The Salvation Army Valescent Home Patients on Dec
MANCHEST1:R HI-RAI.D, lYiilav, R T I APARTMENTS STORE/OFFICE MISCELLANEOUS CARS FOR RENT FOR RENT I MISCELLANEOUS I j SERVICES FOR SALE m TAG SALE FOR SALE 6 room heated apart liolisf^ ment. $800 with secur GSL Building Mainte MOVING-ln basement FORD, 1971, Maverick. ity. Na pets. 646-2426. nance Co, Commerci- sale. Freezer, kitchen Needs body work. ELLINGTON al/ResIdentlal building E N D R O LLS Runs. $99. Call 647-1824. W e e k d a y s , 9-4.________ 21'h" width — 5041 set, braided rugs, and MEADOWVIEW repairs and home Im D c lit! other Items. December CHEROKEE Jeep, 1977. ONE bedroom apart provements. Interior 13" width — 2 for SOC ment. $550 monthly, ye PLAZA 9, 10-2, 125 Grissom With 1985 motor. $3,500 and exterior painting, Newsprint end rolls can be Road.______________ or best otter. 646-2358. arly lease. Security light carpentry. Com picked up at the Manchester deposit, references re plete janitorial ser Herald ONLY befu'e 11 a m. IN-DOOR Estate Sale-58 DODGE - Omni, 1984. One 1000 sq. ft. Monday through rhuraday. owner. Air condition quired. No pets. Peter vice. Experienced, rel CARPENTRY/ ELECTRICAL Waddell Road, Man man Real Estate. 649- Busy Rte. 83, now 1000 sq. ft. iable, free estimates. chester, Saturday, De ing, A M /FM Cassette, 9404. rental area. In attractive 643-0304. REMODELING cember 9th, 9:30-3:00. cruise, sunroof. $2375. shopping plaza. Ideal for re Furniture, Christmas 646- 5652.________ MANCHESTER - 4 room tail, office, professional, serv DUMAS ELECTRIC apartment.
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