BMB Reports - Manuscript Submission

Manuscript Draft

Manuscript Number: BMB-15-185

Title: MACF1, a versatile spectraplakin: isoforms, unique structures, and functions

Article Type: Mini Review

Keywords: MACF1; Spectraplakin; Isoform; Structure; Function

Corresponding Author: Airong Qian

Authors: Lifang Hu1, Peihong Su1, Runzhi Li1, Chong Yin1, Yan Zhang1, Peng Shang1, Tuanmin Yang2, Airong Qian1,*

Institution: 1School of Life Sciences, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2Honghui Hospital, Xi’an Jiaotong University College of Medicine,

UNCORRECTED PROOF 1 Manuscript Type: Mini Review


3 Title: MACF1, a versatile spectraplakin: isoforms, unique structures, and functions


5 Author's name: Lifang Hu1, Peihong Su1, Runzhi Li1, Chong Yin1, Yan Zhang1, Peng

6 Shang1, Tuanmin Yang2 & Airong Qian1, *


8 Affiliation: 1Key Laboratory for Space Bioscience and Biotechnology, Institute of

9 Special Environmental Biophysics, School of Life Sciences, Northwestern

10 Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710072, P. R. China, 2Honghui Hospital,

11 Xi’an Jiaotong University College of Medicine, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710054, P. R. China


13 Running Title: MACF1, a versatile spectraplakin


15 Keywords: MACF1, Spectraplakin, Isoform, Structure, Function


17 Corresponding Author's Information: Airong Qian, Tel: +86-29-88491840; Fax:

18 +86-29-88491840; E-mail: [email protected]; Address: 127 Youyi Xilu, Xi’an,

19 Shaanxi, 710072, P.R. China






2 Spectraplakins are crucially important communicators linking cytoskeletal

3 components to each other and to cellular junctions. crosslinking

4 factor 1 (MACF1), also termed actin crosslinking family 7 (ACF7), is a member of

5 spectraplakin family and is widely expressed in numerous tissues and cells. As one

6 extensively studied spectraplakin, MACF1 has several isoforms with unique

7 structures and is well-known for its capacity to crosslink F-actin and .

8 MACF1 is one versatile spectraplakin and shows functions ranging from cell

9 processes, embryo development, and tissue-specific functions to human diseases.

10 Therefore, the importance of MACF1 has become more apparent in recent years. Here,

11 we summarize current knowledge on the presence and function of MACF1 and

12 provide perspectives on the future research of MACF1, based on our studies and

13 others.

14 Keywords: MACF1, Spectraplakin, Isoform, Structure, Function











2 The in most multicellular organisms is a highly organized,

3 interconnected network of filaments that is composed of (F-actin),

4 microtubules (MTs), and intermediate filaments (IFs). The cytoskeletal network, as a

5 cytoplasmic scaffold, defines the cell shape and mechanical properties, and functions

6 in many other cellular events including cell polarization, migration, division, adhesion,

7 intracellular trafficking, and organelle locomotion. Thus, the cytoskeleton is both

8 static and adaptive, providing a dynamic cellular architecture that is able to remodel

9 itself to respond to cellular changes. The tight organization and dynamics of these

10 filaments strongly depends on their associated . Spectraplakins have been

11 demonstrated to be the cytoskeletal cross-linkers with the ability to interact with all

12 the three types of cytoskeletal filaments (F-actin, MTs, and IFs).

13 Spectraplakins are exceptionally long, gigantic (>500 kD), multi-domain

14 cytoskeletal proteins that are master orchestrators for coordinating cytoskeletal

15 elements by binding to F-actin, MTs, and IFs (1, 2). Spectraplakins are evolutionarily

16 conserved and belong within both the superfamily and superfamily (3).

17 “Spectraplakins” are named as combinations of “spectrin” and “plakin” for their

18 sharing features of both and (3, 4). So far, mammalian spectraplakins

19 only comprise two members: microtubule actin crosslinking factor 1 (MACF1) and

20 bullous pemphigoid antigen 1 (BPAG1). Moreover, the spectraplakin family also

21 consists of Shot/Kakapo (in Drosophila), Magellan (in zebrafish), and Vab-10 (in

22 Caenorhabditis elegans).


1 MACF1, also named actin crosslinking family 7 (ACF7), MACF, macrophin, and

2 trabeculin-α, is a widely expressed critical spectraplakin (2). By crosslinking both

3 MTs and F-actin and controlling the cytoskeletal dynamics, MACF1 plays key roles

4 in regulating (5-8) and cell proliferation and in maintaining tissue

5 integrity (9, 10). In addition, MACF1 mediates signal transduction and is pivotal for

6 embryo development (11). More recently, a human disease caused by MACF1

7 mutation was reported (12).

8 In this paper, the basic molecular characteristics of MACF1 are first introduced.

9 Then, the current knowledge on MACF1 is reviewed highlighting its versatile

10 functions. Finally, we provide perspectives on the future research of MACF1 based on

11 our studies and others, providing researchers with the current status of MACF1

12 research.


14 Gene and isoforms of MACF1

15 MACF1, a large ~600 kD was first discovered by Byers et al. in screening for

16 additional members of the actin crosslinker superfamily (13). The authors isolated a

17 partial cDNA of MACF1 using degenerate primer-mediated PCR and named it ACF7.

18 Subsequently, murine ACF7 was further characterized (14), and its full-length cDNA

19 was cloned and found to encode a 608-kD protein (15). For the association of murine

20 ACF7 with both actin and MTs, ACF7 was renamed MACF, representing microtubule

21 actin cross-linking factor. Meanwhile, the human cDNA was cloned independently by

22 two groups and was called macrophin and trabeculin-α, respectively (16, 17).


1 MACF1/ACF7 is encoded by MACF1 gene, which is located on human

2 1p32 and mouse chromosome 4 (13, 14, 18). The human MACF1 gene

3 contains at least 102 exons and spans over 270 kb. Genomic organization analysis of

4 human MACF1 gene shows that MACF1 and ACF7 are the same gene (18). MACF1

5 gene is a hybrid between encoding plakins and spectrins/ (15, 18).

6 MACF1 shares similar gene sequences with , a well-characterized plakin,

7 presenting the same exon-intron boundaries for the N-terminal actin-binding domain

8 (ABD), one large exon encoding plectin repeats, and a similar serine/glycine-rich

9 C-terminus containing GSR repeats. In addition, the spectrin repeats in MACF1 are

10 similar to those in the gene. This hybrid gene structure of MACF1 reveals

11 its relationship with the Drosophila gene shot and the Caenorhabditis elegans gene

12 vab-10. Because of the hybrid structure of these genes and the combined features of

13 both the spectrin and plakin family members, they belong to the spectraplakin family

14 (3).

15 Like dystonin/BPAG1 (19, 20), MACF1 displays isoform diversity, and several

16 MACF1 isoforms produced by alternative splicing and different promoter usage have

17 been reported (Fig. 1). Bernier et al. first identified three murine ACF7/MACF1

18 isoforms with a common 3’ sequence but a unique 5’ region (14). Two of the isoforms

19 (ACF7-1 and ACF7-2) contain identical actin-binding domains (ABDs) but different

20 5’UTRs, while isoform 3 (ACF7-3) contains a unique 5’UTR, a longer N-terminal

21 sequence, and just the second half of the ABD (14). Subsequently, MACF1-4, a fourth

22 isoform of MACF1 was cloned (18). Different from the above three MACF1 isoforms,


1 MACF1-4 contains no ABD at the N-terminus, but instead consists of plectin repeats

2 (Fig. 1). Later, another murine alternatively spliced isoform of MACF1 that encodes a

3 gigantic protein of approximately 800-kD was revealed (21). The authors named this

4 isoform MACF1b and renamed the original isoform MACF1a. MACF1b harbors

5 extra plakin repeats between the plakin domain and the spectrin repeats of MACF1a

6 (Fig. 1). With the different N-terminal domain, the first three isoforms ACF7-1,

7 ACF7-2, and ACF7-3 were renamed as MACF1a1, MACF1a2, and MACF1a3 (21).

8 The Liem group further found the existence of a novel isoform of MACF1, MACF1c,

9 when studying the role of MACF1 in the nervous system by adopting MACF1a

10 conditional knockout (cKO) mice (22). MACF1c is identical to MACF1a except for

11 the absence of the N-terminal ABD domain (Fig. 1).

12 In addition to the above MACF1 isoforms, a putative MACF/MACF1 isoform,

13 MACF2, was reported by the Liem group (23). By performing a

14 analysis, the authors found a partial human cDNA clone (KIAA0728) that encoded a

15 polypeptide with 68% amino acid identity to human MACF and called it MACF2 due

16 to the similarity. However, according to the unigene database, the authors found

17 differences in the chromosomal locations and nucleotide sequences of the transcripts

18 between MACF and MACF2, suggesting that human MACF and MACF2 represented

19 two distinct protein products from two different genes (23). Consequently, MACF2

20 was demonstrated as an isoform of BPAG1 and renamed as BPAG1-a (20).

21 Therefore, six isoforms of MACF1, including MACF1a1, MACF1a2, MACF1a3,

22 MACF1-4, MACF1b, and MACF1c (Fig. 1), have been reported at present.


1 MACF1’s tissue distribution

2 As a cytoskeletal linker protein, MACF1 is ubiquitously expressed with some

3 isoforms distributed in different tissues (Table 1).

4 Bernier et al. first showed that MACF1 was widely expressed in postnatal mouse

5 tissues, including brain, spinal cord, spleen, liver, heart, skeletal muscle, stomach,

6 lung, kidney, and skin, presenting the strongest expression in lung followed by brain,

7 spinal cord, cardiac/skeletal muscle, and skin (14). Their further determination

8 demonstrated the predominant expression of MACF1 in neural, muscle, and lung

9 tissue at beginning during and continuing into adulthoods

10 (24). A striking difference is observed in tissue distribution for different MACF1

11 transcripts. Relatively high levels of MACF1a2 are detected in brain, spinal cord, and

12 lung, while a lower level in kidney, heart, and skeletal muscle, and no detection in

13 skin, liver, stomach, or spleen. In contrast, MACF1a1 is predominant in skin, kidney,

14 and stomach. Similarly, MACF1a1 mRNA is detected in embryos from day 7.5 to day

15 10.5, whereas MACF1a2 mRNA become detectable only at day 10.5. MACF1a3 is

16 predominantly detected in brain and spinal cord, with moderate levels in skin, lung,

17 and kidney, but no expression in heart, skeletal muscle, or liver (24). MACF1b is also

18 expressed throughout the development of the mouse embryo and in all tissues (21).

19 MACF1 is also widely expressed in human tissues, including pituitary, adrenal,

20 thyroid, salivary gland, mammary glands, pancreas, heart, and skeletal muscle with

21 different expression levels (25-27). The MACF1a2 is highly expressed in brain, heart,

22 lung placenta, liver, kidney and pancreas (25) while the MACF1-4 hybridization


1 signals are visible in all tissues, with the strongest signals in heart, lung, pituitary

2 gland, and placenta.


4 Generally, the structure of MACF1 can be divided into 3 main domains: an

5 N-terminal domain containing an ABD and a plakin; a rod domain composed of

6 spectrin repeats; a C-terminal domain consisting EF-hand calcium-binding domain

7 and a (GAS2-related protein) GAR domain (23). In detail, seven types of functional

8 domains can be found in MACF1, presenting different combination in different

9 isoforms (Fig. 1).

10 Actin-binding domain

11 MACF1 has an ABD, a conserved structure among spectraplakins that is inherited

12 from spectrin superfamily members and is located at the N-terminus (15, 28). The

13 ABD consists of two calponin homology (CH) domains, CH1 and CH2, which can

14 bind F-actin and enable spectraplakins to interact directly with the actin cytoskeleton.

15 CH1 alone can bind actin, CH2 exerts a weaker binding affinity for actin, and the

16 CH1-CH2 tandem domain shows a high binding affinity (29, 30). Not all MACF1

17 isoforms have CH1 and CH2 regions. MACF1a3 only has CH2, while MACF1-4 and

18 MACF1c contain no CH region (Fig. 1). With or without the CH domain, the

19 interaction of MACF1 with F-actin is directly affected (15, 28). Although the crystal

20 structure of MACF1 has not been reported, the structure analysis of the ABD in

21 dystrophin and utrophin spectrins demonstrates an interdomain linker between the

22 CH1 and CH2 domains, and the interdomain linker primarily determines the structural


1 stability of the tandem CH domains (31).

2 Plakin domain

3 There is a plakin domain following the ABD on the N-terminal of MACF1 (23). The

4 plakin domain is also one feature of plakin superfamily members (3) and is

5 characterized by a high α-helical content (32). Structure analysis of BPAG1 and

6 plectin reveals the presence of a number of spectrin repeats in the plakin domain (33,

7 34), suggesting a derivation of the plakin domain from spectrin repeats. The plakin

8 domain is responsible for binding various adhesion and signaling molecules (e.g. β4

9 integrin, BPAG2, and Erbin) (35-38) and plays a role in mediating the binding to cell

10 junctions (32). We can see from the plakins findings, however, the structure and

11 function of plakin domain in MACF1 require further investigation.

12 Spectrin repeats

13 Containing both the spectrin repeats and the plakin domain classifies MACF1 as a

14 spectraplakin. Spectrin repeats are the typical architecture of spectrin family. MACF1

15 has 23 dystrophin-like spectrin repeats (15). Each repeat contains 110~120 residues,

16 which fold into three α helices, and these helices form an antiparallel three-helical

17 coiled coil (39, 40). These α-helical spectrin repeats form an extended rod-like

18 structure, which acts as a spacer region that separates the different functional domains

19 at the N- and C-termini. In addition, these spectrin repeats endow the protein with

20 flexibility (2, 3).

21 EF hand

22 MACF1 contains two EF-hand calcium-binding motifs that are located on the


1 C-terminus and conserved within the spectrin superfamily (23). Sun et al. indicated

2 that the EF-hand motifs of MACF1 have no effect on the ability of MACF1 to interact

3 with MTs (23).

4 GAS2-related protein (GAR) domain

5 Following the EF-hand motifs, a GAR domain locates at the C-terminal of MACF1

6 (Fig. 1). The GAR domain is restricted to spectraplakins, distinguishing

7 spectraplakins from spectrins and plakins (3). The GAR domain is a homology region

8 to Gas2 (growth arrest-specific protein 2) and GAR22 (Gas2 related on chromosome

9 22) proteins with the function to bind and stabilize MTs (15, 23).

10 Plakin repeat domain (PRD)

11 The PRD, a unique architecture to plakin family members, only exists in the MACF1b

12 isoform (21). Based on the well-characterized A, B and C type PRDs in

13 (41, 42), Lin et al. revealed five PRDs in MACF1b including two A type, one C type,

14 one incomplete B type, and one incomplete A type (21). The authors further

15 demonstrate that PRD targets MACF1b to the Golgi complex via its N-terminal

16 portion, consisting of two consecutive A-type subdomains.

17 Plectin repeats

18 The plectin repeats are unique to the MACF1-4 isoform among all of the MACF1

19 isoforms (18). MACF1-4 contains eight plectin repeats at the N-terminus rather than

20 the ABD (Fig. 1). Studies from the plakins, which all contain plectin repeats,

21 demonstrate the essential role of plectin repeats for binding IFs. Therefore, the same

22 function of the plectin repeats may exist in MACF1-4 and requires further study.



2 MACF1 is well-known for its function in cell migration by coordinating F-actin and

3 MTs dynamics (5-7). MACF1 binds both F-actin and MTs with its ABD and

4 MT-binding domains. In endodermal cells, MACF1 binds along MTs but concentrates

5 at the plus-ends of those MTs that are directed toward migrating cell edges (5, 28).

6 Loss of MACF1 causes perturbations in MTs trajectories, dynamic instabilities and

7 tracking ability along actin cables, which affect cell migration in response to

8 wounding (5). MACF1 deficiency compromises the targeting of MTs along F-actin to

9 focal adhesions (FAs), stabilizes FA-actin networks, and impairs epidermal migration

10 (6). The underlying mechanism demonstrates that except the F-actin binding domains

11 in MACF1, an intrinsic actin-regulated ATPase domain in MACF1 is required in

12 regulating cell migration. This reveals a new functional domain in MACF1.

13 Additionally, MACF1 also sustains the directional cell migration in stem cells that are

14 responsible for homeostasis and wound healing (7). It has been demonstrated that

15 GSK3β phosphorylates and uncouples MACF1 from MTs during MACF1 regulating

16 cell migration (7). Moreover, MACF1 also regulates cell migration in neurons (8) and

17 several partners, including ErbB2 receptor and ELMO, of MACF1 have been

18 demonstrated during cell migration (43, 44).


20 Given the implication of the similar phenotype between MACF1-/- mice and Wnt3-/-

21 and Lrp5/6 double-knockout mice, the role of MACF1 in Wnt/β- signal

22 transduction was determined (11). The results indicate that MACF1 interacts with


1 the Axin complex including Axin, GSK-3β, β-catenin, and APC and is responsible for

2 the translocation of the complex from the cytoplasm to the , where

3 MACF1 also binds to the coreceptor LRP5/6. Reduction of MACF1 impairs the

4 translocation of the Axin complex, thus inhibited the Wnt-induced

5 TCF/β-catenin-dependent transcriptional activation. In addition, MACF1 consists the

6 phosphorylation site for GSK-3β (7) and mediates the GSK-3 signaling (8).

7 These findings demonstrate a role of MACF1 in cell signaling.

8 In addition, MACF1 also functions in vesicles transport. In axonal vesicle

9 transportation, MACF1 acts as a medium to transport the vesicles from the

10 trans-Golgi network to Kif5A, which functions as a carrier to transport vesicles. A

11 malfunction of MACF1 causes the vesicles to fail to mobilize to the cell periphery

12 (45). Trans-Golgi protein p230 interacting with MACF1 mediates the transport of

13 mAtg9 from the trans-Golgi network to peripheral phgophores in the early step of

14 autophagy (46).


16 As a ubiquitously-expressed protein, MACF1 is present quite early, at embryonic day

17 7.5 (E7.5) in mouse (24), suggesting that MACF1 may act as a critical molecule

18 during embryo development. Chen et al. confirmed the essential role of MACF1 in

19 embryo development using MACF1-/- mice (11). The MACF1-/- mice died at the

20 stage with a “head-without-trunk” and displayed developmental

21 retardation at E7.5 lacking the , node, and , which was

22 similar to the phenotypes of Wnt3-/- embryos (47) and LRP5/6 double-knockout


1 embryos (48). Moreover, a deletion mutation in the magellan gene, which encodes

2 MACF1 in zebrafish, caused failure in oocyte polarization (49). These data together

3 demonstrate the importance of MACF1 in embryo development.


5 The high level of MACF1 and the significant physiological function of Kakapo/Shot,

6 the homolog of MACF1, in the nervous system (15, 50) indicate the potential

7 importance of MACF1 in the nervous system. By generating a nervous

8 system-specific Macf1 knockout (cKO) mouse model, Goryunov et al. underscored

9 the importance of MACF1 in nervous system development (22). MACF1 cKO brains

10 displayed multiple neuronal developmental defects, and defects in neuronal migration

11 in the cKO cortex were also observed, suggesting a critical role of MACF1 in

12 neuronal migration. Moreover, their findings indicate the necessity of interacting with

13 actin for MACF1’s function in the nervous system because the MACF1c isoform,

14 which lacks an ABD compared to MACF1a, cannot compensate for the loss of

15 MACF1a (22). Other studies confirm the role of MACF1 in regulating neuronal

16 growth, survival, and migration (8, 51, 52). These evidences reveal the importance of

17 MACF1 in the nerve.


19 The physiological function of ACF7/MACF1 in mammalian skin is uncovered mainly

20 by the Elaine Fuchs group. Karakesisoglou et al. first showed the expression of

21 MACF1 in the epidermis in mice and identified the functional binding sites for both

22 actin and MTs in MACF1 (28). Subsequently, Wu et al. elucidated the function of


1 MACF1 in skin by conditionally knocking out (cKO) MACF1 in epidermal cells (6,

2 7). No gross morphological changes in skin or hair coat were observed in the MACF1

3 cKO mice; however, a significant delay in repairing full-thickness wounds due to

4 defects in epidermal cell migration was detected in the cKO skin in response to injury.

5 Further determination revealed that cell migration defects were rooted in perturbations

6 in epidermal-ECM adhesion, which was caused by a malfunction in

7 dynamics due to MACF1 absence (6). Moreover, a link between MACF1 and GSK3β

8 controlling skin stem cell migration and polarized locomotion upon injury was

9 identified (7). These results together suggest a key role of MACF1 in maintaining skin

10 integrity and regulating epidermal cell migration through its coordination of F-actin

11 and MTs dynamics. Recently, MACF1 is linked to cellular processes involved in

12 human epidermal cells responding to extremely-low-frequency electric fields (53).


14 MACF1 is a widely expressed protein; however, the role of MACF1 in bone tissue is

15 not well understood. Our group focuses on the role of MACF1 in bone and has

16 reported some primary findings in osteoblasts. MACF1 is widely expressed in

17 osteoblastic cells in a pattern of partially co-localizing with F-actin and MTs and

18 scattering in the cytoplasm and cell periphery. MACF1 also participates in the

19 osteoblast response to environmental stimuli (54). Under diamagnetic levitation

20 conditions, the distribution of MACF1 in osteoblasts was altered. In addition, the

21 co-localization of MACF1 with F-actin and its co-alignment with MTs were changed

22 (54). Our further studies demonstrate that MACF1 is crucial for maintaining cell


1 shape and cell proliferation in osteoblasts (55). Knockdown of MACF1 induced large

2 cells with a binuclear/multinuclear structure, disrupted the organization of F-actin and

3 MTs and inhibited osteoblast proliferation. These data indicate the importance of

4 MACF1 in osteoblasts and bone.


6 MACF1 also plays roles in heart, colony, and other tissues (56, 57). Fassett et al. for

7 the first time identified a role of MACF1 in regulating cardiomyocyte MTs

8 distribution and adaptation to hemodynamic overload using inducible cardiac-specific

9 MACF1 knockout (KO) mice. MACF1 KO showed no observable effect on heart size

10 or function under basal conditions; however, exacerbated pressure overload induced

11 left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy, LV dilation and contractile dysfunction. This

12 manifestation was related to the alteration of MT distribution and several relevant

13 signaling proteins caused by MACF1 absence (56). MACF1 is also critical to

14 maintain the colonic paracellular permeability because cKO of MACF1 resulted in a

15 significant decrease in the colonic mucosal permeability associated with disturbed

16 epithelial arrangement and cytoskeleton dysregulation (57).


18 In 2014, a human disease caused by a mutation in MACF1 was reported (12). This

19 disease was found in a 12-year-old boy (the proband) who suffered from a skeletal

20 muscle problems that mainly manifested as generalized hypotonia and pain. Genetic

21 analysis detected a single duplicated region on chromosome 1p34.3, which covered a

22 large part of the MACF1 gene affecting all 4 major MACF1 isoforms in the proband.


1 Further detection demonstrated that the duplication resulted in a remarkable reduction

2 of MACF1 expression, which caused reduced motility and internal structural changes

3 of endothelial and satellite cells in the skeletal muscle in the proband. This novel

4 myopathy caused by the duplication in MACF1 was named spectraplakinopathy type

5 1 (12). The discovery of this MACF1-related genetic human disease shed light on the

6 importance of MACF1 in humans.

7 Recently, MACF1 was found to be involved in cancer. A genetic alteration of

8 MACF1 has been detected in numerous cancers, including breast cancer, colorectal

9 cancer, gliomas, and others cancers (58-62). Although the function of MACF1 in

10 cancer requires further investigation, these data suggest a possibility for adopting

11 MACF1 as a marker for cancer diagnosis and therapy.


13 In this review, we summarize the current knowledge of MACF1. As an extensively

14 studied mammalian spectraplakin, MACF1 is broadly expressed and shows versatility

15 ranging from isoforms and structures to functions. Similar to other spectraplakins,

16 MACF1 has several isoforms expressed in different tissues. MACF1 participates in

17 many cellular processes and specific-tissue functions. MACF1 is crucial in cell

18 polarization and migration by regulating the dynamics of F-actin and MTs.

19 Additionally, MACF1 plays a key role in mediating cellular signaling transduction.

20 The embryonic lethality of a lack of MACF1 demonstrates its essential role in embryo

21 development. In addition, MACF1’s ubiquitous expression in all tissue indicates its

22 physiological significance. In fact, MACF1 plays critical roles in controlling the


1 normal development of the nervous system, maintaining skin integrity and colonic

2 paracellular permeability, and in cardiomyocyte adapting to hemodynamic overload.

3 Moreover, our findings suggest a novel role of MACF1 in bone tissue. More

4 importantly, the mutation in MACF1 has been described in a novel myopathy disease

5 in humans and MACF1 is involved in cancer development. Thus, the importance of

6 MACF1 attracts more attention.

7 MACF1’s functions have been extensively studied and uncovered, however, many

8 aspects of MACF1 have not been well understood. How does the MACF1 expression

9 be regulated? What’s more about the ATPase activity of MACF1? What is the exact

10 role of MACF1 in cancer development? Moreover, given the involvement of MACF1

11 in both osteoblast function and Wnt/β-catenin signal transduction, which is a critical

12 signaling pathway in regulating osteoblast differentiation and bone formation, it will

13 be interesting to see whether MACF1 controls bone formation via Wnt/β-catenin

14 signaling. Then, further study of MACF1 is likely to continue to unravel interesting

15 and exciting new functions of MACF1 in both physiological and pathological settings.










2 We are thankful for grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China

3 (31400725, 31570940), the Project Funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation

4 (2014M562450, 2015T81051), the Project Supported by Natural Science Basic

5 Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China (2015JQ3076), and the Fundamental

6 Research Funds for the Central Universities (3102014JKY15007).



















2 Fig. 1. The isoforms of MACF1 with combination of different unique domain

3 structure. There are seven main types of functional domains including: an

4 actin-binding domain (ABD) composed of CH1 and CH2 fragments; a plakin domain;

5 a spectrin repeats rod domain composed of 23 α-helical spectrin repeats; two EF hand

6 motifs; a GAR domain; plectin repeats domain; and plakin repeats domain (PRD) (A,

7 B, C represents the different types).

8 Table 1. The isoforms of MACF1

















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Fig. 1 The isoforms of MACF1 with combination of different unique domain structure. There are seven main types of functional domains including: an actin-binding domain (ABD) composed of CH1 and CH2 fragments; a plakin domain; a spectrin repeats rod domain composed of 23 α-helical spectrin repeats; two EF hand motifs; a GAR domain; plectin repeats domain; and plakin repeats domain (PRD) (A, B, C represents the different types).

UNCORRECTED PROOF Table 1. The isoforms of MACF1 Isoform Tissue distribution Domains References

ACF7-1/MACF1a1 Broadly expressed ABD (CH1, CH2), (14, 21, with predominance Plakin, Spectrin 24) in skin, kidney, and repeats, EF hand, and stomach GAR.

ACF7-2/MACF1a2 Broadly expressed ABD (CH1, CH2), (14, 21, with high level in Plakin, Spectrin 24, 25) brain, spinal cord, repeats, EF hand, and and lung GAR. Different 5’ UTR with MACF1a1. ACF7-3/MACF1a3 Predominant in brain Half ABD (CH2), (14, 21) and spinal cord Plakin, Spectrin repeats, EF hand, and GAR. MACF1-4 Broadly expressed Plectin repeats, Plakin, (18) with high level in Spectrin repeats, EF heart, lung, pituitary hand, and GAR. gland and placenta MACF1b Broadly expressed ABD (CH1, CH2), (21) Plakin, Plakin repeats, Spectrin repeats, EF hand, and GAR. MACF1c Nervous system Plakin, Spectrin (22) repeats, EF hand, and GAR.