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New Music Festival CDI900 ~-aAS Cd 2000 -- 24 CD 2000 --2S8 ei a New Music Festival Friday & Saturday, February 5 & 6, 2000 Victoria College Chapel 91 Charles Street West UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Faculty of Music New Music FESTIVAL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2000 7 p.m. Symposium on Women Composers in Contemporary Music Panel: Linda C. Smith, Micheline Roi, Jennifer Waring, Rose Bolton Chaired by Professor Mary Ann Parker 8 p.m. Concert 1 Brad Stark Two Pieces for solo piano* 1. Variations 2. Nocturne Brad Stark, piano Dennis Patrick crystallisation of the monad iii. ouroboros pastel drawing, Barbara Patrick Joanne Bender Sonata for the Millennium For solo piano Joanne Bender, piano ctmartin Ouroboros Mitch Yolvesky, clarinet; Dylan Benson, vibraphone; Max Mandel, viola; Kristen Wanner, cello INTERMISSION Lusiana Lukman Biru, for piano and tape Robert Kortgaard, piano Dylan W. Benson Clearer In Your Absence The Canadian Brass—Jens Lindemann, Ronald Romm, trumpets; Christopher Cooper, horn; Eugene Watts,trombone; Charles Daellenbach, tuba I CLASsICALQO:3 ie 9 a4 BEBE FS i, = TORONTO CANADIAN CHINESE ARTISTS CENTRE TORONTO AGGRO ate SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2000 2 p.m. Concert 2 Vincent Ho Three Scenes of Childhood 1. Playtime 2. An Afternoon Nap 3. The Tantrum Vincent Ho, piano David Litke Trio Scott St. John, violin; Simon Fryer, cello; Lydia Wong, piano Gary Kulesha String Trio Annalee Patipatanakoon, violin; Scott St. John, viola; Roman Borys, cello Katarina Curcin Kantata “Stabat Mater’’, third movement “O Quam tristis’’* Composers choir, Petar Dundjerski, conductor Roger Bergs Sextet Susan Hoeppner, flute; Rob D’Orante, oboe; Peter Stoll, clarinet;Nadina Jackson, bassoon; Joan Watson, horn; Ilya Poletaev, piano INTERMISSION Special Presentation by the Martin Hunter Foundation ohn Hawkins Dance, Improvisation and Song Max Christie, clarinet; William Aide, piano John Beckwith Blue Continuum Jens Lindemann, trumpet; Scott St. John, violin; Max Mandel, viola; Shauna Rolston, cello; John Kruspe, piano 3:30 p.m. Symposium on Post Modernism and Beyond Panel: Christos Hatzis, John Beckwith, Chris Paul Harman, Paul Steenhuisen Chaired by Professor Gustav Ciamaga ‘ SER» SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2000 5:30 p.m. Concert 3 Chan Ka Nin Soulmate Shauna Rolston, cello Eva Sze Fantasia* Petar Dundjerski, flute; Rebecca Sajo, clarinet; Lynn Kuo, violin; Marion Arthur, cello; Joanne Bender, piano; conductor Nicholas Ursa Variations on Paganini for String Sextet Li Yin Wang, Soo-Jung Yu, violins; Claudine Gaudoin, Cindy Babyn, violas; Young-Shin Choi, Marion Arthur, cellos Christos Hatzis Three Songs on Poems by Sappho Lorna MacDonald, soprano; Peter Stoll, clarinet; Scott St. John, violin; Shauna Rolston, cello; William Aide, piano; Petar Dundjerski, conductor ’ INTERMISSION Kristen Gilbert Death and the Maiden* Text: Ariel Dorfman Paulina—Andrea Ludwig, mezzo-soprano Gerardo—Sam Chung, baritone Dr. Miranda-Jesse Clarke, baritone Victoria Lindsay, Kari Lin, violins; Lief Mosbaugh, viola; Nadia Klein, cello; Todor Kobak, piano, Dylan W. Benson, percussion; Sandra Horst, Conductor Maer Powell, Director Abigail Richardson The Ilusion* Text: Pierre Corneille Hippolyta (Theogenes’ wife)—Leslie Ann Breden Freely adapted by: soprano Tony Kushner - Alcandre (The Magician)—Rosalind Lewis, mezzo Theogenes (son of Pridament)—Charles Fowler, tenor The Prince—James Levesque, tenor Pridament—Christopher Wilson, baritone Raven Wong, flute; Andrew Luchkow, cello; Andrea Grant, piano; Sandra Horst, Conductor Maer Powell, Director * World premiere Artist biographies Pianist William Aide received his musical ers’ competition, and a finalist in the 1999 degrees from the University of Toronto and SOCAN awards for young composers, Ms. the Juilliard School. In 1962 he won first Bolton has received’ commissions from the ize in the CBC Talent Festival and the Ensemble Contemporain de Montreal, accor- Canada Council Award for Young Perform- dionist Joseph Petric, Toronto ensemble the ing Artists. Mr. Aide is a distinguished solo Burdocks, Arraymusic, and the Canadian recitalist, chamber musician and accompa- Electronic Ensemble. Composer in residence nist and has collaborated with such conduc- for the Canadian Electronic Ensemble for tors as Walter Susskind, Charles Dutoit, the 1996-97 concert season, she is now a Mario Bernardi, Raffi Armenian, Arthur regular member of the ensemble. Fiedler and Andrew Davis. Glenn Gould re- ferred to him as “one of the most inventive Winner of Juno and the Jean A. Chalmers and imaginative pianistic talents of our Awards, Chan Ka Nin has written music per- time.” A university teacher of 37 years ex- formed by such ensembles as the Toronto perience, William Aide came to the Faculty Symphony, Vancouver Symphony, Calgary of Music in 1978. He currently serves as the Philharmonic, Orchestra London and Cana- Head of the Keyboard Division. dian Opera Company Orchestra. His numer- ous international awards include Béla Bart6k John Beckwith, born in Victoria, British International Composers’ Competition, Columbia, studied piano with Alberto Barlow International Competitions, Interna- Guerrero in Toronto on a scholarship. He tional Horn Society Composition Contest, further studied composition in Paris with PROCAN Young Composers’ Competition Nadia Boulanger and holds Mus.B. and — and Amherst Saxophone Quartet Composi- Mus.M. degrees from the University of To- tion Competition. Born in Hong Kong, Chan ronto, where his teachers included John studied composition at the University of Weinzweig. He has taught at the Faculty of British Columbia with Jean Coulthard while Music and served as dean from 1970 to 1977. pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical He was the first director of the Institute for Engineering. He later continued studying Canadian Music, and first holder of the Jean composition with Bernhard Heiden at Indi- A. Chalmers professorship in Canadian ana University where he obtained his Mas- usic. He holds honorary doctorates from ter’s and Doctoral degrees in music. our Canadian universities, was recipient of the Canadian Music Council’s annual medal Simon Fryer is an artist of the utmost ver- and “Composer of the Year” citation, as well satility, equally at home with the excitement as the Toronto Arts award and the Diplome of music of our time and the demands of his- d’honneur of the Canadian Conference of torical performance, with the cooperative the Arts. He is a member of the Order of imperatives of ensemble music-making and Canada. in the spotlight of the solo recital. Director of the ensemble !I Profundi! as well as mem- Rose Bolton grew up in Toronto and holds ber of the Bach Consort and The Moveable a Master of Music in composition from Feast, his diverse, active chamber music life McGill University, and a Bachelor of Mu- is often featured by the CBC and is comple- sic from the University of Western Ontario. mented by positions with the Toronto Sym- Her teachers have included composers phony Orchestra and on the Faculties of the Denys Bouliane, John Rea, Alexina Louie, University of Toronto and the Royal Con- Peter Paul Koprowski and Jack Behrens. servatory of Music. His commitment to Recipient of the H. C. Aitken prize of the teaching has been endorsed by an invitation 1995 New Music Concerts’ young compos- to join the Faculty of the International School for Musical Arts. contemporaine (Montreal), Chamber Con- certs Canada and the Banff Centre. He has Born in Greece, educated in the United been teaching at the University of Toronto States and a Canadian citizen since 1985, Faculty of Music since 1970. Christos Hatzis is “one of the most impor- tant composers in Canada.” (International Susan Hoeppner is an internationally ré Musician) His music has represented nowned flautist whom James Galway calls Canada and Greece at such international “one of the best talents of her generation.” gatherings as Stockholm’s International Since her debut at the Teatro Colon in Bue- Rostrum of Electroacoustic Music, Oslo’s nos Aires, Ms. Hoeppner has performed as ISCM World Music Days 1990, the Prix soloist with such orchestras as the Toronto Futura (Berlin) and the Prix Italia. A recipi- Symphony, Lisbon Radio Orchestra, Calgary ent of the Jean A. Chalmers Award, Prix Philharmonic, Sacramento Symphony, Bohemia Radio Special Prize, and the pres- Metropolitain Orchestre de Montreal, tigious Prix Italia Special Prize (first Cana- Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony, Manitoba dian composer to receive such honour), he Chamber Orchestra, and Orquesta de Cam- was also the 1996 winner of the (Governor- era in Buenos Aires. A graduate of The General) Jules Leger Prize. He has received Juilliard School, Ms. Hoeppner is a member commissions and grants from numerous of the University of Toronto Faculty of Mu- national and international foundations and sic. As the Canadian Performing Artist for arts councils. Yamaha, she performs throughout Canada, giving masterclasses in universities and high Born in Toronto, Chris Paul Harman has schools. She is in demand as an adjudicator been commissioned by such artists and en- at music festivals in Canada and the United sembles as William Beauvais, Jacques States. Israelievitch, Lawrence Charney, Con- tinuum, the Esprit Orchestra and National Sandra Horst is Head Coach/Conductor in Arts Centre Orchestra. His works have been the Opera Division of the University of To- performed by the Edmonton, Toronto, To- ronto Faculty of Music and is in her second kyo, Winnipeg and Kitchener-Waterloo full season as Chorus Master of the Cana- Symphonies, among others.
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    MUSIC BY THE SEA AT BAMFIELDVANCOUVER ISLAND, BC PROGRAMME 2CHRISTOPHER 012DONISON Executive Artistic Director MBTS 2012 souvenir program REVISED_MBTS 2012 souvenir programme REVISED 12-06-27 6:27 PM Page 2 The reverie of Bamfield Inlet and the muse that comes with it... MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT The experience of a MBTS concert is difficult to describe to anyone who has not attended one. From newcomers we always hear...’I had no idea it would be this wonderful’. There are many ingredients that make up the MBTS ‘magic’. Begin with the setting: the majestic space of Barkley Sound - Bamfield harbour in the foreground, with the Deer Group Islands and the mountains of Vancouver Island beyond. Add to this a delightful hall that is musically perfect for solo performers or chamber groups. Then stir in a mix of the world’s finest musicians, ensembles with strings, woodwinds, piano, voice or saxophone. Throw in a blend of classical and modern composers and, with a little rehearsing, create some of the most sublime moments I can remember. Like any great recipe, Music By The Sea is a whole that is much greater that the sum of its parts. Supporting the public face of MBTS are the year round efforts of volunteers, sponsors and supporters who make the summer festival possible. Operationally, the past year has seen us achieve some significant milestones that will contribute to a strong foundation for growth in the future. MBTS now has a full time presence in Bamfield with an administrative assistant and office, a new updated website, and improved accounting procedures and protocols.
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