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I I I I I I I I I I I I THURSDAY, JULY 8, Ifta7 TBI PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC THRU o'clock Mass. Additions to ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST'S Wednesday: 7:45 P.M., Perpetual —Sunday: Communion for the Help devotions. Motion Picture Guide Holy Name men and the 8th All meetings of the Study Club grade boys at the 8:00 o'clock) have been discontinued during July Mass and for the boys of the 4th, CLASS B and August. 5th, 6th and 7th grades at the Objectionable In Part 9:15 o'clock Mass. Central Pittsburgh St. Kita and St. Therese devotions t&T. BONIFACE'S—^Sunday: 7:00 it C'oulil Happen to You at 7:45 P.M. CLASS A-I o'clock Mass, Communion for the ST. JOSEPH'S—Raymond Meis ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL— There will be a Solemn High Unobjectionable Holy Name men. and Caroline Schuetz were mar- Daily: 7:30 P.M., night prayers. Mass on Friday, July 16, the Feast Rmperor'a Candlestick«. The The parish picnic will be held Forlorn River ried before a Nuptial Mass on Sunday: 8:00 o'clock Mass, Com- of Mt. Carmel, at 10:00 o'clock. at West View Park on July 12. Hoosier Schoolboy, Th« The usual entertainment will he I Cover the War Monday morning. munion for the Holy Name Society King Solomon's Mines Mary Nieder was buried with members. held in the parish hall at 8:45 P. ST. CYRIL'S OF ALEXANDRIA Law Man is Born, A M., on Thursday. New Faces of 1937 Requiem Mass on Tuesday morn- —Monday: St. Gabriel devotions Roaring Timber ing. ST. AGNES'—Aibout 30 mem- before the 7:30 and after the 8:15 Under Strange Flags Wet' Willie Winkle Sunday: 7:30 o'clock Mass, hers of the recently organized Re- IMMACULATE HEART—Sun o'clock Masses and at 8:00 P.M. West Bound Limited Communion for the Sodality. treat Club met last evening for day: 9:30 o'clock Maes, Commun- Wild Money ion for the Holy Name men. Tues- i the purpose of increasing interest ST. FRANCIS XAYIER'S—The ST. JUSTIN'S— Sunday: 8:00 o'- day: 7:30 P.M., St. Anthony devo- ia and attendance at the retreats women of the parish who will have his family in the parish the past clock Mass, Communion for the tions. Thursday: 7:30 P.M., Holy being held at St. Vincent's this charge of the country store at the two weeks. Holy Name men. Friday: 7:45 Hour. summer. lawn fete on Aug. 3, 4, 5 and 6, will George Hall and Clara Lussy P. M., Holy Hour. Sunday: 7:30 o'clock Mass, Com- sponsor a card party for the bene- were married before a Nuptial ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST'S— munion for the Holy Name men. fit of the affair on July 14 and the Mass on Wednesday morning. ST. MARTIN'S — Sunday: 6:30 Twenty five boys of the parish are members of the Sodality, who will Sunday: 7:00 o'clock Mass. attending the first of the summer o'clock Mass. Communion for thei ST. ANN'S (Chatsworth St.)— conduct the novelty booth at the Communion for the Holy Name Holy Name men. » Sunday: Communion for the boys retreats scheduled for boys at St. fete, will hold a similar affair on men Vincent's this week. at the 8:30 o'clock Mass and for Friday evening, July 16. ST. MART'S OF THE MOUNT the Holy Name men at the 10:30 Friday: 7:45 P.M., Holy Hour. Friday: 7:45 P.M., Holy Hour. ST. HENRY'S—Mollie Kurth —Friday: 7:45 P.M., Perpetual o'clock Mans, which will be follow- Sunday: 7:00 o'clock Mass, Com- Sunday: Communion for the Holy was buried in St. Peter's Ceme- Help devotions. Sunday: Com- ed toy Benediction. munion for the Holy Name men. Name men at the 7:30 o'clock Mass tery following a Solemn Requiem j munion for the Senior Holy Name i and for the boys at all Masses, es- Mass on Wednesday morning. members at the 8:00 o'clock^ ST. AUGUSTINE'S — On Mon- ST. JOSEPH'S Sunday: 7:30 pecially the one at 9:30 o'clock. John Itzel, of St. Joseph's Par- Mass and for the j uni of members* day, Herbert Sonick was buried o'clock Mass, Communion and con- ish. North Side, and Julia Lyons at the 9:00 o'clock Mass. ' with Requiem Mass at 9:00 o'clock ference for the Holy Name men. ST. LEO'S—Peter Huckestein were married before a Nuptial The sodality will hold its pic | and John Ninehouser was buried was buried in St. Mary's Cemetery, Mass on Thursday morning. nie at South Park on Sunday- with Solemn Requiem Mass at MOTHER OF GOOD COUNSEL following Solemn Requiem Mass Friday: 7:30 P. M.. Holy Hour. The weekly card party will be' 10:00 o'clock. Father Innocent of- -^Sunday: 8:00 o'clock Mass, Com- on Wednesday morning. Sunday: 7:30 o'clock Mass, Com- held in the school on Tuesday. ficiated at the latter funeral with munion for the Holy Name Society. Sunday: £:00 o'clock Mass, Com- munion for the Holy Name men. Tuesday: 7:45 P.M., St. Anthony Rev. Vincent O'Donnell, chaplain munion for the Holy Name men. ST. PAUL'S OF THE CROSS— devotions. Friday: 7:45 P.M., Sa- at New Castle Hospital, and Rev. HOLY CROSS—Mrs. Angeline Sunday: 3:30 P. M., Compline) cred Heart devotions and Benedic- Francis Boyle, recently ordained, ST. MARY'S—Sunday: 8:00 o'- Carford will be buried with Re- and Benediction. Monday: St. tion. cousins of the deceased, assisting clock Mass, Communion for the quiem Mass at 9:00 o'clock to- Gabriel and St. Paul novena de- as deacon and subdeacon. The members of the Mt. Carmel Holy Name Society and the Boys' morrow, Friday, morning. votions throughout the day. Fri- Frank Funovlts and Anna Schil- Society will observe their patronal Societv. Thirteen boys of the parish are day: 7:30 P. M., Stations an<^ ler were married before a Nuptial feast day with a Solemn High attending the retreat at St. Vin- Benediction. Mass in honor of Our Lady of Mt. | Mass on Wednesday morning. MOST HOLY NAME—Sunday: cent's, Latrobe. this week. i Carmel at 10:00 o'clock and fire- Sunday: 7.00 o'clock Mass, Com- Communion for the Holy Name Sunday: 7:30 o'clock Mass, works display at Morgan Field, ST. PETER'S—Sunday: 7:30 o'- munion for the Holy Name men; men at the 8:00 o'clock Mass; Communion for the Holy Name Frankstown Ave., Bennett and To- clock Mass, Communion for the 2:30 PiM., conference for the Eng- Benediction following a Low Mass Society. kio Sts., at 9:30 P.M., on Friday, Holy Name men; 3:00 and 7:30 lish Branch of the Third Order. at 10:30 o'clock. Monday: 7:45 P July 16. P. M., Perpetual Help devotions Tuesday: 7:30 P.M., St. Anthony M., Perpetual Help devotions and Benediction. and St. Conrad devotions and Bene- Tuesday: (in the chapel) follow- HOLY INNOCENTS' — Twenty- diction. Thursday: 7:30 P.M., Holy SS. PETER AND PAUL'S— ing High Mass at 9:00 o'clock and five boys are on retreat at St. Hour conducted by the Sodality. Friday: 7:45 P.M., Holy Hour com- with Benediction at 7:45 P.M., St. Vincent's. Latrobe, and a number RESURRECTION — Elmer G. r>f men of the parish are attend- St. Augustine's Casino meets on bined with devotions in honor of Anthony devotions. Buch was buried with Requiem Our Lady of Perpetual Help and ng the retreat at St. Fidelis',, Monday and the Catholic Foresters Joseph A. Wehner of St. Cyril's Mass this morning. veneration of the Miraculous Pic- Herman, this week, while another on Friday. of Alexandria Parish, North Side, Sunday: Communion for the ture. Sunday: Communion for the group plans to attend one of the and Anna Kunz were married be- Senior Holy Name Society at the Children of Mary at the 8:00 o'- retreats later in the season at St. fore a Nuptial Mass on Wednes-1 Vincent's 7:30 o'clock Mass, and for the CATHEDRAL CHAPEL — Kev. clock Mass; Benediction after the day morning last week. j Sunday Junior Society at the 8:15 o'clock- Carlo Rossini will assist with con- 11:00 o'clock Mass. 8:15 o'clock Mass, Mass. i Lawrence Imhof was buried fol- fessions on Saturday. Communion for the Holy Name The school orchestra will pre-* lowing a Requiem Mass at which Sunday: 8:15 o'clock Mass, Com- men. (Continued on Page 5, Col. 1) munion for the Holy Name men. ST. PHILOMENA'S — Sunday: Rev. John M. Imhof, assistant at The novena in honor of St. Ann Benediction after the 11:00 o'- All Saints' Church, Etna, was cel- begins Saturday, July 17, and will clock Mass- no evening devotions, ebrant on Saturday morning. THE SALVATORIAN SEMINARY be continued daily at 7:45 P.M. 1 Wednesday: devotions in honor of A social will be held in the audi- il"y i rv.... T „ ,1.. .« n.— i i TT.i_ .u St. Narianz, Wis. The annual lawn fete and re- Our Lady of Perpetual Help after torium for the benefit of the union will open on the chapel the 8:00 o'clock Mass and at 3:00, church on Friday evening, July 8.
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