Waterside Northampton Development Framework and Masterplan
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Development Framework & Masterplan Final Report January 2005 Waterside Northampton Development Framework & Masterplan January 2005 Halcrow Group Limited Red hill House 227 London Road Worcester WR5 2JG Tel +44 (0)1905 361361 Fax +44 (0)1905 361362 www.halcrow.com Contents Amendment Record This report has been issued and amended as follows: Issue Revision Description Date Signed 1 0 Draft Issue 26/11/04 1 A Final Draft Issue 21/12/04 20 B Final Report 14/01/05 Waterside Northampton - Development Framework and Masterplan Executive Summary Over the years the development of Northampton has In order to achieve these objectives, key stakeholders and In order to address these issues, a masterplan has been Funding and Implementation have been appraised and turned its back on the river. This has meant that one of local groups have been involved and consulted with the developed, based on a design philosophy, principles and recommendations made for sources of funding and the town’s main assets has been neglected with little assistance of a Steering Group. All pertinent national, objectives to ensure that it is: delivery structures. An approximate cost estimate investment. The result is a poor quality environment regional and local policy and initiatives have been identified a figure of just under £11m to implement the where there is little activity and not a place many people considered and a thorough study appraisal undertaken. Responsive – to policy, needs of users and the proposals. On this basis, a funding appraisal identified a environment; wish to go. The main issues arising from the analysis and range of funding sources with the potential to meet this requirement for spend. These include the East Midlands consultation are as follows: Sustainable – environmentally, socially and economically; The overall aim of this study is to address this problem Development Agency and Northamptonshire Partnership, and to provide a Masterplan and Development Framework • Water is the River Corridor’s main asset and is not Active – provides active and usable spaces; Northamptonshire County Council, Heritage Lottery Fund, for the Nene Valley River Corridor from Duston Mill fully exploited; and the Landfill Tax Credit Scheme. Reservoir on the east, to Barnes Meadow on the west. • Poor condition and uninviting nature of the Informative – well signed, legible and cohesive; Based on this aim, the key objectives are as follows: To secure funding and ensure on-going maintenance, a footways/cycleways with poorly defined, discontinuous Interactive – provides for education and learning; Local Authority led partnership approach has been • To provide sustainable, achievable proposals for the access and little or no signage or interpretation; recommended. It is anticipated that revenue funding length of the study area, with specific attention drawn • Lack of amenities or well designed space and facilities Inclusive – involves the community and is available for would be sourced through Section 106 agreements, while to Becket’s Park as a ‘Gateway’ to Northampton; for activities; all. working closely with The Land Restoration Trust, to potentially secure additional funding. • To emphasise the key characteristics of the River • Several existing landmarks, such as the lift tower and Based on this philosophy, the masterplan clearly Valley Corridor in order to influence its development Carlsberg Brewery which, in addition to new ones, are demonstrates that it is possible to develop a The likely programme for delivery is anticipated to include and provide a positive interface between the valley needed to give the river corridor identity and cohesion; comprehensive and holistic approach to creating a place both complex one-off projects and those that can be and the urban edge; which is a recreational and an environmental asset to the completed year on year. The total programme length at • The community need to be involved to engender a this stage is anticipated to be five to six years. • To link with all adjoining development, the important sense of ownership. town. It also shows that the proposals can be delivered in cultural centre of the town and the surrounding historic a sustainable and viable way, while being managed parks and landscape. successfully in the long term. To address these issues this study has been based upon The fundamental aspects of the masterplan are as a methodology comprising information gathering and follows: study deliverables outlined below: • A strong design philosophy to form a basis for an Policy Background holistic approach to proposals; National, regional and local policy, strategic context • Sustainability is at the core of the design principles and objectives; Analysis and Consultation • Water is the main asset and has been exploited fully; Land use, landscape character, water, biodiversity, cultural heritage, transport, walking and cycling, links and • A clear identity is created through distinctive routes, gateways and opportunities and constraints landmarks, buildings, structures and artwork; • Linkages are improved, comprehensive and cohesive Consultation with key stakeholders, officers and the with clear signage and interpretation; community • Activity is encouraged through the creation of Development Framework interactive and passive places and spaces for walking, cycling and local events; Design philosophy, principles and objectives, masterplan and activity areas • Environmental improvements for wildlife through habitat creation, restoration and enhancement. Implementation and Delivery Strategy To deliver the masterplan to a high standard it is recognised that the quality of the detailed design and Financial and funding appraisal and implementation implementation is critical, along with involving the strategy community and key stakeholders to ensure the proposals have a clear sense of local ownership. Waterside Northampton - Development Framework and Masterplan Contents Page Section 1: Setting the Scene Section 2: The Existing Situation Section 3: The Development Framework 2.1 Analysis 3.1 Design Philosophy 1.2 Policy Background 2.1.1 Land Use 3.2 Design Principles and Objectives 1.2.1 Introduction 2.1.2 Landscape Character 3.2.1 Sustainability 1.2.2 National Policy 2.1.3 Water 3.2.2 Water - ODPM’s Community Strategy 2.1.4 Biodiversity 3.2.3 Accessibility - Countryside Agency & Groundwork 2.1.5 Cultural Heritage 3.2.4 Activities - Rural Urban Fringe 2.1.6 Transport 3.2.5 Brand 1.2.3 Regional Policy 2.1.7 Walking & Cycling 3.3 Masterplan - Regional Planning Policy 2.1.8 Links & Routes 3.3.1 Proposed Area Themes / Activities - MK&SMSRS – Green Infrastructure 2.1.9 Gateways 3.3.2 Proposed Key Activity Areas - River Nene Regional Park Feasibility 2.1.10 Opportunities and Constraints 3.3.3 Proposed Links, Routes and Gateways Study 2.2 Consultation 3.3.4 Proposed Public Art and Interpretation 1.2.4 Local Policy 2.2.1 Overview 3.3.5 Proposed Landscape Strategy - Structure Plan, Local Plan Policy 2.2.2 Perception Surveys 3.3.6 Proposed Ecological Strategy 1.2.5 Local Strategies 2.2.3 Summary of Consultation 3.3.7 Proposed Cultural Strategy - Strategy Document Review (Community, 2.3 Summary of Existing Situation 3.4 Summary of the Development Framework Arts Development, Cultural, Cultural Mile, Playing Pitch) 1.2.6 Strategic Local Initiatives - NBC River Valley Master Plan - Spirit of the Valley - Upper Nene Valley Country Park - Northampton Multi - Modal Study - Getting Northampton to Work 1.2.7 Floodplain 1.2.8 Land Ownership 1.2.9 Existing Local Facilities 1.3 Summary of Issues Contents Page Section 4: Implementation and Delivery Appendices List of Figures: 4.1 Financial and Funding Appraisal • Appendix A: Consultation Figure 1 Study Area 4.1.1 Cost Estimate • Appendix B: Policy Background Figure 2 Proposed Junction Improvements 4.1.2 Analysis of Funding Opportunities • Appendix C: Northampton Multi - Modal Figure 3 Flooding 4.1.3 Funding Opportunity Recommendations Study Figure 4 Land Ownership 4.1.4 Funding Bid Process • Appendix D: Details of Northamptonshire Figure 5 Land Use County Councils Proposals for Junction Figure 6 Landscape Character 4.2 Management Improvements Figure 7 Water 4.2.1 Best Practice on Management of Urban • Appendix E: Access Audit at Sea Cadet Green Space Premises Figure 8 Biodiversity 4.2.2 Best Practice on Maintenance of Urban • Appendix F: Historic Environment and Figure 9 Cultural Heritage Green Space Archaeology Stage 1 Appraisal Figure 10 Transport 4.2.3 Case Studies • Appendix G: Funding Matrix Figure 11 Walking and Cycling 4.2.4 Management Considerations for Waterside Figure 12 Links and Routes Northampton Figure 13 Gateways 4.3 Implementation Strategy Figure 14 Opportunities and Constraints 4.3.1 Action Plan Figure 15 Masterplan 4.3.2 Project Priority Figure 16 Proposed Area Themes/Activities 4.3.3 Projects Programme Figure 17 Proposed Evemt Spaces 4.3.4 Project Durations Figure 18 Proposed Links, Routes and Gateways 4.4 Conclusions – The Way Forward Figure 19 Proposed Art and Interpretation Figure 20 Proposed Landscape Strategy Figure 21 Proposed Ecological Strategy Figure 22 Proposed Cultural Startegy Section 1: Setting the Scene Setting the Scene 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 Context 1.1.2 Study Purpose 1.1.3 Study Aim 1.1.4 Key Objectives Northampton has grown significantly since becoming a Currently, the river corridor is generally of low The overall aim of the study is as follows: Based on this aim, the key objectives of the study are environmental quality, with very little form or function