Liu et al. J Wood Sci (2020) 66:83 Journal of Wood Science

ORIGINAL ARTICLE Open Access relations of bolted timber joints with slotted‑in steel plates parallel to the grain Yingyang Liu* , Yixuan Wang, Yiming Zhang, Minghui Chen and Xizhe Nie

Abstract To study the force–displacement relations of bolted timber joints with slotted-in steel plates, we performed a mono- tonic loading test parallel to the grain on 24 specimens. The infuences of the diameter, timber thickness, and their ratio were considered. As shown by the test results, the joints had a high capacity and experienced a linear stage, a stifness degradation stage, a yield plateau stage, and a failure stage during loading. Based on the curve ftting and parameter identifcation, the force–displacement relations of the joints were summarized in a mechanical model with two parameters, i.e., the bearing capacity and the elastic stifness. Based on theoretical analy- sis, we proposed a theoretical calculation formula for the bearing capacity and elastic stifness of the joints. Finally, we calculated the force–displacement relation curves of bolted timber joints with slotted-in steel plates using the mechanical model and the theoretical formula. The calculated curves ftted well with the experimental curves. Keywords: Timber structure, Bolted joint, Experimental study, Theoretical analysis, Mechanical model

Introduction basis of the EYM. Sawata et al. [5, 6] performed a Metallic connectors are commonly used in modern tim- bearing test of wood and a shear test for bolted joints ber engineering. Tey provide reliable connections while and then applied a theoretical analysis using the EYM, enhancing structural ductility. Characterized by clear and the theoretical values ftted well with the experi- force transmission and simple installation, bolted con- mental values. Dorn et al. [7] systematically studied the nections have been extensively used (Fig. 1). Joints that mechanical properties of bolted timber joints, including use concealed slotted-in steel plate connection members the timber density, bolt slenderness, , geometric are architecturally favorable, so this is a commonly used arrangement, and reinforcement measures, and analyzed connection technique. and discussed the stages of the force–displacement curve Te European Yield Model (EYM) [1] has been widely throughout the process. Jorissen [8] and Xu et al. [9] took used in the calculation and analysis of bolted timber into account the brittle failure of timber, assuming that connections. Te EYM assumes that the bearing perfor- the connectors did not fully reach the plastic state during mance of wood underneath steel (in this paper, failure, carried out a theoretical analysis and numerical “dowel” refers to “steel dowel”) and the bending perfor- simulations based on the fracture , and pro- mance of bolts jointly determine the bearing capacity posed the related bearing capacity theoretical formula. of a connection. Te related contents of the current US In the design of timber engineering, the hypothesis of National Design Specifcations (NDS) [2], Canada CSA hinged joints is mostly used. Consequently, the above O86 [3], and Eurocode 5 [4] have been developed on the studies only focused on the bearing capacity of the joint. However, in practice, the bolt group joints show semi- *Correspondence: [email protected] rigidness and undergo a certain bending and School of Civil Engineering, Zhengzhou University, No. 100 Science may crack as a result, which infuences the performance Avenue, Zhengzhou 450001, China of the structure [10, 11]. For the determination of the

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105 mm. Te design details of the specimen are shown in Fig. 3, and the specimen types are shown in Table 1. Te specimen timber was glulam that was fabricated by Suzhou Crownhomes Co., Ltd., with Grade II Spruce- Pine-Fir dimensional lumber imported from Canada as the raw material. Common bolts with a strength grade of 6.8 and a tensile strength of 600 MPa were used. Te 10-mm-thick steel plate was made of Q235 steel. Te specimen loading test was performed using a Fig. 1 Bolted timber joints with slotted-in steel plates MAS-100 hydraulic servo actuator from Hangzhou POP- WIL Electromechanical Control Engineering Co., Ltd., in the form of monotonic loading with displacement control at a loading of 1.5 mm/min. After preload- ing, continuous loading was performed on each speci- men (Fig. 4) until the specimen apparently failed or the load was reduced to 80% of the maximum load. Four dis- placement transducers were used to obtain the relative displacement between the timber and the bolts. D1 and D2 were attached to the steel plate to obtain its displace- ment (mean value of D1 and D2), while D3 and D4 were arranged in the same way to obtain the displacement of the timber.

Experiment phenomena and failure patterns Fig. 2 Test schematic of the mechanical properties of the bolted timber joints with slotted-in steel plates parallel to the grain During the initial loading, the timber produced a slight crackling sound, and the bolts were basically straight. Tus, the specimen was in the linear stage. Te load increased linearly with the increasing displacement. semirigidness of a joint, it is necessary to probe the stif- As the displacement further increased, the bolts were ness of a single-bolt joint and the process-wide force– gradually bent, then the started to sink into the displacement relations [12, 13]. Terefore, the objectives timber and the timber continued producing a crackling of this study were to (1) carry out mechanical property sound. At this , the stifness of the specimen gradu- testing parallel to the grain by taking bolted timber joints ally decreased, and the rate of the load increase gradu- with slotted-in steel plates as the study object, (2) con- ally decreased. In the later loading period, the timber struct a mechanical model for the process-wide force– produced a louder sound, and some specimens produced displacement relations, (3) derive the theoretical formula loud sounds from the bolt fracture after yield. Ten, the for the bearing capacity and stifness, and (4) provide a bearing capacity of the specimens decreased due to tim- theoretical basis for further application and promotion of ber splitting failure or bolt yield, and the test was ended. such joints. Te loading tests parallel to the grain resulted in three failure patterns: (1) the timber failed due to uniform extrusion (hereinafter referred to as Pattern I); (2) plastic The mechanical property testing of bolted timber hinges appeared in the bolt at the contact between joints with slotted‑in steel plates the bolt and slotted-in steel plate, and the bolt outside the Test overview plastic hinge was stif, straight, and inclined, resulting in We designed 24 bolted timber joints with slotted-in steel timber extrusion, that is, one-hinge failure after bolt yield plates for mechanical property testing parallel to the (hereinafter referred to as Pattern III); and (3) plastic grain (Fig. 2). Te lower portion of each specimen was hinges appeared in the bolt at the contact area between the anchored end, and the upper portion was the joint the bolt and the slotted-in steel plate and at the timber of interest. Te specimens were designed with difer- on both sides, resulting in timber extrusion between ent values for the bolt diameter (d), timber thickness (l), the plastic hinges, that is, two-hinge failure (hereinafter and slenderness (l/d) to study their infuences. In addi- referred to as Pattern IV). Te statistics of the failure pat- tion, the specimens had heights of 700 mm and widths of terns for the specimens are given in Table 2. Liu et al. J Wood Sci (2020) 66:83 Page 3 of 13

exhibited a low stifness during the initial loading stage because of the gap and initial slip between the timber and the bolt, and elastic stifness was manifested after tight contact. (2) Te specimens in the same group exhibited a good consistency in the linear stage. However, it should be noted that due to the randomness of wood, variation occurred among specimens [e.g., S-14-180(3) and S-16- 230(1) had greater stifness values than the other two specimen groups]. All the specimens had an obvious yield plateau, thus manifesting a certain ductility. After a certain yield plateau, the failure patterns of some speci- mens showed a sudden drop in load because the joint suddenly lost bearing capacity due to timber splitting or Fig. 3 Design details of a specimen (units: mm) bolt fracture. Te main mechanical property parameters of the specimens, including the bearing capacity, elastic stif- Table 2 shows that for slenderness values below 11.3, ness, ultimate displacement, and ductility coefcient, the experiment failure pattern was Pattern I; for slender- are defned in Fig. 7 and were quantitatively analyzed. ness values between 11.3 and 14.4, the experiment failure Te bearing capacity is the peak point P in the force– pattern was Pattern III; and for slenderness values above p displacement curve. Te elastic stifness k is the slope 14.4, the experiment failure pattern was Pattern IV. It e of the line connecting the 10% peak load point and the was observed that for the specimens with the same bolt 40% peak load point [14]; this method can address the diameter d, as the timber thickness l increased, that is, impact of the initial slip on the elastic stifness well. Te the slenderness increased, the specimen failure pattern yield point is determined with the method of a 5% diam- shifted from Pattern I to Patterns III and IV. Photos of the eter [15, 16]; the straight line that determines the elastic three failure patterns are shown in Fig. 5. stifness is translated to the right by a of 5% of the bolt diameter, and the intersection point between Experimental force–displacement curves and main the translated line and the force–displacement curve is mechanical property parameters the yield point of the specimen. Te yield load is Py. Te Based on the experimental study, we plotted the force–dis- yield displacement is y. Te ultimate displacement u is placement curves of the bolted timber joints with slotted- the displacement at which the specimen exhibits obvi- in steel plates, as shown in Fig. 6. In the fgure, the force is ous failure or the load decreases to 80% of the maximum the load applied by the actuator, and the displacement is load. Te ductility coefcient D is defned as the ratio of the distance that the bolt moves relative to the timber. the ultimate displacement u to the yield displacement Te following was ascertained according to Fig. 6. (1) y. Te main mechanical property parameters of the speci- Te force–displacement curve of the single-bolted joint mens are shown in Table 3. experienced a linear stage, a stifness degradation stage, Table 3 shows the following: (1) Te bearing capacity of a yield plateau stage, and a failure stage. Some specimens the specimen sets was determined by the bolt diameter

Table 1 Specimen types Specimen series Bolt diameter d/mm Specimen thickness l/mm Slenderness l/d No. of specimens

S-12-105 12 105 8.8 3 S-12-140 12 140 11.7 3 S-14-140 14 140 10.0 3 S-14-180 14 180 12.9 3 S-14-230 14 230 16.4 3 S-16-140 16 140 8.8 3 S-16-180 16 180 11.3 3 S-16--230 16 230 14.4 3

The specimen series is explained by taking “S-12-105” as an example, where “S” indicates that the loading direction is parallel to the grain; “12” represents the bolt diameter (unit: mm); “105” represents the timber thickness (unit: mm), the direction of which is along the bolt length, and the timber thickness is the bearing length of the steel dowel; and the slenderness represents the ratio of the timber thickness to the bolt diameter Liu et al. J Wood Sci (2020) 66:83 Page 4 of 13

Te bolted timber joints had a high deformation capacity, and the ductility coefcients of all specimens were above 3.0.

The mechanical model of bolted timber joints with slotted‑in steel plates According to the observation of the experimental phe- nomena and the processing and analysis of the experi- mental results, the force–displacement relations of a single-bolted joint generally consist of fve stages (Fig. 8): (1) the initial slip stage, which is mostly caused by instal- lation errors and the gap between the bolt and the wall of the bolt hole in the timber and has no strong regular- ity for diferent specimens; (2) the linear stage, for which Fig. 4 Equipment for specimen loading although an ideal straight does not exist, the data points in the experiment have a high linear correla- tion and can be approximately ftted with a straight line; Table 2 Specimen failure patterns (3) the stifness degradation stage, for which the plastic deformation of the timber continues to increase, some Specimen Slenderness Failure mode series bolts encounter bending yield, the specimen stifness Specimen 1 Specimen 2 Specimen 3 decreases, and the curve reaches the yield plateau; (4) the yield plateau stage, in which the bearing capacity of the S-12-105 8.8 I I I specimen reaches the peak value and is then maintained S-12-140 11.7 III III III at this level or at a slightly lower level, the timber gradu- S-14-140 10.0 I I I ally reaches the plastic deformation limit, plastic hinges S-14-180 12.9 III III III appear in the bolt, and the specimens have a certain duc- S-14-230 16.4 IV IV IV tility; and (5) and the failure stage, in which due to the S-16-140 8.8 I I I occurrence of timber splitting or bolt fracture, the load S-16-180 11.3 III III III sharply decreases, and the specimen fails. S-16-230 14.4 IV IV IV According to the knowledge and understanding of the The values of Pp, ke, and u in the table are the mean values of each group of process-wide force–displacement relations of a single- specimens bolted joint and in combination with the curve ftting and parameter identifcation, we constructed an empirical and the specimen thickness, and as the bolt diameter or model of a single-bolted joint, and the mathematical for- specimen thickness increased, the bearing capacity of mula is given in formula (1). Tis mechanical model has the specimen increased. (2) Te elastic stifness mainly two parameters, for which the model curve is shown in depended on the bolt diameter, and as the bolt diameter Fig. 9, where Pp is the bearing capacity of the bolted joint increased, the elastic stifness increased. For specimens and ke is the elastic stifness of the bolted joint. with the same bolt diameter, increasing the timber thick- ness only slightly impacted the stifness of the joint. (3)

Fig. 5 Joint failure patterns Liu et al. J Wood Sci (2020) 66:83 Page 5 of 13

Fig. 6 Force–displacement curves of the specimens Liu et al. J Wood Sci (2020) 66:83 Page 6 of 13

k P = P 1 − exp − e . p P (1)  p 

It is worth noting that this mechanical model cannot provide the descending segment of the force–displace- ment curve, and subsequent eforts are still required. In timber engineering, the structure and the joints are rather fexible, mostly with a large displacement before failure. For this proposed model, a limited range of dis- placement is recommended if termination of the design or analysis is necessary.

Fig. 7 Defnitions of the main mechanical property parameters Theoretical analysis of the bearing capacity and elastic stifness of bolted timber joints with slotted‑in steel plates Bearing capacity Presently, the mainstream theory for calculating the bearing performance of a bolted joint in timber engi- neering is the EYM, which assumes that the external Table 3 Main mechanical property parameters force undertaken by the joint is the yield force Py when the timber reaches the dowel bearing yield strength fe,y Specimen series P /kN k /(kN/mm) /mm D p e u or the bolt reaches the yield moment My. Scholars [6, 17] S-12-105 24.14 3.81 17.97 3.90 also used the dowel bearing ultimate strength of wood S-12-140 27.17 4.28 22.02 5.25 fe,u and the ultimate moment of the bolt Mu to calculate S-14-140 43.16 5.94 35.82 8.00 the bearing capacity of the bolted joint Pp by the yield S-14-180 48.25 6.14 34.62 6.65 theory. Tis section presents the following assumptions: S-14-230 47.91 5.88 32.18 5.65 (1) the force–displacement relations for the dowel bear- S-16-140 48.76 10.45 26.93 7.68 ing behavior of wood are ideal elastoplasticity; and (2) S-16-180 44.42 9.18 36.27 9.71 when the full length of the timber or the timber segment S-16-230 54.26 9.18 23.80 5.18 between two plastic hinges reaches the dowel bearing ultimate strength of the wood, the load is the bearing capacity of the bolted joint. Te parameters include the bolt diameter d, the timber specimen thickness l, the ulti- mate bending moment for the bolt section Mu, and the dowel bearing ultimate strength of the wood fe,u. Te free body diagrams in the ultimate state for three failure patterns are given in Fig. 10. Te equation of equilibrium for Pattern I is as follows:

Pp l = f · d · . 2 e,u 2 (2)

Te equations of equilibrium for Pattern III are as follows:

Pp 1 + f · d · a = f · d( l − a), 2 e,u e,u 2 (3)

1 1 1 1 M + f · d · a( l − a) = f · d( l − a)2. u e,u 2 2 2 e,u 2 (4)

Fig. 8 Schematic for the process-wide force–displacement of a Te equations of equilibrium for Pattern IV are as bolted joint follows: Liu et al. J Wood Sci (2020) 66:83 Page 7 of 13

Solving Eqs. (2)–(6), we can express the bearing capacity of the joint as follows:

Pp = fe,u · d · l (Pattern I) 16M  P = f · d · l 2 + u − 1 (Pattern III)  p e,u 2 .  �� fe,u · d · l �  Pp = 4 Mu · fe,u · d (Pattern IV)    � (7)

Elastic stifness Te elastic stifness is analyzed by supposing that (1) the contact relation between the bolt and the timber is a Euler– Bernoulli beam acting on an elastic foundation [18, 19]; (2) the contact stifness of the points on the elastic foundation Fig. 9 Schematics of the mechanical model is taken as the dowel bearing stifness of the wood; and (3) the constraint infuence of the and washer is not con- sidered. Te parameters include the modulus of of the steel bolt E and the dowel bearing stifness of the Pp = fe,u · d · b, (5) wood ks. 2 Because single-bolted joints are bilaterally symmetric (Fig. 11a), only the right portion is analyzed. Te positive 1 2 directions of the x and w axes and the of the ori- 2Mu = fe,u · d · b . (6) 2 gin are shown in Fig. 11b. Te free body diagram for a bolt microelement at any x is shown in Fig. 11c.

Fig. 10 Free body diagrams of the joint in the limit state Liu et al. J Wood Sci (2020) 66:83 Page 8 of 13

From the force balance in the w-axis direction, we have In formula (15), A1, A2, A3, and A4 are constants. With B1 = A1 + A2 , B2 = A1i − A2i , B3 = A3 + A4 and V − ksw(x)dx − (V + dV ) = 0. (8) B4 = A3i − A4i , we obtain the following formula: ξ ξ −ξ −ξ Hence, w(ξ) = B1e cos ξ + B2e sin ξ + B3e cos ξ + B4e sin ξ. dV (16) + ksw(x) = 0. dx (9) As x (namely, ξ ) increases, the defection w gradu- ally approaches 0, while in formula (16), the terms con- ξ ξ Te relations for the shear force, bending moment, and taining e cos ξ and e sin ξ diverge as x increases; thus, curvature of the Euler–Bernoulli beam are as follows: B1 = B2 = 0. −ξ −ξ dM With g1 = e cos ξ , g2 = e sin ξ , g3 = g1 + g2 , and V = , g = g − g dg1 =−g dg2 = g dg3 =−2g dx (10) 4 1 2 , we have dξ 3 , dξ 4 , dξ 2 , and dg4 =− dξ 2g1 . Terefore, the defection w, of θ , d2w(x) bending moment M, and shear force V at any x are M = EI . dx2 (11) expressed as follows: w(ξ) = B3g1 + B4g2, From formulas (9)–(11), we have the following: (17) 4 d w(x) ks dw(x) 1 + w(x) = 0. = = − + 4 (12) θ(ξ) ( B3g3 B4g4), (18) dx EI dx lc = 4 4EI = x With lc k and ξ l , we obtain the following s c d2w(x) 2EI (ξ) = = ( − ), equation: M EI 2 2 B3g2 B4g1 (19) dx lc 1 d4w(ξ) 4 + (ξ) = 0. 4 4 4 w (13) lc dξ lc dM(x) 2EI V (ξ) = = (B3g4 + B4g3). dx l3 (20) Hence, c = = d4w(ξ) At x 0 (namely, ξ 0 ), the shear force V0 and bend- + 4w(ξ) = 0. M dξ 4 (14) ing moment 0 (Fig. 12b) can be substituted into formulas (19) and (20) to obtain the following formulas:

Tis homogeneous diferential equation is then solved, lc B3 = (lcV0 + M0), and the general solution is expressed below: 2EI (21) ξ ξ w(ξ) =A1e (cos ξ + i sin ξ)+ A2e (cos ξ − i sin ξ) + A e−ξ cos + i sin + A e−ξ cos − i sin . lc 3 ( ξ ξ) 4 ( ξ ξ) B4 =− M0. 2EI (22) (15)

Fig. 11 Free body diagrams of a bolt Liu et al. J Wood Sci (2020) 66:83 Page 9 of 13

1 4EI Tus, formulas (17)–(20) can be expressed as follows: P = �. 3 (29) 2 (1 + 2α) lc lc w = (lcV0g1 + M0g4), (23) 2EI Let 1 lc β = , θ =− (lcV0g3 + 2M0g1), (1 + 2α) (30) 2EI (24) β l = 4 4EI where is a constant. Substituting c ks into for- M = lcV0g2 + M0g3, (25) mula (29) yields

2 4EI V = V g − M g . = 4 0 4 0 2 (26) P β ks �. (31) lc  ks  Te elastic stifness k of the bolted joint is described e Tus, the elastic stifness k of the bolted joint satisfes as the proportional relation of the external force P with e the following formula: the displacement of the midpoint of the bolt. is com- posed of the defection of the bolt on the timber foun- dation and the defection of the bolt on the steel plate foundation. Because the defection of the bolt on the steel Table 4 Parameter values plate foundation is far smaller than the defection of the Modulus Ultimate Dowel bearing Dowel bearing bolt on the timber foundation and may thus be negligible, of elasticity bending ultimate stifness 2 ≈ w0 E/MPa moment strength ks/(N/mm ) may be approximately considered to be . 2 = = = 1 Mu/Nmm fe,u/(N/mm ) At x 0(namely, ξ 0 ), the shear force V0 2 P is plugged into formula (23), and thus, 2.06 105 4.37 105 24.03 62.33 × × 2 lc P = w0 = lc + M0 . 2EI 2 (27)  Assuming that Table 5 Theoretical calculation values of the bearing capacity and elastic stifness M = 0 α , Specimen series Pp/kN ke/(kN/mm) lcP (28) S-16-140 53.83 10.06 α where is a constant, the following formula can be S-16-180 41.55 10.06 obtained: S-16-230 51.84 10.06

Fig. 12 Dowel bearing test of the wood Liu et al. J Wood Sci (2020) 66:83 Page 10 of 13

Fig. 13 Comparison of calculated curves and experimental curves

Fig. 14 Material properties from the literature [6]

Fig. 15 Joint test information from the literature [6]

P 4EI discussed as follows: (1) When the rotation of the bolt = = 4 = ke β ks , (32) midpoint (x 0) is fully constrained ( θ0 0 ), we substi- �  ks =  tute θ0 = 0 into formulas (24), (28), and (30) and solve them to obtain β = 2 ; (2) when the rotation of the bolt where k and EI are determined by the material prop- s midpoint (x 0) is not fully constrained ( M0 = 0 ), we erties and of the timber and the bolt. β is = Liu et al. J Wood Sci (2020) 66:83 Page 11 of 13

Fig. 16 Comparison of the calculated curves, experimental curves, and fnite element (FE) analysis curves

Table 6 Theoretical calculation values of the bearing the yield point. Te mean values were obtained from the capacity and elastic stifness from the literature [6] tests for the subsequent calculation.

Specimen series Pp/kN ke/(kN/mm) Calculation of bearing capacity and elastic stifness ACM4 35.64 36.08 ACM8 43.62 36.08 According to the experimental phenomena, the speci- ACM12 54.02 36.08 mens S-16-140, S-16-180, and S-16-230 corresponded to failure Patterns I, III, and IV, respectively, and the mate- rial property parameters were substituted into formulas (7) and (32) to obtain the bearing capacity and elastic stif- substitute M0 = 0 into formulas (28) and (30) and solve ness of the specimens (Table 5). During the calculation of them to obtain β = 1 ; thus, β is in the range of 1 to 2. In the bearing capacity in the design, the failure pattern can the elastic stage of loading of the bolted joint with a slot- be determined through the slenderness of the specimen ted-in steel plate, the rotation at the midpoint of the bolt or the minimum values in three failure patterns. is small, and β can be taken as approximately 2.

Calculation of force–displacement relations Determination of force–displacement curves for bolted timber joints with slotted‑in steel plates By substituting the data in Table 5 into formula (1), we can obtain the calculated force–displacement curve of Based on the two-parameter mechanical model and the each specimen for comparison with the experimental theoretical formula of the bearing capacity P and elas- p curve, as shown in Fig. 13. tic stifness k proposed in this paper, the specimen group e Figure 13 shows that the calculated curve can pre- with a diameter of 16 mm (that is, specimens S-16-140, dict the experimental curve well. In practice, the related S-16-80, and S-16-230) is taken as an example for cal- parameters can be determined by performing a relatively culating the force–displacement relations of the joints small material property test, and the process-wide force– for comparison with the experimental results so that the displacement relations of the bolted timber joints with rationality of the theoretical formula and the practicabil- slotted-in steel plates can be calculated in combination ity of the mechanical model can be verifed. with the calculation formulas of the bearing capacity and elastic stifness and the two-parameter mechanical model Material property parameters proposed in this paper. In the theoretical calculation of the bearing capacity Pp and elastic stifness ke, the parameters include the bolt Validation of the methodology with data diameter d, the bolt steel modulus of elasticity E, the from the literature ultimate bending moment Mu for the plastic limit of the bolt section, the timber specimen thickness l, the dowel To further validate the methodology proposed in this paper, data, including material properties and joint bearing ultimate strength of wood fe,u, and the dowel force–displacement curves, were collected from the lit- bearing stifness of wood ks. A material property test of the 16-mm-diameter bolt and a dowel bearing test of erature [6]. Te dowel bearing properties of wood and the wood [20] (Fig. 12) were performed to determine the the stress–strain relationship of steel bolts are shown in related parameters (Table 4). In the dowel bearing test of Fig. 14. Te joint test setup and the resulting curves are the wood, a 5% diameter method was used to determine shown in Fig. 15. Liu et al. J Wood Sci (2020) 66:83 Page 12 of 13

Based on the literature, the parameters are expressed d, changing the timber thickness l only slightly infuenced as follows: the bolt diameter d = 16 mm, the timber the joint stifness. specimen thickness l = 64 mm for the ACM4 series Te force–displacement curves of the bolted timber (l/d = 4), the timber specimen thickness l = 128 mm joints with slotted-in steel plates can be expressed with for the ACM8 series (l/d = 8), and the timber speci- a two-parameter mechanical model of the bearing capac- men thickness l = 192 mm for the ACM12 series ity and elastic stifness. Ten, theoretical calculation for- (l/d 12). From Fig. 14a, the dowel bearing ultimate mulas for the bearing capacity and elastic stifness of the = 2 strength of wood fe,u is calibrated as 34.8 N/mm , and joints were derived. Te process-wide force–displace- the dowel bearing stifness of wood ks is calibrated as ment relations of the bolted timber joints with slotted- 2 26.5 GPa/m × 16 mm = 424 N/mm . From Fig. 14b, the in steel plates can be calculated in combination with the modulus of elasticity E of the steel bolt is calibrated as calculation formulas of the bearing capacity and elastic 5 1.08 10 MPa, and the ultimate bending moment Mu of stifness and the two-parameter mechanical model pro- × 3 the steel bolt is calibrated as 1/6 × (16 mm) × 500 MPa posed in this paper. = 341 Nm (in the literature, Mu = 348 Nm). In future , the formulas for the dowel bearing According to the literature, the specimen series ACM4, properties (i.e., strength and stifness) of wood should ACM8, and ACM12 corresponded to failure Patterns I, be developed to fll the gap, and the model should be III, and III, respectively. By substituting the acquired data upgraded so that it can be applied to joints with multiple into formulas (7) and (32), the bearing capacity and elas- . tic stifness were obtained (Table 6). Ten, formula (1) was used to plot the force–displacement curves shown in Abbreviations Fig. 15b for comparison (Fig. 16). EYM: European yield model; NDS: National design specifcations; FE: Finite In Fig. 16, the experimental curves and the FE (fnite element. element) analysis curves were taken from the literature Acknowledgements (shown in Fig. 15b), while the calculated curves were The authors acknowledge the help of the School of Civil Engineering of obtained by applying the methodology proposed in this Zhengzhou University. paper. Te calculated curves and the FE analysis curves Authors’ contributions show good agreement because the input data are the YL analyzed the experimental data and drafted the manuscript. YW performed same for both the FE analysis and the theoretical calcu- the experiments. YZ, MC, and XN verifed the proposed methodology from the literature. All the authors read and approved the fnal manuscript. lation. It can be concluded that the FE analysis from the literature verifes the proposed methodology. In addition, Funding the calculated curves can predict the force–displacement The work in this paper is fnancially supported by the China Postdoctoral Sci- ence Foundation Grant (Grant No. 2018M632804), the Postdoctoral Research relations of the bolted timber joint reasonably well with Grant in Henan Province (Grant No. 001702034), and the Students’ Innovation the experimental curves, and the accuracy is acceptable. and Entrepreneurship Training Program of Zhengzhou University (Grant No. 201910459091 and Grant No. 2020cxcy223). Conclusions Availability of data and materials Te force–displacement curves of bolted timber joints Most data analyzed during this study are included in this published article. with slotted-in steel plates consisted of a linear stage, a Supplementary information is available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. stifness degradation stage, a yield plateau stage, and a failure stage. Some specimens exhibited initial slip, which Competing interests was caused by installation errors and the gap between the The authors declare that they have no competing interests. bolt and the wall of the bolt hole in the timber. Te joints Received: 9 August 2020 Accepted: 26 November 2020 showed a high deformation capacity and a good ductility. Te bearing capacity of the specimen was jointly infuenced by the bolt diameter d and the specimen thickness l. As the bolt diameter d or the specimen thick- References ness l increased, the bearing capacity of the specimen 1. 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