Ma Ka Lokahi Ka Ikaika In Unity There Is Strength

T enty Third Annual Convention As ociation of Ha aiian Ci vic Clubs November 10-13, 1982 Al 0 na Amarie na Hotel Hon ol ulu, H aii Charter Date: April 16, 1964 Club Colors: Red & White Club Song: "Uluwehi 0 Ka'ala" Club Rower: Pua Aloa lo (Hibiscus) Club Motto: E paepae I1una Loa I.Ka Malamalama

President: Beatrice Rosa Directors: Leiala Cravalho First Vice President: Alex Luka Ella Howard Second Vice President: Roy Storaasli Alex Lincoln Recording Secretary:. Toni Lee Daisy Siqouin Correspondence Secretary: Sybil Chun Emma Mendiola Treasurer: Rac hel Barboza Lucille Soares Sgt-at-Arms: George Burns Leilani Irvine Choral Director: Nola Nahulu Historian: Rudy Luuwai Immediate Past President: Philip Fernandez Chaplain: Leialoha Enos

Winning the Prince Kuhio Award for 1981 was a great achievement for the Pearl Harbor Hawaiian Civic Club . At the Annual Convention of the Association of Hawaiian CivicClubs which was held in Anaheim, we also participated in the Bowling and the Aha Kuku Mele and won third place. Members of our club were also Sgt-at-Arms at this convention and-we also put the convention packet together.

Our Sc holarship Committee participated in many fund raisers throughout the yearsetting up ourshave ice machines, selling shaved ice at the State Cultural and Arts Christmas Festival, the Prince Lot Hu la Festival an d the Hoikeike and the Prince Kuhio Hoolaulea at Waimanalo. Haku Lei demonstrations and selling leis helped us toreplenish ourscholarship fund to finance'nine aspirantstudents to a total of $2,516.00. The next projectwillbe a booth at the Bishop Museum Festival selling Korean Plate lunches and then back to the State Cultural and Arts Christmas Festival with ou r shaved ice booth this December. . '. . . .

- . We were very active in all of the District Council Meetings and the District Council Bowling League with two teams'. We have donated the tickets to the Na Ki'i Ali'i Hawai'i O"Iolani, the Aha Ho'okuku Mele and the Fun Fest Night to be held this Convention. Besides ha ving our shaved ice booth at the Hoikeike, we also had a display. At the Kuh io Day Celebration we attended the ceremony at Mauna Ala, the tree planting ceremony at the Federal Building and the Ho 'olaulea at Waimanalo. We were represented at all of the Alii Sundays at Kawa iahao Church. We hosted two lecture series at the Continuing Education Program. At the Kamehameha Day Parade, we were in charge of line up and . handing out sodasto all parade participants and assisting in decorating-of the Districts Councils Float for the Parade. We .are holding a forum for OHA Candidates at our October meeting .

We also sponsored threeyouths to the Kamehameha School's Explorations Program this summer.

We shared our knowledge in basket weav ing and feather lei making at Gibsons duringAloha Week. We . participated in the Llliuokalanl unveil ing at the State Capital and the celebration of her 144th birthday at.Was hington Place each with a Hookupu. , .

Another big project and contribution was the payment of our pledged monies for the restoration of the Portraits of the Alii in the sum 'of $1 ,000 which was paid on the deadline. We also sold over one hundred tickets to the Na Ki'i Ali'i Hawai'i 0 Iolani Palace.

We have a Board Meeting and a General Meeting every month and a newsletter is putout every month which informs our membership of past, present and futu re activities of the Oahu Council and Club events in addition to stories of interest of other ~embers and our Hawaiian -Comm unity.

We will be very active in the Convention this year with members in our Club in charge of Resolutions, Awards, the Convention Booklet, and the Hospitality for convention. Our Choral Group willbe singing again this yearwith 38 members.We willhave about 80 attending Convention this year. At the District's Pre-Convention Caucus, we were very privileged to win the Award as the O~TSTANDING CLUB IN THE OAHU DISTRICT for 1982. 2. ASSOCIATION OF HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUBS

Aloha Kakou ,

As my term as your President draws to a c lose , I wa n t to e xpress my s incere mahalo n ui loa to a l l of you for you r vote of confidence i n affording me the opportunity to serve you for "the past six years . Hannie a nd I have enjoyed each and everyone of you as if we we re of one family . The Association has been a part of my family for over 20 years and many of o ur fondest memo ries involved club functions and convention activities . My daughter was b rought up thinking we had a very 1arge family because a ll members of Kailua Hawaiian Civic Club was an a unt or uncle . My grandson ,I ka i k a, was born while we were in convention in Kona in February 1978 . Many of our lifelong friendships were ma d e t hrough the Ha wa iia n Civic Club movement .

Looking back , I feel that our Association has come a l o ng way d u ring the past six years. Through your efforts , thousands of dollars have been raised for deserving Hawaiian youth to pursue a higher education which otherwise wou ld not have been possible. We aee many more Hawaiian young Men and women enter­ ing the field of business , medicine , computer science, politics and other positions of responsibility. Ma n y of you were involved in the establishment of the Office o f Hawaiian Affairs and continue to p lay an active role in its functions . We were the first Hawaiian organization to ventu re out of State for a convention.

At this time I want to thank" my family , especially my wife , Hannie , for sharing in my experience , because without their help and support , i t would have been an impossible task for me. l o we special thanks and appreciation to the offi ­ cers , board of d irectors , and my committee c hairpersons , who served so faith­ fully and selflessly. Each of you is a winner in my book .

I ask you a ll to extend the same kokua and a loha to our next President. He will need your support and kokua as we continue to forge ahead to make Hawai i a better p lace for our children and to make this Association continue to grow as the most effective Hawaiian organization in the State of .

Again , to all of you c lub members here and on the mainland , Mahalo from the Anderson side of the family.

Me ke

3 .------;KAILUA HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUB Kailua, Oahu, Hawaii

Charter Date: April, 1966 Club Colors: I1ima Gold and Black Club Song:"To the Windward Side" Club Rowe r: IIima Blossom " . Club Motto: E Ala E Na Mamo, E Ola Na Pua (Be Alert, Oh People, So Our Children May Live)

President: Hannie Anderson Directors: Wing Chow First Vice President: Howard Criss Jare Doo Second Vice President: Lani Joaquin Alex Rice Recording Secretary: Nai Doo Norman Keahi Correspondence Secretary: Bobbi Motta Peter Ching Treasurer: Joseph Motta, Jr. John Mahoney Sgt-at-Arms: Gabriel Joaquin Nita Chang Historian : Joy Criss Hattie Simerson Chaplain: . Bernice Chow

Activities during the year included: Our Annual Scholarship program where three scholarships were given out. We participated with the Kuhlo Day Celebration, active with the Oahu Council Bowling League, gave a monetary donation to the Kamehameha Schools Exploration '82 Program and also sponsored three youth to attend the Explorations Program, donated to the Councils Outstanding Mother of the Year Award, participated in annual activities in Kailua, sponsored one Kailuan to the International K-9 seminar in Oakland, constructed and decorated the King's Float for theKameha­ meha Day Parade, participated in the Hoikeike Hoolaulea and contributed our quota of money for the Portraits at Iolani Palace and sold tickets to the "Na Ki'i 0 Na Ali'i 0 Hawai'i Iolani Palace."


" Honolulu, Oahu

CharterDate: December 17 , 1917 Club Colors: Red and I1ima Yellow Club.Song: "Lei lIima" by Charles King " Club Rower: I1ima Club Motto: t)a Mall KeEa'O Ka Aina I Ka Pono

Pi~s i dent: Claire K. Hughes Ho , Directors: Suzanne Haunanai Apoliona Immediate Past President: " Guard Kealoha Llewellyn Biven . First Vice President: Gerald Ah Mai Margaret Boyd " Recording Secretary: . Dawn Ramsey Katherine Farm ' , Correspo ndence Secretary: LynnellK Akamu Alice Moku Froisethe "Treasurer: Ernroy G.K. Henderson Ray Gurczynski Sterling Johnson Pilialoha:LeeLoy Marion Vasconcellos

, . The Club held its installation banquet at the Willows Restaurant. The 46th Holoku Ball,"Among My Souvenirs" was again our scholarshi p fundraiser. This was held 'again at the Prince Kuhle Hotel honoring the following: Fred Trotter, Gladys Brandt, John Keola Lake and Kaui Zutterm elster, We awarded scholarships totaling about $20,000. Our Na Kupuna Luncheon at the Lunalilo Home was enjoyed by all who attended and of course enjoyed by the residents. We participated in the Hoikeike and Kuhio Day Celebrations. We also participated in the building of the Float for the Kamehameha Day Parade. The Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu also participated in the Na Ki'i0 Na Ali'i 0 Hawai'i Iolani Palace with Guard as Publicity Chairman and by selling tickets and attending the event. We also have supported the project for the Alii Portraits.



GEORGE R . "RIY08"'1 GO V ltfl .. O fl


I am very pleased to extend, on behalf of the people of Hawaii, congratula­ tions and best wishes to all whose hard work and dedication have made possible the 1982 Annual Convention of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, November 11, 12, and 13, 1982, .at t~e Ala Moana Hotel.

, .This annual gathering will see some 1,200 members discussing in-depth matters of 'v ital all H~waiians. The theme of the Convention, Ma Ka Lokahi Ka !kaika-In Unity There is Strength-is eminently fitting, stressing as it does power evident inharmoniously working together for a purpose and • the • - J. • common the common good. " '.,'.,;. ~

To all taking part in thi~ year's Convention, we extend our warmest aloha.

- . ~

, ,


6 ~------~ ~ KAUMUALII HAWAIIAN CIVICCLUB , Waimea , Kau ai

Charter Date: February 7, 1969 Club Colors: Red & Gold Club Song: "Kaumualii" Club Rower: Maile Laullilil

• President: Lionel Kaohi Historian: Lydia Kaohi First Vice President: Bobby Kamakele Directors: Kiyono Hookano Secretary; Juanita Mundon Penny Anakalea Treasurer: Lena Mendonca Kalihilihi Murayama Sgt-at-Arms: Clyde Anakalea Lydia Kaohi Choral Director. Margaret Aipoalani Janet Kahalekomo

Participation in the 1981 Association of Hawaiian CivicClubs Convention in Anaheim, Californiawith seven members attending. In December ourmembership enjoyed ourAnnual FamilyChristmas Party. . Our club also participated in the Kuhio Day celebration with the Waimea Hawaiian Civic Club.

The Kohala Club presented sixscholarships to graduates of Kohala High School with $150.00 each. In June,our club hosted the Kamehameha Day Celebration on June 11th with Hawaiian games, displays of arts and culture demonstrations and a program.

The Club sponsored two children to attend the Kamehameha Schools' Exploration Program.The Club participated in the Kau Hawaiian CivicClub Fund Raising at the Community Fair in Naalehu and the National Park Puu Kohola two days celebration, Ke Kulana No'eau 0 Ka Wa Kahiko,"The Culture of Ancient Hawaii" held at Pelekane Beach, Kawaihae, Hawaii.

In September we hosted the Pre-Convention Caucus. In October, we were the host for Aloha Week with the Court, program and activities.


Charter Date: April 6, 1967 Club Colors: Purple and Mamo Club Song: "Imua Kamebamehe" Club Motto: Ue Mau Ke Ea 0 Ka Aina I Ka Pono

President: Frederick K. McWayne Choral Director. Martha Leila Kiaha Immediate Past President: Henry K. Kaapana, Jr. Historian: Doreen Saito First Vice President: J uvenna Chang Chaplain: Rose McCarty Second Vice President. Anne X. Kaapana Directors: Clement Rickard Third Vice President: Earle Kealoha Jr. David leGros Recording Secretary: Shelly HaD Alex Sumida Correspondence Secretary: Colleen Shiroma Gladys Shiroma Treasurer: Barbara Shiraishi Kathy Lum Lung Sqt-et-Arrns: John Saito Lana Mattos

Participated in the Aha Hookuku Mele in Anaheim, California, tying for first place; Alii Sundays at Kawaiahau Church; Memorial Services honoring Prince Kuhio at Mauna Ala; Queen Liliuokalan i Celebrations at Washington Place; catered luaus; shared Christmas candy packages with Waiman u Home patients, assisted various sister clubs in their fundraising projects; Nanaikapono, Wahiawa, Waikiki, Prince Kuhio, Pearl Harbor and Waimanalo. Educational grants were awarded to 14 recipients, totally $3,000.

7 HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUB OF WAIMANALO P. O. Box 232, Waimanalo, HI 96795 (Meetings held 2nd Tuesdays of month at Waimanalo School Library)

Charter Date : August, 1966 Club Colors: Turquoise and beige Club Song: "Kalanianaole" Club Flower. Palailai Club Motto: l okahi

Pres ident: l eiana Woodside Historian: Jean Duvauchelle First Vice President: Mary-Helen Kealoha Directors: Matilda Alvey Recording Secretary: Kuulei Aila Agnes Wright Correspondence Secretary: Josephine Miller Ellen Haia Treasurer: Mary-Ann Crowell lydia Ha-le

Members participated in fund raising projects such as Prince Kuhio Day Celebration held March 27th at Waimanalo Beach Park. This was chaired by our club for the Council of Oahu. Members attended special ceremonies he ld at the Royal Mausoleum in honor of Prince Kuhle's birthday on March 26th. Members had afundraising food booth at the Waimanalo JCC Carnival held in Waimanalo in March. Member chaired historic sites expedition to Kahoolawe for Council of Oahu; first group went by heli­ copter on June 18th, and second group attended a weekend camping on the island of Kahoolawe (5-8 August) . Members celebrated their 16th anniversary of our club, holding a banquet at Pacific Beach Hotel in September. Another fundraising project took place at the Oahu Council annual Hoikeike held at McCoy P avillion, Ala Moana Park in which our members participated. Members held another fund raising event by having a food booth at the Queen Emma Museum Fair held in September. Members attended the annual convention held in Anaheim last November and participated in all convention events. Members will be attending the pre-caucus convention this October held by Oahu Council.Also, members donated to the lolani Palace Portraits of Hawaii and will also be attending the Grand Hawaiian Party at Aloha Tower in Octoberfor this same project raising event for Oahu Council.

Scholarship awards of close to $1,000 were distributed to students at Waimanalo, Kailua and/or the Windward area.


Charter Date: February: 1952 Club Colors: Red & Gold Club Song: "Kona Kai 0 Pua " , Club Motto: Kulia I Ka Nuku

President: Ruby PX Mcp onald Historian: Fel Kahakelii First Vice President: Felward A N.L. Kahakelii Chaplain: , Leon Sterling Recording Secretary: . , Leon Sterling - Pro Tem Directors: . Arthur Mahi . Corresponding Secretary; .J ulia Soehren Alberta Yates " -: " Treasurer: Theresa Mahf ~ leon, Sterling.. ' Sqt-at-Arms: Kahea Beckley Rose Fujimori Irma Chillingworth Albert Kaulia


Charter Date: April, 1966 Club Colors: Red & Gold Club Song:"Hawaii Aloha" Club Motto: Ua Mau Ke Ea 0 Aina I Ka Pono

President: E.C. Hobron Van Gies~nll Directors: Anna Brown Vice President: Ed Nakamoto George Apele Immediate Past President: E.C. Hobron VanGieson John Makuakane Recording Secretary: Muriel Nuuanu Lily Pa Correspondence Secretary: Violet Makuakane Treasurer: Martha McNicoll

The Club raised $500 (club's pro-rated share of $5,000) for the Alii Portraits.Assisted the Council with two fund raising projects , a steak fry on Kuhio Weekend in Waimea honoring all the past Council Presidents andcatered a Luau in Naalehu on the Fourth of July.We also awarded four scholarships and sent six youngsters to the Kamehameha Schoo ls Exploration Summer Program. We have also worked hard on recruiting new members-and updating 'our membership roster.'


Charter Date: September 1964 ,Club Colors: Orange and White Club Rowe'r: White Ginger Club Motto: E Ho'omana'o I Ko Waiwaj Ho'olina "Remember Your Heritage" .... '. - .. : ',' . President: Ethelreda R K~halewa f ., " Directors: .Milton 'Smith Vice President: Howard Vinhasa Twila Dias Secretary: Roda Vinhasa Nani Keola Treasurer: Mary Serrao :

f... •• • This year Pu'uloa Hawaiian Civic Club was fortunate to part icipate In several displays and demonstrations on Hawaiian Arts and Crafts, The displays and demnstrations were conducted at the Ho'ike'lke at Kapiolani Park during the King Karnehameha celebration and the Oahu Council's annual Ho'ike'lke. We also hosted the ",HaW~ H ah Electric Company "Hawaiian Cooking Show." We participated and were present in all of ·t h~ · dai:lt(Ql strict Council meetings and events. We fulfilled our

obligation to the Alii Portraits and t ~ l? ~~){i'i Q:Na Ali'i 0 Hawai'i lolani Palace. . ' ; .~ ~ : ; ~:i :::; r:/ :. ':, ~~ ".' . ~:'~'~": "i:~ Jo.·.: KALIHI-PAIAMA HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUB

<, .:, '.,;:,:,':..•~..,',: . : :': :. ~-v ;. ..c ', "..:,','--::'.:.: ,>:;.: >( 1 6 2 9 ' H ~ ka Dri ~e' . :"i' ::',:. ? '~ .:.'"., :,' :. ~<. ~~ ',:'-'.' (~'-;: :":~"':;'::":;~.- \ ; " ./ ," ;. :';'. ",>;; /. !'.; ~ : ·!' i'/:':: ~ ?t1 ~>:' - ..,.' - .':.'': _ .-;: ',:, C;:haIter PJat~: ; ~eb r:l;larY l l.970 :, ;\: :';-); - .Club Colors: Pj ~.w a ry d , W IWe -'; . CIJib ' $on~ " ;:'H6.1 1Sai~aJ~jk~ :MeoKe Aloha" .:- :,,".'.' .~ '''' ' ' ' : ' . '' >" , ~ . ~. ~\:'; C l u b M 6 tt 6 : ' ~:> .., ~.: ; , ">• • ,". :.::,;, : ·':·,;:r:. Holkaika Like Me Ke Aloha ",' :',: ..

' ~ ~ ~: ',. President: Susan Pine ',.', ': .. " .> . -- '.' -' ,,:Treasurer: Pearl Kam First Vice President: Helen Salazar.'. ",," .' . "' S gt~ at~A rrn s : Minnie Rgueroa Second Vice President: .Lucy Maikai ..', -, ,' ..' Elmer Williamson Recording Secretary: Helen Scott _ Chaplain: Mildred Fountain Correspondence Secretary: Helen Gandall


HONOLULU . HAWAII 96813 . AREA eOO E 8 08. ! 2 3 ·4 1 4 1

Aloha [romthe Mayor to the Delegates at the Annual Convention of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, November 11-13, 1982

1 am pleM e.d to e.x-te.nd WaJU1J gll.e.e:ti.Yl.g.6 06 Atoha :to :the.!.l 6/l.Om 41 membe.Jt club.6 atte.nding ~ aYl.Yl.ual eonve.nt{o n, and 1 am e.!.lpe.cialiy happy to we.leome. :the. Hawaiian C~v~e Club memb~61l.0m C~601l.~.

The. :theme. 0 6 ~ ga:thwng, Ma Ka Lo kaM Ka 1fl~fla !1n Unay Thene. 7 J Sbte.n.g:th'J, Ls ve.Jty appll.optUa:te., 601l. U UYl.d~eoll.e.!.l :the. "ne. e.d 601l. aU gll.oup!.l to band toge.:the.Jt .60 a!.l .:to aehi.eve :the. gom :the.y have. .6 ex. WUh .:the. ~pll.e.!.l.6~ve. ' mem b ~ Mp :tha:t you have, 1 flnow .:that :the. AMoc<.a.U.on 06 Haw~n Uv~e Club.6 ha» e.!.l.:tabwhe.d M!.ltotUe and eul.:tUltal pll.e.!.l e.Jtva;t[on ande.duea;t[onal gom wMeh Me. ben.e.Mcial to :the. e.:thMe Haw~n and :to .:the. eommunUy 06 Hawaii.

I.:t M my hope. :that ~ eonve.nt{on w{il be. a fUghly pll.oduc.tive. one. and :that :the. sp~ 06 Atoha w{il pll.e.vail a!.l a.1JJJa.y.6 among :the.!.l and gUe.!.l.:t!.l. Me. fle.aloha pume.hana.



Charter Date: April 16, 1966 Club Colors: Ilima, White & Green Club Song: "Ko'otauloa" Club Flower: Pua Melia & Hala Clu b Motto: Va Mau Ke Ea 0 Ka Atna I Ka Pone

President: Gladys K. Pualoa Treasurer: Agnes Choy First Vice President: Sarah K. Hardy Sgt-at-Arms. Leilani Pinto Recording Secretary: Sherry Evans Historian: Sarah Hardy Correspondence Secretary: Josephine Moeai Chaplain: Mabel Ga rrigan

It was a great convention atte nded by the twenty members, delegates and alternates at Ana heim. The membership worked hard a1l year to he lp assist those that would be attending, and it willbe a trip long remembered with the fondest of memories.

Upon returning home we immediately made plans for ourannual Christmas Party. The affair was well attended an d just the boost we needed to prepare for the New Year.

T his year has seen eight scholarships awarded to graduates of the Ko'oleuloe area. We also awarded ten grants to Ko 'ola uloa 5th Graders, two each from Kaaawa, Hauula, Laie, Kahuku and Sunset Schools to the Kam ehemeha Schools Explorations 19 82 Program.

Our members were in attendance at the Alii Sunday service for Prince Kuhio , at the mausoleum for Bernice Pau ahi Bishop, and at Washi ngton Place for the Governor's celebration of Queen Llhuokelam's 144th Anniversary.

We met our obligation for the Alii Portrait Assessment and attended the Na Ni'i 0 Na Ali'l 0 Hawai'i lolani Palace function and sold tickets to this event.

We engaged in the following activities throughout the year to raise funds: The Heu'ula 4 th of July Ho'oleulee , the Kahana Annual Canoe Regatta, the annual Hc'ike'ike, Waimea Falls Makahfkl, Marnaka Ai Ala, an d our annual country bazaar. Our Annual Fashion Show scholarship fund raiser at the Hyatt Kuilima under Nake'u Awef's direction was a tremendous success.OurMahalo NutLoa tothe man y clubs and members who have supported us faithfully in the past 15 y~.ars.

The members ofo ur club wish to publicly thank Dot Zollerfor hertime and effort put forth in making the new signs forthe clubs in the Association tha t were introduced at the Anaheim Conventionwhich were donated in the name of the Ko'ola uloa Hawaiian Civic Club .


Charter Date: February 10, 1972 Club Colors: Royal Blue & Gold Club Song: "Ka Na't Aupuni" Club Motto: Ua Mau Ke Ea 0 Ke Atna I Ka Pono

President: Walter Victor, Jr. Sqt-at-Arms: Albert Maiku i First Vice President: Mitchell K. Kan ehailua Historia n: Toribio Francisco Second Vice President Maileleulani Ca narto Directors: Dolores Thomas, Rita Canario, Treasurer: Ernest Thomas Louise Maikui

14 , ------; QUEEN EMMA HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUB Honolulu, Oahu

Charter Date: June, 1964 Club Colors: Royal Blue & White Club Song: "Kaleleonalani" Club Rower: Pikake Club Motto: Kulia I Ka Nu'u

President: Lorraine M. Freitas Directors: Paulette Kahalepuna First Vice President: Lila Medeiros _Juanita Pettigrew Ex-Officio: Frank Amarino, Jr. Betty Ogata Recording Secretary: Phyllis Chan Casina Waterman Correspondence Secretary: Shirley Kamakele Paul Kekuewa Treasurer: Rawleen Fisher Jack Yoos Sgt-at-Arms: Dorothy Belz Paulin-e Mathias Choral Director. Les Ceballos Gerry Alama Historian: Mary Louise Kekuewa Chaplain: Annie Kini Na Opio 0 Emmalani Advisor: Elaine Mullaney

The Queen Emma Hawaiian CivicClub has been busy as usual in 1982. We have participated in events Hawaiian that come to our attention early. We started with our Ho'okupu to Queen Emma on her birthday, January 2. Followed closely with the Waianae H.C.C.'s double hulled canoe launching, the Prince Kuhio Day Celebration, May Day Festivities, King Kamehameha Day Parade and Celebration, Moanalua Gardens 'Onipa'a, A1i'i Sundays at Kawaiahao Church, and atte ndance at 'O'ahu Council and AOHCC meetings.

Our programs at GeneralMembersh ip meetings have been informative and educational.We have had guest speakers such as: Haunani Apoliona (Song Composition), Rubellite K. Johnson (Kumulipo), Keola Cabacungan (I'olaniPalace), Joel Pahukula (SelfAwareness the Hawaiian Way), Ku'ulei Ihara & Lillian Awai Lum (Hawaiian Kingdom 1810-1893), Rod Burgess (O.HA.) and a film strip on Mrs. Joanna Cluny and her feather craft.

We continue to raise monies for our Scholarship Fund and had a great time at the annual Ho'ike'ike with our booth, Choral group, Na Opio 0 Emalani and Hawaiian crafts demonstrations. This year we awarded 25 scho larships to students from Kindergarten to College. -


Charter Date: December 13; 1949 Club Colors: Black/Fushia Pink Club Song: "Hole Waimea" Club Rower: Akulikuli Club Motto: Ua Mau Ke Ia Oka Aina Ika Pono

President: Elaine Flores Choral Director: John K. Spencer First Vice President: Aloha Tanimoto Chaplain: Elsie Conger Recording Secretary: Iwalani Case Chaplain: Elizabeth Stevens Correspondence Secretary: Lulu Thelma Lindsey Lorna Akima Treasurer: Miriam -Baldornero Lani Case Sgt-at-Arms: Donald Tolentino Auhea Case t------~Historian: Mabel Tolentino Andrew Akau 15 WAIKIKI HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUB Paki Park, Waikiki

Charter Date: April 16, 1966 Club Colors: Fuschia and White Club Song: "Waikiki Hula" Club Rowe r: Carnation Club Motto: Huki Like

President: Nona Kamai Financial Secretary: Frances Camacho First Vice President: . Dawn Brown Treasurer: Gertrude Haia Second Vice President: Leilani Malterre Sgt-at-Arms: J.J. Madura Recording Secretary: Leilani Donlin Historian: Gertrude Haia Correspondence Secretary: Leilani Donlin Chaplain: Leilani Malterre

Full participation in District and Association activities. The Annual Scholarship Boat Ride again enabled the club to give four $500.00 Scholarship awards to deserving young college students. The history of the club shows a gratifyingnumber of college graduates throughout the years. We are proud to say that we have graduated a lawyer, a social worker, an opera singer, teachers, police officer and various other career students.

The club has participated in various exhibits/demonstrations, cooperated with other clubs in their functtons and cooperated with each other to further the goals of the club.


-Charter Date: April 16, 1966 Club Colors: Yellow and Green (orqan izedFeb. 9, 1934) Club Rower: Kukunaokala Club S o n ~J: · "Kaulana Waialua" Club Motto: Hanalike me ka Lokahi (Working Together in Unity)

President: Tomi Downey Chong Sgt-at -Arms: George Ai First Vice President: Richard Kinney, Jr. .Historian: Violet Foster Recording Secretary: Joseph P. Leong Directors:" Dorothy Awai Treasurer: Joseph P. Leong Lei Ai " Levi Kauwalu

Waialua held a Kalua pig sale to incur our club assessment to donate to the Alii Portraits and Frames project.

Waialua members went on a hike of the Waimea Bay area. We visited the fishing shrine along the water, na heiau in the mountain area and took a tour of Waimea Valley. Members were especially excited about visiting 's Heiau in the Valley, and witnessing the many burial caverns.

Waialua hosted the Annualgraduates social, honoring the 1982 graduates with a cook out dinner at the Meadow Gold Long House. Scholarships were awarded to recipients in excess of $3 ,000, including a special scholarship award donated by Dick Rodby of Kemoo Farms in honor of Aunty .

Annually, our club hosts a "White Christmas" party for the children of Waialua and distributes food baskets donated by members to needy Hawaiian families.


1st VICE PRESIDENT I I 2nd VICE PRESIDENT I Mr. Benson Lee I I Miss Lily P a I CHAPLAIN I Aloha Awaa RECORDING SECRETARY CORRESPONDENCE SECR ETARY I TREASURER IMM ED. PAST PRESIDENT Mrs. Lilian Rice Mrs. Guss ie Bento I Mrs. Irma R. Farden proGeorge Mills I MAU l COUN TY COUNCIL OAHU COUNCIL PRESIDENT HAWAII COUNCIL PRESIDENT KAUA I COUNCIL PRESIDENT PRESIDENT Mrs. Elaine Mullaney Mr. Charles Rose Mr. Roland Nitta Francis Wong Leong DIRECTORS (1) DIRECTORS DIRECTORS (1) DIRECTORS (1) Fred B. Conant, Jr. Mrs. Hann ie Anderson I Mrs. Elaine Flores Joh n Wilmington Mrs.Jalna Keala Mrs. Parker Widemann I Alii Pauahi Kualoa-Heeia Hono lulu Kailua I I I Kalihi-Palama King Kameharneha Aha Hui Kalakaua Hamakua Central Mau i Aha Hui Liliuokalani Koolauloa Hilo Hanalei Hoolehua Alnahau 0 Kalepo ni Koolaupoko Hoopuloa Lahaina Kauai Makakilo Ka'u Lanai Kaumua lil Ewa Koha la Molokai Kawaihau Princess Kaiulani Kona Nanaikapono Laupahoehoe Pearl Harb or Prince David Kawananakoa Prince Kuhio Waimea Puuloa Queen Emma Wailua Wahiawa Waikiki Waimanalo Waianae ~~_...... ------~~ CREDENTIALS AND REGISTRATION REPORT

At Large Delegate Alternates Members Guests TOTAL


Charter Date: April 16 , 1966 Club Colors : Red & Yellow Club Song: "Ahahui a Hawaii No Kohala " Club Rower: Plumeria

President: Hiram Kaoo/Rachel Kaoo Correspondence Secretary: Vivian Moku First Vice President: Barbara Izumi Treasurer: Samuel Moniz Recording Secretary: Mildred Moniz Club Representative: Therese Da Silva

Participated in the 1981 Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Convention in Anaheim, California with seven members attending. In December our membership enjoyed our Annual Family Christ­ mas Party. Our Club also participated in the Kuhio Day celebration with the Waimea Hawaiian Civic Club.

The Kohala Club presented six scholarships to graduates of Kohala High Schoolwith $150.00 each. In June, our club hosted the Kamehameha Day Celebration 'on June 11th with'Hawaiian games, displays of arts , and culture demonstrations and a program. The club sponsoredtwo children to attend the Kamehameha Schools Exploration Program.

The Club partic ipated in the Kau Hawaiian CivicClub fund raising at the Community Fairin Naalehu and the National Park Puu Kohola two days celebration Ke Kulana No'eau a Ka Wa Kahiko "The Culture of Ancient Hawaii" held at Pelekane Beach, Kawaihae, Hawaii.

In September we hosted the Pre-Convention Caucus. In October, we were the host for Aloha Week with the Court, program and activities. .


Charter Date: February, 1969 Club Colors: Green and White Club Song:"Ka Nani Ao Ka'u" Club Rower: A' Ali'i Club Motto: Ua Mau Ke Ea aka Aina Ika Pono

President: William K. Ahia, Jr. Directors: Lilly Ahia First Vice President: Evalani Kipili'i Elsie Moses Second Vice President: Mae Akamu Anna Cariaga Secretary: Jeanette Howard Cathy Arnold

Ended our 1981 achievements with an ipu making class. Nine members attended fhe Annual Convention in Anaheim ,California. Sponsored a Hawaiian Lei Contest on May Day for allthe Keikisin the elementary grades of both the Na'alehu and Pahala Schools, of which monetary prizes was awarded by our Club. Due to the overbooking and late submissions of applications, sixteen students sponsored, were not able to attend the Kamehameha Schools Summer Exploration Program this year, but will be allowed to do so in the summer of 1983. However, three other applicants accepted, were sponsored by the club. Participated in the Kamehameha Day Celebration by making of leis for the statue in Kohala and in the 4th of July celebration together with the Na'alehu Community Club to raise funds for the Na Opio of Ka'u. Awarded scholarsh ips to two high school graduates and one college student. Donated to the Na'alehu and Pahala Schools' Libraries, educational materials pertaining to Hawaiiana. Other fund raisers were also held through the year.

25 E£ .------~------~ KUAlOA HEEIA HAWAIIAN CIVIC cum , 47-358 Lulani Street, Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744 , Charter Date:'January 6, 1975 Club Colors: Green, Brown, Yellow Club Song: "Kuu Home 0 Kahalu'u" Club Rower: Puakenikeni, Kolomona, Kukul Nut Club Motto: E Hana No Na Pono 0 Ka Po'e Hawaii

President: Kalani Miller Directors: Milton Lau First Vice President: Elizabeth Lau Florence Fitzgerald Second Vice President: Joan Lee Haleaka Martin Recording Secretary: Aloha Ho Wanda Kahuena Correspondence Secretary: Aloha Ho Mary Akui Treasurer: Harriet Decosta Kamaile Miller Sgt-at-Arms: Tony Robello David Mau Historian: .Wanda Kahuena Lily Labuguen

PARTICIPATED IN: 1. Kuhio Day at Waimanalo. 2. Unveiling of Queen Liliuokalani Statue at the Capitol. 3. Alii services at the Royal Mausoleum for Prince Kuhio. 4 . Attended the social at the Governor's Mansion for Queen Liliuokalani's birthday. 5. Fund 'raiser at the Holkelke at McCoy Park

SPONSORED - two members of the club as follows: 1. PAUL LUCAS - A senior at the University of Hawaii, majoring in Hawaiiana. 2. TANDY DECOSTA· A 3.6 student, graduated from Castle High School in 1982 with honors. She is the first female student from Castle High School to be named the most valuable player as a defensive sweeper in soccer. As a member of the soccer team, Castle High School took the OIA Championship for three (3)consecutive years and was named the State Champion for one (1) year. She also coached the eleven (11) and twelve (12) year old boys soccer team when she was 15 years old. Her name was entered into the "Athletic Hall of Fame" of Castle High School. Tandy is presently attending the Electronics Institute, majoring in electronics. She is a lala opio charter member.


Charter Date: August 10, 1937 Club Colors: Red & Gold Club Song: "Kuu Home a'i Kaneohe" Club Rower. Marigold Club Motto: Ua mau ka ea 0 ka lani i ka pono

President: Roger M. Kanealii Historian: Beatrice Matsumoto First Vice President: Alice Smith Directors: Aloha Awaa Second Vice President: Rena L. Kanea lii Moses Aki Recording Secretary: Thelma Black Bonnie Awaa Treasurer: Jeanette Pang Gladys Padeken Sgt-at-Arms: Earl Padeken Past President: Anna Keene

Participated in annual Kaneohe Community Christmas parade. Members attended annual Koolauloa Hawaiian CivicClub fashion show scholars hip fund raiser and othercivicclub fund raisers. Donated to the Ali'i Portrait fund. Members attended the Restoration Portrait hoolaule'a. Sold tickets to the Ho'ike'ike Hoolaule'a. Did not give out scholarships due to no response from applicants.


1. Uluwehi ka lu-na 0 Ka'ala, Beautiful is the top of Ka'ala , Ka hi ko ia mai-Ia e ka ohu. Adorned by the mists. A la-wa ku'u maka i-lu-na My eyes glance upward Ka pi'oa ke 'a-nue-nue, At the arching rainbow, A la-uia ku'u maka i-la-lo My eyes glance downward Ka hu-la-li a ka wai li'u la, At a mirage sparkling, Auwana i ke ku-la 0 Lei-le-hua, I wander over the plains of Leilehua Me ka ipo honehone 0 ke au-moe. With my dear one at midnight. HUI: Pa mai ka makani he Moa'e The tradewind blows hither Ho-inoino nei i kamana'o, Disturbing my,mind, l-lai-la ma-ua i pili a-i There we were together Me ka ipo honehone.o ke au-moe. With my dear one at midnight.

2. Ho'ohihi aku au e i-ke . I long to see 1 ka wai aniani 0 u-ka, .The sparkling waters on the upland, Oi-a wai ono a ka ma-nu, The refreshing waters loved by the birds, Ka-o-mi a-na i ka mcnu'o, And attracting one's attention o ke ahe mai a ke keha-u A breath of dew wafts down Hali mai ke ala onaona Bringing a sweet fragrance Diu la'i ka walea ana iho That delights me as I repose Ma ka poli nahenahe 0 ku'u ipo. In the loving ,arms of my loved or~e .

Words & Music: Kanihomau'ole Arranged by Martha Poepoe Hohu , Translation: Mary Kawena Puku'i , ~------~ 27 MOLOKAI HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUB Kaunakakai, Molokai

Organized: 1957 . Charter Date : April 16, 1966 Club Song: "Molokcii Waltz" Club Colors: White and Green Club Motto: Kaulike Me Ke Kui Kahi

President: Irma Mariano


Charter Date: 1974 Club Colors: Blue and White Club Song: "Kawaihau"

President: Henrietta Gonsalves


Charter D~e:April 16, 1966 Club Colors: Red Club Flower: Maile President: Violet B. Ramos

• t.'


Charter Date: April 16, 1966 Club Colors: Dark Gre en , Light Green, Club Song: "Halona" and Brownish Yellow Club Motto: Ua Mau Ke la 0 Ka Aina I Ka Pono

President: Bernice Nitta

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Aloha Fellow Ci vic Club M em b e~ !

Nona KamcU B. (808) 531-4884 Agent R. (808) 732-2304 Artisan • Designer . Spfcializing in tinf Koa [umiiure. -JrJ 7zavet9nc. Ph. 239-6461 v.o. Box 1490 205 Sa. "O'n.a<,F,.t St.. 202 Kaneone, Hawaii 96744 ~u . ~9 68 f 3

THE ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION LEI HULU (FEATHERLEIS) *CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR* Et helreda R. Kahalewai 91-1043. Kauiki Street NOVEMBER 13TH AND 14TH FROM 9-5:00 P.M Ewa Beach, HI 96706 AT ALA MOANA PARK Phone: 689-8253


Charter Date: February 4, 1977 Club Colors: Black & Gold Club Song:"Lei No Kamaka Eha" Club Rower: Crown Rower Club Motto: ONIPA'A (Steadfast)

President: . Wini Kuulei Smith Historian: Randy Chang First Vice President: Lydia Leinaala Low Directors: Annabelle Evans Second Vice President: Sam Rosero Rose Jarrett Recording Secretary: .Mary Pelayo Val Dudoit Correspondence Secretary: Pat Nascimento Loretta Dudoit Treasurer. Melanie Rosero John Jensen Choral Director. Moana Chang Kimo Artis

CLUB ACTIVITIES, 1982: Attend weekly club workshops of Hawaiian culture. SPONSORED community workshops with guest speakers on Kahunaism, Kumu Hula and Halaus, and Hawaiian feather leis demonstrations & history. Also sponsored a contestant in the Miss Hawaii-California Beauty Pageant. PARTICIPATEDas enter­ tainers in a scholarship luncheon of another Hawaiian Club, entered 3 booths in the annual Hoo laule'a of Southern California and was represented in the Nisie VFW Post 1961 Memorial Services. CONDUCTED various fund raising projects such as food sales, catering luaus , beer bust, bingo and a concert for scholarships and convention. DONATED $1,000 to Friends of Iolani Palace for the restoration of Alii Portraits and Frames, and $800 to other organizations. AWARDED scholarships totalling $2,000. .

ALI'I PAUAHI Mililani Town & North Shore

Charter Date: 1973 Club Colors: White Club Song:"Pauahi 0 Kalani" Club Rower. Pua Kukui Club Motto: Ka Ikaika 0 Ka Mana 0 Me Ke Kino

President: Nancy K. Ornellas Treasurer: Carole Pau lsen First Vice President: Pua'ala McElhaney Historian : Aloha Sanborn . Recording Secretary: Betty Jenkins

Ali'i Pauahi's successful Napua A Pauahi project served 150 youngsters daily for four weeks during the summer of]982. Courses in hula, cultural enrichment, Hawa iian language, ukulele, guitar, Hawaiian sports and games, an d arts and crafts were available to 120 youngsters at Mililani Uka Elementary and 30 children at Haleiwa Elementary in the Halau 9 Haleiwa facility. .

Six thousand four hundred dollars was generated for scholarships for post high school and post graduate work. .

Halau 0 Haleiwa, an earlier ed ucation project of Ali'i Pauahi, continues in its fifth year at Haleiwa Elementary with professional staff and facilities funded by the Department of Education. The Halau instructs the entire elementary school, its teachers and parent groups in cultural enrichment.

Ali'i Pauahi members celebrated its ninth anniversary with a luncheon and Ohana with residents of Lunalilo Home. This birthday celebration isan annual event.

° Ol ".• ' 30 EWA HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUB Aiea, Pearl City and Ewa

Organized: May 4, 1948 Club Colors: Green and Yellow Charter Date : April 16, 1966 Club Flower: Pu Pu Club Song:"Pupu 0 Ewa"

,J President: George'Richardson Directors: Irene Akana First Vice President: Joseph Low John Quattlebaum Second Vice Presiden t: Ned Nakoa Wally Estene . Recording Secretary: Adeline Estene Margie Zinkie Correspondence Secretary: Harriet Oana George Kaeliwai Treasurer: Joseph Camacho

Activities for the year included: Monthly meetings, attendance at district meetings and other civicclub ,functions ; attendance at services honoring our aliiat Kawaiahao Church. Nine members attended the Hawaiian CivicClub convention held in Anaheim , California last year. We entered a team in the HCC bowling league and are presently providing scholarships for two college students for a total of $1,000. We also participated in the fund raising of the Alii Portraits. .


MEMBER FDIC 31 BulaSupplyCenter-I'll . , , 2346 South Ki ng Street / Honolulu, Hawaii 96826 (808) 941-5379

filE islands' manufactum of hawaiian & polynESian dancE SUppliES. tllso carrying raJ11a ,& rattan, dazzling paltos, lauhala poor mats, iuory adornmrnt s othIT hard-to-pnd itEms.

purchasErS of local trafts. plEaSE 'inquilt.

HANALEI 'HAWAIIAN 'CIVIC CLUB . Hanalei, Kauai, Hawaii ' ' •

Charter Date: 1969 Club Colors: Purple & White Club Song: "Hanohano Hanalei" Canoe Club Colors: Green & Gold Club Motto: Kaulana A 0 Hana lei ' C lub Rower: Pua Olena

President: Fred B. Conant, Jr. Directors: Annie Hash imoto First Vice President:' Charles Kim Marjorie Yokotake Recording Secretary: Victoria Nuhi Michael Chandler Correspondence Secretary: , Rhona Ann Hermosura ", Moses Ho Treasurer: Merrilee Chandler ' ' Ulu Hoornanawanui Choral Director: . Marjorie Yokotake : Virgie Ho ' Maile .Sernitekol

Many fund raisers'were held during the yearwlth the Annual " S~~se t Jam Concert" the largest. These enabled the club to give $1,250 to the Ali'i Portrait Fund arid help support our canoe club. Members played music for the HanaleiSchoolCentennialCelebranon and furid raisers for theHVBand Alu Like atHanalei Bay Resorts. Two members sat on the Citizens Advisory Committee to the Kauai General Plan Update Project. . , ,, '". " . ."

Hanalei Canoe chib won many regattas duririg the year. They arethe Kauai Champions and 1,1,(00 the State Championship in Hilo. Men's crews broke two records atthe long distance Queen Liliuokalani races in Kona. Men and women crews again participated in races in Tahiti during the Bastille Day ' celebrations. Women and men participated in the Molokai to Oahu races in'September and October.


Charter Date: June 17, 1964 Club Colors: Purple & White Club Song:"Waialae" Club Flower: ani me ke 'oke'o Club Motto:"Kalani Ana Ole" (Heaven of Boundless Limits)

President: Roy Swift Kaaa Directors: Roy Benham First Vice President: Lurline Lemon Young Paddy M. Dunn Second Vice President: Ron Larsen Nanea R. Sai ' Recording Secretary: Marilyn H. Thompson Wilbur Dickson Correspondence Secretary: Daryl Jean D. Aiwohi Katherine l. Harbotttle Treasurer: Karlotta Ann Kaaa I1ima K. Williams Choral Director: Ms. Anuhea Brown

In accordance with the terms of our Scholarship fund, all of our recipients share Hawaiian ancestry. Each recipient was selected after a review of his/her ability, academic and career goals and financial needs. Applicants ranged from various levels of education - pre-school age through graduate level. Assistance is also provided for students to attend a summer program.

The primary objective of our Club is to foster an understanding and appreciation of Hawaiian culture and shall be operated exclusively for the promotion of charitable projects inuring and designed to benefit the Community in promoting their social welfare as well as to preserve and perpetuate the ancient historical data.

In order to achieve our goals and projects towards raising money for our Scholarship Fund , the Choral Group played an important role with meles and songs of Hawaii Nei.Garage sales proved very success­ ful as well as ,our popular Hawaiian Moon Calendars.


Club Song: "Ainahau" . Club Colors: Peacock Blue-Green, White Club Motto: HE Malama Ia 'Na Pono a Ka Aina E Na Opio"

President: !rene A. Kawaauhau Choral Director: Jay Mannion First Vice President: ' Healani Abbey , Historian: Evelyn Kufferath Second VicePresident: ' Victor Jarrett, Sr. Chaplain: Mary Ann Kalama Recording Secretary: .' Jackie Judd Directors: John Kamalani '.: Correspondence Secretary;" Carl Bode Mary Ann Kalama Treasurer: Artland Kaai Thomas Silva ' Sgt-at-Arrns: Julian Judd Eleanor Kalama Boie Makaena Jenny Tavares

CLUB ACTIVITIES· Hawaiian language classes, ukulele instrucnon, choral group; musical group, feather lei making, arts and crafts, Kahlko and Auwana fund raising activities.

CLUB ACHIEVEMENTS - Awarded three (3) cultural scholarships in the amount of $250.00 each to fifth grade students to attend Explorations '82 at the Kamehameha School's campus in July, 1982.


Charter Date: April 16, 1966 Club Colors: Green a nd white Club Song:"Paahana" Club Rower: Ga rdenia Club Motto: E Ho'o Hana Like A'e Ana

President: Lurline Lee Treasurer: Rose Poepoe First Vice President: Helen Hammond H istorian: Biddle Moniz Second Vice President: Myra Travis Chaplain: Louise Obatay Secretary: Dorothy Antoque Auditor: Virginia Cruz

In April we hosted the district council meeti ng at Whitmore Gym. Six students were awarded scholar­ ships. Theyincluded Clyde Barr and Mama Lee at Leeward Community College; Priscilla Lacerdoand Donna Rosaldo at the University of Hawaiiand Paula-Ann and Sherri-Ann Karnaka at Kameh ameha Schoo ls.

It took the club three Saturdays and one Sunday to clea n up the birth stone site, Kukaniloko, ofwee ds an d overgrown brushes , in J uly.The president attended the unveiling of thestatue, Queen Liliuokalani and took the one day flight to visit Kahoolawe. In September the annual scholarship lua u was held.

Other areas in the community in which the club took part was hosting a food booth in the annual Parks an d Recreation Ho'olaulea at Fred Wright Park; decorating the hall where the Wahiawa Community and Businessmen's Association held theirMilitaryAppreciationget-together. We also hada food booth in the district council's Ho'ikeike in August.


Charter Date: February 3, 1978 Club Colors: Red, Black, & White Club Song: "Ka'iulani A ll't" Club Motto: Kulia I Ka Lokah i

President: Fran cis Doc Historian: Eloise Chun First Vice President: Walter Rod en hurst, III Chaplain: Marlene Nishimiya Recording Secretary: Sheila Lee Directors: Pauline Kalawai'a Corresponde nce Secretary: Ro na Rodenhurst Kenny Haina Treasurer: Ruth Holt Gladys Rodenhurst Sgt-at-Arrns: Patsy Kalawai'a Olinda Kamakahi

Participated in the Association of Hawaiian CivicClubs AnnualCo nvention in Anaheim.We have had a busy year putting together interesting meetings for our membership with demonstrations of Poi Pound ing and Lei Making and having guest speakerssuch as Thomas Kamah ele an d Kawila Clark. We atten ded allof the Oahu District Co uncil Meetings including the Kuhio Celebration, Holketke and All'I S undays. We gave our share for the Portraits of the lolani Palace and sold tickets and was in charge of clea n up of the Na Ki'i 0 Ne Ali'i 0 Hawai'l Iolani Palace. We a lso held a ceremony at Mau na'la for Our Princess Ketulent and he ld a tea in her hon or o n the grounds of St. Andrew's Priory.


Charter Date: April 16, 1966 Club Colors: Blue & Gold Club Song: "Aloha la a Waianae" Club Flower: Ili ma Club Motto: Ua Mau Ke Ea Oka Aina lka Pone

President: George Kawelo, Sr. H istorian: Katherine Maunakea Chainnan of the Board: Maxine Hee Chaplain: Oliver Willingham First Vice President: Paige Kawelo Barber Directors: Rose Morales Second Vice President: Josephine.Vim Rose Soares Recording Secretary: Roselind Carrero Louise Kong Correspondence Secretary: Georgette Kawelo Muriel Souza Treasurer: Rochelle Kawelo Adrian Silva Sgt.-at-Anns: Helen laee Joseph Lapfho, III

Pertictpated in the Association of Hawaiian Civic Club Convention held in Anaheim, California. We attended all District Council Meetings and the Kuhio Celebrations an d the Hoikeike. We continued to work on the Kui'i1 i lloe Heieu at Pokal Bay and assisted in the building of the double-hull canoe. We participated in the Na Ki'i 0 Na Alf't 0 Hawaiiby atte nding and selling tickets a nd paid ourassessment for the lolent Frames Restoration Project.

HOOLEHUA HAWAIIAN CIVICCLUB Hoolehua, Molokai, Hawaii 96729

Charter Date: February, 1972 Club Colors: Green and Black Club So ng: "Hoolehua"

President Francis Wong-Leong Directors: Mrs. Mabel Ayau First Vice President: Mrs. Florence Char Mrs. Lady Uu . Recording Secretary: Mrs. Mabel Ayau Mrs. Victoria Buchanan Treasurer: Mrs. Johanna Wong Leong

HOOPULOA HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUB Hoopuloe, Milolii, So uth Kana, Hawaii

Charter Date: February 6, 1971 Club Colors: Royal Blue & White Club Song: "Ea Ho'opuloa" Club Rower: White Ginger Club Motto: Imua 0 Milolii

President: Julia Kaupu Historia n: Mona Kah ele First Vice President Kamla Kua hule Chaplain: Lou is P. Pau lo, Sr. Secretary : Lynne Reyes Directors: Clarence Medeiros Treasurer: Sarah K Kah ele Steven Kueh ule Sgt-at-Arms: Fidelis Aki Harry Kamaka Ch oral Director: Dia ne Aki

The Ho'opuloa Hawaiian Civic Club formed a J unior Youth Club to participate under the Ho'opuloa Hawaiian CivicClub. We also organized a Ca noe Club with 80 participating members, we are also their sponsor. We also pa rticipated in the Association of Hawaiian CivicClubs Annual Convention in Ana ­ heim, California.


Charter Date: April 16, 1966 Club Colors: Lavender Club Song:"Nanakuli" Club Rower: Purple Crown Club Motto: Nanaikapono (Look to Righteo usness)

President Caesa r Palshon III Historian: Sarah Kawatltma First Vice President: Miriam K Apana Choral Director: Doree n K. Lindsey Recording Secretary: Doreen K. Li ndsey Directors: Christina Kun ukau Correspondence Secretary: Doreen K. Lindsey Betty Miller Treasurer: Doreen N. H. Lindsey ' Helen K. Ahuna Sqt-et-Arms: Rose Hoopai Charles Lindsey Lydia Maioho

AITENDED: Anahei m HCC Convention, boasting 22 member delegation participating in meetings and activities, with Miss Tasha Lindsey. dub treasurer capturing 1st place honors and prize in the Modem category Ho lo ku co ntest with cred its to her seamstress Miriam Apana; Alii Sunday Observances: Hookupu presentation s to Prince J onah Kuhio and Queen Kaah umanu in special cere­ monies at bea utiful Mauna Ala. HELD: Combination Installation dinner-Christmas Party for incoming officers, members, guests, potential members at Queen Kapiolani Hotel Peacock Room; Fo ur (4) days Training session for club officers and interested members using HCC C&BL of the State Association, Oahu council and our club as instruc tional material. CO-SPONSORED with Waianae HCC, a Luncheon/ Orientation on HCCPolicies and Bylaws with Oahu Councilleadersand a luncheon/Infer­ mational meeting with OHA trustees inviting interested community organizations, leaders and res idents.

PARTICIPATED & ENTERTAINED: At opening day festivities of Hawaii State Legislature; Dedication of double hulled canoe E ALA at Poka i Bay; Prince Jonah Kuhio Kala nianaole Hoolau lea at Waimanalo with food booth Ieaturtnq beef curry stew and poke; Queen Kaahumanu rece ption at Washington Place; Kam ehameha Da.y parade float decorating assignment; Hoiketke 1982 at McCoy Pavillion with food and plant booth. Chairman Hoikeike 1982 Entertainment Co mmittee;Aloha Week Hoolaulea festivities.

OB SERVED: Clubs' 34th anniversary with catered luncheon at a private Makaha Resort area with singing, remi niscing, honoring Henry and Sarah Kawailima as oldest registered club members present. HOSTED: Leeward Hawaiian Culture Lecture Series at Waianae Intermediate School. DONATED and ATTENDED Fundraising projects of sister HCC's of Waianae, King Kamehameha and Waikiki. CONTRIBUTED: Fun dra ising efforts of Queen Emma HCC and Na Opio 0 Ema lani: Fifty-six (56) member monetary pledge to Alii Portra its and Frames. SPONSORED: Club historian passenger fare for HCC Kahoolawe To ur.

FELLOWS HIPPING: With members a nd friends in gathering the delicioustreasures of the seafrom the waters in an d around the home of Dr. and Bobbee Mills in Punaluu in pre paration for the club's an nual Scholarship Luau, at which time, gra nts totalling $1 ,750 were personally awarded to five (5 ) college students and two (2) high school grad uates. It's been a good year, looking forward to next ...


Da te Organized: October 13, 197 3 Club Song: "Makakilo" Charter Date: February, 19 74 Club Colors: Pakalena Green & Ye llow President' Lo retta White