2015 Vermont Directory of Municipal Officials Vermont Local Roads Program VTrans Training Center 1716 US Route 302 Berlin, VT 05633-5002 802-828-3537 802-828-1932 (fax) http://ww.vermontlocalroads.org Updated June 2015 DIRECTORY OF TOWN OFFICIALS Table of Contents Municipal Index (alphabetical) - 3 VT Highway District Map - 9 District Transportation Administrators - 10 VT Regional Planning Commissions - 11 Vermont State Highway Mileage 2015 - 15 Directory of Town Officials Addison County - 30 Bennington County - 36 Caledonia County - 41 Chittenden County - 46 Essex County - 52 Franklin County - 56 Grand Isle County - 61 Lamoille County - 63 Orange County - 67 Orleans County - 72 Rutland County - 77 Washington County - 84 Windham County - 90 Windsor County - 96 About Vermont Local Roads - 103 _________________________________________________________ Municipalities are listed alphabetically within counties. Municipality type is designated by the letter following the municipality's name: (T) Town (C) City (V) Village (UTG) Unified Towns and Gores Please notify the Vermont Local Roads Program of corrections: Phone: 802-828-3537 Fax: 802-828-1932 E-Mail:
[email protected] 2 Municipality County City/Town/Village Highway District Addison Addison T 5 Albany Orleans T 9 Alburgh Grand Isle T 8 Andover Windsor T 2 Arlington Bennington T 1 Athens Windham T 2 Bakersfield Franklin T 8 Baltimore Windsor T 2 Barnard Windsor T 4 Barnet Caledonia T 7 Barre Washington C 6 Barre Washington T 6 Barton Orleans T 9 Barton Orleans V 9 Bellows Falls Windham