THE ANGLE N E W S L E T T E R > S U M M E R 2 0 2 1 > I N F O E D I T I O N PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE: CONGRESS 2022 PLANNING BEGINS GREGORY BETTS Welcome to The Angle’s “Information Issue.” In this issue you will find all of the reports that were circulated at the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 2 June 2021, as well as some initial documents in preparation for the next annual meeting in 2022. Before we get to that, though, I want to take a moment to thank the 226 people who attended our conference this year. Under extremely trying circumstances, the over 260 presentations and performances led a robust network of discussions on so many essential topics. It was good to see so many people, even virtually, after the cancelled Congress the previous year. Many were missing, but important work was done. A special thanks to the Board members who rose to the occasion, and especially to Erin Knight who steered us through. As reported previously, ACCUTE established an Equity Statement this year that gives concrete guidance to the equity and justice values and ambitions of the association. Please read the Equity Statement here. I hope it will be immediately useful in planning ACCUTE is seeking poetry submissions for the Fall issue of The Angle. Contact
[email protected] for details. S U M M E R 2 0 2 1 : I N F O E D I T I O N future events, panels, and papers at ACCUTE both inside Congress and beyond.