The Yoxmere Fisherman

February 2020 Contents

Photos ...... 3 Lectionary ...... 4 Reflection ...... 5 From the Registers …………………………………………………………………………………………………….6 "Praying for the Sick" by John Kemp ...... 8 WI News ...... 11 News from the Schools…………………………………………………………………………...……………… 13 ...... 15 ...... 18 and ..…………………………...... 19 ...... 23 Westleton ...... 23 ...... 28 Further Afield...... 33 Church Contact List ……………...... 35 Church Services for the Month……………...... 36

THE YOXMERE FISHERMAN Guidelines for Contributors The Yoxmere Fisherman is published for the Yoxmere Benefice, which comprises the Church of parishes of Darsham, Dunwich, Middleton, Peasenhall, Sibton, Theberton, Westleton and Yoxford. Visitors may find more information about our parishes at Submissions should be sent by the 14th of the preceding month, and preferably by email to [email protected] Alternatively, by post to The Editor, Cottage on the Common, Bakers Lane, Westleton, IP17 3AZ. If sending by email, please use Word documents or JPEG picture files, but not PDF files. Thank you. For details of advertising please email Tanya Miley at: [email protected]

Thanks to Mark Mitchels for the cover photo this month of a view in Middleton, looking towards Anneson's Corner. Also to Hillas Smith for the picture of Westleton Village Hall on Page 3, and to Tony Ingram for the photo on Page 27.

2 Left: Copperbeech B&B in Yoxford, which featured in the village's Christmas Countdown of window displays

Out With The Old Above: A section of Darsham's old village hall Above: Children in St James Church (complete with dart board) is loaded onto a Dunwich with the beautiful transporter to go to its new home Christmas tree they have decorated Into The New Below: Volunteers on "moving in day" at the newly refurbished Westleton Village Hall Yoxford Church, Sunday 16th February Breakfast 9.00am Service 9.30am The Sower

A relaxed family-friendly service for the young and the not so young

Lectionary & Liturgical Colours for February 2020 2nd White Malachi 3:1-5 Hebrews 2:14-end Luke 2:22-40

9th Green Isaiah 58:1-9a 1Corinthians 2:1-12 Matthew 5:13-20 (9b-12) (13-end) 16th Green Genesis 1:1 - 2:3 Romans 8:18-25 Matthew 6:25-34

23rd Green Exodus 24:12-end 2 Peter 1: 16-end Matthew 17:1-9

From the Editor I am delighted to say that Kirsty Blades from Yoxford has joined the editorial team and is now helping to compile the Fisherman. Kirsty took over Sans Souci Bed & Breakfast - now re-christened Copperbeech - in July, with her husband John and children Kyle and Imogen. You may have seen their home on the A12 over Christmas with splendid decorations as a gingerbread house. See Page 3 and also some pictures of the house on the back cover - coloured by children as part of a competition held by Kirsty at Christmas. Now … fess up whoever it was who sent an item from this esteemed publication to BBC Radio 4's News Quiz, which was read out at the beginning of the programme on Friday 17th Jan. You are not the first to have noticed a possible dark side to Theberton's annual pet service and barbecue. Philippa Dent

4 Reflection

What comes next? It is hard to believe that the anticipation and excitement of Advent and Christmas, then the celebration itself, and the expectations brought by a new year, are slowly fading and becoming memories. We are approaching that part of the year that many do not look forward to, and even actively dislike. Yet at a time when the natural world seems to have shut down and there are too many dark and dreary days, we do not have to look far to see nature preparing for the coming spring. In our own villages we can see the green leaves of bulbs forcing their way above the surface of the soil - a sure sign that spring is on its way. This year it has struck me how much our community of Yoxmere is reflecting the season. We are facing numerous challenges, nationally as well as locally, and it would be easy to adopt a negative view. However, for me there are many signs of hope. The process of looking for a new incumbent is progressing well; we have much to pray and hope for in the future. We have the continuing challenge of C and all that this would mean to our area, and it is so important for everyone to engage with the debate. We are given the responsibility of maintaining the beauty of our natural surroundings and even small steps taken by individuals can influence the final decision. This first month of the calendar year is named after the Roman deity Janus, who is depicted with two faces: one looking back to the past, and one looking forward to the future. As we leave January, it is important that we, too, look back to learn lessons from what has gone before as well as look forward in hope and understanding. Remember that through faith we need not be afraid of the future. Our faith will equip us to move forward without fear, knowing that we will be able to meet the challenges that lie before us. We all face many changes and difficulties in our lives but with faith and hope, and relying on working with the communities around us, we can all achieve amazing things. It is impossible to know with any certainty what will happen next, in spite of some people’s assurances that they know how things will turn out. But one thing is certain: we can adapt to what is before us, and if we look hard enough there is always hope for the future. Brian Jolley

5 A Message from Christine Redgrave A huge thank you for your very generous gifts and the good wishes expressed at my last service on 2nd December. I intend to obtain a better pair of light-weight binoculars and purchase some plants for the new garden in the spring. It was a memorable and moving service and it was lovely that so many folk were able to attend. Much has happened since, the chief of which is that sadly my elderly mother aged 94 died peacefully on 11th January in Hospital after being in hospital since the beginning of November. It has been a very difficult ten weeks made more bearable by the kindness and care of the superb staff. We have exchanged contracts and will complete the house purchase on 24th January so that I will be moving out of the Rectory in February and my future address will be 17 Cheyney Green, Darsham IP17 3FA. Once again many thanks for your generosity and for all the support I have received over the past nine years since coming to . No doubt I shall run into you all in the shops or out walking etc. With my love and prayers, Christine

A late message from Christine: PS I have received so many kind letters and messages of condolence. Thank you so much for all your kind thoughts and prayers at this time.

From the registers Wedding Colin Hugh Hambling to Allie Lee Simon, on 24th December at St Peter Yoxford Funerals Gordon John Smith (known as John) aged 88 years on 26th November at St Michael Peasenhall, followed by a burial in St Michael Peasenhall cemetery Ronald Cyril Paternoster (Ron) aged 93 years on 27th November at St Michael Peasenhall, followed by a burial in St Michael Peasenhall cemetery Heron Charles Boycott-Brown aged 69 years on 13th January at Holy Trinity Middleton, followed by a burial in Holy Trinity Middleton cemetery Edward Charles Thuston aged 82 years on Thursday 16th January at All Saints Darsham, followed by a burial at the Greenwood Burial Ground

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Friday 6th March, 2pm United Reformed Church All Welcome

6 WEIGHED DOWN BY DEBT? After the Christmas season, when we like to treat those whom we love (and even ourselves?) to that little bit extra, comes January and the credit card bill and bank statement. It’s the same for us all but, for many, spending up to our credit limit is a really hard place to recover from, and the debt built up at this time of the year can cause us real problems in the following months, with the interest payments consuming the odd bits of spare income that we might have used to pay off the debts. All it takes is a period of sickness, loss of overtime, a new child or some other life event and suddenly we’re struggling financially. If that is you and you feel weighed down by debt, then help may be just a phone call away. The Debt Centre is based in Saxmundham and covers most of East Suffolk (IP12, 13 and 15 to 19 post code areas). We work with CAP (Christians Against Poverty), Britain’s most effective debt advice charity. If you’re struggling with debt and can see no way out, please call this free number: 0800 328 0006. After a few questions, an appointment will be set up with one of our local debt advisors who will be able to work with you to overcome your debt mountain, however long it takes – months or years. Many find that just having someone to talk to about a problem they are ashamed to admit to their family and friends is a lifeline. The service is completely free and totally confidential. Want to help out? If you are in a happier position financially but would like to support the work of the Debt Centre then do please get in touch with me Contact details are available through the website: . As churches in East Suffolk, we work together not just on debt but also on food poverty, emotional and bereavement issues and even homelessness. There may be an issue that is particularly close to your heart and also ours! Revd Nic Stuchfield St John’s Church, Saxmundham

7 Praying for the Sick

It is natural to pray for the sick. When someone we know is ill, we pray for them to get well again. This is perfectly natural and we shouldn’t be shy about it. Praying for a sick person should not imply that he or she is seriously ill! It is only natural that we bring our concerns - however slight - to our Heavenly Father. Of course, we should be praying regularly for other people, especially for those whom God has given us to love; for those on whom we depend and those who depend on us; and, of course, for ourselves. We are to be channels of God’s grace. When those we know are unwell, it is only right that we include them in our prayers. When someone is seriously ill, we pray the more earnestly and if he or she is very close, our prayers become a desperate cry from the heart. What do we expect to happen? Of course, we know that God always hears us and in his love for us wants the best for us. If then we pray that someone be cured of an illness or some disability, and it continues and maybe even worsens, or if someone with a very serious illness dies, what are we to make of it? Were our prayers of no use? First we must remind ourselves that God doesn’t send illness. His intention is that we should be healthy, but in this universe, to which he has given a measure of freedom, illness happens. What God then wills in the circumstances for a particular sick person, we cannot know. It may be that he wants scientists to go on working to find a cure for that particular illness or disability. It may be that he wills a cure because he has something for the person yet to do. What we do know is that what God wills in the circumstances is for the best. And that best may or may not include a cure, but it will always include healing. Healing is wider than cure and concerns not only the body but the mind and the soul. Thus we commend people to God’s care, knowing that God will use our prayer to be a channel of his comfort and sustaining power for the sick person to bear the suffering. For the Cross shows us that God, in Christ, is alongside us and shares in our suffering.

8 Moreover, as we go through life, we are, each one of us, inevitably hurt and wounded. These wounds stunt our growing to become our true selves. God wants us to be healed of those wounds. And his answer to intercessory prayer is always a measure of healing. Thus, even if someone is suffering from terminal illness, we should bring them to God in prayer for their healing. Healing might – against all the odds - possibly entail cure; but even if it doesn’t, our prayer will enable the person for whom we pray to draw nearer to God. It will enable him or her to be enfolded in God’s love, to be permeated by his grace, and thereby grow towards being the person God created them to be. John Kemp

MAKE A NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION FOR 2020 THAT WILL HELP YOUR COMMUNITY! Social isolation and access to health care are two of the biggest challenges facing people living on their own in Aldeburgh, , Saxmundham and the surrounding villages. Access to transport is a big part of the solution. You can make a big difference to the quality of life for many people by giving up just a few hours of your time volunteering to drive for your community car service. The service is run by Coastal Accessible Transport Service (CATS) who match requests for daytime journeys to local shops, surgeries, hospital etc. with volunteer drivers who are available to help. The demand for the service is growing, particularly for appointments at Hospital, and there is a desperate shortage of drivers. Volunteers can undertake as many journeys as suits them – there is no pressure to drive on certain days or for a minimum number of hours – and their help makes a big difference to someone who may not see anyone else that day or even that week. Drivers use their own car and are paid 45p per mile for each journey they undertake. This is calculated from the driver’s home, is tax free, and covers vehicle running costs. Although drivers must inform their insurance company that they are providing a voluntary service, no additional premium will apply. Do something in 2020 that will make a real difference to people living in your community. Why not find out more and telephone CATS on 01728 830516?

9 10 WI NEWS

Middleton We enjoyed a Murder Mystery Play at our December Christmas party. The setting was not a country house but the canteen of a brandy butter factory during the company's festive yuletide party. Committee members were in the speaking roles of directors, managers, union rep, and detectives. Other members and our guests were the factory workers. Luckily we didn't see the first victim who died in a giant vat of brandy, but the second victim staggered in from the outside with a knife embedded in her abdomen and died right in front of us! Our factory workers had to solve the mystery from sheets of clues (many red herrings) handed out as the play progressed, and to help with the thinking process there was mulled wine and delicious buffet food. The result was very good: four out of five teams solved the mystery correctly. There were two different murderers, both managers, Chris Tingle and Carole Singer! It was a fun and lively evening, we hope enjoyed by all. Our next meeting is on Wednesday February 19th at 7.15pm. Rich Sheepshanks from Stokes Sauces will talk about the company. All welcome. Peasenhall and Sibton Members enjoyed our Christmas party in the village hall, beautifully decorated by the committee and with festive food provided by members. After brief business, members played Pass the Parcel which contained forfeits that caused much hilarity. Some members also had a go at making a decoration of a Christmas tree using a magazine. Father Christmas paid a surprise visit and presented everyone with a gift from his sack. The party finished with carols, and a good time was had by all.

CHILDREN’S SOCIETY Our dear friend Mary McGilp was one of the first members of our committee formed over fifty years ago. As she has now moved to Foxearth Nursing Home we no longer have a volunteer from the benefice. Mary was the “last one standing” and we would dearly appreciate someone from the Yoxmere area to join our little group. The commitment for this is not too heavy. We have a coffee morning at The Dolphin, , on the Friday of the half term holiday in May and our big winter event in November. In addition there is a “wash-up” meeting in January and our AGM in September. If you think you could help, please email me at [email protected] . Lorraine Lloyd


Groups in Leiston & For more details contact Julie 01728 808108 07940 583320 [email protected]

All electrical work Fuse board upgrades undertaken Install renewable Friendly and reliable energy such as solar service panels/ air source heat pumps Local experienced electrician EV electric vehicle charging points Free quotes and competitive rates Rewires, extra sockets Electrical underfloor Eco lighting, TV points heating Electrical reports for Data, telephone points selling/buying and for landlords

12 NEWS FROM THE SCHOOLS Yox Valley Partnership of Schools including Middleton Primary and Yoxford and Peasenhall Primary

Oak Class - Yoxford Investigating addition and subtraction using number cards. The children had to create number sentences using the cards provided and explain if they were right or wrong.

Maple Class – Science Lesson - Middleton We have been learning about The Water Cycle. We used zip lock bags to simulate the process. "The heat from the class inside and the heat from the sun outside caused the liquid in the bag to evaporate and turn into water vapour. It rose up to the top of the bag and as it was colder there it condensed and after a while we could make it precipitate." Charlotte Copeman

School Council - Middleton On Wednesdays, the School Council have meetings to discuss the goings on in our school and what we can do to improve it. The current project is to make a nature garden, with buddy blocks which we are currently designing. Mr Andrew Aalders-Dunthorne kindly let us borrow the special scorch pens to imprint designs into the tree stumps. Thank you to Katie Fairhurst for bringing in the tree stumps for us to use.’ Emilia Pain and Hannah Stebbings


14 Darsham

Further to the coffee morning collection for the poppy appeal, Keith Alexander has collected the donation containers from the counters of all the local businesses taking part, and along with the £273 raised at the coffee morning, a further £1,002 was added. The overall total was £1,275, which was sent to the British Legion. Many thanks to all the villagers, the local retailers and shoppers for their kind donations and support. Darsham Village Hall Management Committee

100 Club for November 1st Prize £100 - Mr. S. Manning 2nd Prize £50 - Mr. M. Smith 3rd Prize £25 - Mrs. J. Loveridge 4th Prize £25 - Mr. M. M. Godber 5th Prize £25 - Mr. I. Westrup 100 Club for December 1st £100 Mrs. P. Simons 2nd £50 Mrs. J. Cox 3rd £25 Mrs. J. Cronin

Darsham Village Hall Committee is hosting a Coffee Morning & Pop-up Café on Saturday 8th February at Darsham Village Hall. Starts at 10am. Scrumptious refreshments including homemade cakes, bacon butties, sausage rolls as well as lots of tea and coffee…. PLUS a raffle The 100 Club prizes for January will be drawn on the day. Come along, meet your friends and have a chat. Everyone Welcome

DARSHAM HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The Spring Show will be held on Saturday 4th April.


16 Darsham (cont.) DARSHAM CHURCH NOTICES Christmas Day Service The collection this year amounted to £260 which was donated to Shelter.

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held in the church on Wednesday 22nd April at 2.30pm. This will also include reports on the Church and the Darsham Town Trust. If you are on the Electoral Role you are eligible to vote in the election of Churchwardens and if on the Church Electoral Role you are eligible to elect members of the Parochial Church Council.

Darsham Churchyard Tidy Wednesday 18th March from 10.30 Please join in the spring churchyard tidy. Bring rakes and wheelbarrows for a fun morning, to be followed by a soup and cheese lunch in the church community area.

Soup and Cheese Lunches and Afternoon Teas There will be no soup and cheese lunches in February. From March, there will be afternoon teas on every Wednesday afternoon from 2.30 in the church community area.

17 Darsham (cont.)

Darsham Parish Council The Chairman and Planning Officer of Darsham PC attended the Northern Planning Committee in on 14th January, to try to get the application for twenty-six houses to the north of the street deferred for ten years. Despite welcome support from our local councillor Norman Brooks, the interventions from the planning department swung the vote to an extremely short deferral. So we live to fight another day, but the odds are very heavily stacked against us. At the PC meeting that night, it was decided to oppose the application for a "machinery store" next to Waratah. The budget for 2020/2021 was finalised. This should mean no significant change to the cost to individual houses. Once again we were reminded of the "Dark Skies" policy in Darsham. Residents are requested not to leave outside lights on unnecessarily and to encourage neighbours (who may not read this excellent publication) to act likewise. Robin Leggate


COFFEE 4 U Dates for February: Thursday 13th and 27th, 10.30am in Dunwich Reading Room. I do apologise to everyone. I missed putting the dates for January in the last magazine. I hope it didn’t affect anyone. Hope you all enjoyed Christmas! Heather Cook

St James Church, Dunwich is holding a Lent Lunch on Wednesday 18th March in the Dunwich Reading Room at 12 noon. Please come and join us and support us in sending donations to Christian Aid. Christine Palmer

18 Peasenhall & Sibton Greener Peasenhall & Sibton In November we started a Greener Peasenhall & Sibton group. It represents our response to the climate emergency around us, and will campaign on issues that we local people can have some influence on. It has an agenda representing our ideas in these areas: The Environment – protecting the flora and fauna in our gardens and the village; protecting our verges and hedgerows from excessive trimming, cutting or spraying. We should like to plant flowers to attract insects, shrubs and trees. Pollution – of our watercourses, our fields and our air. Whilst we do not have the air pollution of the big cities, we suffer pollution from heavy traffic passing through the villages, and the increase of particulates from burning wood. Transport – we should like to resist the increasing heavy traffic passing along the A1120. We would like to encourage some sort of bus service to connect us to the shopping centres. We want to see a network of charging points for electric vehicles for our surrounding villages. Housing – if winters are to be colder, and fuels/carbon to cost more, we need to encourage people to insulate their homes better. Solar and heat source pumps are energy sources for the future, and both are more efficient if homes are well insulated. General – improve recycling ADVANCE NOTICE infrastructures, discourage the SPRING CLEAN SALE unnecessary use of plastics, have water PEASENHALL & SIBTON METHODIST CHURCH refilling points, screen educational UNWANTED GIFTS * JEWELLERY environmental films / have speakers on ACCESSORIES * ORNAMENTS * topical issues. HOUSEHOLD /KITCHEN ITEMS If you want to learn more, go on our BOOKS * PRELOVED CLOTHES (NO SHOES) mailing list, or even join us, please NO JUMBLE PLEASE contact us at [email protected] Laurence Moss AN OPPORTUNITY TO DECLUTTER YOUR CUPBOARDS DATE TO FOLLOW JR Creasey butchers ( WATCH THIS SPACE) The shop, which closed last October, FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT will be re-opening in February. The MAUREEN: 01728 687583 business will be owned and run by Gerard King from Salter & King PROCEEDS IN AID OF CHURCH FUNDS butchers in Aldeburgh. ANY UNSOLD ITEMS WILL BE DONATED TO THE AIR AMBULANCE

19 Peasenhall and Sibton (cont.)

COMMUNITY SPEEDWATCH (CSW) There are major concerns over road safety in the villages, primarily because of vehicles being driven well in excess of the 30mph speed limit. Most, if not all, of us in the villages are all too familiar with the sight of a motorist in our mirrors coming flying up from behind and sitting on our tail should we have the temerity to stick to the 30mph speed limit. Similarly, as pedestrians, we may to have to step back sharply or risk life and limb by sprinting over the road because of someone driving well over the speed limit. Unfortunately, this is likely to increase considerably if Sizewell C is given the green light. We have in place CSW supported by Suffolk Constabulary and Peasenhall and Sibton Parish Councils. This is manned solely by volunteers who have undergone the requisite training in terms of using a speed gun and recording details of motorists exceeding the speed limits in the villages.

We are looking for volunteers aged 18 or over to participate in and support the scheme whose purpose is to educate motorists rather than to "catch" them; to encourage them to stick to the speed limit and to be courteous to other motorists and pedestrians alike. Hi-vis jackets along with the other requisite equipment will be provided along with support and training. Although the scheme is flexible we would be looking for volunteers to spend up to an hour or so a month at various sites in Peasenhall and Sibton. For further information please visit the Suffolk Constabulary website on or Peasenhall Parish Council’s website PLANT A TREE AND parish-council. CAPTURE SOME CARBON

If you are interested in joining the Oaks and Walnuts scheme or becoming a volunteer For Sale, £5 each please contact Councillor Ric Earle Money to Sibton Church (co-ordinator) on 01728 660891 or I have 6 oaks and 6 walnut [email protected] trees waiting to be planted out. or Peasenhall’s Parish Council Clerk, They are 2 years old and about 2ft tall, and in pots. Sharon Smith on [email protected]. Please ring Rosie on 01728 660369






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22 Theberton


OGA TUESDAYS Beginners 9am - 10am Intermediates 10.15am - 11.45am Both starting on Tuesday Yoga classes start up again in a couple 14th January of weeks: a chance to unfurl the cold grip of winter towards the light of WEDNESDAYS spring! I hope to see you then. Intermediates 10.15am - 11.45am Judie Shore Starts on Wednesday 15th January Westleton

New Year’s Day Fireworks 2020 A big thank you from the Fireworks Group for a great attendance and support. Hope you all enjoyed the fireworks and bonfire. Thanks to the Parish Council and also to everyone who helped with the food and drink. Thanks to Amy at The White Horse for letting us use the pub; also to Nat Bacon, and Warrior Fire and Rescue. Nick Shearme, Chair of Bonfire Advisory Working Group


Andrew: 07850 583093 [email protected] WILDLIFE PONDS Water Garden Services Established 1985 Specialising in Wildlife ponds New Ponds built from Scratch Ponds relined or repaired Ponds cleaned out or renovated Ponds planted out Tel: 01502 478140 Please call Mark Daytime & Evenings The Lilacs, St Michael's Way, , , IP19 9EH

24 Westleton (cont.)

Westleton Film Club begins again on Saturday 7th March at 7.30pm with Yesterday, a romantic comedy about a struggling musician who finds himself the only person who remembers the Beatles. Set in and around this Ed Sheeran, Lily James and part of Suffolk and written by Richard Curtis, this Himesh Patel star in the film is a great film to celebrate being back in the hall.


March 4th, 1-2pm or 2-3pm Using our Defibrillator machine and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) techniques Westleton Village Hall Please sign up in our new Village Hall to register. Or phone Catriona on 01728 648477. Donations can be made to Rural Responders.

Westleton Common Events The first Nature Walk of the year will be held on Saturday February 22nd. Meet at 10.30am for a gentle amble around the common until about 12 noon, in the company of local people with particular interests in local natural history. Working Party Saturday February 15th 10am until 12.30pm. New volunteers are welcome - minimum age 16. Please bring sturdy gloves with you; tools will be provided. Delicious refreshments are supplied mid-morning! For both these events please meet at the container, opposite the common noticeboard, at the top of Mill St along a short track on the right. 25 Would you like to be a Local History Recorder? The Suffolk Local History Council runs a Local Recorders Scheme throughout Suffolk. We administer a network of volunteers to ensure that the present is adequately recorded at local level for the future. A Local Recorder will note significant happenings in their parish and collect their local parish magazines, leaflets, election pamphlets and newspaper cuttings. They are asked to submit a short yearly report summarising the activities of their parish. These are deposited at the Suffolk Record Office and available to future researchers together with the collected items. If you are interested, please look at the Recorders' Pack on You do not have to be a historian; you do not need any qualifications other than an interest in your locality. In return you will receive a copy of the SLHC Newsletter and be invited to the annual conference specifically for Local Recorders. To volunteer to help in this important work, please contact [email protected]

The Good Pub Guide Suffolk Dining Pub of 2019

 Convivial and welcoming atmosphere

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Halesworth Road, Sibton, Suffolk. IP17 2JJ Telephone: 01728 660337 email: [email protected]

26 Westleton (cont.) Westleton Village Hall – Official Opening We cordially invite you to come and have a look round the superbly refurbished, warm and comfortable hall, enjoy a cup of coffee in the light, modern foyer, and marvel at the amazing pass-through dishwasher in the new kitchen. An exhibition in the hall will highlight all the current and some of the planned activities and events which can be booked, and volunteers will be on hand to chat through any information and share ideas. Saturday 29th Feb. Open House 12.15 – Gathering in the main hall 12.30 – Welcome, opening ceremonial cake cutting, and a (very) few words Light refreshments will be available between 12.45pm and 4pm. Celebration Party 7.30pm– 10.30pm Local band Roach will play from 8pm. Entry by ticket only, available from Westleton Village Shop. £5 to include a free glass of wine or soft drink on arrival. Sunday 1st March Family Film 3.00pm The 2019 remake of the animated Disney musical film The Lion King will be shown in the main hall. Entry by ticket only as seating is limited. £2 for adults, Under 16s free if accompanied by an adult. 2.30 for 3.00. Tickets available at village shop. Do check out information at Anne Ingram

WESTLETON GARDENERS Our next meeting will be Tuesday 18th February in Westleton Village Hall at 7.30pm. The talk will be ‘The Countryside In Spring’ presented by Tony Brown. As usual there will be time to chat and refreshments so come along to our friendly local group. Cost is £2.50 each and all are welcome. If you have any queries please contact Marilyn on 01728 649088.

The Westleton WI is holding its annual Jumble Sale, our main fund-raising event, on May 16th in the Village Hall. We would be grateful if you could save up any household items, books, clothing, shoes, accessories and handbags for us to sell. Further details will be forthcoming. Thank you! Elaine Blencowe

27 Westleton (cont.)

Glebe Meadow Westleton CIC Senior Co-Housing Scheme Update Since our last update in November, we have been working our way through the planning authority’s requirements, to enable them to pass our application on to the Planning Committee. Unfortunately they continue to have considerable reservations about granting us permission to proceed with our innovative project. Happily, the diocesan authorities have agreed to extend our purchase option over the Vicarage site to give us more time to get planning permission for Glebe Meadow. This was a relief, as, although we had sent the planners everything that they asked for, they have requested more documents before passing our case on to the referral panel, who will then determine whether our application goes to the Planning Committee at Lowestoft, or to accept the planners' recommendation to decline it. Hopefully, by the time you read this, we shall have some good news for you. If our case proceeds to the Planning Committee, we shall be there to make representations, and members of the public can attend. We shall be sending an update for those of you who are on the Glebe Meadow emailing list to let you know whether this is happening, and when. If you wish to be added to the emailing list please let me know on [email protected] Sarah Quinlan

Yoxford St Peter’s Church St Peter’s Church would like to warmly thank all those who made donations on our Gift Day in November. We really appreciate your generosity and your support. Carole Lee Coffee at Church Come and join us one morning a week for coffee in our new space in St Peter’s church. A warm welcome for everyone, and a chance to meet up with friends. Starting on Thursday 13th February from 10.30am— 12noon

28 29 The White Horse, Westleton 01728 648222 Shortcrust Pies Pies Pies! Takeaway available

Open: Mon to Thur 12.00—3.00pm 6.00—11.00pm Fri, Sat, Sun 12.00—late

Food: Mon to Sat 12.00— 2.30pm 6.00— 9.00pm Sun 12.00— 4.00pm

New home cooked pub grub menu available.

30 Yoxford (cont.) Gentle Exercise Wednesdays 1.30pm-2.30pm £5.00 per session Great fun - meet new friends. Just come along - no need to book. First taster session is free.

Fancy having a go at indoor KURLING? YES, INDOORS !!! Equipment provided Just come along - bring your friends. Have a fun morning, 10am-12noon £2.50 per person, per session.

Outreach Post Office Breakfast & Tombola Mondays and Wednesdays Saturday 15th February 9.30am-12.00noon Free Entry

10am - 1pm • Do your banking. • Posting Bargains • Withdraw cash. Hazel's Cakes and Savouries • Have a cup of tea or coffee Janet's Flamingo Paperie and with some home-made cake Stationery • Purchase a card, write it, Janet's Hand-Made Cat Designs post it. In aid of refurbishment of the hall • Meet up with friends or even meet new ones. Please Support Your Village Hall

31 TAYLOR MADE Place your FLOWERS business Lesley Taylor advertisement here and reach 2000 households in Wedding, Event and Tribute Florist Darsham, Dunwich, Middleton, Peasenhall, Sibton, Theberton, Fully qualified with 15 years experience Westleton and Yoxford. Red Lodge Barn, Middleton Moor, Saxmundham IP17 3LN Contact Tanya Miley at 07970 257329 [email protected] [email protected]

32 Further Afield

Framlingham Philharmonic Orchestra Framlingham PHOENIX SINGERS We are a non-auditional choir of about sixty mixed voices based in Framlingham. Led by Geoff Lavery, our music director, we perform three concerts a year. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 7.30 to 9.30pm at Sir Robert Hitcham Primary School, Framlingham. We are currently preparing for Bach’s St John Passion, to be performed on April 4th 2020 at St Michael’s Church, Framlingham, with professional

soloists and an orchestra. NEW MEMBERS WELCOME! Details from:

[email protected] http:/

ALDE VALLEY SUFFOLK FAMILY HISTORY GROUP Sudden Deaths in 19th Century Suffolk - a talk by Geoffrey Robinson who has widely researched and published on Suffolk history Monday 17th February at 2.30pm at the Waterloo Centre, Leiston Admission: members £1, non-members £3, including tea/coffee 01728 830949 or [email protected]

Family History Open Day Saturday 22 February Long Shop Museum, Leiston, IP16 4ES, 10am-3pm A variety of exhibits will be on show, including local graveyard surveys, war memorials, directories, parish registers, census returns, old maps of the area, and more items of local history interest. Experienced help available for tracing your family tree and dating old family photos.

Laxfield Produce, Craft & Flea Market Saturday 1st February 9.30-12.00 Both inside All Saints' Church and the Royal Oak; and outside on Church Plain

33 34 Church Contact List

CLERGY Churchwardens Rector Darsham Post vacant Shirley Field 668371 John Millward 668712 Assistant Priest Revd Susan Warne 668410 Dunwich Curate Christine Palmer 648890 Revd Brian Jolley 668579 Mobile 07590 046282 Middleton Work 01502 726088. Margaret Perrett 648141 Reader Rita Pateman 648377 Richard Newnham 648877 Peasenhall Lay Elders Michael Thickett 660549 Roger Coates-Smith 667037 Michael Trovell 660218

Lesley Davies 648144 Theberton Carole Lee 07849 849191 Simon Ilett 833364 Michael Trovell 660218 Tina Neal 830237

Methodist Minister Westleton Revd Louise Morrissey Jeremy Branch 648140 01728 830733 Sue Foster 649034 Roman Catholic Priest Fr Tony Rogers 01728 452782 Yoxford Fr Richard Ireson 01986 875837 John Sutherell 07766 146883

35 Church Services for February

Sunday 2nd February Presentation of Christ Friday 21st February 10.00 Peasenhall Benefice Holy 10.00 Yoxford Holy Communion (CW) Communion (CW) Sunday 23rd February Sunday before Lent Sunday 9th February 3rd before Lent 09.30 Theberton Holy Communion (CW) 09.30 Darsham Morning Worship (with Middleton) Middleton Holy Communion (CW) Westleton Holy Communion (CW) Theberton Taizé Service Yoxford Holy Communion (CW) Westleton Worship for All 11.00 Dunwich Holy Communion (CW) Yoxford Holy Communion (CW) Peasenhall Service with Methodists 11.00 Dunwich Holy Communion (CW) 15.30 Darsham Evensong Peasenhall Morning Prayer Wednesday 26th February Ash Wednesday

10.00 Westleton Holy Communion (CW) Sunday 16th February 2nd before Lent Sunday 1st March 1st Sunday of Lent 09.30 Theberton Holy Communion (CW) 10.00 Westleton Benefice Holy Westleton Holy Communion (CW) Communion (CW) Yoxford family@church 11.00 Darsham Holy Communion (CW) Dunwich Morning Worship Wednesday 5th, 12th & 19th February Peasenhall Holy Communion (BCP) 09.00 Westleton Holy Communion (CW) Every Thursday 09.00 Westleton Morning Prayers Every Friday CW – Common Worship 08.30 Dunwich Morning Prayers BCP – Book of Common Prayer 09.30 Darsham Morning Prayers

Yoxford's Christmas Gingerbread House (see Page 4)