Parliamentarians Tax Directory
PARLIAMENTARIANS TAX DIRECTORY FOR YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2017 (Published on 22nd February 2019) FOREWORD Every country levies taxes to raise revenues which are essential for the running of affairs of a state and provision of public services. Development of a progressive taxation system is an essential tool to reduce social inequalities in a society and bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. The countries exhibiting due diligence in collection of taxes from the affluent segments of the society through progressive taxation and expending them judiciously for the welfare of the poor are rated high on transparency and good governance index. Efficient, fair and sustainable tax systems are critical for institution building and promoting democracy and improved economic governance. The need for transparency and accountability in a vibrant democracy imposes extra responsibility on public representatives for disclosure of their assets and the sources of their income. With these aims and objectives, Federal Board of Revenue published, its first Tax Directory of Parliamentarians in tax year 2013. However, this time, in line with the incumbent government’s reform agenda, The Directory embodies the policy of transparency and accountability through access to information. The publication of the Parliamentarians’ Tax Directory is an integral step towards ensuring transparency and informing voters about the tax- paying status of their elected representatives. Tax Directory of the honourable Parliamentarians for the tax year 2017 is now published. The directory contains tax details of members of the Senate of Pakistan and Members of the National as well as Provincial Assemblies. I would like to appreciate the efforts of the Federal Board of Revenue for compiling and publishing this tax directory.
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