Congressional Record—House H3258

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Congressional Record—House H3258 H3258 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 Jacobs (NY) McClain Sewell (DelBene) sible to learners with disabilities or those view of existing data on funding and pro- (Garbarino) (Bergman) Steube with complex learning needs, especially in grammatic focus disaggregated by gender, Johnson (TX) Meng (Jeffries) (Franklin, C. poorer and rural households. country, education level, and disability. (Jeffries) Mfume (Evans) Scott) Kind (Connolly) Mullin (Lucas) Strickland (10) Before the COVID–19 pandemic, refugee (5) An identification and description of any Kirkpatrick Napolitano (DelBene) children were twice as likely to be out of gaps in, or barriers to, reaching and edu- (Stanton) (Correa) Timmons school as other youth, and school closures cating marginalized populations, such as Lawson (FL) Owens (Curtis) (Wilson (SC)) and a lack of access to distance learning girls, children with disabilities, displaced (Evans) Payne (Pallone) Torres (NY) tools threaten to make the education gap children, or other children adversely affected Leger Fernandez Rice (NY) (Jeffries) among refugee children even more severe. by the COVID–19 pandemic with distance (Jacobs (CA)) (Peters) Wilson (FL) (11) The economic downturn caused by the learning interventions. Lieu (Beyer) Ruiz (Aguilar) (Hayes) Lowenthal Rush Young (Joyce COVID–19 pandemic could lead to an edu- (6) A description of the United States (Beyer) (Underwood) (OH)) cation financing gap of $77,000,000,000 in low- Agency for International Development’s plan and middle-income countries over the next 2 and needed authorities and resources to pre- f years. vent degradation of such basic education MOTION TO SUSPEND THE RULES (12) The economic cost of school closures programs and to support, as necessary and AND PASS CERTAIN BILLS AND could be up to $1,337 per student, which on a appropriate, continued distance learning AGREE TO RESOLUTIONS global scale equates to approximately interventions, safe school reopenings, assess- $10,000,000,000,000 in lost economic output ments of student learning levels, remedial Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, over the coming generation. and accelerated learning, re-enrollment cam- pursuant to section 8 of House Resolu- SEC. 3. STATEMENT OF POLICY. paigns for out-of-school children and youth, tion 504, I move to suspend the rules It is the policy of the United States that and education system strengthening and re- and pass the bills: H.R. 1500, H.R. 2471, United States-funded basic education pro- silience-building efforts. H.R. 3261, H.R. 3283, and H.R. 3385, and grams operating in low- and middle-income (7) An analysis of the coordination between agree to H. Res. 186 and H. Res. 402. countries should seek to— the United States Agency for International Development and other actors in global basic The Clerk read the title of the bills (1) provide inclusive learning opportunities for students and teachers, especially for the education policy and programming to pro- and the resolutions. most marginalized, including girls, children vide education during the COVID–19 pan- The text of the bills and the resolu- with disabilities, and previously out of demic, including partner organizations, faith tions are as follows: school children; based-organizations, donors, and multilat- GLOBAL LEARNING LOSS ASSESSMENT ACT OF (2) build local capacity and help countries eral organizations. 2021 strengthen their education systems, includ- (8) A description of opportunities to part- ner and support efforts to expand access to H.R. 1500 ing opportunities for early childhood devel- opment; digital infrastructure, internet connectivity, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- (3) improve the availability, delivery, and and learning resources in areas that lack ac- resentatives of the United States of America in quality of education services from early cess to digital and remote learning infra- Congress assembled, childhood through secondary education; structure and resources, including rural and SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (4) improve equity and safety in education remote communities. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Global services; and (c) PUBLIC AVAILABILITY.—The report re- Learning Loss Assessment Act of 2021’’. (5) support the return of children to school quired by subsection (a) shall be made avail- SEC. 2. FINDINGS. who have experienced interruptions in their able to the public. (d) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- Congress finds the following: education due to the COVID–19 pandemic and TEES DEFINED.—In this section, the term (1) Before the Coronavirus Disease 2019 work to enroll previously out-of-school chil- ‘‘appropriate congressional committees’’ (commonly referred to as ‘‘COVID–19’’) pan- dren and youth, particularly the most means— demic began, 258,000,000 children were out of marginalized. (1) the Committee on Foreign Affairs and school globally, including 130,000,000 girls. SEC. 4. REPORT. the Committee on Appropriations of the (2) Students already at a disadvantage be- (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days House of Representatives; and fore COVID–19 will experience greater learn- after the date of the enactment of this Act, (2) the Committee on Foreign Relations ing loss, thereby worsening inequity and in- the Administrator of the United States and the Committee on Appropriations of the equality. Agency for International Development, act- Senate. (3) Approximately 90 percent of the world’s ing through the Senior Coordinator for student population—over 1,600,000,000 chil- International Basic Education Assistance HAITI DEVELOPMENT, ACCOUNTABILITY, AND dren and youth—have had their education and in consultation with the Senior Coordi- INSTITUTIONAL TRANSPARENCY INITIATIVE ACT disrupted by school closure due to COVID–19. nator for Gender Equality and Women’s Em- H.R. 2471 (4) School closures lead to interrupted powerment, shall submit to the appropriate Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- learning, poor nutrition, gaps in childcare, congressional committees a report on the resentatives of the United States of America in increased dropout rates, exposure to vio- impact of the COVID–19 pandemic on United Congress assembled, lence, and social isolation. States Agency for International Develop- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (5) Up to 24,000,000 children are at risk of ment basic education programs. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Haiti Devel- dropping out of school permanently due to (b) MATTERS TO BE INCLUDED.—The report opment, Accountability, and Institutional rising levels of child poverty associated with required under subsection (a) shall include, Transparency Initiative Act’’. the pandemic. at a minimum, the following elements: SEC. 2. FINDINGS. (6) School closure and remote learning is (1) An assessment of the impact of COVID– Congress finds the following: especially burdensome on girls, who are fre- 19 on such basic education programs, includ- (1) On January 12, 2010, a massive earth- quently expected to shoulder more household ing the magnitude of learning loss that will quake struck near the Haitian capital city of chores and responsibilities and are more vul- result from protracted school closures and Port-au-Prince, leaving at least 220,000 peo- nerable to gender-based violence. the specific effects of school and learning ple dead, including 103 United States citi- (7) During the Ebola epidemic, nationwide space closures on marginalized children and zens, 101 United Nations personnel, and near- school closures in Sierra Leone in 2014 led to youth, including girls, minority populations, ly 18 percent of Haiti’s civil service, as well increased instances of sexual- and gender- displaced children, and those with disabil- as 300,000 injured, 115,000 homes destroyed, based violence, teenage pregnancy, school ities. and 1,500,000 Haitians displaced. dropout, and child labor for girls. (2) An assessment comparing academic (2) The international community, led by (8) More than 60 percent of national dis- outcomes of beneficiaries of United States the United States and the United Nations, tance learning alternatives rely exclusively Agency for International Development basic mounted an unprecedented humanitarian re- on online platforms but two-thirds of the education programs, as practical and appro- sponse to the earthquake in Haiti. Through world’s school aged children, or 1,300,000,000 priate, between those that attend schools 2018, more than $8,000,000,000 has been dis- children aged 3 through 17, do not have inter- that remain closed or continue to operate re- bursed by donors. Since the 2010 earthquake, net connection in their homes, and schools motely since the start of the COVID–19 pan- the United States Government has disbursed and local learning centers also frequently demic and schools that have resumed in-per- more than $4,000,000,000 in recovery and de- have inadequate internet connectivity. son instruction. velopment funding. Eighty percent of students in sub-Saharan (3) A description of the effectiveness, cost, (3) On October 4, 2016, Hurricane Matthew Africa lack such access, with an even higher accessibility, and reach of the most com- struck southwestern Haiti on the Tiburon rate for girls. monly used forms of distance learning in Peninsula, causing widespread damage and (9) Children and youth with disabilities are low- and middle-income countries and low- flooding and leaving 1.4 million people in particularly vulnerable to the health, edu- resource contexts. need of immediate assistance. Recovery ef- cation, and socioeconomic consequences of
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