Good Work of Jh Black. Barns Rurned at Dairy Farm. Many
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a d v e r t ~0j8de CMMOBJdrt Pilnt- GAZETTE 'jjg. Complete iEqulpment. p- HIGHl^tOWN, MERCER COUNTY, N. 1 ,JfL’HURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1912. Subscribe Now. Whole No. 3,299 VOL. LXIV, No 23 MR. AND MRS. HULICK ENTERTAIimO GUESTS. GOOD WORK BARNS RURNED Mp. and Miituii llulick nkrntly cclchraied their fifth wedding anniver OF J. H. BLACK. sary, at th|ir home near lUimiltun AT DAIRY FARM. the g h u r c h e s. Stpuire. The guc.^Lj^ were: Mr. and Mrs. Wil Cowsheds, [Bam, and Hay Adjourned Meeting BKld, and liam W. Cublvrley. Mr. and Mrs. Wal As County Collector, Has Sav Jtems of Interest Concerning ter HuHck, ^Irs. Mary Tindall, .Mr. and Destroyed onFarm of Important Business fTrans- Mrs. Jam es. Timlall, Russell Tindall, ed Mercer Money. Good (]ie Various Denominations Mr. iind -Mr.Sjj Harry Dye, GillxTt Evem- Business Methods. A. V. Beilis. acted by Council. ham, Mr. aiicl -Mrs. Frank Cinik, Mr, and .........""of...Hlil^tstown: Mrsr .I’hcIxv .Hmu ,. .. ..TJ.wt.!^uuDLy.,>r..J.omvj4i H. Mr. ami .Nljis. Ilarvey Applegate, Mr. Black, of Mightstown, is One of Mercer LIVE STOCK ALL SAVED:' LIGHT CO. PROPORTION. and Mrs. \^|il!iain Van wass, Mr. and county's most shrewd and com{K.'teni of UEXT SUNDAY’S TOPICS. Mrs. GrtorguGorfkm, Mr. and Mrs. Eliner ficials is conclusively shown from the Tallnuin, Ali'. and Mrs. Zodekjah Car- fact tliat he h;is saved the eonniy alunu Members of Fire Police Appointed to hart, Dr. apd Mrs, George R. Robbins, $U),U(J0 since a.ssuming his ofbee lu'arly Loss Amounted to Nearly $4 000, Office. Want Sewer Wotjt Pushed Dr. and Mrs. K M. Arthur. Dr.'and Mrs. thrt'c vears ago. This aincnmi, it is ex Partly Covertd'^^ by In tTnion Thankigiving Sarvice to be Held More Rapidly. F. H, Zamii, Anna May ('arhart, lAittie pected, will Ih.' iiUTi'ascfl to K - surance. Origin in the Presbyterian Church Boyvors, l..eona Hutchinson, Sjidie and torc histonn t'Xpires next January. Not Known. An adjourned meeting itf Common This Thursday John Van ^tess, -Mr, and Mrs. Theodore During the year lUlO, Mi> Bla»’k bur- L^ist Frid.iy nuirning, ilu- farm of Council was held in the towi lall. Cublierlcy,.Airs Kaclu 1't'nblK'rly, Mrs. Morning. ruved the sum of l?r>io,(KK) t»n notes ami .•\:iher V. Beilis was .igaiu Visiud by a day mglit. Mary Annail‘ul>lvrley, Allred and Anna ex{H.‘mieil in interest, ujiile dtsa.^lenms fire, which ik-stroyni con Mayor C. C. Bhiuvelt, imm-ilmen t'ubiH'rley,‘Nlr. and Nlrs.Jao'b IV Baste- ilurin'g the year l'.H)S, hi^ }^l■e^U■^•«■^^sol b a p t is t c h u r c h . ^Joscj'h Schenck, W. J. Rih j Dr. G. II. siderable j-ropei'ty Ixfuia; \lie llames do, Samuel; Matilda and' Mae Basudu, borroWfil a similar auunml and |i.ii<l out Luufd K- cliccked. Rbv. W. a . Stanton, D. D.,"*Minister. iFranklin and J. G. Wilstini ;vt Mr. and Ivrs. John Bastt'ih,>, Harry, Irv :#2tl,() Id.h-a in itu nresl, or l,(i03.1 (• mota- l lu' lire was discovert l1 shurily before l^cndancc. ; ing, (..'atUef^ne and .Alici' •iiiV,''ttdo, Mrs^ than till' sum gi\a-n -by Mr.- Bl.u k on ihv SUNDAY. Thu meniliurs of tho flilJJ, ionvii liir S oa liu k, e-'iiiing thi'uuv.ii the ro<4 <>f the- iMatilda Cj-jlig. Mv.>.. C'alherwft Siniili. Mt\ same ;tiuount. largilurn un ine The liii. was.. 9:30 A. M. Bible School. police were olhcmlly appotflid t'y lire urn! .Ml:-. John- C. Pt-n-tfu , .Mr;-. Van In liUl, I'ountv Colkeior k bor- -A. M.. WQrship.imd_Seriium... , ilnyLff,who mstructc^'tlicm as i.i il,n ir lIkii iu liie luymuw, aiul it <[niekly ' Dykty-Uykta-tieurge ( ami—Ev.g'.ami—U«v-g- Fi. rriii>', Mp ■naved and .lymiutai. 1 llirLiHgh Gie buiidiH-gr- >6:30 P.M. Y. P, S.C. E. duties ns olheers, which wiM' pitixIpalTy Sailie I'l ifinc, ' R.iyiuor.d1, Milinii ami n'll.IT a'-, inieivst, '!‘he k.Utfr 7:30 P. M. Worship'and Sermon. consi'^l of assibliiig the firenun, imai ]y Word'^wa.-. ;ejii to 1 ligm’stinvn, and Cornelia tJubberley, Mr. • Liu! rs. John .iinouiu is Ir:than (lu* >mn n.‘piiaemit I ion uf the h'x.i! lumpany THURSDAY. by maintaining a cleared gvoum.i for I'oiiiiwi',. ?Alr. and Mrs. Irtitmia ' Alti-n, spent on a --math-r amonm borrowml them to do their work, ktcpjng hai k tlie Lve>*m lua lu ua- live, wm-re mueii good 7;45 P. Prayer and Praise,Service .Mr Vu-oj'gt.- IV lan.m, Mr. and liming the previ'ai^ vaar. 'riiroughoin Work ua:- ilui:<- by iho 11-. f • crowds who usually attend tiias and .Mr: ('hi lie Ilnhek, Mr. .oitl Mr-. y. .o.-'Mr. HI mk handlrrl :#l,d7o. COMMUNION services. jfreveiHing any interfevt.'.na' which giuslier,- TIa* 'ilri-men w e a--' eil Ka i Ihill. Ml 1 .M;-.. C.Lrr..l li.-> of t hr nun \' uioiii VI by Mr. Ih !h . and m igiibur li.giiting " Sfiflday'fh fcacii ftitijrnicte -iTioiHh 'il kmight hamper the work the Fua; • -.Ixt, t A1 l' ,uul (h'vjtle lItt1i<U, ■'nu thm- ("' am! \ ('olli-etoi• BDek beginning with Frbruary. ^rtc-tinrpahy '^'t'hfc''met4‘H'»cT^' Vr'r'kV'‘ucw. i lie llamu-:. 7.A , X-1:htgr' ITrgh ’lA up pi U'li^ boys and girls mission fi^c police Torec arc Williajd D.ivis. n, -Vni'a 1 aibli ri( v, Mr. .oal 'Ir . CliMm- ' ' * * BAND. 1 hi yi .11 i' ,o l nbuted 11 >hi' \.i.->t dc i row lb .e- as . :du- i Ih- !■ rn r,-.icrc Charles Bai-sngha, George'1 Aanm 'I'iiulail, I'hhei and llov\,,rd llu'iL k, 1,- j . Igi of bu iiii • and lin.uu' mat ” 3:00 P. M* First Sunday in every TIuckstep, George Palnur. r.D'iye ('oii- I lu- liri' ' !.:ni d, A II ,ll b\ W . !;■'!( Ill ivise month. (ianrufle B< n id i 1 ii; . When he ;;n\. d his ]n‘i III of vs.m Hhgiuly 1-m but ini'- W.I . ..iVl'il yvay Badges will lx* fumf Dil m ihc dall, i ik Ivi |o •' •11^. the )<i'V. D'ler, Ml', Bl.u'k furni'-hid .i boniI'utid of woman’s missionary society. ■feie'ytlNTs. [ ; I hroUgll liie i-!f of thu-e who Wi-re anil -Mv:r: J- C- B" ■ . Mi'- .\il.i 'I'hi'np i ’('lou.noo fur the lu u m y L'uliei-i-'rship (iglu me illie fil e 3:45 p. M. Second Tuesday each -• t^ylu-rs were read fi!|r[i Al.s-rs son, [anu s .Mi i k' Am l and !''•< d I |,f :«.’,",S,000 fm- nu mbershii AVating, Chapniiin & Fdr^iihar, t-ngi- Mr. ik lhs h..-: if i.hc l.i t d.iiry •month. .\K’. ki'r, .Mr I .\l!ie Moove, i ,j, ,-f nlUiu V .-inking lund i-um farm: m i iii- • • > [VreM-nt •^Vers, in regard to»lho ■ of the Sluiaim. 1 PL'ing SI-u'uin, Fdi; ■' f irris'.iui’iv .Hid ha.- .11 THE " f/RTHER lights” SOCIETY. Mrs. Je J2 c-'W.-^. 'I'iie i- w. re bu kd)’ ,7 I uut at ork on the constructilm of the sewir )»'l,h,-^Tijth, Mrs. .\inv Fiu-d, .Mrs. S;ir;ih -8;00- Pr M. - Socond- Monday,, each ..T|v DVi'. ly-Mu.ij'cs. ih-it ■i..hi- opniuy epl- pm-umraUum l1i» n.e ueeurii.U., T'hey •.SESted <hm '•thf'.m -- App^'t^at-e-, Mr. dmd-'Mr -. l'.ar;u -.1. Cotl'A". ■ft'crr^l^rtpph' 5-v bond of -^itHijHiO ami jnonUu............ ■t'r^wT .JcO'ries , rN' o...b!’!>'.f.-, Js..pig> iri-d .;l.,I ,iU' were THE LADIES. Alp society. v'e..C 'IVb M'k’d 'Af-picgn iP-;; I rrni hv (jvovc^j • ‘iJiaiVTie ,hiu:U* na V t dJ 1 nimi: tdij::5ti i\x.\ [n.............. in'4mV.kd to proceed.witli (hu.wurkail kutbl^U’ile, Norman ajid bm!'-n l-lulmk-,- *-tf ^yl.ll it-nT^-duike-'a 'dk.v'Dra, 2:00 Each Monday. y,'riJipj^Tapid rale in_ordef t-haUil inighl .'nnri.y'rvvu"ii'hib oj-.'jihy. i\vv> Iona oC E-.jud'At...-ioid;, kititla. A’l- r. WilHnU' *-vOH’’U'i.‘‘-k'rv*'it--l.iTlwT-lVM is'w:kvh,- al -T' ' feed,* iuid al'-'L -4 r.'ir'i i..:; Hrichifiery, bo.y^shed as near to the '' ill" '1 T.'.r’’ - Furman ('170k. Fd_hyuud I'uuk. ■SI (kUd'u.llH, redla;^^t i m Gi.-:'. b y \ V- contract ns pos.sjl-.le; Till lUT '.yerr* rlu-'1ro\-cd',.............................. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. m i f. p.irily by insurance. Rev. Thomas T yaciv, D. D., P astor aski'd to give evidence that lie iisei.ds u uul William Dvi . Mr. Bt 1U-- iiiieiul - lo ndtiiilii nc vi spring. SUNDAY. carry out his contract. It was siaUd th.'il he had been askud Pi supply a riii;- W.I.; ilii- linrd liu- wliiv'h had 9:45 A. M. Bible School. iarj-cr workiup force, as the work niusL MERCER COUNTY 'MANY GUESTS AT — I Hired a! the I-lelli'.