E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 2021 No. 113 The Senate was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Thursday, July 1, 2021, at 11 a.m. House of Representatives TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 2021

The House met at 10 a.m. and was during a robbery attempt in front of posed to violence. These children are called to order by the Speaker pro tem- our house. Gun violence ruined his life. under the age of 5. Through play, they pore (Mr. SUOZZI). He was left with grievous residual inju- have demonstrated their experience f ries that have put a huge dent in my with the sounds of gunfire. Some have family’s finances, emotions, sense of even seen deceased people outside their DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO security, and our well-being. My family front door. There is even less funding TEMPORE has suffered a lot, but most especially provided to address the trauma that The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- my husband, who has suffered both im- gun violence produces for the most vul- fore the House the following commu- paired emotional and physical bodily nerable—our children—who are living nication from the Speaker: function. He has so many medical in the most violent areas.’’ WASHINGTON, DC, issues as a result of his shooting. We These are just a handful of the more June 29, 2021. have experienced pain and suffering than 700 stories about the devastating I hereby appoint the Honorable THOMAS R. like so many more families out there. impacts of gun violence that my con- SUOZZI to act as Speaker pro tempore on this There is horrible residual pain left be- stituents have recently shared with day. hind by gun violence. We have become me. Each of these stories is heart- , prisoners in our own home.’’ breaking, and they highlight both the Speaker of the House of Representatives. ‘‘My younger brother took his own complexity and the far-reaching con- f life with a handgun he legally ob- sequences of the gun violence epidemic. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE tained. He had a long history of mental illness, and I disagreed with his ability Every single day in my district and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- to purchase a firearm for this very rea- communities across the country, chil- ant to the order of the House of Janu- son. If there had been better back- dren are traumatized by the sounds of ary 4, 2021, the Chair will now recog- ground checks in place, he may not unpredictable gunfire, the sight of nize Members from lists submitted by have been able to purchase the firearm. blood on pavement, or more ambulance the majority and minority leaders for I wish that these restrictions were in lights in their neighborhoods. morning-hour debate. place. I want you to know that real Families are becoming financially The Chair will alternate recognition stakes are involved in a simple issue ruined by the cost of continued sur- between the parties, with time equally like background checks. If universal geries and therapy after being shot. allocated between the parties and each background checks were in place, my Grandparents write to tell me that Member other than the majority and little brother might still be alive.’’ their elementary school-aged grand- minority leaders and the minority ‘‘My fiance’s son, James, was shot children are scared to go and play out- whip limited to 5 minutes, but in no and killed in 2018 after attending a get- side for fear of being gunned down like event shall debate continue beyond together. He was not the intended tar- their classmates and their neighbors. 11:50 a.m. get. He was a straight-A student in his When will enough be enough? f senior year of high school, trying to de- cide if he was on his way to college or America’s gun violence epidemic is a GUN VIOLENCE RUINS LIVES the Navy. But he didn’t get a chance to slow-motion massacre that is rapidly The SPEAKER pro tempore. The make his choice. There were nearly 100 gaining speed. Just this weekend, 77 Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from witnesses, but no arrest has been people were shot in Chicago, 77 people Illinois (Ms. KELLY) for 5 minutes. made.’’ in just one city in just one weekend. Ms. KELLY of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, ‘‘I am a trauma therapist working We must act now to stop the steady ‘‘My husband was shot in the stomach with young children who have been ex- drip of daily gun violence. Mr. Speaker,

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.


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VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.000 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3244 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 2020 was one of the deadliest gun vio- worked in support of those in combat, served in a number of roles for the de- lence years on record, and we are al- such as Clara Barton, Army nurse and partment. He spent most of the year ready on track to outpace those grim founder of the American National Red working as a school resource officer at statistics. More than 21,000 people are Cross. local schools in our community, in- dead in just the first 6 months of this Hundreds of thousands of young men cluding Oberon Middle School, Lincoln year. lost their lives during the Second Academy, and Excel Academy Charter We need to step up to the plate and World War fighting fascism in Europe School. During the summers, he often do something to protect our constitu- and around the world. Presidents returned to patrol work, as he was ents. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry doing last Monday in Olde Town Ar- We need to make straw purchasing Truman, alongside generals including vada. and gun trafficking Federal crimes. We Eisenhower, Patton, and MacArthur, Officer Beesley was a well-known and need to expand background checks. We provided the leadership and strategy well-liked member of our community. need to support more evidence-based necessary to allow our soldiers to gain His calm, gentle, and patient demeanor community violence prevention pro- victory and preserve freedom. made a big difference in his day-to-day grams. We need to build opportunity As a nation, we have believed in and interactions with students, especially for youth to get a good education and fought for freedom for so long that it those students who needed it most. good jobs. We cannot go on letting can easily be taken for granted. This is In 2015, he was named employee of mothers bury their children. a trap that we must be extra vigilant This week, we mark the end of Gun the year by the city of Arvada after the not to fall into. As President Reagan city learned Officer Beesley was riding Violence Awareness Month. But for far aptly stated, freedom ‘‘is not passed to too many families, there is no end to his bike to school multiple times a our children in the bloodstream.’’ week with a student who suffered from this month of awareness and advocacy. Pursuing freedom for over 200 years These families are painfully aware of developmental delays and was not able has been the result of a conscious to ride by himself. the impacts of gun violence because choice, in each era, by every genera- Countless other stories have surfaced they carry the weight of this epidemic tion. We must continue to make that from students, his colleagues, and com- with them every single day. choice in this era and in this genera- I rise to implore my colleagues to ex- munity members in the days following tion. ercise some courage and responsibility his death about the impact he had on Mr. Speaker, you may have noticed by advancing gun violence prevention their lives, big and small. that in my examples from the Revolu- legislation. tionary War, Civil War, and Second He was an accomplished drummer f World War, I named politicians who and singer who played in local Arvada MEANING OF INDEPENDENCE DAY served our soldiers and citizens. Make bands Railbenders and Brethren Fast. We will remember Officer Beesley’s The SPEAKER pro tempore. The no mistake, it is the soldiers and the kindness and bravery and the approach Chair recognizes the gentleman from citizens of our Nation who do the work he brought to life each and every day Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 to preserve freedom. Therefore, it is to ‘‘make someone feel special today.’’ minutes. the solemn duty of those of us who Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. work in government to lead and rep- Hearing gunshots, another hero Mr. Speaker, a quick web search on the resent the people so that they can con- stepped up to protect and defend the meaning of Independence Day will give tinue to live in freedom. community, 40-year-old Denver resi- you the dictionary definition: A day I urge each and every government of- dent Johnny Hurley. According to Ar- celebrating the anniversary of national ficial, and especially my fellow Mem- vada’s chief of police, Johnny’s actions independence. bers of Congress, to make the choice to were ‘‘decisive, courageous, and effec- For a nation built upon the founda- pursue freedom, as so many genera- tive in stopping further loss of life.’’ tions of freedom, such as the United tions have before us. In this way, we Johnny’s friends and family remem- States of America, there is much more honor the lives of past heroes such as bered him as an idealist and iconoclast to the meaning of Independence Day Crispus Attucks and ensure freedom and were not surprised to learn Johnny than can be described in a dictionary. will be defended by future generations. stepped up to defend his community in For Americans, Independence Day is Mr. Speaker, that is the meaning of a time of need. about the people who have lived and Independence Day that could never fit The loss of Johnny Hurley is tragic. I died in the defense of freedom. Crispus in a dictionary. join the Arvada Police Department and Attucks, who was killed by British f our community at large in honoring troops in the Boston Massacre, has HONORING HEROES GORDON his bravery for his actions that day, long been honored as an American hero BEESLEY AND JOHNNY HURLEY which undoubtedly saved lives. and the first casualty of the Revolu- Although we don’t know all the facts, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tionary War. Mr. Attucks has proved to our hearts go out to the officer who Chair recognizes the gentleman from be the first in a long legacy of Amer- mistook Mr. Hurley for the shooter. Colorado (Mr. PERLMUTTER) for 5 min- ican heroes. This has been a difficult week for our Each and every generation of Ameri- utes. community, including for members of cans has had their share of men and Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, on the Arvada Police Department. Our he- women willing to pursue a more perfect June 21, 2021, the community of Ar- roes in uniform are charged with pro- realization of that most basic of human vada, Colorado, experienced a tragedy. tecting our communities, and last rights, freedom. In a matter of minutes, our community Freedom against tyranny was the lost two heroes, with dozens of Arvada week’s shooting is a reminder of the primary motive during the Revolu- residents left stunned and horrified. dangers our police officers face each tionary War for our first President, Arvada Police Officer Gordon Beesley and every day across the country. George Washington, alongside the was responding to a report of sus- Olde Town Arvada is a close-knit Founding Fathers, who designed the picious activity in Olde Town Arvada community at the heart of Arvada. On government for our new Nation and the when he was ambushed and shot by a a typical day, it is a busy, vibrant, troops who fought for its right to exist. man who had immense hatred toward cheerful part of town. Mr. Speaker, The great efforts of President Abra- the police. June 21, 2021, was a dark day for our ham Lincoln during the most trying Minutes later, a Good Samaritan community, and it is difficult for many time in our Nation’s history, the Civil named Johnny Hurley intervened and of us to process it. War, led armies of brave soldiers who shot the suspect, undoubtedly saving My deepest and heartfelt condolences fought not only for the reunification of countless other lives. In a tragedy upon go out to the families of Officer the country but also the freedom of a tragedy, Hurley was then mistaken Beesley and Johnny Hurley and the en- people held in slavery. as the shooter, and he was killed. tire Arvada community. Arvadans are This noble fight was taken up not Officer Gordon Beesley joined the Ar- resilient and strong. Together, we will only by soldiers but by civilians who vada Police Department in 2002 and get through this.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.002 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3245 COMMONSENSE SOLUTIONS ON Joscelyn Hodge and her husband Chris- on the grocery store shelves across the INFRASTRUCTURE topher, Phillip, Samuel, and Daniel, country. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The friend and daughter, Anne was a de- In western and south-central Kansas, Chair recognizes the gentleman from voted follower of Jesus Christ and was the Ogallala aquifer is the main source of water and represents the supply of Virginia (Mr. CLINE) for 5 minutes. a member of Tabernacle Presbyterian Mr. CLINE. Mr. Speaker, there is no Church. one-third of the State of Kansas. The denying that Congress must take ac- Anne has a grandchild due in Decem- Ogallala covers about 175,000 square tion to improve our Nation’s crumbling ber. miles across eight States from South infrastructure. But, sadly, bipartisan Anne not only believed in her faith, Dakota to Texas, making it the largest negotiations have hit a roadblock, and but she lived it as exemplified through aquifer in the country and one of the the infrastructure legislation on the her life’s work. largest in the world. At the beginning of the 20th century, floor this week is a go-at-it-alone, my- Living through our faith is a lesson States began pumping water from the way-or-the-highway bill. we can all learn from the late great Ogallala to irrigate the land for agri- Instead of focusing on traditional in- Anne Seaton. Anne is greatly missed and will not cultural production use. In arid cli- frastructure, Democrats have chosen to soon be forgotten. mates like western Kansas, irrigation prioritize the left’s Green New Deal transformed the Dust Bowl ridden re- agenda. This bill includes an estimated RECOGNIZING AMHERST COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM gion into the incredibly productive $276 billion for Green New Deal-related land that we see today. On average, mandates, requirements, and programs. Mr. CLINE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Kansas has about three million irri- To put that into perspective, $1 out of to recognize the Amherst County High gated acres with nearly 2.6 million every $2 spent by this legislation is School girls softball team for winning acres irrigated with water from the tied up in Green New Deal goals. this year’s Class 4 State Championship. Ogallala and the rest of the High Further, this bill reduces flexibility It was a defensive game all around, Plains aquifer. The Ogallala’s ground- for States to meet their own unique in- and Amherst County’s pitcher, Dylan water is essential to our food supply, as frastructure needs and fails to stream- McNerney, kept the Lancers in it with it supports nearly one-fifth of all of the line major project reviews, which typi- an incredible performance, striking out wheat, corn, cotton, and cattle pro- cally face a 6-year delay. To make mat- 10 batters. With the game tied at zero at the end duced in the United States. ters worse, the spending increases pro- In 2018, when I was Lieutenant Gov- posed in this bill rely heavily on more of regulation, it took extra innings for the Lancers to pull off a victory ernor of Kansas, we worked with the deficit spending. There are no pay-fors, Ogallala Water Coordinated Agri- which will only further fuel inflation against the Hanover Hawks. Before the final inning began, head culture Project to hold the first ever and increase the cost of goods like gas coach Samantha Thacker told the Ogallala Aquifer Summit in Garden and food. team: ‘‘This is our time, this is our in- City and gathered stakeholders from We need commonsense solutions that ning, we have got to stay settled and the eight States covering the aquifer to truly work to improve our roads, be patient,’’ and they did just that. discuss the need to conserve water and bridges, railways, and rural broadband. In the top of the eighth, two errors sustain the Ogallala region’s agri- I am pleased to hear that there are bi- by the Hawks put runners on base for culture productivity over the long- partisan negotiations underway to Amherst County with one out. term, adapting new technologies and achieve these goals, but this bill this When Kayleigh Combs stepped up to voluntarily reducing water waste. week veers off the road and into a par- bat, she put the ball into play, and an Since then, producers like Lynn tisan ditch. overthrow allowed Cheyenne Wall to Goossen have made changes to their I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ race home from third giving the Lanc- operations to reduce the amount of later this week on H.R. 3684. ers a one to nothing lead. Soon after, a water they pump and protect Ogallala. f wild pitch brought Maegan Lloyd home Goossen Farms has shifted from irri- gated corn to a wheat rotation, adapt- b 1015 adding another run to the board. With a two to nothing lead heading ed conservation practices when apply- RECOGNIZING THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF ANNE into the bottom of the eighth, the ing fertilizer, and changed from flood SEATON Lancers were able to keep the Hawks to sprinkler irrigation. Understanding Mr. CLINE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to scoreless, securing the team’s first ever the depletion of the Ogallala caused recognize the life and legacy of Anne State softball title. Mr. Goossen to take on leadership Seaton, who went to be with the Lord Congratulations to the players and within his Groundwater Management on April 23, 2021. coaches on a great season, they have District and work with other producers Anne was a pillar of the Sixth Dis- earned it. to voluntarily use their water wisely. trict of Virginia, but her light shone f Efforts at the State level in Kansas well beyond the valley. through Groundwater Management Charitable at heart, Anne and the WATER ISSUES Districts have also supported the sus- Mehnert family served as missionaries The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tainable use of the Ogallala aquifer in Jamaica and hosted refugees from Chair recognizes the gentleman from where districts work with communities after Hurricane Katrina Kansas (Mr. MANN) for 5 minutes. to set their own water conservation to help provide comfort and aid to Mr. MANN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today goals and control measures; develop those afflicted. to discuss the importance of water and plans to reduce water withdrawals in a In the valley, Anne was a passionate my concerns with the Biden adminis- designated area; and continue using supporter of Grace Christian School tration’s unnecessary overreach. water in a manner that is economically and Wilson High School, as well as one We use water to sustain ourselves; viable. The research from the North- who helped fundraise for the Waynes- for industrial manufacturing; for swim- west Kansas Technical College Water boro Symphony Orchestra. ming and recreation with our family Technology Farm has helped producers Further, Anne was active in local and friends; to bathe; and to produce like Tim Franklin in Sherman County. politics, including the successful cam- the most affordable, abundant, and safe The Franklin family farm was early to paign of her husband Scott to the Au- food supply in the world. enroll in a Water Conservation Area, gusta County Board of Supervisors. Agriculture is the largest industry in and uses the technology developed and Anne was the founder of the Repub- Kansas’ Big First District and across tested at Northwest Tech to help meet lican Women of Greater Augusta and the State, so water conditions deter- their water reduction goals. inspired many to get involved in the mine good or bad crop years, the These voluntary, locally led efforts community. amount of time livestock producers to safeguard our water were supported Above all, though, it was Anne’s fam- spend hauling water or moving cattle during the Trump administration when ily and her faith that defined her. A to land with a better pond, and ulti- they published a reasonable and clear loving wife to Scott, mother to mately, the kinds of foods that show up definition of ‘‘waters of the United

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:30 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.004 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3246 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 States’’ in the Navigable Waters Pro- from swimming alongside White people RECOGNIZING NORTH CAROLINA tection Rule. This rule provided cer- in public pools and beaches, yet when SWEET POTATO COMMISSION’S tainty for farmers and ranchers, and the USS Gregory was attacked and 60TH ANNIVERSARY designated authority back to States to sunk by Japanese gunfire off the coast The SPEAKER pro tempore. The regulate their own waters after years of Guadalcanal, it was Petty Officer Chair recognizes the gentleman from of Federal overreach. French who dove into the treacherous North Carolina (Mr. ROUZER) for 5 min- Unfortunately, President Biden has waters of the Pacific to save his fellow utes. once again determined that the Federal sailors who had been wounded. Mr. ROUZER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Government knows best and announced Petty Officer French loaded 15 of his today in recognition of the North Caro- his intent to review the rule, likely sig- fellow sailors into a lifeboat and saved lina Sweet Potato Commission’s 60th naling a return to the Obama adminis- his injured comrades from drowning. anniversary. tration’s WOTUS rule, which sought to However, Charles knew that they could In 1961, six sweet potato producers Federally regulate every small stream, not simply float to shores controlled chartered the commission to support ditch or puddle of water. This an- by the Japanese where they would growers and to maintain North Caro- nouncement is especially frustrating as meet a fate worse than death. Pris- lina’s standing as a leading sweet po- many western States currently face an oners were often tortured then exe- tato producing State. They are now extreme drought, leading to a severe cuted. Military.com recounted how more than 400 sweet potato growers water shortage for not only our agri- Charles tied a rope around his waist strong as well as packers, processors, culture producers, but also drinking with the help of his shipmates and and business associates who remain water and hydroelectric energy genera- towed his fellow sailors through shark- dedicated to supporting our State’s tors. Further regulation adds insult to infested waters for 8 long hours until prosperous sweet potato industry. injury. they were finally identified and saved Since 1971, North Carolina has Producers and water users at the by an American landing craft. ranked as the number one sweet potato local level know their community best, In his book ‘‘Black Men and Blue producing State in the U.S. with 65 per- which is why I joined several of my Water’’ Chester Wright recounted his cent of the Nation’s sweet potato pro- House colleagues on legislation that conversation with Petty Officer French duction. North Carolina sweet potato would codify the Navigable Waters Pro- who told him that when he and the raft producers are family farmers who have tection Rule and on a letter to Presi- full of survivors were rescued, persons been cultivating their land for genera- dent Biden stating our strong opposi- aboard the ship told Charles to go tions growing many different crops. tion to any return to the expanded ‘‘where the colored boys stay’’ while They work day and night, year after Federal jurisdiction over waters the crew tended to the wounded White year to ship delectable, high quality, around the country. I have also led leg- survivors. Charles further shared that nutritious North Carolina sweet pota- islation that would push back on exec- the sailors rescued by him told the toes all across the country and the utive overreach in our agriculture, en- crew: ‘‘He ain’t going nowhere. He is a world. ergy, and natural resource sectors. member of the Gregory’s crew and he Agriculture is the backbone of North Our farmers and ranchers are the damned well will stay here with the Carolina’s economy, and the sweet po- original conservationists and contin- rest of us.’’ tato industry is absolutely critical to ually update practices to reduce water Just like the sailors who stepped up our food supply in North Carolina and use and inputs so that they can con- at the time for French, it is our time in the country. It is not an understate- tinue to produce safe, affordable food to stand up and recognize with full ment to say that the North Carolina while maintaining their water supply measure the sacrifice and service of Sweet Potato Commission has more for generations to come. We must pro- French, whose story has been under- than fulfilled its founding mission to vide certainty regarding their local appreciated by the Navy and history. A strengthen our State’s sweet potato water rights and continue to stand in real-life hero like Charles must be rec- production, and I congratulate them on opposition to any overreaching regula- ognized by the military and the coun- their 60th anniversary. tions that threaten the livelihoods of try that he devoted his life to. May they have many more years of Kansas farmers and ranchers. In World War II, the Navy gave providing every American with one of f French a commendation letter. I have our Nation’s safest, nutritious, and RECOGNIZING CHARLES JACKSON now asked the Navy to review and con- might I add, delicious vegetables FRENCH sider upgrading to a medal, and the grown. Navy is reviewing this now. CONGRESS MUST AGGRESSIVELY ADDRESS THE The SPEAKER pro tempore. The NATIONAL DEBT Chair recognizes the gentleman from Full recognition of U.S. Navy Petty Officer First Class Charles Jackson Mr. ROUZER. Mr. Speaker, our na- Nebraska (Mr. BACON) for 5 minutes. tional debt exceeds $28.1 trillion. Con- Mr. BACON. Mr. Speaker, today I French is long overdue. We owe it to Charles, his family, and to the millions gress year after year continues spend- rise to recognize Charles Jackson ing money with seemingly no regard French, a World War II hero with ties of Americans who learned from Charles’ story. for the debts we are pushing onto fu- to Omaha who made one of the most ture generations. While it was nec- Last Friday, I also introduced legis- underappreciated sacrifices in Amer- essary to spend a significant amount of lation to rename one of Omaha’s post ican military history money to get us through the COVID–19 offices after Charles, and I am pleased The story of Charles Jackson French crisis, we must now move aggressively that Representatives JEFF FORTEN- is an American story: One of courage, to address the national debt, in my BERRY and ADRIAN SMITH have joined sacrifice, and hope. Charles, a Black opinion, the most significant domestic me in this effort to recognize a Ne- man, was born in a racially segregated threat that our country faces. And the braska hero. Foreman, Arkansas, on September 15, sooner we take action the better. 1919. In 1937, Charles enlisted in the Today, I call on the Navy, Congress, . After completing and the White House to recognize the b 1030 his enlistment, he moved to Omaha, service and sacrifice of Petty Officer Unfortunately, the current adminis- Nebraska, to be with family, but after First Class French so that all Ameri- tration doesn’t seem to feel the need to the attack on Pearl Harbor, he reen- cans, especially our Nation’s future pursue fiscal restraint. President listed. leaders and servicemembers, can be in- Biden’s spending agenda is hurting According to accounts, on September spired by Charles’ display of patriotism families and small businesses across 5, 1942, Petty Officer First Class French and sacrifice. But also, so the family of the country. Meanwhile, he has sent was serving as a mess attendant in the Charles can be comforted by the eter- Congress a $6 trillion budget request. racially segregated USS Gregory. As a nal gratitude of a Nation that Petty This additional spending will lead to Black man growing up in 1930’s Arkan- Officer First Class French so dutifully even more inflation. The excessive sas, Charles lived in a time when seg- served. This three-decade veteran sa- spending Congress recently approved regation laws prohibited Black people lutes him. has already resulted in inflation. We

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.006 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3247 see it every day in the skyrocketing And that story is not unique. desperately to a photo or a memory, prices of goods. And if the President Raqman later died, but that legacy may they find a way to hold fast to and Democrats in Congress get their lived on. These interpreters showed their faith in You. way on major tax hikes, the economy such dedication to the cause; it is un- Guide and strengthen the rescue and working families will be hurt even imaginable, really. And as military workers who face the daunting task of more. units rotate in and out, we get to go digging through the concrete rubble Today, the American dollar is still home, we see our families. The inter- and the devastation that surrounds king, which is how we can print and preters stay out there. It is just an- them. May they have fortitude of body borrow money with seemingly little other day for them. Meanwhile, their to brave the dangers of this precarious consequence. But huge debt-to-GDP ra- families are under threat. They are re- structure and fortification of faith to tios threaten that standing and could ceiving anonymous phone calls con- endure the suffering they attend to. easily cause a significant decline in our stantly, threatening their lives, calling On behalf of all of these we pray with standard of living. them infidels all because they sup- the psalmist: In our distress, we call Rampant inflation, which is really ported the United States. upon You O Lord; to You O God, we cry just a hidden tax, and a significantly Now we are about to leave them. This for help. Hear our voices. May our cries devalued dollar could cripple our econ- administration is not doing enough to reach Your heavens. omy and easily lead future generations make sure that they don’t get left to In the strength of Your name we right back to the days of centuries be- die. I am confident this body will do pray. fore us. what it can, but it takes this adminis- Amen. Now, in contrast, the budget pro- tration to actually do something now f posed by the Republican Study Com- before this hasty retreat occurs and be- mittee for fiscal year 2022 balances the fore thousands and thousands and THE JOURNAL annual budget in 5 years by reducing thousands of interpreters and contrac- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- spending and maintaining pro-growth tors are killed; and they will be killed. ant to section 11(a) of House Resolu- policies. It is the most pro-life budget They absolutely will be killed. Their tion 188, the Journal of the last day’s ever written, with 17 pro-life provisions families will be killed. The threats proceedings is approved. included. It protects Second Amend- have already come, and it will happen f ment rights, secures our border, and of- if we don’t do something about it. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE fers real solutions to return our coun- Mr. Speaker, I call on this adminis- try to fiscal responsibility. tration to do something about it. I call The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the Mr. Speaker, the Republican Study on the Secretary of State and the Sec- gentlewoman from Missouri (Mrs. WAG- Committee budget combats Washing- retary of Homeland Security to get NER) come forward and lead the House ton’s out-of-control spending and puts this process going, to expedite this in the Pledge of Allegiance. American taxpayers first. We should process as quickly as possible. These Mrs. WAGNER led the Pledge of Alle- all be able to agree it is long past time people are heroes and they need to giance as follows: to bring fiscal sanity to Washington. come to their new home here in the I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the f United States. United States of America, and to the Repub- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, f SUPPORTING OUR PARTNERS IN indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. AFGHANISTAN RECESS f The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Chair recognizes the gentleman from ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair PRO TEMPORE. Texas (Mr. CRENSHAW) for 5 minutes. declares the House in recess until noon Mr. CRENSHAW. Mr. Speaker, I rise today. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The today in support of legislation called Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 34 Chair will entertain up to 15 requests the HOPE and ALLIES Act to support minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- for 1-minute speeches on each side of our interpreters in Afghanistan. cess. the aisle. I can’t tell you how important this is f on a personal level to me. In 2012, I was f REQUEST TO CONSIDER H.R. 18, NO hit by an IED blast. That IED went off b 1200 because one of our interpreters stepped TAXPAYER FUNDING FOR ABOR- on a pressure plate. His name was AFTER RECESS TION ACT Raqman. He was responding to a call, The recess having expired, the House (Mrs. WAGNER asked and was given responding to do his job, like they do was called to order by the Speaker pro permission to address the House for 1 day in and day out. They never get a tempore (Mr. LANGEVIN) at noon. minute and to revise and extend her re- break. And he stepped on that IED, f marks.) about 10 to 15 pounds of explosives, and Mrs. WAGNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise as it ripped off all four of his limbs right PRAYER a tireless advocate for the most vulner- away. I couldn’t see him because I was The Chaplain, the Reverend Margaret able. I continue to fight for the Born- blinded by the blast, but I could hear Grun Kibben, offered the following Alive Act to mandate lifesaving care him. prayer: for abortion survivors. And I also am When someone gets hit by an IED— Almighty God, in the aftermath of proud to support H.R. 18, the No Tax- you have probably seen in the movies— the disaster in Miami, Florida, we com- payer Funding for Abortion Act, which you think they scream. But they don’t mend to Your care and protection the will permanently prohibit taxpayer scream. They don’t have the energy to ongoing efforts. funding for abortions by enshrining the scream. It is more like a groan. It is We fervently pray that You would de- bipartisan Hyde amendment into law. the deepest kind of pain that you can liver all those that are yet clinging to Sadly, both the Born-Alive Act and the imagine. And I will never forget that life beneath the magnitude of the Hyde amendment are under attack by sound. wreckage. Preserve their spirits even my Democrat colleagues. Before he was hit, he expressed to us as they struggle with overwhelming The Hyde amendment protects tax- that one of his dreams would be to fear for their lives. Grant them a payers from paying for abortions and come back to , California, glimpse of hope—even a miracle—that has saved hundreds of thousands of enlist in the military, and become a they would soon emerge from the terri- lives. Navy SEAL. That was the kind of pa- fying prison of panic and distress. No one should be forced to finan- triotism that he had. He wasn’t even a And for the families of the missing cially support the abortion industry. I citizen. Imagine if our own citizens and the dead, give them comfort and stand with the majority of Americans loved their country the way that these strength as they wait for an answer or who believe in this essential conscience guys did. grieve their loss. Even as they cling protection.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.008 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3248 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- where this virus came from and every was also a devoted husband to Kim, sent that the Committees on Energy member of the select subcommittee and director of constituent services for and Commerce, Ways and Means, and should be in attendance. my congressional office. Additionally, the Judiciary be discharged from fur- As I said earlier, finding the origins Jeff was a loving father to Katherine ther consideration of H.R. 18, and I ask is important to our national security, Chelsey and Laura Leigh and sup- for its immediate consideration in the public health knowledge, and preparing portive father-in-law to Andrew Smith House. for the next pandemic. and Austin Lowe. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Additionally, Mr. Speaker, I ask Jeff was a proud Bowling Green, Ken- guidelines consistently issued by suc- unanimous consent that the Commit- tucky, native. He graduated from cessive Speakers, as recorded in sec- tees on Energy and Commerce, Ways Bowling Green High School in 1983 and tion 956 of the House Rules and Man- and Means, and the Judiciary be dis- attended Samford University School of ual, the Chair is constrained not to en- charged from further consideration of Pharmacy where he graduated in 1989. tertain the request unless it has been H.R. 18, No Taxpayer Funding for Abor- As a prominent pharmacist and owner cleared by the bipartisan floor and tion Act, and ask for its immediate of two community pharmacies, Jeff committee leaderships. consideration in the House. served many patients in the local com- f The SPEAKER pro tempore. As the munity and was always happy to help Chair has previously advised, the re- his customers. He was also a member of THE UNITED STATES-CANADA quest cannot be entertained absent ap- Broadway United Methodist Church. BORDER NEEDS TO SAFELY RE- propriate clearance. Jeff’s contagious laugh and kindness OPEN f will be remembered by all who knew (Mr. HIGGINS of New York asked and him. He loved the outdoors, but above INFRASTRUCTURE SHOULD BE A was given permission to address the all, he loved his family. In addition to PRIORITY House for 1 minute.) his wife and two daughters, Jeff is sur- Mr. HIGGINS of New York. Mr. (Mr. WILSON of vived by his parents, Charles Robert Speaker, for 34 years my community of asked and was given permission to ad- and Scottie Ann Halter; brother, Tim- Buffalo, New York, and our Canadian dress the House for 1 minute and to re- othy Alan Halter; and many other lov- neighbors in Fort Erie, Ontario, would vise and extend his remarks.) ing family members. Jeff left a positive mark the first week of July with the Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. impact on our community and is great- Friendship Festival. Speaker, President claimed ly missed. This event that invites citizens of a bipartisan agreement on infrastruc- f both countries to cross our shared bor- ture. On the surface this sounds like der and celebrate with music, culture, great news. Unfortunately, quickly fol- REQUEST TO CONSIDER H.R. 18, NO food, and festivities highlights the lowing this new-found agreement, TAXPAYER FUNDING FOR ABOR- strong and lasting bond between the President Biden crushed the bipartisan TION ACT United States and Canada. bill by mandating wasteful Green New (Mr. LAMBORN asked and was given There will be no cross-border celebra- Deal borrowing, destroying jobs. permission to address the House for 1 tion this year on Canada Day and Inde- Improving America’s infrastructure minute and to revise and extend his re- pendence Day. Not due to the pan- should be a priority and to delay it for marks.) demic, but due to the failure of both partisan reasons is another insult to Mr. LAMBORN. Mr. Speaker, I rise countries to plan for a safe reopening the American people. The President’s today to protect the sanctity of human of the U.S.-Canadian border. voters are misled with an absurd inter- life, especially the lives of the unborn. For friends and families living along pretation of infrastructure. The Hyde amendment has saved near- the northern border, crossing isn’t an This chaotic mentality has been ex- ly 21⁄2 million lives since its first inclu- annual event, it is a way of life. hibiting a reversal from the bipartisan- sion in an appropriation bill in 1976. Vaccines provide the bridge that al- ship President Biden promised when This historically bipartisan amend- lows people to come together again. running for President. Dishonoring ment which prohibits the use of tax- We need leadership to open those promises and undermining bipartisan payer dollars paying for abortion is bridges and let us reunite. negotiations, the administration supported by a majority of Americans. f should actually be focused on the needs H.R. 18, of which I am an original co- of the American people instead of de- sponsor, codifies the Hyde amendment THE ORIGIN OF COVID–19 MUST BE stroying jobs. and applies it to all government fund- INVESTIGATED In conclusion, God bless our troops, ing, cementing the protections for the (Mrs. MILLER-MEEKS asked and and we should never forget September most vulnerable Americans. This bill is was given permission to address the the 11th in the global war on terrorism. called the No Taxpayer Funding for House for 1 minute and to revise and Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- Abortion Act. extend her remarks.) sent that the Committees on Energy Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- Mrs. MILLER-MEEKS. Mr. Speaker, and Commerce, Ways and Means, and sent that the Committees on Energy I rise today on a matter that is incred- the Judiciary be discharged from fur- and Commerce, Ways and Means, and ibly important to our national secu- ther consideration of H.R. 18, No Tax- the Judiciary be discharged from fur- rity, our public health knowledge, and payer Funding for Abortion Act, and I ther consideration of H.R. 18, and I ask preparing for the next pandemic. ask for its immediate consideration in for its immediate consideration in the It has been well over a year since the the House. House. start of the COVID–19 pandemic, and The SPEAKER pro tempore. As the The SPEAKER pro tempore. As the our country has closed down in the face Chair has previously advised, the re- Chair has previously advised, the re- of a public health crisis the likes of quest cannot be entertained absent ap- quest cannot be entertained absent ap- which we have not seen in decades. propriate clearance. propriate clearance. And to this day, we still do not have f f a definitive answer regarding the ori- gins of COVID–19. Getting to the bot- REMEMBERING THE LIFE OF CONGRATULATING MIKE tom of how this virus originated and JEFFERY ROBERT HALTER McINTYRE how it spread across the globe should (Mr. GUTHRIE asked and was given (Mr. BISHOP of North Carolina asked be one of our top priorities in Congress. permission to address the House for 1 and was given permission to address Today, the Republican members of minute and to revise and extend his re- the House for 1 minute and to revise the Select Subcommittee on the marks.) and extend his remarks.) Coronavirus Crisis will hold a forum to Mr. GUTHRIE. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. BISHOP of North Carolina. Mr. discuss the origins of this virus. This is today to remember the life of Jeffery Speaker, today I rise to congratulate not a partisan issue, and every Member Robert Halter. Not only was he my the Honorable Mike McIntyre, former of this body should want to know neighbor and a family friend, but he Member of the House from 1997 to 2015

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:30 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.010 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3249 for his induction into the University of Instead, the taxpayers get the bad forcing American taxpayers to sub- North Carolina’s Order of the Golden optics of that bill and a possibly deci- sidize something that the majority of Fleece, the oldest and highest honor mated National Guard. them are against? society at UNC, where Mike received f Taking the life of an unborn child is both a bachelor of arts and a juris doc- simply unconscionable. I believe that torate. BIDEN BORDER CRISIS we, as a governing body, have a respon- After graduating from UNC law, (Mr. NEHLS asked and was given per- sibility to protect life at every stage, Mike practiced as an attorney in his mission to address the House for 1 especially the defenseless unborn who hometown of Lumberton until he was minute.) are unable to advocate for themselves. elected to Congress in 1996. During his Mr. NEHLS. Mr. Speaker, the Biden We have no business using taxpayer 18 years representing Robeson County border crisis continues raging on our dollars to fund abortions. and other parts of southeastern North southern border. Cartels are getting f Carolina, Congressman McIntyre ac- rich, migrants are getting abused and quired a reputation for excellent con- assaulted, and Americans are becoming LAMPETER-STRASBURG SOFTBALL stituent service and advocacy for rural victims of crime. CHAMPIONSHIP communities, including his work on With the record number of illegal (Mr. SMUCKER asked and was given the Agriculture Committee and his co- aliens attempting to flood across our permission to address the House for 1 authoring the landmark Tobacco border, what has the Biden administra- minute.) Buyout legislation, as well as fighting tion done? Mr. SMUCKER. Mr. Speaker, I rise for full Federal recognition of the Nothing. today to honor the Lampeter-Stras- Lumbee. For months now, the Biden adminis- burg High School softball team for win- For Mike, country over party was not tration has been denying this crisis ex- ning the PIAA 5A Softball Champion- just a slogan, it was his approach to ists; telling the American people there ship earlier this month, with a 10–7 vic- leadership. I am honored not only to is no crisis; telling the American peo- tory over Armstrong. This is the Pio- carry on his work serving the rural ple the border is closed. But we all neers’ second State championship in southern Piedmont of North Carolina, know better. just 3 years. This victory capped off a but also to strive to emulate his exam- I saw it myself firsthand when I vis- dominant 30-win season. ple as I do so. ited Del Rio, Texas, a place where Through the halfway mark, the Pio- Mr. Speaker, I congratulate Mike on every day, around 3:00 p.m., buses neers were down 1 run entering the 5th this appropriate recognition. pulled up to the Mexican side of the inning, but after putting 5 runs on the Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- border and unloaded hundreds of illegal scoreboard, including a 2-run home run sent that the Committees on Energy aliens. They then wade through knee- from senior Cam Byler, the game was and Commerce, Ways and Means, and high water of the Rio Grande and into over as the Pioneers closed out to the Judiciary be discharged from fur- our country. Once they arrive on the claim the championship. ther consideration of H.R. 18, and I ask American side, they are promptly Mr. Speaker, I extend congratula- for its immediate consideration in the picked up by Border Patrol agents in tions to the team members for their House. air-conditioned vans, given a wrist- success this season. It is a great credit The SPEAKER pro tempore. As the band, and away they go to a city near to the players, their hard work, Head Chair has previously advised, the re- you. Coach Gene Charles, the entire coach- quest cannot be entertained absent ap- This happens tens of thousands of ing staff, that, for the past 3 years, the propriate clearance. times every single day and there is no Pioneers have played in the champion- f end in sight, not until we revert to ship game, bringing home the trophy Trump’s policies. this year and previously in 2018. A BILL FOR BAD OPTICS f Mr. Speaker, our community is real- (Mr. LAMALFA asked and was given ly proud of this truly outstanding ac- permission to address the House for 1 DEFUND ABORTION complishment. We wish the graduating minute and to revise and extend his re- (Mr. BAIRD asked and was given per- seniors best of luck in their future en- marks.) mission to address the House for 1 deavors. Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, after minute and to revise and extend his re- f the 5-month deployment of the Na- marks.) tional Guard around our U.S. Capitol, Mr. BAIRD. Mr. Speaker, today I rise DEFEND NOT after the fact of the January 6 break- because, as a proud pro-life advocate, I (Mr. BILIRAKIS asked and was given in, the bill has come due now of over cannot stay silent as I watch the Biden permission to address the House for 1 half a billion dollars—$521 million—for administration chip away at the rights minute and to revise and extend his re- the thousands of troops to guard this of defenseless unborn. marks.) Capitol. Democrats have been working over Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, crime This was, again, after the big break- time with the Biden administration to rates spike when you give in to leftist in of January 6. Of course, had the de- roll back critical protections for the demands and defund the police. It is as cisionmakers on hand here at the Cap- unborn so they can push radical pro- simple as that. Sadly, we are seeing itol with their security intel used abortion policies, and their latest vic- this play out in major cities across the ahead of time decided to employ just a tim, it appears, is the Hyde amend- country. handful of those troops, we wouldn’t ment. reports a sam- have had the January 6 situation hap- For over 40 years, the Hyde amend- ple of 37 U.S. cities saw an 18 percent pen. But they did not want the bad op- ment has saved millions of lives by pre- increase in murders in the first 3 tics of armed troops standing in front venting the use of taxpayer dollars to months of this year when compared to here at that time. fund abortions. A recent poll from the last. So, instead, we got 5 months’ worth Knights of Columbus indicates that 58 Mr. Speaker, this rhetoric and policy of it with two rows of fence, razor wire, percent of Americans oppose the use of is dangerous and, worst of all, it is re- and the inability for the people to taxpayer dollars to support abortions. sponsible for the dismantling and de- come visit their Capitol. So now we That number also includes 65 percent moralization of police departments have months of those optics and a half- of Independents and 31 percent of across the country. a-billion-dollar bill instead. Democrats. We have also seen the dramatic in- Mr. Speaker, if that bill doesn’t get If millions of Americans are against crease on a tax against law enforce- paid, now our National Guard will not the use of tax dollars being used to sup- ment this year. Tragically, two of my be able to do their training and have port abortion, then why is Congress constituents are among those who have their other readiness needs met be- considering legislation that does just recently been killed in the line of duty. cause Congress hasn’t paid the bill for exactly that? We must have law and order and sup- what they did not want ahead of time— If this legislation were for the people, port our heroes who place their lives on bad optics. wouldn’t we listen to them instead of the line to keep our communities safe.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.012 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3250 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 In short, we must defend, not defund, States House of Representatives and PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION the police. the people’s House. OF H.R. 2662, IG INDEPENDENCE f Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- AND EMPOWERMENT ACT; PRO- VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF INVEST IN AMERICA ACT sent that the Committees on Energy H.R. 3005, REPLACEMENT OF (Mr. BLUMENAUER asked and was and Commerce, Ways and Means, and BUST OF ROGER BROOKE TANEY given permission to address the House the Judiciary be discharged from fur- WITH BUST OF THURGOOD MAR- for 1 minute and to revise and extend ther consideration of H.R. 18, No Tax- SHALL; PROVIDING FOR CONSID- his remarks.) payer Funding for Abortion, and ask ERATION OF H.R. 3684, INVEST- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, in for its immediate consideration in the ING IN A NEW VISION FOR THE a moment, we are going to hear the House. ENVIRONMENT AND SURFACE rule coming forward to support the IN- The SPEAKER pro tempore. As the TRANSPORTATION IN AMERICA VEST in America Act. ACT; PROVIDING FOR CONSIDER- Chair previously advised, that request I applaud my friend and colleague, ATION OF H. RES. 503, ESTAB- PETER DEFAZIO, for his tireless efforts cannot be entertained absent appro- LISHING THE SELECT COM- to bring Federal transportation policy priate clearance. MITTEE TO INVESTIGATE THE into the 21st century. JANUARY 6TH ATTACK ON THE Unlike past reauthorization bills, f UNITED STATES CAPITOL; AND this legislation is centered around cli- FOR OTHER PURPOSES mate and equity. It makes historic in- PTSD AWARENESS MONTH vestments in public transit and returns Ms. SCANLON. Mr. Speaker, by di- rection of the Committee on Rules, I parity to the Federal share for transit (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania and highways, while integrating bike- call up House Resolution 504 and ask asked and was given permission to ad- for its immediate consideration. share and share micro-mobility into dress the House for 1 minute and to re- transit projects. It invests in Amtrak The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- vise and extend his remarks.) lows: and high-speed rail, as well as biking and walking. Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. H. RES. 504 Mr. Speaker, I am especially encour- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- aged by the newly created Recon- lution it shall be in order to consider in the this past Sunday, June 27, as National House the bill (H.R. 2662) to amend the In- necting Neighborhoods Program, which Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Aware- spector General Act of 1978, and for other will provide Federal funding for ness Day; and June as National PTSD purposes. All points of order against consid- projects like Albina Vision in my com- Awareness Month. eration of the bill are waived. The amend- munity to rebuild underserved commu- ment in the nature of a substitute rec- nities that have been negatively im- We must do more to defy the stigmas ommended by the Committee on Oversight pacted by past transportation deci- surrounding mental health. National and Reform now printed in the bill shall be Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Aware- considered as adopted. The bill, as amended, sions. shall be considered as read. All points of Mr. Speaker, by passing this legisla- ness Month is intended to raise public order against provisions in the bill, as tion, my community and communities awareness about issues related to amended, are waived. The previous question across the country will be made safer PTSD, reduce the stigma associated, shall be considered as ordered on the bill, as with the incorporation of my Vision and to help ensure those suffering re- amended, and on any further amendment thereto, to final passage without intervening Zero legislation. ceive proper treatment. This is an unprecedented opportunity motion except: (1) one hour of debate equally to deliver for our country, and we are Currently, about eight million people divided and controlled by the chair and rank- ing minority member of the Committee on ready to get this job done. in the United States are struggling Oversight and Reform or their respective f with PTSD. PTSD treatment is a cru- designees; (2) the further amendments de- REQUEST TO CONSIDER H.R. 18, NO cial tool that helps many individuals, scribed in section 2 of this resolution; (3) the particularly our Nation’s veterans, amendments en bloc described in section 3 of TAXPAYER FUNDING FOR ABOR- this resolution; and (4) one motion to recom- TION ACT process, cope, and treat emotional and mit. (Mr. ROY asked and was given per- mental trauma. SEC. 2. After debate pursuant to the first mission to address the House for 1 While PTSD can develop among any section of this resolution, each further amendment printed in part A of the report of minute and to revise and extend his re- individual who faces a traumatic expe- the Committee on Rules not earlier consid- marks.) rience, it is often common in our serv- ered as part of amendments en bloc pursuant Mr. ROY. Mr. Speaker, right now, in icemen and -women. Many of our serv- to section 3 of this resolution shall be con- Texas today, a little girl is being traf- icemembers return home with injuries sidered only in the order printed in the re- ficked in human trafficking and sex port, may be offered only by a Member des- and scars, but in some cases it is the trafficking. That is occurring. She is ignated in the report, shall be considered as going to be put into the sex trafficking invisible scars that hurt the most. read, shall be debatable for the time speci- The Department of Veterans Affairs fied in the report equally divided and con- trade and be abused, and she is going to trolled by the proponent and an opponent, be done so because we have allowed offers a variety of resources to help may be withdrawn by the proponent at any cartels to have operational control of those suffering with PTSD. There are a time before the question is put thereon, shall our border. That is true. These are the wide variety of options, group meet- not be subject to amendment, and shall not facts. We know these are the facts. It is ings, individual meetings, meetings via be subject to a demand for division of the question. happening every single day. We see it telemedicine. This ensures our vet- on the ground. SEC. 3. It shall be in order at any time erans can receive timely assistance after debate pursuant to the first section of Yet the Vice President of the United wherever they may live. this resolution for the chair of the Com- States only found her way to go to El mittee on Oversight and Reform or her des- Paso as a pit stop on the way to Los Mr. Speaker, I thank our Nation’s ignee to offer amendments en bloc consisting Angeles, rather than actually meet veterans for their service, and I encour- of further amendments printed in part A of with people in Texas to see what is ac- age those struggling with post-trau- the report of the Committee on Rules accom- tually going on in Texas. matic stress disorder to pursue treat- panying this resolution not earlier disposed of. Amendments en bloc offered pursuant to We have no funding at all for the bor- ment. der, for ICE, for Border Patrol. this section shall be considered as read, shall But you know what we have plenty of be debatable for 20 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- funding for? nority member of the Committee on Over- Abortion. Taxpayer funding for abor- sight and Reform or their respective des- tion. ignees, shall not be subject to amendment, It is absolutely despicable the values and shall not be subject to a demand for divi- that are being presented in the United sion of the question.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.014 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3251 SEC. 4. All points of order against the fur- shall put the question on any such motion lishing the Select Committee to Inves- ther amendments printed in part A of the re- without debate or intervening motion. tigate the January 6th Attack on the port of the Committee on Rules or amend- (b) A measure referred to in subsection (a) United States Capitol, under a closed ments en bloc described in section 3 of this includes any measure that was the object of resolution are waived. a motion to suspend the rules on the legisla- rule. The rule provides 1 hour of debate SEC. 5. Upon adoption of this resolution it tive day of June 28, 2021, or June 29, 2021, in equally divided and controlled by the shall be in order to consider in the House the the form as so offered, on which the yeas and chair and ranking minority member of bill (H.R. 3005) to direct the Joint Committee nays were ordered and further proceedings the Committee on Rules. on the Library to replace the bust of Roger postponed pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX. Finally, the rule provides the major- Brooke Taney in the Old (c) Upon the offering of a motion pursuant ity leader or his designee the ability to Chamber of the United States Capitol with a to subsection (a) concerning multiple meas- en bloc requested rollcall votes on sus- ures, the ordering of the yeas and nays on bust of Thurgood Marshall to be obtained by pension bills considered on June 28 or the Joint Committee on the Library and to postponed motions to suspend the rules with remove certain statues from areas of the respect to such measures is vacated to the 29, and this authority lasts through United States Capitol which are accessible end that all such motions are considered as July 1. to the public, to remove all statues of indi- withdrawn. Mr. Speaker, we are here today to viduals who voluntarily served the Confed- b 1230 consider a rule for four measures that erate States of America from display in the address some of the most fundamental United States Capitol, and for other pur- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- issues upon which Congress may act as poses. All points of order against consider- tlewoman from Pennsylvania is recog- we continually strive to form a more ation of the bill are waived. The bill shall be nized for 1 hour. perfect Union, establish justice, ensure considered as read. All points of order Ms. SCANLON. Mr. Speaker, for the domestic tranquility, provide for the against provisions in the bill are waived. The purpose of debate only, I yield the cus- common defense, promote the general previous question shall be considered as or- tomary 30 minutes to the gentleman dered on the bill and on any amendment welfare, and secure the blessings of lib- from Pennsylvania (Mr. thereto to final passage without intervening erty for all of us and our descendants. motion except: (1) one hour of debate equally RESCHENTHALER), pending which I yield In passing these three bills and in myself such time as I may consume. divided and controlled by the chair and rank- creating a select committee to inves- During consideration of this resolu- ing minority member of the Committee on tigate the January 6 attack on the U.S. House Administration or their respective tion, all time yielded is for the purpose Capitol, the U.S. House of Representa- designees; and (2) one motion to recommit. of debate only. SEC. 6. Upon adoption of this resolution it tives is putting forward real solutions GENERAL LEAVE shall be in order to consider in the House the to repair our physical infrastructure, Ms. SCANLON. Mr. Speaker, I ask bill (H.R. 3684) to authorize funds for Fed- protect our systems of accountability, unanimous consent that all Members eral-aid highways, highway safety programs, acknowledge our relationship with the be given 5 legislative days to revise and and transit programs, and for other purposes. past, and establish a shared under- extend their remarks. All points of order against consideration of standing and plan to address the deep the bill are waived. In lieu of the amendment The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there wounds inflicted upon this building, in the nature of a substitute recommended objection to the request of the gentle- by the Committee on Transportation and In- woman from Pennsylvania? those who serve and protect here, our frastructure now printed in the bill, an There was no objection. government, and our democratic Re- amendment in the nature of a substitute Ms. SCANLON. Mr. Speaker, I yield public by the attack on the Capitol on consisting of the text of Rules Committee myself such time as I may consume. January 6. Print 117-8, modified by Rules Committee Mr. Speaker, yesterday, the Rules Mr. Speaker, I want to first thank Print 117-9 and the amendment printed in Committee met and reported a rule, the Members and committees that part B of the report of the Committee on House Resolution 504, providing for worked on the bills we consider here Rules accompanying this resolution, shall be today, in particular, the Herculean ef- considered as adopted. The bill, as amended, consideration of H.R. 2662, the IG Inde- shall be considered as read. All points of pendence and Empowerment Act, under forts by the Transportation and Infra- order against provisions in the bill, as a structured rule. The rule provides 1 structure Committee and the Oversight amended, are waived. The previous question hour of debate equally divided and con- and Reform Committee, and Congress- shall be considered as ordered on the bill, as trolled by the chair and ranking minor- woman , Majority Whip amended, and on any further amendment ity member of the Committee on Over- CLYBURN, and Majority Leader HOYER thereto, to final passage without intervening sight and Reform, makes in order six for their leadership to remove symbols motion except: (1) 90 minutes of debate, with amendments, provides for en bloc au- of hate from the Capitol Building. 60 minutes equally divided and controlled by Mr. Speaker, no one can deny that the chair and ranking minority member of thority, and provides one motion to re- the Committee on Transportation and Infra- commit. our Nation’s infrastructure is in a structure or their respective designees and 30 The rule also provides for consider- shameful state of disrepair. For dec- minutes equally divided and controlled by ation of H.R. 3005 under a closed rule. ades, we have heard a lot of talk about the chair and ranking minority member of The rule provides 1 hour of debate infrastructure while efforts to build the Committee on Energy and Commerce or equally divided and controlled by the and maintain the networks and sys- their respective designees; (2) any further chair and ranking minority member of tems on which we all rely have been amendments and amendments en bloc pro- the Committee on House Administra- grossly underfunded. Whether it be vided by subsequent order of the House; and tion and provides one motion to recom- roads and bridges or ports and rail (3) one motion to recommit. SEC. 7. Upon adoption of this resolution it mit. lines, year after year, we fail to muster shall be in order without intervention of any The rule further provides for consid- the political will to properly fund in- point of order to consider in the House the eration of H.R. 3684, the INVEST in frastructure, and the consequences are resolution (H. Res. 503) Establishing the Se- America Act. The rule provides 90 min- increasingly dire. lect Committee to Investigate the January utes of general debate with 60 minutes My district, Pennsylvania’s Fifth 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. The equally divided and controlled by the Congressional District, is home to resolution shall be considered as read. The chair and ranking minority member of Philadelphia’s airport, port, rail yard, previous question shall be considered as or- the Committee on Transportation and and, as a key part of the Northeast dered on the resolution and preamble to adoption without intervening motion or de- Infrastructure, and 30 minutes equally Corridor, dozens of miles of interstate mand for division of the question except one divided and controlled by the chair and highways and passenger rail lines, as hour of debate equally divided and controlled ranking minority member of the Com- well as regional commuter and light by the chair and ranking minority member mittee on Energy and Commerce. It rail lines that link Philadelphia and its of the Committee on Rules or their respec- combines the Rules Committee prints suburbs. tive designees. for the surface transportation and True to its position, PA–05 sits as a SEC. 8. (a) At any time through the legisla- clean water provisions of the bill, self- transportation keystone to a vast tive day of Thursday, July 1, 2021, the Speak- interstate and international economic er may entertain motions offered by the Ma- executes a manager’s amendment from jority Leader or a designee that the House Chairman DEFAZIO, and provides one network. The problems facing my dis- suspend the rules as though under clause 1 of motion to recommit. trict’s transportation infrastructure rule XV with respect to multiple measures The rule additionally provides for are not that different from those of described in subsection (b), and the Chair consideration of H. Res. 503, Estab- other regions. Our infrastructure is

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.002 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3252 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 aging and, in some cases, beyond usa- commend the Energy and Commerce The inspector general for Health and ble lifespan. It is heavily used, and Committee for crafting this com- Human Services was fired for reporting State and local authorities don’t have prehensive water infrastructure pack- accurately on the Nation’s dire short- enough money to meet maintenance age. age of lifesaving PPE during the begin- needs, much less to make investments Lastly, I want to state my strong ning of the pandemic. The State De- in modernization, expansion, or other support for the Member designated partment inspector general was fired improvements. Anyone who travels our projects included in the INVEST in for investigating then-Secretary roadways knows that axle-bending, America Act. I thank Chairman DEFA- Pompeo’s use of government staff to tire-rattling potholes are the norm. ZIO for giving my colleagues and I, on run personal errands. And the Depart- Nationwide, the situation is no bet- both sides of the aisle, the opportunity ment of Transportation inspector gen- ter: aging and inadequate electrical to secure dedicated funding for impor- eral was fired for investigating sus- grids, shamefully deficient water infra- tant local projects in our districts and picious grant awards to Kentucky, the structure, 47,000 structurally deficient for instituting strong safeguards in State represented by the former Sec- bridges. You can go to any congres- this funding to prevent fraud and retary’s husband and the then-Senate sional district and find a litany of abuse. majority leader. In other words, these projects in desperate need of funding. The Member designated projects inspectors general were fired for doing We have heard lip service about in- process allowed us to work with our their jobs. frastructure week for so long that it State and local transit agencies and The IG Independence and Empower- has become a sick national joke. We local governments to highlight high- ment Act will enact needed reforms to must act now. impact transportation projects in need protect IGs from political firings, give While the U.S. has sat on its hands, of funding. them increased powers and resources to our allies and adversaries around the I am proud that $20 million for seven investigate waste and corruption, and world have forged ahead with advance- great projects in my district have been increase accountability and trans- ments in transportation networks, included in this bill, including redesign parency for the Council of the Inspec- from high-speed rail that puts ours to of dangerous rail crossings and up- tors General on Integrity and Effi- shame to building up broadband and 5G grades to commuter stations, and per- ciency. I strongly support the IG Inde- networks. haps most significantly, this bill in- pendence and Empowerment Act and spends 8 percent of its GDP on cludes a project I submitted with my call on my colleagues to do the same. infrastructure. Our European partners Pennsylvania colleague (Mr. EVANS), to Mr. Speaker, the last bill in today’s spend 5 percent of their GDP on infra- redesign Cobbs Creek Parkway, one of rule is long overdue. The bill would re- structure. Here in the United States, the most dangerous corridors in our re- place the bust of Roger Brooke Taney we spend a meager 2.4 percent. gion and the site of hundreds of crashes in the Old Supreme Court Chamber in We are falling behind the rest of the and multiple fatalities year after year. the Capitol with a bust of Thurgood world and, in doing so, failing to pro- The redesign will make Cobbs Creek Marshall and would remove the statues mote the general welfare of our citi- Parkway safer for pedestrians, cyclists, of individuals who voluntarily served zens. and motorists. in the Confederate States of America Voting against this bill to invest in That is why I am proud to support from display in the Capitol. America is voting against jobs; it is this rule to pass the INVEST in Amer- b 1245 voting against economic growth; it is ica Act. This bill will provide over $715 voting against safety; and it is voting In Philadelphia, we have a street billion over the next 5 years to repair against making sure people have clean named after Chief Justice Taney and and improve our Nation’s infrastruc- drinking water. Now is the time to we have a Little League World Series ture. It will create good-paying jobs tackle these issues, and so I urge all Champion baseball team named after and lay the foundation for robust eco- my colleagues to support this measure. that street. nomic growth in the 21st century. Mr. Speaker, also included in this bill In 2020, following conversations It will make record investments in is the IG Independence and Empower- about race and inclusiveness in Amer- roads, transit, and rails, allowing State ment Act, a bill from the House Over- ica, the Taney Dragons Little League departments of transportation to ad- sight and Reform Committee to over- team decided to rename itself the dress maintenance backlogs and make haul and reform the legal powers and Philadelphia Dragons saying that they forward-thinking investments in road protections of our inspectors general. cannot ignore the very real feelings safety, climate mitigation and resil- Inspectors general are a vital part of that the name ‘‘Taney’’ engenders iency, and low-income and underserved our Federal institutions, ensuring that among members of our community, communities in our cities, suburbs, and taxpayers and officials have an inde- and that the new name will be inclu- rural areas. pendent source of oversight and infor- sive, nondivisive, and also speak to our It will help build out our Nation’s EV mation to ensure government employ- league’s geography. infrastructure and help Americans ees, from the interns to the President, I say we follow the lead of our chil- shift to the next generation of clean are following the law and properly ad- dren on this issue. If they can do it, so energy vehicles. It will assist transit ministering their duties. can we. As we seek to form that more agencies in expanding service areas and For our government to function and perfect Union and secure the blessings adopting zero-emission vehicles, and it be free of waste and corruption, to pro- of liberty for all, we cannot accept the gives States funding to help prepare for tect against fraud and impropriety, we presence in this Capitol Building of the impacts of climate change and ex- need inspectors general who are em- Confederate icons, including the bust treme weather. powered to act and who are protected of the author of the Dred Scott deci- This package also includes over $160 from arbitrary, capricious, or personal sion or those who fought to protect billion for drinking water and waste- attacks. But we saw, over the past 4 slavery and wage war against the water infrastructure. Right now in the years, that there were critical flaws in United States. Symbols of the Confed- United States, there are millions of the law that govern our inspector gen- eracy deserve to be in textbooks and Americans who don’t have access to eral programs. We saw that it was pos- museums, not venerated in the Capitol. clean drinking water or who aren’t sible for an administration to under- Finally, Mr. Speaker, this rule pro- connected to a wastewater network. mine the independence of the inspec- vides for the creation of a select com- There is no excuse for that. The water tors general through unprecedented mittee to investigate the January 6 at- provisions include much-needed fund- firings and denial of access to informa- tack on the United States Capitol ing to fully replace lead pipes through- tion. Building where we stand. I am, and I out the country and strengthen water A little over a year ago, the former think most of the public is, dis- standards so the EPA can better ad- President fired five Cabinet inspectors appointed that the Senate failed to join dress PFAS contamination. general over 6 weeks, with the an- in the establishment of a bipartisan These issues are vitally important to nouncements often coming on Friday commission to establish once and for my district and others in southeastern nights when the Nation’s attention was all the facts about what happened on Pennsylvania and across the country. I elsewhere. that day.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.017 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3253 We had a bipartisan bill. Chairman as usual, our infrastructure deficit will crats’ retread of last year’s Green New THOMPSON and Ranking Member KATKO continue to grow. Our roads and Deal. Only this time it is now disguised of Homeland Security, through good- bridges will continue to deteriorate, as infrastructure. Instead of working faith negotiations, were able to craft and our national economy will be less with Republicans to provide des- bipartisan legislation to create a com- vibrant and competitive as a result. perately needed infrastructure invest- mission to investigate the January 6 We need to pass the INVEST in ment, House Democrats doubled down insurrection. Our Republican col- America Act. Full stop. We also need on the same mandates, the same re- leagues got everything they wanted in to pass the IG Independence and Em- strictive policies, and the same social that bill, and yet, their leadership powerment Act, and we need to remove justice warrior priorities that failed to withdrew its support at the last mo- racist icons from the Capitol. These re- go anywhere last year. ment and couldn’t take yes for an an- pairs and reforms cannot wait, and so I This partisan package spends nearly swer. hope that Congress can find the polit- $548 billion on progressive priorities Since our colleagues refused to ap- ical will to expeditiously pass the bills and programs while actually restrict- prove a bipartisan commission, the considered under the rule today. ing new road and bridge construction. House must move ahead with an inves- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of That is right. It actually restricts new tigation of the January 6 events and a my time. construction of roads and bridges. select committee is our final avenue. Mr. RESCHENTHALER. Mr. Speak- When we talk about the money, like I We must investigate the causes and er, I thank the distinguished gentle- said, it is about $550 billion. That is an events that led to that attack. It is my woman from Pennsylvania for yielding 11 percent funding increase over last sincere hope that the committee can me the customary 30 minutes, and I year’s bill and a whopping 79 percent dive into the facts and produce a cohe- yield myself such time as I may con- increase over the bipartisan FAST Act, sive narrative around January 6 and sume. the last surface transportation reau- the events that preceded it and make Mr. Speaker, the rule before us today thorization bill that was passed by this recommendations that will prevent provides for consideration of four Chamber. such horrors from ever being repeated pieces of legislation: H.R. 2662, the in- Alarmingly, but not surprisingly, again. spector general reform bill; H.R. 3005, this bill is not paid for. So then where The January 6 attack on our Capitol which requires the removal of certain does the money come from? Well, the was a crime, a crime against our gov- Capitol statues; H.R. 3684, the Demo- answer is simple, deficit spending. Def- ernment and a crime against the men crats’ surface transportation reauthor- icit spending which further fuels infla- and women who serve here, whether it ization bill; and then H. Res. 503 which tion and increases the cost of things was elected officials, congressional establishes a select committee to in- like gas and food that all American staff, or law enforcement. Period. It vestigate January 6. families need. Simply put, every Amer- was an ugly, violent crime and crimes The first bill, H.R. 2662, reforms ap- ican will pay more for everything to need to be investigated. Thousands par- pointment requirements, authorities, meet the demands of the Democrat’s ticipated and over 800 illegally entered and oversight of Federal inspectors far-left radical base. the building. general. You would hope that with a price tag Roughly 500 so far have been crimi- Republicans agree that reforms are like this, with an impact on American nally charged by law enforcement. necessary. We agree it is necessary to families like this, that the bill would Some have pled guilty. But the fact- ensure that IGs have the tools they actually provide for massive invest- finding is not yet done. We need to need to conduct robust investigation ment to fix our Nation’s crumbling know how organized they were and and oversight. In fact, there are several roads and bridges. But you would be what their level of coordination was. provisions in this bill that we intro- Despite the claims of some in this duced with Republicans as coleads. wrong. H.R. 3684, puts climate and the Chamber, we now know that many of But unfortunately, Mr. Speaker, Green New Deal above real infrastruc- these rioters were armed, which means rather than working toward a bipar- ture needs. In fact, up to $1 out of that every single one of us and all of tisan solution, the majority once again every $2 spent in this bill is tied up in our staffs were in very real danger. chooses a partisan approach and re- Green New Deal mandates. This bill Some of the rioters came to abduct the jected good-faith efforts from Repub- puts up roadblocks for transportation Vice President and the Speaker of the licans to craft a proposal that both and also puts up roadblocks for trans- House and put them on trial. Some sides agreed on. The bill before us porting clean-burning, affordable planned to take this building over and today includes problematic language LNG—obviously, liquefied natural hold it until January 20 in an attempt limiting a President’s authority to re- gas—which is another blow to blue-col- to stave off President Biden’s inau- move an IG even when that IG has lar workers already devastated by Joe guration. Some just wanted to destroy committed dereliction of duty of an Biden’s war on American energy and things, and they did. important act. his war on blue-collar workers. That, too, the intention of the riot- Further, H.R. 2662 requires the Presi- In focusing on this radical far-left ers, needs to be probed. Some think dent to name the first assistant as act- priority, the majority has failed to in- incited this riot; some ing IG without any exceptions, even clude the regulatory reforms necessary think he did not. New and wild claims when that assistant may be implicated to address money-wasting permitting have surfaced about who instigated the in the very same misconduct that led delays that currently plague critical violence. Let’s investigate that, too. to the removal of the previous IG. infrastructure projects. Think about it. Let’s investigate everything connected Lastly, the bill grants the authority Right now, it takes 6 years on average to this horrible event honestly, un- to issue subpoenas for former Federal just to break ground on major public flinchingly, objectively, and without officials without providing the nec- projects; 6 years. An average of 20 to 30 passion or prejudice, but let us not essary protections to prevent abuses of percent of infrastructure project costs leave this crime unexamined. this authority. are lost to red tape. These costs are If we are to come together as a Na- Mr. Speaker, without these problem- real money. This means that about $164 tion to unite behind our shared con- atic provisions, the IG reform bill billion in this bill would actually just stitutional values, to ensure domestic could come to the floor with broad, bi- be wasted on red tape and project tranquility and secure the blessings of partisan support. It is just an absolute delays. democracy and liberty, we must do so shame though, I must say, it is not sur- But that is not even the most egre- from a shared understanding of reality. prising that my colleagues across the gious example of wasteful spending in Mr. Speaker, I hope that every mem- aisle once again threw away an oppor- this legislation. This bill lifts a bipar- ber of this Chamber can find it in tunity for bipartisanship simply to tisan ban and allows the Federal Tran- themselves to vote for this rule when it score cheap political points with their sit Administration to spend money on is considered on the floor. Our country radical liberal base. art. That is right. According to liberals cannot afford to wait longer on infra- In keeping with that theme, the rule across the aisle, art is now infrastruc- structure. If we continue with business makes in order H.R. 3684, the Demo- ture. America’s taxpayer dollars are

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.019 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3254 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 hard at work in—clearly, newspeak lib- mine critical minerals. You also can’t around the border cannot let their chil- eral, or really newspeak on display— make windmills without steel, and you dren play outside for fear of cartel gun- calling art infrastructure. can’t make steel without mining coal. men. In the past, people along the bor- Finally, the bill favors big urban So that is just something to keep in der, on the American side, in my dis- areas to the detriment of smaller rural mind. trict, have been held at gunpoint. They communities like the ones I represent Mr. Speaker, last month, CBP en- have had vehicles stolen. Some have in southwestern Pennsylvania. H.R. countered more than 180,000 illegal im- even been kidnapped. 3684 prioritizes funding for urban trans- migrants at our southern border. That The first duty of our Nation is to de- portation modes like transit and rail is a new 21-year high. Think about it. fend its border and its people. Presi- over roads and bridges that everyday Last month, in 1 month, almost 200,000 dent Biden has been derelict in this Americans use. In fact, more money is illegal immigrants were at our south- duty, whether it be from the pandemic given to electric vehicle charging sta- ern border. that continues or the violent criminals tions than to the entire Rebuild Rural Many of these illegal immigrants are that cross our border in the dark of grant program. traveling from and through high-risk night. I would also be remiss if I failed to South and Central American countries Sheriffs are reaching out to me. Just point out that those very same electric where COVID–19 infection rates are like the Border Patrol, they, too, are vehicles cannot be built without crit- skyrocketing. South America, in par- overwhelmed. They are seizing record ical minerals from China. China is, of ticular, has become a major COVID–19 amounts of drugs, guns, smuggled peo- course, the world’s number one pol- hot spot with death rates eight times ple, and untold numbers of other illicit luter. So where are the climate prior- above the global average. materials are getting past them, all be- ities? Where are the environmental pri- And yet, the Biden administration is cause President Biden has put politics orities that my colleagues on the lib- considering ending Title 42, the public over the American people. eral side of the aisle claim they care health authority that allows Customs President Obama’s Secretary of about? and Border Patrol to quickly turn back Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, stat- At the end of the day, the Democrats migrants due to the dangers posed by ed that 1,000 migrants a day was a cri- are prioritizing their fantasy of the highly contagious diseases. CBP heav- sis. Just in May, U.S. Customs and Bor- Green New Deal over traditional con- ily relies on Title 42 authority to expel der Protection encountered 180,034 ille- cepts of actual infrastructure. My col- adults and family units that illegally gal immigrants along the southwest leagues across the aisle, the Liberal cross the border. In May of 2021, CBP border, a 20-year monthly high. That Party, have chosen to bow down to the expelled more than 100,000 individuals amounts to 5,807 illegal immigrants per woke mob that they are terrified of. under Title 42. day in May. This is a crisis nearly six They have chosen to prioritize woke times greater than the threshold estab- liberal yuppies over rural America and b 1300 lished by President Obama’s Secretary blue-collar workers that actually work Mr. Speaker, thanks to the draconian of Homeland Security. for a living. shutdown measures from far-left Gov- Title 42 is the only major Trump-era Mr. Speaker, for this reason, I urge ernors, including Pennsylvania’s Tom border policy left in place under the my colleagues to oppose this rule, and Wolf, many States are still recovering administration. It allows the Border I reserve the balance of my time. from the COVID–19 pandemic. Ending Ms. SCANLON. Mr. Speaker, I yield Patrol to quickly expel illegal immi- Title 42 puts that fragile recovery at myself such time as I may consume. grants, sending them back across the Mr. Speaker, this bill is really risk, especially at a time when power- border, instead of placing them in con- straightforward. It increases money for ful variants continue to pop up across gregate facilities where outbreaks of surface transportation. It focuses on the globe. COVID–19 and other variants are all That is why, if we defeat the previous hard infrastructure. We need to fix the but guaranteed. question, I will personally offer an basics and then we can improve and ex- Ending Title 42 would turn what is amendment to the rule to immediately pand them. This bill does include already a crisis into an unmitigated, consider my good friend’s, Congress- money specifically directed to our uncontrollable, and undeniable catas- woman , PAUSE Act. rural areas, and the crack about urban trophe. The PAUSE Act would provide for yuppies is kind of crazy. The pandemic continues to rage in We know that in Pennsylvania, stringent enforcement of Title 42, and Latin America. And Guatemala and which both the gentleman and I rep- would prohibit HHS and DHS from Brazil are both currently around 90 resent, we know that we have busi- weakening Title 42’s implementation. percent of their peak weekly infection nesses in western Pennsylvania that Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- rates. And in the past months, CBP has are losing money because of the state sent to insert the text of my amend- encountered more than 170,000 mi- of our roadways. If you build a turbine ment in the RECORD, along with any ex- grants from those two countries alone. in western Pennsylvania, in order to traneous material, immediately prior Ending Title 42 now, while fewer than get it to the port in eastern Pennsyl- to the vote on the previous question. half of the American citizens are fully vania right now, those companies have The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there vaccinated, sends the message that all to take an 800-mile detour because our objection to the request of the gen- illegal immigration is more important roadways cannot support that turbine. tleman from Pennsylvania? than protecting Americans. So it is impacting their businesses. There was no objection. Despite the fact that Biden wants to It is increasing energy costs. It is Mr. RESCHENTHALER. Mr. Speak- let a flood of illegal immigrants into wasting time. But these kinds of things er, here to explain the amendment is our country, he clearly believes a pub- affect businesses across our entire the bill’s author, my good friend, Con- lic health emergency still exists. Presi- Commonwealth and across our entire gresswoman HERRELL. I yield 5 minutes dent Biden has placed several COVID– country. So these are much-needed, to the gentlewoman from New Mexico 19 travel bans on dozens of countries. overdue by decades, bipartisan neglect. (Ms. HERRELL). And these bans remain in place, indi- This bill addresses some of those Ms. HERRELL. Mr. Speaker, if the cating he thinks the public health issues. previous question is defeated, we will emergency is ongoing. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of amend the rule to immediately con- Speaker PELOSI has extended proxy my time. sider my bill, H.R. 471, the PAUSE Act, voting in the House, stating there is an Mr. RESCHENTHALER. Mr. Speak- which will preserve and protect Title 42 ongoing public health emergency due er, I yield myself such time as I may health restrictions at the border. to COVID. consume. The border is in flames, and this cri- Mr. Speaker, if Vice President HAR- Mr. Speaker, I would like to remind sis is cruel, it is costly, and it is cow- RIS had taken the time to listen to my my colleagues across the aisle of some ardice. constituents last week, instead of just important facts. Biden’s border crisis is harming my talking to immigration activists at the For one, you can’t make solar panels constituents and all Americans. The El Paso airport, this administration without mining, because you have to ranchers and the people who live in and would learn the effects of their failed

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.020 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3255 policies on our border communities. state of our border. That a political ters we were able to expel under Title That is why I invited her twice to visit party would say that having cartels 42. my district. having operational control of our bor- Compared to the Biden administra- If she had cared to respond, she could der, to the detriment of the well-being tion, since relaxing Title 42—not yet have heard from the farmers, ranchers, of the United States and its citizens; or eliminating it, although that is alleg- community leaders, and residents of the migrants who seek to come here, edly coming—relaxing it, only 64 per- our border communities. She could getting put into the human and sex cent of encounters were enforced be- have heard how the crisis is different trafficking trade, that somehow that tween February to April of 2021, leav- between the gaps in the border wall should be seen as a compassionate posi- ing 289,000 expulsions under Title 42. than it is in major cities like El Paso. tion by my colleagues on the other So what will happen when that addi- And she could have heard from the five side. tional 60 percent of people are taken county sheriffs in my district who But I will tell you that it is a policy in? wrote to me in support of keeping Title that is in the false name of compas- Border Patrol can’t do their job, 42 in place. sion. y’all. They can’t. Border Patrol is over- This crisis is a double threat and I note that Vice President HARRIS fi- run. places the security of our Nation and nally found her way to the border, al- Our border is wide open between the the safety of the American people at though it was in a pit stop on her way ports of entry because the Border Pa- risk. to Los Angeles, taking 4 hours to stop trol is processing people at processing At minimum, however, we need to in El Paso for a photo-op to go say hi centers in McAllen. The Vice President keep the last administration’s appro- to some Border Patrol en route to Los would know that if she hadn’t missed the mark by 750 miles, landing her priate use of Title 42 in place. That is Angeles. plane in El Paso instead of McAllen. what we could do today, if the previous That is not the kind of visit that we Tomorrow, 30 to 40 of my colleagues question is defeated. have been talking about that is re- on this side of the aisle—to the best of We must preserve Title 42 border re- quired of the President of the United my knowledge, zero, unfortunately, on strictions until all local, State, and States or his appointee, the Vice Presi- the other side of the aisle—are going to Federal Government restrictions end; dent, who is supposedly in charge of se- the border to meet with Governor Ab- until all State and Federal public curing the border of the United States. bott and former President Trump to And I would note that this is real. health emergencies end; and Centers talk about what is happening in That for those of us who go and spend for Disease Control and Prevention— McAllen, where the actual crisis exists. CDC—COVID–19 travel risk levels for time on the border and talk to ranch- My friend from Pennsylvania rightly Canada and Mexico have been reduced ers getting overrun; talk to people get- noted that COVID still remains a to Level 1. ting harmed, getting broken into; high- major public health issue at the border, Mr. Speaker, I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on speed chases in communities in south a risk for Americans and migrants. the previous question. Please don’t Texas; the massive amounts of opioids Latin America and the Caribbean have make the American people pay for the flowing into Texas and throughout the the world’s highest death toll from mistakes made at our border because of rest of our country; the number of mi- COVID in proportion to its population, the failed policies of this administra- grants being abused in the human and with 33 million reported infections and tion. sex trafficking trade, it is very real. 1 million reported deaths. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- To the little girls who I have spoken Brazil leads the region. It leads the bers are reminded to refrain from en- to on the border and visited with, com- world in the daily average number of gaging in personalities toward the ing across the river at midnight, 1:00, new infections reported. Colombia is President. 2:00 in the morning, and the dangers reporting the highest rate of infections Ms. SCANLON. Mr. Speaker, does the that they have been put into, I would in South America. Guatemala is at gentleman from Pennsylvania have fur- ask my Democratic colleagues: Why peak. Honduras is at 86 percent of ther speakers? don’t they care? peak. Mr. RESCHENTHALER. Yes, I do. Why don’t my Democratic colleagues Border Patrol had 9,000 CBP employ- Ms. SCANLON. Mr. Speaker, I re- care about these migrants being abused ees test positive, and 32 CBP employees serve the balance of my time. and exploited by cartels? have died. As of March, 7.4 percent of Mr. RESCHENTHALER. Mr. Speak- Today, right now, as we speak, a tests given to UACs in the past year er, just another fact of life now. We child is on an interstate in Texas, turned out to be positive, and multiple cannot make an electronic vehicle heading to be put into child pornog- facilities have had positivity rates of 10 without critical minerals. Unfortu- raphy and into the sex trafficking percent or higher. That is the reality of nately, due to the red tape that is put trade. As we speak in the people’s what is going on at the border. upon the mining industry by liberals House, it is happening, literally, at this Yet Title 42, the health code provi- across the aisle, we are now dependent moment. sions that allow us to secure the border on China for roughly 80 percent of our Some amount of opioids is going into during a pandemic, during the spread critical minerals. Simply put, we now I–10, flowing over through Houston, of communicable diseases, is about to cannot make an electric car without throughout the rest of the southeast to be jettisoned by the Biden administra- China. be distributed throughout our country, tion, endangering the American people Here to talk about another predica- heading west on I–10 to go out to the and endangering our Border Patrol. ment that liberals across the aisle put West Coast. We need to enforce the full Title 42 us in is my good friend from Texas. Why did Governor DeSantis send re- authority, and it is imperative for bor- Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 minutes to the sources to Texas? der and public health security. That is gentleman from Texas (Mr. ROY). Because his State is getting overrun why we should defeat the previous Mr. ROY. Mr. Speaker, I thank my by opioid abuse that is coming through question. We will amend the rule to im- friend from Pennsylvania, and I thank the southwest border. mediate consideration of my friend the gentlewoman from New Mexico for We have a massively wide open bor- from New Mexico’s bill, H.R. 471, as articulating so well the state of our der that is being exploited, and the re- amended, that will preserve existing southern border, which is the direct re- ality of the situation is it is my Demo- border health protection measures in- sult and the consequence of the rote in- cratic colleagues who refuse to enforce tended to safeguard the citizens of our competence of the current administra- the law. It is that simple. country. tion and my Democratic colleagues on Think, from October to December of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the other side of the aisle. That is the 2020, in the previous administration, time of the gentleman has expired. best I can put it. there were 185,000 expulsions made Mr. RESCHENTHALER. Mr. Speak- Or, frankly, it is the purposeful use under Title 42, which the gentlewoman er, I yield such time as he may con- of the border for political purposes. Be- from New Mexico just discussed. That sume to the gentleman from Texas. cause there is nothing else that can ex- was 85 percent of all encounters. Think Mr. ROY. Mr. Speaker, if my Demo- plain what is actually happening at the about that: 85 percent of the encoun- crat colleagues vote for the previous

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.022 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3256 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 question, which I expect that they will Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Mr. RESCHENTHALER. Mr. Speak- do, they are choosing to pursue a rad- vote ‘‘no’’ on the previous question and er, on that I demand the yeas and nays. ical leftist environmental agenda that ‘‘no’’ on the rule, and I yield back the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- will harm Americans, that will harm balance of my time. ant to section 3(s) of House Resolution Americans, rather than secure our bor- Ms. SCANLON. Mr. Speaker, I yield 8, the yeas and nays are ordered. der, which we are presenting as an op- myself the balance of my time. The vote was taken by electronic de- tion, for us to do our job in the people’s Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank vice, and there were—yeas 214, nays House, to actually do our duty as the my colleagues on both sides of the aisle 195, not voting 21, as follows: for the lively debate today. I under- people’s House to secure the border of a [Roll No. 189] stand that there are some who have sovereign nation to the benefit of our YEAS—214 people, of the State of Texas, our en- concerns with the rule and its under- lying legislation, but these bills are vi- Adams Gonzalez, Omar tire Nation as a whole, and the mi- Aguilar Vicente Pallone grants who seek to come here. tally important to our country, and I Allred Gottheimer Panetta That is the choice right now, ladies am confident they would greatly ben- Auchincloss Green, Al (TX) Pappas Axne Grijalva Pascrell and gentlemen. It is a choice for this efit all of us. We should be able to support robust Barraga´ n Harder (CA) Payne body. Choose to secure the border of Bass Hayes Perlmutter infrastructure spending that meets our Beatty Higgins (NY) Peters the United States and make our coun- Nation’s current needs. We should all try stronger, or secure a political agen- Bera Himes Phillips support a vigorous corps of inspectors Beyer Horsford Pingree da which has no hope of uniting this general who can weed out fraud, waste, Blumenauer Houlahan Pocan country and benefiting the American and corruption in the Federal Govern- Blunt Rochester Hoyer Porter people. Bonamici Huffman Pressley ment. We should all support removing Bourdeaux Jackson Lee Price (NC) The small businesses that the gentle- symbols of hate from the Capitol. Bowman Jacobs (CA) Quigley woman from Pennsylvania was talking These should be easy bills for us all to Boyle, Brendan Jayapal Raskin about, let’s talk about the small busi- get behind. F. Jeffries Rice (NY) nesses that got crushed under COVID, Brownley Johnson (TX) Ross Lastly, I strongly support the cre- Bush Jones Roybal-Allard crushed by the policies of this body and ation of a select committee to inves- Bustos Kahele Ruiz others, that were shutting businesses tigate the January 6 insurrection and Butterfield Kaptur Ruppersberger down to the tune of 100,000 businesses, Carbajal Keating Rush debunk the absurd theories and false- Ca´ rdenas Kelly (IL) Ryan forcing them to close. hoods that have infected our collective Carson Khanna Sa´ nchez Let’s talk about the impact of our understanding of that day. While some Carter (LA) Kildee Sarbanes kids and schools and the masks being of our colleagues may continue their Cartwright Kilmer Scanlon worn, and the mental health issues, Case Kim (NJ) Schakowsky denial, those of us in this Chamber who Casten Kind Schiff and the cancer screenings that didn’t are committed to transparency and ac- Castor (FL) Kirkpatrick Schneider occur because we had locked down and countability and the well-being of the Castro (TX) Krishnamoorthi Schrader shut down our economy. Nation can no longer afford to be held Chu Kuster Schrier Cicilline Lamb Scott (VA) And, right now, let’s talk about the back by the sensitivities of those who Clark (MA) Langevin Scott, David damage being done to this country be- put their fealty to the former Presi- Clarke (NY) Larsen (WA) Sewell cause of wide open borders with em- dent over their duty or obligation to Cleaver Larson (CT) Sherman powered cartels. the country. Clyburn Lawrence Sherrill Cohen Lawson (FL) Sires We should, right now, defeat the pre- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Connolly Lee (CA) Slotkin vious question so that we can amend it vote for the rule and the previous ques- Correa Lee (NV) Smith (WA) to do the work of the American people. tion. Costa Leger Fernandez Soto The material previously referred to Courtney Levin (CA) Spanberger Ms. SCANLON. Mr. Speaker, does the Craig Levin (MI) Speier by Mr. RESCHENTHALER is as follows: gentleman have additional speakers? Crist Lieu Stansbury Mr. RESCHENTHALER. Mr. Speak- AMENDMENT TO HOUSE RESOLUTION 504 Crow Lofgren Stanton er, I am prepared to close. At the end of the resolution, add the fol- Cuellar Lowenthal Stevens Davids (KS) Luria Strickland Ms. SCANLON. Mr. Speaker, I think lowing: Davis, Danny K. Lynch Suozzi I have one more speaker. SEC. 9 Immediately upon adoption of this Dean Malinowski Swalwell I am finding the argument a little bit resolution, the House shall proceed to the DeFazio Maloney, Takano consideration in the House of the bill (H.R. DeGette Carolyn B. Thompson (CA) hard to follow for my colleagues across 471) to prohibit the Secretary of Health and DeLauro Maloney, Sean Thompson (MS) the aisle because, as I understand it, it Human Services from lessening the strin- DelBene Manning Titus was a bad thing to shut down busi- gency of, and to prohibit the Secretary of Delgado Matsui Tlaib nesses in the U.S. to protect people Homeland Security from ceasing or lessening Demings McBath Tonko implementation of, the COVID–19 border DeSaulnier McCollum Torres (CA) when there was a virus rampant here. Deutch McEachin Torres (NY) But we have to shut down the border health provisions through the end of the Dingell McGovern Trahan because there is a virus rampant here. COVID–19 pandemic, and for other purposes. Doggett McNerney Trone All points of order against consideration of Doyle, Michael Meeks Underwood It is just a little hard to follow the the bill are waived. The bill shall be consid- F. Meng Vargas logic sometimes. ered as read. All points of order against pro- Escobar Moore (WI) Veasey If the gentleman is prepared to close, visions in the bill are waived. The previous Eshoo Morelle Vela then I reserve the balance of my time. question shall be considered as ordered on Espaillat Moulton Vela´ zquez the bill and on any amendment thereto to Evans Mrvan Wasserman b 1315 Fletcher Murphy (FL) Schultz final passage without intervening motion ex- Foster Nadler Waters Mr. RESCHENTHALER. Mr. Speak- cept: (1) one hour of debate equally divided Frankel, Lois Napolitano Watson Coleman er, I am prepared to close, and I yield and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- Gallego Neal Welch myself the balance of my time. nority member of the Committee on Energy Garamendi Neguse Wexton Garcı´a (IL) Newman Wild Mr. Speaker, once again, this Cham- and Commerce; and (2) one motion to recom- mit. Garcia (TX) Norcross Williams (GA) ber is considering legislation that SEC. 10. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not Golden O’Halleran Wilson (FL) could easily have passed with bipar- apply to the consideration of H.R. 471. Gomez Ocasio-Cortez Yarmuth tisan support. If Democrats would stop Ms. SCANLON. Mr. Speaker, I yield NAYS—195 appeasing their radical, progressive back balance of my time, and I move Aderholt Bergman Burchett base and they would stop worrying the previous question on the resolu- Allen Bice (OK) Burgess about what whiny, spoiled millennials Amodei Biggs Calvert tion. Armstrong Bilirakis Cammack are saying on , if they decided The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Arrington Bishop (NC) Carl they would finally try to approach question is on ordering the previous Babin Bost Carter (TX) their work here in some kind of bipar- question. Bacon Brooks Cawthorn tisan manner, then we could work for The question was taken; and the Baird Buchanan Chabot Balderson Buck Cheney real solutions for real Americans that Speaker pro tempore announced that Barr Bucshon Cline would help the country. the ayes appeared to have it. Bentz Budd Clyde

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.024 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3257 Cole Jackson Perry The SPEAKER pro tempore. The NAYS—197 Comer Jacobs (NY) Pfluger Allen Gonzalez (OH) Mooney Crawford Johnson (LA) Posey question is on adoption of the resolu- Amodei Gooden (TX) Moore (UT) Crenshaw Johnson (OH) Reed tion. Armstrong Curtis Johnson (SD) Gosar Mullin Reschenthaler Arrington Davidson Jordan The question was taken; and the Granger Murphy (NC) Rice (SC) Babin Davis, Rodney Joyce (OH) Graves (LA) Nehls Rodgers (WA) Speaker pro tempore announced that Bacon DesJarlais Joyce (PA) Graves (MO) Newhouse Rogers (AL) the ayes appeared to have it. Baird Diaz-Balart Katko Green (TN) Nunes Rogers (KY) Balderson Donalds Keller Greene (GA) Obernolte Rosendale Mr. RESCHENTHALER. Mr. Speak- Barr Duncan Kelly (MS) Griffith Owens Rouzer Bentz Dunn Kelly (PA) er, on that I demand the yeas and nays. Grothman Palazzo Roy Bergman Emmer Kim (CA) Guthrie Palmer Rutherford The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Bice (OK) Estes Kinzinger Hagedorn Pence Salazar Biggs Fallon Kustoff ant to section 3(s) of House Resolution Harris Perry Bilirakis Feenstra LaHood Schweikert 8, the yeas and nays are ordered. Harshbarger Pfluger Bishop (NC) Ferguson LaMalfa Scott, Austin Hern Posey Boebert Fischbach Lamborn Sessions The vote was taken by electronic de- Herrell Reed Bost Fitzgerald Latta Simpson Herrera Beutler Reschenthaler vice, and there were—yeas 218, nays Brady Fitzpatrick LaTurner Smith (MO) Hill Rice (SC) 197, not voting 15, as follows: Brooks Fleischmann Lesko Smith (NE) Hinson Rodgers (WA) Buchanan Fortenberry Letlow Smith (NJ) Hollingsworth Rogers (AL) [Roll No. 190] Buck Foxx Long Smucker Hudson Rogers (KY) Bucshon Franklin, C. Loudermilk Spartz Huizenga Rosendale YEAS—218 Budd Scott Lucas Stauber Issa Rouzer Burchett Jackson Roy Gaetz Luetkemeyer Steel Adams Gonzalez, Omar Burgess Jacobs (NY) Rutherford Gallagher Mace Stefanik Aguilar Vicente Pallone Calvert Johnson (LA) Salazar Garbarino Malliotakis Steil Allred Gottheimer Panetta Cammack Garcia (CA) Mann Auchincloss Green, Al (TX) Pappas Johnson (OH) Scalise Steube Carl Gibbs Massie Axne Grijalva Pascrell Johnson (SD) Schweikert Stewart Carter (TX) Gimenez Mast Barraga´ n Harder (CA) Payne Jordan Scott, Austin Taylor Cawthorn Gonzales, Tony McCarthy Bass Hayes Perlmutter Joyce (OH) Sessions Tenney Chabot Gonzalez (OH) McCaul Beatty Higgins (NY) Peters Joyce (PA) Simpson Thompson (PA) Cheney Gooden (TX) McClain Bera Himes Phillips Katko Smith (MO) Tiffany Cline Gosar McClintock Beyer Horsford Pingree Keller Smith (NE) Timmons Clyde Kelly (MS) Granger McHenry Bishop (GA) Houlahan Pocan Smith (NJ) Turner Cole Kelly (PA) Smucker Graves (LA) McKinley Blumenauer Hoyer Porter Upton Comer Kim (CA) Spartz Graves (MO) Meijer Blunt Rochester Huffman Pressley Valadao Crawford Kinzinger Stauber Green (TN) Meuser Bonamici Jackson Lee Price (NC) Van Drew Crenshaw Kustoff Steel Greene (GA) Miller (IL) Bourdeaux Jacobs (CA) Quigley Curtis Griffith Miller (WV) Van Duyne Bowman Jayapal LaHood Stefanik Raskin Davidson Grothman Miller-Meeks Wagner Boyle, Brendan Jeffries LaMalfa Steil Rice (NY) Davis, Rodney Guthrie Moolenaar Walberg F. Johnson (GA) Lamborn Steube Ross DesJarlais Hagedorn Mooney Walorski Brown Johnson (TX) Latta Stewart Roybal-Allard Diaz-Balart Harris Moore (UT) Waltz Brownley Jones LaTurner Taylor Ruiz Donalds Harshbarger Mullin Weber (TX) Bush Kahele Lesko Tenney Ruppersberger Duncan Hern Murphy (NC) Webster (FL) Bustos Kaptur Letlow Thompson (PA) Rush Dunn Herrell Nehls Wenstrup Butterfield Keating Long Tiffany Ryan Emmer Herrera Beutler Newhouse Westerman Carbajal Kelly (IL) Loudermilk Timmons Sa´ nchez Estes Hill Nunes Williams (TX) Ca´ rdenas Khanna Lucas Turner Sarbanes Fallon Hinson Obernolte Wilson (SC) Carson Kildee Luetkemeyer Upton Scanlon Feenstra Hollingsworth Owens Wittman Carter (LA) Kilmer Mace Valadao Schakowsky Ferguson Hudson Palazzo Womack Cartwright Kim (NJ) Malliotakis Van Drew Schiff Fischbach Huizenga Palmer Young Case Kind Mann Van Duyne Schneider Fitzgerald Massie Issa Pence Zeldin Casten Kirkpatrick Wagner Castor (FL) Krishnamoorthi Schrader Fitzpatrick Mast Walberg NOT VOTING—21 Castro (TX) Kuster Schrier Fleischmann McCarthy Walorski Scott (VA) Fortenberry McCaul Waltz Banks Cooper Higgins (LA) Chu Lamb Scott, David Foxx McClain Weber (TX) Bishop (GA) Fulcher Johnson (GA) Cicilline Langevin Sewell Franklin, C. McClintock Webster (FL) Boebert Gohmert Mfume Clark (MA) Larsen (WA) Sherman Scott McHenry Wenstrup Brady Good (VA) Moore (AL) Clarke (NY) Larson (CT) Gaetz McKinley Westerman Brown Guest Norman Cleaver Lawrence Sherrill Gallagher Meijer Williams (TX) Carter (GA) Hartzler Rose Clyburn Lawson (FL) Sires Garbarino Meuser Wilson (SC) Cloud Hice (GA) Scalise Cohen Lee (CA) Slotkin Connolly Lee (NV) Smith (WA) Garcia (CA) Miller (IL) Wittman Correa Leger Fernandez Soto Gibbs Miller (WV) Womack b 1346 Costa Levin (CA) Spanberger Gimenez Miller-Meeks Young Courtney Levin (MI) Speier Gonzales, Tony Moolenaar Zeldin Mrs. STEEL changed her vote from Craig Lieu Stansbury NOT VOTING—15 ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Crist Lofgren Stanton So the previous question was ordered. Crow Lowenthal Stevens Aderholt Fulcher Hice (GA) Cuellar Luria Banks Gohmert Higgins (LA) The result of the vote was announced Strickland Davids (KS) Lynch Suozzi Carter (GA) Good (VA) Moore (AL) as above recorded. Davis, Danny K. Malinowski Swalwell Cloud Guest Norman Dean Maloney, Cooper Hartzler Rose MEMBERS RECORDED PURSUANT TO HOUSE Takano DeFazio Carolyn B. Thompson (CA) RESOLUTION 8, 117TH CONGRESS DeGette Maloney, Sean Thompson (MS) b 1409 Babin (Nehls) Horsford Napolitano DeLauro Manning Titus Bourdeaux (Jeffries) (Correa) DelBene Matsui Ms. CHU changed her vote from Tlaib (Kuster) Hoyer (Trone) Owens (Curtis) Delgado McBath ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ Tonko Ca´ rdenas Jackson Lee Payne (Pallone) Demings McCollum Torres (CA) So the resolution was agreed to. (Gomez) (Butterfield) Rice (NY) DeSaulnier McEachin Carl (Joyce (PA)) Jacobs (NY) (Peters) Deutch McGovern Torres (NY) The result of the vote was announced Cawthorn (Nehls) (Garbarino) Ruiz (Aguilar) Dingell McNerney Trahan as above recorded. Clark (MA) Johnson (TX) Rush Doggett Meeks Trone A motion to reconsider was laid on Underwood (Kuster) (Jeffries) (Underwood) Doyle, Michael Meng the table. Cohen (Beyer) Kind (Connolly) Sewell (DelBene) F. Mfume Vargas DesJarlais Kirkpatrick Steube Escobar Moore (WI) Veasey MEMBERS RECORDED PURSUANT TO HOUSE (Fleischmann) (Stanton) (Franklin, C. Eshoo Morelle Vela RESOLUTION 8, 117TH CONGRESS Vela´ zquez Fallon (Nehls) Lawson (FL) Scott) Espaillat Moulton Babin (Nehls) Cohen (Beyer) Gonzalez, Gallego (Gomez) (Evans) Strickland Evans Mrvan Wasserman Boebert (Gosar) DesJarlais Vicente Garcı´a (IL) Leger Fernandez (DelBene) Fletcher Murphy (FL) Schultz Waters Bourdeaux (Fleischmann) (Carbajal) (Gomez) (Jacobs (CA)) Timmons Foster Nadler (Kuster) Grijalva Watson Coleman Fallon (Nehls) Garcia (TX) Lieu (Beyer) (Wilson (SC)) Frankel, Lois Napolitano Ca´ rdenas (Stanton) Welch Gallego (Gomez) (Jeffries) Lowenthal Torres (NY) Gallego Neal (Gomez) Horsford Wexton Garcı´a (IL) Gonzalez, (Beyer) (Jeffries) Garamendi Neguse Carl (Joyce (PA)) (Jeffries) ´ Wild (Gomez) Vicente McClain Wilson (FL) Garcıa (IL) Newman Cawthorn (Nehls) Hoyer (Trone) Williams (GA) Garcia (TX) (Carbajal) (Bergman) (Hayes) Garcia (TX) Norcross Clark (MA) Jackson Lee Wilson (FL) (Jeffries) Grijalva Meng (Jeffries) Young (Joyce Golden O’Halleran (Kuster) (Butterfield) (Stanton) Mullin (Lucas) (OH)) Gomez Ocasio-Cortez Yarmuth

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:30 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.004 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3258 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 Jacobs (NY) McClain Sewell (DelBene) sible to learners with disabilities or those view of existing data on funding and pro- (Garbarino) (Bergman) Steube with complex learning needs, especially in grammatic focus disaggregated by gender, Johnson (TX) Meng (Jeffries) (Franklin, C. poorer and rural households. country, education level, and disability. (Jeffries) Mfume (Evans) Scott) Kind (Connolly) Mullin (Lucas) Strickland (10) Before the COVID–19 pandemic, refugee (5) An identification and description of any Kirkpatrick Napolitano (DelBene) children were twice as likely to be out of gaps in, or barriers to, reaching and edu- (Stanton) (Correa) Timmons school as other youth, and school closures cating marginalized populations, such as Lawson (FL) Owens (Curtis) (Wilson (SC)) and a lack of access to distance learning girls, children with disabilities, displaced (Evans) Payne (Pallone) Torres (NY) tools threaten to make the education gap children, or other children adversely affected Leger Fernandez Rice (NY) (Jeffries) among refugee children even more severe. by the COVID–19 pandemic with distance (Jacobs (CA)) (Peters) Wilson (FL) (11) The economic downturn caused by the learning interventions. Lieu (Beyer) Ruiz (Aguilar) (Hayes) Lowenthal Rush Young (Joyce COVID–19 pandemic could lead to an edu- (6) A description of the United States (Beyer) (Underwood) (OH)) cation financing gap of $77,000,000,000 in low- Agency for International Development’s plan and middle-income countries over the next 2 and needed authorities and resources to pre- f years. vent degradation of such basic education MOTION TO SUSPEND THE RULES (12) The economic cost of school closures programs and to support, as necessary and AND PASS CERTAIN BILLS AND could be up to $1,337 per student, which on a appropriate, continued distance learning AGREE TO RESOLUTIONS global scale equates to approximately interventions, safe school reopenings, assess- $10,000,000,000,000 in lost economic output ments of student learning levels, remedial Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, over the coming generation. and accelerated learning, re-enrollment cam- pursuant to section 8 of House Resolu- SEC. 3. STATEMENT OF POLICY. paigns for out-of-school children and youth, tion 504, I move to suspend the rules It is the policy of the United States that and education system strengthening and re- and pass the bills: H.R. 1500, H.R. 2471, United States-funded basic education pro- silience-building efforts. H.R. 3261, H.R. 3283, and H.R. 3385, and grams operating in low- and middle-income (7) An analysis of the coordination between agree to H. Res. 186 and H. Res. 402. countries should seek to— the United States Agency for International Development and other actors in global basic The Clerk read the title of the bills (1) provide inclusive learning opportunities for students and teachers, especially for the education policy and programming to pro- and the resolutions. most marginalized, including girls, children vide education during the COVID–19 pan- The text of the bills and the resolu- with disabilities, and previously out of demic, including partner organizations, faith tions are as follows: school children; based-organizations, donors, and multilat- GLOBAL LEARNING LOSS ASSESSMENT ACT OF (2) build local capacity and help countries eral organizations. 2021 strengthen their education systems, includ- (8) A description of opportunities to part- ner and support efforts to expand access to H.R. 1500 ing opportunities for early childhood devel- opment; digital infrastructure, internet connectivity, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- (3) improve the availability, delivery, and and learning resources in areas that lack ac- resentatives of the United States of America in quality of education services from early cess to digital and remote learning infra- Congress assembled, childhood through secondary education; structure and resources, including rural and SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (4) improve equity and safety in education remote communities. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Global services; and (c) PUBLIC AVAILABILITY.—The report re- Learning Loss Assessment Act of 2021’’. (5) support the return of children to school quired by subsection (a) shall be made avail- SEC. 2. FINDINGS. who have experienced interruptions in their able to the public. (d) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- Congress finds the following: education due to the COVID–19 pandemic and TEES DEFINED.—In this section, the term (1) Before the Coronavirus Disease 2019 work to enroll previously out-of-school chil- ‘‘appropriate congressional committees’’ (commonly referred to as ‘‘COVID–19’’) pan- dren and youth, particularly the most means— demic began, 258,000,000 children were out of marginalized. (1) the Committee on Foreign Affairs and school globally, including 130,000,000 girls. SEC. 4. REPORT. the Committee on Appropriations of the (2) Students already at a disadvantage be- (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days House of Representatives; and fore COVID–19 will experience greater learn- after the date of the enactment of this Act, (2) the Committee on Foreign Relations ing loss, thereby worsening inequity and in- the Administrator of the United States and the Committee on Appropriations of the equality. Agency for International Development, act- Senate. (3) Approximately 90 percent of the world’s ing through the Senior Coordinator for student population—over 1,600,000,000 chil- International Basic Education Assistance DEVELOPMENT, ACCOUNTABILITY, AND dren and youth—have had their education and in consultation with the Senior Coordi- INSTITUTIONAL TRANSPARENCY INITIATIVE ACT disrupted by school closure due to COVID–19. nator for Gender Equality and Women’s Em- H.R. 2471 (4) School closures lead to interrupted powerment, shall submit to the appropriate Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- learning, poor nutrition, gaps in childcare, congressional committees a report on the resentatives of the United States of America in increased dropout rates, exposure to vio- impact of the COVID–19 pandemic on United Congress assembled, lence, and social isolation. States Agency for International Develop- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (5) Up to 24,000,000 children are at risk of ment basic education programs. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Haiti Devel- dropping out of school permanently due to (b) MATTERS TO BE INCLUDED.—The report opment, Accountability, and Institutional rising levels of child poverty associated with required under subsection (a) shall include, Transparency Initiative Act’’. the pandemic. at a minimum, the following elements: SEC. 2. FINDINGS. (6) School closure and remote learning is (1) An assessment of the impact of COVID– Congress finds the following: especially burdensome on girls, who are fre- 19 on such basic education programs, includ- (1) On January 12, 2010, a massive earth- quently expected to shoulder more household ing the magnitude of learning loss that will quake struck near the Haitian capital city of chores and responsibilities and are more vul- result from protracted school closures and Port-au-Prince, leaving at least 220,000 peo- nerable to gender-based violence. the specific effects of school and learning ple dead, including 103 United States citi- (7) During the Ebola epidemic, nationwide space closures on marginalized children and zens, 101 United Nations personnel, and near- school closures in Sierra Leone in 2014 led to youth, including girls, minority populations, ly 18 percent of Haiti’s civil service, as well increased instances of sexual- and gender- displaced children, and those with disabil- as 300,000 injured, 115,000 homes destroyed, based violence, teenage pregnancy, school ities. and 1,500,000 Haitians displaced. dropout, and child labor for girls. (2) An assessment comparing academic (2) The international community, led by (8) More than 60 percent of national dis- outcomes of beneficiaries of United States the United States and the United Nations, tance learning alternatives rely exclusively Agency for International Development basic mounted an unprecedented humanitarian re- on online platforms but two-thirds of the education programs, as practical and appro- sponse to the earthquake in Haiti. Through world’s school aged children, or 1,300,000,000 priate, between those that attend schools 2018, more than $8,000,000,000 has been dis- children aged 3 through 17, do not have inter- that remain closed or continue to operate re- bursed by donors. Since the 2010 earthquake, net connection in their homes, and schools motely since the start of the COVID–19 pan- the United States Government has disbursed and local learning centers also frequently demic and schools that have resumed in-per- more than $4,000,000,000 in recovery and de- have inadequate internet connectivity. son instruction. velopment funding. Eighty percent of students in sub-Saharan (3) A description of the effectiveness, cost, (3) On October 4, 2016, Hurricane Matthew Africa lack such access, with an even higher accessibility, and reach of the most com- struck southwestern Haiti on the Tiburon rate for girls. monly used forms of distance learning in Peninsula, causing widespread damage and (9) Children and youth with disabilities are low- and middle-income countries and low- flooding and leaving 1.4 million people in particularly vulnerable to the health, edu- resource contexts. need of immediate assistance. Recovery ef- cation, and socioeconomic consequences of (4) A description of efforts to pivot and forts continue more than four years later. the pandemic. As a further challenge, dis- adapt such basic education programs during (4) Prior to both the 2010 earthquake and tance learning tools are not always acces- the COVID–19 pandemic, including an over- 2016 hurricane, Haiti registered among the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.006 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3259 lowest in socioeconomic indicators and had tional referendum scheduled for June 2021, neighborhoods from 2018 through 2021that the second highest rate of income disparity which legal experts consider unconstitu- left dozens dead in order to bring the per- in the world—conditions that have further tional. petrators to justice. complicated disaster recovery and resilience (15) There are concerns that, given the lack (b) BRIEFING.— efforts. As of November 2020, 4,400,000 people of democratic checks and balances, the dis- (1) ELEMENTS.—Not later than 180 days were in need of humanitarian assistance in pute over the credibility of the electoral after the date of the enactment of this Act, Haiti. council, and the deteriorating security situa- the Secretary of State shall brief the appro- (5) Since 2018, tens of thousands of Haitians tion, elections scheduled for September 2021 priate congressional committees on the hap- have participated in popular demonstrations will not be free or fair. Additionally, the se- penings on November 13, 2018, in the Port-au- demanding accountability over government curity situation remains volatile and on Feb- Prince neighborhood of La Saline, and its management of Petrocaribe resources. In ruary 7, 2021, President Moı¨se alleged that a aftermath. The briefing shall include— early 2019, the Haitian superior court of coup had been attempted against him lead- (A) an examination of any links between auditors released a series of reports impli- ing to 23 arrests and the forced retirement of the massacre in La Saline and mass protests cating high-level government officials in the three Supreme Court judges. that occurred concurrently in the country; misappropriation of funds. SEC. 3. STATEMENT OF POLICY. (B) an analysis of the reports on the La Sa- (6) The United Nations Human Rights Of- It is the policy of the United States to sup- line massacre authored by the United Na- fice of the High Commissioner and the port the sustainable rebuilding and develop- tions, the European Union, and the Govern- Human Rights Service jointly found a 333 ment of Haiti in a manner that— ment of Haiti; percent increase in human rights violations (1) recognizes Haitian independence, self- (C) a detailed description of all known per- and abuses against the rights of life and se- reliance, sovereignty, democratic govern- petrators, as well as the intellectual authors, curity in Haiti from July 2018 through De- ance, and efficiency; of the shootings; cember 2019. There were 131 violations in 2018 (2) promotes efforts that are led by and (D) an overview of efforts taken by the and 567 violations in 2019, including the support the people and Haitian Government to bring the perpetra- shooting of at least five Haitian journalists at all levels so that Haitians lead the course tors, as well as the intellectual authors, of covering the protests. of reconstruction and development of Haiti; the La Saline massacre to justice and to pre- (7) Leading members of civil society have (3) builds the long-term capacity of the vent other similar attacks; and faced attacks, including Monferrier Dorval, a Government of Haiti, civil society in Haiti, (E) an assessment of the ensuing treatment constitutional law expert and president of and the private sector to foster economic op- and displacement of the survivors of the La the Port-au-Prince bar who was killed on portunities in Haiti; Saline massacre. August 28, 2020. (4) fosters collaboration between the Hai- (2) CONSULTATION.—In the briefing required (8) On November 13, 2018, according to the tian diaspora in the United States, including under paragraph (1), the Secretary of State Haitian National Human Rights Defense Net- dual citizens of Haiti and the United States, shall consult with nongovernmental organi- work, at least 71 people were killed and 18 with the Haitian Government and the busi- zations in Haiti and the United States. people were raped in the Port-au-Prince ness community in Haiti; SEC. 5. ACTIONS TO PROMOTE FREEDOM OF THE neighborhood of La Saline. (5) supports anti-corruption efforts, pro- PRESS AND ASSEMBLY IN HAITI. (9) On December 10, 2020, the Department motes press freedom, and addresses human The Secretary of State shall prioritize the of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets rights concerns, including through the en- promotion of freedom of the press and free- Control designated former Haitian National forcement of sanctions imposed in accord- dom of assembly, as well as the protection of Police officer Jimmy Cherizier, former Di- ance with the Global Magnitsky Human journalists in Haiti by the following meth- rector General of the Ministry of the Interior Rights Accountability Act on individuals im- ods: Fednel Monchery, and former Departmental plicated in human rights violations; (1) Advocating to Haitian authorities for Delegate Joseph Pierre Richard Duplan pur- (6) respects and helps restore Haiti’s nat- increased protection for journalists and the suant to the Global Magnitsky Executive ural resources, as well as strengthens com- press and for the freedom to peacefully as- Order for being foreign persons responsible munity-level resilience to environmental semble or protest in Haiti. for or complicit in, or having directly or in- and weather-related impacts; (2) Collaborating with government officials directly engaged in, serious human rights (7) promotes the holding of free, fair, and and representatives of civil society to de- abuse for their connection to the La Saline timely elections in accordance with demo- velop and implement legal protections for massacre. cratic principles and the Haitian Constitu- journalists in Haiti. (10) Following the La Saline massacre, tion; (3) Supporting efforts to strengthen trans- similar attacks have occurred in Port-au- (8) provides timely and comprehensive re- parency in Haiti’s public and private sectors, Prince neighborhoods, including the Novem- porting on Haiti and the United States Gov- as well as access to information in Haiti. ber 2019 and August 2020 attacks on Bel Air, ernment’s goals and progress, as well as (4) Supporting efforts to strengthen the ca- in which 24 people were killed and hundreds transparent post program evaluations and pacity of independent journalists and in- of families were displaced. contracting data; crease access to resources for investigative (11) Parliamentary elections scheduled for (9) promotes the participation of Haitian journalism. October 2019 did not take place, and since women and youth in governmental and non- SEC. 6. ACTIONS TO SUPPORT POST-EARTH- January 13, 2020, President Jovenel Moı¨se governmental institutions and in economic QUAKE, POST-HURRICANE AND has ruled by decree. The United States and development and governance assistance pro- POST-COVID–19 RECOVERY AND DE- international community have urged Presi- grams funded by the United States; and VELOPMENT IN HAITI. dent Moise to limit the use of executive de- (10) does not provide support to facilitate The Secretary of State, in coordination crees during this period and have expressed the proposed June 2021 constitutional ref- with the Administrator of the United States concern over several decrees issued, includ- Agency for International Development erendum, including through multilateral or- ing those creating the National Intelligence (USAID), shall prioritize post-earthquake ganizations. Agency and appointing three new judges to and post-hurricane recovery and develop- the Supreme Court outside of constitutional SEC. 4. STRENGTHENING HUMAN RIGHTS AND ment efforts in Haiti by the following meth- ANTICORRUPTION EFFORTS IN procedures. Haitian civil society organiza- HAITI AND HOLDING PERPETRA- ods: tions have denounced the president’s use of TORS OF THE LA SALINE MASSACRE (1) Collaborating with the Haitian Govern- decrees as an attempt to consolidate power. ACCOUNTABLE. ment on a detailed and transparent develop- (12) Due to institutional weakness and (a) SECRETARY OF STATE PRIORITIZATION.— ment plan that includes clear objectives and other challenges exacerbated by the COVID- The Secretary of State shall prioritize the benchmarks. 19 pandemic, Haiti’s economy contracted by protection of human rights and (2) Building the capacity of Haitian-led an estimated 4 percent in 2020 and inflation anticorruption efforts in Haiti by the fol- public, private, and nongovernmental sector neared 20 percent. Although there has been lowing methods: institutions in Haiti through post-earth- no parliament in place since January 2020, (1) Fostering strong relationships with quake and post-hurricane recovery and de- the Haitian Government approved a budget independent civil society groups focused on velopment planning. on September 30, 2020. However, the delay monitoring corruption and human rights (3) Assessing the impact of both the United prevented the International Monetary Fund abuses and promoting democracy in Haiti. States’ and the international community’s and other multilaterals from disbursing mil- (2) Supporting the efforts of the Haitian recovery and development efforts in Haiti lions in international assistance. Government to identify persons involved in since January 2010. (13) In September 2020, President Moı¨se by- human rights violations and significant acts (4) Supporting disaster resilience and re- passed the Supreme Court to appoint a Pro- of , including public and construction efforts. visional Electoral Council (CEP) by execu- private sector actors, and hold them ac- (5) Addressing the underlying causes of tive decree Several civil society groups that countable for their actions. poverty and inequality, and improving ac- traditionally participate in Haiti’s electoral (3) Addressing concerns of impunity for the cess to health resources, clean water, food, councils criticized the decision and have de- alleged perpetrators, as well as the intellec- and shelter. clined to be represented in the CEP. tual authors, of the La Saline massacre. (6) Assessing the impact of the COVID–19 (14) The Moı¨se administration lacks the (4) Urging authorities to continue to inves- pandemic on post-disaster recovery efforts credibility to oversee a proposed constitu- tigate attacks in the La Saline and Bel Air and evaluating United States support to help

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.008 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3260 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 with pandemic response efforts in Haiti, in- United States initiatives focused on sustain- SIVs Act of 2021’’ or the ‘‘HOPE for Afghan cluding providing technical assistance and able development in Haiti, including democ- SIVs Act of 2021’’. preventing other infectious disease out- racy assistance, economic revitalization, SEC. 2. WAIVER OF MEDICAL EXAMINATION FOR breaks. natural disaster recovery, pandemic re- AFGHAN ALLIES. SEC. 7. REPORT. sponse, resilience, energy and infrastructure, (a) AUTHORIZATION.—The Secretary of (a) REPORT CONTENT.—Not later than 180 health, and food security; and State and the Secretary of Homeland Secu- days after the date of the enactment of this (14) a risk assessment of conflict, insta- rity may jointly issue a blanket waiver of Act, the Secretary of State, in coordination bility, and violence in Haiti that includes in- the requirement that aliens described in sec- with the Administrator of the United States formation relating to— tion 602(b)(2) of the Afghan Allies Protection Agency for International Development, and (A) systemic patterns and causes of vio- Act of 2009 (8 U.S.C. 1101 note) undergo a other relevant agencies and departments, lence and subsequent impunity relating to medical examination under section 221(d) of shall submit to the appropriate congres- massacres, death threats, kidnappings, the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 sional committees a report that includes— armed attacks, and firearm-related violence, U.S.C. 1201(d)), or any other applicable provi- (1) a strategy for carrying out the initia- with analysis of the roles of the various ac- sion of law, prior to issuance of an immi- tives described in sections 4, 5, and 6, includ- tors and beneficiaries who play a part, in- grant visa or admission to the United States. ing established baselines, benchmarks, and cluding Haitian Government actors; (b) DURATION.—A waiver issued under sub- indicators to measure outcomes and impact; (B) gang activity and its role in the recent section (a) shall remain in effect for a period (2) an assessment of major corruption com- wave of kidnappings and the capacities of not to exceed 1 year, and, subject to sub- mitted among the public and private sectors, the police force to address the most serious section (g), may be extended by the Sec- and, as practical and appropriate, an assess- manifestations of insecurity; retary of State and Secretary of Homeland ment of corruption prosecutions investigated (C) the scope and role of criminal activity Security for additional periods, each of by the Haitian judiciary since January 2015; and its linkages to political forces, particu- which shall not exceed 1 year. (3) an overview of efforts taken by the Hai- larly leading up to elections; and (c) NOTIFICATION.—Upon exercising the tian Government to address corruption, in- (D) implications of the lack of independ- waiver authority under subsection (a), or the cluding the Petrocaribe scandal, and correc- ence of Haiti’s judicial system. authority to extend a waiver under sub- tive measures to strengthen and restore (b) CONSULTATION.—In preparing the report section (b), the Secretary of State and the trust in Haiti’s public institutions; required under subsection (a), the Secretary Secretary of Homeland Security shall notify (4) a description of United States Govern- of State and the USAID Administrator shall the appropriate congressional committees. consult with nongovernmental organizations ment efforts to consult and engage with Hai- (d) REQUIREMENT FOR MEDICAL EXAMINA- and civil society groups in Haiti and the tian Government officials and independent TION AFTER ADMISSION.— United States, as well as the Government of civil society groups focused on monitoring (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Home- Haiti where appropriate. corruption and human rights abuses and pro- land Security, in consultation with the Sec- (c) PUBLIC AVAILABILITY.—The report re- moting democracy and press freedom in quired under subsection (a) shall be made retary of Health and Human Services, shall Haiti since January 2015; publicly available on the website of the De- establish procedures to ensure, to the great- (5) a description of the Haitian Govern- partment of State. est extent practicable, that any alien who re- ceives a waiver of the medical examination ment’s response to civic protests that have SEC. 8. SUNSET. taken place since July 2018 and any allega- requirement under this section, completes (a) REPEAL.—The Assessing Progress in tions of human rights abuses, including at- Haiti Act (22 U.S.C. 2151n; Public Law 113– such an examination not later than 30 days tacks on journalists; 162) is repealed. after the date on which such alien is admit- (6) an assessment of United States security (b) TERMINATION.—This Act shall termi- ted to the United States. assistance to Haiti, including the United nate on December 31, 2025. (2) CONDITIONAL BASIS FOR STATUS.— States support to the Haitian National Po- SEC. 9. DEFINITIONS. (A) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any lice and an assessment of compliance with In this Act the term ‘‘appropriate congres- other provision of law, an alien who receives section 620M of the Foreign Assistance Act sional committees’’ means— a waiver of the medical examination require- of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2378d) and section 362 of (1) the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ment under this section shall be considered, title 10, United States Code (commonly re- the Committee on Appropriations of the at the time of admission to the United ferred to as the ‘‘Leahy Laws’’); House of Representatives; and States, as an alien lawfully admitted for per- (7) a description of the Haitian Govern- (2) the Committee on Foreign Relations manent residence on a conditional basis. ment’s efforts to support displaced survivors and the Committee on Appropriations of the (B) REMOVAL OF CONDITIONS.—The Sec- of urban and gang violence; Senate. retary of Homeland Security shall remove (8) an assessment of the impact of presi- the conditional basis of the alien’s status REPEAL OF AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF dential decrees on the health of Haiti’s upon the Secretary’s confirmation that such MILITARY FORCE AGAINST IRAQ RESOLUTION democratic institutions and safeguarding of alien has completed the medical examina- H.R. 3261 human rights, including reducing the au- tion and is not inadmissible under section thority of the Superior Court of Accounts Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- 212(a)(1)(A) of the Immigration and Nation- and Administrative Litigation, promul- resentatives of the United States of America in ality Act (8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(1)(A)). gating an antiterrorism law, and estab- Congress assembled, (3) REPORT.—Not later than one year after lishing the National Intelligence Agency, as SECTION 1. REPEAL OF AUTHORIZATION FOR the date on which waiver authority under well as retiring and subsequently appointing USE OF MILITARY FORCE AGAINST subsection (a) is exercised or such waiver is IRAQ RESOLUTION. judges to the Supreme Court of Haiti; The Authorization for Use of Military extended under subsection (b), as applicable, (9) a plan in collaboration with the Haitian Force Against Iraq Resolution (Public Law the Secretary of Homeland Security, in con- Government on efforts to support develop- 102–1; 50 U.S.C. 1541 note) is hereby repealed. sultation with the Secretary of Health and ment goals since January 2015, including Human Services, shall submit to the appro- REPEAL OF JOINT RESOLUTION TO PROMOTE steps taken to— priate congressional committees a report on PEACE AND STABILITY IN THE MIDDLE EAST (A) strengthen institutions at the national the status of medical examinations required and local levels; and H.R. 3283 under paragraph (1), including— (B) strengthen democratic governance at Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- (A) the number of pending and completed the national and local levels; resentatives of the United States of America in examinations; and (10) an analysis of the effectiveness and Congress assembled, (B) the number of aliens who have failed to sustainability of United States-financed de- SECTION 1. REPEAL OF JOINT RESOLUTION TO complete the medical examination within velopment projects, including the Caracol PROMOTE PEACE AND STABILITY IN the 30-day period after the date of such Industrial Park and supporting infrastruc- THE MIDDLE EAST. aliens’ admission. Effective on the date that is 90 days after ture; (e) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- the date of the enactment of this Act, the (11) a breakdown of procurement from Hai- TEES.—The term ‘‘appropriate congressional tian small- and medium-sized businesses and joint resolution entitled ‘‘A joint resolution committees’’ means— to promote peace and stability in the Middle nongovernmental organizations by the (1) the Committees on Armed Services of East’’ (Public Law 85–7; 22 U.S.C. 1961 et seq.) United States and Haitian governments for the House of Representatives and of the Sen- is hereby repealed. development and humanitarian activities by ate; year since 2015, and a description of efforts HONORING OUR PROMISES THROUGH EXPEDITION (2) the Committees on the Judiciary of the to increase local procurement, including FOR AFGHAN SIVS ACT OF 2021 House of Representatives and of the Senate; food aid; H.R. 3385 (3) the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the (12) a description of United States efforts Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- House of Representatives and the Committee taken since January 2010 to assist the Hai- resentatives of the United States of America in on Foreign Relations of the Senate; and tian people in their pursuits for free, fair, Congress assembled, (4) the Committee on Homeland Security and timely democratic elections; SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. of the House of Representatives and the (13) quantitative and qualitative indicators This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Honoring Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- to assess progress and benchmarks for Our Promises through Expedition for Afghan ernmental Affairs of the Senate.

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(f) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this (1) did not change direction or leave its (C) to provide the United States Embassy Act may be construed to prevent the Sec- lane; in Moscow with full access to all of Trevor retary of State, the Secretary of Homeland (2) did not swerve; and Reed’s medical records; Security, the Secretary of Defense, or the (3) did not stop or slow down; (7) urges the Government of the Russian Secretary of Health and Human Services Whereas witnesses following directly be- Federation to respect Trevor Reed’s univer- from adopting appropriate measures to pre- hind the police car in a private vehicle never sally recognized human rights; and vent the spread of communicable diseases, witnessed any dangerous movement of the (8) expresses support to the family of including COVID–19, to the United States. police car; Trevor Reed and commitment to bringing (g) SUNSET.—The authority under sub- Whereas the two police officers changed Trevor Reed home. sections (a) and (b) expires on the date that their testimonies in writing, in their inter- URGING THE ADMINISTRATION TO FACILITATE is 3 years after the date of enactment of this views, and at least three times during de- ASSISTANCE IN RESPONSE TO THE DEV- Act. fense questioning, with final answers to the ASTATING IMPACT OF COVID–19 IN INDIA judge being ‘‘I don’t remember.’’, causing H. RES. 402 SEC. 3. DETERMINATION OF BUDGETARY EF- court attendees and the judge to laugh; FECTS. Whereas the Investigative Bureau and Whereas in March 2021, a second wave of The budgetary effects of this Act, for the Golovinsky District Court Judge Arnout de- Coronavirus Disease 2019 (commonly referred purpose of complying with the Statutory nied Trevor Reed’s requests to investigate to as ‘‘COVID–19’’) infections began to surge Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, shall be deter- how his injuries occurred; in India, overwhelming health care workers, mined by reference to the latest statement Whereas, on July 30, 2020, Golovinsky Dis- hospitals, and crematoriums throughout the titled ‘‘Budgetary Effects of PAYGO Legisla- trict Court Judge Arnout read a verdict that country; tion’’ for this Act, submitted for printing in dismissed all defense evidence, witnesses, Whereas testing results indicate India is the Congressional Record by the Chairman of and government experts and only considered seeing more than 340,000 new daily infections the House Budget Committee, provided that pieces of the police officers’ statements; and upward of 4,000 deaths a day, though such statement has been submitted prior to Whereas the judge sentenced Trevor Reed public health experts believe case rates are the vote on passage. to 9 years in prison camp and was ordered to higher; CALLING FOR THE IMMEDIATE RELEASE OF pay 100,000 rubles to each police officer for Whereas cases have surged in neighboring TREVOR REED moral and physical injuries; countries such as Nepal and other countries Whereas Trevor Reed had already been de- in the area remain highly vulnerable to re- H. RES. 186 tained in Russia for one year at the time of newed spikes in cases; Whereas United States citizen Trevor Reed the judge’s verdict; Whereas the deadly COVID–19 outbreak in is a resident of Granbury, Texas, and a Whereas a Consul representing the United India is a global problem that requires a co- United States Marine Corps veteran; States Embassy in Moscow attended all of ordinated global response; Whereas Trevor Reed traveled to Moscow Trevor Reed’s trial hearings; Whereas in the spring of 2020, when the to visit his girlfriend in May 2019; Whereas the United States Ambassador to United States was in the midst of a dev- Whereas Moscow’s Police Service detained Russia, John Sullivan, upon Trevor’s sen- astating spike in COVID–19 cases, India lift- Trevor Reed in August 2019; tencing, stated that the prosecution’s case ed its export ban on certain therapeutics in Whereas Trevor Reed was accused of grab- and the evidence presented against Mr. Reed response to a request by the United States bing the arm of the police officer driving the were ‘‘so preposterous that they provoked Government; vehicle and elbowing another officer while en laughter in the courtroom’’, the conviction Whereas India’s pharmaceutical industry is route to the police station, causing the vehi- and sentence were ‘‘ridiculous’’, and ‘‘justice a vital part of the global solution to the pan- cle to swerve and therefore endangering the was not even considered’’; demic, especially for much of Asia, Africa, lives of the police officers; Whereas, upon appeal to the Moscow City and Latin America, and is the world’s big- Whereas the United States Embassy in Court, the Golovinsky District Court failed gest producer of COVID vaccines having ex- Moscow has filed numerous diplomatic notes to provide Trevor Reed with translated cop- ported 66.36 million doses to 93 countries, in- with the Russian Foreign Ministry regarding ies of the court’s decision and trial tran- cluding to United Nations personnel and, ac- Trevor Reed being denied consular access, scripts per law; and counting for over half of global vaccine man- communications, medical treatment, family Whereas the appeal court returned the case ufacturing; visitations, and other violations of the Vi- to the Golovinsky District Court to review Whereas due to India’s critical importance enna Convention on Consular Relations; omissions and incorrect statements in the in global vaccine supply chains, an increase Whereas Trevor Reed was not given food or trial transcripts, and the official court audio in domestic vaccine demand as a result of water until approximately 72 hours after his recordings were reviewed by the defense and the surge of COVID–19 cases within India is initial arrest; the corrections were certified by a third- of global concern; Whereas Trevor Reed was not given a med- party notarization firm, with the result Whereas in response to the crisis in India, ical evaluation of his injuries until 10 days being Judge Arnout refusing to include any the Biden administration took quick action following his arrest; corrections to the corrupted transcripts: to deliver urgently needed supplies to India, Whereas Trevor Reed’s defense team pre- Now, therefore, be it including oxygen support, oxygen concentra- sented video evidence to the courts that dis- Resolved, That the House of Representa- tors, personal protective equipment (PPE), proves the police officers’ statements of sup- tives— raw materials for vaccine, rapid diagnostic posed endangerment and wrongdoing; (1) calls on the Government of the Russian tests, and therapeutics, and is a testament Whereas Trevor Reed’s defense team was Federation to immediately release Trevor to the historic record of United States-India denied access to additional video evidence Reed and all other prisoners arrested for po- health cooperation dating more than seven from inside the police vehicle and police sta- litical motivations; decades; tion that had the potential to prove his inno- (2) condemns the practice of politically Whereas the United States private sector cence, the requests for all video recordings motivated imprisonment in the Russian Fed- has worked to generously support relief ef- are documented, and the existence of the eration, which violates the commitments of forts in India including by working to deliver other videos was confirmed by police offi- the Russian Federation to international obli- 1,000 ventilators and 25,000 oxygen concentra- cials and investigators; gations with respect to human rights and the tors to health care facilities across India; Whereas the police officers claimed emo- rule of law; Whereas many countries around the world tional and physical damages, but did not sus- (3) urges the United States Government, in have also sent medical assistance to India to tain any visible injury, or claim any time all its interactions with the Government of help the country defeat this devastating missed from work, and the law considers the the Russian Federation, to raise the case of wave of the COVID–19 pandemic; police officers victims; Trevor Reed and to press for his release; Whereas as the United States vaccine sup- Whereas the Constitutional Supreme Court (4) expresses support for Trevor Reed, Paul ply for the American people is secured, it is of the Russian Federation and the Second Whelan, and all prisoners unjustly impris- important for the United States to continue Court of Cassation of General Jurisdiction oned in the Russian Federation; to ramp up its efforts, working with the pri- concurred that Russian procedural law was (5) urges the Government of the Russian vate sector and all possible partners, to ex- violated in the way that Trevor Reed’s bail Federation to provide unrestricted consular pand vaccine manufacturing and distribution was revoked; access to Trevor Reed while he remains in worldwide; and Whereas the United States Embassy in detention; Whereas United States support for India to Moscow has filed complaints with the Rus- (6) until Trevor Reed’s release, calls on the help beat back this latest coronavirus wave sian Foreign Ministry regarding denial of Government of the Russian Federation— is in the United States national interest as communications with Trevor Reed; (A) to provide Trevor Reed any necessary the pandemic will not end anywhere until it Whereas during the trial, the defense coun- medical treatment and personal protective ends everywhere: Now, therefore, be it sel presented 59 minutes of traffic camera equipment; Resolved, That the House of Representa- video from four traffic cameras, and senior (B) to notify the United States Ambas- tives— Russian Government officials analyzed the sador to Russia of any medical problems or (1) urges the Administration to facilitate video recordings and confirmed that the vid- complaints that arise during his detention; private, in-kind medical supply donations to eos showed the police car— and India and deliver additional, urgently needed

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.011 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3262 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 medical supplies, including oxygen generator Grothman Maloney, Sean Schrader NOT VOTING—18 Guthrie Manning Schrier plants and a cryogenic oxygen tanker and Banks Good (VA) Miller-Meeks Hagedorn Mast Schweikert containers; Carter (GA) Guest Moore (AL) Harder (CA) Matsui (2) urges the Administration to facilitate Scott (VA) Cloud Hartzler Norman Harshbarger McBath Scott, Austin Davis, Danny K. Hice (GA) Obernolte assistance as needed to neighboring coun- Hayes McCarthy Scott, David Fulcher Higgins (LA) Rose tries, including Nepal, that are facing the Herrera Beutler McCaul Sewell Gohmert Issa Williams (TX) spread of COVID–19 and working with part- Higgins (NY) McClain Sherman ners around the world to address the virus; Hill McClintock Sherrill b 1434 and Himes McCollum Simpson Mr. RICE of South Carolina changed (3) calls on the United States private sec- Hinson McEachin Sires Hollingsworth McGovern tor and the Indian-American community to Slotkin his vote from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Horsford McHenry continue their unprecedented and generous Smith (MO) Mr. CLINE changed his vote from Houlahan McKinley Smith (NE) efforts at procuring medical supplies for the Hoyer McNerney ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ Indian response during this time of need, Hudson Meeks Smith (NJ) So (two-thirds being in the affirma- building upon contributions to date, stand- Huffman Meijer Smith (WA) Smucker tive) the rules were suspended and the ing with the people of India as they collec- Huizenga Meng bills were passed and the resolutions tively work to stem the spread of COVID–19. Jackson Lee Meuser Soto Jacobs (CA) Mfume Spanberger were agreed to. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. Jacobs (NY) Miller (WV) Spartz The result of the vote was announced BEATTY). Pursuant to House Resolution Jayapal Moolenaar Speier as above recorded. 504, the ordering of the yeas and nays Jeffries Mooney Stansbury Johnson (GA) Moore (UT) Stanton The title of H.R. 1500 was amended so on postponed motions to suspend the Johnson (LA) Moore (WI) Stauber as to read: ‘‘A bill to direct the Admin- rules with respect to such measures is Johnson (OH) Morelle Steel istrator of the United States Agency vacated to the end that all such mo- Johnson (SD) Moulton Stefanik for International Development to sub- tions are considered as withdrawn. Johnson (TX) Mrvan Steil Jones Mullin Steube mit to Congress a report on the impact The question is on the motion offered Joyce (OH) Murphy (FL) Stevens of the COVID–19 pandemic on United by the gentleman from Massachusetts Joyce (PA) Murphy (NC) Stewart States Agency for International Devel- (Mr. MCGOVERN) that the House sus- Kahele Nadler Strickland opment basic education programs.’’. Kaptur Napolitano Suozzi pend the rules and pass the bills and Katko Neal A motion to reconsider was laid on agree to the resolutions. Swalwell Keating Neguse Takano the table. Keller Newhouse The question was taken. Taylor Stated for: Kelly (IL) Newman Tenney The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the Kelly (PA) Norcross Mr. DONALDS. Madam Speaker, I was re- Thompson (CA) opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being Khanna Nunes corded as no, but meant to vote yes on rollcall Thompson (MS) in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Kildee O’Halleran No. 191. Kilmer Ocasio-Cortez Thompson (PA) Mr. HARRIS. Madam Speaker, on MEMBERS RECORDED PURSUANT TO HOUSE Kim (CA) Omar Timmons that I demand the yeas and nays. Kim (NJ) Owens Titus RESOLUTION 8, 117TH CONGRESS The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Kind Pallone Tlaib Babin (Nehls) Horsford Napolitano Kinzinger Panetta Tonko Boebert (Gosar) (Jeffries) (Correa) ant to section 3(s) of House Resolution Torres (CA) 8, the yeas and nays are ordered. Kirkpatrick Pappas Bourdeaux Hoyer (Trone) Owens (Curtis) Krishnamoorthi Pascrell Torres (NY) (Kuster) Jackson Lee Payne (Pallone) The vote was taken by electronic de- Kuster Payne Trahan Ca´ rdenas (Butterfield) Rice (NY) vice, and there were—yeas 366, nays 46, Kustoff Perlmutter Trone (Gomez) Jacobs (NY) (Peters) not voting 18, as follows: LaHood Peters Turner Carl (Joyce (PA)) (Garbarino) Ruiz (Aguilar) LaMalfa Pfluger Underwood Cawthorn (Nehls) Johnson (TX) Rush [Roll No. 191] Lamb Phillips Upton Clark (MA) (Jeffries) (Underwood) (Kuster) Kind (Connolly) Lamborn Pingree Valadao Sewell (DelBene) YEAS—366 Cohen (Beyer) Kirkpatrick Langevin Pocan Van Duyne Steube Adams Carl Dingell Porter DesJarlais (Stanton) Larsen (WA) Vargas (Franklin, C. Aderholt Carson Doggett Larson (CT) Pressley (Fleischmann) Lawson (FL) Veasey Scott) Aguilar Carter (LA) Doyle, Michael Latta Price (NC) Fallon (Nehls) (Evans) Vela Strickland Allred Carter (TX) F. LaTurner Quigley Gallego (Gomez) Leger Fernandez Vela´ zquez (DelBene) Amodei Cartwright Dunn Lawrence Raskin Garcı´a (IL) (Jacobs (CA)) Wagner Timmons Armstrong Case Emmer Lawson (FL) Reed (Gomez) Lieu (Beyer) Walberg (Wilson (SC)) Arrington Casten Escobar Lee (CA) Reschenthaler Garcia (TX) Lowenthal Walorski Auchincloss Castor (FL) Eshoo Lee (NV) Rice (NY) (Jeffries) (Beyer) Torres (NY) Waltz Axne Castro (TX) Espaillat Leger Fernandez Rodgers (WA) Gonzalez, McClain (Jeffries) Wasserman Bacon Cawthorn Evans Lesko Rogers (AL) Vicente (Bergman) Wilson (FL) Schultz Baird Chabot Feenstra Letlow Rogers (KY) (Carbajal) Meng (Jeffries) (Hayes) Waters Balderson Cheney Ferguson Levin (CA) Ross Grijalva Mfume (Evans) Young (Joyce Watson Coleman Barr Chu Fischbach Levin (MI) Roybal-Allard (Stanton) Mullin (Lucas) (OH)) ´ Welch Barragan Cicilline Fitzpatrick Lieu Ruiz f Bass Clark (MA) Fleischmann Lofgren Ruppersberger Wenstrup Beatty Clarke (NY) Fletcher Long Rush Westerman TRANS-SAHARA COUNTERTERROR- Bentz Cleaver Fortenberry Lowenthal Rutherford Wexton ISM PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM Bera Cline Foster Lucas Ryan Wild Bergman Clyburn Foxx Luetkemeyer Salazar Williams (GA) ACT OF 2021 Beyer Cohen Frankel, Lois Luria Sa´ nchez Wilson (FL) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Bice (OK) Cole Franklin, C. Wilson (SC) Lynch Sarbanes ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfin- Bilirakis Comer Scott Mace Scalise Wittman Bishop (GA) Connolly Gallagher Malinowski Scanlon Womack ished business is the vote on the mo- Blumenauer Cooper Gallego Malliotakis Schakowsky Yarmuth tion to suspend the rules and pass the Blunt Rochester Correa Garamendi Maloney, Schiff Young bill (H.R. 567) to establish an inter- Bonamici Costa Garbarino Carolyn B. Schneider Zeldin Bost Courtney Garcia (CA) agency program to assist countries in ´ Bourdeaux Craig Garcıa (IL) NAYS—46 North and West Africa to improve im- Bowman Crenshaw Garcia (TX) Boyle, Brendan Crist Gibbs Allen Fitzgerald Palazzo mediate and long-term capabilities to F. Crow Gimenez Babin Gaetz Palmer counter terrorist threats, and for other Brady Cuellar Golden Biggs Gooden (TX) Pence purposes, as amended, on which the Brown Davids (KS) Gomez Bishop (NC) Gosar Perry yeas and nays were ordered. Brownley Davis, Rodney Gonzales, Tony Boebert Greene (GA) Posey The Clerk read the title of the bill. Buchanan Dean Gonzalez (OH) Brooks Harris Rice (SC) Buck DeFazio Gonzalez, Budd Hern Rosendale The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Bucshon DeGette Vicente Burchett Herrell Rouzer question is on the motion offered by Burgess DeLauro Gottheimer Clyde Jackson Roy Bush DelBene Granger Crawford Jordan the gentleman from New York (Mr. Sessions Bustos Delgado Graves (LA) Curtis Kelly (MS) MEEKS) that the House suspend the Tiffany Butterfield Demings Graves (MO) Davidson Loudermilk rules and pass the bill, as amended. Van Drew Calvert DeSaulnier Green (TN) Donalds Mann The vote was taken by electronic de- Cammack DesJarlais Green, Al (TX) Duncan Massie Weber (TX) Carbajal Deutch Griffith Estes Miller (IL) Webster (FL) vice, and there were—yeas 395, nays 15, Ca´ rdenas Diaz-Balart Grijalva Fallon Nehls not voting 20, as follows:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.013 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3263 [Roll No. 192] Peters Sewell Torres (CA) Timmons Torres (NY) Wilson (FL) Pfluger Sherman Torres (NY) (Wilson (SC)) (Jeffries) (Hayes) YEAS—395 Phillips Sherrill Trahan Young (Joyce Pingree Simpson (OH)) Adams Dingell Kim (CA) Trone Pocan Sires Aderholt Doggett Kim (NJ) Turner f Pressley Slotkin Aguilar Donalds Kind Underwood Price (NC) Smith (MO) Allen Doyle, Michael Kinzinger Upton REPLACEMENT OF BUST OF Quigley Smith (NE) Allred F. Kirkpatrick Valadao Raskin Smith (NJ) ROGER BROOKE TANEY WITH Duncan Van Drew Amodei Krishnamoorthi Reed Smith (WA) BUST OF THURGOOD MARSHALL Armstrong Dunn Kuster Van Duyne Reschenthaler Smucker Vargas Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, pur- Arrington Emmer Kustoff Rice (NY) Soto Auchincloss Escobar LaHood Veasey suant to House Resolution 504, I call up Rice (SC) Spanberger Vela Axne Eshoo LaMalfa Rodgers (WA) Spartz the bill (H.R. 3005) to direct the Joint Babin Espaillat Lamb Vela´ zquez Rogers (AL) Speier Wagner Committee on the Library to replace Bacon Estes Lamborn Rogers (KY) Stansbury Walberg the bust of Roger Brooke Taney in the Baird Evans Langevin Ross Stanton Walorski Balderson Fallon Larsen (WA) Rouzer Stauber Old Supreme Court Chamber of the Waltz Barr Feenstra Larson (CT) Roybal-Allard Steel Wasserman United States Capitol with a bust of Barraga´ n Ferguson Latta Ruiz Stefanik Schultz Thurgood Marshall to be obtained by Bass Fischbach LaTurner Ruppersberger Steil Waters Beatty Fitzgerald Lawrence Rush Steube the Joint Committee on the Library Bentz Fitzpatrick Lawson (FL) Rutherford Stevens Watson Coleman and to remove certain statues from Bera Fleischmann Lee (CA) Ryan Stewart Weber (TX) areas of the United States Capitol Bergman Fletcher Lee (NV) Webster (FL) Salazar Strickland which are accessible to the public, to Beyer Fortenberry Leger Fernandez Sa´ nchez Suozzi Welch Bice (OK) Foster Lesko Sarbanes Swalwell Wenstrup remove all statues of individuals who Bilirakis Foxx Letlow Scanlon Takano Westerman voluntarily served the Confederate Bishop (GA) Frankel, Lois Levin (CA) Schakowsky Taylor Wexton States of America from display in the Blunt Rochester Franklin, C. Levin (MI) Wild Schiff Tenney United States Capitol, and for other Boebert Scott Lieu Schneider Thompson (CA) Williams (GA) Bonamici Gallagher Lofgren Schrader Thompson (MS) Wilson (FL) purposes. Bost Gallego Long Schrier Thompson (PA) Wilson (SC) The Clerk read the title of the bill. Bourdeaux Garamendi Loudermilk Schweikert Tiffany Wittman The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. Boyle, Brendan Garbarino Lowenthal Womack Scott (VA) Timmons BASS). Pursuant to House Resolution F. Garcia (CA) Lucas Scott, Austin Titus Yarmuth Brady Garcı´a (IL) Luetkemeyer Scott, David Tlaib Young 504, the bill is considered read. Brown Garcia (TX) Luria Sessions Tonko Zeldin The text of the bill is as follows: Brownley Gibbs Lynch H.R. 3005 Buchanan Gimenez Mace NAYS—15 Buck Golden Malinowski Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Biggs Gaetz Ocasio-Cortez Bucshon Gomez Malliotakis resentatives of the United States of America in Bishop (NC) Gosar Porter Budd Gonzales, Tony Maloney, Bowman Greene (GA) Posey Congress assembled, Burchett Gonzalez (OH) Carolyn B. Brooks Massie Rosendale SECTION 1. REPLACEMENT OF BUST OF ROGER Burgess Gonzalez, Maloney, Sean Bush Miller (IL) Roy BROOKE TANEY WITH BUST OF Bustos Vicente Mann THURGOOD MARSHALL. Butterfield Gooden (TX) Manning NOT VOTING—20 (a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds the fol- Calvert Gottheimer Mast Cammack Granger Matsui Banks Good (VA) Jordan lowing: Carbajal Graves (LA) McBath Blumenauer Guest Moore (AL) (1) While sitting in the United States Cap- Ca´ rdenas Graves (MO) McCarthy Carter (GA) Hartzler Norman itol, the Supreme Court issued the infamous Carl Green (TN) McCaul Cloud Herrell Rose Dred Scott v. Sandford decision on March 6, Carson Green, Al (TX) McClain Comer Hice (GA) Scalise 1857. Written by Chief Justice Roger Brooke Carter (LA) Griffith McClintock Fulcher Higgins (LA) Williams (TX) Gohmert Issa Taney, whose bust sits inside the entrance to Carter (TX) Grijalva McCollum the Old Supreme Court Chamber in the Cartwright Grothman McEachin United States Capitol, this opinion declared Case Guthrie McGovern b 1457 Casten Hagedorn McHenry that were not citizens of Castor (FL) Harder (CA) McKinley So (two-thirds being in the affirma- the United States and could not sue in Fed- Castro (TX) Harris McNerney tive) the rules were suspended and the eral courts. This decision further declared Cawthorn Harshbarger Meeks that Congress did not have the authority to Chabot Hayes Meijer bill, as amended, was passed. prohibit slavery in the territories. Cheney Hern Meng The result of the vote was announced (2) Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney’s au- Chu Herrera Beutler Meuser as above recorded. Cicilline Higgins (NY) Mfume thorship of Dred Scott v. Sandford, the effects Clark (MA) Hill Miller (WV) A motion to reconsider was laid on of which would only be overturned years Clarke (NY) Himes Miller-Meeks the table. later by the ratification of the 13th, 14th, and Cleaver Hinson Moolenaar 15th Amendments to the Constitution of the PERSONAL EXPLANATION Cline Hollingsworth Mooney United States, renders a bust of his likeness Clyburn Horsford Moore (UT) Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Madam Speaker, unsuitable for the honor of display to the Clyde Houlahan Moore (WI) I was unavoidably detained. Had I been many visitors to the United States Capitol. Cohen Hoyer Morelle present, I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall Cole Hudson Moulton (3) As Frederick Douglass said of this deci- Connolly Huffman Mrvan No. 189, ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 190, ‘‘yea’’ on sion in May 1857, ‘‘This infamous decision of Cooper Huizenga Mullin rollcall No. 191 and ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 192. the Slaveholding wing of the Supreme Court Correa Jackson Murphy (FL) maintains that slaves are within the con- MEMBERS RECORDED PURSUANT TO HOUSE Costa Jackson Lee Murphy (NC) templation of the Constitution of the United RESOLUTION 8, 117TH CONGRESS Courtney Jacobs (CA) Nadler States, property; that slaves are property in Craig Jacobs (NY) Napolitano Babin (Nehls) Grijalva McClain the same sense that horses, sheep, and swine Crawford Jayapal Neal Boebert (Gosar) (Stanton) (Bergman) are property; that the old doctrine that slav- Crenshaw Jeffries Neguse Bourdeaux Horsford Meng (Jeffries) ery is a creature of local law is false; that Crist Johnson (GA) Nehls (Kuster) (Jeffries) Mfume (Evans) Crow Johnson (LA) Newhouse Ca´ rdenas Hoyer (Trone) Mullin (Lucas) the right of the slaveholder to his slave does Cuellar Johnson (OH) Newman (Gomez) Jackson Lee Napolitano not depend upon the local law, but is secured Curtis Johnson (SD) Norcross Carl (Joyce (PA)) (Butterfield) (Correa) wherever the Constitution of the United Davids (KS) Johnson (TX) Nunes Cawthorn (Nehls) Jacobs (NY) Owens (Curtis) States extends; that Congress has no right to Davidson Jones O’Halleran Clark (MA) (Garbarino) Payne (Pallone) prohibit slavery anywhere; that slavery may Davis, Danny K. Joyce (OH) Obernolte (Kuster) Johnson (TX) Rice (NY) Davis, Rodney Joyce (PA) Omar Cohen (Beyer) go in safety anywhere under the star-span- (Jeffries) (Peters) Dean Kahele Owens DesJarlais gled banner; that colored persons of African Kind (Connolly) DeFazio Kaptur Palazzo (Fleischmann) Ruiz (Aguilar) descent have no rights that white men are DeGette Katko Pallone Fallon (Nehls) Kirkpatrick Rush bound to respect; that colored men of Afri- DeLauro Keating Palmer Gallego (Gomez) (Stanton) (Underwood) can descent are not and cannot be citizens of Lawson (FL) DelBene Keller Panetta Garcı´a (IL) Sewell (DelBene) the United States.’’. (Evans) Steube Delgado Kelly (IL) Pappas (Gomez) (4) While the removal of Chief Justice Demings Kelly (MS) Pascrell Garcia (TX) Leger Fernandez (Franklin, C. DeSaulnier Kelly (PA) Payne (Jeffries) (Jacobs (CA)) Scott) Roger Brooke Taney’s bust from the United DesJarlais Khanna Pence Gonzalez, Lieu (Beyer) Strickland States Capitol does not relieve the Congress Deutch Kildee Perlmutter Vicente Lowenthal (DelBene) of the historical wrongs it committed to pro- Diaz-Balart Kilmer Perry (Carbajal) (Beyer) tect the institution of slavery, it expresses

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.016 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3264 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 Congress’s recognition of one of the most no- (2) DEFINITIONS.— be visited by millions of people again. torious wrongs to have ever taken place in (A) CONFEDERATE STATUE.—In this sub- What and who we choose to honor in one of its rooms, that of Chief Justice Roger section, the term ‘‘Confederate statue’’ this building must represent our val- Brooke Taney’s Dred Scott v. Sandford deci- means a statue which was provided by a ues. sion. State for display in the United States Cap- Chief Justice Taney, who, in the Dred (b) REMOVAL OF BUST OF ROGER BROOKE itol that depicts— TANEY.—Not later than 45 days after the date (i) any individual who served voluntarily Scott decision, declared that African of the enactment of this Act, the Joint Com- at any time as a member of the Armed Americans could never be citizens of mittee on the Library shall remove the bust Forces of the Confederate States of America the United States and had no constitu- of Roger Brooke Taney in the Old Supreme or of the military of a State while the State tional rights, does not meet this stand- Court Chamber of the United States Capitol. was in open rebellion against the United ard; and neither do the white suprema- (c) REPLACEMENT WITH BUST OF THURGOOD States; or cists and Confederates we continue to MARSHALL.— (ii) any individual who served as an official honor with statues today. (1) OBTAINING BUST.—Not later than 2 years of the Government of the Confederate States Justice Taney’s decision continued after the date of the enactment of this Act, of America or as an official of a State while the Joint Committee on the Library shall and permitted the expansion of slavery. the State was in open rebellion against the Those who founded, served, and fought enter into an agreement to obtain a bust of United States. Thurgood Marshall, under such terms and (B) CONFEDERATE BUST.—In this subsection, for the Confederacy were willing to conditions as the Joint Committee considers the term ‘‘Confederate bust’’ means a bust spill American blood in defense of it. appropriate consistent with applicable law. which depicts an individual described in In his infamous Cornerstone Speech, (2) PLACEMENT.—The Joint Committee on clause (i) or (ii) of subparagraph (A). Confederate Vice President Alexander the Library shall place the bust obtained (b) OTHER STATUES.—Not later than 45 days Stephens said that slavery and white under paragraph (1) in the location in the after the date of the enactment of this Act, supremacy were the cornerstone of the Old Supreme Court Chamber of the United the Joint Committee on the Library shall re- Confederacy. States Capitol where the bust of Roger move the statue of Charles Brantley Aycock, There is no shortage of American fig- Brooke Taney was located prior to removal the statue of John Caldwell Calhoun, and the by the Architect of the Capitol under sub- ures like Justice Thurgood Marshall, statue of James Paul Clarke from any area the first African American to serve on section (b). of the United State Capitol which is acces- SEC. 2. REQUIREMENTS AND REMOVAL PROCE- sible to the public. the Supreme Court, more deserving of DURES FOR STATUES IN NATIONAL (c) STORAGE.—The Architect of the Capitol the honor of being displayed in our STATUARY HALL. shall keep any statue or bust removed under Capitol. (a) REQUIREMENTS.—Section 1814 of the Re- this section in storage. There are some who argue that this vised Statutes (2 U.S.C. 2131) is amended by (d) EXCLUSION OF STATUES SUBJECT TO action is an attempt to erase and for- inserting ‘‘(other than persons who served OTHER REMOVAL PROCEDURES.—This sub- get our history. Nothing could be fur- voluntarily in the military forces or govern- section does not apply with respect to any ment of the Confederate States of America ther from the truth. We must never statue which is subject to removal under sec- forget our Nation’s shameful periods of or in the military forces or government of a tion 2. State while the State was in rebellion slavery, segregation, and racism. SEC. 4. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. against the United States)’’ after ‘‘military This is, instead, about who we choose There are authorized to be appropriated services’’. to honor, who we choose to literally such sums as may be necessary to carry out (b) STATUE REMOVAL PROCEDURES.— put on the pedestal and display as em- (1) IN GENERAL.— this Act, and any amounts so appropriated shall remain available until expended. blematic of our values. (A) IDENTIFICATION BY ARCHITECT OF THE We are just months removed from CAPITOL.—The Architect of the Capitol shall The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bill January 6, when a mob of insurrection- identify all statues on display in the United shall be debatable for 1 hour equally di- ists looking to violently overturn a States Capitol that do not meet the require- vided and controlled by the chair and Presidential election stormed this very ments of section 1814 of the Revised Statutes ranking minority member of the Com- building. During that awful attack, the (2 U.S.C. 2131), as amended by subsection (a). mittee on House Administration or (B) REMOVAL BY JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE same Confederate flag carried into bat- their respective designees. LIBRARY.—The Joint Committee on the Li- tle against the United States in the The gentlewoman from California brary shall arrange for the removal of each 19th century was again carried into (Ms. LOFGREN) and the gentleman from statue identified by the Architect of the Cap- battle against the United States and itol under subparagraph (A) from any area of Georgia (Mr. LOUDERMILK) each will into this very Capitol. the United States Capitol which is accessible control 30 minutes. It is long past time to remove from a to the public by not later than 120 days after The Chair recognizes the gentle- place of honor in our Nation’s Capitol the date of the enactment of this Act. woman from California. (2) RETURN OF STATUES.—A statue which is the statues and busts of those who fa- GENERAL LEAVE removed under this subsection and which vored war against the United States in was provided for display by a State shall be Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, I support of the so-called government returned to the State, and the ownership of ask unanimous consent that all Mem- founded on a cornerstone of racism and the statue transferred to the State, if the bers may have 5 legislative days in white supremacy. State so requests and agrees to pay any costs which to revise and extend their re- Outside the Old Supreme Court related to the transportation of the statue to marks and include extraneous mate- Chamber, before you get to the Taney the State. rial. bust, you pass another sculpture, which (3) REPLACEMENT OF STATUES.—A State The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there that has a statue removed under this sub- depicts the figures of History and Jus- section may replace such statue in accord- objection to the request of the gentle- tice. Today, we can demonstrate to the ance with the requirements and procedures woman from California? Nation and the world that we have of section 1814 of the Revised Statutes (2 There was no objection. learned from our history and we con- U.S.C. 2131) and section 311 of the Legislative Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, I tinue to pursue justice. Branch Appropriations Act, 2001 (2 U.S.C. yield myself such time as I may con- Put another way, we can follow the 2132). sume. advice of the great American poet and (c) STORAGE.—The Architect of the Capitol Madam Speaker, I rise in support of civil rights activist Maya Angelou. shall keep any statue removed under this this bill. It directs the Joint Com- section in storage pending the return of the This is what she said: ‘‘Do the best you statue to the State. mittee on the Library to replace the can until you know better. Then when SEC. 3. REMOVAL OF CERTAIN OTHER STATUES bust of Chief Justice Roger Taney in you know better, do better.’’ AND BUSTS. the Old Supreme Court Chamber with a Let us now show ourselves and the (a) CONFEDERATE STATUES AND BUSTS.— bust of Justice Thurgood Marshall. It world that we are who we claim to be. (1) REMOVAL.—Not later than 45 days after also directs the removal of statues and Let us do better. the date of the enactment of this Act, the busts of individuals who served the Madam Speaker, I urge my col- Joint Committee on the Library, together Confederacy, and other white suprema- leagues to join me in supporting H.R. with the Curator of the House of Representa- cists. tives or the Curator of the Senate (as the 3005, and I reserve the balance of my case may be), shall remove all Confederate The United States Capitol is a beacon time. statues and Confederate busts from any area of democracy, freedom, and equality, Mr. LOUDERMILK. Madam Speaker, of the United States Capitol which is acces- visited by millions of people each year I yield myself such time as I may con- sible to the public. before COVID hit, and soon we hope to sume.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.018 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3265 Madam Speaker, I thank my col- confident that we can find common perpetuate the notion of white suprem- league, the chair of the House Adminis- ground. acy. We must not continue to honor tration Committee, for the opportunity While I plan to support this legisla- these combatants by allowing their im- to be here today. tion and recognize its underlying in- ages to be displayed in this Capitol. I rise in opposition to H.R. 3005, but tent, this is an issue that is way past The bill before us today, Madam not because of the goals that it at- its due date. Speaker, identifies several other stat- tempts to achieve. Many of us have Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, be- ues for removal that are not part of the been fighting for those same things. In fore yielding to the gentleman from collection, including the bust of Chief fact, some of the comments that she North Carolina, I would like to correct Justice Roger Brooke Taney, who au- made, you will find in my remarks the record. The Joint Committee on thored the 1857 Supreme Court decision about some of the people whose statues the Library organized last Wednesday. of Dred Scott that ruled that slaves are here that I do not believe should be Until last Wednesday, the Joint Com- could not be considered citizens and in this honored building, and I have mittee was chaired by Senator ROY that Congress did not have the ability fought for a long time to remove those. BLUNT of Missouri, a Republican Sen- to ban slavery. This opinion, Madam But I am in opposition to the process of ator, and I have now been chair for 6 Speaker, is regarded as possibly the which we are trying to impose to do days and hope to act promptly on the Supreme Court’s worst decision of all this. North Carolina matter. time, and the 7–2 decision was a major Madam Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to Madam Speaker, I yield 4 minutes to factor contributing to the Civil War. the gentlewoman from North Carolina the gentleman from North Carolina Another bust not a part of the Na- tional Statuary Hall Collection is for (Ms. FOXX). (Mr. BUTTERFIELD), the distinguished Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, Repub- chair of the Election Subcommittee in Vice President John Breckinridge, 1856 to 1859. In 1860, Breckinridge ran for licans and Democrats agree that rac- the House Administration Committee. ism, in any shape or form, is repugnant Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Madam Speak- President on the Southern Democratic ticket and he lost. During the Civil and must be denounced. I do intend to er, let me first thank the chair for her War, Breckinridge served in the United vote for this bill, as I did last summer, leadership and friendship on our com- States Senate, from Kentucky, but be- when Congress considered a similar mittee. came a traitor and enlisted in the Con- measure. Madam Speaker, just a little bit of federate military and assigned to the It is interesting, however, that our history. I want to take you back to Army of Mississippi, achieving the colleagues across the aisle have only 1860. President Lincoln won the general recently deemed the cause of removing rank of Major General. And it gets election in 1860 by winning 18 of 29 worse. He was expelled from the United statues worthy of immediate action. States. When you look at the facts, it is even States Senate. Jefferson Davis then ap- Madam Speaker, the 11 States that pointed him as Secretary of War. After more puzzling. Lincoln failed to carry were slave-hold- Since 1870, statues have been present the war, he fled the country for several ing States. These States were fearful in the United States Capitol, and years. that Lincoln would find a way to end Democrats retained a majority in the Madam Speaker, this statue must slavery and deprive slave owners of House 40 times since then. They have also be removed. their free labor. Eleven Southern had ample opportunities to remove I ask my colleagues to answer the States immediately seceded from the these statues that Members of their summons of our time by voting to re- own party are responsible for placing Union, forming the Confederate States move these statues from the Capitol of in the Capitol in the first place, but of America. The CSA elected its leader- the United States of America. ship, they printed a currency, and they have done nothing. b 1515 Again, the timing here is rather pe- set up a military. At Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861, the Mr. LOUDERMILK. Madam Speaker, culiar. After retaining the majority 40 I yield myself such time as I may con- times, one would think that if this CSA took military action against the United States of America. For the fol- sume. were truly a pressing issue, they would Madam Speaker, as I stated earlier, have acted sooner. lowing 4 years, more than 600,000 Amer- icans lost their lives on the battlefield, you will find that many, if not all, on For many years, I have advocated this side of the aisle will agree with that North Carolina’s statues of including Black Union soldiers. This was not a war between the States; it most of the comments, if not all the Charles Aycock and Zebulon Vance be comments, that are made by our col- removed based on their ties to the Con- was a war against the United States by 11 Southern States, including my leagues on the other side of the aisle. federacy. I have suggested that two I think we need to go back and look State. statues of people that all North Caro- at where we have been as a nation and When the Union finally won the war linians and all Americans can be proud where we are going. A lot of what we and both sides buried their dead, 4 mil- of be put in their place. put into this building should reflect lion slaves were granted their freedom I am proud that the first Republican not only our history but our values as by the passage and ratification of the majority in North Carolina’s Legisla- a nation. ture in 140 years voted in 2015 to re- 13th Amendment. That is why I, in the past, have advo- place the Aycock statue with a statue In 1864, each State was granted the cated very strongly for certain statues of Reverend Billy Graham. Yet this re- privilege to donate two statues of de- to be removed. I think it is important quest has been awaiting action by the ceased persons to be displayed in this now that we have both parties looking Democrat-chaired Joint Committee on Capitol that depict the history of their at this. the Library for months. If they were State. These statues are now known as As my colleague from North Carolina truly concerned about removing these the National Statuary Hall Collection. mentioned, Taney and the Dred Scott statues, they might be quicker to act Approximately 10 of these statues de- decision, I think it was during a time on the requests to replace some of the pict men who volunteered to fight period when Democratic President An- very same statues. against the United States in the Civil drew Jackson nominated his bust to be I will look past the times the North War. All of these statues were donated put in the Capitol here today. Carolina Democrat Party used Gov- many decades after the Civil War. Like Now, it can’t be overstated how much ernor Aycock’s name in fundraising many other statues around the country this body and this country condemn materials and the meetings they held honoring members of the Confederate the institution of slavery. I believe, as in buildings that sported his name. States of America, particularly those a whole, this Nation has done that and Maybe today’s vote is to compensate erected in the South, these 10 statues continues to do that. for the decades of inaction under a were not donated and installed in the In fact, when I was in the Georgia Democrat-controlled House of Rep- Capitol until the 1900s, during the legislature, I realized that Georgia was resentatives. We will let the American height of the Jim Crow era. the sole State of the former Confed- people decide. Many Americans see these statues eracy that had not officially con- Republicans are always open for a and the timing of their placement to demned the act of slavery nor had con- spirited debate on this issue, and I am intimidate Black Americans and to demned its participation in slavery

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.043 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3266 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 during these dark periods of our Na- licans are insincere in our opposition Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, I tion. So, I introduced legislation called to slavery and dragging our feet when yield myself such time as I may con- the Freedom Resolution, which would it comes to removing these statues. In sume. formally acknowledge the ills, the ha- fact, it was a Republican, a good friend Madam Speaker, before yielding, I tred, and this dark period of our Nation of mine in the State legislature, Scot just want to note, for purposes of clari- that our government, our State gov- Turner, who in 2020 introduced legisla- fying the historical record, that the ernment, the State that I love, was ac- tion that he knew I supported, and I Republicans of the 19th century and tually engaged in. came out publicly supporting, to re- the early 20th century bear almost no That was a very painful time in our move Stephens’ statue and replace it resemblance to the Republican Party history, but we learned from that his- with a statue of Martin Luther King, of today. Similarly, the Democratic tory. I don’t think anyone wants to for- Jr. Party bears no resemblance to the get that time period, else we will re- The States have begun to take ac- Democratic Party of the 19th and early peat that in some shape, form, or fash- tion. As we talked about, North Caro- 20th centuries. They are the same par- ion. lina has already taken action to re- ties in name only. As I said, it is important that the move their statues and replace them. In the 19th century, the Republicans statues that we have here reflect the But I am very concerned about this were generally the party of the north- values of this Nation. In fact, I was committee. erners, and the Democrats were the very vocal many times in the past over In fact, the Joint Committee on the party of the South, and that has one of Georgia’s two statues here, Library, the committee responsible for switched. Alexander Stephens. To say he was a facilitating the removal of statues ap- Madam Speaker, I yield 1 minute to racist was an understatement. As was proved by State legislatures, was only the gentlewoman from California (Ms. mentioned, his ‘‘Cornerstone Address,’’ organized last week. Now, this is 6 PELOSI), the Speaker of the House. as we read it today, is just wrought months from the start of the 117th Con- Ms. PELOSI. Madam Speaker, I with the idea that all men are not cre- gress. I have been on the Joint Com- thank Madam Chair for her leadership ated equal. mittee on the Library, and I was very on this very important issue. In fact, he was very condemning of excited the first year I was appointed The point that she makes is inter- and George Wash- to the Joint Committee on the Library esting because, actually, in terms of ington. He even went as far as illus- because, as a fan of the Library of Con- the 14th Amendment, when Black trating that they were insane because gress, I thought this would be a great Americans were given the right to of our founding documents being built opportunity to participate in pre- vote, it was the Republicans who were upon a false premise, and that false serving the history and heritage of this the votes to make that happen, and the premise was the idea that God created Nation. Democrats, to a person, voted against all of us equal. He went on to say that But of the three terms that I have it. So, her point is well taken. Now, we God didn’t create us equal. He went on been on the committee, from my recol- are in a fight to protect that right to to say that White people were superior lection, the committee has only met vote, but we will have that conversa- and that that is why we have the insti- three times, and that was an organiza- tion another day. Today, we are here tution of slavery, and it should be pre- tional meeting each time. It is hard to for a very specific purpose. served. do your work when you don’t even get Madam Speaker, this weekend, we Those are not ideas that are com- together to do the work. observe the birth of our Nation, the mensurate with what we believe in this The lack of urgency to organize the Fourth of July, when Americans joy- Nation. But it was during a time period committee is reason for enough con- fully celebrate the birth of America’s where many of the Old South, Demo- cern. Even more disappointing is our independence and the blessings of lib- crat-led houses and senates and statue failure to address several approved erty. commissions, were trying to hold on to statue replacement requests from As we do so, we solemnly recognize those old ideas and principles that our State legislatures. that those blessings have been denied party—the party of emancipation was In October 2015, the State of North to so many throughout our Nation’s brought up, Abraham Lincoln. We have Carolina began the process of switching history out of sheer bigotry and rac- been opposed to these ideas. We totally out the statue of Charles Brantley ism. wrapped our arms around this idea that Aycock with the Reverend Billy Gra- This holiday, while a celebration, is all men are created equal, that we are ham. Now, this passed the North Caro- also an opportunity to take steps to all given equal opportunity, that all lina House 71–28, a bipartisan vote, and right the wrongs of history, starting life is important, that everyone is cre- in the Senate, 44–0, a unanimous vote here, right here in the U.S. Capitol. ated in the eyes of God, and that this in the North Carolina Senate. Yet, we That is why, today, we are again government exists to protect those still have not taken action on approv- passing legislation to remove statues freedoms and those liberties. ing that for a man who definitely had of Confederate officials and other advo- But there were those in the Demo- a very strong impact not only on civil cates of bigotry and removing them crat-controlled Southern States who rights but on our Nation as a whole, from the U.S. Capitol. wanted to hold on to the old ideas, who we so respect that his body laid in As I have said before, the Halls of those ideas that Alexander Stephens the rotunda not too long ago. Yet, we Congress are the very heart of our de- espoused. That is why, in Georgia, the still have not been able to move on get- mocracy. The statues that we display Democrat-led commission wanted to ting that done, as well as several other should embody our highest ideals as poke their finger in the eyes of the States. Americans, expressing who we are and Federal Government, and they nomi- I believe that we need to focus our ef- who we aspire to be as a nation. nated or placed as statues these people forts on changing this process because Monuments to men or people who ad- who held ideas different than what we I think it would mean a whole lot vocated cruelty and barbarism to hold as a party over here, what we hold more, a whole lot more to this body as achieve such a plainly racist end are a as a nation today. well as to the American people if the grotesque affront to those ideals. They My opposition to this bill isn’t be- States who originally put those statues are an homage to hate, not heritage. cause of the goal that we are trying to in here were the ones that now asked They must be removed. achieve, but it is the way that the ma- that they would be removed. I think I thank Leader , who jority continues to skirt procedure in that would be much more appropriate has been advocating this for a long this body for the second consecutive than this body taking action. If we re- time and took charge and worked with Congress. This bill was rushed to the formed our process to make it where Whip , Congressional floor without a hearing or a markup in the States could actually do it, it Black Caucus Chair , the Committee on House Administra- would mean a whole lot more to the fu- Chair , Congress- tion. ture of our Nation. woman BARBARA LEE, Congressman G. I am sure we will hear from my col- Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- K. BUTTERFIELD, who we just heard leagues on the other side that Repub- ance of my time. from, and the Chair. Madam Speaker, I

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.045 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3267 thank you and the others for your lead- time. You have been in my office, and The Navy included Kendi’s book on ership. you sat on the couch. I sat across, in its official reading list for sailors and This action builds on actions taken the chair. And you know the portrait the Department of Education has last Juneteenth when, using my au- that hangs in my office, a portrait of praised the debunked ‘‘The 1619 thority as House Speaker, I ordered the Abraham Lincoln. I am proud that he Project,’’ citing it as an example of removal of four portraits of past was the first Republican President of what should be taught to our children. Speakers from the Capitol who traitor- the United States. I am proud of the Critical race theory is the governing ously served in the Confederacy. action that he took in a defining time ideology of what we are now finding in Among the Confederate statues in of our Nation. The greatest challenge the Biden administration. By advo- the Capitol that we are addressing ever to our Constitution was the Civil cating for it Democrats continue to today are Jefferson Davis and Alex- War, by long and by far. fuel hatred and division across the ander Stephens, president and vice b 1530 country. president of the Confederacy, respec- I agree with Senator : tively, both of whom were charged with The bill we are voting on today we America is not a racist country. treason against America. voted on before. I supported it then, America must reject critical race This legislation also removes from and I support it now. theory for the simple reason: State- But let me state a simple fact: All the Old Supreme Court Chamber in the sponsored racism is wrong and always the statues being removed by this bill Capitol the bust of Justice Roger will be. are statues of Democrats. Madam Taney, a defender of slavery and the It was wrong when it was segregated Speaker, as I heard the Speaker talk author of the 1857 Dred Scott ruling, lunch counters of Jim Crow, and it was earlier about removing the four por- one of the most horrific stains on our wrong when it was segregated class- traits of Speakers in the hall, the same Nation and the Court’s history. Mr. rooms of critical race theory. answer goes for that, as well. They HOYER has been particularly interested Madam Speaker, many times I won- in removing Justice Taney. were all Democrats. What is interesting is the statues der what would America have looked Removing these statues will not like had Abraham Lincoln not been as- erase this stain or that of other racist that need to be removed were sent to the Capitol by States that were a ma- sassinated? Malice towards none. What acts in our history, nor will it erase would America have looked like had the racism that exists in our country jority controlled by Democrats sent to a House that had a majority controlled the agreement to remove the Federal today. But it is an important and nec- troops from the south because Joseph essary step. by Democrats accepting of these stat- ues. Rainey was elected to Congress, and How can we seek to end the scourge Jim Crow laws were passed by Demo- of racism—including by passing the I think the bill should go further. Maybe it is time the Democrats change crat-controlled offices in the south? George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, Our Nation was built on a unifying which the Chair has championed—when the name of their party. They may be desperate to pretend their party has vision from the beginning. As Lincoln we allow the worst perpetrators of that said, we are conceived in liberty and racism to be lauded in the Halls of Con- progressed from the days of supporting slavery, pushing Jim Crow laws or sup- dedicated to the proposition that we gress? are all equal. Congress has the opportunity and the porting the KKK. I will vote for this bill today, just as obligation to make meaningful change. But let’s be honest, at any place at I voted for it before, but, Madam Let us lead by example. any time if those fundamentals rest Speaker, if we have not learned any- The Taney bust will be replaced by a somewhere, we cannot let them. thing, we should not divide our Nation tribute to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Let’s go through some of the words based on race. Thurgood Marshall, an icon of equality and actions of a few Democrats. Just a and champion of justice in America. few years ago then-Vice President Joe I applaud the Democrats for standing I am very proud of Justice Marshall’s Biden praised Democrat Senator Rob- up, removing Democrat statues from Baltimore roots, as a native Balti- ert Byrd. He was an ‘‘exalted cyclops’’ Democrat-controlled majorities sent to morean, and I am happy that our Balti- of the Ku Klux Klan. In his eulogy for a Democrat majority House that ac- more airport is named for him. Byrd he said: ‘‘For a lot of us, he was cepted them. It is about time. But, Justice Thurgood Marshall’s words, a friend . . . mentor . . . and guide.’’ Madam Speaker, to continue along in a uttered nearly 30 years ago, must be Another leading Democrat who critical race theory where you would our inspiration. He said: ‘‘America praised Byrd at the time was Speaker teach an individual that they are right must get to work. . . . We must dissent PELOSI. She called Byrd a friend, a or wrong based upon the color of skin from the indifference. We must dissent great person, and a great American pa- goes against everything that we are from the apathy. We must dissent from triot. voting about today. the fear, the hatred, and the mistrust.’’ Madam Speaker, today the Demo- Madam Speaker, you know my heart, He went on further to say: ‘‘We must cratic Party has doubled down on what and I know yours. There are times we dissent because America can do better, I consider this shameful history by re- might disagree on philosophy or how because America has no choice but to placing the racism of the past with the best to run a government, but we never do better.’’ racism of the critical race theory. disagreed by judging somebody by the His words were later echoed by our They continue to look at race as the color of their skin. Baltimore brother , primary means of judging a person’s And I hope we take this moment and who said: ‘‘We are better than this.’’ character. We saw this just last week. this opportunity as we promised before Madam Speaker, we can do better, Senate Democrats voted to confirm one to strive to be a more perfect Union. for the children. I urge a strong bipar- of President Biden’s appointees who Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, I tisan vote on this important step to do said: ‘‘We must do everything in our yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from better, to right the wrongs of history, collective power to realize Dr. Kendi’s South Carolina (Mr. CLYBURN), the ma- and to move our Nation toward a fu- vision for America.’’ jority whip. We are so lucky to have as ture of justice. I do so with gratitude Let me be clear about what that vi- our whip someone who started his pub- for all of the champions who have sion is. Kendi, the author of ‘‘How to lic service as a fighter for civil rights. brought us to this important day. I Be an Antiracist’’ proposed in his book Like our colleague, the late John urge a strong bipartisan vote. that the solution to past discrimina- Lewis, our whip put his life on the line Mr. LOUDERMILK. Madam Speaker, tion is present discrimination. Now for civil rights and for voting rights. I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from that is what the person who is now in Mr. CLYBURN. Madam Speaker, I California (Mr. MCCARTHY), my good charge of the personnel of the entire thank the gentlewoman for yielding me friend and the leader of the Repub- Federal Government is endorsing. And the time. licans here in the House. this divisive vision isn’t confirmed or I listened pretty intently to the mi- Mr. MCCARTHY. Madam Speaker, just confined to one person or depart- nority leader talking about theory, a you have been a dear friend for a long ment. principle upon which a set of practices

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:30 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.046 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3268 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 are made. That is what a theory is. We came a Republican, and took all of woman quoted Maya Angelou earlier. are not here today to talk about the- those segregationists with him into the And since Maya Angelou spent her ory. South Carolina Republican Party. The childhood in my district in Arkansas, I Today, we are talking about some ac- South Carolina Republican Party built wholeheartedly agree with the words of tions, some practices that were made. itself on the Confederate battle flag. Maya Angelou that we can do better. We are talking about moving to make Those are facts of history. We can’t But I am not convinced that H.R. 3005 this Nation more perfect. And one of deny those facts, and we won’t try to. is actually doing better. Madam Speak- the ways you do that is by recognizing We try to do whatever we can to do er, this bill would remove all statues and admitting that we have a very what George Santayana admonished us from the U.S. Capitol of individuals spotted history when it comes to race. to do; learn the history and gather les- who voluntarily served in the Confed- I met my late wife in jail protesting sons from that history or we run the erate Army or, it appears, who are now practices that were based upon our risk of repeating that history. What we otherwise deemed by Democrats as rac- skin color. Racial inequities, that is should do today is relegate these stat- ist and unfit for any type of honor. what this is all about. ues to the dust bin of history. One of the statues named for removal One of the statues in this building Mr. LOUDERMILK. Madam Speaker, is James Paul Clarke, a Democrat from sent up here by my State, South Caro- I appreciate the very passionate words Arkansas, who served as a U.S. Senator lina, is a statue of John C. Calhoun. that we have heard here today. And as and the 18th Governor of Arkansas. His John C. Calhoun is not here because he I said in the beginning, we on this side statue was placed in the Capitol by defended the southern States during of the aisle not only agree, but we have Democrat majorities in both the Ar- the Civil War. We talk about those gen- been advocating for these very things kansas House and Senate. erals all over this place. for quite some time. The Speaker might be interested to John C. Calhoun died in 1850, more In fact, as far as Georgia’s statue, I learn that the Republican Arkansas than a decade before the Civil War have advocated in times past for the State legislature voted in 2019 to re- started. So why is he here? Why did removal of Alexander Stephens’ stat- place James Paul Clarke and its other South Carolina send his statue up here ue—it has been on several occasions statue, which depicts Uriah Rose. for us to honor? Simply because he was that I have spoken about this—and let Speaker PELOSI is already familiar this Nation’s foremost proponent of me just share with you this one idea, Uriah Rose. You see, last year, on June slavery. So much so until Yale Univer- this principle, the criticism that he 10, Speaker PELOSI sent a letter to the sity from which he graduated took his made of our Founders, because he be- Joint Committee on the Library re- name off the college that they cele- lieved that our founding documents, questing it remove 11 statues which de- brated him with. Clemson University, the Declaration of Independence and pict Confederate soldiers and officials, which he was one of the founders of, the Constitution were inherently which she says involves Uriah Rose. took his name off of his Honors Col- flawed. This is what Stephens said. Uriah Rose was an Arkansas attor- lege. Charleston, South Carolina, ‘‘The prevailing ideas entertained by ney, who was a founder and two-time where he is buried took his statue him,’’ meaning Jefferson, ‘‘and most of president of the American Bar Associa- down overnight. People went to bed the leading statesmen at the time of tion. Uriah Rose also founded the Rose around 11 o’clock at night looking at the formation of the old Constitu- Law Firm in Little Rock, at which Hil- the statue, and when they got up at 6 tion’’—talking about the Constitution lary Clinton began her legal career and o’clock the next morning, it was gone we have today because he was advo- became the firm’s first female partner. cating for the Confederate Constitu- because South Carolina has done every- The Speaker will be pleased to know tion—‘‘were that the enslavement of thing they can to get beyond those that neither Uriah Rose nor James the African was in violation of the laws principles advocated by John C. Cal- Paul Clarke were commissioned into of nature; that it was wrong in prin- houn. the Confederate Army. Uriah Rose ciple, socially, morally, and politi- But his statue is here. And I want to never fought for the Confederacy, and cally.’’ And we agree with that. thank the Speaker for moving that James Paul Clarke was 7 years old What he is saying is the flaw of our statue to some place out the eyesight when the Civil War began. Founders was that they believed this of any school child coming up here. I However, following the established idea that all men are created equal, always call this Hall ‘‘America’s class- procedures for placing statues in the and they put that in our founding docu- room.’’ And we ought to be teaching in Capitol, Arkansas has recognized racist ments. this Hall that which is wholesome The reason I bring that up today is beliefs held at least by the Democrat about the country. because of something that the minor- Governor and Senator James Clarke This is a great country. Nobody de- ity leader said, which is that under and, in 2019, began the process of re- nies that. I don’t call this a racist critical race theory they are teaching placing our two statues with those who country. I do say that this country has that our founding documents were the have made significant, meaningful con- on occasion, too often for my taste, opposite, and more that they were tributions to Arkansas and our Nation: tolerated racism. That is a fact. And what Alexander Stephens was saying Country music legend Johnny Cash and nobody can deny that fact. they were, that they are flawed, that civil rights activist Daisy Bates. Last time this bill came before this Madam Speaker, every State can fol- they teach racism. But Alexander Ste- body, over 70 of my Republican friends low that process. Many have and many phens was taking the opposite ap- voted for it. I would hope we could do are. Daisy Bates was a civil rights ac- proach, and he says they weren’t teach- a little better today. tivist who was an unstoppable force ing racism, that is why they are Madam Speaker, I close by reminding during the desegregation of Arkansas, flawed. my friend, most of us who studied his- This is why I have advocated a long and I am proud that Arkansas chose tory, we know when the Republican time for the removal of Stephens’ stat- her as one of the statues to replace Party came into being. We know when ue. In fact, as I was speaking about James Paul Clarke and Uriah Rose. the Democratic Party came into being; this at one time, my family and I re- Daisy Bates was instrumental in se- it happens to be an older party than ceived a threat from the Ku Klux Klan curing safe entry into Little Rock Cen- the Republican Party. So I understand in Georgia, because I adamantly be- tral High School for the ‘‘Little Rock all of that. But we also know that in lieve that we are all created equal and Nine’’ in September of 1957, one of the 1948, when Hubert Humphrey spoke at we are all given the same opportunities first high schools in Arkansas to inte- the 1948 Democratic Convention in this Nation. grate following the Brown v. Board of against segregation, , Madam Speaker, I yield 4 minutes to Education Supreme Court decision in the Democrat, left the party, came the gentleman from Arkansas (Mr. 1954. back. And in 1964 when Democrats Arkansas has been working with the WESTERMAN). came together and decided that they Architect of the Capitol and the Joint were going to pass the Civil Rights Act b 1545 Committee on the Library to replace of 1964, Strom Thurmond, the Demo- Mr. WESTERMAN. Madam Speaker, these statues for 21⁄2 years, complying crat, left the Democratic Party, be- in her opening remarks, the gentle- with every step in the process.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.047 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3269 H.R. 3005 also names other statues, In the name of original intent, Jus- Mr. GROTHMAN. Madam Speaker, I such as Charles Brantley Aycock, a tice Taney transformed our Constitu- will have to admit that when I first got Democrat from North Carolina who did tion into a White man’s compact. He this job and walked through Statuary not serve in the Confederate Army, but disgraced the Supreme Court. It would Hall, I was kind of surprised at some of has racist ties, who North Carolina has take the Civil War, the Reconstruction the people who are honored there. In been trying to replace with Reverend amendments, and the civil rights particular, Alexander Stephens was one Billy Graham since 2015. movement to dismantle the white su- that kind of jumped out at me. This bill naming statues that are in premacist constitution. And right before the end of the Civil the process of being replaced is nothing Now we are going to replace him with War, Abraham Lincoln talked about more than what I believe is an attempt a great Marylander, who has stood the malice towards none and charity for by Democrats to prematurely thwart test of time, Justice Thurgood Mar- all. And I think that charity for all was the authority of States in order to shall, who was one of the architects of being a little abused when people like claim the moral high ground for them- the legal strategy to dismantle Jim Alexander Hamilton Stephens got their selves. If Democrats were serious about Crow and to replace Plessy v. Fer- statue down there. cleansing the U.S. Capitol of statues guson. Be that as it may, there is another depicting those with racist views, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The part of this bill that is put before us. Speaker PELOSI would insist the Joint time of the gentleman has expired. We have talked about the Dred Scott Committee on the Library make it a Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, I decision. I am going to talk a little bit top priority to work with Arkansas and yield an additional 30 seconds to the about Roe v. Wade and a history of Roe North Carolina to expedite the replace- gentleman from Maryland. v. Wade that I think a lot of people Mr. RASKIN. Madam Speaker, Jus- ment of these statues that are already don’t know about. I get this history in tice Marshall argued the White pri- in process. part from an article put out by mary line of cases: Smith v. Allwright The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and in part from a and Terry v. Adams. He argued Brown time of the gentleman has expired. book written by Bob Woodward. v. Board of Education. He became the Mr. LOUDERMILK. Madam Speaker, Obviously, Roe v. Wade could be de- first African-American Supreme Court I yield an additional 30 seconds to the scribed as the most significant court Justice. decision in that it legalized abortion, gentleman from Arkansas. As for all the other Federal office- Mr. WESTERMAN. Madam Speaker, and we have 60 million fewer Ameri- holders who took an oath to support I am glad to hear the gentlewoman is cans than we would have if this deci- our Constitution but then defected to going to work to see the Billy Graham sion had not happened. the Confederacy and waged insurrec- However, a change was made in that statue is quickly added, and I ask that tion and rebellion against the United decision as they were debating it, up- she does the same for Arkansas statues States, they were banned by Section 3 ping that 60 million figure a little bit of Johnny Cash and Daisy Bates. of the 14th Amendment from ever serv- higher because a decision was made at Madam Speaker, we don’t need a do- ing in public office again, at the Fed- the end to go from allowing abortions nothing messaging bill from Demo- eral level, at the State level, or at the at 3 months to allowing abortions all crats. We don’t need another nanny- local level. the way until viability—late-term state mandate from House Democrats Why should they occupy a position of abortion. telling States what they need to do. honor and reverence in this building? The author of that decision, Justice What we need is a get-something-done Mr. LOUDERMILK. Madam Speaker, Blackmun, was just going to go 3 attitude and real leadership, and these may I inquire how much time is re- months, and he got a letter put out by statues will be gone out of the Capitol. maining? Thurgood Marshall, who wanted it to Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, just The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- be much higher. a note of the process. In fact, Arkansas 1 tleman from Georgia has 11 ⁄2 minutes I can’t tell you exactly how many is now selecting an artist to develop remaining. The gentlewoman from abortions past 3 months we have had in the Bates statue that has to be ap- California has 121⁄2 minutes remaining. this country, but it is probably over 5 proved before we can proceed. Mean- Mr. LOUDERMILK. Madam Speaker, million. And that was because while, even though they want to get rid prior to the organizing of the current Thurgood Marshall was in the right or of that statue, it stays here. If we pass Joint Committee on the Library, wrong position—however you want to this bill, the statue will be gone while Ranking Member RODNEY DAVIS and I look at it—to go from 3 months to Arkansas pursues a replacement. sent a letter to the Joint Committee making America one of seven countries Madam Speaker, I yield 1 minute to on the Library to demand immediate in the world where they allow abor- the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. action on North Carolina’s pending re- tions so late. And of those countries in- RASKIN), my colleague, a member of quest to replace the statue of Charles cludes North , Vietnam, Red the Committee on House Administra- Brantley Aycock with the statue of China—not countries you want to be tion, and a scholar and former con- Reverend Billy Graham. associated with. stitutional law professor. So far, the request has been ignored, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. RASKIN. Madam Speaker, I but I can only assume it was because it time of the gentleman has expired. thank the chairwoman for her great would impede the ability to do what we Mr. LOUDERMILK. Madam Speaker, leadership on this. are doing here today. But I am encour- I yield an additional 30 seconds to the Madam Speaker, it is one thing to re- aged by the chair’s commitment to act gentleman from Wisconsin. member the Nation’s Confederate trai- on that very quickly. Mr. GROTHMAN. Madam Speaker, if tors. It is another thing to glorify I would also say that this isn’t an this bill becomes law and we walk them. It is time to stop glorifying isolated case. There are currently eight through there, we are going to see white supremacy in black robes and States with pending requests, including Thurgood Marshall—or at least I will Confederate traitors who defected from Arkansas, Florida, Missouri, Kansas, always look at him as the guy who the Union and took up arms against North Carolina, Nebraska, Utah, and weighed in and felt after abortion was the United States. Virginia. largely illegal in this country for its Now, I represent Frederick County, In fact, Georgia has just introduced first 200 years, the guy who kind of put Maryland, where Justice Taney lived. in this last session a new piece of legis- the foot on the gas and legalized late- The city of Frederick, 5 years ago, took lation to remove Stephens’ statue with term abortion and put the United down their statue of the man who that of the late Representative JOHN States in with those other six coun- wrote the Dred Scott opinion, which LEWIS, which is receiving bipartisan tries. found that an African American could support. In fact, the Republican Speak- Madam Speaker, for that reason, I never be a citizen within the meaning er of the House is the top cosponsor of am going to vote against this bill of Article III of the Constitution, and that legislation. today. And, hopefully, someday in in which he wrote: ‘‘Blacks have no Madam Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to America, the Roe v. Wade decision and rights which the White man is bound to the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. putting the United States in the posi- respect.’’ GROTHMAN). tion in which even 6- or 7-month-old

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.049 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3270 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 babies can have their lives taken away, were vital in the fight for civil rights was a Democrat from the past. The ma- hopefully that will eventually end. in the South. His counsel to U.S. Presi- jority party is anxious to erase their Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, I dents, regardless of party, brought discriminatory history from the Cap- yield 1 minute to the gentleman from grace and humility into our politics.’’ itol with this action. Texas (Mr. GREEN). Madam Speaker, I include in the So, let’s have the vote. Let’s have a Mr. GREEN of Texas. Madam Speak- RECORD the entire press release. vote on this Democrat bill intending to er, I thank the chairwoman for yield- PELOSI STATEMENT ON THE PASSING OF THE remove Democrat statues. ing. REVEREND BILLY GRAHAM Madam Speaker, my constituent Madam Speaker, the great Thurgood (February 21, 2018, Press Release) Abraham Lincoln is buried in my dis- Marshall won 29 of 32 cases before the SAN FRANCISCO—Democratic Leader Nancy trict, the 13th District of Illinois, the Supreme Court of the United States of Pelosi issued this statement today on the first Republican President of our great America. He was eminently qualified passing of the Reverend Billy Graham: Nation. I am proud to represent that then and he is now, and this is a proper ‘‘Today, millions around the world grieve history. I stood on this floor debating thing for us to do. the loss of the Reverend Billy Graham. His and supporting this bill in the last Con- I want to close with this: If Judge clarion message of fellowship and faith lifted gress, and I will support it again. Taney and his cohorts had their way, and inspired countless members of the Chris- But please, Madam Speaker, please, tian community. there would be no person of color in ‘‘Reverend Graham’s leadership and firm please encourage the Democratic ma- this building today. partnership with the Reverend Dr. Martin jority to help us reform this broken Madam Speaker, if they had their Luther King, Jr. were vital in the fight for process that has delayed and delayed way, you would not be at that podium. civil rights in the South. His counsel to U.S. and kept statues of known Confed- Madam Speaker, I stand with Mr. Presidents, regardless of party, brought erates, known racists, who happen to HOYER. I am grateful for what he has grace and humility into our politics. In mo- be Democrats in the past, in this Cap- done, and I will vote for this legisla- ments of crisis, from terrorist attacks to itol. tion. Its time has long since come, and horrific natural disasters, Americans roiled Let’s work together. Let’s get this by tragedy and turmoil looked to Reverend done. Let’s stop playing games. we are doing the right thing. Dr. King Graham for solace. reminded us, ‘‘the time is always right ‘‘May it bring comfort to William, Nelson, And let’s actually open the Capitol to do that which is right.’’ Virginia, Anne, Ruth and the entire Graham again. It is kind of interesting and Mr. LOUDERMILK. Madam Speaker, family that so many around the world share ironic that no one can see these statues may I inquire how much time I have in their sorrow at this time.’’ because the Capitol is closed. remaining? Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. What are we doing to establish a plan The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Madam Speaker, I agree with the to reopen our Capitol for our Nation to tleman has 8 minutes remaining. Speaker’s remarks. Reverend Graham actually share in this history, to share Mr. LOUDERMILK. Madam Speaker, was vital in the fight for civil rights in in the history of Abraham Lincoln, to it is refreshing to know that there is so the South. share in the history of our country, to much we actually do agree on in this So, today, I ask: Why are we still share in the special building that we Chamber, because the things that my having this conversation 6 years later? get the chance to walk in and work in good friend from Texas just said, we Why do the Democrats continue to while it remains closed? agree on, and we have agreed on since delay States’ efforts, like North Caro- Madam Speaker, I look forward to Abraham Lincoln was the President. lina and Arkansas, to replace the stat- working in a bipartisan way to reform Madam Speaker, I yield 4 minutes to ues in question that are currently at this broken process. Madam Speaker, I the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. ROD- the Capitol? Why do Democrats delay am thankful for the opportunity to NEY DAVIS), my good friend, who is also action, keeping these statues of known speak today, and I intend to vote for the ranking member of the Committee racist Democrats in this building? this bill. on House Administration. Democrats have done nothing on any Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, may Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. statue for the past 6 months, leaving I ask how much time remains on both Madam Speaker, I thank my colleague statues of segregationists, known rac- sides. and my friend on the Committee on ists, and other Confederate Democrats The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. House Administration for running this in our Capitol. SCHRIER). The gentlewoman has 111⁄2 debate for our side. As an aside, we know this process minutes remaining. The gentleman Madam Speaker, despite its flaws, I shouldn’t take this long. Kansas, which from Georgia has 3 minutes remaining. intend to vote for the underlying bill. has no statues in question in the under- Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, I But, nevertheless, I rise to highlight lying bill, has been waiting 22 years to yield 2 minutes to the gentlewoman several points the majority has failed put a statue of Amelia Earhart in the from California (Ms. BASS). to address. Capitol. Ms. BASS. Madam Speaker, I rise It has been 6 years—6 years—since Just yesterday, the chair of the Joint today in support of H.R. 3005 to remove the people of North Carolina, through Committee on the Library, a Demo- the bust of Chief Justice Roger Taney their elected State legislature, re- crat, signed the paperwork in about 30 and Confederate statues from public quested on a bipartisan basis to replace seconds when pressed on it, despite display in the U.S. Capitol Building. the State statue of Charles Brantley waiting over 6 months to organize the The people’s House can never truly Aycock, a former Democrat Governor Joint Committee on the Library this be for the people if it is lined with trib- of that State, who supported segrega- Congress. utes to those who fought to continue tion and white supremacy. It is clear that the Democrats could the enslavement of Black people in this The people of North Carolina have re- move these requests along at any time country. quested to replace the statue with a but instead are actively continuing to My ancestors built this building. sculpture of the late Reverend Billy delay the process. Imagine how they would feel knowing Graham, a worthy North Carolinian re- In an effort to speed up this process, that, more than 100 years after slavery spected and beloved by millions. I offered an amendment yesterday at was abolished in this country, we still Even the Speaker of the House has the Rules Committee that very reason- paid homage to the very people who be- had many kind words for Reverend ably would have addressed these delays trayed this country in order to keep Graham, only the fourth American and would have required the Joint my ancestors enslaved. ever to lie in honor in the U.S. Capitol. Committee on the Library to act with- Imagine how I and other African in 30 days of receiving any actionable Americans and people of color feel b 1600 items on statue replacement. Thirty walking through Statuary Hall, know- In a press release dated February 21, days, come on. ing that there are monuments to peo- 2018, the Speaker said in part the fol- Democrats ruled it out of order. I be- ple who supported, embraced, and lowing: ‘‘Reverend Graham’s leadership lieve that is because they wanted to fought for the breakup of our country. and firm partnership with the Rev- vote on this bill. Each of the statues in We are not trying to erase our his- erend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., question represents a known racist who tory. We must confront our past when

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.050 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3271 we talk about who we should honor in Our colleague, the former speaker of Taney’s words were used by the Con- this building. the California Assembly, , federacy during the Civil War to justify Should we honor the man who wrote made that clear when she spoke. When the creation of a regime built to sus- the Supreme Court ruling that African they see individuals like John Calhoun, tain the enslavement of African Ameri- Americans can’t be citizens? Or should Charles Aycock, and James Paul cans in perpetuity, with no possibility we honor the man who got the Su- Clarke celebrated in stone and bronze of recognizing their humanity. preme Court to rule that separate but in these halls, they are reminded that, b 1615 equal cannot be equal? Should we for so much of our history, the leaders honor a legal architect of slavery? Or and leading institutions of our govern- Even though Taney said that in 1857, should we honor a legal architect of ment and country did not view them as that would have been the popular defi- the civil rights movement? equal or, at times, even human. nition of all men are created equal, When I hear my colleagues on the When they enter the solemn Old Su- Blacks and Whites alike. other side of the aisle talk about the preme Court Chamber and stare into And those words have been used ever Democratic Party, I wonder if you are the cold marble eyes of Roger Brooke since by bigots and white supremacists aware of the whole history of the civil Taney, they are reminded that, at one to justify segregation, racial violence, rights movement, where Black people time, the highest court in our land de- and discrimination. and other people of color fought to clared that Black lives did not matter. Mr. Speaker, I say to my fellow col- enter the Democratic Party. And when Mr. Speaker, we ought not be sur- leagues that we must not allow the au- people objected to our participation, prised when our fellow citizens of color thor of those words to hold a place of and when people objected to our right raise signs that say: No, America, honor in our Capitol. That is why I in- to vote, those people left the Demo- Black lives do matter. That is some- troduced this legislation along with cratic Party and joined the Republican what what this debate is about. Representative BARBARA LEE; my dear Party. We are extremely aware of our In the infamous 1857 Dred Scott deci- friend of over a half a century, JIM history of racism in the Democratic sion written by Justice Taney, a distin- CLYBURN; Representative KAREN BASS, Party. guished citizen of Maryland revered in former Speaker of the California As- Part of our history as Americans is his time for his intellect and his ac- sembly; Chairman BENNIE THOMPSON that we criticize our country. We don’t complishments, Taney, in this terrible from Mississippi; and Representative just honor the nice stories of our his- decision, quoted the Declaration of G. K. BUTTERFIELD a North Carolina tory, but we honor and embrace all of Independence, which all of us quote so former Supreme Court Justice; and the our history. And we fight for a more often: ‘‘We hold these truths to be self- present chair of the Congressional perfect Union. Fighting for a more per- evident, that all men are created Black Caucus, Congresswoman JOYCE fect Union for people of color meant equal.’’ Today, we would say all men BEATTY from Ohio. fighting to enter the Democratic and women are equal, irrespective of Because this building, this sacred Party. color. space, this temple of democracy has It is my hope that my colleagues on But this Dred Scott decision ought to been defiled for too long. We owe it not the other side of the aisle will go back teach us a lesson today. It ought to to forget history. We must learn from to that history of the Republican Party humble us today. When people around history. But we ought not to honor that you honor and fight for the right us say, ‘‘Boy, that is the right deci- that which defiled the principles for of all Americans to vote. sion,’’ because it happens to be the de- which we think we stand and for which Mr. LOUDERMILK. Madam Speaker, cision of the moment, not a decision of I think we do stand. I reserve the balance of my time. history. It is time, Mr. Speaker, to remove Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, I Beneath those lines, Taney wrote those symbols of slavery, segregation, yield 1 minute to the gentleman from these: ‘‘The general words,’’ that is, and sedition from these Halls. How re- Maryland (Mr. HOYER), the majority that all men are created equal, ‘‘The cently we saw, remembered the savage leader. general words above quoted would seem genocide in Tulsa just a few weeks ago, Mr. HOYER. Madam Speaker, I to embrace the whole human family.’’ justified in the minds of many, I am thank the gentlewoman for yielding, Hear me, colleagues. This is Taney sure, that these, after all, were not and I am glad to be back. speaking in a decision where he is men who were created equal. They Madam Speaker, I have been out for about to say Black lives do not matter. 2 weeks, and now that I have a new He said, however, that it ‘‘would were not children created in the image knee, I am good for another 20 years. seem to embrace the whole human of God. And therefore, some rational- That is what they tell me. They guar- family,’’ not divided by color or gender ized the taking of their lives because, antee me that. or nationality or religion, the whole after all, their lives did not matter, Madam Speaker, when I brought this human race. And he went on to say: and therefore, no one was prosecuted, bill to the floor just about a year ago, ‘‘And if they were used in a similar in- no one was held accountable. I referred to our Capitol Building as a strument at this day would be so un- As I said, Roger Brooke Taney was sacred space for democracy, a symbol derstood.’’ I want you to think about from my State of Maryland, and I ac- around the world of democracy. The in- that. knowledge, as I was growing up as a tervening months have shown us, in I want you to think about it, col- kid in the late 1950s in high school and ways we could not have imagined then, leagues, with humility. Frankly, I then in college in the 1960s, my party just how true that statement was and want those who argue for the was the segregationist party. And my is. originalist point of view to think of party decided that we did not want to Sadly, we in this House, our col- that. Taney thought of that. And he be that party and that there was not a leagues in the Senate, all who work thought, in his day, in 1857, the whole home for segregationists in the Demo- here, experienced on January 6 a human family would be covered by ‘‘all cratic Party. That is a decision we wrenching reminder of how democracy men are created equal.’’ made consciously, knowing full well demands our eternal defense and vigi- But notwithstanding that belief, he the cost and that is why Lyndon John- lance. We watched our temple of de- did not so rule because he was mired in son said when he signed one of the civil mocracy defiled by a violent mob of in- the past, and the progress of those rights bills: We may have just given up surrectionists. For many of us here, some 90 years had alluded him because the South. that was a watershed moment, seeing he went on to say: But ‘‘the enslaved In our State capital of Annapolis, Mr. such evils pervade the halls of the African race were not intended to be Speaker, we removed the statue of American Capitol. included and formed no part of the peo- Chief Justice Taney, the highest rank- However, Madam Speaker, for Afri- ple who framed and adopted this Dec- ing Marylander in the Federal Govern- can Americans, who have been serving laration.’’ An originalist. ment in history. It had stood there here, working here, and visiting here The Founders were human. They when I was sworn in as a member of for many decades, that sense of defile- were extraordinary humans, but they the State Senate. And when I listened ment of this sacred space is all too fa- were human. Their environment shaped to Governor Agnew give his State of miliar for them. their thoughts, as they do ours. the Union, it was on the site of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.053 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3272 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 Roger Brooke Taney statue on the east crats, but as Americans who believe we ment process. Now, over six months into the front of our Capitol. are a special, exceptional country be- 117th Congress, JCL’s delayed organization If you turn and walk west through cause we lift up the individual and we continues to hinder North Carolina’s wishes the Capitol of Maryland, you will come protect the 1 against the 99 if the 1 is to remove a white supremacist’s statue from the Capitol. out on a park. It is the Thurgood Mar- right. That is the essence of America. We implore the JCL to honor the will of shall Park, a testament to the progress And even though they did not live it the people of North Carolina by moving im- and enlightenment that occurred from out perfectly, they articulated the per- mediately to complete its work on North Taney to Marshall in our State. fection of all men are created equal. Carolina’s request and to stand ready to as- The decision to remove Taney’s stat- And endowed not by the Constitution, sist as needed in order to ensure the State’s ue was long overdue, but as the gen- not by the laws of Congress, not by the wishes are finally realized without further tleman from Texas said Martin Luther majority vote of their fellow citizens, delay. Sincerely, King said: It is never too late to do the endowed by their creator with certain PATRICK MCHENRY. right thing. And this, today, is the unalienable rights. right thing. It reflects our growth as a . That is what this vote is about today, RICHARD HUDSON. State as we have confronted the most and I urge my colleagues, vote ‘‘yes’’ . difficult parts of our history and it will for America, vote ‘‘yes’’ for its prin- . reflect our growth as we recognize it ciples that are so respected properly . here, as we did overwhelmingly when around the world. GREGORY F. MURPHY, M.D. we passed this last year. Over a third of Mr. LOUDERMILK. Mr. Speaker, to Mr. LOUDERMILK. Mr. Speaker, I my Republican colleagues joined the the gentlewoman from California, I am include in the RECORD the official 10- Democratic colleagues in saying Black prepared to close if she is. I reserve the step Architect of the Capitol statue re- lives do, in fact, matter. balance of my time. moval and replacement process. Those who say we shouldn’t teach Ms. LOFGREN. Well, the other This process was established in the about slavery or that we should sweep speakers we are expecting I think are 2000 omnibus and further defined in it under the rug or that we should skip caught up in a long appropriations 2014 and requires coordination between over the lines in our Constitution that markup, so you may proceed. I reserve the State, the Architect of the Capitol, reference it, do a disservice to our un- the balance of my time. and the Joint Committee on the Li- derstanding of America’s greatness. Mr. LOUDERMILK. Mr. Speaker, I brary. All requests for statue replace- JIM CLYBURN, our whip, a civil rights yield myself the balance of my time. ments begin in State legislatures and hero in his own right, likes to quote de Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD is then communicated to the Architect Tocqueville saying that America’s a letter from the members of the North of the Capitol who then manages the greatness is not that it always does the Carolina delegation that was written communication of the request to the right thing. America’s greatness is to the Joint Committee on the Library JCL for approval through the process. that it is willing to correct its wrongs. encouraging them to move quickly on ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL We are great because we approach our their request to replace the Aycock January 2014. past with humility and openness. And statue with that of Billy Graham. PROCEDURE AND GUIDELINES FOR REPLACE- we are great because we continue to MENT OF STATUES IN THE NATIONAL STAT- CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES protect our democracy through more UARY HALL COLLECTION Washington, DC, June 29, 2021. inclusion, more tolerance, more jus- Hon. , The creation of the National Statuary Hall tice, more equality, that all men and Chairperson, Collection was authorized by the United women, irrespective of artificial dis- Joint Committee of Congress on the Library. States Congress in 1864 to allow each State tinctions or real distinctions, are equal Hon. AMY KLOBUCHAR, to provide two statues of notable citizens for in the eyes of our Constitution and of Ranking Member, display in the United States Capitol. The our laws. Joint Committee of Congress on the Library. Joint Committee on the That is why Democrats and Repub- CHAIRPERSON LOFGREN AND RANKING MEM- has oversight of the collection, and, under the committee’s direction, the Architect of licans came together earlier this BER KLOBUCHAR: We write today to encour- age the Joint Committee of Congress on the the Capitol (AOC) is responsible for the re- month to make Juneteenth a national ception, placement, and care of the statues. holiday, overwhelmingly, a handful Library’s (JCL) expeditious approval of the North Carolina General Assembly’s request In accordance with legislation enacted in voting against that, in an articulation to replace the State’s current statues in the 2000, ‘‘Any State may request the Joint Com- of our principles today, not yesterday. National Statuary Hall Collection. Since mittee on the Library of Congress to approve That was Roger Brooke Taney’s great 2015, North Carolina has worked to replace the replacement of a statue the State has blindness. That is why I believe we can one of its current statues, which depicts provided for display in Statuary Hall’’ under take this important step together Charles Brantley Aycock, an individual asso- two conditions: (A) the request has been approved by a res- today. ciated with white supremacy, with one of the late Reverend William Franklin ‘‘Billy’’ Gra- olution adopted by the legislature of the Mr. Speaker, I ask the House once State and the request has been approved by again to join me in passing this legisla- ham, Jr. Despite North Carolina’s diligent efforts in coordination with the Architect of the Governor of the State, and tion, to remove these statues and bust (B) the statue to be replaced has been dis- the Capitol (AOC) and past Joint Commit- played in the Capitol of the United States for of Chief Justice Taney from the Cap- tees on the Library, the statue of Aycock re- at least 10 years as of the time the request is itol. Not to forget them. Not to say mains. made, except that the Joint Committee may they weren’t part of history, but they On October 2, 2015, the North Carolina Gen- waive this requirement for cause at the re- are not deserving of our honor. Not be- eral Assembly passed Session Law 2015–269; quest of a State. cause we want to erase history but be- HB 540, ‘‘An Act Requesting the Joint Com- cause we are determined to confront it. mittee on the Library of Congress to Ap- Steps in the Procedure As a Marylander, proud of steps we prove the Replacement of the Statue of 1. Responsibilities of the State. The State have taken in Annapolis, I believe that Charles Brantley Aycock in National Stat- legislature enacts a resolution that identi- uary Hall with the Statue of the Reverend fies the statue to be replaced, names the in- Justice Thurgood Marshall would be a dividual to be newly commemorated and far better ambassador for the greatness William Franklin ‘‘Billy’’ Graham, Jr.’’ This legislation passed the North Carolina House cites his or her qualifications, selects a com- of American democracy and for our with bipartisan support and passed the North mittee or commission to represent the State State of Maryland than Roger Brooke Carolina Senate unanimously. in selecting the sculptor, and directs the Taney. Where Roger Brooke Taney rep- In February 2018, North Carolina Governor method of obtaining the necessary funds to resents the worst of American justice Roy Cooper and Lieutenant Governor Dan carry the resolution into effect. Expendi- and racism, Thurgood Marshall rep- Forest sent letters to the AOC in support of tures for which the State is responsible in- resents the best of justice and equality. the General Assembly’s request. clude the cost of paying the sculptor for de- He deserves to be honored in this Cap- On July 29, 2020, the North Carolina Legis- signing and carving or casting the statue; de- lature’s Statuary Hall Selection Committee signing and fabricating the pedestal; trans- itol for his trailblazing career and life- unanimously approved the design of the Rev. porting the statue and pedestal to the United long dedication to civil rights and Graham statue. States Capitol; removing and transporting equal justice for all. According to the AOC, North Carolina’s re- the replaced statue; temporarily erecting the Mr. Speaker, I hope all of my col- quest continues to await JCL approval to new statue on its pedestal in the location ap- leagues, not as Republicans and Demo- proceed to step five of the ten-step replace- proved for the unveiling ceremony; certain

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.055 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3273 expenses related to the unveiling ceremony; 9. Statue Removal/Installation and Owner- review and approval by the Joint Committee and any other expenses that the State com- ship Transfer. The State must arrange for a on the Library as part of the pedestal design. mission may find it necessary to incur. rigger approved by the Architect of the Cap- Size and Weight. In general, the figure in 2. Request to Replace a Statue. A duly au- itol to remove the replaced statue and in- the replacement statue should be over life thorized State official, typically the gov- stall the replacement statue in the location size, with a height between seven and eight ernor, shall submit to the Architect of the of its unveiling. This work must be coordi- feet, and the total height, including the ped- Capitol a written request to provide a new nated with the Architect of the Capitol. estal, no greater than eleven feet. Within statue, a description of the location in the The replaced statue must be removed that size range, the combined weight of a State where the replaced statue will be dis- shortly before the new statue is brought into bronze statue and its pedestal should not ex- played after it is transferred, and a copy of the Capitol. Before the replaced statue is re- ceed 5,000 pounds; a marble statue and its the applicable enacted State legislation au- moved, a document transferring ownership of pedestal should weigh no more than 10,000 thorizing the replacement. The Architect of that statue from the federal government to pounds. the Capitol will review the request for com- the State will be signed by the designated Patina and Coating. For bronze statues, pleteness and will forward it to the Joint State official. the selected patina and coating must be eas- Committee on the Library. 10. Permanent Location. The permanent ily maintained and repaired. Formulas for 3. Joint Committee on the Library Action. location for the replacement statue will be the patinating and coating materials must The Joint Committee on the Library will ap- approved by the Joint Committee on the Li- be provided to the Architect of the Capitol prove or deny the request. brary. The National Statuary Hall collection for use during future maintenance. 4. Agreement Regarding Replacement. If is located in several areas of the Capitol: Na- Other Considerations. The statue and ped- the request is approved by the Joint Com- tional Statuary Hall (the Old Hall of the estal should not be a potential source of safe- mittee on the Library, the Architect of the House), the Rotunda, the second-floor House ty hazards. They should not have any pro- Capitol will formalize an agreement with the and Senate corridors, the Hall of Columns, truding or sharp element that could cause State to guide the process. The agreement the Crypt, and the Capitol Visitor Center. harm or be an obstacle for persons in the consists of the State’s commitment to follow The Architect of the Capitol will make rec- building. the guidelines for the design and fabrication ommendations for placement of the new Relevant Legislation of statues (see below) and to take responsi- statue with the least possible disruption to The law creating National Statuary Hall is bility for any cost related to the design, con- previously placed statues while maintaining the act of July 2, 1864 (2 U.S.C. §2131) (for- struction, transportation, and placement of a harmonious arrangement. To assist in de- merly 40 U.S.C. 187), which established that the new statue; the removal and transpor- veloping this recommendation, the agency’s each State had the right to donate ‘‘statues, tation of the statue being replaced; and any structural engineer will determine whether in marble or bronze, not exceeding two in unveiling ceremony. The agreement is be- the floor in any proposed location can safely number for each State, of deceased persons tween the Architect of the Capitol and the support the weight of the statue. If the re- who have been citizens thereof, and illus- State. If the State authorizes a commission, placement statue is suitable in weight and trious for their historic renown or for distin- foundation, or other entity to act upon its dimensions, it will normally take the place guished civic or military services . . . .’’ behalf in subsequent parts of the process, the of the replaced statue. If not, the Architect This law was modified in 2000 by Sec. 311 of governor must so notify the Architect of the of the Capitol will, upon the approval of the H.R. 5657 (included by reference in H.R. 4577) Capitol in writing. Joint Committee on the Library and with and established as law by P.L. 106–554, which 5. Approval of Maquette. The State or its the advice of the Commission of Fine Arts as provides that ‘‘Any state may request the representative shall submit to the Architect requested, relocate statues within the Cap- Joint Committee on the Library of Congress of the Capitol, for review and final approval itol. to approve the replacement of a statue the by the Joint Committee on the Library, pho- If necessary, after the statue has been un- State has provided for display in Statuary tographs of the maquette from all four sides veiled, the Architect of the Capitol will be Hall in the Capitol of the United States and the proposed dimensions of the com- responsible for moving it to the permanent . . . .’’ 2 U.S.C. § 2132. pleted statue. location approved by the Joint Committee Supervision and direction of the collection 6. Approval of Full-Size Clay Model and on the Library. Pedestal Design, Including Proposed Inscrip- are assigned to the Architect of the Capitol tion. The State shall submit to the Architect Guidelines for Replacement Statues by the act of August 15, 1876 (19 Stat. 147), 2 of the Capitol, for review and final approval The guidelines below are provided for ref- U.S.C. § 2131. With the approval of the congressional by the Joint Committee on the Library, pho- erence only; they may be modified in par- Joint Committee on the Library, the Archi- tographs of the model from all four sides, di- ticular cases by the Joint Committee on the tect of the Capitol is responsible for the re- mensions, engineering drawings of the ped- Library. Images of the one hundred statues ception and location of the statues in this estal, the anticipated weight of the com- now in the collection are available at the Ar- collection, first established by H. Con. Res. pleted statue and pedestal, and the text of chitect of the Capitol website (www.aoc.gov). 47, agreed to February 24, 1933, and included any proposed inscriptions. Any structural, Subject. The subject of the statue must be in P.L. 106–554. 2 U.S.C. § 2132. safety, and design concerns will need to be a deceased person who was a citizen of the addressed before final approval. United States and is illustrious for historic Excerpt From Public Law 106–554 7. Approval of Completed Statue, Cast in renown or for distinguished civic or military Sec. 311. (a)(1) Any State may request the Bronze or Carved in Marble, and Completed services. Statues may represent only one in- Joint Committee on the Library of Congress Pedestal. The State shall submit to the Ar- dividual (ruling adopted by the Joint Com- to approve the replacement of a statue the chitect of the Capitol, for review and final mittee on the Library at meeting of March State has provided for display in Statuary approval by the Joint Committee on the Li- 13, 1950). Statues should represent the full Hall in the Capitol of the United States brary, photographs of the completed statue length. under section 1814 of the Revised Statutes (40 and pedestal from all four sides, dimensions, Material. The statue must be made of mar- U.S.C. 187). the final weight, and the text of any inscrip- ble or bronze. Replacement statues made of (2) A request shall be considered under tions. the same material as the replaced statue are paragraph (1) only if— 8. Ceremony and Program. The holding of preferred. Materials from domestic sources, (A) the request has been approved by a res- an unveiling ceremony is optional. Permis- including, as applicable, sources in the terri- olution adopted by the legislature of the sion to use the Rotunda or Emancipation tories and possessions of the United States, State and the request has been approved by Hall must be granted by concurrent resolu- are preferred. the Governor of the State, and tion of the Congress, and legislation by the Pedestal. To reduce weight, the Architect (B) the statue to be replaced has been dis- Congress is required to authorize printing of of the Capitol recommends that the pedestal played in the Capitol of the United States for the proceedings at government expense. The be made of a hollow steel frame faced in at least 10 years as of the time the request is State may contact its delegation in Congress granite or other stone or be made of bronze. made, except that the Joint Committee may for assistance and for introduction of the re- It is recommended that the pedestal be de- waive this requirement for cause at the re- quired legislation. signed and constructed with a removable quest of a State. Although no law requires the Congress to panel (usually in the back) to allow access to (b) If the Joint Committee on the Library accept statues by formal resolution, it is rec- attachment bolts. The pedestal design, di- of Congress approves a request under sub- ommended that acceptance of the statue by mensions, and weight must be submitted to section (a), the Architect of the Capitol shall the Congress be included in the legislation the Architect of the Capitol for review. enter into an agreement with the State to introduced for the use the Rotunda or Eman- Inscriptions. Inscriptions on the pedestal carry out the replacement in accordance cipation Hall for the unveiling ceremony. should include the name of the State and of with the request and any conditions the The State must arrange the program for the individual represented. The preferred op- Joint Committee may require for its ap- the ceremony with the Speaker of the House, tion is that inscriptions be carved. Alter- proval. Such agreement shall provide that— who will ensure that congressional participa- natively, they can be raised or cast on a (1) the new statue shall be subject to the tion is bipartisan and bicameral and that the bronze plaque. It is traditional and preferred same conditions and restrictions as apply to program concludes in a reasonable time. The that inscriptions be simple and that they ap- any statue provided by a State under section Architect of the Capitol provides support for pear only on the front of the pedestal. The 1814 of the Revised Statutes (40 U.S.C. 187), any unveiling ceremony. proposed inscription should be submitted for and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:30 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.022 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3274 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 (2) the State shall pay any costs related to first official action this year as there are in His infinite ability, created all of us the replacement, including costs in connec- pressing issues before the Joint Committee and He created us all with value, equal tion with the design, construction, transpor- demanding our immediate attention. value regardless of skin color, regard- We encourage the following items be con- tation, and placement of the new statue, the less of age, regardless of any other fac- removal and transportation of the statue sidered as some of the JCL’s first orders of being replaced, and any unveiling ceremony. business: tor; that we are all created in His di- (c) Nothing in this section shall be inter- Reopening of the U.S. Botanic Garden vine wisdom and given life, and life can preted to permit a State to have more than (USBG). The Joint Committee’s delayed or- be so abundant if we just hold on to two statues on display in the Capitol of the ganization has directly affected the public’s these ideas and principles. And those United States. access to one of the Capitol campus’ main at- statues that we have in this Capitol (d) (1) Subject to the approval of the Joint tractions, the U.S. Botanic Garden, which to should reflect those values, and I can Committee on the Library, ownership of any this day remains closed awaiting permission think of no one that reflects those val- from the JCL to re-welcome visitors. We statue replaced under this section shall be ues more than the Reverend Billy Gra- transferred to the State. must take up this matter of business imme- diately, as the USBG’s reopening plans and ham. (2) If any statue is removed from the Cap- Madam Speaker, I include in the itol of the United States as part of a transfer executive leadership team have informed of ownership under paragraph (1), then it oversight stakeholders of the campus’ readi- RECORD the General Assembly of North may not be returned to the Capitol for dis- ness for safe and immediate reopening. Carolina bill requesting that the stat- play unless such display is specifically au- Consideration of the request by the State ues be replaced. thorized by Federal law. of North Carolina. The State of North Caro- GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH (e) The Architect of the Capitol, upon the lina is anxiously awaiting JCL’s action on CAROLINA SESSION 2015 its request for the removal and replacement approval of the Joint Committee on the Li- HOUSE BILL 540—RATIFIED BILL of one of the state’s contributions to the Na- brary and with the advice of the Commission An act requesting the Joint Committee on of Fine Arts as requested, is authorized and tional Statuary Hall Collection. Already years into this process, the request is await- the Library of Congress to approve the re- directed to relocate within the United States placement of the statue of Charles Brantley ing JCL approval and the Architect of the Capitol any of the statues received from the Aycock in National Statuary Hall with a Capitol is ready to partner with us to move States under section 1814 of the Revised statue of the Reverend William Franklin Statutes (40 U.S.C. 187) prior to the date of the process along. As members of the Joint Committee, we ‘‘Billy’’ Graham, Jr. the enactment of this Act, and to provide for Whereas, in 1864, Congress established Na- stand ready to get to work, while upholding the reception, location, and relocation of the tional Statuary Hall in the Old Hall of the the long tradition of bipartisanship and bi- statues received hereafter from the States House of Representatives in the United cameralism. As the incoming Chairperson, under such section. States Capitol, and authorized each state to we encourage you to add the above items to contribute to the Hall two statues that rep- Mr. LOUDERMILK. Madam Speaker, the agenda of the JCL’s first organizing resent important historical figures of each I have a document which is the chart of meeting so that we can begin to address state; and every State’s request that is currently these pressing issues. Whereas, North Carolina currently has in the process of getting a statue re- Sincerely, statues on display in the National Statuary placed. RODNEY DAVIS, Hall Collection of former governors Zebulon Madam Speaker, I include in the Ranking Member, Vance and Charles Brantley Aycock given by Committee on House Administration. RECORD a timeline of the Joint Com- the State in 1916 and 1932, respectively; and , Whereas, in 2000, Congress enacted legisla- mittee on the Library’s organization Member, for this Congress, including the min- tion authorizing states the ability to request Committee on House Administration. that the Joint Committee on the Library of utes of the first JCL organizing meet- Mr. LOUDERMILK. Madam Speaker, Congress approve the replacement of a stat- ing. I have a readout from the House Rules ue the state had provided for display in Stat- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Committee meeting on H.R. 3005 re- uary Hall; and COMMITTEE ON HOUSE ADMINISTRATION, corded June 28, 2021, at which time the Whereas, William Franklin ‘‘Billy’’ Gra- Washington, DC, June 29, 2021. ham, Jr., was born on November 7, 1918, to Submission for the Record Joint Committee on the Library chair, William Franklin Graham and Morrow OE OFGREN TIMELINE OF JOINT COMMITTEE OF CONGRESS Z L , announced her approval Coffey Graham, and was reared on a dairy ON THE LIBRARY ORGANIZATION FOR THE of the Kansas longstanding request to farm in Charlotte, North Carolina; and 117TH CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES update their contribution to be a stat- Whereas, Billy Graham attended the Flor- ida Bible Institute from 1937 to 1940, grad- On January 3, 2021, the 117th Congress had ue of Amelia Earhart, and I thank the uating 1940, and was ordained to the ministry its opening day. Congresswoman LOFGREN for taking in 1939; and On April 16, 2021, the House of Representa- that direction. Whereas, Billy Graham served as pastor of tives passed H. Res. 321, Electing Members to Madam Speaker, I have the official The Village Church in Western Springs, Illi- the Joint Committee of Congress on the Li- collection of correspondence from the nois, from 1943 to 1945; as a member of Youth brary and the Joint Committee on Printing. State of Kansas to the Architect of the for Christ International, where he ministered On May 26, 2021, the U.S. Senate passed S. Capitol that informs them where Kan- to young people and military personnel from Res. 244, A resolution providing for members sas is in the 10-step replacement proc- 1945 to 1950; and as President of North- on the part of the Senate of the Joint Com- ess. western Schools, a liberal arts college, Bible mittee on Printing and the Joint Committee school, and theological seminary, from 1947 of Congress on the Library. Madam Speaker, that process began 22 years ago in 1999, and I thank you to 1952; and On June 23, the Joint Committee of Con- Whereas, after World War II, Reverend gress on the Library gaveled into session for your indulgence with that. Graham preached throughout the United around 4:00 p.m. Madam Speaker, I just want to reit- States and Europe and attained inter- Mr. LOUDERMILK. Madam Speaker, erate that there is much that was said national prominence as an evangelist I include in the RECORD a letter to the here today that we are in agreement through a series of crusades that began in Joint Committee on the Library Chair with. Something that the esteemed 1949; and Whereas, since 1950, Reverend Graham has LOFGREN requesting organization con- majority leader said I think needs to be conducted his ministry through the Billy sideration of North Carolina’s statue reemphasized and is again the reason why I have adamantly fought to re- Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA), and reopening of the U.S. Botanic Gar- reaching multitudes of people by means of a den. place the statue of Stephens, the Geor- weekly radio program, ‘‘Hour of Decision’’; a HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, gia statue of Alexander Stephens, be- newspaper column, ‘‘My Answer’’; televised COMMITTEE ON HOUSE ADMINISTRATION, cause of his criticism of our Founders. crusades; articles published in ‘‘Decision’’ Washington, DC, June 17, 2021. His criticism was that they truly be- magazine; and evangelistic films produced Hon. ZOE LOFGREN, lieved those ideas that were written in and distributed by World Wide Pictures and Chairperson, Committee on House Administra- our Declaration of Independence that now reaching millions through the BGEA tion, all men are created equal. In fact, he Web site and the Billy Graham Library in Washington, DC. said that that was the flaw of our Na- Charlotte; and CHAIRPERSON LOFGREN: More than six Whereas, over the years, Reverend Graham months have passed since the start of the tion. has preached to live audiences of nearly 215 117th Congress, and it is our understanding That is why they rebelled against million people in more than 185 countries that the Joint Committee of Congress on the this Nation; that we should go back to and territories and has preached to an esti- Library (JCL) will officially organize next those original principles and have peo- mated 2.2 billion people through television week. We are looking forward to the JCL’s ple here that honor the idea that God and technology; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.023 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3275 Whereas, Reverend Graham has been a re- to be placed in the National Statuary Hall b 1630 nowned humanitarian and philanthropist, Collection and review and approve the plans In that time, I actually have ap- providing financial assistance to victims of for the statue. disasters, as well as collecting and distrib- (2) Identify a method of obtaining the nec- proved the reopening of the Botanical uting clothing to those in need all around essary funds needed to pay for all of the fol- Gardens. I have approved the replace- the world over the years; and lowing: ment of the Kansas statue that I re- Whereas, Reverend Graham has counseled a. The sculptor for designing and carving ceived the letter on Friday. And I have 12 Presidents and has participated in nine or casting the statue. just received the information on North presidential inaugurations; and b. The design and fabrication of the ped- Carolina, and I plan to work on that Whereas, Reverend Graham has also coun- estal. seled world leaders and has participated in c. The transportation of the statue and very hard and, hopefully, very prompt- many historic occasions, and has been called pedestal to the United States Capitol. ly get a decision. upon as the ‘‘nation’s pastor’’ during times d. The removal and transportation of the So I don’t think that speaks to undue of national crisis. He spoke at the National replaced statue. delay in the 6 days that I have been Cathedral service in Washington, D.C., three e. The temporary placement of the new chair of the Joint Committee on the days after the 9/11 attack in 2001, as the na- statue in the Rotunda of the Capitol for the Library. tion and world watched and listened. Five unveiling ceremony. I do think it is important that we presidents, including George W. Bush, Bill f. The unveiling ceremony. take the step to remove these Confed- Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, g. Any other expenses that the Committee and Gerald Ford, and their wives were in the determines are necessary to incur. erates and segregationists and pro- audience; and Section 3.(e) Compensation; Administra- slavery statues from our Statuary Whereas, in 2012, Reverend Graham was tion.—Members of the Committee shall re- Hall. In some cases, States have either listed on the ‘‘The Ten Most Admired Men in ceive subsistence and travel allowances at started the steps to remove them. But the World List’’ for the 56th time. He was the rates set forth in G.S. 120–3.1, 138–5, or while that process is ongoing, these in- first selected in 1955. According to the latest 138–6, as appropriate, The Committee may dividuals are on a pedestal. And we list, Reverend Graham was tied as Number 3 contract for consultants or hire employees in cannot forget our history, but we don’t with Mitt Romney, George W, Bush, and accordance with G.S. 120–32.02, The Legisla- Pope Benedict XVI behind President Barack tive Services Commission, through the Leg- have to put segregationists and pro- Obama and Nelson Mandela; and islative Services Officer, shall assign profes- slavery historical figures on a pedestal. Whereas, admired and beloved by both sional staff to assist the Committee in its We don’t honor them, although we do Christians and non-Christians, Reverend work. Upon the direction of the Legislative remember them. Graham continues to inspire the world with Services Commission, the Directors of Legis- So let’s adopt this measure to deal his good works; and lative Assistants of the Senate and of the with those statues. Whereas, there have been many great House of Representatives shall assign cler- But there is another thing. There are North Carolinians, but few have impacted ical staff to the Committee. The expenses for situations such as the statue of Justice the world more than Billy Graham; and . clerical employees shall be borne by the Taney that were not sent here by any Whereas, it is appropriate to honor Rev- Committee. erend Graham’s life and works by placing his Section 3.(f) Reports; Termination.—The State, and only we can remove them likeness in the National Statuary Hall Col- Committee shall make an interim report to expeditiously. We have said, and we lection for display in the United States Cap- the 2016 Regular Session of the 2015 General have heard from people more eloquent itol; Now, therefore, Assembly and an annual report thereafter than I about why Justice Taney should The General Assembly of North Carolina until the Committee has completed the du- not be honored. enacts: ties set out in subsection (d) of this section, Section 1. The General Assembly requests In 1865, a few years before the Taney at which time the Committee shall termi- that the Joint Committee on the Library of bust was ultimately commissioned, the nate. Congress approve the replacement of the Senate debated it. They debated wheth- Section 4. The Secretary of State shall er to commission the bust of Justice statue of Charles Brantley Aycock in the Na- transmit a certified copy of this act to the tional Statuary Hall Collection currently on members of the Joint Committee on the Li- Taney for the Supreme Court room. display in the United States Capitol with a brary of Congress and North Carolina’s con- And during that debate, Senator statue of the Reverend William Franklin gressional delegation. Charles Sumner of Massachusetts said ‘‘Billy’’ Graham, Jr. Section 5. This act is effective when it be- this: ‘‘I object to that; that now an Section 2. The General Assembly requests comes law. In the General Assembly read that the Honorable Pat McCrory, Govern of emancipated country should make a three times and ratified this the 21st day of the State of North Carolina, extend to the bust to the author of the Dred Scott September, 2015. Joint Committee on the Library of Congress decision. Judgment is beginning now; Approved 10:23 a.m. this 2nd day of Octo- his approval of the General Assembly’s re- ber, 2015. and an emancipated country will fasten quest to replace the statue of Charles TOM APODACA, upon him the stigma which he de- Brantley Aycock in the National Statuary Presiding Officer. serves.’’ Hall Collection currently on display in the PAUL STAM, Now, it may have taken longer than United States Capitol with a statue of the Presiding Officer of the House of Senator Sumner envisioned, in fact, 156 Reverend Franklin ‘‘Billy’’ Graham, Jr. Representatives. Section 3.(a) There is created the Statuary years to attach the stigma that be- PAT MCCRORY, Hall Selection Committee (the ‘‘Com- longs to Justice Taney, but we will at- Governor. mittee’’). tach that stigma today if we pass this Section 3.(b) Membership—The Committee Mr. LOUDERMILK. Madam Speaker, bill. shall be composed of seven members. as fol- I yield back the balance of my time. In closing, I just want to say that all lows: Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, I of us are here for a few years. Some (1) Four members appointed by the Presi- yield myself the balance of my time. longer, some shorter, but we are just dent Pro Tempore of the Senate, one of Just a couple of clarifications be- whom shall be a representative of the Billy here for a little slice of history. And I Graham Evangelistic Association, or the As- cause I think it may be confusing to feel fortunate that my little slice of sociation’s designee. the general public hearing about what history allowed me to be here the same (2) Three members appointed by the Speak- is really a rather arcane process for time as the late John Lewis. I can al- er of the House of Representatives. States to add and remove statues. most imagine him standing here on the Section 3.(c) Terms; Chairs; Vacancies; The Joint Committee on the Library floor. How fortunate I am to have Quorum.—Members shall serve terms of four ultimately approves it, but the process years, The Committee shall have two co- served with him. And how fortunate I chairs, one designated by the President Pro is driven by the States, the Architect am to serve with our majority whip, Tempore of the Senate and one designated by of the Capitol does all of the heavy lift- Mr. CLYBURN, who put his body on the the Speaker of the House of Representatives, ing, looking at the statues, making line to fight against segregation and to from among their appointees. The Com- sure that the replacement statue meets fight for voting rights. They are lead- mittee shall meet upon the call of the co- the engineering requirements and the ers of our country. I am proud to serve chairs. Vacancies shall be filled by the ap- like. I would just like to note that with them. Let’s show how much we pointing authority. A quorum of the Com- until last Wednesday, Senator ROY honor them by voting for this bill. mittee shall be a majority of the members. BLUNT was chair of the Joint Com- Section 3.(d) Duties.—The Committee shal1 Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- do the following: mittee on the Library, and I have been ance of my time. (1) Select a sculptor to create a statue of chair of the Joint Committee on the Ms. LEE of California. Madam Speaker, I the Reverend Franklin ‘‘Billy’’ Graham, Jr., Library now for 6 days. thank Chair LOFGREN for her leadership. I’d

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:30 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.025 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3276 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 also like to thank our Speaker, our Majority IG INDEPENDENCE AND TITLE VIII—NOTICE OF ONGOING INVES- Leader, our Whip, Mr. CLYBURN, Chairwoman EMPOWERMENT ACT TIGATIONS WHEN THERE IS A CHANGE IN STATUS OF INSPECTOR GENERAL BEATTY, Chairman BENNIE THOMPSON, and Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New Sec. 801. Notice of ongoing investigations when Congressman BUTTERFIELD for moving this York. Madam Speaker, pursuant to legislation forward with the urgency that it re- there is a change in status of In- House Resolution 504, I call up the bill spector General. quires. (H.R. 2662) to amend the Inspector Gen- I rise in strong support of H.R. 3005, which TITLE IX—COUNCIL OF THE INSPECTORS eral Act of 1978, and for other purposes, GENERAL ON INTEGRITY AND EFFI- will remove shameful monuments to slavery, and ask for its immediate consider- CIENCY APPROPRIATION segregation, and white supremacy from the ation. Sec. 901. CIGIE appropriation. U.S Capitol. In 2017, in the wake of the white The Clerk read the title of the bill. TITLE X—NOTICE OF REFUSAL TO nationalist rally in Charlottesville, I introduced The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- PROVIDE INSPECTORS GENERAL ACCESS the Confederate Monument Removal Act to ant to House Resolution 504, the Sec. 1001. Notice of refusal to provide informa- remove all statues of people who voluntarily amendment in the nature of a sub- tion or assistance to Inspectors served the Confederacy from the Capitol build- stitute recommended by the Com- General. ing, so thank you for including this in this cur- mittee on Oversight and Reform, print- TITLE XI—ENHANCEMENTS TO INSPECTOR rent bill. Venerating those who took up arms ed in the bill, is adopted, and the bill, GENERAL TRAINING against the United States to preserve slavery as amended, is considered read. Sec. 1101. Short title. is an affront to the human dignity of all Ameri- The text of the bill, as amended, is as Sec. 1102. Enhancements to Inspector General cans. follows: Training. These painful symbols of bigotry and racism H.R. 2662 TITLE XII—BUDGETARY EFFECTS have no place in our society and certainly Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Sec. 1201. Determination of budgetary effects. should not be enshrined in the U.S. Capitol. resentatives of the United States of America in TITLE XIII—SEVERABILITY Following our historic vote on Juneteenth, it is Congress assembled, Sec. 1301. Severability. past time for Congress to stop glorifying the SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. TITLE I—INSPECTOR GENERAL men who committed treason against the (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as INDEPENDENCE United States to keep African Americans in the ‘‘IG Independence and Empowerment Act’’. SEC. 101. SHORT TITLE. chains. (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- This title may be cited as the ‘‘Inspector Gen- tents for this Act is as follows: The movement to honor Confederate sol- eral Independence Act’’. diers was a deliberate act to rewrite history Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. SEC. 102. AMENDMENT. and diminish the role of slavery in the out- TITLE I—INSPECTOR GENERAL The Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. break of hostilities between the North and the INDEPENDENCE App.) is amended— South. The Confederacy sought to uphold the Sec. 101. Short title. (1) in section 3(b)— institution of slavery and maintain a racial hier- Sec. 102. Amendment. (A) by striking ‘‘An Inspector General’’ and archy that brutalized and oppressed Black TITLE II—CONGRESSIONAL NOTIFICATION inserting: people. This ideology of white supremacy led OF CHANGE IN STATUS OF INSPECTOR ‘‘(1) An Inspector General’’; GENERAL (B) by inserting after ‘‘by the President’’ the to the rise of Confederate memorials in the following: ‘‘in accordance with paragraph (2)’’; 20th century. Most Confederate statutes were Sec. 201. Short title. and erected during periods of extreme civil rights Sec. 202. Change in status of Inspector General (C) by inserting at the end the following new tension, not in the immediate aftermath of the offices. paragraph: Civil War. Placed in public spaces, they were Sec. 203. Presidential explanation of failure to ‘‘(2) The President may remove an Inspector nominate an Inspector General. testaments to the enduring notion of white su- General only for any of the following grounds premacy and used to push back against the TITLE III—VACANCY OF INSPECTOR (and the documentation of any such ground GENERAL POSITIONS movement for equality for African Americans. shall be included in the communication required pursuant to paragraph (1)): They are symbols of white supremacy and ha- Sec. 301. Vacancy of Inspector General posi- tions. ‘‘(A) Documented permanent incapacity. tred, not Southern heritage. They don’t belong ‘‘(B) Documented neglect of duty. TITLE IV—COUNCIL OF INSPECTORS GEN- here in the U.S. Capitol. ‘‘(C) Documented malfeasance. ERAL ON INTEGRITY AND EFFICIENCY ‘‘(D) Documented conviction of a felony or We are in a critical moment to act. The re- TRANSPARENCY moval of Confederate statues from the U.S. conduct involving moral turpitude. Sec. 401. Short title. Capitol is an important step in confronting our ‘‘(E) Documented knowing violation of a law Sec. 402. Additional information to be included or regulation. nation’s painful legacy of slavery, racism, and in requests and reports to Con- ‘‘(F) Documented gross mismanagement. oppression. As a descendant of enslaved Afri- gress. ‘‘(G) Documented gross waste of funds. cans, I support this bill and I ask for an ‘aye’ Sec. 403. Availability of information to members ‘‘(H) Documented abuse of authority. vote. of Congress regarding certain al- ‘‘(I) Documented inefficiency.’’; and The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. legations of wrongdoing closed (2) in section 8G(e)(2), by adding at the end SCHRIER). All time for debate has ex- without referral. the following: ‘‘An Inspector General may be re- pired. Sec. 404. Semiannual report. moved only for any of the following grounds Sec. 405. Additional reports; rules of construc- (and the documentation of any such ground Pursuant to House Resolution 504, tion. shall be included in the communication required the previous question is ordered on the Sec. 406. Membership of Integrity Committee. pursuant to this paragraph): bill. Sec. 407. Requirement to refer allegations of ‘‘(A) Documented permanent incapacity. The question is on the engrossment wrongdoing against Inspector ‘‘(B) Documented neglect of duty. and third reading of the bill. General to Integrity Committee. ‘‘(C) Documented malfeasance. The bill was ordered to be engrossed Sec. 408. Requirement to report final disposition ‘‘(D) Documented conviction of a felony or to Congress. conduct involving moral turpitude. and read a third time, and was read the ‘‘(E) Documented knowing violation of a law third time. TITLE V—ADDITIONAL AUTHORITY PROVISIONS FOR INSPECTORS GENERAL or regulation. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ‘‘(F) Documented gross mismanagement. question is on passage of the bill. Sec. 501. Short title. ‘‘(G) Documented gross waste of funds. Sec. 502. Additional authority provisions for In- ‘‘(H) Documented abuse of authority. The question was taken; and the spectors General. Speaker pro tempore announced that ‘‘(I) Documented inefficiency.’’. TITLE VI—INVESTIGATIONS OF TITLE II—CONGRESSIONAL NOTIFICATION the ayes appeared to have it. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE PERSONNEL Mr. LOUDERMILK. Madam Speaker, OF CHANGE IN STATUS OF INSPECTOR Sec. 601. Short title. GENERAL on that I demand the yeas and nays. Sec. 602. Investigations of Department of Jus- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- SEC. 201. SHORT TITLE. tice personnel. This title may be cited as the ‘‘Inspector Gen- ant to section 3(s) of House Resolution TITLE VII—OFFICE OF INSPECTOR eral Protection Act’’. 8, the yeas and nays are ordered. GENERAL WHISTLEBLOWER COMPLAINTS SEC. 202. CHANGE IN STATUS OF INSPECTOR Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, fur- Sec. 701. Short title. GENERAL OFFICES. ther proceedings on this question are Sec. 702. Office of Inspector General whistle- (a) CHANGE IN STATUS OF INSPECTOR GENERAL postponed. blower complaints. OF OFFICES.—Paragraph (1) of section 3(b) of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.026 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3277 the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. imum rate of pay payable for a position at GS– ‘‘(i) analysis of the positions held by individ- App.) is amended— 15 of the General Schedule.’’. uals against whom allegations were made, in- (1) by inserting ‘‘, is placed on paid or unpaid (b) APPLICATION.—The amendment made by cluding the duties affiliated with such positions; non-duty status,’’ after ‘‘is removed from of- subsection (a) shall apply to any vacancy first ‘‘(ii) analysis of the categories or types of the fice’’; occurring with respect to an Inspector General allegations of wrongdoing; and (2) by inserting ‘‘, change in status,’’ after position on or after the date of enactment of this ‘‘(iii) a summary of disposition of all the alle- ‘‘any such removal’’; and Act. gations. (3) by inserting ‘‘, change in status,’’ after TITLE IV—COUNCIL OF INSPECTORS GEN- ‘‘(B) The number of allegations referred to the ‘‘before the removal’’. ERAL ON INTEGRITY AND EFFICIENCY Department of Justice or the Office of Special (b) CHANGE IN STATUS OF INSPECTOR GENERAL TRANSPARENCY Counsel, including the number of allegations re- OF DESIGNATED FEDERAL ENTITIES.—Section ferred for criminal investigation. SEC. 401. SHORT TITLE. 8G(e)(2) of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 ‘‘(C) The number of allegations referred to the This title may be cited as the ‘‘Integrity Com- U.S.C. App.) is amended— Chairperson of the Integrity Committee for in- mittee Transparency Act of 2021’’. (1) by inserting ‘‘, is placed on paid or unpaid vestigation, a general description of the status non-duty status,’’ after ‘‘office’’; SEC. 402. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO BE IN- of such investigations, and a summary of the (2) by inserting ‘‘, change in status,’’ after CLUDED IN REQUESTS AND RE- PORTS TO CONGRESS. findings of investigations completed. ‘‘any such removal’’; and Section 11(d) of the Inspector General Act of ‘‘(D) An overview and analysis of allegations (3) by inserting ‘‘, change in status,’’ after 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended— of wrongdoing received by the Integrity Com- ‘‘before the removal’’. (1) in paragraph (5)(B)(ii), by striking the pe- mittee during any previous reporting period, but (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made riod at the end and inserting ‘‘, the length of remained pending during some part of the six by this section shall take effect 30 days after the time the Integrity Committee has been evalu- months covered by the report, including— date of the enactment of this Act. ating the allegation of wrongdoing, and a de- ‘‘(i) analysis of the positions held by individ- SEC. 203. PRESIDENTIAL EXPLANATION OF FAIL- scription of any previous written notice pro- uals against whom allegations were made, in- URE TO NOMINATE AN INSPECTOR cluding the duties affiliated with such positions; GENERAL. vided under this clause with respect to the alle- gation of wrongdoing, including the description ‘‘(ii) analysis of the categories or types of the (a) IN GENERAL.—Subchapter III of chapter 33 provided for why additional time was needed.’’; allegations of wrongdoing; and of title 5, United States Code, is amended by in- ‘‘(iii) a summary of disposition of all the alle- serting after section 3349d the following new and (2) in paragraph (8)(A)(ii), by inserting ‘‘or gations. section: corrective action’’ after ‘‘disciplinary action’’. ‘‘(E) The number and category or type of ‘‘§ 3349e. Presidential explanation of failure to pending investigations. SEC. 403. AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION TO ‘‘(F) For each allegation received— nominate an Inspector General MEMBERS OF CONGRESS REGARD- ‘‘If the President fails to make a formal nomi- ING CERTAIN ALLEGATIONS OF ‘‘(i) the date on which the investigation was nation for a vacant Inspector General position WRONGDOING CLOSED WITHOUT RE- opened; that requires a formal nomination by the Presi- FERRAL. ‘‘(ii) the date on which the allegation was dis- dent to be filled within the period beginning on Section 11(d)(5)(B) of the Inspector General posed of, as applicable; and the date on which the vacancy occurred and Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App) is amended by adding ‘‘(iii) the case number associated with the al- ending on the day that is 210 days after that at the end the following: legation. ‘‘(G) The nature and number of allegations to date, the President shall communicate, within 30 ‘‘(iii) AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION TO MEM- the Integrity Committee closed without referral, days after the end of such period, to Congress in BERS OF CONGRESS.— including the justification for why each allega- writing— ‘‘(I) IN GENERAL.—With respect to an allega- ‘‘(1) the reasons why the President has not tion of wrongdoing made by a member of Con- tion was closed without referral. ‘‘(H) A brief description of any difficulty en- yet made a formal nomination; and gress that is closed by the Integrity Committee ‘‘(2) a target date for making a formal nomi- without referral to the Chairperson of the Integ- countered by the Integrity Committee when re- nation.’’. rity Committee to initiate an investigation, the ceiving, evaluating, investigating, or referring for investigation an allegation received by the (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of sec- Chairperson of the Integrity Committee shall, tions for chapter 33 of title 5, United States not later than 60 days after closing such allega- Integrity Committee, including a brief descrip- Code, is amended by inserting after the item re- tion, provide a written description of the nature tion of— lating to section 3349d the following new item: of the allegation of wrongdoing and how the In- ‘‘(i) any attempt to prevent or hinder an in- tegrity Committee evaluated the allegation of vestigation; or ‘‘3349e. Presidential explanation of failure to wrongdoing to— ‘‘(ii) concerns about the integrity or oper- nominate an Inspector General.’’. ‘‘(aa) the Chair and Ranking Member of the ations at an Office of Inspector General.’’. (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment made Committee on Oversight and Reform of the SEC. 405. ADDITIONAL REPORTS; RULES OF CON- by subsection (a) shall take effect on the date of House of Representatives; STRUCTION. the enactment of this Act and shall apply to any ‘‘(bb) the Chair and Ranking Member of the Section 11(d) of the Inspector General Act of vacancy first occurring on or after that date. Committee on Homeland Security and Govern- 1978 (5 U.S.C. App) is amended by adding at the TITLE III—VACANCY OF INSPECTOR mental Affairs of the Senate; end the following: GENERAL POSITIONS ‘‘(cc) a member of the House of Representa- ‘‘(14) ADDITIONAL REPORTS.— SEC. 301. VACANCY OF INSPECTOR GENERAL PO- tives who has the support of any seven members ‘‘(A) REPORT TO INSPECTOR GENERAL.—The SITIONS. of the Committee on Oversight and Reform of Chairperson of the Integrity Committee shall (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 3345 of title 5, the House of Representatives; or submit a report immediately whenever the United States Code, is amended by adding at the ‘‘(dd) a member of the Senate who has the Chairperson of the Integrity Committee becomes end the following: support of any five members of the Committee on aware of particularly serious or flagrant prob- ‘‘(d)(1) Notwithstanding subsection (a), if an Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of lems, abuses, or deficiencies relating to the ad- Inspector General position that requires ap- the Senate. ministration of programs and operations of an pointment by the President by and with the ad- ‘‘(II) REQUIREMENT TO FORWARD.—The Chair- Office of Inspector General. The report shall be vice and consent of the Senate to be filled is va- person of the Integrity Committee shall forward sent to the Inspector General who leads the Of- cant, the first assistant of such position shall any written description or update provided fice of Inspector General at which the serious or perform the functions and duties of the Inspec- under this clause to the members of the Integrity flagrant problems, abuses, or deficiencies were tor General temporarily in an acting capacity Committee and to the Chairperson of the Coun- alleged. subject to the time limitations of section 3346. cil.’’. ‘‘(B) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—The Inspector ‘‘(2) Notwithstanding subsection (a), if for SEC. 404. SEMIANNUAL REPORT. General of the Office identified by the Integrity purposes of carrying out paragraph (1) of this Section 11(d)(9) of the Inspector General Act Committee shall submit any such report to the subsection, by reason of absence, disability, or of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended to read as House Committee on Oversight and Reform and vacancy, the first assistant to the position of In- follows: the Senate Committee on Homeland Security spector General is not available to perform the ‘‘(9) SEMIANNUAL REPORT.—On or before May and Governmental Affairs within seven cal- functions and duties of the Inspector General, 31, 2022, and every six months thereafter, the endar days from the time the Inspector General an acting Inspector General shall be appointed Council shall submit to Congress and the Presi- receives the report together with a report by the by the President from among individuals serving dent a report on the activities of the Integrity Inspector General at the Office identified by the in an office of any Inspector General, provided Committee during the immediately preceding six- Integrity Committee containing any comments that— month periods ending March 31 and September such Inspector General deems appropriate. ‘‘(A) during the 365-day period preceding the 30, which shall include the following with re- ‘‘(15) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.— date of death, resignation, or beginning of in- spect to allegations of wrongdoing that are ‘‘(A) PUBLIC DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION.— ability to serve of the applicable Inspector Gen- made against Inspectors General and staff mem- Except as provided in subparagraph (B), noth- eral, the individual served in a position in an bers of the various Offices of Inspector General ing in this subsection shall be construed to au- office of any Inspector General for not less than described under paragraph (4)(C): thorize the public disclosure of information 90 days; and ‘‘(A) An overview and analysis of the allega- which is— ‘‘(B) the rate of pay for the position of such tions of wrongdoing disposed of by the Integrity ‘‘(i) prohibited from disclosure by any other individual is equal to or greater than the min- Committee, including— provision of law;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.020 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3278 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 ‘‘(ii) required by Executive order to be pro- SEC. 407. REQUIREMENT TO REFER ALLEGATIONS of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Effi- tected from disclosure in the interest of national OF WRONGDOING AGAINST INSPEC- ciency, who shall be designated by the Inspector defense or national security or in the conduct of TOR GENERAL TO INTEGRITY COM- General serving as Chairperson of the Council. MITTEE. foreign affairs; or ‘‘(B) PROTECTION FROM DISCLOSURE.—The in- (a) REQUIREMENT.—Section 11(d)(4) of the In- ‘‘(iii) a part of an ongoing criminal investiga- formation contained in the request submitted by spector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is tion. an Inspector General under subparagraph (A) amended— and the identification of a witness shall be pro- ‘‘(B) PROVISION OF REPORT TO REQUESTING (1) in subparagraph (A), in the heading, by MEMBERS OF CONGRESS.—Subject to any other tected from disclosure to the extent permitted by striking ‘‘REQUIREMENT’’ and inserting ‘‘ALLE- law. Any request for disclosure of such informa- provision of law that would otherwise prohibit GATIONS AGAINST STAFF MEMBERS’’; disclosure of such information, the information tion shall be submitted to the Inspector General (2) by redesignating subparagraphs (B) and requesting the subpoena. described in subparagraph (A) may be provided (C) as subparagraphs (C) and (D), respectively; ‘‘(2) TIME TO RESPOND.— to any Member of Congress upon request of the and Member. ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in sub- (3) by inserting after subparagraph (A) the paragraph (B), the Subpoena Panel shall ap- ‘‘(16) PROHIBITED DISCLOSURES.—The Integ- following: prove or deny a request for approval to issue a rity Committee may not provide or otherwise dis- ‘‘(B) ALLEGATIONS AGAINST INSPECTORS GEN- close to Congress or the public any information subpoena not later than 10 calendar days after ERAL.—An Inspector General shall refer to the the submission of such request. that reveals the personally identifiable informa- Integrity Committee any allegation of wrong- DDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR PANEL.— tion of an individual who alleges wrongdoing to ‘‘(B) A doing against that Inspector General.’’. If the Subpoena Panel determines that addi- the Integrity Committee under this subsection (b) TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING AMEND- tional information is necessary to approve or unless the Integrity Committee first obtains the MENT.—Section 11(d)(1) of the Inspector General deny a request submitted by an Inspector Gen- consent of the individual.’’. Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended by strik- eral under paragraph (1)(A), the Subpoena SEC. 406. MEMBERSHIP OF INTEGRITY COM- ing ‘‘(4)(C)’’ and inserting ‘‘(4)(D)’’. Panel shall request such information from the MITTEE. SEC. 408. REQUIREMENT TO REPORT FINAL DIS- Inspector General and shall approve or deny the Section 11(d)(2) of the Inspector General Act POSITION TO CONGRESS. request submitted by the Inspector General of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended— Section 11(d)(8) of the Inspector General Act under paragraph (1)(A) not later than 20 cal- (1) in subparagraph (A), by adding at the end of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended— endar days after the submission of the request the following: (1) in subparagraph (A)(iii), by inserting under such paragraph. ‘‘(iv) The individual appointed under sub- ‘‘contemporaneously with the submission of the ‘‘(3) DENIAL BY PANEL.—If a majority of the paragraph (C).’’; and report under clause (ii),’’ before ‘‘submit’’; and Subpoena Panel denies the approval of a sub- (2) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ‘‘, the (2) by adding at the end the following: poena, that subpoena may not be issued. Committee on Homeland Security and Govern- ‘‘(d) NOTICE TO ATTORNEY GENERAL.— ‘‘(C) APPOINTMENT OF FORMER INSPECTOR mental Affairs of the Senate, the Committee on GENERAL TO COMMITTEE.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—If the Subpoena Panel ap- Oversight and Reform of the House of Rep- proves a subpoena under subsection (c), the In- ‘‘(i) APPOINTMENT.—The Chairperson of the resentatives, and other congressional committees spector General shall notify the Attorney Gen- Council shall appoint an individual who prior of jurisdiction,’’ after ‘‘Integrity Committee’’. to the date of such appointment served as an In- eral that the Inspector General intends to issue TITLE V—ADDITIONAL AUTHORITY spector General (as that position is described in the subpoena. PROVISIONS FOR INSPECTORS GENERAL ‘‘(2) DENIAL FOR INTERFERENCE WITH AN ONGO- section 3(a) and section 8G(a)(6)), and who has ING INVESTIGATION.—Not later than 10 calendar upheld the highest standards of integrity and SEC. 501. SHORT TITLE. days after the date on which the Attorney Gen- professionalism while serving and since leaving This title may be cited as the ‘‘IG Subpoena eral is notified pursuant to paragraph (1), the service as an Inspector General, as determined Authority Act’’. Attorney General may object to the issuance of by the Chairperson, to serve as a member of the SEC. 502. ADDITIONAL AUTHORITY PROVISIONS the subpoena because the subpoena will inter- Committee unless no such individual is available FOR INSPECTORS GENERAL. fere with an ongoing investigation and the sub- or willing to serve as a member of the Committee The Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. poena may not be issued. at the time of the appointment. App.) is amended— ‘‘(3) ISSUANCE OF SUBPOENA APPROVED.—If the ‘‘(ii) INITIAL TERM.—The individual appointed (1) by inserting after section 6 the following new section: Attorney General declines to object or fails to under clause (i) shall serve at the pleasure of object to the issuance of the subpoena during ‘‘SEC. 6A. ADDITIONAL AUTHORITY. the Chairperson of the Council for a 2-year the 10-day period described in paragraph (2), ‘‘(a) TESTIMONIAL SUBPOENA AUTHORITY.—In term. the Inspector General may issue the subpoena. addition to the authority otherwise provided by ‘‘(iii) ADDITIONAL TERM.—The Chairperson of ‘‘(e) GUIDELINES.—The Chairperson of the this Act and in accordance with the require- the Council may reappoint the individual ap- Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity ments of this section, each Inspector General, in pointed under clause (i) to serve at the pleasure and Efficiency, in consultation with the Attor- carrying out the provisions of this Act (or in the of the Chairperson of the Council for an addi- ney General, shall prescribe guidelines to carry case of an Inspector General or Special Inspec- tional term not to exceed 2 years. out this section. tor General not established under this Act, the ‘‘(iv) COMPENSATION.— ‘‘(f) INSPECTOR GENERAL DEFINED.—For pur- provisions of the authorizing statute), is author- ‘‘(I) SPECIAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE DESIGNA- poses of this section, the term ‘Inspector Gen- ized to require by subpoena the attendance and TION.—The individual appointed under clause eral’ includes each Inspector General estab- (i) shall be considered a special government em- testimony of witnesses as necessary in the per- lished under this Act and each Inspector Gen- ployee pursuant to section 202(a) of title 18, formance of the functions assigned to the In- eral or Special Inspector General not established United States Code. spector General by this Act (or in the case of an under this Act. Inspector General or Special Inspector General ‘‘(II) COMPENSATION AND TRAVEL EXPENSES.— ‘‘(g) APPLICABILITY.—The provisions of this not established under this Act, the functions as- An individual appointed under clause (i) may section shall not affect the exercise of authority signed by the authorizing statute), which in the not receive compensation at a rate in excess of by an Inspector General of testimonial subpoena case of contumacy or refusal to obey, such sub- the rate of basic pay for level IV of the executive authority established under another provision of poena shall be enforceable by order of any ap- schedule under section 5315 of title 5, United law.’’; propriate United States district court. An In- States Code, and any such individual, while en- (2) in section 5(a)— spector General may not require by subpoena gaged in the performance of their duties away (A) in paragraph (21)(B), by striking ‘‘; and’’ the attendance and testimony of any Federal from their homes or regular places of business, and inserting a semicolon; employee or employee of a designated Federal may be allowed travel expenses, including per (B) in paragraph (22), by striking the period entity, but may use other authorized proce- diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by sec- at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and dures. tion 5703 of such title for persons employed (C) by inserting at the end the following new ‘‘(b) LIMITATION OF DELEGATION.—The au- intermittently in the Government service. paragraph: thority to issue a subpoena under subsection (a) ‘‘(23) a description of the use of subpoenas for ‘‘(III) ACCEPTANCE OF VOLUNTEER SERVICES.— may only be delegated to an official performing The Chairperson of the Council may accept vol- the attendance and testimony of witnesses au- the functions and duties of the Inspector Gen- thorized under section 6A.’’; and unteer services from the individual appointed eral when an Inspector General position is va- under this subparagraph without regard to sec- (3) in section 8G(g)(1), by inserting ‘‘6A,’’ be- cant or when the Inspector General is unable to fore ‘‘and 7’’. tion 1342 of title 31, United States Code. perform the functions and duties of the Office. TITLE VI—INVESTIGATIONS OF ‘‘(IV) PROVISIONS RELATING TO REEMPLOY- ‘‘(c) PANEL REVIEW BEFORE ISSUANCE.— DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE PERSONNEL MENT.— ‘‘(1) APPROVAL REQUIRED.— ‘‘(aa) The Chairperson of the Council may re- ‘‘(A) REQUEST FOR APPROVAL BY SUBPOENA SEC. 601. SHORT TITLE. employ annuitants. PANEL.—Before the issuance of a subpoena de- This title may be cited as the ‘‘Inspector Gen- ‘‘(bb) The employment of annuitants under scribed in subsection (a), an Inspector General eral Access Act’’. this paragraph shall be subject to the provisions shall submit a request for approval to issue a SEC. 602. INVESTIGATIONS OF DEPARTMENT OF of section 9902(g) of title 5, United States Code, subpoena to a panel (in this section, referred to JUSTICE PERSONNEL. as if the Council was the Department of De- as the ‘Subpoena Panel’), which shall be com- Section 8E of the Inspector General Act of fense.’’. prised of three Inspectors General of the Council 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.020 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3279 (1) in subsection (b)— 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended by adding at mitted for printing in the Congressional Record (A) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘and para- the end the following: by the Chairman of the House Budget Com- graph (3)’’; ‘‘(D) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—In mittee, provided that such statement has been (B) by striking paragraph (3); addition to any funds available in the Inspec- submitted prior to the vote on passage. (C) by redesignating paragraphs (4) and (5) as tors General Council Fund established under TITLE XIII—SEVERABILITY paragraphs (3) and (4), respectively; and subparagraph (B), there are authorized to be (D) in paragraph (4), as redesignated, by appropriated such sums as may be necessary, to SEC. 1301. SEVERABILITY. striking ‘‘paragraph (4)’’ and inserting ‘‘para- remain available until expended, to carry out If any provision of this Act (or the application graph (3)’’; and the functions and duties of the Council under of that provision to particular persons or cir- (2) in subsection (d), by striking ‘‘, except this subsection.’’. cumstances) is held invalid or found to be un- with respect to allegations described in sub- (b) REMOVING COUNCIL FUNDING FROM INDI- constitutional the remainder of this Act (or the section (b)(3),’’. VIDUAL INSPECTOR GENERAL BUDGET RE- application of that provision to other persons or circumstances) shall not be affected. TITLE VII—OFFICE OF INSPECTOR QUESTS.—Section 6(g) of the Inspector General GENERAL WHISTLEBLOWER COMPLAINTS Act of 1978 is amended— The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bill, (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘, and any SEC. 701. SHORT TITLE. as amended, shall be debatable for 1 resources necessary to support the Council of This title may be cited as the ‘‘Enhanced hour equally divided and controlled by the Inspectors General on Integrity and Effi- Whistleblower Engagement Act’’. the chair and ranking minority mem- ciency. Resources necessary to support the ber of the Committee on Oversight and SEC. 702. OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL WHIS- Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity TLEBLOWER COMPLAINTS. and Efficiency shall be specifically identified Reform or their respective designees. (a) WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTION COORDI- and justified in the budget request’’; and The gentlewoman from New York NATOR.—Section 3(d)(1)(C) of the Inspector Gen- (2) in paragraph (2)— (Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY) and the eral Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended— (A) in subparagraph (B), by adding ‘‘and’’ gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. COMER) (1) in clause (i), in the matter preceding sub- after the semicolon; each will control 30 minutes. clause (I), by inserting ‘‘, including employees (B) by striking subparagraph (C); and of that Office of Inspector General’’ after ‘‘em- The Chair recognizes the gentle- (C) by redesignating subparagraph (D) as sub- woman from New York. ployees’’; and paragraph (C). (2) in clause (iii), by inserting ‘‘(including the (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made GENERAL LEAVE Integrity Committee of that Council)’’ after by subsection (b) shall take effect on the date Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New ‘‘and Efficiency’’. that is 30 days after the date of receipt by the York. Madam Speaker, I ask unani- (b) COUNCIL OF THE INSPECTORS GENERAL ON Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity mous consent that all Members have 5 INTEGRITY AND EFFICIENCY.—Section 11(c)(5)(B) and Efficiency of an appropriation for the of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. legislative days in which to revise and Council to carry out the functions and duties of extend their remarks and insert extra- App.) is amended by striking ‘‘, allegations of the Council under section 11 of the Inspector reprisal,’’ and inserting the following: ‘‘and al- General Act (5 U.S.C. App. 11), as amended neous materials on H.R. 2662. legations of reprisal (including the timely and under this section. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there appropriate handling and consideration of pro- objection to the request of the gentle- tected disclosures and allegations of reprisal TITLE X—NOTICE OF REFUSAL TO PROVIDE INSPECTORS GENERAL ACCESS woman from New York? that are internal to an Office of Inspector Gen- There was no objection. eral)’’. SEC. 1001. NOTICE OF REFUSAL TO PROVIDE IN- FORMATION OR ASSISTANCE TO IN- Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New TITLE VIII—NOTICE OF ONGOING INVES- SPECTORS GENERAL. York. Madam Speaker, I yield myself TIGATIONS WHEN THERE IS A CHANGE Section 6(c) of the Inspector General Act of IN STATUS OF INSPECTOR GENERAL such time as I may consume. 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended by adding at I rise today to urge strong, bipar- SEC. 801. NOTICE OF ONGOING INVESTIGATIONS the end the following: WHEN THERE IS A CHANGE IN STA- tisan support for my bill, H.R. 2662, the ‘‘(3) If the information or assistance that is IG Independence and Empowerment TUS OF INSPECTOR GENERAL. the subject of a report under paragraph (2) is (a) CHANGE IN STATUS OF INSPECTOR GENERAL not provided to the Inspector General by the Act. OF ESTABLISHMENT.—Section 3 of the Inspector date that is 30 days after the report is made, the The work of inspectors general, who General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended Inspector General shall submit a notice that the conduct independent oversight of Fed- by inserting at the end the following: information or assistance requested is being un- eral agencies, continues to be a re- ‘‘(h) Not later than 15 days after an Inspector reasonably refused or not provided by the head General is removed, placed on paid or unpaid markable investment for American of the establishment involved or the head of the non-duty status, or transferred to another posi- taxpayers. For every dollar we spend Federal agency involved, as applicable, to— tion or location within an establishment, the on IGs, we get $17 back. And this re- ‘‘(A) the Committee in the House of Represent- turn could be even higher if we gave acting Inspector General shall submit to the atives and the Committee in the Senate that has Committee on Oversight and Reform of the jurisdiction over the establishment involved or IGs additional tools, which is exactly House of Representatives and the Committee on the Federal agency involved, as applicable; what this bill would do. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of ‘‘(B) the Committee on Oversight and Reform The IG Independence and Empower- the Senate, a list of all audits and investigations of the House of Representatives; and ment Act is a package of critical re- being conducted, supervised, coordinated by the ‘‘(C) the Committee on Homeland Security and forms to protect IGs from political re- Office at the time the Inspector General was re- Governmental Affairs of the Senate.’’. moved, placed on paid or unpaid non-duty sta- taliation and obstruction. I want to tus, or transferred.’’. TITLE XI—ENHANCEMENTS TO thank Leader HOYER for his support (b) CHANGE IN STATUS OF INSPECTOR GENERAL INSPECTOR GENERAL TRAINING and work on this bill, as well as all the OF DESIGNATED FEDERAL ENTITY.—Section 8G(e) SEC. 1101. SHORT TITLE. other cosponsors of the legislation. of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. This title may be cited as the ‘‘Inspector Gen- The IG Independence and Empower- App.) is amended by inserting at the end the fol- eral Training Enhancement Act’’. ment Act also has the support of 14 lowing: SEC. 1102. ENHANCEMENTS TO INSPECTOR GEN- good government groups. They wrote ‘‘(3) Not later than 15 days after an Inspector ERAL TRAINING. that the reforms in this legislation General is removed, placed on paid or unpaid Section 11(c)(1)(E) of the Inspector General non-duty status, or transferred to another posi- Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended by insert- ‘‘have been crafted to address problems tion or location within an designated Federal ing ‘‘and establish minimum standards and best with inspector general independence entity, the acting Inspector General shall submit practices for training to ensure all Inspectors and authority long raised by Congress, to the Committee on Oversight and Reform of General receive training to carry out the duties, civil society, and our inspectors gen- the House of Representatives and the Committee responsibilities, and authorities under this Act eral. We strongly urge Congress to pass on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- and on emerging areas of the law of relevance to this legislation to empower our inde- fairs of the Senate, a list of all audits and inves- Inspectors General and the work of their offices pendent watchdogs to serve the public tigations being conducted, supervised, coordi- as identified by the Council’’ after ‘‘Inspector even more effectively.’’ nated by the Office at the time the Inspector General’’. This bill would enhance the inde- General was removed, placed on paid or unpaid TITLE XII—BUDGETARY EFFECTS non-duty status, or transferred.’’. pendence of IGs in several ways. Most SEC. 1201. DETERMINATION OF BUDGETARY EF- TITLE IX—COUNCIL OF THE INSPECTORS importantly, it would protect IGs from FECTS. being fired simply for doing their jobs. GENERAL ON INTEGRITY AND EFFI- The budgetary effects of this Act, for the pur- CIENCY APPROPRIATION pose of complying with the Statutory Pay-As- The bill would only allow an IG to be SEC. 901. CIGIE APPROPRIATION. You-Go Act of 2010, shall be determined by ref- removed for a documented cause, based (a) AVAILABILITY OF APPROPRIATED FUNDS.— erence to the latest statement titled ‘‘Budgetary on a defined list of nonpartisan rea- Section 11(c)(3) of the Inspector General Act of Effects of PAYGO Legislation’’ for this Act, sub- sons, such as a knowing violation of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.020 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3280 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 the law, abuse of authority, or gross independence by requiring notification Madam Speaker, through their work, mismanagement. to Congress before an IG is pushed inspectors general help improve gov- These removal protections come aside and placed on non-duty status so ernment efficiency and effectiveness. from a bill I introduced last year, after that we in Congress can support the Their nonpartisan audits and inves- the previous administration bullied, independence of IGs. tigations work to root out waste, sidelined, and retaliated against mul- The bill would also empower IGs by fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in tiple IGs. granting them the authority to sub- all Federal agencies. In fact, the Com- Last April and May, in six short poena nongovernment witnesses to pro- mittee on Oversight and Reform and weeks, President Trump fired or side- vide testimony. In many investiga- IGs have this common mission, but IGs lined four IGs and acting IGs who were tions, testimony from nongovernment occupy a unique spot within the Fed- simply doing their jobs. witnesses is essential. So providing IGs eral Government. They have a respon- On April 3, intelligence community with this authority is often the only sibility to their respective agency and IG Michael Atkinson was fired after he way to root out fraud or other to Congress through the notice require- provided a whistleblower complaint to wrongdoings. ments. Congress about President Trump’s now In 2016, our former colleague, Mark When the political parties of the ex- infamous call with Ukrainian Presi- Meadows, supported a similar provision ecutive branch and Congress are dif- dent, part of the conduct for which he and highlighted that bill’s procedural ferent, political fights can understand- was impeached by this body. safeguards, which are essentially the ably erupt. Unfortunately, this has re- On April 7, President Trump removed same in the bill we are considering cently led to a politicization of IG in- Glenn Fine as Acting Defense Depart- today. vestigations. ment IG, which blocked IG Fine from He stated: ‘‘This bill provides the ex- That takes us to today’s bill. Many serving as chair of the Pandemic Re- panded authority that the IGs have provisions in this bill are a step in the sponse Accountability Committee, a asked for, but with safeguards in place right direction to empower IGs to con- committee I helped create in the to make sure that they protect against duct robust oversight. However, I re- CARES Act to oversee trillions of dol- main concerned about some of the pro- lars in Federal spending in response to the possibility that an IG’s investiga- tion would interfere with an ongoing visions in this bill. the coronavirus pandemic. IG Fine was Title I in this bill would unneces- criminal investigation, or do other simply doing his job. sarily constrain the President’s ability harm.’’ On May 15, President Trump removed to remove an IG, shifting the delicate Mitch Behm as the Acting Transpor- b 1645 balance between the executive branch tation Department IG and replaced him The IG Independence and Empower- and Congress. Maintaining the current with an agency insider. Mr. Behm was ment Act would also close a loophole balance would enable Congress to use investigating Secretary of Transpor- that prevents the Department of Jus- its own oversight authority if it be- tation Elaine Chao at the time. tice IG from initiating investigations lieves there is wrongdoing by the Presi- And, finally, that same day, Presi- into professional misconduct by DOJ dent or an agency head in the removal dent Trump fired State Department IG attorneys. of an IG. Steve Linick, who, at the time, was in- This bill balances enhanced authori- Next, in title III, the majority has vestigating Secretary of State Mike ties and independence with new ac- proposed to dramatically limit who can Pompeo for abuse of power and misuse be appointed as an acting inspector of resources, and replaced him with a countability and transparency meas- ures for IGs. general if the IG has voluntarily left political crony. office or been removed. In doing so, All four of these IGs were just fol- For example, the bill contains the bi- partisan Integrity Committee Trans- this hinders the President’s ability to lowing the law and the facts, yet they appoint an IG with whom they have faced blatant retaliation. This is just parency Act, which would require greater transparency from the CIGIE confidence. plain wrong. While there are legitimate concerns Integrity Committee, the body Con- President Trump’s actions struck at about IGs serving at multiple agencies, gress set up to investigate IGs. the heart of why we have IGs, to pro- this provision goes too far in limiting Supporting IG independence has long vide independent oversight and a check the President’s authority over a subset on executive branch waste, fraud, and been a bipartisan issue. Congress must of executive branch employees. abuse. act now to protect and empower IGs so Finally, I have serious concerns with No President should be allowed to re- that they can perform the duties Con- title V, the provision authorizing an taliate against an IG for simply doing gress has entrusted to them without inspector general to issue testimonial their jobs, and the IG Independence and being retaliated against. subpoena authorities to compel testi- Empowerment Act would ensure that I strongly urge my colleagues to sup- mony from former Federal employees. IGs are protected from this kind of re- port the IG Independence and Em- While it may be helpful for IGs to in- taliation. powerment Act and continue the bipar- vestigate certain allegations of mis- In a letter to congressional leader- tisan tradition of protecting and conduct, it also provides IGs with a ship after the IG firings by Mr. Trump, strengthening IGs. tool that can be easily abused for polit- nine former IGs wrote and said: ‘‘Forc- To my Republican colleagues who ical purposes. For example, this au- ing inspectors general to choose be- may say these efforts are about attack- thority would enable new Biden-ap- tween doing their jobs with integrity ing President Trump, I would respond pointed inspectors general to subpoena and keeping their positions is not an with this: Joe Biden is the President former Trump administration officials acceptable model of governance and now. under the guise of any investigation, oversight. We therefore urge you to I am supporting good governments regardless of the real purpose for the pass for-cause removal protections for reforms under a Democratic adminis- investigation. all IGs.’’ tration because I believe in account- Finally, this provision does not pro- In addition, the IG Independence and ability no matter who the President is vide the necessary protections for Empowerment Act would ensure tem- and what party they come from. former Federal employees who may be porary, acting IGs are independent and We are talking about the future. This subjected to the legal fees of dealing qualified by requiring the acting IG to is about safeguarding taxpayers’ with a subpoena, instead forcing them be the deputy IG in the same office, or money and protecting the integrity of to pay for counsel to defend against another senior official from the IG our government. and respond to these subpoenas. With- community if there is no deputy. This I hope my colleagues on both sides of out meaningful protections to ensure would protect against the appointment the aisle will support these critical re- that testimonial subpoena authority of acting IGs with conflicts of interest forms as well. would not be used to seek out political or who are acting as political ap- Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- retribution, I cannot support this pro- pointees. ance of my time. vision. The IG Independence and Empower- Mr. COMER. Madam Speaker, I yield Rooting out waste, fraud, abuse, mis- ment Act would further bolster IG myself such time as I may consume. management, and misconduct is one of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.063 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3281 the most important jobs of this com- parency, and accountability from their This comprehensive legislation would mittee, and inspectors general serve on government. Federal agencies and offi- ensure inspectors general have the the front lines with us in this mission. cials work for the people, and they tools needed to conduct thorough in- We must ensure that all of our inspec- must be accountable to the people. vestigations without fear of political tors general have the tools they need That is why the previous administra- retaliation. to conduct robust oversight of their re- tion’s assault on the independence of Many of these reforms have had spective agencies. inspectors general was so alarming. strong bipartisan support for years, in That is why committee Republicans This is not an attack on a specific ad- particular, my bill, the IG Subpoena offered multiple amendments at the ministration. As the gentlewoman and Authority Act. This provision grants markup to address these concerns but chair of the committee has pointed IGs the authority to subpoena testi- still empower our IGs. We again offered out, we have a Democratic President mony from former employees and con- compromise amendments at the Rules now, so this is going to bind him. It is tractors as a tool to better undercover Committee yesterday, but my Demo- not going to bind his predecessors. If waste, fraud, and abuse. Currently, the crat colleagues have only allowed one anything, it is certainly not anti- absence of such authority hinders the of these amendments to be made in Biden, but it is to say: President Biden, ability of OIGs to conduct complete order. we respect you, but we want to have in- oversight in matters of corruption and I am hopeful that Democrats will spectors general who have the con- injustice. take the opportunity to pass a major fidence they can move ahead without I know my Republican colleagues bipartisan bill by adopting this amend- fear of retribution. claim this authority has no protections Former President Trump removed or ment. If they choose to continue down from abuse, but that simply is not replaced, as has been pointed out, the their partisan path, I hope my Demo- true. This bill includes safeguards to crat colleagues can stop the repeated inspectors general from the Depart- ments of Defense, State, Health and ensure that this authority is not attacks on the Trump administration. abused by requiring that an IG must Instead, we should focus on ensuring Human Services, and Transportation. have a subpoena approved by a panel of our inspectors general are focused on What kind of a check and balance is three other IGs. and equipped to conduct robust over- that, if a President can simply say, ‘‘I Additionally, I understand my Re- sight over agency operations and don’t like what you are doing. I am re- publican colleague may introduce an spending. moving you’’? I would suggest none, Madam Chair, I reserve the balance with all due respect to my friend. amendment that would strike the sub- of my time. These watchdogs must be able to act poena authority provision from this Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New independently and be free from polit- bill today. I find this interesting and York. Madam Speaker, I yield to the ical pressure or threats to their ca- confusing because the IG Subpoena Au- gentleman from Maryland (Mr. HOYER), reers. It seems to me that is a very thority Act was first introduced in the the distinguished majority leader of commonsense, rational judgment to 115th Congress by Republican Congress- the House, an important leader on this make. That is what this is about. man Steve Russell with the support of legislation, and a steadfast leader on We introduced our bill to address the then-Chairman Towns and Ranking this and on so many issues before this challenge exposed by the actions of the Member ISSA, and it passed the House body. prior administration, that is true. But by unanimous consent. Mr. HOYER. Madam Speaker, I ap- that has not been the only administra- This bill has not changed substan- preciate Chairwoman MALONEY’s lead- tion that has acted to undermine in- tially since the 115th Congress. What ership on this issue and so many other spectors general. has changed is the political context in issues to protect the citizens, protect I urge all of my colleagues to join us which we are trying to pass this re- consumers, protect voters, and protect, in supporting this legislation today. It form. If a reform was good for govern- frankly, those who stand up and say will build on the provisions that I ment then, it is a reform that is good there is wrongdoing. pushed to include in the House Rules for government now. Nothing has I heard the remarks of the ranking Committee, as I pointed out in Janu- changed. member, and I appreciate his thought- ary, which protects Federal whistle- Madam Speaker, we need to make fulness. But as I was listening to him, blowers by making it a violation of sure that the IG Subpoena Authority I am thinking: How do you make sure House rules for Members to reveal Act is included and passed today. That that somebody is not cowed by a Presi- their identities. will help strengthen the integrity and dent, any President, who is prepared to Those who come forward to reveal maintain the accountability in our take adverse action without cause misconduct or violations of the public Federal agencies. trust need to be heard and must be pro- against somebody because he or she I thank Chairwoman MALONEY for its tected from threats of retaliation. If does not like the investigation they are inclusion in the IG Independence and that is not the case, it will undermine undertaking? Empowerment Act. It is a step forward the very objective that we seek in cre- As the gentleman may know, and as for good government, and I strongly ating IGs. They need to know that they my colleagues may know, I urged a encourage an ‘‘aye’’ vote. rule that we adopted in this House can go to inspectors general or to Con- gress under strong whistleblower pro- Mr. COMER. Madam Speaker, I re- which said that it is a violation of our serve the balance of my time. rules to out a whistleblower. We have tections. House Democrats, and I hope House b 1700 put whistleblower protections in, but Republicans, will renew the faith in Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New unfortunately, when we had whistle- government and ensure that it works blowers come forward most recently, York. Madam Speaker, I yield 2 min- for the people. We are determined to utes to the gentlewoman from Cali- they were attacked and attempted to protect and strengthen government ac- fornia (Ms. PORTER), the vice chair of be outed, which would have subjected countability. them, obviously, to the adverse con- I hope all of us, in a bipartisan way, the Subcommittee on Government Op- sequences against which we tried to will repair this very critical principle erations of the Oversight Committee. protect them in the legislation that we of accountability for the people of this Ms. PORTER. Madam Speaker, the passed on whistleblowing. So, I see country. Inspector General Independence and some analogy between these two. Mr. COMER. Madam Speaker, I re- Empowerment Act protects our Na- I thank Vice Chairman GOMEZ, Chair- serve the balance of my time. tion’s government watchdogs. man CONNOLLY, Chairman LYNCH, and Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New Inspectors general are independent Representatives PORTER and LIEU for York. Madam Speaker, I yield to the officials responsible for preventing and working on this legislation and sup- gentleman from California (Mr. detecting waste, fraud, and abuse. They porting this legislation. I was proud to GOMEZ), the vice chair of the Com- safeguard the interests of taxpayers introduce it with the chair of the com- mittee on Oversight and Reform. and weed out corruption. We need mittee and proud to support it. Mr. GOMEZ. Madam Speaker, I rise stronger protections to prevent biased Madam Speaker, Americans deserve in support of the IG Independence and or unqualified acting inspectors gen- the highest standards of ethics, trans- Empowerment Act. eral from assuming these vital roles.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:30 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.064 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3282 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 I championed such measures in my the Integrity Committee Transparency like to recognize the hard work of the Accountability for Acting Officials Act, is a bipartisan provision I drafted chairman of the subcommittee. He au- Act, and I am proud to say they are in- with my ranking member, Mr. HICE. thored two proposals that were in- cluded in the chairwoman’s bill. These This provision would codify and en- cluded in the bill and was a major lead- provisions would forbid dual-hatting, hance administrative reporting re- er on it. I thank Mr. CONNOLLY. serving as both a political appointee forms at the Integrity Committee. Just Madam Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to and an acting inspector general at the this week, we saw how important that the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. same agency. This conflict of interest can be. RASKIN), the chairman of the Sub- compromises the independence of the It would also require the Integrity committee on Civil Rights and Civil inspector general’s work. Committee to report immediately any Liberties of the Oversight Committee American taxpayers fund these agen- particularly serious and flagrant prob- and a member of the Select Sub- cies. They deserve to know that those lems, abuses, or deficiencies at the Of- committee on the Coronavirus Crisis of agencies are working on their behalf. fice of Inspector General to the IG of the Oversight Committee. They deserve inspectors general who that office. Mr. RASKIN. Madam Speaker, I will fight to protect their dollars and Importantly, the provision also ex- thank Chair MALONEY for her wonder- our government’s integrity. pands the membership of the Integrity ful leadership of the Oversight Com- I urge my colleagues on both sides of Committee to include a former inspec- mittee. the aisle to support the Inspector Gen- tor general, increasing acumen and ac- I rise in support of H.R. 2662, the In- eral Independence and Empowerment countability and some distance. spector General Independence and Em- Act. These are critical measures nec- powerment Act. I thank Chair MALONEY for her lead- essary in the wake of cases in which The inspectors general are a remark- ership on government integrity, includ- the Integrity Committee has some- able innovation in American Govern- ing this important bill. times fallen short in its reporting to ment that have saved us untold billions Mr. COMER. Madam Speaker, I re- this body, to the Congress. In one re- of dollars and checked the corrupt serve the balance of my time. cent allegation of wrongdoing, it took abuse of power by people controlling Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New nearly 4 years for the Integrity Com- Federal departments. They are essen- York. Madam Speaker, I thank the tial to our ability to legislate as the gentlewoman from California for her mittee to complete its investigation, Article I branch and to do meaningful amendment, her hard work on this bill, and employees at that office continued oversight over the executive branch of and her leadership on the sub- to struggle under an IG who conducted government. committee and committee. herself with clear negligence. That Madam Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to case got resolved today with the an- That is true in general, but it is espe- cially true when we have a President the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. CON- nouncement that that IG is going to like Donald Trump who categorically NOLLY), the chairman of the Sub- retire. committee on Government Operations. IGs cannot afford to be poor leaders, refused to recognize congressional sub- Mr. CONNOLLY. Madam Speaker, I nor can we afford to have them be poor poenas, blocked members of his admin- rise today in support of H.R. 2662, the leaders. They must be model Federal istration from coming to testify before IG Independence and Empowerment employees if their credibility and in- Congress in an unprecedented way, and Act. I want to thank the chairwoman tegrity are to be trusted. generally refused to cooperate with of the committee for her leadership, es- We also champion title VII of this congressional factfinding at all. pecially in bringing forward this im- bill, the Enhanced Whistleblower En- When a President refuses to cooper- portant legislative package to bolster gagement Act. This provision requires ate with the legislative branch, when the independence and protection of OIG employees to undergo whistle- he obstructs Congress at every turn, oversight of Federal inspectors general blower training, mandates engagement the IGs are our only source of informa- while holding them more accountable between a designated whistleblower co- tion. It is imperative that we protect to Congress and the American people ordinator and the Integrity Com- our inspectors general’s independence at the same time. mittee, and requires CIGIE to identify and their impartiality so they will not Our Subcommittee on Government best practices for the timely and appro- be reduced to the level of being Presi- Operations held a hearing in April that priate handling of alleged reprisals dential sycophants who are party loy- highlighted the need for this legisla- within an OIG. alists. tion. At the hearing, we discussed how The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The Supreme Court has recognized the former President, Mr. Trump, ex- time of the gentleman has expired. the importance of IG independence, ploited statutory loopholes repeatedly Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New noting that it is ‘‘vital to effectuating to attack Federal IGs, firing well-re- York. Madam Speaker, I yield the gen- Congress’ intent and maintaining an spected IGs for investigating policies of tleman such time as he may consume. opportunity for objective inquiries into political allies he liked. Mr. CONNOLLY. Madam Speaker, bureaucratic waste, fraud, abuse, and President Trump also appointed po- this measure is nearly identical to a bi- mismanagement.’’ litical agency officials to serve as act- partisan provision in the Senate craft- This bill will ensure that the IGs ing IGs, this double-hatting Ms. POR- ed by Republican Senator GRASSLEY have the tools that they need to con- TER just talked about. This legislation from Iowa. duct thorough investigations on behalf would address that. We cannot allow In addition to these provisions, the of the American people, and it will pro- these actions to be repeated. bill includes several other important tect them from unjust political retalia- IGs are unique in the Federal Gov- measures to bolster the independence tion. ernment, serving to root out waste, of our nonpartisan watchdogs. This bill Mr. COMER. Madam Speaker, I yield fraud, abuse, and gross mismanage- is an important bill in reasserting the myself such time as I may consume. ment. They report both to the execu- independence, accountability, and Madam Speaker, I am excited to lis- tive and legislative branches of govern- transparency of IGs. They are a critical ten to the enthusiasm from my col- ment. This bill bolsters IGs on both part of making this government work leagues on the other side of the aisle fronts. and rebuilding American trust in its and their newfound passion for over- Importantly, the bill ensures the government. sight. The Republicans on the Over- President or an agency head can re- I thank the distinguished chair- sight Committee have been asking for move an IG only for documented cause, woman for her leadership in bringing many hearings on many different areas and I think that is a very important this bill before us. I urge Members on of potential oversight, potential waste, new standard. This measure will ensure both sides of the aisle to support this fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in that IGs can be removed when appro- bill. the Federal Government. But thus far, priate and cannot be removed simply Mr. COMER. Madam Speaker, I re- in this new Congress, my friends on the because they speak truth to power. serve the balance of my time. other side of the aisle have only been I authored two additional provisions Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New interested in oversight of the previous included in this legislation. The first, York. Madam Speaker, first, I would administration.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.066 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3283 I am getting really excited for the The April massacre of IGs was an un- tor General Access Act, which grants taxpayers of America because I feel precedented power play by the Presi- the inspector general of the Depart- like, today, I am hearing that my dent, a ruthless President who some- ment of Justice the authority to inves- friends on the other side of the aisle how thought they worked for him. tigate misconduct by DOJ attorneys. are interested in ensuring that there is They don’t work for him. They didn’t The DOJ inspector general is cur- good government, that we have trans- work for him. They work for the Amer- rently the only Federal inspector gen- parency. ican people, and that is why, since the eral without this authority. This is One thing that I would like to men- founding of this country, we have been simply unacceptable. tion in this bill is that the Oversight so committed to it. DOJ attorneys wield a tremendous Committee is responsible for oversight, Today’s legislation will protect IGs amount of power, including the ability and we want to work with the inspec- from retaliation and increase their to make life and death decisions. It is tors general. We have a lot of agree- independence, ensuring they operate crucial that these attorneys are held to ment in this bill, and I will talk about free from political interference. Those the highest level of professionalism, that during my closing remarks. But I complaints that those IGs were looking and that their actions and conduct are do believe there is the potential for us at were brought to them by individ- subject to independent oversight. to compromise and have a bipartisan uals. It was a political move by the For this reason, I wholeheartedly bill that actually might have a chance President to fire them. support the Inspector General Inde- to become law down the hall. I am interested that my colleague on pendence Act, and I urge my colleagues But I hope that this newfound enthu- the other side of the aisle was con- to do the same. siasm for oversight will carry over, and cerned about the costs of being rep- Mr. COMER. Madam Speaker, I yield we can do what the Oversight Com- resented by counsel when someone who myself the balance of my time. mittee is supposed to do and not rely is a Federal employee is called in to Just a couple of things I want to as heavily on unelected bureaucrats. testify. Maybe we can work on a bill to make sure that everyone understands Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- make sure that every Federal em- with respect to this bill. This bill is a ance of my time. ployee has that benefit. No one talked combination of 10 different bills. Re- Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New about that when Ambassador publicans support seven of the 10 bills. York. Madam Speaker, I yield myself Yovanovitch was called in to testify or Seven of the 10 bills we could pass pret- such time as I may consume. National Security Advisor Fiona Hill ty close to unanimously in this Cham- Madam Speaker, I thank the gen- or Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, all of ber that would strengthen the IGs and tleman, my dear friend and colleague, whom had to pick up the tab for the at- not hamper a President’s ability to ter- for having great enthusiasm for over- torneys representing them. minate an IG that may not agree with sight and combating waste, fraud, and Last month during a hearing before their ideology. abuse. I would respectfully offer to him the Oversight Subcommittee on Gov- No one in Congress would hire a that the best way to conduct that is to ernment Operations, the current Chair staffer that adamantly opposed their give the power to the IGs to conduct le- of the Council of the Inspectors Gen- ideology. No one in the private sector gitimate investigations. What we have eral, Inspector General Allison Lerner, would have a staffer be a spokesperson seen is that when there comes a legiti- testified that while they offer multiple or an employee that fundamentally dis- mate investigation, they are often trainings for IGs, the trainings are not agreed with the direction that person moved aside, fired, or retaliated mandated. wanted to lead their company. And the against. I believe, without mandated training, same should be true with the President So, I welcome the gentleman’s enthu- it is impossible to ensure that IGs are of the United States. siasm. I hope he will join with me in operating at the highest level and are With respect to President Trump’s supporting giving the power to IGs to well-equipped to carry out their duties, termination of inspectors general, I conduct legitimate investigations of so I am pleased that my amendment re- want to mention a couple of termi- waste, fraud, and abuse. quiring minimum standards and best nations that the President did. Presi- As I said in my opening remarks, for practices for training IGs has been in- dent Trump removed the Intelligence every dollar we spend on IGs, we get cluded in this bill. Community Inspector General Michael back $17, really hundreds of millions of Mr. COMER. Madam Speaker, I re- Atkinson because he flaunted strict dollars back from their oversight and serve the balance of my time. whistleblower procedures to provide work. b 1715 the Ukraine whistleblower report to Madam Speaker, I want to remind Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New Chairman SCHIFF. the gentleman, as he knows from our York. Madam Speaker, may I inquire Now, we support good government. hearings, there are many provisions in how much time is remaining? We want to protect whistleblowers. We this bill that are bipartisan, several The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- want to encourage whistleblowers to that Mr. CONNOLLY just mentioned that come forward. did more tlewoman from New York has 81⁄2 min- we were working on. I look forward to utes remaining. The gentleman from to damage prospective whistleblowers working with him and passing this bill. than any Member of this body. And the Kentucky has 231⁄2 minutes remaining. It should be bipartisan. Oversight Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New IG was complicit with him in that. and accountability should be bipar- York. Madam Speaker, I thank my col- That was a rightful termination by tisan. I hope the gentleman joins us in league, , for her tremen- President Trump. voting for this important bill. dous work on this bill, and one of the Acting Inspector General Christi Madam Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to major provisions was a bill of hers that Grimm purposely released an outdated the gentlewoman from California (Ms. was incorporated into it. and misleading report claiming there SPEIER), the chair of the Subcommittee I yield 2 minutes to the gentlewoman were shortages of medical equipment on Military Personnel of the Armed from North Carolina (Ms. ROSS), a at hospitals which was found to be en- Services Committee. She also serves on newly elected Member from the great tirely inaccurate and likely was politi- the Oversight and Reform Committee State of North Carolina and a member cally motivated. That is why President and is the co-chair of the Democratic of the Judiciary Committee. Trump terminated her. Women’s Caucus. Ms. ROSS. Madam Speaker, I thank So there are examples of a President Ms. SPEIER. Madam Speaker, the the gentlewoman for yielding. rightfully terminating an inspector history of whistleblowing dates back to I rise today in support of the Inspec- general, and I don’t think that this bill the founding of this country. The Con- tor General Independence Act. Inspec- is the right path to move forward. This tinental Congress was committed to tors general are vital to the integrity, is overlegislating. making sure that whistleblowers would efficiency, and efficacy of our Govern- We are passing a lot of bills out of have a voice. Last year alone, $2.2 bil- ment. It is crucial that they operate this Chamber that are dead upon ar- lion was saved by the taxpayers be- free from political influence. rival in the Senate. When we pass a bill cause of whistleblowers in our govern- This critical legislation includes a bi- that has bipartisan support, that ment. partisan bill I introduced, the Inspec- makes a difference in the Senate. We

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.067 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 could achieve that, and I have an operate with IG investigations. This has lim- their job. They can only be removed for amendment that goes a long way to- ited the ability of our watchdogs to effec- just cause, such as violating the law or wards making this bill bipartisan. tively review federal programs for waste and gross mismanagement. So with respect to oversight, I think fraud and to investigate federal employees In passing this legislation, we will be accused of misconduct. The IG Independence the American people are upset over and Empowerment Act would address this by strengthening our democracy, and we COVID–19. Speaker PELOSI created a giving inspectors general the authority to will send a strong message that Con- Select Committee on the Coronavirus compel testimony from former agency offi- gress supports accountability and an Crisis, which is a subsidiary of the cials, subcontractors, or grantees where that effective government. House Oversight Committee, we share testimony would be relevant to ongoing in- I urge all my colleagues to vote the same staff. We have been asking for vestigations. ‘‘yes’’ on this bill. It should be a bipar- hearings on the origins of COVID–19 Another weakness is that the president can fire these watchdogs and replace them with tisan bill. and had no response, no luck from my unqualified or conflicted individuals, expos- Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- friends across the aisle, so we had a ing the work of these offices to unnecessary ance of my time. hearing today. We had a forum. And it political interference. The public and Con- The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time was very productive. And I think the gress depend on inspectors general to ensure for debate has expired. people of America appreciated that. our federal agencies are functioning effec- Each further amendment printed in That is oversight. tively, but these watchdogs must be con- part A of House Report 117–74 not ear- So our committee can go a lot fur- fident they will not be fired for doing that lier considered as part of amendments ther with respect to oversight, and I job well. As nine former inspectors general en bloc pursuant to section 3 of House recently wrote to Congress, ‘‘Forcing inspec- think that we could come to a bipar- tors general to choose between doing their Resolution 504, shall be considered only tisan compromise to strengthen the jobs with integrity and keeping their posi- in the order printed in the report, may IGs without politicizing the IGs, with- tions is not an acceptable model of govern- be offered only by a Member designated out hampering a President’s ability to ance and oversight.’’ The IG Independence in the report, shall be considered as get rid of a bad IG. and Empowerment Act places reasonable read, shall be debatable for the time I strongly oppose this bill. I hope limits on when a president can remove an in- specified in the report equally divided through the amendment process it can spector general and who can serve in the and controlled by the proponent and an get better, that it can pass in a bipar- event of a vacancy, and will further insulate opponent, may be withdrawn by the the critical oversight offices from politics. tisan manner, and we can strengthen There are many other critical reforms in proponent at any time before the ques- the IGs, and we can send a message to this comprehensive legislation that have tion is put thereon, shall not be subject the Senate that we have a bipartisan been crafted to address problems with in- to amendment, and shall not be subject bill that you should take up and Presi- spector general independence and authority to a demand for division of the ques- dent Biden can hopefully sign into law. long raised by Congress, civil society, and tion. Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- our inspectors general. We strongly urge It shall be in order at any time for ance of my time. Congress to pass this legislation to empower the chair of the Committee on Over- our independent watchdogs to serve the pub- Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New sight and Reform or her designee to York. Madam Speaker, I yield myself lic even more effectively. Sincerely, offer amendments en bloc consisting of the balance of my time. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in further amendments printed in part A Independence is the bedrock principle Washington (CREW), Common Cause, of House Report 117–74, not earlier dis- of inspectors general, and this legisla- Demand Progress, Government Ac- posed of. Amendments en bloc shall be tion would protect and enhance their countability Project, Government In- considered as read, shall be debatable critical work. formation Watch, Mainers for Account- for 20 minutes equally divided and con- As I mentioned earlier, this legisla- able Leadership, National Security trolled by the chair and ranking minor- tion has the support of several non- Counselors, Open The Government, Project On Government Oversight ity member of the Committee on Over- partisan, good government groups, in- sight and Reform or their respective cluding the Project on Government (POGO), Protect Democracy, Public Citizen, Stand Up America, Taxpayers designees, shall not be subject to Oversight, the Government Account- for Common Sense, The Digital Democ- amendment, and shall not be subject to ability Project, Taxpayers for Common racy Project. a demand for division of the question. Sense, and many, many others. It also Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New AMENDMENTS EN BLOC OFFERED BY MRS. contains several bipartisan bills that York. The reforms we are considering CAROLYN B. MALONEY OF NEW YORK are part of the overall inspector gen- today are only one part of the work Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New eral reform bill. I ask that the support Congress needs to prevent future Presi- York. Madam Speaker, pursuant to letters from the good government dents from abusing power. I also House Resolution 504, I offer amend- groups be included in the RECORD. strongly support the broad Protecting ments en bloc. JUNE 28, 2021. Our Democracy Act, which Chairman The SPEAKER pro tempore. The DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: The undersigned SCHIFF has spearheaded, and I look for- Clerk will designate the amendments organizations write to express our support ward to that bill’s consideration very for the IG Independence and Empowerment en bloc. soon. Amendments en bloc consisting of Act (H.R. 2662) and to urge you to vote for I do want to say that the Select Com- this critical legislation. amendment Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 printed Our federal inspectors general (IGs) iden- mittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, un- in part A of House Report 117–74, of- tify and investigate waste, fraud, and abuse like the description from my good fered by Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of within the executive branch. The importance friend and colleague, has held 15 hear- New York: of their work cannot be overstated. Execu- ings of oversight. They have disclosed AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MRS. AXNE OF tive branch officials and Members of Con- and recovered millions of dollars of il- IOWA gress from both sides of the aisle rely on legal spending or corrupt spending. oversight conducted by inspectors general to Page 6, after line 16, add the following new There is a hearing tomorrow, which section (and amend the table of contents ac- inform their policy-making. These watch- will be the 16th hearing of the com- dogs continually return substantial savings cordingly): for taxpayers. In fiscal year 2020 alone, in- mittee, and we welcome you to join us SEC. 103. REMOVAL OR TRANSFER REQUIRE- spectors general identified potential savings at that subcommittee hearing if you so MENTS. of approximately $53 billion. And perhaps wish. (a) REASONS FOR REMOVAL OR TRANSFER.— most importantly, inspectors general inves- The inspector general community Section 3(b) of the Inspector General Act of tigate and expose abuses of power that may just, in general, has been attacked in 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.), as amended by section infringe on constitutional rights. recent years. By passing this IG Inde- 102, is further amended— If enacted, this legislation would address pendence and Empowerment Act, Con- (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘reasons’’ critical weaknesses in laws that have limited gress would send a strong message in and inserting ‘‘substantive rationale, includ- the effectiveness and threatened the inde- ing detailed and case-specific reasons,’’; and pendence of these watchdogs. the strongest terms that no adminis- (2) by inserting at the end the following For example, most inspectors general lack tration, regardless of President or new paragraph: the authority to compel former agency offi- party, can bully or retaliate or act ‘‘(3) If there is an open or completed in- cials, subcontractors, or subgrantees to co- against an IG when the IG is doing quiry into an Inspector General that relates

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.069 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3285 to the removal or transfer of the Inspector ‘‘(iii) result in loss of or damage to Govern- ‘‘(ii) the substantive rationale, including General under paragraph (1), the written ment property; detailed and case-specific reasons, for such communication required under that para- ‘‘(B) in the communication, the President determination; graph shall— includes— ‘‘(iii) if the head relied on an inquiry to ‘‘(A) identify each entity that is con- ‘‘(i) a specification of which clause the make such determination, an identification ducting, or that conducted, the inquiry; and President relied on to make the determina- of each entity that is conducting, or that ‘‘(B) in the case of a completed inquiry, tion under subparagraph (A); conducted, such inquiry; and contain the findings made during the in- ‘‘(ii) the substantive rationale, including ‘‘(iv) if an inquiry described in clause (iii) quiry.’’. detailed and case-specific reasons, for such is completed, the findings of that inquiry. (b) REASONS FOR REMOVAL OR TRANSFER determination; ‘‘(4) The head may not place an Inspector FOR DESIGNATED FEDERAL ENTITIES.—Section ‘‘(iii) if the President relied on an inquiry General on paid or unpaid non-duty status 8G(e) of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 to make such determination, an identifica- during the 30-day period preceding the date U.S.C. App.) is amended— tion of each entity that is conducting, or on which the Inspector General is removed (1) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘reasons’’ that conducted, such inquiry; and or transferred under paragraph (1) unless the and inserting ‘‘substantive rationale, includ- ‘‘(iv) if an inquiry described in clause (iii) head— ing detailed and case-specific reasons,’’; and is completed, the findings of that inquiry. ‘‘(A) determines that not placing the In- (2) by inserting at the end the following ‘‘(4) The President may not place an In- spector General on paid or unpaid non-duty new paragraph: spector General on paid or unpaid non-duty status would— ‘‘(3) If there is an open or completed in- status during the 30-day period preceding the ‘‘(i) pose a threat to the Inspector General quiry into an Inspector General that relates date on which the Inspector General is re- or others; to the removal or transfer of the Inspector moved or transferred under paragraph (1) un- ‘‘(ii) result in the destruction of evidence General under paragraph (2), the written less the President— relevant to an investigation; or communication required under that para- ‘‘(A) determines that not placing the In- ‘‘(iii) result in loss of or damage to Govern- graph shall— spector General on paid or unpaid non-duty ment property; and ‘‘(A) identify each entity that is con- status would— ‘‘(B) on or before the date on which the ducting, or that conducted, the inquiry; and ‘‘(i) pose a threat to the Inspector General placement takes effect, submits to the Com- ‘‘(B) in the case of a completed inquiry, or others; mittee in the House of Representatives and contain the findings made during the in- ‘‘(ii) result in the destruction of evidence the Committee in the Senate that has juris- quiry.’’. relevant to an investigation; or diction over the Inspector General involved, AMENDMENT NO. 2 OFFERED BY MS. BOURDEAU ‘‘(iii) result in loss of or damage to Govern- the Committee on Oversight and Reform of OF GEORGIA ment property; and the House of Representatives, and the Com- Page 34, line 1, strike ‘‘and’’ and insert ‘‘,’’. ‘‘(B) on or before the date on which the mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- Page 34, line 3, insert ‘‘, and on the use of placement takes effect, submits to the Com- mental Affairs of the Senate, a written com- and process for the suspension or debarment mittee in the House of Representatives and munication that contains the following in- of persons for eligibility for Federal con- the Committee in the Senate that has juris- formation— tracts’’ after ‘‘Council’’. diction over the Inspector General involved, ‘‘(i) a specification of which clause under subparagraph (A) the head relied on to make AMENDMENT NO. 3 OFFERED BY MR. CARTER OF the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the determination under such subparagraph; the House of Representatives, and the Com- ‘‘(ii) the substantive rationale, including Page 34, after line 3, insert the following mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- mental Affairs of the Senate, a written com- detailed and case-specific reasons, for such (and amend the table of contents and redes- determination; ignate the subsequent titles accordingly): munication that contains the following in- formation— ‘‘(iii) if the head relied on an inquiry to TITLE XII—EQUITABLE PAY FOR ‘‘(i) a specification of which clause under make such determination, an identification INSPECTORS GENERAL subparagraph (A) the President relied on to of each entity that is conducting, or that SEC. 1201. EQUITABLE PAY FOR INSPECTORS make the determination under such subpara- conducted, such inquiry; and GENERAL. graph; ‘‘(iv) if an inquiry described in clause (iii) Section 3(e) of the Inspector General Act of ‘‘(ii) the substantive rationale, including is completed, the findings of that inquiry.’’. 1978 (5 U.S.C. App) is amended by inserting detailed and case-specific reasons, for such Page 7, strike line 22 and all that follows after ‘‘3 percent’’ the following: ‘‘or the rate determination; through line 24 and insert the following: of pay that is equal to the highest rate of ‘‘(iii) if the President relied on an inquiry (d) APPLICATION.—The amendments made basic pay of any other employee of the Office to make such determination, an identifica- by this section shall apply with respect to of such Inspector General, whichever is high- tion of each entity that is conducting, or removals, transfers, and changes of status er’’. that conducted, such inquiry; and occurring on or after the date that is 30 days AMENDMENT NO. 5 OFFERED BY MR. MALINOWSKI ‘‘(iv) if an inquiry described in clause (iii) after the date of the enactment of this Act. OF NEW JERSEY is completed, the findings of that inquiry.’’. Page 29, line 20, strike ‘‘ESTABLISHMENT’’ and insert ‘‘OFFICE’’. Page 7, line 4, strike ‘‘OFFICES’’ and insert (2) COMMUNICATION RELATING TO CHANGE IN Page 30, line 10, strike ‘‘is’’ and insert ‘‘, as ‘‘OFFICE’’. STATUS OF INSPECTOR GENERAL OF DESIGNATED amended by section 202(c)(2), is further’’. Page 7, line 13, strike ‘‘ENTITIES’’ and in- FEDERAL ENTITY.—Section 8G(e) of the In- Page 30, line 12, strike ‘‘(3)’’ and insert sert ‘‘ENTITY’’. spector General Act Inspector General Act of Page 7, after line 21, insert the following: 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended— ‘‘(5)’’. (c) EXCEPTION TO REQUIREMENT TO SUBMIT (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘If’’ and AMENDMENT NO. 6 OFFERED BY MR. TORRES OF COMMUNICATION RELATING TO CERTAIN inserting ‘‘Except as provided in paragraph NEW YORK CHANGES IN STATUS.— (3), if’’; and Page 34, after line 3, insert the following (1) COMMUNICATION RELATING TO CHANGE IN (B) by adding at the end the following: (and amend the table of contents and redes- STATUS OF INSPECTOR GENERAL OF OFFICE.— ‘‘(3) If an Inspector General is placed on ignate the subsequent titles accordingly): Section 3(b) of the Inspector General Act of paid or unpaid non-duty status, the head of a 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.), as amended by section designated Federal entity may submit the TITLE XII—REPORT 102(1), is further amended— communication described in paragraph (1) to SEC. 1201. GAO REVIEW AND REPORT. (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘If’’ and Congress later than 30 days before the In- Not later than 1 year after the date of the inserting ‘‘Except as provided in paragraph spector General is placed on paid or unpaid enactment of this Act, the Comptroller Gen- (3), if’’; and non-duty status, but in any case not later eral shall— (B) by adding at the end the following: than the date on which the placement takes (1) conduct a review that evaluates the ef- ‘‘(3) If an Inspector General is placed on effect, if— fectiveness of the processes of the Integrity paid or unpaid non-duty status, the Presi- ‘‘(A) the head determines that a delay in Committee of the Council of the Inspectors dent may submit the communication de- placing the Inspector General on paid or un- General on Integrity and Efficiency, and the scribed in paragraph (1) to Congress later paid non-duty status would— processes of Offices of Inspector General, re- than 30 days before the Inspector General is ‘‘(i) pose a threat to the Inspector General spectively, for ensuring that Inspectors Gen- placed on paid or unpaid non-duty status, or others; eral— but in any case not later than the date on ‘‘(ii) result in the destruction of evidence (A) are held accountable through the inves- which the placement takes effect, if— relevant to an investigation; or tigation of allegations of wrongdoing, in- ‘‘(A) the President determines that a delay ‘‘(iii) result in loss of or damage to Govern- cluding allegations of misconduct, abuse of in placing the Inspector General on paid or ment property; authority, or other malfeasance, that are unpaid non-duty status would— ‘‘(B) in the communication, the head in- made against such Inspectors General; and ‘‘(i) pose a threat to the Inspector General cludes— (B) meet relevant standards for integrity or others; ‘‘(i) a specification of which clause under and independence; ‘‘(ii) result in the destruction of evidence subparagraph (A) the head relied on to make (2) identify recommendations with respect relevant to an investigation; or the determination under such subparagraph; to—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.040 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3286 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 (A) enhancing accountability for Inspec- The base bill would require that the pens when the majority decides to go it tors General; and President or an independent agency alone rather than seeking to work to- (B) ensuring that Inspectors General meet head would notify Congress at least 30 gether to craft strong bipartisan legis- relevant standards for integrity and inde- days before placing an IG on non-duty lation. pendence; and This bloc of amendments is the per- (3) issue a report— status. (A) on the results of the review required by This amendment would make an ex- fect analog for this legislation—many paragraph (1); and ception to that requirement if any good provisions mixed with a few poi- (B) that contains any recommendations delay in that placement would mean a son bills, which undermine the intent identified under paragraph (2). threat to people, property, or an ongo- of the legislation as a whole. Therefore, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ing investigation. I must ask my colleagues to vote ant to House Resolution 504, the gen- This amendment would give the against this package of amendments. Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- tlewoman from New York (Mrs. CARO- President or agency head flexibility in ance of my time. LYN B. MALONEY) and the gentleman the case of a documented threat, while Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New from Kentucky (Mr. COMER) each will ensuring Congress is notified of any change to an IG status in advance York. Madam Speaker, I yield 1 minute control 10 minutes. to the gentleman from Louisiana (Mr. The Chair recognizes the gentle- whenever possible. CARTER), one of the newest members of woman from New York. And, finally, an amendment offered our caucus. He serves on the Commit- Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New by Congressman , tees of Transportation and Infrastruc- York. Madam Speaker, the amendment which would provide a needed review of ture and Small Business. offered by Congresswoman all processes to ensure IGs are held ac- Mr. CARTER of Louisiana. Madam would increase transparency when an countable. Speaker, I thank the chairwoman for inspector general is removed. This amendment would require the her incredible leadership on this very This amendment would require the Government Accountability Office to critical and important legislation. President or independent agency head review existing processes for inves- Madam Speaker, I rise today because to provide Congress a detailed case-spe- tigating allegations of IG wrongdoing, I support this bill and the common- cific explanation when firing an IG. including the processes of the CIGIE sense amendment that I have for it. I The amendment would also require Integrity Committee. The results of thank the chairwoman for her incred- the President or independent agency this review would provide Congress ible hard work on this important issue. head to provide to Congress the find- with critical information to know how Inspectors general play a key role in ings from an inquiry that led to the well these processes are working and our government. They provide trans- IG’s removal. how to improve them, if needed. parency and accountability into gov- These requirements would enhance IGs provide a critical check on waste, ernment programs and spending. They IG independence in addition to the crit- fraud, and abuse in the government, help prevent waste and fix mismanage- ical for-cause removal protections al- and their own conduct must be above ment and abuse. ready in the bill. reproach. The IG Independence and Empower- The amendment offered by Congress- Madam Speaker, I urge my col- ment Act would ensure that they have woman would en- leagues to adopt this commonsense the autonomy and the authority to do hance training requirements for inspec- package of amendments, and I reserve their jobs without political inter- tors general. the balance of my time. ference. My amendment is simple and This amendment would ensure that Mr. COMER. Madam Speaker, I rise in line with the goals of the bill. It IGs are trained in an important aspect to oppose the amendments en bloc. would ensure that the inspector gen- of their oversight work over Federal Madam Speaker, some of the amend- eral is paid commensurate to their contractors. ments in the proposed package attempt task. The suspension and debarment proc- to be helpful and improve the bill, but Currently, IGs make less money than ess provides an essential tool to hold most are just Band-Aids attempting to some of their senior advisers. I think Federal contractors accountable for cover up flawed provisions. the person with the most responsibility waste, fraud, and abuse. For example, one amendment at- should be paid accordingly. If we want Federal procurement law and the sus- tempts to paper over the flaws in title the best people to work these impor- pension and debarment processes are I by expanding the requirement for the tant jobs, we need to make sure that highly complex, and it is important President to provide his or her ration- their pay matches their role. My that all IGs are well-versed on these ale to Congress detailing why an IG amendment would fix an unintended issues. was removed. consequence of current law and This training will help make IGs Yes, understanding the President’s strengthen IG offices so that they can even more effective and efficient and rationale for removing an IG is very better carry out their essential work. could lead to more taxpayer savings. important to Congress. This amend- Mr. COMER. Madam Speaker, I re- The amendment offered by Congress- ment, however, fails to address the fun- serve the balance of my time. man would ensure IGs damental issue in the section, specifi- Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New are paid at an equitable level with sen- cally limiting the reasons for an IG’s York. Madam Speaker, I support all of ior staff in their office. removal or transferred to only nine the en bloc amendments, including Mr. Through an unintended consequence constraining reasons. CARTER’s, and I yield back the balance in current law, IGs are sometimes paid Another provision in this package of my time. less than the senior staff in their own Mr. COMER. Madam Speaker, I yield seeks to amend title II, but title II al- offices. This inequity could lead to dif- back the balance of my time. ready passed earlier this Congress as a ficulty in attracting the most qualified The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- standalone bill by voice vote under sus- people to be IGs. ant to House Resolution 504, the pre- This amendment would add language pension. This amendment to title II vious question is ordered on the to current law providing that IGs have would undermine that broadly sup- amendments en bloc offered by the to be paid at least the same rate of pay ported bill by creating an easy-to- gentlewoman from New York (Mrs. abuse loophole for a President to re- as the highest paid employee in the CAROLYN B. MALONEY). IG’s office. move an IG immediately, rather than The question is on the amendments This simple change would help ensure waiting the 30 days for Congress to re- en bloc. that IGs are paid what they deserve for view the required notice of removal. The question was taken; and the the critical work they perform. My Democrat colleagues have stated Speaker pro tempore announced that constantly that the goal of their legis- the ayes appeared to have it. b 1730 lation is to ensure that it is incredibly Mr. COMER. Madam Speaker, on The amendment offered by Congress- difficult to remove an IG, yet they sup- that I demand the yeas and nays. man would balance port an amendment that would gut this The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- notification to Congress with the need and allow our President to circumvent ant to section 3(s) of House Resolution to address an immediate threat. the will of Congress. This is what hap- 8, the yeas and nays are ordered.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.038 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3287 Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, fur- have strong bipartisan support. How- refused to cooperate with investiga- ther proceedings on this question are ever, my amendment addresses the tions. No Federal employee should be postponed. problematic language in these three able to simply avoid and escape ac- AMENDMENT NO. 4 OFFERED BY MR. COMER sections. That is why I ask my Repub- countability by leaving government The SPEAKER pro tempore. It is now lican and Democrat colleagues to pass and saying, ‘‘I just no longer will tes- in order to consider amendment No. 4 this amendment to enable us to nego- tify or participate in finding the printed in part A of House Report 117– tiate a bipartisan solution for the in- truth.’’ 74. spector general community that can be These provisions were passed by the Mr. COMER. Madam Speaker, I have signed into law. Committee on Oversight and Reform an amendment at the desk. Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- and the House in 2018, in a Republican- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ance of my time. led bill, and contained carefully crafted Clerk will designate the amendment. Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New compromises struck by Chairman ISSA The text of the amendment is as fol- York. Madam Speaker, I rise in opposi- and Ranking Member Cummings years lows: tion to this amendment ago. Page 4, strike line 1 and all that follows The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Madam Speaker, this legislation pro- through page 6, line 16. tlewoman from New York is recognized vides procedural safeguards to ensure Page 9, strike line 3 and all that follows for 5 minutes. that subpoena authority is not abused through page 10, line 10. Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New and it does not interfere with ongoing Page 22, strike line 20 and all that follows York. Madam Speaker, this amend- investigations. For example, the bill through page 27, line 14. ment would absolutely gut the bill. will require an inspector general to ob- Redesignate and renumber the remaining The amendment would strike the bill’s tain the approval of a panel of three titles and sections and amend the table of key protection for inspectors general contents accordingly. other inspectors general in order to against political retaliation by elimi- issue a subpoena for testimony. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- nating the protection that would only A few IGs, including the Department ant to House Resolution 504, the gen- allow an IG to be removed only for a le- of Defense IG, already have this au- tleman from Kentucky (Mr. COMER) gitimate cause. Not for political retal- thority. The language I authored and and a Member opposed each will con- iation, not because a President doesn’t that the Congress passed on a bipar- trol 5 minutes. like what they are doing or an inves- tisan basis, the Pandemic Response Ac- The Chair recognizes the gentleman tigation that they have started, but countability Committee was provided from Kentucky. only for mismanagement or illegal acts testimonial subpoena authority when Mr. COMER. Madam Speaker, this for cause. it was created as part of the CARES amendment strips out the three provi- We saw last year how unlimited au- Act last Congress. sions of this legislation that do not thority can be abused when President There are many instances of former have bipartisan support in order for the Trump bullied and retaliated against officials and nongovernment employees IG Independence and Empowerment two IGs who were investigating his ad- avoiding IG interviews going back over Act to move forward with the full sup- ministration, including when he fired a decade. For example, IGs were unable port of the U.S. House. Both sides of the State Department IG. These pro- to interview retired agents in the the aisle can then come back to the tections are constitutional. ‘‘Fast and Furious’’ investigation, and table to fix the remaining provisions in Last month, the Independent Con- nongovernment witnesses to the Car- a manner that addresses concerns on gressional Review Service released an ter-Page FISA warrant investigation. both sides of the aisle. analysis of congressional authority to This has never been a partisan issue Specifically, my amendment strikes limit the removal of IGs and concluded before. In fact, the underlying bill had title I, which would artificially con- that for-cause removal restrictions many, many bipartisan pieces. So in a strain the President from removing or ‘‘appear to be a constitutionally per- letter to the Committee on Oversight reassigning an IG to one of nine spe- missible means of encouraging inde- and Reform, Department of Justice In- cific reasons listed in the provision. pendence for most IGs.’’ spector General has also come out As drafted, title I would have the ef- Madam Speaker, this amendment against this. fect of prohibiting a President from re- would also gut the protection in the Madam Speaker, I strongly urge a moving an IG who is acting in bad faith bill against the appointment of acting ‘‘no’’ vote on this amendment, and I and undermining a duly elected Presi- IGs with a clear conflict of interest. yield back the balance of my time. dent’s policies in a purely partisan The amendment would strike a require- Mr. COMER. Madam Speaker, I yield manner. ment that acting IGs come from an Of- back the balance of my time. My amendment also strikes title III, fice of Inspector General. The Council The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- which strictly limits who the President of Inspectors General for Integrity and ant to House Resolution 504, the pre- could name as the acting inspector Efficiency requested this reform, pro- vious question is ordered on the general to the ‘‘first assistant.’’ This posed by Republican Representative amendment offered by the gentleman provision does not include any com- PORTER, as one of its top legislative from Kentucky (Mr. COMER). monsense exceptions, creating unin- priorities in order to ‘‘enhance the The question is on the amendment. tended consequences. independence of OIGs.’’ The question was taken; and the For example, it could elevate an indi- We saw serious abuses during the last Speaker pro tempore announced that vidual to acting IG who may be en- administration. In both the Depart- the noes appear to have it. gaged in the same misconduct which ment of Transportation and the De- Mr. COMER. Madam Speaker, on caused the original IG to have been re- partment of State, President Trump that I demand the yeas and nays. The moved. named political appointees within the SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to Lastly, my amendment strikes title agency to serve as the acting IG over- section 3(s) of House Resolution 8, the V of the bill, which grants inspectors seeing the same agency. yeas and nays are ordered. general the authority to issue sub- Finally, this amendment would strip Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, fur- poenas to compel the testimony of from the bill an important reform that ther proceedings on this question are former Federal officials, including po- would allow IGs to issue a subpoena to postponed. litical appointees. require individuals outside of the Fed- While I support granting IGs testi- eral Government to provide testimony, b 1745 monial subpoena authority, the cur- if needed, for an investigation. This has Amendments En Bloc Offered by Mrs. rent provision lacks necessary safe- long been a priority for inspectors gen- CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York guards and could result in it being used eral to allow thorough and complete The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- in a politically abusive manner. investigations. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfin- Madam Speaker, I support the goals Madam Speaker, multiple IGs have ished business is the question on the behind these provisions, as well as the reported that Trump administration adoption of amendments en bloc, print- other seven titles of the bill, which officials, including Jeff Sessions, have ed in part A of House Report 117–74, on

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.074 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3288 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 which further proceedings were post- NAYS—184 Jacobs (NY) Lowenthal Sewell (DelBene) (Garbarino) (Beyer) Steube Aderholt Gimenez Mooney poned and on which the yeas and nays Johnson (TX) McClain (Franklin, C. Allen Gonzales, Tony Moore (UT) were ordered. (Jeffries) (Bergman) Scott) Amodei Gonzalez (OH) Mullin Kind (Connolly) Meng (Jeffries) Strickland The Clerk will redesignate the Armstrong Gooden (TX) Murphy (NC) Kirkpatrick Mullin (Lucas) (DelBene) amendments en bloc. Babin Gosar Nehls Timmons Bacon Granger Newhouse (Stanton) Napolitano Lawson (FL) (Correa) (Wilson (SC)) The Clerk redesignated the amend- Baird Graves (LA) Nunes Torres (NY) (Evans) Owens (Curtis) Balderson Graves (MO) Obernolte (Jeffries) ments en bloc. Leger Fernandez Payne (Pallone) Barr Green (TN) Owens Wilson (FL) Ruiz (Aguilar) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Bentz Greene (GA) Palazzo (Jacobs (CA)) (Hayes) Bergman Griffith Lieu (Beyer) Rush question is on the amendments en bloc Palmer Young (Joyce Bice (OK) Grothman Pence (Underwood) (OH)) offered by the gentlewoman from New Biggs Guthrie Perry York (Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY). Bilirakis Hagedorn Posey (By unanimous consent, Ms. Bishop (NC) Harris Reed WASSERMAN SCHULTZ was allowed The vote was taken by electronic de- Boebert Harshbarger Reschenthaler to speak out of order.) vice, and there were—yeas 219, nays Bost Hartzler Rice (SC) Brady Hern Rodgers (WA) MOMENT OF SILENCE IN REMEMBRANCE OF VIC- 184, not voting 27, as follows: Brooks Herrera Beutler Rogers (AL) TIMS OF THE CHAMPLAIN TOWERS COLLAPSE Buchanan Hill Rogers (KY) [Roll No. 193] Buck Hinson IN SURFSIDE, FLORIDA Rosendale Bucshon Hollingsworth Rouzer Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. YEAS—219 Budd Hudson Rutherford Madam Speaker, I rise today with a Burchett Huizenga Adams Gomez Ocasio-Cortez Salazar Burgess Jacobs (NY) grieving but hopeful heart in the wake Aguilar Gonzalez, Omar Scalise Calvert Johnson (OH) Allred Vicente Pallone Schweikert of an unimaginable tragedy in Surfside, Cammack Johnson (SD) Auchincloss Gottheimer Panetta Scott, Austin Florida. Carl Jordan Axne Green, Al (TX) Pappas Sessions ´ Carter (TX) Joyce (OH) As we gather, our world-renowned Barragan Grijalva Pascrell Simpson Cawthorn Joyce (PA) Miami Dade search and rescue teams Bass Harder (CA) Payne Smith (MO) Beatty Hayes Chabot Katko Perlmutter Smith (NE) are joined by teams from as far away Bera Higgins (NY) Cheney Keller Peters Smith (NJ) as Israel and Mexico to search for po- Beyer Himes Cline Kelly (MS) Phillips Smucker Bishop (GA) Horsford Clyde Kelly (PA) tential survivors of Champlain Towers Pingree Spartz Blumenauer Houlahan Cole Kim (CA) Pocan Stauber South in Surfside. Blunt Rochester Hoyer Comer Kustoff Porter Steel Since that unprecedented collapse, Bonamici Huffman Crawford LaHood Pressley Stefanik Bourdeaux Jackson Lee Crenshaw LaMalfa first responders, medical personnel, en- Price (NC) Steil Bowman Jacobs (CA) Curtis Lamborn gineers, grief counselors, and case- Quigley Steube Boyle, Brendan Jayapal Davidson Latta Raskin Stewart workers have painstakingly worked F. Jeffries Rice (NY) Davis, Rodney LaTurner Brown Johnson (GA) DesJarlais Lesko Taylor nonstop to assist in the search and res- Ross Tenney Brownley Johnson (TX) Roybal-Allard Diaz-Balart Letlow cue, providing support to the families Donalds Loudermilk Thompson (PA) Bush Jones Ruiz and to begin an investigation. Duncan Lucas Timmons Bustos Kahele Ruppersberger Dunn Luetkemeyer Turner For those still trapped, we hold out Butterfield Kaptur Rush Emmer Mace Upton hope for the search to discover sur- Carbajal Keating Ryan ´ Estes Malliotakis Valadao Cardenas Kelly (IL) Sa´ nchez vivors. For all those who lost loved Fallon Mann Van Drew Carson Khanna Sarbanes Feenstra Massie Van Duyne ones, we send our deepest condolences Carter (LA) Kildee Scanlon Ferguson Mast Wagner and pledge support and solidarity. Cartwright Kilmer Schakowsky Fischbach McCarthy Walberg Case Kim (NJ) Schiff So many in our community fled na- Fitzgerald McCaul Walorski Casten Kind Schneider tions where they faced danger. That Castor (FL) Kinzinger Fleischmann McClain Waltz Schrader Castro (TX) Kirkpatrick Fortenberry McClintock Webster (FL) makes this tragedy all the more pain- Schrier Chu Krishnamoorthi Foxx McHenry Wenstrup ful. But we are resilient. We will be Scott (VA) Cicilline Kuster Franklin, C. McKinley Westerman Scott, David there every step of the way for the Clark (MA) Lamb Scott Meijer Wilson (SC) Sewell families of those missing in the rubble. Clarke (NY) Langevin Gaetz Meuser Wittman Sherman Cleaver Larsen (WA) Garbarino Miller (WV) Womack But we know we cannot do this alone. Sherrill Clyburn Larson (CT) Garcia (CA) Miller-Meeks Young Sires I thank the Biden administration for Cohen Lawrence Gibbs Moolenaar Zeldin Slotkin the speedy delivery of Federal re- Connolly Lawson (FL) Smith (WA) Cooper Lee (CA) NOT VOTING—27 sources, and Mayors Daniella Levine Soto Correa Lee (NV) Arrington Guest Miller (IL) Cava and Charles Burkett for their Spanberger Costa Leger Fernandez Banks Herrell Moore (AL) steadfast leadership in this truly un- Courtney Levin (CA) Speier Carter (GA) Hice (GA) Norman Craig Levin (MI) Stansbury Cloud Higgins (LA) Pfluger precedented crisis. Crow Lieu Stanton Crist Issa Rose And our deepest thanks for the re- Cuellar Lofgren Stevens Fulcher Jackson Roy markable, relentless first responders Davids (KS) Lowenthal Strickland Gallagher Johnson (LA) Tiffany Davis, Danny K. Luria Suozzi Gohmert Long Weber (TX) who are still on that pile, searching Dean Lynch Swalwell Good (VA) Meeks Williams (TX) around the clock in the hope of finding DeFazio Malinowski Takano even one survivor. DeGette Maloney, Thompson (CA) b 1814 DeLauro Carolyn B. Thompson (MS) Madam Speaker, the agony that DelBene Maloney, Sean Titus Messrs. FEENSTRA, COLE, and these families are going through is be- Delgado Manning Tlaib SMITH of New Jersey changed their yond comprehension. So on behalf of Demings Matsui Tonko vote from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ the missing, those who perished, and DeSaulnier McBath Torres (CA) Deutch McCollum Torres (NY) So the en bloc amendments were their families, I ask that the House Dingell McEachin Trahan agreed to. please rise and pause for a moment of Doggett McGovern Trone The result of the vote was announced silence in memory and in honor of Doyle, Michael McNerney Underwood as above recorded. F. Meng Vargas those who have been struggling Escobar Mfume Veasey A motion to reconsider was laid on through this Surfside tragedy and cri- Eshoo Moore (WI) Vela the table. sis. Espaillat Morelle Vela´ zquez MEMBERS RECORDED PURSUANT TO HOUSE The SPEAKER. The Chair would ask Evans Moulton Wasserman Fitzpatrick Mrvan Schultz RESOLUTION 8, 117TH CONGRESS all Members to rise for a moment of si- Fletcher Murphy (FL) Waters Babin (Nehls) Clark (MA) Garcia (TX) lence in remembrance of the victims of Foster Nadler Watson Coleman Boebert (Gosar) (Kuster) (Jeffries) the collapse of the Champlain Towers Welch Frankel, Lois Napolitano Bourdeaux Cohen (Beyer) Grijalva building in Surfside, Florida. Gallego Neal Wexton (Kuster) Fallon (Nehls) (Stanton) Garamendi Neguse Wild Ca´ rdenas Gallego (Gomez) Horsford AMENDMENT NO. 4 OFFERED BY MR. COMER Garcı´a (IL) Newman Williams (GA) (Gomez) (Jeffries) Garcı´a (IL) The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 8 Garcia (TX) Norcross Wilson (FL) Carl (Joyce (PA)) (Gomez) Jackson Lee Golden O’Halleran Yarmuth Cawthorn (Nehls) (Butterfield) of rule XX, the unfinished business is

VerDate Sep 11 2014 21:38 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD21\JUNE\H29JN1.REC H29JN1 sradovich on DSKJLST7X2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3289 the question on amendment No. 4, Costa Kilmer Pressley MEMBERS RECORDED PURSUANT TO HOUSE Courtney Kim (NJ) Price (NC) RESOLUTION 8, 117TH CONGRESS printed in part A of House Report 117– Craig Kind Quigley 74, on which further proceedings were Crist Kirkpatrick Raskin Babin (Nehls) Jackson Lee Napolitano postponed and on which the yeas and Crow Krishnamoorthi Rice (NY) Boebert (Gosar) (Butterfield) (Correa) Bourdeaux Owens (Curtis) nays were ordered. Cuellar Kuster Ross Jacobs (NY) Davids (KS) Lamb Roybal-Allard (Kuster) (Garbarino) Payne (Pallone) The Clerk will redesignate the Davis, Danny K. Langevin Ruiz Ca´ rdenas Johnson (TX) Ruiz (Aguilar) amendment. Dean Larsen (WA) Ruppersberger (Gomez) (Jeffries) Rush The Clerk redesignated the amend- DeFazio Larson (CT) Rush Carl (Joyce (PA)) Kind (Connolly) (Underwood) DeGette Lawrence Ryan Cawthorn (Nehls) Kirkpatrick Sewell (DelBene) ment. Clark (MA) DeLauro Lawson (FL) Sa´ nchez (Stanton) Steube (Kuster) (Franklin, C. The SPEAKER. The question is on DelBene Lee (CA) Sarbanes Lawson (FL) Cohen (Beyer) Scott) the amendment offered by the gen- Delgado Lee (NV) Scanlon (Evans) Fallon (Nehls) Strickland tleman from Kentucky (Mr. COMER). Demings Leger Fernandez Schakowsky Leger Fernandez DeSaulnier Levin (CA) Schiff Gallego (Gomez) (DelBene) The vote was taken by electronic de- Garcı´a (IL) (Jacobs (CA)) Timmons Deutch Levin (MI) Schneider Lieu (Beyer) Dingell Lieu Schrader (Gomez) (Wilson (SC)) vice, and there were—yeas 182, nays Lowenthal Doggett Lofgren Schrier Garcia (TX) Torres (NY) 220, not voting 28, as follows: (Beyer) Doyle, Michael Lowenthal Scott (VA) (Jeffries) (Jeffries) McClain [Roll No. 194] F. Luria Scott, David Grijalva Wilson (FL) YEAS—182 Escobar Lynch Sewell (Stanton) (Bergman) (Hayes) Eshoo Malinowski Sherman Horsford Meng (Jeffries) Young (Joyce Aderholt Gonzales, Tony Mooney Espaillat Maloney, Sherrill (Jeffries) Mullin (Lucas) (OH)) Allen Gonzalez (OH) Moore (UT) Evans Carolyn B. Sires Amodei Gooden (TX) Mullin The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. Fitzpatrick Maloney, Sean Slotkin Armstrong Gosar Murphy (NC) Fletcher Manning Smith (WA) MOORE of Wisconsin). The previous Babin Granger Nehls Foster Matsui Soto question is ordered on the bill, as Bacon Graves (MO) Newhouse Frankel, Lois McBath Spanberger Baird Green (TN) Nunes amended. Gallego McCollum Speier Balderson Greene (GA) Obernolte Garamendi McEachin Stansbury The question is on the engrossment Barr Griffith Owens Garcı´a (IL) McGovern Stanton and third reading of the bill. Bentz Grothman Palazzo Garcia (TX) McNerney Stevens Bergman Guthrie Palmer The bill was ordered to be engrossed Golden Meeks Strickland Bice (OK) Hagedorn Pence and read a third time, and was read the Gomez Meng Suozzi Biggs Harris Perry Gonzalez, Mfume Swalwell third time. Bilirakis Harshbarger Posey Vicente Moore (WI) Takano The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Bishop (NC) Hartzler Reed Gottheimer Morelle Thompson (CA) Boebert Hern Reschenthaler question is on passage of the bill. Green, Al (TX) Moulton Thompson (MS) Bost Herrera Beutler Rice (SC) Grijalva Mrvan Titus The question was taken; and the Brady Hill Rodgers (WA) Harder (CA) Murphy (FL) Tlaib Speaker pro tempore announced that Brooks Hinson Rogers (AL) Hayes Nadler Tonko Buchanan Hollingsworth Rogers (KY) the ayes appeared to have it. Higgins (NY) Napolitano Torres (CA) Bucshon Hudson Rosendale Mr. KELLER. Madam Speaker, on Himes Neal Torres (NY) Budd Huizenga Rouzer Horsford Neguse Trahan that I demand the yeas and nays. Burchett Jacobs (NY) Rutherford Houlahan Newman Trone The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Burgess Johnson (OH) Salazar Hoyer Norcross Underwood Calvert Johnson (SD) Scalise ant to section 3(s) of House Resolution Huffman O’Halleran Vargas Cammack Jordan Schweikert Jackson Lee Ocasio-Cortez Veasey 8, the yeas and nays are ordered. Carl Joyce (OH) Scott, Austin Jacobs (CA) Omar Vela The vote was taken by electronic de- Carter (TX) Joyce (PA) Sessions Jayapal Pallone Vela´ zquez Cawthorn Katko Simpson vice, and there were—yeas 221, nays Jeffries Panetta Wasserman Chabot Keller Smith (MO) 182, not voting 27, as follows: Johnson (GA) Pappas Schultz Cheney Kelly (MS) Smith (NE) Johnson (TX) Pascrell Waters [Roll No. 195] Cline Kelly (PA) Smith (NJ) Jones Payne Watson Coleman Clyde Kim (CA) Smucker YEAS—221 Kahele Perlmutter Welch Cole Kinzinger Spartz Kaptur Peters Wexton Adams Craig Huffman Comer Kustoff Stauber Keating Phillips Wild Aguilar Crist Jackson Lee Crawford LaHood Steel Kelly (IL) Pingree Williams (GA) Allred Crow Jacobs (CA) Crenshaw LaMalfa Stefanik Khanna Pocan Wilson (FL) Auchincloss Cuellar Jayapal Curtis Lamborn Steil Kildee Porter Yarmuth Axne Davids (KS) Jeffries Davidson Latta Steube Barraga´ n Davis, Danny K. Johnson (GA) Davis, Rodney LaTurner Stewart NOT VOTING—28 Bass Dean Johnson (TX) DesJarlais Lesko Taylor Beatty DeFazio Jones Diaz-Balart Letlow Tenney Arrington Graves (LA) Moore (AL) Bera DeGette Kahele Donalds Loudermilk Thompson (PA) Banks Guest Norman Beyer DeLauro Kaptur Duncan Lucas Timmons Buck Herrell Pfluger Bishop (GA) DelBene Katko Dunn Luetkemeyer Turner Carter (GA) Hice (GA) Rose Blumenauer Delgado Keating Emmer Mace Upton Cloud Higgins (LA) Rochester Demings Kelly (IL) Estes Malliotakis Valadao Fulcher Issa Tiffany Bonamici DeSaulnier Khanna Fallon Mann Van Drew Gallagher Jackson Weber (TX) Bourdeaux Deutch Kildee Feenstra Massie Van Duyne Garbarino Johnson (LA) Williams (TX) Bowman Dingell Kilmer Ferguson Mast Wagner Gohmert Long Boyle, Brendan Doyle, Michael Kim (NJ) Fischbach McCarthy Walberg Good (VA) Miller (IL) F. F. Kind Fitzgerald McCaul Walorski Brown Escobar Kirkpatrick Fleischmann McClain Waltz Brownley Eshoo Krishnamoorthi Fortenberry McClintock Webster (FL) b 1840 Bush Espaillat Kuster Foxx McHenry Wenstrup Bustos Evans Lamb Franklin, C. McKinley Westerman Mr. VEASEY, Ms. WATERS, Mr. Butterfield Fitzpatrick Langevin Scott Meijer Wilson (SC) CLEAVER, Ms. BASS, Messrs. COHEN, Carbajal Fletcher Larsen (WA) Gaetz Meuser Wittman LIEU, and LOWENTHAL changed their Ca´ rdenas Foster Larson (CT) Garcia (CA) Miller (WV) Womack Carson Frankel, Lois Lawrence Gibbs Miller-Meeks Young vote from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Carter (LA) Gallego Lawson (FL) Gimenez Moolenaar Zeldin Mrs. GREENE of Georgia and Mr. Cartwright Garamendi Lee (CA) CARL changed their vote from ‘‘nay’’ Case Garcı´a (IL) Lee (NV) NAYS—220 Casten Garcia (TX) Leger Fernandez Adams Bourdeaux Case to ‘‘yea.’’ Castor (FL) Golden Levin (CA) Aguilar Bowman Casten So the amendment was rejected. Castro (TX) Gomez Levin (MI) Allred Boyle, Brendan Castor (FL) Chu Gonzalez, Lieu Auchincloss F. Castro (TX) The result of the vote was announced Cicilline Vicente Lofgren Axne Brown Chu as above recorded. Clark (MA) Gottheimer Lowenthal Barraga´ n Brownley Cicilline Clarke (NY) Green, Al (TX) Luria Bass Bush Clark (MA) A motion to reconsider was laid on Cleaver Grijalva Lynch Beatty Bustos Clarke (NY) the table. Clyburn Harder (CA) Malinowski Bera Butterfield Cleaver Cohen Hayes Maloney, Beyer Carbajal Clyburn Stated for: Connolly Higgins (NY) Carolyn B. Bishop (GA) Ca´ rdenas Cohen Mr. GRAVES of Louisiana. Madam Speaker, Cooper Himes Maloney, Sean Blumenauer Carson Connolly Correa Horsford Manning Blunt Rochester Carter (LA) Cooper had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ Costa Houlahan Matsui Bonamici Cartwright Correa on rollcall No. 194. Courtney Hoyer McBath

VerDate Sep 11 2014 17:26 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD21\JUNE\H29JN1.REC H29JN1 sradovich on DSKJLST7X2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H3290 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 McCollum Pressley Stanton Fulcher Higgins (LA) Pfluger Connolly Kahele Price (NC) McEachin Price (NC) Stevens Gallagher Issa Rose Cooper Kaptur Quigley McGovern Quigley Strickland Gohmert Jackson Roy Correa Katko Raskin McNerney Raskin Suozzi Good (VA) Johnson (LA) Tiffany Costa Keating Reed Meeks Reed Swalwell Guest Long Walberg Courtney Kelly (IL) Reschenthaler Meng Rice (NY) Takano Herrell Miller (IL) Weber (TX) Craig Kelly (PA) Rice (NY) Mfume Ross Thompson (CA) Hice (GA) Moore (AL) Williams (TX) Crenshaw Khanna Rodgers (WA) Moore (WI) Roybal-Allard Thompson (MS) Crist Kildee Ross Morelle Ruiz Crow Kilmer Titus b 1902 Roybal-Allard Moulton Ruppersberger Cuellar Kim (CA) Tlaib Ruiz Mrvan Rush So the bill was passed. Davids (KS) Kim (NJ) Tonko Ruppersberger Murphy (FL) Ryan Davidson Kind Rush Torres (CA) The result of the vote was announced Nadler Sa´ nchez Davis, Danny K. Kinzinger Ryan Torres (NY) as above recorded. Napolitano Sarbanes Davis, Rodney Kirkpatrick Sarbanes Trahan Neal Scanlon A motion to reconsider was laid on Dean Krishnamoorthi Scalise Neguse Schakowsky Trone the table. DeFazio Kuster Scanlon Newman Schiff Underwood DeGette Lamb MEMBERS RECORDED PURSUANT TO HOUSE Schakowsky Norcross Schneider Vargas DeLauro Langevin Schiff RESOLUTION 8, 117TH CONGRESS O’Halleran Schrader Veasey DelBene Larsen (WA) Schneider Ocasio-Cortez Schrier Vela Babin (Nehls) Jackson Lee Norman (Wilson Delgado Larson (CT) Schrader Omar Scott (VA) Vela´ zquez Boebert (Gosar) (Butterfield) (SC)) Demings Latta Schrier Pallone Scott, David Wasserman Bourdeaux Jacobs (NY) Owens (Curtis) DeSaulnier Lawrence Schweikert Panetta Sewell Schultz (Kuster) (Garbarino) Payne (Pallone) Deutch Lawson (FL) Scott (VA) Pappas Sherman Waters Ca´ rdenas Johnson (TX) Ruiz (Aguilar) Diaz-Balart Lee (CA) Scott, David Pascrell Sherrill Watson Coleman (Gomez) (Jeffries) Rush Dingell Lee (NV) Sewell Payne Sires Welch Carl (Joyce (PA)) Kind (Connolly) (Underwood) Doggett Leger Fernandez Sherman Perlmutter Slotkin Doyle, Michael Levin (CA) Wexton Cawthorn (Nehls) Kirkpatrick Sewell (DelBene) Sherrill Peters Smith (WA) (Stanton) F. Levin (MI) Wild Clark (MA) Steube Simpson Phillips Soto Lawson (FL) Emmer Lieu Williams (GA) (Kuster) (Franklin, C. Sires Pingree Spanberger (Evans) Escobar Lofgren Slotkin Pocan Speier Wilson (FL) Cohen (Beyer) Scott) Eshoo Lowenthal Leger Fernandez Smith (NJ) Porter Stansbury Yarmuth Fallon (Nehls) Strickland Espaillat Luria (Jacobs (CA)) Smith (WA) Gallego (Gomez) (DelBene) Evans Lynch Lieu (Beyer) Smucker NAYS—182 Garcı´a (IL) Timmons Fitzpatrick Mace Lowenthal Soto (Gomez) (Wilson (SC)) Fletcher Malinowski Aderholt Gimenez Moolenaar (Beyer) Spanberger Garcia (TX) Torres (NY) Fortenberry Malliotakis Allen Gonzales, Tony Mooney McClain Spartz (Jeffries) (Jeffries) Foster Maloney, Amodei Gonzalez (OH) Moore (UT) (Bergman) Speier Grijalva Meng (Jeffries) Wilson (FL) Foxx Carolyn B. Armstrong Gooden (TX) Mullin Stansbury (Stanton) Mullin (Lucas) (Hayes) Frankel, Lois Manning Babin Gosar Murphy (NC) Stanton Horsford Napolitano Young (Joyce Gallego Matsui Bacon Granger Nehls Stauber Baird Graves (LA) Newhouse (Jeffries) (Correa) (OH)) Garamendi McBath Garbarino McCarthy Steil Balderson Graves (MO) Norman Stevens Barr Green (TN) Nunes f Garcia (CA) McCaul ´ Stewart Bentz Greene (GA) Obernolte Garcıa (IL) McCollum Garcia (TX) McEachin Strickland Bergman Griffith Owens REPLACEMENT OF BUST OF Suozzi Bice (OK) Grothman Palazzo Gibbs McGovern ROGER BROOKE TANEY WITH Gimenez McNerney Swalwell Biggs Guthrie Palmer BUST OF THURGOOD MARSHALL Takano Bilirakis Hagedorn Pence Golden Meeks Gomez Meijer Taylor Bishop (NC) Harris Perry The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Thompson (CA) Boebert Harshbarger Posey Gonzales, Tony Meng ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfin- Gonzalez (OH) Mfume Thompson (MS) Bost Hartzler Reschenthaler Titus Brady Hern Rice (SC) ished business is the vote on passage of Gonzalez, Moolenaar Vicente Moore (UT) Tlaib Brooks Herrera Beutler Rodgers (WA) the bill (H.R. 3005) to direct the Joint Tonko Buchanan Hill Rogers (AL) Gottheimer Moore (WI) Committee on the Library to replace Green, Al (TX) Morelle Torres (CA) Buck Hinson Rogers (KY) Torres (NY) Bucshon Hollingsworth Rosendale the bust of Roger Brooke Taney in the Grijalva Moulton Trahan Budd Hudson Rouzer Old Supreme Court Chamber of the Guthrie Mrvan Trone Burchett Huizenga Rutherford Harder (CA) Murphy (FL) United States Capitol with a bust of Underwood Burgess Jacobs (NY) Salazar Hayes Murphy (NC) Thurgood Marshall to be obtained by Upton Calvert Johnson (OH) Scalise Herrera Beutler Nadler Valadao Cammack Johnson (SD) Schweikert the Joint Committee on the Library Higgins (NY) Napolitano Van Drew Carl Jordan Scott, Austin Hill Neal and to remove certain statues from Vargas Carter (TX) Joyce (OH) Sessions Himes Neguse areas of the United States Capitol Veasey Cawthorn Joyce (PA) Simpson Hinson Newman Vela Chabot Keller Smith (MO) which are accessible to the public, to Hollingsworth Norcross Vela´ zquez Cheney Kelly (MS) Smith (NE) remove all statues of individuals who Horsford O’Halleran Wagner Cline Kelly (PA) Smith (NJ) Houlahan Ocasio-Cortez voluntarily served the Confederate Hoyer Omar Walberg Clyde Kim (CA) Smucker States of America from display in the Cole Kinzinger Spartz Hudson Pallone Wasserman Comer Kustoff Stauber United States Capitol, and for other Huffman Panetta Schultz Crawford LaHood Steel purposes, on which the yeas and nays Huizenga Pappas Waters Jackson Lee Pascrell Watson Coleman Crenshaw LaMalfa Stefanik were ordered. Curtis Lamborn Steil Jacobs (CA) Payne Webster (FL) Davidson Latta Steube The Clerk read the title of the bill. Jacobs (NY) Pelosi Welch Davis, Rodney LaTurner Stewart The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Jayapal Perlmutter Wenstrup Diaz-Balart Lesko Taylor Jeffries Peters Wexton question is on the passage of the bill. Johnson (GA) Phillips Wild Donalds Letlow Tenney The vote was taken by electronic de- Duncan Loudermilk Thompson (PA) Johnson (OH) Pingree Williams (GA) Dunn Lucas Timmons vice, and there were—yeas 285, nays Johnson (TX) Pocan Wilson (FL) Emmer Luetkemeyer Turner 120, not voting 26, as follows: Jones Porter Yarmuth Joyce (OH) Pressley Young Estes Mace Upton [Roll No. 196] Fallon Malliotakis Valadao NAYS—120 Feenstra Mann Van Drew YEAS—285 Aderholt Bucshon Dunn Ferguson Massie Van Duyne Adams Blumenauer Carson Allen Budd Estes Fischbach Mast Wagner Aguilar Blunt Rochester Carter (LA) Armstrong Burchett Fallon Fitzgerald McCarthy Walorski Allred Bonamici Cartwright Babin Cammack Feenstra Fleischmann McCaul Waltz Amodei Bourdeaux Case Baird Carl Ferguson Fortenberry McClain Webster (FL) Auchincloss Bowman Casten Barr Carter (TX) Fischbach Foxx McClintock Wenstrup Axne Boyle, Brendan Castor (FL) Bergman Cawthorn Fitzgerald Franklin, C. McHenry Westerman Bacon F. Castro (TX) Bice (OK) Cline Fleischmann Scott McKinley Wilson (SC) Balderson Brown Chabot Biggs Clyde Franklin, C. Gaetz Meijer Wittman Barraga´ n Brownley Cheney Bishop (NC) Cole Scott Garbarino Meuser Womack Bass Burgess Chu Boebert Comer Gaetz Garcia (CA) Miller (WV) Young Beatty Bush Cicilline Bost Crawford Gooden (TX) Gibbs Miller-Meeks Zeldin Bentz Bustos Clark (MA) Brady Curtis Gosar Bera Butterfield Clarke (NY) Brooks DesJarlais Granger NOT VOTING—27 Beyer Calvert Cleaver Buchanan Donalds Graves (LA) Arrington Carter (GA) DesJarlais Bilirakis Carbajal Clyburn Buck Duncan Graves (MO) Banks Cloud Doggett Bishop (GA) Ca´ rdenas Cohen

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.047 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3291 Green (TN) Massie Rosendale In 2018, he got engaged to his wife, to force Americans to pay for abor- Greene (GA) Mast Rouzer Megan. He and Megan got married just tions. Griffith McClain Rutherford Grothman McClintock Salazar last year. President Biden’s recent budget calls Hagedorn McHenry Scott, Austin In order to honor his sister Rachael’s for removal of the Hyde amendment, Harris McKinley Sessions death, he said he was going to run a the appropriations rider that prohibits Harshbarger Meuser Smith (MO) 100-mile ultramarathon, and he did so Federal funding of abortion. Congres- Hartzler Miller (WV) Smith (NE) Hern Miller-Meeks earlier this year in Key West, Florida. sional Democrats have committed to Steel Johnson (SD) Mooney Stefanik Unfortunately, Madam Speaker, that removing the Hyde amendment and Jordan Mullin other longstanding pro-life provisions Joyce (PA) Nehls Steube effort to honor his sister Rachael’s life Keller Newhouse Tenney resulted in his death. The day after the from this year’s appropriations bill. Kelly (MS) Norman Thompson (PA) ultramarathon, Michael Willis, at the We must not allow longstanding Kustoff Nunes Timmons young age of 27, passed away. abortion funding prohibitions that are LaHood Obernolte Turner widely supported by the American peo- LaMalfa Owens Van Duyne Madam Speaker, I want to honor his Lamborn Palazzo Walorski life. Our best wishes and thoughts and ple to be gotten rid of at the whims of LaTurner Palmer Waltz prayers to his mother, Cristal; his fa- pro-abortion radicals. Lesko Pence Westerman ther, Earl; his brother, Nicholas; and Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous Letlow Perry Wilson (SC) consent that the Committees on En- Loudermilk Posey Wittman his wife, Megan. Lucas Rice (SC) Womack Madam Speaker, I ask that we have a ergy and Commerce, Ways and Means, Luetkemeyer Rogers (AL) Zeldin moment of silence to honor his life. and the Judiciary be discharged from Mann Rogers (KY) f further consideration of H.R. 18, and NOT VOTING—26 ask for its immediate consideration in Arrington Herrell Moore (AL) IMPROVING TRANSPORTATION IN the House. Banks Hice (GA) Pfluger RHODE ISLAND The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. Carter (GA) Higgins (LA) Rose (Mr. LANGEVIN asked and was given STANSBURY). Under guidelines consist- Cloud Issa Roy ently issued by successive Speakers, as Fulcher Jackson Sa´ nchez permission to address the House for 1 Gallagher Johnson (LA) Tiffany minute and to revise and extend his re- recorded in section 956 of the House Gohmert Long Weber (TX) marks.) Rules and Manual, the Chair is con- Good (VA) Maloney, Sean Williams (TX) strained not to entertain the request Guest Miller (IL) Mr. LANGEVIN. Madam Speaker, I rise today to speak in strong support of unless it has been cleared by the bipar- b 1924 the INVEST Act, which contains near- tisan floor and committee leaderships. So the bill was passed. ly $19 million in funding for three in- f The result of the vote was announced frastructure projects in Rhode Island’s as above recorded. RECOGNIZING NEW JERSEY’S Second District. OLYMPIC TRACK ATHLETES A motion to reconsider was laid on This legislation will improve roads in the table. Westerly and Charlestown to increase (Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN asked and PERSONAL EXPLANATION accessibility along the Scenic High- was given permission to address the Mr. PFLUGER. Madam Speaker, I was ab- way, repair roads in Cranston to House for 1 minute.) Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. Madam sent from votes in order to tour the immigra- smooth the commute for Rhode Island- Speaker, I rise today to recognize some tion and humanitarian crisis unfolding at our ers traveling across the State, and con- of the amazing track talent from the southern border. Had I been present, I would nect a key stretch of the East Coast have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 193, ‘‘yea’’ on 12th District. Greenway in Coventry to boost tour- This past weekend, Athing Mu of rollcall No. 194, ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 195, and ism, create jobs, and spur economic de- ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 196. Trenton, the child of Sudanese immi- velopment. grants, dominated her 800-meter Olym- MEMBERS RECORDED PURSUANT TO HOUSE Madam Speaker, Rhode Island’s pic qualifying race, nearly breaking RESOLUTION 8, 117TH CONGRESS roads and bridges desperately need re- the American record despite an early Babin (Nehls) Jackson Lee Norman (Wilson pair. According to the White House, 148 collision on the track. This young Boebert (Gosar) (Butterfield) (SC)) bridges and over 860 miles of highway Bourdeaux Jacobs (NY) Owens (Curtis) woman is finally getting the recogni- are in poor condition in Rhode Island, (Kuster) (Garbarino) Payne (Pallone) tion she has worked so hard for. Ca´ rdenas Johnson (TX) Ruiz (Aguilar) earning our State the grade of C-minus No less impressive was Dunellen’s (Gomez) (Jeffries) Rush on our infrastructure report card. Kind (Connolly) own Sydney McLaughlin, who broke Carl (Joyce (PA)) (Underwood) Investing in our aging infrastructure Cawthorn (Nehls) Kirkpatrick Sewell (DelBene) the world record for the 400-meter hur- (Stanton) will create good-paying jobs and make Clark (MA) Steube dles, becoming the first woman to ever Lawson (FL) (Kuster) (Franklin, C. our roads safer and less congested. (Evans) run the race in under 52 seconds. Cohen (Beyer) Scott) Leger Fernandez That is true of Rhode Island and every We have known about these extraor- Fallon (Nehls) (Jacobs (CA)) Strickland State across the country. dinary young women for quite some Gallego (Gomez) Lieu (Beyer) (DelBene) Supporting the INVEST Act and the Garcı´a (IL) Timmons time back home, but now America has Lowenthal important projects within it is a no- (Gomez) (Beyer) (Wilson (SC)) had the opportunity to see them in ac- Garcia (TX) McClain Torres (NY) brainer. tion. (Jeffries) (Bergman) (Jeffries) As my New England Patriots always New Jersey is so proud of them. I Grijalva Meng (Jeffries) Wilson (FL) say: Do your job. (Stanton) Mullin (Lucas) (Hayes) can’t wait for them to show the world Horsford Napolitano Young (Joyce To my colleagues, let’s do our job so what they will do at the Olympics. (Jeffries) (Correa) (OH)) Americans can get on with theirs. f f f CONDEMNING CCP FOR 100 YEARS MOMENT OF SILENCE RECOG- REQUEST TO CONSIDER H.R. 18, NO OF HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS TAXPAYER FUNDING FOR ABOR- NIZING THE PASSING OF EARL (Mrs. STEEL asked and was given TIONS ACT MICHAEL WILLIS permission to address the House for 1 (Mr. GRAVES of Louisiana asked and (Mr. GROTHMAN asked and was minute and to revise and extend her re- was given permission to address the given permission to address the House marks.) House for 1 minute and to revise and for 1 minute and to revise and extend Mrs. STEEL. Madam Speaker, I rise extend his remarks.) his remarks.) to condemn the Chinese Communist Mr. GRAVES of Louisiana. Madam Mr. GROTHMAN. Madam Speaker, I Party for 100 years of human rights Speaker, 28 years ago, Earl Michael stand in solidarity with the majority of violations. Willis was born in Brusly, Louisiana. Americans that oppose taxpayer fund- The CCP centennial is not a cause for When he was 14 years old, his sister, ing of abortions. celebration but a time to reflect on the Rachael, died of cancer. He went on to Despite how clear Americans are on millions of people who have been re- go to Catholic High, my high school, the issue, President Biden and the pressed, tortured, and killed at the and went on to LSU. Democrats in Congress are attempting hands of the Communist regime.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:31 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.045 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 From the suppression of a free press GENERAL LEAVE have some of the highest rates of unin- in to the mass internment Mr. SUOZZI. Madam Speaker, I ask sured children in our country. We and torture of the Uighurs, the record unanimous consent that all Members adopted the ; they of human rights abuses carried out by have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- refused to. CCP is as horrific as it is long. tend their remarks and include extra- Our States have the highest rates of We must hold the Chinese Com- neous material on the subject of my union employees. Our low-tax competi- munist Party accountable. As a mem- Special Order. tors don’t like unions. In fact, they ac- ber of the Congressional-Executive The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tively oppose them. They have right- Commission on China, I am committed objection to the request of the gen- to-work laws. They don’t pay their to working with my colleagues to hold tleman from New York? teachers well. China responsible for their abuse. There was no objection. In States like New York, we have one Madam Speaker, I stand with those Mr. SUOZZI. Madam Speaker, to- of the greatest mass transit systems in fighting for freedom and democracy. night, over the next hour, I, along with the world that delivers the lowest car- f my colleagues from both sides of the bon footprint per capita of any city in aisle, will rise to advocate for the re- the world. In California, they have HONORING THE LIFE OF OFFICER peal of the unjust and unfair SALT cap been implementing policies to address THOMAS SAWYER and the full restoration of the SALT climate change for decades. Yet, in (Mr. MRVAN asked and was given deduction. There are five basic argu- low-tax States, they have no mass permission to address the House for 1 ments that I, along with my col- transit to speak of, and they are still minute.) leagues, will flesh out over the next debating whether climate change is a Mr. MRVAN. Madam Speaker, I rise hour. hoax. today to honor Officer Thomas Sawyer One, the SALT cap was specifically Secretary Yellen has said that we of the Hammond Police Department, and unjustly targeted against the resi- need to stop the international race to who heartbreakingly passed away ear- dents of New York, New Jersey, Cali- the bottom by creating a global min- lier this month after a 5-week battle fornia, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachu- imum corporate tax. Well, we need to with COVID–19. setts, Maryland, Minnesota, Michigan, discourage a race to the bottom right Officer Sawyer’s life’s work was one Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Rhode here in the United States of America. of public service. After serving as a Island, Hawaii, and other congressional It is cheaper not to insure your chil- member of the United States Air Force districts with high local and State dren. It is cheaper to use nonunion during tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, taxes. labor. It is cheaper to have lax environ- he went on to serve another 23 years Two, middle-class families, which in mental regulations, unregulated utili- with the Hammond Police Department. these States can earn between $100,000 ties that shut down in cold weather, or The first responders of northwest In- and $200,000 per year, are disproportion- septic tanks instead of sewers that diana and across our Nation run toward ately impacted in a negative way. cause red tide in your waterways. danger at a moment’s notice in our Three, these same middle-class fami- Each State, each city, each labora- times of greatest need, and our commu- lies, as well as wealthy families, are tory of democracy has decided how nities will forever be grateful for the incentivized by the loss of the SALT they want to govern, what services selfless service of Officer Sawyer. deduction to leave States with high they want to provide, and how much in As Officer Sawyer contracted this State and local taxes, thereby leaving taxes they will collect. By removing disease in the line of duty, let us con- a gaping hole in the revenues that are the SALT deduction, the first deduc- tinue to recognize its ever-present dan- used by these same States to fund their tion in the Federal income tax code, a ger and how we must take action to programs. When wealthy individuals deduction that has been in place for keep ourselves and our neighbors safe. and families leave our States because over 100 years, by capping this deduc- My thoughts and prayers continue to they have been incentivized to leave tion, we are crippling the very States, be with his wife, Mary, and all of his because of the loss of the SALT deduc- cities, and local municipalities that family and friends during this difficult tion, it is middle-class and low-income are the economic engines of our Na- time. people who are left behind to hold the tion. f bag. Because of the gap in revenues, By capping the SALT deduction, the they will either face higher taxes, APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO long arm of the Federal Government is which is unacceptable and reaching into our States and local gov- THE COMMISSION ON SECURITY unsustainable, or reduced services, AND COOPERATION IN EUROPE ernments to try to determine what pro- which is unlikely. grams they should provide, how much The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Four, the SALT cap is anti-union be- they should collect in taxes. They are Chair announces the Speaker’s ap- cause one of the main reasons that breaching the covenant of federalism pointment, pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 3003, taxes are higher in SALT States is be- that has been in place for over 100 and the order of the House of January cause we pay our teachers and our pub- years. 4, 2021, of the following Members on the lic safety and our civil servants signifi- That is why, tomorrow, will be hold- part of the House to the Commission cantly higher wages than our low-tax ing a press conference with the U.S. on Security and Cooperation in Europe: competitor States. Conference of Mayors, the National Mr. COHEN, Tennessee, Co-Chair Five, many States with high State League of Cities, and the National As- Ms. MOORE, Wisconsin and local taxes that have been nega- sociation of Counties to showcase how Mr. CLEAVER, Missouri tively affected by the SALT cap are net the SALT cap is devastating our local Mr. VEASEY, Texas donors to the Federal Government. governments. Mr. GALLEGO, Arizona That is, these States contribute more Last week, we held a press conference Mr. WILSON, South Carolina to the Federal Government in income with unions to show how they are nega- Mr. ADERHOLT, Alabama taxes than they receive in Federal pro- tively impacted by the SALT cap. Mr. HUDSON, North Carolina grams and contracts. They are donor That is why, tonight, so many of my Mr. FITZPATRICK, Pennsylvania States. colleagues are here to join me in our f Why are the taxes higher in New call to repeal the unfair and the unjust York, California, and other SALT SALT cap. REPEAL UNJUST SALT CAP AND States? Why are the taxes lower in RESTORE FULL DEDUCTION Florida, Texas, and other low-tax f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under States? the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- The reason for our higher taxes is be- b 1945 uary 4, 2021, the gentleman from New cause we insure our children. New York Now, I yield to my friend from Cali- York (Mr. SUOZZI) is recognized for 60 State and California have some of the fornia (Mrs. KIM), who has taken a minutes as the designee of the major- lowest rates of uninsured children in leadership role from the other side of ity leader. the Nation, while Texas and Florida the aisle to talk to us about SALT.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.086 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3293 Mrs. KIM of California. Madam Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- More than 81 percent of those who de- Speaker, I thank my friend, Represent- tlewoman from California (Mrs. KIM) ducted SALT earned less than $200,000. ative SUOZZI from New York, for yield- for the purpose of a colloquy. Naysayers claim this deduction only ing. And I want to thank him for work- Mrs. KIM of California. Madam benefits the well-off. They do not rec- ing with me in a bipartisan push to re- Speaker, on a regular basis we have ognize the cost of living in our States. peal the cap on SALT deductions that had townhalls and we have had regular The same people who voted for the tax is hurting American workers and fami- meetings throughout my business cuts that helped the 1 percent, the 1.5 lies. roundtable discussions, and they percent, they felt badly about the rich Californians in the 39th District— brought this issue up over and over. people who—one clown who went to jail which I represent—and across our Mr. SUOZZI. And are people talking in New York State, before he went, he State, have been burdened enough by about leaving the region because of the said that we had to take care of our do- high State and local taxes in addition effect of the taxes? I yield to the gen- nors. He said it. I didn’t. I mean, he to high cost of living and housing. The tlewoman. didn’t go to jail for saying that. He last thing they need is to be hurt even Mrs. KIM of California. In the last played the stocks. more because of these State and local several years we have had many thou- Middle income in New Jersey is not taxes at the Federal level. sands of Californians leaving to other the same as Oklahoma or South Da- I have heard from many of my con- States like Texas, and I have to lit- kota. Housing, food, childcare, and stituents about the burdensome taxes erally go over there to meet my friends transportation costs are much lower they have to pay as a result of the and listen to these problems. So, yes, there. Our middle-class taxpayers are SALT cap. These are workers, business this is a major issue, and I will con- the pack mules of the U.S. tax system, owners, and families who are strug- tinue to work with the gentleman to and as one of our brothers from New gling to survive due to the COVID–19 repeal the SALT cap. Jersey would say, we are tired of being pandemic. It is estimated that in the Mr. SUOZZI. Madam Speaker, I the lackeys for these other States. 2022 tax year, California’s 39th District thank Congresswoman KIM for her Look who is paying Federal taxes. will pay on average $600 million more comments. Our middle-class taxpayers will no in taxes. At this time, I yield to the gen- longer sit idly by. This cap dumped In 2018 alone, Californians paid an ad- tleman from New Jersey (Mr. PAS- even more weight on the backs of my ditional $11.2 billion in Federal taxes CRELL), who has been a real leader on constituents in my district, the Ninth because of the SALT cap. That trans- the issue of SALT, and who has been District of New Jersey. I appreciate the lated into 55,000 fewer jobs and a loss of outspoken ever since 2017 on this issue. growing recognition that relief is need- $3.4 billion in wages. We are grateful to him. ed. Assuming a middle-of-the-road rate Mr. PASCRELL. Madam Speaker, I Senator SANDERS’ budget draft is an of 25 percent, an average taxpayer who thank Mr. SUOZZI for yielding. important step in the right direction. claimed itemized deductions would When talking about the SALT deduc- But we have got to think big. We de- have saved $6,521 in taxes if the SALT tion, we are not griping about some- mand relief now for our States and our deduction were not capped at $10,000. thing that came about yesterday. The middle-class constituents. They are the These high tax rates are on top of the SALT deduction goes back to the Civil backbone of the Biden administration’s skyrocketing housing prices across the War. We are talking about 150 years of coalition. Just last week, we stood State. In fact, according to the Na- history when President Lincoln had to shoulder to shoulder with working- class firefighters, police officers, and tional Association of Realtors, the me- fund a brand-new army to crush the teachers who support our SALT de- dian price for a single-family home in traitor States in the South. So we must use the 150-year history as a base- mands. Our urgency is absolute. California has increased by more than We won’t allow our neighbors’ pay to line for our tax policy when discussing 39 percent in the past year alone, sur- be taken for granted. I will close with reform. passing the $800,000 threshold for the just four words: No SALT, no deals. It is not low-hanging fruit as it was first time in April of this year. And I will close by saying that Abra- in 2017 when they looked for the money That is why it is a top priority of ham Lincoln, one of the greatest Presi- for the false tax cuts and they got mine in Congress to make life more af- dents in the history of the country, a slammed out of office in 2018. Go to the fordable for Californians and repeal the true patriot, he stood behind the mid- facts. SALT cap. This is hurting my constitu- dle class. He knew what the States Abe knew what he was doing, how it ents and many middle-class Americans went through. across the Nation. took money away from the States. This is the oldest deduction on the I was proud to join my friend, Rep- They couldn’t build hospitals. They books, and they have criminalized it. resentative SUOZZI, as an original co- couldn’t build schools. They couldn’t And if anything I reported here is not sponsor of the SALT Deductibility Act. build roads. He knew what he was right, I hope they stand up and say This bill would simply repeal the cap doing. The States needed money, too. that it is not right. I have got the Republicans targeted blue States. on SALT deductions and send a mes- other facts here. What other facts are They bragged about it. I couldn’t be- sage: No more to burdensome taxes, you talking about? lieve it. I couldn’t believe my ears and yes to our families keeping more Mr. SUOZZI. Well, I thank Mr. PAS- when I heard them on the floor of the money in their hands. CRELL very much for his comments. I I am also proud to serve as co-chair House openly admitting it. They made wanted to mention that the gentleman of the bipartisan SALT Caucus as we no qualms about it. They targeted served as the mayor of his hometown. I continue to work together to repeal these blue States when passing their yield to the gentleman. this cap and help lower taxes for my 2017 tax scam. Talk about a hoax. They Mr. PASCRELL. Yes, I did. constituents and businesses. bragged about it. Mr. SUOZZI. And you talk about I will continue to do all I can to de- Its motivations alone are disquali- President Lincoln when the Federal liver results for California’s 39th Dis- fying, but its impacts are worse. SALT Tax Code was first adopted, and the trict. I thank Representative SUOZZI was a lifeline to the middle class. De- idea was that we didn’t want the Fed- for organizing this Special Order and spite half-truths and outright false- eral Government stopping local gov- for his leadership to repeal the SALT hoods, SALT is about the middle class, ernments and State governments from cap. and if you can’t stand up for the middle being the laboratories of democracy. Mr. SUOZZI. Madam Speaker, I ap- class, you shouldn’t be here. Mr. PASCRELL. That is right. It is a preciate Congresswoman KIM so much In 2017, 42 percent of the Jersey tax- fact of life, yes. and thank her for being here this payers, nearly 2 million people, de- Mr. SUOZZI. And so they put a de- evening. ducted their State and local taxes, duction in place for State and local You have been hearing about the averaging over $19,000 per household. taxes so that State and local govern- SALT cap and the effect on your con- That is a $9,000 increase in taxes. Those ments could govern the way they wish. stituents. Have they been talking to phonies did it. That is why they got Mr. PASCRELL. And they could you about this a great deal? smashed in 2018. build the hospitals and the schools and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.088 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3294 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 the roads. Where were they going to California’s 18th Congressional Dis- Let me repeat. For years and years, get the money if the Federal Govern- trict, and it has raised taxes on over a California has paid more Federal dol- ment took all of the money to fight the million households in the State of Cali- lars than it gets back from the Federal war? fornia. Prior to this harmful cap, my Government. Mr. SUOZZI. Madam Speaker, I know constituents—hold on to your seats, We Californians work hard. We live that the gentleman has always been a hold on to your hats—deducted an av- in a State that generates tremendous strong proponent for law enforcement, erage of $63,083 in State and local economic activity, and we have a very for the firefighters, and public safety taxes. Wiped it out. high cost of living. And we pay more— officials, and they are very dramati- Some have unfairly, I think, ma- we pay more than our fair share of cally negatively affected by this. Is ligned the SALT deduction as a benefit taxes proudly. As Americans, we pay that right? for the wealthy. I think it is an essen- our Federal taxes proudly. Mr. PASCRELL. Yes. And many of tial deduction for taxpayers in high- So I ask why? Why is the Federal the first responders came out and sup- cost, high-tax States like California. Government not being fair to States ported this bill last week. And that has been spoken to earlier. like California? Mr. SUOZZI. Madam Speaker, I That is a very important legitimate So why do we randomly have a law thank Mr. PASCRELL very much for his case to be made. In the bay area, the that arbitrarily caps our State and comments. beautiful bay area of California, north- local tax deductibility on our Federal I yield to the gentlewoman from ern California, the cost of living is taxes? California (Ms. ESHOO), a good friend really very expensive, and it keeps This SALT cap hurts. It hurts my and a leader, not just on this issue but going up. friends and neighbors. It hurts middle- in Congress. class families in California. In my b 2000 Ms. ESHOO. Madam Speaker, I thank State, the average price of a home, a the gentleman for yielding to me and And it is so high that the Economic used house, middle class, is now close certainly for his wonderful leadership Policy Institute estimates that a fam- to $800,000. on this issue. ily of four needs to earn more than So why would we make it more dif- Anyone that is tuned in this evening $100,000 to earn a modest but adequate ficult, more expensive for a middle- from across the country is hearing a standard of living. That is simply a class family to buy a home? lot of passion spilling over at the podi- fact. I say to all of you, both sides of the ums here, and for very good reason. In So prior to the law, more than 3 mil- aisle, let’s be fair and let’s be equitable 2017, despite the opposition of every lion households in California with an to the middle class in this country. single Democrat in the United States income of less than that annually Join me in thanking States like Cali- House of Representatives and some Re- claimed this deduction, as did nearly fornia for paying more than their fair publicans, Congress passed a tax law one-third of taxpayers nationwide. share of Federal taxes. Join me by that bulldozed the State and local tax This evening, I think each one of us eliminating the SALT cap, that is de- deductibility. This hurts a lot of peo- can outline why this is wrong; why the ductibility of local taxes on the Fed- ple. deductibility needs to be restored. Con- eral return. Now, that was close to a $5 trillion gress needs to reform our tax code. And And I say to you: No SALT deduct- package and so why was this bulldozed? when we do, so should the restoration ible, no deal. They went through the Tax Code look- of this deductibility be restored. Mr. SUOZZI. Madam Speaker, I just ing for things that were deductible to Why? want to—some people, when they hear lower the price tag of a highly inequi- Because, again, the middle class is you talk about this, and they hear a table tax package. And the SALT de- the backbone of America. We should home worth $500,000, $600,000, $700,000, duction, as it is known, was then not be assaulting them. We should be $800,000, they think, boy, that person capped at $10,000 for both individuals assisting them. must be really rich. and then for married couples filing Madam Speaker, I thank the gen- What they don’t seem to understand jointly. tleman for leading this effort this is that in my State, in your State, and I viewed this then, as I do today, as evening. It is a worthy one. many of the States represented here, an assault on the middle class of our Mr. SUOZZI. Madam Speaker, I those are actually middle-class home country. It was one of the main reasons thank the gentlewoman for her leader- values. that I voted against the 2017 tax law. ship on this and for being such a fierce Mr. CARBAJAL. That is a starter Now I think that if you ask the ques- advocate for the middle class. home. tion of 435 Members of the House: Do I now introduce a good friend of mine Mr. SUOZZI. So we have to recognize you support the middle class? They from California, who really had a dis- that the country is not the same all would all say ‘‘yes.’’ But the RECORD trict that was devastated by COVID. over. If you make $150,000 in your shows something else. People lost their jobs at one of the household, you are in the top 20 per- We know that everyone aspires to get greatest entertainment facilities in the cent of the income earners of the coun- into the middle class, and we know country, and now he wants to tell us try. that the middle class, as my father al- about how SALT is affecting his dis- However, if you make $150,000 in your ways used to say, is made up of ex- trict. district or my district, you are not a traordinary, ordinary people who are Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- rich person. If you make $150,000 in the backbone of this country. And that tleman from California (Mr. Oklahoma or in Iowa or North Dakota, is why this policy is so wrong and it is CARBAJAL). you may be a wealthy person. So we so hurtful. Mr. CARBAJAL. Madam Speaker, I have to recognize these regional dif- This is a very important deduction thank the gentleman for yielding. ferences. for the middle class. Middle class, you The gentleman is right, Madam People say: Well, why should we be file long term, and you have four areas Speaker, COVID really devastated my subsidizing what you are doing? that you can deduct: mortgage interest community, but, more importantly, And the gentleman points out so deduction, charitable contributions, SALT also landed a devastating punch. clearly in what he just spoke about healthcare expenses, and State and This issue is about proud Califor- that we are, in fact, in our States, sub- local taxes. And they wiped that out. nians who pay more than their fair sidizing the rest of the country. We are Now, you tell me whether that is fair share of Federal taxes. It is about eq- net donors and they are net takers. or not. I don’t think so. And I don’t uity for fellow Americans, like Califor- Mr. CARBAJAL. We pay more than think people across the country do ei- nians, and other States like California. our fair share of Federal taxes year ther. Capping the SALT deduction af- California today is still the largest after year. fects nearly 200,000 families in my con- State in the United States in terms of Mr. SUOZZI. I thank the gentleman gressional district. population and economic activity. For for being such a fierce advocate. I am not talking about the whole years and years, California has been a Madam Speaker, I want to travel State of California. I am talking about net donor State to the United States. across the country from California now

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.089 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3295 to New Jersey, to another fierce advo- Summer of SALT, to make it clear working families in these high-cost cate; someone who served in the U.S. that we will do everything in our power States. I do think we can make military as a Navy helicopter pilot for to make it happen. There simply isn’t progress on this, but not at the cost of 5 years both in the Middle East and in another option for New Jersey families. raising taxes on Americans and Amer- Europe; someone who has been one of Mr. SUOZZI. Congresswoman, you ican businesses, especially at a time the fiercest advocates for the reinstate- have been an amazing advocate. You when we are working to rebuild our ment of the SALT deduction. mentioned in your remarks at the end local economies and get businesses Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- there about this being a double tax. back open. tlewoman from New Jersey (Ms. Can you tell us a little bit about that? This is a bipartisan issue. We can’t SHERRILL). Ms. SHERRILL. Sure. So as you muddy the water by adding it to par- Ms. SHERRILL. Madam Speaker, I know, the people in my district pay tisan legislation that will pass on am proud to be rising today alongside State and local taxes, and that is what party line only. I don’t want to see ad- so many of my colleagues to declare funds our great public school system. ditional tax gimmicks come before loudly that the time has come to fi- New Jersey has the best public school Congress. I want the deduction back on nally address the State and local tax system for 2 years running in the Na- the table. deduction cap for families that have tion; types of things like that, services I am proud to support two pieces of been slapped with this double tax for 4 that our New Jersey families care so legislation that would fully repeal the long years. much about. And now the Federal Gov- SALT cap. One bill by my fellow Cali- In States like New Jersey, we pride ernment is taxing that money. So you fornian, ; and the other ourselves on making the investments are getting taxed twice in New Jersey, one by New York Congressman THOMAS necessary to sustain our top-tier public to really put downward pressure on our SUOZZI. schools, invest in infrastructure and ability to fund those great public serv- Our constituents should keep more of open spaces, and support a prevailing ices. their hard-earned money. It belongs to wage for our unions. That is why peo- Mr. SUOZZI. So you are getting them, not the Federal Government. ple move to my State. That is why taxed on the taxes you have already I am proud to join my colleagues on families stay for generations. paid. both sides of the aisle to continue call- But when the SALT deduction cap Ms. SHERRILL. Exactly. ing for a repeal of the SALT cap. imposed by the 2017 Trump tax bill in- Mr. SUOZZI. So if a family makes Mr. SUOZZI. Congresswoman, thank stituted, our ability to keep making $100,000 in your State, and they have to you so much for being here tonight and those key investments was threatened. pay $20,000 in taxes, between their for speaking out on this very impor- The SALT deduction cap affects resi- property taxes and their income taxes, tant issue. We are grateful for your dents in every corner of my district. It that leaves them with $80,000 of that impacts families made up of teachers, presence here tonight. income. Madam Speaker, at this time I would first responders, and public servants. However, if they are in a low tax like to go to the middle of the country, For my constituents and millions of State where they don’t have as good taxpayers throughout the country, the to the State of Illinois, where my good services, they start with $100,000, but friend who serves on the Ways and bottom line is you don’t have to be a they only pay $5,000 in State and local millionaire to be impacted by SALT. Means Committee really is one of the taxes, they have got $95,000 left in in- brightest minds in Congress today, who The simple fact is that it has imposed come. a harmful double tax and has created wants to speak to us about the SALT Ms. SHERRILL. Yep. Exactly. deduction and its effect on his district. one of the largest marriage penalties in Mr. SUOZZI. But they are being Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- the Federal tax code. taxed the same at the Federal level. With the SALT cap in place, States Ms. SHERRILL. And now not able to tleman from Illinois (Mr. SCHNEIDER). Mr. SCHNEIDER. Congressman and localities face increased pressure deduct that. to cut back on important investments Mr. SUOZZI. Madam Speaker, now I SUOZZI, I am grateful for you holding in priorities like education, prevailing want to go across the aisle again to this Special Order. I am grateful for wages, infrastructure, environmental Congresswoman from your friendship in Congress and the protections, and services for seniors. California, who is also being accosted work we do together on many things, Those investments became harder to by her constituents. They are talking but, in particular, on our efforts to re- make when the Federal Government to her about the fact that they need peal the onerous cap on the SALT de- decided to tax New Jersey families the SALT deduction back. duction. twice. This means that more New Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- In 2017, the Trump administration Jerseyans’ money is going to the Fed- tlewoman from California (Mrs. raised taxes for middle-class families eral Government, instead of being in- STEEL). in Illinois and across the country by vested in our local communities. Mrs. STEEL. Madam Speaker, I capping the State and Local Tax deduc- The result will be less spending over thank Congressman SUOZZI for leading tion at $10,000. time on these priorities, which would this important tax matter. It is very The decision was both bad policy and be a detriment to ensuring our econ- important to our constituents. bad politics. Capping the SALT deduc- omy works for everyone. Taxpayers in California’s 48th Con- tion raised the tax burden for Illinois I have been fighting since my first gressional District, which I am proud working families and small business day in office to repeal the SALT deduc- to represent, were responsible for 19.8 owners. tion cap. I have helped secure passage percent of all SALT deductions in 2018. In the 10th District, my district, 42 of a repeal twice in this very Chamber. The average SALT deduction lost in percent of families rely on the SALT And I feel confident that so many of my district was $28,532. In a place like deduction. Statewide in Illinois, one in my colleagues understand this issue Orange County, where we already pay three taxpayers file using the SALT de- and why it is critical that we repeal it; some of the highest taxes in the coun- duction affected by this cap. largely because of the work and advo- try, this cap takes more money from And this deduction is not a tax break cacy of the Members who are speaking hardworking families. on the wealthy. Eighty-five percent of here tonight. There were great improvements made Illinois filers who take the SALT de- But we need to keep up this fight for in the 2017 tax reform law, like simpli- duction are middle-income individuals our constituents. As we head into fying the tax code and making the cor- and families. crunch time on infrastructure negotia- porate tax rate more on par with other I have heard from constituents, and tions in Congress, now is the time to nations. But it also chose winners and some of them want to move out of Illi- deliver relief for families across New losers; and, unfortunately, those in nois because their taxes are simply too Jersey and States around the country high-cost-of-living States, like in New expensive. I see everything our commu- that are disproportionately impacted York and California, are paying the nities have to offer, from our schools, by this harmful double tax. price. our parks, our public places, commu- Last week, I launched an initiative This is a bipartisan issue because we nities that make a difference and make back in New Jersey, declaring it the know how much this affects hard- a great place to raise family; and it

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.090 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3296 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 breaks my heart that someone would So this is absolutely unfair. It is un- When you are having taxes taken out choose not to live in the 10th District fair to the States. But, more impor- of your paycheck, or you owe taxes to just because of an unfair decision made tantly, it is unfair to the families we your State and local government, you to increase the tax burden to punish represent. do not have that income left over. States like Illinois. Mr. SUOZZI. Thank you, Congress- So let’s use an example. If someone The SALT cap also makes it harder man. It really galls me sometimes earns $100,000 and they pay, as is typ- for our cities to provide essential serv- when I hear people boasting about the ical in my district, $20,000 in State and ices, like police departments, fire serv- fact that they are leaving our States local tax, that is not optional. They ices, fire protection services, libraries and moving to other States, when, in must pay that $20,000 under the law. and public health. These services and fact, we are subsidizing the rest of the What they have left to provide for their the workers performing them are the country with our tax dollars. Thank family, to save for college, to pay for backbones of our community. The pan- you so much for your leadership on housing, to do other things, is $80,000. demic has already strained their budg- this issue. We are very grateful. That is the amount of income that the ets, and we do not need to strain them Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- Federal Government should tax. any further. tlewoman from California (Ms. POR- What the SALT cap does is say to the Finally, it is no accident which TER), one of the most progressive Mem- family earning $100,000: You can only States are most affected by the SALT bers of the , and deduct $10,000, a completely arbitrary cap. These are the States most af- also one of the great intellects who has number. fected: Illinois, New York, New Jersey, been so passionate about this issue and What that does is say to a family and California. has some very interesting things to that only has $80,000 left because they These States have made the decision share with us. had to pay the county, they had to pay to invest in their communities, to in- Ms. PORTER. Madam Speaker, I am the city, they had to pay for fire serv- vest in their people. They have in- here today to champion tax fairness for ices and school services. And they pay vested in their children, their schools, every American across the country, that money because they are proud of their infrastructure. We should not be across parties, and across the aisle. We their community and they want our double-taxed just because we have de- are here tonight to talk about what communities to thrive. But then they cided that we want to continue to pay does it mean to have a fair tax system. are taxed as if they have $90,000 avail- to make our communities stronger. Since coming to Congress, I have re- able to them, but they don’t. They only Reinstating the full SALT deduction peatedly heard from my constituents have $80,000. is a decision about fairness and respon- about how the Trump tax bill doubled So this whole idea of capping the sibility. A Federal tax on income al- the taxes they owe due to an arbitrary State and local tax deduction is com- ready paid to State and local govern- cap on allowable State and local tax pletely contrary to the entire basic ments is, quite simply, double tax- deductions, often called SALT. theory of an income tax, which is you ation. We have the responsibility to In the last year before this arbitrary pay tax on your available income. If stand up for our families, our small $10,000 cap was imposed, nearly two in you owe money to the State and coun- businesses, and our communities. five taxpayers in my district claimed ty government, whether it is for prop- b 2015 the SALT deduction, and their average erty tax or State or city taxes, you do We need a tax system that is fair, deduction was $22,000 per household. not have that money left. lifts our Nation, and gives our children They were paying an average of $22,000 In effect, these families are being the future that we all want them to in State and local taxes. asked to pay money and find money have. It is critical that we reinstate Capping the SALT deduction created they do not have relative to their peers the full SALT deduction and reduce the double taxation on those families, and in other parts of the country. That is tax burden for middle-class families it penalized millions of middle-class simply an unfair tax system. across the country. families—Republicans, Democrats, and Mr. SUOZZI. It is very important, Mr. SUOZZI. Congressman, I want to Independents alike—based solely on Congresswoman, what you point out. thank you so much. You hit on the the State where they live. This is a mandatory payment. You are topic of fairness so many times. Many It is an unfair Federal tax system to not spending the money to go on vaca- of our States and our local govern- penalize people based solely on their tion; you are not spending money to go ments have relied on this deduction for State of residence, yet that is what out to dinner; you are not building an literally a hundred years, and it was this arbitrary SALT tax cap does. addition onto your home. This is a suddenly taken away in 2017. It has had Given the rising cost of housing, pre- mandatory expense that you must pay, a dramatic effect. scription drugs, college, and childcare, as you said, to your county, to your Can you briefly touch on fairness one every dollar counts for American fami- village, or to your State. That is no more time? lies and families in Orange County. longer available to you. Mr. SCHNEIDER. Absolutely. As you This is especially true after a year of In other States where the overall in- know, when the income tax was put in financial hardship during which mil- come is exactly the same, but the man- place more than 100 years ago, it was a lions of families across the country are datory taking is much smaller, the tax decision that communities, that States struggling to stay afloat. bill is not as burdensome. that decided to invest in their people, Madam Speaker, I urge my col- Ms. PORTER. That is right. So the would not be double taxed. leagues across the country and across State and local tax deduction is really Yet, in 2017, the decision of the Re- the aisle to restore the State and local about saying that two families in two publicans was to specifically attack tax deduction to create a fairer tax different States, trying to support these States, these blue States like Il- system for every American. themselves on the identical amount of linois and New York. It is unfair to Mr. SUOZZI. Congresswoman, I ask income, ought to owe the same amount these communities that are investing you, please go into it a little bit fur- of Federal tax. That is what we are in schools, public services, fire depart- ther about this concept of double tax- here to champion today. ments, police departments, making the ation. We have heard it several times I am proud to be doing it with col- decision to responsibly pay for them, here tonight. Just explain what you leagues from across the country and and then have their residents told they mean by double taxation. across the aisle. have to pay a second time with the Madam Speaker, I yield to the Con- Mr. SUOZZI. Congresswoman, I want Federal tax. gresswoman for a colloquy. to thank you so much for being here. To add on top of that, these are the Ms. PORTER. The basic principle of We have had some Republicans across States, like New York and Illinois, who an income tax is that you are taxed on the aisle here tonight. We have had pay more to the Federal Government the money that you have available to some moderate Democrats here to- than they get back. So not only are we purchase things, to purchase goods and night. And we have progressive Demo- getting double taxed, we have a burden services, to invest, to save. You are crats, such as yourself, here. of subsidizing the States that are at- taxed on that. That is what a progres- I think it is important that we point tacking us now. sive system of taxation means. out that actually the SALT deduction

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.092 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3297 is in keeping with progressive policy, age SALT deduction was above $24,000 we are working in a bipartisan way because it supports those States that a year. Put another way, a married with more than 30 Members to find a want to promote progressive policies couple in Bergen County, a teacher and way to get this done in Congress and to within their States. a law enforcement officer making a actually get tax relief for the middle- Ms. PORTER. That is right. Because typical salary, could have had a SALT class families we represent. I am very cities and counties depend on the re- deduction of more than $17,000. proud to co-chair that bipartisan cau- sources from State and local taxes to According to reporting from New Jer- cus. be able to pay for schools, to do a good sey’s Star-Ledger, if we reinstated the This tax cut of reinstating SALT can job educating every single child, to State and local tax deduction, nearly be a win-win for everyone. Let’s get the make investments in roads and bridges, one-third of New Jersey residents, al- SALT deduction fully reinstated so to pay first responders fair wages for most 3 million people, would get tax re- that millions of Americans and fami- putting their lives on the line to pro- lief. Yes, they would get a tax cut they lies nationwide can finally get some re- tect us. so desperately need. As many as 80 per- lief. These are the kinds of policies that cent of them had incomes of $216,000 or Working together in a bipartisan progressives champion, and we cannot less. way, I believe we really can get this ask our cities and our States and, most Again, that is a firefighter and a done so that our best days are always importantly, our fellow Americans to teacher. That is hardly the 1 percent, ahead of us. Mr. SUOZZI. Congressman make those kinds of investments on especially in a high-cost-of-living area GOTTHEIMER, thank you so much for the city, county, village, and local like New Jersey. I know the same thing is true of California, like we heard pointing out all of those important level, and then have the Federal Gov- points. ernment treat them unfairly solely be- about from , or TOM SUOZZI’s district in New York. I want to go back to one thing that cause they are trying to do right by you have mentioned here tonight. We each other in their community. We know that when taxes goes up, it leads to an exodus of middle class and have heard from Senator MCCONNELL Mr. SUOZZI. Congresswoman, thank and from others the concept of a blue you so much. We really appreciate you higher earners in State likes ours. In fact, according to United Van Lines, State bailout, the idea that the SALT being here this evening to talk about deduction is some sort of advantage for this. ever since the SALT cap, New Jersey has been the number one out-migration blue States. But you talked about how Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- your State is actually a net donor to tleman from New Jersey (Mr. State in the entire country. New Jer- sey is losing its highest earners, and the Federal Government. GOTTHEIMER), back across to the other the disproportionate taxes they pay, to Could you tell us a little bit more side of the country, one of my neigh- about that? States like Florida, North Carolina, bors and good friends who serves as the Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- and Texas. That has only been exacer- chair of the Problem Solvers Caucus. tleman for a colloquy. He has been one of the strongest advo- bated during the pandemic. The SALT cap is literally draining b 2030 cates for the reinstatement of the the tax base out of States like New SALT deduction and the repeal of the Mr. GOTTHEIMER. Madam Speaker, Jersey that offer far better schools and SALT cap. I would be happy to. government-supported services to Mr. GOTTHEIMER. Madam Speaker, One of the biggest challenges people middle- and lower-income families we are here today representing tens of don’t realize for States like New Jer- than our counterparts in other parts of thousands of middle-class families, like sey, New York, Connecticut, and Cali- the Nation. those back in my home district in fornia is how much our taxpayers pay For instance, I mentioned $15,000 is into the Federal Government and, his- northern New Jersey, who got whacked the median property tax in Bergen with the 2017 tax hike bill, which gut- torically, how we get back less in re- County, New Jersey. If you go to Mis- turn than some of the other States in ted our State and local tax deduction sissippi, their median property tax is the country do. with the disastrous $10,000 cap. $550 a year. For instance, for every dollar that It is high time that Congress and the The New York Times editorial board Mississippi sends to the Federal Gov- rest of the country heard just how even once reiterated this point that I ernment, they get $4.38 back. Alabama, badly these hardworking families have am trying to make, where we have I believe, receives $4.32 back. The State been hurt by the SALT cap. It is some- good services for hard-pressed families of Louisiana starts its budget every thing I know we heard about a lot to- in States like mine and other State I year with half coming from the Federal night, and I really want to thank my mentioned, like Mississippi or Ala- Government. dear friend TOM SUOZZI for his excel- bama, don’t have the resources to offer States like Jersey, we get back 67 lent leadership on this issue. those kinds of services. cents, historically, on the dollar. The usual naysayers continue to try So The New York Times editorial What does that mean? It means that to undermine our efforts to reinstate board made this point when they said we pay lots of money to Washington. the State and local tax deduction, or that States like New Jersey and New People like me are fighting to claw SALT, by claiming it is just a give- York ‘‘generally do a better job of pro- more back to Jersey, but we know that away to the wealthiest Americans. But viding for the health and welfare of other States benefit more. anyone who actually lives in my dis- their citizens, and are more willing to When the tax hike bill passed in 2017, trict in northern New Jersey knows pay for institutions that are good for and the red States gutted the State that the $10,000 cap has hit middle- society as a whole.’’ and local tax deduction, capping it at class families hard, many of whom are This is the difference between States $10,000, what they did was shift actu- already struggling with high costs. like ours and moocher States like Mis- ally even more of the tax burden over It has also caused residents and jobs sissippi and Alabama that tend not to to blue States like ours, and the red to leave our State. And now, with a de- give back to the people they represent. States benefited even more. clining tax base, it’s threatening our Thankfully, there is real bipartisan It just reiterates, even more, the im- best-in-class schools, teachers, law en- work taking place here in Congress to portance of actually reinstating the forcement, firefighters, and our State’s reinstate the SALT deduction, to get State and local tax deduction, not only services for hard-pressed families. more money back in the pockets of because, as KATIE PORTER said, it is The cap on the State and local tax Jersey middle-class families, and to double taxation and not only because it deduction does not solely impact the help stop residents from moving out has been around since 1913 or even be- highest earners. It has also increased and eroding our State’s tax base. fore for exactly this purpose. It is be- taxes on scores of middle-class fami- Along with Congressman SUOZZI, I cause we recognize that some States lies, as I said. It is a very important have helped introduce the SALT De- pay more than others, and we have to point to understand. ductibility Act, a bipartisan bill to find ways to balance that out. Other- In Bergen County, which is the larg- fully restore the deduction. wise, we are going to keep losing peo- est county I represent, for instance, be- In the SALT Caucus, with Congress- ple from States like ours to States like fore the cap was put in place, the aver- man , who spoke earlier, Florida and other red States.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.094 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3298 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 Frankly, that is why it is so impor- past years, almost a third of Rhode Islanders ing those Trump-era policies. Those tant that we fight back to get tax re- have claimed the SALT deductions, including policies, Madam Speaker, were work- lief for the people that we represent, to almost 60 percent of people in my district who ing to rein in the flow of illegal immi- make sure they can afford to live in make between $75–100,000 per year. gration. our States and that we have a good tax The destructive 2017 Trump tax cuts, how- Now, with no plan and no substi- base to be able to have great schools ever, imposed a $10,000 cap on SALT deduc- tution, the result is pure political the- and stand by law enforcement, fire- tions, meaning that if a family pays more than ater, simply because those were Trump fighters, and others. $10,000 in state and local taxes, the taxes policies. While they were working, Mr. SUOZZI. Madam Speaker, Mr. paid in excess of that $10,000 can no longer President Biden stopped them. GOTTHEIMER has been a great champion be deducted from federal returns raising those President Biden appointed Vice on this issue. I am grateful to him for families’ tax liability significantly. President HARRIS to serve as the border pointing that out. It just doesn’t make sense to have Ameri- czar. One would think that she would I know, in the case of my State of cans, especially middle-class families living in act in critical ways to replace those New York, in the past 5 years, New states with high tax rates, pay extra taxes on national security policies that were York has sent $150 billion more to the the taxes they have already paid. working under the Trump administra- Federal Government than they have re- Most middle-class Americans living in high tion and that President Biden ended. ceived back in Federal services or Fed- tax areas are there so their children can go to Not only did she not present solutions eral contracts, whereas MITCH MCCON- high caliber public schools or receive better to the historic number of hundreds of NELL’s State in the past 5 years, this programs. thousands of immigrants who were same period, they have received $150 Many of them made 10, 20, and 30-year in- pouring across our southern border, but billion more in services and contracts vestments in home ownership in these high she refused to visit the border for near- than they have put back into the sys- tax areas, relying on the SALT deduction that ly 100 days since being appointed bor- tem. had been in place for more than 100 years der czar. The gentleman’s advocacy on this when budgeting for this big expense. She even laughed at the idea of vis- issue has been stellar. I am grateful to Then they had the rug pulled out from under iting the border, comparing it to tak- him for being here tonight. them and were told they were suddenly liable ing a trip to Europe. Finally, after Mr. GOTTHEIMER. Madam Speaker, for thousands of dollars more in taxes per cries from the American people and I thank Congressman SUOZZI for put- year. For many of these people, that extra tax calls from House and Senate Repub- ting together this Special Order hour. is a significant portion of their annual income. licans, she did agree to take a trip to Mr. SUOZZI. Madam Speaker, I ap- These Americans are working hard to give the border. preciate the time that my colleagues their families the best life possible. Putting a Madam Speaker, I have been to the and I have had tonight to make these secondary tax on the taxes they have already border seven times over the past 51⁄2 different points. paid will force many middle-class Americans years, most recently in April. Specifi- I want to close by saying this is to struggle. cally, I traveled to the Rio Grande sec- about fairness. It is not fair. In fact, middle-class Americans have said tor in the Rio Grande Valley. The con- It is not fair that the State and local that the SALT Cap will, quote: ‘‘wipe them ditions I found there were worse than I tax deduction has been in place for out’’ by forcing them to pay those extra federal have seen on my previous trips. In fact, over 100 years so State and local gov- taxes in addition to state and local. Border Patrol estimates that the drug ernments have relied on this deduction This is why I cosponsored H.R. 613, the cartels in Mexico made $400 million in in order to fund the programs that we SALT Deductibility Act, this Congress. February alone in human trafficking. have. This bipartisan bill would reverse the 2017 Think about that, Madam Speaker: It is not fair that people are being law and allow Americans to use the SALT de- $400 million in one month by charging taxed on taxes that they have already ductions when paying federal taxes without a $5,000 to $9,000 to traffic hundreds of paid. $10,000 cap, keeping money in the hands of thousands of people across the border, It is not fair that the taxes that are American working families. some innocent, some not. being paid in these States are no longer I applaud Congressman SUOZZI for intro- These drug and human trafficking deductible on people’s income tax re- ducing this important legislation. It will have a challenges are just part of the crisis at turns. significant impact to help American families, the border because while Customs and It is not fair that, after all these which is especially important after the dev- Border Patrol are working on the hu- years of relying on this deduction, it is astating economic effect of COVID–19 that manitarian elements of this crisis, no longer in place, and my colleagues has left so many middle-class Americans drugs are coming across the border and on the other side of the aisle have been struggling financially, including many Rhode criminals are coming across the border. boasting about people leaving my State Islanders. In fact, Madam Speaker, we have and going to their States while we are, The 2017 law was more than a mistake, it interdicted in the first 6 months of this in fact, subsidizing those very States. was bad policy, and I hope that this body does year enough fentanyl to kill all in This is a battle that is going to con- the right thing by taking action to correct it. America. It is shocking that we have tinue. Hopefully, over the next few f interdicted that much fentanyl drug months, we will be able to build a coa- that it could kill everyone in this lition, together, of Democrats and Re- SUPPORTING STRONG NATIONAL country because it only takes the publicans who recognize that this un- SECURITY amount in a Sweet’N Low packet, fairness has to be addressed and that The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Madam Speaker, to kill 500 Americans. we need to restore the State and local the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- This is a deadly drug. tax deduction for the benefit of the uary 4, 2021, the gentleman from Ar- The Vice President chose to visit El residents of my State and people kansas (Mr. HILL) is recognized for 60 Paso. El Paso is nearly 1,000 miles west throughout the United States of Amer- minutes as the designee of the minor- of the Rio Grande Valley, where this ica who are relying on basic fairness. ity leader. crisis has its epicenter. If she had gone Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I rise to the Rio Grande Valley, she would ance of my time. today in support of strong national se- have seen cartels dropping off migrant Mr. CICILLINE. Madam Speaker, I rise curity policies, policies like the remain families by the dozens and holding today in support of ending the cap on State in Mexico policy, enforcement of our camps for migrant families struggling and Local Tax deductions—better known as existing interior immigration laws, and to get the water, time, and care that the SALT deduction. the completion of key miles of fencing they need. For more than 100 years, an idea dating and technology that protect our south- Regardless of who designed the poli- back to Abraham Lincoln, the SALT deduction west border—policies, Madam Speaker, cies, the Biden administration should has allowed families to deduct taxes already that President Biden hastily removed be for stronger national security poli- paid to state and local government from their on his first day in office, without any cies on the border. But the Biden bor- federal tax returns. plan to replace them. der crisis is out of control, and it is Many middle-class Americans benefit from President Biden and the Democrats going to take more than a short public this commonsense tax policy every year. In in the House and Senate supported end- relations visit to El Paso to fix it.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:33 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.096 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3299 I encourage the Vice President and erased in the name of the magnificent group Hamas in the Gaza Strip and the the administration to come to the Chinese Communist Party’s ultimate Government of Israel. table with Republicans in the House authority. Madam Speaker, I respect President and Senate and implement strong na- Respect for human rights is a funda- el-Sisi and his good relationship with tional security borders and reform our mental tenet of American foreign pol- the Coptic Pope. He has attended Mass broken illegal immigration system. icy. The continued suffering of the on multiple occasions. He has had some ANNOUNCING AMERICAN HOSTAGE TASK FORCE Uighurs, the citizens of Hong Kong— churches reconstructed, and he has Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I rise and all other individual rights of constructed the largest Christian ca- today to announce that the Congres- speech, privacy, assembly, and reli- thedral in the Middle East in the new sional Task Force on Americans gious belief are trampled by the Chi- administrative center in Egypt. And Wrongfully Detained Abroad has been nese Communist Party. President el-Sisi is relentless in hold- initiated by Congressman It is no 100-year celebration here on ing terrorists accountable for their from Florida and myself. the House floor, Madam Speaker. The atrocities. The inspiration for me to form this American people stand with the hard- b 2045 task force was Majd Kamalmaz, a working people of China. The Congress of the United States stands with the People all around the world, regard- former resident of central Arkansas less of their religious affiliation de- hardworking people of China, and we who was traveling to Syria to attend a serve the same freedom to practice will work to continue to advocate for family funeral where he was wrongfully their chosen religion like we have en- freedom of people, assembly, belief, and detained and has been held in Syria joyed here in the United States for press in China. ever since. I am dedicated to bringing more than 200 years. him home safely to his family. APPLAUDING FBI CYBER BUSTS The respect for human rights and re- Having a loved one detained or held Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I rise ligious freedom is a fundamental tenet hostage abroad is unimaginable. It is a today in recognition of the tireless of American foreign policy. I will con- heartbreaking experience for any fam- dedication of members of the FBI in re- tinue to advocate for the Coptic Chris- ily. cently seizing approximately $2.3 mil- tians and all Egyptians, be they Chris- Representative DEUTCH and I created lion from the hacker group responsible tian or Muslim, who together take this task force not only to help these for the Colonial Pipeline ransomware their water from the Nile. struggling families but to be a resource attack. ARKANSANS SHOULD CHECK THE STATUS OF for our colleagues in the House, as After the Colonial Pipeline paid the THEIR PASSPORTS there are over 50 families here in Amer- hackers the entire $4.4 million ransom, Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I rise ica who are struggling with a member and with the money seemingly lost for- today to urge all Arkansans to check of their family held abroad. We want to ever due to bitcoin encryption, these the status of their passports well be- help Members of Congress help their FBI agents were able to recover more fore traveling. constituents cope with this issue. than half of the demanded sum. Due to backlogs in the State Depart- Every channel of the United States I am also proud to recognize that the ment, passport renewals by mail are Government should be working to FBI conducted 800 arrests in 16 coun- taking longer than usual. There is a bring these Americans home and to tries thanks to an encrypted messaging backlog of up to 10 weeks for their ex- disincentivize the wrongful detention app it developed as part of a 3-year dig- pedited service and 18 weeks for their of Americans in the future, by state ac- ital sting operation on international regular service. tors or nonstate actors. crime. This lag in service at the State De- Madam Speaker, I am committed to Just as encrypted, untraceable com- partment is affecting Arkansans want- bringing Majd Kamalmaz home to his munications have become pervasive in ing to travel for mission trips, study family. TED DEUTCH and I are com- how criminal enterprise operates on a abroad, or take a family trip in the mitted to using this task force to bring global scale, ransomware attacks have aftermath of the pandemic. other Americans wrongfully detained been on the rise as they prey on the So far, my office has helped 70 people home, into the arms of their loved digital vulnerability of our businesses this year receive their passports, and ones. and infrastructure, often with little we have opened more than 90 cases in MARKING 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF CCP hope of recovery or justice. the past 6 months. And this compares Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, a century I applaud the vigilance and ingenious to opening cases and receiving pass- ago, the Chinese Communists took con- methods of the investigating agents ports of only about 200 in the 5 previous trol of one of the great countries in and encourage their continued efforts years global history. The Chinese Communist to ensure safety in our digital age. So, to my friends in Arkansas, check Party marks, this month, a century REINTRODUCING COPTIC CHRISTIAN RESOLUTION your passport prior to your trip, and if since the beginning of China’s descent Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I rise it is expired, get it renewed as soon as into authoritarianism. today in support of my resolution, H. possible Just as the Chinese Communist Res. 117, which calls on the Egyptian I encourage everyone to stay up to Party used violence to impose its will Government to end the culture of im- date on passport services and travel onto the Chinese people during the Chi- punity for attacks on Christians and to advisories and to check COVID–19 pro- nese Civil War, now it uses that same undertake the arrest, prosecution, and tocols, masks, testing, and quarantine violence and threat of violence to crush conviction of individuals who carry out issues before you travel. any dissent within its borders. attacks on Copts and other Christians ARKANSANS MUST GET VACCINATED We saw this last summer, when the in Egypt. Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I rise CCP silenced the democratic voices of I was the lead on a nearly identical today to encourage all Arkansans who Hong Kong, swiftly marching troops resolution in previous Congresses. I are not currently vaccinated for into the city to stop demonstrations truly appreciate the support I received COVID–19 to consult with their doctor for freedom. Beijing has blatantly ig- from my original cosponsor, the gen- about getting the COVID–19 vaccine. nored the terms of its 50-year treaty tleman from Rhode Island (Mr. The best way to combat the spread of with the United Kingdom and ignored CICILLINE), and nearly 50 of my House these COVID variants is by receiving Hong Kong’s legislature, arresting pro- colleagues who have cosponsored the the vaccine. As more information and democracy activists and lawmakers en resolution in this Congress. research develops around the delta var- masse and crushing a long history of Madam Speaker, Egypt and the iant of the coronavirus, I want to en- press freedom with the recent closing United States are important partners sure that all Arkansans stay safe and of Apple Daily. in the fight against terrorism. Egypt’s remain healthy as we prepare for this As I speak, over a million Uighurs role at Camp David has led to some of spread. and other Muslims have been interned the closest ties between the United The only way that we can fully re- in concentration camps for reeduca- States, Egypt, and Israel in their his- open our economy and get truly back tion. Families have been separated, tory, and we are grateful for their most on our feet is with more people being lives destroyed, and cultures all but recent engagement between the terror vaccinated for COVID–19.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.097 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3300 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 Each FDA conditionally approved despite Congress appropriating more I thank the women of our armed vaccine is backed by science and doc- money. services for their dedication and serv- tors who have worked hard over the It is critical that the National Per- ice to our country. past year to develop, manufacture, and sonnel Records Center go digital so RECOGNIZING GRACIE LEE, ALYSSA HUIE, distribute these critical vaccines. that we can properly verify these serv- RANDILYNN STRIPLING, AND CATHERINE MILLS So work with your physician. Help icemembers and give better service for Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I rise protect your family and the Arkansas those who have served their country in today to recognize four incredible community by getting a vaccine shot such a valuable way. young women on the Clinton Arkansas soon. It should not be difficult for our vet- Future Farmers of America team. RECOGNIZING GREAT OUTDOORS MONTH erans to get their DD–214 to pursue Together, Gracie Lee, Alyssa Huie, Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I rise their benefits or claim healthcare at Randilynn Stripling, and Catherine today to recognize that June is Great our Veterans Administration. It Mills made history by being the first Outdoors Month and recognize the shouldn’t be a burden to a spouse, to a all-female team to win not one, but great conservation work of my col- family of a fallen veteran to have the two State competitions in electricity. leagues in Arkansas in the Governor’s proper paperwork to have a proper fu- Due to the pandemic, the team was office and at the Arkansas Department neral. allowed to compete in the State con- of Parks and Tourism. So I urge my colleagues to join me test a second time, making them back- As a lifelong outdoorsman living in and continue to press the National Ar- to-back State champions in electricity. The Natural State, I have a lot of pride chives to improve their service for the This team serves as a great example in recognizing June as Great Outdoors bravest men and women and their fam- to all the young Arkansans that are Month. For 9 generations, my family ilies. committed to working hard and being has lived in Arkansas and enjoyed the RECOGNIZING STEVE WELLS pioneers in their fields. I applaud them extraordinary natural beauty through- Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I rise for their diligence and determination. out our State. today to recognize the accomplish- This team demonstrated great dedi- I agree with many of the earliest con- ments and retirement of Catholic High cation, and I am incredibly proud to servationists in protecting our wildlife School teacher and longtime friend Mr. represent these history-making young and our wild places and that can be Steve Wells. women and all young Arkansans in done through reasonable and realistic Mr. Wells has been teaching at central Arkansas. means, and I am proud to continue my Catholic High School in Little Rock, RECOGNIZING MELVIN WILLIAMS work in central Arkansas. Arkansas, for 38 years. His decision to Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I rise Just last week, I joined Governor Asa end his long service at the school, hav- today to recognize the determination Hutchinson and Secretary of Parks and ing graduated there in 1973, is recog- of Little Rock native, Melvin Williams. Tourism Stacy Hurst in announcing nized by many as the end of an era at A terrible and unfortunate injury in the new Office of Outdoor Recreation CHS. high school ended his football dreams. and the addition of a great new wild Steve’s a native of north Little Rock His grades slipped, and Melvin dropped place in central Arkansas: Blue Moun- and came back to the school as a sub- out of school. tain just west of Pinnacle Mountain. stitute English teacher in 1983. The Years later, Melvin had earned his Just west of Rattlesnake Ridge, Blue teacher for which he was substituting high school diploma at a program at Mountain will be a new opportunity for never returned, and Steve Wells has Goodwill Industries. The Excel Center hiking, mountain biking, and enjoying been teaching there ever since. at Goodwill is a fully accredited and the extraordinary view of Lake When you walk into our beloved cost-free public high school in Little Maumelle from the Nature Conser- Catholic High there is a quote that is Rock for adults 19 and older. vancy and the Arkansas Department of above the front door. It says: ‘‘Come Not only is Mr. Williams now work- Heritage’s latest partnership to expand boys, so that you may become men.’’ ing toward a business degree at the outdoor recreation. In the same announcement, the Gov- Mr. Wells did exactly that. And he University of Arkansas Pulaski Tech, ernor announced that our parks and served as a teacher and a role model for he is one of Goodwill’s newest employ- tourism department would work with generations of students throughout the ees. He is in charge of recruitment and the Ouachita National Forest and open years. retention at Goodwill. up Lake Sylvia Recreation Area and I congratulate my friend, Steve Goodwill Industries of Arkansas CEO the old Camp Ouachita to year-round Wells, on a dedicated career of helping Brian Marsh says, ‘‘Melvin is exactly participation by Arkansans. This is a boys become men and wish him the who we need for this role.’’ great partnership between the Federal very best in his retirement. I congratulate Melvin on his accom- Government and the State government RECOGNIZING ARKANSAS’ WOMEN VETERANS plishments and for being a wonderful to offer more outdoor recreation oppor- Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, today I representative for Goodwill Industries. tunities for our families to enjoy in rise in honor of Women’s Armed Serv- CONGRATULATING ELLIS FREEL The Natural State. ices Integration Act. I am proud to rec- Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I rise THE NATIONAL PERSONNEL RECORDS CENTER ognize the more than 20,000 women vet- today to congratulate Miss Ellis Freel MUST GO DIGITAL erans in Arkansas. on being a recipient of the Congres- Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I rise Women have been serving in the mili- sional Award Gold Medal. today to bring awareness to the dif- tary in different capacities for more The Congressional Award Gold Medal ficulty for many to obtain a critical than a century. Women like Deborah requires the recipient to complete a document for our veterans: That is Sampson, who fought in the Revolu- minimum of 400 hours of volunteer their form DD–214. tionary War, and Loretta Walsh, Amer- service, 200 hours of personal develop- You can’t do anything as a veteran ica’s first official enlisted woman of ment, and 200 hours of physical fitness without a copy of your DD–214. This pa- any service. and 5 days of exploration or expedition. perwork is required to verify for our They pioneered the way for women to Miss Freel cites the most challenging servicemembers their benefits, how to serve in the United States Armed obstacle in completing the require- obtain a disability claim, funeral serv- Forces. And with more women serving ments of being a gold medalist as her 5- ice, research about lost medals. We now than ever before at any time in day wilderness expedition. Due to re- need a copy of your DD–214. our history, action is being taken to strictions from the pandemic, Ellis had Well, the pandemic has not been good continue and build a positive environ- to make adjustments that taught her for this need for the millions of vet- ment for women in the armed services. patience and flexibility. erans in our country. The National Further, our Veterans Administration Miss Freel serves as a wonderful Personnel Records Center shut down, continues its efforts to enhance fami- asset to her hometown of Bryant, Ar- and as we come out of the pandemic lies, facilities, and services for our kansas, her college campus at the Uni- when our veterans need these re- growing number of female veterans in versity of Arkansas and to Arkansas’ sources, they are still terribly behind, Arkansas. Second Congressional District.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:31 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.099 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3301 RECOGNIZING FINALISTS OF THE ARKANSAS day on their knees for strength to take ties to provide an extra level of care STATE CODING COMPETITION on the most powerful country in the and love, which is so desperately need- Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I rise world, with the most powerful Navy ed and deserved by those who call these today to recognize the finalists from and military in the world. facilities home. central Arkansas in the fifth annual As Jefferson said: ‘‘ . . . it becomes Over the past year, long-term care fa- Arkansas State Coding competition necessary for one people to dissolve the cility residents suffered in isolation. and a finalist for the Arkansas Com- political bands which have connected Alone, many lost the will to live, and puter Science Educator of the Year them with another . . . ’’ To pursue many others deteriorated physically Award. life, liberty, and the pursuit of happi- and mentally. The team taking third place at the ness. While we cannot go back in time to State coding competition this year was Jefferson, while he didn’t include fix what has been done, we can take from eStem High School in my home- that statement about being partners as steps today to prevent this from ever town of Little Rock. The three-person a free people going forward, he argued, happening again. If Congress fails to team included Elijah Keen, Spencer ‘‘we have appealed to their’’—the Brit- act, we could see thousands more Knight, and Sergio Markin. Each stu- ish—‘‘native justice and magna- Americans die or suffer in isolation dent received a 529 college savings plan nimity.’’ And they were rejected. again. worth $500, in addition to winning $4000 Madam Speaker, think of the bravery I have introduced the bipartisan Es- for their school. there. As the signers of the Declara- sential Caregivers Act to fight for the Also, a special congratulations to tion, those Founders came together rights of our seniors, our constituents Kimberly Raup for being a finalist in and said in the final closing words of living in group homes with disabilities, the 2021 Computer Science Educator of the Declaration of Independence: ‘‘And and anyone who resides in a long-term the Year Award. She teaches at for the support of this Declaration, care facility. This also includes young Conway High School, and she received with a firm reliance on the protection children with developmental disabil- a $2,500 award for being named a final- of divine Providence, we mutually ities. ist. pledge to each other our lives, our for- Under Federal law, residents in long- Congratulations to these students tunes, and our sacred honor.’’ term care facilities have a right to re- and to Ms. Raup on their awards, and a And they did that for those genera- ceive visitors at any time. But during special thank you to the University of tions of Americans unborn in this great the pandemic, this right was curtailed Arkansas at Little Rock for hosting land. completely. Many residents, including this event. So 245 years later, we have proven children with disabilities and seniors, It is events like this that allow our our resilience and our strength once were not allowed access to loved ones central Arkansas students to showcase again in coming through the pandemic, who had been caring for them prior to their coding and STEM talents to show defeating COVID–19. And I am opti- the pandemic. This took a tremendous the importance of computer science for mistic about the future of our beloved toll on them. our youth. country. While it has been challenging My bipartisan bill addresses this HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA over the last year and a few months, issue by striking a commonsense com- Mr. HILL. Madam Speaker, I bring but compared to the challenges those promise. It implements a new Federal birthday greetings to our beloved Na- Founders faced, compared to the chal- standard that will end this indignity. tion. I rise today to celebrate freedom lenges this country has faced many, This bill permits each facility resident and independence and democracy right many times before, we show our to designate up to two essential care- here in the United States. strength, we show our true mettle, we givers who will be provided safe, rea- pull through as one Nation under God sonable, and transparent access to resi- b 2100 many times before. dents during any future public health Madam Speaker, 245 years ago, our So on this Fourth of July, I invite all emergency. brave Founding Fathers gathered to- Americans to celebrate our country’s The Essential Caregivers Act is a gether in Philadelphia to sign the Dec- birthday with their friends and family. compassionate step to ensure the most laration of Independence. And on that Honor our cherished freedoms. And vulnerable among us never suffer alone hot July, in that stuffy room in Phila- may we never forget the sacrifices of again. delphia, they came together to change those generations before us in public Why is this so important? world history, to change history here service, in uniform, on the battlefield, Because essential caregivers aren’t in the United States, and to open up a who have sacrificed so much so that we just visitors; they are, as the name im- lifetime of opportunity for generations may enjoy those freedoms that we have plies, caregivers who help with activi- of Americans yet unborn. today. God bless each of you and God ties of daily living and provide emo- Madam Speaker, what amazes me bless our great country. tional support and companionship. about that time is that small com- Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- This care enriches the lives of resi- mittee of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas ance of my time. dents, enhances their well-being, and Jefferson, John Adams, thinking f helps them thrive personally and so- through of how would we break with cially. Without it, residents ultimately Great Britain, how would America ESSENTIAL CAREGIVERS ACT suffer. This is exactly what we saw dur- leave Great Britain. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under ing the 15-month lockdown. Madam Speaker, Jefferson was con- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- The importance of the essential care- cerned. In his rough draft, he said of uary 4, 2021, the Chair recognizes the givers in no way diminishes the critical Great Britain and the United States: gentlewoman from New York (Ms. role that facility staff place in resi- ‘‘We might have been a free and great TENNEY) for 30 minutes. dents’ lives, which during this pan- people together.’’ Ms. TENNEY. Madam Speaker, I rise demic was nothing short of heroic. Es- Those words are not placed in the before you today to share the heart- sential caregivers simply supplement final copy of the Declaration of Inde- breaking stories from Americans the care provided by facility staff. pendence, but it shows the struggle around the country, including my own They are a force multiplier that en- that the Founding Fathers had and district, who were cut off from their hances the ability of residents to Thomas Jefferson had as a principal loved ones in long-term care facilities thrive and to live their lives fully. author of how to make that break with during the COVID–19 pandemic. Importantly, this bill upholds strict a people they had respect for, and a For the next several months in this safety and health standards to protect king and a king’s policies they de- Chamber, I will share harrowing testi- residents, staff, and caregivers. Any es- spised. mony submitted to my office from sential caregiver must comply with ‘‘We might have been a free and great these families. whatever health standards are put in people together.’’ Essential caregivers were prohibited place by a facility. This includes re- But think of the momentous feelings from entering nursing homes, group quirements for testing, PPE, and social they had, the prayers they had every homes, and other long-term care facili- distancing.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.100 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 In my home State of New York, one Once his rehab was over, the family deteriorated. She lost the ability to use of the greatest tragedies of the COVID– picked him up to find that he was no her nondominant hand. She lost 19 pandemic was the suffering of those longer able to walk. His condition had progress on relearning how to walk and living in nursing and group homes. deteriorated significantly. In a matter is now confined to a wheelchair. First, they suffered because of Gov- of days, the family had to choose be- In his formal testimony, Robert said: ernor Cuomo’s negligent policy to re- tween hospice or fighting for his life. ‘‘I am not a visitor. I am Susan’s voice, turn COVID-positive patients to long- They chose to fight. her only voice. She should never have term care facilities. Then they suffered Sadly, because of the isolation he been subjected to the isolation, and by not being able to access the care- faced, John was not eating enough to you all have the ability to keep it from givers they depended on for so many live. Sadly, John lost his life on May happening again.’’ years. 24, 2020. This evening, we recognize Susan’s Today I want to tell their stories not The family feels strongly that if his suffering. The Essential Caregivers Act only from the constituents I represent wife had been by his side, giving him would have protected Susan’s rights in New York, but also from those the love and care that he needed, he and allowed critical access for John to around the country who similarly suf- would be with us today. continue for her care. fered. This evening, we remember John Madam Speaker, we also recognize First, we remember the life of Ana Daly. the suffering of Gina Zanchelli. Dolores Martinez. Vivian Zayas and Alexa Ri- Madam Speaker, we also remember Zanchelli was the caretaker of her vera are the cofounders of Voices for the life of Rosemary Abraham. Karla mother, Gina, who lived in a skilled Seniors. Their mother is Ana Martinez, Abraham-Conley is the daughter of nursing facility in Long Island, New who was supposed to undergo a few Rosemary Abraham. Rosemary was ad- York. Dolores visited her mother every day weeks of physical therapy in West mitted to a long-term care facility in to provide the extra care that the facil- Islip, New York. But because of Gov- September 2019. ity was not able to deliver each day. ernor Cuomo’s COVID mandates, Viv- Before the pandemic, Karla was by Having access to her mother allowed ian and Alexa were unable to tell their her mother’s side as a caregiver. She Dolores the chance to monitor her mother good-bye before she passed took her to lunch, brought her to fam- ily dinners, and provided help with the mother’s health closely. away after contracting COVID in the Once lockdowns went into effect, Do- day-to-day activities. facility. lores was cut off from her mother, who When March 2020 arrived, Karla was Vivian and Alexa has since made it became depressed from being isolated. cut off from her mother completely. their life’s mission to see that no one Physical therapy stopped, and the nec- After months of isolation, speaking else endures the hardships they experi- essary care she needed was deemed un- only over the phone, Karla noticed the enced being cut off from their own essential in the facility. mother. toll that it was having on her mother’s Delores and her mother were limited We remember the life of Daniel health. to only video calls during the Alvino. Tracey Alvino is the daughter Window visits were brutal and con- lockdown. After Dolores went through of Daniel Alvino. Daniel was a veteran fusing for her mother. Karla’s mother a rigorous process to see her mother, and a football fanatic. His family simply did not understand why Karla she was able to have three socially meant the world to him. His laugh was wasn’t allowed in to see her. distanced visits over the course of 13 the highlight of all of their holiday As they spoke over FaceTime, Karla months, about 10 to 15 minutes each, parties. watched her mother deteriorate. Only but the isolation had already taken its In March 2020, Daniel was placed into after Karla pleaded for someone to care toll. a rehab facility in a New York nursing for her mother was she eventually sent Gina’s rights were violated, and the home after having neck surgery. Under to the emergency room due to poor damage that resulted physically and Cuomo’s nursing mandate, Tracey had health. mentally has been irreversible. In Do- no access to her father for a significant Sadly, Rosemary Abraham died 7 lores’ words: ‘‘This should never be al- period of time. Daniel fell very ill and days later, on October 4, 2020. She died lowed to happen again.’’ had to be rushed to a hospital and from isolation, failure to thrive, and This evening, we recognize the suf- placed on a ventilator. neglect. fering of Gina Zanchelli. On April 14, 2020, Daniel Alvino If Karla had been allowed to be in the Madam Speaker, we also recognize passed away at the age of 76. It wasn’t facility with her mother, she would the suffering of Lynn Ray Leljedal. until a year later that his family fi- likely be alive today. Prior to COVID, Carrie had never been nally held his funeral to commemorate This evening, we remember Rose- away from her son, Lynn, for more his life that was cut far too short. mary Abraham and remember that than 9 days. He was 32 when COVID This evening, we remember Mr. Karla Abraham-Conley was one of the shut down all the long-term care facili- Alvino. people who inspired us to put together ties. We also remember the life of John and to draft the Essential Caregivers Lynn was born with a rare seizure Daly. John Daly was a husband, father Act. disorder called Sturge-Weber syn- of five, grandfather of nine, and a Ma- Madam Speaker, we also recognize drome. At 16 years old, he had to have rine veteran who served on the front the suffering of Susan Wilson. Robert the right side of his brain disconnected lines in Korea. He and his wife, Mary, Wilson is married to Susan Wilson. She to control seizures. were together for 63 years until the day is a retired pediatric nurse who suf- Lynn moved into a long-term care fa- he entered the Gurwin Jewish Nursing fered a major hemorrhagic stroke that cility in 2013. His mother, Carrie, has Home and Rehabilitation Center at the left her paralyzed on the right side. Her always been a hands-on mom. She time lockdowns were put in place. speech was limited, as was her ability never just went to visit; she would John spent 20 days at the facility to perform daily living activities. spend hours with her son, cleaning his after having been hospitalized with She did not get COVID, nor did she room and eating meals with him and pneumonia. Having suffered a minor die in the long-term care facility, but the other residents. Some nights, she stroke previously, John had limited she has suffered severe damage by the would just go over to help him get use of his left arm and needed assist- extended lockdown. ready for bed. ance. For a full 7 months, he was excluded In March 2020, Carrie was told that from seeing her. Even though she was the facility was closed to all visitors. b 2110 in an excellent nursing home, her care Her heart dropped. For over 4 months, Madam Speaker, his wife was the one and her emotional, physical, and men- she was only able to see Lynn through who was normally there to help him in tal state deteriorated significantly. a window or through a virtual visit. the facility, but she was cut off from No staff, no matter how good, can When she was finally allowed to see him completely. She was no longer able provide only what an essential care- Lynn, it was only at doctor’s appoint- to see John and received only infre- giver can provide. His wife was admit- ments. The distance took its toll on quent phone calls. ted to the hospital twice. Her speech them.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.102 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3303 As Carrie said in her testimony to Cindy Goodloe, essential caregiver to Rick Winter, essential caregiver to me: ‘‘There is only one way to ensure her father, Major John Preston Roden. many through the years that any resident of long-term care Denise Holt, essential caregiver to Karen Basso, essential caregiver to never faces this again. This is by pass- her husband. her husband, Derek Franklin Basso ing H.R. 3733, the Essential Caregivers Diane McMillen, essential caregiver Erma Hall-Thomas, essential care- Act.’’ to her mother, Joanne. giver to her older sister Madam Speaker, these are heart- Kathi A. Vanbenschoten, essential Roietta Combs, essential caregiver to wrenching stories that show exactly caregiver to Karl Landherr. her father why we need to pass the Essential Emily Main, essential caregiver to Stacey Palant, essential caregiver to Caregivers Act. Had this law been in her mother, Nancy Proudfit. her mother and late father place, these residents would not have Felicia Knary, essential caregiver to Deborah Buchanan, essential care- suffered alone in isolation, and their her mother, Joyce. giver to her mother Catherine Carlton, essential care- caregivers would have been there to Joyce B., essential caregiver to her giver in northern New Jersey safely provide the supplemental care mother. Margaret Melzer, essential caregiver Virginia Andreoli Muscarella, essen- that is so critical. Individuals we lost tial caregiver to her father, Fred may have been with us today. to her mother, Elfried Mach Melzer. Martha Rhodes, essential caregiver Andreoli This bill is about protecting the Cindy Tate-Gibson, essential care- rights of the most vulnerable among to her 91-year-old mother. MarySue Phipps, essential caregiver giver to her mother us. Beth Nelson, essential caregiver to Madam Speaker, the stories I shared to her mother, Lucille Harris. Maxine Schwartz, essential caregiver her husband, Stanley Fullwood with you this evening only scratch the Kathleen McCartney, essential care- to her mother surface of the suffering individuals and giver to her mother, Mary Melody Taylor Stark, essential care- families endured around the country. Cindy, essential caregiver to her 91- giver to her husband, Bill Madam Speaker, I have personally year-old mother received hundreds of pages, and I will Merrily Caldwell, essential caregiver Patricia Cladek, caregiver to her show them to you. This is just some of to her mother mother, Doris the gut-wrenching testimony from Mindy Cain, essential caregiver to Crystal Ton, essential caregiver to families who have been through excru- her father her son Jackson ciating circumstances fighting for Nancy Klein, essential caregiver to Patricia Medeiros and Maria their loved ones’ rights. her son Tavarozzi, essential caregivers to their To read it all would take hours, Paula Fowler, essential caregiver to mother which is why I will post every page of her father Mariam Barakzoy, essential care- it on my website. Let it be a perma- Rachel Sanchez, essential caregiver giver to her mother nent reminder of the need for this body to her mother Marilynn Lester, essential caregiver to pass the act. Regina Clemmer and Ashley Patrick, to her 87-year-old mother, Ruth Lester Each of these stories, we will try to essential caregivers to their sister Teresa Trimpler, essential caregiver get them through. We have another Veronica ‘‘Roni’’ Ferraro, essential to her parents, Maria and Enrique Her- year and a half left of the term to try caregiver to her husband nandez to get them through Special Orders or Sam Kukich, essential caregiver to Simone Kraemer, essential caregiver other ways on the floor so that these her grandmother to her mother people can be properly recognized. Sandra Waters, essential caregiver to Ila Haymaker, essential caregiver to Before I close, I want to share some her mother her mother additional names of people who also Sharon Echtmann, essential care- Tim Wall, essential caregiver to his submitted their stories, so that their giver to her husband mother, Peggy Martin Wall Sherri Ustich, essential caregiver to Maitely Weismann, essential care- names are in the RECORD: Bill Borelle, essential caregiver to her special needs daughter giver to her mother, Celia Weismann Charles Galligan, essential caregiver his 96-year-old mother. Sommer Reider, essential caregiver Tamra Holland, essential caregiver to her mother to his father, Jack. Each of these individuals submitted to her mother, Darlene. Susan Groseclose, essential caregiver Debbie Manderville, essential care- to her husband, Dennis testimony to my office that is just as giver for her father, Wallace Suzanne Von Bargen, essential care- powerful and compelling as the seven McTaggart. giver to her mother stories I shared with you this evening. As I said, I will post these testi- Elmer Dengler, essential caregiver to Todd and Marla Carter, essential monies on my website and, hopefully, Sara Dengler. caregivers for Tanya, Freddy, and Kim Eastmann, essential caregiver to Linda throughout the next year and a half, I Eulala Dade. Victoria Cerrone, essential caregiver will be able to speak about each one of Ginger Vukas, essential caregiver for to her father, Vittorio these people who have given essential Virginia Ross. Bridgette Gianturco, essential care- care on behalf of a family member and Irma Rappaport, essential caregiver giver to her mother, Joy Preston the loss that these people suffered over to Lillian Felix. Jaime, essential caregiver to their the next several months. John Barabas, essential caregiver to mother, Jeanette Hohler I encourage each member of this his wife, Patricia. Bernadine Chapman, essential care- body to take time to read these stories Karen Klink, essential caregiver to giver to her brother and hear the pleas of those who suf- her mother, Cynthia. Courtney Templeton, essential care- fered. The one bit of solace I take from Katie Zaba, essential caregiver to her giver to her mother these stories is that the elected Mem- Uncle Jack. Cynthia Hadden, essential caregiver bers of Congress here tonight can do Laughing Womyn Ashonosheni, es- to her father something to prevent these tragedies sential caregiver to her 86-year-old par- John Carlone, essential caregiver to from ever happening again. ents. his mother We stand together and support pas- Laurette Klier, essential caregiver to Lynn Norman, essential caregiver to sage of the bipartisan Essential Care- her mother-in-law. their mother, Connie Power givers Act. It will protect these indi- Laurie Kruithof, essential caregiver Denise Bogan, essential caregiver to viduals and their loved ones from any to her mother. her mother, Gabrielle Lewis future harm. Lucille Powell, essential caregiver to Sally Raque, essential caregiver to I want to close by thanking Con- her husband, Jack. her 90-year-old mother gressman LARSON from Connecticut for Amy Saunders, essential caregiver to Julie Lewis, essential caregiver to leading this bipartisan effort with me. her mother, Gloria Kravetz. her 80-year-old father I also want to thank the bill’s other co- Beth Segessenman, essential care- Amy Mcguire, essential caregiver to sponsors: , JOHN RUTH- giver to her mother. her mother, Frances Dowell ERFORD, YVETTE HERRELL, MADISON

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.103 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3304 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 CAWTHORN, , TED corded on any vote taken by the Committee, his corrections, the staff director shall be so BUDD, , and STEVE except for the purpose of creating a quorum. notified. (c) Members who have received unanimous COHEN. (b) Proxies will be allowed on any such consent to submit written questions to wit- Tomorrow morning, I will be joined votes for the purpose of recording a mem- ber’s position on a question only when the nesses shall be allowed two days within by caregivers from all over the country absentee Committee member has been in- which to submit these to the staff director at the Capitol steps to call for the formed of the question and has affirmatively for transmission to the witnesses. The record House to take up our bill and make requested that he be recorded. may be held open for a period not to exceed two weeks awaiting the responses by wit- right this injustice. No individual de- RULE 5.—OPEN AND CLOSED MEETINGS serves the indignity of suffering alone. nesses. (a) Each meeting for the transaction of (d) A witness may obtain a transcript copy We can fix this, and we must. business of the Committee shall be open to of his testimony given at a public session or, May God bless all of those who suf- the public except when the Committee, in if given at an executive session, when au- fered and all of those essential care- open session and with a quorum present, de- thorized by the Committee. Testimony re- givers around our Nation. We are termines by roll call vote that all or part of ceived in closed hearings shall not be re- grateful to you. the remainder of the meeting on that day leased or included in any report without the Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- shall be closed to the public. No such vote approval of the Committee. ance of my time. shall be required to close a meeting that re- RULE 10.—WITNESSES FOR COMMITTEE HEARINGS lates solely to internal budget or personnel f (a) Selection of witnesses for Committee matters. hearings shall be made by the Committee PUBLICATION OF COMMITTEE (b) No person other than members of the staff under the direction of the Chair. A list RULES Committee, and such congressional staff and of proposed witnesses shall be submitted to other representatives as they may authorize, the members of the Committee for review RULES OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING shall be present in any business session that sufficiently in advance of the hearings to FOR THE 117TH CONGRESS has been closed to the public. permit suggestions by the Committee mem- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, RULE 6.—ALTERNATING CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR bers to receive appropriate consideration. COMMITTEE ON HOUSE ADMINISTRATION, BY CONGRESSES (b) The Chair shall provide adequate time Washignton, DC, June 29, 2021. (a) The Chair and Vice Chair of the Com- for questioning of witnesses by all members, Hon. NANCY PELOSI, mittee shall alternate between the House including minority Members and the rule of Speaker, House of Representatives, germaneness shall be enforced in all hearings and the Senate by Congresses: The senior Washington, D.C. notified. member of the minority party in the House DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: As Vice Chair of (c) Whenever a hearing is conducted by the the Joint Committee on Printing I hereby of Congress opposite of that of the Chair Committee upon any measure or matter, the submit the committee rules for the 117th shall be the Ranking Minority Member of minority on the Committee shall be entitled, Congress. the Committee. upon unanimous request to the Chair before Sincerely, (b) In the event the House and Senate are the completion of such hearings, to call wit- under different party control, the Chair and ZOE LOFGREN, nesses selected by the minority to testify Vice Chair shall represent the majority Chairperson. with respect to the measure or matter dur- party in their respective Houses. When the ing at least one day of hearing thereon. RULE 1.—COMMITTEE RULES Chair and Vice-Chair represent different par- RULE 11.—CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION (a) The rules of the Senate and House inso- ties, the Vice-Chair shall also fulfill the re- FURNISHED TO THE COMMITTEE far as they are applicable, shall govern the sponsibilities of the Ranking Minority Mem- The information contained in any books, Committee. ber as prescribed by these rules. (b) The Committee’s rules shall be pub- papers or documents furnished to the Com- RULE 7.—PARLIAMENTARY QUESTIONS lished in the Congressional Record as soon as mittee by any individual, partnership, cor- possible following the Committee’s organiza- Questions as to the order of business and poration or other legal entity shall, upon the tional meeting in each odd-numbered year. the procedures of Committee shall in the request of the individual, partnership, cor- (c) Where these rules require a vote of the first instance be decided by the Chair; sub- poration or entity furnishing the same, be members of the Committee, polling of mem- ject always to an appeal to the Committee. maintained in strict confidence by the mem- bers either in writing or by telephone shall RULE 8.—HEARINGS: PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS bers and staff of the Committee, except that any such information may be released out- not be permitted to substitute for a vote AND WITNESSES side of executive session of the Committee if taken at a Committee meeting, unless the (a) The Chair, in the case of hearings to be Ranking Minority Member assents to waiver the release thereof is effected in a manner conducted by the Committee, shall make which will not reveal the identity of such in- of this requirement. public announcement of the date, place and (d) Proposals for amending Committee dividual, partnership, corporation or entity subject matter of any hearing to be con- rules shall be sent to all members at least in connection with any pending hearing or as ducted on any measure or matter at least one week before final action is taken there- a part of a duly authorized report of the one week before the commencement of that on, unless the amendment is made by unani- Committee if such release is deemed essen- hearing unless the Committee determines mous consent. tial to the performance of the functions of that there is good cause to begin such hear- the Committee and is in the public interest. RULE 2.—REGULAR COMMITTEE MEETINGS ing at an earlier date. In the latter event, RULE 12.—BROADCASTING OF COMMITTEE (a) The regular meeting date of the Com- the Chair shall make such public announce- HEARINGS mittee shall be the second Wednesday of ment at the earliest possible date. The staff The rule for broadcasting of Committee every month when the House and Senate are director of the Committee shall promptly hearings shall be the same as Rule XI, clause in session. A regularly scheduled meeting notify the Daily Digest of the Congressional 4, of the Rules of the House of Representa- need not be held if there is no business to be Record as soon as possible after such public tives. considered and after appropriate notification announcement is made. RULE 13.—COMMITTEE REPORTS is made to the Ranking Minority Member. (b) So far as practicable, all witnesses ap- Additional meetings may be called by the pearing before the Committee shall file ad- (a) No Committee report shall be made Chair, as he may deem necessary or at the vance written statements of their proposed public or transmitted to the Congress with- request of the majority of the members of testimony at least 48 hours in advance of out the approval of a majority of the Com- the Committee. their appearance and their oral testimony mittee except when Congress has adjourned: (b) If the Chair of the Committee is not shall be limited to brief summaries. Limited provided that any member of the Committee may make a report supplementary to or dis- present at any meeting of the Committee, insertions or additional germane material senting from the majority report. Such sup- the Vice Chair or Ranking Member of the will be received for the record, subject to the plementary or dissenting reports should be majority party on the Committee who is approval of the Chair. present shall preside at the meeting. as brief as possible. RULE 9.—OFFICIAL HEARING RECORD (b) Factual reports by the Committee staff RULE 3.—QUORUM (a) An accurate stenographic record shall may be printed for distribution to Com- (a) Five members of the Committee shall be kept of all Committee proceedings and ac- mittee members and the public only upon constitute a quorum, which is required for tions. Brief supplemental materials when re- authorization of the Chair either with the the purpose of closing meetings, promul- quired to clarify the transcript may be in- approval of a majority of the Committee or gating Committee orders or changing the serted in the record subject to the approval with the consent of the Ranking Minority rules of the Committee. of the Chair. Member. (b) Three members shall constitute a (b) Each member of the Committee shall be RULE 14.—CONFIDENTIALITY OF COMMITTEE quorum for purposes of taking testimony and provided with a copy of the hearing tran- REPORTS receiving evidence. script for the purpose of correcting errors of No summary of a Committee report, pre- RULE 4.—PROXIES transcription and grammar, and clarifying diction of the contents of a report, or state- (a) Written or telegraphic proxies of Com- questions or remarks. If any other person is ment of conclusions concerning any inves- mittee members will be received and re- authorized by a Committee Member to make tigation shall be made by a member of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29JN7.105 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3305 Committee or by any staff member of the the professional standing of an individual, or 4. Proxy voting shall be allowed on all Committee prior to the issuance of a report otherwise to expose an individual to public measures and matters before the committee. of the Committee. contempt or obloquy, or will represent a However, the vote of the committee to re- RULE 15.—COMMITTEE STAFF clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy of port a measure or matters shall require the an individual; concurrence of a majority of the members of (a) The Committee shall have a staff direc- (D) will disclose the identity of any in- the committee who are physically present at tor, selected by the Chair. The staff director former or law enforcement agent or will dis- the time of the vote. Proxies will be allowed shall be an employee of the House of Rep- close any information relating to the inves- in such cases solely for the purpose of re- resentatives or of the Senate. tigation or prosecution of a criminal offense cording a member’s position on the question (b) The Ranking Minority Member may that is required to be kept secret in the in- and then only in those instances when the designate an employee of the House of Rep- terest of effective law enforcement; absentee committee member has been in- resentatives or of the Senate as the minority (E) will disclose information relating to formed of the question and has affirmatively staff director. the trade secrets or financial or commercial requested that he be recorded. (Paragraph (c) The staff director, under the general su- information pertaining specifically to a 7(a)(3) of rule XXVI of the Standing Rules.) pervision of the Chair, is authorized to deal given person if— directly with agencies of the Government (1) an Act of Congress requires the infor- TITLE IV—DELEGATION AND AUTHORITY TO THE and with non-Government groups and indi- mation to be kept confidential by Govern- CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR viduals on behalf of the Committee. ment officers and employees; or 1. The Chair and Vice Chair are authorized (d) The Chair or staff director shall timely (2) the information has been obtained by to sign all necessary vouchers and routine notify the Ranking Minority Member or the the Government on a confidential basis, papers for which the committee’s approval is minority staff director of decisions made on other than through an application by such required and to decide on the committee’s behalf of the Committee. person for a specific Government financial or behalf on all routine business. RULE 16.—COMMITTEE CHAIR other benefit, and is required to be kept se- 2. The Chair is authorized to engage com- cret in order to prevent undue injury to the mercial reporters for the preparation of tran- The Chair of the Committee may establish benefit, and is required to be kept secret in scripts of committee meetings and hearings. such other procedures and take such actions order to prevent undue injury to the com- 3. The Chair is authorized to issue, on be- as may be necessary to carry out the fore- petitive position of such person; or half of the committee, regulations normally going rules or to facilitate the effective oper- (F) may divulge matters required to kept promulgated by the committee at the begin- ation of the Committee. Specifically, the confidential under the provisions of law or ning of each session. Chair is authorized, during the interim peri- Government regulation. (Paragraph 5(b) of ods between meetings of the Committee, to rule XXVI of the Standing Rules of the Sen- f act on all requests submitted by any execu- ate.) tive department, independent agency, tem- 3. Written notices of committee meetings ENROLLED BILL SIGNED porary or permanent commissions and com- will normally be sent by the committee’s Cheryl L. Johnson, Clerk of the mittees of the Federal Government, the Gov- staff director to all members at least 3 days House, reported and found truly en- ernment Publishing Office and any other in advance. In addition, the committee staff Federal entity, pursuant to the requirements rolled a bill of the House of the fol- will email or telephone reminders of com- lowing title, which was thereupon of applicable Federal law and regulations. mittee meetings to all members of the com- signed by the Speaker: f mittee or to the appropriate staff assistants in their offices. H.R. 2441. An act to direct the Secretary of PUBLICATION OF COMMITTEE 4. A copy of the committee’s intended Veterans Affairs to expand the Rural Access RULES agenda enumerating separate items of com- Network for Growth Enhancement Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs, and RULES OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE OF CONGRESS mittee business will normally be sent to all to direct the Comptroller General of the ON THE LIBRARY FOR THE 117TH CONGRESS members of the committee by the staff direc- tor at least 1 day in advance of all meetings. United States to conduct a study to assess HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, This does not preclude any member of the certain mental health care resources of the COMMITTEE ON HOUSE ADMINISTRATION, committee from raising appropriate non- Department of Veterans Affairs available to Washington, DC, June 29, 2021. agenda topics. veterans who live in rural areas. Hon. NANCY PELOSI, 5. Any witness who is to appear before the Speaker, House of Representatives, committee in any hearing shall file with the f Washington, DC. clerk of the committee at least 3 business DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: As Chairperson of SENATE ENROLLED JOINT days before the date of his or her appearance, RESOLUTIONS SIGNED the Joint Committee of Congress on the Li- a written statement of his or her proposed brary, I hereby submit the committee rules testimony and an executive summary there- The Speaker announced her signa- for the 117th Congress. of, in such form as the Chair may direct, un- ture to enrolled joint resolutions of the Sincerely, less the Chair waived such a requirement for Senate of the following titles: ZOE LOFGREN, good cause. Chairperson. S.J. Res. 13—A Joint Resolution providing TITLE II—QUORUMS for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 TITLE I—MEETINGS OF THE COMMITTEE 1. Pursuant to paragraph 7(a)(1) of rule of title 5, United States Code, of the rule 1. Regular meetings may be called by the XXVI of the Standing Rules, 4 members of submitted by the Equal Employment Oppor- Chair, with the concurrence of the Vice the committee shall constitute a quorum. tunity Commission relating to ‘‘Update of Chair, as may be deemed necessary or pursu- 2. Pursuant to paragraph 7(a)(2) of rule Commission’s Conciliation Procedures’’. ant to the provision of paragraph 3 of rule XXVI of the Standing Rules, 2 members of S.J. Res 14—A Joint Resolution providing XXVI of the Standing Rules of the Senate. the committee shall constitute a quorum for for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 2. Meetings of the committee, including the purpose of taking testimony; provided, of title 5, United States Code, of the rule meetings to conduct hearings, shall be open however, once a quorum is established, any submitted by the Environmental Protection to the public, except that a meeting or series one member can continue to take such testi- Agency relating to ‘‘Oil and Natural Gas of meetings by the committee on the same mony. Sector: Emission Standards for New, Recon- subject for a period of no more than 14 cal- 3. Under no circumstance may proxies be structed, and Modified Sources Review’’. endar days may be closed to the public on a considered for the establishment of a S.J. Res. 15—A Joint Resolution providing motion made and seconded to go into closed quorum. for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 session to discuss only whether the matters TITLE III—VOTING of title 5, United States Code, of the rule enumerated in subparagraphs (A) through 1. Voting in the committee on any issue submitted by the Office of the Comptroller of (F) would require the meeting to be closed will normally be by voice vote. Currency relating to ‘‘National Banks and followed immediately by a recorded vote in 2. If a third of the members present so de- Federal Savings Associations as Lenders’’. open session by a majority of the members of mand, a recorded vote will be taken on any the committee when it is determined that question by roll call. f the matters to be discussed or the testimony 3. The results of roll call votes taken in to be taken at such meeting or meetings— any meeting upon a measure, or any amend- ADJOURNMENT (A) will disclose matters necessary to be ment thereto, shall be stated in the com- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- kept secret in the interests of national de- mittee report on that measure unless pre- ant to section 11(b) of House Resolu- fense or the confidential conduct of the for- viously announced by the committee, and tion 188, the House stands adjourned eign relations of the United States; such report or announcement shall include a until noon tomorrow. (B) will relate solely to matters of the tabulation of the votes cast in favor and the committee staff personnel or internal staff votes cast in opposition to each measure and Thereupon (at 9 o’clock and 25 min- management or procedures; amendment by each member of the com- utes p.m.), under its previous order, the (C) will tend to charge an individual with mittee. (Paragraph 7(b) and (c) of rule XXVI House adjourned until tomorrow, crime or misconduct, to disgrace or injure of the Standing Rules.) Wednesday, June 30, 2021, at noon.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.058 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3306 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and port on H.R. 3684. A bill to authorize funds ETC. Commerce. for Federal-aid highways, highway safety EC–1506. A letter from the Associate Direc- programs, and transit programs, and for Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- other purposes (Rept. 117–70, Pt. 2). communications were taken from the ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting Mr. DESAULNIER: Committee on Rules. Speaker’s table and referred as follows: the Agency’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; House Resolution 508. Resolution providing EC–1498. A letter from the Associate Direc- Indiana; Emissions Reporting Rule [EPA- for further consideration of the bill (H.R. tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- R05-OAR-2020-0387; FRL-10024-93-Region 5] re- 3684) to authorize funds for Federal-Aid ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting ceived June 23, 2021, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Highways, Highway Safety Programs, and the Agency’s final rule — Rescission of the 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Transit Programs, and for other purposes; Source-Specific Federal Implementation Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and and for other purposes (Rept. 117–75). Re- Plan for Navajo Generating Station, Navajo Commerce. ferred to the House Calendar. Nation [EPA-R09-OAR-2021-0018; FRL-10024- EC–1507. A letter from the Associate Direc- Mr. PALLONE: Committee on Energy and 15-Region 9] received June 23, 2021, pursuant tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- Commerce. H.R. 3291. A bill to amend the to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting Safe Drinking Water Act to provide assist- Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on the Agency’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; ance for States, territories, areas affected by Energy and Commerce. Illinois; Volatile Organic Material Definition natural disasters, and water systems and EC–1499. A letter from the Associate Direc- Update [EPA-R05-OAR-2020-0542; FRL-10024- schools affected by PFAS or lead, and to re- tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- 89-Region 5] received June 23, 2021, pursuant quire the Environmental Protection Agency ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, to promulgate national primary drinking the Agency’s final rule — Tolfenpyrad; Pes- Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on water regulations for PFAS, microcystin ticide Tolerances [EPA-HQ-OPP-2020-0067; Energy and Commerce. toxin, and 1,4-dioxane, and for other pur- FRL-10024-51] received June 23, 2021, pursu- EC–1508. A letter from the Associate Direc- poses; with an amendment (Rept. 117–76). Re- ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- ferred to the Committee of the Whole House 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting on the state of the Union. on Energy and Commerce. the Agency’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; Mr. PALLONE: Committee on Energy and EC–1500. A letter from the Associate Direc- Connecticut; Definitions of emergency and Commerce. H.R. 3293. A bill to amend the tor, Regulatory Management Divsion, Envi- emergency engine [EPA-R01-OAR-2010-0042; Safe Drinking Water Act and the Federal ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting FRL-10024-87-Region 1] received June 23, 2021, Water Pollution Control Act to establish the Agency’s final rule — Purpureocillium pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law programs to assist low-income households in Lilacinum Strain PL11; Exemption From the 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- maintaining access to drinking water and Requirement of a Tolerance [EPA-HQ-OPP- mittee on Energy and Commerce. wastewater services, and for other purposes; 2016-0073; FRL-10023-91] received June 23, EC–1509. A letter from the Associate Direc- with an amendment (Rept. 117–77, Pt. 1). Or- 2021, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- dered to be printed. Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting f Committee on Energy and Commerce. the Agency’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; EC–1501. A letter from the Associate Direc- Arizona; Stationary Sources; New Source PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- Review Updates [EPA-R09-OAR-2020-0589; FRL-10024-21-Region 9] received June 23, 2021, Under clause 2 of rule XII, public ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting bills and resolutions of the following the Agency’s final rule — National Primary pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law Drinking Water Regulations: Lead and Cop- 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- titles were introduced and severally re- per Rule Revisions; Delay of Effective and mittee on Energy and Commerce. ferred, as follows: Compliance Dates [EPA-HQ-OW-2017-0300; EC–1510. A letter from the Associate Direc- By Mr. CASTRO OF TEXAS (for himself FRL-10024-33-OW] (RIN: 2040-AG15) received tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- and Ms. TENNEY): June 23, 2021, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting H.R. 4213. A bill to establish the Young 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 the Agency’s final rule — Clean Air Plans; Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative, and for Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and 2008 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area Re- other purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Commerce. quirements; Western Nevada County, Cali- Affairs. EC–1502. A letter from the Associate Direc- fornia [EPA-R09-OAR-2019-0440; FRL-10022-39- By Mrs. LESKO (for herself and Mr. tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- Region 9] received May 19, 2021, pursuant to SCHNEIDER): ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. H.R. 4214. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- the Agency’s final rule — Nevada: Final Au- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- enue Code of 1986 to require estimated in- thorization of State Hazardous Waste Man- ergy and Commerce. come tax installments to be paid on a quar- agement Program Revisions [EPA-R09- EC–1511. A letter from the Associate Direc- terly basis; to the Committee on Ways and RCRA-2021-0047; FRL-10024-12-Region 9] re- tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- Means. ceived June 23, 2021, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting By Ms. SALAZAR (for herself, Mrs. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 the Agency’s final rule — C10-23 Alkyl LURIA, Mr. CRENSHAW, Mr. GRAVES of Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Group-Containing Alkali-Soluble Acrylic Louisiana, Mr. WEBER of Texas, Mr. Commerce. Emulsion Polymer; Exemption From the Re- NEHLS, Mr. CARL, Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT EC–1503. A letter from the Associate Direc- quirement of a Tolerance [EPA-HQ-OPP- of Georgia, Mr. LAMALFA, Mr. tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- 2021-0155; FRL-10023-33] received May 19, 2021, NEGUSE, Mr. CRAWFORD, Mrs. HINSON, ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law Mrs. MILLER of West Virginia, Mr. the Agency’s final rule — Improvements for 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- GIMENEZ, Mr. ROUZER, Mr. SWALWELL, Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Test Proce- mittee on Energy and Commerce. Ms. LETLOW, Mrs. MILLER-MEEKS, Ms. dures, and Other Technical Amendments EC–1512. A letter from the Associate Direc- MALLIOTAKIS, Mr. HIGGINS of Lou- [EPA-HQ-OAR-2019-0307; FRL-10018-52-OAR] tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- isiana, Mrs. RODGERS of Washington, (RIN: 2060-AU62) received June 23, 2021, pur- ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting Mr. RICE of South Carolina, Mr. suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- the Agency’s final rule — Approval and Pro- MAST, Ms. MACE, Mr. VALADAO, Mr. 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee mulgation of Implementation Plans; State of BABIN, Mr. CARTER of Georgia, Mr. on Energy and Commerce. Utah; Logan, Utah-Idaho PM2.5 Redesigna- CLOUD, Mr. CASE, Mr. MURPHY of EC–1504. A letter from the Associate Direc- tion to Attainment, Maintenance Plan, and North Carolina, Miss GONZA´ LEZ- tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- Rule Revisions [EPA-R08-OAR-2020-0021; COLO´ N, Mr. MANN, Mr. BENTZ, Mr. ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting FRL-10023-84-Region 8] received May 19, 2021, GUEST, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, and Mr. the Agency’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law CRIST): Ohio; Lead [EPA-R05-OAR-2020-0468; FRL- 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- H.R. 4215. A bill to direct the Adminis- 10024-91-Region 5] received June 23, 2021, pur- mittee on Energy and Commerce. trator of the Small Business Administration suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- f to increase certain disaster loan limits, and 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee for other purposes; to the Committee on on Energy and Commerce. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON Small Business. EC–1505. A letter from the Associate Direc- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. STEIL (for himself, Mr. RODNEY tor, Regulatory Management Division, Envi- Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. LOUDERMILK, ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting committees were delivered to the Clerk Mr. GROTHMAN, Mr. JOHNSON of South the Agency’s final rule — Air Plan Approval; Dakota, Ms. STEFANIK, Mr. WILSON of Michigan; Part 9 Miscellaneous Rule [EPA- for printing and reference to the proper South Carolina, Ms. TENNEY, Mrs. R05-OAR-2020-0729; FRL-10024-97-Region 5] re- calendar, as follows: WAGNER, Mr. DONALDS, Mr. TIFFANY, ceived June 23, 2021, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Mr. DEFAZIO: Committee on Transpor- Mr. FITZGERALD, Mr. GALLAGHER, and 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 tation and Infrastructure. Supplemental re- Mr. ARMSTRONG):

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L29JN7.000 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3307

H.R. 4216. A bill to direct the Joint Com- Massachusetts, Ms. CLARKE of New H.R. 4233. A bill to amend title 38, United mittee on the Library to replace the bust of York, Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. CRIST, Mr. States Code, to furnish Vet Center readjust- Roger Brooke Taney in the Old Supreme DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, Ms. DEAN, ment counseling and related mental health Court Chamber of the United States Capitol Mrs. DEMINGS, Mr. DESAULNIER, Mr. services to veterans and members of the with a bust of Clarence Thomas to be ob- BEYER, Mr. ESPAILLAT, Mr. EVANS, Armed Forces using certain educational as- tained by the Joint Committee on the Li- Mr. HUFFMAN, Ms. JAYAPAL, Mr. sistance benefits; to the Committee on Vet- brary; to the Committee on House Adminis- JOHNSON of Georgia, Mr. KEATING, erans’ Affairs. tration. Ms. KELLY of Illinois, Mr. KHANNA, By Mr. NORMAN (for himself, Mr. DUN- By Ms. BARRAGA´ N (for herself, Mr. Ms. LEE of California, Mr. CAN, Mr. BUDD, Mr. MASSIE, Mrs. BUCSHON, Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER, and LOWENTHAL, Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALO- GREENE of Georgia, Mr. LAMALFA, Mrs. KIM of California): NEY of New York, Ms. MENG, Ms. Mr. GAETZ, Mr. HERN, Mr. BABIN, Mr. H.R. 4217. A bill to amend the Public NORTON, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. PETERS, Mr. WOMACK, Mr. BROOKS, and Mr. Health Service Act to provide for the estab- QUIGLEY, Mr. RASKIN, Mr. GRIJALVA, CRAWFORD): lishment of a Task Force on Maternal Men- Miss RICE of New York, Mr. RUPPERS- H.R. 4234. A bill to prohibit the removal of tal Health, and for other purposes; to the BERGER, Mr. SOTO, Ms. SPANBERGER, a statue provided by a State for display in Committee on Energy and Commerce. Mr. SUOZZI, Ms. TITUS, and Mrs. WAT- National Statuary Hall unless two-thirds of By Ms. BROWNLEY: SON COLEMAN): the members of the State’s congressional H.R. 4218. A bill to amend title 38, United H.R. 4225. A bill to amend chapter 44 of delegation approve the removal, and for States Code, to increase the frequency that title 18, United States Code, to prohibit the other purposes; to the Committee on House the Advisory Committee on Women Veterans distribution of 3D printer plans for the print- Administration. shall submit a report to the Secretary of ing of firearms, and for other purposes; to By Mr. PALLONE: Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 4235. A bill to require the Adminis- the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. By Mr. GIMENEZ: trator of the National Oceanic and Atmos- By Ms. CHENEY: H.R. 4226. A bill to restrict the ability of pheric Administration to award grants to H.R. 4219. A bill to amend the Mineral the Administrator of the Federal Emergency certain entities for purposes of carrying out Leasing Act to adjust the royalty rates for Management Agency to adjust the rates for climate-resilient living shoreline projects leases for coal mining and oil and gas extrac- flood insurance coverage under the National that protect coastal communities, and for tion on Federal land, and for other purposes; Flood Insurance Program, and for other pur- other purposes; to the Committee on Natural to the Committee on Natural Resources. poses; to the Committee on Financial Serv- Resources, and in addition to the Committee By Ms. CHU (for herself, Mr. PANETTA, ices. on Science, Space, and Technology, for a pe- Mr. POCAN, Mr. CLEAVER, Ms. TITUS, By Mr. HOLLINGSWORTH: riod to be subsequently determined by the and Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Penn- H.R. 4227. A bill to require the Securities Speaker, in each case for consideration of sylvania): and Exchange Commission to revise the defi- such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- H.R. 4220. A bill to amend the National and nition of a qualifying investment, for pur- tion of the committee concerned. Community Service Act of 1990 to establish a poses of the exemption from registration for By Mr. PASCRELL: National Climate Service Corps to help com- venture capital fund advisers under the In- H.R. 4236. A bill to guarantee that grants munities withstand and respond to changes vestment Advisers Act of 1940, to include an are made under the health profession oppor- in the Earth’s climate with respect to nat- equity security issued by a qualifying port- tunity grant program under section 2008 of ural disasters, and for other purposes; to the folio company and to include an investment the Social Security Act to grantees in each Committee on Education and Labor. in another venture capital fund, and for State that is not a territory, and for other By Mr. CLOUD: other purposes; to the Committee on Finan- purposes; to the Committee on Ways and H.R. 4221. A bill to direct the United States cial Services. Means. Postal Service to designate 77416 as the sin- By Mr. KILMER: By Ms. PRESSLEY (for herself, Ms. gle, unique ZIP Code for Sargent, Texas, and H.R. 4228. A bill to amend the Immigration WATERS, and Ms. TLAIB): for other purposes; to the Committee on and Nationality Act with respect to mem- H.R. 4237. A bill to protect and empower Oversight and Reform. bers of a federally recognized Indian Tribe in residents of certain federally assisted rental By Mr. CONNOLLY (for himself, Mr. the United States or Canada; to the Com- housing, and for other purposes; to the Com- RYAN, and Ms. WEXTON): mittee on the Judiciary. mittee on Financial Services. H.R. 4222. A bill to amend title 5, United By Ms. KUSTER (for herself and Mr. By Ms. PRESSLEY: States Code, to include certain overtime pay JOYCE of Ohio): H.R. 4238. A bill to provide grants to States received by members of the Capitol Police in H.R. 4229. A bill to reauthorize grants for to encourage the implementation and main- the computation of annuities for such mem- the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Net- tenance of firearms licensing requirements, bers, and for other purposes; to the Com- work, and for other purposes; to the Com- and for other purposes; to the Committee on mittee on House Administration, and in ad- mittee on the Judiciary. the Judiciary. dition to the Committee on Oversight and By Mrs. LURIA (for herself and Mr. By Mr. SCHRADER (for himself, Mr. Reform, for a period to be subsequently de- ZELDIN): JOHNSON of South Dakota, Mr. termined by the Speaker, in each case for H.R. 4230. A bill to support the full imple- GARAMENDI, and Mrs. HARTZLER): consideration of such provisions as fall with- mentation of United Nations Security Coun- H.R. 4239. A bill to amend the Animal in the jurisdiction of the committee con- cil Resolution 1701, reduce Hizballah’s influ- Health Protection Act with respect to the cerned. ence in Lebanon, address security threats to importation of live dogs, and for other pur- By Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS OF ILLINOIS: Lebanon, and for other purposes; to the Com- poses; to the Committee on Agriculture. H.R. 4223. A bill to provide grants for the mittee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. SCHWEIKERT: conduct of demonstration projects designed By Mr. MCCLINTOCK (for himself, Mr. H.R. 4240. A bill to prohibit digital plat- to provide education and training for eligible LAMALFA, Ms. HERRELL, Ms. CHENEY, forms from using information about a user individuals with an arrest or conviction and Mr. STAUBER): unless the user consents to such use, to en- record to enter and follow a career pathway H.R. 4231. A bill to direct the Secretary sure personal information is considered a in the health professions through occupa- concerned to coordinate with impacted par- property right, and for other purposes; to the tions that pay well and are expected to expe- ties when conducting a forest management Committee on Energy and Commerce. rience a labor shortage or be in high demand, activity, and for other purposes; to the Com- By Ms. SPEIER (for herself, Ms. under the health profession opportunity mittee on Agriculture, and in addition to the ESCOBAR, Mr. CARBAJAL, Ms. LEE of grant program under section 2008 of the So- Committee on Natural Resources, for a pe- California, Mr. POSEY, Ms. NORTON, cial Security Act; to the Committee on Ways riod to be subsequently determined by the Mrs. KIRKPATRICK, and Mrs. HAYES): and Means. Speaker, in each case for consideration of H.R. 4241. A bill to require the Secretary of By Mr. DELGADO (for himself, Mr. such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- Defense to conduct testing, removal, and re- FITZPATRICK, and Mr. PAPPAS): tion of the committee concerned. mediation of perfluoroalkyl substances and H.R. 4224. A bill to require, pursuant to the By Mr. MOONEY (for himself and Mr. polyfluoroalkyl substances at all military Federal Water Pollution Control Act, disclo- LUETKEMEYER): installations, formerly used defense sites, sure of the introduction of perfluoroalkyl or H.R. 4232. A bill to require financial regu- and State-owned facilities of the National polyfluoroalkyl substances into treatment latory agencies to annually review guidance Guard in the United States; to the Com- works, and for other purposes; to the Com- issued, and for other purposes; to the Com- mittee on Armed Services. mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- mittee on Financial Services, and in addi- By Ms. STEVENS: ture. tion to the Committee on Agriculture, for a H.R. 4242. A bill to extend the trade adjust- By Mr. DEUTCH (for himself, Mr. period to be subsequently determined by the ment assistance program for one month; to SCHNEIDER, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Speaker, in each case for consideration of the Committee on Ways and Means. Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- By Mr. TIMMONS: York, Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER, Mr. tion of the committee concerned. H.R. 4243. A bill to amend the Investment CA´ RDENAS, Mr. CASTEN, Ms. CASTOR By Mr. MURPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA Company Act of 1940 with respect to the defi- of Florida, Ms. CHU, Ms. CLARK of (for himself and Mr. BOST): nition of qualifying venture capital funds,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L29JN7.100 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H3308 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 29, 2021 and for other purposes; to the Committee on United States, or in any department or offi- By Mr. HOLLINGSWORTH: Financial Services. cer thereof. H.R. 4227. By Mr. TRONE (for himself and Mrs. By Mrs. LESKO: Congress has the power to enact this legis- MCCLAIN): H.R. 4214. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4244. A bill to make amendments to Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 the names of certain agencies to help end the lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. KILMER: stigmatization of substance use disorder, and Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 provides Con- H.R. 4228. for other purposes; to the Committee on En- gress with the power to ‘‘lay and collect Congress has the power to enact this legis- ergy and Commerce. Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises’’. lation pursuant to the following: By Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ: By Ms. SALAZAR: Article I, Section 8 H.R. 4245. A bill to require public benefit H.R. 4215. By Ms. KUSTER: corporations to accept cash for certain Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4229. transportation as a condition of receiving lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Federal funds, and for other purposes; to the Article I Section 8 lation pursuant to the following: ´ Committee on Transportation and Infra- By Ms. BARRAGAN: Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United structure. H.R. 4217. States Constitution, the Taxing and Spend- By Ms. SPEIER (for herself, Ms. Congress has the power to enact this legis- ing Clause: ‘‘The Congress shall have Power SHERRILL, Ms. NORTON, Ms. CHU, Mrs. lation pursuant to the following: To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts Article 1 Section 8 of the United States CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for Constitution Mrs. TRAHAN, Mrs. LAWRENCE, Mr. the common Defense and general Welfare of By Ms. BROWNLEY: CICILLINE, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Mr. the United States . . .’’ H.R. 4218. MCGOVERN, Ms. MENG, Ms. ROSS, Mr. By Mrs. LURIA: Congress has the power to enact this legis- LEVIN of Michigan, Ms. JAYAPAL, Mr. H.R. 4230. lation pursuant to the following: KAHELE, and Ms. SCHAKOWSKY): Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8 H. Con. Res. 39. Concurrent resolution ex- lation pursuant to the following: By Ms. CHENEY: pressing the sense of Congress that title IX ‘‘U.S. Constitution, Article 8, Necessary H.R. 4219. and Proper Clause’’ of the Education Amendments of 1972 applies Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. MCCLINTOCK: to the National Collegiate Athletics Associa- lation pursuant to the following: tion (NCAA), and the National Collegiate H.R. 4231. Clause 16 of Section 8 of Article I of the Congress has the power to enact this legis- Athletics Association (NCAA) should work Constitution: To make all Laws which shall to prevent discrimination on the basis of sex lation pursuant to the following: be necessary and proper for carrying into Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2 (the Prop- in its programs and activities; to the Com- Execution the foregoing Powers, and all mittee on Education and Labor. erty Clause), which confers on Congress the other Powers vested by this Constitution in power to make all needful Rules and Regula- By Mr. POSEY: the Government of the United States or in H. Res. 509. A resolution recognizing a tions respecting the property belonging to any Department or Officer thereof. the United States Space Coast Symbol of Kindness and urging By Ms. CHU: acts of kindness throughout our Nation; to By Mr. MOONEY: H.R. 4220. H.R. 4232. the Committee on Education and Labor. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. TORRES OF NEW YORK (for him- Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: self, Mr. GALLEGO, Mr. VARGAS, Mr. Art. 1, Sec. 8 ‘‘The Congress shall have Article 1 Section 8 of the United Constitu- MCGOVERN, Mr. ESPAILLAT, Mr. Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Im- tion NEGUSE, Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of posts and Excises, to pay the Debts and pro- New York, Ms. CLARKE of New York, By Mr. MURPHY of North Carolina: vide for the common Defence and general H.R. 4233. Ms. ESCOBAR, Mr. RUIZ, Ms. Welfare of the United States.’’ Congress has the power to enact this legis- BARRAGA´ N, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Mr. By Mr. CLOUD: lation pursuant to the following: SAN NICOLAS, Ms. MENG, Ms. NORTON, H.R. 4221. Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Ms. SA´ NCHEZ, Mr. SIRES, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Constitution CA´ RDENAS, Mr. GREEN of Texas, and lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. NORMAN: Ms. BONAMICI): Article 1, Section 8, Clause 7 H. Res. 510. A resolution recognizing the The Congress shall have Power To . . . es- H.R. 4234. Congress has the power to enact this legis- month of June as ‘‘Immigrant Heritage tablish Post Offices and post Roads . . . lation pursuant to the following: Month’’, a celebration of the accomplish- By Mr. CONNOLLY: ments and contributions immigrants and H.R. 4222. Artcile I, Section 8 their children have made in making the Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. PALLONE: United States a healthier, safer, more di- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4235. Congress has the power to enact this legis- verse, prosperous country, and acknowl- Article 1, Section 8 of the United States lation pursuant to the following: edging the importance of immigrants and Constitution. Pursuant to clause 3(d)(1) of rule XIII of their children to the future successes of the By Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois: the Rules of the House of Representatives, United States; to the Committee on the Ju- H.R. 4223. the Committee finds the authority for this diciary. Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: legislation in article 1, section 8 of the Con- f Article I of the Constitution and its subse- stitution. CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY quent amendments and further clarified and By Mr. PASCRELL: STATEMENT interpreted by the Supreme Court of the H.R. 4236. United States. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of By Mr. DELGADO: lation pursuant to the following: the Rules of the House of Representa- H.R. 4224. This bill is enacted pursuant to the power tives, the following statements are sub- Congress has the power to enact this legis- granted to Congress under Article I, Section mitted regarding the specific powers lation pursuant to the following: 8, Clause 18 of the United States Constitu- granted to Congress in the constitution Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- tion. By Ms. PRESSLEY: to enact the accompanying bill or joint tion By Mr. DEUTCH: H.R. 4237. resolution. H.R. 4225. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. CASTRO of Texas: Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4213. lation pursuant to the following: Article 1 Section 8 of the United States Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution lation pursuant to the following: Constitution. By Ms. PRESSLEY: Constitutional Authority—Necessary and By Mr. GIMENEZ: H.R. 4238. Proper Clause (Art. I, Sec. 8, Clause 18) H.R. 4226. Congress has the power to enact this legis- THE U.S. CONSTITUTION Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: ARTICLE I, SECTION 8: POWERS OF lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 CONGRESS Article 1, section 8, clause 18—To make all By Mr. SCHRADER: CLAUSE 18 Laws which shall be neccesary and proper for H.R. 4239. The Congress shall have power . . . To carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- Congress has the power to enact this legis- make all laws which shall be necessary and ers, and all other Powers vested by this lation pursuant to the following: proper for carrying into execution the fore- Consitution in the Government of the United Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 going powers, and all other powers vested by States, or in any Department or Officer By Mr. SCHWEIKERT: this Constitution in the government of the therof. H.R. 4240.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:31 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L29JN7.100 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 29, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3309

Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1308: Mr. KAHELE. H.R. 3076: Ms. TITUS, Mr. GIBBS, Ms. KAP- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1321: Mr. C. SCOTT FRANKLIN of Flor- TUR, Mr. VAN DREW, Ms. MANNING, and Mr. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 of the U.S. ida. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Constitution: The Congress shall have Power H.R. 1334: Mr. CARTWRIGHT. H.R. 3085: Mr. NEWHOUSE, Mr. BILIRAKIS, to make all Laws which shall be necessary H.R. 1346: Mr. KAHELE. Mr. GARBARINO, and Mr. SMUCKER. and proper for carrying into Execution the H.R. 1368: Mr. GOMEZ and Mrs. STEEL. H.R. 3087: Mr. RUSH, Ms. WASSERMAN foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vest- H.R. 1381: Mr. BARR. SCHULTZ, Mr. SUOZZI, Ms. BARRAGA´ N, and Ms. ed by this Constitution in the Government of H.R. 1470: Ms. OMAR. DELBENE. the United States, or in any Department or H.R. 1485: Mr. TONKO. H.R. 3095: Mr. MALINOWSKI, Ms. ROSS, Ms. Officer thereof. H.R. 1542: Mr. KUSTOFF. PINGREE, Ms. SPANBERGER, Ms. BLUNT ROCH- By Ms. SPEIER: H.R. 1596: Ms. STRICKLAND, Mr. ESTER, Mr. SMITH of Washington, Mr. H.R. 4241. AUCHINCLOSS, and Mr. KILDEE. GOTTHEIMER, Mr. ALLEN, and Mr. COURTNEY. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1626: Mr. of Texas. H.R. 3172: Ms. WILD and Mr. FITZPATRICK. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1716: Mr. RASKIN. H.R. 3187: Mr. DEFAZIO. Article 1, Section 8: Congress shall have H.R. 1745: Mr. GOSAR, Mr. HARRIS, and Mr. H.R. 3203: Mr. GROTHMAN and Mr. LUCAS. the power to regulate commerce among the GOHMERT. H.R. 3259: Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Penn- states, and provide for the general welfare. H.R. 1764: Mr. VARGAS and Mr. VAN DREW. sylvania, Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER, Mr. RUTH- By Ms. STEVENS: H.R. 1854: Ms. WILD. ERFORD, Mr. GRIFFITH, and Mr. WENSTRUP. H.R. 4242. H.R. 1861: Mr. MANN, Mr. HAGEDORN, Mr. H.R. 3279: Mr. HIGGINS of New York. Congress has the power to enact this legis- SIMPSON, and Mr. LONG. H.R. 3281: Ms. STEFANIK, Mr. BARR, and Mr. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1933: Mr. COOPER. OBERNOLTE. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of H.R. 1956: Ms. MALLIOTAKIS. H.R. 3283: Mr. DAVIDSON. the United States. H.R. 2079: Ms. MALLIOTAKIS and Mr. TRONE. H.R. 3287: Mr. BILIRAKIS. By Mr. TIMMONS: H.R. 2116: Mr. MEEKS. H.R. 3294: Mr. VEASEY and Mr. KHANNA. H.R. 4243. H.R. 2193: Ms. MATSUI, Mr. COHEN, and Ms. H.R. 3321: Ms. of Florida, Congress has the power to enact this legis- NORTON. Mrs. HAYES, Ms. WILD, and Ms. SEWELL. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2214: Mr. PETERS. H.R. 3341: Mrs. MILLER of West Virginia, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 H.R. 2238: Mr. LAWSON of Florida. Mr. LUETKEMEYER, and Mr. PENCE. By Mr. TRONE: H.R. 2249: Ms. LOFGREN and Mr. SUOZZI. H.R. 3385: Mr. GARCIA of California, Mr. H.R. 4244. H.R. 2289: Mr. SCHRADER. TIMMONS, Mr. SAN NICOLAS, and Mrs. WATSON Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2295: Ms. BARRAGA´ N. COLEMAN. H.R. 3404: Ms. MATSUI. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2307: Mr. SCHIFF, Mr. NADLER, and Mr. H.R. 3435: Mr. MULLIN. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of DOGGETT. H.R. 3440: Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia. the United States. H.R. 2325: Mr. SWALWELL. H.R. 3443: Mr. CASTRO of Texas and Ms. By Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ: H.R. 2339: Ms. KUSTER. STEFANIK. H.R. 4245. H.R. 2346: Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI. H.R. 3468: Mr. BRADY. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2361: Ms. NORTON. H.R. 3472: Mr. SMITH of Nebraska, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2399: Ms. NORTON. KUSTOFF, Ms. PINGREE, and Mr. RODNEY Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 H.R. 2415: Mr. JONES and Mr. YARMUTH. DAVIS of Illinois. The Congress shall have Power to . . . pro- H.R. 2435: Mr. KATKO. H.R. 3474: Mr. CICILLINE and Mr. YARMUTH. H.R. 2465: Ms. LOFGREN. vide for the . . . general Welfare of the H.R. 3482: Ms. DELBENE and Mr. HIGGINS of H.R. 2466: Mr. KILDEE. United States; . . . New York. H.R. 2467: Mr. TRONE. f H.R. 3513: Mr. CARTER of Texas. H.R. 2499: Mr. DELGADO. H.R. 3519: Mr. DESAULNIER. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 2503: Mr. PETERS. H.R. 3529: Mr. THOMPSON of California. H.R. 2517: Mr. BILIRAKIS, Mr. SMUCKER, and Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 3548: Mr. DESAULNIER. Ms. TENNEY. H.R. 3554: Mr. GUEST, Mr. ADERHOLT, Mr. were added to public bills and resolu- H.R. 2525: Ms. NORTON. GRAVES of Louisiana, and Mr. RUPPERS- tions, as follows: H.R. 2600: Mr. BANKS. BERGER. H.R. 2619: Mr. ESTES and Mr. CLYDE. H.R. 3: Mr. CLEAVER and Ms. WILLIAMS of H.R. 3577: Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. MAST, Mr. H.R. 2650: Mr. PFLUGER, Ms. SHERRILL, Mr. Georgia. HICE of Georgia, Mr. BURCHETT, Mr. STEW- ISSA, Mr. TRONE, Mr. C. SCOTT FRANKLIN of H.R. 19: Mr. STEWART. ART, Mr. DAVIDSON, Mr. MEUSER, Mr. Florida, and Mr. HUDSON. H.R. 82: Ms. CLARKE of New York and Mr. PALAZZO, Ms. BROWNLEY, Mr. JOYCE of Ohio, H.R. 2654: Mr. HIMES and Mr. LAMB. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. DIAZ-BALART, Mr. ARRINGTON, Mr. COLE, H.R. 2685: Mr. MCNERNEY. H.R. 228: Mr. OBERNOLTE. Mr. TURNER, and Mr. LAMALFA. H.R. 2717: Ms. KUSTER. H.R. 263: Ms. CRAIG. H.R. 3619: Mr. BROOKS. H.R. 2740: Mr. JOYCE of Ohio. H.R. 304: Mr. POCAN. H.R. 3625: Ms. OMAR and Mr. HUFFMAN. H.R. 2748: Ms. MANNING, Ms. CHENEY, Mr. H.R. 310: Ms. ESHOO, Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI, H.R. 3671: Mrs. TRAHAN, Mr. CARTWRIGHT, MOULTON, Mrs. DEMINGS, Mrs. AXNE, Mrs. and Ms. BROWNLEY. and Mr. LEVIN of California. ARSHBARGER UIGLEY ALADAO H.R. 328: Mr. KAHELE. H , Mr. Q , Mr. V , H.R. 3672: Mr. AGUILAR. H.R. 425: Mrs. FLETCHER. Ms. ESHOO, Mr. BISHOP of North Carolina, H.R. 3685: Mr. GONZALEZ of Ohio. H.R. 475: Mr. CROW, Ms. KUSTER, Mr. Mr. BROOKS, Mr. CARTER of Texas, Mr. JOHN- H.R. 3699: Mr. CARSON. LYNCH, Mr. CARBAJAL, and Mr. MRVAN. SON of South Dakota, Mr. MALINOWSKI, Mr. H.R. 3744: Mr. DESAULNIER, Ms. KELLY of H.R. 567: Mr. ALLRED. LOUDERMILK, Mr. HARDER of California, Mrs. Illinois, and Mr. LOWENTHAL. H.R. 578: Mr. VAN DREW. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York, Mr. H.R. 3755: Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia. H.R. 623: Mrs. MURPHY of Florida and Mr. PETERS, Ms. BOURDEAUX, Mr. MULLIN, Mr. H.R. 3789: Ms. NORTON. SMUCKER. COMER, Mr. LAMB, Mr. ESPAILLAT, Mr. H.R. 3791: Ms. KUSTER. H.R. 679: Mr. JOHNSON of South Dakota. SCHWEIKERT, Mrs. FISCHBACH, and Mr. STEW- H.R. 3796: Mr. ROY. H.R. 750: Mr. MAST. ART. H.R. 3807: Ms. BARRAGA´ N, Mr. CORREA, Ms. H.R. 783: Ms. KUSTER, Ms. MALLIOTAKIS, H.R. 2759: Ms. NORTON. LOIS FRANKEL of Florida, Mr. GALLEGO, Mr. Ms. WILLIAMS of Georgia, Mr. BOST, Mr. H.R. 2773: Mr. LAWSON of Florida. JOHNSON of Georgia, Mr. SABLAN, and Mrs. COLE, and Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. H.R. 2789: Mr. JOYCE of Ohio. WATSON COLEMAN. H.R. 815: Mr. COOPER and Mrs. BEATTY. H.R. 2811: Ms. CRAIG, Mr. DONALDS, and Mr. H.R. 3808: MISS GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N. H.R. 889: Mr. C. SCOTT FRANKLIN of Florida. PERLMUTTER. H.R. 3824: Mr. CA´ RDENAS. H.R. 890: Mr. CARTWRIGHT and Ms. WILD. H.R. 2815: Ms. SHERRILL and Mr. H.R. 3827: Mr. BUCHANAN. H.R. 911: Mr. COURTNEY. BUTTERFIELD. H.R. 3835: Mr. WEBSTER of Florida, Mr. H.R. 955: Mr. HILL. H.R. 2833: Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Penn- BABIN, and Mr. GREEN of Tennessee. H.R. 962: Mr. THOMPSON of California. sylvania. H.R. 3860: Mr. GOOD of Virginia and Mr. H.R. 1012: Ms. CHENEY, Mr. BARR, and Mr. H.R. 2886: Mr. KAHELE. BUDD. MOORE of Alabama. H.R. 2898: Ms. NORTON. H.R. 3924: Mr. GRAVES of Louisiana and Mr. H.R. 1140: Mr. AUCHINCLOSS. H.R. 2930: Ms. MCCOLLUM. STEUBE. H.R. 1179: Mr. NEAL, Mr. DEUTCH, and Mr. H.R. 2974: Mr. PERLMUTTER. H.R. 3962: Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER and Mr. HICE of Georgia. H.R. 2988: Ms. PRESSLEY, Mr. JOHNSON of KILMER. H.R. 1210: Mr. KUSTOFF. Georgia, Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Ilinois, and H.R. 3972: Ms. MANNING, Mr. COSTA, Ms. H.R. 1223: Mr. MEIJER. Ms. BUSH. TITUS, and Mr. SIRES. H.R. 1275: Mr. BARR. H.R. 2998: Mr. MCGOVERN. H.R. 3985: Mr. GARCIA of California, Mr. H.R. 1283: Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois H.R. 3036: Mr. CICILLINE. TIMMONS, and Mr. C. SCOTT FRANKLIN of and Mr. COLE. H.R. 3070: Ms. BASS. Florida.

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H.R. 3993: Mr. GRIJALVA and Ms. KUSTER. H.R. 4087: Mr. DESAULNIER. H. Res. 60: Mr. CLINE. H.R. 3999: Mr. CARTER of Georgia and Mr. H.R. 4093: Mr. O’HALLERAN. H. Res. 109: Mr. BILIRAKIS and Mr. ALLRED. MEIJER. H.R. 4096: Mr. GARBARINO and Mr. JOHNSON H. Res. 114: Mr. LYNCH. H.R. 4005: Mr. MCCAUL and Ms. ESHOO. of South Dakota. H.R. 4013: Mr. STEWART. H.R. 4118: Ms. WATERS, Mrs. DEMINGS, and H. Res. 131: Mr. POCAN. H.R. 4020: Ms. NORTON. Ms. UNDERWOOD. H. Res. 214: Ms. MALLIOTAKIS. H.R. 4042: Mr. LAMB, Mrs. DEMINGS, Mr. H.R. 4123: Mr. POSEY. H. Res. 289: Mr. STAUBER. YOUNG, Mr. LYNCH, and Ms. NORTON. H.R. 4126: Mr. GOSAR. H. Res. 336: Mr. GARBARINO, Mr. PFLUGER, H.R. 4050: Mr. GOSAR, Mr. BABIN, and Mr. H.R. 4150: Mr. BANKS, Mr. GARBARINO, Mr. and Mr. MEIJER. BROOKS. RYAN, and Mr. GOTTHEIMER. H. Res. 352: Mr. GOOD of Virginia, Mr. H.R. 4059: Mr. BABIN. H.R. 4170: Ms. CRAIG. BISHOP of North Carolina, Mr. HICE of Geor- H.R. 4068: Mr. JONES. H.R. 4179: Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. gia, Mr. BALDERSON, and Mr. POSEY. H.R. 4079: Mr. MALINOWSKI and Mr. KAHELE. H.R. 4199: Mr. CLYDE. H.R. 4085: Mr. YARMUTH and Mr. VICENTE H. Con. Res. 21: Ms. MALLIOTAKIS. H. Res. 397: Mrs. HARTZLER. GONZALEZ of Texas. H. Res. 47: Ms. DEAN. H. Res. 404: Mr. LAWSON of Florida.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 Jun 30, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JN7.054 H29JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE