
WETLANDS, Vol. 26, No. 1, March 2006, pp. 131±146 ᭧ 2006, The Society of Wetland Scientists


Kathleen A. Dwire1,3, J. Boone Kauffman1,4, and John E. Baham2 1Department of and Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon, USA 97331-3803

2Department of Crop and Soil Science Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon, USA 97331-3803

3Present address: USDA Service Rocky Mountain Research Station 240 West Prospect Road Fort Collins, Colorado, USA 80526-2098 E-mail: [email protected]

4Present address: USDA Forest Service Institute of Paci®c Islands Forestry Paci®c Southwest Research Station 60 Nowelo Street Hilo, Hawaii, USA 96720

Abstract: The distribution of riparian species is largely driven by hydrologic and soil variables, and riparian plant communities frequently occur in relatively distinct zones along streamside elevational and soil textural gradients. In two montane meadows in northeast Oregon, USA, we examined plant species distri- bution in three riparian plant communitiesÐde®ned as wet, moist, and dry meadowÐalong short topographic gradients. We established transects from streamside wet meadow communities to the dry meadow commu- nities located on the ¯oodplain terrace. Within each of the three communities, we sampled plant species

composition and cover and monitored water-table depth and soil redox potential (Eh) at 10- and 25-cm depths through three growing seasons (1997, 1998, and 1999). The study objectives were (1) to characterize and compare seasonal patterns of water-table depth and soil redox potential in portions of the ¯oodplain domi- nated by the three different plant communities; (2) to compare plant species composition, distribution, and diversity among the three communities; and (3) to relate plant species diversity and distribution to water- table depth and redox potential. Strong environmental gradients existed along the transects. Water-table depth followed the seasonal patterns of stream stage and discharge and was consistently highest in the wet meadow communities (ranging from ϩ26 cm above the soil surface to Ϫ37 cm below the surface), lowest in the dry meadow communities (Ϫ8cmtoϪ 115 cm), and intermediate in the moist meadow communities (ϩ17 cm to Ϫ73 cm). Dynamics of redox potential were associated with the seasonal ¯uctuations in water-table depth

and differed among the plant communities. In the wet meadow communities, anaerobic soil conditions (Eh Յ 300 mV) occurred from March through July at 10-cm depth and throughout the year at 25-cm depth. In the moist meadow communities, were anaerobic during spring high ¯ows and aerobic in summer and fall during low ¯ows. In the dry meadow communities, soil conditions were predominantly aerobic through- out the year at both depths. Wet meadow communities were dominated by sedges (Carex spp.) and had the lowest species richness and diversity, whereas dry meadow communities were composed of a mixture of grasses and forbs and had the greatest number of species. Species richness and total plant cover were negatively correlated with mean water-table depth and positively correlated with mean redox potential at 10- cm and 25-cm depths (P Ͻ 0.01). Distribution of the 18 most abundant plant species in relation to water- table depth and soil redox potential showed that certain species, such as the obligate wetland sedges, occurred within a fairly restricted range of water-table depth, whereas other graminoids occurred over wide ranges. These results suggest that the biological diversity often observed in montane riparian meadows is strongly related to steep environmental gradients in and soil redox status.

Key Words: wetland indicators, plant species richness, plant species diversity, water-table depth, montane riparian meadows, oxidation-reduction potential, Blue Mountains, Oregon 131 132 WETLANDS, Volume 26, No. 1, 2006

INTRODUCTION Woerner and Hackney 1997). Fewer studies on rela- tionships among hydrology, soil redox potential, and Hydrologic ¯ow regime is the major factor govern- plant species distribution have been conducted in ri- ing physical and biotic processes and aquatic and ri- parian areas (Cooper 1990, Green 1992, Castelli et al. parian biota in stream-riparian corridors (Poff et al. 2000), and little is known about the spatial and tem- 1997, Tabacchi et al. 1998). The composition and dis- poral extent, duration, or intensity of soil redox con- tribution of riparian vegetation are primarily deter- ditions associated with most riparian plant communi- mined by features of the hydrologic regime, including ties (Dwire et al. 2000). Moreover, limited data are infrequent large ¯oods (Stromberg et al. 1997, Rood available on the tolerances and responses of common et al. 1998), seasonal ¯ooding (Auble and Scott 1998), riparian plant species to ¯ooding and low soil redox duration of inundation (Roberts and Ludwig 1991, Au- potentials in natural environments (Keddy 1999). ble et al. 1994), instream ¯ows (Nilsson 1987, Strom- In two riparian meadows in northeast Oregon, USA, berg and Patten 1990, Stromberg 1993, Rood et al. we examined relations among water-table depth, redox 1995), and levels of shallow ground water (Allen-Diaz potential, and plant species distribution in three ripar- 1991, Stromberg et al. 1996, Castelli et al. 2000). The ian plant communities along streamside gradients. The hydrologic regime, particularly water-table dynamics three communitiesÐa priori de®ned as wet, moist, associated with seasonal ¯ooding, also in¯uences ri- and dry meadowÐoccurred along a short topographic parian soils by controlling the areal extent and duration gradient and occupied different geomorphic positions of saturation. In saturated soils, oxidation-reduction on the ¯oodplain. The study objectives were (1) to potential, or redox potential, indicates the occurrence characterize and compare seasonal patterns of water- and intensity of anaerobic conditions and provides an table depth and soil redox potential in portions of the integrative measure of physical and biological condi- ¯oodplain dominated by the three different plant com- tions in subsurface environments (Cogger et al. 1992, munities; (2) to compare plant species composition Mitsch and Gosselink 1993). Spatial and temporal gra- and diversity among the three communities; and (3) to dients in redox potential commonly occur within the relate plant species diversity and distribution to water- near stream portions of riparian areas (Dahm et al. table depth and redox potential. Special attention was 1998, Hedin et al. 1998, McClain et al. 2003). Knowl- given to the occurrence of dominant herbaceous spe- edge of soil redox potential assists in understanding cies in relation to water-table depth and soil redox po- the soil environment occupied by different plant spe- tential. cies and provides insights into functional characteris- tics of saturated riparian environments. This may be especially important in riparian meadows, where ®ne- METHODS textured soils are common and longitudinal gradients Study Site Descriptions are less steep than elsewhere along the stream-riparian corridor. The study sites are located along valley segments of The in¯uence of hydrologic variables and soil redox West Chicken Creek (45Њ06Ј15Љ N, 118Њ19Ј41ЉW) and potential on plant characteristics has been investigated Limber Jim Creek (45Њ3Ј17ЉN, 118Њ24Ј11Љ W), two most frequently under controlled experimental condi- second-order tributaries to the upper Grande Ronde tions (Moog and Janiesch 1990, Brix and Sorrell 1996, River, northeast Oregon (Figure 1), and are adminis- Kludze and DeLaune 1996, Yetka and Galatowitsch tered by the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. Al- 1999). Distinctive features of riparian plant commu- though livestock have historically grazed both sites, nities that re¯ect responses to steep environmental gra- these meadows are among the least disturbed montane dients include species richness, diversity and types of meadows of the region. The West Chicken Creek growth forms, and species composition and distribu- study site was fenced to exclude livestock in 1993, and tion (Gregory et al. 1991, Naiman et al. 1993, Naiman the Limber Jim Creek study site has not been managed and Decamps 1997, Tabacchi et al. 1998). Although for livestock grazing since 1978; however, native un- controlled experimental work has identi®ed hydrologic gulates and occasional trespass cattle graze both sites. requirements for a few species under speci®ed condi- The study sites have similar histories of upslope log- tions, results may have limited utility in predicting spe- ging. The two streams are similar in elevation (ഠ 1320 cies presence or abundance in natural settings. Most m) and gradient (2 to 2.5%). However, Limber Jim ®eld investigations of interactions among hydrologic Creek is a wider, larger stream with considerably variables, redox potential, and plant species distribu- greater discharge in spring and a larger drainage area tion have been conducted in salt marshes with low than West Chicken Creek (Table 1). Mean annual pre- species diversity and have focused on obligate wetland cipitation is approximately 65 cm, with Ͼ 80% falling species (Howes et al. 1981, DeLaune et al. 1983, between November and May, primarily as Dwire et al., PLANT SPECIES, WATER-TABLE DEPTH, AND REDOX IN MEADOWS 133

Table 1. Watershed and stream physical characteristics of West Chicken Creek and Limber Jim Creek along the meadow study sites, northeast Oregon.

West Chicken Limber Jim Variable Creek Creek Catchment Area (km2)1 21.8 34.4 Aspect (stream ¯ow direction) southwest north Wetted Width : Thalweg Depth2 5.3 10.1 Sinuosity3 3.8 2.1 Discharge (m3/sec)4 0.01±1.0 0.01±2.5 1 from Bohle 1994. 2 Average ratio of wetted width to thalweg depth based on paired mea- surements of stream width and depth collected along ഠ 200 m of stream. 3 Sinuosity calculated as ratio of stream length to valley length. 4 Discharge data collected by the USDA Forest Service, Wallowa-Whit- man National Forest, La Grande Ranger District. Values indicate the range of discharge from April through October 1998.

1997, 69% of average in May 1998, and 128% of av- Figure 1. Study area showing locations of meadow (M) erage in May 1999 (USDA Natural Conser- study sites along West Chicken Creek and Limber Jim Creek vation Service). and stream gaging station at Woodley Campground on the The study sites were approximately 250 m in length Grande Ronde River, northeast Oregon. and 80 m in width. The meadow vegetation was com- posed of three plant communities, which are distrib- (1961±1990; USDA Conservation uted along a topographic moisture gradient across the Service). The stream hydrographs are dominated by narrow ¯oodplain (Figure 3, Otting 1998, Dwire spring , which typically begins in March or 2001). We refer to the three communities as wet, April, with peak ¯ows in May (Figure 2; Clarke et al. moist, and dry meadow. Streamside wet meadow com- 1997). During the period of our study, the snowpack munities are typically ¯ooded for several weeks each varied among years: the basin-wide snowpack for the spring, whereas moist meadow communities, which Grande Ronde River was 143% of average in May occur at somewhat higher relative elevation, may only

Figure 2. Daily discharge data for the water years 1993±1999 obtained from the Oregon Water Department gaging station at Woodley Campground, upper Grande Ronde River, Oregon. Data for 1998 were lost due to vandalism. 134 WETLANDS, Volume 26, No. 1, 2006

Figure 3. Cross section of a well transect, showing instal- lation of wells and probes for measurement of soil redox potential in the wet, moist, and dry meadow plant commu- nities.

be inundated for short periods during snowmelt runoff. At both sites, the wet and moist meadow communities are restricted to the near stream zone and along relict channels. Dry meadow communities generally occur on ¯oodplain terraces (Figure 3) and rarely experience any overland ¯ooding. The upstream forest reaches and valley uplands were dominated by several conifer species, principally Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii Parry), Douglas Figure 4. (A) Stream stage for Limber Jim Creek and West ®r (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco), and lod- Chicken Creek from July 1997 through August 1999. gepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.) (Case 1995, Dashed line indicates periods when data were not collected. Brookshire and Dwire 2003). Geology of the ¯ood- (B) Discharge at the downstream end of the meadow study plain meadows consists of Holocene alluvium, which sites for April through October 1998. Data are continuous has been deposited over Grande Ronde Basalt (Ferns for Limber Jim Creek and discrete for West Chicken Creek. and Taubeneck 1994, Ferns 1998). The shallow allu- vial soils (ϳ 40 cm to 120 cm deep) are ash-in¯uenced Mollisols and Entisols, underlain by coarse gravels 1997 through September 1999. In 1998, continuous (Robert Ottersberg, Cordilleran Connection, personal water-level measurements allowed estimation of dis- communication). charge for Limber Jim Creek from April through Oc- tober (Figure 4); unfortunately, continuous water-level Physical Variables records for West Chicken Creek were lost due to dis- Daily discharge data for the upper Grande Ronde turbance of the monitoring equipment by trespass cat- River were calculated from water-level records col- tle in July 1998. Instantaneous discharge was mea- lected at the Woodley Campground gaging station, lo- sured periodically at West Chicken Creek using a ¯ow cated upstream from the study sites, 1993 through meter (Figure 4). 1999 by the Oregon Department To characterize the stream channels, paired mea- (Figure 1, Figure 2). Unfortunately, water-level data surements of wetted width and thalweg depth were for 1998 were lost due to vandalism. At West Chicken collected along approximately 200 m of stream at each Creek and Limber Jim Creek, discharge data were col- site (Robert Beschta, Oregon State University, unpub- lected at gaging stations established near the down- lished data), and the average ratio of wetted width to stream boundaries of the meadow study sites by the thalweg depth was calculated for each site (Table 1). USDA Forest Service, Wallowa-Whitman National Sinuosity was calculated as the ratio of stream length Forest, La Grande Ranger District. Water-level record- to valley length; stream length measurements were ob- ers were installed in spring and removed in fall. A staff tained during site surveys, which included character- gauge was installed at each gaging station, and stream izing longitudinal pro®les of the stream thalweg within stage was recorded during each site visit from July each 250 m meadow study site (Table 1). Dwire et al., PLANT SPECIES, WATER-TABLE DEPTH, AND REDOX IN MEADOWS 135

Water-Table Depth and Soil Redox Potential Plant Species Distribution

To determine the seasonal hydrologic and soil con- Plant species composition and cover were sampled ϫ ഠ ditions of the three meadow communities, water-table in four 0.5 m 0.5 m plots that were located 0.25 m directly to the north, south, east, and west of each depth and soil redox potential were monitored along well, for a total of 20 plots for each community type ®ve transects established at each site. Prior to transect (four plots ϫ ®ve well locations per community type) establishment (May 1997), plant communities were at each site. Vegetation data were collected from 14 mapped, and locations for installation of wells were to 29 July 1997. Percent cover of all randomly selected within ®ve streamside wet meadow species, mixed bryophytes, and ground surface fea- communities. Transects extended from each of the wet tures (bare ground, litter, and water) was recorded for meadow well locations to the ¯oodplain terrace each plot. Cover was ocularly estimated using the fol- through the moist and dry meadow communities (Fig- lowing intervals: 1% units up to 5%, 5% units from ure 3). Along each transect, well locations were ran- 5±100% (after Daubenmire 1959, Gauch 1982). Mul- domly selected within the moist and dry communities, tiple layers of plant cover occurred in some plots, re- for a total of ®ve wells within each community at each sulting in total cover that exceeded 100%. Nomencla- site. At West Chicken Creek, transect length averaged ture and native or introduced status followed Hitch- 18 m (range 14 m to 22 m); at Limber Jim Creek, cock and Cronquist (1973), except for the family Cy- transect length averaged 11 m (range 9 m to 14 m). peraceae (Hickman 1993). Each species was assigned To measure water-table depth, holes were driven to a USFWS growth habit and Wetland Indicator Cat- with a steel rod and sledge hammer through the shal- egory (Reed 1988, 1996). low soils and into the underlying gravels, and wells were installed approximately 20 cm into the gravel layer (Figure 3). Depths of the wells ranged from 64 Data Analyses cm to 121 cm below the surface. Well casings were Mean redox potential (n ϭ 3) was calculated for made from 2.54-cm-diameter PVC pipe, drilled with each well location, depth, and date of sampling; re- 0.32-cm-diameter holes. Water-table depth was mea- sulting means were used in all analyses. For each site, sured with a metered copper wire connected to an repeated-measures analysis of variance was used to ohmmeter by lowering the wire into each well and test for plant community differences in water-table recording the depth of contact with water. To measure depth, redox potential at 10-cm depth, and redox po- soil redox potential, platinum electrodes were installed tential at 25-cm depth (Ramsey and Schafer 1997). within 0.5 m of each well at 10-and 25-cm depths (n Plant community was treated as a ®xed factor, water- ϭ 3 probes per depth). Platinum electrodes were con- table depth and redox potential were treated as the re- structed by soldering a 15-mm length of 18-gauge Pt peated variables, and an interaction term was included wire to varying lengths of insulated 18-gauge Cu wire, in each model to examine the relationship between and sealing the Pt-Cu junction with a waterproof ep- plant community and sampling date. During each sea- oxy (similar to construction described by Mueller et son, 2±3 wells per site, located in the moist and dry al. 1985, Faulkner et al. 1989, Cogger et al. 1992). meadow communities, went `dry' in late summer and Following installation, probes were allowed to equili- fall. For these sampling dates, the depth of the well brate for 7 to 10 days before measurements were tak- was used as the value for water-table depth. Normality and homogeneity of variance for water-table depth, re- en. Redox potential was measured using a voltmeter dox, and vegetation data were examined through sum- in conjunction with a saturated single-junction Ag/ mary statistics, examination of residuals, and conduct- AgCl reference electrode (similar to method described ing Levene's tests (Ramsey and Schafer, 1997). Anal- by Faulkner et al. 1989). To correct the voltmeter mea- yses of variance were conducted using Statistical Anal- surements, 214 mV was added to each value (Bohn ysis System (SAS 1990). 1971, Bates 1973). Soils were considered to be anaer- To calculate species diversity measures and evaluate ϩ obic if redox potential was less than 300 mV (Gam- plant cover, data from the four 0.5 m ϫ 0.5 m plots brell and Patrick 1978, Faulkner and Patrick 1992). surrounding each well were combined. Species diver- Water-table depth and soil redox potential were mea- sity was summarized for the communities using the sured from July 1997 through August 1999, approxi- following measures: average species richness per well mately every two-to-three weeks during the spring, location, species heterogeneity, total number of spe- fall, and summer seasons, for a total of 28 sampling cies, and Shannon-Weiner diversity index, indicated dates at West Chicken Creek and 26 sampling dates by HЈ (Magurran 1988, Krebs 1989). To calculate av- at Limber Jim Creek. erage species richness per well location, the number 136 WETLANDS, Volume 26, No. 1, 2006

of species occurring in the four 0.5 m ϫ 0.5 m plots quartile ranges were calculated from the combined surrounding each well were ®rst combined and aver- data collected during 1997, 1998, and 1999, and we aged, and then data from the ®ve well locations for considered them to be representative of growing sea- each community at each site were averaged. Com- son conditions. The interquartile range (i.e., the range munity differences in average species richness per well of the middle 50% of the data), is an estimate of the location were tested using analysis of variance and Tu- degree of ¯uctuation in water-table depth or redox po- key's honest signi®cant difference (HSD), a multiple tential. Correlations were conducted using SAS (SAS comparison test conducted in SAS (SAS 1990). Spe- 1990). cies heterogeneity was calculated as the ratio of the The streamside habitats of the 18 most abundant total number of species in each community to the av- plant species (Table 2) were characterized by sum- erage number of species per well location (Whittaker marizing water-table depth and soil redox potential 1972, Wilson and Mohler 1983). Shannon-Weiner di- data for all well locations (both sites) where the spe- versity indices were calculated for each site individu- cies of interest occupied Ն 5% cover. These common ally, as well as both sites combined. Similarity in spe- species were selected because each species accounted cies occurrence among the communities was evaluated for Ն 5% mean cover in one or more plant commu- by calculating SoÈrensens coef®cients (Magurran nities at West Chicken Creek or Limber Jim Creek. 1988). Medians and quartile ranges of water-table depth and To calculate cover for individual species, data from redox potential were calculated (Ramsey and Shafer the four 0.5 m ϫ 0.5 m plots surrounding each well 1997) and plotted for each of the 18 species. were ®rst combined and averaged, and then data from the ®ve well locations for each community at each site were averaged. A weighted average index, or wetland RESULTS prevalence index, was calculated to determine predom- Seasonal Dynamics of Water-Table Depth and Soil inance of hydrophytic vegetation (Wentworth et al. Redox Potential 1988) for each community at each site. The wetland prevalence index, also referred to as a wetland score Water-Table Depth. Strong spatial and temporal gra- (National Research Council 1995), was computed by dients in water-table depth existed along the near weighting the abundance (cover) of each species with stream transects (Figure 5). Water-table depth differed the following index values for each Wetland Indicator among the plant communities at both West Chicken ϭ ϭ Ͻ Category: obligate wetland (OBL) 1, facultative Creek (F2, 12 37.5, P 0.01) and Limber Jim Creek ϭ ϭ ϭ Ͻ wetland (FACW) 2, facultative (FAC) 3, facul- (F2, 12 24.4, P 0.01). Interactions between plant tative upland (FACU) ϭ 4, upland (UP) ϭ 5. Wetland community and sampling date were not signi®cant at prevalence indices were calculated as follows: either site, and the water-table was consistently highest ͸ in the wet meadow communities, lowest in the dry AWii Prevalence Index ϭ ͸ meadow communities, and intermediate in the moist Wi meadow communities (Figure 5). Peak water-tables occurred during high ¯ows in late Where: May in 1998 and 1999. During high ¯ows, the wet ϭ meadow communities were ¯ooded for four to six Ai the abundance (cover) of species i ϭ weeks, with water remaining well above the soil sur- Wi Wetland Indicator Category index value for spe- cies i face for much of the period. The moist meadow com- i ϭ species munities were inundated intermittently during high ¯ows, with depth to water-table ranging from ϩ17 Vegetation has been de®ned as hydrophytic if the wet- (above the soil surface) to Ϫ23 cm at West Chicken prevalence index was less than 3.0 (Wentworth Creek and from ϩ3toϪ30 cm at Limber Jim Creek. et al. 1988, US Army Corps of Engineers 1989). During spring high ¯ows, considerably more overland Spearman rank correlations among species richness ¯ooding occurred at West Chicken Creek than at Lim- (total number of species occurring in four 0.5 m2 plots ber Jim Creek, possibly re¯ecting the channel char- at each well location), mean plant cover, soil depth, acteristics of the two streams. In the dry meadow com- and hydrologic and redox variables were conducted for munities, the depth to water-table ranged from Ϫ17 to each site (n ϭ 15 well locations per site). The follow- Ϫ52 cm at West Chicken Creek and from Ϫ7toϪ53 ing variables were used in correlation analyses for wa- cm at Limber Jim Creek during spring high ¯ows. ter-table depth, redox potential at 10 cm depth, and Maximum depths to water-table occurred in mid-to- redox potential at 25 cm depth: mean, median, and late September at all sampling locations, during sea- interquartile range. These means, medians, and inter- sonal low-¯ows, and prior to fall each year. Dur- Dwire et al., PLANT SPECIES, WATER-TABLE DEPTH, AND REDOX IN MEADOWS 137

Table 2. Percent cover (mean Ϯ 1SE, n ϭ 5), USFWS growth habit and Wetland Indicator Category of dominant species (Ն 5% cover) for the wet, moist, and dry meadow plant communities at West Chicken Creek and Limber Jim Creek.

West Chicken Limber Jim Wetland Indicator Species Creek Creek Growth Habit1 Category2 Wet Meadow Carex utriculata Boott. 64 Ϯ 17 3 Ϯ 2 PNEGL OBL Carex aquatilis Wahl. 28 Ϯ 13 88 Ϯ 4 PNEGL OBL Moist Meadow Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) Beauv. 35 Ϯ 11 6 Ϯ 3 PNG FACW Poa pratensis L. 20 Ϯ 3 9 Ϯ 2 PIG FACU Calamogrostis canadensis (Michx.) Beauv 3 Ϯ 2 25 Ϯ 7 PNG FACW Juncus balticus Willd. 5 Ϯ 5 8 Ϯ 3 PNGL OBL Carex aquatilis Wahl. 7 Ϯ 3 6 Ϯ 3 PNGL OBL Carex microptera Mack. 6 Ϯ 3 1 Ϯ 1 PNGL FAC Carex lanuginosa Michx. 4 Ϯ 1 15 Ϯ 8 PNGL OBL occidentale Greene 10 Ϯ 7 5 Ϯ 7 PNF FACW Senecio pseudoareus Rydb. 7 Ϯ 4 3 Ϯ 2 PNF FACW Fragaria virginiana Duchesne 0.2 Ϯ 0.1 5 Ϯ 5 PNF FACU Arnica chamisonis Less. 5 Ϯ 2 6 Ϯ 2 PNF FACW Dry Meadow Poa pratensis L. 50 Ϯ 8 19 Ϯ 2 PIG FACU Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) Beauv 11 Ϯ 5 2 Ϯ 1 PNG FACW Danthonia californica Boland. 10 Ϯ 4 0 PNG FACU Juncus balticus Willd. 2 Ϯ 1 16 Ϯ 7 PNGL OBL Trifolium repens L. 9 Ϯ 3 16 Ϯ 1 PIF FACU Trifolium longipes Nutt. 8 Ϯ 5 5 Ϯ 1 PNF FAC Fragaria virginiana Duchesne 4 Ϯ 3 20 Ϯ 5 PNF FACU Potentilla gracilis Dougl. 7 Ϯ 2 15 Ϯ 6 PNF FAC Achillea millefolium L. 8 Ϯ 4 5 Ϯ 1 PNF FACU Aster occidentalis (Nutt.) T&G 6 Ϯ 1 5 Ϯ 1 PNF FAC Mixed bryophytes 9 Ϯ 1 5 Ϯ 1 moss 1 Growth habit includes P ϭ perennial, E ϭ emergent, F ϭ forb, G ϭ grass, GL ϭ grasslike; N ϭ native, and I ϭ introduced. 2 USFWS Wetland Indicator Categories are OBL ϭ obligate wetland; FACW ϭ facultative wetland; FAC ϭ facultative; FACU ϭ facultative upland (Reed 1988).

ϭ Ͻ ing late summer in the wet meadow communities, wa- both depths (10 cm depth: F2, 12 10.4, P 0.01; 25 Ϫ Ϫ ϭ Ͻ ter-table depth ranged from 21 to 36 cm at West cm depth: F2, 12 16.3, P 0.01); however, at Limber Chicken Creek and from Ϫ25 to Ϫ37 cm at Limber Jim Creek, interactions were not signi®cant at either Jim Creek. In the moist meadow communities, water- depth. Redox measurements were highly variable on table depth ranged from ഠ Ϫ38 to Ϫ73 cm at both most sampling dates, particularly in the wet and moist West Chicken Creek and Limber Jim Creek in late communities (Figure 6). Throughout the sampling pe- summer. In the dry meadow communities, maximum riod, redox potential measurements were least variable depths to the water-table ranged from Ϫ75 to Ϫ115 in the dry communities at 10 cm (CV ϭ 14% for both Ϫ Ϫ cm at West Chicken Creek and from 58 to 84 cm sites) and most variable in the wet communities at 25 at Limber Jim Creek. Differences in the water-table cm (CV ϭ 442% at West Chicken Creek, CV ϭ 194% depth between the plant communities were greater at at Limber Jim Creek). West Chicken Creek than Limber Jim Creek for most There were signi®cant differences in soil redox po- sampling dates. tential at both 10-cm and 25-cm depth among plant Soil Redox Potential. Seasonal patterns in soil redox communities at both West Chicken Creek (10-cm ϭ Ͻ ϭ potential were distinctive for each plant community, depth: F2, 12 11.4, P 0.01; 25-cm depth: F2, 12 showing that different soil environments existed along 22.7, P Ͻ 0.01) and Limber Jim Creek (10-cm depth: ϭ Ͻ ϭ ϭ the near stream transects (Figure 6). At West Chicken F2, 12 9.5, P 0.01; 25-cm depth: F2, 12 6.2, P Creek, interactions between plant community and sam- 0.01). In the wet meadow communities, redox poten- pling date for soil redox potential were signi®cant at tials at 10-cm depth indicated mostly anaerobic con- 138 WETLANDS, Volume 26, No. 1, 2006

Figure 5. Water-table depth (mean Ϯ 1 SE) in wet, moist, and dry meadow communities at (A) West Chicken Creek (B) and Limber Jim Creek from July 1997 through August 1999. Dashed line indicates periods when data were not col- lected.

ditions from spring through mid-summer; redox values ranged from Ϫ113 to 436 mV at West Chicken Creek and from Ϫ136 to 361 mV at Limber Jim Creek during the period from 13 May 1998 through 9 August 1998. In late summer and fall, redox potentials at 10-cm depth in the wet meadows were mostly aerobic, par- ticularly at West Chicken Creek (Figure 6A and B). At 25 cm, however, redox potentials in the wet mead- ow communities remained anaerobic at most sampling locations throughout the sampling period. Although measurements indicated that soil conditions were con- sistently anaerobic, soil redox potential at 25 cm in the wet meadows still displayed seasonal patterns. Lowest redox potentials, indicating highly reducing conditions (Gambrell et al. 1991) occurred from mid-May to mid- July in both 1998 and 1999 (range: Ϫ126 to 73 mV at West Chicken Creek and from Ϫ136 to 155 mV at Ϯ Limber Jim Creek). Higher redox potentials, indicating Figure 6. Mean soil redox potential (mean 1 SE) at (A) 10-cm depth and (B) 25-cm depth in wet, moist, and dry mead- moderately reducing to oxidized conditions, occurred Ϫ ow communities at West Chicken Creek and mean soil redox from mid-September to mid-October (range: from 40 potential at (C) 10-cm depth and (D) 25-cm depth in wet, to 394 mV at West Chicken Creek and from Ϫ15 to moist, and dry meadow communities at Limber Jim Creek. 558 mV at Limber Jim Creek). Dashed line indicates periods when data were not collected. Dwire et al., PLANT SPECIES, WATER-TABLE DEPTH, AND REDOX IN MEADOWS 139

Table 3. Diversity measures and wetland prevalence indices for the wet, moist, and dry meadow plant communities at West Chicken Creek and Limber Jim Creek, northeast Oregon. For each site, different letters denote a signi®cant difference between community means (Tukey's honest signi®cant difference, ␣ϭ0.05).

No. species Wetland per well location Species Total No. Shannon- Prevalence Index n (mean Ϯ SD) Heterogeneity Species Weiner HЈ (mean Ϯ SD) West Chicken Creek Wet Meadow 5 7 Ϯ 5a 2.00 14 1.89 1.07 Ϯ 0.06 Moist Meadow 5 14 Ϯ 4b 2.39 33 2.06 2.39 Ϯ 0.27 Dry Meadow 5 19 Ϯ 5c 1.96 37 2.50 3.50 Ϯ 0.10 All 15 13 Ϯ 7 4.01 53 4.20 2.32 Ϯ 1.04 Limber Jim Creek Wet Meadow 5 4 Ϯ 1a 2.50 9 1.95 1.04 Ϯ 0.04 Moist Meadow 5 15 Ϯ 4b 1.97 30 2.05 2.13 Ϯ 0.48 Dry Meadow 5 20 Ϯ 4c 1.81 37 2.50 3.14 Ϯ 0.40 All 15 13 Ϯ 8 3.60 47 3.66 2.10 Ϯ 0.95 Both Sites Wet Meadow 10 5 Ϯ 4a 3.40 18 2.75 1.05 Ϯ 0.05 Moist Meadow 10 14 Ϯ 4b 2.97 43 3.01 2.26 Ϯ 0.39 Dry Meadow 10 20 Ϯ 5c 2.60 51 3.46 3.32 Ϯ 0.33 All 30 13 Ϯ 7 4.80 63 4.96 2.21 Ϯ 0.99

In the moist meadows communities, soils underwent Creek and by Carex aquatilis at Limber Jim Creek marked seasonal shifts from reduced to oxidized con- (Table 2). In the moist meadow communities, the ditions. The seasonal range in redox potential was con- grasses Deschampsia cespitosa and Poa pratensis siderably greater in the moist communities than in ei- comprised ഠ 55% cover at West Chicken Creek, ther the wet or dry communities at both depths (Figure whereas the grass Calamagrostis canadensis and sedge 6). From spring to mid-July, redox potentials in the Carex lanuginosa comprised ഠ 40% combined cover moist meadow communities were intermediate be- at Limber Jim Creek. In the dry meadows at West tween the wet and dry communities. From mid-July Chicken Creek, forbs and graminoids were about equal through mid-October, redox potentials at 10 cm in the in cover, with Poa pratensis being the most abundant moist communities were very similar to the dry com- graminoid. In the dry meadow communities at Limber Ϯ Ϯ munities, averaging 513 7 (mean 1SE) for both Jim Creek, forb species comprised ഠ 65% of the plant sites. For the same time period, average redox poten- cover, with Fragaria virginiana being the most abun- Ϯ tial at 25 cm for the moist communities was 394 20 dant species. Abundant graminoids were Poa pratensis Ϯ at West Chicken Creek and 385 22 at Limber Jim and Juncus balticus. Bryophytes, dominated by the Creek. moss Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid., were most In the dry meadow communities at West Chicken common in the dry meadows, particularly at West Creek, redox potential at 10 cm remained above 300 Chicken Creek (Table 2). mV throughout the sampling period, indicating that For both sites combined, 63 vascular taxa were sam- soil conditions were continuously aerobic (Figure 6A). pled in the 10 transects and 30 well locations (Table At Limber Jim Creek, average redox potential in the 3). Perennial forbs accounted for the largest number dry meadow community at 10 cm remained aerobic of species (34 taxa), followed by sedges (Carex spp., with the exception of a short period in May 1998, 10 taxa), and perennial grasses (9 taxa). Less common when soils at two dry meadow well locations became taxa included annual grasses and forbs (5 taxa), rushes anaerobic, averaging 22 mV on 31 May 1998 (Figure (Juncus and Luzula spp., 3 taxa), and horsetails (Eq- 6C). In the dry meadow communities at both sites, redox potentials at 25 cm decreased during spring uisetum spp., 2 taxa). Floristically, the sites were sim- ¯ooding in both 1998 and 1999 (Figure 6B and 6D). ilar, sharing approximately 70% of the vascular taxa. SoÈrensen's similarity coef®cients indicated that there was considerable overlap of species between the two Plant Species Distribution sites, particularly in the dry meadow (0.61) and moist The wet meadow communities were dominated by meadow communities (0.63), whereas the wet meadow Carex utriculata and Carex aquatilis at West Chicken communities shared fewer species (0.43). The number 140 WETLANDS, Volume 26, No. 1, 2006

of species per well location differed among commun- ϭ Ͻ ties at West Chicken Creek (F2, 12 9.4, P 0.01), ϭ Ͻ Limber Jim Creek (F2, 12 11.6, P 0.01), and both ϭ Ͻ sites combined (F2, 27 10.4, P 0.01). At both sites, the wet meadow communities had the fewest number of species (2 to 13 species per well location), and the dry meadow communities had the largest number of species (12 to 26 species per well location) (Table 3). HЈ values were lowest in the wet meadow communi- ties, intermediate in the moist meadow communities, and highest in the dry meadow communities at both sites (Table 3). Within each community, the total num- ber of species was similar at both sites (Table 3). Within each site, SoÈrensen's coef®cients indicated that the dry and moist meadow communities were sim- ilar in species composition (0.60 and 0.72, West Chicken Creek and Limber Jim Creek, respectively), whereas moist and wet communities shared fewer spe- cies (0.43 and 0.26), and wet and dry meadow com- munities were the least similar in species composition (0.12 and 0.17). At West Chicken Creek, ഠ 24% of the species occurred in both the wet and moist com- munities, whereas 40% were present in both the moist and dry. At Limber Jim Creek, approximately 14% of Figure 7. Number of species (A) and proportion of species the species occurred in both the wet and moist com- cover (B) in USFWS Indicator Categories for the wet, moist, munities, whereas 60% were present in both the moist and dry meadow communities at West Chicken Creek and and dry. At each site, only 11% of the species occurred Limber Jim Creek (data from both sites are combined). in both the wet and dry communities. Nine non-native species, which occurred at both sites, were sampled. The most abundant non-native communities included species from all categories, fac- species were the grass Poa pratensis and the forb Tri- ultative upland (FACU) species comprised 90% of the folium repens (Growth habits PIG and PIF in Table plant cover. These results are re¯ected in the wetland 2). At both sites, Poa pratensis occurred at all of the prevalence indices for the communities (Table 3), moist and dry well locations and accounted for ഠ 23% which show that the wet and moist communities were mean total cover at West Chicken Creek and ഠ 9% at dominated by hydrophytic vegetation (index values Ͻ Limber Jim Creek. Whereas Trifolium repens occurred 3.0), whereas the dry meadows were composed largely at all the dry well locations at both sites, this species of mesophytic and `drier end' species (index values Ͼ was also present at three of the ®ve moist well loca- 3.0). tions at Limber Jim Creek. The remaining seven non- native speciesÐAgrostis alba var. stolinifera L., Ru- Relationships Among Water-Table Depth, Soil mex crispus L., Veronica serpyllifolia L., Plantago Redox Potential, and Plant Species Distribution major L., Taraxacum of®cianale Weber, Phleum pra- tense L., Ceratium nutans Raf.Ðoccurred mostly at Species richness and plant cover were strongly cor- the dry well locations and generally averaged less than related to mean water-table depth (P Ͻ 0.01 and P Ͻ 1% cover at each site. 0.05, respectively; Table 4). In addition, species rich- The distribution of species partitioned within Wet- ness and plant cover were positively correlated to land Indicator Categories re¯ected compositional dif- mean redox potential at both 10 and 25 cm depths, ferences among the three communities (Figure 7). In indicating that more species occurred where soils were the wet meadow communities, ഠ 28 % of the species better aerated. The correlations between species rich- were obligate wetland (OBL) and ഠ 44 % were fac- ness and plant cover with the interquartile range of ultative wetland (FACW) (Figure 7A); OBL species water-table depth were different for each site. At West composed over 97% of the plant cover. In the moist Chicken Creek, species richness was not signi®cantly meadow communities, 30% of the species were cate- correlated to the interquartile range of water-table gorized as FACW and accounted for ഠ 59% of the depth, although plant cover was positively correlated. plant cover (Figure 7B). Although the dry meadow At Limber Jim Creek, species richness was highly cor- Dwire et al., PLANT SPECIES, WATER-TABLE DEPTH, AND REDOX IN MEADOWS 141

Table 4. Spearman rank correlation coef®cients for correlations among species richness, plant cover, water-table depth, and soil variables for (A) West Chicken Creek and (B) Limber Jim Creek. Correlations are based on 15 well locations per site.

WTD Ave WTD IQR Eh 10cm Ave Eh 10cm IQR Eh 25cm Ave Eh 25 cm IQR A) West Chicken Creek Sp Richness Ϫ0.75* 0.44NS 0.55* Ϫ0.36NS 0.58* Ϫ0.10NS P1 Cover Ϫ0.90** 0.60* 0.72* Ϫ0.62* 0.69* Ϫ0.26NS Soil Depth 0.69* Ϫ0.39NS Ϫ0.50NS 0.57* Ϫ0.51* 0.21NS WTD Med 0.99** Ϫ0.64* Ϫ0.84** 0.73* Ϫ0.88** 0.31NS Ϫ NS Ϫ Ϫ NS Eh 10cm Med 0.70* 0.13 0.90** 0.65* 0.81** 0.34 Ϫ NS Ϫ Ϫ NS Eh 25cm Med 0.87** 0.34 0.86** 0.71* 0.93** 0.32 B) Limber Jim Creek Sp Richness Ϫ0.75* 0.76** 0.68* Ϫ0.42NS 0.65* Ϫ0.08NS P1 Cover Ϫ0.77** 0.46 0.71* Ϫ0.74* 0.73* Ϫ0.21NS Soil Depth Ϫ0.53* Ϫ0.43NS Ϫ0.36NS 0.39NS Ϫ0.39NS 0.41NS WTD Med 0.99** Ϫ0.74* Ϫ0.90** 0.74* Ϫ0.87** 0.29NS Ϫ NS Ϫ Ϫ NS Eh 10cm Med 0.76** 0.39 0.87** 0.67* 0.77** 0.30 Ϫ NS Ϫ Ϫ NS Eh 25cm Med 0.73* 0.44 0.68* 0.58* 0.94** 0.14 ** P Յ 0.01, * P Յ 0.05, NS P Ͼ 0.10. Variables are de®ned as follows: Sp Richness ϭ Species richness, number of species per well location; P1 Cover ϭ average total plant cover; Soil Depth ϭ depth of soil to gravel layer; WTD Ave ϭ average water-table depth; WTD Med ϭ median water-table depth; WTD IQR ϭ interquartile range of ϭ ϭ water-table depth; Eh 10 cm Ave average redox potential at 10-cm depth; Eh 10 cm IQR interquartile range of redox potential at 10-cm depth; Eh ϭ ϭ ϭ 10 cm Med median redox potential at 10-cm depth; Eh 25 cm Ave average redox potential at 25-cm depth; Eh 25 cm IQR interquartile range of ϭ redox potential at 25-cm depth; Eh 25cm Med median redox potential at 25-cm depth.

related with water-table depth interquartile range (P Ͻ 0.01, Table 4), whereas plant cover was weakly cor- ϭ ϭ related (rs 0.46, P 0.08). The interquartile range (i.e., the range of data between the 25th and 75th quar- tiles (Ramsey and Schafer 1997)) is an expression of the extent of ¯uctuation in water-table depth or redox potential. The mean interquartile range of water-table depth was greater at West Chicken Creek (36 cm; range ϭ 18±61 cm) than at Limber Jim Creek (26 cm; range 9±50 cm). Species richness was not signi®cantly correlated to interquartile range of redox potential (both depths) at either site; however, plant cover was negatively correlated to the interquartile range of redox potential at 10 cm depth (P Ͻ 0.05; Table 4). All soil redox potential variables, except interquartile range of redox potential at 25-cm depth, were strongly corre- lated with mean and median water-table depth (Table 4). The eighteen most abundant species displayed a range of distributions in relation to water-table depth and redox potential at 10 and 25 cm depth (Figure 8). The ranges show a large degree of overlap among spe- cies and growth forms (i.e., sedges, rush, grasses, forbs) for each variable (i.e., water-table depth, soil redox potential at 10 and 25 cm). However, consid- eration of the medians and ranges of the three variables together reveal certain distinctions. For example, the range in water-table depth for obligate wetland sedges, Figure 8. Distribution of the 18 most abundant species for Carex utriculata, Carex aquatilis, and Carex lanugi- (A) median water-table depth (B) median redox potential at nosa, show considerable overlap; however, median re- 10-cm depth, and (C) median redox potential at 25-cm depth. dox potential at both 10 and 25 cm depths indicate 142 WETLANDS, Volume 26, No. 1, 2006 that Carex utriculata and Carex aquatilis occupied lo- relations among water-table depth and redox potential cations where the soil conditions were, on average, variables (Table 4). When soils in these communities more reducing than those where Carex lanuginosa oc- were saturated as a consequence of high ¯ows, soil curred. conditions became anaerobic. In the wet meadow com- munity, soil conditions at 25 cm remained anaerobic throughout the sampling period. Persistent anaerobic DISCUSSION conditions were also observed in Carex nebrascensis Water-Table Depth and Soil Redox Potential Dewey communities at 30-cm depth in central Nevada (Castelli et al. 2000) and Carex nebrascensis and Car- Strong gradients in water-table depth and soil redox ex utriculata communities at 10- and 30-cm depths in potential existed along the near-stream transects at northeast Oregon (Green 1992). Redox potentials in- each site. Seasonal dynamics in water-table depth par- creased in the moist meadow communityÐindicating alleled those of stream stage, with peak ¯ows associ- that the soils became increasingly aerobicÐas the wa- ated with spring snowmelt resulting in maximum wa- ter-table declined during the summer months. In the ter-table depths in each plant community. During the dry meadow communities, which were brie¯y or never study period, the seasonal patterns of water-table depth saturated within 30 cm of the surface, redox potentials were similar at both sites and consistent from year-to- indicated well-oxidized conditions, with relatively lit- year (Figure 5). The differences in mean water-table tle change through the seasons. These seasonal pat- depth between the wet and moist communities and be- terns in water-table depth and associated redox poten- tween the moist and dry communities ranged from 16 tial measured at Limber Jim Creek and West Chicken to 28 cm. Whereas the in¯uence of summer and fall Creek are likely representative of montane riparian storms was detected as a brief increase in water- meadows that occur throughout the western U.S. Sim- table depth at a few wells (personal observation; Ot- ilar relationships among seasonal water-table depth, re- ting 1998), growing season water-table depth appeared dox potential, and meadow plant communities have to be largely governed by spring snowmelt, followed been observed in wetland prairies in western Oregon by the gradual draining of stored retention water of the (Finley 1995), riparian meadows in northeast Oregon basins. Given the limitations of our well-sampling de- (Green 1992) and central Nevada (Castelli et al. 2000), sign, we were not able to determine whether the sea- and a Colorado fen (Cooper 1990, Cooper et al. 1998). sonal rise in water-table depth is driven by overbank stream ¯ows or subsurface saturation and seepage dur- Plant Species Distribution ing snow melt run-off. However, soil moisture content at different depths in the three plant communities sug- Each of the three communities at both sites had sim- gests that a combination of these processes in¯uences ilar ¯oristic composition (Table 2), and measures of water-table depth (Dwire 2001). diversity and wetland prevalence indices (Table 3). For During low ¯ows, water-table depth was slightly example, the wet communities had the lowest number higher in the moist and dry communities at Limber of species per well location, lowest total number of Jim Creek than at West Chicken Creek. Although dis- species, and lowest wetland prevalence index of the charge was over two times as great at Limber Jim three communities. The moist and dry meadow com- Creek during spring high ¯ows (Table 1), much less munities at each site also shared similar characteristics. overland ¯ooding occurred at this site, and high ¯ow Mean total plant cover was lowest in the wet com- water-table depth was slightly lower in the wet and munities, intermediate in the moist communities, and moist communities (Brookshire and Dwire 2003). highest in the dry meadow communities. Despite these These differences may be partly explained by charac- similarities, the respective communities were domi- teristics of the two channels. Limber Jim Creek has a nated by different species at each site, thus differing higher width-to-depth ratio and is less sinuous than in composition and illustrating the diversity of plant West Chicken Creek (Table 1). At Limber Jim Creek, assemblages that can occur in riparian meadows the streamside wet and moist communities were less (Crowe and Clausnitzer 1997). Differences in com- extensive. Consequently, mean transect lengths were position could be partially explained by the channel shorter, and most wells in the moist and dry commu- characteristics and extent of overland ¯ow in spring at nities were located closer to the stream than at West the two study sites, as well as the attributes of the plant Chicken Creek. species. The occurrence of widespread non-native spe- Dynamics of soil redox potential followed the sea- cies, particularly Poa pratensis and Trifolium repens, sonal ¯uctuations in stream stage and water-table likely re¯ects the grazing history of both sites (Crowe depth, particularly in the wet and moist communities. and Clausnitzer 1997), as well as the invasive capacity This strong interaction is re¯ected in signi®cant cor- and persistence of these species. In grazed meadows, Dwire et al., PLANT SPECIES, WATER-TABLE DEPTH, AND REDOX IN MEADOWS 143

Poa pratensis appears to have a competitive advantage species in relation to redox potential at 10-cm depth over native species, particularly at lower water-table implies that fewer species can tolerate sustained an- depths (Martin and Chambers 2001). This non-native aerobic soil conditions, whereas the distribution of species is nearly ubiquitous throughout the western species in relation to redox potential at 25-cm depth U.S. and may persist for decades in moist and dry suggests that a greater number of species tolerate an- meadow sites following the cessation of livestock aerobic conditions that occur deeper in the soil pro®le grazing (Allen-Diaz 1991). (Figure 8). The ranges in water-table depth observed for com- mon species (Figure 8) are similar to those reported in Relations Among Water-Table Depth, Redox other studies (Halpern 1986, Manning et al. 1989, Al- Potential, and Plant Species Distribution len-Diaz 1991, Cooper 1990, Castelli et al. 2000, Law The strong correlations of species richness and plant et al. 2000, Stringham et al. 2001). In this study, the cover with mean water-table depth reinforce the im- obligate wetland sedges, Carex utriculata and Carex portance of growing season variables in explaining the aquatilis, only occurred in locations where water lev- distribution of meadow vegetation. In most studies of els ranged from 20 cm above the surface to Ϫ40 cm, montane riparian ecosystems, water-table depth is which are very similar to the results reported for these measured during a growing season of approximately species in meadows of south-central Oregon (Padgett four months (Halpern 1986, Otting 1998, Law et al. 1982). In a meadow in the southern Sierra Nevada, 2000). Although multi-year, seasonal characterization , water levels associated with Carex rostrata of water-table depth (Figure 5, this study; Allen-Diaz Stokes (ϭ C. utriculata Boott) remained above the soil 1991, Stringham et al. 2001) assists in understanding surface for the entire season (6 July to 8 November, the hydrology of riparian meadows, growing season 1983), although data were collected in a particularly hydrologic variables are effective explanatory vari- wet year (Halpern 1986). In meadows of western Mon- ables for plant species composition (Castelli et al. tana dominated by Carex utriculata, Law et al. (2000) 2000). Correlations between species richness and mean reported water levels that ranged from approximately redox potential were not as strong as those for water- Ϫ10 cm to Ϫ30 cm. In communities dominated by table-depth variables (Table 4), which may be due to Calamagrostis canadensis in a Colorado fen, water- the strong correlations between water-levels and redox table depths ranged from 0 to Ϫ90 cm during one year potential, as well as the high temporal variability in and from 0 to Ϫ140 cm during the second year (Coo- redox potential within each community type. per 1990). In this study, Calamagrostis canadensis oc- The zonation and composition of plant communities curred in locations with water levels ranging from ϩ5 in riparian meadows re¯ects the competitive abilities, to Ϫ70 cm, with a median of Ϫ38 cm. In meadows of moisture and nutrient requirements, and stress toler- the northern Sierra Nevada, California, Allen-Diaz ance of anoxic conditions of individual plant species (1991) reported similar ranges for Deschampsia ces- (Sculthorpe 1967, Blom et al. 1994, Blom and Voe- pitosa (Ϫ10 to Ϫ80 cm; this study ϭϩ5toϪ80 cm), senek 1996, French and Chambers 1996). The tem- Carex lanuginosa (Ϫ15 to Ϫ54 cm; this study ϭϩ20 poral variability of water-table depth and reduced soil to Ϫ55cm), Poa pratensis (Ϫ20 to Ϫ60 cm; this study conditions, as well as the duration of saturation, ϭ 0toϪ85 cm), and Potentilla gracilis (Ϫ25 to Ϫ62 strongly in¯uences the distribution of meadow species cm; this study ϭϪ25 to Ϫ85 cm). (Castelli et al. 2001). Ranges in water-table depth and The rush, Juncus balticus, occurs among numerous redox potential for 18 common species demonstrate habitats in riparian meadows, and published ranges in large overlap but also a consistent distribution along water-table depth re¯ect its widespread distribution. the hydrologic gradient. In two ¯oodplain meadows in Manning et al. (1989) reported water-table depths England, Silvertown et al. (1999) found that ®ne-scale ranging from 0 to Ϫ15 cm depth for a Juncus balticus differences in soil moisture and aeration status struc- community type in northern Nevada. For `mesic mead- tured the plant communities and assisted in de®ning ows' in central Nevada that were dominated by Poa niche separation among species and assemblages. At pratensis -Juncus balticus, Castelli et al. (2000) re- West Chicken Creek and Limber Jim Creek, the seg- ported water-table depths ranging from 0 to Ϫ34 cm regation of plant species along the near-stream tran- at one site and from Ϫ90 to Ϫ149 cm at another site. sects suggests that physiological constraints in re- In this study, Juncus balticus occurred in locations sponse to soil saturation may be largely regulating spe- where water levels ranged from the soil surface to ap- cies distribution. At well locations in the wet meadow proximately Ϫ70 cm, with a median water-table depth communities where mean redox potential was below of Ϫ45 cm. These disparate ranges likely re¯ect the 300 mV at 10-cm depth, nearly the entire soil pro®le plasticity of Juncus balticus, which is widespread is anaerobic throughout the year. The distribution of throughout the western U.S. These results further sug- 144 WETLANDS, Volume 26, No. 1, 2006

gest that Juncus balticus may be misclassi®ed as an Douglas Wilcox, and two anonymous reviewers. We obligate wetland species (Reed 1988, 1996) through- are grateful to the USDA Forest Service, Wallowa- out portions of the western U.S. and may be more Whitman National Forest, La Grande, OregonÐpartic- accurately classi®ed as a facultative wetland species in ularly Paul Boehne, Kari Grover-Weir, Gail Lee, and some regions. Al HaselÐfor logistical support and monitoring dis- The strong relations between common riparian plant charge at the study streams. We thank Nick Otting and species and water-table depth underscore the potential Danna Lytjen for assistance in plant species identi®- impact of changes in water-table for riparian plant di- cation; Jack Brookshire, Johanna Barron, and Chris versity (Naiman et al. 1993, Naiman and Decamps Heider for help in the ®eld; Rudy King, Barbara Pen- 1997, Patten 1998). Although alternative state and iston, and Ted Ernst for statistical advice; Jack Brook- transition concepts have been invoked to describe po- shire, Christian Torgersen, and Joyce VanDeWater for tential shifts in riparian meadow plant communities drafting the study site map; and Bob Beschta for shar- (Stringham et al. 2001), our results show that the dis- ing width and depth data for the study streams. The tribution of meadow plant species re¯ect strong short- Oregon Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit and scale environmental gradients, driven by seasonal wa- Oregon Cooperative Fisheries Research Unit provided ter-table depths and resulting soil conditions. Certain computer support. We appreciate the critical reviews species, such as the obligate wetland sedges, occurred of earlier drafts provided by Jim Wigington, Ted Ernst, within a fairly restricted range of water-table depth, Judy Li, and Jack Brookshire. Funding was provided whereas the graminoids Deschampsia cespitosa, Jun- by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the cus balticus, and Poa pratensis occurred over wide National Science Foundation (Science to Achieve Re- ranges. The overlap in ranges of water-table depth sults Grant R624773-01). (Figure 8) for individual species suggests that small changes in this hydrologic property could potentially result in shifts in dominance by different species and LITERATURE CITED ultimately replacement or loss of certain species. Be- Allen-Diaz, B. H. 1991. and plant species relationships cause water-table depth in meadow environments is in Sierra Nevada meadows. American Midland Naturalist 126:30± largely determined by seasonal stream¯ow and stage, 43. Auble, G. T., D. A. Doff, and M. L. Scott. 1994. Relating riparian stream-channel incision and increased width-to-depth vegetation to present and future stream¯ow. 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