Marius Eppel

I. Books:

1. La frontier a ortodoxiei romiine$fi. Vicariatul de la Ora de a 1848-1918 [At the limits of the romanian orthodoxy. Vicarage 1848-1918], Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2012, 239 pp. ISBN 978-973-595-409-3 2. Politics and Church in Transylvania 1875-1918 , Peter Lang Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2012. 199 pp. ISBN 978-3-631-63460-8 pb. 3. I Decembrie 1918. Contribufia social-democrafilor la Unirea Transilvaniei cu Romania [December pt 1918. The Contribution ofthe Social-Democratics to the union of Transylvania and Romania], Eikon, Cluj-Napoca, 2008, 48 p. (in collaboration with loan Bolovan) ISBN: 978-973-757-171-7. 4. Un mitropolit si epoca sa. Vasile Mangra (1850-1918) [A Metropolitan and His Age: Vasile Mangra (1850-1918)], Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2006, 540 pp. ISBN: 978- 973-610-462-6. 5. Vasile Mangra. Activitatea politica (18 75-1918) [The Political Activity of Vasile Mangra (1875-1918)], Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2004, 314 pp. ISBN: 973-610-317-X. 6. Vasile Mangra (1850 -1918). Contributii la cunoasterea vietii ,Ji activitatii lui [Insights into the Life and Activities ofVasile Mangra (1850-1918)], Mirador, Arad, 2000, 123 pp.

II. Edited works:

1. Drumul spre episcopie: Vicariatul ortodox de la Oradea (1901-1916) [The Roads to Bishopric: the Orthodox Vicarage of Oradea (1901-1916)], Presa Universitara Clujeana, Cluj-Napoca, 2011,224 p. ISBN: 978-973-595-279-2 2. InstituJii ecleziastice. Compendiu de legislafie bisericeascii (sec. XIX) [Ecclesiastic Institutions. A Compendium of Ecclesiastic Code of Laws], edition, introductory study and notes by loan Vasile Leb, Gabriel Gardan, Marius Eppel, Pavel Vesa, Presa Universitara Clujeana, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, 360 p. ISBN: 978-973-610-980-5 3. Ciclul viefiifamiliale la romiinii din Transilvania in a douajumiitate a secolului al XIX-lea ,Ji fnceputul secolului XX [The Cycle of Family Life among the Transylvanian Romanians in the Second Half of the 19th Century and Beginning of the 20th Century], edition, introductory study and notes by loan Bolovan, Diana Covaci, Daniela Dete~an, Marius Eppel, Elena Crinela Holom, Presa Universitara Clujeana, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, 380 p. ISBN: 978-973-610- 937-9 4. Legislatia ecleziastica si laica privind familia romaneasca din Transilvania in a doua jumatate a secolului al XIX-lea [The Ecclesiastic and Secular Code of Laws Regarding the Romanian Family of Transylvania in the Second Half of the 19th Century edition, introductory

1 study and notes by loan Bolovan, Diana Covaci, Daniela Detesan, Marius Eppel, Crinela Elena Holom, Academia Romana, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, 913 p. ISBN: 978-973-7784-42-1 5. Vasile Mangra. Corespondenfa [Vasile Mangra. Correspondence], second vol., Editura Presa Universitara Clujeana, Cluj-Napoca, 2007, 470 p. (edited by Marius Eppel); ISBN: 978-973-610-616-3 6. Vasile Mangra. Coresponden{a [Vasile Mangra. Correspondence], first vol., Editura Presa Universitara Clujeana, Cluj-Napoca, 2007, 527 p. (edited by Marius Eppel) ; ISBN: 978-973- 610-565-4

III. Coordinated works:

1. Intermarriage throughout History ( eds: Luminita Dumanescu, Daniela Marza, Marius Eppel), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2014, 505 pp. ISBN: 978-1- 4438-5950-9 2. Many Paths to Happiness? Studies in Population and Family History. A Festschrift for Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, under the supervision of Marie-Pierre Arrizabalaga, loan Bolovan, Marius Eppel, Jan Kok, Mary Louise Nagata, Editura Aksant, Amsterdam, 2010, 593 p. ISBN: 978-90-5260-382-7 3. Recent Studies on Past and Present. Tradition and Invention, IV, Supplement no. 5 of the Transylvanian Review, vol. XIX, under the supervision of Alexandru Simon, Marius Eppel, Lonind Madly, Tudor Salagean, Attila Varga, Editura Academia Romana, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, 352 p. ISSN: 2067-1016 4. in ciiutarea fericirii. Viafa familialii fn spa{iul romanesc fn sec. XVIII-XX [In Search of Bliss. Family Life in the Romanian Area of the 18th_ 20th Centuries], under the supervision of loan Bolovan, Diana Covaci, Daniela Dete~an, Marius Eppel, Crinela Elena Holom, Editura Presa Universitara Clujeana, C1uj-Napoca, 2010, 361 p. ISBN: 978-973-595-138-2 5. Institu{iile Bisericii Ortodoxe din Transilvania (185 0-1918). Studii [The Institutions of the Orthodox Church in Transylvania (1850-1918). Studies], Presa Universitara Clujeana, Cluj­ Napoca, 2009, 414 p. under the supervision of Nicolae Boqan, Marius Eppel, loan Vasile Leb, Gabriel Gardan) ISBN: 978-973-610-961-4 6. Masoneria fn Transilvania. Repere istorice [The Masonry of Transylvania. Historical Landmarks], third edition revised and abridged, Editura Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, 329 p. + illustr. (in collaboration with Tudor Salagean) ISBN: 978-973-109-135-8 7. Masoneria fn Transilvania. Repere istorice [The Masonry of Transylvania. Historical Landmarks], second edition revised and abridged, Editura Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, 306 p. + illustr. (in collaboration with Tudor Salagean) ISBN: 978-973-109-135-8 8. Masoneria fn Transilvania. Repere istorice [The Masonry of Transylvania. Historical Landmarks], Editura International Book Access, Cluj-Napoca, 2007, 192 p. + illustr. (in collaboration with Tudor Salagean) ISBN: 978-973-88300-3-5

IV. Studies IV. 1. Studies in lSI-indexed journals:

1. 'The Romanian emigration to the United States until the First World War. Revisiting opportunities and vulnerabilities' , in Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, vol. 11, issue 32 (Summer 2012): 256-287; (in collaboration with Gabriel Gardan)

2 2. 'The Representatives of the Oradea Vicarage in the Eparchial Synod of Arad between 1900 and 1918', in Transylvanian Review, vol. XIX, Supplement no. 5, 2010, pp. 165-173. 3. «Les premises et la genese du Vicariat orthodoxe d'Oradea», in , Transylvanian Review", vol. XX, Supplement no. 4, 2011, pp. 275-286; 4. 'The Bishopric and the Bishopric Vicarage in the Orthodox Church of Transylvania in the Nineteenth Century', in Transylvanian Review, vol. XIX, Supplement no. 3, 2010, pp. 143- 150. 5. « Normes fondamentales d'organisation et fonctionnement des institutions ecclesiastiques orthodoxes en Transylvanie au XIXe siecle » [Fundamentals of Organization and Functioning of the Ecclesiastic Orthodox Institutions of Transylvania in the 19th Century], in Transylvanian Review, vol. XIX, No.3, Autumn 2010, pp. 72-81. 6. 'The family. Some theological and orthodox matrimonial law aspects', in vol. Families in 1 1 Europe between the 19 h and the 2JS Centuries. From the Traditional Model to Contemporary PACS, edited by Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, loan Bolovan, Supplement Romanian Journal of Population Studies, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, pp. 449-462.; http:/ / 19ceba3a-16d0-4e2 7 -9c04- 57ebdd56c657

IV. 2. Studies in BDI-indexed journals:

1. The Relationship of the Consistory from Oradea with the Ecclesiastical Organisms from the Orthodox Metropolitanate of Transylvania, in Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, seria Theologia Orthodoxa, LVII, no. 2/2012, pp. 27-36. http:// www.studia. ubbcluj .ro/download/pdf/7 48 .pdf 2. « Revenirea la forma initiala a unei institutii ecleziastice. Transformarea vicariatului ortodox de la Oradea in episcopie 1900-1918 » [The Return to the Initial Form of An Ecclesiastic Institution. The transformation of the Orthodox Vicarage of Oradea into Bishopric 1900-1918], in Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, seria Theologia Orthodoxa, LV, no. 2/2 0 10, pp .1 09-11 7 http://www. ceeol. com/ aspx/issuedetails.aspx?issueid=c 18ea2 7 8-a0e6- 4a08-a9b4-56le3f5462f8&articleld=665dea94-c5b9-4a8e-bcal-2868a3834ee8 3. «Familia in gandirea teologici'i ~i in dreptul matrimonial ortodox » [The Family in Theological Thinking and in the Orthodox Matrimonial Law], in in cautarea fericirii. Via{a familiala fn spa{iul romanesc fn sec. XVIII-XX [In Search of Bliss. Family Life in the Romanian Area of the 18th-20th Centuries] , Supplement of the Romanian Journal of Population Studies, edition supervised by loan Bolovan, Diana Covaci, Daniela Dete~an, Marius Eppel, Crinela Elena Holom, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, pp. 61-71 (in collaboration with Gabriel Gardan) 4. « Roma si Biserica romanilor in viziunea unui mitropolit ortodox » [Rome and the Romanian Church in the Eyes of An Orthodox Metropolitan], in Revista Teologica, 2005, vol. 87 (4), pp. 110-116 5. 'Die Voraussetzungen der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Vasile Mangra und den politischen Machttragem aus Budapest', in Studia Universitatis , Babes-Bolyai", series Historia, XLIX, nr. 2, 2004, pp. 93-99 9848-lld8-9885-00002lfa9e2e 6. «Vasile Mangra ~i Mi~carea Memorandista » [Vasile Mangra and the Memorandist Movement], in Studia Universitatis , Babes-Bolyai ", series Historia, XLIX, no. 1, 2004, pp. 79-99 000021 fa9e2e

3 7. « Reconstituirea unui adevar controversat: ultimele clipe ale vietii Mitropolitului Vasile Mangra » [The Reenactment of A Controversial Truth : the Last Flashes in the Life of the Metropolitan Vasile Mangra], in Studia Universitatis ,Babes-Bolyai", Theologia Orthodoxa, XLVIII, no. 1-2, 2003, pp. 274-280 http:/ / 17ae5d4b-9848-11 dS-9885- 000021 fa9e2e

IV.3. Studies edited in volumes and field journals:

1. Churches and Interfaith Marriages in Transylvania: From 1895 to the present, in vol. Intermarriage throughout History (in colaborare cu Luminita Dumanescu, Daniela Marza), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2014, pp. 252-285 (in colaborare cu loan Bolovan); 2. Entre les contraintes de l'etat et celles de l'eglise : identite et alterite a travers les mariages mixtes en Trasylvanie a l'epoque moderne, in Revue roumaine d'histoire, an 2012, vol. 51 , nr. 1-2, p. 27-36 (with loan Bolovan, Liana Lapadatu). 3. 'Studies in Family and Demographic History Compiled to Honor the Contributions of Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux. Introduction', in vol. Many Paths to Happiness? Studies in Population and Family History. A Festschrift for Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, Editura Aksant, Amsterdam, 2010, pp. 9-25 (in collaboration with loan Bolovan, Jan Kok, Mary Louise Nagata) 4. «La famille dans les sources du droit matrimonial orthodoxe » [Family as Rendered by the Sources of Orthodox Matrimonial Law], in vol. Many Paths to Happiness? Studies in Population and Family History. A Festschrift for Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, edited by Marie-Pierre Arrizabalaga, loan Bolovan, Marius Eppel, Jan Kok, Mary Louise Nagata, Editura Aksant, Amsterdam, 2010, pp. 514-527. (in collaboration with Gabriel Gardan) 5. 'The family. Some theological and orthodox matrimonial law aspects' , in vol. Families in Europe between the 191h and the 21st Centuries. From the Traditional Model to Contemporary PACS, edited by Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, loan Bolovan, Supplement of the Romanian Journal of Population Studies, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, pp. 449-462. ((in collaboration with Gabriel Gardan) 6. « Loja Fraternitas din Arad in primii ani de existenta (1871-1876) » [Fraternitas Lounge of Arad and Its Dwelling Years (1871-1876)], in vol. [La franc-mayonnerie en Transylvanie. Reperes historiques], 2nd edition revised and abridged, edited by Tudor Salagean, Marius Eppel, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, pp. 124-132. (in collaboration with Antoniu Martin) 7. « Obiecte, decoratii ~i J:nsemne masonice din Transilvania sec. XVIII-XX. Colectia Muzeului National Brukenthal » [Objects, Decorations and Masonic Insignia in Transylvania between the 18th-20th Centuries, The Collection of the Brukenthal National Museum of Sibiu, 2nd edition revised and abridged, edited by Tudor Salagean, Marius Eppel, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, pp. 281-289 + 22 p. with illustrations. (in collaboration with Mariana Dane~) 8. « Sinodalitatea in Biserica Ortodoxa Romana din Transilvania ~i Ungaria (sec. al XIX­ lea) » [The Council of the in Transylvania and Hungary (19th Century)], in IdentitaJi confesionale fn Europa Central-Orienta/a sec. XVII-XIX [Denominational Identities in Central-Eastern Europe in the 17th-19th centuries] (edited by Ion Carja, Ana Victoria Sima, Gabriel Gardan), Cluj-Napoca, 2008, pp. 229-243 . (in collaboration with loan Vasile Leb, Gabriel Gardan) 9. « Consistoriul arhidiecezan al Sibiului in anii 1916-1918) » [The Archdiecesis Consistory of Sibiu between 1916-1918], in Biserica. Societate. Identitate. In Honorem Nicolae Bocsan

4 [Church. Society. Identity. In Honorem Nicolae Bocsan], edited by Sorin Mitu, Rudolf Graf, Ana Victoria Sima, Ion Carja, Cluj-Napoca, 2007, pp. 199-209. 10. « Activitatea deputatilor oradeni in sinodul eparhial din Arad » [The Activity of the Deputies of Oradea in the Bishopric Council of Arad], in Teologia, year X, no. 4, 2006, pp. 70-80. 11. « Publicistica bisericeasca a lui Vasile Mangra » [The Ecclesiastic Chronicles of Vasile Mangra], in Teologia, year X, no. 3, 2006, pp. 56-64. 12. « Alegerile episcopale de la Arad din 1902-1903 » [Elections for the Bishopric of Arad between 1902-1903], in Biserica .Ji societate [Church and Society], editedc by loan Bolovan, Corneliu Padurean, Arad, 2005, pp. 135-154. 13. « Publicistica cultural a a lui Vasile Mangra » [The Ecclesiastic Chronicles of Vasile Mangra], inArca, no. 1, 2, 3, 2006, pp. 98-104. 14. « Cultele neoprotestante si sectele in vicariatul Oradiei intre 1900-1915 » [The Nee­ Protestant and Other Denominations in the Vicarage of Oradea between 1900-1915], in Identitate si alteritate [Identity and Alterity], edited by Sorin Mitu, Toader Nicoara, Cluj­ Napoca, 2005, pp. 36-43. 15 . « Vasile Mangra si Fundatia 'Emanuil Gojdu' intre anii 1872-1918 » [Vasile Mangra and the Emanuil Gojdu Foundation between 1872-1918], in Arhiva Somesana, 2004, pp. 97-102. Activitatea politica a lui Vasile Mangra in primele decenii ale regimului dualist austro-ungar [The Political Activity of Vasile Mangra in the Last Decades of the Austro-Hungarian Dual Regime], in Analele Stiintifice ale FacultaJii de Teologie Ortodoxa Cluj-Napoca, 2000-2002, 6th volume, Cluj-Napoca, 2004, pp. 121-128. 16. Rome et rEglise roumaine dans Ia vision d 'un metropolite orthodoxe [Rome and the Romanian Church in the Eyes of An Orthodox Metropolitan}, in vol. I Romeni e Ia Santa Sede. Miscellanea di studi di storia ecclesiastica (edited by loan Carja), Bucarest-Roma, 2004,pp. 199-205. 17. Vasile Mangra si criza Partidului National Roman intre anii 1895-1898 [Vasile Mangra and the Crisis in the between 1895-1898], in vol. Centru si periferie [Centre and Margin], Bistrita, 2004, pp. 169-188. 18. Stat si Biserica in Transilvania in timpul mitropolitului ortodox Vasile Mangra (1916- 1918) [State and Chruch in Transylvania during the Time of the Orthodox Metropolitan Vasile Mangra (1916-1918)], in Anuarul Institutului italo-roman de studii istorice, 1st volume, Cluj-Napoca, 2004, pp. 128-132. 19. Vasile Mangra si Congresul Nationalitatilor din anul 1895 [Vasile Mangra and the Congress of Nationalities in the Year 1895], in Altarul Banatului, year XV (LIV), new series, no. 1-3 , January-March 2004, pp. 111-118. 20. Vasile Mangra si Clubul national comitatens aradean [Vasile Mangra and the Comitatens National Club of Arad], in Arhiva Somesana, 2003 , pp. 377-382. 21. Vasile Mangra si noul activism politic [Vasile Mangra and the New Political Activism], in Revista Bistritei, XVII/2003, pp. 241-246. 22. Activitatea politica a lui Vasile Mangra in Comitetul Comitatens Arad (1 884-1886), [The Political Activity of Vasile Mangra in the Comitatens Board of Arad (1884-1886)], in Studia Universitatis "Vasile Go/dis " Arad, Arts and Sciences, no. 12,2002, p. 269-277 23 . Vasile Mangra- istoric al Mitropoliei ortodoxe romane din Transilvania [Vasile Mangra, Historian of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolis in Transylvania], in vol. In memoriam: Mitropolitul Andrei Saguna (18 73-2003) [In memoriam: Metropolitan Andrei Saguna], Cluj­ Napoca, 2003, pp. 348-359. 24. Alegerea si instalarea lui Vasile Mangra ca mitropolit al Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane din Transilvania (I) [The Election and Investiture of Vasile Mangra and Metropolitan of the

5 Romanian Orthodox Church in Transylvania (I)], in Altarul Banatului, year XIII (LII), new series, nr. 10-12, October-January, 2002, pp. 57-71; II in Idem, year XIV (LIII), new series, nr. 1-3, January-March, 2003, pp. 89-102. 25. Activitatea istorica si publicistica a lui Vasile Mangra intre 1871-1900 [Vasile Mangra, Historian and Chronicler (1871-1900)], in Slujitor al Bisericii si al neamului. Parintele prof univ. dr. Mircea Pacurariu, membru corespondent al Academiei Romane, la implinirea varstei de 70 de ani [At the Service of Church and the People. Priest prof. Mircea Pacurariu PhD Corresponding member of the Romanian Academy at the 70th celebration], Cluj­ Napoca, 2002, pp. 510-518. 26. Polemici uitate - un memoriu al episcopului los if Goldis cafre mitropolitul Joan Metianu [Forgotten Debates -A Memoir of Bishop Iosif Goldis to the Metropolitan loan Metianu], in Area, no. 1-2-3 (130-131-132), 2001, pp. 119-124. 27. Noi amanunte privind lupta ierarhilor transilvaneni impotriva politicii de deznationalizare a Guvernului Tisza [Updates on the Struggles of the Transylvanian Hierarchs Against the National Dismantling Politics of the Istvan Tisza Government], in Revista Teologica, new series, year X (82), no. 1, January-March, 2000, pp. 87-93. 28. Proceduri anticonstitutionale in sinodul eparhial aradean [Anti-constitutional Procedures in the Bishopric Council of Arad], in Area, no. 7, 8, 9 (124, 125, 126), 2000, pp. 114-118. 29. Procesul de destituire a profesorului Vasile Mangra de la lnstitutul Teologic Ortodox din Arad [The Removal of Professor Vasile Mangra from the Orthodox Theological Institute of Arad], in Area, no. 1, 2, 3 (118, 119,120), 2000, pp.185-193. 30. Scrisorile lui Vasile Mangra din Arhiva Mitropoliei de la Sibiu [The Correspondence of Vasile Mangra in the Metropolitan Archives of Sibiu], in Aradul Cultural, periodic al lnspectoratului pentru cultura al judetului Arad, Arad, decembrie 2000, pp.l 07-109. 31. 0 corespondenta intre doi istorici: Vasile Mangra si Grigorie Musceleanu [The Correspondence of Two Historians: Vasile Mangra et Grigorie Musceleanu], in Area, Arad, no.lO, 11, 12(115, 116, 117), 1999,pp.154-158. 32. Biserici din judetul Arad construite dupa Marea Unire [Churches of Arad County after the 'Great Union'], in 1918-1998 Aradul si Mare a Unire [ 1918-1998. Arad and the Great Union], Arad, 1999, pp. 267-272.

V. Papers delivered at national and international scientific events:

1. Changing Values and the Crisis of The Romanian Families from Transylvania during WWI, at the conference Inequalities: Politics, Policy, and the Past, 39th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November 6-9, 2014. ( 2. Between public and private. The Church and the Romanians of Transylvania during WWJ, at the conference The population ofEurope: historical roots and long term perspectives, European Society of Historical Demography, Alghero, Italy, 25-27 September 2014 (with loan Bolovan); (http:/ / 3. The Orthodox and the Greek-Catholic Churches in Transylvania and the Romanians during World War I, at the conference The First World War and Historiographical Perspective, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 3-5 June, 2014 (with loan Bolovan) 4. From the National Politics to the Governmental One. The Metamorphosis ofa Controversial Political Personality from Transylvania: Vasile Mangra (1875-1918), Tenth European Social Science History, Austria, Vienna, 23-26 April2014

6 (https :/I esshc. social history. org/ esshc-user/pro gram/?network=O& textsearch=eppel) 5. Divorces and Mixed Marriages in a Multiethnic and Multiconfessional Environment. A Case Study on the Transylvania in the 20th century, Tenth European Social Science History, Austria, Vienna, 23-26 April2014 (with loan Bolovan, Daniela Marza, Bogdan Craciun, Mihaela Haragus) ( 6. The crisis ofconfessionally mixed families in Transylvania as linked to the provisions ofthe ecclesiastical legislation (19th-20th centuries), 38th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Organizing Powers, Chicago, Illinois, USA, November 21-24, 2013 (http :I/www. ssha. org/pdfs/F inal _program_11.13 .13. pdf); 7. In the privacy ofthe Transylvanian family: Christian rites and popular magical practices (1850-2000), 37RD Annual Meeting ofthe Social Science History Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1-4 November, 2012 (http:/ / 12 SSHA Program.pdf ); 8. The database consist ofrecords ofmixed marriages (i.e. confessional) in Eastern Europe from mid 19th century up until today, participation to the Vancouver workshop on the Intermediate Data Structure (IDS) for European Historical Population Samples - network (EHPS- net), Vancouver, Canada, 1 noiembrie, 2012. 9. At the Border ofthe Empire and at the Confluence of Confessions: The Mixed Marriages in Oradea Area (Western Romania) in the Modern Times, European Social Science History Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 11-14 aprilie 2012; http :I lwww2 .iisg. n 11 esshc/Programme .asp ?sel year= 12&day=22&time=7 8 10. Mitropolia de la Karlowitz ~i vicariatul orthodox de la Oradea, [Karlovacka mitropolija i pravoslavni vikarijat iz Oradee ], to the international conference Banat, istorija i multikulturalnost, Zrenjanin, Serbia, 30 martie-1 aprilie 2012; 11. The ecclesiastical and secular legislation concerning Transylvanian Romanian Families 1 in the second half of the 19 h century. Case study: Orthodox Vicarage of Oradea, paper delivered at 36RD Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Boston­ Massachusetts, USA, 17-20111 November 2011. _program 11.8.11.pdf 12. Vicariatul ortodox al Oradiei (1848-1918) [The Orthodox Vicarage of Oradea (1848- 1918)], participation to the workshop Perspectives historiques transylvaines, Cluj-Napoca, 2nd November 2010. 13. Institutia vicariatului in Biserica Ortodoxa in secolul al XIX-lea. Stu diu de caz: Vicariatul Ortodox al Oradiei [The Institution of the Vicarage in the Orthodox Church of the 19th Century. A Case-Study: the Orthodox Vicarage of Oradea], paper at the international conference Credinta si marturisire; istorie si actualitate [Faith and Confession ; History and the Present], Cluj-Napoca, 4-6111 November 2010. 14. Alimentatia la clerul ortodox din Vicariatul Oradiei (1900-1918) [The Orthodox Clergy of the Vicarage in Oradea and Nurture (1900-1918)], paper at the international conference Alimentatia in spatiul romanesc, in secolele XVII-XXL intre necesitate si placere [Nurture in the Romanian Area in the 17th-21st Centuries, between Necessity and Pleasure], Arad, 23- 251h September 2010. 15. Le mariage mixte en Transylvanie au XIX siecle [Mixed Marriages in Transylvania in the 1 19 h Century], paper at the International Committee of Historical Demography Session Inheritance systems in comparative perspective III, organised at the occasion of the 21st International Congress of Historical Sciences, Amsterdam (Pays-Bas), 22-28 111 August 2010. http://www.ichs20 /programme-18.asp

7 16. The family. Some theological and orthodox matrimonial law aspects, paper at the international scientific event Families in Europe between the 191h and the 21st Centuries. 1 From the Traditional Model to Contemporary PACS, Cluj-Napoca, 8-11 h October 2009, 17. Evolutia institutionala in Biserica ortodoxa romana din Transilvania in a douajumatate a secolului al XIX-lea [The Institutional Development of the Romanian Orthodox Church in Transylvania in the Second Half of the 19th Century], paper the international scientific event Banatul - trecut istoric si cultural [The Region of Banat - Historical and Cultural Past], Resita, 20-2211 d November 2009. 18. Historical Longitudinal Database, paper at the international scientific event 3 3 RD Annual 1 Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Miami Florida, USA, 23-26 h October 2008. nt library/get file?uuid%3D503f138a-191f-444d-934e- 4 f88193 9f23 6%26groupld%3D3 8725+marius+eppel+miami&hl=ro&gl=ro&pid=bl&srcid= A DGEESicVpTONaSby3myD16glJiMpPOcRN1Nv01nL3mdpgiDdqOZ KrvMjgvWq1fh02w8 OjfU1jNYvlLZn8F7PgpclUqsL1IBMAFOxLiXK4vq00xkZcdsAcLnrszUuO- Pxf45oj 1YH6&sig=AHIEtbRcM5ClgiLcx3hFBG5IC8Xb80JPOg 19. Romanian Family in Transylvania between Church and State Contrains: From Tradition to Modernization (1850-1900), paper at the international scientific event 33RD Annual 1 Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Miami Florida, the USA, 23-26 h October 2008. 20. Sinodalitatea fn Biserica Ortodoxa Romdna (secolul al XIX-lea) [The Council of the Romanian Orthodox Church (19th Centur)], paper at the international colloquim Identitafi confesionale fn Europa Central-Orienta/a sec. XVII-XXI [Denominational Identities in Central-Eastern Europe between the 17th-21st Centuries], Cluj-Napoca, 14-17111 November 2007 (in collaboration with loan Vasile Leb and Gabriel Gardan). /Program%20simpozion.pdf 21. Vasile Mangra si proiectul infiintarii unei episcopii ortodoxe la Timisoara [Vasile Mangra and the Project of the Foundation of An Orthodox Bishopric in Transylvania], paper the the international scientific event Banatul - trecut istoric si cultural [The Region of 1 Banat- Historical and Cultural Past], Resita, 12-14 h October 2007. 22. Istoria bisericii parte a istoriei europene. Sursele istoriei ecleziastice in Italia, Ungaria si Romania [The History of the Church as Integrated in the History of Europe. Sources of the Ecclesiastic History of Italy, Hungary and Romania], paper at the International summer school Integration europeenne. L 'Europe unie : premisses, accomplissements et perspectives [European Integration. United Europe: Premises, Accomplishments, Perspectives 2nd edition, Cluj-Napoca - Arcalia, 27 July -7 111 August 2007. 23. Cultura italiana fn spafiul romdnesc [Indian Culture in the Romanian Area], communication paper at the International summer school EUROLAB 2006, Messine (ltalie ), 1 6-18 h August 2006. 24. Provocarile istoriei ca stiinta si disciplina de invatamant Ia inceputul mileniului trei [The Challenges of History as A Science and Subject at the Dawn of the Third Millenium], paper at the International summer school, Arad, 24-30 111 July 2006. 25. Strategii politice comune romano-sarbo-slovace la Congresul Nationalitatilor (1895) [Romanian-Serbian-Slovakian Shared Political Strategies at the Congress of the Nationalities (1895)], paper at the international scientific event Banatul - trecut istoric si cultural [The Region of Banat- Historical and Cultural Past], Novi-Sad (Serbie ), 2-3rd June 2006.

8 26. Activitatea didactica a lui Vasile Mangra Ia lnstitutul teologic din Arad (I 876-1 893) [The Teaching Activity of Vasile Mangra at the Theological Institute of Arad (1876-1893)], paper at the international scientific event lstorie si spiritualitate in episcopia Aradului [History and Spirituality in the Bishopric of Arad], 24-26111 May 2006. 27. Arhiepiscopia Sibiului in timpul Primului Razboi Mondial [The Archbishopric of Sibiu during the First World War], paper at the international scientific event Biserica si comunitate in Banat si Transilvania [Church and Community in Banat and Transylvania], Maru, 19-20111 May2006. 28. Viata bisericeasca in partile Bihorului in primele decenii ale secolului al XX-lea: Consistoriul [The Ecclesiastic Life in the Area of Bihor in the First Decades of the 20th Century : the Consistory], paper at the international scientific event Zilele Academice Aradene [Academic Celebration Days in Arad] , Arad, 12-14111 May 2006. 29. Cultura politica a lui Vasile Mangra [The Political Culture of Vasile Mangra], paper at the international scientific event Tara Barsei [Barsa Region], 5th edition, Brasov, 27-28 111 April2006. 30. Cultele neoprotestante si sectele in vicariatul Oradiei (I 900-19 I 5) [The Neo-Protestant and Other Denominations in the Vicarage of Oradea between 1900-1915 paper at the scientific event Spatiile Alteritatii [Spaces of Alterity], 1Oth edition, Lugoj , 20-22nd November 2005. 31. Vasile Mangra si Muresenii in timpul crizei Partidului National Roman [Vasile Mangra and the Crisis of the Romanian National Party] , paper at the scientific event Tara Barsei [Barsa Region], 3rd edition, Brasov, 21-22nd April2005. 32. Miscarea nationala romaneasca din Transilvania rejlectata in corespondenta dintre loan Ratiu si Vasile Mangra [Echoes of the Romanian National Movement in Transylvania as Reflected in the correspondence of loan Ratiu and Vasile Mangra], paper at the scientific event organized by Centre d'Etudes democratiques internationales Ratiu, Turda, 17 111 July 2004. 33. Antecedentele colaborarii lui Vasile Mangra cu puterea politica de Ia Budapesta [Flashes into the Collaboration between Vasile Mangra and the Political Authorities in Budapest] , paper at the scientific event Spatiile Alteritatii [Spaces of Alterity ], 9th edition, Lugoj , 25-27 111 June 2004. 34. Vasile Mangra si criza Partidului National Roman [Vasile Mangra and the Crisis of the Romanian National Party], paper at the scientific event Centru si periferie [Centre and Margin], Bistrita, 23-25 111 April2004. 35 . Problemele , Tribunei " rejlectate in dialogul epistolar dintre loan Slavici si Vasile Mangra [The Problems of 'Tribuna' as Reflected in the Correspondence of loan Slavici and Vasile Mangra], paper at the international scientific event loan Slavici. Tribuna : 120 de ani de Ia infiintare [loan Slavici. 120 after the Establishment of 'Tribuna'], Cluj-Napoca, 15-16111 April2004. 36. Rome et l'Eglise roumaine dans la vision d 'un metropolite orthodoxe [Rome and the Romanian Church in the Eyes of An Orthodox Metropolitan], paper at the international scientific event I Romeni e Ia Santa Sede adl Medioevo all'eta contemporaneea, Rome, 10- 11 111 December 2003. 37. Vasile Mangra si noul activism politic [Vasile Mangra ands the New Political Activism], paper at the scientific event Istoria Romaniei [The History of Romania], Arad, 26-27 111 November 2003. 38. Activitatea lui Vasile Mangra in cadrul Comitetului Comitatens aradean in lumina unor documente inedite [The Activities of Vasile Mangra in the Comitatens Board of Arad as Reflected by Unexplored Documents], paper at the scientific event Arhivele Nationale si

9 societatea romaneasca. Arhivele in slujba stiintei si culturii [National Archives and the Romanian Society. The Archives at the Service of Science and Culture], Cluj-Napoca, 12th November 2003 . 39. Vasile Mangra si Congresul Nationalitatilor din 1895 [Vasile Mangra and The Congress of Nationalities in the Year 1895], paper at the scientific event 150 de ani de la intemeierea episcopiei greco-catolice de Lugoj (1853-2003). ldentitate .Ji alteritate [150 Years after the Establishment of the Greek- Catholic Bishopric of Lugoj . Identity and Alterity ], 8th edition, Lugoj, 3-5th October 2003. 40. Vasile Mangra - istoric al Mitropoliei Ortodoxe Romane din Transilvania [Vasile Mangra, Historian of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolis in Transylvania], paper at the scientific event 130 de ani de la moartea marelui mitropolit al romanilor transilvaneni, Andrei Saguna (1873-2003) [130 Years after the Death of the Great Metropolitan of the Romanians in Transylvania (1873-2003)], Cluj-Napoca, 27-28th June 2003. 41. Stat si Biserica in Transilvania in timpul mitropolitului ortodox Vasile Mangra (1916- 1918) [State and Church during the Time of the Orthodox Metropolitan Vasile Mangra (1916- 1918)], paper at the Romanian-Italian scientific event, 4th edition, Stat si Biserica in Europa [State and Church in Europe], 1-4th May 2003. 42. Vasile Mangra .Ji Fundatia « Emanuil Gojdu » intre anii 1872-1918 [Vasile Mangra and 'Emanuil Gojdu' Foundation between 1872-1918], paper at the scientific event Emanuil Gojdu un mare vizionar [Emanuil Gojdu, A Great Visionary], 8th February 2003, Sambata de Sus Monastery. 43 . Procesul lui Vasile Mangra cu Emanuil Maglasiu [The Trial of Vasile Mangra with Emanuil Maglasiu], paper at the scientific event Jstorie si metodologie [History and Methodology], Arad, 8-9th November 2002. 44. Church and State in Transylvania. The Election and Investment as Metropolitan of Vasile Mangra-1916) , paper at the scientific event Spatiile alteritatii [Spaces of Alterity], 7th edition, Lugoj , 28-301h June 2002. 45. Din corespondenta mitropolitului Vasile Mangra cu Academia Romana [Reading Through the Correspondence between Vasile Mangra and the Romanian Academy], paper at the scientific event Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxa Ia zece ani de existenta [The Faculty of Theology- 10 Years of Existence], Arad, 31 st May-1 st June 2001. 46. Procesul de destituire a profesorului Vasile Mangra de Ia lnstitutul Teologic Arad [The Removal of Professor Vasile Mangra from the Theological Institute of Arad], paper at the scientific event 1600-1918-2000 Simpozion dedicat zilei nationale a Romaniei 1 Decembrie [1600 - 1918 - 2000. Symposium Dedicated to the National Day of 1st December], Arad, 28th November 2000. 47. Ortodoxiafata infata cu miscarile esoterice si sataniste la sfarsitul mileniului [Orthodoxy Facing Esoteric and Satanist Movements at the Dusk of the Millenium], paper at the scientific event Teologia ortodoxa romana in pragul celui de al Ill-lea mileniu [Romanian Orthodox Theology at the Threshold of the Third Millemium], Arad, 27- 28th May 1998. 48 . Constructii parohiale in primii ani dupa Marea Unire injudetul Arad [Parish Foundations in the First Years Following the Great Union in Arad County], paper at the scientific event 1918-1998-Aradul si Marea Unire [1918-1999 -Arad and the ' Great Union'], Arad, 26-27th November 1998.

VI. Seminars abroad at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales:

1. Entre l 'Eglise et l 'Etat. La famille roumaine en Transylvanie : contraintes traditionnelles et modernisation (1850-1900) [Between Church and State. The Romanian Family

10 in Transylvania : Traditional and Modern Constraints], seminar « Pouvoirs et dependances au sein de la famille: perspectives comparatives (16e-2oe siecles) », directed by prof. Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales/EHESS, Centre de Recherches Historiques/CRH, 12-13th March 2009, Paris, France. 2. La famille roumaine en Transylvanie (1850-1900), dans le cadre du Seminaire « Pouvoirs et dependances au sein de la famille : perspectives comparatives (16e-2oe siecles) » [The Romanian Family in Transylvania (1850-1900)], seminar « Pouvoirs et dependances au sein de la famille: perspectives comparatives (16e-2oe siecles) » directed by prof. Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales/EHESS, Centre de Recherches Historiques/CRH, 8-9th April 2010, Paris, France. 3. La sorcellerie en Transylvanie aux 1~-2oe siecles: pouvoirs et dependances [Witchcraft in Transylvania between the 19-20th Centuries : Powers and Limitations] , seminar « Pouvoirs et dependances au sein de la famille: perspectives comparatives (16e-2oe siecles) », directed by prof. Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales/EHESS, Centre de Recherches Historiques/CRH, 12th May 2011 , Paris, France. 4. La vie religieuse et familiale dans le vicarial d 'Oradea 1848-1918 [Religious and Domestic Life in the Vicarage ofOradea 1848-1918], seminar « Pouvoirs et dependances au sein de la famille : perspectives comparatives (16e-2oe siecles) »,directed by prof. Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales!EHESS, Centre de Recherches Historiques/CRH, 28th May 2011 , Paris, France. 5. Les mariages interethniques: entre l'exercice de la tolerance et de !'expression moderne de !'indifference 1895-2010, seminar « Pouvoirs et dependances au sein de la famille : perspectives comparatives (16e-2oe siecles) », directed by prof. Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales/EHESS, Centre de Recherches Historiques/CRH, 28 1h February 2013, Paris, France. 6. Religion, famille et magie. Rituels chretiens et pratiques populaires magiques au XXe siecle,dans une perspective comparative europeenne Est-Ouest, seminar « Pouvoirs et dependances au sein de la famille : perspectives comparatives (l6e-2oe siecles) », directed by prof. Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales/EHESS, Centre de Recherches Historiques/CRH, 28th March 2013, Paris, France. 7. Religion et croyances populaires dans lafamille mixte de Transylvanie 1895-2010, seminar « Pouvoirs et dependances au sein de la famille : perspectives comparatives (16e-2oe siecles) », directed by prof. Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales/EHESS, Centre de Recherches Historiques/CRH, 28th November 2013, Paris, France. 8. La pensee magique en milieu rural : de la France meridionale a la Transylvanie (1900- 20 10) , seminar « Pouvoirs et dependances au sein de la famille : perspectives comparatives (16e-2oe siecles) », directed by prof. Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales/EHESS, Centre de Recherches Historiques/CRH, 27th March 2013, Paris, France. 9. Le choix du conjoint au sein des mariages mixtes en Transylvanie 1950-2010: !'importance de la religion, in cadrul seminarului Pouvoirs et dependances au sein de la famille : perspectives comparatives (16e-20e siecles), Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales/EHESS, Centre de Recherches Historiques/CRH, 12th December 2014, Paris, France. 10. Le choix du conjoint au sein des mariages mixtes en Transylvanie 1950-2010: /'importance de l'ethnicite, in cadrul seminarului Pouvoirs et dependances au sein de la famille: perspectives comparatives (16e-20e siecles), Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales/EHESS, Centre de Recherches Historiques/CRH, 26th March 2015, Paris, France.

11 VII. International research, documentation and training stages (random selection):

1. Stage at the National Archives of Hungary (Budapest), 1-20th December 2001 , financed by the International Bank, programme no. 154 (project director : Prof. Nicolae Boqan PhD) 2. Stage at the National Archives of Hungary (Budapest), 5-28th April 2002, financed by the International Bank, programme no. 154 (project director : Prof. Nicolae Boc~an PhD) 3. Stage at the National Archives of Hungary (Budapest), 5-1 oth July 2003, financed by the International Bank, programme no. 154 (project director : Prof. Nicolae Boqan PhD) 4. Stage at University of Messine, Summer Schol EUROLAB 2006, Messine (Italy), 6-18th August 2006 5. Stage at the National Archives of Hungary (Budapest), 22nct October-4th November 2007, financed by CEEX programme no. 1528 (project director : Prof. Nicolae Boqan PhD) 6. Stage at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales/EHESS, Centre de Recherches Historiques/CRH, 26th November-6th December 2007 (Paris), financed by IDEI programme no. 529 (project director : Prof. loan Bolovan PhD) 7. Stage at the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas, 30th March-13th April 2008, financed by IDEI programme no. 134 (project director : Prof. loan Bolovan PhD) 8. Stage at the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas, 23rct June-7th July 2008, financed by IDEI programme no. 529 (project director: Prof. Vasile Leb PhD) 9. Stage at the National Library of Austria, Vienna, 4-26th August 2008, financed by IDEI programme no. 529 (project director : Prof. loan Vasile Leb PhD) 10. Stage at the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas, 3 pt August- 12th September 2008, financed by IDEI programme no. 529 (project director: Prof. loan Vasile Leb PhD) 11. Stage at the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas, 8-12th December 2008, financed by IDEI programme no. 134 (project director : Prof. loan Bolovan PhD) 12. Stage at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales/EHESS, Centre de Recherches Historiques/CRH, 7-20th March 2009 (Paris), financed by IDEI programme no. 529 (project director : Prof. loan Vasile Leb PhD) 13. Stage at the Institute of Eastern Christian Studies din Nijmegen, Holland, 18-29th November 2010, financed by PD programme no. 430 (project director: Marius Eppel) 14. Stage at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales/EHESS, Centre de Recherches Historiques/CRH, the National Library of France, 9-28th May 2011 (Paris), financed by PD programme no. 430 (project director : Marius Eppel) 15. Stage at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales/EHESS, Centre de Recherches Historiques/CRH, L'Institut d'ethnologie mediterraneenne, europeenne et comparative (IDEMEC), Aix-en-Provence, 25 March-14 April 2013, financed by IDEI programme no. 163 (project director : Prof. loan Bolovan PhD). 16. Stage at the National Archives of Austria (Vienna), 10-14th June 2013. 17. Arctic University of Troms0, Norwegian Historical Data Centre: Training stage for working with historical population databases, 5-1 oth October 2014, Troms0, Norway.