GRASAS Y ACEITES, 64 (3), ABRIL-JUNIO, 285-294, 2013, ISSN: 0017-3495 DOI: 10.3989/gya.072212 Phenolic compounds in mono-cultivar extra virgin olive oils from Algeria By M. Douzane1, A. Tamendjari3, *, A.K. Abdi1, M-S. Daas1, F. Mehdid1 and M.M. Bellal2 1 Laboratory of Food Technology, National Institute of the Agronomic research of Algeria. CRP Mehdi Boualem. P O BOXE 37 road of Baraki. Algiers-Algeria 2 Department of Technology of the Food industry and human Nutrition. Agronomic National Institute of Algiers (INA). El Harrach. Algiers-Algeria 3 Laboratory of Applied Biochemistry, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, University of Bejaia, Algeria * Corresponding author:
[email protected] RESUMEN The experimental results show that tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol and 4-HBA (4-hydroxybenzoic acid) are the main individual Componentes fenólicos en aceites de oliva vírgenes phenolic compounds identified in the varieties studied. The monovarietales de Argelia varieties with large fruits (Grosse du Hamma, Aghenfas, Azeradj, Aguenaou, Aberkane, Bouchouk de Guergour, La alta estabilidad oxidativa de los aceites de oliva vírge- X-Aghenfas, Rougette de Guelma, Sigoise) are clearly nes está relacionada con su alta relación de ácidos grasos distinguished from the varieties with medium-sized and monoinsaturados/poliinsaturados y con la presencia de com- small fruits by having the highest levels of individual phenolic ponentes antioxidantes, como tocoferoles y polifenoles. En compounds. Moreover, varieties with small fruits (Hamra, este trabajo se llevó acabo un aislamiento y cuantificación de Chemlal, Boughenfas, Limli, Aimel and Mekki) presented the compuestos fenólicos de aceites de oliva virgenes de varie- highest levels of oleuropein.