Livres The Seasons in Mahākāvya Literature. Delhi: Eastern Book Linkers, 1995. (227 p.)

The Epics’ Representation of Vedic Myths. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2004. (369 p.)

Ouvrages collectifs

Devadattīyam. Johannes Bronkhorst Felicitation Volume. Ed. François Voegeli, Vincent Eltschinger, Danielle Feller, Maria Piera Candotti, Bogdan Diaconescu and Malhar Kulkarni. Bern : Peter Lang, 2012. (847 p.)


"References to the Seasons in the Mahābhārata War-Description". In Śruti, Silver Jubilee Volume of the Vedaśāstrapariṣad, (pp. 90-93). Poduru (Andhra Pradesh, India), 1996.

“Raṇayajña: the Mahābhārata War as a Sacrifice”. In Violence Denied ‒ Non-violence and the Rationalization of Violence in South Asian Cultural History, (pp. 69-103). Ed. Jan E.M. Houben & Karel R. van Kooij. Leiden: Brill, 1999.

“The Theft of the Soma”. In Composing a Tradition: Concepts, Techniques and Relationship, (pp. 199-225). Proceedings of the First Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Purāṇas. August 1997. Ed. Mary Brockington, Peter Schreiner & Radoslav Katicic. Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 1999.

“The story of Asita Devala and Jaigīṣavya in Mahābhārata 9.49”. In Epic Undertakings, (pp. 79-94). Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference vol. 2, Ed. Robert P. Goldman et Muneo Tokunaga. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2009.

“Hanumān’s jumps and their mythical models.” In Parallels and Comparisons, (pp. 193-219). Proceedings of the Fourth Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Purāṇas, September 2005. Ed. Petteri Koskikallio. Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2009.

“Sacrifice et émotions: les lendemains traumatiques de la guerre dans le Mahābhārata.” In Violentes émotions. Approches comparatistes, (pp. 115-134). Etudes réunies par Philippe Borgeaud et Anne-Caroline Rendu Loisel. Recherches et rencontres 27. Genève : Droz, 2009.

“Kings and Ascetics in Indian Classical Literature. A case-study of King Daśaratha and the ṛṣis in the Vālmīki-Rāmāyaṇa.” In Kings and Ascetics in Indian Classical Literature, (pp. 3-23). Ed. Paola M. Rossi and Cinzia Pierruccini. Milano : Cisalpino, 2009.

“The Interplay between the Forest and the City, Ascetics and Kings, in Bhavabhūti’s Plays, the Mahāvīracarita and the Uttararāmacarita”. In The City and the Forest in Indian Literature and Art, (pp. 201-215). Ed. Danuta Stasik and Anna Trynkowska. Warsaw : Elipsa, 2010.

“Two Tales of Vanishing Wives. Sītā’s Trials Reconsidered in the Light of the Story of Saraṇyū.” In Devadattīyam. Johannes Bronkhorst Felicitation Volume, (pp. 755-772). Ed. François Voegeli, Vincent Eltschinger, Danielle Feller, Maria Piera Candotti, Bogdan Diaconescu and Malhar Kulkarni. Bern : Peter Lang, 2012.

“Viṣṇu, Śiva, and Kālidāsa. References to the Divinities in the Meghadūta”. In Etudes Asiatiques LXVI 2, 2012 (pp. 307-325).

“Bhīma’s Quest for the Golden Lotuses (Mahābhārata 3.146-153)”. In Battles, Bards, Brāhmans. Papers from the Epics Section of the 13th World Sanskrit Conference, Edinburgh, 10th-14th July 2006. Ed. John Brockington. Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass. A paraître.

“The story of Princess Mādhavī in Mahābhārata 1.82-85 and 5.104-121.” In Proceedings of DICSEP V, Dubrovnik 2008. Ed. Mislav Jezic. Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. A paraître.

“Nuns Involving in the Affairs of the World. The Depiction of Buddhist Nuns in Bhavabhūti’s Mālatīmādhava.” In Cracow Indological Studies. A paraître.


Andreas Bigger. Balarāma im Mahābhārata. Seine Darstellung im Rahmen des Textes und seiner Entwicklung. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 1998. Etudes Asiatiques LIII 3, 1999 (pp. 811-814).

Alessandro Passi. L'elisir del furto secondo il . (Dharmacauryarasāyana). Milano: Edizioni Ariele, 2001. Etudes Asiatiques LVI 4, 2002 (pp. 938-942).

Klaus Mylius. [Hg.] Älteste Indische Dichtung und Prosa. Leipzig: Edition Erata, 2002. Etudes Asiatiques LVII 2, 2003 (pp. 420-423). Martina Jackmuth. Die Bildersprache Kālidāsas im Kumārasaṃbhava. Beiträge zur Indologie 35. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2002. Etudes Asiatiques LIX 2, 2005 (pp. 616-624).

Ulrike Roesler, Jayandra Soni, Luitgard Soni, Roland Steiner und Martin Straube (übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen von). Bhagavadajjukam. Die Heiligen-Hetäre. Eine indische -Komödie. München: P. Kirchheim Verlag, 2006. Etudes Asiatiques LXII 1, 2008 (pp. 462-467).

Robert P. Goldman, Sally J. Sutherland Goldman and Barend A. van Nooten. The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki. An epic of ancient India. Translation. Volume VI : Yuddhakāṇḍa. Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2009. Etudes Asiatiques LXV 2, 2011 (pp. 609-617).

Brian Black. The Character of the Self in Ancient India. Priests, Kings, and Women in the Early Upaniṣads. Albany : State University of New York Press, 2007. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung. Sous presse.

Vishwa Adluri & Joydeep Bagchee. Ed. Essays by Alf Hiltebeitel. Vol.1. Reading the Fifth Veda. Studies on the Mahābhārata. Vol. 2. When the Goddess Was a Woman. Mahābhārata Ethnographies. Leiden : Brill, 2011. Etudes Asiatiques. A paraître.

Bibliographies on-line

“Classes of Beings.” In Oxford Bibliographies Online : . Ed. Alf Hiltebeitel. New York : Oxford University Press, 2011. 9780195399318/obo-9780195399318- 0012.xml?rskey=jdZLaD&result=12&q= “Deities (Polytheism)/Gods/"Pantheon".” In Oxford Bibliographies Online : Hinduism. Ed. Alf Hiltebeitel. New York : Oxford University Press, 2012. Sous presse.

Traductions complètes ou partielles

La Rationalité en Asie / Rationality in Asia. Ed. Johannes Bronkhorst. Lausanne: Etudes de Lettres, 2001/3.

Joy Manné. Production et Cessation. La psychologie bouddhiste au quotidien. Genève: Jouvence, 2007 (127 p.).

Johannes Bronkhorst. Buddhist Teaching in India. Bostson. Wisdom Publications, 2009 (245 p.)

Contributions à des manuels scolaires

Merveilles de l’art sacré. Ed. Yves Dutoit et Sabine Girardet. Lausanne: Enbiro, 2004.

Aux Origines du Mondes. Ed. Yves Dutoit et Sabine Girardet. Lausanne : Enbiro, 2009.