University of Health Sciences, Lahore. Important Note
University of Health Sciences, Lahore. Provisional Merit List for open Merit MBBS/BDS (Session 2020-2021) seats for Public Sector Medical/Dental colleges of Punjab (Top 4500 Candidates). Important Note (1) This list is absolutely provisional and is subject to correction/revision/amendment in case of any bonafide error, omission, lapse, mistake, fraud or misrepresentation that occurs or is brought to the notice of University Authorities within due time. (2) Mere figuring in this Order of Merit shall not confer any right on the candidate if he/she is otherwise found ineligible on detection of any error/mistake/fraud/misrepresentation at any stage of admissions. (3) Candidates can make a written representation at against any error, omission, lapse, mistake, fraud or misrepresentation in this provisional merit list by Monday, 25th January, 2021 (before 05:00 PM). Candidate must attach a documentary proof (e.g., result card, etc.) in support of his/her claim otherwise the complaint shall be rejected. Physical appearance is not allowed for this purpose due to COVID-19. (4) No complaint / application shall be entertained that is received after 05:00 PM on 25th January, 2021. (5) After necessary corrections/amendments, the final merit list and selection lists shall be displayed as per schedule. Provisional Merit List for open Merit MBBS/BDS Top 4500 Candidates (Session 20-21) Dated: 22-01-2021 MDCAT Aggregate Eligible for Hifz-e- SSC Marks SSC Marks HSSC Marks Sr. No. Challan ID Name Father's Name Gender Marks Percentage Quran Test Obtained Total Obtained Obtained with MDCAT 1 30003008 ARFA AKRAM MUHAMMAD AKRAM BAIG Female 1085 1100 1073 196 97.8818 2 30001238 HANNAN SAEED MUHAMMAD SAEED Male 1075 1100 1056 197 97.4227 3 30009108 MUHAMMAD ALI QADEER ABDUL QADEER ARSHAD Male 1071 1100 1075 194 97.3273 4 30009552 MAHNOOR FATIMA SAADAT HUSSAIN MALIK Female 1074 1100 1081 193 97.3227 5 30000957 AWON MUHAMMAD ZUBAIR IQBAL Male 1076 1100 1066 195 97.2955 Errors and ommisions are excepted.
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