Beer Village Festival `Home of renowned smuggler Jack Rattenbury' VILLAGE OF THE YEAR FINALIST 2018

8th, 9th, 10th June 2018 Charity Weekend Music Beer Food ‘Fun for all the family!’ See centre-fold for programme...

St Michael’s… ...and Village June 2018 CHURCH DIRECTORY

VICAR Rev. JEREMY TREW 20391 The Vicarage, Colyford Rd, Seaton, EX12 2DF [email protected] St Gregory’s Office [email protected] 23656 St Michael’s - Churchwarden: Mrs G. Chapple, Sunnymead, Higher Meadows 20756 Treasurer: Mr K. Izzard, Sunningdale, Common Hill, Beer 625181 Secretary: Mrs Jean Smith 07412 '010245 Sacristan Mrs L. Bees 21723 & Head Server: Altar Guild: Mrs P. Bewick 21954 Mrs Y. Hawker 22191 Choir: Dr G. Butler (Practice Wed 6-7pm) 21375 Organist: Dr G. Butler, Mullions, New Road, Beer 21375 Children’s Society: Mrs P. Edmunds, West Ebb, Common Hill, 23659 Beer EX12 3AQ Families Worker Kathryn Radley [email protected] Children’s Team: Mrs Jean Smith 07412 010245 Mrs J. Ross Mrs L. Molony Worship Team: Mr P. Dormor (sec) 20003 Mrs G. Chapple, Ms M. Hirons, Mrs L. Molony, Mrs L. Bees Pastoral Team: Mrs G. Chapple (sec) 20756 Mrs Y. Hawker, Mrs S. Aplin, Mrs P. Bewick, Mrs E. Singleton, Mrs A. Vaughan, Mrs S. Anderson Beer Parish News Dr Henry Jaggers, Green Bank, 9 Clinton Rise, 20858 Editor: Beer. Email: [email protected] Area code for all phone numbers above is 01297 unless shown otherwise In an emergency, parishioners should contact the Churchwarden (see above for address and phone number). The P.C.C. of St Michael's Church, Beer, holds the copyright to articles written by its members. Please ask for permission before you use them. Other than articles written by church members, we do not own the copyright to any of the materials herein. Publication of items herein, including advertisements, does not imply endorsement by the P.C.C. St M ICHAEL’S - J UNE 2018

Sun 3rd 8:00am Communion (BCP) 9:30am Morning Praise 4:00pm Café Church @ 4 for ALL Tues 5th 12th 10:00am Altar Guild Meeting (new members always welcome) Wed 6th 9:00am Benefice Outing to Wells & Clarks Village 6:00pm Choir Practice Thurs 7th 2:00pm “Questions of Life & Faith” at St Gregory’s Church Centre, Seaton Fri 8th 10:00am ~ 11:00am St Mickey’s Music Makers Sun 10th 9:30am Communion ...details on 6:30pm “Remember our Child” A service for pg 9 bereaved parents & families at St Gregory’s Church, Seaton Wed 13th 10:00am Communion with healing ministry 11:15am Prayer Group 6:00pm Choir Practice Fri 15th 10:00am ~ 11:00am St Mickey’s Music Makers 1:00pm-2:30pm Meeting for Children’s workers – 3:00pm Visiting Bell ringers Sun 17th 8:00am Communion 9:30am Morning Praise Wed 20th 10:00am Communion 11:15am Prayer Group 6:00pm Choir Practice Fri 22nd 10:00am ~ 11:00am St Mickey’s Music Makers Sun 24th 9:30am Family Communion Wed 27th 10:00am Communion 6:00pm Choir Practice Sat 30th 6:00pm Hay Community Choir “Sing Together” Concert with Beer’s own SOS Sun 1st July 8:00am Communion (BCP) 9:30am Morning Praise 4:00pm Café Church @ 4 for ALL

Sometimes we have to make changes at short notice so the only way to be really sure of what’s going on is to come to church! -- 3 -- Jeremy writes... I visited an old Puritan Chapel recently. Lovely place. Simple, even austere, but possessing a serenity through its simplicity; a place to unwind, meditate and pray. The Puritans are regarded as having had their hay-day at the time of the Commonwealth – those years following the civil war – and to have provided a legacy that shapes our society even now. Attitudes towards work and play are two very important areas where Puritans are said to have left a lasting influence. But often their story is wrongly told. In the world of work we hear of the “Protestant work ethic”, supposedly shaped largely by the Puritans, though actually owing more to economic thinkers such as Adam Smith whose celebration of self interest is a driving force in Conservatism even today. His works have fed the concept that work is at the heart of our personal identity and that it rightly demands any level of sacrifice required on its altar. The Puritans themselves had a much healthier attitude, believing that work was to be our servant, meeting our needs and the needs of others, but always remaining subservient to justice and personal freedom. Likewise, in the world of leisure and play the Puritans have done undeservedly badly. We all remember the tale of how Christmas was banned for a time, and this certainly seems a cut-back too far. This, though, was in the context of a society that celebrated so many high and holy days that nearly half of the year was lost to public holidays. The economy was collapsing through an excessive and not always sincere dose of religion. The Puritans merely believed that religion, work and play should all be held in balance and viewed collectively as our worship of God – God was not just experienced on Sundays and Festivals, but also to be found in our labour and in our leisure. In fact, the Puritans held views on leisure, alcohol, sexuality and many other -- 4 -- things that would often seem liberal even by the standards of today: If you have ever wondered why the Prayer Book Marriage Service puts such a heavy emphasis on child-bearing (and who hasn’t!), it is because the Puritans encouraged couples to cohabit until the first child was on the way. Yes, they had their extremists who took things too far. Every good thing attracts those who would pervert it in order to obtain power over others. We need to look past that though, to find the core of true belief. So, maybe we should give the Puritans the credit they deserve; for thinking around the problems their culture faced to seek to build a healthy and just society; for encouraging a balanced and rewarding lifestyle; and for recognising that true Christianity is found in the workplace and on the beach as much as in the chapel. Amen, and pass the cork-screw. Jeremy

From the Registers Funerals: 24th April Mr Harry Moore 85 26th April Mrs Barbara Smith 88 11th May Mrs June Willams 83

“Questions of Life & Faith” - Meetings once a month on the first Thursday of each month from 2 to 3.30 in St Gregory’s Centre. Anyone is very welcome to come along and it doesn’t need to be a permanent commitment as each week stands alone. It helps if there is some continuity and knowledge of what has been shared but new questions arise all the time as we think about the world and our life of faith. If this is of interest then note the date in your diary and turn up on the day; no advance booking is needed. Karen Curnock

-- 5 -- Beer WI Newsletter June 2018 Like many of you we have been enjoying the fine weather of the past two weeks. We have been on a couple of lovely walks from Beer to Holyford Woods where we enjoyed the wonderful show of bluebells and then on to Colyton, a lunch stop and a return on the tram to Seaton. Members have been busy catching up with all the jobs in their gardens and getting them ready for us to enjoy garden parties later in the summer. At our May meeting, we held our Annual Meeting. After reports from the Treasurer, Secretary and President we could see that 2017/18 had been a productive and successful year with the membership steadily increasing. Of course, we are always keen to encourage new members, especially interest from some "younger" residents. It is not all "jam and Jerusalem!" After five years at the helm, Sue Ball stepped down as President and after an election, Avril Cook was duly elected for 2018/19. Sue has done a great job at leading and promoting the WI in the village and, in thanks, members presented her with a bouquet. Sue will still be involved and is taking on the role of Seaton Group Secretary. Our project to encourage the reduction of single-use plastic has started well and the first batch of recyclable bamboo cups have all been sold. Thank you to those who have supported us and a second order has just arrived, so if you have not yet bought one at a very competitive price please see our stalls at the Village Festival on 9/10th June. We will also be running a craft stall. Our next meeting is on Wednesday June 6th at 7.30pm in the Mariners Hall. Our speaker is Janet East: "The ails and tribulations of running a small rural farm."

Julian Meetings usually take place on the second Monday of each month, 7.30 for 7.45pm at St Gregory’s Church Centre, Colyford Road, Seaton. We are a small group who meet regularly in order to grow in the practice of Contemplative Prayer in the Christian tradition. Julian Meetings welcome people of ALL denominations, or none. For more information contact: Sue Price, Reader at St Gregory’s Seaton on 01297 22314, or Liz Molony at St Michael’s Beer.

-- 6 -- Altar Guild News

We will be helping with the Hospiscare stalls on 9th and 10th June during Beer Village Weekend, so lots of volunteers would be appreciated! We are also organising a fundraising tombola in the foyer of the Mariners' Hall during the Craft Fayre on 30th June, so lots of volunteers will be needed again. Plans for the Flower Festival 14th - 16th July are ongoing. Full details will be in next month's Parish News. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 12th June 10am (NB. This is a change to the date shown in the printed copy)

St. Michael’s Bookshop VARIED SELECTION of secondhand books at our bookstall in St Michael’s Please bring us any books which you wish to donate. GOOD paper backs and good small hard back books only please! - No Readers Digest volumes, no large hard backs, and no magazines as we do not have room to store them.

-- 7 -- Monday 11th June 2018 - AGM 7:15pm Film “Darkest Hour” 7:30pm

Darkest Hour (PG) features Gary Oldman in his 2018 Oscar, BAFTA and Golden Globe-winning role as Winston Churchill. Directed by Joe Wright (Atonement (2007), Anna Karenina (2012)), Darkest Hour is based on real events during the 1940s, at a time when Winston Churchill seeks to rally the nation against Germany's advance across Western Europe. The supporting cast includes Kristen Scott Thomas as Clementine Churchill, Ronald Pickup, Stephen Dillane and Lily James. BFS memberships are due for renewal in June and the new 2018/9 membership cards will be ready on 11 June. The membership subscription for 2018/9 remains at £7.50.

All are welcome up to the venue capacity.

-- 8 -- A SERVICE FOR BEREAVED PARENTS AND THEIR FAMILIES St. Gregory’s Parish Church, Seaton Sunday 10th June 2018 at 6:30pm

I have put a service together for parents and families who have suffered the loss of a child (young or old) and those who have suffered the loss of a baby through stillbirth, neonatal death or miscarriage. As my wife has suffered multiple miscarriages I wanted to do something to help other people in this area. Everyone is very warmly invited to this service whether you come to church regularly or have never been before. If you know someone affected by this then please do invite them along. Representatives from relevant charities plan to attend should anyone wish to talk to someone. There will be plenty of helpful leaflets and booklets available should anyone like to take any away. Even if you are not affected by this I would ask if you could please attend and support. Your prayers and support by just being at this service really will help others. The people taking part in this service have been affected by this and wanted to take part and help others. There will be a list of children read out during the service who people wish to remember. If you would like a name of a child read out to be remembered please do contact me. Thank you for your love and support. DAVID DICKINSON 01297 598392 [email protected]

-- 9 -- Thursdays 7th June and 5th July 10.30am-12 meet at BVH Fine Foundation Centre ...all welcome!

BEER LUGGERS CLUB Beer Luggers are a feature on the Beach each Monday evening during the summer months, photographed, televised and featured on You Tube it is essential that Beer retains this aspect of its Heritage. In order to keep Beer Luggers sailing and racing we need more members to participate:- in racing, assisting on the beach and manning the Powerboat. If you have the interest, skills and time please contact Nigel Harding - [email protected]

-- 10 -- The SouthWest in Bloom Judges will visit Beer on Monday, 9th July. Here is the judging route. Would the adjoining property owners please make sure that their patch (front garden, pavement etc.) is clean and tidy and weed-free. We are trying to win another Gold! Thank you, Ursula

ROUTE FOR JUDGING BEER ON 9TH JULY 2018 Drive to, and start judging by visiting, Beer Caves Drive back into Causeway to CLT (Community Land Trust) Drive up Mare Lane and visit Primary School Drive to Pecorama Drive down Mare Lane and Causeway as far as Beer Cross From there walk down Fore Street as far as Grounds outside St. Michael's Church Continue to walk down Fore Street as far as "Jubilee" Meet "Beer Volunteers" outside RNLI Hut From there walk down Sea Hill to visit Fine Foundation (Heritage) Centre; then meet Jim Newton (Chairman of Beer Fishermen's Ass.) (Quick look at Charlie's Yard to be judged on Jubilee after lunch) Walk back up Sea Hill to view briefly Sailing Club and Allotments and from there to Anchor Inn for lunch and presentation followed by visit to: Jubilee Gardening Team Robin's Rest Charlie's Yard Fore Street Children

-- 11 -- Seaton Beer and District Branch RNLI

For our Mayday Appeal this year Seaton parkrun supported our branch of the RNLI. Christine Palacio plus me wearing yellow and yellow wellies walked and ran a very little bit of the 5k (approximately 3 miles) in 1 hour 9 minutes that included stops to collect donations. Seaton parkrun is held every Saturday and the course starts on the beach and is two times the East and West Walk starting and finishing near the bottom of Castle Hill. The total collected was £102.36 plus up to the time of writing we have received £107.50 in sponsor money. Novello Tucker and Julie Pickard together with our RNLI Ted and Rodney Bear assisted with collecting.

It is only just over a month until our Beer Lifeboat Week from Saturday 7th July to Friday 13th July... Saturday 7th July: Street Collection from 10am to 6pm. Table Top Sale from 9am to 12.30pm in the Mariners Hall, EX12 3JB, open to sellers 8am. Table Hire £6.

-- 12 -- Please contact Wendy Cummins (Secretary) Telephone (01297) 23040 email [email protected] to hire a table. Sunday 8th July: 13th Annual Duck Race Day. Includes Duck Art Competition, music by the Seaton Ukelele Band, Duck Tombola and visit by Stormy Stan the RNLI mascot. 2.30pm. Display by and Lifeboats. (subject to weather and operational requirements) Wednesday 11th July: Quiz Night in the Function Room, Dolphin Hotel. EX12 3EQ. Doors open at 7.30pm. Start 8pm. Entry £2 per person. Teams of 4. Friday 13th July: Sea Shanty Night with singing by the Chantry Buoys from 9am to 11pm in the Long Bar, Dolphin Hotel, EX12 3EQ. We look forward to a busy and successful week and thank everyone for their support. Wendy Cummins Secretary Seaton Beer and District Branch RNLI


All proceeds going to:

Look out for more details soon! -- 13 -- Prince Harry decided to get married on the same day as our Coffee Morning which rather affected the number of coffee drinkers! Along with a collection of pictures of the village in days of yore, we had a display of machines which you can use to predict eclipses, and fossils from East . Several people took part in our research programme to find out why people moved to Beer, and we collected some more recollections of what folk did to celebrate the Queen's Coronation. We also had some new photographs which were sent to us by a lady who had found them in her late mother's album and related to family holidays in the area. It was nice to be able to show the Domesday books which have recently been donated by the parish council. We're pleased to continue helping Beer to attain "Bat Friendly" status. However a question to the gardening experts at the Malvern Show didn't really enlighten us on how to have bug-friendly weeds around and still meet the exacting demands of the RHS judges for Britain in Bloom. If you would like to help with the Greater Horseshoe Bat project to find out more about the habits of these rare mammals, you can apply to borrow their bat detection equipment, which is being held at Seaton Jurassic this year. You can apply on line to: Most of the bats have now left the caves. Several, including a male Bechstein, have been radio tagged to help researchers learn more about them. Over the next couple of months the baby bats will be weaned and learning to take their first flights. Some of them will find this a bit difficult, and greater horseshoe babies are particularly vulnerable as they are likely to be looking for food near the ground. So, several will come a cropper and are easy prey for cats. So, a plea to all cat owners - please would you mind keeping your pets indoors at night during June and July, especially at dusk and dawn when the bats are most active. The May WI Beach Clean was well attended, and the next one is planned for Thursday 7th June. We'll be there as well, so do come along and help. In the meantime, the picker-uppers are outside of the centre and you are welcome to borrow them at any time. Our Annual General Meeting will be on Thursday 14th June. Please look out for posters with more information. -- 14 -- If you'd like to be involved with Beer Village Heritage, you'll find most of our events advertised on our website - In addition we try to keep those on our email list informed of a variety of heritage related activities around the area. If you'd like to know more, just ask one of our regular helpers such as Nick Jones, Mike Green, Chris Jones, Carol Green, Trevor Wood, Jean Wood, Henry Jaggers or Norah Jaggers.

Working to bring our history to life and to conserve our environment for future generations

PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL St Michael’s PCC met on the 8th May. The minutes of the meeting on 21st March were approved and are now available to read on the notice board at the back of the Church. Keith Izzard was elected as Treasurer and Jean Smith elected as Secretary for the next 12 months. We agreed to invite a structural engineer to survey the tower as the recent Quinquennial inspection reported possible movement. As the new regulations for Data Protection come into force on 25th May we discussed how this would affect the data held by the PCC. We will conduct an annual review of all data and not keep any we do not have to or that we do not have permission to keep. A permission form was tabled along with a possible policy we could adopt in order to comply with the new requirements.. The Flower Festival will take place on the 13th to 16th of July and the theme this year is based on a poem - “In Praise of Flowers”. Jean Smith Secretary to the PCC

-- 15 -- Beer Village Festival

Seaton Friends Hospiscare@Home June 7pm for 8pm - BINGO- June8pm for 7pm th AtMariners Bar-Hall open Friday8 ALL WEEKEND - in support of localcharities...supportof WEEKENDin -ALL

-- 16 -- Beer Village Festival

Children’s hospice SOUTH WEST Treasure Trail; Scarecrows; Boule; Exhibition;Boule; Trail; Scarecrows; Treasure Speciality Food; Nautical Dress theme; etc! theme; Dress Food; Nautical Speciality ALL WEEKEND ALL - more Lots WEEKEND going on!

-- 17 -- RINGING OUT FOR PEACE St Michael’s bell ringers will join unique WW1 Centenary Commemoration An appeal has gone out to church bell ringers around Britain to join in a major event this year to mark the centenary of the end of World War 1. The organisers of Battle’s Over, a national and international event marking the Armistice, want to see more than 1,000 churches and cathedrals participate by ringing their bells simultaneously at 7.05pm on the night of November 11th 2018. We want this to be the most widespread ringing of church bells since the first world war, it would be a fitting and moving tribute to the 1400 or so bell ringers that we understand lost their lives during World War One. Ringing Out for Peace is part of Battle’s Over, a unique day-long commemoration of the end of the first world war taking place throughout the , Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, and at scores of locations overseas, including Australia, Canada, Denmark, Somaliland, the United States and Germany. It begins at 6am on November 11th 2018 with lone pipers playing Battle’s O'er, a traditional tune played after a battle, outside every cathedral in the country. At the same time, pipers everywhere will be playing the same tune in their local communities around the world. The tribute is being organised with the assistance of the Glasgow-based College of Piping, local pipe bands around the world, the Air Training Corps and the Army Cadet Force. At 6.55pm buglers will sound the Last Post at more than 1,000 locations, where at 7pm WW1 Beacons of Light will be lit, signifying the light of peace that emerged from the darkness of war. Then at 7.05pm church and cathedral bells will be Ringing Out for Peace, organised with the assistance of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers, the representative body for groups who ring bells in the English tradition with rope and wheel. It was founded in 1891 and represents 65 affiliated societies of local ringers from all over the British Isles and in Australia, Canada, the USA, South Africa and Italy. The event has four charities linked to it – The Royal Naval Association, Army Benevolent Fund – the Soldiers Charity, RAF Benevolent Fund and the Merchant Navy Association. -- 18 -- Time to Wake Up? ● Do you suffer fear and anxiety? Then you have too much future and not enough presence. Do you inflict regret and guilt upon yourself? Too much past and not enough presence. ● What is presence? It is waking up out of unconscious thinking and being attentive to the present moment -- what you are doing now. ● Presence silences the voice in the head that judges everything it sees. Presence dissolves recurring thought patterns; it brings unnecessary, repetitive, wasteful thinking to an end. Presence focusses your attention on the present moment. ● All your life your mind has had free-wheeling freedom. How much unnecessary fear and worry has it inflicted on to you? How much guilt and regret has it tortured you with? Isn't now a good time to wake up from all that self-inflicted suffering? Haven't you had enough? * ● When everything that ever happened to you happened it was now. When everything still to come happens to you it will be now. Why not then give now your fullest attention, honour it, sense its sacred quality? ● When you allow presence to arise in you, space also arises at the same time. This is because thinking which takes you away from now has been replaced by alert awareness. ● Alert awareness replaces past and future. Being free from time allows space in you. That space is not emptiness, it is depth. That depth is your essential self. ● What is your essential self? When mind is still, there you are. You are the still awareness. ● Don't identify with your thoughts, they come and go, they are passing, they aren't you. You are conscious awareness. * * *

-- 19 -- -- 20 -- YOUR “ LOCAL” CONTACTS Parish Council Martin Richards 01297 23422 Chairman Geoff Pook 01297 24649 Vice Chairman Darren Clinch 07790 211242 Rick Dormor 07970 217267 Mandy Graham 01297 20369 Mike Green 01297 20623 Louise Harrison 01297 24152 Ursula Makepeace 01297 23377 Louise Vine 07974 528540 Maureen Westlake 01297 23850 Trevor Wood 01297 24660 Clerk to the Council: Annie Dallaway 07593 405161 [email protected] Internal Auditor: Hilary Cozens 01297 20951 District Councillor Geoff Pook Brereworde House, New Road, Beer, EX12 3HS Mobile: 07966 490429 Home: 01297 24649 [email protected] Devon County Councillor Martin Shaw 07972 760254 Member of Parliament Neil Parish Parliamentary matters - House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA Tel: 020 7219 7172 [email protected] Constituency matters - Tel: 01884 841497

SEATON CHORAL SOCIETY Les Baker and friends present Afternoon Tea and songs from Gilbert & Sullivan on Sunday, 24th June, 3.30 at the Gateway, Fore Street, Seaton. Tickets are £8.50 and available from the Gateway. Please do come along to this popular event with plenty of home-made cakes.

-- 21 -- Beer Parish Council Newsletter Beer’s Air Ambulance Night-time Landing Site – Community Meeting Update The Devon Air Ambulance is now able to operate until midnight, every day of the year. Communities across the county are establishing landing sites which can be used at night, in order to ensure that they are able to benefit from this life-saving service. The football field in Beer has been identified as a suitable site to serve the village, and Beer Albion Football Club has kindly agreed to the use of the site.

An essential part of each night landing site for the helicopter is the provision of LED lighting which can be controlled remotely by Air Ambulance staff whenever a site is activated. The Devon Air Ambulance Trust will provide a grant to cover the labour cost of installing the lighting, but the cost of the equipment itself must be found by OUR community.

Our village needs to raise £2,900 to buy the lighting equipment. Fundraising will be undertaken throughout the village, led by Natalie Puddicombe, Emma Cox and Louise Vine (on behalf of the Parish Council). The fundraising team will require the support of the entire village for this Community effort to raise the relevant funds to cover the cost of this very worthwhile project.

There will be stalls at the Clifftop fair on Sunday 10 June 2018 and at the Craft Fairs on both 21/22 July and 27/28 July 2018 if you would like to find out more.

A Facebook page has been created to raise awareness, promote events and update the village on the progress to date in reaching our total.

And please come along to our Bingo evening on Friday 6 July 2018 at the Mariner’s Hall! Watch out for further details but this is sure to be a great night so please do come and support this event to ensure that this life-saving service can be available to both residents and visitors alike!

-- 22 -- New Parish Council Chair Cllr Geoff Pook was proposed and seconded as Chair of the Parish Council. Cllr Martin Richards was proposed and seconded as Vice Chair and the Parish Council paid tribute to Cllr Richards who has been the Parish Council Chair for the last nine years. Parish Councillors were unanimous in their vote of thanks to Cllr Richards who has served the Council so well as Chair for many years and will no doubt continue to do in his new position of Vice Chair.

New Green Waste Service Available NOW! #ClippingBrilliant Green bin deliveries are continuing as many residents have already signed up for this new service. To get yours, call 01395 571515 or sign up online at: service-2018/subscribe-to-the-green-waste-service/

Recycling & Waste Collections Take a look at the East Devon District Council (EDDC) website for an A-Z of materials which might help some residents with their recycling: of-recycling-and-disposals/

Social Media Don't forget to like our page on Facebook and you can also follow us on Twitter @BeerPCouncil

We are sad to report that our farming tenants have lost five lambs this year as a result of dog attacks.

We write so frequently about keeping dogs on leads and away from livestock, so that these disturbing attacks do not occur. Please keep dogs on leads around all livestock and under close control, thank you.

-- 23 -- Advertisement

-- 24 -- Advertisements [ page 25 ] Advertisement(s) [ page 26 ] Beer Pharmacy REPEAT PRESCRIPTION SERVICE COLLECTION & HOME DELIVERY FREE Express Prescription Collection & Delivery Service FREE Weekly Medicine Tray AlI Types of Prescriptions Dispensed

Your local independent Pharmacy Beer Pharmacy Fore Street Beer EX12 3JJ TEL: 01297 21823

Actionline Decorating Ltd Painting & Decorating - Exterior & Interior - Home & Business [Charity Advertisement] Conservation projects Fully insured Dulux Select Decorators Company registered, Dulux 2 yr guarantee on work Approved contractors to the National Trust Local, reliable & professional service 07785345904 01297 20001 Registered Charity No. 1140676 e. [email protected] Working locally to [Charity Advertisement] @actionlinedecorating Advertisement(s) [ page 27 ] East Devon Chimney Sweeps Ltd. Please call Chris on 01395 642023 for a professional, clean sweep.

■ Fully insured ■ NACS certificates issued

Dine in the bar or in our dining room

01297 22824

THE ANCHOR INN Beer Village Stores AT BEER Fore Street, Beer Groceries & Household Goods - Frozen Goods Cold Drinks & Snacks - Fresh Bread Welcome to The Anchor! Beer, Wine & Spirits - Sweets & Confectionery Fully licensed restaurant and bars Dry Cleaning & Laundry Agent - DIY Ensuite bedrooms with sea views Famous for our fresh Beer crab sandwiches, seafood and shellfish! Cliff top beer garden with panoramic views of the bay Hog roast most Sundays throughout the summer Tel 01297 20386 for reservations Magazines Open 7 days a week Children welcome NewspapersFor enquiries call 01297 21782 Advertisement(s) [ page 28 ]

Experienced Carer, Charity Earnshaw has 14 years experience in Care, with DBS; C.V; & 2 Referees on request. Address: High View, (Off Green Bank), High Street, , , EX10 0DZ Hours of Services provided: Morning / Afternoon / Evening / Night / or as required. 1) Personal care and companionship; 2) Holiday Care; 3) Hospital-to-Home Care; 4) Live-in Care Night Care; 5) Personal hygiene; 6) Assistance with showering or bathing; 7) Dressing and grooming; 8) Toilet Oral hygiene; 9) Assistance with medications; 10) Getting up and going to bed; 11) Shopping & Light housework; 12) Cooking and meal preparation. Please phone to discuss further on: 01395 708871 or 07482 167 528 Advertisement(s) [ page 29 ]

Fore Street, Beer

For All Your ● TREES ● HEDGES ● LOGS ● LAWNS Please call:- MICHAEL WEST Your Local Fully Qualified TREE SURGEON AND GARDENER 07747 483316 Beer Post Office is now part of Rock Villa Off-Licence Fore Street, Beer 07752 113854 Service available seven days a week during the store’s opening hours - Mon – Sat 9am to 8pm; Sunday: 11am to 7pm Advertisement(s) [ page 30 ]


Dates & details of all events or changes to events should be sent to The Diary of Village Events:- Liz Fahey - 22797 email [email protected] or Annie Boalch 21305

Copy for July to be with the Editor by Wednesday 20th June, please. [email protected] 01297 20858 Green Bank, 9 Clinton Rise; or put in pigeon hole at back of Church, or leave at Beer Post Office. Visit and click on “Click here for latest news and newsletters” then on “Parish News June 2018” to find this BEER PARISH NEWS in full colour ! Editor