Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, 2019, 12: 85-151. Received 08 Nov 2019; Accepted 02 Dec 2019. doi:10.5937/bnhmb1912085P UDC: 069.6:582.082.5(497.113); 581.92(497.113) Original scientific paper MATERIALS FOR A FLORA OF SERBIA FROM THE HERBARIUM COLLECTION PZZP (2) 1* 2 RANKO PERIĆ , JELENA KNEŽEVIĆ 1* Institute for Nature Conservation of the Vojvodina province, Radnička 20a, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia, e-mail:
[email protected] 2 Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 2, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia. In this article is presented the second part of data on selected new and noteworthy taxa for a flora of Serbia resulting from the ongoing process of examination and revision of the Herbarium collection of the Institute for Nature Conservation of the Vojvodina province (PZZP). These data are including 22 species, 14 subspecies, 1 variety, 1 form, 1 infraspecific taxon with indetermined taxonomical status [stat. indet.] and one nothospecies belonging to 11 genera (Leontodon L., Lepidium L., Leucanthemella Tzvelev, Leucanthemum Mill., Leucojum Mill., Limonium Mill., Limosella L., Linaria Mill., Lindernia All., Linum L. and Scorzoneroides Moench). One subspecies (Linum capitatum subsp. serrulatum), one nothospecies (Linaria ×oligotricha) and 3 taxa on the different infraspecific levels are new for a flora of Serbia. Key words: botanical collections, flora, chorology, Serbia. INTRODUCTION As a continuation of our previous work (Perić et al. 2018) this article is dealing with the most recent results of the ongoing process of identifica- tion, revision and publishing data on selected new and noteworthy taxa 86 PERIĆ, R., KNEŽEVIĆ, J.: FLORA OF SERBIA FROM COLLECTION PZZP (2) extracted from the Herbarium collection of the Institute for Nature Conservation of the Vojvodina province in Novi Sad (PZZP) and accompanied with a review of already published data for Serbia.