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Download Scans 'H HENRY F. VOGIN NEDERLAND SCH- ENGELSCH HANDELS WOORDENBOEK ZUTPHENLijrI?ZI:- - W:". J_ THIEME & Cle NEDERLANDSCH-ENGELSCII HANDELS-WOORDENBOEK BEVATTENDE ; handelsuitdrukkingen, scheepstermen, handelsartikelen, rechtstermen, benamingen op het gebied van machinerien, werktuigen, electriciteit, architectuur, assurantie enz . DOOR HENRY F. VOCIN, Leeraar Eng. Taal en Letterk, Midd.-Ond, ZUTPHEN, W. J, THIEME & CIE . PREFACE. Aim at perfection in everything though in most things it is unat- tainable . Chesterfield. This book is written for those who are well acquainted with the English language and for this reason many common words which I suppose will be known, have been left out, for it was my intention only to write a Commercial Dictionary. I suffered myself to be guided in this by the long experience I had Teacher of English Language and Commercial Correspon- dence . I purposely avoided giving too many Slang" expres- sions as I consider this method, nowadays often adopted, very dangerous, especially for foreigners ; besides every body should try to learn any language from the very best authors and not from street-Arabs and stable-boys . Though I am fully aware of its deficiencies I still hope that this work will prove to be a handy guide to Merchants and Correspondents and any information respecting words and ex- pressions will be highly appreciated and gratefully received by me. I am greatly indebted to Mr. W. v, d . Berg for his willing- ness in looking over these papers for which I offer him my warmest thanks. HENRY F . VOGIN. AMSTERDAM. NEDERLANI)SC H ENGELSCR. Aandeel - share . A . Aandeel (aan toonder) - to bearer. Aandeel (op naam) - registeredd share . Aal - eel. Aandeel (bewijs) - share certificate . Aalbes -- currant . Aandeelen (preference) - preferred Aalbes (mode) --- red cui rant . shares. Aalbes (wine) -- white currant . Aandeelen (gewone) - ordinary shares Aalbes (zwarte) - black currant . Aandeel toekenneil - to allot . Aalbessenboom -- currant-tree . Aandeelen kapitaal -- capital stock . Aalbessengelei - currant jelly . AanlleelhOA(ler - shareholder . Aalbessenj enever - c u rran t-gi n . Aandoen (von een haven) to call ,titt Aalbessensap - currant-juice. to touch at . Aalbessenstrnik - currant-bush. Aanfokken - to reed. Aalbessenwijn - entrant-wine . Aanfokken - breeder. Aalboer - eel-man . Aanfokking - breeding, rarsmg. Aalfuik - eel-boat, eel-pent . Aangaan (een contract) - to make Aalkorf -- eel-buck. an agreement . Aalvisseherij --- eel-fishing . Aangeven - to declare, to enter out at Aambeeld -- anvil, the Custom House . Aanfakken - to stick to . Aangegeven waarde - declared value . Aanbesteden - to contras t for by pri Aangesproken monster - sample ope- vote tender . ned, inspected, tried, examined, Aanbesteding contract. Aangifte -- declaration . Aanbesteding (bij) - by contras n r Aauhaleu (van goederen) - to seize. Aanbevelen - to recommend . Aanhaling - seizure. Aanbevelirig - recommendation . Aanhangig - pending, Aanbevelingsbrief - Letter of Recom-' Aanhechteri - to affix ; to attach. mendation . Aanhoorig -- belonging to : appurte- Aanbieden -- to offer, to ten die . nant to. Aatlbiedillg - offer : tinder. Aanhoorigheid -- appurtenance . Aanho(l - offer, Aanhoudeii (van goederen) - to seize . Aan boord -- aboard. Aanklagen --to bring an action against Aan boord brengen - to put on board . a person : to lodge a complaint . lanbouw - building. Aankoopen to purchase. Aanbouw (in) - building. Aankoopsom - purchase-money . Aanbreken (monsters) - to open : to Aankorsting (in stoomketel) - scale : inspect. to try (a sample), silt : incrustation . Aandacht (verzoeken) - to call one's Aankweeken - to cultivate, to nurse . attention to . Aankweeking - cultivation . Aandacht(wijden)--to pay attentionto . Aanleggen (van spoor) - to build ; Aandacht (\vekken) to (flaw itten- to (;orrstruct a railway . tion. Aanleiding - occasion ; reason ; cause . 6 Aanleiding geven - to give rise to ; Aanzeilen - to run foul of ; to collide. to give cause . Aanzetriem - strap. Aanlengen - to dilute ; to qualify . Aanzetten (mes) - to sharpen ; to Aanmanen - to dun . whet . Aanmelden (voor een betrekking) - Aanzetsel - crust ; sticking. to apply for. Aanzetsel (van goed) - eking-piece . Aftnmengen - to mix ; to dilute ; to Aanzuivereii - to pay off ; to square qualify. up an account ; to pay the balance . Aanrnenging - mixing . Aartlakker - earth-nut, pig-nut . Aanmeiigsel - mixture, dilution . kar(Iappel - potato . Aanmerkeii - to make remarks . Aardappel (melige) - mealy potato . Aanmeten - to measure for : to take Aardappelenstroop potato treacle . one's measure. Aardappelllleel - potato-sago . Aaninunten - to coin . Aardappelschil - potato peel . Aanneemlijk - acceptable . Aardappelstijfsel - - potato starch . Aannemer - Contractor . Aarilappelsuiker - potato sugar . Aannemingssom - sum of the contract. Aartlbei - strawberry. Aanplakken - to post ; to placard, to Aartlewerk - earthenware, pottery, affix, to notify by placard . crockery . Aanprijzen - to recommend . Aardkluit - plebe. Aansehouwe (ten-van) -in the face of . Aardlaag - layer Aansehrijving - written order ; man- Aartllueht - earthy savour . date. Aardnoot - eai- thnut, pignut, pea-nut . Aauslaan (in belasting) - to assess (for, Aardolie - petroleum . at) . Aarzeleii - to hesitate . Aanslag (in belasting) - assessment . Abandonneereii - to abandon . Aansluiting (van een trein) - junction . Abandonnement - abandonment . Aanspoelen - to cast ashore, to wash Abattoir •- abattoir ; slaughterhouse . ashore . Aboiine - subscriber . Aaiisprakelijk - responsible. Abonneeren - to subscribe . Aansprakelijk houden - to hold res- Abonnemeiit - subscription . ponsible . Abonuernent (op spoor) - season-ticket . Aanspreken (in rechten) - to goto law . Abrikoos - apricot . Aanspreken (van een kapitaad) - to Absint - absinthe. touch, to draw on . Accept - acceptation ; acceptance . Aanstalteii maker - to make prepa- Accept zoiithi' leding - general cc- rations . ceptaiice . Aanstellen - to appoint ; to nominate . Acceptant - acceptor . kanstelling - appointment ; nomina- Aeeepteeren - to accept, tion . Aeclarnatie - acclamation . Aanteekeiieii - to mark off. Aeeoord - agreement . Aanteekenen (van een brief) - to Accoord (in faillissement) ---- a corn- register . position . Aanteekengeld - registration fee . Aecrediteeren - to accredit, to credit. kangeteekende brief - Registered Aeeurnulatief - cumulative. letter . Aeeijns -- excise. Aanvangsprijzen - opening-rates . Aceijnskantoor - Custom-House ; Aanvaren - collide . Excise-Office. Aanvaring - collision. Acetylene - acetylene . Aitnvoer - supply, import . Achtenswaardig - respectable . Aanvoereii - to supply, to import . .Aehteren (ten - in betaling) - to be Aativraag - demand . in alireai, to be behind in payment . Aaiivraag (op) - on application . Aehterlader -- breech-loader. Aanvullen - to complete ; to fill up. Achterruirn - after hold . 7 Aehtersehip --- stern Afbetalen - to pay by instalments . Aehterstallige sehulden - arrears. ' Afbetaling - payment by instalments. Aehterstallige ratite - hack interest. Afbraak -- rubbish, debris. Aekteruitgaan-to decline, to give way, Afbreken (huffs) - to pull down, to to fall ; to drop . demolish . Aehteruitgang - a decline ; depression. Afbreken (verbintenis) - to break Acte (onderhandsehe) - deed-poll . off an engagement . Aete beteekeneit--to serve a writ upon . Afdak ---- shed ; pent-house . Aete passeeren - to drew up ;l deed . Afdammen - to dam up . Aete de vita -- Life Cei-tificate . Afdamming -- damming up . Aete van Interventie - Act of Honour . Afdanken (scheepsvolk) -to discharge Acte van Opriehtiug - Memorandum the crew. of Association . Afdirigen - to haggle, to higgle, to Aete van overdraeht - deed of release. cheapen. to bargain . (for) Aete van schadeloosstelling - hill of Afdoen - to settle, to pay off'. indemnity. Afdruk - a copy. Aete van Vennootsehap - Deed of Afdrnkken to copy. (Co)partnership. Affaire -- business ; affair . Aete van verkoop - Bill of Sale . Affuit -- gun-carriage . Aete verlijden - to execute 1 deed ; Afgekeurd - condemned . to draw up a deed . Afgesloten rekening - dead account . Actie - share . Afgetrokken - substracted ; deduction Actie tegen iemand instellen - to made. lodge a complaint against a person . Afgevaardigde - deputy represen- Aetien-houder - share-holder. tative . Aetiva - assets, actives ; claims . Afgifte -- delivery . Adelijk (van wild) - high. Af kenren - to condemn to disap- Adjunct sehrijver - adjUfl(t writer ; prove of substitute clerk . Afknippen - to cut oft . Adjunct commies-adjunct excise man, Afladen - to ship. substitute excise mail . Afleveren - to deliver . A(lministrateur - manager . adminis- Aflevering - delivery. trator . Afloopend tij -- running down tide . Adininistratie - management . admi- Afmeting -- dimension . nistration. Afnemer - constituent . Administreeren - to manage . Afrkenen -- to settle (accounts) . Adres(op brieven) - address, direction . Afrekeriingsdag - contango-day; sett- Adres (request) - Memorial . ling-day . Adressant - inemorialist . Afsehaffen - to abolish . Adresboek - Directory. Afschaffing - abolition . A lresseeren - to address to dire( t. Afsehrift -- copy. Adulaar -- moonstone . Afseinen -- to signal off ; couiiter- Adverteeren -- to advertise . mand by wire . Advertentie - advertisement. Afslaan (van tinkers) -to be forced to sea Advertentie-bureau - Afslaan (van zeilen) -- to unbend . Advertentie (ruimte) - advertising Afslager - auctioneer
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