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Geka Ironworker Manual.Pdf ,eAFlv, ,€,1 ' {'* s-GtEKA -;, '-'#5iIl*- r GEI(A laa-M '"3ffi-g READ THIS AND THE MANUAL BEFORE USING HOW THE HOLD DOWN SYSTEM PAY NXTIL{ CAIIE HOLD-DOWNS USE EXTREME PIIDSSUIIE how each This machine is equipped with hydraulic holddowns for the punclr, plate, or angle sectiom. Following is system works and how to a{u$ or take care of any malfturctions that may occur. Punch Section plate down The punch section contains 2 hydraulic holddowns to hold the plate in place md to h.old th9 switch located on during the rtripp*g action. You can manually move the hold-down up and down by the 3 posilion yourself clearance to tt *v"r.-you witt need to make this adjustment when changing dies to give enough "yii"ao a return shoke of approx ."-*"" the die. The machine is set up using timei ff t in the electrical box to only allow to the top of its l/g,,. When punching a newthickness plate-use the manual up svritch to raise the holddown all the way The hold-downs shoke and then punJh your first hole. After this has been done the shoke will only retum approx U8". pressure is controlled by pressrre switch SPI - It is preset for 30 mpa' Problem\ that m4v occur the otler is These two cylinders work on the principle of a series connection. I cylinder is a double sided ram come out of parallel- a single ended. Due to leakage arormd the seals oiboth cylinden you canlnve the cylinders punch Wneir ttris lapens it is im$rtant to remedy this problem as soon as possible. On the left hand side of the the manual switch to cylinder coveiis a guard hetA on with 4 suews ti"ttloO tttir cover is a ball valve. While holding become level ttre Oowl positioo o]"n th" bull valve and then close. You should then see that the holddown cylinders uluil. n*.ni"g with ttre hold-down out of level can and will damage the pistons. It is the responsibility of the operator to check this point. P RYAN J. VORSTEG coMEQ INC. PH: 410-933-8500 ex. 170 [email protected] FAX: 410-933-1600 .o-i''9A8* F- GEKAA1r./ raY-Mh ffi@fr/ Shear Section To activate the hold-doum firnctions &e switchthat mys manuaUautomatic must tre switched over to automatic. If the switch remains on the manual selection the machine will work like a nonnal GEKA IRONWORKtrR with no hold downs. Use the machine this way when you are using the otlrcr sections with no hold-downs. The shear retpm is controlled by a timer in the electrical box called KT. This timer is set to rehrn the hotrddovms ap'gox l/8"- When a thicker plateis to be sheaed use the up trrow button located near the shear side energency stop to raise the hold-down. After the new plate thickness is sheared the holddown will only retum l/8". The hold-downs will work with either the foot peclal or the electric length gauge. The key switch on the electrical box door must be turn to the guard down position and the yellow notcher guard must be completely down. When a fiurction is activated and the f,olddown builds pressure it will activate the shear action. If you want to stop the shear from descending simply remove your foot iom the pedal and the shem will rekact" When working with the electrical length gauge press the merpencv stoo. MachineswitkbothAngle and Plate hold dnwt When the switch is furned to the manual mode of operation the selector valve must be furned to the plate shear section for before for added safety. The plate shear hold down will descend on its own to close the opening ofthe plate shear section to insure that it is not used. The plate shear and mgle shear section are not to be used without the hold doun. Plale Section The plate section uses a hydraulic cylinder to move the holddown against the plate to be sheared. NEVER PLACE A PLATE BEYONII IIIE IIOLD-.DOWN. Ansle SqcFon The angle section uses a hydraulic motor to actuate a screw that will hold the angle at the fillet' Never cycle the angle shear hotd down without material in place . It is possible to jam the screw in the dorrun position. It should be possible to release the screw by holding the up arrow button on the shear cylinder cover. I\TEVEB PI"ACE A AIYGLE BEYOND THE X'RONT GIIIDES. Problems that m4v occ*r The shear side holddowns work on a pressure switch. When the foot pedal or electric length gauge is triggered the holddowns will hold the material nntil a set pressure is built and then lrigger the shqryg action- Over tlre coirise of the machines life this switch will need to be adjusted. This pressure switch is located in the hydraulic section. It will be nea the secondary manifold. This prressue switch is marked SP. It is peset to 40 mpa 06/08/06 11848-PULL-80X-2137 RYAN J. VORSTEG coMEQ INC. PH: 410-933-8500 ex. 170 [email protected] FAX: 410-933-1600 NOTE. SUBJTCT T[ CHANGT VITHIUT NITICT GIKA IRINVIRKIR MITIR HIRSIPIVTRS AND AMP DRAV MODIL H.P 220 VOLTS 440 VILTS MIN STRVICE EEOV MIN. SIRVICT 44OV HYDRACROP 55A-AD 8,5 e0 t0 50 25 HYDRACRIP 55S-SD 8,5 20 l0 50 25 HYDRACRIP BOA-AD 8,5 20 l0 50 25 HYDRACROP BOS-SD t? 32 t7 BO 40 HYDRACRDP IIOA-AD 8,5 ? 0 i0 50 e5 HYDRACRIP IIOS-SD 1? 3a t7 80 40 ca HYDRACROP 155S-SD ct J( ?6 125 6 0 HYDRACRIP 22OS-SD ?? 52 ?6 les 50 MICRICRt]P 4,5 16 I 40 ? 0 MINICRIP 4,5 l6 B 4 0 ( 0 P,P, 50 8,5 ? 0 10 50 a5 PUMA 55 t-500/750 8,5 ? 0 10 50 e5 PUMA 80 E-500/750 1? 3? 17 BO 4 0 PUMA 110 t-500/750 1? 32 17 BO 4 0 PUMA 155 E-500/750 cc 5a ?6 125 60 PUMA aaO t-500/750 (( 5e ?6 r25 60 BENDICRIP 8,5 ? 0 10 50 e5 M]CR[ SINGLI PHAST 5,0 ? J N.A 50 N,A. SUGGTSTTD SIRVICT IS CALCULATTD BY AMP RATING [N MOTIR TIMES 2.5 TO 3. THIST FIGURTS ARt THTRORITICAL AND TIGURTD AT THE MACHINT. DAIE HISTnY m txsruAMilo{ r rEVIsl06 HAR0r{SS { VARIAl{I )<I HILXIAL 0lrl|ru V v G@mnE@ [N@" h Br!ffirEcsu{ EffttEro@u 6tKA tRtlNvm(tRs VV v ntffi[amstDtrr(tqw AI,P DRAVS SIE| rnEt@rtgg@[0cc Eru I|(rlmlt r [&3ffincsr6 xxxxx \l+ xxxxx lllPAf TIP: 9YAN lvtPtlfli mE& ffitxrw. u Mtr^ffisat! v r$wrylsuasrffiryIEE ffitrlr' w v @trrnrx@sImE oru ![L: Il uG 0tl09/05 [{t r-flil-trn2 |ortxs ARt 8.5 HP. e 6fi2 I t6-blxL .6@ lPf* nsnl MIt: 03/31/06 IPARI l{} 0fiIlmmm0.m INCIMINI PIVIR CINNICTIIN MACHINT TLTCTRICAL BIX BITTIM LtFT HAND CIRNTR PE LI LE L3 0[F o o o LiG I LE6 2 LE6 3 IF THIRT ISA HIGH LIG PRTSINT INSURT IT IS PLACTD IN THI TTRMINAL MARKTD 12, PRTMATURT FAILURT Ir THT TRANSFIRMIR IS PISSIBLI, AN IPTNING IS PRIVIDID AT THT BITTIM [F THt TLICTRICAL BIX FI]R FIt DING [F PIVIR. 4ff"* I I wenw IJ rU. r{t}: A o II,58B KGI gzasr D I rs I 27$l X 75 ?43 36.6r \_ NOTCHIN6 X 43.07 44,49 PUNCHIN6 ANGLE 36,6r 49.4t FLATS BARS + 0&@ 3.937 oo o.-. N @ (:) ni \i o (') s \t rf) HYD.BO S n $ q + q s ru 0/) ru + + rf @ ..! 14 54.331 1.969 (' 58.268 8.189 68.?24 GRTASI POINTS o n \_ + UST MID GRADT BTARING GRIASI HARtlrtss { Rtvtsttl,rs v v @@mnE@ [NG" h xrffiirffirutEtnnr|@L HYMffRP STRIES GREASE PtIINIS w v Hl nE E.EtrIrUrUt rm fiur TiFifir uxEt lr *t!f, m L nil. cu s u oac E rit I r(lt clrt$tl t lle ilt llrtsor r IlEtr w'7 v Er& afrttm-K }r rt0wFrlmrltsrwffi[E Ermulr rt8[tmgorLtauoE ru w v ru ING PLAOUE CLEARANCE PLAOUE SATEIT TLECIRIC LIIIGIH ({'AGE TEY GLASSES CONTACT TEY GLASSES -STOP TAGE PRINT NUMBER PHASE ZED USERS ONLY HANIIISS t".t { RtvtstOts XI ISITRIAL v v G@nmE@ [NG" h SIAI{DARI} SAFITY SIICKERS L w v vAtatAdl ru I SU& IXXX-XXXX.XXXX \Z\P v ru \m v nlu PAPfII 85XII1 [AIt: $l-07-0{ t[mtro u] 6-t(r-1il .G SO21 s82 }lIH'l g .aE] so3/ S05 Dt SBI SO4 D. ..E 506 so8 + s07 s0l SAI SB4 SB3 SAz SA3 @ oHL HYDl65/aaoS-SD HYD80/ll0s-sD YV5 HYD55S-SD YV5 HY D55./80/l l0A-AD YV5 YVA YVE YVI YVI YVA YV2 YVE YVA YV3 YV3 YV3 YV3 YV3 TRANSFIRl'4tR 9 Pt[I zlBv I0 250v l? 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