Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX (2008) 1701.pdf REGIONAL GEOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF THE NILI FOSSAE-SYRTIS-ISIDIS REGION: NEW INSIGHTS FROM CRISM AND MRO DATA. J. F. Mustard1, S. L. Murchie2, B. L. Ehlmann1, R. E. Milliken3, J-P. Bibring4, F. Poulet4, J. Bishop5, L. Roach1, F. Seelos2, and the CRISM Science Team. 1Dept. of Geological Sciences, Box 1846, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912
[email protected], 2JHU/Applied Physics Laboratory, Lau- rel, MD 20723, 3JPL-CalTech, 4IAS, University of Paris, Orsay, France. 5SETI Institute Introduction: Bibring et al [1] proposed that Mars chian into the Hesperian. However, the magnitude of mineralogic evolution is defined by three phases that the activity apparently diminishing strongly with time. loosely correspond to the stratigraphic time periods of Composition: The composition of rock units in Noachian (phyllosilicate), Hesperian (sulfate) and the Isidis region is highly diverse. Where bedrock is Amazonian (oxide formation). The Noachian- well exposed beneath a cover of dust or surface oxida- Hesperian boundary marks an evolution from early tion we find that distinct mineralogic signatures can be Mars, with abundant gradational/fluvial processes [2], assigned to many of the geologic units. The lavas of formation of phyllosilicate [3], a magnetic field, a Syrtis Major have been well studied and are character- denser atmosphere and different climate than today to ized as typical basalt with 40-50% feldspar, low (LCP) a period markedly different with plains volcanism [2], and high (HCP) Ca pyroxene with more HCP than sulfate formation [1], acidic environments [4] and a LCP, and variable olivine [15, 16, 17].