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Page Four " TREJEWISH POST . Thursday, January 5, 1950 Page Five .~~------~~~~~~-"------~~~=- Thursday, January 5, 1950 THE JEWISH POST looked very mucb like her. Tbe Pioneer Women Devote' 4•• ~.~ ••• _~_ •• _~_. __ ~ •••••••••••••• ~.~_._ft_ft ftftft._ftft·.ftftft.ftft ••• ft_mft=~ft-·ftftno_ftC.O°ftftft .. / -, i' eyes, the mouth, the wide forehead. January to Histadrut - SOCIAL AND Her brother - perbaps he had even PLEASE TAKE NOTE AND COME TO THE SATURDAY By I. BARAK been in my section ... JANUARY 14 And be was killed on that day a 10 P.M. year ago, that day when the sun beat I .m~t h~ that ~ame evening, at a party given on our at the PERSONAL down mercilessly on the hillside and S TA/G Hebrew Fraternal Lodge battalu~n s first anniversary. All through the party 1 kept the air shImmered with the heat of Mr. and Mrs. David M. Bornstein wonderIn~ h~w she carne to be there; she did not seen happy; SPONSORED BY THE HEBREW FRATERNAL LODGE'S "SERVICE FUND" Club Rooms I kept thInkIng that somehow she did not belong in that gay explosions from the Arab guns. announce the birth of a son, Alan Many were killed that day - very REFRESHMENTS TICKETS $1.00 DOOR PRIZE 980% Main St. Howard, on Dec. 24, a brother for company. , °many ... wwwwwu _____ ._w_w_w ___ wwww,wwwww_www •• ww _____ •• _._ •• _wwwwww __ www Joanne. But it was no place to ask questions and so I walked " * • home with her, and now she was unlocking the door. Which of those bodies on the hill- side could have been Born to Mr, and Mrs, Lou Striker, . We went in. She switched on the lights and opened the SKltFUL brother's'! RADIO B ,"d ' G P t nee Lillie Privis, 436 Cathedral WIndow. It .was a smalI room, but it had a certain warmth II "He looked very much like me," PRODUCTION BEHIND es roup resen s avenue, a daughter, Gail, on Dec. 24, and fr~endliness. In the centre stood a big table surrounded Chanukah, 1943 she whispered. "Tall, fair, always at the General hospitaL by chairs. On the walls were reproductions of Van Gogh and By JUDY GELLMAN NEW GKY • * *_ a painting, now brownish, of a young girl. JO. king.,. " Variety Show Jan. 9 In honor of their 41st wedding "Take a chair and make yourself at home" she said, Then I remembered, This original conception of Jewish life under the Nazis won Judy Indeed they looked like twins... . Gellman this .year's award of th~ Phyllis Diamond Memorial Trophy, anniversary, Mr, and Mrs. J. E, smiling. "I'll make some tea." , donated by the Wise Y's of the Y.M,H,A. The presentation was made But wait, no ... it can't be .... But Brown, 299 Yale avenue, entertained She put the kettle on and turned to me; she seemed on Dec. 25 at'the Y. Judy is the daughter of Mrs. Esther Gellman. at home Saturday evening, Dec. 17. gayer now. , he was the' one ... Honorable lIL2ntion went to Eva Ritter for her story on Shanghai. • • • "How do you like my room?" "They told me he died like a bero, Eva is a newcomer in Winnipeg, arriving here from Shanghai last June, - Tbe Editor. Mr. and Mrs. B. Portigal and son "I do like it," 1 said. "By the way who painted the girl He was a hero." \ Harvey, 102 Bannerman avenue, are in the gilded frame?" , HSure," I said. It was a cold winter night in the small town of Sklove, leaving Jan, 5 for Los Angeles to "Oh," she sal'd, "that . . • I't' S an 0 Id'pIC t'ure, very 0 I d What eise could they have told Mrs. I, Parr presided at a recent Russia. Bullets and bombs were faIling everywhere. My spend the winter months with Dr. ------'------=------. . . no idea who the painter was. her? How could they bave told her, conference of all presidents and family w;;ts huddled together in one corner of the cold, dirty and Mrs. A. ~orti;aL • Los Angeles, Cal, En route she will It's of my ~other. She - both my his sister, that he was not a hero at Histadrut chairmen' of Pioneer Wo­ cellar under a half-bombed store. It was the first night of Miss Ruby LeibI, daughter of Mr. ~isit in" Edmonton, Vancouver, and :parents died when I was very young. all? That he was a coward? men's chapters who met on Dec. 29 Chanukah. My ·father, Yosef, and Rabbi Ben Ezra stood in and Mrs. H. Leibl, 664 Broadway, San Francisco. I can hardly remember them. I the middle of the cellar praying devotedly. Only the occa­ , A coward. Sometimes he would at the Hudson's Bay Georgian room left Jan. 3 for an extended trip to • • • never really knew what parents unnerve us with his cowardice, his with Mrs. N. Witman, when cam­ sional moan could be heard. Every man. woman, and child Regina - Mr. and Mrs. Sam meant." fear of death. In the earlier days, in paign matters were discussed. Full prayed silently. My eyes wandered over to my mother, who Sarner alUlOWlce the birth of a son, We drank our tea in silence. I the "romantic" period, everyo~e al­ programs of activity in the interest sat a little. ways from me. She was a thin, pale woman, NEXT WEEK . Jack Lawrence, on Dec. 28, at the hesitated to ask my question but at with long, thick, black braids, bounds around her head like Watcb for the Popular Column ready knew Tommy was a coward. of the 1950 Histadrut drive were Regina General hospital, a brother last I did. "How did you come to be When we had to poke our heads discussed, and a decision was adopted a crown. My sister, Ruth, slumbered uneasily against her. ''B'NAI B'RITH MAPLE LEAF £or Beverly Joan. at the party?" I asked "Did you Poor thing, she was so tired of running away from the Nazis, LODGE REVIEW" above the trench and fire, he would to devote the entire month of Jan­ .', • • have someone in the battalion?" cling to the ground, deep in a corner, uary to Histadrut. who so cruelly tortured every Jew in sight. Starting Next Week - Exclusive Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Rabkin and She put her cup down and I could with a desperate look in his eyes A move to raise all Histadrut Gradually my eyes travelled. to the opposite side' of the in THE JEWISH POST daughter, Florence, 484 Aikins street, see her hands tremble. Then she that begged to be allowed to stay quotas a minimwn of 10 per cent cellar. There sat a young mother cradling her sleeping child. extend farewell wishes to their pushed it away and her eyes fell. there - he would do anything, any­ was enthusiastically accepted. Her eyes were weary yet hopeful The small child was pale, Mothers' asso~iation" Peretz-Folk friends and ,relatives upon the occa- "My brother was in th~ battalion. thing! just let bim stay tbere, because of the lack of nourishment. She slept with her lips Lloyd E, Moffat is general man­ school, < st. John's branch, will meet sion o£ their departure' for Los Exactly a year ago today he, was ager 'of station CKY, which was No one could understand him; slightly parted. In another comer sat a smail dark-haired Monday, Jan. 9, at 8:30 p.m., at the Angeles, an Sunday, Jan. 8, from the killed - a year today ..." Polish boy staring into space with heard commencing Jan. 1 from new home of Mrs, W. Raizen, 316 College everyone despised him, but nothing resid.ence...of Mrs. 'Blitz, 296 Pritchard I struggled to remember. All eve- hall-wild eyes. What could he be Meanwhile Rabbi Ben stood studios at 432 Main street. avenue. would make him change. Finally he Ezra avenue, ning long I had bad the feeling that tbinking? The way his mother and With a score of years to his credit ,was given the job of going around before the Chanukah candie, and her face looked familiar, that some­ father were killed fleeing from the prepared to present first blessing as a radio station owner and man­ to the different positions and hand­ Mrs., M. Nozick~ president of for the general public, there will be w~ere I had once seen someone who German Gestapo, who tortured them of the holiday. He was tall, ager, Mr. Moffat has given a great Rosenberg-Finkelstein ing out the iron rations. a Brides' group of National Council a second presentation that evening because they were Jews, or how his godly mao, with a shorl black deal of thought and work in plan­ Hebrew Calendar of Jewish Women, has invited all at 8,30 p.m. How was he killed? That day we ning the station. ,I' Congress Women Invite small sister, Rebecca, was killed beard. Everyone stood up and . , 5~10 - 1950 The'Sb'aarey Zedek synagogue was drew an extra ration, and some Council members to attend their Mrs. L. Lazareck, well-kno\vn in Rosh Hodesh Shehat ...... Thur.• Jan. 19 fleeing from the bullets of a machine­ bowed their head in prayer. All "We £eel that listeners will wel­ the scene of a. ~andlelight wedding Organization Presidents sweets, and he came up to the hill­ gala presentation of "Stupendities University dramatic circles as MaUte Hnmishah Asar BeShebat .. Th.• Feb. 2 gun while running into the woods of a sudden cBme the hollow come back the familiar, historic call ·Rosh Hodesh Adar ...... Sat., Feb. 18 Dec. 25, at 6.30 p.m.~ when Theresa top. He wanted to stay with us this of 1950," which will follow the Jan­ Marcoe, is directing the production. i:~ of EsthE!l' '...... , .. Thur., March 2 Joan Finkelstein, niece of Mr. and Ladies- where she would be safe for the screachlng noise of a bomb, then letters of CKY. We intend to uphold rim ...... M ...... Fri•• March 8 )time, to forget his shame. "Fellows" uary general meeting of Council on Tickets for either performance I ' Rosh Hodesb Niaan .... Sun .• March 19 night. In the dimly lighted cellar quiet the tradition of these call letters/' I Mrs. Sol Silver, became the bride of he said, "this time I'm staying with Monday, Jan, 9, at 2,30 p,m. at the may' be obtained from any member Iii Passover-1st Day ...... Sun. April 2 IS stood a small grey-bearded man. All through that night my father, said Mr. Moffat, '1 ' • ROShnHodesh Iyar ...... Tues., April 18 Murray John Rosenberg, son of Mr. you." The contemptuous looks of the . Now the Time Y,M.H,A. of Brides' group or from Mrs. M., .1: I :Lag eomer ...... Fri., May 6 His long hair would have reminded Yosef, stood watch. I myself didn't Mr. Moffat has a good many and Mrs. R. Rosenberg. Rabbi Milton For those who cannot attend the Nozick, phone 444 919. Proceeds are -,~,. ; Rosh Rodcsh Sivan ...... Wed •• May 17 guys did not stop bim. Then the To have that unwanted hair you of your Bible hero Samson. sleep well. Bombs were falling "firsts" in his radio experience. ,He Sbabuot ...... Mon•• May 22 Aron officiated, assisted by Cantor hell-fire came. He ran from the hill. afternoon performance, as well as for the Wbite Cross guild. ·Rosh Hodeah Tammuz ...• Fri .• June 16 removed safely and perma­ The withered old man looked about everywhere. Loud screams and was the first in to ~h(beah Asar BeTammuz .. Sun.• July 2 Jacob Lev. nently from face and limbs. Crawled, Did not keep his word, 65. He was dressed in an old shabby noises could be heard. was cold install a factory-built transmitting Tjoab Hodt'6h Ab ...... Sat., July 16 The bride, given in marriage by t sheah BcAb ...... Sun., July 28 A stray bullet caught him, We suit and Came from the city of War­ and very ·hungry. When was the plant and associated equipment; first from 25 to 100 watts. Then he built: ada to be awardsd a prize for out­ "'ROBh Hodesb Elul ...... Mon.• Aug, 14 her uncle,. Harry Ames, of New found him - lying with bis back to saw, Poland. At one time he had last time I had eaten? Yesterday? station manager in Canada whose the fi~st facto~y-built transmitt~ng II sta?~~g pub1i~, service. The ~e, 6711 1960 York, wore a period gown of white Phone 924 110 . the enemy ... been a great Hebrew teacher in the A week ago? I could not remember. station (eKEI) won an award for plant ill western Canada and In- faclhtIes and Rersonnel were given ~~ ~hanah TueB.~Wed .• Sept. 12.13 satin witb long fitted bodice with For Appointments y ~ Gedalinh ...... Tbur.• Sept. 14 Yeshivah. Warsaw was taken by outstanding public service; first to creased his power to 250 watts. This in support of the campaign for om Ppur ...... Thur., Sept. 21 a sweetheart neckline. The skirt, She was crying. Her voice was low My stomach' had a gnawing empti- and hurt. the Germans, the Yeshivah burned. ness. broadcast Saturday Night Amateur was soon raised to 1000 watts in 1941 the prevention of tuberculosis in fell to unpressed pleats and ended in a brief train. A latticed sweet... "Tell me the truth, David. Say that Dermic Institute Hurwitz, the teacher, fled with hun­ Gradually the grey streaks of dawn Hour by remote control from every and to 5000 watts in 1946. . This program became heart cap of satin he,ld the long veil. he was a hero, c~mrageous ... that dreds of his students to Russia. were beginning to show. My sister town and village in CKBI's coverage During this period CKBI's Satur­ so popular that now practically soo PARIS BLDG. Ruth began to whimper; my mother area; first on the Prairies to obtain day Night Amateur Hour was among She carried white roses. Miss Mayta he gave his life for me, for all of us. every station in Saskatchewan, one Our Meals Silver was her "cousin's maid of Why don't you say it? Why are you cuddled her closer to her bosom, a new 500-watt transmitter (1946); programs which were instrumental in and some in Alber+..a ARE THE TALK honor,. Miss Rae Rosenberg, sister silent? Say-." MAX WOLfSON'S sp.eaking in a soft, tender tone. first to recognize the need of a new in CKBI being selected by Variety HOUSE OF The day was long and tedious. 5000-watt station to serve local and Magazine as the first station in Can- carry a similar prorgam. OF THE TOWN of the bridegroom, was bridesmaid~ I said: "He . . . he was like the 'I' Rabbi Ben Ezra stood all day in national sponsors adequately in and Mis~ Suzanne Finkelstein, cou- rest, Rachel. They're all heroes." I TREAT YOUR FAMILY GIANT NIPS prayer. When night came he lighted Manitoba. I' sin of the bride, was junior brides- It was no good. Violently, now c. A"W~ Marshall TO A PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT the second Chanukah candle. He main. Miss Annamae Silver was she turned t!J me, her anguish over- In 1933 Mr. Moffat obtained a told us to get ready to leave as it WHOLESOME MEAL· flower girl. Ron"ld A. Rosenberg, Mrs. S. Birks, president of the whelming, uncontrolled. license to operate on a commercial wasn't safe any longer.' Everyone Is it an honor to belong to the of Toronto, was his brother's grooms- W ,. d' .. C Income Tax - Audits basis and was assigned the call let­ AT. omens IVISlOn, anadian Jewish "Why don't you tell me?,' Why· Bookkeeping - Financing began to gather up their belongings, man. Ushers were Cliv~ Finkelstein, C 11 ters eKEI, increasing his power ongress, wi open her home at 88 .don't you tell me everything! I Insurance - Mortgages My mother wrapped us in aU the Pioneer Women's Organization? BenSilver. Segal, Edwin Silver and Wilfred R upertid s, an avenue, on Wednesday". k now, I know everything. Before he old torn clothes she could find, gripped us all, CORB'ACK'S Jan. 11, at 1.30 p.m., for a dessert left he spoke to me, he told me. He Phone 57396 which was not very much. YES! It is based upon ideals of labor. Following a wedding trip to New luncheon to which the presidents of did not want to die; he did not want We stayed in the woods for five We climbed the stairs into the YES! It advocates social and economic equality. We Carry a Complete York, Mr. and Mrs. Rosenberg will all Winnipeg women's organizations to leave me. It was all my fault. I 981 Main St., Winnipeg days. Finally on the fifth day three. cold uight and walked .arefully, YES! Its work is not charity but an investment. Line of Local and Im­ reside in Winnipeg. have been invited. ,told him not to go ... not to give his of the six men returned, but my ported Delicatessen. fearing we would be seen by a father was not one of them. My YES! It has in t ern a t ion a I affiliations in the life - tbat I would be waiting for search-light. Rabbi Ben Ezra led .. Drop in lunch time or 1.-----....------WE ARE AGENTS FOR ..------., him to come back ... tbat my life motber began sobbing quietly. Ruth, United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, England and us to the woods. We trudged my sister, was too young to illlder­ Argentina. after the theatre, etc. n " a" wouldn't be worth anytbing without • After Theatre Snaeks 'g .through the snow to the thickest stand, They told us they had found YES! It is the chief support of ','Moatzot Hapo'alot" r-~tc , aj f him. No ... you wouldn't under- Albert S. Wener B.Sc. • Businessmen's LlbJah I part of the woods. There we put a farm,' but a German ~estapo was in Israel, who with Pioneer Women's Funds estab­ PASTRY AND CHOCOLATES stand it, We were always together OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN • Orders To Take Oot down our packs and began digging Neither of us knew what paren~ stationed there. They sbot at them lished Agricultural farms, Vocational schools chil­ trenches in the snow. . It was a GORBICK'S , All Previous Pastry at BaH Price meant, what love meant. We could with .machine-guns. Only a few dren's institutions, Convalescent care for Women Day's DROP IN TO SAY long and tiresome job. Order Your Fruit, Vegetables and Groceries from not separate. He was not a coward 411 BOYD BLDG. "HELLO MIKE" were able to get away safely. and Children, Homes for Refugee Children. DELICATESSEN A group of six men, including my It was the seventh day of Cban­ -ru.-t Marke·t David, he was not a coward.... It'~ At the father, were picked to go and see BE HONORED! Phone 52406 Super F all me. It's all my fault, it was me PHONE 926 032 ukah, supposedly a happy one, but " if they could find anything to eat. not for us. While -We were praying, JOIN THE PIONEER WOMEN'S 988 MAIN STREET JACK PITCH. Proprietor Night came and went, yet the men we heard the sound of marching. Deliveries to AUl'aris of the City at No Charge She stopped, I held my arms out <, ..(at Pritch;;trd} bad not returned, What if they had Quickly we got up 'and began run- RANKS TODAY to her but she, vias no lo~ger crying. EYES EXAMINED too , ,- ~l!ELL ~~~~~ I 879 MAIN ST: (at Eu.lid) .. ". PHONE 55265 ' . been caught or killed. . Fear (Cont. on Page 6) I opened the door and went out.

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