download zorin os .torrent Zorin Os 15 Ultimate 64 Bit. Zorin Os 15 Ultimate 64 Bit adalah sebuah sistem operasi terbaru yang paling stabil saat ini dan tentunya memiliki tampilan yang sangat elegan di kelasnya. Mungkin anda masih banyak yang belum familiar dengan OS Linux ini, karena memang kebanyakan orang-orang saat ini menggunakan OS Windows di PC atau laptop mereka. Namun bagi beberapa kalangan, mereka lebih memilih menginstal Linux ke PC mereka, karena memang OS ini benar-benar dibagikan gratis oleh pihak pengembangnya sendiri. Untuk aplikasi Linux sendiri juga dibagikan secara gratis, sehingga kita tidak perlu pusing lagi dengan license pada aplikasi maupun OS yang kita instal ke PC. Nah bagi anda para penggemar Linux, kali ini admin gigapurbalingga membagikan Zorin OS yang rilis beberapa waktu lalu. Anda para pengguna Linux pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan OS yang satu ini bukan. Nah di dalam Zorin OS ini telah ditambahkan berbagai macam peningkatan di masing-masing bagiannya seperti peningkatan keamanan, tampilan, kecepatan, dan juga kestabilan dari OS ini sendiri. Jadi tunggu apalagi, bagi anda yang mencoba menggunakan Linux silahkan langsung download Zorin OS ini dengan gratis di gigapurbalingga ini. Download zorin os .torrent. ROCK SOLID RELIABILITY. Based on Linux, Zorin OS is built on the same Open Source software that powers everything from the U.S. Department of Defense to systems on the International Space Station. SAFE FROM VIRUSES. You won't need to worry about malware or spyware when using Zorin OS. This is thanks to Linux's advanced security features which help make it safe from PC viruses. THE MOST POWERFUL DESKTOP EVER. AND YOU ALREADY KNOW HOW TO USE IT. With the Zorin Desktop environment, it's easy to do just about anything with your computer. Zorin Appearance lets you change the desktop to resemble the environment you're familiar with, whether it's Windows, macOS or Linux. Zorin OS has been designed to fit the way you use your computer, so you won't need to learn a thing to get started. Linux is an extraordinary computer . It powers everything from the U.S. Department of Defense, to the International Space Station, to most of the world's Internet servers and supercomputers. The reasons for this aren't difficult to find: it's fast, reliable, versatile and super secure, so it doesn't get viruses. Because it's Open Source, it's infinitely flexible and gives everyone the power to do anything with their computer. Despite the enormous advantages it has over traditional operating systems, we recognized that the biggest barrier to the success of Linux on desktop computers was that it wasn't user-friendly enough. Linux-based operating systems were generally designed for engineers by engineers, with little consideration for regular users. We decided to fix this. We've designed Zorin OS to have the perfect blend of power and usability for everyone. We built Zorin OS to be as easy as possible, so you won't need to learn a thing to get started, thanks to its familiar . Zorin OS comes loaded with all the apps and tools you need out of the box for browsing the web, working, playing and everything in between. By bringing together the power of Linux and making it possible for anyone to use it, we've created an operating system that makes your computer better so you can achieve more than you could ever before. Zorin OS 15.2 Ultimate x64 Multilanguage. Zorin OS is the name of a powerful and efficient open source operating system based on Ubuntu. The makers of this product believe that you can use this operating system to use all the potential of your computer in the way you need it. The operating system in front of you, as mentioned earlier, is part of Linux-based operating systems. Perhaps the most interesting thing about this operating system is the ability to change the user interface. Unlike other well-known operating systems such as Windows or Mac, you can change the user interface of your operating system depending on your needs. Another key feature of Zorin OS is the ability to run Windows software on this product. With the help of and PlayOnLinux technology, you can install and run all kinds of Windows software and games on this operating system. The real harmony between the different parts of this operating system along with its different functions has made it possible for you to experience a suitable user interface. Also, you have more access to different parts of the computer than ever before, and you can access and monitor all the different parts well. By installing and using this operating system, you can do your work or play with ease. Proper and ideal performance of large and advanced technical and engineering software along with other software and games has made you gain a new experience in working. Features. Ability to edit and select the user interface from 6 different templates Achieve the highest potential of your computer in doing its work Perfect execution of various volumes of large and small software Play a variety of computer games with more than 20 different game offers Ability to run Windows operating system software. Required system. Zorin OS System Requirements. Processor: 1 GHz Dual Core - 64-bit Memory: 2 GB Disk space: 20GB Display: 800 × 600 resolution. Installation guide. Use boot disk tools such as Rufus to burn the iso file to memory and install it via boot. Zorin OS 15 Core Released with Download Links, Mirrors, and Torrents. ZorinOS 15 Core has been released on 5 June 2019. To be clear, the released edition now is the Core and Ultimate , gratis and paid versions, while the Lite and Education editions has not been released yet. It's released with an awesome video online. Here you can see what download sources available plus SHA256SUM and torrents. Enjoy Zorin! Note: this hash checksum is not available on the official download page, nor the mirrors, not even the unofficial torrent provider. This is available on the Upgrade Guide page. Official Download. The webpage providing them is . This page also features newsletter subscription for you. You can contribute back to Zorin Project by caring about them. Official Mirror. If you want to download anyway, obtain it directly from . OSDN Mirror. If Sourceforge server is slow for you perhaps, you can download from OSDN server instead . Internet Archive (Unofficial) I uploaded the ISO and SHA5SUM on Internet Archive so everybody can download from worldwide. If you have no idea what is Internet Archive, read this. I hope this mirror helps you a lot. Torrent Downloads (Unofficial) There is no torrent download officially available from Zorin Project website. So, community can publish unofficial torrents and you can safely download one as long as valid checksum exists. Always verify the hash checksum of the file you have downloaded to make sure it's valid. You can also contribute by help seeding these torrents to the world. Download Zorin OS 15.3 With Mirrors, Torrents and Checksums. Ultimate Edition is the commercial version of Zorin OS. Purchase it on the official website . By purchasing, you help foster Zorin OS development and make community greater. Wondering why GNU/Linux can be made commercial? Satisfy your curiosity, read Selling Is OK! essay by The GNU Project. Core Edition. Lite Edition. Download 64 bit: ISO Download 32 bit: ISO Size: 2.2GB. Education. Download GNOME 64 bit: ISO (Size: 4.2GB) Download 64 bit: ISO (Size: 4.2GB) Download XFCE 32 bit: ISO (Size: 4.1GB) Mirrors. Checksums. Verify the iso image file you downloaded with these original checksum values I copied from the official website ( archived ). If you do not know how to do verification, learn here . Zorin OS 15.3 Core 64-bit 307d0244433e6d2a64ba790f2164b791886f52643346c2c0f85daaaddc0f7891. Zorin OS 15.3 Lite 64-bit def3e85f4a0d2769bdd614c63be9d4ac9ca23355b55653e35e68625a214df847. Zorin OS 15.3 Lite 32-bit 95e4159ebb5b532932ade79cd0c439235e726dc30c8a00036820b7a96ee2f865. Zorin OS 15.3 Ultimate 64-bit d41370e264f7ee712c8293df8f46bda129ffe1da019032d610d029256cf4e018. Zorin OS 15.3 Ultimate Lite 64-bit 35ad451b9be71ac7e2f5a4d580171a4a5a030c594bfa94a80f81f29f3b63702d. Zorin OS 15.3 Ultimate Lite 32-bit 1042edc905dba25a4060966ef79b45dfa8466adc16ab8a1024dd2915ec6cb5f2. Zorin OS 15.3 Education 64-bit 171d488a613559a6d4152f73212b0a37f764bbb7b962dfe8d96e96d57f42ac5d. Zorin OS 15.3 Education Lite 64-bit a4d9153c3c0c7b15ff00d5ffd7c6d11aed88a6d90c971822dc9f1ef7b450346f. Zorin OS 15.3 Education Lite 32-bit 0192fccb564238113070ffb0e095559ad0c29b67951d070ed5fd6bd8412ef92b. Torrents. Thanks to FossTorrents , now we can download Zorin OS via bittorrent they provide even though Zorin OS official does not provide them. Zorin OS 15.3 Core 64 bit: torrent Zorin OS 15.3 Lite 64 bit: torrent Zorin OS 15.3 Lite 32 bit: torrent Zorin OS 15.3 Education 64 bit: torrent Zorin OS 15.3 Education Lite 64 bit: torrent Zorin OS 15.3 Education Lite 32 bit: torrent. Make Bootable Media. To make bootable flash disk drive, follow this tutorial . To make multiboot, that is a bootable with multiple operating systems inside, follow that tutorial instead .