That portion of land situate within the following boundaries:

Start at the point where the Simondium/ Road links up with the Klapmuts/ Road (R44), south of Klapmuts; thence first in a easterly and then a south-easterly direction with said Klapmuts/Simondium Road to a point where it intersects the Paarl/ Road (R45); thence further in a south-easterly direction with said Paarl/Franschhoek Road (R45) to a point where said road intersects the Dwars River; thence up stream in a south-westerly direction to a point where said river intersects the south- eastern boundary of land 1211; thence generally north-west with the general north-eastern boundaries of said land 1211, land 1331 and land 1200 to the north-western beacon thereof; thence generally south-west with the general western boundary of said land 1200 to where it joins the southern beacon of Simonsberg Forest Reserve; thence north-west with the south-western boundaries of the land Simonsberg Forest Reserve, Signal Hill 965, Wiesenhof Nature Reserve, Natte Valley 747 and 746 up to the north-western beacon of last mentioned land; thence north-east with the northern boundary of said land 746 to where it intersects the Stellenbosch/Klapmuts Road (R44); thence in a northerly direction with said road to a point where the Simondium/Klapmuts Road intersects the Stellenbosch/Klapmuts Road (R44), the point of beginning mentioned above.

[All indications in this description refer to the topographic map of 1:50 000: sheet 3318 DD Stellenbosch (fourth edition)]