Star chart lithographed by Gennadeion Dionysos Pyrrhos. Launches New Photo courtesy of the Gennadius Library Program cum in hospitals in Milan. While eginning in Summer 2005, in Milan, he studied at the same the Gennadius Library time practical astronomy at the Bis organizing a bi-annual Observatory of Milan, with per- Summer Session dedicated to the mission of the Italian Minister of study of Medieval Greek. the Interior himself. The breadth Conceived by incoming of his interests and knowl- Director Maria Georgopoulou, edge is reflected in the titles of the four-week session aims the books that he wrote and to familiarize students with published, among which were Medieval and Φαρµακσπα (Pharmacopeia), philology by exposing them to Μεθδικ Γεωγραα (System of primary sources, different kinds Geometry), Αριθµητικ (Arith- of literary genres, paleography, metic), µλγα της Πστεως and epigraphy as well as biblio- (Confession of Faith), Τα ρη graphic and electronic tools. The τυ ανθρπυ (The Obligations of program will also include site Mankind), Γραµµατικ (Gram- and museum visits. Led by two mar), and Πρακτικ ιατρικ και professors to be selected in Fall τανικ (The Practice of Medi- 2004, the summer session will “Aστρνµα, Eπιστµη Μεγλη cine and Botany). have ten members. και Hδνικ” In the “Study of Planets,” The program will also include Pyrrhos lists all the planets and visits to area museums and li- stronomy: The Great primer, which, in addition to 296 comets, the mythology around braries including the Byzantine, and Delightful Science”: pages of text, has a folding star them, their measurements, their the Benaki, and the Epigraphy thus was astronomy chart lithographed by Pyrrhos movements, and how to calcu- “A late their distance from the earth Museums and the National Li- characterized in a book written himself as well as lithographed brary, as well as visits to sites, by Dionysios Pyrrhos and pub- plates showing Greek deities as- or other nearby planets. “The museums, and monuments of lished in Athens in 1896, with sociated with individual planets Study of the Heavens” includes the Byzantine era outside Athens the title Πρακτικ Αστρνµα and constellations. a description of the Zodiac cycle including Thessaloniki, Hosios ... ερανισθεσα εκ διαρων In his early years a monk, and the constellations along with Loucas, and Daphni. συγγραων και συντεθεσα εις Dionysios Pyrrhos (1774–1853) the mythological stories associ- Offered at the intermediate µρη δ εις Πλανητγρααν later was ordained as a priest. He ated with them. Sometimes, level, the program is geared to και υρανγρααν, υπ τυ studied ancient Greek, physics, as he is describing a star or a students enrolled in a graduate αριµανδρτυ και ιατρδιδασκλυ mathematics, geometry, theology, constellation, Pyrrhos will inter- program in any field of Byzantine ∆ινυσυ Πρρυ τυ Θετταλ medicine, and astronomy, in- weave what he deemed historical studies in a North American or (“The Study of Astronomy, com- structed by well-known teachers information. In the chapter on European university. A minimum piled from various authors and wherever they happened to be, the constellation “Heart of Al- of two years of college-level produced in two parts, ‘Study in or in Italy. As he him- exander,” for example, Pyrrhos Classical Greek or the equivalent of the Planets’ and ‘Study of the self wrote, in Περιγησις ιτρικ wrote that after God finished is required. If there are avail- Heavens,’ by the archimandrite και Βγραα (Historical and with the creation of the world able spots, college professors in and medical teacher Dionysios Biographical Voyages), published seven great persons lived upon North America or Europe may the Earth: Xerxes, the Persian Pyrrhos of Thessaly”). A recent in Athens in 1848, he studied continued on page G3 also be considered. acquisition of the Gennadius medicine and graduated from the king; Themistocles the Athenian, For further information see Library, the book is an extremely University of Padua, School of who defeated Xerxes; Alexander the website: www.ascsa.edu.gr. e rare illustrated astronomical Medicine, going on to a practi- continued on page G2 G2 G E N N A D E I O N N E W S

NEH Fellow Delves into Kapetanakis Archive

Recipient of a 2003–04 Senior Research Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Stathis Gourgouris (Columbia Univer- sity) reports on his progress toward publication of the extant works of Demetrios Kapetanakis, whose archives are housed in the Gennadius Library.

emetrios Kapetanakis Kapetanakis’ writings on Brit- Archival work—specifically, with the astonishment of having (1912–1944) is by all ish literature: some 25 essays, this kind of editorship of posthu- encountered, in concrete and Daccounts a unique figure most of them short and concise, mous manuscripts—does not tangible fashion, persons and in Modern Greek letters. Born and many of them in complete generally characterize my aca- epochs of another order alto- in Smyrna and raised in Athens or nearly complete form. This demic research patterns. Indeed, gether. It is as much a work that after the Asia Minor War (1922), group of essays will form the this year provided me with first- takes place in the mind, as it is Kapetanakis was educated in basis of an English-language hand experience in something so dramatically hands-on. There philosophy at the University of edition of Kapetanakis’ posthu- that was in many ways awe- is something immensely gripping Athens (as a student of future mous writings. The rest of the inspiring. No doubt, this had a about the real, existing traces of prime minister Panagiotis Kanel- Gennadius holdings consists of lot to do with this unique mate- history having been made and lopoulos) and at the University the most substantial part of his rial, but I also discovered that yet having remained undiscov- of Heidelberg (1934–36), under correspondence (more than one it has as much to do with the ered. And there is also something the tutelage of Karl Jaspers, com- hundred letters), as well as a archival experience itself. Work- deeply personal in the encounter, pleting a dissertation with the variety of essays and poems that ing on posthumous archives is something that quickly becomes variant Heideggerian title Liebe overlap in part with the archive a solitary task, which leaves one internalized in the researcher. e und Zeit. In 1939, he moved to in Firestone Library. This second England (Cambridge and then group of writings includes mostly London) on a British Council material on Greek literature and Pyrrhos Scholarship. He became involved painting, as well as quite a few continued from page G1 in English literary modernist poems and drafts of poems, many circles and began to write poetry of which remain unpublished. Russia, whose virtues and deeds in English, which was published So far, I have set aside six reached the sky and who defeat- to great acclaim and drew exten- Greek essays for inclusion as ed Napoleon. The work is filled sive praise at the time from the part of a collection of posthu- with many similar vignettes of Bloomsbury Circle and Dame mous works to be published by history and mythology. Edith Sitwell. Kapetanakis was Estia Press, under my editorial At the end of the book there the first to translate into English supervision. From the essays on is a list of subscribers, people the poetry of his friends George British poetry, I have selected the who had paid up front for the Seferis and Odysseus Elytis, most integral ones for translation production of the book. At the which was, according to his close into Greek; these will become time, Greek authors and publish- friend and executor John Lehm- part of this publication as well. ers followed Western (particu- ann, a groundbreaking gesture The rest will consist of mate- larly Italian) methods for fund- in preparing the postwar recep- rial from the Firestone archive, ing publication, and needed to tion of the two poets in England. which contains most of the secure buyers ahead of time for Demetrios Kapetanakis died of drafts of philosophical works or their books in order to meet the leukemia in a London hospital works on aesthetics, written vari- enormous cost of production, at the age of 32, leaving behind a ably in Greek, English, French, since there was no developed vast and unrealized potential, yet and German. I am nearing the system for sales and distribution. concrete traces of a far-reaching, final selection process and have Subscriber lists acknowledge uniquely configured vision. begun translation work, on those individuals who had un- Plate showing the Greek deity Zeus. derwritten the book, a method The Gennadius Library, to- which I will have the aid of two Photo courtesy of the Gennadius Library. gether with Firestone Library colleagues. Upon my return to devised particularly for scholarly at Princeton University, holds the United States, I will begin publications. Today, these lists of ninety percent of the extant organizing the English-language the Great, who defeated all the subscribers are valuable sources Kapetanakis archive, a unique publication, toward which kings of Asia and Africa; King for studying the social history and extraordinary collection that Princeton University Press has Charles of France, who liber- of Greek cultural life in the eight- e has yet to receive the research shown interest. Depending on ated Europe from the barbarians; eenth and nineteenth centuries. attention it deserves. There is how work proceeds, I expect the Peter the Great of Russia, who little overlap between the two English and Greek publications elevated Russia to the sky; Napo- —Sophie Papageorgiou archives. The Gennadius part, to come to realization around the leon Bonaparte, who became the Head Librarian, donated by John Lehmann in same time. model of all kings of the world; Gennadius Library 1977, contains the entirety of and King Alexander Pavlovich of G E N N A D E I O N N E W S G3

Haris and Alexander Kalligas Fiber Optics honored at Trustees’ reception in Link 54 and 61 May. Souidias the finishing touches to her book Monemvasia, a Byzantine City lthough at times Souidias State, to be published in London, Street has seemed a for- and in collaboration with Mr. midable barrier between A Kalligas, Monemvasia, Retracing the two halves of the School’s on Palimpsests, to be published campus, a recently completed in Athens. fiber optic line running under Haris Kalligas’ creative energy, the street will bring the north her broad areas of expertise both and south sides of Souidias as a scholar and as an architect, Street closer together than ever her wide acquaintance in the before. Named in honor of Alan worlds of culture and academia L. Boegehold, School and Gen- in Greece and abroad, and her nadeion Board Member as well graceful presence have helped as former Chair of the Managing New Horizons for Kalligas the Gennadius Library negotiate Committee, whose interests and successfully these past nine years passions have linked the Gen- fter nine years as Director During her tenure as Direc- of unprecedented change and nadeion with the School over the of the Gennadius Library, tor, Mrs. Kalligas also served as growth. The Gennadius Library years, the “Boegehold pipeline” Haris Kalligas is moving a member of the International and everyone associated with it will make it possible for users A on to pursue a number of field Jury for the Awards of Europa are the richer for her multifaceted in both buildings to access the and publications projects involv- Nostra, given to the best restora- contributions, and her presence. e electronic services provided by ing architecture, history, and tion projects in Europe (she and the School, at a speed of 1000 historic preservation in Greece her husband, Alexander Kalligas, A profile of the new Director of MB. Now readers in the Gen- and elsewhere. were winners in 1981 for their nadeion will be able to utilize all the Gennadius Library, Maria During her term as Director work in Monemvasia), and from Georgopoulou, will appear in the electronic resources currently from October 1, 1995 to June 1998 to 2003 she served as a available to the Blegen. the Winter issue of the Genna- 30, 2004, the Library itself went member of the Europa Nostra deion News. A graduate of the Fiber optics will also make through dramatic changes, in- Council. Since 2002, Mrs. Kal- it possible to connect the Gen- National University of Athens cluding the complete renovation ligas has been a member of the and holding a Ph.D. from the nadeion to the School’s phone and underground expansion of Board of Elliniki Etaireia for the system, obviating the need for a University of California, Los An- the 1926 Main Building and the Protection of the Environment geles, Ms. Georgopoulou most separate phone number, and will renovation of the East Wing, and Cultural Heritage, as well as make possible video hook-ups recently served as Associate Pro- as well as the addition of the Chair of their Committee on the fessor at Yale University. between the two sides, includ- nearly completed Cotsen Hall, Architectural Heritage of Greece. ing the nearly completed Cotsen a 370-seat auditorium. During Since 2000 she and Mr. Kal- Hall. Eventually Loring Hall, her tenure, Mrs. Kalligas also ligas have been collaborating on too, will be connected to the organized numerous lectures the restoration of the Campanile new network, bringing residents and symposia, and participated of Saint George of the Greeks in New CAORC and staff into the central phone in as many more organized by Venice, on behalf of the Greek Chair Elected system and giving them internet other institutions. In addition, Institute of Byzantine and Post access in the Saloni, which will she found time to publish the Byzantine Studies in Venice. resident of the Gennadius also have wireless connectivity. Greek edition of her book Byz- She has also been working since Library Catherine deG. The “Boegehold Pipeline” was antine Monemvasia. The Sources 2003 on the Church of Tairia Vanderpool has been made possible by a grant secured P (2004), edited and contributed near Monemvasia, and is about elected Chair of the Council of through the efforts of Lloyd E. to three volumes of papers of the to begin work on the general American Overseas Research Cotsen, Chair of the Gennadius Monemvasiotikos Omilos, and plan for the medieval city of Centers (CAORC), succeeding Library Board. The cause was published a number of scholarly Palaiochora, Aegina, where she is Dean Richard Lariviere of the furthered by the nimble foot- articles. Following on several also supervising the restoration University of Texas at Austin. work of School General Manager other interests, in 2001 Mrs. Kal- of two churches. In addition, A consortium of 18 centers, Pantelis Panos, who, when op- ligas published a book of poetry the Kalligas continue work in CAORC provides its members portunity knocked in the form presented at the Zoumboulakis collaboration with Manchester operating and programmatic of a public works crew laying Gallery in Athens, accompanying University on the survey of the funding, and has launched a telephone cable in Souidias an exhibition of her watercolors city of Monemvasia, aimed at number of initiatives promot- Street, arranged for the most dif- depicting Monemvasia and other understanding the evolution of ing international scholarly ex- ficult part of the job--digging the landscapes. the city through the centuries. In requisite trench from one side of 2005, Mrs. Kalligas plans to put continued on page G4 Souidias to the other. e G4 G E N N A D E I O N N E W S

Fermor Honored by Gennadeion Trustees

ar hero and renowned The evening began with Among the 150 guests were writer Sir Patrick cocktails in the new lobby of former Prime Minister George WLeigh Fermor was Cotsen Hall, followed by tributes Rallis and Mrs. Rallis; Lady honored in June at the Genna- presented in Cotsen Hall itself in Madden, wife of the British Am- deion Trustees’ Second Annual an unofficial baptism of the new bassador to Greece; Mrs. Kelly Awards Dinner. Knighted this facility. Among the speakers were Bourdara, Vice-Mayor of Athens; past February, Sir Patrick pub- former Mr. and Mrs. George David; Mr. lished his latest book, Words of Tzannis Tzannetakis, Alan L. and Mrs. Nicholas Egon; Mr. Mercury, earlier in the winter. Boegehold, Dimitris Daskalopou- Sture Linnear; Mrs. Theodoti- Regarded by many as one of the los, Haris Kalligas, and, in re- Artemis Mandilas; Mr. and Mrs. finest writers of the twentieth sponse, Sir Patrick himself. The Dimitri Marinopoulos, Mr. Pana- century, in Greece Sir Patrick is award was presented by Edmund gis Vourloumis, and both the famed as the war hero who para- Keely, the 2003 winner. After Mayor and the former Mayor of chuted into Nazi-occupied Crete the tributes, guests sat down to Kalamata, where Sir Patrick is an in World War II, capturing its dinner in the terrace in front honorary citizen. German commander. After the of Cotsen Hall, transfigured by Co-organizers for the evening war, Sir Patrick eventually settled tents, lights, and flowers. Half- were Mrs. Margaret Samourkas in Greece near Kardamyli, where way through the evening, a pair and Mrs. Lana Mandilas. Thanks he has lived ever since. His love of Cretan musicians serenaded to underwriting from The Sam- Sir Patrick Leigh Fermor for Greece has infused much of Sir Patrick and guests with ourkas Foundation, the evening autographs books for Trustee his writing. mantinades. raised $29,000 for the Library’s Margaret Samourkas. gardens. e Photo: H. Akriviadis

CAORC Chair continued from page G3

change. With funding from the Mellon Foundation, CAORC administers the East European Fellowships that have brought 34 scholars to the School over the past ten years. As part of its digital library initiative, CAORC designed and directs the Mediterranean Maps Project, which has nearly completed a preliminary inventory of several thousand maps in the Gennadius Library as well as sister institu- Clockwise from top-left: tions around the Mediterranean. Former Prime Minster Tzannis In addition, CAORC has been Tzannetakis pays tribute to Sir chosen by Congress to chair a Patrick; steering committee exploring the establishment of a center in Is- Trustee Lana Mandilas and tanbul to foster dialogue among Library President Catherine deG. scholars and policy makers from Vanderpool; East and West. e Guests Mr. Dimitris Marinopoulos (left) and former Prime Minister This publication of the American George Rallis seated in Cotsen School of Classical Studies at Hall for tributes; Athens is produced semiannu- Sir Patrick sings mantinades with ally. Address all correspondence to Newsletter Editor, ASCSA, Cretan musician. 6–8 Charlton Street, Princeton, NJ 08540-5232. Tel: (609) 683-0800 or Photos: H. Akriviadis e-mail: [email protected].