n~1 WItARY Cf' CctlCRES5 J)f.SCRIPTIV11. CATAUXmfG DiVISION - MANUSCRIPTS SECTION DATA SH~lltT rOR Name of R~~"O!'itof)'l Louisiana State Museum Reporudby: John R. Kemp, Curator of Manuscripts Datil: Nov. 4, 1974 Brent (Mrs. J.L.) Collection, September 1864 to May l865.(LSM 8932) 2. Principd l:lItJl1l1l around which the collection lu fOfmllldj i. e., ~~(full dme, birth and death date.), family. butllll~", l!Oclety, IlOvemmentll.llllfilDCV, or 110m. other co~ta body: Lt. General Richard Taylor, Confederate States of America (C.S.A.) (1828-1879) . eive rel».tlonWip m the collection; I. e., wrlter~ .ddR~e~ coll.ctor.......... ~r (rpeclfy) _ 3. Occupliltion or type of activity of the prlnelpd penon, family, or corporate body; IIIp1l1caut .veutl and datu In the career or activity; and place of rerideuee or loaltloo of activltyt Louisiana Confederate military commander. 4. Number of lintnr shelf feet (if 1 foot or more),....;;.3__--' or number of items 1109 (lmown2 or e~tiJl1lltl!d_>. 5. lC the (;ollectlon cont.\llr:u £.~ie. of m!llnlUCnptll, de!JCrlbe the form (8) of repoduetloo (handwritten or typewritten transcripts. podtive or neum.ttve photocopies, positiVI! or negative microfilm with no. of reels) and live the numher(or fmction of total) of each kind. eive location of originals, aDd dates and circumltance. under which the copies weft! made: 6. Full cino.tion of any publh:hed or unpublUhed delCription, gulde,indu. calmdu, etc. I Unpublished inventory and subject-name:index in Archives. 7. Research llceen reltrieted__ unrelltricted-:. State natuN of reltrictloo &Dd wIla it will be termlDated: Data Sheet - NUCMC- Page 2 8. 1l1Jormatfon on litenny rights available in repository: Yes--, Do not k..ow~.: . permanent 9. NatllN of acquisition (gift'/ldeporit, etc.), dUe (s) and source (s) of I\cqu.il ition ~nd fonner owner (,): Gift, April, 1926. 10. If this is, or was, part of anothrr collection, state name and relationship: No 11. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT AND SCOPE Of THE. COllEC'fION. This descrlptlon should cover: types of pIi ~f1l (c. g. , correspondence, letters, diaries, doculllents, etc.)j datu, rubJects, and types of group« of materids that bulk lugestj relationship of the 1M.terial to specific ph,ues of the CAreer or activity of the principal named in item 2; full names, dates, and biog!?'phical identification oi other persons and names of r:O~fllte bodies slgnlflcant(by quality and quantity of material) to the collection, showing dates, types, and subject matter; geographical areas covered; specific evenU, topics, lI.nd hhll:orlcal ~riCl<h with whkh the materiala deal; and pllrticular items of €lI:mordln'lYy '.Itn<ert. Correspondence and dispatches to and from Lt. General Richard Taylor while Commander of the Confederate Department of Alabama, Mississippi', and East Louisiana, October 1864 to May 1865; muster rolls of the paroled members of Taylor's command surrendered at Meridan, Jackson, and Grenada, Mississippi, and at Mobile and Citronelle, Alabama, in May, 1865. Principal correspon­ dents are Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Joseph E. Johnston, P.G.T.Beauregard,Edward Farrand, W.J.Hardee, Dabney H. Maury, Nathan Bedford Forrest, Joseph Wheeler, E.R.S.Canby, P.J.Osterhaus, G. Granger, Frank Gardner, and G. W. Smith • BI~ENT' COLLEC'rION LSM 8932 LJ S:M 8932.1.1 - .1093 --- Depa.r~t of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana--this sec'tion contains Civil War correspondence and 'telegrams to and from Li:. General l~ichard Taylor, while commander of the Dept. of Ala. barna, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, from October 1864 to May 1865; messages between his subordinate commanders; and muster rolls of the paroled members of Taylor's command surrendered at Meridian, Jackson, Grenada, Mobile, and Citronelle. L SM 8932.2 .1- .14 .,' Letters from Alphonse Le10ng, a private in the Confederate Army from New Orleans, serving near Corinth and Tupelo, Mississippi, and Grand Junction, Tennessee, in 1862. ;:< ':< ,}:: LSM 8932.3.1 - .25 - -Department of the Trans-Mississippi( Red River Defenses)-- dispatches and reports relative to deserters from Confederate defense positions along the Red River. The names of the individual deserters are also included. b,LSM 8932.4, ,.AIl' ' ',#rttPt Copy' of report from General N.P. Banks (New Orleans) to /Jlf}/" (};;, General Halleck, Commander in Chief, U.S.A. 20 February 1863-- ,t~',p;,/ rel~..tive to skirmish in New Orleans between Federal troops and the IJroj , b ladles of New Orleans. rJ '\' llJ1~-«j.[ ~:< ~< ~:< f;l 1'1' LE3M 8932.5 I~eport of the United Confederate Veterans' Historical Committee, 6th Annual Reunion, Richmond, Virginia, 30 June through 2 July 1896. LSM 8932.6. 1 - .67 -i:r'he Kenner section contains correspondence, resolutions, and pamphlets pertaining to the U.S. Tariff Commission convened in 1882 to study and recommend adjustments in the tariffs on imported sugar, rice and salt. Also, contained in this section are!correspondence and pam­ phlets concerning the 1874 Mississippi River floods, particularly the Louisi­ ana. Levee Company, levee cons'truction, flood control, and the New Orleans, St.Louis and Chicago Railroad Company. Kenner was president of' ,the Tariff Commission and a member of the Louisiana Levee Company. DONOR: Mrs. J 0 L. Brent (wife of General J.L.Brent) Gift-- April 1926. Cataloged and inventoried by: John R. Kemp 5 December 1973 1092. Parole roll no. 107, Co. D, Ala. Regt., Thomas Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 13 May 1865. 45 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala. 4 May 1865. 1093. Parole roll no. 108, Co. 's I & K, Ala. Regt., Thomas Brigade, Meridian, Miss., 13 May 1865. 25 men. surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., 4 May 1865. ALPHONSE LELONG (Private in Confederated Army from New Orlean: LSM 8932.2. l~ Alphonse Lelong (Grand Junction, Tenn.) to Unknown. 27 March 1862--letter in French. 2. Alphonse Lelong (Grand Junction, Tenn.) to Unknown. 29 March 1862-- letter in French. 3. Alphonse Lelong (Corin'th, Mis"s.) to Unknown. 12 April 1862-­ letter requesting items from home; describes engagements with enemy in northern Mississippi and Alabama. 4. Unsigned letter (probably A,Lelong) to Unknown. 14 April 1862-­ (Corinth, Miss. )-- letter in French. 5. Alphonse Lelong (Grand Junction, Tenn. ) to his fathero 14 April 1862--letter in French. 6. Alphonse Lelong ( Corinth, Miss. ) to Unknown. 26 April 1865. --letter in French. 'I. Alphonse Lelong ( Corinth, Miss. ) to Unknown. 26 April 1865-- letter in French. 8. Alphonse Lelong (Corinth, Miss.) 1 May 1862--comments and reflec­ tions writ-ten on card before going into battle. 9. A. Lelong (Twenty Mile Creek, Miss.) to "Monsieur." 5 June 1862-­ letter in French. 10. A. Lelong (Tupelo, Miss.) 17 July 1862--discharge of A.Lelong from army because of his French citizenship• ' " _ 'i_ • .;~. n. Small piece of paper with "names of family and, friends, 11 (Tupelo ,Mi 18 July 1862~ Probably belonging to Ao Lelong.' 12. Piece of paper with penciled note both in French and English relativE to Army of Tennessee positions around Corinth. A. Lelong (?) to Unknown (New Orleans). October 1862--in French. I Copy of a note dated--Mobile, 6-7 Sept. 1862, describing the taking BRENT COLLECTION LaM 8932 LaM 8932.1.1 - .1093 Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana--this section contains Civil War correspondence and telegrams to and from Lt. General Richard Taylor, while commander of the Dept. of Ala. bama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, from October 1864 to May 1865; messages between his subordinate commanders; and muster rolls of the paroled members of Taylor's command surrendered at Meridian, Jackson, Grenada, Mobile, and Citronelle. LaM 8932.2.1-.14 Letters from Alphonse Lelong, a private in the Confederate Army from New Orleans, serving near Corinth and Tupelo, Mississippi, and Grand Junction, Tennessee, in 1862. >:' >:< >:< LaM 8932.3.1 - .25 Department of the Trans-Mississippi(Red River Defenses) ~.. ­ dispatches and reports relative to deserters from Confederate defense positions along the Red River. The names of the individual deserters are also included. LaM 8932.4 Copy of report from General N.P. Banks (New Orleans) to General Halleck, Commander in Chief, U. S.A. 20 February 1863-­ relative to skirmish in New Orleans between Federal troops and the ladies of New Orleans. LaM 8932.5 Report of the United Confederate Veterans' Historical Committee, 6th Annual Reunion, Richmond, Virginia, 30 June through 2 July 1896. >:< >:< >:::: LSM 8932.6. 1 - 067 The Kenner section contains correspondence, resolutions, and pamphlets pertaining to the U. a. Tariff Commission convened in 1882 to study and recommend adjustments in the tariffs on imported sugar, rice and salt. Also, contained in this section are correspondence and pam­ phlets concerning the 1874 Mississippi River floods, particularly the Louisi­ ana Levee Company, levee construction, flood control, and the New Orleans, St.Louis and Chicago Railroad Company. Kenner was president of the Tariff Commission and a member of the Louisiana Levee Company. DONOR: Mrs. J 0 L. Brent (wife of General J. L• Brent) Gift-- April 1926. Cataloged and inventoried by: John R. Kemp 5 December 1973 1. Department of' Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana JEFFERSON DAVIS 81,18932.1 .1. ~JE:yfferson Davis (Richmond) to Lt. Gen. Richard Taylor (Meridian). 12 January 1865--translation of coded messagt~~­ reference to the assignment of PoGo '1' 0 Beauregard to cthe Army of Tennessee e Also to the utilization of General~ Hardee~s, Hood's, Forrest's, and Roddy's forces against the advances of Gen. Sherman • • 2. Coded message of number 1 above« «3 oj Copy of coded message number 1 above • •h. Davis (Richmond) to R. Taylor (Meridian). 1 February 1865-­ translation of coded message--InteIIigence report as to the strength and movements of Gen. Thomas's (Federal) forces • • 5.
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