12 bus time schedule & line map

12 - Gt Burstead - - Wickford View In Website Mode

The 12 bus line (Billericay - Gt Burstead - Crays Hill - Wickford) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Billericay: 6:25 AM - 5:45 PM (2) Wickford: 6:53 AM - 6:13 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 12 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 12 bus arriving.

Direction: Billericay 12 bus Time Schedule 32 stops Billericay Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:25 AM - 5:45 PM The Swans, Wickford Tuesday 6:25 AM - 5:45 PM Halls Corner, Wickford Wednesday 6:25 AM - 5:45 PM Deirdre Avenue, Wickford Thursday 6:25 AM - 5:45 PM

Castledon Road, Wickford Friday 6:25 AM - 5:45 PM Castledon Road, Wickford Saturday 6:25 AM - 5:45 PM Sugden Avenue, Wickford

Whitehouse Stores, Wickford

Jacksons Corner, Wickford 12 bus Info Church Road, Direction: Billericay Stops: 32 Primary School, Crays Hill Trip Duration: 30 min Line Summary: The Swans, Wickford, Halls Corner, The Shepherd & Dog, Crays Hill Wickford, Deirdre Avenue, Wickford, Castledon Road, Wickford, Sugden Avenue, Wickford, Whitehouse Post Oce, Crays Hill Stores, Wickford, Jacksons Corner, Wickford, Primary School, Crays Hill, The Shepherd & Dog, Crays Hill, Post Oce, Crays Hill, Old Road, Crays Hill, Whites Old Road, Crays Hill Bridge, Crays Hill, Barleylands Farm Shop, Crays Hill, Barleylands, Factory Site, Great Burstead, The Kings Whites Bridge, Crays Hill Head, Great Burstead, Duke Of York, Billericay, Grange Parade, Billericay, Gatwick View, Billericay, Barleylands Farm Shop, Crays Hill Weir Wynd, Billericay, Sun Corner, Billericay, The Chequers, Billericay, Railway Station, Billericay, Barleylands Gooseberry Green, Billericay, Ricketts Drive, Billericay, Queens Park Roundabout, Billericay, Somerelds, Factory Site, Great Burstead Billericay, Portman Drive, Billericay, Rosebay Avenue, Billericay, Horseshoe Close, Billericay, Regent Drive, The Kings Head, Great Burstead Billericay, Arlington Way, Billericay

Duke Of York, Billericay

Grange Parade, Billericay Gatwick View, Billericay

Weir Wynd, Billericay Southend Road, Billericay

Sun Corner, Billericay Zurich House, 129 High Street

The Chequers, Billericay

Railway Station, Billericay

Gooseberry Green, Billericay

Ricketts Drive, Billericay Perry Street, Billericay

Queens Park Roundabout, Billericay Perry Street, Billericay

Somerelds, Billericay Leading to Kenisington Gardens and St Pauls Gardens, Billericay

Portman Drive, Billericay Chestwood Close, Billericay Civil Parish

Rosebay Avenue, Billericay

Horseshoe Close, Billericay

Regent Drive, Billericay

Arlington Way, Billericay Milner Place, Billericay Civil Parish Direction: Wickford 12 bus Time Schedule 28 stops Wickford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:53 AM - 6:13 PM Arlington Way, Billericay Milner Place, Billericay Civil Parish Tuesday 6:53 AM - 6:13 PM

Goldington Crescent, Billericay Wednesday 6:53 AM - 6:13 PM

Harebell Close, Billericay Thursday 6:53 AM - 6:13 PM Friday 6:53 AM - 6:13 PM Atridge Chase, Billericay Saturday 6:53 AM - 6:13 PM Ricketts Drive, Billericay Perry Street, Billericay

Railway Station, Billericay 12 bus Info The Chequers, Billericay Direction: Wickford Stops: 28 Hillside Road, Billericay Trip Duration: 24 min Chapel Court, Billericay Line Summary: Arlington Way, Billericay, Goldington Crescent, Billericay, Harebell Close, Billericay, Atridge Chapel Street, Billericay Chase, Billericay, Ricketts Drive, Billericay, Railway Station, Billericay, The Chequers, Billericay, Hillside Weir Wynd, Billericay Road, Billericay, Chapel Street, Billericay, Weir Wynd, Billericay, Gatwick View, Billericay, Grange Parade, Southend Road, Billericay Billericay, Duke Of York, Billericay, The Kings Head, Gatwick View, Billericay Great Burstead, Factory Site, Great Burstead, Barleylands, Barleylands Farm Shop, Crays Hill, Maple Mead, Billericay Whites Bridge, Crays Hill, Post Oce, Crays Hill, The Grange Parade, Billericay Shepherd & Dog, Crays Hill, Primary School, Crays Hill, Jacksons Corner, Wickford, Whitehouse Stores, Foys Walk, Wickford, Sugden Avenue, Wickford, Castledon Road, Duke Of York, Billericay Wickford, Deirdre Avenue, Wickford, Halls Corner, Wickford, The Swans, Wickford The Kings Head, Great Burstead Stockwell Close, Basildon

Factory Site, Great Burstead


Barleylands Farm Shop, Crays Hill

Whites Bridge, Crays Hill

Post Oce, Crays Hill

The Shepherd & Dog, Crays Hill

Primary School, Crays Hill

Jacksons Corner, Wickford Church Road, England

Whitehouse Stores, Wickford Sugden Avenue, Wickford

Castledon Road, Wickford

Deirdre Avenue, Wickford

Halls Corner, Wickford

The Swans, Wickford The Broadway, Wickford 12 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community Ā© 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved