Poltitcal AHO Tnformattve REVTEW / TTRANA

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Poltitcal AHO Tnformattve REVTEW / TTRANA POLtITCAL AHO tNFORMATtvE REVTEW / TTRANA 1{o3l{01 /1e78 { ?'Ira uorke of th.e Cnpital march past the Portg and Stale Leaders ' praudig :tn tL:tth splendirJ resultr.s art the lst'al hlou. the Cag ol the wcrkers iaternttion'al solidarity. Camrs.de ENVER UAXUA among ih-e r*orkers oi ;he Clotlting entevprise -Bule r-{cipi* at Giirakastla .]isr 'r€t i: Sr r'-i.iFi ^j 4 { ;:' A ',n-'!. ..{. 3 h,* ::;:* _t CONTENTS: Cheek By Jowl With The People 2 A Broad And Complicated Front Of The Class Struggle In Socialist Society 13 RAqI MADHI The Albanians Confronted With The Eastern Crisis 1878-1881 22 ALEKS BUDA T he T e chnical- S cientific Rev ol ution And Its Special Featldres In Atbania 28 vLADTMIR MISJA From The Life Of The Counrry JS Revisionist,,Theories* Of Restored Capitalism 44 TIEKURAN MARA The Degeneration Organizational PETRO CIRUNA, Of The Revisionist Parties And Its Consequences 5L PANDI TASE Press Review 54 CE{EffiK BYJO L WITTfl T MPffi PLtr T he First Searetary of the Cewtral Commit{ee o/'the Party of Labour of Albania, comrade Eytver F{oxha, sperut the s'ecorud half of Marclt in tlte d.istricts of G jirokastra and SarailCa. The be loved le{tder of the A{baruiaru Perty and pe*ple was ,sLu't'ttLtr'tded by cxt stmospitere of wrcprecederuted warrnt h anC e nt hus ict s'm. On tltis cccasion, tens of thousaruds o_f inhahitants of both district"r e xl;t'e ssed to hitn oruce *gairu tlreir boundless love for the faarty of Labour rsf Aibrni{d ttnd their un s halc e ab! e de t e r m i n et io rt to trncrch boldly on, tlte roscl of the Party, tlte srdtfo{is but gloriota,g road to s*e ia/ism snC comntl*ris$l Ctteek to jotul uithtlte people, a 'pleasantand, heartp taiic at the s.Jcornote-tye:e in Maskkril,lora. 4o3(40),1978 A.LEANIA TODAY In Gjlrokastra, where he was born and spent his chitd- their bosom these people brought forth their Party, the hootl and youth, comrade Enver Hoxha paid homage at the Communist Party of Albania, today the Party of Labour Martyrs' Cemetry, at the monument to the distinguishetl ol Albania. I am not going to talk about how the Party fighter In the struggle for the indepentlence of Albania, was born, how it was formerl," he continueal, <but it is Qergiz Topulli, antl at that tletlicatetl to the two herolnes important for us to know, and we must always know that of the National Liberation War, Bule Naipi and persefoni this Party was born form the bosom of the people. We' Kokdtlhlma. He also visiteit the Castle of the city, which your sons, your daughters, had on our backs the common now houses the Arms Museum, the <Asim Zeneli> School burden of centuri.es of misery, poverty, sufferings, which, where he tliil the first years of his secondary schooling, rve, like our forefathers, wanted to shake otf. But how the Museum Contre and the Obelish dedicated to all the would we shake it off? Through struggle. This u'as the pioneer teachers of the Albanian school and language, right road for our people, antl not for our people alone, which is erected in the centre of the city, as well as the but for all the proletariat of the worltl, for all the peo- clothing enterprise named after the heroine, BuIe Naipi. ples, in the revolution. From the experience of the strug- fle walhed through the streets of the museum-city and gles of the proletariat and the peoples, Marx, Engetrs and stopped to visit many families. Wherever he went, com- Lenin worked out the theory that the old world hatl to rade Enver Hoxha conversed warmly with working people be overthrown and the new, socialist world would be of various ages and occupations, with workers and coope- born, The proletariat with its ally, the poor peasantry, ha,il rativists, with pupils and armymen, with young people and to overthrow the bourgeoisie anil seize power. With what? pensioners. They spoke about the miserable situation before With the rifle, because they don't give up their powet in Liberation, the great progress whioh has been made and any other way. Our Party was small,>, said comratle the blessings the Albanian people enjoy today, thanks to Enver Hoxha, <<trut it hatl in its veins the courage, the the correct antl farsighted leadership of the Party of La- valour, the rnaturity, and wisdom of the people, and above bour of Albania. all, of the working class. Our worhing class was small in Comrade Enver Hoxha also went to one of the villages numbers, but we have the great theory of KarI Marx in the vicinity of the city, Mashkullora, where ?0 years and Lenin, which inspiretl the Party and the Party inspir- ago, in March 1908, the ..geta* of Albanian patriots led by ed the people. The yoke of slavery will never be lifteil Qergiz TopuIIi clashed with the Ottoman invaders and in- frorn our necks if we do not remove it with our own hantls, flicted great losses to them. The First Secretary of the Cen- it toltl the people. Freeilom is not won without struggle, tral Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania also w,ithout sacrifices. The people listenecl Jo the Party and visitetl the village of Grapsh, in the centre of the Dropull the Farty listened antl still listens to the peoptre' The peo- region, in which a Greek minority lives. ple and tlre Party are in complete unity. This the greater In Gjirokastra and Grapsh, comrade Enver Hoxha spohe victory of, our times." at broad mass meetings in whioh thousands of people frorn Comrade Enver Hoxha went on to spealr about the in- all over the region took part. nurnerable efforts antl struggles of our people, of our grantl- At the mass meeting in Gjirokastra, comrade Enver fathers and great-grand-fathers against bloodthirsty ene- Iloxha spoke about the patriotic traditions of the Albanian rnies. people, abo-ut their heroic work today and maJ'or successes .[n 1878," said comrade Enver Hoxha, *the Meeting of they have achieved in all fieltls. the Albanian League was held in Prizren untler the chair- ..Our people,n said comrade Enver Hoxha, ..are an im- rnanship of the tlistinguishetl patriot, Abtlyl Frashdri, the mortal people. They created that wonderful vitality, that I:rother of Sami and Naim. trt was heltt in ortler to defend courage and valour, that determination which enabled and unite the Albanian territories, the Albanian nation, to them to resist innumerable invasions, to defenil and de- rescue the Altranian people frorn the Ottoman enslavement, velop their own ancient culture, which influenced the cul- frorn the enslavement and intrigues of the imperialist pow- ture of other countries, too, Our peoplg united as a nation, ers, from the chauvinists of Sertria and Montenegro, from sd6-oit together on these territories, on these mountains, the Treaty of San Stefano, etc." on these plains, in these valleys. They preserved their cus- Then, eomrado Enver lloxha informed the participants toms, preservetl their culture and language, and developed in the meeting that on that very day the rernains of AbiIyI them further. They were not assirnilated either by the cul- Frash6ri hatl been brought back to the ltromeland and re- ture of the ancient Groeks, the Ottoman culture, or the ceived with great respect by the people of KorQa, Kolonja invasions of the modern times, From all this suffering,> and Dang€llia. said comrade Enver Hoxha, <.our people emerged strong, like Comrade Enver Hoxha said, ..!Ve are grateful to the Antheus of Greek mythology, because they hept their feet Turkish people, who have preservetl the remains of the on this land, on this soil, which they loved with all their .Albanian patriots with respect, as rvell as to the Turkish hearts. These people are one of the greatest treasures. government, which facilitateC the return of Abdyl's re- Here, in Gjirokastra we say: *[,ike father like son.> From mains to his ll[omelanil, just as we thanketl fhe Greek peo- ALBANIA T O D AY 3 (40), 1978 . 5 ple, rvho had cared for the remains of Hasan Prishtina, coming here, so that wc can see one another, because we s,hi6E were handed over to us by the Greek government. have been longing for this, but I have been with you in We have hopes," he continued, othat the Turkish people heart and mind, and have been following your work and and Turkish government will give us the remains of the achievements ancl those of the minority and the whole great philosopher and patriot, Sami Frash6ri, too, who Gjirokastra region. fought heart and soul till the day of his tleath for this ..The people of Dropull, the Greek minority antl the people, for this land, for these mountains, for the hills, Albanian people, and especially the people of Gjirokastra, for the flocks, about which Naim wrote with such great have been linketl with each other like flesh to bone, they feeling," have loved each other like brothers and sisters. Here, I do The leader of the Party and the people saitl that in not mean those scoundrals, the beys and aghas of Gjiro- the magnificent situation of our country, we must work kastra, but I rnean the poor people of Dropull and the poor in order to make our people happier and more contented people of Gjirokastra. Our love for the minority population day by day, must continue to builtl our new society, to has never diminished.
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