The Ukrainian Weekly 1979, No.39
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb CBOBOM^SYOBODA гвмГмсмгий ЩОАІМНИК ЩЩр' ишшліміли 04МУ roinioENGLISH-LANGUAGnE WEEKL Y EDITIOWeN e VOL. LXXXVIm. NO. 223 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER ЗО, 1979 25 CENTS Msgr. Lubachivsky named archbishop of Ukrainian Catholics in U.S. WASHINGTON, D.C. - Msgr. that Pope John Paul had selected him The following year he began his Myroslav J. Lubachivsky, spiritual for the position. philosophical studies at the Gregorian director of the Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop-designate Lubachivsky, University in Rome and in 1946 he Seminary in Stamford, Conn., was who will greet Pope John Paul when he received his master's degree in philo– appointed by Pope John Paul 11 to be visits the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral sophy. in 1945-1947 Msgr. Luba– the new archbishop of the Ukrainian of the immaculate. Conception on chivsky received permission to study Catholic Archeparchy4)f Philadelphia, October 4, said that no date has been set medicine at the Reggia Universita announced the Apostolic Delegation on for the consecration or installation, ltaliana in Rome. September 21. adding that the ceremonies will not be On May 29,1947, Msgr. Lubachivsky Msgr. Lubachivsky, who will be held for at least another two months. arrived in the United States and his first consecrated as the fourth Ukrainian Msgr. Lubachivsky, the son of assignment was in Stamford, Conn., Catholic archbishop in the United Evstakhiy and Anna (nee Oliynyk) where he served as secretary of the States, succeeds Archbishop-Metro– Lubachivsky, was born in the town of Ukrainian Catholic Committee for politan Joseph Schmondiuk, who died Dolyna, western Ukraine, on June 24, Refugees and was a temporary teacher in December ^978. 1914. of Ukrainian and German at St. Basil's A spokesman for the Apostolic Dele– in 1924 he completed elementary High School. gation said that the official announce– education in his native town and in 1925 in December 1948 he was appointed ment of the appointment came at 8 a.m. he began studies at the gymnasium in assistant pastor in Hamtramck, Mich, on September 21. He said that it was Stryi. After graduating from the gym– in November 1949 he was instructed to also announced in Rome in the same nasium in 1933, Msgr. Lubachivsky organize a parish in North Branch, day's edition of L'Osservatore Romano, entered the Theological Seminary in Mich., and three months later he was the vat ican's newspaper. Lviv on November 23, 1934. transferred to Latrobe, Pa., where he The archbishop-designate told The Following two years of studies the. c, Archbishop-designate r served as an assistant pastor. Weekly (hat he was surprised to learn of Metropolitan Andrew Sheptytsky sent Myroslav Lubachivsky '; his appointment. He said that he had him to school in innsbruck, Austria. At Three months later Msgr. Lubachiv– heard such rumors for about one that time Metropolitan Sheptytsky also he departed, along with other Univer– sky was appointed assistant pastor in and a half months but he did not gave the young theological student the sity of innsbruck students, to Switzer– Wilkes-Barrc, Pa., and four months believe them because he felt that there title of subdeacon. land, where he completed his theologi– after that he was instructed to organize were better and younger persons to Msgr. Lubachivsky was ordained cal studies and received-a doctorate in a parish in Milwaukee, Wise. On May head the Ukrainian Catholic Church in into the priesthood by Metropolitan 1942. in 1941-1942 he also studied 25, 1951, after he successfully com– the United States. Sheptytsky on September 21, 1938, in philosophy. pleted his task in Milwaukee, Msgr. Msgr. Lubachivsky said that on Lviv. in August 1942 Msgr. Lubachivsky Lubachivsky was appointed assistant Thursday, September 20, he met with He returned to innsbruck in Sep– enrolled in the Biblicum in Rome and he pastor of St. Peter's Ukrainan Catholic Archbishop Jean Jadot, the apostolic tember 1938 and enrolled as a third-year received his master's degree in sacred Church in Cleveland, Ohio. delegate, in Washington, who told him student of theology, in February 1939 scriptures from that university in 1944. (CoatiaacdoapafcU) U.S. writers, publishers, editors Msgr. Basil Kushnir dies at 86, defend My kola Rudenko was twice president of WCFU W1NN1PEG, Man. - Msgr. Basil Urge literary community to speak out Kushnir, an outstanding Ukrainian Catholic clergyman and a noted Ukrai– NEW YORK, N.Y. - Forty-seven nian community leader who was twice prominent American writers, publi– president of the World Congress of Free shers and editors have signed a petition Ukrainians, died in his home of an in defense of Ukrainian political pri– apparent heart attack on Tuesday, soner Mykola Rudenko, head of the September 25, at 7 a.m. He was 86 years Ukrainian Public Group to Promote old. the implementation of the Helsinki Accords, and urged "the world literary At the Third World Congress of Free community" to speak out in his defense. Ukrainians Msgr. Kushnir was elected honorary president of that body. The petition was prepared by the Committee for the Defense of Soviet Msgr. Kushnir was to have been Political Prisoners and the American honored by Winnipeg Ukrainians with Center of the international PEN Club. a testimonial dinner on September 29. The committee plans to publish the The funeral has been scheduled for petition in the form of an advertisement Monday, October 1, and many Ukrai– in the American press. nian and non-Ukrainian civic leaders Among the 47 signatories are Edward are expected to attend. Albee, Robert Bernstein, Olga Carlisle, Msgr. Kushnir was born in vikno, Noam . Chomsky, Allen Ginsberg, western Ukraine, on September 17, Elizabeth Hardwick, irving Howe, 1893. He completed his high school Robert Lifton, Bernard Malamud, f education in Ternopil and Lviv. After Arthur Miller, John Updike, Helen his release from a prisoner-of-war camp Msgr. Basil Kushnir Wolff, Alfred Kazin, John Gardner and Mykola Rudenko in ltaly, following World War 1. he Grace Paley. All the signatories are noted that "the Rudenko trial served as studied theology at the Theological 1934 he served as professor of theology members of the PEN Club. an indication of Soviet disregard for the Seminary in Lviv and at the famous at the Theological Seminary in Stan– in appealing on behalf of their col- items of the Helsinki Accords onSecu– Catholic University in innsbruck, Aus– islaviv, Ukraine, league Rudenko, who is a poet, novelist rity and Cooperation in Europe." tria, from which he received a doctor's in May 1934 Msgr. Kushnir arrived and essayist, the American signatories (ConliBoed on page 9) degree of divinity in 1929. From 1930 to (ConUooedonpate?) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER ЗО, 1979 ^.r-- ,. - '-.-.:^No. 223 Official iexi of Lukianenko's Uncover more disappearances in Ukraine NEW YORK. N.Y. Since the KGB organs spread the rumor that sentence reaches West murder of Ukrainian composer volody– Nazarenko had committed suicide, but NEW YORK. N.Y. The full text of His first sentence, imposed in 1961. myr lvasiuk by KG В agents, facts about no one believed this since Nazarenko's the sentence, imposed upon Levko was the death penalty. This was later the mysterious disappearances of other arms and legs were bruised and this Lukianenko during his trial last year commuted to 15 years of imprisonment. persons are being uncovered. One such seemed to indicate that Nazarenko was was recently received in the West, After serving his sentence. Lukianenko case is that of vitaliy Nazarenko, a a victim of bandits against whom he had reported the press service of the Ukrai– was released and became a founding graduate of the University of Kiev who struggled. was enrolled in the philosophy depart– nian Supreme Liberation , Council member of the Ukrainian Public Group Also telling was the fact that Naza– (abroad). ment and a researcher in the Ukrainian to Prorhote the implementation of the renko's superior at the price control division of the price control institute. According to the text. Lukianenko Helsinki Accords. institute had;dcmanded an inquiry into Nazarenko was found drowned in the "engaged in activity hostile to the Soviet The text of the 1978 sentence notes his death, but was told by the appropri– Dnipro River in 1974. authority with the goal of undermining that in 1976, after his release from ate "organs" to keep quiet and not begin and weakening it" and prepared docu– imprisonment, Lukianenko. "while The press service of the Ukrainian any hearings. ments which "defamed the Soviet living in Chernihiv. once again became Supreme Liberation Council (abroad) government and social order" and were engaged in activity hostile to the Soviet reported that documents about Naza– Nazarenjco was known for his partici– "used by hostile anti-Soviet national– authority with the goal of undermining renko's death have, been circulating in pation in literary evenings during which istic centers abroad." and weakening it," that "he conducted the samvydav. works of young Ukrainian authors and ! in July 1978 Lukianenko was sen– this activity through personal contacts One day during the spring of 1974, poets were read. The repression of the, tenced to his second term of 15 years' and correspondence with persons pre– Nazarenko did not report to work. His Ukrainian language was often discussed; imprisonment. (Conlinucd on page 12) body was later found in the Dnipro. at these meetings. skochok confined in psych-hospital Helsinki group releases 5th bulletin NEW YORK, N.Y. - Pavlo