Nyungar Tourism in the South West Region of Western Australia: a Literature Review of Tourism

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Nyungar Tourism in the South West Region of Western Australia: a Literature Review of Tourism ______________________Nyungar Tourism in the Southwest of Western Australia Monday, April 11, 2005 NYUNGAR TOURISM IN THE SOUTH WEST REGION OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA: A LITERATURE REVIEW OF TOURISM “….the Nyungar (Aborigine) not only welcomed the sailors [in 1821] but eagerly engaged in what was possibly the first tourist trading in Western Australia” (D’Urville 1826 in Green, 1984:37) Co-Authors: Dr Rosemary van Den Berg Len Collard Sandra Harben Julie Byrne For Leonard M Collard, Chair, Australian Indigenous Studies - Murdoch University And Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Bolton AO, Vice-Chancellor - Murdoch University 1 ______________________Nyungar Tourism in the Southwest of Western Australia CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................5 Indigenous Tourism .........................................................................................................................6 Figure 1. Indigenous Tourism (Hinch & Butler 1996: 10)..........................................................7 Figure 3. Tindale Map of WA Indigenous Language Groups 1950.........................................10 Figure 4. Hypothetical evolution of a tourist area (Butler 1980:7)...........................................11 Figure 5. Location of Nyungar Case Studies in Nyungar boodjar...........................................13 HISTORY OF ABORIGINAL TOURISM IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA.........................................14 Prelude – Nyungar Heritage and History .................................................................................14 EUROPEAN HISTORY or the Coming of the Djanga (White Men) ............................................15 COLONISATION............................................................................................................................18 20th CENTURY DEPRIVATION AND RECOVERY - SUSTAINABILITY ...................................19 Sustainability .............................................................................................................................20 AUSTRALIAN INDIGENOUS CULTURAL TOURISM – DANCE or KENINY.............................22 The Coolbaroo League Newsletter – The Westralian Aborigine.............................................24 The Coolbaroo Dance Club ......................................................................................................26 THE MOORE RIVER NATIVE SETTLEMENT AND CARROLUP MISSION .............................27 CONTEMPORARY TIMES............................................................................................................30 TOURISM INTEREST IN AUSTRALIAN INDIGENOUS TOURISM ...........................................31 Motivation to visit Indigenous / Ethnic Products ......................................................................33 Indigenous Tourism Product and the Australian Landscape ..................................................36 World Heritage Sites .................................................................................................................37 NATIVE TITLE, CULTURAL HERITAGE AND ABORIGINAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS..........................................................................................................................................40 Native Title Throughout Australia.............................................................................................40 Native Title Defined...................................................................................................................44 AUTHENTICITY, CULTURAL HERITAGE AND ABORIGINAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS..........................................................................................................................................46 Authenticity ................................................................................................................................46 Intellectual Property & Copyright..............................................................................................51 Collective Cultural Copyright ....................................................................................................51 Misappropriation of Aboriginal Culture.....................................................................................52 Safeguarding Aboriginal Cultural and Intellectual Property.....................................................54 The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act of 1984............................55 Aboriginal Heritage and Tourism in WA...................................................................................56 Dynamic Aboriginal Heritage ....................................................................................................57 POLICY DIRECTION OF MAJOR GOVERNMENT AND MARKET OPERATORS...................58 Federal Input into the Indigenous Tourism Industry................................................................61 Western Australian Tourism Industry.......................................................................................64 Western Australian Indigenous Tourism Operators Committee..............................................65 Nyungar Aboriginal Tourism and Wider Issues .......................................................................67 COMMISSIONED REPORTS ON ABORIGINAL TOURISM.......................................................69 MARKET RESEARCH ON ABORIGINAL TOURISM & MARKETING ISSUES.........................72 Marketing...................................................................................................................................72 Commoditisation and Culture ...................................................................................................74 AUSTRALIAN INDIGENOUS TOURISM MARKETING...............................................................76 Aboriginal Marketing and Business Principles.........................................................................78 TERRORISM AND TOURIST NUMBERS....................................................................................80 2 ______________________Nyungar Tourism in the Southwest of Western Australia RESEARCH GAPS IN ABORIGINAL TOURISM.........................................................................81 CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................................86 3 ______________________Nyungar Tourism in the Southwest of Western Australia NIDJA GNULLA MIA. NIDJA GNULLA MOORT KARL. This is Our Home. This is our relations camping place, NIDJA NYUNGAR KARLA: DJINANG KARLA BOORN NAARINY This is the peoples campfire: Look the fire stick is still burning ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks go to the following people for their assistance with this research project: Trish Harris Professor in Sociology Director of Centre for Social and Community Research Murdoch University Kim Lewins Project Manager Centre for Social and Community Research Murdoch University Jill Soderstrom Assistant Director Centre for Social and Community Research Murdoch University Dr Dave Palmer Senior Lecturer in Sociology Programme Chair of Sociology and Community Development Murdoch University Leanne Pilkington Nyungar research assistant 4 ______________________Nyungar Tourism in the Southwest of Western Australia INTRODUCTION Kura, Yeye, Benang, Kalykool Past, Present, Tomorrow, Forever Ngulla Boodjar Our country Tourism is defined as the “activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for less than one year, for leisure, business or other purposes not related to remuneration from within the place visited” (WTO 2003a). In many countries tourism is the number one industry and the fastest growing economic sector in terms of foreign exchange earnings and job creation despite recent slowdowns due to international terrorism, the Iraq War and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) (WTO 2003a), plus political unrest and aviation issues (WATC 2003a). The importance and value of tourism globally was recognised in November 2003 when the World Tourism Organisation (WTO) was granted the status of a specialized agency of the United Nations. Within Australia the Federal government, at this time, decided to rejoin the WTO after several years of absence (WTO 2003b). Tourism is one of the world's fastest growing industries contributing over 10% to global Gross Domestic Product (WATC 2002a: 12). The number of international visitors travelling to Australia reached almost five million in the 2000-2001 financial year, boosted by the Sydney Olympic and Paralympic Games (ABS 2002: 612). The tourism industry contributed approximately 4.5 percent to Australian GDP, employing approximately 5.4 percent of the Australian workforce and generating export earnings of $12.8 billion (WATC 2002a:12). According to figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Overseas Arrivals and Departures preliminary June 2001 figures showed an 8.8 per cent increase during the financial year prior to September 2001, compared with the 8.5 percent increase for same period the previous year (ABS 2002:613). The Federal Minister for Sport and Tourism Jackie Kelly, said these results suggested a landmark achievement for the Australian tourism industry. This is good news for the industry and means that tourism will continue to be a key driver of growth in jobs and economic activity throughout Australia (WAITOC 2001). 5 ______________________Nyungar
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