The Abolition of the Danish Atlantic Slave Trade. Joseph Evans Loftin Jr Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College

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The Abolition of the Danish Atlantic Slave Trade. Joseph Evans Loftin Jr Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Louisiana State University LSU Digital Commons LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses Graduate School 1977 The Abolition of the Danish Atlantic Slave Trade. Joseph Evans Loftin Jr Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Loftin, Joseph Evans Jr, "The Abolition of the Danish Atlantic Slave Trade." (1977). LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses. 3072. This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at LSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses by an authorized administrator of LSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 77-25,389 LOFTIN, Joseph Evans, Jr., 1942- THE ABOLITION OF THE DANISH ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE. The Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Ph.D., 1977 History, modern Xerox University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 © 1977 JOSEPH EVANS LOFTIN, JR. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THE ABOLITION OF THE DANISH ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE A DISSERTATION Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in The Department of History by Joseph Evans Loftin, Jr. B.A., Louisiana State University, 1966 M.A., Louisiana State University, 1968 May, 1977 EXAMINATION AND THESIS REPORT Candidate: Joseph Evans Loftin, Jr. Major Field: History Title of Thesis: THE ABOLITION OF THE DANISH ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE Approved: Major Professor and Chairman Dean of the Gradu^e School EXAMINING COMMITTEE: Qjhr* (XyJifa Q^cf Date of Examination: Moa^? JJP /f?7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to thank Professor Robert B. Holtman, his major professor, and Professors Sidney L. Cohen and Patrick C. Lipscomb, III, for their assistance. The moral support of his parents was also invaluable. Of particular importance, however, was the assistance and, occasionally, the prodding of his wife, Linda, to whom this dissertation is dedicated. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii ABSTRACT i v CHAPTER I. Introduction: The Danish West Indies and Slave Trade to 1784 1 II. Ernst Schimmelmann and the Prelude to Abolition 40 III. The Report of the Committee on the Slave Trade 66 IV. The Abolition Edict 131 V. The Colonial Response to the Abolition Edict, 1792-96 160 VI. The Abolition Edict Preserved 206 VII. Conclusion 280 BIBLIOGRAPHY 286 APPENDICES 295 VITA 320 iii ABSTRACT In the seventeenth century Denmark-Norway joined other north European states in building forts on the Gold Coast of Africa and in seeking islands in the Caribbean on which to cultivate tropical products. The Danish West India Company, established in 1671, permanently occupied the uninhabited island of St. Thomas in 1672. In 1718 the Danish company settled St. John, and in 1733 Denmark purchased St. Croix from France. St. Croix developed into the principal supplier of raw sugar for Denmark, where sugar refining became an important industry. The export of surplus sugar from Denmark to Baltic countries comprised an important part of the nation's foreign trade in the second half of the eighteenth century. Initial attempts at using indentured servants from •• r*r Scandinavia as agricultural laborers failed, and by the early eighteenth century African slaves formed the source of labor for the island's sugar and cotton plantations. Foreign slavers as well as Danish ships supplied slaves to the Danish West Indies, though the Crown frequently sought to restrict the trade to Danish slavers. The slave trade on Danish vessels thrived when France and England were at war, for Danish ships then supplied the French sugar islands with slaves. But in peacetime the trade languished. By the late 1780s the slave trade stood condemned on humanitarian grounds in the eyes of thoughtful Europeans, including prominent members of the iv V Danish government. In August 1791 the Danish Crown, at the request of Finance Minister Ernst Schimmelmann, appointed a committee of government officials to investigate the slave trade. The Committee on the Slave Trade, guided and dominated by Schimmelmann, decided that the slave trade should be abolished after a ten-year transition period. In the meantime, the Crown encouraged a rapid increase in the slave population and urged the planters to improve the treatment of their slaves in hopes that the labor force would become self-perpetuating by 1803. Schimmelmann knew that no Caribbean sugar island had yet been able to sustain its slave population without access to the Atlantic slave trade. But he and the committee hoped that the planters, faced with the prospect of abolition, would adopt amelioration out of a sense of enlightened self-interest. The planters, however, maintained their traditional interest in short-term profits and apparently did not take the threat of abolition seriously. Slave deaths continued to exceed births, and in 1802 the planters asked for a continuation of the slave trade. In May 1804 Schimmelmann, with strong support from Johan Philip Rosenstand-Goiske, a member of the government agency in charge of West Indian affairs, got the Council of State to postpone a decision on the planters' appeal. The delay thus obtained proved permanent, and Denmark became the first European slave-trading nation to outlaw the slave trade. CHAPTER I Introduction: The Danish West Indies and Slave Trade to 1784 Denmark-Norway was the first European slave-trading power to abolish its slave trade from Africa to its possessions in the Americas and to prohibit its subjects from participating in any aspect of the Atlantic slave trade. It did so by means of a royal edict issued on March 16, 1792, which stated that the trade in slaves between Danish Guinea and the Danish West Indies was to cease on January 1, 1803. In the meantime, the slave trade to the Danish West Indies was to be encouraged so as to provide the plantations with a labor force large enough to enable the islands to prosper after 1802 without reliance on further slave importsJ Despite opposition in Copenhagen and in the West Indies, participation in the trade became illegal for Danish subjects in 1803. The kingdom of Denmark-Norway began trading with Asia, the Guinea Coast of Africa, and the West Indies in the seventeenth century, inspired by the success of the Dutch and the proposals of Dutch merchants resident in Copenhagen.^ The Danish East India ^Danish State Archives, Copenhagen, Vestindisk-guineisk Rente samt Generaltoldkammer, 0m Negerhandelens Afskaffelse, Forordning om Negerhandelen, March 16, 1792, p. 2. ^Georg N0rregaard, Guldk.ysten: de danske Etablissementer i Guinea, Vol. VIII of Vore gamle Tropekolonier, e3. by Johannes 1 Company, established in 1616, grew out of a plan of two Dutch merchants who arrived in Copenhagen in 1615.3 jn igl8 the company sent its first expedition to Ceylon, and in 1620 the Danes took possession of Tranquebar on the southeast coast of India; for more than two centuries Tranquebar served as headquarters for Danish Asian trade.^ Competition with the Swedes, long intense in the Baltic, encouraged Danish trading ventures to Africa and the New World. In December 1624 Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden granted a Dutch merchant the privilege of establishing a Swedish company to conduct such overseas trade; in January 1625 Christian IV of Denmark (1588- 1648) did the same.^ Nothing came of this Danish project, however, mainly because of the impoverishment of Denmark resulting from £ Christian IV*s intervention in the Thirty Years' War. Only in the early 1650s did Danish efforts at trade with Africa and the New World revive. In 1651 the Glueckstadt Company w< established at Glueckstadt, a town on the Elbe founded in 1615 by Br0ndsted (8 vols., 2d. ed.; Copenhagen: Fremad, 1966), p. 12. In the eighteenth century Denmark-Norway, hereafter referred to as Denmark, also included Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, the duchy of Schleswig and parts of the duchy of Hoi stein. 3Gunnar 01sen, Dansk Ostindien 1616-1732: de Ostindiske Kompagniers Handel paa Indien, Vol. V of Vore gamle Tropekolonier, pp. 3b and 49. 4Ibid., pp. 76-78. ^N0rregaard, Guldk.ysten, pp. 19-21. *\J. 0. Bro-Jorqensen, Dansk Vestindien indtil 1755: Kolonisation og Kompagnistyre, Vol. I of Vore qamle Tropekolonier, p. 12. 3 Christian IV as a base for trade with western Europe. A few years later the Danes began building forts on the Gold Coast, where they were to remain for 200 years.7 That smaller naval powers such as Denmark were able to enter the fiercely competitive African trade was due in large part to the Africans' policy of promoting competition among as many European states as possible in order to obtain better trade arrangements. The chieftains resisted stubbornly any attempt by a European company to establish a monopoly along a stretch of the Gold Coast; thus the Danes, English and Dutch coexisted on the Gulf of Guinea in Accra, capital of modern Ghana, competing with one another to the benefit of the Africans.** Because of the risky nature of the West African trade, European merchants sought protection in chartered trading companies enjoying a national g monopoly. In 1652 the first Danish ships sailed to the West Indies, and in 1653 Frederik III (1648-70) chartered a West India Company. The new company was not awarded a monopoly, but it received privileges with regard to payment of customs duties. The Danes wished to acquire tobacco, sugar, ginger, and indigo in exchange for Icelandic lamb, dried fish, whale oil , and Danish bread and beefJ® Though as ^N0rregaard, Guldkysten, pp. 24-27 O Kwane Yeboa Daaku, Trade and Politics on the Gold Coast, 1600-1720: A Study of the African Reaction to European Trade (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970), p.
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