~lODAST IN ■ ! BIG BASKETBALL The Melting Pot I Sport News Boiled Down

his | FAST A1 Benedict did his share for TO FIVE DEFEAT country the war. He was wltn A. team la during “Hank” Thomas's performance on The Y. M. C. bowling the 78th Division on two hav- another LEAGUE fronts, with the Sterlings was still going strong, registering FACTORY night ing served one year over there. After Friday two out of three remarkable. He outsliot Malone, the victory by taking the armistice was s gned he met a outfit. crack National Turner center, and he from a South Amboy number of classy lighters over there —o— better than Schwab in the 1 Seven Teams and made a good showing. He wants! performed Leo is training hard for Entered-Meeting foul shooting department, making ten Young to score a victory over Brennan, so his bout with Al Cook on Thurs- fouls out of thirteen tries, while that he can meet Billy Miske. Leo wins this bout mado twelve out of twenty- day night. If TEAM □ Tomorrow at Y.M.C. A. —o*— Schwab Night it will mean a great deal to him. l half contribut- Benedict showed up well In his two. BIKE* The Auditorium Five started on During this McCreery —o— five fights against Battling Levlnsky, —o— another winning streak Saturday ed two big ones; Regan added to consist of ara "Blackie” Regan and "Jawn” Mc- A basketball league an Howard Richards' Baby Elks Wheeler Condenser Eleven crack double counters to his score; Thomas which should make quite impres- In town on night when they defeated the league teams Is being formed and bounds Creery wore over the big double counters, his factory sion on the boxing fans In this section. coming forward by leaps Oibralter Five of Hoboken by a score added two only the Y. M. C. A. and at a to see Friday night sizing up their strongest Evans contributed through and It would not be surprising Chester 58-0 of 4 8-25. Hogan and McCrecry fea- ones of the game; at Y. M. before opposition in the county. The Rlvies Defeat Team, meeting tomorrow night the Matt Hinkle, the Cleveland promo- them fighting for the lead tured for the local combination with three more big ones and Wesley Han- of not have been aware of the C. A., at which the representatives ter, has signed Joe Lynch to meet long. might six baskets and Tiscornia of the son. who replaced McCreery, scored two forwards being on hand, but they The Wheeler eleven of Roosevelt each, the various teams are expected to at- Jack Kid In a ten round return —o— a double counter. Wolfe, Chester football visiting combination scored twenty- and a schedule will knew Thomas was in the hall. defeated the strong who had tend, the by-laws battle on December 8, or 10. Lyncn A factory basketball league Is one For the visitors Tiscomla, team of Newark at Roosevelt yester- of his team’s points, four field be formed. won the former match. formed the Y. M. scored three baskets and ten straight being through 58-0. A crowd esti- baskets and thirteen fouls. I’eto teams have The Brennan-Benedlct bout at the day by a score of Seven already signified Joe Fox, the English featherweight O. A. and the games arc expected refereed In of fouls In the first half, contributed one Club on at 450 attended the game. Campbell place Thorp their to enter such an or- and Alvie western re- Amboy Sporting Thursday mated threo fouls in thl» willingness Miller, the heavy- to l>e p'aycd on Friday night, who was detained from Now double counter and a much-talked of affair and The forward pass of the winning coming ganization and these teams represent weight featherweight, have been the school league night is half. Pel 11 so and Van Dorn each ac- placing Sunday A was the main cause of Haven. a ten round bout interests a great many people. combination the P. A. Dry Docks, Bakolito Com- matched to meet in of former The both teams counted for a double pointer. years. fans are “Peewee” Brown and game started with Raritan Roess- at on November 18. large number of out-of-town the victory. score: pany, Copper Works, Lorain. Ohio, —o— a grout deal of but The to be on hand at these bat- Cutter featured for the victors and showing speed, ler & Hasslacher Barber —0— his Pacers were expected Company, Jack Weitzen and of tlio fans the home forwards could not break A. S. & and * Jimmy Duffy will meet Benny Leon- tho tles. the latter reminded many Cilbraltcr Big Five Asphalt Company, R., out rooting hard against Baby the away from their men, and therefore ard at Tulsa, Oklahoma, tonight. of of Rogers, the crack fullback of F. TL the Standard Underground Cable Elks on Friday night In the hope could not start the Evans G. at a close bas- team. scoring. From The champion seems to be taking off team A scorekeeiKT West Virginia Pel uso, f 1 0 2 Company. present appearances getting back at the Richards made his way up tho court and scored weight very fast, as he wishes to ket l will game lias fils own troubles 0 0 0 the new Idea bids fair to materialize for the Pacer fribe out of first the first two of the evening and Gold, f the wise ones that he is still in taking when the vis- points Into a success. show aplenty—especially Van Dorn, f. 10 2 great place. a short time later duplicated the or- the lightweight class. iting attempts to keep 4 13 21 A league of this kind will certainly —o— der. Tiscornia, who scored all of his TLscornia, o —o—* time, coach Ills team, “bawl out” West Sides 0 0 0 boost the game of basketball as it Schwab’s appearance in the River- Reorganize team’s in the first half, dis- Fein, g. It Is possible that Clay Turner will the referee’s decisions and at tlio points 0 0 has boosted the game of in side1 e>n Friday night installed counted the local team’s lead Leahy, g ..0 be substituted to meet Battling Levin- regalia same time an accurate score by the past. It will bring out a number into the lllvle ma- keep For 1919 Season in Montreal to take the considerable pep scorer Quintette throwing in a double counter and fol- of sky tonight, and then give the official 6 13 23 stars who otherwise would not nod he scored twenty-four of lowed with a foul 4-3. Thomas place of Eugene Brosseau, who is ill chinery 4iu goal, have a chance to make their debut argument. The West Sides have reorganized a with an attack of paralysis. his team’s points. Increased the local’s team’s lead by Auditorium Five the court. on basketball team and would gladly making good a free throw. G. F. Tl. A great deal of Interest and friend- Jack Britton will meet Hafvey travel to meet all light senior teams 1 Tiscornia. again discounted the local has been a suitable Regan, f 6 0 13 ly rivalry already shown, Thorpe, of Kansas City, in a ten round South Notes who offer guarantee. team’s lead by making good a foul and Amboy Sport will be f 6 0 12 interest among the various plants bout in Buffalo on November 25. In the West Side lineup goal, but Thomas Increased the lead McCreerv, is expected to be ns as when the found C. W. Roossler, W. Hanson, f. 1 0 2 high -Or— Bazar held In Nesley, by making another foul goal. Tls- baseball Owing to the being "Stretch” Thomas, o...2 8 12 factory leagues are in pro- Augle Ratner, the New Tork mid- Elks Burke, Daub, | cornia tied the score by dropping in a Bowling St. Mary's Hall the practice sessions All 5 0 10 gress. for some Dickson and Bob Handerhan. of! Evans, g dleweight, will not fight of the Riversides during the week will double counter from behind the foul two the above players were members of; P. Hanson, g .0 0 0 time, due to the fracturing of j Perth Y. M. C. line, and forged his team ahead by be held In the Amboy the old West Sides with the exception ! small bones In his forearm. another foul goal. 7-6. Mc- A. The boys aro working hard to de- and Handerhan making 20 8 48 ROYALS LOSE GAME —o— Data of Dickson. Burke feat the Company H team of Asbury Creary put tho local team in the lead Meehan is east to League have been on the court and appear Willie coining with his first basket of the evening, Referee, Campbell. | Park. It was with the old Company! all chal- for a crack at Jack Dempsey in first class shape. Address The Royals of Pleasant Plains met prepare that both Hoffman and Allen of the but Tiscornia again came to the fore and the crown. lenges to Fred Jesznak, 19 3 Wash- defeat at the hands of the heavyweight the with a foul pointer and tied matters Fifty-fifty Standing In Elk's League. "Rivles” entered army. ington street. Club of West New Brighton yesterday L. Per. 8-8. A bout between Jack Britton and W. HAD MANY by a score of 9-fi. The game was 3 -77 8 MoCreery contributed another CINCINNATI Benny Leonard, to be staged at the Pacera 7 played on the Royal Oval before a 6 3 •887 The first workouts of the South Am- double counter and tho local team Newark Sportsmen’s Club on either Nationals. MANAGERS SINCE 1891 big crowd who were kept on their 8 3 .667 boy High School basketball teem will again took the lead. Tiscornia threw December 8 or 15, Is pending, duo to tMadisons Five Tonight feet at all times by the fast playing. .667 be held this week. The net and other Harmony Play in another foul goal, which discount- Britton’s manager holding out for Sterlings .’. 8 3 Price accounted for the has arrived and will be ed the Auditorium’s lead to one point, Charles Comlskey, president of the Royals points more jack. Ironclads. 4 6 -444 equipment The Woodbridgo Parish lions© a but found the basket with touchdown. Baby Elks 4 5 .444 placed in position. combination will travel to this city McCreary again Chicago White Sox, was at one time -222 and made the scoro 12-9. Hogan in- Jimmy Clabby, the American mid- Rectors 3 7 tonight where they will play the Har- of the . Ho creased local team’s lead manager Is in Australia Star Fish.1 3 -111 Five of this a return game the by Wins dleweight, going good The duPont Five of Farlln la be- mony city acted In that capacity from 1891 to Stapleton the best In his class. In Pacers now hold the lead in about 8:16. throwing In a field goal, the only one against boys The soon its at Kozusko’s hall, starting Tlie Stapleton eleven defeated the ing reorganized and will start In half. Tiscornia contributed i 1804. He was originally a first base* that section. He is also on Elks league as the re- are use the the talcing the bowling AVhon working right the Both teams expected to Indians of West New Brighton at sessions. another freo throw, following with a man on the famous St. Louis Browns, heavyweights with much success. sult of the Nationals being catapulted same as was used In the latt Stapleton yesterday by a score of 10-0, duFonta will be one of tho contend- lineup -O'- out of the on Saturday double counter and a moment lateri winner. The man* and high position honors. game. four times pennant in a fast well-played game. A out ers for county made a foul 14-13. The Joo Lynch received $2,02 5 for box- night when the Sterlings won two good goal, Is William large crowd was on hand. g_"!•_uc.'r^gguw tiger of the White Sox ing Herman in Philadelphia on Mon- of three from them. There are scoro was tied when tho visiting con- games Gleason. day night. Herman received $3- now three teams tie for second, they tcr made good another free throw. (Kid) 037.50 for his end. being the Nationals, Madisons and McCreery again put the local team Noted players who have managed —o—— Sterlings. A two-team tie for third Catarrh Is a Real Enemy and in the lead with his fourth double tho Reds slnee 1891 are: PLAYER IN GAME Jabcz White, of Albany, will meet also between the Ironclads counter of tho half and which SMALLEST place exists proved 1891-1894 — Charles Comlskey, first Pal Moore, the bantam of Memphis, and Elks. to be the local team’s final counters Baby Treatment base. in an eight round bout at Memphis The first game on Saturday went Requires Vigorous of the round. Tiscornia made good Was to 8end remedies Jock Gillespie Compelled tonight. to the Sterlings by sixty-throe pins. When you use medicated sprays, Throw these makeshift another free throw, and a moment IS95-1899—Wnc. (Buck) Ewing, catch. Na- for Manager Before He Could The second was annexed by the atomizers and douches for your to the winds, and get on the right later tied tlie scoro with their final er. tionals with a margin of 122 and the counter, 16-16. The half endod with Get Through Gate. you may succeed In un- treatment. Get a bottle of S. S. S. inno— . third and deciding game was won by Catarrh, the score locked nnd both teams and commence a treatment 190l'i—John (Bid) McPhee. second base, COURAGE WAS NEEDED the Sterlings by thirty-seven pins. •topping the choked-up air pass- today, seemed to bo going full speed and j was 1002-1905—, . Jock the inflelder turned Vereb. of the Nationals, high •ges for the time being, but this that has been praised by sufferer* tho crowd, one of the largest that has Gillespie, for the score, 205, and high average 178. for half attended a game here this season, 1000-1007—, outfielder, back to the Giants by Birmingham In baseball reminiscences In annoying condition returns, and nearly a century, tho match. Cornelison was high score was Intensely Interested in the going 190S—, first base. club of the , same S, S. S. at the source the Yale University Qraphlc, and average man for tho Sterlings, you have to do the thing gets right To begin the second half Manager of Catarrh and 1900-1011—, p'teher. and later released to the Sioux City Prof. William Lyon Phelps 180 and 160. •ver and over again. gives satisfactory Booz announced that Tom Thorp had Is one of The score: Catarrh has never been results. For special medical aif- that 1912— Hank O'Day, pitcher-umpire. club of the Wesetrn league, of the of the yet wired from Now York ho would speaks Nationals. vice free own casec 1913— smallest In the game, cured by these local applications, regarding your not bo nblo to reach this city. , shortstop. the players ’70’s who used to stand at the 125 145 139 Rickwood Have you ever experienced any address Medical Director, 51 Swiit MoCreery opened this half with a 1914— 1915—Charles Herzog, shortstop. standing only five feet one inch and 199 205 plate without mask, shlnguard, Hoyler 131 real benefit from jucb treatment? Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga, big counter and from this point on; 117 The first 135 163 126 1910-1918—, pitcher, weighing only pounds. chest pad or glove. Silver Flint Weaver ••••.••*..•• the Am'lxjy team maintained th§ lead.1 went to Sciboth 145 130 l'.lls l'nt Moran, pitcher. time the Binghamton club of the nine, he says, Chicago Vereb 158 138 121 Toronto this year, Jock was halted by and was in a railway accident Miller ..33 James McCaffrey, president of tho fortunately escaped without a Leafs, as he storted through the scratch. 6S9 770 6S6 Toronto Sterlings. players’ gate in the park. lie was standing the edge by Brown 133 123 162 said “where “Hey, kid,” McCaffrey, of the track when a surgeon Simmons 155 165 150 are you going?” came and, looking at his hands, Cornelison 180 138 161 133 89 95 I’m one of the Binghamton said: "My poor man, you’ll Reed "Why, 151 128 155 players," said Jock. havo to have thoso fingers ampu- Darling “Get out of here,” was the retort tated.” Flint of course laughed. 752 638 723 “Don't try to pull that stuff on me.” His'gnarled and twisted fingers of It finally was necessary for Gillespie were tbo natural result years bat without to send for Frank Schutte, then man- behind the protect- CUP TO STANFORD STUDENTS ive armor. ager of the Binghamton club, to Iden- him before he could gain admit- Sliver Emblem Offered Richard L. tify — J ..-:-=i by I : are noted for their unusual tance. When Jock donned his uniform Murray to Stimulate More In- SERVICE Motor Trucks strength. he returned to the goto and standing terest In Tennla. As the J. L. Krez Manufacturing Company aptly puts it? before MeCaffery said: “Now, look « make* mo over carefully so's you’ll know me First Mirror Was Water. In order to stimulate a greater In- After all the experience tee hade had With different msrrbei ififJfTtl wom- university. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished haps a clear pool allowed curious was star tennis 446 Laurie St.. Perth Amboy. N. J. an a first view of her face, though we “Lin” Murray player Secon 1 St. Storage Ground, must that she is not the vain for Stanford for four years and cap- Tel. 1771 say only creature to ejcist, for a certain gentle- tained a successful season. ■ssy-j-'- -'■—■! --J man named Narcissus gazed at his re- ELKQVSCS & CALVIN flection In the still water, and gazing Gleason Goes Hunting. has fell so In love with his beauty that he "Kid" Gleason gone hunting with Schalk. (Tel. 7T4-M nnd 1742) pined away and died. Ray General Trucking PHOvVR—We’ll attend to It. EVERETT TRUE By CONDO -1 e r- : ..- "ir-r. -=.»' i-1—"-^-1 Eventually A 1 urkish Hath Why Not Now? The Perth Amboy Russian and Turkish Baths 389 Division Street TIL. 450 .T


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