Shalom 4-13.Indd

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Shalom 4-13.Indd April 2013 NISAN/IYAR 5773 Come Celebrate Israel at 65! Jewish Family Life Education Yom Ha’Atzmaut is Israel’s Inde- By Mimi Kaufman, MSW Nefesh- the obligation to save people’s pendence Day and this year (5773) is JFS Director lives. This principal is deeply embed- unique because Israel declared itself an ded in Jewish law. independent country 65 years ago. In SAVE THE DATE commemoration of this special event, On May 9th at 7pm, Jewish Family The perception that organ donation is Lexington will be honoring this occa- Services and Hadassah will be jointly against Jewish law has changed and sion in two different ways this year. hosting a program about Organ Dona- still changing. This is much because of tion. We will meet in the foyer of the education and awareness campaigns On the actual day of Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Chinoe offi ce building that houses the like the upcoming May 9th event. Monday, April 15, 2013, the Jewish Jewish Federation. Federation of the Bluegrass, The Lex- Communication among your fam- ington Chapter of Hadassah, Ohavay For years, the overwhelming percep- ily members is key. Families need to Zion Synagogue, and Temple Adath explores the positive characteristics of tion with the Jewish community re- talk to each other to fully understand Israel will be hosting a screening of the Israeli society from a humanistic, psy- garding organ donation was that it was their wishes and beliefs. The pro- fi lm Inside Israel: How a Small Nation chological, and emotional perspective. against Halakha- Jewish law. We know gram on May 9th will be an excellent Makes a Big Difference. The movie will This insightful and uplifting documen- as Jews that it is our custom to bury opportunity for all of us to bring our be shown at the downtown branch of tary sidesteps the usual conversation our loved ones quickly and to avoid al- hardest questions. Our main speaker, the Lexington Public Library, 140 E. of politics, confl ict and violence, and tering the body. However, even as we Charlotte Wong, is KODA’s (Kentucky Main Street, at 7:00pm. Inside Israel is a recognize these principles as vital to Organ Donation Association) educator; new feature-length documentary that see Come Celebrate Israel, page 5 our understanding of death and burial, and it is quite a treat to hear her speak. there is a third principle that plays a Yom HaShoah; A Time to Remember role in the end of life decisions; Pikuah see Jewish Family Life, page 4 Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust and Hero- CAMPAIGN NEWS ism Remembrance Day, was signed This year, Yom Ha’Shoah will be on and inaugurated in 1953 in Israel by Sunday, April 14, 2013 at Temple Adath then Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion Israel at 10:00 am. The Community Make a gift to Federation and President Yitzhak Ben-Zvi. Israelis Relations Committee’s Yom HaShoah wanted to designate a day to remem- committee has been busy planning through appreciated ber the six million Jews who perished a moving and educational Yom Ha- in the Holocaust as well as to remem- Shoah memorial program for the entire ber and honor the Jewish Resistance Lexington Jewish community. Pro- securities and save on taxes during that period of time. There is no gramming and study are planned for Now is the time to make your annual 2. The donors do not pay capital offi cially designated memorial service everyone from kindergarten age and donation to Federation by gifting gains tax on the increase in the for this day but most services include older. appreciated securities. Gifts of long- value of the securities. lighting memorial candles and recit- term securities (that are held for more ing Kaddish, the traditional mourners’ than one year) help support the many Please note that the savings does not prayer. see Yom HaShoah; A Time, page 19 services that JFB sponsors and provide apply if the donors sell the stock and our donors signifi cant tax advantages. then transfer the proceeds. Remember This is also a great opportunity for to alert the Federation when you trans- philanthropic planning. Gifts of ap- fer stock. Your gift will help change preciated securities offer a two-fold tax the lives of the many people we serve savings: locally, in Israel, and in endangered Jewish communities throughout the Permit # 719 # Permit 1. If donors itemize deductions, they world. ✡ Lexington, KY Lexington, PAID may receive a charitable deduction 1050 Chinoe Road • Suite 112 • Lexington, KY 40502 KY Lexington, • 112 Suite • Road Chinoe 1050 U.S. Postage U.S. for the full fair market value of the Please call Judy Wortman at 268-0672 Change Service Requested Service Change Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass the of Federation Jewish Non-Profi t Org. t Non-Profi securities on the date of the gift. with any questions. IN THIS ISSUE The PJ Library is a national program offered locally, President’s Message ................................................................................................... 3 which mails free, high-quality Editorial ........................................................................................................................... 3 and age appropriate Jewish JFS: At Your Service .....................................................................................................4 children’s literature and music to families on a monthly basis. Nominations for the Offi cers and Board Members of JFS ............................ 5 All families raising Jewish April is Child Abuse Prevention Month: COMMIT TO PREVENT .................. 6 children ages six months to eight years are welcome to enroll. JFB is proud to offer your B’nai B’rith International President to speak ......................................................6 family, through our partnership with local donors and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, this Never Again ..................................................................................................................7 opportunity to explore the timeless core values of Judaism through books and music. Resolution on Preventing Mass Violence ............................................................8 Enroll your children or grandchildren today! Call us at 859.268.0672 or visit and visit our Lexington community page. Resolution on Fair Pay ............................................................................................... 9 Israel 21c: Reading stimulates white matter in kids ......................................10 Community & Women’s Philanthropy Campaign Donors ..........................12 The 2013 Jewish Federation Budget Approved ............................................13 Do you have the winter blahs? B’tayavon ......................................................................................................................15 Do you wish spring was here? B’nai Mitzvah ...............................................................................................................15 The Lexington Chapter of Hadassah ..................................................................16 Hadassah has the answer... Ohavay Zion Synagogue ........................................................................................17 Flower Power is coming! The Lexington Havurah ...........................................................................................18 Sim Shalom News .....................................................................................................19 CertiÀ cates on Sale Soon Temple Adath Israel ..................................................................................................20 You will be able to buy cash certiÀ cates to be redeemed at Proper Plants on Military Pike. Around the Community ..........................................................................................21 Womens Event Photos .............................................................................................22 You will À nd a beautiful selection of hanging baskets, patio plants, Á owers, herbs, and vegetables. Members of the Lexington Chapter of Hadassah will have certiÀ cates shortly to help you with your gardening needs. Published ten times per year by the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, Inc. 1050 Chinoe Rd., Suite 112, Lexington, KY 40502 Start planning now! Phone (859) 268-0672 • Fax (859) 268-0775 Contact Hanna Smith at email: [email protected] 859.223-9682 or APRIL 2013, VOLUME X, ISSUE 3 [email protected] Robert Grossman, President for additional information. Judy Wortman, Executive Director Tamara Ohayon, Marketing and Outreach Director Mimi Kaufman, JFS Director If you are not receiving Jewish Weekly email and would like to, please Lori Bernard, Coordinator of Informal Jewish Education send your name and email address to [email protected] SHALOM EDITORIAL BOARD David A. Wortman, Editor-in-Chief Hanna Smith, Chairperson Jane Chaput, Susan Cobin, Betty Nigoff Federation Board Federation President Minna Katz-Brown Amy Faust Mayer CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Robert Grossman Betty Nigoff Misha Galperin, Abigail Klein Lichman, Jesse Weil Jane Chaput Susan Cobin Jenny Rice LOCAL DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Executive Committee Gail Cohen Seth Salomon Lowell and Betty Nigoff Kae Schennberg, Vice-President David Feinberg Marty Solomon Production Services by Georgetown News-Graphic Hanna Smith, Secretary Jenn Garlin Paul Tillier The editorial staff has the right to edit all articles submitted for publication inShalom . Articles should not ex- Gary Yarus, Treasurer Michael Grossman Elissa Weinstein ceed 500 words. The appearance of any advertising
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