HPSource Hardingstone’s Newsletter Issue 12 April - May 2021 To be replaced with better picture. HP Source is a bi-monthly newsletter, funded by Hardingstone Parish Council, compiled and edited by a team of volunteers for Hardingstone Village. 1 From your editorial team We are including several articles from villagers which we editor, and if possible should be restricted to around 250 didn’t have room for last time, together with some new words. ones. We hope that you find them interesting, and if you The editor has complete discretion to omit or to edit can help by providing an article or photographs for future submissions. Deadlines for sending items are given below. issues we would welcome your input. Articles, notices and advertisements published in the *On April 1st the Borough and County Councils will be newsletter do not necessarily represent the views of the replaced by West Northamptonshire Council (WNC). As editorial team or the Parish Council, and we take no the councillors to WNC will not be decided until elections responsibility for the content. We do not endorse in May, the former councillors shown in ‘Useful Contacts’ products, services, events, businesses, organisations or below should be able to provide support until then. individuals featured and / or advertised in the newsletter. As we recover from the lockdown, we hope to include KAPH, the editorial team. items and information from Hardingstone organisations Send your items to:
[email protected] and clubs again. We work to agreed editorial and or deliver to: The Parish Room High Street NN4 6DA advertising guidelines.