Ma Ka Lokahi Ka Ikaika In Unity There Is Strength T enty Third Annual Convention As ociation of Ha aiian Ci vic Clubs November 10-13, 1982 Al 0 na Amarie na Hotel Hon ol ulu, H aii Charter Date: April 16, 1964 Club Colors: Red & White Club Song: "Uluwehi 0 Ka'ala" Club Rower: Pua Aloa lo (Hibiscus) Club Motto: E paepae I1una Loa I.Ka Malamalama President: Beatrice Rosa Directors: Leiala Cravalho First Vice President: Alex Luka Ella Howard Second Vice President: Roy Storaasli Alex Lincoln Recording Secretary:. Toni Lee Daisy Siqouin Correspondence Secretary: Sybil Chun Emma Mendiola Treasurer: Rac hel Barboza Lucille Soares Sgt-at-Arms: George Burns Leilani Irvine Choral Director: Nola Nahulu Historian: Rudy Luuwai Immediate Past President: Philip Fernandez Chaplain: Leialoha Enos Winning the Prince Kuhio Award for 1981 was a great achievement for the Pearl Harbor Hawaiian Civic Club . At the Annual Convention of the Association of Hawaiian CivicClubs which was held in Anaheim, we also participated in the Bowling and the Aha Kuku Mele and won third place. Members of our club were also Sgt-at-Arms at this convention and-we also put the convention packet together. Our Sc holarship Committee participated in many fund raisers throughout the yearsetting up ourshave ice machines, selling shaved ice at the State Cultural and Arts Christmas Festival, the Prince Lot Hu la Festival an d the Hoikeike and the Prince Kuhio Hoolaulea at Waimanalo. Haku Lei demonstrations and selling leis helped us toreplenish ourscholarship fund to finance'nine aspirantstudents to a total of $2,516.00. The next projectwillbe a booth at the Bishop Museum Festival selling Korean Plate lunches and then back to the State Cultural and Arts Christmas Festival with ou r shaved ice booth this December. '. - . We were very active in all of the District Council Meetings and the District Council Bowling League with two teams'. We have donated the tickets to the Na Ki'i Ali'i Hawai'i O"Iolani, the Aha Ho'okuku Mele and the Fun Fest Night to be held this Convention. Besides ha ving our shaved ice booth at the Hoikeike, we also had a display. At the Kuh io Day Celebration we attended the ceremony at Mauna Ala, the tree planting ceremony at the Federal Building and the Ho 'olaulea at Waimanalo. We were represented at all of the Alii Sundays at Kawa iahao Church. We hosted two lecture series at the Kamehameha Schools Continuing Education Program. At the Kamehameha Day Parade, we were in charge of line up and . handing out sodasto all parade participants and assisting in decorating-of the Districts Councils Float for the Parade. We .are holding a forum for OHA Candidates at our October meeting . We also sponsored threeyouths to the Kamehameha School's Explorations Program this summer. We shared our knowledge in basket weav ing and feather lei making at Gibsons duringAloha Week. We . participated in the Llliuokalanl unveil ing at the State Capital and the celebration of her 144th birthday at.Was hington Place each with a Hookupu. , . Another big project and contribution was the payment of our pledged monies for the restoration of the Portraits of the Alii in the sum 'of $1 ,000 which was paid on the deadline. We also sold over one hundred tickets to the Na Ki'i Ali'i Hawai'i 0 Iolani Palace. We have a Board Meeting and a General Meeting every month and a newsletter is putout every month which informs our membership of past, present and futu re activities of the Oahu Council and Club events in addition to stories of interest of other ~embers and our Hawaiian -Comm unity. We will be very active in the Convention this year with members in our Club in charge of Resolutions, Awards, the Convention Booklet, and the Hospitality for convention. Our Choral Group willbe singing again this yearwith 38 members.We willhave about 80 attending Convention this year. At the District's Pre-Convention Caucus, we were very privileged to win the Award as the O~TSTANDING CLUB IN THE OAHU DISTRICT for 1982. 2. ASSOCIATION OF HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUBS • Aloha Kakou , As my term as your President draws to a c lose , I wa n t to e xpress my s incere mahalo n ui loa to a l l of you for you r vote of confidence i n affording me the opportunity to serve you for "the past six years . Hannie a nd I have enjoyed each and everyone of you as if we we re of one family . The Association has been a part of my family for over 20 years and many of o ur fondest memo ries involved club functions and convention activities . My daughter was b rought up thinking we had a very 1arge family because a ll members of Kailua Hawaiian Civic Club was an a unt or uncle . My grandson ,I ka i k a, was born while we were in convention in Kona in February 1978 . Many of our lifelong friendships were ma d e t hrough the Ha wa iia n Civic Club movement . Looking back , I feel that our Association has come a l o ng way d u ring the past six years. Through your efforts , thousands of dollars have been raised for deserving Hawaiian youth to pursue a higher education which otherwise wou ld not have been possible. We aee many more Hawaiian young Men and women enter­ ing the field of business , medicine , computer science, politics and other positions of responsibility. Ma n y of you were involved in the establishment of the Office o f Hawaiian Affairs and continue to p lay an active role in its functions . We were the first Hawaiian organization to ventu re out of State for a convention. At this time I want to thank" my family , especially my wife , Hannie , for sharing in my experience , because without their help and support , i t would have been an impossible task for me. l o we special thanks and appreciation to the offi ­ cers , board of d irectors , and my committee c hairpersons , who served so faith­ fully and selflessly. Each of you is a winner in my book . I ask you a ll to extend the same kokua and a loha to our next President. He will need your support and kokua as we continue to forge ahead to make Hawai i a better p lace for our children and to make this Association continue to grow as the most effective Hawaiian organization in the State of Hawaii. Again , to all of you c lub members here and on the mainland , Mahalo from the Anderson side of the family. Me ke 3 .---------;KAILUA HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUB Kailua, Oahu, Hawaii Charter Date: April, 1966 Club Colors: I1ima Gold and Black Club Song:"To the Windward Side" Club Rowe r: IIima Blossom " . Club Motto: E Ala E Na Mamo, E Ola Na Pua (Be Alert, Oh People, So Our Children May Live) President: Hannie Anderson Directors: Wing Chow First Vice President: Howard Criss Jare Doo Second Vice President: Lani Joaquin Alex Rice Recording Secretary: Nai Doo Norman Keahi Correspondence Secretary: Bobbi Motta Peter Ching Treasurer: Joseph Motta, Jr. John Mahoney Sgt-at-Arms: Gabriel Joaquin Nita Chang Historian : Joy Criss Hattie Simerson Chaplain: . Bernice Chow Activities during the year included: Our Annual Scholarship program where three scholarships were given out. We participated with the Kuhlo Day Celebration, active with the Oahu Council Bowling League, gave a monetary donation to the Kamehameha Schools Exploration '82 Program and also sponsored three youth to attend the Explorations Program, donated to the Councils Outstanding Mother of the Year Award, participated in annual activities in Kailua, sponsored one Kailuan to the International K-9 seminar in Oakland, constructed and decorated the King's Float for theKameha­ meha Day Parade, participated in the Hoikeike Hoolaulea and contributed our quota of money for the Portraits at Iolani Palace and sold tickets to the "Na Ki'i 0 Na Ali'i 0 Hawai'i Iolani Palace." HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUB OF HONOLULU " Honolulu, Oahu CharterDate: December 17 , 1917 Club Colors: Red and I1ima Yellow Club.Song: "Lei lIima" by Charles King " Club Rower: I1ima Club Motto: t)a Mall KeEa'O Ka Aina I Ka Pono Pi~s i dent: Claire K. Hughes Ho , Directors: Suzanne Haunanai Apoliona Immediate Past President: " Guard Kealoha Llewellyn Biven . First Vice President: Gerald Ah Mai Margaret Boyd " Recording Secretary: . Dawn Ramsey Katherine Farm ' , Correspo ndence Secretary: LynnellK Akamu Alice Moku Froisethe "Treasurer: Ernroy G.K. Henderson Ray Gurczynski Sterling Johnson Pilialoha:LeeLoy Marion Vasconcellos , . The Club held its installation banquet at the Willows Restaurant. The 46th Holoku Ball,"Among My Souvenirs" was again our scholarshi p fundraiser. This was held 'again at the Prince Kuhle Hotel honoring the following: Fred Trotter, Gladys Brandt, John Keola Lake and Kaui Zutterm elster, We awarded scholarships totaling about $20,000. Our Na Kupuna Luncheon at the Lunalilo Home was enjoyed by all who attended and of course enjoyed by the residents. We participated in the Hoikeike and Kuhio Day Celebrations. We also participated in the building of the Float for the Kamehameha Day Parade. The Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu also participated in the Na Ki'i0 Na Ali'i 0 Hawai'i Iolani Palace with Guard as Publicity Chairman and by selling tickets and attending the event. We also have supported the project for the Alii Portraits. 4 EXECUTIVE CHAMBERS HONOL,Ul,.U GEORGE R . "RIY08"'1 GO V ltfl .. O fl MESSAGE FROM GOVERNOR GEORGE R.
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