13 May 1865--parole no. 310

883. 2Lt. R. C.White. 13 May 1865--par01e no. 311

884. Asst. Surgeon. J. Y. Bradfield. 13 May 1865--parole no. 312

885. Col.M.T.Hatfield(?). 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 313

886. 2Lt. John C.Sparks. 13 May 1865--parole no. 317

887. 2Lt. B.S.White. 13 May 1865--parole no. 318.

888. Maj. J.D. Bradford. 13 May 1865--parole no. 319

889. lLt. J .D.Mitchell. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 323

890. Capt. W. B.Fulton. 13 May 1865-parole no. 324

891. Lt.M. St (illegible). no date. parole no. 326.

892. Lt. M.C.Wills. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 327

893. Capt. F.T.Scott. 13 May 1865--parole no. 330

894. Col. ,J6hn Griff~th.13 May 1865--par01e no. 331.

895. Lt. P. B. Bonds. 13 May 1865--par01e no. 332.

896. Lt.C.Braley. 13 May 1865--parole no. 334

897. Lt... Frank Huener. 13 May 1865--parole no. 336

898. Capt. Claiborne Watkins. 13 May 1865--paro1e n'o. 337

899. Capt. o.E.Crossen. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 339

900. Lt. Geo. K.Lijan. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 340. LSM 8932.1.

901. Lt.E.H.M.Laughlin. 13 May 1865--parole no. 342

902. Lt. B. B.S.Chism. 13 May 1865--parole no. 345

903. Capt. t.J. P.Walker. 13 May 1865--paro1e no. 349

904. Capt. Ben. H. Blanton. 13 May 1865--parole no. 350

905. 1Lt. G.L.Hawkins. 13 May 1865--parole no. 353

906. 2Lt. Van A.W.Anderson. 14 May 1865--paro1e no. 356

907. Capt. CoB .McCloskey. 14 May 1865--paro1e no. 359

908. Capt. Geo. Moorman. no date--paro1e no. 366

909. Lt. H.L.Redford. 14 May 1865--parole'no. 371

910. 2Lt. W.Shropshire(?). 11+ May 1865--paro1e no. 374

911. 1Lt. H.SoHood. 14 May 1865--parole no. 375

912. lLt. W.B.Gee. 13 May 1865--parole no. 276

913. lLt.G.P.Mathews. 14 May 1865--paro1e no. 378

914. Maj. B.P.Jett, Jr. 14 May 1865--paro1e no. 379

915. 1Lt. E.C.Lockhart. 14 May 1865--paro1e no. 381

916. Copy of 915' above.

917. 2Lt. A. Douglas. 14 May 1865--paro1e no. 382

918. Lt. Col. M. D.Vance. 14 May 1865--parole no. 383

919. Maj. W. Porter. 14 May 1865--paro1e no. 384

920. Cap·t. Robert Andrews. lJ+ May 1865--parole no. 389

921. Capt. C.A.Withers. 14 May 1865--parole no. 392

922. 1Lt. Y. Enders. 14 May 1865--paro1e no. 394

923. Capt. John Fletcher. 14 May 1865--paro1e no. 393

924. Capt. Noah Grant. 14 May 1865--parole no. 396 LSM 8932.1.

925. Capt. illegible(Marshall, Tenn.-residence) e 14 May 1865--parole nOe400

926. Capt. H. C.C.Hope. 14 May 1865--parole no. 406

927. Asst. Surgeon J o H.Tay1or. 14 May 1865--parole no. 408

928. Asst.Surgeon W.R.Hodges. 14 May 1865--paro1e no. 415

929. Capt. J.L.Bradford. 15 May 1865--parole no. 422

930. Capt. W.R.Selridge. 15 May 1865--par01e no. 424

93L 2Lt. W. P•Wright. 15 May 1865--parole no. 426

932. Capt. W. H. Glenn. 15 May 1865--parole no. 434

933. Capt. Chas. Dawson. 15 May 1865--paro1e no. 435

934. 2Lt. G.W. Thomas. 15 May 1865--parole no. 438

935. Capt. Thos. P. Conner. 16 May 1865--par01e no. 457

936. Asst. Surgeon T.W.Holland. 16 May 1865--paro1e no. 458

937. Asst. Su:t>geon. Daniel R. Merritt. 16 May 1865--parole no.460

938. Asst. Surgeon N.V.Hardin. no date--465

939. Asst. Surgeon Joseph Gesmiller. 16 May 1865--parole no. 466

940. 2Lt.I.T.Nolene 16 May 1865--parole no. 472

941. D.T.McCallum. 16 May 1865--parole no. 492

942. Capt. W. G. Cocke. 16 May 1865--parole no. 493

943. Chaplain Benjamin Watts. 17 May 1865--parole no. 529

944. Capt. Richard C.Walsh. 18 May 1865--parole no. 531

945. Col. R. Y .Brown. 18 May 1865--parole no 533

946. J• A.Shrode. ·18 May 1865--paro1e no ~ 548

9Lt 7. T.J.Sconlich(?). 18 May 1865--parole no. 549

948. 2Lt. J .D~McCaughan. 18 May 1865--paroleno. 551 I,8M 8932.1.

949. Lt. Allen B.Griffin. 18 May 1865--parole no. 556

950. 2L

952. Thos. H. Taylor. 15 May 1865--parole no. 577

Below listed are Officers Paroles, Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, surrendered by Lt. Gen. Richard Taylro (CSA) to Maj. Gen. E.R.S.Canby (USA) at Mobile, Alabama,from 11 trough 16 May 1865. All paroles signed by Commissioners R. L aGibson (CSA) and G.L.Andrews, Brig. Gen. (USA).

953. 2Lt. Simons(?). 11 May 1865--parole no. 624

954. Capt. B. F aDade. 12 May 1865--parole no. 625

955. ILt. Geo. Vidmer. 11 May 1865--parole no. 627

956. Maj. Paul Ravenis (?). 12 May 1865--parole no. 628

957. Maj. Henry S. Paul. 12 May 1865--parole no. 629

958. Jas. D.Shute. 12 May 1865--parole no. 630

959. Capt. WaR.Flower. 12 May 1865--parole no. 631

960. Asst. Surgeon. Charles O.Helwig. 11 May 1865--parole no. 633

961. Maj. W.H.Dameron. 16 May 1865--parole no. 635

962. Maj. John J. Walker. 16 May 1865--parole no. 636

Below listed are Officer Paroles, Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, surrendered by Lt. Gen. R. Taylor (CSA) to Maj. Gen. E.R.S.Canby (USA) at Grenada, Mississippi, 17 through '19 May 1865. All paroles signed by Commissioners Col. Thos. Taylor(CSA and Col. Van Young (USA).

963. Capt. Edward F. Lee. 17 May 1865--parole no. 1

964. Capt. W.Alex.Thompson. 17 May 1865--paro1e no. 7

965. Maj. V.T.Reis. 17 May .1865--paro1e no. 8

966. Asst.Surgeon W aH.B1ais. 17 May 1865--parole no. 10

967. lLt. Eugene Harris. 17 May 1865--parole n9. 11 LSM S932.1.

968 .. lLt. Jno. Perkins. 17 May IS65--parole no. 12

969 •• Capt. C.L.Adams. 17 May IS65--parole no. 13

970. A.J oFlanagan. IS May 1865--parole no. 17

971. ILt. D. B. Griswold. IS May 1865--parole no. IS

972. 2Lt. A.B.Crutcher. IS May IS65--parole no. 21

973. Capt. J.P.Morton. IS May IS65--parole no. 23

974. Asst. Surgeon Alex. G. Hamilton. 18 May lS6S--parole no. 24

975. Maj. H. S.E1eun. IS May IS65--parole no. 25

976. Capt. J.M. Rucker. 18 May 1865--parole no. 34

977. Surgeon Lucien McDowell. IS May 1865--parole no. 44

97S. Capt. W.H.Forrest. IS May IS65--parole no. 46

979. Cadet James E. Harris. IS May IS65--parole no. 52

9S0. Lt. John McCoy. IS May IS65--parole no. 55

9S1. Capt. W. D. Harrison. 18 May 1865--parole no. 56

9S2. lLt. T. B. Brookshier. 18 May IS65--parole no. 57

9S3. Surgeon Livingston Lindsay. 18 May 1865--parole no. 59

9S4. 2Lt. W.M.Cochran. 18 May 1865--parole no. 64

985. Asst. Surgeon R.S.Ringgold. 18 May 1865--parole no. 71

986. Lt. J.W~McPherson. 18 May lS65--parole no. 72

987. 2Lt. W. H.Meador. 18 May 1865---parole no. 74

988. Capt. W. H.Murrell. IS May IS65--parole no. 76

989. Capt.T.Toone. 18 May 1865--parole no. 78

990. Capt. W.Edward Butler. 18 May 1865--parole no 79

991. Col. G. F• BaucuJ;n. 18 May lS65--parole no. 81 LSM 89.32.1.

992. Capt. G.J • Addisson. 18 May 1865--parole no. 84

99.3 • 2Lt. C. C•Wilkins. 18 May 1865--parole no. 85

994. Capt. J•H • Cooper. 18 May 1865--parole no. 87

995. 2Lt.B.F.McCullum. 18 May 1865--parole no. 89

996. Maj. J.Jesson. 18 May 1865--parole no. 91

997. Col. R. V. Richardson. 18 May 1865--parole no. 93

998. Capt.Wilis Higgs. 18 May 1865--parole no. 95

999. lLt. W.E.Lyons. 18 May 1865--parole no. 99

1000. Capt. John J, Andrews. 18 May 1865--parole no. 102

1001. Surgeon N. A. Davis. 18 May 1865--parole no. 105

1002. Brig. Gen. Marcus J.Wright. 18 May 1865--parole no. 106

1003. Col. Jno. U.Wright. 18 May 1865--parole no. 107

1004. Surgeon H. S• Jones. 18 May 1865--parole no. 108

1005. Lt.C.A.Reed. 18 May 1865--parole no. 112

1006. Maj. Thos. T.Nelson. 18 May 1865--parole no. 114 I!. 1007. Lt. S.To Frostum (?). 18 May 1865--parole no. 115

1008. Capt. H.F.Lester. 19 May 1865--paro1e no. 120

1009. Gt.JoR.Jones. 19 May 1865--parole no. 122

1010. Lt. W.W. Wills. 19 May 1865--parole no. 123

1011. ILt. Wm. C. Neill. 19 May 1865--parole no. 124

10124 1L"t. G.D.Jones. 19 May 1865--paro1e no. 126

101.3 •L t....;r 0 B• Steele. 19 May 1865--parole no. 127


1014 •• P arole . roll no. 2, Turners Battery, 3d BatIn. ,SmitHs Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 104 men., surrendered at Citronelle Ala. LSM 8932.1.

1015. Rarole roll no. 3, Green's Kentucky Battery, Quattlebaum's Batln., Smith's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 18 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala. 4 May 1865.

1016. Parole roll no. l" Detachment of Smith's Brigade, 10 May 1865. 9 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1017. Rarole roll 1'10. 5, Garrity's Battery, Smith's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 37 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala. 4 May 1865.

1018. Parole roll no. 6, Deut's Lt. Battery, Hoxton's Regt., Smith's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 71 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala. 4 May 1865:

1019. Parole roll no. 7, Company C, 1st Miss. Lt. Battery, Smith's Brigade, 10 May 1865. 24 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala • .5 May 1865.

1020. Parole roll no. 9, Howell's Battery, Smith's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 41 men. surrendered. at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1021. Parole no. 10. Phelan's Battery Lt. Arty., Smith's Brigade, Meridian, Miss"" 10 May 1865. 116 men. surrendered at Citronelle Ala.,4 May 1865.

1022. Parole roll no. U, Hoskin's Lt. Arty., Smith's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 24 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1023. Parole roll no. 12, Company E, 2d Ala. Lt. Arty. Batln., Smith's Brigade. Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 62 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1024. Parole roll no. 14, Stanford's Battery, Smith's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 82 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 186.5.

1025. Parole roll no. 16, Company C, 2d Ala.Lt. Arty. Batln., Meridian Miss., 10 May 1865. 25 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1026. Parole roll no. 17, Company E, 1st Miss • Regt., Smith's Brigade, Meridian,. Miss., 10 May 1865. 45 men. surrendered at Citronelle,. Ala., 4 May 1865.

1027. Parole roll no. 18, Eufula Lt. Arty. Batln., Smith's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 110 men. surrendered at Citronelle, 4 May 1865. LSM 8932.1.

1028. Parole roll no. 19 1 Darden's Battery, Miss. Vols., Smith's Bri­ gade, Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 47 men. surrendered at Citro­ nelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1029. Parole roll no. 20, Detachment from Williams' Batln., Smith's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 11 May 1865.5 men. surrendered at Citronelle , Ala., 4 May 1865.

1030. Parole roll no. 21, Farrant's Battery, Smith's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 11 May 1865. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1031. Parole roll no. 22, Barry's Battery, Smith's Brigade, Meridian Miss., 11 May 1865. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1032. Parole roll no. 23, Detachment 1st Miss. Lt. Arty., Smith's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 11 May 1865. 28 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1033. Parole roll no. 24, Rice's Battrey, Smith's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 22 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1034. Parole roll no. 25, Thrall's Battery, Smith's Brigade, Meridian, Miss. , 11 May 1865. 28 men. surrendered at Citrone11e, Ala., 4 Ma) 1865.

1035. Parole roll no. 26, Young's Battery, Smith's Brigade, Meridian, Miss. , 11 May 1865. 54 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala. , 4 Ma 1865.

1036 " Parole .roll no. 27, Lovelace's Battery, Smith Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 9 May 1865. 96 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 Me 1865.

1037. Parole roll no. 28, Lumsden Battery, Williams Batln., Smity's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 9 May 1865. 58 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1038. Parole roll no. 30, Massenberg's Battery, Williams' Regt., Smith Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 9 May 1865. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

·1039. Parole roll no. 31, Ritter's Battery, 3d Batln., Smith's Brigade Meridian, Miss., 11 May 1865. 59 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala.,4 May 1865.

'1040. Parole roll no. 32, Perry's Battery, Smith's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 11 May 1865. 84 men. surrendered at Citronelle, 4 May 186 LSM 8932.1.

1041 •• Parole roll no. 33, Brook's Cavalry, Company B, City Troops, Meridian, Miss., 11 May 1865. 10 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

10L~2. Parole roll no. 34, Detachment of A.Q.M. Dept. Maury's Division, Meridian, Miss., 11 May 1865. 8 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala. L~ May 1865.

1043. Parole roll no. 59, Tobins Lt. Battery, Semple's Batln., Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 118 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., )+ May 1865.

1044. Parole roll no. 60, 3d Missouri Battery, Semple's Batln., Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 114 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 1+ May 1865.

1045. Copy of 1044.

1046. Parole roll no. 61, Co. B, 32th and 58th Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 13 men. surrendere d as Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.·

1047. Parole roll no. 62, Non-Commissioned staff, 32nd and 58th Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. surren­ dered a-t Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1048. Parole roll no.63, Company H, 32nd and 58th Ala.Regt., Holtz­ claw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. surrendered at Citronelle, Alao, 4 May 1865.

1049. Parole roll no. 64, Co.E, 32d &58th Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brig­ ade, 10 May 1865, Meridian, Miss., 19 men. surrendered at Citron­ elle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1050. Parole roll no. 65, Co.A, 32d&58th Ala. Regt., Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 7 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1051. Parole roll no. 66, Co. F, 32d & 58th. Ala. Regt., Holtzcalw' s Brigade, Meridian, Miss. 10 May 1865. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

'. 1052. Parole roll no. 67, Co.D, 32d & 58th. Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 8 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala. 4 May 1865.

1053. Parole :roll no. 68, Co.I, 32d & 58th. Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Bri gade, Meridian, Miss. 10 May 1865. 3 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala. 4 May 1865. LSM 8932.1.

1054. Parole roll no. 69, Co.G, 32d & 58th Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss. 10 May 1865. 20 men. surrendered at J Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1055. Parole roll no. 70, Companies H, I & K, 38 Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian; Miss .19 men. 12 May 1865. En.lrrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1056. Parole roll no. 71, Companies D,E, F ,&G", 38th Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Me ridian, Miss. 12 May 1865. 20 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala. 4 May 1865.

1057. Parole roll no. 72, Companies C,A,B &C, 38th Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade. 12 May 1865. 34 men. surrendered at Citronelle Ala. 4 May 1865.

1058. Parole roll no. 73, Companies C,F, & K, 18th Ala. Regt., Holtz­ cIaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 12 May 1865. 42 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1059~ Parole roll no. 74, Companies B& G, 18th Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 12 May 1865. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1060. Parole roll no. 75, Companies A,E, &H 18th Ala. Regt. Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss. 12 May 1865. 20 men. surren­ dered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1061. Parole roll no. 76, Companies J &D 18th Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 12 May 1865. 22 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1062. Parole r~ll no. 77, Provost Guard & Couriers, Holtzclaw's Brigade: Meridian, Miss., 12 May 1865. 24 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4' May 1865.

1063. Parole roll no. 78, Co. F, 21st Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. surrendered at Citronelle,Ala. 4 May 1865.

1064. Parole roll no. 79, Co. D, 21st Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian?, Miss. 10 May 1865. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala. 4 May 1865.

1065. Parole roll no. 80, Co.K, 21st Ala. Regt., Holtzclaws Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala. 4 May 1865.

1066. Parole roll no. 81, Co. E, 21st Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, . Meridian, Miss. 13 May 1865. 27 men, surrendered at Citronelle, Ala. 4 May 1865. L 8M 8932.1. .

1067. Parole roll no. 82, Co. H, 21 st Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 18 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala.. 1+ May 1865.

1068. Parole roll no. 83, Co.G, 21 st Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian J Miss., 10 May 1865. 22 men. surrendered at Citronelle J Ala. 4 May 1865.

1069. Parole roll no. 84, Co.I, 21st Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss. 10 May 1865, 23 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1070. Parole roll no. 85, Non-commissioned staff 21st Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade. Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 6 men. surren­ dered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1071. Parole roll no. 86, Co.E, 2Lst Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 14 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1072. Parole roll no. 87, Co. C, 21st Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 31 men. surrendered at Citronelle Ala., 4 May 1865.

1073. Parole roll no. 88, Co.B, 1st Ala. Battery Cadets, Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 13 May 1865. 58 men. isurrendered at Citronelle , Ala., 4 May 1865.

1074. Parole roll no. 89, Co.A, 1st Batln. Ala. Cadets, Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 13 May 1865. 65 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1075. Parole roll no. 90, Co.E, 36th Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Me.ridian, Miss., 10 May 1865, 8 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala •. 4. May 1865.

1076.' Parole roll no. 91, Non-commissioned staff, 36th Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Mridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1077. Parole roll no. 92,Companies D,G &K 36th .Ala. Regt. ,Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss ~, 10 May 1865. 31 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1078.· Parole roll no. 93, Co. I, 36th Ala. Regt." Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian,Miss., 10 May 1865. 15 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865. LSM 8932.1.

1079 Parole roll no. 94, Co. F, 36th Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, ,Me:ridian, Miss. 10 May 1865.

1080. Parole roll no. 95, Companies C & H, 36th Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Bri.gade., Meridian, 10 May 1865. 38 men. surrendered at Ci,tronelle Ala., }+ May 1865.

1081. Parole roll no. 96, Co. B, 36th Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 10 May 1865. 32 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., Ii- May 1865.

1082. Parole roll no. 97, Co. A, 36 th Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss. 10 May 1865. 19 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1083. Parole roll no. 98, Companies D, E & F, 62d Ala. Regt., Holtz­ claw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 11 May 1865. 28 m;'n. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., L~ May 1865.

1084. Parole roll no. 99, Companies B, H & I, 62d Ala. Reg'to, Holtz­ claw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss,., 11 May 1865. 31 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1085. Parole roll no. 100, Companies A, C, G & K, 62d Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 11 May 1865. 17 men. surren­ dered at Citronelle, Ala., 1+ May 1865.

1086. Parole roll no. 101, Company F, 63d Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Bri­ gade, Meridian, Miss., 11 May 1865. 58 men. surrendered at Citron- elle, Ala., 1+ May 1865. .;

1087. Parole roll no. 102, Co. B, 62d Ala. Regt., Holtzclaw's Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 11 May 1865. 51 men •.surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1088. . P?-ro1e roll no. 103, Co. D, Ala. State Arty., Thomas Brigade, 11 May 1865. 27 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1089. Parole roll no. 104, Cos. C & H, 63d Ala. Regt., Thomas's Bri­ gade, Meridian, Miss., 11 May 1865. 60 men. surrendered at Citron­ elle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1090. Parole roll no. 105, Co. A, 63d Ala. Inftry., Thomas Brigade, M,eridian , Miss., 13 May 1865.68 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

1091. Parole roIl no. 106, Cos. E & G, Ala. Re,gt., Thomas Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 13 May 1865. 87 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865. 1092. Parole roll no. 107, Co@ D, Ala. Regt., Thomas Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 13 May 1865. 45 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala. 4 May 1865.

1093. Parole roll no. 108, Co. 's I & K, Ala. Regt., Thoma$ Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 13 May 1865. 25 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865.

ALPHONSE LELONG (Private in Confederated Army from New Orleam

LSM 8932.2.

1. Alphonse Lelong (Grand Junction, Tenn.) to Unknown. 27 March 1862--letter in French.

2. Alphonse Lelong (Grand Junction, Tenn.) to Unknown. 29 March 1862-- letter in French.

3. Alphonse Lelong (Corinth, Mis'rs.) to Unknown. 12 April 1862-­ letter requesting items from home; describes engagements with enemy in northern Mississippi and Alabama.

4. Unsigned letter (probably Ao Lelong) to Unknown. 14 April 1862-­ (Corinth, Miss.)-- letter in French.

5. Alphonse Lelong (Grand Junction,'Tenn.) to his father o 14 April l862--letter in French.

6. Alphonse Lelong (Corinth, Miss.) to Unknown. 26 April 1865. --letter in French.

7. Alphonse Lelong (Corinth, Miss.) to Unknown. 26 April 1865-­ letter in French.

8. Alphonse Lelong (Corinth, Miss.) 1 May l862--comments and reflec­ tions written on card before going into battle.

9. A. Lelong (Twenty Mile Creek, Miss.) to JlMonsieur." 5 June 1862­ letter in French.

10. A. Lelong (Tupelo, Miss.) 17 July l862--discharge of A.Lelong from army because of his French citizenship.

11. Small piece of paper with "'names of family and friends, JI (Tupelo, Mi 18 July 1862. Probably belonging to Ao Lelong.

12. Piece of paper with penciled note both in French and English relativ to Army of Tennessee positions around Corinth.

13. A. Lelong (?) to Unknown (New Orleans). October 1862--in French

! 14. Copy of a note dated--Mobile, 6-7 Sept. 1862, describing the taking of WashIngton, D.C. by the Washing-ton Artillery.


MiscellAneous communications in the Department of the Trans-Mississippi C:01onel 1. HOLJ$ton King ( Red River Defenses near Alexandria) to Major D. Eoyd. 5 May 1865--relative to deserters.

2. Col. Houston Kong (Red River Defenses near Alexandria) to Major D.F. Boyd. 9 May 1865-- cover letter for report (not included) •

3. Col. Houston King (Red Riv. Defenses near Alexandria) to Major Do F. Boyd. 10 May 1865...... relative.to disposition of portion of Boyd's command.

4. Col. Houston King (Headquarters, Red River Defenses) to Major D• F. Boyd. 12 May 1865-... relative to dese rtions

5. A.A.Prescott (Red River Defenses) to Major D.F, Boyd. 7 May .1865-- relative to deserters from Lt. F. J• Foster's Co.F, Cres­ cent Regt.

6. A.A.Prescott (Red River Defenses) to Major DoF.Boyd. 5 May 1865--relative to deserters from Red River Defenses command.

7. Ao A. Prescott (Red River Defenses near Alexandria) to Major D.F.Boyd. 5 May 1865--relative to detachment of masons to be sent to Captain Avery(?) aboard " Judge" Hatcher. "

8. A. Ao Prescott (Red River Defenses near Alexandria) to Major D. F. Eoyd. 6 May 1865-- relative to deserter from Lt. Col. I;;;c~dditt's command, 1st La. Brigade.

9. A .. A.Prescott (Red River Defenses near Alexandria)' to Major .D. F• Boyd. 8 May 1865--relative to deserters from Lt. Col. Mu1ton's command, 2nd. La. Brigade.

10. Captain George S. Darling, Provost Marshal, (Court house, St. John the Baptist Parish) to Mrs. S St.Martin. 7 November 186LI,--order to furnish 4 "colored" laborers for work on levee.

11. Captain Charles Hardenbergh (Inspector Gene'ral's Office, N atchi­ toches, La.) to Colonel William G. Vincent (near Natchitoches). 6 May 1865-- order to send three officers to assist in assesing damages at Grappes Bluff.

12. Captain B.P.L~ ~inson, Commndg. Company Scouts (Franklin,La.) Colonel L.A. BrmglOn, Commndg. 7th Louisiana Cavalry. 12 May 186.5--relative to expeditions around Abbeville in search of "Jayhawkel's and deserters." ,~ I,~)M 8932.3

13. Lt. Alb~rt G .. P.Baillio (Ferry Detachment,Alexp,ndria) to M{:l.jor J.R. Gourdain, Commndg .. Post, Alexandria, La .. 12 Ma.y 1~65-- relative to deserters. .

14. Lieutenant Albert G.P.Baillio (Ferry Detachment,Alexandria) to Colonel Houston King. 13 May 1865-- relative to deserters.

15. Lt. Albert G.P. BailHo(Ferry Detachment,Alexandria) to Col .. Hous·ton King.. 14 May 1865--re1ative to deserters.

16. Lt. Albert G.P.Baillio (Ferry Detachment,Alexandria) to Major D. F. Boyd. 14 May l865--relative to deserters. '

17. Thomas H. Ricks (Quartermaters Dept., near Natchitoches)' to I Lt. Col. Hyatt, Commndg. Regt. S May 186S---relative to Ricks being relieved from duty.

18. ,-James Nolan,(Lieutenant Commndg. McMahans Battery) to Major D. F. Boyd. 13 May 186S--relative to deserters.

19. Y.T. Baldwin (Alexandria, La.) t.o Major D.F.Boyd. 13 May 186S--request for daily detail of fifteen men to work to. mill.

~ \ 20. List of deserter,')' from Co: A, 28th La. Regt., 12 May 1865.

21. Ust. of deserters from C.B. Etters, 6th Arkansas Battery. 11 May ~. 1865 .. 'I ",,,,~, .. 22. Lis·t of deserters from Co. F, Crescent Regt. 12 May 1865.

23. :Lif3t: of d.eserters from Co. K, Crescent« Regt. 12 May 1865.

24. L,lr;L of deserters f'rom Co. K, 28th La. Regt. 11 May 1865.

25. Garnuel Flower (A.A.G.) (Headquarters ,District of West La.) 8 May 1865-- relative to furlough of unidentified member of Bot-ter (?)'s command.

C~E:I\r. NA'I'I1AJ\fIEL P. BANKS (Maj. Gen., Commanding) LJ F:tv1 8932.4 C::eneral N. P. Banks (New Orleans) to Major General Halleck, Commander in Chief, USA. 20 February 1863-- Copy of Official report to Ha11eok,i.telling of Federal troop skirrn,ish with ladies of 1'1 ew Orleans. CONFEDERATE VETERANS' HISTORICAL CONFERENCE LSM 8932.5

Report of the United Confederate Veterans' Historical Committee submitted to the Sixth Annual Reunion, Richmond, Virginia, June 30 through July 2, 1896. 29 typed pages. DUNCAN F. KENNER

LSM 8932.6.

L Havemeyer and Elder and New York Sugar Refiners to t:he Louisiana Sugar Planters' Association and John Dymond. New York, 15 Aug­ ust 1882.relative to Congressional tariff commission and adjustments to on imported sugar. 2 pps.

2. Havemeyers and Elder to John L. Hays, Presdient U.So Tariff Commission. New York. 17 October 1882. Letter and proposed bill to the U.S. Senate and Hou.se of Representatives relative to the operation of bonded sugar refineries. 2pps.

3. JoLloyd King (House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.) to John Dymond. Washington, D.C •• 3 August 1886. Duncan Kenner's copy of letter to Dymond relative to bills before Congress concern­ ing the diffusion experiments on "tropicalu sugar cane of Louisiana and other sugar producing canes. 10pps.

4. Ao McCoy (Solicitor, Department of Justice, Offive of the Solicitor of the Treasury) to R.LoGibson, U .S.Senator. Washington, D.C. 10 ~]uly 1886. relative to D. Kenner's suit against John L. Hay, of' the U.S. Tariff Commission. 1 p.

5. S.R. Stewart to The Tariff Co mmision. New Orleans, La. 9 Octo­ ber 1882. relative to sugar import duties. 4pps.


7. Proposed duty on sugar--date and author not indicated.

8. Petition submitted to the U.S. Congress by the importers, refiners, and sugar dealers relative to adjustments in the duty on imported sugar.

9. Report of the Tariff Commission to the House of Representatives relative to recommendations in adjustments to duties on imported sugar. May, 1882.

10. "Facts and Figures about Sugar and Sugar Refining in the ." Pamphlet --relaitive to sugar duties.

H. Pamphlet-- "Statement Showing the Condition and Prospects of the Cane-Sugar Industry in the United States. If Department of Agricul­ ture, Special report, no.l. Washington: Government Printing Office: 1877. 12. Pamphlet--"Papers Relative to Drawback Rates on Exported Sugar." LSM 8932

New York: Evening Post Steam Presses, 1877.

13. Report from Treasury Department--Statement showing the quantity rate, and amount of duty collected on all imported sugars from 1867 to 1l380. Also, amount of refined sugar exported for benefit of draw· back from W70 to 1881.

14. Partial report of Government tests conducted on Cuban sugar. no date, but probably about 1879.

15. Report of the statistic on sugar production in Louisiana parishes for 1875 and 1876.

16. Fact sheet on D. Knowlton's method of' a standard rate for 100% fine sugar, and lower grades in same proportion. 1 p.

17. A. Thompson. notes on the present duties on sugar. hand written notes-draft.

18. Dymond's statistics on the grades of sugar and their comparitive duties.

19. Dymond's old duties and proposed reduction on sugar duries. no date.

20. Statistics on duties for imported sugar for U.So ports. no date;,

21. Office of Willett & Hamlen, Brokers, New York. 11 August 18820 Daily Sugar Report.

22. Willett & Hamlen, Erikers, New York. 11 August 1882. Daily Sugar Report.

23. Sugar statistics--price, importers marks, production, and import statistics. no date

24. Portion of letter referring to refinement of sugar and import sugar duties. no date. sender and recipient not indicated. 6 pages-­ pages 1 and 2 missing.

25. Miscellaneous notes on previous and proposed rates on imported sugar. author and dates not indicated. 5pps.

26. Miscellaneous note on the viewpoints of Louisiana sugar planters concerning the duties on imported sugar. unsigned and undated. 2 pps

27. Four page essay on the sugar industry and sugar growing areas in the A rrericas . unsigned and undated

28. Essay on the "Estirmated Cost of Cultivating without Manure, One Acre of Sugar Cane." unsigned and undated. 5pps. LSM 8932.6.

29. Petition to U.S. Tariff Commission~ New Orleans~ 16 October 1882, from Jackson and Kilpatrick, importers of Beef and Pork-­ relative to the tariff on imported salt.

30. Statistics --Imports of foreign rice from Report of Chief of Bureau of Statistics for 30 June 1881.

31. Pamphlet--"Report of the Special Committee of the Savannah Rice Association on American Rice Industry and the Import Duty on Foreign Rice. 1f 28 January 1882.

32. Copy no. 2 of 31 above.

33. Statistics for Rice production from 1 September 1880 to 1 Septem­ ber 1881 in S. Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, and North Carolina • ..&Iso, statistics for rice consumption and export of rice from Charleston, S.C. for the same period. Written on Charleston Chamber of Commerce stationery.

34. Statistics--Receipts and Exports of Rice at Charleston, S.C., from annual statement, 1 September 1881 to 1 July 1882.

35. George Ae Trenholm (Charleston, S.C.) to M.CoButler (U.S. Senate). 10 July 1882. relative to U.S. rice production and the protective tariff.

36. E.N.Thurston (Charleston, S.C.) to M.C.Butler (U.S.Senate). 15 July 1882. relative to U. S. rice production and the protective tariff.

37. S. Y• Tupper, President of the Charleston Chamber of Commerce, to M. C.Butler (U.S.Senate). 12 July 1882. relative to U. S. rice production and the protective tariff.

38 0 S. Y.Tupper, President of the Charleston Chamber of Commerce, to M.C. Butler (U .S.Senate). Charleston, S.C. 10 July 1882. relative to statistics for rice production in the Southern states for the year ending 1881.

39. War Department-Secretary of War, Thomas Vincent, General Order no. 73. Washington, 2 July 1874. relative to flood control on the Mississippi River.

40. Flood control--relative to nationalization of levees and flood protec­ tion; Mississippi River floods of 1874 in Louisiana. Draft of report. 2pps.

41. Flood control-- Printed report of the Office of Louisiana Levee Co., no. 23 Carondelet St., New Orleans, 20 April 1874. LSM 8932.6.

54. Charles 'LJ. Folger, Secretary, Treasury Department, Washingt:on,D.C to Duncan F. Kenner. Washington, DoC. 22 June l882--relative to Kenner's appointment to the Tariff Commission. 2pps.

55. R.S.Hanover, New Orleans Chamber of Commerce, to D.F.Kenner. New Orleans. 5 October l882--relative to tariffs on foreign rice.

56. R e Hoffeld (Buffalo) to Duncan F. Kenner. Buffalo. 10 July 1882-­ relative to the mining of sulphur.

57. A.J.R.Landauer, Vice-President, New Orleans Cotton Exchange, to Duncan Kenner. New Orleans. 7 October l882--relaUve to endorse­ ment of Louisiana rice farmers in the tariff adjustments before the Tariff Commission.

58. J. Miller (New Orleans) to Duncan Kenner. New Orleans. 6 Feb­ ruary 1875--illegible.

59. Sami. Mullen (New Orleans) to Duncan Kenner. 4 October 1882-- a cover letter transmitting Mullen's testimony to the Tariff Commis­ sion. (testimony not included).

60. Edward Sherer, Chemist-in-charge, U .S.Laboratory, Port of New York. to D.FoKenner and Tariff Commission. New Orleans. 1882-­ relative to duties (tariffs) on imported sugar. 9pps.

61. Edward Sherer, to DoFoKenner and Tariff Commission. New York. August 1882-- relative to duties (tariffs) on Imported sugar. 13pps.

62. Edward Sherer to Duncan F. Kenner. New York. 24 August 1882-­ relative to dauties (tariffs) on imported sugar. 2pps.

63. Edward Sherer to D.F.Kenner and Tariff Commission. New York. 4 October 1882-- relative to duties (tariffs) on imported sugar.lOpps.

64. M. Jeff Thompson (Office of Commission of Engineers, New Orleans to Duncan Kenner (washington, D.C.). New Orleans. 7 July 1875-­ relative to flood control in Louisiana and levees along the Mississippi.

65. S.H.Zilman (New York) to Duncan Kenner'New Orleans) 0 19 Janu­ ary 1880--relative to Thomas Edison's electric light; the feasibilty- of electrfying New York City--the costs involved .. 2pps.

66. Summons and Petition-- United States vs. Duncan Kenner. 11 August 1885--relative to forfeiture of bond with regard to funds connected with the Tariff Commission. 4pps.

67. Partial note relative to the consumption of natural gas in Gub-a-­ unsigned and undated, but probably 1877. Ip.