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JkPiR L 2, MU:flLpncEMUflLpflcECON ROCM I LL. IhLfliii.iWiuix.iIbiiIIh'Lfliii.iWu..iIiI F1ii ii. 0 URBAN PLAZA 10 North Russell Street Portland, Oregon 97227 (503) 280-2600 URBAN LEAGUE OPOF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS APRIL 22, 1992 *** 7:30 a.m. *** AGENDA APPROVAL OFOF MINUTES:MINUTES: March REPORT FROM THE CHAIRCHAIR REPORT FROM THETHE PRESIDENT: COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE CO41'4ITTEECOMMITTEE EXECUTIVE COI4NITTEECOMMITTEE NOMINATING COMMITTEECOMMITTEE FUND RAISING COMMUNITY RELATIONS RELATIONS COI4NITTEECOMMITTEE PERSONNEL COMMITTEECOMMITTEE PROGRAM ANDAND PLANNINGPLANNING COMMITTEECOMMITTEE GUILD ADJOURNMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING March 25, 1992 The March Board Board of of DirectorsDirectors meetingmeeting commencedcommenced at at 7:34 a.m.a.m. onon March 25,25, 1992. The meetingmeeting of of thethe Urban League League Board Board of of Directors, Directors, held held inin the Multi-Purpose ConferenceConference Room, Room,Urban Plaza,Plaza, 10North Russell Street, waswas called toto orderorder atat 7:34 7:34 a.m.a.m. byby ChairChair BillBill Wyatt.Wyatt. The followingfollowing DirectorsDirectors were inin attendance:attendance: ClaraClara Padilla-Andrews,Padilla-Andrews, James Boehlke,Boehlke, Louis Boston,Boston, FayeFaye Burch,Burch, EdEd DeWald,DeWald, Marva Fabien,Fabien, Tom Gallagher, Gallagher, SharonSharon Gary-Smith,Gary-Smith, Ed Ed Hardy, Hardy, Elizabeth Elizabeth Kutza,Kutza, Rita Lucas, Judi Pitre,Pitre, Terry Terry Rogers, Rogers, Gina Gina Wood,Wood, BillBill Wyatt.Wyatt. The followingfollowing Directors werewere absentabsent withwith excuse:excuse: JoanJoan Brown-Kline, Brown-Kline, Rian Brown,Brown, James James Francesconi, Francesconi, Kevin Kevin Fuller, Fuller, Donnie Donnie Griffin, Griffin, StuartStuart Hall, MattMatt Hennessee.Hennessee. The followingfollowing DirectorsDirectors werewere absent withoutwithout excuse:excuse: WallyWally Sca1esScales, The minutesminutes forfor thethe FebruaryFebruary meetingmeeting werewere approved.approved.
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