Apple iOS App Development Course

Department of Computer Science & Engineering established Apple iOS Lab for App Development Activity Purpose. The institution has got Apple University Programme ID, currently all interested students of CSE, ECE, ISE are involved in App Development Activity through Certification Programs. At the end of the every course on successful competition of App, the students are honored with Certificates.

Our Institution is recognized as a “iOS Developer University Program” with institution id 6MKL3RX9SK from Apple Developer Program Support. The institution has MoU with Callibre Code Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore for Certification Programs. Through MoU institution is conducting continuously App Development Programs. The following Apple iOS apps were developed by CSE students of AIET has been approved by . Yoga Station MERGEO- FITREAT- Musical Express-

App Development Courses Conducted Sl. Date & Time Resource Person Affiliation No.

29th April-1st May,2019 Callibre Code 1 & Mrs. Seema Nair Pvt.Ltd, Bangalore 16th Feb-23rd Feb,2019

1st Oct- 5th Oct,2018 Callibre Code 2 & Mrs. Seema Nair Pvt.Ltd, Bangalore 10th July-25th July,2018 28th Jan to 3rd Feb, 2018 Monkfox Pvt. Ltd, 3 Mr. Sudeep Jha & Bangalore 1st August to 8th August, 2017

4 1st August 2016-16th August,2016 Ms. Swathi Hebbar Dheemai Inc, Udupi

Xcel Frameworks, 5 14th Jan-23rd Jan, 2015 Mr. Arun Patavardhan Mumbai

Introduction to the iOS Certification Course Department of CSE organized Certification Program on “Apple iOS App Development using Swift C Language and XCode”. The Certification Program was conducted in 2 different phases. First Phase was conducted 10-07-2018 to 17-07-2018 and Second Phase was conducted during 30-09-2018 to 03-10-2018. Mrs. Seema Nair, CEO, CalibreCode Solutions Pvt. Ltd was the Resource Person for the Certification Program. The resource person Mrs. Seema Nair trained around 25 students of 5th SEM BE CSE, AIET. Mr. Venkatesh Senior Associate Professor, Dept of CSE was the coordinator of this internship program.

The students were developed the features of Apple iOS App development like image display, and some animations with images, Databases using SQLite, Multi tab Communication, Drawing tables, Multi window communications Network Communications etc during the First Phase of Certification Program.

Sl.No Name of the App Team Leader Guide Name Mergeo Katira Krishna Dr. Manjunath Kotari

Yoga Station Aruna Kumari Mr. Chanchal Antony

Musical Express Vighnesh Mandara Mr. Vivek Sharma S Application

Fitreat Ameen Ahemmed Mr. Sayeesh

VTU Computer Sushmitha Shet Mr. Venkatesh Science

CHIRPS Apoorva U Mr. Harish Kunder

SAFEZONE Namratha C Mr. Venkatesh

Apps Developed MERGEO

App Development Team: 4AL16CS010 AMOGHA U





Multimedia and Entertainment are the basic requirements of today’s generation. Also, Multimedia player is the integral part of today’s smartphone. But what if we want to play with the video and give it your voice. This can become entertaining, right? IOS comes with a wonderful set of inbuilt libraries which helps us to make such media players available on the app store. App Store Link Address:


MERGEO is a basic multimedia application that is built on the basic concept, that is, to merge audio and video. This application is built for mainly entertainment purpose.It can also be used to mute the existing audio of the video or to replace the original video with another one. REQUIREMENTS

Hardware requirements: Requires an , or touch . Software requirements: Requires iOS 11.0 or later. Requires XCode 8 or above. Requires swift 3 or above for better compatibility.


Download the APP in Apple device with above configurations. Welcome Screen is displaying and then Options was displayed that allows the user to select any of the two options Record Video, and Merge Video. When you click on the record video button, the app will guide you to another view controller which displays you the button as record video When the user clicks on this button, the app directly goes to the user’s phone gallery and allows the user to select one video. After the user has selected the video, the app compresses the video and loads it and goes back to the main view controller. After this, the user needs to click the merge video button, which will display three options as follows: Select Video Record Audio Merge and Save In this view controller, when the user clicks on the first button, the video which is selected, its path is loaded along with the video. After the video selection is over, the user has to click on the Record Audio Button. It will display an audio recorder which will allow you to record the audio and it will be stored. After this, the user needs to click on the Merge and Save option, so that it will merge the audio with the selected video and will save it to the user’s gallery. SCREEN SHOTS OF MERGEO

This chapter shows us the sample screen shots of the APP Mergeo. Figure 1.1 shows the screen shot of the application icon of the Mergeo

Figure 1.1. Application icon when you open the application, Welcome Screen is displayed as shown in the figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2. Welcome Screen After the welcome screen, the main menu screen is displayed. In this screen we can see 2 buttons which functions as follows: Record Video Merge Video. This is shown in the figure 1.3 Figure 1.3. Main Menu Screen When you click on the record video button, the app will guide you to another view controller which displays the button as record video. It can be given in the figure 1.4.

Figure 1.4. Record Video View Controller When the user clicks on this button, the app directly goes to the user’s phone gallery and allows the user to select one video. Once the user has selected the video, the app compresses the video and loads it and goes back to the main View Controller shown in Figure 1.3. Now, the user needs to click the merge video button, which will display three options: Select Video Record Audio Merge and Save It can be given in the figure 1.5.

Figure 1.5. Merge View Controller In this view controller, when the user clicks on the first button, the video which is selected, its path is loaded along with the video. After the video selection is over, the user has to click on the Record Audio Button. It will display an audio recorder which will allow you to record the audio and it will be stored. After this, the user needs to click on the Merge and Save option, so that it will merge the audio with the selected video and will save it to the user’s gallery. FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS

This is currently the basic version of the app, which merges only audio and video. We are looking forward to build it in such a way that it can support maximum types of video and audio files, and can merge two videos and two audios also, along with the effects to make the app more useful and entertaining. REFERENCES

For app coding reference links are: . For app design the reference is :


Development Team: 4AL16CS018 ARUNA KUMARI V






The IOS application developed by us is “YOGA STATION” in collaboration with the CalibreCode Solutions. The users who want to be healthy and keep those stress levels down to a minimum can make a best use of this app. We are particularly outlining understudies from India developed a central application for the present age restorative issues which help them with lessening their issues. This is a very nicely designed yoga app for beginners to practice at home and make choice accordingly related to Stress, Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Thyroid, and Allergy.With an easy interface the app provides you with the meaning, step by step instructions before you begin, precautions and benefits and also the guidelines along with the picture of the various Asana’s.


A genuine yoga application for the principle medical problems. Yoga: Yoga is the science that comprises of inquiries regarding existence with the appropriate responses in itself. Yoga is extremely valuable for every single person to lead their life cheerfully and strongly. Presently a-days the greater part of the individual had been influenced by the hormone lop- sidedness along these lines, the vast majority of the Indian's lean towards the YOGA for dodging these sorts of issues. Stress There is a wide range of approaches to adapt to pressure. Conversing with companions, working out, and seeing a school advocate are only a couple. Yoga can help lessen pressure since it advances unwinding, which is the normal inverse of stress. Yoga can profit three parts of ourselves that are regularly influenced by pressure: our body, psyche, and relaxing. Allergy It’s allergy season — that time of year when many of us are plagued by itchy or watery eyes, runny noses, and bouts of sneezing and coughing that threaten to knock pictures off the wall. These common allergy symptoms are the body’s way of defending itself against bacteria and viruses. Luckily, yoga can help! Diabetes The best starting yoga for diabetes will incorporate stances and breathing activities that are composed particularly to target and fortify the pancreas. By enhancing blood stream to the pancreas, yoga stances for diabetes restore the organ's cells and enhance its capacity to create insulin for the body. Blood Pressure Yoga, when performed carefully, can lessen this kind of stress-incited hypertension, while tending to its hidden causes. It mollifies the thoughtful sensory system and backs off the heart, while showing the muscles and psyche to unwind profoundly. Thyroid Yoga conveys numerous advantages to your general wellbeing and prosperity. It can adjust your vitality, increment adaptability, and calm pressure. There is an association among stress and hypothyroidism, yet certain yoga presents are thought to adjust thyroids that are either under dynamic or overactive. This wellness application encourages the most helpful home activities and yogasanas for the most part the individuals who are principally experiencing overwhelming pressure, hypertension, particularly thyroid, for sensitivities and diabetes. REQUIREMENTS

Hardware requirements: Requires an iphone , ipad or . Software requirements: Requires iOS 11.0 or later. Requires XCode 4 or above. Requires swift 4 or above for better compatibility.


This chapter shows us the sample screen shots of the APP Yoga Station. The app shall be made up of four total screens - the launch screen, a main screen, a list screen, screen, and pdf’s attached in information screen:

Launch screen: When the App is started, the Launch screen is displayed as shown in the figure 2.1. Figure 2.1. Launch Screen

Main Screen: The Main Screen is displayed after Lunch Screen. The main screen consists of one button. By clicking the button, we entering into the screen that is main screen as shown in the figure 2.2. Figure 2.2. Main Screen List Screen: By Clicking the GO button in the main screen, we get List Screen. This screendisplays the few types of deceases as shown in the figure 2.3. Figure 2.3. List Screen

Information Screen By Clicking any decease, the App will display the detailed information about the Yoga Aasana. This screen is shown in the figure 2.4: Figure 2.4. Information Screen CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK

This is the very basic version of the app. Using this App, only the text information about Yogaa Aasana. are available. On the further updation, we will modify the app by providing better user interface, step by step video instruction, and much more.


App Icon: Icon made by Freepik from Yoga expert: Chaithra R Shetty, fourth year BNYS, Alva's College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences 2.3 MUSICAL EXPRESS APPLICATION


As we know now a day, we are getting many kinds of applications in Appstore. This can be used for different purpose. Entertainment is one of the most important needs of every human being, which makes a person happy and also feels free. Our main aim is to provide an entertainment to the person. Our application uses Apples face recognition technique and it detects the persons emotions and also plays the for it. It is an App for everyone to lighten up your moods. If you don’t want to face camera then you can always choose the emoticons and enjoy the music too. AppStore Link Address


This project performs the task of developing an IOS application that enables the user to hear their expression and emotions. The main purpose of Musical Express application is to provide an entertainment to the user. The user can face to the camera by using which he can capture his image were this application suddenly detects his expression and plays music to it and user can enjoy. If user don’t want to face camera than he can enjoy by clicking on the emoticons present in the screen. The application of the proposed system is to use camera effectively in the device. Take a picture in a best quality. To notify changes in the image based on expressions. REQUIREMENTS

Hardware requirements: Requires an iphone, ipad or ipod touch. Software requirements: Requires iOS 11.0 or later. Requires XCode 4 or above. Requires swift 4 or above for better compatibility.


This chapter shows us the sample screen shots of the APP Music Express Application.

Figure 3.1: Main Menu The App is begin with the main menu containing two buttons: choose your emotion and capture your emotion as shown in the figure 3.1. It is a view of an interface where user can select one option from two buttons.

Figure 3.2. Facial Expression Figure 3.3: Single Face Selected

Figure 3.4: Capture Photo

Figure 3.5: Detect Face Expression CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK

We have prepared a new application after identifying issues in existing application. In which user can get a more emotions and music’s in order to enjoy the application. In which easy use to GUI is proposed by developer. The future need is to provide different kind of music for single expression where user won’t get bored by listening to the same music by using database. It should also detect the some more expressions of the user. Also providing a audio message to the user with music. References Wikipedia Stack Overflow Community.


Development Team: 4AL16CS009 AMEEN AHMED





Rapid developments in technology have encouraged the use of smart phones in health promotion research and practice. Most people are concern about what they eat every day. This is because "we are what we eat". Health problems related to diet, including obesity and cancer, are important concerns in the current society. The main treatment for obesity includes dieting and frequent physical activity. The adoption of mobile phones has created an opportunity for assessing and improving nutrient intake as they can be used for digitalizing dietary assessments and providing feedback. People tend to search information about the things that they eat or what related to their diet. Nowadays, there are systems which help people to manage their diet. However, the systems are not specifically focusing on the user's own needs. Different people will require different dietary needs or nutrition for their body. This is due to variety of age, weight, daily activity level and so on. So, they need something that will help them with their own personal body needs. A key challenge in human nutrition is the assessment of usual food intake. Diet was known for many years to play a key role as a risk factor for chronic diseases especially for elderly and diabetic patients. This app can be of great use for them apart from general user.


As the name suggests, this application is about a fit and sound eating regimen. Fitreat is a simple, straightforward however efficient and productive application utilizing which one can outline an ideal diet plan. This app can be of great use for diabetic patients. The user can get to know how much nutrients such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates his/her body requires. Based on that the user can decide his/her daily food plan. Basically, this app calculates your basic vitals such as BMR, TDEE and BMI by your body physics and daily working habits. But mainly using this vitals the application calculates the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates required to the user in general. Knowing the required nutrients, the user can plan his/her diet. REQUIREMENTS

Hardware requirements: An iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Software requirements: iOS 11.0 or later. XCode 8 or above. Swift 3 or above for better compatibility.


This chapter shows us the sample screen shots of the APP Fitreat Figure 4.1: Fitreat icon The Fitreat App icon was created and it is as shown in the figure 4.1. It is used to locate the app in the home screen of the device.

Figure 4.2. Load Screen The image in the figure 4.2 is appeared first when the app is opened and being loaded.

After the App has been loaded, the home screen will be displayed and it is as shown in the figure 4.3. Figure 4.3: Single Face Selected The home screen has three buttons in total. Two of them are on view panel which are “Create Profile” and “Previous Report”. One button is on navigation panel which has some basic page navigators. When the app is launched for the very first time only “Create Profile” button is visible. Else when the app is opened, only “Previous Report” button is visible. In case the user wants to create new profile, he/she can do so from the navigation button.

Figure 4.4. Portfolio On clicking “Create Profile” button, the user is taken to Portfolio page where the user can to enter the Age, height (in cms), weight (in kgs), gender and daily activity. These data are used to calculate the BMR, TDEE, BMI and Carbohydrates required by the body. This data is then stored in the application and is loaded every time the app is opened. The portfolio page is as shown in the figure 4.4. On clicking the “Previous Report” button, Portfolio page is skipped and directly the previously calculated results are displayed as shown in the figure 4.5 Figure 4.5: Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Figure 4.6.Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is an estimate of the amount of energy or calories that your body expends when completely at rest. On tapping next, it proceeds to TDEE. Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE)is the total number of calories we need on daily basis. On tapping next, it proceeds to BMI. Figure 4.7. Body Mask Index (BMI) Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on your weight in relation to your height. It is used as a screening tool to indicate whether a person is “Underweight”, “Overweight”, “Obese” or “Healthy”. Appropriate message is displayed on screen. Based on BMR, TDEE and BMI, the total carbohydrate required by the body is calculated. Figure 4.8. Required Carbohydrates Figure 4.9. Flood Entry Once the required carbohydrates is calculated the next step is to enter the total carbohydrates consumed during breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner separately. On tapping the “Submit” button, total carbohydrate consumed in whole day is calculated and is compared with required carbohydrate and appropriate message is displayed. At the end, the final screen will be displayed as shown in the figure 4.10.

Figure 4.10: Final Result CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK

This app is currently in initial stages which has attached list of different food item’s carbohydrates. Also, carbohydrates can be entered directly from packed food’s label. In future we’ll try to bring in-built database of large range of food items with their carbohydrate content. References Reference links are: 2.5 VTU Computer Science

Development Team 4AL16CS105 SRUSHTI


4AL16CS111 SWATHI V A Introduction: Our app name is VCS [VTU Computer Science]. This app contains the information of the textbooks which are useful for Computer Science and Engineering students. It is a collection of 3rdsem, 4thsem …8th semester syllabus books information according to their semesters and subjects along with the elective subjects. The books are categorized as per the ratings, which mean the textbook with higher priority will be placed in first position. It covers almost all the subjects under Computer Science and Engineering. The books which are mentioned in this app are prescribed by respective University. How it works: This app mainly consists of three . In which the first page consists of list of semesters. If we select any one semester it displays the list of subjects under it in the second page. Then if we select any one subject it displays the names of the textbooks along with the author name in the third screen. Ratings are provided to each text books. 2.6 CHIRPS

Development Team 4AL16CS007 APOORVA U




This app is a birdwatcher’s guide level of provides friendly images of birds which give description of birds and their habitat. It is an app which is user friendly and it is simple for uses to understand. This app is easy to use and it’s a guide for all beginners bird watchers it doesn’t require any mobile data to access their app. This app gives information about birds found on Western Ghats. 2.7 E-Rescue

Development Team 4AL16CS003 AISHWARYA J





When an emergency occurs, citizens can be a helpful support for the operation centers involved in the response activities. As witnesses to a crisis, they initially can share updated and detailed information about what is going on. Moreover, thanks to this technological evolution people are able to quickly and easily gather rich information and transmit it through different communication channels. Indeed, modern mobile devices embed several sensors such as GPS. For these reasons, it is essential for developing smart applications for reporting any exceptional circumstances. In this paper, our aim is to propose several findings about how to design effective and efficient mobile emergency notification applications. For this purpose we have exploited the basic sensors of modern mobile devices and the users’ aptitude for using them. Moreover, we collected several findings useful for future design challenges in the same area, as shown in the final redesign of the proposed application. Introduction:

The application mainly consists of three trustee contacts. When the user finds himself being stalked or followed by a stranger when he/she is out, by just clicking on the trustee contact, a help message gets generated and sent to the respective contact. Along with this, the GPS also turns on and gets activated to send the location as well to the user’s trustee contact. This helps in letting the trustee contact know the location of the user in trouble and thus helps them come to the rescue during the times of emergency. This application thus helps in the security of the user.