151 Distribution and Community Structure of Mangrove in Donrotu, Guratu and Manomadehe Islands, West Halmahera District, North

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151 Distribution and Community Structure of Mangrove in Donrotu, Guratu and Manomadehe Islands, West Halmahera District, North Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis Vol. 12 No. 1, Hlm. 151-166, April 2020 p-ISSN : 2087-9423 http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jurnalikt e-ISSN : 2620-309X DOI: http://doi.org/10.29244/jitkt.v12i1.26929 DISTRIBUTION AND COMMUNITY STRUCTURE OF MANGROVE IN DONROTU, GURATU AND MANOMADEHE ISLANDS, WEST HALMAHERA DISTRICT, NORTH MALUKU DISTRIBUSI DAN STRUKTUR KOMUNITAS MANGROVE DI PULAU DONROTU, GURATU DAN MANOMADEHE KABUPATEN HALMAHERA BARAT, MALUKU UTARA Rugaya H. Serosero1*, Salim Abubakar1 and Said Hasan2 1Study Program of Aquatic Resources Management, FPK-UNKHAIR, Ternate, 97551, Indonesia 2Study Program Biology, FKIP-UNKHAIR, Ternate, 97551, Indonesia *E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Mangrove is an ecosystem that is a habitat for various both aquatic and terrestrial biota. This research aims at revealing the distribution and community structure of mangrove in Donrotu, Guratu and Manomadehe Islands, West Halmahera Regency, North Maluku. This work was conducted from April to June 2019. Data collection using the spot check method, while the analysis of mangrove distribution was carried out qualitatively. Community structures quantitatively include type density (Di), relative density types (RDi), frequency types (Fi), relative frequency types (Rfi), closing types (Ci), closure of relatively types (RCi), and Important value (VIi). The results showed that Rhizophora stylosa in the three islands (Donrotu, Guratu, and Idamdehe) had the highest species density and highest density values. Closing types and closures are relatively varied. The type of R. stylosa also has a higher importance in all three islands. The highest mangrove density was mainly found in Donrotu Island (0.96 ind/m2), then Guratu Island (0.46 ind/m2), and Idamadehe Island (0.32 ind/m2), respectively. Keywords: community structure, distribution, Donrotu, Guratu, Manomadehe ABSTRAK Mangrove merupakan ekosistem yang merupakan habitat bagi berbagai biota perairan maupun di darat. Penelitian yang dilakukan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan distribusi dan struktur komunitas hutan mangrove di Pulau Donrotu, Guratu dan Manomadehe Kecamatan Jailolo Selatan, Kabupaten Halmahera Barat, Maluku Utara. Pelaksanaan penelitian pada bulan April-Juni 2019. Pengambilan data dengan menggunakan metode spot check. Analisis data distribusi mangrove dilakukan secara kualitatif, sedangkan struktur komunitas secara kuantitatif meliputi kerapatan jenis (Di), kerapatan relatif jenis (RDi), frekuensi jenis (Fi), frekuensi relatif jenis (Rfi), penutupan jenis (Ci), penutupan relatif jenis (RCi), Nilai penting (VIi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mangrove jenis Rhizophora stylosa pada ketiga pulau (Pulau Donrotu, Guratu dan Manomadehe) memiliki nilai kerapatan jenis dan kerapatan relatif jenis yang lebih tinggi. Penutupan jenis dan penutupan relatif jenis bervariasi. Jenis R. stylosa juga memiliki nilai penting yang lebih tinggi di ketiga Pulau. Kerapatan mangrove tertinggi ditemukan di Pulau Donrotu (0,96 ind/m2), kemudian Pulau Guratu (0,46 ind/m2) dan Pulau Manomadehe (0,32 ind/m2). Kata kunci: distribusi, Donrotu, Guratu, Manomadehe, struktur komunitas I. INTRODUCTION community of mangrove forests is also used by humans for various purposes such as Mangrove ecosystem is a typical wood, as pillars of houses, cultivated land, forest that has a dual function for resources tourist areas, and also for transportation. that make it a habitat both in the waters (fish, Mangroves provide a variety of essential nonfish) and in the terrestrial (birds). The benefits for people in the tropics and sub- Department of Marine Science and Technology FPIK-IPB, ISOI, and HAPPI 151 Distribution and Community Structure of Mangrove in Donrotu . tropics area, namely as providers of wood, world, with an area of approximately food for surrounding resources including 3.489.140,68 ha in the year 2015 (Ministry fisheries production, regulating climate of Environment and Forestry, 2017). The regulation, water purification, coastal area of mangrove has been reduced due to protection, erosion control, as a place of various activities such as logging for timber, recreation, aesthetic and spiritual value conversion to settlements agriculture and (Polidoro et al., 2010; Barbier et al., 2011; cultivation as well. Thomas et al. (2017) Donato et al., 2011; McIvor et al., 2012; Vo based on observations using data from et al., 2012). Mangroves, with all their Japanese Earth Resources Satellite (JERS-1), uniqueness, have the potential to be used as Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and tourist attractions and function to protect Advanced Satellite Observing Land (ALOS) coastal areas from various physical threats and Phased Array-type L-band SAR such as sedimentation, abrasion, and (PALSAR) found that there has been a prevention of seawater intrusion. reduction in mangrove area in Southeast Asia Mangrove can grow well in the areas as a result of human activities, namely protected from destructive human activities anthropogenic degradation (33.8%), and physical disturbances in coastal areas. including conversion to cultivation and Mangrove has a unique ability to adapt to agriculture. The benefits of mangrove forests extreme environmental conditions, such as are huge for humans and other resources that inundated soil conditions, high salinity, and live in the ecosystem, but the level of loss of less stable soil conditions (Noor et al., 2006). mangrove forests in the world is getting Mangrove ecosystems is the unity between higher and faster (Valiela et al., 2001; mangrove vegetation communities associated Alongi, 2002; Polidoro et al., 2010). FAO with fauna and micro-organisms so that they (2005) stated that the uses of mangrove areas can grow and develop in areas along the had been carried out since 1980, especially coast, especially in tidal areas, lagoons, for coastal area development activities and estuaries rivers that are protected by sandy cultivation activities. mud or mud substrates in forming a Mangrove ecosystem spread out sustainable environmental balance throughout the North Maluku region with (Presidential Regulation of the Republic of different areas. The area of North Maluku Indonesia, 2012). Furthermore, the forestry mangrove forest is approximately 46259.41 minister's regulation in 2013 explained that ha. The West Halmahera region, which is the in a mangrove forest ecosystem consists of overall research location, has mangrove various types of mangroves that have forests with an area of approximately 4735.8 different functions and adaptations to ha. Based on the results of digitizing and environmental changes that occur. Mangrove image processing using high-resolution forests are a formation of trees that grow on imagery carried out by BPDASHL Ake alluvial soil in the coastal area and around Malamo with the Directorate of Soil and tidal estuaries that are affected by sea tides. Water Conservation, Director General of The discovery of Avicennia spp. PDASHL in 2017, the total area of North characterizes mangrove forests. (Apiapi), Maluku mangrove has shrunk to 41228.7 ha Soneratia spp. (Pedada), Rhizophora spp. or reduced by 5030.71 ha (10.87%). This (Mangrove), Bruguiera spp. (Tanjang), destruction was caused by natural factors and Lumnitzera spp. (Tarumtum), Xylocarpus human factors (Mahmud, 2017). spp. (Nyirih), Anisoptera, and Nypa fruticans West Halmahera Regency has a high (Nipah). potential for mangrove forests. The condition Indonesia is a country that has the of mangroves on these islands has been most extensive mangrove ecosystem in the partially utilized for various purposes. 152 http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jurnalikt Serosero et al. Various problems with these ecosystems Sampling was carried out using "spot include habitat degradation and reduced checking" (Abubakar and Achmad, 2013). function of mangrove forests as spawning While, the distribution of mangrove species areas and upbringing areas for aquatic biota. on three islands (Manomadehe, Donrotu, and Distribution of mangrove forests in a Guratu) was determined descriptively, community and its community structure in an according to Noor et al. (2006). The ecosystem is essential information that is determination of zoning patterns is illustrated needed to reveal the condition of mangrove by using the Canvas program 15. Then, the forests in an area. The new insight and thickness of the mangrove was measured understanding of this information can be manually by using a vertically drawn roll used as a basis for efforts to manage meter, starting from the front zone to the mangrove forests in the future. This research back zone, and mapping results using. aims to reveal the distribution and The transects were extended community structure of mangrove forests on perpendicular to the coastline along the Donrotu Guratu and Manomadehe Islands, mangrove vegetation. While each station West Halmahera Regency, North Maluku. drew the trajectory by three pieces, and each track was placed in five plots. On each II. RESEARCH METHODS transects, vegetation data was taken using plots measuring 10m x 10m for the tree 2.1. Site and Time of Research category, 5m x 5m for the tillers category, This research was carried out on the and 2m x 2m for the seedling category. A islands of South Jailolo District (Donrotu, biological sample was taken in the form of Guratu, and Manomadehe Islands) West components of leaves, flowers, and fruit to Halmahera Regency (Figure 1) from April to identify mangrove species, and measured by June 2019. a circle of stems
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    第 48 卷 第 4 期 湖 南 大 学 学 报( 自 然 科学版 ) Vol. 48. No. 4. 2021 年 4 月 Journal of Hunan University(Natural Sciences) Apr. 2021 Open Access Article Collaborative Governance between Stakeholders in Local Resource Management in North Maluku Muhlis Hafel1, Julfi Jamil2, Mohbir Umasugi1, Anfas3,* 1 Faculty of Laws, Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Terbuka, South Tangerang, Indonesia 2 Universitas Bumi Hijrah Tidore, Sofifi, Indonesia 3 Faculty of Economics, Universitas Terbuka, South Tangerang, Indonesia Abstract: This research departs from the phenomenon of local government cooperation between Ternate City, Tidore City Kepuluan, and West Halmahera Regency in the management of local resources in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, and marine as well as in the tourism sector, which is named the Golden Triangle Cooperative. This study uses collaborative governance, which is part of the governance paradigm, to encourage joint efforts of stakeholders in overcoming various problems through collective decision-making. This study aims to analyze the implementation and constraints of collaborative management of local resources. The experimental method was used with a qualitative approach to analyze the data, while the data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation data analysis using the spiral model. Based on the data analysis, it is concluded that the collaboration model in its implementation is still limited to the concept of unifying perceptions, and it is based on several factors between unclear collaboration designs, inadequate leadership support. Keywords: Collaboration governance, stakeholders, local resources 馬魯古北部地方資源管理中利益相關者之間的協作治理 摘要:本研究與特爾納特市,蒂多爾市克普洛安市和西哈馬黑拉攝政區在農業,漁業和 海洋領域以及旅遊業中被稱為“黃金”的地方資源管理之間的地方政府合作現象背道而馳。 三角合作社。本研究使用協作治理的概念,它是治理範式的一部分,旨在鼓勵利益相關者共 同努力,通過共同決策來克服各種問題。本研究旨在分析本地資源協同管理的實施和約束。 為了分析數據,探索性方法與定性方法結合使用,而數據是通過訪談,觀察和記錄收集的。 使用 spral 模型進行數據分析。根據數據分析,得出的結論是,協作模型的實施仍限於統一觀 念的概念,這是基於不清楚的協作設計,領導支持不足之間的幾個因素。 關鍵字:合作治理,利益相關者,本地資源 1.
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