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THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No 3482 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 137 65330 Brethelton, John Gilbert, Farm Labourer, Wairoa. I ()5+03 Everton, Frank Stretton, Bank Clerk, Motu, Waikohu 65329 Broadhead, Ben, Carpenter, Steele Rd, Kaiti, Gisborne. Countv. 65331 Brown, Joseph, Labourer, Te Araroa. *6;3404 Fairley, John, Groom, Tarapatiki, Frasertown, Wairoa. *65332 Bruce, James Alexander, Shepherd, Fernside, Tokomaru 65405 Farnham, Frank, l<'ireman, care of Cable Ship" Iris." Bay. *65406 Ferguson, Robert Lyell, Carpenter, care of Mrs. A. Sealey, 65333 Buckley, Fred, Groom, care of Dr. Cole, Gisborne. Cobden St, Gisborne. 65334 Buist, Herman, Farmer, Matawai. 6;H07 [<'isher,Ellis Pryce, Sheep-farmer, Waione. 65335 Burke, John, Roadman, care of J. P. Guthrie, Talaga Bay. 6:3408 Fisher, Stanley, Station Hand, Whatatutu, Gisborne. 65336 Butler, James, L~bourer, Rakauroa. 65!lO Forrester, Robert Gilchrist, jun., Postmaster, Te Araroa, 65337 Butler, Patrick, Wool Carter, Patutahi, Gisborne. Waiapu. 65338 Buzza, John Henry, Carpenter, 617 Gladstone Rd, Gisborne. 65411 Fox, William, l<'armer, Te Karaka, Gisborne. *65339 Campion, Edwin Hubare, Surveyor, Gisborne. 65412 Francis, Frederick Henry, Carpenter, Waikura Station, 65341 Carpenter, Fred, Ploughman, care of Angus McKinnon, I Cape Runaway. Arapawanui, Napier. 65413 Fraser, James, Stableman, Masonic Stables, Gisbollle. 65342 Carroll, Alfred Thomas, Sheep.farmer, Turiroa. 65414 Freeman, John, Labourer, Wttipiro Bay, Waiapu County. *6534) Cato, Walter Philip, Labourer, WirIter St, Mangapapa, 65415 Fry, Maxwell R., Book.keeper, care of FarmerR, Kahukura, Gisborne. Gisborne. 65344 Chalmers, John, Labourer, care of D. B. Simpson, 72 Craw- I 65416 Furlong, James, Bushman, Spring Hill, Mohaka. fO;'d Rd, Gis borne. 65417 Gah'in, Patdck, .Farm Assistant, Maungataniwha, Wairoa. *65345 Chrisp, Ernest, Solicitor, Rawiri St, Kaiti. 65418 Gardiner, John Robert, Farmer, care of Mr. A. Falkner, 65346 Church, Arthur, Foncer, care of R. Boyd, jun., Otoko. Rural Box, Kaiparoro, Eketahuna. *65347 Church, Oswald Vincent, Farmer, I 7 Herbert Rd, Gishorne. 65420 Garrett, Edward James, Lineman, care of Mrs. Stevenson, 65348 Clarke, Alexander McIntosh, Flax-mill Driver, Wairoa. Kcllingworth House, Gisborne. 65349 Clarke, Reginald Edward, Shepherd, Taruheru, Gisborne. (1)421 Garrett, George Victor James, Grocer's Assistant, l:i Stout *65352 Cleary, Joseph Augustus, Labourer, Matarauau Station, St. Gisborne. Cape Runaway. G5422 Gatrell, William Henry, Driver, Waihi, Wairoa, Hawke's 65354 Collins, Charles Michael, Labourer, Coronation Hotel, Gis­ Bay. borne. 65423 Gavigan, John, i"cnccr, Matawai, Waikohu. *65356 Cook, Alfred, Station Hand, care of A. C. Wood, Lotten 65424 Gavin, Michal'l, Farmer, Ruakituri, Wairoa. Point, Te Araroa. *65425 Goany, John Joseph Leo, Carpenter, 317 Gladstone Rd, 65357 Cook, Philip, Bush Contractor, care of Nelson Bros. Freezing· Gisborne. works, Taruheru, Gisborne. 65426 Gillice, Alfred, Station Hand, Kairoa, Tiniroto. 65358 Cooke, Charles Carnock, Station Hand, Mangapapa, Gisborne. *65427 Oilmor~, Gcorge Bernard, Mincr, 94 Dixon St, ""ellington. *65359 Cooper, Cyril Nowsam, Farmer, Waerengaokuri Store, *65428 Ginnane, Miehael, F~ncer, care of H. Loisel, Private Bag, Waerengaokuri, Cook. Uisbornc. 65360 Cooper, William, L.w Clork, Ballance St, Gisborne. 65429 Gleeson, Fredrick, Bushfelling ContractuI', Motu, Gisborne. 65361 Cornish, George James, Fireman, Wellington St, Gisborne. 65430 Goldie, Jamcs, Waterside Worker, 9 Stanley Rd, Gisbornc. 65362 Courtayne, William, Freezing·works Hand, care of Nelson *65431 Goldsmith, Clarence Edward, Porter, 477A Palmerston Rd, Bros (Limited), Gisborne. Uisbornc. *65363 Crane, Albert Edward, lIairdrosser, Wairoa, lIawke's Bay. *65432 Goldsmith, 1{cginald Thomas, FactOl'Y Hand, ] 55 Stout St. 65364 Crarer, Poter Francis, Cler:i, Wairoa. Whataupoko, Gisborne. 65365 Crighton, Harold Victor, Labourer, care of Mrs. Nock, 65434 Goodley, Ito bert William, Tailor, 255 Palmcrston Rd, Cook St, Upper Gladstone Rd, Gisborne. Gishorne. *65366 Cmok, A. S., Packer, Whatatutu, Waikohu. 65435 Grant, James, Carrier, 16 Root St, Oi.borne. 65367 Crosswell, Vivian James, Bushfeller, Cape Runaway. 65437 Gregg, Andrew, Wag.oner, Lytton ltd, Gisborne. 65368 Croxton, Walter John, Carpenter, Papuni, Ruakituri. 65438 Griffen, Vincent Dominic, Farm Assistant, Makauri, GIS- 65369 Cushnie, Andrew, Driver, 519 Gladstone Rd, Gisborne. borne. *65371 D .. niels, Joseph, Jockey, Karamu Station, lIastings. 65439 Griffin, Thomas, Labourer, Waipiro Bay, Gisbome.. 65372 D.wey, To:n, Farmer, Mohanga, Frasertown. 65440 Griffiths, George Philip, 7 Desmond Rd, Gisborne. 65373 Davies, Walter Edw.. rd, lIorse·trainer, Makauri, Gisborne. 6M41 Gwynn, Danial ,Joseph, Stripper, Tokomaru Bay. 65374 Day, Lonis Alfrod, Clerk, 253 Whitaker St, Gisborne. 65442 Habgood, Thomas William, Farm Hand, Mak",uri, Gisborn!'. 65375 Dee, Albert, Telephone Lineman, Kaiti, Gisborne. lii,44:i Hadtield, .Frank, Carpenter, care of D. Sutherland, Ruakitmi. 65376 Dugan, :\fichael, Tunnel·worker, care of Freezing Company, 65444 Hall, Bertranl, Fencer, Kiore. Waipaoa, Gisborne. 65445 Hall, Peter Francis, Porter, N.Z.R., Matawai, Coole 65377 Da Lacy, Francis, Wool·blender, Kaiteratahi Freezing·works, 65446 Hall, Rupert Thomas, Clerk in Holy Orders, The Vicarage, Gi.borne. Wairoa, Hawkc's Bav. 65378 Delahunty, Redmund, Labourer, Dominion Boardinghouse, Hi,H7 Ha.nham. James Alfred," ]{,abbitter, care of Mr. N. Mackay, Waipaoa. Rabbit Tnspector, Wairoa. 65379 Dempsey, Samuel James, Gardener, Makaraka. H5MS Han"cn, Julius Ravlinc, Farm Hand, Kaiteratahi, Gisborne. 65380 Dick, David, Telegraph Lineman, A. McLeod's Mill, Mata· 65449 Hardie, Herb... rt John, Motor Engineer, 33 Salisbury Rd, wai. I Oisbornc. 65381 Dickinson, William Charles, Labourer, Waipore St, Tokomaru (j,;450 Harding, ,John Christopher, S~,aman, 126 Sheehan St, Gis· Bay. borne. 65382 Dillon, Edw.. rd Jere,niah, Carpenter, Wairoa, lIawke's Bay. (j:H,;1 Harnish, Albert George, Shepherd, Waihi Station, Ohine· "65383 Dobbs, William Henry, Fencer, Fernhill, Hawke's Bay. rlluri, Thames. 65384 Dolman, Edwin William, Orchardist, Patutahi. 65452 Harper, Arthur Heginald, Farm-manager, Care of T. S, 65385 Da:niney, 'rhomas Gilbert, Labourer, 15 Harris St, Gisborne. \Villiams, Kuirererc Station, Tuparoa. 65386 Donovan, Thomas Joseph, Storeman, care of Gisborne Fire *tj54.~3 Harries, William Duncan, Labourer, care of T. J. Blake, Brigade Station, Gisborne. Mangapoike, Gisborne. 66387 Doran, Albcrt Ernest, Joiner, 129 Ballancc St, Gis borne. *65454 Harris, John Ha.rold, Freezer, Freezing-works, Tokomalll 65388 D)Uglas, N,,~l McAlpine, Bank Officer, Tokomaru Bay, Bay. Waiapu. 65455 Harvey, David, Shcpherd, Cricklewood Station, Wairoa. *65390 Doyle, William, Farm Hand, Moh .. ka, Wairo... 65456 Hatherell, William George, Cab·driver, 201 Ormond Rd, 65391 Duffin, Hugh, Labourer, Barracks, Tokomaru Bay, Waiapu Gisborne. .. County. *65457 Hawkins, Edward William, Shepherd, Mohaka. 65392 Duncan, John, Builder, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. 65458 Heany, Herbert, Shop A&sistant, 410 Gladston Rd, *65393 Dunfoy, Alfred George, Cook, Oil Springs Hotel, Whatatutu, . Gis borne. Gisborne. *65459 Hedley, Gabriel, Laliourer, Naihere, Hauraki Plains. 65394 Dunston, Alfred Ernest" Gas·fitter, Childers Rd, Gisborne. *65460 Hendra, Stewart Charles, Telegraph Lineman, 34 Custom· 65395 Duthie, William James, Engine-fitter, Arowhana Station, house St, Gisborne. Wheturau. 65461 Hickey, Joseph, Labourer, Otoko. 65396 Eade, Robert Jeffrey, Shepherd, Patutahi, Gisborne. *65462 Hill, Ernest, Barman, Whatatutu, Waikohu. *65397 Eales, Frank, Teamster, Whatatutu. *65463 Hillier, William, Farm Labourer, care of Freezing-works *65398 Ebbitt, Vivian Ernee.t, Coach· driver, Queen St, Wairoa. Boarding-house, Tokomaru Bay, Waiapu. *65399 Eighan, John, Barman, Thames Hotel, Queen St, Auckland. 65464 Hills, James Valentin... , Gardener, care of Lister Hospital, 65400 Ellis; Charles Gihnour Stead, elvil Service Cadet, Waipiro Gisbornc. Bay, Gisborne. 65465 Hodges, Francis James, Labourer, care of Smart and Grant, *65401 Elvidge, Charles Thomas, Siaughterman, care of Mrs. Rakauroa. Liddeard, Mayland St, Sumner, Christchurch. 65466 Holmes, Alexander, Ormond Rd, Mangapapa. Gisborne. 65402 Essex, Henry Parfitt, Labourer, care of Spence Brothers, 65467 Holschier, Herbert Francis, Farm Hand, Motu. Ruamt,uri, Wairoa. 05468 Hooper, Leslie Luke, Shop Assistant., Tolaga Bay. .
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