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Peak Water: Risks Embedded in Japanese Supply Chains

Peak Water: Risks Embedded in Japanese Supply Chains

Peak : Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains

Analysis of how companies in the Nikkei 225 Index are exposed to water risk through suppliers in Asia

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1.0 Executive summary 1

2.0 Trade in water risk: Corporate financial exposure in 3 2.1 Study to assess supply chain water risk in the Nikkei 225 Index

3.0 Water use in the Nikkei 225 7 3.1 Supply chain water use varies across sectors 3.2 Variations in the water intensity of companies 3.3 pricing to identify risk

4.0 Mapping water use in supply chains 13 4.1 Water hot spots across the Personal & Household Goods sector

5.0 Corporate water risk in Asia 17 5.1 Creating supplier water risk profiles 5.2 Exposure to water risk in raw materials sourcing

6.0 Conclusions and next steps 21

7.0 Appendix: Trucost methodology 23

Authors: KPMG Director Kazuhiko Saito and Trucost Research Editor Liesel van Ast Acknowledgements: Thanks to Tom Barnett, Jessica Hedley, Steve Bullock, Stefano Dell’Aringa and Aaron Re’em of Trucost for contributing to this study.

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc 1 | Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains

1.0 Executive summary

KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co. has partnered with environmental data and insight experts Trucost to look at supply chain water risk in the Nikkei 225 Index.

KPMG and environmental research the 225 companies is embedded in Water intensity varies among company Trucost worked in partnership their supply chains. & Beverage, Personal & Household to produce this special report on Goods and Automobiles & Parts • Six supersectors account for 82% exposure to water risk among companies. of total operational and supply chain companies in the Nikkei 225 Index. • Water use relative to revenue water use across the Index – Food Trucost analysed data on water generated varies by as much as & Beverage, Basic , consumption in the operations and 18 times among Food Producers. Industrial Goods & Services, Personal supply chains of 225 companies in the The next widest range in water & Household Goods, Chemicals and Index, which had a market capitalisation intensity is among Personal Goods Automobiles & Parts. of more than ¥184 trillion (US$2.2 companies (76-1,206 m3/¥ mn). trillion) and combined revenues totalling • For 149 companies, more water is Within the Leisure Goods sector, more than ¥342 trillion (US$4.2 trillion). used in their supply chains than in the water intensity of Consumer Key findings include: their operations. Of the six sectors Electronics companies varies most with the highest levels of water use, (62-397 m3/¥ mn). Upstream water Cross-border production and trade by supply chain water consumption use drives the higher water intensity Japanese companies could increase is greatest for Food & Beverage, of tyre manufacturers, compared vulnerability to water risk across Asia. Personal & Household Goods and with Automobiles and Auto Parts Many Japanese companies are Automobiles & Parts companies. companies. Information on which relocating and outsourcing business They could be affected by pressure operations and suppliers are more or activities across Asia, increasing on through water less water-intensive than sector peers their dependence on specialised pricing or scarcity driving up the costs can help target efforts to manage manufacturing hubs in the region. of key commodities. exposure to rising water costs and Suppliers of intermediate goods business disruption driven by growing are often located in countries such • For the Personal & Household Goods water stress. as and , which face companies, first-tier suppliers such growing risks from water scarcity as packaging and logistics providers If suppliers to Personal & Household and . Japanese companies are responsible for the highest share Goods companies were to pay water are exposed to water impacts that of water use (55%). This suggests prices that reflect water scarcity in could disrupt their supply chains and that companies in the sector have Asia, water costs passed through the increase manufacturing costs, through significant potential to engage supply chain could equate to 84% of higher water tariffs, commodity prices with suppliers to improve water earnings on average. or operating restrictions. More and management and reduce risk. • Water is increasingly being priced to more companies and investors are reflect the impacts of water use on • Automobiles & Parts companies looking to understand financial risks the environment. The external costs have the largest share of water use and opportunities from water-related of water use vary geographically, further upstream in their supply challenges in operations and supply depending on levels of water scarcity. chains (80%). This is largely due to chains. If suppliers were to pay the average embedded water in inputs such as water scarcity costs for 16 Asian Supply chains are responsible for steel and . Floods in countries, calculated by Trucost, three-quarters of the water used by in 2011 damaged a cluster of 19 Personal & Household Goods all 225 companies. component and caused several companies could see input costs • Companies in the Nikkei 225 Index Japanese vehicle manufacturers to rise by ¥882 bn (US$9.5 billion). use more than 19 billion cubic metres shut plants in the country, with knock- Measuring water scarcity costs (m3) of water in their operations. on effects on profits. relative to financial metrics provides a Suppliers in the first tier of their proxy for water risk to identify where supply chains, as well as those water stress could be material, and to further upstream, are responsible for benchmark suppliers on exposure to a further 60 billion m3 of water use. water risk. More than 75% of total water use by

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains | 2

Data on purchasing patterns can reveal which industries contribute most to water use in supply chains. For audio and video equipment manufacturers, water hot spots include suppliers of electronic components and packaging. • Trucost’s advanced environmental profiling modelling identifies water- intensive economic activities – known as “hot spots” – in supply chains. Findings show that audio and video equipment manufacturers in the Nikkei 225 Index could most effectively measure and reduce supply chain water risks by focusing on suppliers of paperboard packaging, electron tube and other electronic components. • In the Personal & Household Goods supersector, water hot spots include in order to benchmark suppliers on • Companies need to monitor data on the Farming & Fishing, Specialty water risk. water withdrawals, consumption Chemicals and Steel sectors. and discharge and understand Personal Goods companies are • Water scarcity costs could equate risks to water resources that their particularly exposed to water risks to more than 10% of earnings for operations and supply chains depend through greater volatility in prices for 29 Specialty Chemicals and Steel on. Applying water scarcity prices commodities such as cotton, sourced companies. Most of these are to water consumption data and from countries including China. based in the Republic of Korea or measuring resulting water costs Taiwan, which are both exposed to Water scarcity costs could equate to relative to financial metrics provides a water stress. Understanding which at least 10% of earnings for 32 out of proxy for water risk that can be used suppliers are using the most water 56 Asian companies analysed. to help identify where water-intensive in areas of water scarcity is crucial to • To illustrate how companies in the business activities could present a managing supply chain water risk. Nikkei 225 can assess exposure to material financial risk. water risks in supply chain water hot Supply chain water risk assessments • Japanese companies that can spots, Trucost analysed direct process can be used to secure supplies and account for water use in their water use by Farming & Fishing, stabilise input costs. operations and supply chains will be Specialty Chemicals and Steel • Infrastructure and contracts that lock well placed to strengthen strategies companies listed in Asian countries in high levels of water use in areas of to manage water risks. By identifying (ex-Japan). If the companies were to water stress could face higher-than- water hot spots and benchmarking pay the external cost of water that forecast costs, lowering future cash suppliers on water risk, water reflects scarcity in the countries in flows and earnings. Understanding management can be strengthened which they’re based, water costs which suppliers are most exposed to help secure supplies and stabilise could total more than ¥512 billion to water scarcity and flooding is input costs in an era of growing (US$6.3 billion). Companies can use important to reduce exposure to competition for resources. engagement and data collection to business disruption, operating identify where water is consumed restrictions and higher water tariffs.

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc 3 | Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains

2.0 Trade in water risk: Corporate financial exposure in Japan

Many Japanese companies are shifting production to countries that are vulnerable to growing risks from water scarcity and floods.

Water scarcity and flooding can play takes place in “export processing expansion.9,10 Supply chain disruption havoc with global supply chains. The zones” (EPZs). can have repercussions beyond borders financial risks were brought home to and the financial stakes are growing. Supply chains have been reorganised more than 400 large manufacturers in around industrial clusters with Disruption caused by the Thai floods 2011, when the worst floods in Thailand specialised tasks and business revealed how greater dependence of in almost 70 years disrupted supplies.1 functions. In general, the Information Japanese companies on other Asian Thailand is one of the world’s largest Technology and Electronics sectors economies puts them at the frontline producers of automobile and computer account for a large share of the most- of growing water-related risks to components, and shortages of key parts traded intermediate goods in Asia. businesses in Asia. However, supply cut production at several Japanese The newly industrialised economies chains could be more vulnerable to risks vehicle manufacturers and electronics (NIEs) of Singapore, the Republic of from too little water, rather than too firms.2 Korea, and Taiwan now have production much. Inefficient use of water resources Japanese companies were among surpluses in industries such as and their degradation in areas of water multinationals hit hardest,3 reflecting a computer and electronic equipment stress could slow economic growth in shift in their manufacturing to suppliers manufacturing. Monolithic integrated economies including China, , South and subsidiaries in Thailand. Last year’s circuits and parts and accessories of Korea, and . Great East Japan Earthquake has data processing equipment are among China is among the largest exporters accelerated the trend of many Japanese major intermediate goods imported into of products with embedded water, companies relocating production to Japan.7 yet some 40% of food production other Asian countries in order to cut Offshore outsourcing and cross-border and 53% of industrial production is costs and benefit from high-growth production are deepening the economic in water-stressed areas11 – where markets.4 More than half of affiliates interdependence of Asian economies demand exceeds supply or poor quality controlled by Japanese companies are including the emerging Association restricts use. Business risks from water located in Asia,5 and rising imports now of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) shortages were made apparent last outweigh exports in Japan.6 economies of Malaysia, the Philippines year, when the worst drought in 50 Imported goods make up a large share and Thailand. Trade policies such as the years brought River levels to of exports in many East Asian countries. ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) support near-record lows,12 disrupting shipping, More fragmented manufacturing in the growth in cross-border trade. Trade electricity supplies and agricultural region has led to more sophisticated flows of intermediate goods from China production.13 and complex supply chains. Production to Japan reached a record high in 2011, and trade often rely on suppliers in one and Japan’s trade deficit with China country creating goods and services almost doubled year on year to and exporting them to suppliers in US$6.7 billion (¥588 bn) by the start other countries as inputs for further of 2012. Japan is also increasingly processing, often for (re-)export before dependent on other Asian countries for the final goods reach their market. Most sales and investment returns.8 More

materials processing and assembling than 60% of Japanese companies’ 9 Trade patterns and global value chains in East Asia: overseas production in Asia now goes to From trade in goods to trade in tasks, World Trade 1 Thai economy shrinks in fourth quarter, Financial local consumers, and China and Thailand Organization/Institute of Developing Economies Japan Times, 20 February 2012 are the top destinations for overseas External Trade Organization, 2011 2 Update 1-Thai floods batter global electronics, auto 10 http://www.jetro.go.jp/en/news/ supply chains, Thomson Reuters, 28 October 2011 releases/20120301540-news, accessed 1 March 2012 3 damage to industry curbs Thailand growth, 11 Jon Lukomnik, Executive Director of the Investor Financial Time, 21 February 2012 Responsibility Research Center Institute (IRRC), The 4 What 2011 means for Japan in 2012 and beyond, CERES Aqua Gauge webinar, 2012 The Japan Times, 1 January 2012 7 http://www.wto.org/english/res_e/booksp_e/stat_ 12 China faces worst drought in 50 years, Financial 5 Ibid tradepat_globvalchains_e.pdf, accessed 6 March 2012 Times, 24 May 2011 6 Japan deficit rises to record in January, Financial 8 http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Japan/LG30Dh01. 13 Drought poses major risks to companies in China, Times, 21 February 2012 html, accessed 1 March 2012 World Resources Institute, 25 May 2011

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains | 4

Rapid and urbanisation (951 billion m3/year).118,19 Implementing IMPACTS in Asia, the world’s driest continent, are the South-North Water Transfer project IN CHINA driving fast-growing water demand.114 will increase water tariffs, and could China is expected to need 818 billion encounter disruptions as a result of Climate change-induced cubic metres (m3) by 2030, with half increasing environmental and climate disruptions to rainfall patterns of this going to and almost change impacts (see box). and snowfall are blamed for one-third to industry.115 Current supply a 13% drop in total water To address the challenge that water amounts to just over 618 billion m3, and resources in China since the use has already surpassed natural poor due to wastewater start of the century. China’s 2nd limits in many areas and could pollution could exacerbate the 200 National Assessment Report on undermine economic development, billion m3 shortfall. Annual national Climate Change warns of severe China’s State Council announced average water shortages have already imbalances in water supplies in plans in February to regulate water reached more than 50 billion m3.116 the future – with risks from too use under “the strictest criteria.”20 The much or too little. Grain production China Asia’s investment in Government will cap the maximum has shifted to the dry north, and large-scale projects to tap into water volume of water used at 700 billion more frequent droughts and resources, such as dams. However, m3 by the end of 2030.21,22 Plans floods could cut production by most of the best sites are already being to strengthen controls on water between 5% and 20%. More used for water supplies. Furthermore, withdrawals, water use efficiency and concentrated rainfall in the infrastructure can affect water quality pollutants – the “Three Red Lines”23 – to summer/autumn could threaten and quantity downstream and change promote are in line . Eight of China’s ecosystems, damage and with China’s 12th Five-Year Plan target 31 provinces and cities could to coastal erosion and saltwater to cut water consumption per unit of face severe water shortages, as intrusion.117 Downstream countries value-added industrial output by 30% by which feed major rivers such as and Vietnam are 2015.24 retreat and low-lying coastal particularly vulnerable to upstream regions are exposed to rising sea changes in water systems. levels. Southern China has 80% of the Source: 2011 Year in Review & 5 country’s freshwater supply and a Trends for 2012, China Water Risk, Government project is diverting water 9 February 2012 from the south to the arid north. The project plans to divert almost 3 45 billion m of water annually from the 18 http://www.fao.org/nr/water/aquastat/countries_ Yangtze river to northern China – about regions/china/index.stm, accessed 6 March 2012 5% of the river’s average annual runoff 19 http://www.fischer.eawag.ch/ organisation/abteilungen/surf/teaching/ management_as/unterlagen/01/TheSouth- NorthWaterTransferProjectInChina.pdf, accessed 6 March 2012 20 Water shortage, pollution threaten China’s growth, China.org.cn, Xinhua, 16 February 2012 21 http://chinawaterrisk.org/notices/state-council- 14 Asia’s water stress challenges growth and issued-new-water-management-decree/, accessed 6 security, The Japan Times, 3 December 2011 March 2012 15 Charting our Water Future, 2030 Water Resources 22 China warns on growing water shortages, FT.com, Group, 2009 16 February 2012 16 Briefings on the opinions of the State Council 23 Briefings on the opinions of the State Council on implementing the strictest water resources on implementing the strictest water resources management system, China.org.cn, 16 February 2012 management system, China.org.cn, 16 February 2012 17 Asia’s water stress challenges growth and 24 Key targets of China’s 12th five-year plan, security, The Japan Times, 3 December 2011 xinhuanet.com, 5 March 2011

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc 5 | Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains

Businesses will see stricter WATER RISK SET TO more severe droughts. Rivers are implementation of a permit system for GROW IN JAPAN prone to flooding and almost half of water withdrawals, and construction Japan has plentiful water supplies in the population and 75% of properties projects that will increase water spring but it does not have abundant are in flood prone areas. withdrawals in areas of water stress will water resources. Due to population Adaptation plans include improving be restricted or suspended.25 There will density, per capita precipitation is water efficiency. The Japanese also be a stricter practice of paid use of about one-sixth of the global average. national integrated water resources water resources, with tighter collection, Since rivers have small basins and management plan aims to establish use and management of water steep channels, little is available for a sustainable water use system, resources fees. Water tariffs will rise,26 use. Cities have comparatively few improve the water environment and at best, the cost of manufacturing water reserves. Every year, parts of and develop a water-related culture. goods will increase.27 the country are affected by water Measures include stricter limits shortages. Concerns about water scarcity and on and quality are driving up water pricing Japan is vulnerable to climate change abstraction, which are modified to fund water and wastewater impacts, and within 100 years, a during droughts. Industrial effluent infrastructure and operations worldwide. dramatic decrease in cover and agricultural runoff is regulated, Stronger price signals to water users in the upstream catchments of and wastewater recycling and aim to ensure that companies pay for major rivers will reduce spring water rainwater collection are being environmental damage or resource storage levels of , affecting promoted. depletion. They also create an incentive agricultural water. More frequent Source: http://www.mlit.go.jp/ for firms to use limited resources heavy rainfall is expected to increase river/basic_info/english/.html, more sustainably. Businesses may be flood risk. Greater fluctuations in accessed 6 March 2012 vulnerable to internalising water costs precipitation are expected to lead to through water price volatility, water more intense tropical cyclones and shortages that disrupt production, operating restrictions, declines in water quality, and the costs of damages to in operations and supply chains. More use matters most requires data on biodiversity and ecosystem goods and than 551 institutional investors with water use across operations and services from water abstraction. Water US$71 trillion of assets backed last supply chains. issues can degrade product quality, feed year’s Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) through into higher commodity costs, water questionnaire asking 500 of the and lead to reputational damage or loss world’s largest companies to provide of social license to operate.28,29 The local information on water use. Of 28 effects can ripple across industries and companies in Japan that were sent the supply chains. questionnaire, nine responded publicly and eight responded but did not allow Companies and investors are information to be made public. The CDP increasingly looking to understand Water Disclosure Global Report 2012 water-related risks and opportunities points to a new water management

25 Briefings on the opinions of the State Council paradigm that includes improved water on implementing the strictest water resources data and analytics, precision agriculture management system, China.org.cn, 16 February 2012 and water efficiency.30 Good water 26 Sino French discusses water pricing, China Water stewardship that focuses on business Risk, 9 February 2012 activities and locations where water 27 2011 Year in Review & 5 Trends for 2012, China Water Risk, 9 February 2012 28 Ceres Aqua Gauge, 2011 30 CDP’s Water Disclosure Report highlights 29 Expect the Unexpected: Building business value businesses failing to act, guardian.co.uk, 16 in a changing world, KPMG, 2012 November 2011

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains | 6

2.1 Study to assess supply chain TRUCOST WATER DATA of disclosure levels. Data on water water risk in the Nikkei 225 Index The analysis covers process water consumption are categorised as KPMG and environmental research used in operations (abstracted operational (quantities abstracted company Trucost worked in partnership and purchased from water and purchased) and supply chain to produce this special report on utilities) as well as water used in (volumes of water used in all tiers of exposure to water risk among supply chains. The study includes the supply chain, excluding quantities companies in the Nikkei 225 Index. industrial and agricultural process purchased from utilities). Trucost’s Trucost analysed data on water water consumption, but excludes input-output model analyses consumption in the operations and water used for cooling. Trucost business activities at a global level supply chains of 225 companies in the has analysed the environmental to calculate supply chain water Index, which had a market capitalisation performance of over 4,000 use, based on extensive studies to of more than ¥184 trillion (US$2.2 companies worldwide. Trucost’s data identify industry-specific quantities trillion), based on the latest available on quantities of corporate water use of water use per unit of output. data as of 4 March 2012. The companies’ and other environmental impacts Trucost calculates the environmental combined revenues totalled more incorporates information disclosed impacts of 464 sectors. The than ¥342 trillion (US$4.2 trillion). To by companies in Annual Reports environmental impacts modelled convert US Dollars (US$) to Yen (¥), the and Accounts, Environmental for each sector are allocated to a main exchange rate used was as of Reports, Sustainability or Corporate company according to the proportion 28 February 2012 (80.47).31 Financial Social Responsibility Reports, of its revenues in each subsector. analysis at a company level uses company websites, and other The input-output model estimates exchange rates as of the end of each publicly disclosed data. Since many the amount of resources that a company’s financial year. companies do not comprehensively company and its suppliers use (the disclose their environmental impacts inputs) to produce goods or services The special report looks at: in quantitative terms, Trucost has (outputs). The model also calculates Nikkei 225 Index developed a unique methodology the related level of pollutants, such based on an input-output model to as greenhouse gas emissions. To find • Sectors with the highest levels of calculate companies’ environmental out more, see the Appendix on process water use, measured in cubic impacts and allow for comparisons page 23. metres (m3). between all companies, regardless • Operational and supply chain water use in high-impact sectors. • Analysis of critical areas of water • Country-level water scarcity costs • The water efficiency of companies in use in the supply chains of Personal are applied to the water used by each the Food & Beverage, Automobiles & Household Goods companies to company to identify exposure to & Parts and Personal & Household identify water “hot spots”. water risk. Goods sectors. Measuring water • Case studies highlighting company intensity as cubic metres (m3) of reporting on water risk. operational and supply chain water use per million Japanese Yen (¥) or Corporate water risk in Asia US Dollars (US$) in revenue enables • To illustrate how companies can benchmarking of companies on water assess exposure to water risk efficiency regardless of size or sector. through suppliers in key industries, • Analysis of exposure to water scarcity Trucost analysed operational process costs in supply chains of Personal & water use (excluding cooling water) Household Goods companies. by companies listed in Asian countries in the Farming & Fishing, Steel, and Specialty Chemicals sectors. 31 http://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/, accessed 6 March 2012

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc 7 | Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains

3.0 Water use in the Nikkei 225

Trucost’s analysis shows that supply chains are responsible for three-quarters of more than 79 million m3 of water used by all 225 companies.

Total water use by the operations and than agricultural water users.33 the highest levels of total chains of Nikkei 225 companies Government subsidies for water consumption in the Nikkei 225. Together amounts to over 79 billion cubic metres provision help limit water tariffs.34 127 companies in these sectors (m3) – more than total annual water use Average water and wastewater tariffs account for 82% of total water use by all by industry and agriculture in Japan (67 reached ¥206/m3 (US$2.56) in Japan companies analysed in the Index. billion m3).32 This is because much of the in 2011.35 Pumping and treating water Food & Beverage (12 companies): Of water used is embedded in imported can be energy intensive, so improving the top six sectors, Food & Beverage materials and components. water efficiency can reduce exposure to has the highest share of first-tier and rising fuel costs and cut greenhouse gas Operational other supply chain water use – 98% emissions. Trucost analysed data on water used of more than 16.8 billion m3 of water globally by companies in the Nikkei Supply chain consumption in the sector is by 225 Index. The companies and their First-tier suppliers (excluding water suppliers in the first tier and further subsidiaries consumed an estimated utilities) are responsible for more than upstream. Eight food producers account 19.4 billion m3 of water in 2009/10. 24.4 billion m3 of process water use. for 71% of water use in the supersector. This includes water that was directly Other suppliers in tiers 2 onwards use a Food & Beverage companies are abstracted and purchased from water further 35.3 billion m3. Together, first- highly exposed to pressure on water utilities for consumption at operations tier and upstream suppliers account resources, and could be affected worldwide. Industrial water users in for 76% of total water consumption by through water pricing or scarcity driving Japan use more groundwater the companies analysed (see Figure 1). up the costs of key commodities. Companies can incur the costs of supply South Asia, China and Southeast Asia 32 http://www.mlit.go.jp/tochimizushigen/mizsei/ chain water consumption through rising account for about half of the world’s water_resources/contents/current_state2.html, input costs. total irrigated crop land, and accessed 6 March 2012 is exacerbating water stress in the 3.1 Supply chain water use varies region. Limits to water for irrigation are across sectors limiting production growth rates and For 149 companies in the Nikkei 225, Figure 1: Breakdown of water use contributing to food price volatility.37 the majority of water consumption by source Growing demand for animal products takes place in their supply chains. The is expected to result in more intensive costs of sourcing process water and livestock production, making land and treating it to meet and water requirements for meat production 24.6% quality standards before discharging a major concern by 2030.38 wastewater can be passed through 44.6% by suppliers of goods that are water Basic Resources (17 companies): 71% intensive to manufacture. Figure 2 of almost 12.9 billion m3 of water is on page 8 shows a breakdown of used in operations. Twelve companies operational and supply chain water analysed are in the Industrial Metals & 30.8% use in the six supersectors36 with sector, which accounts for 78%

33 http://www.slideshare.net/Water_Food_Energy_ of water use by Basic Resources firms Nexus/oecd-agricultural-water-pricing-in-japan-and- analysed. Processes to produce iron & south-korea, accessed 6 March 2012 steel, aluminium and nonferrous metals Operational water use 34 http://siteresources.worldbank.org/ can be water intensive. Steel production INTEAPREGTOPENVIRONMENT/Resources/WRM_ in China and India can use four times First-tier suppliers Japan_experience_EN.pdf, 6 March 2012 (excluding purchased 35 Global water tariffs continue upward trend, Global water) Water Intelligence, Vol 12, Issue 9, September 2011 36 The study uses Industry Classification (ICB) 37 http://www.agri-outlook.org/document/63/0,374 Other supply chain supersectors, a classification system developed 6,en_36774715_36775671_47923007_1_1_1_1,00. by the Dow Jones Index and FTSE Group, used by html#drivers, accessed 6 March 2012 Source: Trucost Plc investors. It provides four levels of classification – 38 http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/005/AC911E/ industries, supersectors, sectors and subsectors. ac911e05.htm, accessed 6 March 2012

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains | 8

more water per tonne of steel than Figure 2: Six sectors with the highest levels of water use in the Nikkei 225 plants in Japan.39 billion m3 Industrial Goods & Services (51 20 companies): Almost 90% of water use by the diverse industrial companies in the Index is consumed by suppliers (excluding water utilities that supply 15 operations). Seven Support Services companies, many of which are industrial conglomerates with varied business activities, are responsible for more than 60% of water used by the Industrial 10 Goods & Services firms analysed. 16% of water use in the Industrial Goods & Services supersector is by 23 Industrial Engineering companies. Within the 5 supersector, Industrial Engineering companies have the highest share of water use in their supply chains (91%), which is likely to be driven by water 0 consumption in the production of metal Food & Basic Industrial Personal & Chemicals Automobiles products to make commercial vehicles Beverage Resources Goods & Household & Parts and trucks and industrial machinery. Services Goods Other supply chain

39 Watching water, A guide to evaluating corporate First-tier suppliers (excluding purchased water) risks in a thirsty world, JPMorgan, 31 March 2008 Operational water use Source: Trucost Plc

CASE STUDY: Leading General The firm has reduced its water to water stress. Globally, it uses Industrials company asks suppliers withdrawals by 29% per unit of environmental surveys and audits to for information on water use production from 2000 levels, exceeding ask key suppliers for water-related Trucost data show that one Industrial a target to reduce water intensity by information. However, the company Goods & Services firm, which accounts 10%. Trucost data show that its water says that it is unable to identify which of for 5% of water consumption in the use relative to sales fell by 11% year on its key water-intensive inputs (excluding Nikkei 225 Index sector, used more year in 2010. water) come from areas of water risk. than 560 million m3 of water globally Suppliers have not reported significant The Great East Japan Earthquake and through its operations and supply chain water-related risks. It could overcome floods in Thailand caused its operating in 2010. The company reported to the this information barrier by monitoring income to fall by 25% in the first nine 2011 CDP Water Disclosure Project data on suppliers’ water use and months of the financial year 2011. Some information request that a board-level mapping this against local water stress operations in Thailand only restarted in committee is responsible for a policy levels. February 2012, and the company has to cut water use and promote recycling shifted some production elsewhere. and reuse in order to use water resources more efficiently and reduce The firm reports that 2% of its water environmental impacts. withdrawals (in China) are exposed

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc 9 | Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains

Personal & Household Goods Figure 3: Variations in water intensity in top 3 supersectors (m3/US$ mn) (19 companies): First-tier suppliers (excluding suppliers of purchased 500,000 water) account for 55% of total water use by Personal & Household Goods companies – the highest share among 400,000 the six supersectors. This suggests that there is significant potential to /US$ mn)

engage with direct suppliers to drive 3 improvements in water efficiency. Other 300,000 suppliers account for a further 36% of water use in the supersector. Suppliers

are responsible for almost all water use 200,000 in the Tobacco sector, which accounts for the majority of water consumption in the supersector (60%). The next highest 100,000 share of water use is by 10 Leisure intensity water (m Process Goods companies (23%), followed by six Personal Goods firms (13%) and two Household Goods & Home Construction 0 companies (4%). Food Beverages Personal Leisure Automobiles & Producers Goods Goods Parts Chemicals (15 companies): Operations Personal & Automobiles & drive more than half of the water use Food & Beverage Household Goods Parts by companies in the sector. Renewable feedstocks and biotechnology materials Highest and processes can be particularly water Average intensive, and could increase water 40 consumption. Companies can use Source: Trucost Plc Lowest innovation and low-water consumption processes, techniques and technologies to reduce freshwater use and reuse 3.2 Variations in the water intensity of Key findings include: companies wastewater. • The water intensity of Food Producers Dependence on water resources to ranges from 283 m3/¥ mn (26,302 Automobiles & Parts (13 companies): sustain business activities in operations m3/US$ mn) for a marine products Seven Automobiles companies account and supply chains varies at a company 3 business to 5,277 m3/¥ mn (490,011 for 72% of almost 6.8 billion m of water level within sectors. To compare the m3/US$ mn) for a company with used in the sector. The Automobiles & water intensity of companies and flour milling and processed Parts sector has the largest share of sectors regardless of size, Trucost businesses. water use from upstream suppliers in measured each company’s total cubic tiers 2 onwards (80%). This is largely metres of operational and supply chain • Beverages companies have the due to water used to produce inputs process water consumption per ¥/US$ second-highest average water such as steel and energy. Vehicle million in revenue. Variations in water intensity, at 1,209 m3/¥ mn (109,460 manufacturing is among industries intensity can indicate varied exposure m3/US$ mn). Processes to produce in which production has become to disruptions to water supplies and alcoholic beverages contribute to increasingly horizontally diversified, with rising water scarcity costs. Companies the above-average water intensity companies producing the same goods that are less water-intensive for their of one Beverages company, which is as they do in home countries in final sectors could be more resilient as an outlier compared with its sector Asian markets using a “build-where-you- pressure on water resources grows. In peers. Suppliers are responsible for 41 sell” strategy. Japanese automobile the three supersectors with the highest the majority of its water use, and assemblers procure key parts from four levels of supply chain water use – Food would be key to reducing its overall ASEAN countries – Thailand, Malaysia, & Beverage, Automobiles & Parts and water intensity. The other seven the Philippines and Indonesia. The Thai Personal & Household Goods, the companies in the subsector are less floods damaged a cluster of component subsectors with the widest variations water intensive than the average. plants and caused several Japanese in water intensity (m3 per US$ mn) at • The least water-intensive Personal vehicle manufacturers to shut plants in a company level are shown in Figure Goods company (76 m3/¥ mn or 7,461 the country, with knock-on effects on 3. Table 1 on page 10 shows the range m3/US$ mn) mainly manufactures their profits. and average water intensities of all watches and clocks, while the most 40 http://ec.europa.eu/environment/etap/inaction/ subsectors in Yen. policynews/518_en.html, accessed 6 March 2012 water-intensive company produces 41 Trade patterns and global value chains in East Asia: fibres and materials. The water From trade in goods to trade in tasks, World Trade intensity of textiles manufacturers Organization/Institute of Developing Economies Japan ranges from External Trade Organization, 2011

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains | 10

Table 1: Variations in water intensity in top 3 supersectors (m3/¥ mn) and chemicals production. Trucost modelling can provide a detailed Sector Number of Lowest Average Highest breakdown of water consumption companies across supply chains to identify analysed which business activities in different tiers use the most water (see page Food Producers 4 283 2,125 5,277 13). Despite the industry’s water dependence, producers tend to be Beverages 8 977 1,209 1,605 located in regions with potential Personal Goods 6 76 584 1,206 water stress and scarcity, such as Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea.44 Leisure Goods 10 41 126 397 • The two outliers with the highest Household 2 100 115 131 levels of water intensity in the Goods Automobiles & Parts sector are tyre manufacturers. The majority of Automobiles & 13 109 160 331 water used in tyre manufacturing Parts is upstream through raw materials used to produce synthetic rubber and Source: Trucost Plc rayon.45 The most water-intensive 813-1,206 m3/¥ mn (75,482-119,077 staging production along a global carmaker analysed uses 20% more m3/US$ mn). The most water-efficient supply chain, where lead firms water relative to revenue generated textiles company reduced its water purchase key components from than the least water intensive. use by 26% over five years. suppliers and have them assembled Vehicle and tyre manufacturers in a third, low-cost country for export are increasingly conducting • The least water-intensive Leisure of the products to final markets. This cycle assessments to identify Goods company produces “vertical specialisation”43 reflects environmental impacts such as water amusement machines. At a subsector the complexity of manufacturing use by suppliers. Understanding level, the water intensity of Consumer electronic and electrical equipment. water stress in regional Electronics companies varies most Electronic parts and components are manufacturing hubs and export – ranging from 62 m3/¥ mn to 397 the most traded types of inputs within platforms will become increasingly m3/¥ mn (5,771-36,906 m3/US$ mn). Asian supply chains. Semiconductor important to manage related risks. 86% of total water use by the five manufacturing requires large volumes Consumer Electronics companies of ultra-pure water, however most analysed is in their supply chains. of the industry’s water impacts are Imported content accounts for almost upstream from activities such as raw 20% of computers and electronic materials extraction and processing equipment exported from Japan.42 44 UBS Investment Research, Q-Series: Water Risks The industry has a high degree of to Business, 2011 45 http://www.conti-online.com/generator/www/ 43 http://www.wto.org/english/res_e/booksp_e/stat_ com/en/continental/csr/themes/ecology/download/ 42 Ibid tradepat_globvalchains_e.pdf, accessed 6 March 2012 oekobilanz_en.pdf, accessed 19 March 2012

CASE STUDY: Food & Beverage supply chain is exposed to water-related disrupt operations, drive up commodity company reports on material risks risks that could be material. Current or energy prices and even put it out of from supply chain water use risks identified include exposure to business. A Japanese Beverages firm that used 89 rising water prices and water shortages The Group aims to address these risks million m3 of water in 2009 says that any through suppliers in . through a strategy to use water more one of “a multitude of environmental Future water-related risks that could efficiently, treat wastewater properly issues – climate change, natural substantially change its operations, and protect water resources. The resources running dry, scarcity, and the revenue or expenditure include reduced company has set a product-based water conservation of biodiversity – [...] could demand for water-intensive products, intensity target for operations in Japan, undermine its ability to operate.”46 The due to the large of and an absolute target to reduce water company reports that 5% of facilities inputs, in Japan, Australia and China use in Oceania. Initiatives to achieve are located in water-stressed regions within 6-10 years. The firm expects these goals include designing a factory in Australia. Up to 10% of malt and to face increased water shortages in to minimise water use, redesigning grain inputs are from regions exposed China and higher costs to comply with cleaning processes, using more to water risk. The firm requires key stricter effluent standards in Japan recycled wastewater and exceeding suppliers to report on water use, risks within 11-20 years. Water shortages mandatory standards. and management, and believes that its in Japan are expected to present a 46 Reported to the 2011 CDP Water Disclosure business risk beyond 20 years. The firm Project warns that growing water stress could

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc 11 | Section or Brochure name

3.3 Water scarcity pricing to identify risk Water prices rose by up to 51% in many Asian cities between 2009 and 2010, with an 8% increase in tariffs in .47 Globally, water and wastewater tariffs increased by 6% on average between 2010 and 2011.48 However, increases in water bills over the past decade have mainly covered the costs of wastewater treatment and disposal.49 Further rises in water charges are vital to encourage more efficient use and investment in water infrastructure. The World Bank and OECD have called for “substantial” increases in water prices so that households and industry pay the true cost of the water they consume to help manage water as a finite resource.50 Companies will also face higher water prices as utilities pass on rising costs for energy, infrastructure, achieving water quality standards and licensing conditions, and treating wastewater and sewerage. Water is increasingly being priced to reflect water stress. The impacts of water use vary depending on local pressures. Trucost has calculated the external costs of water scarcity for water used in countries worldwide. Water scarcity costs reflect the impact that water extraction has on freshwater replenishment, ecosystem maintenance, and the return of nutrients to the . The prices used reflect levels of water scarcity, which is measured as the total annual volume of groundwater and surface

47 Global Water Intelligence 48 http://www.globalwaterintel.com/archive/12/9/ market-profile/global-water-tariffs-continue-upward- trend.html, accessed 6 March 2012 49 Water - The right price can encourage efficiency and investment, OECD 50 Experts call for hike in global water price, guardian.co.uk, 27 April 2010

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains | 12

water withdrawn from their sources Measuring water scarcity costs relative TRUCOST WATER by agricultural, domestic and industrial to financial metrics provides a proxy SCARCITY COSTS sectors, relative to the total volume of for exposure to risks from rising water Trucost has calculated the cost of water available annually through the prices or disruptions to water supplies. water use in different locations hydrological cycle (total renewable based on a relationship between Excluding three companies that had water resources).51 water scarcity and the value of negative EBITDA, water scarcity costs water. Prices correlate to the Trucost examined the exposure for supply chain water use would equate proportion of total water resources of Personal & Household Goods to 84% of earnings on average across used or withdrawn, expressed as companies in the Nikkei 225 to the the 16 companies analysed. Earnings a percentage of total renewable costs of water use if prices per m3 were could be wiped out for two companies. water resources. Water valuations to reflect water scarcity. Assuming the Less than 50% of earnings would be are adjusted to the geographical majority of water used by suppliers is at risk for 12 companies. Companies mapping of water stress levels sourced in Asia, Trucost applied average that are more exposed to water costs where water is used. Country- water scarcity costs for 16 Asia Pacific than sector peers could find it more level water costs are adjusted for countries, including Japan and China, of difficult to pass on rising input costs local incomes and water scarcity. ¥90.93 (US$1.13) to each m3 of process and maintain market share if supplies The granularity of water risk water used in supply chains (excluding are disrupted. Actual financial exposure assessments depends on the water purchased from utilities and used to water risk would depend on factors availability of water use data and in operations). If suppliers were to pass including the locations and water information on the locations of on water scarcity costs in higher prices, intensity of suppliers. suppliers. Applying water scarcity the 19 companies analysed could see Companies need to measure their costs to water consumption data input costs rise by ¥882 bn (US$9.5 bn). operational and supply chain water use, can help monitor changes in risks Water costs are measured relative understand risks to supplies, and look at from water scarcity in supply to earnings before interest, taxation, where and how to use resources more chains, compare exposure to depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) efficiently. It is important for water- water risks in different locations, to identify the potential materiality of intensive industries to monitor their identify potential financial risk financial risk from these costs being water needs in relation to local water from rising commodities prices internalised (see Table 2). availability, water quality, competition and benchmark suppliers on for resources and ecosystem goods water risk. & services that require and support Table 2: Supply chain water scarcity freshwater supplies. Water prices that costs as % of EBITDA in Personal & reflect the scarcity of supplies can be Household Goods sector applied to water use at a water basin, country or regional level to identify potential exposure to risks from rising Lowest Average Highest water prices and business disruption.

2% 84% >100%

Source: Trucost Plc

51 http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/natlinfo/indicators/ methodology_sheets/freshwater/total_water_ resources_used.pdf, accessed 15 March 2012

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc 13 | Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains

4.0 Mapping water use in supply chains

Data on purchasing patterns can reveal which industries contribute most to water use in supply chains. For audio and video equipment manufacturers, water hot spots include electronic components and packaging suppliers.

Companies can use an understanding used to map critical areas of water equipment manufacturers in the Nikkei of water use in their supply chains to use – known as “hot spots” – in supply 225 Consumer Electronics sector (see identify areas to focus on to improve chains. Overseen by an academic Figure 4). water management and reduce risk. advisory panel, the model combines The sizes of bubbles represent levels of Secondary data such as input-output financial data with sector-specific water water use – the larger the bubble, the modelling can be used to identify the data to identify which sectors use the bigger the water hot spot. Connections largest water users in supply chains. most water in a given supply chain. between water hot spots in different Findings can help prioritise suppliers Suppliers can be prioritised based on tiers reveal how purchasing by suppliers for engagement up front, making data levels of water use in their operations leads to water use further upstream in collection more time and cost effective. and supply chains. As an example, the sector’s supply chain. Findings show Trucost’s advanced environmental Trucost mapped hot spots of water that suppliers of paperboard packaging profiling modelling, based on average use across different tiers in the contribute most to water use in the first water use by industries along with supply chain of four audio and video tier of the supply chain of audio and interactions between sectors, can be

Figure 4: Breakdown of water use in the supply chain of audio and video equipment manufacturers

TIER 4 Electric Water utilities Water utilities utilities Sand, gravel, clay and other refractory Logging mining and quarrying

Water utilities TIER 3 Water utilities Flat glass manufacturing Pulp mills

TIER 2 Paper Glass product Water utilities mills manufacturing

Paperboard mills TIER 1

Electric Electron tube and Paperboard utilities other electronic packaging component manufacturing manufacturing

Audio and video Electric equipment utilities manufacturing Water utilities Electric utilities

Copper rolling, Packaging paper drawing, extruding and plastics film and alloying manufacturing

Source: Trucost Plc

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains | 14

video equipment manufacturers. In turn, paper and paperboard suppliers in the 2nd tier account for high levels of water use, and their pulp and water purchases result in further water consumption in tier 3. Electron tube and other electronic equipment manufacturers also contribute to relatively high levels of water consumption in tier 1. However, their purchases of glass, water and power result in larger water hot spots in tier 2. Glass manufacturing also results in significant water use in tier 4. Audio and video equipment manufacturers could initially focus on understanding water use by paperboard packaging manufacturing and electron tube and other electronic component manufacturers in order to prioritise data collection and strengthen accountability data from environmental modelling can if water-intensive suppliers operating in for water management. Actual supply be used to fill gaps. areas of high water risk fail to improve chain water impacts could be mapped water management. Including water Data on suppliers’ water use can be more precisely for each company data in procurement decisions can help analysed to assess water consumption individually to reflect their product develop more resilient supply chains linked to procurement and benchmark mixes and purchasing of materials. and inform strategies to adapt to climate suppliers on water efficiency. Water data Initial estimates based on spend with change impacts. can be collected on a geographical basis suppliers in different sectors can be so that local water scarcity prices can used to identify critical areas of water be applied to quantities of water used use throughout supply chains. to identify exposure to water stress. Data on suppliers’ water use can be Potential water scarcity costs can be collected from company disclosures, calculated across suppliers to prioritise where available. For companies with action to reduce risk. Modelling business activities in sectors with high can show the potential effects of levels of water consumption that do not internalising water scarcity costs on report data adequately, engagement operating expenditure. programmes can be used to collect Water data can shed light on inefficient data. Suppliers’ water consumption can water use and can lead to innovation be allocated to companies based on and opportunities to use less water- spend. For instance, where a company intensive materials and processes to purchases semiconductors from a produce goods and services. Water supplier in South Korea, the supplier’s data can inform decision-making on water data can be allocated to the buyer raw materials and components during based on its purchases as a proportion product design. Sourcing alternative of total supplier revenue. Secondary materials or components or switching suppliers could be used as a last resort

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc 15 | Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains

4.1 Water hot spots across the used in the global textile industry. It can in 2010/11 contributed to cotton prices Personal & Household Goods sector currently take 2,650 litres to make a rising to a 15-year high. Shrinking Across the Nikkei 225 Personal & T-shirt and 10,000 litres to make a pair water availability under climate change Household Goods supersector, of jeans.53 Water-intensive companies impacts in the northwest cotton- suppliers in the first tier (excluding and supply chains in the industry can growing region of Xinjiang could lead to utilities supplying purchased water used be indirectly affected by water scarcity a “marked decline in agricultural crop in operations) and further upstream and water stress through crop price productivity”.54,55 were responsible for more than volatility. Asia now accounts for more than half of 8.3 billion m3 of water use. Trucost Water risk in China’s cotton-producing world exports of garments and nearly data show that the Farming & Fishing regions, for example, can increase price half of textile exports.56 More than 80% subsector contributes most to the volatility in the supply chains of many of garments and accessories and more supersector’s supply chain water textile companies. China produces than half of textiles imported by Japan use. Personal Goods companies are about 25% of global cotton production, come from China. Japanese imports of particularly exposed to water pressures with more than half of its cotton grown clothing and textiles have also increased on the production of vegetable in high-water risk areas of the Yangtze from Cambodia and Vietnam. Cambodia fibres such as cotton and flax. Cotton and basins. China’s drought is less water stressed than China, contributes 90% of natural fibres52 Bangladesh and Vietnam, and could 53 The Impact of World Recession on the Textile therefore gain a competitive advantage and Garment Industries of Asia, UN Industrial in the future. Switching suppliers could 52 Better Cotton Initiative, China Scoping Study Development Organization/University of East Anglia, Version 2.0, 2010 2010 be preferable to changing textiles in the clothing industry. Potential to switch to alternative materials such as synthetic fibres could be limited by market demand and the high cost of raw materials and fuels needed to produce synthetics such as nylon resins. The fibre of a garment is important to many Japanese consumers, who generally prefer clothing made of cotton and cotton blends. Many suppliers will need to improve their environmental performance in order to maintain relationships with Apparel Retailers that are increasingly using environmental credentials to differentiate themselves in the market and achieve efficiencies such as energy cost savings. The shift is buyer-driven in the global value chain – retailers and brand owners are emphasising

54 China report spells out “grim” climate change risks, Thomson Reuters, 17 January 2012 55 Cotton gains on reports of Chinese drought; orange juice falls, Bloomberg, 18 May 2011 56 The Impact of World Recession on the Textile and Garment Industries of Asia, UN Industrial Development Organization, Working Paper 17/2009

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains | 16

key environmental issues including water use, chemical use and waste and recycling.57 Water data can be used to calculate the water footprints of products and develop water-efficient products and services, which could help companies build more sustainable brands and benefit from opportunities to use environmental labelling to promote products. In Japan, the Environment Association manages an Eco Mark Programme58 to promote environmental labelling across more than 53 products, with more than 300 retailers and manufacturers signed up. In Thailand, a Green Label Scheme covers more than 40 products, including textiles and computers.59 The Containers & Packaging, Water Utilities, Conventional Electricity, Commodity Chemicals, Paper, such as groundwater.60 The country expected to become the largest Aluminium, Steel, Specialty Chemicals has a long-term agreement to import chemicals producer globally.61 But and Nonferrous Metals subsectors are water from neighbouring Malaysia. One chemicals production in China suffers also among the top 10 drivers of water such agreement expired in 2011, and from a crisis of raw materials and use by first-tier suppliers in the Nikkei the other will expire in 2061. Climate resources, which depend on imports of 225 Personal & Household Goods change impacts such as sea-level rise inputs such as petroleum.62 Growth is supersector. Packaging and logistics could lead to into also limited by , electricity are critical for production networks coastal reservoirs. To meet an expected and transport shortages. as trade in components increases doubling of water demand in the and international supply chains with long term, the Government plans to “just-in-time” strategies are sensitive increase supply from non-conventional to transaction costs and business sources such as and disruption. Hong Kong and Singapore water reclamation to meet up to 30% are distribution and logistics hubs in and 50% of water needs respectively Asian production and trade networks, by 2060. Desalination can be energy including cargo handling, storage and intensive and increase the costs of warehousing, freight logistics and water supplies. transport services as well as packaging. Global chemicals production is shifting Singapore is water-scarce as its land towards Asia to meet growing customer area is insufficient to collect and store demand in the region. The industry is water, and it has no natural sources the third-largest in China, after textiles and machinery, and the country is 61 http://www.economywatch.com/world-industries/ 57 Ibid 60 Dealing with Water Scarcity in Singapore: chemical/china.html, accessed 6 March 2012 58 http://www.jeas.or.jp/english/activ/04_label. Institutions, Strategies, and Enforcement, The World 62 China Chemical Industry, Economy Watch, 30 html#02, accessed 6 March 2012 Bank, July 2006 June 2010 59 http://www.tei.or.th/greenlabel/, accessed 6 March 2012

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc 17 | Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains

5.0 Corporate water risk in Asia

To illustrate how companies in the to further water costs through their own the country as vulnerable to tensions Nikkei 225 can assess exposure to supply chains. because of its water supply. water risks in their supply chains once Across the three subsectors, water In Taiwan, rainfall mainly occurs during water hot spots have been mapped, costs would equate to more than 10% typhoons, which can disrupt supplies. Trucost analysed operational process of earnings for 32 companies. If water Heavy during a typhoon in February water use by Farming & Fishing, scarcity costs were internalised they damaged water infrastructure, Specialty Chemicals and Steel would be most material to the Steel causing water services in Taitung City companies listed in Asian countries companies, and could equate to at least to be suspended until June.65 The (excluding Japan). Together the 56 3% of revenue and 20% of EBITDA for semiconductor industry struggles to companies analysed used more than 12 companies in the subsector. comply with the Government’s policy 6.6 billion m3 of water, equivalent of rationing water to non-domestic to 80% of supply chain water use Twenty of the 29 Specialty Chemicals users in response to water shortages. attributed to the Personal & Household and Steel companies with more than In 2011, shares trading on the Taiwan Goods sector in the Nikkei 225 Index. 10% of EBITDA at risk from water Stock Exchange fell due to concerns Based on the countries in which the scarcity costs are based in the Republic that drought could adversely affect the companies are listed, Trucost applied of Korea or Taiwan. Both countries high-tech industry.66 Water shortages country-level water scarcity costs face water shortages due to unequal in Taiwan are expected to worsen to quantities of water used by each distribution of rainfall between seasons. in the future and the Government is supplier to identify the potential In Korea, narrow river basins and steep strengthening controls on water use materiality of exposure to water risk. inclines mean that much of the water and pollution.67 flows out rather than being stored. The If the companies were to pay the country often faces drought during external costs of water scarcity (see dry seasons,63 and climate change page 11), water costs could amount and inefficient water management to more than ¥512 billion (US$6.3 contributed to its worst drought in 12 billion), as shown in Table 3. Suppliers years in 2010.64 The UN categorises that internalise these costs through 65 http://www.water.gov.tw/eng/02stoppages/sto_a_ increased water pricing or reduced 63 http://www.un.org/esa/agenda21/natlinfo/countr/ main.asp?no_s=664, accessed 6 March 2012 access to water resources are likely repkorea/drought.pdf, accessed 6 March 2012 66 Taiwan faces tough water choices, guardian.co.uk, to try to pass these costs on in higher 64 http://www.koreaherald.com/national/Detail. 24 June 2011 prices. The companies could be exposed jsp?newsMLId=20090323000074, accessed 6 March 67 http://www.water.gov.tw/eng/04water/wat_a_list. 2012 asp, accessed 6 March 2012

Table 3: Water use and exposure to water costs in 3 hot spot subsectors

Sector Number of Total Total operational Average Average companies operational water costs water water costs analysed process water costs as % as % of use (m3) ¥ mn US$ mn of revenue EBITDA

Steel 26 3,246,260,565 414,696 5,153 4% 42%

Farming & Fishing 7 3,067,113,949 18,302 227 3% 10%

Specialty Chemicals 23 357,283,482 79,924 993 3% 27%

Total 56 6,670,657,996 512,912 6,374 3% 32%

Source: Trucost Plc

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains | 18

5.1 Creating supplier water risk of water withdrawals reported to the to increase tariffs in order to pass profiles CDP Water Disclosure Project. Based the cost of asset depreciation on to Many of the companies analysed in on levels of water use in areas with customers to protect credit quality.68 this study are likely to source water different levels of water stress, Trucost Businesses need to monitor water from locations outside of the countries created risk profiles for three companies withdrawals, consumption, reuse/ in which they’re listed. Nikkei 225 that reported data on a geographical recycling and wastewater discharge to companies can collect data on suppliers’ basis (see Figure 5). identify exposure to supply disruption water use by site to assess water from water scarcity or flooding, as well Most of the water used by the risk profiles of individual companies. as risks from non-compliance with companies is sourced from areas Country-specific water scarcity costs regulatory controls on water pollution, with medium levels of water stress. could be applied to suppliers’ water quality and abstraction. Identifying Where possible, water scarcity could use so that water risks are identified potential exposure to water risks be calculated at a water basin level. based on both levels of water use at can lead to opportunities to improve Local water tariffs can be reviewed each location and local water availability. the water efficiency of raw materials to assess the extent to which they To demonstrate how this approach sourcing, processes and products. already reflect water scarcity and/or could be used to compare suppliers capital and operating costs to maintain on geographical water risk, Trucost 68 Credit FAQ: How Water Shortages In Eastern water supplies and environmental analysed the country-level breakdown England Could Increase Costs For U.K.-Based Utilities, quality. Water utilities are likely to try Standard & Poor’s, February 2012

Figure 5: Breakdown of company water risk profiles – water use by level of water stress

100% Very high High Mid 80% Low No stress


40% Percentage of operational water use of operational water Percentage


0% Industrial Consumer Building Machinery Electronics Materials Firm Firm & Fixtures Firm Source: Trucost Plc

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc 19 | Section or Brochure name

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains | 20

5.2 Exposure to water risk in raw water costs. Data on the share of crops materials sourcing produced in a specific country can be Trucost is able to provide a materiality combined with the water scarcity cost assessment of current and future water of growing the crop in that location to risk for key commodities. For instance, create risk profiles for procurement of an analysis of FTSE 350 companies different commodities. As an example, revealed that if water used in supply if a crop is water-intensive and a large chains were priced to reflect water share of global production/expenditure scarcity, commodity costs for oil, coal, is in water-stressed areas in India, wheat and cotton used in supply chains the water scarcity cost for the crop could rise by 140% on average.69 would be relatively high. Findings provide insight into which crops and The analysis looks at how the costs locations present the greatest exposure of agricultural raw materials such as to upstream water risk, and which cotton might change if they were to commodities could face the greatest reflect levels of water scarcity. This volatility in prices. helps identify exposure to water risk through rising commodities prices The analysis can be tailored to specific due to lower productivity or rising companies and their supply chains by water infrastructure or irrigation costs, weighting costs based on expenditure. disruptions to supplies and reputational Water risk profiles of agricultural risk. commodities can take account of purchases by companies in the Nikkei Research can be based on actual 225. Companies can use this evidence expenditure on raw materials in the to address exposure to rising raw supply chain and quantities of the materials costs driven by water scarcity. agricultural commodities sourced from Findings can be used to identify producers in specific locations. If this areas to focus further monitoring and information is not available and the management of water risks. origin of materials sourced upstream is uncertain, Trucost assesses the Engagement programmes and plans to materiality of water risk based on improve resource efficiency could focus publicly available data on global crop on raw materials/product lines with production or resource extraction. Data the greatest potential to reduce water on the geographical profile of production risks. As the data collection process for each raw material can be combined and review of environmental reporting with average water use for commodities by suppliers upstream is developed from different countries to identify likely over time, modelled water data can be water use by suppliers. supplemented by actual data to track changes in water efficiency. Water Results are combined with data data could also be included in life cycle on water stress levels to calculate analyses of the environmental footprints water scarcity prices that reflect of products. Outcomes could support the environmental impacts of water brand development. extraction. Water scarcity costs can be applied to data on water use in crop production to map country-specific

69 FTSE 350 Commodity Exposure Index, Green Monday/Trucost, 2011

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc 21 | Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains

6.0 Conclusions and next steps

Supply chain water risk assessments can be used to secure supplies and stabilise input costs

Trucost’s findings that many companies rising water costs and disruptions from will be better positioned to develop in the Nikkei 225 are likely to be water issues. Challenges to improve effective water management strategies. exposed to water-related financial risk accountability include inadequate In an era of growing scarcity and climate through their supply chains suggest that disclosure on water use by many change impacts, risks to water and other understanding which suppliers are most companies in their supply chains and resources need to be fully integrated exposed to water shortages and floods difficulties in assessing local levels of into decision-making. Systematic, is important in order to secure supplies water stress or flood risk. However, strategic long-term thinking around and stabilise input costs. Infrastructure this study shows how secondary data global sustainability megaforces takes and contracts that lock in high levels on water use by different activities in account of the relationship between of water use in areas of water stress supply chains can help identify hot spots factors such as resource productivity could face higher-than-forecast costs, to focus action to measure and reduce and .74 lowering future cash flows and earnings. water impacts. It can also help fill data Positioning operations and supply KPMG and Trucost are working in gaps to develop risk profiles and identify chains for growing water stress partnership to provide companies the potential materiality of water use Japanese companies that can account with the data and intelligence to make across geographical locations. for water use in their operations and business sense of environmental risks Benchmarking (peer analysis) supply chains will be well placed and opportunities. to assess water risk relative to to identify opportunities to reduce Measuring and reporting on competitors exposure to business disruption from water impacts Data on water use can be used to water shortages, changes to operating Japan’s environmental reporting benchmark suppliers on water efficiency licences, supply disruptions, volatile guidelines for business70 and initiatives and identify priority areas to focus prices and climate change impacts. such as the CEO Water Mandate,71 operational and technical measures to Companies that are equipped with CERES Aqua Gauge72 and the World reduce water consumption. Companies knowledge of which suppliers present Business Council for Sustainable can engage with critical suppliers to the greatest risks and opportunities Development Global Water Tool collect site-specific data on water to strengthen water management in 2011 73 all encourage companies to consumption and management. supply chains will be better positioned collect and monitor data on water use Engagement can help raise awareness for growing resource pressures. and discharge. Companies need to and build organisational capacity to understand risks to water resources that measure and manage water use. their businesses depend on. Although Environmental scenario analysis the timing and exact location of water of water risk to support integrated risks can be uncertain, an understanding strategic planning of the likelihood of water scarcity and Scenarios that use water valuations flooding can be used to make operations based on current and future water and supply chains more resilient. scarcity can provide insight into water Supply chain resource risk risk. Water scarcity prices can be assessments applied to water consumption data and Companies need to measure and resulting water costs can be measured understand the exposure of suppliers to relative to financial metrics as a proxy for water risk. This can be used to help 70 http://www.env.go.jp/en/policy/economy/erg2007. monitor changes in overall risk profiles, pdf, accessed 6 March 2012 71 http://ceowatermandate.org/, accessed 6 March to identify where water-intensive 2012 business activities could present a 72 http://www.ceres.org/issues/water/aqua-gauge/ material financial risk, and to benchmark aqua-gauge, accessed 6 March 2012 suppliers on exposure to water 73 http://www.wbcsd.org/work-program/sector- shortages. Companies that measure projects/water/global-water-tool.aspx, accessed 6 74 Expect the Unexpected: Building business value in March 2012 water impacts and identify related risks a changing world, KPMG International, 2012

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains | 22

About KPMG AZSA Sustainability • Clear identification of focus areas Contact us KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. for reducing material environmental Kazuhiko Saito offers non-financial assurance services risks; KPMG AZSA Sustainability such as sustainability report assurance Director • Validation of source data, including services, based on KPMG’s global T: + 81 (0) 3 3548 5303 completion of gaps in data which sustainability assurance methodology, E: [email protected] are currently not being tracked or as well as professional advisory reported; services in the field of sustainability. The company supports enterprises • Comparison of environmental Tom Barnett to tackle various sustainability issues performance against peers, sectors, Trucost in an increasingly complex business investment benchmarks and Account Director environment by sharing leading-edge portfolios; T: + 44 (0) 20 7160 9812 knowledge with KPMG’s Climate E: [email protected] • The ability to transform quantitative Change and Sustainability Services www.trucost.com environmental data into professionals around the world. environmentally-oriented investment About Trucost strategies. Over the last 11 years, Trucost has For more information, visit researched, standardised and validated www.trucost.com the world’s most comprehensive data on corporate environmental impacts, including carbon, water, waste and pollutants. This provides Trucost’s clients with: • The most efficient approach to measuring carbon and wider environmental impacts across organisations, supply chains and investment portfolios;

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc 23 | Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains

7.0 Appendix: Trucost methodology

The study includes the latest available financial and incorporate actual expenditure and revenue data to analyse environmental data for companies in the Nikkei 225 in impacts of first-tier suppliers that the company buys from, as Trucost’s database – an Environmental Register of more than well as their suppliers, and so on until reaching the suppliers 4,000 companies’ environmental impacts – at the time of of raw materials. In this way, Trucost can cost the upstream analysis. The majority of data analysed cover the financial year impacts of purchases. This analysis can be used to assess the 2010. Trucost’s Environmental Register provides quantitative direct and indirect environmental impacts of a company of any measures that can be used to assess company resource use, size, industry sector or geography. waste generation and pollution releases in operations and Company disclosures through supply chains. The study classifies companies based Trucost’s database incorporates company disclosures on on the Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB), a classification environmental impacts and resource use, where available. system developed by the Dow Jones Index and FTSE Group, Where a company only discloses data for part of its overall used by investors. It provides four levels of classification – activities, Trucost may attempt to normalise quantities in order industries, supersectors, sectors and subsectors. to estimate the environmental impacts of the business’s Modelling environmental impacts entire operations. If this is not possible due to insufficient Trucost has conducted extensive studies of industries to disclosure, Trucost may have to exclude the company’s identify the quantities of over 700 environmental indicators publicly available data altogether from its environmental per unit of output. These indicators cover the use of resources profile. Trucost standardises the quantities of resources such as water, as well as waste production and pollutants used or pollutants emitted using metric tonnes or cubic such as and greenhouse gas emissions. The system metres to allow for direct comparison across companies, is consistent with the Millennium Ecosystem industrial sectors and geographies. All quantities correlate Assessment. with the company’s relevant fiscal year to allow the costs associated with environmental impacts to be compared with Quantitative data on industrial facilities’ pollutant releases are the company’s financial results. Companies are given the combined with economic data from sources such as the US opportunity to review and verify their data. Bureau of Economic Analysis to analyse interactions between economic productivity and the environment. Trucost’s input- Water data output model includes data from the US Toxic Release Trucost analysed data on water withdrawn or purchased Inventory, Federal Statistics Office of Germany (Destatis), the as operational water use. Manufacturing the final product UK Environmental Accounts, Japanese Pollution Release and involves the input of various raw materials and other products Transfer Register, Australia National Pollution Inventory and and services at various stages of the production process ’s National Pollutant Release Inventory. through the supply chain. The study therefore includes water use in supply chains, calculated using Trucost’s environmental Trucost’s input-output economic model analyses business profiling model. The types of water data analysed by Trucost activities in different sectors based on the North American are mapped to classifications of water used by companies in Industrial Classification System (NAICS). Trucost primarily Japan in Table 4 on page 24. uses data from FactSet and company accounts to identify segmental revenue data and map each company to a set of sectors. The input-output model incorporates sector level inflation data to adjust calculations in line with annual inflation and movements in commodity prices. The model also describes the economic interactions between each sector. Trucost’s analysis takes into account both operational and supply chain impacts. Within supply chain impacts, the Trucost model can distinguish between any level of the supply chain from the first tier of suppliers all the way through to upstream raw material extraction. The input-output methodology models the purchases a company makes and the resultant resource use and environmental impacts. This analysis can

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains | 24

Table 4: Mapping of Trucost water data to classifications of water used by companies in Japan

Water classifications Use Pricing in Japan Trucost data definition Japan

Ta p Drinkable. Metered. Water purchased from utilities suppliers, measured in cubic metres.

Industrial Not drinkable, and used in Metered, but the Included in data on water used in large quantities rate is flat as long as operations and supply chains, and by factories. the amount does not classified as “process water”. exceed a prescribed limit.

Ground Some factories use Usually free of Included in operational process groundwater instead of charge. water data, where reported by industrial water. companies. Classifications for process water include groundwater, artificial reservoirs, , rivers & streams and tidal.

Sea Used in power plants, oil Usually free of Trucost’s Environmental Register refineries and other large charge. includes tidal cooling water in the plants for cooling and heat Utilities sector, where reported. exchange purposes. Water Other classifications for cooling withdrawn is discharged water include reservoirs, lake, back to the sea. rivers & streams and groundwater. However, cooling water is excluded from this study.

© 2012 KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd., a company established under the Japan Company Law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. © 2012 Trucost Plc

Peak water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains

Analysis of how companies in the Nikkei 225 Index are exposed to water risk through suppliers in Asia Contact us

Kazuhiko Saito KPMG AZSA Sustainability Director T: + 81 (0) 3 3548 5303 E: [email protected] kpmg.or.jp www.kpmg.or.jp trucost.com

Tom Barnett Trucost Account Director T: + 44 (0) 20 7160 9812 E: [email protected] www.trucost.com

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