Public History News Volume 32 | Number 2 | March 2012

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Public History News Volume 32 | Number 2 | March 2012 Public History News Volume 32 | Number 2 | March 2012 History@Work Milwaukee and the Frontiers of A public history commons sponsored by the Kathleen Franz National Council on Public History Capitalism and Democracy [email protected] NCPH will debut “History@Work” this month, a blog within a larger space, which we are calling the Public History Commons. “History@Work” represents a wide range of voices within the public history field— consultants, graduate students, new professionals, educators, scholars, curators, archivists, and others. The blog is a place Please mark your calendars for the upcoming and teaching, among others. In addition, the to catch up on NCPH news, weigh in on conference in Milwaukee, WI, April 18-22. program chairs made a deliberate decision new developments in the field, read reviews This year’s meeting engages big ideas around not to mark public history sessions with a of traditional and non-traditional history the theme of “Frontiers of Capitalism and separate icon. Will this make sorting through exhibits, and much more. It will also serve as Democracy,” and it will pitch a big tent, as the program a little more challenging? Yes. But the annual meeting blog, starting with April’s NCPH will meet with the Organization of the goal was to create a program that put all joint conference with the Organization of American Historians. We expect more than sessions on an equal footing in the big tent, American Historians in Milwaukee. 2,000 historians, of various specialties and and to create one conference instead of two. approaches, to enter that tent. With 200 sessions, 20 working groups and workshops, The consultants post below is one of the “The program chairs made a 11 tours, and dozens of other events, it first contributions to the blog. Additional deliberate decision not to mark public should be an energizing experience. At the responses to the questions the authors have history sessions with a separate icon.” raised are being posted to the site. heart of both capitalism and democracy is the idea of exchange. Since public historians practice in the marketplace of There’s much to choose from here. I am Consultants’ Corner ideas, we should come ready to exchange excited about a group of sessions that Blog Post #1 our experiences and scholarship, to share, explore innovative mediums for public discuss, and learn from each other’s work. engagement. The conference will kick off Adina Langer | [email protected] with a THAT Camp on Wednesday, followed “Frontiers of Capitalism and Democracy” sets by a Digital Drop-in session where you can 2012 is an ambitious year for NCPH, a timely agenda for our consideration and the find individualized advice on digital projects, marking the launch of a true locus for our role public historians play in documenting, and a Lightning Talks event in which anyone craft on the World Wide Web: the Public preserving, and interpreting the histories of with a web-based presentation can share their History Commons. Like the field of public capitalism, business, work and organized work in three-minute talk. At the opposite history, the Public History Commons will labor, and social movements. The joint end of the spectrum, there’s session and take advantage of every phase the Internet program committee has developed a vibrant workshop on comic books where artists has to offer: its content delivery mechanisms slate of sessions, often in non-traditional will talk about their work bringing the past will be multifaceted, its content fluid, and formats, meant to foster exchange. These to life through graphic nonfiction. And for its reach will encompass the entire cloud. At include workshops, debate-like forums, something completely different, the NCPH least that’s our hope, but we public historians pre-circulated papers, State of the Field public plenary this year will feature a radio like to dream big. sessions, and working groups, as well as broadcast. Please plan to join us for the tours, Dine-arounds, posters, and a radio public plenary on Saturday with The History As the editors of the Consultants’ Corner broadcast. The program committee also Guys from BackStory. Ed Ayers, Brian Balogh, section of the History@Work blog, we are created thematic threads, called “topics” in and Peter Onuf will talk about their work as pleased to provide a tiny glimmer on a single the program, to help attendees find what facet of this ambitious enterprise. And with continued on page 7 > they’re looking for and to create connections the joy of being tiny and specific comes an among diverse sessions. Topics include: opportunity to define our terms even before biography, civic engagement, consulting, we begin. In that spirit, we invited current NCPH Draft Long Range historic preservation, sites of conscience, continued on page 6 > Plan appears on pages 8-9 Patrons & Partners The support of the following institutions, each committed to membership at the Patron or Partner level, makes the work of the National Council on Public History possible. Patrons Partners HistoryTM American Association for State and Missouri Historical Society Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, Local History National Library of Medicine of the Department of History American University, Department of National Institutes of Health History University of California Santa Barbara North Carolina State University, Bandy Heritage Center, Dalton State Raleigh, Department of History Historical Research Associates, Inc. College Northern Kentucky University, Public John Nicholas Brown Center, Brown University Bill Bryans History Program Loyola University of Chicago, Department of History California State University at Chico, Oklahoma State University, Middle Tennessee State University, Department of Department of History Department of History History California State University Fullerton, Truman Library Institute Center for Oral and Public History National Park Service University at Albany, SUNY, California State University Department of History New Mexico State University, Department of History Sacramento, Department of University of Massachusetts New York University, Department of History History Amherst, Department of History Pensacola Lighthouse and Museum California State University, San University of North Carolina at Bernardino, Department of Texas State University, Department of History Greensboro, Department of History History University of Central Florida, Department of History Central Connecticut State University, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, University Of Houston, Center for Public History Department of History Department of History University of Louisiana Lafayette, Department of Chicago History Museum West Virginia University, Department History and Geography Duquesne University, Department of of History University of Maryland Baltimore County, History Western Michigan University Department of History Eastern Illinois University, Wichita State University, Department Department of History University Of Nevada Las Vegas, Department of of History History Florida State University, Department of History University of South Carolina, Department of History History Link University of West Florida Public History Program Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and West Florida Historic Preservation, Inc. Thank you! Department of History University of West Georgia, Department of History Kentucky Historical Society Wells Fargo Bank HISTORY supports the NCPH for promoting the value and signifi cance of history every day. ©2010 A&E Television Networks, LLC. All rights reserved. 1292. All rights reserved. LLC. Networks, ©2010 A&E Television Inside This Issue More About History@Work A Quarterly Publication of the Cathy Stanton, NCPH Digital Media Editor | [email protected] National Council on Public History Frustrations with the now-older technology to consultants, public history educators, of listservs like our own H- Public... The graduate students, and new professionals. continued expansion of public history as a But the blog format should also allow us to discourse and a professional field (with all the link issues and ideas that cross those sub- unanswerable questions that have been part of disciplinary lines as well—for example, reviews it since the beginning)... A conversation at the and announcements of new projects, topics 2012 Annual Meeting4 2011 THATCamp NCPH in Pensacola about dealing with advocacy, funding, marketing, and the need for a central online gathering-space social justice issues, and NCPH-related posts, for public historians... NCPH’s own tagline, including those from the annual conference. “Putting History to Work in the World”... Put all of that together and what do you get? Our An editorial team, with support from our Treasurer’s Report for 20117 new group-authored blog, “History@Work,” friends at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for due to launch this month. History and New Media, has been working for the past several months on developing We’re envisioning “History@Work” as an the structure of the blog and the first round online space for opinion, review, discussion, of posts. Look for a flurry of activity around Long Range Plan8 reflection, and connection—the digital the time of the conference—and after that, we counterpart of the Public History Commons hope you’ll help us to figure out the future of that NCPH will provide within the exhibition the blog by joining in to comment on posts, space at the Milwaukee OAH/NCPH conference propose a guest post, or suggest a future topic. in April.
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